April 2012 - Greenwich Public Schools
April 2012 - Greenwich Public Schools
April 2012 — THE BEAK — 1 AND HERE’S THE REST OF IT. “All the News That’s Fit to Print.” ALL OF IT. VOLUME XLII, NUMBER 4A GREENWICH HIGH SCHOOL, GREENWICH, CT 06830 APRIL 1, 2012 SRO: Winning Bella invades Clark as house war continues Seniors’ performance well received by world The recent performance of SRO by the Class of 2012 was praised by the international arts community. Recently, the show was awarded six Academy Awards, four Grammys, five Tony Awards, and two Nobel prizes. Panelists cited the large number of nerdy jokes, zombies, and shirtless men as key factors in their decision. SRBros in action. T H I S Texting in class becomes illegal J U S T I N Political scientists warn: MISA to be GHS’s Afghanistan Recent reports from think tanks suggest that MISA may become GHS’s Afghanistan. There are already an estimated 300 civilian casualties and 400 wounded in the battle. Headmaster Winters recently deployed another 40,000 troops in order to regain lost territory in the south senior lot. Yet as valiant as his efforts seem, political opponents suggest that Winters is merely looking for oil. The thea ter kids’ cartel has been raising the price of oil, which now is at $200 a barrel. Rumors indi- GHS administration recently passed a measure giving security the right to detain students indefinitely for texting in class. Controversy erupted when about 50 students did not go home for the night. Police reports were filed and students were later found washing graduated cylinders in the attic of the science wing. Some argue that these measures are necessary in order to provide a safe learning environment; while others contend that detaining students interferes with the attendance policy cate that Osama bin Laden may be buried underneath the concrete floors of MISA. Tapes of his burial have yet to be released. Political strategists suggest that Mr. Winter’s should pull out of MISA “riiiiight…. now.” Efforts to reach Mr. Winters by telephone, internet, email, Twitter, and Facebook have not been successful. Relationship for bros: tips Tip #47: Grow the flow to a length that is inversely proportional to your attractiveness. Lower Cantor plans secession Inst abilit y continues unabated in Greenwich High School as the houses continue to wage war against each other. Bella recently invaded Clark, leading to 17 freshman casualties. Analysts believe Bella’s actions are due to its insecurities about being below Clark. C a nt o r , meanwhile, is in an on-going civil war as Lower Cantor threatens to secede from Upper Cant or. Lower Cantor representatives claim they are a completely separate house and deserve their own name. Upper Cantor has far more windows and natural lighting—something that the depressed Lower Cantor envies. Also, Lower Cantor wants to keep its Yu-Gi-Oh Cards. memedepot.com Fake student ID usage increases; Science can solve almost everything The school’s policy that prohibits students from going into the science wing (except through every other door in the school) without school identification has created a black market for student identifications. These fake student IDs can be made at home easily with cray- ons and a coloring book for those who refuse to shell out a few dollars for an actual ID card. Recently, the school raided a fake student–ID kingpin’s sweatshop and gave him detention; they found aliens on the scene whom he used to make the IDs. US News and World Report Rankings: Greenwich High -#30 for amount of sinks that don’t work -#2 concrete structures that resemble toilet rolls -#7 public high school in Greenwich, CT -#1 To be featured in next -#3 freshman graduation rate week’s issue Toilet paper roll? Mr. Winters eats tuna salad sandwich; cannot find student with gum Joseph Kony wins Nobel Peace Prize for bringing world together Man finds statistically significant evidence that Disappeared into cyberspace Libertarian and socialist engage in heated debate; 12 freshmen caught in the crossfire Subsidized lunch program head refutes socialism: “There’s no such thing as a free lunch.” A— TheBEAK Beak — — April April2012 1, 2012 22— THE APRIL FOOL! AP Opens Bradford Kim Editor-In-Chief GHS students were very excited this spring to hear that Greenwich High School would be offering AP Opens as a class during the 20122013 school year. While GHS already has offered a large selection of advanced courses like Multi-Variable Calculus, a plethora of CollegeBoard AP classes, and Yoga, classes like AP World History and AP Computer Science have long been desired by eager students. Recently GHS added AP Economics to the list, but AP Opens have been especially sought after by those students who truly wish to challenge themselves. Opens are currently the most popular elective, and many students have wished for years to exploit their free time at the college level. GHS has finally answered their call. The class, like many other AP courses, will have summer work. Unlike many other AP courses, however, the summer work for AP Opens will not simply be a large packet to complete or a set of essay prompts. Rather, it is a large list of activities designed to enrich the student’s inter- est in opens and prepare them for the kind of material to expect in AP Opens. Some of the more challenging activities include “sneak food into Greenwich Public Library” and even “Ignore summer work from other AP classes until the night before it is due.” Proponents say that the summer work for AP Opens deviates from the standard grind of other AP classes and allows students to truly experience slacking off at the college level. As an AP class, it’s bound to be full of tryhards in the race to nowhere, but this course is designed for students of all academic pursuits and levels. Prerequisites include having taken at least 10 opens in their previous years at GHS. While not officially required, students should also demonstrate a strong interest in procrastination and be prepared to complete several, week-long projects in the space of one hour before they are due. Juniors and sophomores considering station employees, or a pinky promise that they are qualified. Students will also be involved in ext ens ive computer lab time. Activities, such as playing flash games on the Internet and pretending to do work in front of media center staff will be required. Extra credit projects like p u r cha s in g an omelet with everything and ordering a AP Opens as a course next year will be required to leave campus illegally during at least two lunch block opens of their previous year. Interestingly enough, because opens are not exclusive to any subject, students will not be required to get signatures or recommendations from any of their current teachers. Rather, they will be asked to get approval from the Corbo’s guys, gas pancake with extra butter will be available to students who truly wish to go below and short of their expected responsibilities. The College Board has not released many details about the AP test, but there are some things we do know. It will be curved relative to the national norms. This is lucky for GHS students, since Greenwich is extremely lazy compared to the rest of America. It will consist of both a multiple choice section and openended essays, but students will also be graded based on how much testing time can be wasted prior to the start. Studying is strongly discouraged, and Princeton Review has been asked not to publish a review book for AP opens. Only Opens for Dummies will be available for first-time AP candidates. The school hopes many students will consider this class. Also, coming soon to our school: Honors Coma. April 2012 — THE BEAK — 3 VOLUME XLII, NUMBER 4 www.film.com GREENWICH HIGH SCHOOL, GREENWICH, CT 06830 www.newstimes.com Working For A Better Tomorrow… Tomorrow! PAGE 11 wikipedia.org Wikipedia: Reliable? PAGE 4 April 2012 granite.ie Spring Sports! Social Networking! PAGE 7 PAGE 3 images1.fanpop.com/ The Hunger Games! PAGE 10 tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/ Will Willard Win? PAGE 5 The BEAK Beak — 42——THE —April April 2012 The Greenwich High School Newspaper Greenwich High School 10 Hillside Road Greenwich, CT 06830 (Phone) 203-625-8067 (Fax) 203-863-8031 E-mail: ghsbeak@gmail.com 2011-2012 EDITORIAL STAFF Jennifer Hilibrand Christian Fazio Bradford Kim Editors-in-Chief Michelle Socher Nicholas Debany News Editors Jamie Denton Opinions Editor Helen Hansel Chloe McGovern Features Editors Annie Manacher Entertainment Editor David Berdoff Sarah Brecher Sports Editor State Governance In Crisis; Three Different Approaches By Jennifer Hilibrand Editor-in-Chief It goes without saying that taking over the gubernatorial position in a recession is difficult and taking over when public finances are distressed is very difficult. Governors use many different and varying approaches to meeting the challenges of a recession. The tri-state governors, in fact, are examples of three vastly different approaches to the public finance problems troubling our economy. Chris Christie of New Jersey, Dannel Malloy of Connecticut, and Andrew Cuomo of New York are three governors of neighboring states each of whom have taken different approaches to dealing with the fiscal issues in government. Although it is too soon to tell, these contrasting methods will eventually offer interesting lessons on fiscal responsibility and economic policy. Chris Christie (below), governor of New Jersey, has held governorship for two years. This narrowly elected in 2010, has taken the approach of raising taxes. He incr eased the sales tax, income tax, and corporate tax. He has paired these increases with moderate changes to benefits, decreasing unrealistic pension promises. Another interesting aspect of Malloy’ s approach has been his attempt to receive support nypost.com from public unions by negotiation. This differs from Governor Christie’s approach, which involved going over the heads of all unions. Embarrassingly, for Malloy, the changes he first attempted to implement were voted down by the unions themselves, but were eventually ac- Tyler O’Connell Photographer Dwight Wall Faculty Advisor The Beak is published by the students of Greenwich High School and is distributed, free of charge, to members of the high school community. The Beak is part of the high school’s communication program, and it also serves as a medium for the expression and exchange of responsible opinions. While recognizing the United States Constitution’s guarantee of a free press, The Beak also acknowledges its role as a school newspaper. Consequently, The Beak does not publish material which it deems will disrupt the educational process, nor does The Beak coerce a particular point of view, or violate the right to disagree with a particular point of view. In addition, The Beak will not publish material that is obscene, profane, libelous, or slanderous. The Beak reserves the right to edit or to refuse to publish material that advocates unlawful activity, that unfairly criticizes or demeans any individual or group, or that encourages action that endangers the health and safety of the Greenwich High School community. Editorials are the opinions of The Beak editorial board. Signed commentaries and columns are the views of the writers. The Beak welcomes letters from its readers. Upon request, a writer’s name will be withheld. The Beak accepts appropriate and responsible paid advertising as a means of defraying publication costs, but it does not endorse or guarantee any product, services, businesses, or organizations mentioned or described in any advertisement. Do you have something to say? Send us an email: ghsbeak@gmail.com Check us out on