COURTOF CALIFORNIA, SUPERIOR COUNTYOF LOS ANGELES D8PT, 19 /06/07 HEIJEN I. R. VEST BENDIX DER'TYC|JNK ETBCTRONICRECORDTNG MONNOR #rr M. CASTILLO 8:3 J. BRUBAIGR CSR #942L nc+org Ptaintitr ROBERT M. HELLER (X) & coumcl MAUREEN BAKER (X) B C3 8L 6 6 4 HYDRODERM IJLC vs Ilcfcndnt TERI HATEI{ER ET AL counsel JOSEPH R. TAYLOR (X) NAIURE OF PROCEEDINGS: PI.'AINTTF'FI S EX PARTE APPLICAT]ON FOR LEAVE TO SERVE DISCOVERY BEFORE EXPIRATION OF INITTAL TWENTY-DAY DISCOVERY IIOI.,D; The Court reads and coneiders Ehe ex parte and oppoeition filed. Matter is argued. The Court denies p r e ju dice. Counsel for 4, 2008 for Notice the exparte application wiEhouE Defend.ant reserves the date of a Motion to Compel A rb it . ra t io n . waived by alL application February parE,ies. Hdoo:aI eooz 90 ceg I JosephR. Taylor,Esq.(SBN: 129933) jtaylor@Eterlaw.com 2 Miles J. Feldman,Esq.(SBN:173383) mfeldman@linerlaw. com LINER YAI.IKELEVIW SUNSHINE & REGENSTREIFLLP 4 1100GlendonAvenue,14thFloor Los Angeles,California90024-3501 5 Telephone:(310)500-3500 Facsimile:(310)500-3501 6 ,',HIJdP*R T?':ffi#Tp 6.2007 t}EC Attorneys for Defendants 7 TERI HATCIIER andISBEPRODUCTIONSLLC 8 SUPERIOR COTIRT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORhIIA 9 COUNTY OF LOS A}IGELES, CENTRAL DISTRICT 10 t1 IIfDRODERM, LLC, a DelawareLLC, Plainfiff. t2 1 4 TERI IIATCIIER" an individual; ISBE PRODUCTIONSLLC, a DelawareLLC; and 1 5 DoesI through100,inclusive, Defeudants. t6 [Assignedfor all purposesto the Honorable Helen I. Bendixl vs. l3 CaseNo. 8C381664 t7 DEFEI{DAIYTSI OPPOSITIONTO PLAINTIFF'S EX PARTE APPLICATION SEEKING UNTIMELY ISSUANCE OF THIRD.PARTY BUSINESSRECORDS STJBPOENAS: DECLARATION OF JOSEPHR. TAYLOR IN SUPPORTTHEREOF DateAction Filed: December4,2007 18 19 20 2T DefendantsTeri HatcberandISBEProductions LLC herebyopposeplaintiff 22 23 Hydroderrr,LLC's ("Hy&oda:n") ex parteapplicationseekingleaveof court to serve for businessrecordson third parties. 24 nwtreroussubpoenas Defendantswerenot glvenHydroderm'sex parteapplicationprior to preparingthis 25 25 submission. 2',7 28 313410v01 W2n,00El00U l.ldoo:zl Looe 9o cag I f' 2 INTRODUCTION 3 HvdrodermAereed To Arbitrate This Crse. 4 Hydrodermhastakenpainsto hide from the Court that this entirecontact actionfiled andbindingexpeditedarbitratiou comprehensive, 5 two daysagois subjectto a broadly-worded, (TaylorDecl.,Ex. A) 21 of the subjectagreement 5 provision. A crrsory reviewof paragraph 'l estabiishes that the entireactionmustbesubmittedto theAneri.can Arbihation Association or the Codeof 8 Hydrodennhasno right to an)'discoyeryundereitherthe arbitrationagreeme,nt 4, haveneverbeenservedwith the complaintfiled December 9 Civil Procedure.Defendants will, assoonaspossible,be filing a motion1ssempelthis actionto 1 0 2007. Defendants ArbitrationAssociation.The Courtshouldswiftly deny 1 1 arbitrationbeforethe ,A.rnerican (andthe rulesgove,luingthisdispute) T 2 Hydroderm'sattenrptto avoidthe arbitratiotragreement 1 3 by seekingthird-party discovery- beforedefendantscanget this natter compelledto l4 15 There Is No Good Cause Anrmav. 16 No good causeexists in any eventto allow Hydroderrr to preerrpt defendauts'motion seekingdiscoveryfrom thirdpartiesduringthe20-day t 7 to compelarbitrationby pre,maturely I 8 hold periodon discovery. Codeof Civil Procedure5 2025.210ft) precludesHydrode,mfrom until 20 daysafter defendantsareproperly served-That time hasnot yet l 9 servingsubpoenas 20 run No reasonexiststo disarb it, pa*icularlybeforethe Courtruleson thearbitationmotion. 2 t , C. I 221 I The Context Of This Apolication, Theseparfies have a written agr€ementwith favorable economic consideration to ltlts. 231Hatcher for her providing the extraordinary value of her services and endorsementas a world I 241renowned celebrity and motion picture and television star, with great public appeal and I 2slcredibility, in the precise product categoriesand deoaographicsto which the plaintiffmarkets ,ul its products. Ms. Hatcher has from the outsetof the agreementin November 2005 fully 271performod, and been wiUing to perforrn, her end of the bargain professionally and 2slenthusiasticallyso rhat both parties would bonefit. Among other things, in November2006, Hdoo:zI LOO? 90 cag i I Ms. Hatcberparticipated in a full dayphotoshoot with a top fashionphotographer to createfirst 2 classadvertisingandpromotionalmaterialsspecificallyforplaintiffand its products,which 5 more thana yearlaterplaintiffhas failedto utilize. In addition,Ms. Hatcherparticipuedin and 4 completedtheproductionand deliveryto plaintiffof cxtensiveaudiovisualpronrotional 5 materials.Ms. Hatcherhasalsomadeavailableto plaintiff invaluablepersonalappearance aod 6 teievisionoppotilnitiesto promoteits productsto its targetaudience.Contraryto thewild and allegationsof plaintifl Ms. Hatcherhasnot enteredinto agreements 7 unzupportable with any 8 othercosmeticor skincarecompaniesor otherwiseauthorizedorpermittedany competitors of 9 plaintiff to usehername,likenessor celebrityin thepromotionof products,whichwould l 0 contraveneher agreement.In sum, Ms. Hatcher has never done absolutelynothing wrong qnd ll has been ready, willing, able and eagerto perform. Plaintiff is simply t Jnngto houndI\fs. lz Hatcher into taking less than plaintiff confractually agreedafter plaintiff has gonethroughtrvo l 3 ownershiF and rnanagementchangesand failed to rnove the endorsementprogram forward due l 4 to its own corporateparalysis. 15 With ftll knowledgeof the arbitrafionandconfidentialityprovisionswhichplaintiff with Nk. Hatcher,plaintiff: (l) (withoutwarning) l 6 requiredin the draftingof the agreement a "Media Aletrt"publicily solicitationbeforefiliag a conrplaintand T 7 widely disseminated l 8 offeredto makeits counselavailablefor interviewswith thepress(TaylorDecl.,Er- B), (2) of falseandextreurely I9 filed the complaintwhichhasresultedin thewide dissemination 20 danagingpublicity througlta staggeringnumberof rnediaandintemetsources(asevidenced 2 1 by simplyputtingMs. Hatcher'snameinto a Googlesearch),(3) concealed the arbitration 22 clausefrom Court in the pleading,and(a) now racesinto Court lessthan 48 hoursfrom filing ZJ seekingextraordinarydispensationin the form of expediteddiscoverywhen arbibationis 24 requiredandagreed,and discoveryis not evenpermitted. )\ Ms. Hatcherwill not be intimidatedfrornenforcingthe full valueof her agreement of this destnrctivepublicity scheme.Shehasfully honoredher agreement.Shewill 25 because 27 movepromptly to enforcethe arbitrationrequireurentsand seekthe arbitrator'sawardof all her 28 entitlements.Againstthis background"the applicationshouldbe denied. l.fdoo : z I LOO? 90 cao 1 ., ARBITRATION AGREEMENT J In this action,Hydrodennassertscausesof actionthat all arispout of a written conhact 4 ) betweenthe parties(the'Agreement'). Hydroderm,howwer, doesnot attacbtheAgreement 6 to its corrplaint. Nor doesHydrodermadvisethe CourtthattheAgreementcontaiasa broadly 7 worded,comprehensive, andbindingarbirationprovisionproviding: 8 9 'ol "I ;l 14t i:l il ;l :l This Agreementshall be governedby and consbrredin accordance with the laws of the Stateof California. Any controversyor claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the urea'ln tuereoT shall be subnnittedto final and bindlng arbitration before the AmericanArbihation Associationin iccoidance with its Commercial Arbitation rules andwith a panel consistineof one arbikator unlessthat numberbe increaseciby consentofEoth parlies. The arbihator shall haveexpertisein the wbiect matter of the dispute. How-ever,. in *y arbitrationproceedingLrising under this.Agreement,the arbitratorshall not have the poier to cihange, modify.or alter any expresscondition, term or prbvision hereod and to that exteut the scopeof his or her authoiity is limited, Before rendering a final decision,the arbitrator ririll fust acr as frrendly, disinterestedpafiy for the purpose of helping the parties reach compromisesettlementson the pbints in disbute. fhe expensesof the-arbitrationshall be bo-rueequally betweenthe parties to the arbitration; howwetr, each party shall pay for and bear the cost of its own expert,evidencdandlegal cbunsel. Provided both parties cooperatefully in bringing arbitration to pr.otrpt conclusion and assumingthe timely availability of the ar,bitrator,the arbitration hearingsshall be closedand tlle arbitration shall be completedw-ithinone hundred twenty (120) days of giving notice and filing of a demandto arbitrate-witntne Anerican Arbitation Association (whi chever shall first occur). Judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be enteied and.enforced in any court of competentjurisdiction. The arbitration shall talte place in Los Aageles, California. The testimony. evidence,nrling and all associateddocumentation regarding any arbitration shall be considered confidential information, and neither party may use, disclose,or divulge any such inforrration unlessotheiwise required by law. The ibitrator may award costs and reasonableattoriey's fees to the prevaitins pryty. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Le,ndershall be-entitledio injunctive relief in a court of competentjurisdiction forbreach or aileged breach of approval rights set forth in the Agreement 27I 28I 373410v01 002000t/ffi2J l.ldoo:zI Looz 9o ceo I (SeeTaylorDecl.,Ex. A, Agreoment,n2l,emphasis supplied.)l 2 J Whereanagreement containsanarbitationprovision,all disputes"arisingout of' the agreement - includingfor rescission of theagreement -- mustbe arbitrated.Larkinv* 4 Williarns.Woollev.Cogswell. Nakazawa.& (1999):Bosinger Russell.76 Cal.App.4thzz7,230 v. PhillipsPlasticsCorp..57 F.Supp.2d986,993-94(s.D. Cal, 1999);segalsoCalifomia ) 6 CorrecfionalPeaceOfficersAssn.v, Califofnia-142Cal.Lpp.4th198,2n QA0q ('$.hen 7 partiesto a disputehaveagreedto arbihatethedispute,[Section1281.2of the CalifonriaCode 8 of Civil Procedurelrequiresarbitrationunlesstbeagreementis revocableor arbitrationhas 9 beenwaived"). Moreover,ths arbirationprovisionagreedto by thepartiesprovidesthattle 1 0 arbitrationshallbe heldon anexpeditedbasis.(ld.) UnderCodeof Civil Procedure$ 1281.2, lt this mattermustbe arbitrated. t2 Importantly,the arbiffationprovisionin theAgreementdoesnot includeanyrigbt to 1 3 discoveryuodertheCaliforniaCodeof Civil Procedure.