Sunday 4 October 2015 - St. Mary`s Catholic Church


Sunday 4 October 2015 - St. Mary`s Catholic Church
St. Mary’s Catholic Church
@ @ @ @ @
Greenville, South Carolina
4 October 2015
Dear Friends in Christ,
The Feast of St. Francis of Assisi is not observed in the sacred liturgy this year because 4 October, his date
in the Roman Calendar, falls on a Sunday. But since today is his feast, let me commend to you two books
about the Poverello of Assisi, both of which go a long way towards dispelling the silly image of this great
champion of Christ as a proto-hippie skipping through the forest signing to birds. The first biography I
recommend is Saint Francis of Assisi by G.K. Chesterton, published in 1923. This slim volume captures
the personality of the man and places him firmly in the history of his time and place in the Church, and
as with everything written by Chesterton, it is a rollicking good read. The second text I recommend is
Francis of Assisi: A New Biography recently written by Augustine Thompson, OP – a Dominican friar and
professor of medieval history and philosophy at the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology in
Berkeley, California. Father Thompson’s biography is a more scholarly work than Chesterton’s but is
very accessible to all readers. Both of these books will change the way you understand one of the great
Christian witnesses of all time.
This Wednesday is the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, originally called the Feast of Our Lady of Victory
– a devotion introduced after the victory of the Christian fleet over the invading Muslim fleet at the
Battle of Lepanto on 7 October 1571. The Ottoman fleet of over 250 ships carried more than 80,000
soldiers and sailors, and the Christian fleet – patched together from many European sovereignties with
the blessing of Pope St. Pius V – engaged the enemy near the Greek port of Lepanto (from the Latin
form of its name), also known as Nafpaktos. The Turkish fleet was destroyed in one of the greatest naval
victories of all time, and the victory was attributed by many to the thousands of people praying the Rosary
in preparation for the engagement at the request of the pope, hence the twin names of the feast: Our Lady
of Victory and Our Lady of the Rosary. Look up the Battle of Lepanto on the internet, and learn about
one very dramatic moment in a very old conflict between Islam and the West.
Please join us this Saturday 10 October at 11 am for the diaconal ordination of Clark Brittain, who will
serve the St. Anselm’s Community of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter and will assist also
at St. Mary’s as his duties allow. The day before the ordination, Friday 9 October, is kept in England and
by the Ordinariate as the Feast of Blessed John Henry Newman, the Oxford don and Anglican priest who
became a Catholic in the middle of his life and was one of the most original Christian minds of the past
two hundred years. At the age of 78 Newman was made a Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church by Pope
Leo XIII as a sign of the Church’s blessing on the labors of his extraordinarily productive life.
Father Newman
St. Mary’s Culture of Life
To equip the people of St. Maryʼs to help build a
“Culture of life where all human life is protected, respected, and nurtured.”
Fall Events 2015
40 Days for Life
Rosaries for Life
Remember to pray the rosary this fall every day during the 40 Days
for Life from 23 September - 1 November especially for the intention
to close the Greenville Abortion Mill.
Please join St. Mary’s Culture of Life to pray the rosary outside the
columbarium every first Friday immediately after the 7.00 am Mass.
Sidewalk Counseling Training
Sidewalk Counseling Training Saturday, 3 Oct, 9.30 am – 3.30 pm
sponsored by Sidewalk Advocates for Life. Potluck lunch. Community
Chapel of Greenville, 1636 Bethel Rd., Simpsonville. For more info
regarding training call Cristy at 864.423.9778.
Life Chain
Life Chain will take place on Sunday, 4 Oct. from 2.30 – 3.30 pm on
this peaceful, prayerful, public witness for the sanctity of human life.
call Valerie Baronkin 864.297.8838.
Candlelight Vigil with Bishop Guglielmone
Will take place Sunday, 11 Oct, at 7.00 pm, Greenville Women's Clinic,
1142 Grove Road The Bishop always has encouraging words for us.
Call Jo Ann 864.248.0264 or Ingrid 864.329.0044.
