August 2, 2015 - Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Church
August 2, 2015 - Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Church
August 2, 2015 Founded in 1987 1325 Upper State Road, North Wales, PA 19454-1007 PARISH OFFICE 215-362-7400 fax: 215-362-4127 MMR Parish Website: SCHOOL 215-412-7101 MMR School Website: PRE-SCHOOL 215-692-1051 Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mission Statement Under the patronage of Mary, Mother of the Redeemer, we are a growing faith community centered in the Eucharist and dedicated to worshiping God, our Father. In response to our baptismal call, we commit ourselves to promote the gospel of His Son, Jesus Christ, through Christian hospitality, spiritual nurturing, evangelical outreach, and shared social experience. We call upon each parishioner to share his or her talents in addressing the needs of our parish and society at large. We implore the Holy Spirit to consecrate each of us in this mission. P.R.E.P. 215-412-2251 YOUTH MINISTRY 215-362-4895 Mary, Mother of the Redeemer, help us share in the work of redemption. Parish Clergy Sacraments Rev. Msgr. John T. Conway, Pastor Rev. Msgr. Philip C. Ricci, Pastor Emeritus Rev. William J. Teverzczuk, Parochial Vicar Rev. Daniel J. Arechabala, Parochial Vicar Deacon George Klinger, Permanent Deacon Deacon Paul A. Logan, Permanent Deacon Deacon John Travaline, Permanent Deacon Parish Administration Maria Stumpf, Director of Parish Services Margi Slomiany, Director of Youth Ministry Mary Anne Dunbar, Music Coordinator Lou Tonelli, Parish Business Manager Pat Klinger, Parish Office Manager Chris Moral, Parish Office Staff MMR Parish School Denise Judge, School Principal Margi Slomiany, Director of Advancement Office of Religious Education Nancy Franks, Director of Religious Education Jeannie McLean, Secretary, Religious Education Parish Pastoral Council Kimberlee DeFinis, Marissa Lamparski, Bobbi Toner, Beth Ann Rufo, Jo-Anne Ward, Len Angelone Mass Schedules and Devotions Morning Prayer: 7:00 am Weekdays Weekday Mass: 7:30 am (and 9:00 am during Advent and Lent) Saturday: 7:35 am Rosary, 8:00 am Mass and Miraculous Medal Novena Saturday Night: 5:15 pm Vigil Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:45 am, and 12:30 pm Holy Days: 6:30 am, 9:00 am, 12:10 pm and 7:00 pm (except New Year’s and Christmas) September (after Labor Day) through May (weekend before Memorial Day) Friday: All day Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament beginning at 8:00 am through 5:00 pm The Sacrament of Baptism is administered most Sundays after the 12:30 pm Mass. Arrangements must be made in advance by calling the Parish Office. First time parents are required to attend a Pre-Jordan class before the baptism. They are held the second Tuesday of every month at 7:30 pm in the John Paul II Room in the Annex. No pre-registration is necessary. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered every Saturday, 4:00 to 4:45 pm and anytime by appointment. The Sacrament of Marriage requires that the couple contact the Church at least 6 months before a planned wedding date. No other arrangements should be made until the couple meets with a parish priest and the date and time are confirmed. One of the couple must be a member of the parish. Attendance at a Pre-Cana marriage preparation program is required in accordance with Archdiocesan policy. Anointing of the Sick is available to the dying and those who are elderly, sick, or preparing for surgery. Please contact the Parish Office. Communion Calls are made monthly by clergy and weekly by Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. To place a homebound individual on the Communion Call list, call the Parish Office. New Registrations Welcome new parishioners! You may call the Parish Office at 215-362-7400 to make an appointment to register. In order to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Marriage, or Letters of Eligibility for sponsorship at Baptism or Confirmation, you must be a registered parishioner. Also, children who turn 26 years of age, or complete higher education and continue to reside within our area, should become individually registered parishioners. Funeral Notices Scheduled funeral services held here at Mary, Mother of the Redeemer, can now be found