Winter - PDF


Winter - PDF
Burris Gazette
Winter 2007
Welcome All Road
“Make it Happen” and Get it Right” in FY-2007
Notes from Human Resources
Wilma Carey, VP of Human Resources
Bob Sliwa, Executive VP of Human Resources and Legal
Financial security in retirement is one of the key
issues facing our nation. As Baby Boomers are nearing retirement there are newspaper articles and television reports that many people nearing retirement age
have not adequately saved for retirement. We also hear
reports that social security needs to be overhauled and
may not be able to pay benefits beyond the next 15 to
25 years. This is a critical situation for people who have
not saved enough and are relying on the Government to
take care of them.
Fortunately for us, we have a vehicle to help us save
for retirement: The Burris Logistics Retirement Plan. This Plan allows you to save money on a tax-deferred
basis. In addition Burris matches 50% of your contribution up to 3% of your compensation. So if you contribute 3%, Burris contributes 1.5%. This is in addition to
other pension contributions made by the Company.
You have recently received a letter from PNC Bank,
the Plan administrator informing you of the decision to
change three of the funds and add two more for your
selection. This was the result of monitoring the investment funds in order to continue to offer you excellent
diversified funds to choose from. In addition to the Retirement Plan, Burris also offers
many other excellent benefits – medical, dental, optional
life insurance, dependent optional life insurance on your
spouse and children, supplemental accidental death &
dismemberment, short term and long term disability. All of your elected 2007 benefits have been keyed in
recently. Please check your pay stub and make sure all of
your elected benefits are listed correctly. If you have cancelled any previously covered benefit, make sure that has
been deleted. If your benefit deductions are not correct,
contact your HR Representative immediately and we
will take care of getting this corrected as soon as possible.
Now is a good time to check your tax situation, do
you need to complete a new W-4 for the New Year. Or,
has your address changed – make sure you see your HR
Representative and complete an address change form or
a new W-4.
We wish you a happy,
healthy and prosperous
If you are not actively contributing to the Plan, I
urge you to do so. Remember you are responsible for
your financial security in retirement. What better time
to start than now at the beginning of the New Year. If
you are enrolled in the Plan now but can contribute
more I also urge you to do so. You should review the
investment funds and make choices based on your
investment style and what is right for you. There are
funds for all types of investors, from those that are
risk adverse to the more speculative investor. You can
contact PNC either by phone (1 800 374-4631) or by
visiting the web site ( to
enroll, change your elections or get more information
about the funds available.
Make It Happen
TOG E T H E R W E A R E U N I T E D WAY!! would be that his son, John and his wife, Cathy led the
entire state of Delaware’s United Way Campaign. Lillian
Burris certainly was touched and proud that John and
Cathy stepped up to keep Jack’s legacy alive and well. We
are fortune that Jack and Lillian Burris passed their commitment to helping others to their children. The Burris
Family backs
us 100% with
efforts that
we make to
assist those in
Just imagine
- 2007 will be
Now, imagine
so much better
the people that we
for everyone
have helped their
- including
everyday life a
us! Some day
little easier, unborn
when things
babies are receivaren’t just
ing vital pre-natal
going the way
care, children are
you expect . . .
receiving extra
take a moment
attention to needs
and be thankthat may have been
for the
overlooked, teens
simple things. are able to attend
Everyday things we take for granted, are special to those
uplifting and positive programs, adults have access to
many programs to assist in helping them solve problems in need. Just by supporting United Way, you can know
that you are participating in one of life’s greatest joys . . .
that affect their everyday life. The elderly are receiving
helping others! We can’t ask for more than that. nourishment and special care that would not ordinarily
be available to them. United Way agencies cover every
Thanks again to all the locations for your
aspect of life - even Hospice care for those with terminal
illnesses. What a blessing it is to know we are doing the support! NEW YEAR’S BLESSINGS...
best for others! Can you imagine how proud Jack Burris
Barbara Smith
As you are reading this, imagine confetti in the air,
lots of cheering, a big celebration . . . Why? As a company we raised $51,500.00 for United Way! That’s a
cool $103,000 - with the generous corporate match! We
all have every reason
to be proud and
thankful as well as
to all of our team
members that made
this happen for
United Way!!
