it here


it here
Calendar 2016
Is Always the Answer
Veeresh and the Humaniversity Family
Working with People for a Better World
Gratitude – So Happy to Be Me!
Love is always the answer
International School for the Fulfillment of the Human Being
The Osho Humaniversity is an experiential school for exploring who you are and
how you can lead a more fulfilling life. Our therapy blends Western psychology
and Eastern meditation, and is especially influenced by the philosophy of Osho.
You can study with us for a day, a week, or even several years.
Premdip is the Chief Executive of the Osho Humaniversity. This is an excerpt from
her speech at the annual graduation ceremony during the Gathering in May 2015
“When I look at my amazing life
And my beautiful world around me
I am filled with deep gratitude
For everything that exists.
The only prayer I have in my heart
Is a never-ending thank you.
Thank you to existence
For giving me all I need,
So I can feel the love I am.
Thank you for creating the universe
And our wonderful planet
We live on.
Veeresh set things up so it is possible for us
to go on the way he planned it. As his staff,
we have centuries of wisdom. Our vision is
that we are going to use this wisdom and
everything he taught us over the years. We
continue his work, Osho’s work, our work.
We continue Veeresh’s creation in therapy.
We carry on in the same way as we did
when he was around. I am sure the people
who are here with us feel him even though
Thank you for offering the space,
So I can celebrate and be grateful.
I am so happy to know that I am;
I have such an amazing life.“
− Veeresh
This was the last poem Veeresh wrote.
Veeresh is not here in his body anymore,
and I personally find that extremely difficult.
I never wanted that day to come. Having
been so close to him for 35 years makes it
even more difficult.
I am deeply grateful to have had the
opportunity to be with Veeresh. I can see he
is in many places now he is not here in his
body anymore. Veeresh is in us. He is in all
the people whom he loved and who loved
him. He is in the Humaniversity premises and
beyond. He is in everything that he created,
and so his spirit lives on.
Veeresh used to joke that after he would
leave his body we, the Humaniversity staff,
could do whatever we wanted with the
Humaniversity, even create a McDonald’s
Geetee asked him, “Do you really mean
it?” Veeresh said, “No, I don’t want a
McDonald’s. I want our work to continue.”
Veeresh and Premdip
some do not know him personally.
Veeresh said he wanted me to take care
of everything that he leaves behind. He told
me that it would be a big responsibility. I
was always overwhelmed by the idea that
he would not be here one day. I don’t even
know if I ever said “thank you” to him for
trusting me in this way. I believe Veeresh felt
my love and gratitude through my tears.
As his staff, we have decided to do it
together. Some people come to me and
say, “Wow, it’s great that you continue
Veeresh’s work.” Then I look at them and
think, “What else is there to do?” For
me there is no doubt. That is what we
want to do. It is the best thing we can do,
and we have been trained to do it in the
most beautiful way possible. I don’t know
anything else that I could be doing, and I
am not interested in doing anything else
We are all responsible. Veeresh’s mission
statement has always been, “Working with
People for a Better World.” So, we work!
During his life, Veeresh was ahead of his
time and shared a very ancient wisdom, the
wisdom of his heart. That’s why Veeresh’s
work resonates in people from different
countries and races.
We have been blessed to have had him
for so long. Sometimes, when I get sad, I
feel like, “Hey, be a bit grateful, rather than
pitying yourself,” and sometimes I think it
is okay to cry.
We are of course going to do it our way,
because we are not Veeresh. He never
expected us to be him anyway. Veeresh
wanted us to use him as a role model,
so that we can find who we are inside
Together, we are strong. Together, we
can do it, even if it feels like an impossible
task. Veeresh’s message is, “Love is always
the answer.” At the beginning I thought,
“Quite a simple statement.” At that time I
did not understand it. But throughout the
years by Veeresh’s side, I have gone into the
depth of what it actually means, and now I
understand. When I get confused or lost in
my emotions, I look at that sentence and get
back on track. “Love is always the answer.”
The rest is either miscommunication or
So yes, we are keeping Veeresh’s vision alive.
– Premdip
“When people come to our commune I encourage them to explore who they are and love
themselves. When they go home, they are ready to share their love with others
and spread it all over the world.”
– Veeresh, founder of the Osho Humaniversity
How to Begin?
Weekend Workshops and Festivals
A great way to begin is with the introductory
workshop, A Taste, the Social Meditation Weekend, joining one of our festivals or choosing any
workshop from this calendar.
Tourist Program
A 14-day journey of self-discovery tailored to the
issues you wish to focus on. Learn exactly what
you need, what you’re missing, what you want in
your life and how to make it possible.
Individual Sessions
Work one-on-one with a therapist. We offer
counseling, emotional release, massage, natural
healing arts and more.
Humaniversity Intensives
Residential Programs
Veeresh Intensives were famous for their intensity,
depth and excitement. The Humaniversity Staff is
continuing these intensives in his spirit.
Live and learn full-time at the Humaniversity.