on our website: Summer Parish Office Business Hours: July & August Mondays thru Thursdays: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Fridays: 8:30 am to 12:00 pm Mass Intentions Monday, August 3 7:30 am John McQuilkin by Mary Gaul Tuesday, August 4 7:30 am Leslie DiIenno by the Kenney family Wednesday, August 5 7:30 am Laura Mae DiLullo by the Albanese family Thursday, August 6 7:30 am Michael Mangini by Mary Ann Mangini Friday, August 7 7:30 am Eileen O’Donnell by John Carter Saturday, August 8 8:00 am Mary Ellen & Jim Brown by the Brown family 5:15 pm Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Parishioners Sunday, August 9 7:30 am Cristina Caranci by Deacon George & Pat Klinger 9:00 am Deceased members of the Olivero family by the Paul Logan family 10:45 am John O’Connell by the DiPlacido family 12:30 pm Gregory Cook by Lilia Capili Hearing Assistance System Update We’re ready to provide churchgoers at MMR with a hearing assistance system! The transmitter has been installed, and the receivers are available in the narthex. About a dozen folks have informed us of their desire to take advantage of this aid. If you’re planning to do so, kindly visit the Parish Office to get an earphone for your personal use. At that time, we’ll give you some simple instructions about using the system. Greeters Needed! It only takes 15 minutes prior to the Mass you attend and it is a great service to your Church and fellow parishioners. Please contact the Parish Office or Henry Haefner: or 267-263-4318. Second Collection Next weekend’s second collection will benefit Parish and Catholic Education Center Improvements, specifically Chapel exterior doors. Thank you for your continued prayerful generosity! Blessings to Newly Baptized Avery Thanh-Hoa Cheng Shane Daniel Myers Maggie Jade Sexton Adalyn Grace Finkbeiner Margaret Claire Forman Welcome New Parishioners Scott & Diana Urbinati and children, Justin, Gianna, & Nicholas John & Angela Nickum and children, Landon, Lila, & Lucia Ralph & Anna Pugliese Dolores Petersen Lorraine Miranda and son, Todd Chad & Susan Garson and children, Samuel & Kathryn Jaime Osea Congratulations to Our Newlyweds Elizabeth MacDonald and Richard Zehren Andrea Kellock and Timothy Marcoe Keep Holy the Lord’s Day While on Vacation While you are out of town enjoying time away from the rigors of daily life, don’t forget to find a local Catholic Church to keep your Sunday commitment to our Lord! Check out for local Mass times and other Catholic events. Watching Porn Instead of Working? Augustine’s Brothers is a support/ accountability group for men who struggle with pornography as well as other excessive sexual behaviors. The group meets weekly at the Cathedral (17th and the Parkway, Philadelphia) on Tuesday nights from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm. All inquiries are kept in strict confidentiality and one’s wish to remain anonymous is highly respected. There is no need for registration. For more information visit the website: or call 800-348-0758. Please Note: Recycling Correction Removal of Aluminum Recycling Bins There are no longer recycling containers for aluminum cans at the far end of the parking lot. Please do not leave any items in the empty space. Thank you. PAPER is still being collected. UPDATE!! PREP News Registration is on-going. Click the PREP link on MMR’s website for registration information. We are still recruiting volunteers for the 2015-2016 program. The following are UPDATED openings where we are still in need of volunteers: Tuesday Afternoon Grade 1 – one aide Grade 3 – one aide Grade 4 – one aide Grade 5 – one aide Wednesday Afternoon Grade 2 – one aide Grade 3 – one aide Grade 4 – one aide Grade 5 – one teacher and one aide Grade 6 – one aide Please consider helping out with our parish children. We cannot run this program without your help. Teachers receive full PREP tuition and aides receive $100 credit towards PREP tuition. Please contact our office by emailing Nancy Franks at or Jeannie McLean at Thank You! Support Group for the Divorced This twelve week program sponsored by Corpus Christi Church will bring healing and hope to divorced and separated Catholics. The weekly DVD presentations, offered by expert counselors, author Rose Sweet, and others who have suffered through