St. Brendan the Navigator
St. Brendan the Navigator
Feast of Christ the King November 22, 2015 The Navigator El Navegante St. Brendan the Navigator Catholic Church Cumming, GA Go… Baptize… Teach… Vayan… Bauticen… Enseñen… Pope Francis’ Prayer Intentions for November Universal: That we may be open to personal encounter and dialogue with all, even those whose convictions differ from our own. Evangelization: That pastors of the Church, with profound love for their flocks, may accompany them and enliven their hope. Mass Etiquette When we receive Holy Communion, we are receiving the body and blood of Jesus; we are receiving God. In order to respect Him, we participate in the Eucharistic Fast where we do not eat or drink for an hour before receiving Communion (water and medicine not included). Chewing gum breaks the Eucharistic Fast. Please do not chew gum or bring other food and drink into the Church. Babies necessities are expected. Giving Tree Ornaments Please help us with our annual Giving Tree Program by taking one or more ornaments today. Each ornament represents a wish from our parish community in need of assistance. Gifts must be brought in before December 6th. Thank you for answering your call to charity and service! For more information about our Giving Tree Program please check our website or contact Kelle Russo at Advent Penance Service: Save the Date! Mark your calendars now and plan to attend the Penance Service on Wednesday, Dec. 9th, at 7:00p.m. Today we celebrate the feast of Christ the King. Who is Christ the King? Throughout the gospel, as Jesus speaks of the kingdom he reveals who he is as a king. He is our protector. He welcomes us with open arms. He seeks us out. He will take care of our needs. He is a healer. He laid down his life to save us. Jesus is a king of love and of mercy. His kingdom is not of this world, rather it is within us. As we celebrate the feast of Christ the King, we ask him to reign in our hearts, that we imitate his love and mercy and so live our lives giving glory to God. Christ, our King, may your Kingdom come! Pastoral Staff Rev. Fr. Matthew VanSmoorenburg, L.C., Pastor... Rev. Fr. Octavio Ventura, L.C., Parochial Vicar ...... Rev. Fr. Patrick Langan, L.C., Parochial Vicar ……. Rev. Fr. Jason Brooks, L.C, Parochial Vicar……...... Rev. Mr. Roger Fraser, Deacon .............................. Rev. Mr. Luis Carlos Lorza, Deacon ………………. Rev. Mr. Ed Rubio, Deacon .................................... MASS SCHEDULE, ext. 42, ext. 12, ext. 43 How Do I? Register at the parish? Visit or pick up a “Welcome” packet in the Narthex. Receive personalized offertory envelopes? Elba Banderas at or ext. 10. Make arrangements for a wedding? Contact Fr. Octavio, ext. 12 at least six months before an anticipated wedding date. Contact someone about my interest to become Catholic? Don Conklin, or ext. 26. Contact a Priest in a Sacramental Emergency? Phone 678-224-8448, 24 hours a day. Arrange for Communion to the sick or homebound? Call the parish office at 770-205-7969. Arrange to have my child baptized? Sandy Spera, ext 27 (English), Deacon Luis Carlos Lorza, ext. 43 (Spanish) Request Baptismal, Confirmation or Marriage certificate? Luisa Rubio, or ext. 15. Place an announcement in the bulletin? Online form available at Receive information about an annulment? Deacon Roger Fraser, Reconnect with the Catholic Church? Don Conklin, or ext. 26. Register my child/children for Religious Education? Stacy Applegate, or ext. 13 (English), or Monica Plew, or ext. 40 (Spanish) Make arrangements for a Funeral or Burial? Deacon Luis Carlos Lorza, or ext. 43 or Lynne Sterritt, or ext. 20. Schedule an appointment with a priest? Mary Ann Mallon, or ext. 11. Request a Mass intention? Elba Banderas ext. 10. Reserve a meeting