“Good Samaritan” Fund
Emergency: An unexpected, serious occurrence or situation urgently requiring prompt action.
1. Must be an active Burris Associate with at least one year service.
2. The maximum amount awarded will be $2,500 per request.
3. Grant requests can be communicated via e-mail.
Your grant request will be confidentially reviewed and processed by the “Good Samaritan”
Fund Committee Members: Lori Metz, Barbara Smith and Maggie Owens.
Get It Right
Orlando, Florida
two years ago. Her hard work has
allowed her to work her way up to
being an auditor in our BJ’s pro-
July Employee of
the Month
Alejandro Rodriquez has been a
tractor-trailer driver for Burris since
April 14, 2005. His performance has
always been at a professional level
with both customers and fellow coworkers. He has filled in a times as
a yard jockey when needed without
any hesitation. He also runs the
Disney fry loads when asked upon.
This is a very labor intensive task as
well as a time sensitive delivery. He is
always there when needed for whatever job it may be. We consider ourselves to be fortunate to have him on
our team. Congratulations Alejandro
on receiving this award. You make us
very proud. August Employee
of the Month
Valarie Barnes has been selected
as our August 2006 Employee Of
The Month. Valarie celebrated her
two-year anniversary with Burris
this month as well. We were lucky
enough to find Valarie two years
ago when we were staffing up for
our new account, Walt Disney
World. Over the last two years, she
has developed and maintained an
excellent working relationship with
this important customer. Valarie is
responsible for scheduling inbound
deliveries, tracking railcars, processing orders for the account, and
resolving any issues that may come
up. Valarie consistently goes above
and beyond in all of her duties! Congratulations Valarie on being
Orlando’s, August Employee of the
Employee of the
Maria Carvajal started at Burris in
the Sanitation Department nearly
gram. As an auditor, she is responsible for ensuring that our customer
BJ’s Wholesale Clubs receives the
perfect orders that they have come
to expect from us. Maria is a dedicated and conscientious employee
who always gives 100%, and she can
always be counted on to perform her
job functions in exemplary fashion.
Congratulations Maria on being
selected as Burris’ Employee of the
Month for September.
Employee of the
Dinko Zovko has been with Burris
Logistics since August 2004. In the
two years Dinko has been working in Orlando, he has proved to
be an invaluable asset to Burris.
He is always ready, willing and
able to offer help to those around
him. Dinko is a selector in our Bj’s
Wholesale program and through his
Make It Happen
hard work and determination he has
consistently proved to be one of our
top selectors not only in production
but also in the accuracy of the orders
he selects. Dinko’s excellent attitude,
willingness to help wherever he is
needed and his impeccable safety
record proved to be some of the reasons we selected Dinko as our October 2006 employee of the month.
Congratulations Dinko.
in the Bj’s program. Julio was then
later promoted to the Bj’s shipping
supervisor on the night shift. He
now is currently holding the Receiving Night Shift Manager position.
Julio just completed his twelve-week
Dale Carnegie course “how to make
friends and influence people”. He has
been a terrific asset to Burris since
day one. It is dedicated and conscientious people such as Julio that
makes Orlando such a successful
operation. Congratulations Julio on
being Orlando’s Star of the Quarter
for September 2006!
been put in charge of our Sanitation department. Alba was originally
hired as a checker in our Disney Program. Last year due to her attention
to detail and conscientious attitude,
she earned herself a position in our
Bj’s shipping department as an audi-
tor ensuring the accuracy of our
outbound loads for Bj’s Wholesale
clubs. Since Alba has taken the position of Sanitation Supervisor her
new department has improved markedly. Congratulations Alba on your
new promotion.
Orlando’s Star of the Quarter for
September 2006 is Julio Rivera. Julio
began his career in our Bj’s ship-
AIB Audit Orlando
Danny Downes Jr. has been promoted to supervisor in charge of our
Bj’s program. Danny started his career with
Burris just over two years ago as the
lead in charge of our Disney program. Shortly there after he was put
in charge of our night shift receiving
team. Danny’s experience and leadership skills earns him the respect and admiration of his employees.
