tobermorey - NT.GOV.AU
tobermorey - NT.GOV.AU
TOBERMOREY -- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ek e re C -- e -- -- -- -- Tre -- -- One -- -- CENOZOIC Fence MESOZOIC Creek Proof a k ee Cr LOWER ORDOVICIAN PALAEOZOIC -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- MIDDLE CAMBRIAN LOWER Mopunga Group proof Keepera Group CRYOGENIAN NEOPROTEROZOIC -- -- -- --- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- JK Oln 77 40' Cmt Cmt Dolostone, limestone; medial pyritic-carbonaceous black shale interbeds; basal terrigenous sandstone Red Heart Dolostone Dolostone, minor quartzic dolostone, mudstone and conglomerate; basal dolomitic quartzofeldspathic sandstone (schematic sections only) Grant Bluff Formation P L ua P L ua Cld Cld Gnallan-a-Gea Arkose P L un Quartz sandstone/quartzite, glauconitic quartz sandstone, mudstone P L ue Mudstone, siltstone; thin basal sandstone or pebbly arkose (Keepera Ridges only) P L un Pebbly arkose, sandstone, siltstone, shale Wonnadinna Dolostone P L uw P L uw Dolostone, quartzic dolostone Black Stump Arkose P L us P L us Micaceous (to pebbly) arkose, sandstone, micaceous mudstone Yardida Tillite P L ut P L ut Diamictite, siltstone, dolomitic shale, dolostone, minor quartz sandstone and arkose Yackah beds P L uy P L uy Chertified dolostone, sandstone and siltstone (schematic sections only) 2 6 P L ga P L gb L gc P Lg P P L gd P Lg Mount Tietkens Granite Complex P L gd Your Dam Metamorphics p Cy Grey to pink, medium biotite-muscovite granite Medium leucogranite, grey biotite granite and quartz diorite Coarse leucogranite Grey, medium biotite granodiorite, granite Medium muscovite-biotite leucogranite, porphyritic leucogranite, tourmaline leucogranite, pegmatite Migmatite of leucocratic quartzofeldspathic gneiss, schistose mafic amphibolite, biotite gneiss; minor feldspathic quartzite, schistose muscovite-bearing quartzite, schistose quartz-rich metasediment, biotite schist, magnetite-quartz rock, calc-silicate rock, megacrystic granite gneiss, feldspar-quartz gneiss, deformed granodiorite Muscovite-feldspar-quartz granofels, schistose gneiss, schist TOPOGRAPHICAL SYMBOLS Strike and dip estimated from aerial photography: Highway Fault, position accurate (U,D indicate relative movement; up,down) Dip 0 to 5° Secondary road Fault, position approximate Dip 5 to 15° Vehicular track Fault, position concealed; inferred Dip 15 to 45° Landing ground Dyke or vein; q - quartz Dip > 45° Homestead Anticline, accurate; showing plunge Trend line Building Anticline, concealed; showing plunge Lineament Yard Syncline, accurate; showing plunge Joint Syncline, approximate; concealed; showing plunge Macrofossil locality Monocline, accurate Stromatolite locality Trigonometrical station Monocline, approximate; concealed Ichnofossil locality Windpump Fence BOAT HILL Omc 7 8 Mountain / hill Strike and dip of strata BHD9 Drillhole with reference number (pa-position approximate) Bore Prevailing strike and dip of strata Cu Minor mineral occurrence, Cu - copper, Mn - Manganese Spring Vertical strata Pb-Zn Prospect, Pb-Zn - lead-zinc Water tank / Earth dam Horizontal strata Fault, accurate Waterhole Strike and dip of overturned strata Fault, approximate 20 Aboriginal land boundary Czp