(ld.) *In the absenceof agreement, t4 theregenerallyis no rigbt to discoveryin arbihationproceedingsundereitherstateor federal 1 5 law." RutterGroup,Knight,H.W., et a1.,Cal.hac. GuideAlt. Disp.Res.Ch. 5:385(citing I6 McRaev. Sup.Ct. (,Hale) ,221 Cal.App.2d156,172(1963)). Ttrus,Hydnrdermhasoo rigtrtat onthird partiespursuantto theCodeof Civil Procedurc. l 7 all to servebusinessrecordsubpoenas l 8 By its ex parteapplication,Hydrodermflagrantlyattemptsto avoidthe law andthenrles 1 9 governingthis dispute,Defendantswill, assoonaspossible,file a motionto cornpelthe 20 arbinationthat thepartiesagreedto (andthat govenrsthe claimsassertedin tbis action). 2l In sum,the Court shoulddenyHy&oderm'sapplicationbecause this entirecasernustbe 22 immediatelydirectedto arbitration.Further,Hydroderrnhasno right to discoveryunder the 23 Codeof Civil Procedure. 24 25 26 27 The Agreem_entalso includes a comprehensiveconfidentiality provision for tbe parties the confidentiality of the terms and conditions contained in the Agreement.to rnaiutain 28 I 0020o0t/002/3734I OeO l .fdoo 3e I LOO Z 90 ceq I 2 3 2O-DAYDISCOVERY HOLD IMPOSED BY TTTECODE OF CTVIL PROCEPURE 4 Califomialaw prohibitsplaintiffsfrom seniingdepositionsubpoenas, including businessrecordssubpoenas, until 20 daysafterserviceof the complaint.See,e.g.,Codeof f 6 Civil Procedure$ 2025.210(b);California,ShellfishInc. v. UnitedShellfishCo..56 7 Cal,App,4th162l (1997)(holdingthatsection2025.210appliesto third-parrybusiness records 8 subpoenas).T?risrule affordsdefendants, inter alia, theability to challengethe complaint I quickly. Here,defendants havenot yet beenseryedwith the complaint.The20-dayhold on l0 discoveryhasnot startedto run. Suchthird-parfydiscoveryis absolutelypremature. ll L 2 Hydrodennalso seeksto turn third-partydiscoveryrules on their headaspaxtydiscovery l 3 shouldnormallybe exhausted beforethird partiesareundulyburdenedald harassed with 1 4 subpoenas.CalcorSpaceFacilitv. Inc.v. SuperiorCourtof OrangeCountv.53 Cal.App.4th l 5 2t5,225(1997). r6 No emergencyexistsherethat would warrantallowing Hydroderrnto ignoretherules L 7 governtngthis disputeto seekdiscoveryfrom third parties.The complaintdoesnot seek 1 8 injuuctive relief. Moreover,the complaintitself providesthat Hydrodermlearnedof 1 9 defendants'alleged"breaches"in thesrunmerof 2007. (see,complaint,J[18.) Thus, 2 0 Hydroderrr allegesthat it hasknown abouttheseissuesfor many,many months. Whereis the 2 l fire? Nowhere. 22 Defendantsunderstandthat Hydrodermmay contendthat it is entitledto violatethe 23 arbitrationprovision (andgoverninglaw) on thegroundthat it "needs"to preserueimagesou 24 third-partywebsites.Suchcontentionslack merit. Hydrodermcanobviouslypreserve the 2 5 imageselectronicallyby downloadingthem from thewebsites.Or, Hydrodermcansimply 26 print out the images in had copy format Beyond that, the arbifiator may take notice th41 27 images on the internet are cached (or archived) on various websites on the intemet and can be accessedat a later date -- even if the host site removesthe image, H dIO:Zt LOO a 90 ceq 1 L At bottorn,no emergency existsthatcouldpossiblygenerategoodcauseto allow 2 Hydtodermto violateCodeof Civil Procedureg 2025.210(b), or the arbitrationprovisionin the J Agreement. 4 rv. 5 CONCT,USION 6 For the foregoingr€itsonsthe Court shouldsrrmmarilydenyHydrodemr'sinaproperex 7 parte application. To expeditethis matter,defendantsrespectfullyrequestthat the Courtseta 8 hearingand briefing schedulefor defendants'motionto compelarbitration9 1 0 Datd: December5,2007 11 T2 LINER YA}IKELEVITZ SUNSIIINE& REGENSTREIFLLP By: 1J Attorneysf61[efesd antg TERI HATCHER and ISBE PRODUCTIONSLIJC I4 l5 r6 T7 l8 t9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ul2;0i0/DEl0i,YS'l}1l0v0l r.fdIoszI Looe 90 cao ( pFCLARATTON OFJOSEPH,R. TAr{-oR I 2 3 I, JosephR, Taylor,declarcasfollows: 4 l. I work forthe law firm of LinerYankelevitzSunshine& Regenstreifllp. The 5 facts and circumstanceshereinaftersetforth arewithin my own personalknowledgeandif 6 calledasa witnessI couldandwouldcompetently testifythereto. 7 2. AttachedheretoasExhibit A is a true andcorrectcopy of the agreementbenrreen 8 the partiesberetoredactedto showonly theintroductoryparagraph,tle arbitrationagre€firent 21), andthe signatuesof theparties.I havein my possession 9 (paragraph copiesof theentire 1 0 executedagreernent. AttachedheretoasExhibit B is a firre andcorrectcopy of a "Media Alert" issged l1 T2 byHydroderm"LLC. I declareunderpenaltyof perjury ruder the laws of the Stateof California thatthe l3 L 4 foregoingis true andcorrect. t5 Executedon this 5th dayof Decembq2007, l6 L7 18 79 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 nfi?.ofinn A)J4?11| tv{t I l.{dto:zI Loo? 90 cag HEHTTED OffiIIFTFT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT(nAgrecmenti)is nadc andcnteredinto andshall bGcffectivcasof of November,2005("EffectiveD*-), by and betwpenHI'DRODERM LLC, a tris ;{day Delarmtp liunited liabifity compsnylocabd at 6060 Center Drive, Suite 300, Los Angeles, Cdifomia 90045 (*Hydmderm"), and ISBE Prodtrctions,Lrc, a Dclawac limited liabilig companylocatedat 360 N- CrcscentDrive, BeverlyHills, CA 90210('LendeC'),firmishingilrl sclvisssof TERI I{ATCIIER f'Artist"). EXIIIBIT A .d 21. GO\ERNINO LAW: ARBiTRATIOIII. This Agrcementshall be govemedby aod construedin accordanccwith tbe laws of the Stateof Califomia Any conboversyor claim arisingout of or relatingto this Agraemenfor thc brcochthareofshall be submittedto final and binding $bitration beforc tlre American Arbitration Association in accordance.with its ComrnercialArbitation Rulesandwith a panelconsistiagof oncarbihatorrmlessttrat numberbe increasedby cousentof tlo0t parties. Thearbihatorsball haveexpertiscin tbe subjectmater of the dispute. However,in anyarbitation pmceedingarisingunderthis Agreement,the arbihator shall oot havethe power to chaagc,modify or alter any expresscondition, terrr or provision hereo{,andto fhat ertent tre scopeof his or her authorityis limited. Beforeronderinga fioal partyfor thepurposeof helpingthe decisiorlthe arbitratorwill first actasfriendly,disintcrestcd partiq reachcompromisesettlementson the pointsin dispute. Tbc expensesof &e arbitation shall be bomeequallybetrveenthe partieeto thc arbitratioq however,eachparty shall pay for andbearthe costof its own experl evidenceand legalcounsel.Providedboth partiescoopcrate firlly in bringing arbiratiou to prompt conclusionand assurningthc timely availability of 0ro arbitrator,ttre arbitrationhearingsshall be closedandihe arbitrationshall be completedwithin one hundredtwenty (120) daysof giving noticeand filing of a deroandto arbinatewith thc shallfirst occur). Judgmenton the awardrendcrcd AraericanArbitadon Association(rryhichever by the arbitrator may be enteredand enforcedin any court of competentjurisdiction- The arbitrationshrll take place io [ns Angeles,California-Thc testimooy,cvidcnce,ruling and aU associateddoc"'qentationregardingarryalbitrationshall be consideredconfidentialinforcration, andneithcrpartymayuse,disclose,or dirnrlgeanysuchinformationunlessothenriserequiredby law. llrc arbitrator may award costs aod reasonableattomey'sfees to ttrc prevailing psrty. Notwitbstandingthe foregoing,Lender shall be entitled to injunctive relief in a court of jurisdiction for breachor allegedhcach of approvalrights set fordrin this Agrcemcnt compete,nt 20 1'd l .fdzo : z I L O O ? go cao IN WITNESSWHEREOF,thcpartieshcrctobavcexccuFdthis Agrcemcnlasof theday andyearfirst abovewritten. LLC ISBEPRODUCTIONS, LLC ITVDRODERM, By: Alena,LLC Its: MemgingMerber 24 tf dzo : z I L O O ? 90 caq MEDIA ATER" TUESDAY, DECENfBER rTE. 2OQ7 FOR.: ALL ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR9 AI|D REPORTERS DaSPERATE IlOuSEWrvEs sTAn TERI EATeEER IS gErNC SUED TODIY 'FOR MILIJI(nI9 .WHAT: DesperaEe Housewivcs seEar Trr:l HaE,cher, lr belng sucal f,ol millioog of dolhrs shc has hed wiEh tbc for breach of an exclueive by Hydroderfi endorsement conErtcB bcauty and ant,i-tging cerEany since 2005 wheB sh€ stsarged endorclDE its cosrnceeuelcal, producc llnes. lf!{EN: The lar^rsuit wLll Courc locatsed Sugeriot today, 2:ueaday, aE 10 E.n. sh thq Loc AngcXes eounEy be filed at 1U North Flil1 Streeu i! dolenEowa LoE Angeles. I'HO: A?SORNEY ROBERT HEIJLER, RBPRASEilIING I|yDRODSRI,I' WIIJIJ EfPlrf,fN KEY POIIVIS OF THB IAI{SUIT AEATNST IERI HATCIIEN AND OUTI,IIIE TI(B ISS9ES I}N'OLTIED.. TgE TIEIJL'KNOT'N IJTTIGAFOR I{ILL BE AVAII,ABI,E FOR IN.?ERVISWS IT TO At!' WIJEN TIIE I,'II{SUTI IS FILED IN SU}ER.ION COI'RT, t'lEDIA C€tirtircT: Oavid Silver, 213-369-31a{. E)CIIBIT B l.fdzo: e I Looe 90 ceq PROOF'OFSERVICE I ) I amemployed iDtheCountyof LosAngeles,Stateof California I amovertheageof l8 address andnot a partyto thewithinaction.My business is 1100GlendonAvenue,Fourteontb 6,2007,I servedthewithin document(s) described 4 Floor,LosAngeles,CA 90024.OnDccember as: 5 DBFENDATITS'OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFF'SEX PARTEAPPLICATIONSEEKING OF THIRD.PARTYBUSINESS RECORDSSUBPOENAS; 6 UNTIMELY TSSUANCE R. TAYLORIN SUPPORT TIIEREOF DECLARATIONOFJOSEPH 7 partyin this actionasstatedbelow: on eachinterested 8 3 9 l0 1l Robert M. Heller, Esq. ROBERT M. HELLER. PLC It75 CenturyParkEast,Suit€1000 Los Angeles,CA 90067 (BY PERSONAL SERVICE) I delivered a true copy of the foregorngdocumen(s) in a sealedenvelopeby hand to the aboveaddresseds). t2 I declare underp€nalty ofperjury under the laws of the Stateof Califomia that the is tnre and correct. foregoing 13 l4 l5 16 Executedon Decernber6,2007, at Los Angeles, JosephR. Taylor (Type or print namd) r7 l8 t9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 v0l 373505 0020008/001/ .d Hdeo:zt Looe 90 ceq I 2 3 I, JosephR. Taylor,declareasfollows: 4 l. 7 2. I work for the law frrm of Liner yankelevitz sunshine& Regenstreif LLp. The 5 facts and circumstanceshereinaftersetforth arewithin my own personal knowledgeandif 6 calledasa witnessI couldandwouldcompetently testifythereto. AttachedheretoasExhibit A is a true andcorrectcopy of the agreement between 8 the partiesheretoredactedto showonly theintroductoryparagraph,the arbitrationagreement 9 (paragraph21), andthe signahresof theparties,I havein my possession copiesof theentire 1 0 executedagreement. l1 3. l3 I declareunderpenaltyof perjury underthe laws of the Stateof California thatthe AttachedheretoasExhibit B is a tue andcorrecrcopyof a "MediaAlert" issued I2 by Hydrodem, LLC. 1 4 foregoingis true andcorrect. l5 Executedon this 5th dayof Decernb q 2007,at Los l6 L7 18 t9 20 .r1 LL 22 23 24 25 26 1n 28 fi(t2.O(lnni1l 17 7tl | (lvOI 6. d l.tdIo:zI Loo? 90 cag 't'i CIS{IFEFl ETEHFED AGREEMENT is madeandentercdinto