divorce, guide participants from pain and loneliness to hope and healing. Pre-registration and pre-payment are necessary. Please note that no registrations will be accepted after the first session. Thursdays beginning September 3rd from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm. Corpus Christi Parish Center: Conference Rooms B and C 900 Sumneytown Pike, Lansdale Cost is $25.00 Please register at 5K Charity Run Join the race to make melanoma history! The 3rd Annual Miles for Moody 5K charity run will take place September 13th at 8:30 am at North Penn High School. To register, go to and scroll down to September 13th. Have You Prayed for Father Lately? St. Catherine of Siena hosts a Holy Hour For Priests on the first & third Sunday of each month. The Holy Hour is held in the Chapel at 7:00 pm. Join us as we support our priests with prayer. Know that your prayers are helping. The next dates are August 2nd and 16th. St. Catherine of Siena is located at 321 Witmer Rd., in Horsham. All are welcome! @MMRChurch MMRChurch Dr. Scott Hahn at Miraculous Medal Shrine A great way to participate in the WMOF is at The Miraculous Medal Shrine in Philadelphia. The Shrine is hosting a talk given by author and speaker, Dr. Scott Hahn, on September 24th, at 7:00 pm. His talk is “Holy Mary, Holy Family: Bringing Our Lady into our Homes.” Married with seven children, Dr. Hahn speaks from a deep faith and experience. Ticket cost is $15 per person and available at or by calling 1-800-523-3674 / 215-848-1010. Seating is limited. The Shrine is located at 500 E Chelten Ave. in Philadelphia with free, secure parking. MMRedeemer Manna Bags will be distributed at all of our Masses on the weekend of August 8th and 9th. Canned food items in greatest need are: beef stew, tuna fish, fruit, vegetables, pasta, soups, and pork and beans. Kindly return your filled Manna Bag on Saturday, August 15th or Sunday, August 16th. Please place your bag in the Pre-School hallway. This year’s collection benefits the Patrician Society in Norristown. Thank you for reaching out to people in emergency situations! Transportation Information During Papal Visit If you plan on using the Regional Rail during the weekend of September 26-27 during Pope Francis' visit, you must purchase a One Day Regional Rail Pass through SEPTA. These passes went on sale Monday, July 20 at 9 a.m. SEPTA will be selling a limited number of these tickets for each station. I encourage you to buy your tickets, if needed, as soon as possible. Tickets will cost $10 and will be valid for one passenger. Please also note that only 18 outlying Regional Rail stations of the 150 will be operating during the weekend. To learn more about the passes, please visit For more information regarding all transportation during the World Meeting of Families, visit Redner’s Register Tapes Forwarding Information Thank you Redner’s shoppers, for your continued support and taking the time to drop your register tapes in the box located in the Narthex. A couple of quick reminders: please do not “highlight” the totals or place other markings on the tape and you must submit the “entire tape”, cut and partial tapes will not be accepted. Have a wonderful summer! Father Alexander Gibbs St. Mary Magdalen Parish 2400 N. Providence Road Media, PA 19063-1998 610-566-8821 Father Thomas Whittingham St. Katherine Drexel Parish 1920 Providence Avenue Chester, PA 19013-5695 610-872-3731 Crafters Needed! Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church is currently recruiting unique, talented crafters to participate in their 11th Annual Christmas Bazaar and Craft Fair on December 5th-6th beginning at 9:00 am. each day. For more details, check their church’s website, or call Jadwiga at 215-429-6161. Archdiocesan Events Summer Spirituality 2015 Now more than ever, we need Pope Saint John Paul’s message of the truth and beauty of our sexuality. Introduction to The Theology of the Body This study is geared for adults. It is not too late to join us even if you have missed sessions August 4th and August 11th 7:00pm in the John Paul II Room. Courage/Encourage Ministry Love Is Our Mission, The Family Fully Alive “The Church's essence depends on Jesus, a foundation which holds us accountable, but which is also deeper and more secure than any human achievement