Nov/Dec 2011 - Canadian Morgan Horse Association


Nov/Dec 2011 - Canadian Morgan Horse Association
The Corsican Bay x Beam’s Finale by Beamington
Bay Stallion (f. 2003)
2011 North Star Morgan Americana, Minneapolis, Minnesota:
Western Pleasure Limit Horse – 1st
Western Pleasure Amateur Stallions/Geldings – 1st
Western Pleasure Amateur Championship – 1st
2011 Alberta Morgan Horse Show, Olds, Alberta:
Western Canadian Amateur Championship – 1st
HUGE thanks to Merilee Mollard for her expert training
and Amanda Mollard for her expert presentation of Classic Beam!!
Inquiries invited on the following:
LCB Black Rain: MEMC Tequila Cuervo x Beam’s Finale. 2006 Smokey black mare. Half sister to LCB Classic Beam.
Outstanding sport horse prospect!
LCB Mondetta: LCB Classic Beam x Arboria Love Beam. 2007 Bay gelding. Double Beamington-bred gelding. Fun horse to have
around with great motion!
Madeira: White Rock’s Caliopy x Futurities Ima Star. 2001 Bay mare. Half sister to multi-world champion Opies Boy and out of a
UVM Promise daughter.
Owned by:
Lloyd and Cathy Braun
Box 851
Winkler, Manitoba
R6W 4A9
(204) 325-5694
Trained by:
Merilee Mollard
Box 282
Stonewall, Manitoba
R0C 2Z0
(204) 467-2232
Coulee Bend Morgan Farm is proud
to announce the sale of
Coulee Bend Quasar
2011 Silver Dapple Palomino Filly
(Unconventional X Dody Little Bell SRDA)
Quasar will be the
first Silver Dapple Morgan in Australia
and with her outstanding disposition
is sure to be a great Morgan Ambassador!
e Do It Again!!
Team Morgan conquers all at Battle of the Breeds
ABOVE: Team Morgan with their winning coolers at the 2011 TELUS Battle of the Breeds.
by Bob Watson
eptember 8 to 10, 2011, was the 22nd year of the TELUS sponsored Battle of the Breeds at Spruce Meadows. The “Battle”
is held in conjunction with The Masters, a major, world class
jumping competition at the fabulous Spruce Meadows facility
on the southern outskirts of Calgary, AB. This year, the world famous
RCMP Musical Ride was a featured event of the nearly week-long tournament.
Various horse breeds enter teams of four humans and four horses in five
events to compete in the TELUS Battle of the Breeds to claim the title of
champion. The events that they compete in are:
1) The Compulsory Skills competition can loosely be defined as Dressage, but with the first team member riding their horse and the second
driving their horse.
2) Jeopardy Jumping is pretty much like regular show jumping with 10
fences, but with a choice of a smaller jump beside the regular jump with
the option of jumping either and proportionate points awarded.
3) Precision Driving is Obstacle Driving with cones and tennis balls,
backup, water hazards and so on. Both team members drive in this event.
4) Barrel Racing is unique with four barrels instead of three. There is
a second run for the top six teams. The points from the second go are the
ones that count for the final placings.
5) Trail is Trail and can be ridden English or Western. There are about
15 obstacles with various points from 10 to 50 and a time limit of 150 seconds. It is held in the outdoor grass arena “Meadows on the Green,” which
November/December 2011
Photo by Brett Watson
is the size of an international soccer field if not bigger.
Each breed enters a team of four horse/rider combinations and two team
members compete in each event and each horse/rider must compete in at
least two events. The team members’ scores are added together and the
team with the highest score receives the first place ribbons for that event.
A draw order is established for each event with one team member competing in the first half followed in the same order by the second teammate.
The events are designed to test the stamina and skills of each horse/rider
There are bonus obstacles in Jeopardy Jumping and Trail Riding. The
bonus obstacle is worth 100 points and, when the time is up, the rider must
indicate whether they wish to try the bonus. If achieved, you earn an additional 100 points; if not, you lose 100 points. For example, if your score
was 270 and you made the bonus, your final score would be 370. If you
failed, it would be 170. This is where strategy enters into it, since this can
make or break a team’s chances.
Thursday featured two events: Compulsory Skills in the morning and
Jeopardy Jumping in the afternoon. Friday also had two events: Precision
Driving at noon and Barrel Racing in the afternoon. Saturday had Trail
Riding in the morning.
This year, there were 10 teams entered. Most of the competitors are
from Alberta, but most of the teams, at one time or another, have drawn
competitors from outside Alberta and even outside Canada. The mules
(while not technically a breed, are big fan and media favourites) drew
Battle of the Breeds
continued on Page 11
Features Departments
From the editor’s desk
President’s Message
Administrator’s Message
Whistler’s Morgan
Farm Fall Ride
Youth Chair Message
Who’s on the Front Cover
Expo Quebec
Directors’ Listing
BC Owners & Breeders Listing
Membership Application
Affiliated Morgan Horse Clubs
Battle of the Breeds
Supreme Justin
Morgan Honour
Poker Derby Ride
Equine Foundation
of Canada Donation
Alberta Owners & Breeders Listing 13
Morgan Marketplace
Who’s on the Back Cover
Stallion Showcase
Thank you to our Advertisers:
Grandview Acres...............................................Front Cover
Whyte Ridge Morgans.......................................Page 2
Coulee Bend Morgan Farm................................Page 3
Hobby Horse Farm.............................................Pages 8 & 9
Equine Foundation of Canada............................Page 11
Oaklea Morgans & Calypso Training Stable ....Back Cover
Business Cards
Cyan Star Morgans
Circle S Morgans
Carlton Morgans
Johnsen Tree Farms
M&M Morgans
Belle Coulee Morgans
21 & 22
Butte Morgans
Double Z Acres
Sunny Acres Morgans
St. John Performance Horses
Equi-Lete Massage Therapy
he snow has yet to fall as I
write this, but we all know
that it’s coming.... sooner
rather than later, I’m afraid!
For those of us lucky enough to have
indoor riding facilities, it doesn’t mean
the end of the riding season, but it certainly means the beginning of cold fingers
and toes.
Speaking of the cold, what better way
to warm up on one of those dreary winter nights that are looming ahead, than to
cozy up with your November/December
issue of Canadian Morgan magazine!
We have quite a few articles to keep you
reading, including the top story: our win
at the 2011 TELUS Battle of the Breeds.
Our victory at this competition—that includes Jumping, Driving, Dressage and
Barrel Racing—really is a true testament
to the versatility of the Morgan breed.