Czp Dc? 6 15 40 Olk 4 3 11 3 16 84 P L un? 3 4 30 P L un? Czp Olc? Burnt Well Bore U D JK Omm 30 12 8 3 6 17 6 UNIVERSAL GRID REFERENCE GRID ZONE DESIGNATION: 53K Olk Czs JK JK 79 50' 80 Ome 23°00' 138°00' 75 0 PR QR RR PQ QQ RQ 0 8 TO GIVE A STANDARD REFERENCE ON THIS SHEET TO NEAREST 1 000 METRES 0 IGNORE the SMALLER figures of any grid number; these are for finding the full co-ordinates. Use ONLY the LARGER figures of the grid number; example: 6 6 0 000 mE 138° 00' B B BOAT HILL SAMPLE POINT : 100 000 METRE SQUARE IDENTIFICATION RELIABILITY DIAGRAM 136° 30' 22° 00' Czs claypans Qa Omm Cza P L us? small Olc 15 74 6 Ome Numerous 1 Read letters identifying 100 000 metre square in which the point lies: 2 Locate first VERTICAL grid line to LEFT of point and read LARGE figures labelling the line either in the top or bottom margin, or on the line itself: 3 Estimate tenths from grid line to point: 4 Locate first HORIZONTAL grid line BELOW point and read LARGE figures labelling the line in either the left or right margin, or on the line itself: 5 Estimate tenths from grid line to point: SAMPLE REFERENCE QQ A 7 2 6 C 5 QQ7265 If reporting beyond 18° in any direction, 53KQQ7265 prefix Grid Zone Designation, eg: 23° 00' A Detailed mapping B Airphoto interpretation C GA published maps: C MARQUA MONOCLINE Marqua Creek FIELD RIVER ANTICLINE TOKO Mulga Dinner Creek Creek JK Omc JK Hay River-Mount Whelan Area 1:250 000 and RANGE Olc Olk D Toko 1:100 000 Preliminary Manners Creek Owen 2 Oln COn PLENTY HIGHWAY Gumhole Creek TOKO SYNCLINE AXIS CRAIGIE MONOCLINE BHD 9 Cmt P L un MAP LOCALITY INDEX TO ADJOINING MAPS 136° 30' 135° 00' 21° 00' Cza 138° 00' Olk -- 0m P L us P Lu P L us Thorntonia Limestone Territory and state border 3 78 -- 0m Upper: dolostone, limestone. Lower: foetid pyritic-carbonaceous black shale, laminated dolostone Blue numbered lines are 10 000 metre intervals of the Map Grid of Australia, Zone 53. Grid values are shown in full only at the southwest corner of the map Olk Olk COt Cma SANDOVER ELKEDRA COn P L uw -- Cua DARWIN -- JK Cma Interpreted from geophysical data To convert from AGD66 to this map's coordinate system, GDA: INCREASE Eastings by 127 metres. INCREASE Northings by 170 metres. INCREASE Longitude by 4.38 seconds. DECREASE Latitude by 5.31 seconds. -- Omc Arthur Creek Formation Czp 3 25 Kilometres Cockroach 1 Omc Quartzose and calcareous/dolomitic quartz sandstone, quartzic dolostone UPPER LINDA DOWNS 21 km Toko Group el Ch Vermin MIDDLE ch Vermin -- P L ua P L un P L uw Cms fence ek Cre -- -- ol -- -- -- -- -- -ep PALAEOPROTEROZOIC -- -- -- dg k -- Ri Creek -- k Malvina -- ee or -- Cr co -- -- one Al -- -- -- -- -- -- est ood -- Lim odw -- -- k Blo -- -- ee et Creek k ee Cr Horse -- -- -- -- -- -- Creek -- -- Algamba -- -- N Battle ek Cre a ng -- -- -- -- -- Cr -- -- -- -- -- -- -- el -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- m -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Ca -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- RANGE --- -- -- oo -- -- -- --- -- -- TO -- -- -- RL -- -- -- -- -- TA -- -- ad -- -- --- --- Creek -- -- -- -- re -- -- -- -- Ak -- -- -- -- TY -- -- -- -- -- -- ba -- -- -- --- -- -- -- am -- -- -- a -- -- -- Bo ee -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Cr -- -- -- TARLTON FAULT Cms -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- B RANGE Steamboat Sandstone -- --- -- TARLTON Arthur Creek MARSHALL RIVER Dolostone, limestone, minor quartz sandstone, siltstone, shale, marl and conglomerate -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- EN -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Alg -- -- -- -- A Cua 15 Projection: Universal Transverse Mercator, Zone 53 Grid Coordinates: Map Grid of Australia 1994 (MGA94) Horizontal Datum: Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 (GDA94) KEEPERA RIDGES Cua -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- PL -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ORRTIPA-THURRA 42 km -- -- 20 Arrinthrunga Formation -- -- -- -- -- -- 15 COn -- -- 10 Quartzose and glauconitic sandstone, minor dolostone ( COt d), limestone, dolomitic quartz sandstone and conglomerate; interbedded limestone or dolostone and marl at top Dolostone, limestone, minor quartz sandstone ( COn s ) Migmatite unit p Cd 7 5 COt d COt COn -- 20 Omm SCALE 1:250 000 0 Ninmaroo Formation Quartzose and dolomitic quartz sandstone, siltstone, dolostone, partially dolomitised limestone, minor conglomerate Mithaka Waterhole Olc NOAKES BORE 4km 5 COn s Olk Olk -- -- JK Olc Cza C 76 Limestone, quartzic limestone, dolostone, marl, siltstone; basal sandstone -- -- 30' Olc -- -- 75 Olc -- -- -- -- -- -- 20' 74 Coolibah Formation -- -73 Micaceous and glauconitic siltstone, claystone, sandstone, minor dolostone; basal coquinite -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -10' Oln -- -- -- -- -- -- 72 Oln -- -- -- -- -- Cz P L ut P L uw P L ut P L us? 71 Nora Formation -- -- -- Cz P L ut Halfway Dam (U/S) Oln Olk LT 7 Georges Muddle Dam Cza Omc BMR Tobermory 13 Omm U 7 k P L us? P L us? Cma? 50' Czp Olc FA 137°00' Cma ree E 70 16 Cma Cma 5 15 25 Oln Olk? IN 69 P L us? Nora Waterhole 74 7 Cz Olk NE CL 50' JK Sandy’s Dam LI 30 5 Omc Quartzose and minor feldspathic sandstone Czs Thipanama Waterhole Umberumbere Waterhole Pettigrew 3 TI 68 25 P L us? MT EWING Cza? OC 30 Olk COn AN R 67 40' Cz Cma 25 p Cd JK? Czf 8 Cua,Czs Cz P L us P L us? Olk k ? 20 10 5 P L us? Red Heart Bore L us? P L us P P L us? 16 ee ON 80 JK 3 ? JK Cms Cz COn BHD9 Cma BHD4 Cmt P L uw? 10 COn 80 Pb-Zn Christmas Dam M14PD P L un 5 BHD5 ? ? BHD2 45 M15PD P Lg P L un? M13PD 30 40 Cmt ? ? FIELD BOAT HILL P L us COn P L uw P L un L ut Cz Cz q 8qP 5 23 ut P L ? P L ut? 4 Cz P L us? Cz P L ut 2 P L ut RIV TO OM ER BA P L ut ? Ma P L us? Cz Craigie Dam rq P L us ua P L ut P L ut P L un? q JK 14 P L un? MT REINECKE q Czz P L us? P L ut q C 7 15 12 2 Cma VE 6 6 0000mE P L un? Czf Czf 14 30 35 20 RI Qp Qp P L us,P L un P L un Cmt BMR Tobermory 14 JK? BMR Tobermory 15 25 Cmt P L un? Cz P L us? us P L 15 JK Czf Cua?, P L uw? 12 JK ? 