or failure. God never abandons us. Despite her many failures, the Church cannot shirk the responsibility to preach and live the Gospel. "Love is our mission," and the Church is the family that teaches and embodies this love”. Christopher C. Roberts, catechism editor Mark Your Calendars… Stations of the Cross In Our Beautiful Wetlands Our last Outdoor Stations of the Cross will be held on August 20th at 7:30 pm All are welcome. Papal Itinerary Saturday, September 26 th 10:30 am Mass for Priests and religious at Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul, Philadelphia 4:45 pm Visit to Independence Mall Summer Rosary Walks Join us on Tuesday Evenings at 7:30pm, through August 11th. We will pray the Rosary together for the intentions of the Parish. All are welcome! Save the Date! Parish Celebration of the World Meeting of Families Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Family Tailgate Picnic! September 20th More information to follow soon! Are you or a loved one struggling with unwanted same-sex attractions and looking for answers? Courage, an apostolate of the Roman Catholic Church, ministers to those with same-sex attractions and their loved ones, focusing on chastity, prayer, fellowship, support and good example. For more information, call 215- 5874505 to leave a message, email or visit Confidentiality is assured. Listen to Archbishop Chaput’s Sunday Homilies Online Listen to Archbishop Chaput’s Sunday homilies anytime at archbishopchaput/ homilies/index.htm. The Archbishop’s homilies are also available as Podcasts on iTunes. Archdiocese of Philadelphia Television Mass 7:30 pm Visit to the Festival of Watch the Television Mass Families Benjamin Franklin Sunday mornings at 5:30 am on Parkway WPVI-TV – Channel 6. It will be rebroadcast each SunSunday, September 27 th day at the following times: 9:15 am Meeting with bishops at 9:00 am DT-2 Channel 6 digital 10:00 am La Salle University 56 St. Martin's Chapel, St. Charles 5:00 pm DT-2 Channel 6 digital Borromeo Seminary The Archdiocese thanks Channel 6 11:00 am Visit to Curran-Fromhold for its generosity in broadcasting Correctional Facility the Television Mass. 4:00 pm Mass for the conclusion The WPVI Televised Mass on of the World Meeting of Families, WATCH ABC WPVI-TV – ChanBenjamin Franklin Parkway nel 6 now offers WATCH ABC a special new benefit brought to 7:00 pm Visit with organizers, volunteers and benefactors of the you by 6ABC and participating World Meeting of Families, Atlan- providers at no additional cost. Just enter your TV Provider actic Aviation count information to log in and get the WATCH ABC Live Stream of the Mass! Flocco’s Uniform Shoe Sale Flocco’s School Shoe Sales will take place on August 5th from 2:00-7:00 pm and August 6th from 8:30-10:30am in the school’s gymnasium. Flocco’s makes a donation to our school for each pair of shoes sold so please support this sale while you are doing your Back to School shopping! Alex’s Lemonade Stand Please come out and support MMR School’s Student Council--- we will be in front of the gym selling lemonade at the Flocco’s School Shoe sale on August 5th from 2:00-7:00 pm. All proceeds will be donated to Alex’s Lemonade Stand to support childhood cancer research. Gym Uniform Sales We will have a full range of MMR School gym uniforms available for sale during each Flocco’s Uniform Shoe Sale. Please visit us in the school lobby on August 5th from 2:00 -7:00 pm and August 6th from 8:30-10:30 am to make your purchases prior to the end of summer rush. Youth & Young Adults Come and Adore Him!! Metanoia Weekly Thursday Youth Holy Hour All youth are invited to a special youth holy hour every Thursday from 7:00-8:00 pm in the Chapel. Metanoia is an active community of Catholic young adults in Montgomery County, Pa. The group supports Catholics in their 20s and 30s who are looking to deepen their faith and meet fellow Catholics in the area. Our Ministry includes: Theology on Tap, faith based meetings, community service, retreats, and outdoor events and activities. For more information and events please visit or email Welcome Home from Catholic Heart Work Camp 50 MMR teens and chaperones just returned from another wonderful experience at Catholic Heart Work Camp. Thanks to the prayers and generous support of this parish, the group