space at St. Brendan? Online form available at Volunteer in the parish? Opportunities are updated weekly and listed online at Seek counseling services for myself or my family? Holy Family Counseling Center, 678-993-8494 or Catholic Charities of Atlanta, 404-920-7725. Seek bereavement support? Debbie Rigby,, 678-617-7268. Receive assistance from the St. Joseph’s Food Pantry? Open Wed. 4:30 – 6:00 pm in the Barn behind the Church or contact Barbara Gordon at, 404-431-9924. Seek emergency financial assistance? Good Samaritan Hotline: 770-205-2324; leave a message and expect a call back within 24 hours. Sign up for electronic giving? Look for the “online giving” link on our homepage at or Laura Myers,, ext. 21. Receive a tax receipt for donations? Laura Myers,, ext. 21. Find out about St. Brendan’s Preschool? Julie Lahey,, ext. 19. HORARIO DE MISAS Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm & 7:00 pm (en Español) Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am, 1:00 pm (en Español), 5:00 pm Daily Mass Monday – Saturday: 8:30 am Tuesday, Thurs. & Fri.: 6:00 pm Wednesday: 7:00 pm (en Español) Rosary – after weekday am Mass The Chaplet of Divine Mercy en Español Sundays at 12:30 pm Eucharistic Adoration in St. Sebastian Chapel Tuesday - 6:30 pm – Wednesday 6:45 pm Reconciliation Saturday: 9:00 a.m. until last person served and 3:30 - 4:45 pm Tuesday: 4:30 - 5:45 pm Wednesday: 5:30 - 6:45 pm English and en Español Please note: Mass times may vary on Holy Days. Check the Mass Intentions in this bulletin or the website calendar. Parish Office Hours: Oficina Parroquial: Mon – Thurs 9:00 am – 4:00 pm, Fri 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Maintenance Personnel Contact Info: Mac McKinney – 678-467-6490 Melvin Rogers – 404-313-2330 Alex Ayala – 770-500-9341 St. Brendan the Navigator Catholic Church 4633 Shiloh Road Cumming, GA 30040 Phone: 770-205-7969 Fax: 770-205-5040 Archdiocese of Atlanta 24 hour Abuse Reporting Line 1-888-437-0764 Benefit on taxes by donating stock and securities to St. Brendan’s Now is the time to consider making a special end of year donation to your favorite charitable organization or church, including St Brendan’s. Consider donating appreciated stock as your gift; this allows you to take full advantage of the donation value, while forgoing the tax on the appreciated value. For detailed information on how to accomplish this, or to get details on how this type of gift saves you tax dollars and doesn't affect your cash flow, please contact Sebby Russo at or 404-828-6537. Million Dollars in Savings is just months away! As of the end of September, St. Brendan’s has put into savings almost $845,000 toward the Building fund. This is a great accomplishment which has picked up steam in the past few months. Our second collections specifically for the Building Fund (run twice monthly) have been running about $5,000. That is phenomenal and indicates that the desire for improvements to our campus and church are fully understood and much needed. In November, Fr. Matthew, the Building Committee and the Stewardship Committee will be presenting information on the Master Plan for our campus, including rough cost estimates by phase. We have been working with local architects, Smith-Boland to fine tune the requirements that were created from our strategic planning efforts of 2014. By the second week in November, we will have renderings to share with the parish. At that time, we will conduct a final survey on the most preferred improvements/enhancements, expecting to confirm the Campus Master Plan and our phased approach to build out. In the meantime and through the end of this year, let’s focus on raising the remaining $155,000 to hit the goal of $1,000,000 by the beginning of the new