For more details, see our website.
with People
l WOW Summer Intensive
l Coming Together
l Working
Become a Meditation Leader
Meditation Leader Training
l Social Meditation Leader Training
l OSHO Meditation Facilitator Training
l The Heart Level Intensive Training
General information
Humaniversity Trainings
Course registration time: 14:00 to 18:00*
Course end time: 21:00*
Prices include food and accommodation*
Participate in one workshop a month and
develop yourself over the course of the year.
For more details, see our website.
*Unless otherwise stated
l Therapist
Open Day
Every first Sunday of the month at 15:00
(except January and August)
Discounts available for early payment, students
and bringing a new friend. Contact us for details.
Humaniversity Foundation is registered with
CRKBO (Central Register for Vocational Education)
The Netherlands
Student Program
Spend one month to one year learning new ways
to relate with others and express yourself so you
can live the life you always dreamed of.
One-Year Intensive
Combines all of our programs into one year that
will change your life forever.
Humaniversity Addiction Program Intensive
Healing the source of all types of addictions.
Community Experience Program
Live and work in the Humaniversity community.
l Encounter
Sexuality l Personal Education
l Flushing Leader Training
Bodywork and Natural Healing Arts
l Wellness
l Myofascial Energetic Release Bodywork
l Family Constellation
l Dealing with Trauma
l AcuEnergetics
l Tan-Ju
Teenager Summer and Winter
and Kids Camps
l Parents
Entrance to the Humaniversity campus
January / February
Feb 5 – 7
E 340
This is an advanced training course
for leaders. It is only possible to
guide others to places where you are
willing to go yourself. Improve
your sensitivity, awareness,
communication and creativity as a
For many, the greatest fear in our
professional and social life is to show
ourselves in front of an audience.
In this experiential workshop you
will receive support, coaching and
feedback to improve your clarity and
confidence in front of others.
E 360
Food and accommodation optional for a fee
Shaking Day
Gentle Loving Care
Prem Jan
Gabi & Prasad
Sun 13.00 – 17.00
Jan 8 – 10
E 360
Isha & Geetee
Gabi & Prasad will teach you
practical and positive solutions
to improve your sensitivity. With
patience and gentle care, they will
guide you to open your heart and
communicate with each other in a
loving way.
The goal of Humaniversity Encounter
is friendship. It takes courage to
relate with an open heart and to
be honest and straight in your
communication with others. By
learning to express yourself you
will gain insights into how you
can improve your behavior, your
relationships and the quality of your
daily life.
This group is also the start of the
Encounter Training
Top: Student family mandala
Right: Evening Meeting with
Sangitama and band
E 360
Body Knowledge &
Your body reflects your state of
being, behavior and attitudes. In
this workshop you will learn to read
and understand your body type and
how this relates to your emotional
life. Sangitama will guide you to
release tensions through emotional
expression and replace negativity
with healing messages.
Jan 29 – 31
E 350
Sexual Healing
Sunahla & Ketu
We all need touch, intimacy and
sexual pleasure, but emotional pain
and early childhood traumas often
prevent us from reaching out to
others for the very things we need.
In this safe, supportive space, you
will move beyond your emotional
wounds towards sexual fulfillment.
Jan 30 – 31
E 350
Yogini & Rajan
Fri 10.00 – Sun 19.00
Jan 22 – 24
Feb 26 – 28
The Art of Presence
& Presentation
E 330
E 360
Qualities of
Family Constellations
Jan 15 – 17
Feb 12 – 14
Family Constellation
Feb 12 – 14
E 12,50
E 820
Rebirthing &
From childhood we learn to repress
our feelings, which contracts our
body as we grow up. Using breath,
bioenergetic and physical exercises,
you will release negative emotions
and tension to reach a more natural
state where your body and being is
Jan 3
Feb 12 – 17
Family Constellations is a gentle yet
powerful technique that exposes
and heals patterns derived from
your family of origin. Through
role playing, intuition and the
experienced guidance of Sakino,
you will participate in your own
constellation and support others in
Fri 10.00 – Wed 19.00
Food and accommodation optional for a fee
This is the 3rd block of the training
in Systemic Constellation Work and
Trauma Healing, which can be
joined at any time. The training
consists of 6 blocks, each with
a 3-day constellation workshop
followed by 3 days of training,
two blocks per year. The training
enables you to use constellation
and systemic tools in a therapeutic
setting as well as in coaching and
counseling, both for individual
sessions and groups.
Limited to 15 participants
Admission is by interview only.
Feb 19 – 21
Feb 26 – 28
E 360
Power of Love
E 190
Gurdjieff Movements
Dhyan Prem
Fri 19.30 – Sun 19.00
When you fulfill your need to give
and receive love, you enter a state of
self-love. In this dynamic workshop
you will use interactive structures and
emotional release to look inside, see
the other and express yourself fully.
Then you can be open, powerful and
loving again and again.
Food and accommodation optional for a fee
An introduction to the practice of
the sacred dances, created by the
contemporary mystic, G.I. Gurdjieff.