was able to serve many in need in the greater North Jersey area. More details about this trip will be shared during the next few weeks. Text MMR to 84576 to receive text updates for news/events! Stump the Priest Philly Join us for a second round of Stump the Priest, an evening of Q&A among Catholic young adults (21-35). A panel of four priests will respond to questions from the crowd, focusing on the topic of social justice. Questions may also be submitted anonymously to Tough questions welcome! We will meet at The Field House (1150 Filbert Street, Phila) on Wednesday, August 26th. Doors open at 7:00 pm, and questions begin at 7:30 pm. There is no cover charge. Workshop: Family Enthronement of the Sacred Heart Enthronement of the Sacred Heart is a remedy for families: Presentation and Healing Service with Gloria Anson, President of the Sacred Heart Apostolate, joined by Monsignor Esseff, Rev. Bill Gaffney, Rev. Amedeo Guida and lay leaders. Hear stories of transformation for families who invite Jesus into their homes. National Shrine of St. Rita of Cascia 1166 Broad Street. Thursday, September 24th from 9:00 am-11:00 am in the Upper Church. Pro-Life News Save the Date! Support A Baby’s Breath by participating in their annual run/walk. Run for Life 5K & 1 Mile Fun Run. It takes place on Saturday, October 3rd at Tyler State Park. Walking, Running & Raffles! Registration is open, so sign up today! runwarminster.asp Have any questions? Contact Ed Klenk at 267-275-4097 or Double Your Dinner Recipe to Feed Those in Need! We are in need of additional cooks to keep MMR's donations up though the upcoming months as donations tend to decrease during this time. If you are interested in making a casserole for this program, please follow the below directions so that your casserole can be safely used: 1) Grab a pan and a lid from the closet in the small kitchen in the narthex of the church. 2) Cook and FREEZE a casserole of your choice. (Please take care in filling your casserole pan as under-filling will prevent the lid from adhering and over-filling will cause a huge mess in the freezer) 3) Label your casserole with the date prepared in marker on the lid or on a sticky note taped to the lid. (This is a Health Department rule. Unlabelled casseroles cannot be used.) 4) Place your FROZEN casserole in the flat freezer in the same kitchen. 5) IF the freezer is full, please alert someone at the church and place your casserole in the upright freezer for the time being. If that freezer is also full, please alert church staff right away. 6) Make sure that your casserole lid is tightly attached to prevent spoilage. If the lid comes off, the casserole will not be able to be used. Please contact MaryAnn at 215679-2919 for any questions. Pray for Our Service Men and Women Almighty God, we ask for your divine mercy and protection. Embrace with your invincible armor our loved ones in all branches of the service. Give them courage and strength against all enemies both spiritual and physical and hasten their safe journey back to their homes and families. Amen. Jay Wardach Adam McGinnis David Hoffer Daniel Pierson Gary Hogan Andrew Crossan Steven A. Campbell James Thomas Gross Sgt. Jonathan Lehman Terence McGowan Chaplain Joseph L. Coffey Michael Wasylenko Andrew Conaway Kevin Cox st 1 Lt Michael Archutowski Brenda Snow USMC Brig Gen Bill Mullen Nathan Menapace Please keep us informed of any changes in your loved one’s status. Thank you. H.O.P.E. Committee H.O.P.E. members are active within our parish, helping those with an emergency. The H.O.P.E. Committee assists the homebound and others with their needs. Grocery shopping, driving to the doctor and hospital visits are just a few of the things H.O.P.E. can help with. If interested please contact one of the people below: Aug 3 Aug 10 Aug 17 Toni Esposito 215-361-3992 Pat Bergbauer 267-218-1380 Pat Bergbauer 267-218-1380 Pray for Our Sick If you wish a particular family member or friend to be placed on the Bulletin Prayer List, please call Gerry Jerlinski at 215-996-1049. Loving and compassionate Lord Jesus, You brought strength and healing to the afflicted. Through Your healing touch and words, You restored sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, strength to weakened limbs, and wholeness to those afflicted