andshall bc cffectivcasof TAIS AGREEMENT(nAgreement") ("Bffeotive I{IfDRODERM LLC, a Drtr'), by and b€tqreen of November, 2005 this.Solday Suitc 300, Los Angeles, Center Drive, 6060 locabd at Delawarpliurited liability cornpany a limited liability ("Hydmderm"), Dalawaro L[,C, aod Prodtrctions, ISBE Califomia 90045 (*kndef'), furnishing0re 90210 CA Drive, Beverlyllills, companylocatcdat 360N. Crescent servisesof TERI FIATCHERCAltist"). EXHIBIT A ot'd r. ra io iz t T o o z 90 caq 21. covERNINc taw: AnBIE4ngN. Tbis Agcementshal be govcmedby aodconstrued in accordance witb tbelawsof theStateof Califomia Aoy contrroversy or claim arisingout of or relatingto this Agrcemen!or the brcachthereofshall be submittedto final and binding erbitration before tbc American Arbitration Association in accordancewith itt CommercialArbitation Rulesandwith a panelconsistingof oncarbitratorrrrlesstrat nurnberbe increasedby cousentof trothpartics. Thearbitratorsball haveexpertiscin the subjectmater of the dispute. Howevetr,in anyarbinationproceedingarisingunderthis n{greernentthe rbibator shall not havethe power to changqmodiry or altcr any e:presscondition, temr or provision hereo{,andto fhat extenttre scopeof his or her authodtyis limitcd. Beforerenderinga final decision,the arbimatorwill first act astiendly, disintcrestcdparty for the purposeof helpingtbe partiS reachcompromisesettlementson the pointsin dispute. Tlc expenscsof tbe arbitation shall be borneequallyhtweeq thc partiesto the arbitration;however,cachparty shall pay for and beartbe costof its own export,evidenceand lcgal counscl. Providedboth particscooperate firlly in bringing arbitrationto prompt concluion and assruningthe'timely availability of ihe arbitrator,the arbitntion hearingsshall be closedandihe arbitraion shall be completedwithin one hundredtwenty (120) daysof giving noticc and filing of a demandto arbitratewith thc ArnericanArbitation Association(whichevershailfirst occur). Judgmenlon the awardrendered by the arbitrator may be entercd.and enforcedin any court of competentjruisdiction- The arbitratioashrll take placo in lns Angele* California-Thc tcstimony,cvidcnce,ruling and aU associateddocumentationregardingany arbitrationshall be consideredconfidentialinforuration, andneithcrpartymay use,disclose,or dinrlge anysuchinformationunlessotherwiserequircdby law. Thc arbitra,tornray award costs and reasonableattomey'sfecs to thc prevailing party. Non*'i6standing the foregoing, Lender sball be entided to injunctive relief in a court of competeotjurisdiction for breachor allegedbrcachof approvalriglts set for& in this Agrcemcnt 20 r I 'd fJzo:zr e oo z 9 0 c a g IN WITNESSWIIEREOF,thcpartieshcretohaveexccuedthis Agreemcntasof theday andyearfirst aboveunitten. IfYDRODERM, I,LC ISBE PRODUCTIONS,LLC By: Atena,LLC Its: MenlgingMember 24 tfdzo:zr z l' d Loo? 90 c-(I MEDIA ATER" TT'ESDAY, DECEI{BER 4TH, 2OO7 FoR: AIL ENIERTAINME$I EDIIORS AltD REPORTERE DSSPERATE HOUSEiTVES SIAN TERI HATCHEN IS BETNG SUED TODAY .FOR IV|II,IJION9 of, dollars HaEcher, ll being gucd f,or nillioos t*lAt: DeepelaEe Hou€ewivee scErr lerl foa breach of an ecelueive by Hydroderm endoreemeDt coDEracE she has had witb tbe beauty and anti-aging ite cosrneecutsieal, conqany since 2005 when sh€ egarLed eudorsing product llaes, wlll tlt{EN: The Lawsuii courc located Superlot todey, Tueaday, be filed aE 111 North Hill SEreel aE 10 a.rn. at thc Loc AngelcE iD dowDEown Los Angeles, eouaty lillO: A?lORllEY ROBERT IIEI,LEF,, REPRISEHIING tlLDRODERJ.l' tfIIrL EKPLLIN KEY POIItTS OF Tl{E LAITSUXT AGAfNST TBRI FIA?SHER AIID ouTI,INE TEA ISSPES flrvOLttED" TllE wELL-KllO0tN ITfTIGATOR FOR r}flIEElrIEWS AT 10 AI.t WIIEN TIIE 1A9tSUrT IS FILED Ilt SUFERIOn COITRTLILL BE AVAILaBIE MEDIA C€l[r ACT: Dav t d s llv er , 213- 3 6 9 - 3 1 t {- E)CIIBIT B EI 'tr--_ l .fdzo : a I LOOa SO caq I PROOFOF SERVICE ) .*plo.y:{-,.-9" Statgof california. I amovertheageof l8 . .I am 9:*ty,"I lps $neele1,. party not a t9 the within action.My busineis adiress is-itoo Clenaonaveoor,pourte.nt lld 4 Floor,Los Angeles,CA 90024.on Dieember6,2ffi2,i itrvli aiwltnii'i"i,gi"tirl i"rirmra as: 5 DBFENDANTS'OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFF'SEX PARTEAPPLICATIONSEEKINC 6 LrNrtrvlEl,yrssuAlrglqgIIFIBD-pARryBUSrNESsREgoRDssunp-oilNes; _-:' -_- t: R. TAYLORIN SUPPONiITNNTOF .I DECLAXATIONOFJOSEPH J 8 9 l0 on eachinterested partyin this actionasstatedbelow: Bqb_.4M. Heller,Esq. ROBERTM. HELLER PLC 1875CenturyParkEasi Suitc1000 Los Angeles,CA n067 (BY {ERSgNAL SERVICE)I delivereda truecopyof the foregoingdocumen(s)in a ' sealedenvelope by handto tie aboveaddresseds)i 1l t2 I declare underp€natty of perjury uoder the laws of the Stateof Califomia ttrat the 1 3 foregoing is true and correct. l4 Executedon December6,2007, at Los Angeles, l5 16 Joseph,R.Taylor (Type or print narne) t7 l8 i9 2A 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 373505v01 0020008/001/ tI'd tfdzo 3zI Looe 90 ceg oF IMTHL 20 DAY DIscovERY HOLD DECLARATIoN ; oF RoBERTIIELLER IN suppoRT IHBREoF [CCpsEcTroN 202s.2i0(B)l s't ja l^ ld z o ! z I a o o e s o c " g COURTOF CALIFORNIA, SUPERIOR COUNTYOF LOSANGELES D^rh t 2/ 05/ 07 HoNoRABLBHELEN f . BENDIX DE?T. 18 : R. VEST DEPUTYCLBRX HONORAB],8 ELBCTROMCRSCqRDINGMONITOR #11 M. 8:30 CASTIIJIJO C.A ,l, am BC3I 1664 BRUBAKER CSR #942L Rcponcr Pldndff coumel ROBERT M. HELLER (X) & MAUREEN BAKER (X) Dcfcndant coursct ifOSEPH HYDRODERMIJIJC vs TERI HATCHER ET AL R. TAEJOR (X) NAIURE OF PROCEEDINGS; PLAINTIFFIS BX PARTE APPLICATION FOR IJEAVE TO SERVE DISCOVERY BEFORE EXPIRATTON OF TNITIAL TWENTY-DAY DISCO\IERY HOLDi The CourE reads and considers filed. Matter and opposit,ion The Court prejudice. denies Counsel for 4, 2009 for Notice 1'd Ehe exparte Ehe ex parte is argued. applicatj.on application without Defendant reserwes the date of a Motion to Compel ArbitraEion waj.ved by all February parties. H dto;?t Loo? 90 ceo I Josgn. h.R.lqylor, Esq.(SBN:129933) Jraylor(4lmerlaw.com ,/. MilesJ.Feldman, Esq.(SBN:1733g3) rnfeldman@,lin erldw.com 3 LINER YANKELEVTTZ SUNSFIINE& REGENSTREIFLLP 4 _1100GlendonAvenue,14thFloor !,os Angeles,Califonria90024-3503 5 Telephone:(310)500.3500 Facsimile:(3I 0) 500.3501 6 Attorneys for Defendants 7 TERI HATCIIER andISBE PRODUCTTONS LLC 8 I ; ' ,*H[IJ"P-,P" "l?;fffftb' 6 -2007 DEC ST]PERIORCOTIRTOF TTIE STAIT OF'CALIT'ORNIA 9 couNTy oF LOS AI\IGELES, CEIyTRAL DISTRICT l0 1 l ITYDRODERM,LLC, aDelawareLLC, t2 l3 Plaintiff. vs. 1 4 TEzu HATCIIER, anindivjdual:ISBE PRODUCTIONSLLC, aDetawireLLC; anrl t5 Does I througb100,inclusivg t6 Defendants. I7 ) ) ) CaseNo.8C381664 {Assigned{o_rall prrposesto the HonorableHeleni, Bendixl DIDFEI\DA]VTS'OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFFTS EX PARIE AP_PLICATION SEEKING T'NTIMELY ISSUANCE OF.THIRD-PARTT BUSINESSRECORDS ---STJBPOENAS; DECLARATION OF JOSEPHR: TAYLOR IN STJPPORTTEEREOF Date Action Filed: December4, 2007 18 L9 20 2L 22 Defe,lrdants Teri HatcheraqdISBE ProductionsLLC herebyopposeplaintiff 23 Hydrodeml LLC's ("Hydroderm")o<parteapplicationseekingleaveof courtto se1e forbusinessrecordson thirdparties. 24 nurneroussubpoenas 25 Defendantsqrerenot given Hydroderm'sex parteapplicationprior to preparingthis 26 submission. 27 28 3734t(Ml 0@@0E^)02/ 7' d Hdlo:zI Looz 90 3ao I I. z INTROpUCTION Hydroderrn AgreedTo Arbitrate This Case. Hydrodermhastakenpainsto hide from the Court that this entirecontractaotionfiled 4 f and binding expeditedarbitation two daysagois subjectto a broadiy-worded,comprehensive, (TaylorDeol,,Ex. A) 21 of the subjectagreement 6 provision. A cursoryreviewof paragraph that the entireactionmustbe subrnittedto the AmericanArbitration Association. 7 establishes eitherthearbitrationagreement or the Codeof 8 Hydrodetmhasno rielt to anv discoveryuader haveneverbeenservedwith the cornplaintfiled December4, 9 Civil Procedure.Defendants will, assoonaspossible,be filing a motionto cornpelthis aclion,to 1 0 2007- Defendaots 1 l arbitrationbeforethedmerican ArbitratiouAssociation.The Court shouldswiftly deny 1 2 Hydroderm's attempt to avoid the arbitration agreernent(and the rules governing this dispute) l 3 by seekingthird-party discovery -- before defendantscan get this matter compelledto l 4 arbitration. l 5 B. There Is No Good CauseAnvwav. 16 No good cause exists in any event to allow Hydroderrr to preempt defendants' motion t 7 to conpel arbitration by pre,:naturelyseekingdiscoveryfrom thirdparties during the.2O-day 1 8 hotdperiod on discovery. Code of Civil Procedure$ 2025.210(b)precludesHydrodermfrom r9 ser.vingsubpoenasuntil 20 days after defe,ndantsare properly seroed. That time hasnot yet 20 nrn. No reason exists to disturb it,.particularly before the Cor:rt rules on the arbitation motion2 T C. The Context Of This Apolication- 22 These parties have awritten agreementwith favorable economic consideratioo to l\ds. 23 Hatcher for her providing the extraordinary value of her services and endorsernsrt asa world 24 renowned oelebrity and urotion pichrre and television star, with great public appealand plaintiffmarkets 25 credibility, iu the preciseproduct categoriesand demographicsto which the 2005 fully 26 its products. Ms. Hatcher has from the outset of the agreementin November professionally and performed, and been williog to perform, her end of tbe bargain things, in November 2006' 28 enthusiastically so that bothparties would benefrL Among other n cflm$8100213734L0v01 g' d tf dto : z I LOOZ 90 cao I Ms' Hatcherparticipatedin a firll dayphotoshootwith a top fashionphotographer tg createfirst 2 classadvcrtisingandpromotionalmaterialsspecificallyfor plaintiff andits producti,which 3 more than a y@r later plaintiffhas failedto utilize, In add.ition,I!fs. Flatcherparticiiatedin and 4 completedtheproductionanddeliveryto plaintiffof extensiveaud^iovisual prornotional 5 materials.Itrls.Hatcherhasalsomadeavailableto plaintiff invaluablepersonalappearance and 6 televisionopporhrnitiesto promoteits productsto its targetaudience.Contraryto thewild and 7 unsupportableallegationsof plaintiff, lvfs.Hatcberhasnot enteredinto agreements witb any 8 other cosureticor skincarecompaniesor otherwiseauthorizedor permittedany competitorsof 9 plaintiff to useher narne!likeuessor celebrityin thepromotionofprodu€ts,whichwould l 0 contravene her agreement.In sum,Ms. Hatcherhasneverdoneabsolutelynothingwrongand ll has been ready, willing, able and eagerto perform. Plainfiff is simply trying to hound Ms. 1.2 Flatcber into taking less thanplaintiff contractually agreedafter plaintiffhas gone through trro 1 3 ownership and management changesand failedto move the endorseurentprogr:rm forward due 7 4 to its own corporateparalysis. l5 With full knowledge of the arbitration and confidentialify provisions which plaintiff l 6 required in the drafting of the agreementwith Ms. Hatcher, plaintiff (l) (without waming) I 7 widely disseminated a "Media Alert" publicify solicitation before filing a complaint and 1 8 offered to make its counselavailable for interviews with the press(Taylor Decl-, Ex..B), (2) L 9 filed tbe corqplaint which has resultedin the wide disseminationof false and.extremelv 20 damagingpublicity through a staggeringnumberof mediaandinternetsoruces(asevidenced 2 l by simplyputtingMs. Hatcher'snameinto a Googlesearch),(3) concealed tbearbitration 11 clausefrom Court in the pleading,and(a) now racesinto Courtlessthan48 hoursfrom filing 23 seekingexhaordinar5z dispensation in theform of expediteddiscoverywhenarbihationis 24 requir€dandagreed,anddiscoveryis not evenperruitted. 