Teen Life Fest “Saturday Night Life”
Will be held Saturday, 17 Oct, from 5.00 – 9.30 pm at Prince of Peace in
Taylors, SC. This event is open to teens ages 13 and up. There will be
local speakers, food and music. It begins with the 5 pm Mass and the
focus is on respecting themselves. Call Theresa Wersinger 864.293.1314.
St. Mary’s Baby Bottle Boomerang
For Birth Right of Greenville. Birthright believes “It is the right of every
pregnant woman to give birth, and the right of every child to be born.”
. It will take place in
the month of October. More details to come on the actual dates.
We do need 3 volunteers here at St. Mary’s to hand out the baby bottles
for the 1pm Spanish Mass. Please email Jackie Beauchemin if you would
like to sign up:
What is 40 Days for Life?
40 Days for Life, an ecumenical prayer campaign to end abortion, began in College Station,
Texas. It has expanded not only nationally, but internationally since its inception in 2007.
There are two campaigns a year, one beginning on Ash Wednesday for 40 days of Lent. The
Fall campaign begins on the fourth Wednesday of September. These prayer campaigns are
initiated and organized at the grassroots level in communities throughout the nation and
abroad. Prayer, fasting and public vigil at the abortion facility are key components. The
National Organization requires anyone participating in a campaign sign a promise to
conduct themselves in a peaceful, respectful manner. Many believe the Holy Spirit is using
this movement to end abortion and at the same time bring people of many faiths together.
Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat
Will be held 9 - 11 October. This is a Post Abortion healing ministry for
both men and women. Call Christy Brown 803.554.6088.
40 Days for Life Closing Celebration
Saturday, 31 Oct., 9.30am Greenville Women’s Clinic, Sanctity of
Life Prayer. Music by Mason Costa. Call Jo Ann Gorman 864.248.0264
or Ingrid 864.329.0044.
Please participate in any of these “40 Days for Life”
If you would also like to sign up and be a part of St. Mary’s Culture of Life and get more information on what you can do, please contact one of us:
Jackie Beauchemin / ✠ Maureen Lesley / ✠ Jennifer Cleveland /
Look for updates and information on the St. Mary’s Facebook page.
Calendar of Events
Mass Schedule & Intentions
Meetings & Events *
Sunday, 4 October 2015
Sunday, 4 October 2015
7.30 am
Nursery during 9.00 am Mass
9.00 am
3 & 4 Year Olds (K4 classroom of
9.00 am
11.00 am
1.00 pm
@ Catherine “Kitty” Francis
Madelyn Ann Babb
Pro populo
Spanish Mass
Sacred Heart Hall)
Coffee & doughnuts: After the 9.00 am Mass
9.00 am
Scripture Study
6.00 pm
High School Youth Group (M)
Monday, 5 October 2015
Monday, 5 October 2015
7.00 am
6.30 pm
Dcn. John Karandisevsky
Tuesday, 6 October 2015
Tuesday, 6 October 2015
8.30 am
1.00 pm
6.00 pm
7.00 am
12.00 noon
Cub Scouts
Program of Catholic Studies (M)
Senior Men’s Club
Virtus Class
Financial Report
Weekend of 26/27 September
Poor Box
Offertory Year to Date
Electronic Giving: If you want
Wednesday, 7 October 2015
Wednesday, 7 October 2015
7.00 am @ Mary Butler
12.00 noon @ Deceased Members /
Norungolo Family
5.00-6.00 pm Holy Hour &
Confessions (church)
6.30 pm
Religious Education
6.30 pm
Program of Catholic Studies (M)
6.30 pm
Program of Catholic Studies
6.30 pm
Introduction to Catholicism
Thursday, 8 October 2015
7.00 am
12.00 noon
Alycia Nielsen
In Thanksgiving to
the Blessed Trinity
Thursday, 8 October 2015
2.30 pm
3.30 pm
6.30 pm
Prayer Meeting
Program of Catholic Studies (M)
Friday, 9 October 2015
Friday, 9 October 2015
7.00 am
6.15 am
6.30-8.00 am
10.00 am
3.30-5.00 pm
Saturday, 10 October 2015
Saturday, 10 October 2015
5.00 pm
8.00-9.00 am
@ Emily Rose Gomes
M - McGrady Hall
to have direct management of
your Electronic Fund Transfer
online, you can now do so
through the “Manage Your EFT”
link on the homepage of our
website. For more information
or if you have any questions
please contact Jennifer Doiron at
Morning Prayer (church)
Pillars of Christ
Scripture Study Class
Youth Choir Practice
Rosary at Grove Road
abortion clinic
3.30-4.30 pm Confessions (church)
* All events in Sacred Heart Hall
unless a location is listed.