with disease. Look mercifully upon those named here in their time of need. Grant them the patience they need to carry their cross. If it be Your holy will, grant them Your healing. In all things, we pray that Your will be done. Amen. Richard Roberts, Marianne Ginley, Samuel Culp, Jr., Tricia Eby, Iva Zanoni, Thomas Hafner, Juliette Peterson, Michael Doyle, Joan Bellwoar, Mark Alesczyk, Mary Lou Bolognese, John MacDonald, Roseanne Stoerrle, Diana Umile, Rosemarie V. Coffey, Margaret Clark, Terri Paone, Joan McCarthy, Wendi Cerminara, Paul Coppa, Gerry Jerlinski, Gus Casiato, Robert Snow, Donald Vinsh, Libby Kitchen, John DePaul Jr. & Sr., Louise Stecher, Jacquie Gardner, Brad Sacchetti, Justin Stupak, Dr. Honor Manilla, Thomas Stella, Bill Davis, Ed Cooke, Vera Hutton, Adele & George English, Jack Ercolono, Edward, Linda & Velia Brill, Taylor Goettner, Joan Dolan, Bob Livingston, John & Joan Hogan, Joan Napolitano, Sal Antonucci, Sandra Cabrera, Marge Rudewicz, Marie Spagnola, Ruth Colabelli, Eloisa Serratore, Joanne Synakowski, Christopher Williams, Sandra Alford, Alfred Stewert, Elizabeth D’Angelo, Pat McHugh, Sandy Knoblach, Edward Keebler, John Pier, Joan Barreras Babies, Children, and Teens: Joseph McGaery, Michaela Lopatofsky prayer/presentation from 10:000 am to 2:00 pm. Coffee/tea/ water and dessert are provided In anticipation of the upcoming for your brown bag lunch. Cost is World Meeting of Families; we will $20. discuss our understanding of family Registration is requested. If you and the on-going responsibility of are not able to register, please Catholics in today’s world on know you are always welcome to th Wednesday, September 9 . attend. To register, please conPresenter Deacon James tact: Cathy Krzywicki 215-262Duffy serves as the parish DRE and 0265 and Pat Stockford 215-675Director of Student and Family 3853. Services in the parish school at St. Catherine of Siena. Msgr. William J. J. O’Donnell will celebrate Mass at 1:00 pm, homilist Deacon Duffy. This year we continue to meet at Nativity of Our Lord Parish Conference Center, 605 West Street Road, Warminster, PA. Parking is available in the lot across from the church. Signs will be posted. Programs begin with a Continental Breakfast at 9:30 am. Speaker/ The Catholic Family in Today’s World 215-657-3666 DELBAR • Homemade Sauces, Pastas, and Entrees • Handcrafted Bread, Rolls, Cakes & Pastries Baked Daily • Fresh Sausage, Imported Cheeses & Specialty Items HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING • Sales • Service • Installation • Residential & Commercial • Family Owned & Operated • 40 Years Experience 24 Hour Service PA Contractor Reg. #PA035064 3504 Moreland Road, Willow Grove, PA 19090 215-884-7100 NOW OPEN Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Diocese Member CERTIFIED ELDER LAW ATTORNEY JACK J. HETHERINGTON, Parishioner 616 E. Main St., Lansdale • Jeff Polansky, Owner/Parishioner 215.822.0115 • Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner • Late Snacks • Daily Specials Quality Food • Good Service • Reasonable Prices JOIN US FOR SUNDAY BREAKFAST Served from 6 AM to 2 PM 1700 Horizon Dr., Suite 104 Chalfont, PA 18914 Easton & County Line Rds. Horsham 215-674-5849 Open 24 Hours Wed.-Sat. • Closed Sun, Mon, Tue At 10 PM All Baked Goods Done On Premises COUNTY LINE PLUMBING & HEATING Call Mike, your Neighborhood Plumber 215.429.3350 Lic.#PA066556 - Insured CUSTOM KITCHENS & BATHS Call TODAY for a Free Estimate Cold Beer • Ice • Soda • PA Lottery Rte. 202 Montgomeryville 855-9191 LLC BARRY F. DAROCHÁ, D.M.D., M.A.G.D., F.I.C.O.I. SUSAN M. ROTZAL, D.M.D., M.A.G.D., F.I.C.O.I. Parishioner 230 N. KESWICK AVENUE, GLENSIDE, PA 19038 215-215-885-4252 • FAX 215-885-7487 E-mail: RE/MAX Action Realty For every closed transaction, a donation will be made to the MMR ministry of your choice. View 1000’s of homes at Gary W Kennedy, CFP® Senior Vice President - Investment Officer Direct: (215) 340-6345 Investment and Insurance Products: • NOW OFFERING DENTAL IMPLANTS • Now Welcoming New Patients • Free Teeth Whitening For Parishioners 215-358-1200 215-358-1100 䊳 NOT FDIC Insured 䊳 NO Bank Guarantee 䊳 MAY Lose Value Chalfont Custom PA I N T I N G . c o m Interior/Exterior - Power Wash Diocese Member 215-997-7737 Check our website specials MAURONE Painting