Our Morgans also won some awards
under the spotlight in Oklahoma and here
at home. And, finally, we also have stories
from a couple of trail rides that have taken
place recently, both of which sounded like
they were a lot of fun!
Whether it’s showing under saddle, inhand or in harness, on our home soil or
abroad, riding in the arena or on the trail,
the Morgan breed has proved its mettle
once again in 2011!
So, take a moment out of your busy
holiday season to raise a glass to your
Morgan horse.
Happy riding... and reading!
Sales / Editorial / Subscriptions Office:
Canadian Morgan magazine
Publisher/Editor, Cindy Dickson
83 Charles Street, Port Hope, ON L1A 1S6
Tel: 905.885.0525 / Fax: 905.885.7690
Reproduction of any materials without written permission from the editor
is prohibited. Opinions and statements expressed in this publication are not
necessarily those of the editor or publisher.
Canada Post Customer Number 7108067
Mail Agreement Number 41953512.
Canadian Morgan
President’s Message
A Time to Give Thanks
s we come to the close of another year, we think of activities
and achievements of 2011. It is also a special time to be with
family and friends as we celebrate the Christmas season
and the holidays that go with it. In our fast paced, modern
society we sometimes lose our focus, not only at Christmas, but also
throughout the year. Christmas is a celebration for Christians of the birth of
Jesus Christ, but we lose sight of that in the crush of commercialism that
has evolved in the last half of the 20th Century and the first decade of the
21st Century.
In similar fashion, we lose sight of the importance of family, friends and
volunteers and start taking them for granted. At this time, I want to salute
all the people who volunteer not only in our Morgan family, but also in
all walks of life. Without all these people donating their time, money and
talents we would not enjoy the level of many of the recreational activities
that we do.
In our Morgan family, we have members at the national, provincial,
regional and local levels that enrich us with their devotion. These people
come into our lives in many different ways and often we do not pause to
reflect on these new friendships, on how they came to be, or on how they
changed our lives.
I am very fortunate as President of the CMHA to have an excellent
group of board members to work with. The financial circumstances of the
world are challenging for many individuals as well as our club. It is imperative that we have devoted, selfless individuals volunteering for all the
Administrator’s Message
n this glorious
autumn day, I sit at
my desk and think
about everyone who
journeyed to Oklahoma City with
their Morgans to compete at the
Grand Nationals. I was not fortunate enough to attend this year,
but my Canadian pride and best
wishes went with everyone who
did attend!
In my last office notes I
touched on some important milestones in Morgan history. Here are
Photo by Joy Photography
a few more that I hope you find
1939: The first National Morgan Horse Show was held in Woodstock, Vermont.
1951: The US Morgan Horse Farm was taken over by the State of Vermont, becoming the University of Vermont Morgan Farm. Morgan judges
were listed in the CEF roster of judges (now EC).
1952: The Morgan Horse Show Division was recognized by the American
Horse Shows Association.
1962: Morgan rules were printed in the CEF rule book (now EC).
1973: The first annual Grand National Morgan Horse Show was held in
Detroit, Michigan.
1974: The first ever Grand National title awarded to a Canadian owned
Morgan is Aristippi for Trail owned by Kay and Jack Reeves.
1975: The CMHA award system is started.
1976: The First Justin Morgan Honour Awards are given out.
1985: Morgan horses, Kennebec Count and Kennebec Russell, represented
the US in the World Pairs Driving Championship in Sandringham, England.
The Canadian bred and owned W-A-W Beaux Heir is the first Morgan to
compete at Grand Prix Level in Dressage owned by Trudie M. Northcott6
November/December 2011
duties that are required
to get the job done.
It is easy to recognize the people who
hold elected positions,
but many volunteers
behind the scenes
are largely unknown.
This has become very
apparent during my
involvement with the
TELUS Battle of the
Breeds. We have volunteers that come year after year, go unrecognized, but
have contributed much to the victories that our team and our breed have
enjoyed. Where do you start and where do you stop if you begin naming
individuals? I will simply say, “I appreciate your contributions.”
Thank you to all the members who have taken the time to write, email or
phone me with suggestions and words of encouragement. I truly appreciate
Cec and I wish you all good health, a very merry Christmas, a happy
New Year and much joy and pleasure as we “Share the Passion” with our
Morgan horse(s) in 2012.
Steele. The US postal service issued commemorative stamps depicting the
Morgan horse. Reciprocity with the US begins January 1.
1988: The AMHA’s permanent home was established in Shelburne, Vermont. The Canadian Morgan Horse Club becomes the Canadian Morgan
Horse Association.
1992: The Versatile Morgan Medallion Award system begins.
2006: The first ever Double Platinum VMMA is awarded to Spring Hills
Justina and owner Jean Bridges. The AMHA begins a moratorium on registering unregistered ancestors in the reciprocity program (CMHA & BMHS).
2009: Fees for part-Morgans and non-members are increased. The first
ever Trail Justin Morgan is awarded to Ffort William, owned by Prue Critchely of Manitoba. The first time one owner has received two Platinum VMMAs for two different horses occurred when Nanjo’s Mr. Bean and Nipper’s
Dream Valley won Platinum awards for owner Lynn Marriott of Ontario.
I hope you enjoyed our trip down memory lane; if you have important
milestones that you would like to share with me, please forward them to the
CMHA office. I am sure there are many more “firsts” out there to remember!
Nancy Kavanagh, Office Administrator
Canadian Morgan Horse Association News
Board News
The zone of Quebec requires a volunteer for Director and Vice Director. The zone of Saskatchewan requires a volunteer for Director. If you are
interested in the position, please contact the office.
We welcome Sheila NcNaughton as the vice director for Ontario. Thank
you, Sheila, for volunteering for this position.
Registry News
The CMHA will accept Morgans two years and older into the registry at
a 25% discount off the current fee schedule until December 31, 2011.
Stallion Service Reports
All stallion owners must submit their stallion reports by January 30,
Administrator’s Message
continued on Page 7
Youth Chair Message
how season has come to a close, the horses are already woolly
beasts and I’ve dug out my winter gear! Winter is coming and
that means we are fast approaching some deadlines too.
Outstanding Youth Award System (OYAS) booklets are due
to your provincial youth leader by December 10, 2011. Youth leaders:
please forward to me at the CMHA office by January 15, 2012. Nominations for both the Sportsmanship and Scholarship Awards are due to the office by January 15, 2012, also. These three contests are open to any current
CMHA youth member. Please visit for more
The Horsemastership Levels 1-3 are always available on-line on the
CMHA Web site on the Youth Page. I plan to have Level 4 up by the New
Year and Levels 5 and 6 are in the early stages of being written. Pease contact your provincial youth leader for more information and to set up a time
and place to hold a Horsemastership Day in your area.