25 Ms, Hatcherwill not be intimidatedfrom enforcingthe full valueof her agrcement 26 becauseof this destructivepublicity scheme, Shehas fully honoredher agreement. Shewill 27 rxove promptly to enforce the arbitration requirementsaod seekthe arbitraior's &wardof all her 28 entitle,ments.Against this background,the applicationshould be denied. 0020008002/3?3410v01 t.d l.tdto:zI aooe 9o cao I IL n J ARDruRAIION -AGREBMENT 4 In this action,Hydrodermassertscausesof actionthat all ariseout of a written contract 5 betweentheparties(the"Agreeurenf). Hydroderm,however,doesnot attachtheAgreement 6 to its complaint. Nor doesHydrodennadvisethe Courtthat the Agree,rrentoontainsa bnoadly 7 worded,comprehensive,andbinding arbitrationprovisionproviding: I 9 l0 1t trl 131 'ol l:l This Agreeme,ntshall be governedby and construedin accordance uiith the laws of the Stateof Califonria. Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the brea6h thereof shall be submitted to final and bind-inearbitration before the AmericanArbitration Associationin lccordance witb its Commercial Arbitration rules andwith apanel consistingof one arbitrator unlessthat number be increasedbv consentofboth parties. The arbitrator shall have expertiseiL the subiectmatter of tbe dispute. However, in any arbitraiion proceedinqirisine under this Agreement, ttre arbitratdr shall not hive the poiver to c-Lanse. modify or alter any expresscondition, term or piovision hereo{ and to that extent the scopeof his or her authoritv is limited_ Before rendering a final tiecision, the arbitrator riill first act as friendly, disinterestedparty for the purposeof helping the parties reach compromisesettlementson tht points in disbute. The expensesof the arbitration shall be borne equally betweenthe parties to the arbitration; however,eachparty stidl pay for and bear the cost of its own expert, evidence-andlegalcbunsel. Provided both parties cooperatefully in bringing arbitation to prompt conclusion and assumingthe timely availability of the arbitrator, the arbihation hearingsshall be closed and the arbitation shall be completedwithin one hundredtwenty (120) days of giving notice and filing of a demandto arbitate with the Asrerican Artitration Association(whichever shall first occur). fudgment on the award renderedby the arbitrator may be entered and enforced in any court of competentjurisdicfion. The arbitation shall take place in Los Angeles, California^ The testimony, widence, ruling and all associateddocumentation regarding any arbitration shall be consideredconfidential information, and neither party may use, disclose,or divulge any such informatiou unlessotherwiserequiredby law. The arbikator may award costs and reasonabieattoriey's feesto the prevailing pariy. Notwithstanding the foregoing,Lender shall be'entitled to jurisdiction for breach or injunctive relief in a court of cornpete,nt alieged breach of approval rights i* forttr in the Agreement. 0020008/002/ 173410!ol g' d t fd s o : a t L o oe 9 o o a o I r : l ! I (SeeTaylorDecl.,Ex. A, Agreement,n2l,gmFhasfu supplied.)l ) Wherean agreementcontainsan arbihationprovision, all disputes"arising out of' the 3 agreqn€nt-. including for rescissionof the agreement-- must be arbitrated.Larki{rv. 4 williams. Woollev.Cogswell.Nakazawa & Russell.76 cal.App.4th22?,230 (lggg);Bosineer 5 v. PhilliosPlasticsCorp.,57F.Supp.2d 986,993-94(s.D. cal. 1999);sssalso Catifomia 6 CorrectionalPeaceoffrcersjssn. v. California,142Cal.App.4th198,zll e006)(.'when partiesto a diqputehaveagreedto arbiratethedisputg [Section1281.2of theCaliforniaCode I 8 of Civii Procedure]requiresarbitrationunlessthe agreeme,nt is revocableor arbitation has 9 beenwaived'), Moroover,the arbitrationprovision agrecdto by the partiesprovidesthat the l 0 arbitrationshallbe held on auexpeditedbasis.(Id.) UnderCodeof Civil Procedure g 1281.2, t t l this mattermustbe arbitrated. ,ri ImportantlY,the arbitrationprovisionin the Agreementdoesnot includeanyright to trldiscover5runderthe California Codeof Civil Procedure.(ld.) "In the absenceof agreemen! 141theregenerallyis no right to discoveryin arbitation proceedingsundereitherstateor federat law." RutterGroup,Knight, H.W., et al., Cal. Prac.GuideAlt. Disp-Res.Ch. 5:385(citing McRaev. Sup.Ct. (Hale),221Cal.App,Zd166,172(1963)). Thus,Hydrodermhasno right at all to sewebusinessrecordsubpoenas on third partiespursuantto theCodeof Civil Procedure. By its ex parteapplication,Hydrodermflagrantly attemptsto avoid the law andtherules governingthis dispute.Defendants will, assoonaspossible,file a motionto compelthe ill arbitrationthat the partiesagroedto (andthat governsthe claimsassertedin this action). In sum,the Court sboulddenyHydroderm'sappiicationbecausethis entirecasemustbe immediatelydirectedto arbitration. Further,Hydrodermhasno right to discoveryunderthe Codeof Civil Procedure. I Ttre Apreement also includes a comprehensiveconfidentiality provision for the parties to maintain th-econfrdentiality of the terms and conditions containedin the Agreement- 313410v01 00mME/004 9' d ur. I 7 ? 4 2O.DAYJISCOVERY HOLD IMPOSED BY THE CODE OF CTVIL PROPPDURE Californialaw ptohibitsplaiotiffsfrom servingdepositionsubpoenas, inclu{ing 5 bnsinessrecordssubpoenas, until20 daysaftersenriceof thecomplaint.See,e.g.,Codeof 6 civil Procedure$ 2025.2t0b); califomia shellfisbInc. v. united ShellfishCo.,56 7 CalApp.4th 1621(1997)(holdingthatsection2025.210appliesto third-partybusiness records 8 rubpoenas).This rule affordsdefendants, inter alia,the ability to challengethe complaint 9 quickly. t0 ll Here,defendants havenot yet beensenredwith thecorlllaint. The20-dayholdon discoveryhasnot startedto run. Suchthird-parlydiscoveryis absolutelypremature. 12 Ilydroderm also seeksto tum third-partydiscoveryrules ontheir headasparfy discovery l 3 shouldnorrnallybe exhaustedbeforethird partiesareuaduly burdenedaodharassed with 1 4 subpoenas.CalcorSpaceFacilitv.Inc. v. SuBeriorCourtof O.raneeCounqv,53 Cal.App.ath 1 5 276,225(1997). 16 No emergencyexistsherethat would warrantallowing Hydrodermto ignoretherules I7 governiugthis disputeto seekdiscoveryfronr tbird parties. The complaintdoesnot seek 1 8 injunctiverelief Moreover,the complaintitselfprovidesthatHydrodermlearnedof l9 defendants'alleged'treaches"in the surlmerof 200?. (See,Complaint,fl 18.) Thus, 20 Hydrodermallogesthat it hasknown abouttheseissuesfor rrany, many months. Whsreis the 2 L fire? Nowhere. 22 Defendantsunderstandthat Hy&odenn may contendthat it is entitledto violatethe 23 arbihation provision (and goveming law) on the ground that it "needs" to preserveimageson 24 third-party websites. Such contentions lack merit. Hydrodenn can obviously preservethe 25 imageselectronically by downloadingthem from the websites. Or, Hydroderm can simpiy 26 print out the images in hard copy fomrat. Beyond that, the arbikator may take noticg that 27 imageson the internet are cached(or archived) on various websiteson the inte,fDetand canbe 28 accessedat a later dato -- even if the host site r€movesthe image. 373410\0l 00m008/00?/ 1' d l .l dso:aI LA OZ, go caf l ,i .j (i 'i . i I r goodcausetoaUo* 2 rlydrodermto violate Codeof civil Procedure 2025.210(b), or &e arbitation proirrision 5 in the 3 Agreement 4 w. 5 coNcI,USION 6 For the foregoing reasonsthe Court shouldzummarilydeny Hydroderm,sinrproperex 7 parteapplication. To expeditethis matter,defendantsrespectfullyrequest that the Courtseta 8 hearingandbriefrngschedulefor defendaots'motionto compelarbitration. 9 l0 Dated: December5,2007 1t t2 L]NER YAI{KELEV]TZ SUNSHINE& RECM{STREIF LLP By:44.?s Miles l3 /J ^ J. Feldman Attorneys for Defendants TERI HATCIIER and ISBE PRODUCTIONS LLC l4 l5 16 t7 18 l9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 002mo8n0a 3734t0€l a.d H .f9f):zl /.no2 9n ca fi I I DECLARATIONOFJOSEPHR TAYLOR 2 J I, JosephR. TayloEdeclareasfollows: 4 l. I work for the law firm of Liner YankeleyilrSunshine& Regenstreif LLp. The 5 facts and circumstances hereinaffersetforth arewitbin my own personalknowledgeandif 6 calledas a u'itnessI couidandwould competentlytesti& thereto. 7 2. Attachedheretoas Exhibit A is a hrueandcorrectcopy of the agreement between 8 the partiesheretoredactedto showouly theintroductoryparagraph,the arbitrationagree,ment 9 (paragraph2I), andthe signatures of theparties.I havein my possession copiesof theentire t 0 executedagreement1l 3. AttachedheretoasExhibitB is a tue andconectcopyof a 'Media Alert" issued t 2 by Hydroderm,LIf. 13 I decla.ne underpenaltyof perjury underthe laws of the Stateof Californiathatthe 1 4 foregoingis truBand correct. 15 Executedonthis 5th dayof Deoernber2007, at[,os l6 t7 18 r9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 25 27 28 {|(|?0n08/fi07/1?Ll0v0r 6' d l .fd90 : u t LOO a 90 caq i i ErgG[tEt@ffilr AGNEEMENT . TIIIS AGREEMENT("Agcement'')is madea$dcotercdinto and shall be cffectiveasof of Noverrber,2005f'Effeclive D"tr'), by and betweeaHIfDRODERM LLC, a tris $dry Delawarclimited liabilig companylocabd at 6060 Conter Drive, Suite 300, Los Angeles, California 90045 ("Hydroderm"),End ISBE Produaions,LLC, a Dclawarc limited liability comparylocatedat 350N. CrcscentDrivc, BcverlyHills, CA 90210f1enilef'), fumishing0re senrisesof TERI I{ATCHER ('l{rtist"). E)CEIBIT A ttdgorzI oI'd tooz 90 caq 21. covtrRl.Itr{c shal begovorned !+V: 4RBrrI!