‘Like’ us on Facebook at
St. Mary’s Catholic Church
Greenville SC.
Visit us on the web at
Parish News
Collection for 3/4 October
Support of the Parish & St. Mary’s Building Fund
Office Closure
Due to rescheduling the school fall festival, the
church office will close at 12.00 noon on Friday
9 October.
All Souls Day, 2 November
Monday 2 November is the Commemoration of
All the Faithful Departed or All Souls Day. On
that day we pray for the souls of the just who are
being prepared for the glorious vision of God,
and in your stewardship envelopes you’ll find
an envelope for All Souls Day with lines on one
side for writing the names of your beloved dead
whom you would like remembered at the altar
during November. Please complete that envelope
and drop it in any collection during October.
Church League Basketball
Interested in Coaching?
If you are interested in getting involved this year by coaching or being
an assistant coach, please email New
coaches must have completed diocesan background screening and the
safe environment Virtus class before the season begins.
St. Mary’s Senior Fellowship
We’re back! Please join us for our new season on Saturday
10 October at 12.00 noon in Sacred Heart Hall. New
members are always welcome. For more information call
Patricia Wellham at 864.294.9270.
Prayer Requests
Please pray for all those who are hospitalized and for all those who are
shut-ins, ill or recuperating at home, especially Alan Howard, Alice
Howard, Ronald Labbe, Andrew Brett, Paulina Cruz, Brett Gervais, Judy
Byrum, Celine Brouillard, Michael Pinto, Jim Sponsler and Joseph Srp.
Congratulations to
Brian John Moroney, III of St. Mary’s and Marqin Livingston “Liv”
Campbell of St. Anselm’s who were baptized last weekend.
Welcome Newcomers
We welcome the following new members to our
parish family: Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Behlke, Mr.
Scott Wood, Ms. Nicole Lunghi, Ms. Michelle
Sproat and Mr. Justin Tasciotti.
Virtus Training
The next training class at St. Mary’s will be in the
Monsignor Gwynn Room of Sacred Heart Hall
from 6.00-9.00 pm on 6 October. Registration
must be done online at Click
on “registration”.
Congratulations to
John Stanley and Mary Bradley who were
married last weekend.
Bulletin Submissions
Contact Lisa at to
submit items for the e-bulletin. The deadline for
items is 12 days prior to the bulletin date.
Krispy Kreme is moving!
Starting on Sunday 25 October 2015
please join us after the 9 am Mass
in our new location in Pazdan Hall.
The Pazdan Hall Dining Room
will provide ample room for coffee and doughnuts
and for families with children
to enjoy time together in a comfortable space.
We also need more volunteers.
If you are willing to serve a few times each year
on the Doughnut Team
please contact John Paluszak at or 864.497.4804
Technology Seminar
“Emerging Technologies, Moral Implications,
Impact on Mental Health, and Protections”
St. Mary’s Church Campus
Gallivan Hall
Saturday 7 November
8 am to 1 pm
8:00 A.M.
8:45 - 9:00
9:00 - 9:50
Mass in the Church
Coffee, Juice
“21st Century Emerging
Technologies: Moral
Implications” Mrs. Sandy
Rogers, Computer Lab Director
at St. Mary’s Elementary School
and Computer Systems Engineer
10:00 - 10:50 “Back From the Future: Insights
into How Your Actions of Today
Will Affect Your Children
Tomorrow.” Harry Shucker,
Ed.D., Vice President For
Student Services (1985-2007),
Furman University
11:00 - 11:50 “Internet Hazards and Computer
Security” Mr. Rick Floyd,
Internet Security Specialist,
Greenville County Schools
12:00 - 12:50 “Q and A Panel Discussion”
Mrs. Sandra Rogers, Dr.