The Alberta Morgan Horse Show was held in early September and our
CMHAY Medal Class winners are:
Showmanship: Robyn Davies
Saddle Seat Equitation: Robyn Davies
Hunt Seat Equitation: Caitlyn Malyk
Western Seat Equitation: Catriona Kozijn.
Congratulations ladies! Unfortunately, due to some low numbers, their
Youth Challenge did not run. Betty has informed me that if they can find
a suitable venue, they hope to run it before the end of the year. Please stay
tuned for further information.
I have some exciting news from Saskatchewan. I have been in contact
with Susan Van Dusen and she is hoping that the Saskatchewan Zone will
be able to host a 2012 Youth Challenge! This will be wonderful for the
CMHAY! I know Susan has been working very hard to have a barn full of
active youth and we are very excited about the possibility of them being
able to participate in their own Youth Challenge next year!
Like always, any questions, concerns or comments, please send my way!
Merry Christmas!
Lisa Kavanagh,
CMHAY Chairperson
Administrator’s Message
continued from Page 6
2012, for the 2011 breeding season. Please list ALL mares bred, whether they have been confirmed in foal or not. Avoid the penalty for submitting the form late (or not at all!). Send all reports to CLRC, 2417
Holly Lane, Ottawa, ON K1V 0M7. If you need forms, please contact
the CMHA office or visit and go to “Forms.”
Awards News
High point will be coming to an end for the 2011 show season. Please
make sure all forms have been sent to your zone high point recorder.
All VMMA and Trails forms should be submitted to the CMHA office
by November 30. If you need forms, please contact the CMHA office or
visit and go to “Forms.” CM
Who’s on the Front Cover?
randview Acres and Kimlina Morgans
enjoyed a most successful 2011 Grand
National and World Championship
Morgan Horse Show bringing home the
roses with their two lovely mares, BMF Whisper of
Love and Miz Scarlett. This success was thanks to the
wonderful support, expertise and guidance of Sonja
Lorenson, Cold Creek Inc. and team Trafalgar, Greg
Ferguson and Daryl Hopson.
BMF Whisper of Love was crowned the 2011
Classic Pleasure Saddle Ladies World Champion after
winning both of her qualifying classes earlier in the
week in Oklahoma City. This six-year-old daughter of was the unanimous choice of the judges
for the Grand National Champion Classic Pleasure
Saddle Mares title. Her consistency showed by claiming
the Grand National Champion Classic Pleasure Saddle Ladies Mares title the
following day. “Mint” is lovingly owned by Bernd and Nathalie Langstaedtler
of Grandview Acres, was bred by Harvey and June Sawatsky of Birch
Meadow Farms and is exhibited by Nathalie Langstaedtler.
Miz Scarlett trotted her way to the 2011 Classic Pleasure Saddle Junior
Horse Reserve World Champion title with the signature style of her World
Champion sire, Mizrahi. “Blush” exhibited the manners, beauty and
athleticism necessary to shine at this level of competition. Her show season
included numerous In-Hand wins and the 3-Year-Old English Pleasure title at
Far West Regional before making the switch to the Classic Pleasure division.
Miz Scarlett is owned and was bred by Roger and Patricia Poulin of Kimlina
Morgans and is exhibited by Nathalie Langstaedtler.
As the announcer calling Mint’s WC class said, there was “an international
flair” to the world championships that night - Yeah, Canada!
All photos by Howard
Canadian Morgan
Hobby Horse Farm presents
Jalna Copycat (Jalna Playboy a.k.a. “Firecat” x Kenmona Little
Spot) ridden by Emma Foote.
Jalna Jestacat (Jalna Playboy x Kenmona Little Snip) ridden by
Rachele Foote.
November/December 2011
Photos by Kim Foote.
Photo by Patrick Foote.
Jalna Little Jack (Jackson Mandate x Kenmona Little
Snip) and Carrie Wood.
Firecat's Pride, partbred Morgan by Jalna Playboy,
ridden by Elaine Stutely.
Photo by Judy Scrimger.
These photos show four of our horses competing in Hobby Horse Trials where all of them placed in their divisions, Copy
Cat winning in Pre-Training Junior followed by Jestacat in second place.
We had another busy season at the farm with a number of clinics, camps and shows including Pony Club and 4-H activities, an NSEF ride, equine oesteopathy with Dr. Stephen Swartz from Israel, and a clinic with Canada's horse whisperer
Chris Irwin from Alberta.
Hobby Horse Farm
P.O. Box 295, Coldbrook, Nova Scotia B4R 1B6
Canadian Morgan
Canadian Morgan Horse Association
CMHA Office Administrator:
Nancy Kavanagh
Tel: (905) 982-0060 Fax: (905) 982-0097
Mail to: Box 286, Port Perry, ON L9L 1A3
Courier to: 18555 Highway 12, Greenbank, ON L0C 1B0
CMHA Officers
President: Bob Watson
Box 660, Duchess, AB T0J 0Z0
(403) 378-4323 Fax: (403) 378-4322
West Vice President: Laurie Ann Lyons
Box 3254 A Stn. Terminal M.P.P.,
Kamloops, BC V2C 6B8 (250) 571-9419
Treasurer: Mark Grootelaar
413 - 77 Edmonton Street
Winnipeg, MB R3C 4M8
(204) 444-2944
Past President: Lyle Dietz
Box 128, Galahad, AB T0B 1R0
(780) 583-2128
Director: Karen Abel
Site 4, Box 2, RR #2,
Leduc, AB T9E 2X2
(780) 986-3185
CMHA Directors
Vice Director: David Gillen
22555 Township 512
Sherwood Park, AB T8C 1H3
(780) 464-7390
Director: Sandra McGinty
361 Stafford Avenue,
Port Elgin, ON N0H 2C5
(519) 832-6564
Director: Candas Rolls
1238 Wascana Highlands,
Regina, SK S4V 2J6
(306) 545-2652
Vice Director: Dana Bewza-Ward
#38 – 1760 Copperhead Drive,
Kamloops, BC V1S 2B4
(250) 572-7357
Vice Director: Vacant
Vice Director: Tina Porter
Box 303
Stewiacke, NS B0N 2J0
(902) 639-2832
Director: Norman Kalinski
Box 45, Carroll, MB R0K 0K0
(204) 483-2222
Director: Vacant
Vice Director: Cathy Braun
Box 851, Winkler, MB R6W 4A9
(204) 331-4571
Vice Director: Vacant
CMHA Directors Emeritus
Vice Director: Vacant
Committee Chairs
Charlene Dalen-Brown - Registry
85 Ashwood Drive
Saskatoon, SK S7T 1B9
(306) 373-8200
Director: Melissa MacKenzie
63 McManus Street,
Passekeag, NB E5N 7S3
(506) 832-5515
Director: Laurie Ann Lyons
Box 3254 A Stn. Terminal M.P.P.,
Kamloops, BC V2C 6B8 (250)
East Vice President: Melissa MacKenzie
63 McManus Street,
Passekeag, NB E5N 7S3
(506) 832-5515 /
November/December 2011
Cec Watson - Equine Canada
Box 660
Duchess, AB T0J 0Z0
(403) 378-4323
Margaret McDonald
Site 4, Box 5, RR#2,
Leduc, AB T9E 2X2
(780) 986-6652
Jack Reeves
32 Oakdene Crescent
Little Britain, ON
K0M 2C0
(705) 786-9063
Eldon L. Bienert
Site 4, Box 5, RR#2,
Leduc, AB
T9E 2X2
(780) 986-6652
Promotion Chairperson:
Volunteer Needed!