the web at Ghsbeak.org cdn.ricochet.com extended period of time allows us cepted. Governor Malloy has done to have more of a chance to see his more to reign in public spending approach. Governor Christie’s polithat his predecessors, but less than cies have been in sharp contrast to his contemporaries. those of his predecessor, Governor Governor of New York, Corzine. Christie, a Republican in a Andrew Cuomo (top right), may be state with Democratic control of the considered a compromise between legislature, has dealt with this crisis the approaches of Malloy and in public finances primarily with benefit reductions for government employees, rather than tax increases. There is another interesting dimension to Christie’s approach called “truth telling”. The objective of this tactic is to bring to light the true state of pensions in New Jersey. He has combined this controversial approach with tax reductions that have limited the property tax and income tax. Dannel Malloy (right), governor of Connecticut, is on the opposite side of the spectrum. The former mayor of Stamford, who was very blogcea.files.wordpress.com Christie. In 2010 he was elected with the largest winning margin of the three governors, and has remained the most popular of the three. He has implemented moderate changes to spending, somewhere between the approaches of Connecticut and New Jersey, and has reduced benefits more than Connecticut has but less than New Jersey. Cuomo’s cancelling of scheduled tax reductions have expanded revenue along with reduced spending. How can one measure success in these three cases? The truth is that looking at a state over a period of less than five to 10 years is not very reliable. But indicators that may be considered important or meaningful in comparing outcomes might be average percentage income growth per state and average percentage population change per state. Although it is too early to tell, based on my belief of what will be successful, New Jersey Governor Christie has the most realistic and effective plan. Many of the public finance issues we face now exist largely because of unrealistic and long-dated promises. Christie’s truth-telling approach, however brutal it may seem at times, appears the only approach that can actually return finances into shape. Only by dealing with these promises will states truly have control. NEWS April 2012— The BEAK Beak — April 2012 — THE —35 Social Networks And The Evolution Of Cooperation Michelle Socher News Editor A recent study from Harvard Medical School indicates that from gatherings around a campfire to updating a Facebook status, social networks have been an integral part of human behavior. James Fowler, who co-authored the paper, stated, “From the time we were around campfires and had words floating through the air, to today when we have digital packets floating through the ether, we’ve made networks of basically the same kind…We found that what modern people are doing with online social networks is what we’ve always done – not just before Facebook, but before agriculture.” The research was funded by the National Institute on Aging and by the Science of Generosity Initiative of the University of Notre Dame. This study also found that social networks contributed to the evolution of cooperation by forming ties “with both kin and non-kin based on shared attributes.” This is based on the understanding that “if you can get cooperators to cluster together in social space, cooperation can evolve.” Some animals (such as human beings) defy the survival tactics of competition and instead act cooperatively and altruistically. Such behavior, in order to persist in nature, would need to have some advantage in the context of Darwinian fitness – that is, it would necessarily increase the chance that the genes of a given individual would be passed on to future generations. All current theories utilized to explain altruistic behavior – kin selection, reciprocal altruism, group selection – are contingent upon the existence of social networks. While it would now be impossible to observe the behavior of ancient human ancestors, researchers from Harvard Medical School, the University of California, San Articlesweb.com Diego, and the University of Cambridge have studied the social networks formed among the Hadza to gain an understanding of how these ancestors may have interacted. The Hadza, an ethnic group in Tanzania, is one of the last surviving groups of huntergatherers. The researchers mapped the relationships among the Hadza by several means, including giving three honey straws to each adult and telling them they could give the honey as gifts to anyone in their camp. The researchers then gave the adults additional straws that they could either keep for themselves or give to others. They found that cooperators and noncooperators formed distinct clusters. Fowlers stated that they “turned the data over lots of different ways…we looked at over a dozen measures that social network analysts use to compare networks, and pretty much, the Hadza are just like us.” This research indicates that “social networks are a truly ancient, perhaps integral part of the human story.” Find more detailed information at: http://news.har var d.edu/gazette/ story/2012/01/with-a-little-help-from -our-ancient-friends/ “PartyHardPolitics is like an up-and-coming Politico. Anytime I want to read a clear, intelligent position on an issue I head to the Wall Street Journal; but since they started charging for reading articles online, I sometimes head to PHP. This site is pretty interesting!” Christian Fazio, Co-Editor-in-Chief of The Beak “Fazio is right! He’s always right…” - Jen Hilibrand, Co-Editor-in-Chief of The Beak OPINIONS The BEAK Beak — 64——THE —April April 2012 Intelligence, And Its Role In School Jamie Denton Opinions Editor The other day, as I was just beginning to doze off, my psych teacher asked a question that sparked my attention. Snapping out of a reverie, I turned to listen. “What is intelligence, and can it be measured?” He asked the class. As he went on to explain, theories of intelligence are varied and often contradictory. French psychologist Alfred Binet first introduced the idea of designing a test that would measure one’s aptitude. Hoping to reform the French school system, Binet created a “mental age test” that would place children in classes based on their score. If they were advanced for their age, then they would be subject to more advanced material, while if they scored below average, they would be placed in a less difficult class. However, Binet’s goal was never to measure the intelligence of French students. It was solely designed for placement. In fact, when Lewis Termin, a psychologist working at Stanford University, developed his ideas to create the Intelligence Quotient, he regretted ever introducing the idea of aptitude testing in the first place. Since then, intelligence has sparked debate and controversy in the field of psychology, and the very question that my class pon- dered that day continues to be actively discussed. Theories about intelligence vary dramatically. Psychologist Charles Spearman, for one, defined intelligence as merely the ability to understand things quickly, make sound decisions, carry on interesting conversations, and behave “intelligently.” In contrast, Howard Gardiner argued that humans all had multiple intelligences, each in a different facet of life (his views led to the popularity of terms like “street smart” and “book smart”). The general consensus, therefore, is that there is no consensus. So what does this mean for students? Well, it has several implications. As some may know, a number of school executives have a longterm goal of ensuring that every student successfully completes the same, high level classes. But given what we know about intelligence, it certainly should make us question the prudence of even having these ideas on the table. While it is questionable whether intelligence can really be measured, it’s apparent that given the diverse curriculum at Green- wich High School, everybody has different interests; and some are more likely to thrive in specific fields than others. So why, then, is it reasonable to assume that everybody would benefit from being put in the same courses with the same rigor? Of course, it’s an exciting idea to envision every student successfully completing the same, challenging classes, and passing with flying colors. However, it’s unrealistic to assume that every student is going to perform well on the same level with the same learning style. This was not Binet’s original goal. Also, it’s important to note that not everybody is going to do well in every subject or even have any interest in doing so. This by no means mandates that these students would have a lesser intelligence than those in a more advanced course, but rather a different form of intelligence. An aptitude for music or athletics, for instance, rather than math and science, does not suggest stupidity. As Spearman inferred, each of us is going to have a different propensity for different subjects. When it comes down to it, as long as they are legitimately pursuing something, students should be able to pursue what they want. Wikipedia: Reliable? Brad Kim Editor-in-Chief Every year of high school involves more than one assignment, whether it is the sophomore research paper or summer work for an AP class, that requires outside sources of information. This always goes handin-hand with a properly formatted works consulted, and sometimes piles of labeled note cards. Students tend to do most of their research online. After all, using a search engine often produces the desired piece of information extremely quickly and eliminates the need to read large books or organize large quantities of material. As anyone who has ever done research on the internet will know, entering a topic of interest into Google will undoubtedly yield a corresponding Wikipedia article. More often than not, Wikipedia dominates all others as the first result at the top of the page. Wikipedia holds massive volumes of information, over three million articles in English, all of which are available for free. No ads pollute the website either. It is a nonprofit organization, despite being one of the most visited websites in the world, and it sustains itself through donations. Despite what a wonderful resource and testament Wikipedia is to both public expertise and human generosity, students have been told since elementary school that using Wikipedia as a legitimate source of information is not allowed. Teachers call it unreliable and incomplete. Among other reasons, the main argument against the validity of Wikipedia is that fact that anyone can edit or contribute articles. Whether the contributor has written a doctoral thesis on the subject or whether she is a 12 year-old child, everyone is required to contribute under Wikipedia’s rules. This does, of course, bring reliability into question. After all, can users trust Wikipedia, knowing that any article could have been written by someone unqualified? Even Wikipedia itself warns the user who is trying to base accurate research upon its content: “Most educators and professionals do not consider it appropriate to use tertiary sources such as encyclopedias as a sole source for any information—citing an encyclopedia as an important reference in footnotes or bibliographies may result in censure or a failing grade.” This concern, however, is over exaggerated. Wikipedia correctly states that it would be insufficient to use Wikipedia as the sole source of information. That does not mean that using Wikipedia at all should disqualify a research assignment from being taken seriously. Many