The simple rhythm and flow of the
movements will bring you into a
beautiful heart space and stillness.
From left: Sunito receives appreciation from the group
Group staff hug
Dhyan Prem
E 85
A Taste
Sat 15.00 – Sun 15.00
A Taste is our introductory workshop.
Share yourself, explore and express
your emotions and party together
in our nightclub. Explanation and
participation in the AUM Meditation
is included.
March / April
E 540
Healing Trauma
Mar 19 – 20
E 38
Sangitama & Nilaya
Osho Celebration
Thur 19.30 – Sun 21.00
Sambodhi & Prasad
Traumatic experiences are painful,
but they also provide the
opportunity for growth. Instead of
avoiding your past, learn how to
open up and feel again. We will
help you activate the healing power
within you and diminish the emotional
charge of your life. Take a step in a
safe way to become the real you.
Sat 10.00 – Sun 19.00
Mar 11 – 13
E 360
Sexuality Awareness
Food and accommodation optional for a fee
We open our doors this weekend and
welcome all who are interested in
Osho. Experience Osho’s active and
silent meditations, Evening Meeting
with live music, Social Meditations,
questions & answers with our staff,
a celebration party in our nightclub
and much more. Choose the
activities that interest you.
Pre-sale 5 25 if paid by March 12
Mar 23 – Apr 6
Sexuality is a gift from nature. It
allows us to give and receive pleasure
and create life. Social conditioning
can create confusion and restriction
in sexuality. Through emotional
awareness exercises, interactions
and creative expression you will
open your heart and experience a
deeper awareness of your sexuality.
This group is also the start of the
E 2,180
Chandrika & Prem Jan
E 990
AUM Marathon
Geetee & Isha
Fri 19.30 – Thur 15.00
The Aum Marathon is one of the
most exciting and intense workshops
that we offer. Geetee and Isha will
OSHO Meditation
Facilitator Training
Jayesh & Yasha
Flushing is a powerful process of
emotional release and awareness. It
takes you on an exciting journey into
your loving self. Through intense
expression and deep connections
you will come out empowered,
feeling lighter, joyful and able to
make positive changes in your life.
Apr 14 – 20
Join our Humaniversity community
during the Easter holiday with your
kids up to the age of 12.
E 85
A Taste
Sat 15.00 – Sun 15.00
Our introductory workshop
(See page 2)
Apr 8 – 10
E 1,590
E 250
Food and accommodation optional for a fee
Learn the skills and gain the
confidence to introduce OSHO
Meditations to others – with friends,
Fri 19.00 – Sun 19.00
Food and accommodation optional for a fee
Through storytelling and practice,
these shamans will teach you how to
heal with Live Wood and the spirits
of ancient trees. Dusty Miller‘s father
is the patriarch of the oldest elfin
tribe still living in the British Isles.
E 340
Sex & Intimacy
Everybody wants intimacy and yet
we are all afraid of it. By looking
inward with awareness, you can
face your fears and move beyond
them. Meet others, share honestly,
flirt, express and take a risk to show
yourself and what your heart desires.
Apr 29 – May 1
E 190
Social Meditation
Chandrika & Sangita
Social Meditations are a great way
to open your heart, dance, meditate
and connect with others. Enjoy
a taste of our Social Meditations
including the Love, Peace, Dance,
Our Sacred Earth, Friendship, Tan-Ju,
AUM and Samasati Meditations.
Often illness starts in the colon,
so detoxifying it is an effective
preventive medicine. This cleanse
will help you to improve all bodily
functions so that you can feel vital
and energized again. Individual
sessions are included in this
E 380
Benefit from the vast experience
and long friendship of Premdip and
Chandrika. This workshop includes
an opportunity to work on issues of
trust and care with the support of
the group. Clear away judgments to
see yourself and others with loving
with Lucia Rijker
World Champion Boxer
and Kickboxer
E 25
9 Weekends of Martial Arts, Self-Defense & Body Training
Apr 29 – May 4
E 590
Social Meditation
Leader Training
Fri 19.30 – Sun 19.00
Thur 9.00 – Wed 21.00
Apr 15 – 17
Apr 22 – 24
Food and accommodation optional for a fee
Chandrika & Premdip
Healing with Live Wood
Dusty 14 & Claudia Miller
Fri 19.00 – 21.00
Fri 10.00 – Sun 18.00
in a meditation center, in your
business or other professional setting.
Topics include the science behind
each meditation, the essence of
their steps, the guidelines and role
of facilitator and how to respond to
meditators’ questions. Presentation
practice is included. You will receive
a Certificate of Participation on
conclusion of the course. Some
previous experience of OSHO Active
Meditations is required.
Humaniversity College of Martial Arts presents
Limited to eight participants
Shamanic Work
Introductory Evening
E 360
Chandrika & Sangita
Fri 19.30 – Wed 21.00
Food and accommodation optional for a fee
Social Meditations were developed
by Veeresh. Since then they have
spread to 43 countries around the
world. They are an ideal way to
help people let go of stress, renew
their energy, and come together with
warmth and understanding.