Harry Shucker, Mr. Rick Floyd
and Mrs. Kathy Schmugge,
Diocese of Charleston
Mental illness is a leading cause of disability
among children (, and
New York Times, 2012). This seminar explores
emerging technologies, their moral implications,
and the way they affect our youth. The impact of
high parental expectations, the age of immediacy,
unchecked screen time, and screen addictions
on mental health is explored. The importance of
parental awareness and involvement is stressed
along with the need for children to have religious
and spiritual anchors. Suggestions for computer
protectors will provide parents with guidance.
Sponsored by the Family Commission of
St. Mary’s Catholic Women’s Club,
The Family Life Office of the
Diocese of Charleston, and
St. Mary’s Catholic Church
To help us plan, please tell us if you will be
attending (not required, but appreciated).
There is no cost to attend. Either detach and
return to: SMCWC, PO Box 1505, Greenville, SC
29602 or e-mail
Number of people
Religious Education
Sunday Mornings
for 3 & 4 Year Olds
The Program of Catholic Studies
Nicaea and Constantinople
presented by
Timothy J. Nielsen
Class meets on Sundays at 9.00 am
in the K-4 classroom of Sacred Heart Hall.
(8 OCT)
6.30-8.00 pm
In McGrady Hall
(the undercroft)
Religious Education Grades 1-8
Classes meet on Wednesday 6.30–7.30 pm.
Touching Safety Program on
Wednesday 7 October from 6.00-6.30 pm
Contact T.J. Nielsen, Director of Christian Formation, at or 864.679.4114.
Women’s Club
The Monthly Meeting of the Women’s
Club will be held on Tuesday 13 October at
10.00 am in the Monsignor Gwynn Room on
the first floor of Sacred Heart Hall. We will
have Motivational Speaker Freida Stroble, an
author, speaker, and local resident of Lumbe
Indian heritage. All women of the parish are
invited. Refreshments will be served.
Additionally, we will pray the Rosary outside
at the Columbarium at 9.30 am and attend
the noon Mass following the meeting. Both
of these actions are optional.
Baptism Class
The next class is scheduled for Monday 26
October at 6.30 pm in Sacred Heart Hall. Preregistration in the Church office is required.
Contact T.J. Nielsen at 864.679.4114 or
Prayer Chain Ministry
St. Mary’s Prayer Chain is a network of
parishioners who receive prayer requests by
telephone and then pray for those requests.
Please call the office at 864.271.8422, ext.
127 to submit your requests. Information
received will be kept confidential.
St. Mary’s
Catholic Church
1 November
8:30 am – 1:00 pm
TBC Donor Card or a Photo ID required
TBC Rewards
for all donors!
*TBC rewards are redeemable
online for many different E-Cards
Every unit of blood
can save 3 lives!
Your donation makes a
To reserve a time, send
Name, Phone Number
and Time
Please sign up in 15 minute
time increments
St. Mary’s Catholic School
Open House Week
November 2nd - 6th
Grades K3 - 8th
Call to schedule your open house tour:
101 Hampton Avenue, Greenville, SC 29601 ◆
Consecration Schedule
Meetings are held on Mondays
from 7:00-9.00 pm in the Large
Conference Room on the second
floor of Sacred Heart Hall.
The dates for the meetings are:
2 November
9 November
16 November
23 November
30 November
8 December – Feast Day:
Retreat Coordinators
Contact to register or questions.
Mrs. Eileen Scoggins 864.415.8289
Mrs. Barb Bathon 574.261.2294
Cost of Materials – Goodwill Offering
Want to Grow in Holiness, But Too
live-able focus that helps bring
individual reflections.
Want to transform your work,
your marriage, your family, and
your life, but don’t have time?
Looking for the quickest, surest,
and easiest way to holiness, but
don’t know where to begin?