students use it anyway to get names, locations, statistics, dates, etc. They then have to “cite” another source and pretend that they got their information there, often times simply scrolling to the bottom of the page and taking a few of the sources that Wikipedia links to. If Wikipedia is used, it ought to be referenced. It is not as hazardous to research as some would believe. First of all, contributing to Wikipedia is not simply replacing wikipedia.org any text on every whim or picking a template and writing nonsense. Composing or changing Wikipedia articles involves more complex processes than one might think. It is done either with a Wikipedia account or as a guest edit that will record your IP address with Wikipedia. In either case, editing Wikipedia resembles editing an actual web page. The formatting necessary to make a professional-looking Wikipedia article, while not as difficult as actual programming, is something that would require some effort to learn, therefore deterring non-benevolent contributors without actual purpose. Second, Wikipedia has a remarkable self-cleaning nature. Posting false or misleading information will usually get rectified within minutes, and repeat vandals do get banned from further editing. Certain articles, like World War II and the article on Barack Obama, are locked or partially locked from edits. This makes the more significant and well known articles safer from vandalism. Nature, a science and medicine journal, did a study in 2005 testing Wikipedia against Encyclopedia Britannica. Experts in fields of study picked articles from both encyclopedias and looked for errors, omissions, or misleading statements. On average, about four such mistakes were found in a Wikipedia article, while three such mistakes were found in a Britannica article. While this does mean that Britannica is slightly more accurate, the accuracy difference strikes down the notion that Britannica always has correct information and Wikipedia is a minefield of lies and misinformation. One should certainly not use Wikipedia, or any encyclopedia for that matter, as the sole or primary source of information. Research should be gathered from real experts and dedicated material on the subject matter. But if Wikipedia is used, and it is much more often than teachers may know, then it ought to be cited. It is incorrect to use outside information from somewhere and not cite it, and yet that is exactly what many students do regarding Wikipedia because of the stigma against it. It is time that this wonderful, free, resource is finally appreciated for what it offers. OPINIONS April 2012— The BEAK Beak — April 2012 — THE —57 The Year Of The Presidential Re-Election Robert Graham and Eric Anderson Staff Writers It looks like Barack Obama is the only person in America who can be confident that he’ll still have a job next year. With any other group of candidates for the Republican nomination, he might feel endangered; but with the current contestants being offered to run against him, all he really has to do is sit back and let them keep killing their own chances. Midwest Voic es a t voices.kansascity.com refers to this year’s Republican race for the presidential nomination as “the worst lineup in the history of presidential nomination fights.” The champions of the Republican Party this year, the supposed cream of the crop, have made a weak showing. The past year has been a roller coaster for the entire GOP (Grand Old Party). Virtually every candidate (except for Ron Paul and Jon Huntsman, who was beaten in the South Carolina polls by comedian/ talk show host Stephen Colbert, not actually on the ballot) has had his or her chance at the lead, and all of them have either blown it for themselves or been shot down by the others. First Michele Bachman won the Iowa Straw Poll in August, but found herself unable to retain support. Then came Rick Perry’s surge in the polls, but he slowly and surely defeated himself with his atrocious debating abilities and preparation. Then we saw the Herman Cain explosion, the electrifying new personality who lit up the debates with his revolutionary but simple idea, but unfortunately the word “nine” spoken thrice in succession got old after two weeks, and Republican voters moved on. These three candidates and Jon Huntsman have all dropped out of the race. Newt Gingrich became a presence at the debates after Mr. Cain and has been since, but the personal problems in his past have been fighting to bring him back down. Rick Santorum has had a few recent surges and some polls currently place him in first. However, his surprising idealism on some key issues, such as opposition to contraception, coupled with his inability to spark interest with voters has kept his support base very finite with little room for growth. Ron Paul has stayed fairly constant throughout the battle and seems politically sound on most issues, but he has a very static support base that neither grows nor declines very much. Unless the media warms up to him a bit, Mr. Paul has little opportunity for a momentous increase in support. Mitt Romney has for once been the only consistent contender. He has been in or near the lead for essentially the entire race. Mr. Romney has always been there for Republicans to run back to after they’ve finished supporting a more interesting candidate. He’s always willing to take them back in once they realize ment regulation and companies that the other candidate was crazy, committed major fraud as a result. at least until a new candidate comes Another problem with Ron Paul’s and sweeps them off their feet position is what he wants to cut. again. Ultimately whoever wins the Two major components of Paul’s nomination won’t be the best candi“Plan to Restore America” go didate, but the candidate who isn’t rectly against the wishes of the maquite as bad as all the other ones. jority of Republicans in America. At this point, the GOP race has beSince the creation of the come more of a reality show than GOP and especially since the ecoanything else. It’s a joy to watch, nomic recession America experibut let’s hope that none of these enced, Republicans have been all people ever become president. about job creation. They praise One candidate has unexcompanies bold enough to hire pectedly moved up in the Republimore people and cringe when the can ranks. Ron Paul, the elevenunemployment rate rises. Ron term congressman from Texas, has Paul’s plan goes not fall into this moved from becategory, ing an after- usconservatives.about.com actually cutthought to stepting the fedping into the role eral governof a formidable ment’s workopponent to other force by 10% known Republior 250,000 can leaders, like people acMitt Romney. cording to This is extremely wnyc.org. interesting, as the Antwo have vastly other huge different viewissue in his points, showing platform is that the Republihis plan to can party is very stop foreign divided currently. aid comWhile Mr. Rompletely. This ney has said that has been met he wants less by a wall of government, he r esista nce has also stated from fellow that he supports Republicans, something similar who feel that to ObamaCare, a major inconsisthe aid is a way to have influence in tency. In fact, it is difficult to say other governments around the much about his platform due to the world as well as to maintain the many inconsistencies surrounding image that the United States is a him. charitable and caring nation. To According to the Washingmake a long story short, Mr. Paul ton Post, he has changed his views has some serious hurdles to overon abortion, gun control, gay rights, come if he wants to have a shot at climate change, immigration, and being the next President, starting even Ronald Reagan (at least he is with the revision of his plan for consistently inconsistent). There government spending. We can hear are few things really known about him typing already.... Mr. Romney, one being the size of The growth of the Tea his bank account, or rather accounts Party (a radically conservative sect (at least $200 million in total), and of Republicans) over the past year the other being the number of or so has had a major influence on houses he personally owns (three). the GOP race because their votes Then there is Ron Paul, who has now count for so much, and each (much to the relief of the GOP) candidate is fighting to look more stayed consistent in saying that he Republican than all the others. The wants very limited government. new look is unflattering and clearly However, although this position has unnatural on some, like Mitt Rombeen popular with Republicans in ney, who has historically been the past, many Republicans now closer to the moderate side of requestion how much of a limited publicanism. However, the push government they want. toward conservatism has benefited For instance, Republicans Rick Santorum greatly. were thrilled when the governMr. Santorum’s recent ment’s economic regulations were surges in the polls can be attributed relaxed under Ronald Reagan and to the recent support from the Tea led to the largest amount of ecoParty. Since the Tea Party has nomic growth in the modern era. taken notice of him, he is all for Recent similar actions by Republireducing the size of government, cans, however, have lead to fraud, decreasing government spending, scandals, and companies not lookand cutting the corporate tax rate in ing out for the consumer's best inhalf. Additionally, he wants the terests. United States to cease pursuit of A classic example of reducgreen energy and green jobs and ing regulations is seen in the housfocus completely on fossil fuels and ing collapse. Republicans during nuclear sources for energy. Where the George W. Bush administration he strays from sanity is his desire to said that they wanted less governban contraception and belief in teaching creationism in schools. His devout religious pillars often seem to get in the way of his success as a candidate. Though it is certainly possible that these beliefs could win him the GOP nomination, Mr. Santorum’s prayers won’t be enough when he is pitted against Obama in a debate. Another serious problem Mr. Santorum has is that, quite frankly, he doesn’t possess the ability to inspire. Unlike Mr. Cain and Mr. Gingrich, he can’t wow audiences. He’s just really not that interesting as a speaker. American voters don’t share a rich camaraderie with candidates who bore them to sleep. Although Santorum has gained support as of late, it doesn’t look like he’ll be able to take his campaign to the next level. Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, however, is a very different type of candidate. His political views are generally accepted by Republicans, such as passionately opposing ObamaCare and excessive government spending. He also wants better border security, is prolife, and wants to increase the already enormous spending on the military while taking a position against gay marriage. These views are consistent with the views of the majority of Republicans. However, his campaign has suffered much for the mistakes in his past concerning his personal life. He has had three wives. He had two children with his first wife. He divorced his second wife soon after she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, and he was having an affair with his third wife behind his second wife’s back (while he was publicly chastising then-Pres. Clinton for having extramarital relations). Callista Gingrich, the third and current Mrs. Gingrich, is twenty-three years younger than her husband. Though Mr. Gingrich has apologized for his mistakes, it’s hard for America not to be reluctant to support him. What if, while president, Mr. Gingrich decides to run off with a younger, prettier nation just when America needs him most? But personal problems aside, he is the best debater still left for the GOP because of all his experience, and therefore may have the best chance at defeating Obama if he gets nominated, which at this point looks unlikely. He is a loose cannon, and most Americans are wary of him. Most polls currently have Romney with 29% favor, just behind Santorum’s 33%, sharing the majority of Republican support. Third place sees Gingrich with about 14%, and Ron Paul is in fourth with about 12%. As of late February, Santorum and Romney both have won four primaries each, and Gingrich has won one. The pack is narrowing and Republicans are close to choosing their candidate for president, but the nomination is still up for grabs. To Obama’s glee, Sarah Palin has even said she has considered throwing her name out there for a late and improbable attempt at candidacy. Here we go again... The BEAK Beak — 86——THE —April April 2012 SPORTS A Brainy Backcourt Jonathan Muhlrad Special Correspondent Any sports fan would have had to be living under a rock not to have heard the recent hype surrounding the Knicks’ starting point guard Jeremy Lin. Lin’s stat lines have been more than impressive, but what makes it unbelievable is the journey he has taken to reach where he is today. His partner in the Knicks’ starting backcourt, shooting guard Landry Fields, has a story that is also rather extraordinary. Both Lin and Fields went from being high-scorers on the SAT to being high-scorers in the NBA. The league that Lin and Fields now play in was drastically different when they were growing up during the 1990s’. Basketball, then, was ruthless. The player’s roughness was not only displayed on the court, it was also reflected through their actions off the court. But while it may not have demonstrated good sportsmanship, the NBA made it up to its fans by producing some of the greatest quality of basketball the league has ever had. With the retirement of many of the NBA’s greats such as Michael Jordan and Karl Malone in the early 2000s, the quality of play in the NBA decreased, along with the league’s reputation. The NBA’s popularity took a hit, exemplified by the record-low TV ratings that were posted during the 200204 seasons. The commissioner of the NBA, David Stern, made two crucial changes in 2005. The first was implementing a dress code requiring players to wear businessattire when going to and from the arena. It is much easier to look up-to and respect an NBA player when they are cleaned up and fitted in a nice suit. The other change that Stern made altered the entire sport. Upon signing the 2005 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the league and its players, the commissioner announced that high school players must play one year of college basketball before they their playing skills as well as their individual character. This has allowed for the entrance of players like Jeremy Lin newsday.com enter the NBA draft. The previous rule in place allowed high school players to go directly from high school basketball to the NBA. The one year that players were forced to spend in college refined and Landry Fields into professional basketball. Lin and Fields have been told more than once in their lives that their basketball careers will soon come to an end. Despite illustrious high school careers, neither player was likely to be recruited to a college program. Despite gaining All Pac-12 1st team honors or single-handedly bringing recognition to their school as a top basketball program, neither player was expected to find a place with a pro team. And despite earning spots on NBA rosters, neither player was supposed to experience success in professional basketball. Today, Lin and Fields make up the starting backcourt for one of the NBA’s most famous franchises and have become essential to the New York Knicks’ success. The epitome of NBA role models, Fields and Lin have been told “no” numerous times, yet they been persevered through adversity. Lin and Fields did not let the distractions of basketball divert their attention away from the classroom, as both players excelled academically and gained acceptance to two of the country’s most prestigious universities. But along this path, the Knicks’ guards have astonishingly remained humble and demonstrated a continuous desire to better their basketball-abilities. While their rise to stardom would have been less feasible without the NBA’s reformation over the last decade, Lin and Fields are ushering in a new era of basketball role models. Instead of engaging in brawls with fans, Landry Fields can be seen jogging around the court before games, giving the crowd highfives. Rather than ranting about the insignificance of practice, Jeremy Lin can be heard in interviews after every single game, stressing the importance of continued improvement. The Knicks starting backcourt will continue to inspire the sports world with their enthusiastic play on the court and their admirable demeanor off the court. Jeremy Lin and Landry Fields represent the new National Basketball Association, truly a league for extraordinary gentlemen. What About That Other Guard In New York's Fields Of Dreams? Ryan Marks Special Correspondent Linsanity, Lincredible, Super Lin-tendo. By now, you know who he is. Jeremy Lin, a budding, young NBA superstar who graduated with a degree in economics from Harvard. This young man has even been called the “Tim Tebow” of the NBA. (A lofty compliment in its own right). We’ve all heard the story: undrafted from Harvard, gets cut from his hometown Golden State Warriors after growing up in Palo Alto. Blah Mr. Linsanity. According to US Newsweek this Knicks’ alma mater sits a mere four rankings behind Lin’s school (Harvard) on their list of “Best Universities 2012”. That superstar worth talking about is Landry Fields, who graduated from Stanford University in 2010 where he averaged 22 points per game on the court and had a 3.1 GPA in the classroom. According to one NBA scout and fellow GHS student, Jonathan Muhlrad, he’s “The G.O.A.T.” For those of you who don’t know: “Greatest of All Time.” And yes, kffl.com blah blah. But seriously, who cares anymore? In New York it’s all about the flavor of the week anyway, right? It’s time to appreciate the other Knicks superstar who also hails from Palo Alto and is every bit as educated as New York last season. He dropped buckets left and right averaging 9.7 points per game and rebounded like a young Dennis Rodman, pulling down 6.4 boards per game. That tied him for first with Dwayne Wade for the best rebounding average among all guards in the NBA last season. But this year, Super-Lintendo, has stolen the spotlight. Did Jeremy Lin make the AllNBA rookie team? I think not. Was Jeremy Lin ever called the best rebounding guard in the league? No, again. As far as I’m concerned, the game-winners, putting the weight of a combined 490 pounds of Amar’e and Melo on his back (as well as the weight of their combined, $37 million salaries). But so what? Landry Fields has been nothing but a great teammate during this hot streak even letting Mr. Lincredible crash on his couch in his NYC apartment. So I ask you, students of GHS, to trash those mainstream “Linsanity” shirts and to go to the clearance rack at Modells to find those Landry Fields shirts we all came to know and love. Let’s bring them back. Even you, Spike toptentopten.com he is fully deserves that title….well maybe not fully, but you catch my drift. Landry’s good looks, charisma, and jaw dropping ability helped him become the fan favorite in G.O.A.T has the same base salary of $762,195 that Lin has. So why are we praising this Lin guy again? Well, the Knicks have won 6 of their last 8 and he’s hit a few Lee! We can only hope the Knicks keep winning; but at some point we must ask ourselves: What good-looking face is best suited for those New York City billboards? We all know who that is. April 2012— The BEAK Beak — April 2012 — THE —79 SPORTS GHS Spring Sports Overview Sarah Brecher Sports Editor GHS’s spring sports season is approaching quickly, especially with the unseasonably warm winter coming to a close. The coaches are looking forward to successful spring seasons. Some teams are looking to continue on their winning ways and repeat as FCIAC champions, while others are motivated to try and reach championship levels through hard work and dedication. Either way, all of GHS’ athletes and coaches are excited for their upcoming season and are committed to put in the time and effort to play their hearts out and leave everything they have on the playing field. Girls Softball Girls varsity softball is looking to improve their record from last year (911). Coach Fratello comments on the team’s record: “We finished strong at the end of the season going on a 7-2 run. We would like to qualify for the FCIAC tournament and return to the State tournament and advance past the first round.” Captains for this year include seniors Erica Ambrogio (short stop), Lindsey Bemis (center field) and Emily Raviele (right field). All three were starters last year and “will play a key role again this season”, Fratello says. Other returning players include Alison Kach and Ebba Mark. Prime rivals for girls varsity softball include Stamford, Trinity, Westhill and Darien. Fratello comments on her team’s camaraderie: “They are a hard working group of girls who are determined to improve on last year’s record and winning a lot of games this year.” Girls Tennis Girls varsity tennis had an outstanding season last year, winning both FCIAC and State championships. Coach Betsy Underhill says “Our expectations are the same every year and that is to become a strong team within ourselves so we can do the best we are capable of doing. Our hopes are to recapture the FCIAC and State titles.” Nine players will return to play for the team, including singles players are Jenn Deluca, Sam Stone, Danielle Cepelewicz, Claudia Kessala, and our captain Audrey Villemure. 