74 8 Coolibah Dam M 8 Olc Oln 2 8 15 JK Cua,Czs IGIE Cr Cma Omm 2 JK JK COn CRA 75 40 Grichies Bore Old Marqua Bore p Cy 70 E 10 Omc Gypsiferous shale and siltstone, calcareous siltstone, quartz sandstone, glauconitic and micaceous quartz sandstone, minor coquinite and granule conglomerate -- -- 8 50 60 Black Tank Bore 13 Czf Cz Cua -- -- -- -- Olk 70 Cu Snake Tank Qp Czz JK IN Carlo Sandstone Geological boundary TO C ek JK COn 4 CL 12 JK Czf NO Cms JK 5 70 11 5 Omm -- -- Cu P L gc G Dam p Cy? Cma 2 8 Cms Omm -- -- T COt Y Czz p Cd FAUL k 12 Mithaka Formation GEOLOGICAL SYMBOLS k Cre 3 Ome Quartzose and quartzofeldspathic sandstone, minor siltstone and claystone ck KO JK COn 2 MO Ome p Cy ree 2 65 Qa Jackawarra Dam Cz COt 3 2 80 10 33 Cua Cree P L g? Qa 2 ul Omm lga Ethabuka Sandstone Cz Olc M Olc Mu Calcareous sandstone and siltstone, limestone, minor conglomerate; grades upward into quartz sandstone and conglomerate -- -- Czz JK NTGS 99/1 20 JK 5 Dc P L gc P L gb cC JK 2 COn Dc p Cd 7 JK COn 12 JK COn 4 BMR Tobermory 16 COt,Czs Lucky Bore (abd) Olk Cravens Peak beds lo RANGE Oln Gorries Bore JK COn A P L ga OROSIRIAN? U D ? P L ga Czf p Cd p Cd 74 60000mN 23°00' 136°30' -- 3 1 JK QU 12 p Cy Oln NE Mars Bore Cz Oln LI 2 2 HA A p Cd JK AR 4 p Cy Czf Junction Bore Czs JK Cz JK JK KO Cz Olc 40' Olk JK 30 M 3 p Cy Czf JK Olk Czz JK P L gd Camel Bore p Cd Czf JK R p Cd 4 Alcoora Spring NC R IVE 25 JK,Czs Marqua k ee Cr Goat Yard Dam 33 5 5 35 15 Mulga Bore 1 Canyon Bore ua 74 9 Olc Omc TO Olk SY 10 N Marq Hacking 1 6 COt,Czs Olk O Czf p Cd Czz ?JK Czs COt JK Olk Cz Olk Olc Oln Olk,Czs 2 3 Cua Olk LT Czf p Cd 75 p Cd -- -- -- -- ES G Qa Qp 10 Czf 3 Oln 70 3 Quartz sandstone, minor mudstone and conglomerate Elyuah Formation PLue STATHERIAN No 8 Dam Cua U D2 Cua 2 D Olc Olk Bismarch Waterhole JK 75 0 JK,Czs Cua JK k Olk lly Ke Olc 2 3 Czf 15 3 Omc Olk TA R 4 k Oln Cz Olk Cobble and boulder conglomerate, pebbly sandstone ee Cr Oln Treacle Hill Waterhole Six Mile Bore (abd) k Olc? Dam (U/S) Olc 9 37 U Olc ee er ID R p Cd 3 3 Cua,Czs JK,Cua Smiths Dam Kelly Creek Bore ee Charley Springs Czf 1 JK,Czs 3 JK COt Cua 3 50 55 65 MARSHALL -- -- -- 8 2 Ome 20 JK COt -- -- 5 Cr U D Czf,Olk 2 Olk Beantree Dam 3 JK Czf Qa Olk COn 5 2 3 1 3 5 Pin Up Bore 3 3 Qa p Cd -- 3 2 32 17 Olk Cr Oln MT BROWN COn 60 U D Dinn Cz ?PLuw Czf 74 7 -- 6 2 Czs Atnarpa Dam COt,Czs P L ua p Cd -- Qa -- Omc A ER Omc 6 JK,Czs 5 Baxters Middle Dam 4 Qp -- -- EP P L un,P L ue Czf Cua JK? 25 Olc Czs COn Shepley Bore Czf Watillindanama Dam Czs Olk Olk Olk NATHAN HILL JK? bore Olk UMBERUMBERA HILLS JK Cua Cua COt,Czs Czs COn COn Melon Waterhole Oln Olk Cz Olk COn s COt,COn Olk 10 Olk,Czs McGuinness Bore COn,Czs COn Czf -- -- KE ?P L gb COn COn,COt 1 Omc Oln 20 Breakfast Ck Dam Czf,Olk Beetwood Bore Olk Oln Barcoo Coolibah Waterhole 50' -- -- Qp p Cd 1 COt,Czs ek Qp 4 JK Cre ?P L gb COn,COt COn,Czs Olk -- -- P L gb 74 8 q 30 18 1 Olk? Olk hole p Cd q COn s Czs Olk 2 Omc JK Omm No 2 Bore q q q,Fe-ox Czs, COt COn COt COn s COn Olk COn Qa COn Olk JK? k Limestone: cherty and chalcedonic Czp 15 Thillindamin Dam JK Qp q Czf Cz Olk Olk 7 Pump Waterhole Cz COn Baxters Muddle Dam JK Qp Qp Cz COn s 1 35 COn JK COt,Czs Omc Qp COt,COn Czf Czs Olk Olk COn s Whitewood Bore Morries Dam JK Omm P L gb 3 Czf p Cd Czf 2 Olk k Southern Cross Bore Qa COn Gum Oln Cree COn,COt Olk 5 ee Qp Czz JK Czs, COt Martha Qp COt,COn Nathan DamOlk Olk Cz Olk a k 2 Olk,Czs 75 1 30' WARKA rka Wa Cr Olk Czs Olk 2 ee k West Bore Mistake Bore COn,Czs 5 Olk ee NIKO HILL Olk COn,COt COt 6 Qa COn,Czs Cr Czf 5 Olk Olk,Czs BMR GRG 12 pa COt,COn Cz COn Czs COn Cz COn JK ch kroa Coc k No4 Bore Gintys