Weekly_Bulletin_09_2.. - St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
Weekly_Bulletin_09_2.. - St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church 271 W S W ,V T “How lovely is Your dwelling place, O Lord God of Hosts.” 20186 - S T O S Psalm 84:1 20, 2015 PASTOR Rev. James R. Gould PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Mark More SPANISH APOSTOLATE Rev. Henry Rivera 540-325-4568 DEACONS Rev. Mr. J. D. Williams Rev. Mr. Don Libera Rev. Mr. Daniel Resendes (Ret.) MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil ........ 5:00 & 7:00 pm (Spanish) Sunday ............................ 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 am, 12:30 & 5:30 pm Weekdays ..................................6:30 & 8:30 am (Saturday 8:30 am only) Holy Days as Announced CONFESSIONS Wednesday ............................................. 8:00 pm Saturday .................... 9:00 am, 4:00 - 5:00 pm Sunday .................. ½ hour before every Mass Spanish Sabados .................................................... 6:30 pm PASTORAL STAFF Office Manager Mrs. Rosemary Coakley 347-2922, ext. 202 Director of Music Mr. James W. Noakes ..... 347-2922, ext. 206 Director of Religious Educa on Mrs. Sherin Murphy ........ 347-2922, ext. 209 Youth Director Mrs. Allison Hagert .......... 347-2922, ext. 212 Recep onist/Recepcionista & Bulle n Editor Mrs. Olivia McDonough .. 347-2922, ext 201 School Principal Mr. Arthur Fairweather ................... 347-2458 Director of Pre-School Mrs. Julie Copeland ........................... 347-5341 SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Second & Fourth Sundays at 2:00 pm. Prepara on is required. Contact Olivia McDonough at 347-2922, ext. 201 to make arrangements. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Couples wishing to be married MUST contact the Parish Office at least six months prior to wedding or making any wedding arrangements. Para Informacion en Espanol, Llame 540-347-2922. SICK CALLS Please no fy the Parish Office for visits and/or Communion calls to the sick and shut-ins. BULLETIN DEADLINE Submissions are due in wri ng at 4:00 pm Thursday, ten days prior to the Sunday of publica on. All pulpit announcement requests for the following Sunday must be submi ed in wri ng by 12:00 noon, Thursday. SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT 540-270-6774 PAUL FACILITIES SCHEDULING Use of all facili es must be scheduled through the Parish Office. PARISH REGISTRATION If you live within our parish boundaries and have not yet registered, please contact the parish office. PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday............................................................. 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Phone ...................... 540-347-2922 Fax ......................... 540-347-1274 On the web ..................................................................................www.sje1.org 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time St. John the Evangelist Weekly Bulletin MEETINGS AND ACTIVITIES FOR THIS WEEK † Weekly Goal $ 30,000 Weekly Offertory last week $ 22,054 Faith Direct* $ 7,435 Total Weekly Offertory w/FD $ 29,489 + / -- for week -$ 511.00 Poor Box for the week $ 358.03 Thank you for your generosity!!! Contributions via Faith Direct are deposited in the parish bank account once a month. The total deposit in August designated for Offertory of $37,176 has been divided by five and added to the weekly totals. Original Church loan value: Current Church loan value: $1,858,878 $ 709,373 RETIRE THE DEBT (RTD) UPDATE Building Loan Amount $1 M Monthly payment on loan $ 25,000.00 RTD Collection August $ 12,513.00 +/-$ 12,487.00 Note: A minus figure must be made up through church Funds generally used for other ministries Tuesday, September 22 Rosary for Our Country ~ 8:00am Church Embers Reh. ~ 4:00pm Mercy Hall Bible Timeline ~ 7:00pm Mercy Hall E.S.O.L. ~ 6:00pm Parish Office † Wednesday, September 23 Eucharist Adoration ~ 9:00am – 8:00pm Miraculous Medal Novena ~ 7:00pm Church Confessions ~ 8:00pm Legion of Mary ~ 7:15pm Parish Office A.A. Meeting ~ 7:00pm Mercy Hall Middle School Youth Group ~ 4:30pm Mercy Hall Ladies Auxiliary ~ 5-9:30pm KofC Social Room † Friday, September 25 Eucharistic Adoration ~ 9:00am – 8:00am Saturday Legion of Mary Jr. ~ 4:30pm Parish Office Inquiry Classes (RCIA) ` 6:30pm School’s Art Rm † Thursday ~ 09/24/15 6:30am Linda Manherz + 8:30am Joseph Bader + Friday ~ 09/25/15 6:30am For Holy Souls in Purgatory 8:30am Claire & Gianna Maynard Saturday ~ 09/26/15 8:30am Jennifer & Matthew O’Herron Vigil 5:00pm Patrick Mahoney + Spanish 7:00pm Susan Hansen + Sunday ~ 09/27/15 7:30am Thanksgiving for prayers Elmer Hohm + Grace Marie Graziano + Charles Clemons + Lucille Hurley + † Thursday, September 24 Eucharistic Adoration ~ 9:00am to 8:00am Friday Embers Rehearsel ~ 4:00pm Mercy Hall KofC Business Mtg ~ 4-10pm KofC Social Room answered 9:00am 10:45am 12:30pm 5:30pm † Monday, September 21 Legion of Mary ~ 9:45am Mercy Hall † Monday ~ 09/21/15 6:30am Janet Fraley + 8:30am Maureen Hove Tuesday ~ 09/22/15 6:30am Helen Malasaiewicz 8:30am Tom Walbroehl + Wednesday ~ 09/23/15 6:30am Robert Menoche + 8:30am Thanksgiving for prayers answered Sunday, September 20 Confessions ½ hour before every Mass Adult Faith Discussions ~ 10:30am KofC Social Rm Conf. Student/Parent Mtg (2015) ~ 1pm Trinity Hall Conf. Student/Parent Mtg (2016) ~ 2pm Trinity Hall Saturday, September 26 Confessions ~ 9am and 4pm KofC 2nd Degree ~ 8am – 12pm Mercy Hall † Sunday, September 27 Confessions ½ hour before every Mass Baptisms ~ 2:00pm Church World Apostle of Fatima ~ 3:00pm Church Adult Faith Discussions ~ 10:30am KofC Social Rm Were you married in 1965 or 1990? Then join Bishop Loverde, for the 2015 Marriage Jubilee Mass, to be celebrated on Sunday, October 25th at 2:30pm at St. Agnes Catholic Church. Contact the parish office to register no later than September 25th. For more info, visit www.arlingtondiocese.org/MJM www.sje1.org St. John the Evangelist Weekly Bulletin 20 September 2015 Please let us know when your loved ones have returned home safely. Thank you! Please Pray For Our Men And Women In The Service Of Our Country: Michael O’Neal, Frank Snyder, Kirt & Mark Wlaschin, Dan Flatley, Joseph Wheeler, Lewis Shadle, Timothy O’Bryant, Patrick Matlock, Sigfredo Quiles, Jonathan Lewis, Chris Hawks, Jimmy Topper, Stephen Hacker, Chase Villavicencio, Richard Piscal, Mason Mugnolo, Douglas Sherman, Paul Harper, Ashley Parker, Kevin Koehr, John Crosby, Matthew Fisher, Sgt. Eric Schneider, Sean Breen, John Bowes, John C. Orban, Stefan Theriault, Hayden & Andy Howell, Zach Angell, Nicholas Castelli, Andrew Wing, Patrick Drury, James B. Lewis, Thomas Richardson, Ryan Foley, David Poff, Shahin Uddin, LCDR Sean Thompson PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH Charles Phillips, Amy G., Mary Ann Hassan, John Shepherd, Shawn Cooper, Rita Glofka, Frances Centanni, Hazel Lucci, Stephen Curley, Peggy Dearden, Pam Gay, Peter Anthony, Cindy Goletz, Marianna Traczuk, Emily Winkler, Thomas Stanley, Thomas Stanley, Jr., Irene Petersen, Richard McMullen, Virginia Staats, Dorothy Laster, George Rosenberger, Loretto Sullivan, Jerry McPherson, Jack Britton, Jillian Simonson, Jeffrey Stonerock, Florence Grabowicz, Lucy Walbroehl, Sadie Brooks, Cynthia Bailey, Tyler Golden, John Lyddane, Arleen Harris, Caroline O’Grady, Sister Mariangeles Lutz, George Chapman, Lee Garneau, Robin Collins, Louis Raymond, Sharon Simpson, Ann Carroll, Peter Fisher, Margaret Regis, Charles Prizmonte, Polly O’Meara, John Curella, Andrew Schwartz, Randy Creel, Juan Arroyo, Martha Miller, Bill Flook, Ines Goncalves, Carol Begley, Catherine Stouffer, Kim Smith, David Satkovich, Roy Green, Ivy Thompson, Sharon Lively, Karina Schulte, Elias Schulte, Greg Taylor, Phil Doucet, Mary Van Schaick, Sue Kemper, Rob Sylcox, Phil Morris, Marissa Jackson, Ida Klepper, Gene Bailey, Logan Andrzejewski, Frances Collins, Dave McNichol, Amelia Szafir, Marisa Early, Dave Davis, David Prendergast, Joan Chapman, Sara Marino, Carol Peters, Mike Cobb, Jane Ericson, Vince Agostino, Edna O’Donnell, Phyllis Zwirko, Marisa Gottschalk, Connor Keating, Kyle Pinelli, Joaquin Archilla, Richard Stouffer, David Satkovick, Robert Poff, Crystale Smith, Gloribeth Perez, Ronald Green, Joe Kowalewski, Julie Radzville, Mary Guyant, Ellen Khoury, Rose Howard, John & Gloria Knight, Colleen Merk, George Ward, Barry Snyder, Gunther Morse, John Biegert, Rod Beran, Beverly Gaunt, Joe Guerrero, Nora Ann Bernet, Elaine Watkins, Anthony Pizzo, Brenda Warren, Jim Simpson, Lorrie McClure, Josephine Rivera, Jolynn Desch, Don Wever, Anne H. Gay, Donovan Griffin, Sister Margaret Mary Griffin OP, Julie Kitley, Ray Young, John Guyant, John Bahosky, J.D. Jeter, Peter Romero, Pat Sanders, Bernie & Peggy Boteler, Bruce Cooper, Joseph Angoco, Paul Prizmonte, Vivian Holmes, Garnet Lake GIFT SHOP AND LIBRARY ~ The Sacred Heart Gift Shop and library will be open only 2 days a week during winter months, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10am until 2:30pm. We will also keep it open on Sundays from 10am – 12pm or if you prefer by appointment then you can call Marion Phillips at 703-517-0177. Thanks for your support. "JESUS I TRUST IN YOU"...The Chaplet of Divine Mercy is prayed every Friday with The Mercy Stations of the Cross from 3:00 - 4:00pm during Eucharistic Adoration. Donna Marie Stanislaw EUCHARISTIC ADORATION R. From all their distress God rescues the just. (PS 34: 4-5, 6-7) Glorify the LORD with me, let us together extol his name. I sought the LORD, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. R. From all their distress God rescues the just. Look to him that you may be radiant with joy, and your faces may not blush with shame. When the poor one called out, the LORD heard, and from all his distress he saved him. R. From all their distress God rescues the just. Please prayerfully consider committing to one of the following hours which are short of Adorers: Wednesdays 11am-12noon, 1pm-2pm, 3pm-4pm; Thursdays noon to 1pm; Fridays 2am-3am, 7am-8am, 8am8:30am, 9am-10am, 2pm-3pm, 7pm-8pm, 8pm-9pm; Saturday midnight to 1am. Please contact Teresa Letteri at 540-287-2870 or taletteri@comcast.net or Christy Williams at 540-7884560 or clw.cwilliams@gmail.com to schedule your weekly hour. Noticias para la comunidad hispana: Confesiones todos los sábados a las 6:30pm Misa en español todos los sábados a las 7pm Sacramento del Bautismo: La clase se imparte el primer sábado de cada mes, la clase es requerida antes de recibir o participar de este sacramento. Los padres y padrinos deben asistir a la clase. Por favor de llamar a 540-347-2922 Ext. 211 para registrarse. Eucharistic Holy Hour You are invited