5 new players will be added to the roster from JV, and the rest of the team includes returners. New Canaan is expected to be the chief rival for the team, once again. Two of the three losses of the season last year (record 19-3) were to New Canaan. Coach Underhill comments on her team overall: “You can know that no matter how our record stands at the end of the season, our players will be giving it their all, and no matter whether they win or lose, they will give it their best shot. They will work hard all season, they will commit 100 percent to me and the greenwichtime.com team, they will sacrifice time, and remain patient, and hopefully all that will be enough to produce a trophy. If not, it won't be a lack of effort!” Girls Golf Girls varsity golf is looking to build upon the successes it has earned over the past eight seasons. Coach Marie Shimchick says, “I'm very excited for this season. There have been a number of girls who have expressed an interest in the team who come with a great deal of competitive experience. We should be a very strong team not only in the FCIACs but also in the state.” Returning star players are captains, seniors Emma Lunder and Brooke Nethercott. This is Lun- der’s second year as team captain, and Coach Shimchick says she relies on her leadership to help mentor and guide the younger players. Nethercott was the 2010 Connecticut High School Association Player of the Year and named All State in 2010 and 2011, as well as First Team All-FCIAC both years. According to Coach Shimchick, next the FCIAC conference. We also hope to win States.” Most of the team’s starting lineup returns. The team’s top singles player, tri-captain Tyler Kratky is in a strong position to be the top singles player in the state. Top-ranked doubles partners, tri-captains CJ Purse and Mike Grund, are physically and mentally strong and play well to- greenwichtime.com year Nethercott will be playing golf at the University of Hartford. Shimchick talks highly of her two captains: “Their love of the game and the ‘spirit of the game’ are infectious both on and off the course. They raise everyone’s game.” A deep field of returning players for this season is expected, not only with Lunder and Nethercott, but also junior Connie Bowman and sophomore MacKenzie Freder. Juniors Carly Simmel and Maddie Popp are working on their skill and technique in order to make the jump to the varsity level. Unfortunately, one of the team’s key players, Caroline Lee, is unable to compete this coming season due to a knee injury incurred during the ice hockey season this past winter. “The FCIAC will be very competitive this year,” Shimchick says. “Only the top four teams qualify for the FCIAC Tournament (this year at Tashua Knolls in Trumbull). Staples will be our strongest competition since they are returning their entire starting five but I also expect Fairfield Warde, Darien, New Canaan, Danbury and and of course, Trumbull to be very strong.” Boys Tennis Coach EJ Haskell is excited about the season. “We expect to be even stronger than last year, with almost out entire starting lineup returning. We hope to repeat our winning of greenwichtime.com gether. Coach Haskell believes the pair has strong potential to go undefeated in the FCIAC conference. “States are tough for doubles because teams often move their top singles players into doubles for this tournament, but CJ and Mike made it to the semi-finals last year. With their additional experience together, the state doubles championship is within their reach,” Haskell says. Three additional singles starters plan to return: juniors Blake Niehaus and Tatsuya Tasaki, and sophomore Ari Cepelewicz. Haskell says, “In addition to our returning starters, we have three seniors who will continue to bring strength and depth to our lineup: singles player, Mike Mannion, and the doubles team of Jeff Shull and Alex Ertel.” Although the team’s chief rival continues to be Staples, most of the other teams in the league will also impose challenges for the team. The team had a nearly impeccable FCIAC record last year: 19-1, and hopes to continue their hard work and commitment for the upcoming season. Boys Lacrosse Although the boys varsity lacrosse team is very young this year, it should not be underestimated. Coach Scott Bulkley says, “The focus will be on learning to work and play together. This is a great group of young men, who have a ton of talent. We just need to learn to play for each other and as a team before we can set any realistic expectations for the season.” The team only has a few returning starters, including captains Ryan Fisher (senior) and Alex Moeser (junior). Fisher will bring two years of starting experience into his senior year. Bulkley counts on Fisher taking a dominant position in defense. “Moeser is one of the best midfielders in the state, and the offense will run through him and his experience as a starter since his freshman year will prove to be very valuable this coming season,” Bulkley remarks. In addition, Bulkley says the team has a great group of young offensive players who will be asked to step up this year and be big contributors. “Kyle Foote, Will Gibian, JP Carey, Shawn Dunster, and Devon O’Connor saw varsity time last year and should be able to help the new additions adjust faster,” he comments. Defensively, the team has a little more experience with Dan Griffin, Cole Perry, and Jack Harrington, who had valuable time last year and should expect the same for this year. William Waesche will prove to be great competition to start in goal for Ryan Fisher. In addition, “Tim Swaby will help strengthen our defensive middie corps with his toughness and leadership. We have a ton of young defenders who will battle for starting spots”, Bulkley says. The team’s experience will hopefully help them to fight hard in all games, especially against biggest rival Fairfield Prep. Coach Bulkley comments on his team’s work ethic and commitment: “We are going to play very hard and with a ton of heart. If we can consistently do that we will position ourselves to do some great things.” Girls Water Polo Girls water polo has a large number of experienced players returning for the 2012 spring season. “All of the returning players are students of the game with strong swimming backgrounds and a love of the game,” Coach Harris says. Last season, the team had two All-American players, with graduate Jesse Evans and returning senior Ally Hay. Hay is one of the team’s captains, along with juniors Milena Meehan and Daniela Screnci. “Ally is a strong all around athlete who can score goals and play solid defense. Milena is a playmaker who is steady at both ends of the pool. Daniela is an offensive threat who can score with a strong outside shot,” Coach Harris comments. The team will also have good depth with talented second and third year players returning, including juniors Nicole Bellamy, Mary Harrigan, and Chloe Potsklan, who will bring added experience and skill to the squad. Sophomores Claire Baxter and Hollis Jomo will see additional playing time and will contribute more this coming season. Harris says, “I am looking forward to having some talented first year athletes with age group experience joining the team. They will bring added depth and help to raise the level of our program. I am confident they will blend in well with the returning veterans. The team will play against the top prep schools in the northeast, with Loomis and Choate at the top of the list. “We will need to work hard to defeat teams from Navy Aquatics and North Penn later in the season,” Harris remarks. He adds, “We had another winning season last year with 16 wins and 4 losses. With the return of experienced athletes and talented new comers, I am looking forward to another winning season with the Lady Cardinals.” 8— — THE The Beak —— April 10 BEAK April2012 2012 ENTERTAINMENT REVIEW A Masterpiece Blooms: The Blue Flower Julia Rosenfeld Special Correspondent An old park bench sits in the middle of the stage. An elderly man slowly drifts towards it and sits down with a sigh. He pulls out a scrapbook, old and faded, and gently turns the pages. The look on his face is solemn and filled with old memories. He takes out pictures and stares at them, fondly remembering past experiences. This is only the beginning of an astounding and innovative off-Broadway musical that I recently attended: The Blue Flower. I went to The Blue Flower on a whim, as a last minute change of plans. By the end of the play, I was speechless. I left the Second Stage Theater not only with beautiful melodies engraved in my mind, but also with a deeper knowledge of World War I. The Blue Flower is driven by Dadaism, which originated in Zurich, Switzerland, during the first World War. In brief, Dadaism was a radical form of artistic expression that people used to articulate their opposition to the military events of the time. The Blue Flower features characters based on famous historical figures, such as artists Max Beckmann, Franz Marc, Hannah Höch, and scientist Maria (Marie) Curie. Beckmann, Marc, and Höch were all famous Dadaist artists during the 1910’s to 1920’s. The story starts with the sudden death of Max in Central Park in the 1950’s. Time stops, and the story is continued through creative slideshows projected onto the screen. This slideshow is periodically accompanied by song. We are shown his connection to Franz whom he lives with in Paris. Max works on expressionist paintings, while Franz is inspired by his favorite muse, the horse. Jealousy, however, slowly separates them. They both fancy Marie Curie, who Noah Freeman Special Correspondent It generated over a billion dollars at the box office, it appeared on 33 top-10 lists for best films of 2008, got a 94% review on Rottentomatoes.com from critics, and received countless awards and nominations. It can be safely said that The Dark Knight was a well-liked movie. What then, about it’s sequel? Spoiler Alert: The Dark Knight ended with Batman driving off into the night, after taking the blame for Harvey Dent’s crimes. The Joker was captured and Twoface died. Now the question is who, or what is the B a t ma n ’ s next opponent? I n his next installment in the batman series, The Dark fandango.com K n i g h t Rises, Christopher Nolan is introduc- at that point, is a young and naïve woman in Paris. Max sees her first, but Franz steals her heart. Unfortunately, their efflorescent love for each other is suddenly interrupted by the horrors of the war. Cities are bombed, people are killed, and the friends soon separate. The maelstrom of the war deeply affects the lives of all four characters and before long, the musical ends on a note of tragedy. What is truly innovative about The Blue Flower is the music. The songs vary between emotional ballads and uptempo rock songs. Although the musical takes place in the early 1900’s, there is a modern influence, with harmonica and guitar parts intertwined with classic Broadway tunes and jazz pieces. There is also a discernible country twang and indie effect in many of the songs as well. The harmonies were enchanting and there was a perfect use of dissonance. The lyrics were clever as well, with some being romantic and others satirical. The melodies never left my head, and I found myself humming them continuously after the play. At the end of the show, I got to go backstage and meet the actors. I know the woman who plays Hannah, Meghan McGeary, so she kindly showed us around. Teal Wicks, the woman who played Marie Curie, was incredibly friendly. As it turned out, she had previously played Elphaba in the musical Wicked on Broadway. I walked out of the Second Stage Theater a completely different person. I had experienced the harsh reality of the war, the ideas of Dadaism, and the confusion of life itself. Despite this chaotic play, The Blue Flower is a story of hope, and that hope continued to affect me after the performance. Once in a while, something truly amazing comes along, and blows you away. Seeing The Blue Flower was one of the best last minute decisions I ever made. PREVIEW Looking Forward To The Avengers Sean Dillion Staff Writer I am a comic book fan. I love the lavishly creative things comic book stories tell that no other media can without making fun of it. I love stories like Grant Morrison’s Animal Man, Watchmen, and Joe Kelly's Deadpool. These books have wild ideas like the main character meeting the writer of his story, or a giant squid saving the human race, or traveling back in time and replacing an important historical figure who has a secret identity, all the while, making great humorous entertainment. In my opinion, all the adaptations of the Marvel comics in the film universe have ranged from good, such as The Incredible Hulk to great, such as Captain America. Now, they are all culminating into one story: The Tales of The Avengers. In order for The Tales of The Avengers to be a success, the publishers w o u l d have to get a great storyteller familiar with comic books. Enter Joss Wh ed on , the guy behind such great stories as Buffy the Vampire S l a y e r , ht t p: / / www .go o gl e. co m/ i m gr es? Firefly, Toy Story, and Dr. Horrible’s Singalong Blog. If you’ve never heard of any of these stories, get out and watch them! Whedon’s characters can be The Dark Knight Rises ing two villains, the sleek Selina Kyle, otherwise known as Catwoman, and the enigmatic, masked villain