Panel 06037C1781G - City of Los Angeles
Panel 06037C1781G - City of Los Angeles
R. 13. W R. 14. W 6470000 FT 34°00'00" S BUDLONG AVE W 49TH ST W 49TH ST 34°00'00" W 48TH ST W 50TH ST S KANSAS AVE BRIGHTON AVE DALTON AVE S ST ANDREWS PL 118°16'52.5" W 48TH ST RAYMOND AVE W 50TH ST W 51ST ST W 49TH ST W 49TH ST W 49TH PL W 50TH ST W 50TH PL W 51ST ST HALLDALE AVE W 51ST ST W 51ST PL S WESTERN AVE W 52ND ST 135 ZONE AE S MANHATTAN PL 14 W 53RD ST W 52ND PL 18 W 53RD ST W 54TH ST W 54TH ST W 55TH ST S DENKER AVE 1820000 FT 13 S HOOVER ST W 52ND ST W 52ND ST 135 ZONE AE S BUDLONG AVE S HARVARD BLVD W 50TH ST 6475000 FT S FLOWER ST 118°18'45" W 55TH ST 37 W 56TH ST W 57TH ST 62000mN W 56TH ST W 57TH ST W 57TH ST MAP AREA SHOWN ON THIS PANEL IS LOCATED WITHIN TOWNSHIP 02 SOUTH, RANGE 13 WEST, AND TOWNSHIP 02 SOUTH AND RANGE 14 WEST. W 57TH ST S NORMANDIE AVE W 58TH ST W 58TH ST S FLOWER ST W SLAUSON AVE City Of Los Angeles 060137 W 60TH ST S HARVARD BLVD ZONE AE 19 W 64TH ST W 66TH ST W 66TH ST ESTRELLA AVE W 68TH ST W 68TH ST W 69TH ST W 69TH ST FLOOD HAZARD INFORMATION SEE FIS REPORT FOR DETAILED LEGEND AND INDEX MAP FOR FIRM PANEL LAYOUT THE INFORMATION DEPICTED ON THIS MAP AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION ARE ALSO AVAILABLE IN DIGITAL FORMAT AT HTTP://MSC.FEMA.GOV Without Base Flood Elevation (BFE) Zone A, V, A99 SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS With BFE or Depth Zone AE, AO, AH, VE, AR Regulatory Floodway OTHER AREAS OF FLOOD HAZARD 0.2% Annual Chance Flood Hazard, Areas of 1% annual chance flood with average depth less than one foot or with drainage areas of less than one square mile Zone X Future Conditions 1% Annual Chance Flood Hazard Zone X Area with Reduced Flood Risk due to Levee See Notes Zone X Areas of Minimal Flood Hazard Zone X OTHER AREAS Area of Undetermined Flood Hazard Zone D ZONE AE 143 RAYMOND AVE W 76TH ST 18.2 E 17.5 Accredited or Provisionally Accredited Levee, Dike or Floodwall Non-accredited Levee, Dike or Floodwall Cross Sections with 1% Annual Chance S FIGUEROA ST S HOOVER ST 30 KANSAS AVE W 77TH ST W 78TH ST E 000m NOTES TO USERS For information and questions about this map, available products associated with this FIRM including historic versions of this FIRM, how to order products or the National Flood Insurance Program in general, please call the FEMA Map Information eXchange at 1-877-FEMA-MAP (1-877-336-2627) or visit the FEMA Map Service Center website at Available products may include previously issued Letters of Map Change, a Flood Insurance Study Report, and/or digital versions of this map. Many of these products can be ordered or obtained directly from the website. Users may determine the current map date for each FIRM panel by visiting the FEMA Map Service Center website or by calling the FEMA Map Information eXchange. Communities annexing land on adjacent FIRM panels must obtain a current copy of the adjacent panel as well as the current FIRM Index. These may be ordered directly from the