Become a certified Humaniversity
Social Meditation Leader in this
five-day comprehensive training. The
Social Meditations included in this
training are the Love, Peace, Dance,
Our Sacred Earth, Friendship,
Tan-Ju, and Samasati Meditations.
This weekend is also a part of the Social
Meditation Leader Training.
This training will certify you to lead
the Humaniversity AUM Meditation.
During the training you will
participate in the AUM Marathon.
With this experience you will have a
better understanding of yourself and
others when leading.
The second half of the course will
be a hands-on training including
standards and ethics, presentation
skills, video and peer group
feedback, handling emergencies,
promotion and personal guidance
from Chandrika and Prem Jan.
Apr 22 – 24
Colon Health
Sangitama & Wellness Team
Thurs 17.00 – Mon 15.00
Apr 2 – 3
Wed 19.30 – Wed 21.00
E 320
Parents & Kids Camp Wellness Week
AUM Meditation
Leader Training
Mar 25 – 31
Mar 24 – 28 Price on request
Apr 8 – 10
Fire ceremony
take you on an emotional roller
coaster of experiences, insights and
delights. You will share remarkable
experiences with interesting people
who will become close friends. They
will turn you on to keep moving
until you ‘see the light‘.
The goal is to change your life
and learn to become an emotionally
healthy human being. If you do one
workshop in your life, this should
be it!
“When love goes into action, life
becomes amazing.” – Veeresh
Mar 3 – 6
Take a look at
our selection
of Humaniversity
brand clothing,
Humaniversity Sound
music, posters, DVDs,
books and jewelry at
Student family outing
Friends Forever
May 6 – 8
E 360
Counselling Skills
Gandha brings her lifelong
experience and teaches simple
methods to solve conflicts within
yourself and build bridges with the
people around you. Recommended
both for professionals as well as for
those who want to use these skills in
their personal life.
May 6 – 8
E 330
From Heart to Heart
Rajan & Gabi
We live in a complicated world but
you can keep your personal life and
your relationships simple, loving and
real. Create a life that is clear, juicy
and adventurous. Let go of your
crowded, busy mind and express
the passion and inspiration of your
May 12 – 16
E 300
Friends Forever
Thurs 19.30 – Mon 21.00
This annual meeting is exclusively
for graduates of the Therapist,
Encounter, Sexuality Trainings and
the One Year Intensive. Come
together, party and support one
another to renew your vision. We’ll
join the program of the Gathering in
the weekend and continue meeting
each other on Monday.
Premdip, Chandrika & Gandha
This part of the training focuses on
the anatomy of the spine and how
to treat the source of lower back,
neck and shoulder pain. You will
practice guiding your client to build
their own essential inner support.
For more info:
Sat 12.00 – Sun 18.00
May 14 – 15
E 120
The Gathering
The Humaniversity is an international
training institute where friendship
lies at the heart of everything. Join
our annual reunion of therapists,
staff and students as we celebrate
and share our latest developments.
The Gathering also includes a vision
by Premdip, annual graduations and
the Mega AUM on Sunday.
May 15
E 36
Mega AUM
Sun 12.00 – 18.00
Refresh your heart in the famous
Humaniversity AUM Meditation. This
is a high-energy event!
Pre-sale 5 25 if paid by May 8
May 19 – 24
E 625
MER Training
Myofascial Energetic
Release Bodywork
Spine, Lower Back, Neck & Shoulders
Thur 19.30 – Tue 19.00
Food and accommodation optional for a fee
Learn how to live pain-free and
guide others with your experience.
The source of 95% of chronic pain
is soft tissue spasm, often caused
by the holding back of emotions.
Satyarthi, a master bodyworker with
over 30 years of experience, will
personally guide you to explore deep
bodywork as a healing art.
May 20 – 22
E 340
Power & Sex
Prem Jan & Sambodhi
When you are confident in yourself,
you can explore the beauty of
sexuality without getting caught
up in games that lead to hurt and
frustration. We will support you
to overcome obstacles of shyness,
insecurity and self-doubt and invite
you into an adventure of pleasure
and fulfillment.
May 27 – Jun 2
E 1,590
Wellness Week
Liver Cleanse
Sangitama & Wellness Team
Fri 9.00 – Thur 21.00
The liver is the largest internal organ
of the body. One of its functions is
to break down toxins. You will do an
Andreas Moritz liver flush in which
you eliminate liver and gallbladder
stones. Afterwards you will feel
rejuvenated and energized. We also
offer alternative herbal treatments
for your liver.
Limited to eight participants
May 27 – 29
E 340
From Depression
to Joy
Depression is just a hesitation to
express who you are. Shake off the
Chandrika & Geetee
dust of your old belief systems and
take a position by saying yes to your
life. Take a look inside and discover
the hidden treasures within you.
Jun 3 – 5
E 340
Secrets to Manifesting Love
When you live from the heart,
everything changes. In moments of
quiet inspiration your life unfolds
like a flower, your priorities fall
into place and your relationships
Discover the path of love instead
of playing games. Find your way of
loving and learn how to enjoy being
yourself. Ahaaa!