Bane. Taking place eight years after the events of The Dark Knight, Batman must stop the terrorist Bane from wreaking havoc fandango.com on his b el o v e d Gotham. The trailer for The Dark Knight Rises starts out with a young boy singing the national anthem, in a football field about to be attacked by Bane. A football player runs across the field, oblivious to the fiery destruction occurring behind him. Selina Kyle then tells Bruce Wayne, “There is a storm coming… … when it hits, you’re all gonna wonder how you could live so large, and leave so little for the rest of us.” Convicts are freed, waving their guns, and Bane ominously walks up a tunnel. One of the best things about the previous movie, The Dark Knight, was the late Heath Ledger’s remarkable performance as the Joker. Will Tom Hardy and Anne Hathaway be able to fill his shoes? In an interview with Empire magazine, Hardy said about his character, “He’s brutal. Brutal. … He’s a smashing machine. He’s a wrecking ball.” And he intends to portray Bane as such, saying to Empire magazine, “He's a big dude who's incredibly clinical, in the fact that he has a result-based and oriented fighting style. It's not about fighting. It's about carnage. The style is heavy-handed, heavyfooted, it's nasty. Anything from small-joint manipulation to crushing skulls, crushing rib cages, stamping on shins and knees and necks and collarbones and snapping heads off and tearing his fists through chests, ripping out spinal columns. He is a terrorist in mentality as well as brutal action." The character of Bane in The Dark Knight Rises is radically different from Joel Schumacher’s portrayal of the character in Batman and Robin. In Batman and Robin, Bane was little more than a henchman. He roared and grunted and charged at people. However, in The Dark Knight Rises Bane is a highly intelligent terrorist leader, on top of summed up as likeable, strong, and hilarious. His stories range from the musical comedy of Once More, With Feeling to the utter despair of Act 3 of Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog. However, be warned of two things. First, Nathan Fillion will be in this movie. For those who don’t know who he is, watch Castle. He will be in this film because Joss Whedon made his career with the role of Malcolm Reynolds in Firefly, which can best be described as Han Solo meets Clint Eastwood meets a five year old. The second warning you should heed is that Joss has a tendency for killing off the most likeable, comedic, and/ or cutest character of the story, dying in the most painful ways imaginable. So, expect a wonderful film with great characters and fantastic dialogue. Other adaptations I am looking forward to: Dark Knight Rises (The Grand Finale of Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight Films) Before Watchmen (Comic book prequels of Watchmen written by Brian “Joker” Azzarello, J Michael” Straczynski, “Babylon 5, Darwin Cooke, “New Frontier”, and Len Wein, “Editor of Watchmen”) World War Z (An adaptation of Max Brooks’ zombie classic) Cabin in the Woods (Written by Joss Whedon, “Serenity”) The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists (From the guys who brought you Wallace and Gromit) Prometheus (Ridley Scotts’ return to Sci Fi) Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter GI Joe: Retaliation (From the guys who made Zombieland) ParaNorman Hotel Transylvania (From Gendy Tartakofsky, “Samurai Jack”) being a brutal titan. Another big name starring in The Dark K n i g h t Rises is A n n e Hathaway. Accor ding to Ms. Hathaway, the role has not been an easy one. Apparently, she’s been living on “kale and fandango.com dust,” just so she can fit into the costume! The Huffington Post reported she also called the roll her most physically demanding yet. "They've given me a martial arts exercise that I have to do all the time to teach me grace and proper stance and fluid movement. It looks so gentle, but when you're actually doing fight choreography it's 'Oh my gosh, that's actually a block. Oh, I'm hitting somebody's throat right now.’” After the success of The Dark Knight, expectations are high for it’s sequel. We can only hope that The Dark Knight Rises lives up to its predecessor ENTERTAINMENT Fashion Night Out Jordan Missions, a foundation dedicated to helping those in need, by coordinating a clothing drive for underprivileged children going back to school. Across the pond in London, thousands of people swarmed the streets in their chicest outfits, hoping to be photographed by maga- Annie Manacher Entertainment Editor Early fall is a busy time in the world of fashion. Not only is it the time for new autumn trends to make their way onto the streets via fashion magazines, but it holds one of the fashion world’s busiest nights: Fashion Night out. Fashion Night Out (FNO) began in 2008 in New York City, and since then has spread to 17 other countries, including the United Kingdom, France, and Brazil. FNO celebrates the kick off of Fashion week in New York City. On this early September night, FNO festivities begin at 6 PM and fashionpulsedaily.com continue until 11 PM. Typical FNO celebrations include live zines like Vogue. FNO’s hometown music acts, champagne, star-studded of New York City was nothing parties, and of course, shopping! short of chaos. Crowds were sigAccording to Fashion Night nificantly larger than last year’s Out’s official websites, cities all over event, and the city was full of fathe world had fun, successful, shopmous celebrities. A-Listers like ping nights this year. In Los Angeles, Justin Bieber and mentor Usher participating stores ranged from afattended Dolce & Gabbana’s Celebration in Manhattan where the 17year old superstar signed t-shirts for $195 a piece. Part of the proceeds went to one of Bieber’s favorite charities, Pencils of Promise. (myfoxny.com) Rapper Drake was seen taking a turn DJing at Versace’s FNO party, and fellow Young-Money artist Nicki Minaj celebrated Fashion Night Out at Giuseppe Zanotti Boutique. (Rapup.com) So what trends can we expect this upcoming fall? Menswear chic has been increasingly popular, making good use of materials like leather and denim. Bold prints with thejustinbiebershrine.com stripes and spots will be making a fordable H&M to high-end designers statement as well, as will animal like Fendi and Gucci. The City of prints and lace. Angles even teamed up with Fred April TheBEAK Beak — —9 April 20122012— — THE 11 Adele And The Music Within Her Karena Ardaji Special Correspondent Adele Laurie Blue Adkins was born May 5, 1988, in Tottenham, England. Twenty-years later, when Adele dropped her first album, 19, it took off immediately. Her song Chasing Pavements became a hit and scored Adele a Grammy for Best New Artist in 2009. That’s a lot for a 19 year old to go through! Adele’s new album 21 is even more complex, deeper, and darker. She recently told MTV News reporter James Montgomery that the making of 21 was heartbreaking in more ways than one. Adele took her horrible break-up and turned it into artsfuse.org something beautiful. Adele fits in to the genre of Soul and Jazz. Her soulful voice makes her sound older than her 23 years. Adele is known for many hit songs, including Chasing Pavements, Set Fire to the Rain, and Someone like You. Adele's song "Rolling in the Deep" was #1 on the charts for seven weeks straight, and her song "Someone like You" was #1 for two weeks straight. CNN’s cover about the singer story says "She's a rare case of an artist where she can breeze in, sit down and just knock everyone out. On top of the quality of songwriting, there's just an indefinable charisma and power to her voice. It was so obvious that there didn't need to be any- thing to mask it. There wasn't an issue of production…there was nothing dressed up about it". What most people love about Adele is her 100% reality. At the 2011 MTV Video Music Awards, Adele performed standing in a simple black dress, while other celebrity like Lady Gaga and Nicki Minaj wore extravagant costumes. Adele doesn't need to wow people with fashion. She wows people with her strong, graceful voice. I n other Adele news: The singer performed recently in London's HMV Hammers mit h Apollo and stopped the show to allow medics to treat a fan who had fainted. After hearing co nf ir ma tion of the incident, she cried 'medic' into her microphone, before walking t o t h e f r o nt of t h e s t a g e (DailyMail.co.uk). Some of Adele’s more inspiring quotes come from when she has discussed singing about heartbreak. "Heartbreak can definitely give you a deeper sensibility for writing songs. I drew on a lot of heartbreak when I was writing my first album, I didn't mean to, but I just did." (BrainyQuote.com). Adele will continue to influence people around the world. With her beautiful music, powerful lyrics and her gracefulness, she might just end up leaving her fingerprint on the world. Don’t Forget The Classics Jonna Mosoff Special Correspondent Movies are a part of everyone’s life. We go to the movies for entertainment, but we don’t often think about how movies have evolved. Like everything else, they have a history. Our generation, however, has lost touch with its beginnings. Black and white- silent movies and movies where married couples slept in two double beds are not familiar to most teenagers. The forties, fifties, and even the sixties seem like centuries away, but these were what impacted our parents and grandparents. Their point of view of life was impacted by these movies and now we are ignoring them. The fact that they were released decades before we were born does not make them any less important We are forced to read classic written works in school. We will have read Catcher in the Rye and Lord of the Flies by the time we leave high school along with Macand that is what is on film. Movies beth, Romeo and Juliet and A Tale are time capsules and every time of Two Cities. These are a vital part you watch the movies you are openof our education and our undering the time capsule. They are pristanding of our cultural history. mary sources, important to an unThey are primary source examples derstanding of history. People have of the views of a certain era, from said time after time that the media Shakespeare and his description of has an incredible impact on the the Elizabethan Era to Arthur Miller populace. They tend to be referring and his description of to television and raA mer i ca du r in g dio, but movies McCarthyism. Classhould not be exsic movies can serve cluded, they are a the same purpose. form of media. And Dir ect ors, despite liberties taken writers, and actors with actual evidence come to together to they are, for the most create a film that depart, accurate. picts their views of an Movies also event. Casablanca have an incredible and Mrs. Miniver ability to affect the were made during www.doctormacro.co lives of millions of World War II; the moviegoers. They directors and actors didn’t know the affect social change. For example, Allies were going to win the war or the 1967 film Guess Who’s Coming that we were going to drop an to Dinner was the first time a black atomic bomb. They knew only what man kissed a white woman on film. they felt at that time during the war, This was completely unheard of and it made theatergoers think. Was it really that bad? South Pacific gives a similar vibe with a song dripping in irony titled “You’ve Got to be Taught”, in which a sailor lists all the prejudices people “must” have to fit into the society of the 1940’s. He loved a Polynesian woman, which was shocking at the time, and yet when the sailor dies, the audience’s hearts go out to the young woman who has lost her love. Movies play with people’s emotions and their greatest gift is showing us that all people despite color and race have the same emotions. This is how and why one film can affect millions of people around the world. They project universal truths, such as love, hate and redemption. So the next time you go to a movie with a friend and marvel at the computer generated imagery and wonderful special effects, remember where they came from and, please, don’t forget the classics! 