to a diocesan-wide Eucharistic Holy Hour sponsored by the Arlington Division of the World Apostolate of Fatima (Blue Army) on Sunday, September 27, from 3:00-4:00 P.M. here at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, and also every Wednesdays from 12pm. We hope you can join us in prayer, as Mary requested at Fatima.. www.sje1.org 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time St. John the Evangelist Weekly Bulletin I asked Father Gould if I could write the "Dear Folks" letter this week as an opportunity to thank you for all the prayers, Mass cards, gifts, visits, and support you provided to my Mother, Rosemary, Scott and my family with the passing of my father John two weeks ago. As all of you know, the Moretti's are a pretty tight family, and over the years I have shared with you some of our adventures. So it is a special privilege to relate the events of the last two months or so and to see how the Holy Spirit of God got us all through a very trying time. In 2013, I was praying here one night in Eucharistic Adoration (I come over from 3-4 am) and I got a feeling from the Lord that I should make 2014 special for my parents. I took that as a sign, and we did three things that made it really fun: a cruise to Bermuda from Baltimore that turned out just great; a wonderful celebration here at St. John's for my parents 60th wedding anniversary; and finally a day trip to Williamsburg. My father retired 29 years ago from one of those well-known three letter government agencies, and they have a legendary training facility in that area. As one of their chaplains, I visit when I can, and they were hoping to have my father come along for a visit. When he did make it, they gave him a VIP tour that really made his day. One month after all of these celebrations, my father was diagnosed with a metastatic melanoma that started in his right lymph nodes. In early January, he entered an aggressive treatment protocol that stopped it for about six months, but then it came back with greater intensity. I could see the direction this was going, so starting in July, I did daily prayers to Saint Joseph, and asked him to intercede before the Lord that my father would have a holy and peaceful death. How Saint Joseph answered my prayers was totally remarkable!! My father spent the majority of July and August in an out of hospital and health care facilities, and we knew that time was getting short. He entered hospice, and asked to come home. We contacted Vitas Hospice, and they were just wonderful. They were very caring and compassionate, with a great number of resources that helped my father be well treated and comfortable right to the very end. Despite the extent of the cancer, my father was in relatively little pain or discomfort, and had his wits about him until the day before he died. My mother was able to cook for him and feed him his scrambled eggs and coffee for breakfast, and they talked about how much they loved each other and that God was calling to my father. He told my mother he could hear God's voice and he had no fear or worries. On Sunday, August 30th, my sister called me and told me the end was near. Father Gould was wonderful and took Mass for me that morning and I drove down to Alexandria to be with the family. We set up an altar next to my father's bed, and I gave my father the Last Rites of the Church. Then, I offered Mass for the 22nd Sunday in ordinary time. The last thing he saw and heard on Earth was his son offering Mass for him. He died very peacefully 25 minutes later, and our family said prayers around his bedside. A divine peace descended upon our house, and it calmed us all down as we went through the funeral rites to come. So many of you came to be with us and it is impossible to thank you sufficiently, so a heart-felt gratitude from my mother and family will have to suffice. Three hundred friends visited us at Everly-Wheatley Funeral Home the following Wednesday, and it was like "old home week" for us. Friends from every parish I have served in as a priest came to be with us, and some came from as far away as North Carolina and Florida. Secretary of State John Kerry and senior friends from the State Department, Defense Department and the CIA all came by to pay their respects. Thursday, we all gathered at Saint Rita's Church in Alexandria for the funeral Mass and I was humbled to be the main celebrant and homilist. Father Gould, Father Jim Barkett, and Father Kevin Walsh were the principal concelebrants, and Bishop Paul Loverde attended in choir. Thirty priests attended, as well as Deacons Steve Dixon, JD Williams and Don Libera. Billy Chester and Johnny Williams served as senior altar boys. The occasion had poignancy as it coincided with my parents 61st wedding anniversary and also the 75th birthday of Bishop Loverde. The bishop gave some very kind remarks at the end of the Mass and did the final commendation. Rick McEachin and 19 members of the Fairfax Police Department motor division were waiting after the Mass and saluted as my father's coffin emerged from the church and the priests intoned the "Salve Regina". The police gave Dad a "law enforcement motorcade" from Alexandria to Fairfax Memorial Park doing escort and traffic control for 16 miles. The officers and staff NCOs of Quantico Marine Base took over at the burial site and gave Dad full military honors. There is something always touching when