Jun 10 – 12
E 360
Love in Action
This workshop is a unique opportunity
to get a full dose of love and bliss.
Led by Chandrika and supported by
an incredible group energy, you will
dive into yourself deeply through
therapeutic techniques designed
to free your mind and land you
in your heart. You are a source of
inexhaustible joy and pleasure. Just
turn on the tap in your heart.
Jun 15 – 23 E 1,500
Training Level 1 & 2
Nivedana & Roxy
Wed 9.00 – Thur 19.00
Food and accommodation optional for a fee
Early bird discounts available
AcuEnergetics is a modern healing
method that integrates Chinese,
Judaic, Indian and Western healing
traditions into an accurate energy
medicine. Thousands of people
have been successfully treated with
various conditions, many of whom
have had no success with Western
This course is for people who wish
to take a journey of discovery into
themselves, or for those looking to
start a new career or enhance an
existing one in Western or
complementary medicine.
and more. Enjoy our beautiful
gardens and hang out with friends.
Choose the activities that interest
There will be a 2-day break during the
Open Spirit Festival (June 18–19)
For more info:
Pre-sale 5 25 if paid by June 11
Jun 18 – 19
E 38
Open Spirit
Midsummer Festival
Sambodhi & Prasad
Sat 10.00 – Sun 19.00
Food and accommodation optional for a fee
Celebrate the summer with Social
Meditations, the AUM Meditation,
dancing, theater, singing, beach
walks, shamanism, individual sessions
Jun 24 – 26
E 350
Art of Relating
Isha & Rajan
“Yes! No! Maybe! I am right! You
are wrong!” are all positions we can
identify with. Communicate honestly,
clear out interpersonal conflicts and
become closer with each other. When
we accept all our ways of relating, we
can find the freedom to be who we
truly are.
Jun 25 – 28
E 650
The Heart Level
4-Day Meditation Intensive
Sat 9.00 – Tue 19.00
Food and accommodation optional for a fee
This is both a personal meditation
intensive and an accreditation
course for teaching meditation. It
is taught by AcuEnergetics founder
Kevin Nivedana Farrow, who has
been meditating for 40 years and is
known worldwide as a wise, unique
and practical meditation teacher.
When combined with AcuEnergetics
Level 1 & 2, you can become an
AcuEnergetics® meditation teacher.
Jul 1 – 3
August / September
E 330
Jul 15 – Aug 15
Meditation in the
Market Place
Tan-Ju Summer
Sambodhi & Sunito
Fri 15.00 – Mon 15.00
Meditation in the market place
means mastering your life in the
way you want it to be. Find out that
by pausing and turning in, many of
the outside conditions which were
disturbing you will have less of an
effect. We will practice a variety of
silent, active and social meditations.
Jul 9 – 10
Teenagers from age 14 to 20
Tan-Ju is a school for teenagers from
all over the world. You will learn to
take care of each other, increase
your self-confidence, find yourself
Sat 15.00 – Sun 15.00
Our introductory workshop
(See page 2)
E 4,800
Sun 12.00 – 18.00
(See page 6)
Pre-sale 5 25 if paid by July 24
Aug 19 – 21
E 340
E 25
After meditating and feeling a silent
heart space, you will create your
own beautiful, unique mandala with
a simple technique. It is playful and
surprising! Limited places
Tan Ju Show
E 360
Dealing with Trauma
Part 1
Prabhat & Pia
mental level. Take care of your
body and with the professional help
of Sangitama and her team, feel
vitalized and refreshed again.
Limited to eight participants
Sep 16 – 18
Isha & Jayesh
Learn the difference between the
power of response and the trap of
reaction. Automatic behavior blocks
your spontaneity and your ability to
love and take responsibility. When
you trust your personal power, you
become your own authority and
respond to every situation from a
position of love.
E 190
Social Meditation
Chandrika & Rajan
Fri 19.30 – Sun 19.00
(See page 5 for details)
Aug 26 – 31 E 350
Personal Power
E 590
This group is also the start of the
Therapist Training
Social Meditation
Leader Training
Sep 21
Chandrika & Rajan
E 36
Global AUM
Fri 19.30 – Wed 21.00
For World Peace
WOW 2015 group photo
(See page 5 for details)
Sep 2 – 4
Sat 14:00 – 18:00
Aug 26 – 28 Dealing with Trauma Training.
The training consists of two
workshops of three days each,
with an interval of two months in
between to integrate and practice.
The trainers will be available during
this time by phone or e-mail. Read
more on:
Aug 26 – 28 Chandrika
Participation is for the entire month
Early bird discounts available
Mandalas painted by Chandrika
Mandala Painting
Fri 15.00 – Mon 15.00
E 36
Mega AUM
Aug 20
Geetee, Isha & Staff
See our WOW brochure for more details
Jul 31
Anger is the basic human reaction
to protect yourself from pain. It‘s
helpful and healthy so long as you
don‘t get stuck in it. Recognize
and embrace your anger and learn
to express it in a responsible way.