10——THE TheBEAK Beak — April 2012 12 April 2012 ENTERTAINMENT Big Wins At The Oscars Eamon Cartine Special Correspondent A story about a relationship between a silent film star, a rising young actress, a young boy solving a mystery alone in Paris, and Margaret Thatcher stole the show this year at the 84th Annual Academy Awards at the Hollywood and Highland Center. Stars graced the Red Carpet, among them Jessica Chastain, Stacy Keibler, and Missi Pyle as best dressed and Gwyneth Paltrow, Kristen Wiig, and Berenice Bejo as worst dressed of the night. After many compliments and questions the stars entered the theater and took their seats to get for the great night. The theater was decorated with a cinema theme, including old-time model ushers handing out popcorn and snacks during commercial breaks. Billy Crystal hosted Hollywood’s biggest night this year for the 9th time. Eddie Murphy, the original host, dropped after producer, Brett Ratner, resigned. Ratner’s use of a gay slur while discussing rehearsals forced him to resign. The incident caused Murphy to step down as well, disgusted by the whole ordeal. So that’s where Billy Crystal came in. Crystal was great with many humorous skits and a low-key, but still witty opening. Billy was back! The big winner of the night was The Artist, a silent French romantic comedy drama film. The story takes place from 1927 to 1932 in Hollywood, at the time when silent films were falling out and being replaced by “the talkies”, movies with sound. The plot follows the relationship between an older silent film star and a rising young actress. The Artist won Best Picture, beating out 8 other films including Hugo and The Descendants. The Artist’s Michel Hazavicius won Best Director and French actor Jean Dujardin surprisingly beat Hollywood hit George Clooney for Best Actor. The Artist also took home Best Original Score and Best Costume Design. Even though Hugo also won five awards and received the most nomi- RETRO REVIEW Sean Dillon Staff Writer Act I: The Dawn of Man. This act is pointless! All that happens in this part of the film is monkeys sit around and suddenly they learn to use tools for ill. Grade F (0%) Act II: TMA-1. Of all the acts of the film, this one had the most squandered potential. It could have shown us a possible future of mankind in the year 2001 and explained what exactly monoliths are. (For the record, monoliths are advanced machines created by an unseen extraterrestrial creature.) There are problems with some of the director’s decisions. In the movie, we never find out what the monoliths are! This subject, in a science fiction film, is left for us to ponder without giving us any clues at all. Also, in one scene which I assume is meant to show space travel as being perceived with the same casualty as air travel, there is very little human interaction. Where is the emotion? The director does show us a future with video screens, PowerPoint, and revolving doors with comfy chairs. I guess that’s worth something. Grade D+ (68%) nations of 2011, it only received technical awards. Hugo won Best Sound Editing, Best Sound Mixing, Best Art Direction, Best Cinematography, and Best Visual Effects. Hugo is the story of a boy who lives a Paris railway station alone, and also follows a toyshop owner in the French city. Meryl Streep won Best Actress for her portrayal of the historical head-strong Margaret Thatcher in The Iron Lady. Even though she is a respected big-name actress, the award was expected to go to fan-favorite newbie, Viola Davis. The Iron Lady also won Best Makeup. Christopher Plummer, who played an openly gay man with terminal cancer, won Best Supporting Actor for Beginners and Octavia Spencer, who played a big-mouth Southern maid in the 1950’s, won Best Supporting Actress for The Help, as expected. Christopher Plummer broke the record for being the oldest person in history to win an Academy Award for acting at the age of 82. Meryl Streep continued her record for most nominations, 17, and is now one of five actors whom have won 3 or more Academy Awards. This was also her first win in 28 years, since Sophie’s Choice, after 14 straight losses. In addition, she was the 9th actress in the last 14 years to win Best Actress for portraying a real person. Overall, the Oscars were a great success and a most memorable night. Hopefully next year will be just as great , and more advanced movies can be created in the future. After 84 years, the Academy Awards continues to honors movies of all shapes and sizes. euronews.com The Hunger Games Hit The Big Screen Annie Manacher Entertainment Editor The Hunger Games Trilogy written by Suzanne Collins, are easily the most popular books since the Twilight Saga franchise. By the end of March 2012, fans finally have seen the first installment of the trilogy come to life. The first story in Hunger Games Trilogy follows Katniss as she embarks on a dangerous adventure competing in her country’s annual “ H u n g e r Games”. Two tributes, one male, one female, are selected from each of the twelve distr icts of Pamen , the country where the games take place. Only one can win. The Hunger Games movie stars Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen, the main character, Josh Hutcherson as Peeta Mellark, Katniss’ fellow competitor, and L i a m Hemsworth as Gale Hawthorne, Katniss’ best fr i en d fr om hungergamesmovie.org home. E ven though the movie is receiving a lot of hype, not everyone was always a fan, including Jennifer Lawrence herself! In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Lawrence reveals how she ignored the offer for three days! The 21year-old says, “It was the middle of the night in England, and I was in bed when I got the call, and I was so in love with the books and the script, and suddenly it was right in my face -- and the size of the decision was terrifying." So what made her accept the opportunity? Calling her mom! The advice she received prompted her to take the role. She tells The Hollywood Reporter, "I thought, 'I don't want to miss out because I'm scared. Me being scared, I never want that to stop me from doing something.' But I knew in my heart that I wanted it -- it was about working out all the fears." Despite the publicity the movie is receiving, Jennifer will only r e c e i v e $500,000 for the first film in the series. She along with costars Hut ch er s on a n d He m s wor t h are signed on for all of The H u n g e r Games movies. This film was anticipated so much, that tickets went on sale a little over a month before the release date! Lionsgate, the movie’s studio, generated more hype for the movie by creating a week-long mall tour with the film’s three main stars, where fans are able to take part in and question/answer session directly with the actors. The Hunger Games is sure to become a hype rivaling the likes of other series before it. Make sure you catch it in theaters as soon as possible! 2001: A Space Odyssey (The Movie) Act III: Jupiter Mission. I wish the rest of the film were created to this level of quality. Everything in Act III is excellent. I both fear and sympathize with Hal, a character with multiple layers. The actor who plays Hal is the only convincing actor in the entire film. This works for the character because he is supposed to grow emotions by becoming more and more self -aware and he is afraid to die. Grade A (95%) Act IV: Jupiter and Beyond the Infinite. This act is very confusing. From what I gather, the main character is transitioning into a space baby, which contradicts the monolith machine giving knowledge to early man in the first act of the film. Not only that, but we never find out why the machine did that or why it changed the protagonist. Does the monolith speed up evolution? No, because evolution does not work on individual species. Is it moving the character to a higher plain of existence? Maybe, that seems to be the most reasonable explanation. Another theory could be that the baby is watching a new planet and the first act is in fact, actually the ending of the film. Grade F (42%) O v e r a l l Grade: F (52%) psychedelicadventure.blogspot.com think Here are 10 Sci Fi stories that I ar e bett er than 2001: 1. I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream by Harlan Ellison 2. Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons 3. Gattaca by Andrew Niccol 4. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan by Nicholas Meyer and Jack B. Sowards 5. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country by Nicholas Meyer andDenny Martin Finn 6. Blade Runner by Ridley Scott, Hampton Fancher, and David Peoples 7. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series by Douglas Adams 8. The Caves of Androzani by Robert Holmes and Graeme Harper 9. Out of Gas by Tim Minear and David Solomon 10. In the Pale Moonlight by Michael Taylor, Peter Allan Fields, and Victor Lobl FEATURES A STUDY Chloe McGovern Features Editor With mid-terms in our wake and AP exams leering ahead on the horizon, more often the challenge of condensing an entire semester’s worth of material into a study plan, and not the test itself, that causes stress and sleepless nights. The Beak recently conducted a survey among 25 Greenwich High School students to examine what has proven to be the most effective study methods and patterns that permeate the student body. The one method that has prove to be unanimous, with all 25 students providing the same response, is using a combination of notes, study guides, and the textbook as prime study materials. If pressed for time, senior Jamie Denton says, ”Reading straight from the textbook, or an AP review book, is the way to go.” The subjects of this prestigious study were also divided about the practicality of studying with friends. While 10 responded that friends were an invaluable source of information and that the peer pressure often forced them to commit to their studies, 15 others contended that the temptation to socialize during study sessions was too strong and only served to lower their final grade. Ultimately, the study skill of choice depends upon personality and better judgment. Although many often complain about sleepless nights blurred with highlighters and sticky notes, a April 2012— The Beak April 2012 — THE BEAK——11 13 How Do You Study? surprising number of students responded they make it a goal to receive a sufficient amount of sleep prior to each test. Seven students responded that they sleep for five to seven hours on average, while another ten say they receive eight or nine hours. Though cramming is a common cop out method, most students prefer spreading their study time in one to two hour chunks of time during the week leading up to the exam. However, at least five reported that the majority of their studying is accomplished the night before. Several students provided additional tricks to improve one’s study habits. Senior Michael Grund noted, “A spoonful of sugar works just as well as, if not better than, a cup of coffee”. Junior Brad Kim advises that simply paying attention in class and doing your homework throughout the entire school year will guarantee at least a B on any test. And finally, Senior Jennifer Hilibrand says that coffee is her fail -proof study weapon. Listed below is the complete data collected from this survey: Who Students Prefer Studying With Preferred Study Location Study Period Home……………………….14 The Library…………………8 Starbucks……………………2 School………………………1 2 + Wks Prior..