{qoN. by and conshuedin accordance with tbc laws of the stateofM4efement califoiia Arrr;;;;.ily-or ct.im atisingout of or relatingto this Agreemeufor the brerchtt orcof irraf bc submitted to tn"i-aif binding arbiuation beforc tlrc American Aftitnation Association in accordance. with i,s CorunercialArbitrationRulesandqtitLa panelconsistingof onearbitratornn:esst1"i nr.,mter u" increasedby consentof tioth parties. Thearbitratorshallhaveexpertir" io trt" ruuj"ci ilatter of the dispute. However,in anyartitation proceedingarisingrsrdeithis egroemuii"tr, .iuituto, shall oot havethe poryerto change,modify or alieraoylxprss condiion, tr* or p-rririon lrereo[,andto that enent tre scopeof his or her authorityis limited. Befotarcnderin! a fioal decisiorl the arbitratorwill first act astiendly, disintenestcd pafy for the purposeof ffiing uli on tbe pointsin dispuic. The cxpenseiof the arbitation Paties rcachcornpromisesetttements shall be borneequallyb"t**r,r the paties to the arbitratioryhowever,eachparty shall pay for andbearthe costof its own erycrq evidenccand legals6rrn$-[.Pmvidedbothpaties coopcrats ftlly in bringingarbitrationto prorrpt conchxion and assunringthe timely avaitaUitity6f ttro arbihator,the abitration hearingsshall be closd andtbe arbitrationshell be completedwithin onc hundredtwenty (120) daysof giving notise and filing of a demandto arbitate with tlrc ArnericanArbitrationAssociation(whichevershallfirst occur). Judgmenton theawardrendcrcd by thc arbikalor may bc entercd.and enforcedin any court of conpetentjurisdiction. The arbitrationshall take placein l,os Angeler California The tcstimony,evidence,nrling and < docuaerrtationregordingany arbitrationshallbs consideradconfidentialiuformation, associated andncitherpartymayuse,disclosc,or divulgcanysuchinfomrationuiless otherwiserequircdby law, The arbitratot may awardcostsand reasonableattomey'sfees to the prevailing parry. Notwithstaridingthe foregoing, Lendcr shaUbe entitled ro injunctive relief in a court of jurisdiction for breachor allegedbreachof appmvalrigbtssetforrhin tbis Agreernent competetrt 20 II'd Hd90:zI eooe so cag IN WITNESSWHEREOF,thepartiesheretobaveocecutedthis Agrcernentaeof thc andyearfirst abovenniuen ITYDRODERM, LLC ISBE PRODUCTIONS,LLC By: Alena,LLC Ib: ManagingMembcr Ibr Sole By: Narne: Its: L ., 24 l.td90:zI z l' c Looz 90 ceq MEDIA ATSR.T :rutssDlY, bECET.'BER AtH, 2007 FOR: AIrL EI|TERTAINI'{EN? EDITORA AIrrD REPORTERS DESPER'TTE HOUSEWTVES STEA SERI IIATCHEN. TS BEING SUED TODAY FOR MILLIONS ${}tAT: Dcsperace Housewlves st,ar, ?erl llatch,er, ie being Eucd for millisos o! dollars by Hydroderrn for breach ol an exclueive endorcefient eonEracE she tras had tetElr che conEany sitrcc 20Os r{hen she sEargcd cndorsiog ite cosmeecuticil, beauEyand anli-aging producB lines. MIEN: ?he LawsuiE sill court Superiot locaeed be ftled today, Tuesday, aL 10 a.m. ab t.hc Los Angelce aE 111 NorEh H111 SE,reeb ln downEoua to5 Ang'c1ee. CounLy }ITIO: ATIDRNEY ROBSRT HELLER, REPRESEDTIINOI{YDNODERM, NITJIJ EIPIJAIN KEY PCINTS OE THE LAIilSUTT AGAINST TERI HATCIIER AI(D OUIIJTNE TIIE ISSUES J}WOLI/BD' THE WEIJL-KNOI|N I,TTICAIOR 1{ILIr BE AVAItTABLE IlcR IIfIERVrEIS At 10 Al,1 I{IIEN fHB IAWSUTT rs FXITED IN SUFERTOR COIIRT. MEDIS CoNI ACT: Dav id 51lv er , 213 - 3 5 9 - 3 1 4 {. EXIIIBIT - el;e- B l .fdgo ! z I LOO 7 90 caq t( I PROOFOF SERVICE 2 Stateof California.I anroverthreageof 18 . .I auremployed+.tn" Cquntyotlns fuigeles,q9d no! a partyto thewithin action. My business addressis 1100Glendon.A,venue, F6urt?enth 4 Floor,Los Angeles,CA 90024.OnDecember 6,2A07,Iservedthewithindocumen(s) describcd as: 5 DEFENDANTS'OPPOSITION TO PLAJNTIFF'S EX PARTEAPPLICATION SEEKING 6 UNTMELY ISSUANCEOF THIRD-PARTYBUSINESS RECORDSSUBPOENAS; DECI.ARATIONOFJOSEPHR. TAYLORIN SI.JPPORT TT{EREOF I on eachinterestedpartyin this actionasstatedbelow: 8 Robertlvl Heller,Esq. ROBERTM. FIELLER,PLC 1875CenturyParkEast" Suite1000 Los Angeles,CA 90067 9 l0 lt t2 E (BY PERSOXAL SERVICE) I deliveredatrue copy of the foregoing document(s)in a sealedenvelopeby hand to the aboveaddressee(s). I d.eclareunder penalty of perjury under the laws of the Stateof Califomia that the 1 3 foregoing is tnre and corect. 14 15 t6 Executedon December6,2007, u Los Aageles,C JosephR. Taylor (Type orprint name) L7 l8 19 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 373505v01 002O00E/001/ tr d r.ld90:zI l,ooe 90 9eq ( I 2 3 4 RobertM. Heller,Esq.[StateBarNo, 809S4] ROBERTM. HELLER" A PROFESSIONAL LAW CORPORATION 1875CenturyParkEast,Suite1000 Los Angeles,Califomia 9O067 Telephone: (3I 0) 286-15I 5 Facsimile:(3i0) 286-0046 *,^H[tgp*. DEC 6 _2007 T?;ffnH,, ) 6 Attorneysfor Plaintiff 7 SUPERIORCOTJRT OF TFIESTATEOF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS A}IGELES. CENTRALDISTRICT 8 9 l0 l1 HYDRODERM,LLC,a DelawareLLC; Plaintiff, T2 L3 t4 CaseNo. BC 381664 PLAINTIIIF''S EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO SER!:E DISCOVERY BEFOREEXPIRATION vs. INITIAL TWENTY.DAYDISCO\iERY HOLD;DECLARATION Or ROEERT IIELLER IN STJPPORT TIIERDOT TERIHATCIIER,anindividual;ISBE PRODUCTIONSLLC, a"DelawareLLC; and 1 5 Does I tfuough 100, inclusive; l6 lccP sEcTIoN 202s.210(B)l DefendanG. ORDERSUBMTTED IPROPOSED CoNCURRENTLYHEREWITI{I l7 l8 19 I. 20 INTRODUCTION 2l n'ith plaintiffHydrodenn,LLC ('Hydrodenn-)hasan exclusiveendorsement agreement ageementbyendorsingcompetitive 22 defendantTeri Hatcher("Hatcher").Hatcherbreachedthat on third parties*!,Tt* 23 products.Plaintiffseels leaveto promptlyservedepositionzubpoenas ..'j .4 r n :.}.:ff 24 have evidenceof those other endorsements. 25 l':: rF- .l) ;i (a) it will facilitate*4ittpg-tt$: Goodcauseexiststo pennit earlydiscoverybecause an 26 ..-a :t :,:.". ]i. !..; doesnot apF,Xy:.5 i!,, of critical evidence,(b) the traditional rationale for a twenty-day discovery hold ':: @-/ r*\ 27 :i 28 ?: pLNNTTFF,SEx pARTE AppLrcATIoN FoR LEAvli To sERvE DIscovERY BEFOREE)GTRATIOff HELLERIN SLIPPORT OF INIT[AL 20 DAY DISCOVERYHOLD; DECLARAfiON OF ROBBRT TI{EREOFICCPSBCTION2025.210(B)] l .l dgC I3ZI sI'd LOO Z 90 ceg I a J 4 as defendantsalc representedby counselfamiliar with the disputq (c) the subpoenasarenbt directed toward defendantsbutto third parties,(d) there is no legitimate prejudice to defendants and (e) there is a legitimate concemthat the sought-afterevidencewill be concealed,alterodor destoyed. ) IL 6 STATEMENT OF T'ACTS 7 8 9 A. Ifvdroilerm-hes an Ercluslve Asreenent with Tefi tlatcher for Endorsement Selvices. Hydroderm developedand marketsa skin careproduct line with a unigue delivery l0 to reducethe appearanceof rrrrinkles.On or aboutNovember 30,2005, Hydroderm enteredinto 1l an exclusive endorsementagreement(the "Agreement") with defendantTeri Hatcher,of 1 2 "DesperateHousewives" fame,thtough her loan out company,defendantISBE ProductionsL l3 C'ISBE '). Defendantsagreedthat ISBE would not authorizeor perrnit Hatcher to useher name, t4 voice, autogaph, image or likenessdireotly or indirectly to, amongother things, promote, 1 5 endorse,market or advertise skin careproductsrnanufacturedormarketed by Hy'droderm's t6 competitors. [Heller Declaration,pfi . 2j r7 r8 B. Hrtcher Violated t[e Asreement bv Endonins Products of Other Comoefitors. Before and after the Agreementwas effectivg Hatcher prcvided endorsemeirtservices 1 9 City Cosmetics("City") including, but not limited to, posingforphotographsapplyingCity 20 productg being intcrviewed about City products,identiffing herself as a "fan" of City's products 2 l and authorizing and'permitting pressrcleasesand City websitephotographsof heruse and 22 endorsementof City products. The City productslinked to Hatcherdirectly competewith 23 Hydrodermproducts.[Heller Declaration,par. 3]. 24 25 26 27 28 Upon further investigation, Hydrodenn leamedthat Hatcher's name,voice, autograph, imagc or likenesshas been linked directly or indirectly to, amongother things, promote, market or advertiseskin care products marketedby at least twenty-two othcr competitors, including (wi{rout lirnitati on) : PLAINTIFPSEX PARTEAPPLICATIONFORLEAVE TO SERVBDISCOVBRYBEFOREE)(PIRATION OF INITIAL 20 DAY DISCOI/ERYHOLQ DECLARATIONOFROBERT}IELLER IN SI'PPOXI THEREOF[CCpSECTION2025.21 0(B)l 9I ' d l.ldLo:zI Looe 90 caq 1 D. Hatcher'ccelebritv Givesrler powerto InflueFceor pf$surq witnpsses. 2 As the Courtmay 3 4 5 6 7 alreadyknow,llatcheris a major,well knowncelebritywith apublic imagewhichsheundoubtedlywouldlike to maintainfor thestabilityof hercareer,public relations'andothereudorsement contracts(for productsotherthanskin care), However,that public imagewill ineviably be challenged by herwongfui actstowardsHydroderm.Both Hatcherandherrepresentatives havesignificantinfluencein andout of Hol[nvood. Hydroderm 8 anticipates that oncethe complaintis filed, Hatcher'speoplemayput pressureon third parfiesto 9 concealevidencethat could hurt her in this lawsui! and ultimately, her overall marketability as a l0 productspokesperson or othe,lrrrise. [Heller Declaration,par. 6]. Plaintiffseeksto preservethis ll evidenceso it cannot be concealed,alteredor destroyed. t2 E. rlatcher and ISBE Alreadv H"re counter Regffdins this Disoutt i3 ln September,2007,Hydroderm'scounsel,RogerGofl Esq.,advisedcounselfor t4 Hatcherand ISBE, JackowayTyernnanWertheimerAuste,nMandel.baum& Morris, that ithad l 5 becomeawareof Ha&her's breachof the Agreement.Both partie5'cqrfnselthereafterengaged t6 invarious conrmunicationsconcetningthe dispute. Consequently,defendantsarerepresentedby t7 competentcouuselwho are thoroughly familiar with the nature of the dispute. [Hellcr 1 8 Declaration,par.7]. l9 20 F. There is No Leeitimate Preiudice to Dofendants. Whetherthis discovery is allowed now or in twenty days is of no legitinrate consequ€nce 21, to defendantsbut may be highly prejudicial to plaintiff if evidencewere to be concealed,alterod 22 or deshoyed. 23 24 t< 26 27 28 uI. AUrrfoRrTY SUPPORTINGTEE MOTION CCP$ 20252lq$ providesthataplaintiffmayservedeposition noticestwentydays after serviceof surnmonsor appearanceof any defendant. However, this sectionfirrther that "On rnotion with or without notice, the cour{ for good oauseshown, may grant to a plaintiff PLAINTIFF'S EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO SERVE DISCOI/ERY BEFORE DQIRATION OF IMIIAL 20 DAY DISCO\ERY HOLD; DECLARATION OF ROBBRT ITELLBRIN supponl THEREOF [CCp SECTION 2025.210(8)] et'd udLa.zt Looe 90 caq 1 leaveto servea deposition noticeonan earliecdate."Thissectionappliesto all discovcryiby 2 dcposition, recordssubpoenas inctudingbusiness to nonpartie s.[CalifurniaShellfish,Inc. v. J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 UnitedshellJish 16,2l,64Cal.Rptr.2d Co.