Get It Right
Alba Duque has recently
Star of the
ping department as a selector 2-1/2
years ago. Shortly thereafter he was
promoted to a Reach Truck Driver
Congratulations Danny on your new
promotion. underwent the scrutiny of our
annual AIB inspection on behalf of
one of our customers November 3,
2006. We are pleased to announce
that once again we scored extremely
well with a score of 93. We are
proud and fortunate to have a
Sanitation department that is able
to maintain our facility in such a
superior fashion. Trying to maintain
a facility with 220 + employees,
shipping in excess of 400,000 cases
weekly, working 7 days/ 24hours/
365 day’s per year is not an easy task
and we appreciate the hard work all
of our employees put into this effort. Make It Happen
Horace Dudley
Burris Logistics, Harrington, Delaware
“40 Years of service that is accidentfree is most remarkable - maybe even
Get It Right
Orlando begins its United Way kick-off campaign on
October 26, 2006!
Burris Orlando, began it’s United Way campaign with a luncheon
on Thursday, October 25. The luncheon officially kicked off the
campaign for donations to benefit United Way organizations. We
had homemade lasagna and Ziti made by our office manager Stacey Hayes, who also headed up the
luncheon. We organized a 50-50 raffle that was offered to all of our employees. Half of the money from the raffle
went to the winner and the other half went to the United Way. We also had 64 employees sign up for the weekly
payroll deductions benefiting the United way. Thanks to the efforts of Stacey and all of our employees that participated we raised over Five -Thousand dollars making this the most successful campaign for the Orlando facility to
When it comes to food,
you can always count on Frank
and Danny!
Food Drive to help the needy
in Central Florida
The Orlando facility held its first annual food drive in November. Thanks to the generous contributions from
our employees and our customer Bj’s Wholesale clubs, we were able to donate enough food to a local charity to
help feed many needy families in the Orlando area.
Safety Incentive Awards
On December 14, Orlando awarded the prizes associated with our new safety incentive program that began June
2006. This new program has proved to be extremely successful since inception. In the second quarter the Orlando team worked 118,599 hours (91 days). This represented a three percent increase in man hours worked over
the same quarter last year. Despite the increase in hours worked, we were able to reduce our accident count by
sixty-seven percent versus the same quarter last year and we maintained our no lost time status. This achievement was commemorated with a cookout and a drawing for Gift Cards, Burris jackets, shirts and hats.
Make It Happen
Boy Scouts of America
Troop 823
Boy Scouts Flag Retirement
On September 30, 2006, Boy Scout Troop 823 performed a flag retirement ceremony here
at our facility. This ceremony permitted us to respectfully retire two American flags that once
flew in front of our warehouse. We are grateful to Boy Scout Troop 823’s participation in this
ceremony, and how they showed us the honorable way to properly retire an American Flag.
The first step of the ceremony calls for cutting the star field from the flag. The reason we do
not cut the blue star field is it represents the union of the fifty states and one should never let
the union be broken. Second, each stripe is cut from the flag individually while reciting the
meaning of each stripe on our flag:
Seven red stripes and six white strips; together they represent the original 13 colonies that
gained us liberty.
The red stands for the men and women in the armed forces who have served or died to
keep freedom alive. It also stands for those on our soil who have died to protect the rights
of others.
The white stripes remind us of purity and cleanliness of purpose, thought, word and deed
and honor deep inside our soul.
The blue stands for valor and courage that binds our fifty states together. The blue field is
indicative of God’s heaven under which it flies.
The stars represent the fifty sovereign states of our union
Each stripe is then burned individually and the star field is burned last. All of us should
take some time to remember just how lucky we are to live in this country, as well as
remember the huge price so many Americans have had to pay in order to keep our country
free and safe.
Get It Right
Remember Me
Some people call me Old Glory, others call me the
Star-Spangled Banner, but whatever they call me, I am
your flag, the flag of the United States of America. I
remember some time ago people lined up on both sides
of the street to watch the parade, and naturally, I was
always there, proudly waving in the breeze. When your
daddy saw me coming, he immediately removed his
hat and placed it over his heart. Remember? And you, I
remember you standing there straight as a soldier. You
didn’t have a hat, but you were giving the right salute.