……………......3 1-2 Wks Prior…………...…….7 1 Week Prior……………...…..9 Several Days Prior…...……….4 The Night Before……………..2 100% of students use a combination of notes, study guides, and textbooks to study Searching For A Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow Peter Russell Special Correspondent Political Action Committees, also known as Super PAC’s, recently outspent the candidates almost two to one in Election 2012 primary advertisements, according to the San Francisco Chronicle, PAC’s have received more than $96 million for advertisements. Half of this has so far been spent on attack advertisements, which are advertisements that have the sole purpose of attacking a candidate and their position. PAC’s. However, in early February, President Obama, perhaps accepting the inevitable, approved Super PAC’s and encouraged wealthy democrats to start donating to them as their Republican counterparts have been doing. Every major candidate has a Super PAC which supports them in some way. Until recently, incumbent President Barack Obama was the only candidate who did not officially endorse the existence of super Overall, one can safely say that Super PAC’s are shaping up to be a huge part of the campaign landscape for the 2012 GOP nominations and the general elections. Super PAC’s have even encroached This marks an important landmark in the history of Super PACs, which were created by the ruling of the Citizen’s United supreme court case in 2010. This case was successful in allowing Super PACs to donate unlimited sums of money to political campaigns as long as the groups do not affiliate or coordinate with the candidate himself. If one group receives more than $1,000 in politically driven donations, it qualifies as a PAC. Overall, Super PACs have raised incredible amounts of money, much of which goes undocumented. According to Opensecrets.org, a center for Responsive Politics, Super into modern popular culture with the dawn of the, “Colbert Super PAC, Making a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow,” led by political pundit Stephen Colbert. Colbert, a Comedy Central political satirist, has long poked fun at our nation’s political system; from his run for president in 2008 to his exploratory committee for the presidency of the United States of South Carolina in 2012. His remarks and satires are often found by political scientists to be more truthful than not and as a result the pundit’s a ctions ha ve brought him under both acclaim and criticism. One of his more recent forays into politics and government has been the Super PAC, which he created as a mock up in 2011. So far, according to Federal Electoral Commission records, Colbert has raised over a million dollars for his PAC. 3A—— TheBEAK Beak — — April April2012 1, 2012 14 THE APRIL FOOL! April 1, 2012 — THE The Beak —— 4A15 April 2012 — BEAK Let’s Have A Tea Partay! Helen Hansel Features Editor What’s the next best thing since sliced bread? Simply put, sliced bread. And nothing could be better than sliced bread with a bit of jam on the top and a nice hot, steeping cup of tea by its side. You may call me silly, but what you’ve just prepared yourself for is nothing less than a full blown-out tea partay. Tea partay. Does this make you reminisce about those tea partays you had when you were four, when nobody but your stuffed teddy-bears attended? No? Maybe, then, what comes to mind is that day in American History last year when you learned about the colonists and how they threw barrels and barrels of tea into the Boston Harbor. Did you fall asleep in that particular class? Nice. Well, perhaps for the more politically astute of you, the conservative movement is what you immediately comes to mind. Well, I propose something new -- something hopefully much more impressive than any of the three Christian Fazio Editor in Chief above choices, something that will hopefully change the world through commitment, cooperation, and coolness: a Tea Partay Club. The Tea Partay Club would have all the elements of the typical club at Greenwich H i g h School. It supports an arbitrary c a u s e through bake sales, it elects the top 98.7% (r ounded up) of all members to lea der ship p os it ions that look “ a ma zi n g for college,” and finally, it posts ads for club meetings (ALL ARE WELCOME!) in the places where students least want to be reading about them -- places such as bathroom stalls, library bulletin boards, and the floor, of course. But the Tea Partay Club is, in fact, outrageously distinct from other clubs at Gr eenwich High School. It also has nothing to do with fouryear-old girls, American history or politics. Its simple goal is to return tea back into American culture and distract Americans from drinking unhealthy soda, sugary juices, and even (indulge me in a bit of optimism) hard liquor. Who needs those drinks that are simply awful for health and decaying teeth? Ooooohh, do I sense a health -conscious aspect to this club? Gosh, we are just so hipster! Unfortunately, it has come to this — the moment of truth — the final ultimatum. Should we, can we, ask Student Activities to please let us start a Tea-Partay Club despite its many political nuances? Will we be allowed to start a club for the simple joy of pursuing our fierce passions of tea and its fabulous flair? Are we not justified in spreading the wealth of tea to the poor and ignorant souls who are tragically unaware of its beauty, power, and existential glory? As missionaries (and, on the side, members of the Tea Partay Club), it is our right, no, it is our duty to propagate the great qualities of tea that seem to have transcended time. Or, should I say seep through time just as tea itself seeps through the napkin that separates the tea cup from the saucer? And steeps in a cup? Viva La Revolución! The grade weighting system at GHS has been under much talk recently, sparking debate at school among students, PTA meetings, as well as headmaster forums. The issue even started appearing on Facebook following a proposal to reduce the weighting from 1.0 to 0.5. With inflammatory and misleading titles of groups like "Keep Weighted GPAs at GHS" and "Petition Unweighted GPAs!," it is evident that students at the school are ardent about GPAs. I do not think weighting is the problem when it comes to grades at GHS; I think the entire system of grade delegation requires reform. Hopefully, I may capture some of the enthusiasm shown by the student body regarding weighting and direct it toward what I think is the bigger problem: GPA inequality. It seems that every day the smart get smarter and vice versa. Students who consistently receive D's and F's live in the forgotten world of starving GPA’s; while others who receive A's and B's sit in their hilltop megamansions smoking Cuban cigars and drinking molten gold. I propose we end this unequal distribution of grades and institute a redistribution of grades program. The current system unfairly punishes the less fortunate, favors children privileged from birth, and creates gross inequalities between the top 1% and the remaining 99%. Based on my own mental calculations the Gini coefficient (a measure used for income inequality, where 1 is perfect inequality and 0 is perfect equality) for distribution of GPAs at GHS is .89; this ratio is above the .6 mark that signals a distribution is highly unequal and is far above even the worst of African dictatorships! We live in Greenwich, Connecticut in the United States of America (in case you didn't know or are suffering from a rare case of amnesia), not in Swaziland. If we don't alter our course we will soon turn into Swaziland and famine, rioting, and bad stuff will happen! G P A inequality occurs because certain students master and apply skills better than their peers. Just as in capitalism, because people work in different ways with different talents, they ultimately achieve different outcomes. We, however, can't allow this to continue! Just because a student is less gifted, doesn't do any work, or cuts every single class doesn't mean that he should be given poor marks. It is, after all, probably not his fault that this is happening to him, but the fault of the more intelligent, who exploit the less intelligent for grades and the gods. The argument that people should be able to succeed or fail by their own merits is an immoral, unfair, "dog-eat-dog" argument that has failed when applied to free market capitalism; the poor (or less advantaged) deserve money, good grades, and services to be paid for by the rich (or more privileged). Anyone who argues against this is insensitive and elitist. All men (students) are not "created equal" at birth. This is a fact. All people also don't have the same parents, so they are brought up differently. This variety of backgrounds produces gross inequalities in education level upon entering school, physical abilities, and personal interests. Some will have unfair advantages, which doesn't make the playing field level. The policy of grades is especially prejudiced against those who don't attend school or who were never born into existence! Should we really continue to sit back and let people not in our school system or who were never conceived to be without a GPA: which is fundamental to their "general welfare" and "pursuit of happiness"? I think not! "We are the 99%" has become a popular catchphrase amongst anti-elite, anti-capitalist, anti-Wall Street, anti-1%, antiworld, anti-anti Occupy Wall Street protestors (I <3 #Occupy, #OWS). I think the occupiers should stop directing their attention toward the failing, unfair system of capitalism and instead focus on the inequality of grades that exists in school. If #OccupyGreewich and #Occupy (Insert place with wealthy people here) can become popular, so can #OccupyGHS (although we would have to set up our tents and bongos away from school property, because otherwise the cops will brutalize and blind us with pepper spray). We can't continue to let hard workers achieve high GPAs at the expense of poor workers! Since everyone knows that only a certain amount of high grades can be given out, just as only a certain amount of wealth exists and no more can be created, we must distribute them equitably. Every student should be given a C average (2.0 GPA) regardless of his courses, performance, participation, attendance, or existence. To supplement this policy, the ability to give out grades should be vested in the administration alone and not teachers (in order to ensure fair distribution) and all children who attend GHS should be clones of each other and be raised by glorious government parenting agency to ensure fairness. These policies are not unlike the policies that exist in much of Western Europe regarding welfare and that have existed in places like Cuba, China, and the former USSR. In all cases they have produced greater equality. The claims that equality was attained by making everyone poorer and that these policies ultimately led to dependence, shortages, famine, economic deterioration, and destitution don't hold water. They are based off of things like "statistics" and "economics" that are mere tools used by the elites to change history and subdue the swinish multitudes; anyone who uses statistics to say that redistribution or socialization are bad is a bigot and should be imprisoned without trial for 1000 years or until he says his sorry. 12—— The Beak— —April April2012 2012 16 THE BEAK ADVERTISEMENT This advertisement is not necessarily endorsed by The Beak or by Greenwich High School.