Start saying “no” to that which is
not helpful and “yes” to clarity and
emotional well-being.
E 85
This group is a one-month intensive.
It will take you to the depths of your
being and to the heights of your
consciousness. The WOW is a challenging and life-affirming 24-hour-a-day
workshop. Guided with a lot of
passion and care by Geetee and
Isha, you are constantly invited to
become your most beautiful self.
By the end of the month you will
have moved beyond your mind and
into your heart in a feeling that can
only be described with “WOW!”
contributing to the group and
supporting one another to become
loving friends.
Enjoy martial arts, parties, theater,
outings and expressing your feelings.
Tan-Ju is a special gang of young and
lively teenagers who want to make
this world a better place to live.
Check out the Tan-Ju show at
Dharmaraj & Sangita
A Taste
Jul 15 – Aug 15
E 1,930
E 310
Self Esteem
Aranyo & Prasad
Through pain and humiliation,
we begin to doubt the natural
trust we have in ourselves. Using
communication, emotional release,
theater and clownery, we will guide
you to re-establish a deep sense of
Sep 9 – 11
E 380
of Sex & Encounter
Chandrika & Premdip
Alchemy is the magical process of
transformation. Experience a wide
range of personal and interpersonal
awareness exercises with others in
the group. You will turn fear into
excitement, anger into love,
indifference into ecstasy and negative
Wed 12.00 – 18.00
values into a positive vision.
Sep 14 – 20
E 1,590
Wellness Week
Kidney Cleanse
Sangitama & Wellness Team
Wed 9.00 – Tue 21.00
Cleanse your kidneys with herbal
teas and fasting. This program is
designed to help you detox and let
go on a physical, emotional and
Create peace within yourself and
with others in the Humaniversity
AUM Meditation on this International
Day of Peace. Hundreds of people in
AUM’s around the world will celebrate
peace and love together on this day.
Pre-sale 5 25 if paid by September 14
From left:
Gabi & Sambodhi
1st stage of the AUM Meditation
I open my heart to you
Divine Healing on the beach
Fri 10.00 – Sun 19.00
Food and accommodation optional for a fee
A crash course offering new tools
in trauma therapy for those who
work with people individually –
from social work to therapy
This weekend is part 1 of the
The Tourist Program
September / October
Sep 24 – 25
E 38
Body-Soul Festival
Sambodhi & Prasad
Food and accommodation optional for a fee
Revitalize your body and nourish
your soul this weekend. Choose
from a wonderful selection of
Healing Arts, including Meditations,
Tai Chi, AcuEnergetics, Yoga, Reiki,
Nutrition, Seminars, Qi Gong and
much more.
Pre-sale 5 25 if paid by September 17
E 490
Talking to the
BodyMind Training
Participation in classes only 5 140
Daily 8.00 – 12.00 (class 8.00 – 9.30)
Food and accommodation optional for a fee
Each morning you will participate
in the one-hour “OSHO Reminding
Yourself of the Forgotten Language of
Talking to the BodyMind“ awareness
class. The training will follow after
each class, teaching you to lead this
beautiful meditation that Osho left us.
Sep 29 – Oct 2
Mon 9.00 – 19.00
treatments and friendship.
This week is ideal for people who
are burned-out, overloaded, tired,
or miss the sparkle of life. It‘s a week
of deep cleansing for the body, mind
and soul. Your body will appreciate
this positive attention, and you will
end up feeling more relaxed and
joyful, with a clear mind and an
open heart.
Admission by interview only
Limited to eight participants
Oct 3
Sat 10.00 – Sun 19.00
Sep 26 – Oct 2
become grounded, happy, open,
radiant and able to move towards
the life you choose.
E 540
Flushing Intensive
Thur 19.30 – Sun 21.00
Flushing is a powerful process of
emotional release and awareness.
During this three-day group we will
include a 24-hour marathon guiding
you on a journey to the core of your
being. Through intense expression
and deep connections, you will
E 100
Flushing Leader
Training Day
Oct 7 – 9
E 360
Oct 13 – 16
The Art of Love
Thurs 19.30 – Sun 21.00
Everyone wants to be loved. Learning
the art of love is a lifelong affair and
it starts this very moment!
Unconditional love is not love
because you need to be loved – it is
love because you need to love. Once
you start giving from the heart, your
life becomes abundant.
While we were growing up, our
parents’ behavior defined the world
for us. Sometimes it can be difficult
to break out of the patterns that we
learned long ago. In this workshop
Chandrika will guide you to free old
emotions so that you can find your
innocence again. Let go of negativity
and learn to forgive your parents
and yourself, so that you can live
your life with gratitude.
Wellness Week
Burnout Recovery
Sangitama & Wellness Team
Wed 9.00 – Tue 21.00
Step away from your daily routine,
stress and work – and add meditation,
a healthy diet, strengthening
exercises, massages, wellness
Oct 21 – 23
E 280
Awaken Your G-spot
Fri 19.00 – Sun 19.00
Food and accommodation optional for a fee
E 1,590
Oct 21 – 23
Deborah Sundahl
E 540
Je t’aime
Oct 12 – 18
We will also look at masculinity,
fatherhood, vulnerability, intimacy,
competition, friendship and vision.