Dam 3 k ee Cr ee TarltonOlk Downs Qp Oln Omc Beenleigh Bore COn,Czs Centenary Bore 3 Cz Olk COn,Czs Cz COn Czs Olk urr TARLTON HILL Olk ruins Cza COn COn 10 Cr Olk,Czs Olk Cz Olk Cz Olk No 7 Bore COn nm Olk Qp 6 COn Cza,Czs Urlampe 6 Cz Olk Olk Olk Cz Olk 9 de Qp No 3 Bore Olk Czs,Olk dwOlk oo d MT GUIDE 40' q 5 COn,Czs Qp Cza,Czs Czs Olk COn en Qp oo Qp Olk,Czf 18 1 15 Rankines Bore Olk Cz COn Cza No 12 Boomerang Bore Cz Olk Qa COn Olk Olk Cza,Czs Swanson Dam Cz Cza Anagoodya Waterhole Olk Pe H Olk,Czs Cr Qa Cz Cza No 2 Bore Czs 7 2 st 3 Olk Cza,Czs Cza,Czs Cz Cza Goreys Bore Ilfitinama Waterhole kfa Qa k Heifer Waterhole 6 Creek Czp undifferentiated Jurassic-Cretaceous Tomahawk Formation Czf Cz COn Czs Cz COn ee Cr Regolith, skeletal shallow soils on bedrock 75 2 Olk,Czs Cz Olk MT POZIERES Olk Olk,Czf Cza Cockroach Bore Cockroach Waterhole rse Qp Cza,Czs Cz Cza COn,Czs Ho Scotties Bore Cockroach 1 COn Qp AY Bl Qp B Warlpeyangrere Cz COn COn,Czs COn,Czs Olk COn,Czs Olk ea Olk Olk Olk Cz Olk Olk Br 5 W IGH Olk,Czs Cz Olk Olk COn,Czs Olk,Czs Ribs Bore 1 Cz COn COn,Czs COt,Czs 1 30 Olk 7 Halfway Bore COt,Czs 2 Olk Qp BOUNDARY HILL --- 7 5 COt,Czs Olk Qp Cz Olk Olk COn,Czs jella Olk Czs 74 9 -- 5 Qa P L ua,?p Cd -- 15 Qp ur COn,Czs 1 Cz Olk Olk,Czf 3 Olk,Czs Cockatoo Bore th 1 COn,Czs Cz COn COn Olk Akadeonga Dam COt,Czs COt,Czs Ar -- Cz COt Czs COt Olk,Czs Qa Olk tamin Czf COt Cz 15 COt 75 0 PLE No 6 Bore Qa Cza Qa COn,Czs Cz COn,Olk Y NT Qp COn,Czs 21 COn,Czs 20' Cza,Czs Applepad Dam Cza Cza 1 1 12 Cza Neewaa Waterhole 4 Qp Czs Heartbreak Bore COn,Czs Poodyea Formation Cza Kelly Creek Formation COt Moores Muddle Bore Dam (pa) Owen 1,2 Cza,Czs COn, Czs COn,Czs COn,Czs Koo COt,Czs Injerrabonna Waterhole COn,Czs Olk,Czs 5 6 10 -- 20 Czs COt Cza COt,Czs 16 3 40 COt COt,Czs 1 Cza 1 ANATYE ABORIGINAL LAND TRUST COt,Czs -- Czz, COt 16 50 3 -- 30' COt Cz COt 7 5 2 COt Qp 4 Cza,Czs Cz COn Mostert Hole Dam Cza Mungra Bore Paddys Waterhole Olk Cz COt -- -- Cz COt 13 10 -- -- 2 1 1 -- -- -- No. 26 Bore 13 7 2 COn Czz COt,COn 1 H HIG 75 3 Czs Diviner Bore Alliriqua Waterhole 2 Illungnarra Waterhole COn Cza COn,Czs COt 5 D Tobermorey Cza Riley Waterhole Czs Alkea Waterhole COt,Czs COt,Czs 1 Czs, COt 6 6 75 1 Agamba Bore & Dam Goatyard Dam Cza,Czs COn,Czs Y WA COn 2 WAY Cza Cza Cza,Czs Road Bore (Gov’t) Cza Qp Olivers Bore COt,Czs Cza Qp Qp COn,COt Last Hope Bore 1 1 4 2 Oil Bore -- 7 Cz COn Czz Czf Little Dam Goatyard Bore No 3 Bore COn,Czs No 5 Bore Creek Qa Czs, COt No. 20 Bore -- Turkey Bore Cza 75 4 Cza,Czs Cz Cza HIGH Indeear Bore COn,COt Qa Eelinja Bore Querinya Waterhole Cza Czf Morgans Bore Creek Cza,Czs COn COn,Czs Czs 2 Cza COn COn COt COn COt,COn COn,Czs 1 3 -- 3 -- mba Cz COn COn,Czs 8 2 Cz COn Alga 1 2 COt,Czs Czf 2 1 COn Czs COt COn,Czs 3 15 Czs COt 3 4 COn,Czs COn -- -- COt COn Qp Czs, COt 6 9 22 12 12 11 4 3 3 Qa Czf COt 4 Czf,Czz Czz Czz NTY Cza Bluebush Bore Cz COn 10' Cza,Czs Cz Cza PLE Qp Cz Cza Cz Cza Cza COt,Czs COn,Czs Cza Cz -- -- -3 6 Czf COt -- Lucy Creek 1 Mn 7 -- 23 -- 6 Cza Cz COn Cza Czf 1 Czs Cz COn COt,COn Cza COt 8 BMR GRG 11 pa DEVONIAN Cza,Czs COn,Czs Qp COn,Czs Unconsolidated colluvial sand, minor silt Silcrete: laminated, brecciated Ferricrete, manganocrete COn,Qp Creek Cza,Czs Cza,Czs