an American flag is folded so ceremoniously and presented to the wife of a former Marine...we all had tears in our eyes. Father Gould and I were joined by Mike Murphy to do the final prayers and then we departed. Leo and Bonita Pezzi worked with the Knights of our council to put on a reception after the funeral at Saint Mary's of Sorrows Church which was two miles away, and it was the perfect place for us to meet and condole. My deepest thanks for their kind efforts putting that repast together! Finally, as I mentioned earlier, I was so glad to offer prayers to Saint Joseph. He came through for me in so many ways. I promised him two things in return: that I would offer nine Masses in his honor and that I would gladly proclaim him as the patron saint of a happy death. Stay tuned in the weeks ahead, and do not be surprised to hear me preaching the wonders of "the silent saint". In the meantime, please keep my family in your prayers and God bless you all. Father Mark Moretti www.sje1.org St. John the Evangelist Weekly Bulletin 20 September 2015 Greetings! Please remember the first Principal Chat is September 24 at 8:159AM at the school. Light refreshments will be served. The format for the Principal’s Chat is no agenda-I talk about what the parents want to talk about except personnel discussions. “Flat Francis” activities are in full swing at the elementary school. Modeled after “Flat Stanley” we are attempting to honor Pope Francis by having his image appear in pictures from different states and activities. Please check the bulletin board across from the boys’ bathroom in the main lobby of the school for posted pictures. Thanks to Congressman Hurt, a few of our 8th graders and a handful of adults will be attending the Pontiff’s address at 10 AM on the lawn at the Capitol on September 24. The Congressman was able to get ten tickets to the event that he earmarked for our 8th graders. We will do a lottery of those interested in going, similar to the parish loettery for the Papal Mass. It is an exciting time for Catholics in the DC area. Have a great week and God bless you! Principal Fairweather We hope all of our Preschool families had a great summer!! St. John Preschool has spaces available in the 2Day Preschool (2 ½ - 3 yr old program) and the 4-Day Pre-Kindergarten (4-5yr old program). For questions, inquires or a tour of the Preschool, please contact the Preschool Office at 540-347-5341. The Preschool Handbook, Orientation letter and other forms needed for the start of the school year have been sent via email to all enrolled families. If you have not received it, please let us know. We look forward to the start of an exciting new school year. Witness the PVI Spirit first hand. PVI Catholic High School invites all Middle School students and parents to a special night for Future VI Man. There will be free food, tee shirts and admission to our varsity football game at 6:00PM on Friday, October 2nd. Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) classes - all those interested in learning about the Catholic Faith are encouraged to join us on each Wednesday, starting at 7:00 PM in theArt Room in St. John’s School. For more information, please call the Parish Office at 347-2922 Religious Ed (Please be patient in the parking lot!) Confirmation 2015 Saturday, November 21st at 10am + Our Confirmation Retreat for those who have completed their interviews will be held on Sunday 10/4 starting at 10 am in The Youth Room and we will be going to the Basilica. All permission forms for this trip must be turned in to the RE Office before Sept. 30th. + Don’t forget to turn in your Confirmation Robe Order form which needs to be completed and returned with any outstanding payment to the RE Office by October 1st. + We will schedule the 2015 Confirmation interviews when all requirements are met and paperwork turned in. These should have been scheduled prior to September 20th. Yes - parents are to attend the interview as well. Don’t forget to study your Interview “Clock Test” questions found in your packets! _______________________________________________________ Confirmation 2016 2016 Confirmation Packets were handed out at last week’s Confirmation meeting. If you have not picked yours up, please stop by the school office while RE is in session or call the Parish Office to schedule a time to pick it up there. Congratulations to the new Confirmation candidates who have already turned in the first 4 pages of their packets. Confirmation students can volunteer up to 7 hours with Oktoberfest! So be sure to sign-up by visiting the parish web page at www.sje1.org and clicking on the Oktoberfesst link found there. On September 15th we began our Adult Bible Study with the next in the Bible Timeline series of … registration forms can be found in the vestibule of the church, and the parish office. Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to Come Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to Come is an intriguing study that shows how the kingdom established by Christ in his Church is intimately connected with the kingdom of heaven. Here you will discover what the mysterious figures and images of Revelation mean. You will see how Revelation is more than an apocalyptic vision of the "end times." It is a revelation of God as our Divine Bridegroom and the Church as his spotless Bride, forever united in a heavenly, holy, and mystical marriage that we enter into every time we celebrate the Mass. www.sje1.org 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time St. John the Evangelist Weekly Bulletin Knights’ Roundtable MUSIC CORNER http://www.kofc5561.org/ Choir Schedule: Adult Choir Rehearsal: Thursdays, 7:30 pm in Church, beginning Sept. 10 and 10:45 Mass on Sundays. Children's Choir Rehearsal: Fridays at 3:30 pm in the school, beginning Sept 11 and 9:00 am Mass on Sundays. Saturday Vigil Mass Rehearsals: Saturday, 4:00 pm in the church. For all of the above contact: James Noakes: 347-2922, x206 jnoakes@stjohntheevangelistschool.org Sunday Evening Mass Rehearsals: Sunday, 3:30pm in the Church. Ken Galvin: ken@galvinproductions.com Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend The second reading tells us, “the wisdom from above is first of all pure, then peaceable, gentle, complaint, full of mercy and good fruits, without inconstancy or insincerity. Let Worldwide Marriage Encounter help you to practice these traits in your marriage. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends on 9-11 October in Norfolk, VA or 13-15 November in Herndon. For more information or to apply, visit our website at renewmarriage-vanorth.org or contact us at applications@renewmarriage-vanorth.org or 703378-4150. New Adult Discussion Group is Forming Beginning September 13, 2015, a new weekly adult discussion group will be meeting in the Knights’ Social Room. If you love your Catholic faith and want to share it with others, or want to learn more about your faith and grow in your depth of understanding, then this group is for you! We will cover four basic subjects: scripture, doctrine, apologetics, and spiritual growth. The group is sponsored by the Knights but is open to anyone interested in exploring their Catholic Faith. St. John’s Parishioner Dr. Jim Dobbins will lead the group in discussions that will help the participants to be ready to fulfill the admonishment of St. Peter in his letter where he tells us we must always be ready to explain what we say we believe. The group is especially beneficial for those who have completed RCIA and now need some regular place where they can continue their exploration of the Catholic life. Jim Dobbins has over 20 years of experience in leading Catholic study groups and has the full blessing of Father Gould. Each session will be about one hour from 10:15am – 11:30am. From the Knights of Columbus Herman J. Veger Council: “After the brief summer lull, the Knights are back in full swing with lots of opportunities to participate in the many charitable and social activities the Knights sponsor. Fall is always a great time to get involved in the Knights”. Make a difference – become a Knight! Upcoming events over the next few weeks:. The next Council Social Meeting is on Thursday, September 24, at 7:30. A light supper will be served at 6:30. The next Officer’s Meeting is on Thursday, October 1 at 7pm in the social room. The Knights will be selling delicious sub sandwiches after all Masses (except 5:30 Sunday Mass) the weekend of October 3-4. Parish Oktoberfest is Friday and Saturday, October 2-3. Knights will be cooking and serving food at the Pavillion as well as manning the beer taps! Volunteers (Brothers and wives) are needed to help with setting up, cooking, serving and cleanup for both days. The Knight’s are sponsoring a Youth Soccer Challenge scheduled for Saturday, October 3 on the school activity field. Alternate date is October 3. More details to come. The next Council Social Meeting is on Thursday, October 8. Dinner with the Ladies Auxillary is at 6:30pm followed by the Council meeting at 7:30. SAVE THE DATE - The annual FEED THE HUNGRY GOLF TOURNAMENT is scheduled for Friday, October 16th at Shenandoah Valley Golf Club. Check e-mails for more information. The Knights of Columbus will be holding their Annual Feed the Hungry Golf Tournament on Friday, 16 Oct. at Shenandoah Valley Golf Club. Cost is $90/player, $360/team. This year’s outing again will be one you won’t want to miss. Please join our team and help those in need in our communities. For details on registration, sponsorship, and making donations go to the web site: http://www.planmy golfevent.com/27907FeedtheHungry/index.html Light Weigh One King A new session of the 12 week Bible Study weight loss program called Light Weigh One King will begin on Tuesday evenings in October. Please view the Orientation video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fS6YLpYD22Y. Call Sue Cook (540-349-9203) if you have questions or would like to sign up. If you prefer to view the Orientation DVD with us, we will show it on Tuesday, 22 September, in the Knights Social Room below Mercy Hall at 6:30PM. Session will run from Oct. 6 thru Dec. 22, 6-8pm. Come join us and find peace with food! www.sje1.org St. John the Evangelist Weekly Bulletin 20 September 2015 Retreat Opportunity! YOUNG @ Our Lady’s Missionaries of the Eucharist (OLME) invites you to a special retreat: A Time Apart with Jesus to Grow in Your Spiritual Life. November 6-8, 2015, Ave Maria Retreat House, Doylestown, PA. The retreat is offered by Sister Joan Noreen, Co-Founder of OLME and EWTN Host of “Eucharistic Journey”. This retreat includes daily Eucharist, Eucharist Adoration, conferences on Catholic Spirituality, Prayer with Sacred Scripture, Liturgy of the Hours, and much more. For more information, please