Discover that manhood is an exciting
journey. Come, share your heart and
be aware of the many gifts you have
as a man. For men only.
E 340
Shiva Power
Male Sexuality
Ketu & Jayesh
In this workshop we explore the
many facets of male sexuality.
In this 2-day workshop the wellknown American sex educator,
Deborah Sundahl, will teach you
sensitively and playfully to discover
and awaken the feminine G-spot
and explore female ejaculation.
For women only. Limited places
G-spot Seminar E 35
For Men & Women
Fri 20.00 – 21.30 Oct 25 – Nov 10
E 2,490
AUM Meditation
Leader Training
Chandrika & Prem Jan
Tue 19.30 – Thurs 21.00
Become part of our worldwide
network of Humaniversity AUM
Leaders and learn to share this lifechanging process with others. This
training will guide you through a
deep personal transformation to
become more compassionate with
yourself and others in your care.
When you teach from your own
experience, people can identify
with you and create change in their
personal lives.
The training includes participation
in Working With People. The second
half of the course will be a handson training including standards and
ethics, presentation skills, video
and peer group feedback, handling
emergencies and promotion.
Oct 27 – Nov 4
E 1,230
Working with
Geetee & Yogini
Thur 19.30 – Fri 15.00
This course is designed for anyone
who wants to learn first-hand about
themselves and what it means to
care for others. To support and help
another person you first need to
be clear about yourself and accept
where you are at.
During this week you will go
through unexpected, fast-changing
and challenging situations which
help you to become aware of your
behaviors and feelings. You will
experience different therapeutic
approaches such as encounter and
bioenergetics. Learn that when
working with people, love is the
only position to take.
Oct 30
Happy birthday song to Yogini
The Tourist Program is an
intensive self-awareness process.
It is an introduction to seeing
yourself in a different light. You
will find out what you need,
what you’re missing, what you
want in your life and how to
make it possible. This program
is for anyone, whether you have
relationship issues or just want to
explore who you are, because it’s
designed to fit you personally.
With social role plays you
will exaggerate parts of your
personality, which can be
hilarious, all for the purpose
of gaining more insight into
who you are. With the healing
support of others, you will
accept both your negative and
positive qualities, and see that
you have the choice to change
your behavior.
“At the Humaniversity, every
aspect of your day is part
of the learning process –
everybody is your teacher.“
– Veeresh
E 36
Mega AUM
Sun 12.00 – 18.00
(See page 6)
Pre-sale 5 25 if paid by October 23
Two Weeks That Will Change Your Life
“If you want to create change in your life it is necessary to step out of your usual patterns and
behavior, so that you can see yourself from a different angle. Then you will become aware of
who you are and what you do. This awareness is the key to initiating and creating change.”
– Veeresh
November / December
Nov 5 – 7
E 360
Nov 18 – 20
E 360
Dealing with Trauma Feel Your Body
Part 2
Prabhat & Pia
Food and accommodation optional for a fee
A crash course offering new tools
in trauma therapy for those who
work with people individually –
from social work to therapy
This weekend is part 2 of the Dealing
with Trauma Training.
Read more on page 8 and on our
Nov 11 – 16
With Sangitama’s unique skills you
will be guided to allow your body to
be vibrant, relaxed and flowing.
When you say “yes” to your
sensations and feelings, you will
get in touch with the aliveness in
your body. Rediscover your perfect
Nov 18 – 20
E 360
Family Constellations
E 795
Fri 10.00 – Sun 19.00
Food and accommodation optional for a fee
Use role playing and intuition to heal
deep patterns from your family of
origin. (See page 3 for details)
Fri 19.30 – Wed 21.00
Bioenergetics is so effective because
it bypasses the mind, releasing
emotional tensions in your body
directly through exercises, breathing
and expression. With over 20 years
of experience, Pavita will guide you
to rediscover your innocence. The
result is a new beginning and an
openness to love.
E 820
Family Constellation
Sat 10.00 – Mon 19.00
Nov 18 – 23
Fri 10.00 – Wed 19.00
Food and accommodation optional for a fee
(See page 3 for details)
Nov 25 – 27
E 350
Passion is a deep enthusiasm for
life. Life is all about facing our
challenges, following our desires,
laughing and having fun. With her
loving heart, infectious energy and
total commitment to helping others,
Isha will inspire you to bring out the
passion inside you.
Dec 2 – 4
One to One
How to Give Individual Sessions
Develop your ability to give individual
sessions and guide people towards
positive solutions and more selfacceptance in their lives.
Learn how to assess a personal
issue that a client brings to you and
practice designing and applying an
appropriate treatment plan.