Remember your little sister? Not to be outdone, she was
saluting the same as you, with her hand over her heart.
Remember? What happened? I’m still the same old flag.
Oh, I
have added a
few more
stars since you
were a
boy, and a lot
blood has been
since those
of long ago. But
I don’t
feel as proud as
I used to.
When I come
your street,
you just stand there with your hands in your pockets.
I may get a small glance, but then you look away. I see
children running around and shouting. They don’t seem
to know who I am. I saw one man take off his hat and
look around. He didn’t see anybody else with his hat off,
so he quickly put his back on. Is it a sin to be patriotic?
Have you forgotten what I stand for and where I’ve
been? …Anzio, Normandy, Omaha Beach, Guadalcanal,
Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. Take a look at the
memorial honor rolls some time. Look at the names of
those who never came back in order to keep this republic
free. One nation under God. When you salute me, you
are actually saluting them. Well, it won’t be long until I’ll
be coming down your street again. So, when you see me,
stand straight and place your right hand over your heart. I’ll salute you by waving back. And I’ll know that you
Boy Scout’s
receive their
“Truck Transportation”
merit badge
While the scouts were here to
retire our flags, we also helped
them earn their “Truck Transportation” merit badge. To qualify for this merit badge,
they were required to work off a Boy Scout work
sheet and answer numerous questions pertaining to the
trucking industry. These questions pertained to trucking safety and maintenance, the types of trucks used
in the course of commerce, and the role the trucking
industry plays in our economy. We allowed the scouts
to climb into and around several of our tractor-trailers. Danny Downes and Charles Hollowell setup some
scenarios to help the scouts understand what is involved in driving one of our tractor-trailers. They also
explained the rigorous inspections and other regulations that govern our industry, as well as describe what
a Burris driver faces everyday out on the road.
“Hard work without talent is a shame, but talent without hard work is a tragedy.” Robert Half
Staffing Consultant
Make It Happen
Safety And Health Fair
On September 21, 2006, we held our 1st Annual Safety and Health Fair. We extended an invitation to selected vendors to participate, and 14 were able to attend. The vast array of information provided by our vendors, provided our employees with an excellent learning experience. Not
only did our employees interact verbally with each vendor, but they were treated to free testing and
screening. The testing and screening included hearing, vision, glucose, cholesterol, skin cancer,
spine abnormalities, and lower back assessments. The Orlando Fire Department brought along
some of their equipment. They also informed us on carbon monoxide poisoning dangers, fire safety,
and the importance of a working smoke detector. The Orlando Police Department gave us information on self-defense techniques, home security, and internet safety for our children. Thanks to
everybody who made this such a successful event.
We greatly appreciate the involvement of the vendors that participated in our Health fair:
Medero Medical
La Fitness®
Arthritis Foundation
Orlando Police Department
Florida Safety Council
Tempur-pedic® Company
Orlando Fire Department
Bj’s® Vision Center (Luxottica®)
American Red Cross
American Lung Association
American Cancer Association
Park Place Behavioral Health
General Nutrition Centers (GNC®
Associates in Dermatology
Deerfield Dental
Chiropractor Dr. Heise
Get It Right
American Heart Association
Federalsburg, Maryland
Please join me in congratulating Mr. Ed Givens; Federalsburg’s VP of Distribution, in reaching his 30-year career anniversary with the Company. Ed spent a great
deal of his time in Harrington before settling into Federalsburg for the homestretch. Ed definitely leads by example. His “Never say No” and his attention to the customers needs, have lead Federalsburg to win 3 Vendor of the Year Awards
and 1 Distribution Center of the Year Award. Ed is very true to his motto,
“Customer, Quality, Service”. We are pleased to have Ed as a leader in the Federalsburg
Star of the Quarter: Congratulations to Steve
Warner for being Federalsburg’s Star of the Quarter. Steve is employed in the transportation department as a driver. When it comes to on-time deliveries and guarding your freight, Steve is one of the
best! Steve recently celebrated 10 years with the
Company. During that time, Steve has received
numerous safety and attendance awards. He is
always on top of his game and will not hesitate to
call if he feels something is not quite right. His
attention to detail and his no-nonsense attitude
make him an ideal choice for Star of the Quarter. Congratulations!