year. Garden Help Needed—Fall Planting If you are interested in helping with the Garden, please contact Ann Marie Dusek at 678513-0050 or St. Brendan’s Preschool Open House St. Brendan’s Preschool will have an open house on Wednesday, Dec. 2nd, from 10:00am-11:30am. Tours and general information about registration for the 2016/2017 school year will be available, as well as the opportunity to observe our classrooms in session. To RSVP please e-mail your name, phone number, and birthdate of your child to For more information on our program, please visit the parish website Amazon Smiles Shop Online? What if your everyday purchases could help St. Brendan’s? With Amazon Smile they can! Visit and sign into your Amazon account. You will be automatically linked with St. Brendan’s. A percentage of any shopping that you do will go directly to support the Capital Campaign. Kroger Plus Card Did you know we are part of the Kroger Community Rewards Program? Our NPO number is 58367. To get started, sign up with your Kroger Plus Card and select St. Brendan’s Catholic Community as the organization you wish to support. Once enrolled, you will earn reward points for our Capital Campaign every time you use your Plus Card! Christmas-Shopping Babysitter Day You are invited to drop your kids off at St. Brendan’s on Saturday, Dec 5th. The Challenge Club girls, along with qualified adult volunteers, will babysit and entertain your children, while you shop and dine. A portion of the proceeds will go towards the St. Brendan Building Fund. Cost: $10 for 2 hours (per child); $40 Family Max. Children are allowed to stay for up to 4 hours between 10:00am—8:00pm. Pizza will be available $1 per slice at noon and 5:00pm. Drinks and snacks will be provided. For more information or to register, contact Veronica Ruiz at or (678) 4687459. Christmas Food Market Collections We are busy planning for the seventh annual Christmas Food Market. This wonderful event is open to our entire parish. If you would like to help, teens also welcome. contact Barbara Gordon The pantry is just about out of the following food items. Please consider donating: evaporated/ powdered milk, peanut butter, jelly and tuna. Sock and Toiletry Collection, now until Thanksgiving Day, All sizes of warm socks are welcome. Also any soaps, shampoos, toothpaste/toothbrushes, wipes, feminine goods, etc. will help make the difference in the lives of the homeless and those that are struggling. Please drop all your items in the marked basket in the Narthex. Special Thanksgiving Mass Come celebrate Thanksgiving Day on Thursday, November 26, 2015, with a bilingual Mass at 9:00a.m. Please bring bags of food to be placed in front of the altar as a donation to our food pantry to help the less fortunate. You may also bring the food you will serve at your family celebration and present it for a special blessing at the end of Mass. Our celebration will include a distribution of blessed bread with a prayer card to be shared with your family. Readings for the Week of November 22, 2015 Sunday: Dn 12:1-3/Heb 10:11-14, 18/Mk 13:24-32 Monday: Dn 1:1-6, 8-20/Lk 21:1-4 Tuesday: Dn 2:31-45/Lk 21:5-11 Wednesday: Dn 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28/Lk 21:12-19 Thursday: Sir 50:22-24/1 Cor 1:3-9/Lk 17:11-19 Friday: Dn 7:2-4/Lk 21:29-33 Saturday: Dn 7:15-27/Lk 21:34-36 Next Sunday: Jer 33:13-16/1Thes 3:12-4:2/Lk 21:25-28, 34-36 Advent Music and Meditation Enjoy beautiful Advent music and prayerful meditation- Presented by the Consecrated Women of Regnum Christi. Join us for Music and Meditation on Dec. 3rd, 7:00-8:00pm. For more information, please contact Don Conklin at RSVP for childcare at Our Lady of Guadalupe Donations Starting in November, we will start collecting donations in preparation