Admission is by interview only
Dec 2 – 4
Fulfillment of the Heart
Jayesh & Nilaya
Dec 6 – 11
Tue 19.30 – Sun 19.00
Nov 12 – 13
E 85
A Taste
Sat 15.00 – Sun 15.00
Our introductory workshop
(See page 2)
E 625
MER Training
(See information above)
will also learn diagnosing skills
and practice assisted stretches and
unwinding. For more info:
Dec 9 – 11
Food and accommodation optional for a fee
Satyarthi will teach the anatomy and
the strokes to heal hip, knee and
foot pain, taking both physical and
psychological aspects into account.
He will teach the theory and practice
of breath and trauma release. We
E 360
Counselling Skills
Gandha brings her lifelong
experience and teaches simple
methods to solve conflicts within
yourself and build bridges with the
people around you. Recommended
both for professionals as well as for
those who want to use these skills in
their personal life.
Dec 16 – 18
The good news is that you are a
complete, unique and loving human
being, even when you don‘t feel
that way. In this group you will
experience the secret key of your
heart – true nourishment comes
when you give what you most
deeply need.
Bioenergetics Weekend
E 340
E 320
Myofascial Energetic
Release Bodywork
Legs, Hips, Knees and Feet
Nov 11 – 13
E 360
E 320
From Fear to
Dec 16 – 18
Chandrika, Veeresh and Premdip
E 250
Tutorial Weekend
This weekend is for all of our second
year Therapist Trainees. You will
learn about caring for others and
experience Dharmaraj’s famous
seminars on Humaniversity Therapy.
He will explain the psychology and
philosophy behind our work using
his creative humor.
Recommended reading: Veeresh – Bliss
Beyond Fear, by Dharmaraj
Dec 21
E 88
Winter Solstice
Rajan & Aranyo
Wed 12:00 – 24.00
Become aware of your fear patterns
and learn how to turn them into
excitement. Gain more contact
with what truly makes you alive,
passionate and happy. Change
your everyday life so it becomes an
We celebrate the return of the light
with a 12-hour dance party starting
at noon. The event includes Social
Meditations, friendship meetings,
dinner and a place to crash.
E 1,330
Coming Together
Dharmaraj & Sambodhi
Wed 9.00 – Sun 15.00
Join us for 12 days of connection,
fun, release, sharing, dance,
inspiration and celebration!
We will create a beautiful gathering
for you to complete 2016 and create
a meaningful personal vision for
2017. We will take space ‘to scream
and shout and let it all out!’ and
celebrate the warmth of the holidays
with our gourmet Diner Dansant on
Christmas and New Year’s Eureka
Dance Party. This intensive begins
Aranyo & Jayesh
Part-time participation is possible
Dec 21 – Jan 1
E 765
Tan-Ju Winter
Dec 27 – Jan 1 Price on request
Parents & Kids Camp
Tue 17.00 – Sun 15.00
Celebrate New Year’s at the
Humaniversity with your children up
to the age of 12.
Wed 9.00 – Sun 15.00
A Day of Dance & Celebration
Geetee & Ketu
Dec 21 – Jan 1
with the Winter Solstice Dance Party
on December 21.
Teenagers from age 14 to 20
Dec 31 – Jan 1
Tan-Ju is a school for teenagers from
all over the world. Being a teenager
and the transition to becoming a
grown-up can be quite challenging.
Tan-Ju is a unique experience where
teenagers learn how to relate to
their emotions, express themselves
with honesty and become close
friends with each other. Live and
learn together in the warm
environment of the Humaniversity
New Year Eureka
Dance Party
Part-time participation is possible
Dec 25 – 26
Humaniversity Family & DJ Geetee
Sat 17.00 – Sun 15.00
Party with us into the morning hours
Humaniversity style – with love,
connection and celebration. Opel
will be transformed into a dance and
lounge palace.
Dress code: stylish and chic.
Jan 6 – 8, 2017
E 100
Diner Dansant
Jayesh & Sangita
Sun 18.00 – Mon 12.00
Enjoy a beautifully served Christmas
dinner, dancing, entertainment and
a party in our nightclub, the Boozeria.
Dress code: festive and elegant.
E 100
E 360
Humaniversity Encounter
Isha & Geetee
It takes courage to relate with an
open heart and to be honest and
straight in your communication
with others. By learning to express
yourself you will gain insights into
how you can improve your behavior,
your relationships and the quality of
your daily life.
This group is also the start of the
Encounter Training
January 2017
Our Staff (from top left): Dharmaraj (Australian), Sandesh (Israeli), Shikhara (Dutch), Rajan (Norwegian), Prem Jan (Dutch),
Gabi (German), Geetee (German), Chandrika (Swiss), Premdip (French), Sangitama (German), Isha (Italian), Aranyo (German),
Yasha (Swiss), Jayesh (American), Sambodhi (Israeli), Nilaya (Kuwaiti), Yogini (German), Prasad (Italian)
Osho Humaniversity – International School for the Growth, Development and Fulfillment of the Human Being
Dr. Wiardi Beckmanlaan 4, 1931BW Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands,,, +31 (0) 72 506 4114