Driver Safety Awards: 7 years: Thelbert Pinkett
and Steve Warner; 4 years: John Wilt and Paul
Holland; 3 years” Randall Anderson, John
Stewerd and Hector Castellanos. 2 Years David
Aburto, Burless “BJ” Hall, Rick Perry, Keith Bennett, Jerry McDorman, and John Telmanoski. 1 year: Chris Brooks, Jason Kellenbenz, Rickey
Dodd, Marcus Parker, and Vaugh Todd
Service Awards: Ed Givens (VP) 30 years; Melvin
Johnson (Rec. Lead) 20 years; Wayne Beulah
(sanitation) 10 years;
Steve Warner (driver) 10 years; Frances Wooleyhand (transportation billing) 5 years; Phillip
“Mac” Jenkins (loader) 3 years.
Elliott Friedman
The MRA Hall of Fame inductions, November 2, 2006, for Elliott Friedman.
The gentlemen in the middle next to Ed is Hank Comicello, Eastern Division President, Safeway.
Make It Happen
Corporate Christmas Dinner
December 9, 2006
Get It Right
Harrington, Delaware
of the workload in a safe manner. Without people like
Horace we could not deliver the service our customers
have come to expect. Horace, and people like him are
the cornerstone of our success.
Wow! Talk about WOW service, Horace Dudley has
done it again. Horace was recently honored by Refrigiwear by having his photo and a brief biography included
in their 2007 calendar. Horace was one of 12 chosen
out of 75,000 entries. Now, to top that honor, Horace
has been awarded the Refrigiwear Lifetime Achievement Award. Only five people in the world are given this
award each year. The winner must display a good work
ethic including among other things, good attendance,
consistency in their efforts and most importantly, safety.
As stated in an earlier article, Horace has worked for our
company for nearly forty years (10-17-67) without a lost
time incident. Incredible.
Congratulations again, Horace. You’ve proven to
everyone that it’s possible to work hard and do it safely.
We’re proud and honored that your part of our “Make it
Happen” team.
Every year in Harrington we make a concerted
effort on behalf of the United Way Agency. We explain,
through volunteers that canvass our entire workforce,
all of the ways this agency touches our lives. Employees who donate via payroll deduction are eligible for a
host of prizes including a portable T.V., a C.D. player/
recorder and a vacation day.
Statistically speaking, all of us, no matter where we
live, no matter our status in life, have a friend or family
who has benefitted
from the United
either directly or
indirectly! THAT is
remarkable. This charitable
organization was a favorite of Mr. “Jack” Burris, and so
it’s important to us all to not only assist the United Way
One might ask how Horace’s accomplishments trans- with donations, but to honor a wonderful man’s memory
at the same time. This is for you Mr. Burris. Thank you
late into WOW service for our customers. The answer
for showing us the way.
