our Brochure
our Brochure
HOTELS BAYWOOD HOTELS, INC. IS ONE OF THE NATION’S FASTEST GROWING, PRIVATELY OWNED HOTEL COMPANIES, WITH OVER $800 MILLION IN ASSETS. THE KEY HAM P TO N I N N D OW N TOW N M AR K ET S QUAR E San Antonio, Texas TO OUR SUCCESS AS MANAGERS, EMPLOYERS AND DEVELOPERS IS OUR ABILITY TO CONTINUALLY OFFER SOME OF THE MOST INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS IN THE HOTEL INDUSTRY. H O M E 2 S U I T E S S A N A N TON I O A I R P OR T San Antonio, Texas FAI R F I E L D I N N & S U I T E S G AI TH E R S B U R G Germantown, Maryland B AY W O O D H O T E L S — DELIVERING VISION, I N N O VAT O N A N D VA L U E As investors, we’re known for our focused vision, strong values, aggressive long-range strategy and, not to mention, our product concept and development skills. But, it is our outstanding management of assets that has truly built our reputation for developing and managing HAM P TON I N N TE M P LE San Antonio, Texas well-branded hotels throughout the Mid-Atlantic, Florida, and Texas regions. Baywood Hotels and its affiliates employ more than 1,600 associates in independent boutique hotels and branded properties that carry some of the most recognized names in the hospitality industry, including: • Courtyard by Marriott • Residence Inn by Marriott • SpringHill Suites by Marriott • TownePlace Suites by Marriott • Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott S TAYB R I D G E S U I TE S M I AM I D ORAL AR EA Miami, Florida • DoubleTree by Hilton • Homewood Suites by Hilton • Hilton Garden Inn by Hilton • Hampton Inn & Suites by Hilton • Home2 Suites by Hilton • Holiday Inn by IHG • Holiday Inn Express & Suites by IHG • Staybridge Suites by IHG H OM E2 S U I TE S S AN ANTON I O AI R P ORT San Antonio, Texas DEVELOPMENT At Baywood Hotels, our hotel development efforts are firmly rooted in proven performance. Including both the outstanding performance of our existing hotels and our years of experience delivering successful hotel projects. Our business plan relies on our finely tuned ability to identify and develop properties based on our fundamental investment criteria: • Strong, established markets • High barriers to entry • Optimal concept & brand • Innovative design • Premium product & value • Intense development supervision With a vision for identifying profitable redevelopment projects in key markets, Baywood’s in-house technical expertise includes pre-construction and construction services, interior design, purchasing, and project management. Whatever the scope of your project - from a 40-room independent boutique hotel to large, full-size operations or new ground-up construction to back-to-bare wall renovations - you can count on Baywood’s awardwinning design and construction team to delivery. H O M E 2 S U IT E S R IV E RWAL K San Antonio, Texas NEW CONSTRUCTION At Baywood Hotels, every new development project is designed, capitalized and built for long-term success, not short-term profit. Unlike many ‘fee-for-service’ developers, we know there’s more to successfully completing a project than simply completing it on time and within budget. HAM P TON I N N L AK E CH AR L E S Lake Charles, Louisiana Being hoteliers ourselves, we look at every project from that perspective. Our projects must also achieve our high standards of guest satisfaction, meet financial projections, and maintain a high level of quality over the investment period. With Baywood, you can be sure that even short-term development decisions are based upon their long-term impact on ownership HAM P TO N I N N & S U I TE S BALTI M O R E / WO O D L AW N Baltimore, Maryland “Al Patel and the leaders at Baywood Hotels, Inc. continue