(1997)56Cal.App.4th 7g7,7ggl. time to "Theevidentpurposeof thiswaitingperiodis to permitthedefendant obtaincotnrselandpreparefor theinquiry.(See2 Witkir" Cal.Evidence(3d ed, 1986)Disoovery andProduction of Evidence, $ 1439,p. 1418.)' (HughesToolCo,)(1962) at803,fu.2;ll'atersv.Sup.Ct. at27,64cal.Rph. [1d.,56Cal.App,4th Cal.Rptr. 153,1551, 58Cal.2d885,892,27 However,thetwenty-daywaitingperiodbenefitsonly thefrst defendantserved,as againstail defendants, whetheror not tlreyhavebeen discoverymaythereaftercornmence t2 ToolCo.)(1952)58 Cal.2d8E5,892,27Cal,Rptr.153,156]. served. fWatersv. Sup.Ct.(Haghes t3 IV. 14 GOOD CAUSE E}TISTSTO PERMIT EY.DRODERM 15 TO SERVE LIMITEII. DISCOVERY BEI'ORE THE t6 TWENTY-DAY pISCOVERY HOLD ExprRES r7 18 l9 A. E?-rlvDlscovcrv will Preservethe Eyidence lleld by Third Parties. Given Hatcher's personalrelationshipswith various competitors,as well asHatcher's considerableincentive and power to influence or pressurethesecompetitorsand other third 20 partiesto conceal unfavorable evidence,Hydroderm seeksto servethe third party subpoenasas 2 t swiftly as possibly so that (1) Hatcher will have the leastopportunity to interfere with or 22 attemptto alter the evidenceheld by third parties; aud (2) the third partios,once servedwith a 23 jurisdiction of the court, u/ill be less likely to alter or interferewith subjectto subpoenaand 24 25 26 27 28 the the evidenccin Hatcher's favor. [Heller Declaration,par. 8A]. for the Fraud Astion. B. Earlv Discoven is Partieularlv NesessaEv Hydroderm's fourth causeof action for fraud allegesthat Hetcher had a duty to, but to, disclosethat Hatcher was providing, and woutd continueto provide, endorsementsernices PTAINTtrIF'SEX PARTE APPLTCATIONFORLEAVE TO SBRVEDISCOVERYBEFORBEXPIRATION OF IMTLAL 20 DAY DISCOVBRYHOLD; DBCLARATIONOFROBERTHELLERIN SUPPORT ITIEREOF[CCPSECTION202s.210(B)l 6I H d80:zI LOO ? 90 caq I Hydroderm"scompetitors,and/orthatHatcherrepresenred that she.wouldprovideex"lusiJe 2 endorsement servicesfor Hydrodermandin sorepresenting faitedto behonest. i Early discoveryis particularlycriticalto Hydrcderm'sfraudaction. proof of ftaudirlent J 4 5 6 7 8 intentrarelycomesdirectlyfronra defendant.Rather,fraudulentintentis commonlyestablished throughcircumstantialevidencqandthusearlydiscoveryis crucialfor its presenation. fHeller par,8B]. Declaration, C. ThP Traditional Ritlonale for a Twentv-Drv Dlscoven' Hold DoesNot Anply Ee!l. Thetwenty'dayhold on discoveryis intendedto protectunsuspecting defendants frorn 9 l0 immediate discovery obligations beforethey have had a chanceto obtain cornsel. However, ll rationaledoesnot apply here becauseHatcheraud ISBE have already retainedcounsel t2 counectionwith this dispute,and the parties' coursel communicatedertensively conccrningthe in 1 3 disputebefore the complaint was filod. Not only is defendants'counselfamiliar with this dispute,the discovery is not addressed t4 l5 to defendants. Hete, Hydroderm seeksleave to servesubpoenason third parties. Thus, Halcher l6 will not be legitimatelyptejudiced by early discovery,and will have the sameopportirnityto 1 7 meet such discovery now as comparedto twenty days fiom the date of service. Finally, given 1 8 the fact that the twenty-day waiting period for third pan5'subpoenasbenefits only the first t9 defendantseryed,Hatchet and ISBE are in a better position to addressthis form of discovery 20 than the many other defendantsin other oaseswho are subseque,lrtlyserved. [Heller Declardtion, 2r par.8Cl. 22 D. There is an l4medlrte Daneer if this Er parte is Not Granted. 23 As discussedhereinabove,defendantshave closerelationshipswith someof the third- 24 25 26 27 28 parties and defendantsand defendants'representativesbave significant influence with others. The discovery sought is critical and a legitimate dangerexists that it could be concealed,altered or destroyed. t/l PLAINTIFFSBXPARTEAPPLICATION FORLEArr/ETOSER\IEDISCOVERY EXPIRAfloN BEFORE OF IMTIAL 20 DAY DISCOVERY IIOLD; DECLARATION OF ROBERT HELLERIN SLJPPORT Tr{EREOF [CCp SECTTON2025.2r0(B)] o z'd 1.ld8o:zI Looe so cao 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll To the extentany outof.statepa4y deponentis williry to cooperateandproduce docunents,plaintiffrequeststhatthecourtappointtheprofessional photocopytng$ervice, Compexl*gal Services, Inc,("Compex"),to receivesuchpotentialevidence pendingrial. The Courtis authorizedto do so asfollows: A. pursrrantto CCP Section 2020.410 et seq,plaintiffmay propound a depositionsubpoena for the productionof records. The ajlidavit of the custodianof thoserecordsis admissible at t2 to authentioatethe br.rsinessrecordsproducedthereunder.[CCp Section 2020,430(OJ. l3 For depositionsubpoenas, the custodianmay be directedto deliver the businessrecords t4 by rnail to.a "depositionofficer' [CCP Section2020.430(a)]who is a professionalphotocopier 1 5 [CCP Section2020.420]. 16 Compexis a well-known professionalphotocopierthat qualifies to receivesuch t7 depositionrecords. Although plaintiff doesnot require a court ortler appointing Cornpexassuch l 8 deposition offrcer, in order to be as elear aspossible,plaintifffirrther identifies in its proposed l9 order that Conpex should be deemedthe depositionofficer to whom thp recordsstrouldbe 20 mailed pursuantto a subpoenaissuedrmderCCP Section2020.4i,0et seq. 2l B. Subooenasfor Production of Doclrmentsat Trial. 22 Pursuantto Evidence Code Section 1560 et seq.,a subpoenaducestecurnrequiresa 23 oustodianof recordsto producebusinessrecords,togetherwith an affidavit that authenticates 24 thoserocords. The contentsof suchaffidavit aregovemedby EvidenceCode Section1561. By 25 26 27 28 using this affidavit procedure,a pafly may autheirticatethe businessreoordssent by the custodianwithout having to sall the ctrstodianas a witnessat a tial or o0ter proceeding.[See alsoEvidenceCodeSection 15641. PI-AINTIFFSBX PARTEAPPLICATIONFORLEAIG TO SERVEDISCOVERYBEFOREE)(PIRATION OFIMTIAL 20 DAY DISCOVERYHOLD; DECLARATIONOFROBBRTIIELLER IN SUPPoRT TTTEREOF ICCPSBCTION202s.210(B)l t ?' d l .td80:zl Loo? 90 cag I 2 For tial subpoenas, thecustodianmaybedirectedto deliverthebusiness recordsbil mail to tbreepossibleplaces. Evidencecode section 1560(b)provideethat: 3 , "{W]hen a subpoenaducestecum is sened upon thc custodianof recordsor othe, , 4 qualified witress of a br.sinessin an action in which the businessis neitrer a party 5 uor the place where any quse of action is allegedto bave arisen,and the 6 subpoenarequires the production of all or any part of the recordsof the btsiness, 7 it is zufficient compliancetherewitb if the custodianor other qualified witress 8 delivers by mail or otherwisea trre, Iegible, and durablecopy of all of thc records 9 describedin the subpoenato the clerk of the court orto anotherpersondescribed 10 in suMivision (d) of Section2026.010of the Codeof Civil Procedure,together ll L2 with the af,6davitdescribedin Section1551"(emphasisadded). l3 CCP Section2026.010,entifled'Depositionsin anotherstatein the United States",sets T 4 forth the processfor obtainingout-of-statediscovery. Section2026.010(d)identifiesthe 1 5 following persons: t6 "(l) IAJ personwho is authorizedto administeroathsby the laws of the United t7 Statesor those of the place wherethe examinationis to be held, and who is not l8 otherwise disqualified under Section 2025.320and subdivisions(b) to (0, t9 inclusive,of Section2025.340. 20 (2) tAl person appointed by the court' 2l Thus,for Californiatrial subpoenasforproduction of documents,the deponentrnaybe 22 directedto mail the recordsto (l) the clerk of the court, (2) a persouauthorizedto take oathsin 23 (3) a court-" the place where the examinationis held, or 24 25 26 27 28 "person appointedby the Becausethis casewill likely require plaintiffto marstr,alevidenceftom nurnerousout-ofstalerecordscustodians,plaintiff seeksto do so as its eailiest opporturity and as efficiently as possible. Rather than having the clerk of the court receiveand be responsiblefor nrch records and affidavits, and rather than having the deponentproducerecordsto nunerorutpersonslocaled ;LAnrrFFsB;(P HBLLERIN SIJPPORT OFROBERT HOLD;DECLARATION oF IMTIAL 20DAY DISCOVBRY 2025210(8)] SECfiON THEREOF [CC? - e"=T-- N d60:eI LOO ? 90 caq I in numerousjurisdictions,plaintiff requeststhatCompexbeappointedby thecourtto bettresole 2 repositoryto receivetlte recordspursuantto a subpoena issuedunderEvidenceCodeSectibn J 1560to anout-of-state deponent 4 I Therefore,plaintiff requeststhat Compexbeappointedto receivedocurnents thatare 5 subpoenaed frorn out-of-statedeponents pursuantto EvidenceCodeSection1560et seq.and/or 6 CCPSection2020.4l0 et seqbecause it will facilitatethemostefficientandeconomical 7 marshallingof evidencefor boththe courtaadplaintiff, andcauseno prejudiceto defendants. 8 vI. 9 CONCLUSION l0 For the foregoingreasons,Hydrodermrespectfullyrequeststhattbe courtgmntil leave ll 12 servedeposition subpoenason the relevantthird-partiesprior to the expiration of the twentyday IJ hold on such discovery. The fact is that there is no real prejudice to defendantsin allowing this l4 discovery now and the possibiligr of greatprejudice to plaintiff exists if tlre evidenceis l5 concealed,altered or destrol'ed. t6 Dated:December5,2007 17 18 L9 20 M. Heller, Esq. 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 pLAINTIFF,Sn:( PARTEAPPLICATIONFoR LEAVE TO SERVEDIScovERY BEFORBSI<pIRATION ' -' IN SIIPPoRT oi il,imlr- 20 DAy DrscovERy HoLD; DECLARATIoN oF RoBERT HELLER TTIEREOFICCPSECTION2025'210@)l N d60:zt EZ 'd LO O ? 