contact Deacon Don and Deb Libera (fawnhavenwoods@gmail.com/540-347-6035) or OLME (olme@olme.org/610-582-3333). Drama Club News!!! The TORCH Drama Club’s monthly workshop is right around the bend on September 18th! All youth are invited to attend! SPARKS (ages 11-14) meet at 4-6 PM; TORCH BEARERS (ages 15-19) meet at 7-10 PM. Both groups will meet in Trinity Hall. Participation in each workshop is $5. For more information, contact chris@galvinproductions.com. St. John School PTO Corner The new PTO Board members 2015-2016 would like to WELCOME back all students, teachers and staff! We will announce any events and Fundraisers we will have during the year. We thank all the Parishioners that have helped in the past and hoping for their continued support this year! You may visit the school or PTO webpage for more information on how to help at www.sjesva.org or https://sjesvapto.membershiptoolkit.com Spirit wear is always a fun way to donate and market the school at the same time! Buy now online by just clicking on the link and register to buy!!!! Questions? Contact us directly at: pto@stjohntheevangelistschool.org No October meeting due to SJE Oktoberfest. Next meeting is November 6th. Young at Heart is open to all people over 55 years old in the Warrenton vicinity and outlying counties. No dues or fund raisers. We have Prayer, Fun & Fellowship. This Senior group meets the 1st Friday of the month at Mercy Hall at 9:15am. We have guest speakers, share hobbies, play cards and board games, travel and enjoy good company. For more info, contact Marianne Boston (540-347-5718) or Michelle Dawson-Powell (571-213-1847) “CoChairs”. Feb 3-13, 2016 Join Y@H on the Royal Caribbean Eastern Caribbean Cruise, 10 nights starting $725.00 plus $365.62 tax & fees. There will be a bus to provide transportation to the Baltimore pier from St. John’s Call Mahala Monteleone 540-349-9756 for more information. Y @ H is now also planning a Royal Caribbean 9 night Canada & New England cruise June 23 – July 2, 2016. This cruise will fill up fast. Call Mahala Monteleone for information 540349-9756. Society of St. Vincent De Paul We thank all of you who have shopped on Amazon.com and who have used the AmazonSmile option. SVDP receives a monthly rebate (0.5% of purchases) on orders placed through AmazonSmile. We appreciate your thoughtfulness in remembering us when you shop. Every penny helps us serve those who need a little bit of a helping hand! We are conducting our annual fund-raising raffle, which will run through Thanksgiving weekend. This year, we are fortunate to have an amazing Lenox Nativity set (retail value of $1,800.00) to help us replenish our coffers. Stop by our table after Mass and consider a donation. Tickets are $5 – or multiply your chances with a donation of $20.00 and receive 5 tickets! If you wish to make a donation but do not have time to stop after your Mass, please call. We will be happy to make arrangements to accommodate your needs. God bless you for your kindnesses! www.sje1.org 540-270-6774 http://stjohntheevangelistsvdp.blogspot.com Follow us @ SVDPStJohns 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time St. John the Evangelist Weekly Bulletin Inquiry Classes Have you ever wondered why Catholics do that? Has it been a while since you have received the Sacraments? Would you like a refresher in Church teaching? We would like to hear from you. Non-Catholics and Catholics are invited. All of those who have questions about the Catholic Church and are interested in Her teachings, are welcomed to attend five sessions, every Friday, beginning September 11 through October 9 at 7:00pm. No commitment is required but please call the parish office at 540-347-2922 for more details. THE WOMEN OF ST. JOHN greatly appreciate the support that the parish has given to all of our previous collection drives. The 2015 – 2016 schedule of collections is the following: • September/October – sundries (sample size soap, shampoo, cream rinse, and hand lotion) • October/November – hats, mittens, gloves, and socks, for school age children • December/January – calendars These items are distributed to elementary schools, shelters, nursing homes and other organizations serving those in need. We thank you for your continued generosity. PRO-LIFE EVENT: Please join St. John the Evangelist Pro-Life Parishioners for complimentary wine, hors d’oeuvre hour, dinner & dancing at Paul Stefan Foundation’ 8th Annual Black Tie Optional Celebration of Life Gala on October 17, 2015 at the Fredericksburg Convention Center. We are hosting tables of eight to help in opening the Paul Stefan Regional Maternity Housing and Education Center. Dr. Peggy Hartshorn, President of Heartbeat International who services well over 2,000 Crisis Pregnancy centers, will be the Key Note Speaker. If you woulk like to join like-minded parishioners for this wonderful evening of entertainment and fellowship, please contact Katie McClure, mccluremt@msn.com or 540-347-0545. During the weekend of October 24th – 25th, 2015, a second collection will be taken to help the Little Sisters of the Poor, who have provided a home and compassionate care for Virginia’s elderly poor since 1874. The Sisters will be present at all the Masses to explain their mission and to ask for your support. Because their Residents are of limited financial means, the Little Sisters depend upon the charity of friends and benefactors to operate their Home. Your generosity will enable the Sisters to continue welcoming the needy elederly and providing them with the love and dignity they deserve. www.littlesistersofthepoorvirginia.org. LIFE TEEN STARTS TONIGHT!!! (Sunday, sorry to confuse all you vigil goers!) The theme is THE BATTLE… and I want to see all of you there! Wear comfy clothes that can get wet! 6:308:30PM at the Pavilion behind the school. In other exciting news… EDGE STARTS ON WEDNESDAY! Bring your sweet-tooth and be ready for some messy challenges! 