Cza,Czs 2 Czs COn Qp Cz Qp COn COn 75 5 Budgerigar Dam Cza Czz COn COn,Czs Czf COt Czs COn Czf Czs COt Czs COt No 18 Bore 8 75 2 COt,Czs -- COt,Czs Czs COt Czf COt Czf COt Czf 13 -- Czz, COt Cz Cza No 4 Dam Blackfellow Hole Qp Cza,Czs COn COt,Czs Cz Cza Qa Czs COn Czf COt Czf Noonda Noonda Waterhole COn,Czs 2 COt,Czs 13 Czs COt COt,Czs Czf Czf 14 COt d Czz COt Czf 15 Qa Czf Cz COn Thingua Sides Bore Czs COn -- 23 3 COt,Czs 3 6 5 2 5 2 COt 15 COt,Czs COt,Czs COn,Czs Czs Czz Czf Czf No 1 Bore COn,Czs Cz Cza Czf,Czz Czf Cza Cz Cza Cz Cza Qp COn,Czs Kingarda Waterhole Cza,Czs COn,Czs Desert Bore COn,Czs k Coles Bore COn 2 4 COt,Czs COn Qp COn,Czs No 11 Bore Cz COn Creek COn,Czz Cz COn 1 Czf 3 3 15 7 5 9 Qa Czz Czs COt COn,Czs Czs COn COt,Czs COt,Czs 5 1 No 12 Bore COt COt 3 3 COt,Czs COt d,Czs Czf Cz COt Czf Qa 12 Czs COt Cz COt Czs COt d Czs COn -- Czf COt COt 75 3 20' COt d No. 21 Bore COt,Czs Czs COt COn s Cree COt,Czs Czf COt Czs Czs COn Cz COn -- COt,Czs COt,Czs Qa Czs COt COt,Czs 14 3 Dam1 COn -- -- COt COn,Czs COn COt d,Czs Cz COt Cza Chelcheta Waterhole -- -- Czs COt COt d 1 re Qp Cz Cza Cz COn Czs COn Cz COn COn,Czs 2 COt d COt d COt,Czs itu Cz COt COt,COn Czs Cza Cza Czs COt Qp COn,Czs -- COt,Czs COt,Czs -- Czs COt 2 COt,Czs 1 2 -- -- -- -- COt d Cz COt 3 Czs COt COt d -- -- 20 COt 2 Cz COt Czf,Czs No 4 Bore Cza Czs COn -- -- -- 75 4 Czs COt,Czs Cz COn Qa Manners Creek k COt,Czs Czs 16 16 Mile Yard Cz COn s Qp rd Claypans, sheetwash: silt, clay Cz Austral Downs Limestone Cz COn ee Czs COt COt d -- -- -- COt,Czs COn s bo Cz COt Czz NEOGENE AND PALAEOGENE Qa Qp Qa Cr Cz COt COt Cz COn Im COt,COn COn,COt Czs Cza COn s Cz COn Czs -- -- -- -- -- -- Czs COt ek Czf COn,Czs West End Bore COt,Czs Fell Bore -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Czf Cre COt d -- -- -- -- Czf COt,Czs Czs COt -- -- -- -- No 15 Bore Czs -- -- Lucy Czs COt Cz COn s Cz COn s COt,Czs COn,Czs -- -- -- -- COt COt Cza,Czs Cz COt COt,Czs COn,COt k ers Cz COt COt d Cz COt COt,Czs Czf ee nn No 16 Bore 30 Qa Czs Cza Czs COt Cr Ma COt,Czs Czs COt Qa Cz COn Cz COn Cz COn Cz COn COn s Cz COt Cz COt Clough Bore s Alluvium: sand, minor gravel, silt and clay Qp -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Czz -- -- --- COt,Czs Czz COt COt,Czs Czs COt Cz COt COt,Czs Czz COt Cza COn s -- -- -- -- -- Czs 10' Cz COt er -- -- -- -- Czs COt Czs COt -- -- -- 75 5 Cz COt COt,COn nn Qa COt COt,Czs 75 6 Ma Cz COn s Czf Cz Cza COt,Czs COt,Czs Cz COt -- -- COt Qp COt Czf COt Cz COt COt Czs COt Czs Czs -- -- COt,Czs -- Czf COt,Czf Cza,Czs -- COt -- McCrae Bore Qp -- Czs COt COn,Czs Cz COn Czf Cz COn COn,Czf COt -- -- COt,Czs Qa Czf Cz COn s Cz COn COn,Czs Czs Czs 138°00' 22°00' Czs -- Czs COt -- Cz COt -- -- -Czs COt Cz COn s Czf -- Czs COt Qp Czf 80 COn,Czs COn s Embulka Waterhole Cz COn Czf 50' Qa Qp k Czf,COt Czs COt COt Czf Cz COt,Czf COt Czf COt COt Czf Cz COt COt COn Czs COt,Czs COt Burke & Wills Bore 79 Czs COn,Czs -- Qp COt,Czs COt,Czs COt,Czs COt,Czf Czf COt Cz COn s COn s COn s -- -- COt d Czf COt Qa LITHOLOGY ee Cz COt Czs COt Czf COt,Czs COt 78 -- -- -- 2 COt,Czs -- Cz COt COn,Czs 40' COn -- Czf Cz COt Qa Czf COt,Czs Czf COn,Czs Qp COt,Czf Czf Czf,Czs Qp COn 77 -- Czf COt,Czs COt,Czf Cz COt 76 30' Cr Cz COt 75 6 COt,Czs