90 9ag pECLARATTONOF ROBERT I{ELLER I 2 I, Robert M. Heller, declare: 3 1, I anr an attorney at law licensedto practice before all Courts in the Stateof Catifomia 4 and a principal in the law firm of Robert M. Heller, A ProfessionatLaw Corporation, attorneys 5 of record for plaintiffHydroderm, LLC f'Hydroderm"). By this ex parte application, 6 Hydroderm seeksleave to servedepositionnotices on third partiesprior to the expiration of the 7 initial twenty-day discovery hold that ordinarily applies to a newly filed lawsuit 8 9 t0 ll t2 13 l4 15 l6 2. The complaint allegesthe fol.lowing facts: Hydroderm developedand marketsa skin oareproduct line with a unique delivery systemto reducethe appearanceof wrinkles- On or aboutNovember30, 2005,Hydrodermenteredinto an exclusiveendorseme,nt agreemenl(the "Agreement") with defendantTeri Hatcher,of "DesperateHousewives" fame, ttrough her loan out company,defendantISBE ProductionsLLC ("ISBE ). Defendantsagreedthat ISBE would not authorizeor permit Hatcherto use het name,voice, autograph,inlage or likenessdirectly or indirectly to, afirong other things, promote,endorse,market or advertiseskin careproducts manufacturedor marketed by Hydroderm's competitors, 3. I have conducteda preliminary investigationto determinethe extentthat Hatuherhas t7 l8 19 20 2l : promoted,endorsed,marketedor advertisedcompetingskin careproductsin violation of the Agreement. This investigation revealedthat one company,City Cosmetics('City"), hasactively promoted picfires of Hatcher from a photo sessionwhere sheposedfor photographsapplying City products. Furtherurore,Hatcherhas reportedlybeeninlerviewed about City products, of City's products,has often beenideirtified in City prass 22 reportedlyidentified herself as a "fan" with products that directly 23 releases,and has been featr,redon the City website,all in association 24 competewith Hydroderm Products. 4. ln addition, numerousother websites,articles,pressrcleas€sand news reportslink 25 26 Hatcher's name and likeness directly or indirectly to skin careproduotsmarketedby at least 27 twentv-two other comEfltors, including (rvithout limilation): 28 il/ SBRVEDISCOVERYBEFORED(PIRATION PLAINTIEFSEX PARTBAPPLICATIONFORLEA oF ROBERTHELLERIN SLJPPORT DECLARATION HOLD; DISCOVERY Or mru,qf. Z0 DAY 0(B)l TITEREOFICCPSBCTION2025.21 l .fd50 ; z I b e'd LO O Z 90 cag : i i Hollprood Lips, Inc. Demralogica,inc. Beautiful Skin andrbr The RoRo Company Multaler Incorporued PrincipessaBeauty, Inc. HDS CosmeticsLab,Inc. Alliance Boots, PLC Beautiful Skin Ole Henriksenof Denmark,Inc. NapoleonPerdisCosmetics,Inc. Elisabetb,Inc. Bella Lucce Ltd Co. Age Adl'antage Laboratories,lnc. Genelink,Inc. Enviton UrbanApothecry, [nc. Skindinavia, [.nc. Medi cis PharmaceuticalCorporation Medicis AestheticsHoldings Inc. I 2 5 4 5 6 7 8 I l0 1t t2 13 t4 l5 l6 5- Hydrodenn needsto servedepositionnotices on theseand other relatedthird parties order to discover further evidenceconcemingpossibleviolations by Hatcher of the exclusivity provisions of her endorsementAgreeurentwith Hydroderm. Attached hereto,markedExhibit "A," is a proposeddepositionnoticeto City Cosmetiss,one of the proposeclthird-party deponents,It setsforth the docunents requestedand the subjectmatter of the testimony sought. 6- Hatcherreportedly has personalrelationshipswith many of thesecompetitors. For L7 18 19 20 2l i Youth.firl Technologies. ; Advance Magazine Publishers,Inc. d/b/a CondeNast Publications,Inc. example,NapoleonPerdisCosmetics,Inc, is reportedto be ownedby a make-upartist for llatcher, News and other sorucesfurther repod that Hatcherstopsby booths or storespromoting the productsof City Cosrnetics,Inc., Hollpvood Lips, Inc., Dermalogica,Inc.and Medicis PhamraceuticalCorporation. Environ productsare reportedly usedby Hatcher's facialist. Bella Ltd. Co. refers to Hatcher as a "famous friend" it "met alongthe way," Hatcherhasalso 22 Lncce 21 reportedlywritten thank you notesto various competitorspraising their productswhich are 24 postedon their websites. 7. BecauseHatcher is a major, well known celebrity with a public image, shewill likely 25 26 want to maintain that image for the stability of her c€reer,public relationsand her other product 27 endotsements(other ttran skin care). However,that irnagewill inevitably be challengedby her 28 wrongflrl actstoyards Hydroderur. Hydrodenn thus anticipatesthat oncethe cornplaintis filed, ru{IN oFINTTIAL2oDAYDlscovER#?1Bb?"r"#+L111?ir3lff;otHELLBRINSITPPoR s ?' d l .l d60!zI LO O ? 90 caq 1 Hatoher'speoplemay excrtpr€ssureon third partiesto concealevidencethat couldhurtherin 2 this lawsuit,andultimately, her overallmarketabilityasa producrt spokesperson or otherqdse. J 8. In Septernber, 2O0T,Hydrodetm's counsel, RogerGoff Bsq.,advisedcounselfpr FlatcherandISBE,Barry TyermaqEsq.,of JackowayTyermanwertheimerAustcn 4 ) N4andelbaum& Morris ("Jackowayfirrt") tlat il had becomeaware of Hatcher's breachof the 6 Agreement. Both parties' counselthereafterengagedin various communicationsconeerniugtbe 'l dispute. Thesecomrnunicationsrevealedthat counselfor Hatoherand ISBE are familiar with 8 natue of the dispute. 9 9. As discussedmore fully in the Points and Authorities, good causeexists to grant l0 Hydroderrn leave to servethird party subpoenas: 1t A. Early Discovew Will Prgservethe Evidence. Given Hatcher'spersonal 12 1 3 relationships with various competitors,as well as Hatcher's corsiderable incentive and powerto t4 influence or pressurethesecompetitorsor her representativesto concealunfavorabl,eevidence, l5 Hydrodennseeksto serveearly dismvery-tobestpreservethe availableevidence. B. Earlv D.iscoveryis Pagiculdy Necessarvfor the FraudActiort Proof of 16 T 7 fraudulent intent rarely comesdirectly from a defendant-Rather,fraudulent intent is comrnonly 1 8 esablished througb circumstantial evidence,and thus early discovery is crucial for its l9 preservation, 20 2l C. The Traditional Rationale for-a Twentv:Day Discoverv Hold DoesNpt Apply. Becausellatcher and ISBE have already retainedoounselin connestionwiththis dispute, 22 Hatcherwill not be prejudiced by early discovery, andwill have the sameopportunity to meet 21 as comparedto twenty days fromthe dateof serviceof the complaint. In such discovery now 24 fact, defendanlswill actually sufferno legitimate prejudicefrom the granting of this application. 2s 26 27 D. Th.ereIs an Lnmediate Dsnger to the Evidgnce, As discussedabove,thereis legitimate dangerthat the evidencecould be concealed,alteredor destroyed. 28 PL 9Z ' d oF INITIAL2q DAY DISCO\IERYIIOLD; DECLARATIONOFROBERTI{ELLERIN SIIPPORT TI{EREOF[CCPSECTION2025.210(8)] l .l doI :u I LO O Z' 90 ceq I 10,NOTICF: In accordancewith CaliforniaRulesof Cotut, Rute 3.1202,on Decdmber ., 5,2A07, at 9:30 an., I notified Alan Wertheimet'ssecretaryCandyof the JackowayU* 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 l3 , counselto defendants,locatedat t925 Centruy Park East,22ndFloor, Los fuigeles, CA, , telephoneno. 310-553-0305,by telephone,that I would ptesentto this Court on December6, 200?,at 8130am., in Departnent 18,an applicationfor an order grantingHydrodermleaveto serveearly depositiounotices on third partiesfor the discovery of evidenceconcemingpossible violations by Hatcher of the exoltsivity provisions of her Agreementwith Hydroderm. Neither Barry Tyennan nor Alan Wertheimet were availableto speakwith me and Mr. Wertheimer's secretaryCandy offered to acceptex parte notice. I confirmed that telephonenotic€ by sending Barry Tyerman, Esq. a letter by fax, at l0 a.m., informing hirn that I would beappearingin this court at this time and place and for this purpose 11. Shortly after giving notice,JoscphTaylor,Esq.,of Liner Yankelviu Sunshine& l4 RegensueifLLP called to say he would be appearingand opposingon behalf of defendants.His t5 addressis I 100 GlendonAvenue,Los Angeles,CA, andhis telephoneno. is 310-500-3500. 16 t7 12, I declareunder penalty of perjtrry under the laws of the Stateof Califomia that tlre foregoingis tnre and conect. 1 8 Dated:December5,2007 19 Robert 20 2r ?2 21 24 25 26 27 28 o ildffi;'-r#;r.'r"*,,t.-pis-cbvERy rIoLD; pECr,lmrror.r oF rNrTlALzoonv oF RoBERTIIELLBRIN SI',PFORT 10(B[ 2025.2 THEREOF ICCPSBCTION N doI:ZI L?' d LOO ? 90 cag I 2 ? 4 RobedM. Hellet,Esq.[StateBarNo. 80984] ROBERTM. IIELLE& A PROFESSIONAL LAW CORPORATION 1875CenturyParkEast,Sulte1000 LosAngeles,California 90067 Telephone: (310)286-15I 5 Facsimiler(310)286-0046 5 6 Attomeysfor Plaintiff 7 8 SUPERIORCOURTOFTHE STATEOF CALIFORNIA COI.JNTYOF LOSANGELES_ CENTRAI DISTRICT 9 10 1 1 HYDRODERM, LLC, a DelawareLLC; 72 Plaintifr 13 l4 vs. anindividrral; TEzuHATCIIER, ISBE 1 5 PRODUCTIONSLLC,a DelawareLLC; l6 CaseNo. NOTICE OE'TAIilNG DEPOSITION THE PERSONMOST KNOWLEDGEABLE F'ORTIIIRDPARTYDD,PONENT: CITY COSMETICS,INC. andDoes l through 100,inclusive; Defendants- t7 18 To All PartiesandtheirAttorneysof Record: 19 PLEASETAKE NOTICE that plaintitr wil take the depositionof the Person 20 2l for thirdiarly depouent: Knowledgeable 22 23 24 rNc. crTYcosMETrcs, at thc followinglocationattbefollowing dateandtime: Thedepositionshallconunence Location: ROBERTM.IIELLER" LAW CORPORATION A PROFESSIONAL 1875CenturyParkEast,Suit€1000 Los Angeles,Califomia90067 Date: 4,2008 January Time: 10:00a.m. 25 26 27 2E --14- .. -pLArNTrFTs pARTE EIPTRATION LEAVIito sEN/EDlscovERYBEFORE FoR AppLrcATToN Ex oF rNrTrAL 20 DAY DISSSVERY IIoLD; DECLARATIONoF ROBERTI{ELLERIN SI'JPPORT TI{EREOFICCPSECTION202s.210(B)] e a 'd tfdor :zI LO O Z 90 caq I 2 The deponent is not a party to this action, The addressand telephone number,of 3 , deponent,basedupon recordsavailahie,is believedto be: 4 500 S Los AngelesSt, Sto64 ) Los Angeles,Ca 90013 6 (2r3)627-0899 or (2I 3) 688-I 53s 7 Thedeposition will betakenbeforea Noary Publicdulycommissioned by theState 8 Califomia CertifiedShorthand Reporter,or otherpersonaspermittedby CCp $$ 2025.320(a 9 and 2093. If the deposition is not completed on the dalE set out above, the taking of l0 deposition will be continued from day-today thcreafter,except for Sundaysand holidays, at 1l sametime and place,until cornpleied,unlessthe partiesagreeotherwise. t2 PLEASE TAKE FURTIIER NOTICE that the above.nameddeponentwill be required t 3 produce at the taking of the deposition certain books, documentsand other items which are l 4 privileged, and which arc more partioularly describedin Exhibit "A" attachsdhereto. 15 l6 PLEASE TAKE FURTIIER NOTICE that the above-nameddeponentis not a person.Pursuantto CCP Section2025.230,plaintiffrequestsoral slsminati66 on the mattets 1 7 forth in Exhibit "8" attachedhereto,and deponentis required to designateand to producert l8 deposition on€ or more of its officers, directors, marragingagents,employeesor agentsu&o 1 9 rnost qualified to testi& on its behalf as to those mattersto the extent of any information 20 or reasonablyavailable to the deponent. 2l PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the deposition may be recorded 22 stenographicmethod ttuough the instant visual display of the testimony. A copy of this 23 shall be given to the deposition officer. Any offer to provide the instant visual display of 24 testimony or to provide rough dmft transcriptsto any party which is acceptedprior to, or 2s at" tlre deposition shall also be made by the deposition ollicer at the depositionto all parties 26 at0endance. 