is simple. Horace is here every day and does his share
Make It Happen
Burris Retail Logistics, for the 15th year in a row, held their annual employee Christmas party at the Milford Bowling Lanes. In keeping with the joyous time the Christmas holiday brings, this venue provides a great atmosphere for
families and friends to gather for fellowship, food and fun. The Harrington Warehouse and Transportation team,
as well as the corporate staff in Milford all enjoyed a festive time. Even Santa Claus paid a visit and all the children
were eager to give him their wish lists. It was truly a fun time for all involved. An interesting side note: Mike Florczyk, on behalf of the warehousemen, challenged Mark Tarzwell, our strapping COO to a couple of “bowl offs”. After two games of close competition, Mike and Doug Phillips prevailed and
now have “bragging rights” for one year. Nice try boss, but we were ready for you. And we didn’t “sandbag”, honest!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the entire Burris team. As we approach the new year, may the blessings of the Lord be upon us all, now and forever. Respectfully submitted by: Larry Passwaters
A Record Setting Day in Harrington Congratulations to the day receiving, day crane and maintenance crews in Harrington. On December 28, 2006 the
Harrington team had an incredible day, a “WOW” day. Together, they managed to receive over 102,00 cases on
1,570 pallets! This same group of men and women also managed to ship (load) more than 6200 cases on another
160 pallets!! AWESOME! Something like this can ONLY happen through teamwork and diligence. Every department had a hand in “Making It Happen”. People from other departments chipped in to help cover manpower shortages, the crews worked over to “git ‘er done”, maintenance of the equipment was crucial in allowing the operation to
“flow” properly. For fear of missing someone if I tried to mentioned you all by name, let me offer to everyone who
played a part in this awesome achievement, a sincere and heartfelt thank you. You and all the other Burris associates
like you, are the reason this company has been and will continue to be, successful. You are the best. God bless all of
Larry B. Passwaters
V.P., Distribution
Harrington, Delaware
Get It Right
“Continuous effort - not strength or
intelligence - is the key to unlocking
our potential.” Liane Cardes
On January 17, 2007,
many were left devastated to
hear the
news of the
loss of Paul
Paul was
with Burris
since March
23, 1987,
and he was also the shop
steward for Teamsters Local
An Angel Among Us
Union 355. Paul was a great
person and friend to all. He
had a good sense of humor
Rest In Peace Paul
and always with a smile on
his face. He enjoyed keeping
Born on October 1, 1954
you on your toes and busting
peoples chops especially about
Joined the angels on January 17, 2007
sports. The New York Mets and
the New York Jets were his
passion when it came to teams.
Paul wasn’t just a good friend
to his coworkers but to his
Thoughts of you will cross my mind
Acme stores as well. Luke who
Time and time again
The memories that you leave behind
is now retired was employed as
Will be looked upon with a smile
a receiver with Acme for many
As they brighten my days and warm my heart
years and when he called
Though I may not be able to see you
As we look back over time
about the news he said, “In the
Or touch you I know you won’t be far away
We find ourselves wondering . . .
Smiling down and watching over me
forty years I have been with
Did we remember to thank you enough
Along with my other quardian angels
For all you have done for us?
Acme I have never had driver
For all the times you hauled a long load
And when the day comes I must walk that path
that was more dear of a friend
Or sat at a backhaul for hours
I know you will be there waiting with a smile
to me than Paul. We were
So as I sit here with tears in my eyes please know
always joking around and the
You will be sadly missed Paulie
We wonder if we ever thanked you
My life has been truly blessed
girls in the bakery and the
For the sacrifices you made.
To have had a friend like you
To help us be the very best?
deli are beside themselves. I
And for the simple things.
can’t believe this is happening.
Love Always Your,
Like laughter, smiles and times we shared?
He’ll be truly missed.” This
If we have forgotten to show our
Gratitude enough for all the things you did, is just one response from the
We’re thanking you now.
And we are hoping that you knew all along. many people who knew and
How much you meant to us.
loved Paul Rowland. He
It won’t be the same without you.
touched the lives of everyone
and will be truly missed. It
Your Burris Family
simply won’t be the same
without him around.
Make It Happen
Elkton, Maryland
Get It Right
(Left Picture: Constance Johns is
congratulated by Inventory Control
Manager Galen Hopkins on her selection as an Employee of the Month for
December 2006.) (Right Picture: Art
Reynolds is congratulated by Inventory
Control Supervisor Bob Lewis on his
selection as an Employee of the Month
for December 2006. ) Elkton, MD
Sumter, South Carolina
Sumter’s Safety Committee
for 2007. front row l-r Luke
Hicks, Harold James (Chairman), Johnny Wells, Stacey
Spann; back row l-r Phillip
Shipley, George Lynch, Ellison
Holland, Charlie Bassett and
Bobby Gamble.
Not pictured Leonard Smith.
Lakeland, Florida
Lakeland employees enjoy their annual Thanksgiving meal
We would like to congratulate Jesse Robbins
on his 5 year anniversary with Burris. Thank
you, Jesse for 5 years of dedicated service!
Make It Happen
Haines City, Florida
“Safety First” in Haines City!
As of December 1st, Haines City has gone over one year
accident and injury free.