Contact Lyle Dietz or the CMHA Office.
Pat Crema - Constitution/Bylaws
Box 210
Pritchard, BC V0E 2P0
(250) 577-3218
Lisa Kavanagh - Youth
Box 46
Port Perry, ON L9L 1A2
(905) 985-0691
7th Annual Whistler’s Morgan
Farm Fall Ride/Drive/Potluck
by Laurie Willert
ad a great time September 18 when 19 horses rode out and,
especially exciting for me, six Whistler’s Morgan Farm
mares from the herd (leaving only the two-year-old gelding
and Royal behind!) and 7 Whistler’s horses all together. Can
you believe that I was able to put together bridles for all 6? I thought that
was pretty impressive!
The weather was lovely, all of the horses were excellent, supper was
wonderful and we all just had a blast! Can’t tell you how happy I am that
we decided to do the ride again this year. Hope to see even more folk next
year! CM
RIGHT: Some of the Whister’s Farm herd on the ride!
Battle of the Breeds
continued from Page 4
team members from Montana, Oregon and BC for several years. One team
previously had competitors from California and this year several competitors were from BC and Saskatchewan.
Team Morgan has had competitors from BC and Ontario in years gone
by, but this year it was an all-Alberta team. It was interesting that two riders
and two horses were from the Calgary area and two horses and two riders
were from the Edmonton area. The horses on this year’s team were all dark
colored with little or no white, the two older horses slightly over 14hh,
while the two younger horses were over 15 hands. They looked very nice
parading in the international ring on Saturday afternoon and Sunday wearing their coolers.
The stands were packed and people were sitting on the grass along
the fences in the arena during the parade and presentation ceremony. The
Calgary Herald reported Saturdays attendance “a record Spruce Meadows
crowd of 79,489” and Sunday “89,632 elated Spruce Meadows Masters
patrons, a record crowd.”
This year, 16-year veteran Aline Young was again our chef d’equipe and
responsible for the booth. We also had several people from throughout Alberta, including long-time supporters and volunteers Julie Franke and Faye
Stone, assisting in various capacities in the booth and with the horses.
Our Battle team this year was anchored by Cec Watson (team captain)
and Deb Clary, both with a dozen or more years experience on the team.
Our other two members, although relatively young, were experienced riders
in Jumping. The team consisted of Cec Watson and our horse 25-year-old
black gelding JMF Beam Walker; Deb Clary and her horse, the 19-year-old
black stallion TLR Night Image; Liam Kronlund riding the 10-year-old dark
chestnut gelding Blue Diamond Dancer for the Baers family; and Josefina
Kaderabek riding the eight-year-old bay gelding Tamracs Quantum Command for Marissa Baker. Team Morgan’s representatives and their placings
were as follows:
Compulsory Skills - Cec drove, Liam rode; they placed 1st.
Jeopardy Jumping - Liam & Josefina rode; they placed 5th.
Precision Driving - Cec & Deb drove; they placed 2nd.
Barrel Racing - Liam & Josefina rode; they placed 5th.
Trail Riding - Cec & Deb rode; they placed 1st.
The 10 teams this year finished in the following order:
1. Morgan
2. Appaloosa
3. American Saddlebred
4. Paint
5. Connemara
6. Arabian
7. Shetland
8. American Quarter Horse
9. Canadian Horse
10. Warmblood
On behalf of the Morgans of Canada, the Canadian Morgan Horse Association, the Alberta Morgan Horse Club and all Morgan horse owners in
Canada, and especially Team Morgan, I would like to thank TELUS and
Spruce Meadows for sponsoring and hosting this exciting event. See you
next year! CM
Equine Foundation
of Canada
For The Sake of the Horse!
Many Thanks
to All the Supporters of EFC in
Please join us in 2012!
on Facebook & at EFC Fundraisers.
Canadian Morgan
by Norman Kalinski
‘Expo Québec Horse Show a été une série de trios séparés de
trois jours des événements qui en les classes conclu pour Arabians, Morgans, Saddlebreds, Shetlands gallois et Hackneys
dans la division de cavalerie légère, ainsi qu’une division de la
performance projet chevaux qui comprenait le Cheval Canadien.
Deux juges de leurs divisions respectives officié à chacun des événements de trois jours. Tenue officielle a été portée non seulement par les
juges mais aussi le Maitre Anneau et le ruban présentateur était accompagné par plusieurs dignitaires lors des présentations.
Chevaux Morgan ont démontré leur polyvalence sous la selle et le harnais à des classes midi et en soirée à la fois pour le plaisir de l’auditoire.
Canadienne Morgan Horse members de l’Association au Québec devrait
être complimenté
pour maintenir les normes de Morgan race du cheval et pouvait fièrement exhiber ces chevaux de partout en Amérique du Nord. CM
August 19 to 27, 2011
he Expo Quebec Horse Show was a series of three separate
three-day events that included classes for Arabians, Morgans,
Saddlebreds, Shetlands, Welsh and Hackneys in the Light
Horse Division as well as a Draft Horses Performance Division that included the Canadian Horse.
Two judges for their respective divisions officiated at each of the threeday events. Formal attire was worn not only by the judges, but also by the
ring master, and the ribbon presenter was accompanied by various dignitaries during the presentations.