Please Remember in Your Prayers for the Our Lady of Guadalupe Recordemos en Nuestras Oraciones Celebration on Dec. 12th. Blue envelopes for The Sick (Enfermos) the donations will be in the Narthex. Thank Chuck Perott you for your support. Emerit Allison, nephew of Bridget Tessness Nicholas Bisig, son of Jim & Sandra Bisig Fifth Sunday of the Month Rosaries Jacob Cautter, grandson of Eileen Rice The Knights of Columbus will host a Rosary Harriet Brown, mother of Jacqueline D’Sa on the Fifth Sunday of this month in union Ann Von Bargen, sister-in-law of Jane Smith with an international program the Knights Todd Young, nephew of Jane Smith of Columbus supports. The St. Brendan's Recently Deceased (Fallecidos) KofC will holding the second of five Fifth Evelyn George Sundays Rosary on Sunday, Nov. 29th at Anthony Vincent Madda 3:00pm in the Chapel. Our theme for this Lucy Hildebrand Rosary will be Pope Francis' request for this Sandy Perr year to be a “Year of Divine Mercy.” All members of St. Brendan's are invited to come and pray the Rosary. Please join us! Assistant Director of Music St. Brendan’s Music Ministry has an immediate opening for a part-time Assistant Director of Music (15 hours), who will help plan, develop, communicate, and implement the music for liturgical worship according to the norms of the church for the weekly Mass celebrations, special feast and solemnity celebrations, and other special events requiring music. The role will concentrate on directing and leading the weekly Sunday 9:00am Adult Choir. Please send cover letter and resume to Laurie Johnson, Parish Business Manager at Thank You to All St. Brendan’s Volunteers St. Brendan’s would like to thank all of the volunteers, catechists, council members and ministry leaders that help make parish life possible. We are grateful for all that you do to serve St. Brendan’s and the all of our parishioners. We would not be able to serve in so many ways without your generosity! May you have a very happy Thanksgiving! We apologize if we have missed anyone in our lists. Pastoral Council Eric Hoell Kevin Morton Jan Rooney Claudia Brenes Jose Estrada Deacon Ed Rubio Bill Kelly Alfonso Villareal Liturgy and Worship Deacon Ed Rubio Deacon Luis Carlos Matthew Brech Karen Matuza Lynn Martiny Jim Sterritt Clare Clare Sean O’Rourke Joe Pausa Joan Gaskin Lynne Sterritt Eduardo Ordaz Mark Francis Toni Dominguez Sacrament Preparation and Processes Deacon Ed Rubio Luisa Rubio Donald Conklin Stacy Applegate Angela Nettuno Deacon Roger Fraser Sandy Spera Maureen Weeks Adult Faith Formation and Education Donald Conklin Amy Hager Joe Fenton Jeff Hager Ann LeClair-Ash Pat Jodry Charlene Dougal Youth Faith Formation and Education Stacy Applegate Veronica Ruiz Dan Henkel Julie Lahey Sara Martinez Spiritual Ministries Monica Freeman Miriam Torres Tania Montes Rose Etta Quinn Maria Pantoja Marielos Bond Luis Herrera Dave Fleck Vince Frese Grace Paredes Helping and Healing Ministries Bill Kelly Debbie Rigby Rick Sullivan Vince Frese Monica Frese Sandra James Ed Bell Parish Life Kelle Russo John Nash Mark Dunlap Rick Sullivan Mary Perott Ken Douglass Outreach and Pastoral Care Ann Marie Dusek Bill Leonard Mark Waterman Judy Harrell Dan Henkel Elain Bradshaw Bill Kelly Chris Burgett Barbara Gordon Finance Council Greg Santini John Kovacic Elizabeth Hosu Kaith O’Rourke Sean Houston Stewardship Council Laurie Johnson Paul Mazurek Dave Fleck Mark Francis Julio Roncal Kelle Russo Stefanie Ceto. Catechists and Small Group Leaders Janina Arritola Rodriguez Ayling Eleanor Babb Jody Barber Maria Beelen Ed Bell Maggie Boeye Matthew Brech Jessica Bruner Janica Calingasan Bridget Christian Marta Cicarelli Cheryl Clarke Elizabeth Conklin Jennifer Cox Rhonda Cribbs Paige Cribbs Chona DeJesus Michelle