Czf Czf COt 75 -- -- COt d Czs COt Qa Cz COt COt Czf,COt 74 20' nk Cz COt COt -- 2 COt Cz COt 73 10' Sha Cz COt Qa COt,Czs Czf,Czs Czs COt Czf Czs COt COt LITHOSTRATIGRAPHIC LEGEND QUATERNARY -- -- -- COt d -- COt,Czs Czf,Czs 72 -- COt,Czs COt,Czf Czs 71 137°00' -- COt d COt 70 -- Czs COt COt d COt 50' 69 -- 68 40' -- 67 SHEET SF 53-12 -- 66 136°30' 22°00' NORTHERN TERRITORY -- AUSTRALIA 1:250 000 GEOLOGICAL SERIES URANDANGI RIVER SF 53-07 139° 30' SF 54-05 SF 53-08 -- Cua NORTHERN TERRITORY P Lg2 5' ALICE SPRINGS P L lm3 ? P L lm2 ? P Ll P Lg4 0' -- P L lm4 6° 3 P Ll 2000m 6° 0 P Lg 2000m SF 54-09 Toko 6452 0' P Lg1 P L lm1 Marqua 6352 GLENORMISTON 23° 00' ? P Ll Tarlton 6252 5' -- ? P Lg3 SF 53-11 Tobermorey 6453 TOBERMOREY SF 53-12 Alkea 6353 Algamba 6253 6° 1 -- -- Cmt HUCKITTA 5° 4 Cma 1000m Cld P Ll 0'E -- -- -- P L uy Cms P Lg 5° 3 P Lg Cma Cmt p Cd 22° 00' Cld -- -p Cd 1000m P L ut -- p Cd -- p Cd P L ut -- Cms P L gd ILLOGWA CREEK HAY RIVER MOUNT WHELAN SF 53-15 SF 53-16 SF 54-13 ? ? 24° 00' P Ll SCHEMATIC SECTION AB MAGNETIC DECLINATION Blue lines show magnetic declination for epoch 1995 derived from 1995 AGRF model. Annual change is 10.8" per year easterly at the centre of the map. Information is current for 1997. SCHEMATIC SECTION CD GEOLOGICAL LEGEND (schematic sections only) Scale : V/H = 5 Vertical Datum: Australian Height Datum Scale : V/H = 5 Vertical Datum: Australian Height Datum P Lu P L us, P L ut and P L uy P Ll Undifferentiated non-magnetic metamorphic basement (density ~2.8 t/m³) P Lg1 Weakly to non-magnetic granitoid of dioritic composition (density ~2.74 t/m³) P L lm1 Intermediate composition metamorphic basement with magnetic mafic intrusive component (bulk apparent magnetic susceptibility ~22x10-³ SI, density ~ 2.79 t/m³) P Lg2 Non-magnetic granitoid of granodioritic composition (density ~2.73 t/m³) P L lm2 Highly magnetic mafic rocks interspersed with intermediate metamorphic rocks (bulk density ~2.85 t/m³, AMS 55x10-³ SI) P Lg3 Granitoid intersected at the bottom of Owen 2 (bulk AMS 2.4x10-³ SI, density ~2.65 t/m³) P L lm3 L lm2 (bulk density ~2.82 t/m³, AMS 50x10-³ SI) Highly magnetic mafic rocks interspersed with a slightly greater proportion of intermediate metamorphic rocks compared with P P Lg4 Low density (~2.65 t/m³) non-magnetic granite P L lm4 Mafic body (density ~2.98 t/m³, bulk AMS ~50x10-³ SI) similar to Attutra Metagabbro on HUCKITTA -- L g, P L g 3, P L gd and p Cd are interpreted only. No timing relationships should be inferred from their order in the legend, which is entirely arbitrary. NOTE All basement bodies on the section with the exception of P 136° 30' 22° 00' 136° 30' 22° 00' 138° 00' 22° 00' 136° 30' 22° 00' -1 138° 00' 22° 00' 136° 30' 22° 00' 138° 00' 22° 00' 5 -1 50 25 -12 -300 LANDSAT IMAGE -50 -1 138° 00' 22° 00' GRAVITY IMAGE -175 RADIOMETRIC IMAGE 50 MAGNETIC IMAGE -7 -1 0 0 00 00 -1 -200 -1 75 -2 0 -30 -100 -20 -250 1959-1960 1975-1978 Toko: 1975-1978 JN Casey, KG Smith, PW Pritchard, RR Vine, DR Woolley, DJ Forman, BMR (now GA) EC Druce, PL Harrison, JM Kennard, PJ Kennewell, BM Radke, JH Shergold, CJ Simpson, MR Walter, RG Warren, BMR; JJ Draper, PM Green, GSQ; P West, ANU JM Kennard, CJ Simpson, BM Radke, P West, EC Druce, JH Shergold, MR