Morgan horses demonstrated their versatility under saddle and in harness at both afternoon and evening classes to the delight of the audiences.
Canadian Morgan Horse Association members in Quebec should be
complimented for maintaining the Morgan horse breed standards and could
proudly exhibit these horses anywhere in North America. CM
Exhibitor Denis Robert at Expo Quebec.
November/December 2011
19 au 27 aout 2011
...and home again
by Cec Watson
011 was a great year for Canadians at the Grand National and
World Championship Morgan Horse Show held each year in
Oklahoma City. Competing among some of the best Morgans
in North America is a terrific experience, not to mention just
being there to watch, as I was this year. Congratulations to the handlers,
riders, drivers and their horses who competed and who all received top
ten placings, including a few who rose to the top! Canadian-owned horses showing this year were from the West coast
(Maple Ridge, BC) to the East coast (Stewiacke, NS) and included: Hope
Floats owned by Jeff and Candace Rolls and shown by trainer Greg Ferguson; Northern Exposure owned and shown by Kathy Padgham; Avonroy Cool Hand Luke owned and shown by Angela Padgham, Ann de St
continued on Page 14
Alberta Morgan Owners & Breeders
Zone Director: Karen Abel
(780) 986-3185
Vice Director: David Gillen
(780) 464-7390
VW - Visitors Welcome (call ahead)
SS - Stallion(s) at Stud
ST - Semen Transport
FST - Frozen Semen Transport
FS - Horse(s) For Sale
BD - Horses Boarded
TR - Training
LS - Lessons Given
Larry & Marg Armfelt
Box 2070, Athabasca, AB T9S 2B6
Ph/Fax: (780) 675-5168
Baptiste Captain Navy (Crm)
René & Aura Pombert
Site 5, Box 11, RR #2
Leduc, AB T9E 2X2
(780) 986-1446
Triple S Chinook (Pal)
Sunnyridge Porter (Pal)
Baptiste Chey Tre Pal (Pal)
Margaret Devetten
Site 11, Box 23, RR #1
Okotoks, AB T1S 1A1
(403) 371-2489
Fax: (403) 236-2500
Brewel’s Solor Flair (Pal)
Jess & Chris Campmans & Family
Box 1242, Picture Butte, AB
(403) 382-8110
Fax: (403) 732-4422
A1 Copperlees Phoenix (Pal)
A1 Duplicate Eagle (Ch)
Vern Baron & Ann de St. Remy
Site 5, Box 66, RR #4
Lacombe, AB T4L 2N4
Ph/Fax: (403) 782-3856
Lyle & Cindy Dietz
Box 128, Galahad, AB
(780) 583-2128
U.V.M. Thomise (Bay)
Unconventional (Silver dapple bay)
The Penningtons
Box 1574, Drumheller, AB T0J 0Y0
(403) 823-5086 / Cell: (403) 334-1792
JMF Hot Ice Mystery
Eldon Bienert & Peggy McDonald
Site 4, Box 1, RR #2, Leduc, AB T9E 2X2
(780) 986-6652 / Fax: (780) 986-6281
Century Destiny’s Child (Bay)
Dwayne, Shannon & Ashley Comeau
51031 Range Road 204
Sherwood Park, AB
(780) 662.4337
Talk Back
UVM Antietam
Robert & Cecila Watson
Box 660, Duchess, AB T0J 0Z0
(403) 378-4323 / Fax: (403) 378-4322
Roger & Lorna Tkach
RR #1, Boyle, AB
(780) 675-3873
TLRM Gentle Command
TLRM Midnight Express
Canadian Morgan
continued from Page 13
Remy and Vern Baron; Canabar Jolly Rodger and Canabar Graceland
assisted by trainer Darlene Brouwer; Manhattan Society Girl owned and
shown by David Gillen; Harlington’s Endura owned by Shirley Hunter
and shown by trainer Greg Ferguson; Talk Back owned by Dwayne
Comeau and shown by daughter Ashley; DVF High Chapparell owned
and shown by Kaydee Crow; DVF Seacrest Out owned and shown by
Cathy Hawkins; Annie Get Your Gun owned by Willa Schwab and shown
by Willa and trainer Stephanie Abel; Bred to Boogie owned and shown
by Joanne Dartana and daughter Maya Beakhouse; Dragonfire Shaolin
and Goldencrest Black Diamond both owned by Johnsen Tree Farm and
shown by Inge and Chris Johnson; TamRac’s Noble Aurora and GVA
Noble Bliss both owned by Connie Manning-McNichol and shown by
Simone Blacklack-Logan and Emilie Wendland; TamRac’s Final Notice
owned and shown by Emilie Wendland; Mortana Chisholm and KLN
Final Destiny both owned by Lorelei Friedrick and shown by daughters
Megan and Courtney Pack; Harlington’s Java owned by Allison YoungMaygar and shown by trainer John Beaver; Harlington’s D’artagnon
owned by Linda Staples and shown by trainer Sonja Laurenson and
daughter Aiden; BMF Whisper of Love owned by Bernd and Nathalie
Langstaedtler and shown by Nathalie; Miz Scarlett owned by Roger
Poulin and shown by daughter Nathalie Langstaedtler; Easy to Love
owned by Don Porter and Dragonsmeade Andromeda owned by Tina
Porter, both shown by Tina and Ashlee Wheaton; Legacy’s Leader owned
by Judy Martin and shown by trainer Curtis Childers; Saralin’s Conductor owned by Sandra Fenstad-Sanche and shown by daughter Georgina
and Tara Bavaro; LCB Classic Beam owned by Lloyd and Cathy Braun
and shown by trainer Amanda Mollard; Cresentmoon Bossanova owned
by Tom and Colleen Weighill and shown by trainer Deb Davies and
daughter Robyn; Canalta Squire King (age 23!), LV Dark Chrystal, LV
Kinkade and FCF Fandango all owned by K-Lyn Stables and shown by
Deb and daughters Robyn and Skye Davies; and DU Absolutely Courageous owned by Leann Dixon and shown by Leann and trainer Barb
I tried to include all Canadians showing, but if I’ve missed anyone, I
apologize. I also saw a number of fellow Canadians in the stands! CM
British Columbia Morgan Owners & Breeders
To be placed on this list contact:
Zone Director: Laurie Ann Lyons
(250) 571-9419
Vice Director: Dana Bewza-Ward
(250) 572-7357
VW - Visitors Welcome (call ahead)