In our hectic day and time, Blessed
John Paul II and Blessed Mother
Teresa knew that the quickest way
to be transformed into a saint is
through a relationship with Our
Blessed Mother, Mary. Mary
leads us to the Sacred
Heart of Jesus. Starting
with the book 33 Days
to Morning Glory: A
Do-It-Yourself Retreat
in Preparation for
Marian Consecration,
we will begin this
journey together as a
Join us on 2 November
as we begin a 33day preparation for
Marian Consecration.
For six weeks, we’ll
about and reflect
on four great Marian
giants: St. Louis de
Montfort, St. Maximilian
Kolbe, Blessed Mother
Teresa, and Saint John Paul II.
They’ll teach us the secrets to
drawing closer to the Heart of
Jesus through the Heart of Mary.
You can do it on your own, with
your family, or in a small group and
in weekly meetings, share insights
and watch a 30-minute video
by Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC, and
group experience into a clear and
If you are looking for a
simple way to be spiritually
renewed, develop a deeper
relationship with Our Merciful
Savior, and grow in holiness, join
us for 33 Days to Morning Glory.
Our experience will culminate
on 8 December, The Feast of the
Immaculate Conception.
St. Mary Magdalene
A key card is required to enter the chapel. If you would like to
sign up as an adorer or regular visitor, or just visit for the day,
please come to the St. Mary Magdalene parish office Monday
- Friday, between 9.00 am and 3.30 pm.
Prince of Peace
The Lord invites each of us to share a weekly hour with
Him in the Blessed Sacrament. Contact Lisa Buss at or call 864.508.7123 to
schedule an hour. Choose an hour of your convenience or
consider one of our urgent needs:
Monday 4 am & 11 pm
Tuesday 1 am, 2 am & 9 am
Wednesday 2 pm
Friday 7 pm
Saturday 3 am & 3 pm
Pilgrimage of Mercy
Tour of the Major Relics of St. Maria Goretti
From September to November of this year the major relics of
St. Maria Goretti will make a pilgrimage to the United States.
Named the “Pilgrimage of Mercy,” it is the first time that her
body travels to the USA.
While St. Maria is universally known as the Patroness of
Purity, her greatest virtue was her unyielding forgiveness
of her attacker even in the midst of horrendous physical
suffering, a forgiveness that would completely convert him
and set him on a path to personal holiness. In March 2015,
His Holiness, Pope Francis, announced an Extraordinary
Holy Year of Mercy beginning
8 December 2015. This visit
of the major relics of St. Maria
Goretti is an effort on the part
of the Holy See and Treasures
of the Church to prepare and
catechize the United States for
this great celebration in the life
of the Church.
Saturday 24 October
St. Thomas Aquinas Church (704.549.1607)
1400 Suther Road Charlotte, North Carolina 28213
Public veneration of St. Maria begins: following the
10.00 am opening Mass
Opening Mass celebrated in St. Maria’s honor: 10.00 am
Solemn Mass celebrated in St. Maria’s honor: 5.30 pm
Public veneration ends: 7.30 am (on 25 October)
Mass to close the veneration: 7.30 am (on 25 October)
Monday 26 October
Holy Spirit Church (404.252.4513)
4465 Northside Drive NW Atlanta, Georgia 30327
Public veneration of St. Maria begins: 9.00 am
Solemn Mass celebrated in St. Maria’s honor: 7.00 pm
Public veneration ends: 10.00 pm
Tuesday 27 October
St. Monica Church (678.584.9947)
1700 Buford Hwy Duluth, Georgia 30097
Public veneration of St. Maria begins: 9.30 am
Solemn Mass celebrated in St. Maria’s honor: 6.30 pm
Public veneration ends: 11.30 pm
Co n tac t In f o r m at i o n
Main Office: 864.271.3870
Fax: 864.271.0159
Nelle Palms
Director of Admissions
Pat Lanning
Safe Environment Coordinator
Lisa Lyvers
Director of St. Mary’s Classic & Gala
St. Mary’s Ducks Volleyball
(Home matches in bold)
5 October
8 October
Shannon Forest
St. Joe’s
4.00 pm
4.00 pm
St. Mary’s Ducks Cross Country
6 October
Mt. Zion
4.30 pm
School Spotlight
Buddy Program
Students in K4 - 2nd grades are paired with students in 5th - 8th grades as
part of St. Mary’s School Buddy Program. Buddies meet throughout the year
for fun and educational activities. Last year’s educational activities included
Grade 5 Buddies teaching K4 about Pedestrian Safety and Middle School
students guiding their little Buddies through the
Safety House.