Di Franco Candi DiMauro Trena Dinsmore Gabby Dinsmore Kirsten Doehring Charlene Dougal Rachel Dougal Christina Driggers Laura Englebert Joanie Fagan Lynn Fausti Mary Ellen Flint Jennifer Fox Annie Frain Margaret Frain Mareydel Gardner Paula George Ainslye Gilligan Barbara Giordano Joan Goforth Emily Gonclaves Ann Gran Emma Gran Courtney Green Mary Guaracino Caroline Hanson Ella Hanson Shana Harter Lydia Hazelwood Kate Hazelwood Jeanne Henkle Kelly Henkle Mary Henkle Dan Henkle Eileen Hosie Elizabeth Hosu Keily Johnson Kim Kirkconnell Angie Korponai Dianne Kotokoff Mary Kraseman Ann LeClair-Ash JoAnne Loiseau Trinity Martinez Mary McMahon Lois McAvoy Kristin Meade Carrie Meersman Jake Meersman Amye Meyer Jennifer Meyer Mary Meyer Aimes Colleen Mills Lindsay Montay Alexandra Montay Kathleen Montay Gina Monteza-Lavoie Ana Moreno Maya Moreno Claudia Moreno Robert Morin Barbara Morin Jennifer Morrell Amy Naso Jacob Neal Julia Neal Emily O’Rourke Carlos Pacheco Gianna Papa Kathy Perreault Therese Pisanelle Patrice Pittman Mike Quercia Julie Remenick Denise Reynolds Sara Rice Sarah Rodriguez Alex Rodriguez Ayling Rodriguez Jan Rooney Leslie Roy Zuly Rueda Heidi Ruiz Nicola Ruiz Johan Ruiz Gregory Santini Julie Santini Kate Sell Christina Shirley Kathy Smeragliuolo Stella Smith Carla Spain Joshua Spain Aryn Spain Faith Staut Stephanie Stevens Kerri Stolz Andrew Stolz Jennifer Toeppner Marlene Trynski Judy Van Velsor Emily Vaughan Tracey Wentworth Kim Williamson Patty Wood Natalie Zoeckler Rick Zoeckler Adult Faith Formation Amy Camacho James Stone Alison Stone Mark Gannon Tina Gannon Debbie Diehl Barb Giordano Lynn Christopher Bill Dieal Ruth Applegate Rob Mangan Lynn Martiny Dick Flaig Dave Fleck Charles Track Deacon Roger Fraser Bruce Carlisle Mary Ann Malon Nancy Palmer Melissa Foley Jan Rooney Kate Hoffman Kathleen Conklin Margaret Frain Bridget Margeson Ainsley Gillian Cynthia Hedzick Anita Ask Maria Villialon Nicole Lamonte Francesca Schiense Mary Perott Joan Hickman Sandy Fohs Mike Quercia Doug Hoffman Tim Huff Frank Cirillo Brian Duhon Scott Mackie Cheryl Mackie Sara Sullivan Cindy Cassandra Lydia Hazelwood Pat Jodry Joe Fenton Christine Welsko Charlene Dougal Marianna McGinn Luis Herrera Grace Paredes Herrera Dave Fleck Pam Buckner Ann LeClair-Ash Rob Collins Heather Collins Curtis Weeks Mike Underwood Tom Carriere Charlie Matuza Mary Mulhern Eric Hoell Stephanie Stevens Amy Naso Vince Frese Monica Frese Lynne Sterrit Rose Etta Quinn Our Lady of Guadalupe Committee Adoracion Nocturna Cristo Renueva Su Parroquia Escuela de la Fe Formacion de Fe Legion de María Our Family Renovacion Carismatica Servidores de Jesus Grupo Matachines de San Brendan Grupo Danza Azteca de San Brendan Fr. Octavio Ventura Claudia Brenes Monica Plew Mariana Loredo Preparation for the request for a sign, She also left for opportunity to look at the Virgin of us an image of herself imprinted Guadalupe and feel all her love feast Our Lady of miraculously on the native's tilma, and compassion. Her influence is Guadalupe Source: Mesoamerica, the New World, 1521: The capital city of the Aztec empire falls under the Spanish forces. Less than 20 years later, 9 million of the inhabitants of the land, who professed for centuries a polytheistic and human sacrificing religion, are converted to Christianity. What happened in those times that produced such an incredible and historically unprecedented conversion? In 1531 a "Lady from Heaven" appeared to Saint Juan Diego at Tepeyac, a hill northwest of what is now Mexico City. She identified herself as the ever virgin Holy Mary, Mother of the True God for whom we live, of the Creator of all things, Lord of heaven and the earth. She made a request for a church to be built on the site, and submitted her wish