SS - Stallion(s) at Stud
ST - Semen Transport
FST - Frozen Semen Transport
FS - Horse(s) For Sale
BD - Horses Boarded
TR - Training
LS - Lessons Given
Registered Morgan Horses
Susan & Andre Patry
4220 Hwy 5A South
1/2-way between Princeton/Merritt
Box 1148, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8
(250) 378-6520 Fax: (250) 378-3492
Gem Hill Justin Tyme
Brian & Sonja Halliday
Box 2065
Dawson Creek, BC V1G 4K8
(250) 843-7181
November/December 2011
Reg. Morgans
Roma H. Tingle
2765 Denicola Cres.
Prince George, BC V2K 5C7
(250) 963-7301 Fax: (250) 963-7309
Gerald & Rachael Sdoutz
1576 Chase Falkland Rd.
Chase, BC V0E 1M1
(250) 679-1175
DM Teacher’s Top Mark (Black)
Gunther & Dagmar Funk
4280 Schubert Road,
Armstrong, BC V0E 1B4
(250) 546-2891
Trophy’s Julio
Howard Fowler
Box 59, Virginia Road, Coombs
Vancouver Island, BC V0R 1M0
(250) 248-3882
Island Conquest (16hh Liver Ches)
Island Howard (15.3hh Liver Ches)
Island Pal-O-Mine (16hh Pal)
Kris & Inge Johnsen
13616 232nd St., Maple Ridge, BC V4R 2R5
(604) 463-2571 /
Ron & Teresa Born
P.O. Box 42, Rose Prairie, BC V0C 2H0
(250) 827-3501 /
Pat Crema
Box 210, 2067 Martin Prairie Rd.,
Pritchard, BC V0E 2P0
(250) 577-3218
Supreme Justin Morgan
Honour Awards!
by Dawn Brown,
Ara-Li Acres
he cool Saturday evening of the Sunrise
Summer Classic Horse Show, June 18,
2011, was the venue for a special ceremony. The stands of the Princess Louise Show Park Sussex in New Brunswick were filled
with friends and family to witness the occasion. A
combined Arabian Legion of Honour and Supreme
Justin Morgan Honour presentation was held to celebrate the achievements of two horses: 11-year-old
Arabian mare Fadjura’s Ajiba NA+ bred by Jessie
MacLean, owned and shown by 18-year-old Zara
Morrison; and 16-year-old Lippitt Morgan stallion
Amadeus Mozart Ara-Li* bred by Rev. David Keith,
owned and shown by Dawn and Walter Brown. Both
of these horses were foaled in the Sussex area.
The evening was enhanced with live music
supplied by vocalist
Shirley Cochran and
pianist Karen Gallagher
(anyone who attended
the last CMHA convention in New Brunswick
would have seen them
as part of “The Hoof
Beats”). Vanessa Packman served as master
of ceremonies and
Ceci Flanagan-Snow
was photographer and
The singing of O’
Canada began the evening with Marlene Gallon and Shato’s Captain
Morgan Carrying the
Canadian Flag.
The program
proceeded as Dawn Brown and Amadeus Mozart Ara-Li* performed a
freestyle Driven Dressage routine to Shirley and Karen’s rendition of
“Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree.” Melissa Mackenzie, CMHA East
Vice President, then presented Mozart with the Supreme Justin Morgan
Honour plaque and a garland of red roses was placed around his neck.
Mozart then exited the arena.
Zara Morrison entered riding Fadjura’s Ajiba NA+, halted to a salute
and proceeded to performed an energetic Dressage Freestyle to an
ethnic piece. Followed by Stacey Maxwell presenting the Legion of
Honour plaque and then a garland of red roses was placed around her
Mozart, ridden by Dawn, then entered the arena to join Zara and
Ajiba in a Pas de Deus ridden to Shirley and Karen’s performance of
“Paper Moon.”
Following the festivities, all in attendance were invited back to the
barn for a slice of celebratory cake! CM
ABOVE: Melissa MacKenzie presenting the Supreme Justin
Morgan Award to Amadeus Mozart Ara-Li*.
LEFT: Marlene Gallon and Shato’s Captain Morgan with the
Canadian flag.
BELOW: Amadeus Mozart Ara-Li* and Fadjur’s Ajiba NA+.
Canadian Morgan
Poker Derby Trail Ride
A winning event for all!
by Babs Hamilton
t was windy, it was cold and the sun fought hard to shine
through some fairly dismal looking clouds. However, the
gloomy weather didn’t dampen the spirits of some 18 participants who turned out to show their support for the Equine
Foundation of Canada’s (EFC) Poker Derby Trail Ride on that Saturday morning, September 17.
Hosted at Irene and Morris Clarke’s farm in the beautiful Assiniboine Valley north of Oak Lake, MB, the riders consisted of men,
women and kids of all ages from 12 to 79 years old. They travelled
from as far away as Esterhazy and Oxbow, SK, as well as locally from
Boissevain, Elkhorn and Virden. There was a colourful display of
horses as well that included sorrels, blue roans, Paints, Appaloosas,
Palominos as well as a team of Belgians to pull a wagon filled with
Poker Derby Ride
continued on Page 17
All photos by Babs (Baerbel) Hamilton
ABOVE: Manitoba Director Morris Clark on his Morgan gelding, Cody.
LEFT: Out on the trail.
BELOW: A group shot.
November/December 2011
All photos by Babs (Baerbel) Hamilton
LEFT: Grabbing a quick snooze under the
open sky.
BELOW: The wagon crew.
BOTTOM: A hearty feast for all!
Poker Derby Ride
continued from Page 16
those wishing to tag along.
After an initial role of the dice to start the Poker Derby
(participants could also throw dice for “ghost” hands), the
group started off with hot coffee and morning snacks before
embarking on their journey through the beautifully coloured
autumn scenery. Among gold harvested fields and gentle green
and rust coloured rolling hills, the troop headed out behind
their host and leader Morris Clarke, a striking figure of a man
upon his well seasoned and travelled Morgan gelding, Cody.
Along the way, the group stopped for a brief lunch in a
small clearing surrounded by trees on one side and fresh round
bales on the other and was met by the “rear party” to, once
again, role the dice and take their chance at winning the evening’s jackpot. After a short snooze (by both horses and riders)
they saddled up, loaded the wagon and continued on their way
under still-cloudy skies and amidst cold blowing winds.