All the employees in Haines City have taken an active role in continuing our safe operations. Several things have
been put in place that have enabled us to improve the work environment in Haines City. One, we have various
safety related signs located throughout the facility to give daily reminders to all. Two, we rotate our safety committee members every six months, in order to continue getting fresh ideas for areas that may need attention. Three, we
have suggestion boxes located in the break rooms asking for safety ideas. If we get a new idea from the boxes that we
implement, we reward the employee that made the suggestion. We have, also, installed two electronic signs in our
break rooms that show how many days it has been since our last accident.
In order to keep everyone’s interest, we added incentives at various completed days. (90 days, 6 months, 1 year... etc)
Thanks, Greg Ross - General Manager
Jacksonville, Florida
From: Mann, Julie []
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2007 1:52 PM
To: Padgett, Sara
Cc: Simon, Jacqueline; Smith, Paul
Subject: Jackie Simon
Importance: High
Quite often we only communicate to ask for help with a problem or such,
but I am going to stop and write to you and tell you how much I appreciate Jackie’s help.
I am sitting here thinking how often I pick up that phone and press zero when I can not find her, and when I do,
no matter how upset I may be, she will stop me, listen and will get my problem taken care of, if not then, some
time thereafter.
It is very nice to know that we have support like this and I just wanted you to know.
Julie M. Mann - Swift & Company
Get It Right
Roberto Ramos is a proud new
daddy of a baby girl Jocelyn Lillianna Ramos. She was born October
11, 2006 @12:01AM at Winnie
Palmer Hospital in Orlando, Florida.
Jocelyn weighed in at 7 lbs 3oz and
was 21 inches long. Congratulations
Roberto and Kristin Ramos.
was 20 ½ inches long. Congratulations Benny and Marlenis.
Orlando, FL
Destiny A’Merie Heim born 7/5/05 Parents: Matthias and Madelina
Elkton, MD
Danny Hernandez is a proud new
daddy of a baby girl named Jillian
John Roosevelt Green IV born
Leah Hernandez. She was born
11/23/06 November 17, 2006 @ 2:30 PM at
Parents: John R III and Diamond
Winnie Palmer Hospital in Orlando, Celeste Green
Orlando, FL Florida. Jillian weighed 6lbs 9 oz
Elkton, Maryland
and was 19 ½ long. Congratulations
Dilver Valle is a proud new daddy
Danny and Alicia.
of a baby boy Jaden Clyde Valle. He
Orlando, FL
was born October 13, 2006 @11:00 AM at Osceola Regional Medical
Congratulations to Justin Reilly
Center Kissimmee, Florida. Jaden
(warehouse) on the birth of his son
weighed in at 7 lbs 7oz and was 19
½ inches long. Congratulations to
Federalsburg, MD Congratulations to William StrawDilver and Meyon Valle as well as
berry (driver), and Quianna Newthe Grandparents that also work in
Congratulations to Keith Bennett
comb who recently wed.
Orlando, Maria Valle and Miguel
(driver) and his wife on the birth of
their son Alexander Hammond Ben- Federalsburg, MD
Orlando, FL
Marcus Rodriguez is a proud new
daddy of a baby boy named Isaiah
Rodriguez. He was born October 18,
2006 @ 2:00AM at Winnie Palmer
Hospital in Orlando, Florida. Isaiah
weighed 6lbs 7oz and was 22 inches
long. Congratulations to Marcus and
Orlando, FL
Benny Germosen is a proud new
daddy of a baby girl named Amelia
Isabel Germosen. Amelia was born
November 14, 2006 @ 8:42 PM
at Florida Hospital Celebration
campus. She weighed 8lbs 4 oz and
Federalsburg, MD
Brian Lane and girlfriend Jennifer
had a healthy baby boy on November 7, 2006, Brian Lane Jr, he
weighed 8 lbs and 2 1/2 oz. Congratulations to all!
Harrington, DE
Selena Sarai Cruz was born Parents: Sergio Cruz and Kathy
Welch 9/28/06
Elkton, MD
Card Designer
Doug Stuart, Creative
Apple Store
Make It Happen