BAU 2017 ICE-CMM - Confindustria Marmomacchine
BAU 2017 ICE-CMM - Confindustria Marmomacchine
CollettivaICEAgenzia-ConfindustriaMarmomacchine Milano,3marzo2016 GentiliSignoreeSignori, siamo lieti di informarVi che, in occasione del prossimo salone BAU 2017, ICE Agenzia e Confindustria Marmomacchine, con il supporto organizzativo di Monacofiere, rappresentanza ufficiale in Italia di Messe München, riproporranno un’area collettiva dedicataalleaziendeitalianedelsettorelapideo,nelpadiglioneA4. Dopo la prima positiva esperienza di questa iniziativa al salone BAU 2015, l’area è stata portata a 150 mq per permettere di ospitare da 10 a 12 espositori, con spazi aziendali individualieun’areacomuneperservizidiinformazioneeaccoglienza. L’iniziativaèstatainseritanelprogrammapromozionale2016diICEAgenzia(attualmente incorsodiapprovazione)ebeneficeràdiunsupportofinanziariopubblicochepermetterà alleaziendeinteressatedipartecipareallamanifestazionesuunospaziodigrandevisibilità acostiinferioririspettoallapartecipazioneindividuale. Viinvitiamoavisionarematerialeallegatoeacontattarcitelefonicamenteoviaemailper ulterioriinformazioni. Convivacordialità DavideGalli managingdirectorMonacofiere LindaMioradelli resp.SegreteriaBAU2017 MF GmbH c/o Monacofiere – via B. Rucellai 10 – I 20126 Milano – tel 02 4070 8301 eMail: – P.IVA DE812158210 BAU2017–saloneinternazionalepersistemiemateriali perarchitetturaecostruzioni. MonacodiBaviera,centrofieristico16-21gennaio2017 Domandadipartecipazione CollettivaICEAgenzia-ConfindustriaMarmomacchine (scadenzaiscrizioni:30.04.2016) compilare,sottoscrivereetrasmettere viafaxalnr.0287369039oviaemail aespositori@monacofiere.comunitamente almodulodiiscrizionescaricabilequi. indirizzo__________________________________________________________________________________ CAP_________________loc.__________________________________________________prov.___________ tel.__________________________fax________________________web_______________________________ P.IVA______________________________________CF____________________________________________ contatto_________________________________________email_____________________________________ tariffe,tipologiadispazioecondizionidipartecipazioneallacollettiva n._____modulocollettivaICE-ConfindustriaMarmomacchine alprezzounitariodiEuro3.900,00(IVAinregimedireversecharge) Tot.Euro_________________ 1) Èpossibileprenotareanchepiùmoduli,contiguioseparati.Ilmodulocomprende:pareti,pedana,nomedell’azienda,1tavolo,4sedie,cestinogettacarte,1presa elettrica,illuminazione,grafica(logoaziendale),connessioneWIFI,2tessereespositori,inserimentobaseacatalogoespositori,usospazieservizicomuni. 2) L’espositorecompilaesottoscrive,unitamenteallapresente,ilmodulodiiscrizioneallafiera.Conessosiriconosconoeaccettanoilregolamentoelecondizioni generali di partecipazione della manifestazione che sono parte integrante del presente contratto. Il modulo è scaricabile a questo link e deve essere inviato contestualmenteallapresentedomanda. 3) L’espositoresiimpegnaaversareall’attodell’inviodelpresentemodulounaccontotramitebonificoparial50%dell’importodovuto.Ilversamentodell’accontoè condizione essenziale per ricevere opzione sullo spazio assegnato. Il saldo è condizione essenziale di ammissione alla manifestazione. Il saldo deve essere eseguito entro il 31.10.2016 a mezzo bonifico bancario. L’organizzatore preavvisa che in caso di recesso da parte dell’espositore le somme versate a titolo di accontoe/osaldoNONsarannorestituite. 4) Clausola condizionale: l’iniziativa viene realizzata con l’adesione alla medesima di almeno otto aziende (otto moduli). In caso di mancato raggiungimento del numerominimodiadesionileaziendeaderentiavrannolapossibilitàdiiscriversidirettamenteallamanifestazioneallecondizionieaicostistabilitidaMesse München.Inquestocasol’organizzatoreassicuralapropriaassistenzaall’espositoreiscrittomanongarantisceaprioriladisponibilitàdiunostandindividuale. 