to the local Bishop. When the Bishop hesitated, and requested her for a sign, the Mother of God obeyed without delay or question to the Church's local Bishop, and sent her native messenger to the top of the hill in mid-December to gather an assortment of roses for the Bishop. After complying to the Bishop's a poor quality cactus-cloth, which should have deteriorated in 20 years but shows no sign of decay 480 years later and still defies all scientific explanations of its origin. It apparently even reflects in Her eyes what was in front of her in 1531. Her message of love and compassion, and her universal promise of help and protection to all mankind, as well as the story of the apparitions, are described in the "Nican Mopohua", a 16th century document written in the native Nahuatl language. There is reason to believe that at Tepeyac Mary came in her glorified body, and her actual physical hands rearranged the roses in Juan Diego’s tilma, which makes this apparition very special. An incredible list of miracles, cures and interventions are attributed to Her. I was born in Mexico City and have been living in the United States for 20 years. I grew up hearing about Our Lady of Guadalupe and celebrating her every December 12 along with millions of people. This is a National celebration in Mexico. I have been to the Basilica many times and have had the Our Lady of Guadalupe Novenas written in the heart of the Mexicans, in the culture, art, music, poetry, and every religious expression. Every year an estimated 10 million people visit her Basilica, making her Mexico City home the most popular Marian shrine in the world, and the most visited Catholic church in the world after Saint Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican. What Our Lady of Guadalupe means to Mexicans is amazing but we must remember that she is the Patroness of America - North, as well as Central and South America, and the Caribbean. Altogether 25 popes have officially honored Our Lady of Guadalupe. His Holiness St. John Paul II visited her Sanctuary four times: on his first apostolic trip outside Rome as Pope in 1979, and again in 1990, 1999 and 2002. He declared December 12th as a Liturgical Holy Day for the whole continent. This emphasizes that all America is one, that our unity and common problems are more important than our differences. I would really like to invite you to be part of this celebration at St. Brendan on December 12th. This is not just a Mexican tradition. Come and celebrate with us the ‘Empress of the Americas’. Feast Day: Saturday, December 12th, 2015 5:30am – Aztec Dance and Matachines. Procession to church. 5:55am – Serenade - Mananitas with mariachis. 6:00am – Mass in Spanish with mariachis. 7:00am – Hot chocolate and sweet bread will be served at the Portico. 8:30am – Mass in English. Hot chocolate and sweet bread will be served at the Portico after mass. 10:30am – Aztec Dance and Matachines. Procession to church. 10:55am – Serenade - Mananitas with mariachis. 11:00am – Mass in Spanish with mariachis. 12:00pm – Lunch Reception at the Social Hall with mariachis and dancers. Nuestra Virgen de Guadalupe Fuente: Síntesis de las Apariciones de la Virgen de Guadalupe a Juan Diego. Basílica de Santa María de Guadalupe. Quien de nostros no conoce a la Virgen de Guadalupe? Nuestra Madrecita, Nuestra Senora, Nuestra Virgen Morena. Millones de catolicos devotos realizan peregrinajes cada ano a la inmensa Basílica de la Virgen de Guadalupe en la parte norte de la Ciudad de Mexico para venerarla el 12 de Diciembre. Esta es una celebracion nacional en Mexico. Su influencia esta escrita en el corazon de los mexicanos, en la cultura, arte, musica, poesía, y en toda expresion religiosa. Lo que la Virgen de Guadalupe representa para los