As late afternoon descended on the valley, the riders were
welcomed upon their return by a wonderful warm fire and tables
laden with hardy fare and the feast was shared by all. A couple of
tables were filled with Silent Auction items hosted by the Manitoba Morgan Horse Club and as everyone meandered and mingled
around, they threw their last dice and placed their bids on the
great items offered by the auction before tackling the dessert table.
Soon enough, though, darkness started making its way in and
some retreated to their trailers while others loaded up and headed
home. It was a great day and with some 12 miles of riding behind
them that day, all were tired, but still excited about starting the
whole process over again the next morning! This time, however;
they were promised sunny skies and Mother Nature did not
The weekend proved to be a wonderful event where avid
rider—and a few non-riders—shared the camaraderie and amity
of those who also believed in putting their best foot/hoof forward
for a worthy cause: The Equine Foundation of Canada. A total of
$415 was collected for the EFC that September weekend!
Not only did the EFC come out smiling, but so did the participants. Even those that did not hold a money-winning hand had
plenty to smile about. The event was a huge hit thanks to them
and their hosts, the Clarke’s!
Thank you to all for making the event such a great success! CM
Canadian Morgan
Canadian Morgan Horse Association
Membership Application (includes subscription to the Canadian Morgan Magazine)
Name (The name under which you apply for membership is the ownership in which all your animals must be registered.
Please do not confuse this with your herd name (registered prefix), which is to be used for naming animals only)
Membership # (if this is a renewal) or “NEW” ____________________
Address City/Town Province Postal Code Telephone Email ___________________________
Please select one of the following (be sure to add GST or HST to the fee)
Annual $55
(PLUS a $10.00 magazine surcharge = 65.00)
Expires upon death.
______ 10/20 deal $500 Membership is for 10 years, expires December 31, 2020.
(PLUS a $10.00 magazine surcharge = 37.50)
Youth $27.50
Youth $11 Associate membership, must have a current annual membership in the family/
household. Magazine subscription not included)
______Associate - US/Other $44.00 CDN (NO GST - PLUS a $10.00 magazine surcharge = 54.00)
Annual members shall be those individuals who are eighteen (18) years of age or more, and are Canadian citizens ordinarily resident in Canada or a permanent resident within the meaning of the Immigration Act, 1976; partnerships or
corporations resident in Canada who pay the prescribed annual membership fee due on the first of January each year.
If Youth, Give Date of Birth: Type of Morgan(s) owned: Pure bred
Date ___ Part bred
Signature All fees payable to Canadian Livestock Records Corporation.
Please add 13% HST for ON, NB, NFLD to all fees.
Please add 12% HST for BC to all fees.
Please add 15% HST for NS to all fees.
Please add 5% GST for all other provinces to all fees.
Send to:
Canadian Livestock Records Corporation, 2417 Holly Lane, Ottawa, ON, K1V 0M7
Phone 1-877- 833-7110 or 613-731-7110 - Fax 613-731-0704
November/December 2011
Equine Foundation of Canada
helps 3D research jump
ou have seen the marvels of 3-D cinema whether it was
Thor’s hammer hurling toward you or maybe it was
Superman Returns at the IMAX. Ultra sound technology has
also developed 3-D capabilities and it is evolving faster than
a speeding bullet, with more accuracy than a CAT scan. What this means
for researchers is a more detailed picture when making diagnosis and an
accurate, simple way to track the results of treatment modalities potentially
without using a more invasive biopsy.
With a recent donation from the Equine Foundation of Canada,
University of Guelph researcher, Dr. Heather Chalmers, is able to add a
new dimension to her research focusing on early screening of roaring and
may lead to earlier treatment. Roaring, or laryngeal paralysis, is a very
common disease which can affect any breed or discipline of horse.
This progressive disease results in the inability to open the upper airway
at exercise, which limits performance and actually leads to a roaring sound.
Owners who hear a gurgling sound or an increase in noise when the horse
is breathing are encouraged to seek veterinary advice.
“The new 3-D ultrasound unit can also be used to monitor and diagnose
tendon injuries, as shown in this image.”
The goal of Chalmers’ research is to provide horse owners with a
reliable, easy, readily available and inexpensive way to screen horses for
roaring prior to clinical signs of the disease. This allows horse owners or
a potential horse purchaser to career plan for their horses, determining
potential or limiting factors. Chalmers’ is very excited about the donation
of new equipment this past summer. “When it comes to ultrasound, 3-D
allows us to look at the tissues in greater detail, to get a more accurate
assessment of the size and exact location of abnormalities and to monitor
them accurately over time.”
Assessing the size of the upper airway muscles helps researchers
understand more about their function and disease status. Chalmers
explains: “We know from our own experience, working out in the gym, a
muscle that gets bigger is stronger and more functional. After interventions
by Linda Brewer
the ultra sound will be able to keep track of changes to see if the smaller
diseased muscle has responded with an increase in size.”
The next step in Chalmers’ research is to solidify the long-suspected link
between what is seen on the ultrasound screen and what can be found under
the microscope if a biopsy were performed.
It is important to fully establish:
1) How early disease can be detected in horses,
2) How accurately it can be done,
3) The rate at which the disease progresses once detected.
3-D Ultrasound is helping researchers understand all three of these
questions. Research funding has been provided by Equine Guelph,
American College of Veterinary Radiology, Medel Austria, Robarts
Imaging Institute at the University of Western Ontario and The Equine
Foundation of Canada.
Reprinted by kind permission from Equine Guelph. CM
The Master’s Touch
t is with great sadness that Broadmoor must inform the Morgan
horse community that The Master’s Touch has died. This great
stallion passed away at his Broadmoor home on Monday, September 26th at the age of 26. “Matt,” as he was affectionately
known to Mike Goebig and Dwayne Knowles of Broadmoor, was the
only horse in the history of the Morgan breed to have won the World
Open Park Saddle Championship four times. In 1989, as a four-yearold, Matt beat his father, then the current world champion, Serenity
Masterpiece. He went on to win the World Open Park Saddle Championship again in 1990, 1991 and 1994.
A very successful breeding stallion, Matt had many successful
offspring, including World Ladies Park Harness Champion, CEN Can’t
Touch This; Reserve World Three-Year-Old English Pleasure Champion, The Gifted Touch; World Two-Year-Old Park Harness Champion,
The Magic Touch; Grand National Three-Year-Old Park Harness Mare
and Gelding Champion, CN The Valiant Touch; and World Amateur
Park Saddle Champion, CN The Masters Flyte.
Matt continued to breed mares
until the ripe old age of 25. His
legacy continues through The
Master’s Touch mares that have
proven to be exceptional broodmares.