Map Service Center at the number listed above. For community and countywide map dates refer to the Flood Insurance Study report for this jurisdiction. To determine if flood insurance is available in this community, contact your Insurance agent or call the National Flood Insurance Program at 1-800-638-6620. Base map information shown on this FIRM was derived from multiple sources. Vector base map data was provided by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works and the Los Angeles County GIS Department. Digital ortho imagery was collected by the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP). This imagery was flown in 2014 and was produced with a 1-meter ground sample distance. 81 3 N E Map Projection: Universal Transverse Mercator Zone 11N; North American Datum 1983; Western Hemisphere; Vertical Datum: NAVD 88 1 inch = 500 feet 0 0 250 500 125 750 1,000 250 PANEL LOCATOR 2,000 Feet Meters 500 33°58'07.5" 000m SCALE 1:6,000 118°16'52.5" NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA and Incorporated Areas PANEL 1781 OF Panel Contains: COMMUNITY LOS ANGELES, CITY OF Los Angeles County 1611 1612 1616 1617 1613 1614 1618 1619 2350 NUMBER PANEL SUFFIX 060137 1781 G PRELIMINARY 09/15/2015 1776 1777 1781 Water Surface Elevation (BFE) Coastal Transect Baseline Profile Baseline Hydrographic Feature 513 W 75TH ST W 76TH ST Coastal Transect 8 60000mN W 74TH ST S BUDLONG AVE W 78TH ST 80 37 W 75TH ST W 77TH ST 3 W 71ST ST W 73RD ST W 74TH ST ZONE AE 25 S NORMANDIE AVE S HALLDALE AVE DALTON AVE 140 Channel, Culvert or Storm Sewer GENERAL STRUCTURES OTHER FEATURES S DENKER AVE 79000mE 3 140 141 R. 13. W 118°18'45" W 78TH ST S VERMONT AVE R. 14. W 33°58'07.5" LA SALLE AVE W 77TH ST 150 BRIGHTON AVE S HARVARD BLVD 26 S HOBART BLVD W 76TH ST S MENLO AVE KANSAS AVE W 73RD ST 148 W 70TH ST W 71ST ST ZONE AE W 68TH ST S FLOWER ST W 70TH ST 147 W 74TH ST W 67TH ST W 70TH ST W 71ST ST W 75TH ST W 64TH ST 138 W 67TH ST ZONE AE W 63RD PL W 65TH ST W 70TH ST W 73RD ST S HOOVER ST W 63RD PL W 65TH ST W 69TH ST W FLORENCE AVE 61000mN W GAGE AVE W 66TH ST S DENKLE AVE W 66TH ST S VERMONT AVE 37 DENVER AVE 138 S MENLO AVE W GAGE AVE RAYMOND AVE S ST ANDREWS PL 138 137 W 65TH PL 1815000 FT 24 W 65TH ST 137 W 62ND PL W 62ND ST BONSALLO AVE W 64TH ST 137 ZONE AE W 60TH ST W 61ST ST W 61ST ST W GAGE AVE S NORMANDIE AVE ZONE AE S VERMONT AVE W 62ND ST S WESTERN AVE W 64TH ST KANSAS AVE W 62ND ST ZONE AE W GAGE AVE W 59TH PL W 61ST ST S HALLDALE AVE 137 W 62ND ST W 61ST ST 137 ZONE AE S HOBART BLVD 137 ZONE AE W 59TH PL W 59TH DR W 60TH PL S MANHATTAN PL 23 S MENLO AVE W 60TH ST W 60TH ST 137 ZONE AE S BUDLONG AVE W 59TH PL S ST ANDREWS PL W 59TH ST W 59TH PL S FLOWER ST W 59TH ST S FIGUEROA ST W 59TH ST DENVER AVE W 58TH PL ESTRELLA AVE BONSALLO AVE W SLAUSON AVE W 58TH PL 1785 VERSION NUMBER *1780 Base Flood Elevation Line (BFE) MAP NUMBER Limit of Study 06037C1781G Jurisdiction Boundary *PANEL NOT PRINTED MAP REVISED
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