to make a significant impact on the growth of Marriott’s select service and extended stay lodging brands across the U.S. due to their tremendous commitment to developing with Marriott’s “2009 Developer of the Year” award. We look forward to continuing to partner and grow with Baywood for years to come.” —L I A M B R OW N , Chief Operations Officer, Select Service and Extended Stay Hotels, The Americas, Marriott International, Inc. HAM P TO N N I N N & S U I TE S G AIT H E R S B U R G Gaithersburg, Maryland TOWN E P L AC E S U I TE S R IV E RWAL K San Antonio, Texas REDEVELOPMENT Since Baywood acquired its first distressed asset in Richmond, Virginia in 1991, we’ve acquired a high level of expertise in redeveloping and repositioning distressed and neglected hotel properties. In fact, we’ve been repeatedly recognized for our abilities by franchisors, lenders and local governments alike. In the years since, Baywood has completed over $100 million in additional projects — everything from troubled, underperforming properties to historic redevelopments. In each case, Baywood’s meticulous planning, innovative design, and flawless execution turned an underperforming property into a truly profitable asset. H OM E 2 S U IT E S BA LT I M O R E Baltimore, Maryland REDEVELOPMENT Some of our recent development projects include: •T ownePlace Suites Riverwalk San Antonio, Texas •H ome2 Suites Riverwalk San Antonio, Texas HA M PTON I N N Haverhill, Massachusetts •H ome2 Suites Baltimore Baltimore, Maryland •H oliday Inn Express Riverwalk San Antonio, Texas •H ampton Inn Haverhill, Massachusetts •H oliday Inn Express Waldorf, Maryland “We are very pleased and proud of the strength of the relationship that has continued to develop between IHG H OLI DAY I N N M I AM I D O RA L A R EA Florida, Miami and Baywood Hotels. Under the leadership and guidance of Al Patel, Baywood has become one of the leading developers and operators with over 10 properties in our system across multiple brands, segments and geographies. AFTE R Perhaps one of the most unique qualities that Al and his team possess is the expertise to deliver ROI objectives to investors in either a new construction or conversion scenario. Their attention to detail and ability to drive property level dedication and morale are also noteworthy. B E F OR E We look forward to expanding this partnership as a new opportunities continue to surface.” —R O L AN D S C H I C K, Regional VP, Franchise Sales & Development, InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) TOW N E PL ACE S U I T E S R I V E R WA LK San Antonio, Texas FAI R FI E L D I N N & S U IT E S BW I AI R P O RT Linthicum, Maryland INVESTMENTS The cyclical nature of business is always challenging. This is especially true in real estate and hotel development, which involve long-term investments based on what are often short-term facts. At Baywood Hotels, we believe that successful developers are uncompromising in their investment standards during growth periods, so they will have the ability to act on the opportunities that arise in periods of decline. That’s why we continuously strive to make sound long-term decisions, while maintaining the flexibility to diversify and quickly adapt to those inevitable changes that often disrupt even the most well managed project. TOWN E P L AC E S U IT E S B R I D G E P O RT Bridgeport, West Virginia MANAGEMENT SERVICES At Baywood Hotels, we’re known for our ‘hands-on approach’ to managing our properties. By empowering each of our associates on the property level and backing them up with the tireless support of our corporate office, we have developed a decidedly D OU B L ETR E E D U L L E S AI R P O RT