6-8PM at the Pavilion. In even MORE EXCITING NEWS… the Pope is coming to DC this week! Let’s pray he has an awesome visit ! SEE YOU ALL AT LIFE TEEN TONIGHT… LET THE BATTLE BEGIN! Don’t forget to follow us on Social Media! www.sje1.org St John the Evangelist Lifeteen @stjohnlifeteen St. John the Evangelist Weekly Bulletin 20 September 2015 Oktoberfest is fast approaching!!! Be sure to bring your family and friends on 2 and 3 October, from 4 to 9 p.m. and enjoy German food and music, fun rides and games, and much more! White Elephant Sale seeking donations for dropoff on Sep 30, 9 am – 9 pm If you’ve been looking to repurpose some of your furniture, jewelry, knick-knacks, glassware, plates, books, artwork, hand tools, small sports gear, children’s strollers, car seats, lamps, stain free table linens, or toys with all parts present, to name a few, we’d like to help find them a new home. We are collecting donated items in a condition that you’d bring home and put to immediate use. Please spare the White Elephant Sale of all electronics, clothing, shoes, and appliances. White Elephant Sale item drop off is Wednesday, Sep 30 from 9 am to 9 pm at Mercy Hall. For those who need assistance with their donations contact May & Woody Berzins to arrange for a pick up by calling 540-439-4566. For accepted items a tax donation receipt will be provided. And remember to invite a friend and come to the White Elephant Sale October 3rd and 4th in Mercy Hall now with more time to shop on Friday 9am to 6pm and Saturday 9am to 6pm. Oktoberfest volunteer sign-ups continue: NEW for 2015: Please consider volunteering just two hours of your time to help out at this year’s Oktoberfest. Also, this is a great opportunity for anyone in need of service hours. Come by the Oktoberfest volunteer signup table outside after all Masses for more information. Also, sign up to volunteer on-line! Just go to stjohntheevangelist.org, scroll down to the Oktoberfest section and select “Click Here” which takes you to the volunteer web site. Select the tab of interest and then sign up for your desired shifts. Oktoberfest Points of Contact Silent Auction: Eda Montgomery 540-295-3316 White Elephant Sale: Wood & Mary Berzins 540-439-4566 Craft Vendors: Stephanie Phillips (westephil@gmail.com) General Questions: Charlotte & John Guyant 540347-1943 Pilgrimage The diocesan pilgrimage to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception is scheduled for Saturday, October 3rd, 2015 from 9:30am until 2:30pm. This year’s theme “Oh Mary, Keep Our Family Alive in Love” is perfectly suited for the amazing moment we find ourselves in as a country and as a Church. Our parishes and the entire diocesan church will have the opportunity to come together to pray as one for the XIV Ordinary General Assembly of Bishops in Rome. Since many families will not have the opportunity to attend the papal events, this pilgrimage will allow us to come together as one family and enjoy a perfect capstone to the rich and grace-filled two weeks of the Papal visit. With hearts on fire we can come together to ask Our Blessed Mother for her intercession and protection. Café The Café is back up and running! On September 27th, come down to Mercy Hall after 7:30, 9 and 10:45am Masses and enjoy a free cup of coffee. Donuts and other goodies are available for purchase and support St. John ministries. We will not be open Oktoberfest weekend, October 4th, but will be back on the 18th and 25th. Help with the café is absolutely needed. Please call Susan Tullington at 349-4285 or email at tullington@comcast.net. Oct 3rd at 11am, due to the fact our wonderful Priests will be with the Confirmation Group for a retreat at the Shrine. www.sje1.org Ronald J. Aiani, P.C. Attorneys at Law Professional Legal Service on a Personal Level Bankruptcy ~ Personal & Business Personal Injury · Wills, Trusts & Estates Tax Matters · Business & Corporate Matters Traffic Violations John W. Adams III CPA, PC Ronald J. Aiani Lynn E. Aiani Complete Accounting & Tax Advisory Services For Business and Individuals Member VTA Daniel D. Blom Former IRS Trial Attorney 540-937-6450 86 East Lee Street · Warrenton, VA 20186 540-347-5295 Email: john@jwacpa.com www.jwacpa.com We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code. 14649 BLACK HILL ROAD · RIXEYVILLE, VA 22737 Residential • C ommercial BONDED - LICENSED - INSURED 703-560-ROOF (7663) • 301-365-7700 Fax 703-560-1347 VA LIC. #2705-023803 · MD LIC. #48015 Professional. Start to Finish. ROOFING • SIDING • GUTTERS • WINDOWS 109 Executive Drive · Suite B · Sterling, VA 20166 ShinerRoofing.com Fran Morris, REALTOR, ABR® 540-349-8077 Parishioner 147 Alexandria Pike Suite 101 Warrenton, VA 20186 www.coldstonecreamery.com Cell: 540-270-5160 Office: 540-878-2452 Fax: 540-347-7824 fran.morris@longandfoster.com www.franmorris.LNF.com 10% OFF with this ad Long & Foster Realtors 492 Blackwell Road • Warrenton, VA 20186 • 540-347-2250 Warrenton, VA Owner Relax! Let us do the work for you pam.crystalclearcleaning@verizon.net Licensed/Insured/Bonded !" "Landscapes with Distinction" 540-229-4330 ###$"!