Walter, JJ Draper, RG Warren, BMR The Northern Territory Government does not warrant this map as definitive, nor free from error and does not accept liability for the loss caused by, or arising from reliance upon information provided herein. The information presented on this map is current to 1 December 2003. Future modifications may be made as new information becomes available. This map is accompanied by a text publication: Kruse PD, Brakel AT, Dunster JN and Duffett ML, 2002. Tobermory, Northern Territory (Second Edition). 1:250 000 geological map series explanatory notes, SF 53-12. Northern Territory Geological Survey, Darwin and Geoscience Australia, Canberra (National Geoscience Mapping Accord). 00 -300 -275 PD Kruse, JN Dunster, NTGS; AT Brakel, GA PD Kruse, JN Dunster, NTGS IM Burgan, NTGS IM Burgan, NTGS Base map compiled by NTGS from 1:250 000-scale topographic data and LANDSAT 7 satellite imagery supplied by the National Mapping Division, Geoscience Australia, Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources. -2 -125 -50 1999-2000 2001 2003 2003 Produced by, and plot on demand created by, the Northern Territory Geological Survey, Cartographic Services, Department of Business, Industry and Resource Development, Darwin, Australia. Issued under the authority of the Minister for Business, Industry and Resource Development, the Honourable PAUL HENDERSON, MLA. -15 5 75 Geology: Compiled: Design: Digital Cartography: First Edition Mapping Tobermory: Hay River-Mt Whelan: 0 5 -125 -22 -1 It is recommended that this map be referred to as: Kruse PD, Brakel AT, Dunster JN and Duffett ML, 2003. Tobermorey, Northern Territory (Second Edition). 1:250 000 geological map, SF 53-12. Northern Territory Geological Survey, Darwin and Geoscience Australia, Canberra (National Geoscience Mapping Accord). -1 50 -75 DIGITAL DATA: Map data can be obtained from NTGS as hardcopy plots and digital files in MapInfo and MicroStation formats. Information on formats, release conditions, and costs are available from NTGS Sales Counter, 3rd floor Centrepoint Building, Darwin. Phone (08) 8999 6443, or visit the NTGS web site at -75 50 -2 50 -175 -225 -20 0 25 -1 Northern Territory Geological Survey -25 -75 5 7 -2 23° 00' 136° 30' Total magnetic intensity, reduced to pole, with illumination from 45° azimuth. 10 0 10 20 30 SCALE 1:1 000 000 40 50 km 23° 00' 138° 00' 23° 00' 136° 30' K Linear histogram stretch with 99% limits applied to all channels. 10 0 10 20 30 40 23° 00' 138° 00' 50 km 23° 00' 136° 30' -3 10 SCALE 1:1 000 000 0 10 20 30 SCALE 1:1 000 000 Th U 40 50 km -2 Department of Business, Industry and Resource Development R Brescianini, Director, Northern Territory Geological Survey -175 -150 Pseudocolour image of Bouguer gravity calculated with reference density 2.67 tm , contour interval 25µm.s . Northern Territory Government 23° 00' 138° 00' 23° 00' 136° 30' Landsat (R,G,B = bands 7,4,2) image excerpt from Australian mosaic produced by ER Mapper and obtainable from 10 0 10 20 30 SCALE 1:1 000 000 40 50 km 23° 00' 138° 00' TOBERMOREY SHEET SF 53-12 SECOND EDITION 2003 C NORTHERN TERRITORY GOVERNMENT 2003 O WARNING: Colours will fade with prolonged exposure to light.
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