Sterling, Virginia proactive approach to customer service. It’s one that recognizes that providing superior guest service is the key to profitability and lasting success. This fundamental philosophy guides our daily operations and helps both our corporate and local property associates to develop a deeper understanding of each hotel, the local community it serves and, most importantly, the expectations of both the clientele and the associates who serve them. SALES AND MARKETING D O U B L ETR E E D U L L E S AI R P O RT Sterling, Virginia It’s a fact that a hotel operation is only as successful as its sales and marketing strategy. We believe that an effective strategy needs to be “Al Patel and Baywood Hotels are exemplary franchisee insightful, flexible and, above all, comprehensive if it partners. They have numerous hotels with us and several is to successfully guide a hotel’s marketing efforts for more approved. This includes the approval of five Home2 the coming year. Suites by Hilton projects, Hilton’s newly launched brand. Our strategies are based on realistic goals, up-to-date information and an in-depth knowledge of the local market. They are designed to help every hotel property produce incremental increases in both operating revenue and bottom line profitability. They are truly brand pioneers and very professional to work with. In addition, they are strong operators and builders due to their extensive experience. All at Baywood Hotels are a delight to work with.” —C RAI G M AN C E, Senior Vice President, Franchise Development, Hilton Hotels Worldwide DELIVERING ON THE BRAND PROMISE At Baywood Hotels, we’re proud of the high-quality, multi-branded, and select-service properties we represent. You can rest assured that every Baywood associate at each of these new or recently renovated properties takes professional pride in ensuring that our guests receive the friendliest experience possible. We are especially proud of the successful, professional partnerships we have built with many of the finest names in the hospitality industry, including: • Marriott FAI R FI E L D I N N & S U IT E S Manassas, Virginia • Hilton • InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) We consider the strength of these brand alliances as a testament to Baywood’s unwavering belief in the values of commitment, teamwork and mutual respect. B AY W O O D H O T E L S 7871 Belle Point Drive, Greenbelt, Maryland 20770 tel 301.345.8700 | fax 301.345.8701 info@baywoodhotels.com | baywoodhotels.com TOWN E P L AC E S U IT E S B R I D G E P O RT Bridgeport, West Virginia AWARDS & RECOGNITION 2 0 14 2 0 11 •H ilton Wall of Fame 2nd Quarter Hampton Inn Uvalde, TX •C onnie Award for being one of the Top 6 Hampton Inns in North America for Property Quality and Guest Satisfaction Hampton Inn Syracuse / Clay, NY • Hilton Wall of Fame 1st & 2nd Quarter Hampton Inn Pampa, TX •T ownePlace Suites by Marriott Hotel of the Year 2014 TownePlace Suites Eagle Pass, TX • I HG Global Partner In Safety Award Holiday Inn Express Elkridge, MD •T op 100 Owners & Developers (28 of 100) Hotel Business Magazine •M arriott CFRST Developer of the Year • Marriott Silver Circle Award Fairfield Inn & Suites Germantown, MD •M arriott Most Improved Extended Stay Award Residence Inn Lubbock, TX •C arlson Hotels President’s Award Country Inn & Suites Chambersburg, PA 2 0 13 •H ampton Developer of the Year Hampton Inn Haverhill, MA • I HG Global Partner In Safety Award Holiday Inn Express Elkridge, MD • Hampton Movers & Shakers Award Hampton Inn Pampa, TX •H ilton Wall of Fame 1st - 4th Quarter Hampton Inn Pampa, TX •M arriott Silver Circle Award TownePlace Suites Lexington Park, MD •M arriott Silver