27 PLEASE TAKE FURTI{ER NOTICE that the deposition may be rocorded by 28 and/or videotape. SERVE DISCO1ERY BEFORE E)(PIRATION PLAINTIFF'SBX PARTEAPPLICATIONFORLEA OF INITIAL 20 DAY DISCOVERYHOLD; DECLARATIONOFROBERTHELLERIN STPPORT TTTEREOF ICCPSBCTION2025,210(B)l 6e 'd tf dol :ZI LO O ? 90 ceo I 2 A list of all parties or attronreysfor parties on whom this Notice of Deposition is servedis shown on the accornpanyingproof of service. 3 4 5 6 Date: December_, 2007 RobertM.Heller,Esq. A hofessionalLaw Corporation 7 8 9 By: RobertM. Heller, Attorneysfor Plaintiff 10 l1 t2 i3 t4 l5 l6 l7 18 t9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PLAINTIFF'SEX PARTEAPPLICATIONFORLEA' SERVEDISCOVERYBEFOREEXPIRATION oF INITIAL 20 DAY DISCOVBRYHOLD; DBCLARATIONOFROBERTHELLERTNSr.JppORT TIIEREOF[CCpSECTTON 202s.2l0(B)l o e 'd r.tdlI:eI Looz 90 ca g Exhlbit "A" : DEFINITIONS As usedherein,thefollowingtermsshallhavethe followingmeanings: f 6 7 I 9 10 "ADVERTISEMENTS"meansanyactcallingattentionof any rr;a;ttEE to thepublicusing anymediunr,includingwithouttimitationcatalogues,circulars, prodrictsheets,printid mat€riaF, pressreleases, print ads,radioads,televisionads,videos,internetads,internetwebsitesandemails. of anytype,includingwritten,oral "AGREEMENTS"shallreferto anyagreement impliedandall amendments or rnodificationsthereto. "COMMUMCATION" or "COMMUNICATIONS" includes,but is not limited to, any transmittal and./orreceipt of information, wheth€r oral, written" verbal or nonverbal, whether suchwas by chance,pteananged,fonnal or informal and whethersuch was, without limitation, in personor by telephone,telegram,letter, memorandumor electronically. "DOCUMENT" ot "DOCUMENTS'' rneansa writing, as defuredin EvidelrccCode section250, including written, typed, primed, recordedor graphic matter and, ineluding with l 2 limitation, correspondence,records,tables,charts, analyses,grapbs,schedules,reports, memorand4 notes,lists, calcndars,messages,contacts, agreements,assignments,orders, matter, photographsand reports. A requestfor l 3 invoices, statements,cornputer-generated production of DOCUMENTS shall requireproduction of all "originals," as that term is defined L4 Califomia EvidenceCode section.2s4,and all non-identicalcopi-s (whetherdifferent from the original becauseof notes madeon suchcopies,becauseof indications tbat the copieswerc sent 1 5 to different individuals than were the odginals, or becauseof any other reason). 11 l6 l7 18 r9 "HATCHER'' tef€rs to defendantTeri Hatcherand her agents,tepresentatives,attomeys, ' an{gn;rong else acting_onher behalf, and includeswithout limitition, hei loan out corporation ISBE Productions,LLC. "YO[J" or'YOUR" refers to the personor companynarnedin the attachedsubpoena, antl itq agents,representatives,attonreys,subsidiaries,parentcompaniesand anyoneelseacting on its behalf. 20 2l DOCUMENTS TO BE PRODUCED 1. All DOCUMENTS which reflect that HATCHER gavepermission(expressor implied) to useHATCFiER'S narneand/orlikenessin connectionwith any of YOURproducts from January1,2004 to the present. 2. All AGREEMENTS betweenYOU and HATCHER relating in any way to using HATCIIER'S name andlorlikenessin connectionwith any of YOUR productsfrom January1,2004 to the present. 3, All COMMUNICATIONS betweenYOU audHATCHERrelating in any way to rxing HATCHER'S name and/or likenessin cormectionwith any of YOUR productsfrom January1,2004to the present. 4. All COMMUNICATIONS betweenYOU and HATCHER relating in any way to any of YOTJRproduotsfrom January1,20M to thepreseNrt. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PLAINTM'S EX PARTEAPPLICATIONFORLEAVE TO SER\IEDISCOVERYBEFOREE)PIRATION OF IMTIAL 20 DAY DISCOVERYIIOLD; DBCLARATIONOFROBBRTHELLBRIN SUPPORT TT{EREOFICCPSECTTON 2025.2I (y@) r e 'd tfdII:zt Loae go cao t All DOCUMENTSwhichreflectthatHATCFIERpruchased anyof YOURproducts from January1,2004to thepresent. 2 Atl DocLMENTS whichreflectthatYou gaveHATCIIER anyof yoUR produats from January1,2004to thepreserfl,includiig withoutlimitatiou at film festivJJor celebrityevents. 3 4 5 All ADVERTISEMENTSrelatingtg-anyof YOURproductsfrom JanuaryL, 2QO4 to the prese,:rt which in anywaymention,identi& or show-IIATCHER 6 All draftsand/ormoclupsof ADVERfiSEMENTSrelatingto anyof YOUR products 1,2004to thepresentwhichin anywaymendon,identifuor shory tqqlggy HATCFIER. 7 8 {lp.opgr.d ADVERTISEMENTS relatingto any olYouRproducts ftom January1, 2004 tD the presentwhich in any way meatior\ ida$iry or shoiv I{ATCHER 9 l0 All DOCUMENTS which relate in any way to YOUR use of HATCIIER'g nameand/or likenesson any of YouR websitesfr6nr Jinuary' L,zoo|to thepresent. 1l 12 11. l3 All DOCUMENTS th{ ry!^egtstaternent(s)madeby HATCHERconcerninganyof yOUR productsfrom Janrrary1,2004 to thepresent. l4 15 All DOCUMENTS which relat€in any wayto or otherwisesupport the stateme,ntin YOUR pressreleaseon or aboutJanuiry 5,20Q6that Ted [IatiLer is a "devotee"of City Cosmetics, I6 L7 18 t9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 25 All ADVERTISEMENTS t"lattttg to any of YOUR cornpetitors' productsfrom January 1,2004 to thc presentwhich in any way mentioa identifr or showHATCHER. t+. All DOCI.MENTS which relate in any way to the photographsof HATCHER that appearedon any of YOUR websitesfrom Januaryi,20OV ti, tUepresent For eachphotographof HATCTIER HATCHER that appearedon any of YOLJRwebsitesfrour January1,2004 to the pres€nt,all DOCUMENTS whic.hreflect the daresuchphot photograpb was taken. AU DOCUMENTS whichreflect the periodof time that eachphotographof HATCHER appearedon any of YOUR websites. All DOCLJMENTS which relatein anyway to HATCHERgiving city Cosmetics cift bagsto-her-gue^sts^ qt herbirthdaypartry,asreflectedin YOLR.prdssrileaseon or a6out December 14,2004. All DOCUMENTS which relate in any way to HATCHER's invitation to and/or presenr booth or other display of YOUR products(includingwithout limitatibn 9!ggy_s_tgre, wi& the Golden Globesand Critics; Choice awardsshows) "lounges"€onnected YOUB from Januaryl, 20f,4to the present. 2t 28 PLAINTIFF'S EJ( PARTE APPLICATION FOR I,EA\IE TO SERVE DISCOVERY BEFORE EXPIRAfiON oF INITLAL20 DAY DIsco\rERY HOLD; DECLARATIONoF ROBERTHELLERTNsuppoRT TITEREOF 0(B)l [CCpSECTION2025.21 ze 'd l .tdII!ZI LOO Z 90 cag i, Exhibit (Bt' DEtr'INITIONS As usedherein,the following termsshall havethe following nrcanipg5; "ADVERTISEMENTS" meansariyast calling attentionof any matterto thepublio using any medium, including without limitation catalogues,circulars, prodtict sheets,prinGd materialJ, pressreleases,print ads,radio arls,television ads,videos,intemet ads,intemet websitesand emails. "COMMUNICATION' oT"COMMUNICATIONS" includes,but is not limited to, any transmitulandbr receiptof information,whetheroral,written,verbalor nonverbal,whether prearranged, suchwas wasby chance, chance,prearranged, formalor informal formal informal and andwhethersuch suchwas, was.without withoutlimitation, limitatir 8 such in personor by tele,phone,telegram,letter, memorandumor electronically. 9 "DOCUMENT" oT"DOCUMENTS" mearurawiting as defincd inEvidence Code 1 0 Fcliotl250, including writterq type4 printed recordedor graphiomatter and, including with reconds,tables,charts,analysei,gt"phs, schedules,r€ports; limitation, conespondence, il memoranda,notes,lists, calenda.rs,messages,contracts,agreenrents,assignments,odets, I cornputer-generated invoices,statements, matter,photograpbs andreportJ. A requestfor productionof DOCUMENTSshallrequireproduCtion of all "originals,'asthatt6m is definedi CalifomiaEvidenceCodesection254,andall non-idecrtical copies(ufretherdifferentfrom the 1 3 original becauseof notes madeon suchcopies,becauseof indiiations that the copies were sent to different individuals than were the originals, ot becauseof any other reason). t4 *HATCHER" to defendantTeri Hatcherand her agents,representatives,attorneys, l 5 an4 anyoneelseactingrefets on her b€ha[ and includeswithout limitation, hei loan out corporation l 6 ISBEProductions,ItQ. *YOU" or "YOUR" refersto the pelsonor€ompanynmred in the attachedzubpoena, anq rtq age!!s, representatives,attotneys,subsidiarios,parent companiesand anyoneelseacting 1 8 on its behalf. t7 r9 TrrE r\{ATTERS ON WTIICH EXAMTNATION IS REQUESTED c.c.P. $ 202s.230 L The existence,location and authenticationof eachDOCUMENT requcstedby this subpoena. 2. YOUR use of HATCHER'S narneand/or likenessin connectionwith any of YOUR pry_dugls!o_4 Jq1qq.y 1,2004 to the presen{ including without limitatioh, all ADVERTISEMENTS. z5 24 3. 25 All COMMUMCATIONS betrpeenYOU and HATCHER relating in any way to using IIATCHER'S nameandTorlikenessin connectionwith any of YOURproducts from Januaryl,2QO4to the prese,nt. PLAINTIFF'SEX PARIE APPLICATIONFORLEAVE TO SERVEDISCOVERYBEFOREBXPIRATION OF IMTLAL TWENTY-DAY DISCOVERYHOLDIDECLARATIONOF ROBERTIIELLER IN SUPPORT TTTEREOF 2025.210(8)] [CCpSECTTON ee 'd r.l dl I:zI LOO? 90 ceq : I 4. Theextentto whichHATCHERwasgivenor purchascdanyof YOURproductsfrofn January1,2004to theptesent,includingwithoutlimitatioruat film festivalsor celebrity 2 events, 3 5. 4 Staternentsmadeby or atbibutedto HATCHER concenringYOUR productsfrom January 1,2004 to the present,including without limilation, the personspresentat the time of the statements. ) 6. i 7 HATCIIER's invitation to, presenceat and/or statementsrrade at any store, booth or otlrer display of YOUR products(including without limitation YOIIR "lounges" connectedwith the Golden Globesand Critics' Choice awardsshows) from lanuary l, 2O04to the present. 8 7. 9 The facts relating to, or otherwisesupporling,the statesrentin YOUR pressreleaseon or aboutJanuary5,2006 that Teri }latcheris a "devotee"of City Cosmetics. 5 t0 The photographsof TIATCHERthat werepostedon YOUR websiteincluding,without lirnitation, the date(s)tbe photographswere take,n,all datesthe photographswere posted, and the name ofthe photographer. ll t21 trlI t4l I) I 10. HATCTIER's artaugernentto give City Cosrneticsgift bagsto her guestsat her birthday party, asreflectedin YOUR pressreleaseon or aboutDecember14,2004, The identities of all YOTIR employeesand/or agentswho were presentat any time HATCHER was presentat any store,booth or other display of YOUR products (includirg without limitation YOtlR "lounges" oonnectedwith the Golden Globesand Critics' Choice awardsshows. I t8 19 20 2r 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PLAINTIFF'SEX PARTEAPPLICAT1ONFORLEAVE TO SERVEDISCOVERYBEFOREEXPIRATION OF INITIAL TWENTY.DAY DISCOVERYF{OLD;DECLARAflON OF ROBERTHELLERIN SUPPORT 0(B)] TITEREOF 2025.21 [CCPSECTTON te 'd tfdzl :zI Looz 9o cao