and Paperhanging Int./Ext. • Deck Treatment • Power Washing Minor Home Repairs • Free Estimates DOMINIC MAURONE, Parishioner 453-9905 OFFICE OPEN 8:00AM-8:00PM MON-THURS. • MetLife, Aetna, Delta & Many Others • Senior Discount (55 and over) 20% For Non-Insured Patients A taste of South Philly in Horsham 1500 Horizon Dr., Suite 104, Chalfont • Lunch • Dinner • Take-Out • B.Y.O.B • Off Premise Catering 215-997-9980 Take-Out • Dine-In • Delivery Catering On-Off Premise for All Occasions 255 E. Street Road Warminster 215-957-6465 Please mention you saw the MMR bulletin ad Dresher & Horsham Rds. 215-443-2500 No more excuses for not knowing how your finances and investments line up with your life goals and retirement expectations. Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, Member SIPC, is a registered broker-dealer and a separate non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. © 2013 Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. All rights reserved. 0214-04296 General Dentistry * Parishioners * • Family and Cosmetic Dentistry • Preventative Care • Orthodontic/Orthopedics • Day and Evening Hours • Sleep Apnea/TMD • Implants • Laser Mark Simeone, D.M.D., AEGD Deb Grasso & Associates Direct: Office: Now is the time for a fiscal checkup We do work at the Call today for a free consultation, and we’ll explore strategies designed to 267-446-8646 help you protect yourself and develop an investment strategy for today, Jersey Shore too! Senior Citizen Discounts • Insured Parishioner PAHIC# 113830 tomorrow, and into the future. BOB’S CASES & KEGS Nancy Markley * Angelo Grasso * Deb Grasso Custom Woodwork Additions Basements • Decks All Renovations & Remodeling 74021-v5 A1661 Honest, Reliable, Prompt Service Fri, Sat, Sun 3 PM - 5 PM Early Bird Specials Mon-Thur 3 PM - 6 PM 511440 Mary Mother Redeemer Church (C) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 GENERAL DENTISTRY SENIOR LIVING Smiles Since 1990 Michael L. Bydalek, DMD, PC WYNWOOD MONTGOMERY Brookdale Senior Living 1091 Horsham Rd. North Wales 409 Horsham Rd., Horsham, PA 19044 215.542.9670 Tele: (215) 956-9569 | Office Hours By Appointment CALL TODAY FOR A COMPLIMENTARY TOUR! Web: • Fax: (215) 956-9684 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Needham’s Landscaping LLC Spring Clean-ups • Lawn Renovations Install Mulch & Soil • Shrub Trimming Install Plants, Trees, Walls, Walkways & Patios Lic. 215-997-0577 • Parishioner #83756094 For further information, please call the Parish Office. LAZYBOY FULL POWER LOUNGER New Oct. 2014 Cost $1400 Patient Recovered $750 215-643-1929 • 215-896-1105 Private Instruction Piano - Organ - Keyboard PA068227 Wills • Estates • Elder Law Personal Injury • DUI • DWI Family & Matrimonial Law • Adoption Robert T. Repko, Parishioner 877-749-7249 KELLY’S Lawncare & Landscaping Spring/Fall Cleanup, Mulching, Planting, Tree Work & Grass Cutting Jim Kelly 215.858.3366 Free Estimates 215-542-8319 Francis J. Stieber Director & Organist — St. Alphonsus Choir Since 1985 MCGLINN & SON AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING Top Rated Carriers ■ Personal & Commercial Mike Brooks, Parishioner 215.354.0122 BRYANT FACTORY AUTHORIZED DEALER CARPETING • HARDWOOD CERAMIC TILE • NO WAX FLOORS WINDOW TREATMENTS FREE SHOP AT HOME SERVICE 180 S. MAIN ST., AMBLER (215) 793-9000 Friendly, Knowledgeable Staff • Sales • Service • Installation • Licensed & Insured • References Avail. • Established 1953 215-361-0900 • PA HIC # PA 015638 N.A.T.E. 3583210 • Parishioner VIP BARBERSHOP 215-368-3922 Established 1966 Voted Best by Reader’s Choice HILLCREST SHOPPING CENTER 664 EAST MAIN STREET LANSDALE, PA 19446 ROGERS TREE SERVICE INC. Removal • Trimming • Pruning • Stump Removal Crane Service • Bucket Truck Service Storm Damage • Free Estimates Prompt & Courteous Service Fully Insured Lic. #PA039509 215.441.5240 Bill Rogers, Owner Michael Schelkun, MD, DDS Mark P. Kienle, MD, DMD FUEL OIL • • • • • Oil Heating Sales & Service Central Air Conditioning 24 Hr. Emergency Service Fixed Price Contracts Budget Payment Plans 400 S. Broad St. • Lansdale Wisdom Teeth, Dental Implants and Facial Reconstructive Surgery Warminster Newtown Fort Washington 215-672-6560 Quality Chiropractic Care with a Personal Touch Workers’ Compensation Personal Injury