Circle Award Fairfield Inn & Suites Germantown Gaithersburg, MD • The Uvalde Area Chamber of Commerce 2013 People’s Choice Award Hampton Inn Uvalde, TX •R ookie Business of the Year Hampton Inn Uvalde, TX • I HG Renovation Award for 2013 Holiday Inn Express & Suites Chambersburg, PA •T op 100 Owners & Developers (28 of 100) Hotel Business Magazine •M arriott CFRST Developer of the Year •M arriott Most Improved Extended Stay Award Residence Inn Lubbock, TX •C arlson Hotels President’s Award Country Inn & Suites Chambersburg, PA 2 0 12 • Top 100 Owners & Developers Hotel Business Magazine •T op Third-Party Management Companies Hotel Management Magazine • Marriott Strongest Collaborator Fairfield Inn & Suites BWI Airport •T exas Chamber of Commerce Top 25 Hotels in Texas TownePlace Suites Riverwalk San Antonio, TX •B est Adaptive Use Award TownePlace Suites Riverwalk San Antonio, TX •O utstanding Commitment to Keep Doral Beautiful Holiday Inn Express Miami, FL 2 0 10 •T op Hotel Companies Hotel & Motel Management Magazine •H ilton Lifetime Achievement Award •D oubleTree by Hilton Developer of the Year •H ome2 Suites by Hilton Best Conversion of the Year Home2 Suites Baltimore, MD •M arriott CFRST Developer of the Year •M arriott Gold Circle TownePlace Suites Lexington Park, MD • Marriott International Best Custom Project TownePlace Suites Riverwalk San Antonio, TX 2 00 9 •M arriott CFRST Developer of the Year •M arriot CFRST Design & Construction Excellence •D esign & Construction Excellence Award Courtyard Waldorf, MD •D esign & Construction Excellence Award Fairfield Inn & Suites Germantown, MD •M arriott Silver Circle Award Courtyard Waldorf, MD •M arriott Gold Circle Award Fairfield Inn & Suites Germantown, MD •H ome2 Suites by Hilton Developer of the Year • I HG Renovation of the Year Holiday Inn Express Logan Airport Saugus, MA 2 00 8 •A AHOA Award for Excellence •M arriott CFRST Developer of the Year •M arriott Gold Circle Award Fairfield Inn & Suites Germantown, MD •M arriott Share Shifter Award Fairfield Inn & Suites Germantown, MD • Magic General Managers Fairfield Inn & Suites Germantown, MD • I HG Newcomer of the Year Award Staybridge Suites BWI Airport • I HG Priority Club Reward Members’ Choice Hotel of the Year Award Staybridge Suites BWI Airport HOTELS 2 00 7 •M arriott Gold Award Fairfield Inn & Suites Germantown, MD •R enovation of the Year Award Holiday Inn Express Fairfax, VA 2 00 6 • I HG Renovation of the Year Holiday Inn Express, Baltimore •D esign & Construction Excellence Award Fairfield Inn & Suites Germantown, MD •M arriott Platinum Award Fairfield Inn & Suites Germantown, MD •H ilton Garden Inn Best Conversion Award Hilton Garden Inn San Antonio, TX 2 00 5 •M arriott Gold Award Fairfield Inn & Suites Germantown, MD • I HG Torchbearer Award Holiday Inn Express Chambersburg, PA 2 00 4 •G old Hospitality Award Comfort Suites Chantilly, VA 2 00 3 •M arriott Gold Award Fairfield Inn & Suites Manassas, VA •S ilver Hospitality Award Comfort Suites Chantilly, VA • I HG Newcomer of the Year Holiday Inn Express & Suites Chambersburg, PA BAYWOOD HOTELS, INC . 7871 Belle Point Drive, Greenbelt, Maryland 20770 tel 301.345.8700 | fax 301.345.8701 info@baywoodhotels.com | baywoodhotels.com H O T EL LOC AT ION S F LOR I DA R EG ION M I D - AT L A N T I C R E G I O N FLORIDA HOTELS VIRGINIA HOTELS • FAI R FI E LD I N N Miami Airport South •C AN DLEWOOD S U ITE S Alexandria-Ft. Belvoir • HAM PTON I N N & S U ITE S Lakeland • COM FORT I N N & S U ITE S Dulles Airport, Sterling • HOLI DAY I N N EXPR E SS Miami Airport, Doral • COM FORT S U ITE S Dulles Airport, Chantilly • HOLI DAY I N N Miami-Doral • DOU B LETR E E BY H I LTON Dulles