This horse of a lifetime was
owned by Cindy Nord, who
entrusted her beloved Matt to
the care and training of Mike
Goebig, who rode him to those
unprecedented World Championships.
For all who have ever seen this stallion perform, or watched him
regally stand sentry in his stall, or owned a horse with his linage, or just
appreciated greatness, the loss of this iconic stallion is deeply felt.
Matt was buried in the outdoor arena, where he can keep a close eye
on Mike and Dwayne working horses (and also on his mares!). He will
be sorely missed.
Canadian Morgan
Affiliated Morgan Horse Clubs of Canada
The Morgan Horse Club of Nova Scotia
British Columbia Interior
Don Porter
President: Gunther Funk
4280 Schubert Road
Armstrong, BC V0E 1B4
(250) 546-2891
PO Box 303
Stewiacke, NS B0N 2J0
(902) 639-2832
Bev Young
Secretary: Rachael Sdoutz
1576 Chase Falkland Road
Chase, BC V0E 1M1
Ph/fax: (250) 679-1175
19 Lacy Anne Avenue
Enfield, NS B2T 0A5
(902) 883-9908
President: Sarah Oliveira
R.R. #2,
Leduc, AB T9E 2X2
(780) 986-4165
President: Yannick Laflamme
4580 Rang des Soixante, St. Jean Baptiste, QC J0L 2B0
(450) 467-2732
Secretary: Del Burns
Lacombe, AB T4L 2N2
(403) 885-4992
Secretary: Melanie Parenteau
4580 Rang des Soixante, St. Jean Baptiste, QC J0L 2B0
(450) 467-2732
AB Morgan Club.indd 1
6/18/2011 2:27:30 PM
Melissa MacKenzie
President: Sherri Wilson
Dawn Brown
Secretary: Amanda Belloso
971 Scugog Line 12, R.R. #3
Uxbridge, ON
(905) 852-9406
63 McManus Street
Passekeag, NB E5N 7S3
(506) 832-5515
222 Route 870
Collina, NB E5P 1P8
(506) 433-5725
9 Royal Amber Crescent
Mount Albert, ON L0G 1M0
(647) 886-5265
The New York State Morgan Horse Society
An Oĸcial Chapter of the American Morgan Horse AssociaƟ
B Card - ON Morgan Club.indd 1
We invite you to invesƟgate our Morgan
horses and acƟviƟes. You can visit our
website at for the latest
news, classieds, and events. Links to
other acƟviƟes such as the NY Regional
Horse Show and NY Stallion Service
AucƟon can also be found there.
Ron Sandhoff
Box 524
Estevan, SK
S4A 2A5. Ph: 306-421-0962
Carol Uhrich
Box 143, Francis, SK S0G 1V0
Ph: 306-245-3384
For more informaƟon or a copy of our newsleƩer, The Trader,
write to Mark Langdon at or at
161 Dublin Hill Road, Southbury, CT. 06488
November/December 2011
SK Morgan Club.indd 1
6/18/2011 2:34:51 PM
2:20:42 PM
Morgan Marketplace
Box 758, Estevan
Saskatchewan S4A 2A6
Tel: (306) 634-3333
Fax: (306) 634-9851
Cell: (306) 421-3161
Promoting and supporting
all breeds and disciplines
11 issues per year, 30,000+ readers
Your Best Value Magazine!
P.O. Box 371
Armstrong, BC V0E 1B0
Member of the BC
Interior Morgan
Horse Club
L. Feucht
Box 432, Meadow Lake
Saskatchewan, S9K 1Y3
Tel: (306) 236-4790
Fax: (306) 236-5579
Who’s on the Back Cover?
MF Beam Walker is the epitome of Justin Morgan: small, fast and versatile, a true
“Morgan horse.” At age 25, Blackie—like fine wine—just gets better with age as
evidenced by his best-ever results at the Battle of the Breeds.
Blackie and his teammates were again crowned champions at the Spruce Meadows
TELUS Battle of the Breeds as Team Morgan won its 5th
championship in the past 12 years. JMF Beam Walker
and Cec Watson had the individual high score in both
Precision Skills (Dressage) and Trail Riding out of 20
competitors and they tied for 3rd in Obstacle Driving.
In addition, in 2011 he participated in the Southern
Foundation of
Canada Trail Ride, demonstrations and booth duty at the
Calgary Stampede and horse shows in addition to his
regular duties as a lesson and therapeutic riding program
The back cover picture is a head shot of Blackie
wearing his championship ribbon at Spruce Meadows on
September 12, 2011. He is truly an amazing horse and we
Above and right photos by Brett Watson.
want to thank Will, Dorothy and Bruce Janzen of JMF
Top right photo courtesy Interior ProvinMorgan Farm for breeding him. He is, in every sense, a
cial Exhibition & Stampede.
Canadian Morgan
Morgan Marketplace
The Kavanagh Family
Breeders of National
Champion Morgans
- Level 1 Saddle Seat
- Training available
Kris & Inge Johnsen
he CMHA Board of
Directors wish to
advise that due to
and insufficient advertising
income we can not continue
the Canadian Morgan magazine in its present format.
We will continue to provide
communication in hard copy
(scaled down magazine or
newsletter) and electronically by ENews and the CMHA
Web site.
The board will be addressing
this further at our November
20th board meeting to have a
resolve for January 2012.
If you have any questions
or concerns, please contact
your Zone Director.
November/December 2011
Tr e e F a r m s L t d .
13616 232ND STREET
TEL: (604) 463-2571
FAX: (604) 463-2590
place to find your Morgan and a great place to sell your Morgan! Web site
is updated on a regular basis. Visit to view the
listing. For more info call (905) 985-0691 or
New Members!
Taylor M. Comberbach, Stonewall
Theresa Nabe, Swan River
British Columbia
Victoria Hamblin, Houston
Linda Sjoman, Winfield
Paula Shemming, Ladysmith
Hailey Wickens, Sherwood Park
Janine Tatlow, Wetaskiwin
Abby Pitts, Lloydminster
st. john performance horses
lv absolutely
(De Novo Shameless X Arboria Apollo’s Pride)
2009 Saskatchewan Zone / Champion InHand Stallions / Reserve Champion Hunter
Pleasure / Reserve Champion Overall
Standing the 2011 season to a
limited number of mares.
Corbin and Jessie St. John
Box 112, Brock, SK S0L0H0 Tel: (306)379-2115
Make Your Dreams Come True
For Stud Service and Sales visit:
Tim & Wendy Inch
R.R.1 St.Thomas ON N5P 3S5