Mr. Steven P. Kfoury, Executive Director The
Mr. Steven P. Kfoury, Executive Director The
Mr. Steven P. Kfoury, Executive Director The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth State Publications and Regulations One Ashburton Place, Room 1613 Boston, Massachusetts 02108 Chapter 25 of the Acts of2009 of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (as amended, the "Transportation Reform Act"), which was enacted and approved in June 2009, was designed to reform the transportation system of the Commonwealth. The Transportation Report Act created a new entity, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT), through enactment of Chapter 6C of the Massachusetts General Laws. MassDOT expects to promulgate new regulations during the next twelve months that govern its Division of Highways, Office of Outdoor Advertising, and possibly its Registry of Motor Vehicles, and Aeronautics Division. In accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, § 6D, MassDOT has preliminarily identified the subject and CMR designation of its proposed regulations, which is attached hereto as "Attachment A". 20 The text of the regulations published in the electronic version of the Massachusetts Register is unofficial and for informational purposes only. The official version is the printed copy which is available from the State Bookstore at 700 CMR: MASSACHUSETrS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (Regulations that formerly governed the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority and the Massachusetts Highway Department) 2.00 - Rules for Adopting, Amending, or Repealing Administrative Regulations, and for Issuing Advisory Rulings 5.00 - Prequalification of Contractors and Prospective bidders for Statewide Engineering Field Survey Services 6.00 - Policy for Permitting Operation on MassDOT roadways of Vehicles with Overweight Reducible Loads and for Permitting of Certain Vehicle Trailer Combination to Transport Reducible Loads 7.00 - Use of the Massachusetts Turnpike and the Metropolitan Highway System 9.00 - Driving on MassDOT roadways 10.00 - Regulation of Certain Roadways and Bridges (Formerly owned by the Department of Conservation and Recreation) 11.00 - Maurice J. Tobin Memorial Bridge 12.00 - Government and Use of the Reservations and Parkways Under the Care and Control of the MassDOT 13.00 - Highway Access 14.00 - Small Town Road Assistance Program 702 CMR: MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - AERONAUTICS DIVISION - There may be changes to the following Aeronautics Regulations: 2.00 - General 3.00 - General Rules 4.0 - Flight Rules 5.0 - Airports and Restricted Landing Areas 6.0 - Aircraft Accidents 7.0 - Alteration of Licenses, Approval Forms, Etc. 711 CMR: MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - CONTROL AND RESTRICTION OF BILLBOARDS, SIGNS AND OTHER ADVERTISING DEVICES 3.01 - Definitions 3.02 - Licenses, Permits, Exemptions 3.03 - Fees for, Expiration of and Revocation of Licenses and Permits 3.04 - Procedure for Processing and Requirements for Application for a License and License Renewals 3.05 - Procedure for Processing Applications for Initial Permits, Temporary Permits, Permit Renewals and Permit Transfers 3.06 - Specific Information to be Submitted with Initial and Temporary Pernlit Applications 3.07 - Requirements for New Permits 3.08 - Requirements for Renewal of Permits 3.09 - License and Permit Revocation 3.10 - Permit Amendment 3.11 - Rotating or Alternate Faces 3.12 - Permit Transfer 21 The text of the regulations published in the electronic version of the Massachusetts Register is unofficial and for informational purposes only. The official version is the printed copy which is available from the State Bookstore at 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 - Maintenance of Signs - Duty of Compliance - Severability - Repair or Restoration of Signs - Requirements for Electronic Sign Permits - Fines/Penalties - Savings Clause 540 CMR: MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - REGISTRY OF MOTOR VEHICLES - There may be changes to the following Registry of Motor Vehicles Regulations: 2.05 - Vehicle Registration Requirements 2.06 - Operators Licensing Requirements 2.22 - Markings on Commercial Vehicles 7.00 - Minimum Standards for Construction and Equipment of School Buses and Minimum Standards for School Pupil Transport Vehicles 12.00 - Inspection of Restored Salvage Motor Vehicles (if necessary) 13.00 - International Registration Plan Regulations 14.00 - Motor Carrier Safety and Hazardous Material Regulations; and 18.00 - Minimum Standards for the Issuance and Use of General Registrations and General Registration Number Plates Issued Under the provisions ofMGL c. 90, Sec. 5. 22 The text of the regulations published in the electronic version of the Massachusetts Register is unofficial and for informational purposes only. The official version is the printed copy which is available from the State Bookstore at
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527 CMR 12.00_1
The text of the regulations published in the electronic version of the Massachusetts Register is unofficial and for informational purposes only.
The official version is the printed copy which is a...