The Buddy Program helps teach our older
students the responsibility and value of being
a good role model. The little Buddies love the
chance to interact with older students!
Golden Cross Award
Family Prayer Corner
Golden Cross Award for the virtue
of FAITH is awarded to Adam,
Grade 8, for serving Mass devoutly
and showing Christian leadership
daily. Veronica, Grade 5, for
living her faith everyday through
her words, actions, and positive
attitude. Nicholas, Grade 2, for
being attentive at Mass and the
Angelus, praying for others, and
using holy water respectfully.
Prayer Tips from the
Potluck, Pray, & Play:
Before you start praying regularly, it
can seem hard to find the time . . .
even harder to find time to make it
happen with other people!
Sit down with your spouse this
Sunday and make a plan to pray as
a family during the week. The little
moments – gathering in the garage
before leaving the house; saying
grace before a meal; giving your
child a short blessing with a cross
and holy water at the beginning
of the day – can make a huge
We know well that family time is a
complicated and crowded time, busy
and preoccupied. There is always
little, there is never enough, there are
so many things to do . . . The spirit of
prayer gives time back to God, it steps
away from the obsession of a life that is
always lacking time, it rediscovers the
peace of necessary things, and discovers
the joy of unexpected gifts.
- Pope Francis, 26 August 2015.
All young adults (18-39)
are welcomed & encouraged to join
our ministry whose mission is to help
young adults answer the universal call to holiness.
Fall Bible Study - The Mercy of God
Mondays until 9 November
Sacred Heart Hall at St. Mary’s
6-8 November - Diocese of Charleston Young Adult
Ministry Fall Retreat at Diakonia Retreat Center in
Salem, SC. Details and registration are available on the
Catholic Young Adults of South Carolina website.
This Fall, LVG will explore the Mercy of God through reading
the Book of Jonah and 1-3 John. Join us Mondays at 7pm
from 14 September - 9
November. The leaders
include Claudia, Dan,
Elizabeth, Jake, Lee,
and Shana.
Women’s Book Study
Tuesdays until 10 November
The Women’s book study will be on Tuesday nights at 7pm
at the Saint Francis Eastside Hospital - Entrance C (in the
small conference room behind the guards on
the first floor). We will be studying the book:
How to Find Your Soulmate Without Losing
Your Soul.
Everyone will need the book and to read the
chapters in advance of the day we will discuss!
Call Linni with questions: 864.884.4423.
Diocese of Charleston
Young Adult Ministry
Follow the
Diocese of Charleston
Young Adult Ministry
on Facebook.
2 October - LVG Happy Hour 5.30 pm at The Flat (1606
Woodruff Rd, Greenville, SC 29607). Hostess: Kylee.
Join us for Happy Hour in advance of the opening
session of On Fire With Faith at St. Mary Magdalene.
30 October - Bonfire Party: 7.30 pm at the rectory of
Father Smith and Father Tomlinson.
Theology on Tap
16 Nov. - 7 Dec.
Faith and Politics
More details coming!
Follow us:
Email us:
Call: 864.266.8843
Visit us at:
Father Jay Scott Newman, VF
Pastor of St. Mary’s Church
Father Jon ChalmersJennifer Doiron
Administrator of St. Anselm’s Community
Director of Finance
Father Francisco CruzJaime Escobar
Parochial VicarDirector of Facilities
Father Bart LeonJoann Miller
Administrator of St. Rafka Church
Director of Religious Education
Deacon Diego FerroTimothy Nielsen
Director of Hispanic Ministry
Director of Christian Formation
Deacon John HeuserPat Perkins
Director of Liturgical Ministries
Director of Administration
Deacon George TierneyLisa Watkins
Director of Diaconal Ministries
Director of Communications
Vickie AcostaDorothy Whalen
Executive Assistant to the Pastor
Caritas Counseling Services, LLC
Arlen Clarke