Certified Massage Therapist Hydro Massage (215) 368-3331 (215) 855-6893 Parishioner (215) 699-4428 Traditional Funerals - Advanced Planning - Cremation TOPSOIL & MULCH 215-345-4481 Income & Estate Tax Returns Member of St. Robert Bellarmine Financial Planning Email: Small Business Consulting QuickBooks Accounting Jamie N. Goodreau, D.M.D., M.S.D. Funeral Home Inc. 215-340-9654 Specialist in Orthodontics For Children & Adults • Invisalign Certified Joseph A. Fluehr IV, Supervisor 241 East Butler Ave., (Rte. 202 at Sandy Ridge Rd.) New Britain 1300 Horizon Dr. Suite 117 215-997-0200 Chalfont PA 511440 Mary Mother Redeemer Church (B) Repair - Replace - Maintain America’s #1 On-Time Service Company 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed 215-443-8882 5% of your service returned back to the parish when you show this ad to your technician For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 • Traditional Funerals • Cremation Services • Preplanning 175 East Butler Ave. • Chalfont, PA 18914 • Veterans & Family Memorial Care Provided James P. Scanlin, F.D./Supvr. (215) 822-0480 GUTTER CLEANING Roofing & Siding Buffet Catering of Distinction Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner • Specials Daily Early Bird Specials 5-6 pm Over 60 Imported & Domestic Beers 917 Bethlehem Pike, North Wales 215-322-7400 215-357-2700 FREE EST. • Lic. & Ins. PA 080483 Lic. & Ins. PA030067 Residential - Commercial Doors Sales and Service Electric Operators 215-393-5800 Michael J. Canazaro Phone: 657-2583 DENTAL CARE Periodontics & Dental Implants Exclusively PARISHIONER • DR. RICHARD CHILLEMI Voted Best In Area (Both Inquirer and Intelligencer) Our family and cosmetic team welcomes you for excellent affordable care. No out of pocket expense for most 140 E. Butler Ave., Ambler 19002 insured patients at first visit! Call (215) 362-0322 Lansdale 215-643-4393 Visit Us Online at “” • (Mention This Ad for Reduced Fees!) 822-6466 GERALD F. GLACKIN ATTORNEY AT LAW John V. DiGirolamo, D.D.S., WILLS • ESTATE ADMINISTRATION • REAL ESTATE • ZONING (215) 362-8644 • 2031 N. Broad St., Ste. 137, Lansdale Michael J. McDonald, Supervisor FRANK MASTRONI Primarily Piano Reg#PA031765 1113 Bethlehem Pike Montgomeryville, PA 18936 215-643-6372 • WWW.MASTRO I EN I FU RN ITU RE.CO M 215-712-0374 Serving NJ, PA & DE 215.639.8500 Serving Bucks & Mont. Cty. 215-368-8660 215.233.4022 Family Owned & Operated CHRISTINE CAPOCASALE • Handyman Service M.M.R. Parishioner, Lector, Usher 218 South Broad St., Lansdale ROOFING • SIDING • REMODELING • Specializing in Beginners • Intermediate Lessons • M.S. in Elementary ED. Parishioner JOSEPH P. WALSH, ESQUIRE Local Diocese Member SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 PROFESSIONAL DRUM INSTRUCTION Beginner Intermediate Advanced C a l l M i ke MY STUDIO or In YO U R H O M E 610.812.7620 Leandro N. Angelone Jr. DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS • FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS • LICENSED & INSURED CHECK OUT OUR REVIEWS ON: 267-885-3376 John Nales Supervisor Follow us on: MMR Parishioner Wedding Invitations, a Specialty All Proceeds Donated to Mary, Mother of the Redeemer 501 Easton Road Willow Grove, PA 19090 T: 215-659-0202 | C: 215-806-0826 | F: 215-855-4030 (215) 822-6679 | HANDYMAN SERVICES MMR Parishioner Special Open 24 / 7/ 365 Family Owned & Operated Non-intimidating, Supportive, Clean Environment No Waiting, No Overcrowding - Private Bathrooms & Showers Silver Sneakers & Senior Discounts 4275 COUNTY LINE ROAD, CHALFONT $ 15900 for 4 Hours 215-641-8555 FREE ESTIMATES GIANT PLAZA 202 & COUNTY LINE RD. Licensed • Insured 215.933.2807• Former 76ers Team Eye Doctor GLUTEN FREE BAKERY 2 $ HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Sales • Service • Installation Family Owned Since 1973 215-799-0515 511440 Mary Mother Redeemer Church (A) 00 OFF Half Dozen Donuts 4275 County Line Road Chalfont, PA 18914 267-663-7209 Voted One of the Best of Bucks/Montgomery DAVID GALIANI, M.D., Parishioner “State Of The Art Medical & Surgical Eye Care With A Personal Touch” On Staff At Wills Eye & Doylestown Hospitals 14 -A Memorial Drive • Doylestown, PA 18901 215.345.5144 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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