mexicanos es enorme y tampoco debemos olvidar que ella es la Emperatriz de America Norte, Centro, Sur, y el Caribe. Esto nos simboliza que toda America es una. Las Apariciones de Nuestra Senora la Virgen de Guadalupe a Juan Diego, la milagrosa estampacion de su Santa Imagen en el humilde ayate de su vidente y su mensaje de amor por nosotros tienen como fin principal anunciar a su amadísimo Hijo, Nuestro Senor Jesucristo, a los pueblos que habitaban el “nuevo mundo”. a la Nina que le ordena ir ante el Obispo para pedirle un templo en el llano. "Hijito mío el mas amado: yo soy la perfecta siempre Virgen Santa María, Madre del verdaderísimo Dios..., mucho quiero tengan la bondad de construirme mi templecito...Allí estare siempre dispuesta a escuchar su llanto, su tristeza, para purificar, para curar todas sus diferentes miserias, sus penas, sus dolores". Segunda Aparicion: Sabado 9 de Diciembre aproximadamente a las 5 de la tarde. Juan Diego vuelve a la cumbre y da cuenta de la incredulidad del Obispo y pide que escoja otro mensajero. Pero la Virgen le confirma en su mision y le ordena insistir al día siguiente. "Hijito mío el mas pequeno: es indispensable que sea totalmente por tu intervencion que se lleve a cabo mi deseo. Muchísimo te ruego y con rigor te mando, que manana vayas otra vez a ver al Obispo. Y hazle oír muy claro mi voluntad, para que haga mi templo que le pido". enfermedad de su tío Juan Bernardino. Cuarta Aparicion: Martes 12 de Diciembre muy de madrugada. Ante la gravedad de su tío, Juan Diego sale a Mexico para buscar un sacerdote. Rodeo el cerro para que la Virgen no lo encontrara. Pero ella sale a su encuentro; lo tranquiliza de la enfermedad de su tío: "Te doy la plena seguridad de que ya sano": Lo envía a la cumbre por las rosas que seran la senal, A su regreso, la Virgen le dice: "Hijito queridísimo: estas diferentes flores son la prueba, la senal que le llevaras al Obispo. De parte mía le diras que por favor vea en ella mi deseo, y con eso, ejecute mi voluntad". Quinta Aparicion:Martes 12 de Diciembre muy de madrugada. Al mismo tiempo que se aparece a Juan Diego, se aparece a Juan Bernardino, tío del vidente, en su casa le cura de sus enfermedades y le manifiesta su nombre y pide que de ahora en adelante,"a su preciosa imagen precisamente se le llaTercera Aparicion: Domingo 10 de me, se le conozca como la SIEMDiciembre como a las 3 de la tarde. PRE VIRGEN SANTA MARIA DE GUADALUPE". Nuevamente en la cumbre, Juan Diego refiere su segunda entrevis- La estampacion en la Tilma: Marta con el Obispo. Aun no le cree y tes 12 de Diciembre al mediodía. le ordena pedir a la Senora alguna senal. La Virgen ordena a Juan Die- En la casa del Obispo Fray Juan de go que vuelva al cerro al día si- Zumarraga, Juan Diego muestra las guiente para recibir la senal que le rosas que llevaba en su ayate, sedara. "Así esta bien, hijito mío, el nal dada por la Virgen. "Desplego mas amado. Manana de nuevo ven- su tilma, donde llevaba las flores. Y Primera Aparicion: Sabado 9 de dras aquí para que lleves al Gran así, al tiempo que se esparcieron Diciembre de 1531 en la madrugaSacerdote la prueba, la senal que las diferentes flores preciosas, en da. te pide. Con eso enseguida te cree- ese mismo instante... aparecio de ra, y ya para nada desconfiara de improviso en el humilde ayate la Juan Diego oye cantos de pajaros. ti". Juan Diego, no vuelve por la venerada imagen de la siempre Le llaman por su nombre; sube a la Virgen María, Madre de Dios, tal cumbre del cerro del Tepeyac y ve como ahora tenemos la dicha de venerarla en lo que es su hogar predilecto, su templo del Tepeyac". muchas partes. Su arraigo en el pueblo mexicano no tiene comparacion; puede verse su imagen por todas partes y son millones los peregrinos que acuden con