Airport, Sterling • HOM EWOOD S U ITE S Miami, Brickell • FAI R FI E LD I N N & S U ITE S Manassas •H OTE L U R BANO Miami, Brickell • HAM PTON I N N Falls Church • QUALITY I N N Miami Airport West • HAM PTON I N N & S U ITE S Alexandria •R OYAL POLO BY H I LTON GAR DE N I N N Miami, Brickell • HOLI DAY I N N EXPR E SS & S U ITE S Manassas • S PR I NG H I LL S U ITE S Jacksonville • HOLI DAY I N N Leesburg • STAYB R I DG E S U ITE S Miami-Doral • HOLI DAY I N N EXPR E SS Fairfax • S PR I NG H I LL S U ITE S Alexandria •S PR I NG H I LL S U ITE S Potomac Mills, Woodbridge M I D - AT L A N T I C R E G I O N MARYLAND HOTELS LOU I S IANA R EG ION • AM E R ICAN I N N OF B ETH E S DA Bethesda LOUISIANA HOTEL • COU RTYAR D BY MAR R IOTT Waldorf • HAM PTON I N N Lake Charles • FAI R FI E LD I N N & S U ITE S BWI Airport • FAI R FI E LD I N N & S U ITE S Germantown • FAI R FI E LD I N N & S U ITE S Hanover • HAM PTON I N N & S U ITE S Gaithersburg • HAM PTON I N N & S U ITE S Timonium • HAM PTON I N N & S U ITE S Woodlawn •H OLI DAY I N N EXPR E SS & S U ITE S Annapolis • HOLI DAY I N N EXPR E SS & S U ITE S Elkridge • HOLI DAY I N N EXPR E SS Baltimore at the Stadiums • HOLI DAY I N N EXPR E SS Baltimore/Washington Parkway, Hyattsville • HOLI DAY I N N EXPR E SS Waldorf • HOM E2 S U ITE S Downtown Baltimore • HOM E2 S U ITE S White Marsh • HOM EWOOD S U ITE S Gaithersburg • STAYB R I DG E S U ITE S BWI Airport • TOWN E PLACE S U ITE S Lexington Park H O L I DAY I N N M I AM I D ORAL Miami, Florida HOTELS TEXAS REGION TEXAS HOTELS •C OU RTYAR D BY MAR R IOTT Seaworld, San Antonio • HAM PTON I N N & S U ITE S San Antonio Airport • HAM PTON I N N & S U ITE S Selma-San Antonio/Randolph AFB HA M PTON I N N & S U IT E S GAITH E R S B U R G Gaithersburg, Maryland • HAM PTON I N N Downtown/Market Square • HAM PTON I N N Pampa • HAM PTON I N N Temple • HAM PTON I N N Uvalde M I D - AT L A N T I C R E G I O N •H OLI DAY I N N EXPR E SS & S U ITE S Alamo, San Antonio P E N N S Y L VA N I A H O T E L S • HOLI DAY I N N EXPR E SS & S U ITE S Seaworld, San Antonio •C OU NTRY I N N & S U ITE S Chambersburg •H OLI DAY I N N EXPR E SS & S U ITE S Uvalde, San Antonio •H OLI DAY I N N EXPR E SS & S U ITE S Chambersburg •H OLI DAY I N N EXPR E SS Bay City •H OLI DAY I N N EXPR E SS Harrisburg •H OLI DAY I N N EXPR E SS Riverwalk, San Antonio •H OME2 SUITES Downtown Riverwalk, San Antonio W A S H I N G T O N, D C H O T E L S •H OME2 SUITES San Antonio Airport •C OM FORT I N N Downtown/Convention Center •H OMEWOOD SUITES Lackland/Seaworld •H AMPTON INN & SUITES Washington DC • R E S I DE NCE I N N Lubbock •H OMEWOOD SUITES Washington DC • R E S I DE NCE I N N Seaworld, San Antonio • S PR I NG H I LL S U ITE S San Antonio Airport WEST VIRGINIA HOTELS •T OWN E PLACE S U ITE S Bridgeport •S PR I NG H I LL S U ITE S West Virginia •S PR I NG H I LL S U ITE S San Antonio Medical Center/Six Flags • S PR I NG H I LL S U ITE S Seaworld, San Antonio •T OWN E PLACE S U ITE S Downtown Riverwalk, San Antonio • TOWN E PLACE S U ITE S Eagle Pass NORTHEAST REGION MASSACHUSETTS HOTELS I N T E R N AT I O N A L •H AM PTON I N N Haverhill INDIA HOTELS •H OLI DAY I N N EXPR E SS Logan Airport, Saugus •H AM PTON I N N Vadodara-Alkapuri, Gujarat • HOLI DAY I N N EXPR E SS Woburn NEW YORK HOTELS • HAM PTON I N N & S U ITE S Buffalo Airport • HAM PTON I N N Ithaca • HAM PTON I N N Rochester North • HAM PTON I N N Seneca Falls • HAM PTON I N N Syracuse/Clay HAMPTON INN VADODARA Vadodara, Gujarat BAYWOOD HOTELS, INC. 7871 BELLE POINT DRIVE, GREENBELT, MARYLAND 20770 tel 301.345.8700 | fax 301.345.8701 info@baywoodhotels.com | baywoodhotels.com
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