%'"()$" Come embrace your ... Open Wednesday-Saturday 10:00 am-4:00pm John Gorg, Parishioner (571) 237-5719 B74701 (EM) - St. John the Evangelist, Warrenton Accessories ... Scarves Gloves Men's Hats & More 1yourhatlady@gmail.com STORE: 540-349-9999 · CELL: 540-270-2653 23 SOUTH THIRD STREET (OLD TOWN WARRENTON) WARRENTON, VA 20186 FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 883-4343 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 Inside Left James P. Downey Audrey Mazurek Realtor • Parishioner ATTORNEY AT LAW 703.505.6168 Julie Maybach Royal, PT, MSPT, CWS St. John's Parishioner Since 1975 audrey@buyandsellDMV.com (P) 540-347-4005 Ph: 540-347-2424 homestdrealty.com Physical Therapist Fax: 540-349-1705 jd@jdgmlaw.com 82 Main Street · Warrenton, VA 20186 (F) 540-645-6093 iptjmr@verizon.net www.innovativeptllc.com 381 Stuyvesant Street · Suite 4 Warrenton, VA 20186 www.jdgmlaw.com The science of healing, the art of caring. $195 Special 703-330-3491 25050 Riding Plaza, Ste. 130 South Riding, VA 20152 Septic Tank Pumping One Coupon Per Service 247greasetrap-plumbing.com MICHAEL WARGO REALTOR • PARISHIONER ® Fax: 571-261-1511 @!"# !"# 7526 LIMESTONE DRIVE · GAINESVILLE, VA 20155 ;!!'X'! Matt Korona Productions High Quality Wedding Videography 381 Stuyvesant Street · Suite 3 · Warrenton, VA 20186 P: 540-347-2233 · F: 540-341-4700 %[$6\!!]X$X$6$^;$;'\!]X$X$6$ mattkoronaproductions@gmail.com www.mattkoronaproductions.weebly.com Phone: (540) 222-7419 #!!'<%''$" Family Owned & Operated John B. Rethman, D.V.M. Licensed & Insured 703-753-4585 866-888-8860 Fax: 703-753-4495 *(+6(+78:!+;# !" <=>?!*("'!"'!$" >?!*("'!"'!$" Tom Camarca, Parishioner Animal Medical Center of Warrenton P 540-428-0025 F 540-428-2005 www.amcwarrenton.net 79 GARRETT STREET · WARRENTON, VA 20186 Dentistry for the Whole Family COMPREHENSIVE CARE FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS Quality-Integrity-Compassion APPOINTMENTS: Mon.-Thurs. 8am-5pm · Fri. 8am-4pm DR. ROBERT C. FLIKEID · DR. MICHAEL G. KOERNER DR. WILLIAM H. ALLISON · DR. BRYAN T. ZOP For 25 years, our business has been built on repeat and referred business from loyal customers like you. ROYSTON 540-347-3396 PARISHIONER Early's Carpet, Inc. The One-Stop Shop For Complete Home Decorating Service FUNERAL HOME INC. (540) 364-1731 FLOOR COVERINGS Carpet · Vinyl · Ceramic · Hardwood Laminate · Area Rugs · Orientals WINDOW TREATMENTS - RE-UPHOLSTERY WATER RESTORATION IICRC Certified Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Marshall,VA 20116 T.L. 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Minter, President Serving the Area Since 1836 233 Broadview Avenue · Warrenton 540-347-3431 BRIGHT VIEW CEMETERY, Inc. ~ Single Sites, Family Lot, Memorials, Perpetual Care ~ T HREE M ILES 540-347-3431 FROM W ARRENTON "#$#$%' "#$#$ ##%%$* _!?= 703-472-1379 Warrenton '!! 540-349-3141 YZ[X*+\]*=^*[Z_=X$`z{Y|[}~ RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • REMODELING ROOFING • SIDING • SHEET METAL 703-368-7483 FAX 703-368-7658 Member of K of C • Diocesan Member 13042 BALLS FORD ROAD · MANASSAS, VA 20109 IN B EAUTIFUL F AUQUIER C OUNTY $%&'$%(!)*'+..+/ Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry Crowns & Bridges · Implants · Veneers · Bonding · Whitening · Nitrous Oxide · Dentures A Practice Dedicated www.smiledocs.org 8360 West Main Street · Marshall, VA To Excellence NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS - CALL TODAY! 540-364-2400 DOMINION EYE CARE COMPREHENSIVE EYE CARE LASIK, CATARACT SURGERY, ReSTOR LENS, DIABETIC CARE, CORNEAL DISEASE www.dominioneyecare.com 8140 Ashton Avenue #120 Manassas, VA 20109 15195 Heathcote Blvd. #310 Haymarket, VA 20169 388 Hospital Drive Warrenton, VA 20186 (703) 361-3128 (571) 261-3033 (540) 349-0906 FAX: (703) 361-3670 FAX: (571) 261-3133 FAX (540) 349-3298 St. Joseph's Roofing, Inc. 703-716-7663 ROOFING • WINDOWS • GUTTERS • SIDING SJRoof.com Bonnie Sellers Realtor USAF Retired, Honored to Serve Veterans & Community! Cell: (703) 350-7485 bonnie@exitcornerstone.com www.bonniesellsVA.com 15367 Brandy Road, Culpeper (540) 825-9898 • Veteran Owned Oaks Springs Plaza 81 West Lee Hwy 540-347-0001 Diocesan Member LARGE 1 TOPPING VINCENT J. MURRAY, DDS, PC JAMIE L. CHILDRESS, DDS www.warrentondentistry.com 5 ROCK POINTE LANE, SUITE 100, WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-349-0056 Parishioner B74701 (EM) - St. John the Evangelist, Warrenton Are you considering a Catholic education for your children? I would love to give you a tour of the school and introduce you to the teachers, or just answer any questions that you have! www.HolyFamilyAcademy.net WE FIX ALL APPLIANCES 703-330-8833 $7.99 Appliances Pro, Inc. A-1 GLASS COMPANY (All Saints Parishioner) X`jkq6vkk6kjzk Glass • Mirrors • Plastics • Windshields Family Owned For Over 40 Years “Give Us A Break” 703-368-4627 7278 Centreville Road · Manassas www.prorepairappliance.com Free Estimates • Fully Insured 540-270-1094 + ; <=> =?@BEK Q=@X FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 883-4343 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 Outside
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