una fe La imagen de la Virgen de Guada- maravillosa a poner sus intenciolupe se venera en Mexico con nes a los pies de la milagrosa imagrandísima devocion, y los milagen en su Basílica. gros obtenidos por los que rezan a En toda America y en muchas la Virgen de Guadalupe son extra- otras naciones del mundo se veordinarios. La devocion a la Virgen nera a Nuestra Morenita quien dede Guadalupe se ha extendido por Novenas a la Virgen de Guadalupe: Celebración a la Virgen de Guadalupe Sábado, Diciembre 12, 2015 5:30am - Danza Azteca y Matachines. Procesion a la Iglesia. 5:55am - Mananitas con mariachi. 6:00am - Misa en Espanol con mariachis. 7:00am - Chocolate caliente y pan dulce. 8:30am - Misa en Ingles. Chocolate caliente y pan dulce al terminar la misa. 10:30am - Danza Azteca y Matachines. Procesion a la Iglesia. 10:55am - Mananitas con mariachi. 11:00am - Misa en Espanol con mariachis. 12:00pm - Comida y celebracion en el Salon Social con mariachis y bailes folkloricos. jo su retrato como prenda de su amor. Por este medio, te invito a tí, Guadalupano, a ser parte de la Celebracion en San Brendan para nuestra Virgen de Guadalupe este 12 de Diciembre. Esta ya no es solamente una tradicion mexicana. Ven y celebra con nosotros a la Patrona de las Americas. Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Por favor considere ayuÁrbol de la dar con la colecta en preparacion Generosipara la celebracion de la Virgen de dad 2015 Guadalupe este 12 de Diciembre. Puede encontrar los sobres azules Misión de Adviento El Arbol de la Generosidad de San a la entrada de la iglesia. Brendan es un programa designa“Adviento es un ¡Muchas gracias por su apoyo! do para las familias de nuestra coEsperar sin desesperar” munidad parroquial quienes atra16 y 17 de Diciembre viesan por dificultades financieras. Los ornamentos con los deseos y 7:00pm a 9:30pm necesidades de estas familias seIglesia de San Brendan ran colgados en el Arbol de la GeEl Padre Domingo Rodriguez ZamChallenge nerosidad los fines de semana del brana, S.T. es el presentador de la Invitamos a todas las ninas de 5° a 14 y15, 21 y 22 de Noviembre. Mision de Adviento. 8° grado a que participen en la reunion el Sabado 28 de Noviem- Las donaciones del Arbol de la GePadre Domingo es Siervo Misione- bre de 10 a 11:30am en el Centro nerosidad seran recibidas los fines ro de la Santísima Trinidad, natu- de Formacion de Fe. El grupo de de semana del 28 y 29 de Noviemral de Puerto Rico, con residencia ninas Challenge es especial para bre, y el 5 y 6 de Diciembre. en Washington, DC. Ha sido relininas de 5° a 8° grado y es un grugioso por 54 anos y presbítero por po social, basado en la Fe. Si usted desea ayudar en este es48 anos. Predicador, facilitador y ¡Las esperamos! fuerzo o le gustaría patrocinar a escritor por 29 anos, sirviendo a una familia completa esta Navidad, las comunidades hispanas de la Servicio de Reconcilia- por favor llame a Kelle Russo o nacion. cion Mariana Loredo at (770) 205Misa de la Adoración Nocturna Mensual Cada mes el ministerio de la Adoracion Nocturna finaliza su noche de adoracion con la Santa Misa a las 5:00am (del domingo). Los invitamos el Sabado 5 de Diciembre a celebrar nuestra Adoracion Nocturna mensual del Santísimo Sacramento a partir de las 8:00pm (y finaliza con la Misa a las 5:00am del domingo) en la Iglesia. Acompanenos por una hora o dos, el tiempo que usted pueda acompanar a Jesus Sacramentado. Informes con Eduardo Ordaz (678) 755 -9140. Intenciones de Misa Llame al (770) 205-7969 ext. 10 para hacer sus intenciones de Misa y ofrendas florales. De Adviento Miercoles, 9 de Diciembre 7:00pm Iglesia de San Brendan 7969, extension 41.
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in St. Sebastian Chapel
Tuesday - 6:30 pm – Wednesday
6:45 pm