5) Responsabilità: l’espositore si impegna a stipulare polizza assicurativa ovvero a estendere l’efficacia della polizza RC aziendale a copertura degli eventuali danni cagionati a persone e/o cose direttamente, da personale dipendente dell’espositore o comunque da egli incaricato, sollevando l’organizzatore da ogni responsabilità, tenendola indenne da rivalse o azioni dei danneggiati. L’espositore solleva inoltre l’organizzatore da ogni responsabilità per eventuali danneggiamentiofurtisubitiallostanddurantelamanifestazioneoinfasedimontaggioesmontaggiodeglistand. 6) Clausola compromissoria: tutte le controversie derivanti dal presente contratto, comprese quelle riguardanti la sua validità, interpretazione, esecuzione e risoluzione,sarannorisoltedauncollegioditrearbitrisecondolaproceduraadottatadallaCCIAAdiMilano,cheapplicailregolamentodellaCameraArbitraledi Milano.IlcollegiosaràcompostodaduearbitrinominatirispettivamentedallepartiedaunterzoconfunzionediPresidente,nominatodicomuneaccordodagli altriduearbitrio,inmancanzadiaccordo,secondoquantoprevistodalregolamentosoprarichiamato,nominatodallaCamera ArbitralediMilano.Ilcollegio arbitraleprocederàinviaritualeesecondodiritto.Sededell’arbitratosaràMilano. 7) InformativaeconsensoaisensidellaL.675/96sullatuteladellepersoneealtrisoggettialtrattamentodeidatipersonali.Il/lasottoscritto/aneltrasmettereipropri dati all’organizzatore acconsente al loro trattamento da parte del medesimo. Il/la sottoscritto/a dichiara inoltre, all’atto del conferimento dei dati, di essere debitamenteinformato/aperquantoprevistoall’art.10dellaL675/96ivicompresiidirittiche,inrelazionealtrattamentoacuiespressamenteacconsente,gli/le derivanoaisensidell’art.13dellamedesimalegge. Settorimerceologici pietre naturali – blocchi pietre naturali – lastre pietre naturali - altri formati servizi – associazioni – editoria MFGmbH-HypovereinsbankUNICREDITAG IBANDE 92 700 2027 000 1007 1741SWIFT/BICHYVEDEMMXXX L’organizzazione rimane in attesa di ricevere la copia della contabile bancaria che attesti l’effettivo versamento dell’opzione/conferma dell’area espositiva. Successivamente provvederà a inviare le circolari informative con la documentazionediassistenza. Conlasottoscrizionesiaccettanoespressamenteletariffeelecondizionidipartecipazioneesposte(clausoleda1a7) data,_____________,timbroefirma___________________________________________________________________ MF GmbH c/o Monacofiere – via B. Rucellai 10 – I 20126 Milano – tel 02 4070 8301 eMail: – P.IVA DE812158210 ragionesociale_____________________________________________________________________________ Connecting Global Competence The future of building BAU 2017: World’s Leading Trade Fair for Architecture, Materials and Systems—and for you! The future of building—writing success stories: 2,015 exhibitors Act now and secure yourself the best starting position for from 42 countries helped the last BAU set new records. An convincing the global market with your products and unbelievable 250,000 trade visitors came to Munich to attend solutions—including a wealth of advantages that you will this industry highlight. The share of international visitors only find at BAU in Munich from January 16–21, 2017! alone increased by more than 12,000 people to 29%. A total of 17 fully occupied halls with more than 180,000 m² of exhibits gave them access to almost unlimited international business opportunities. 5 reasons for BAU. 5 reasons for your success as an exhibitor. 1 All the decision-makers who conduct interdisciplinary business involving various sectors and trades are here. 2 People come here to search for key material and product innovations for practical applications. Secure your success now: 2 5 3 Get unique access to the global market here. Only here are you an essential part of the sustainable solutions that the future is made from. 4 Set trends and keep your order books full in the long term here. 1 For your objectives: Business oriented and interdisciplinary Profit from the outstanding quality of the trade visitors at the Number 1 business, contact and information platform. Everyone who is involved in planning, building and operating buildings meets here. Decision-makers among the trade visitors. Essential to your business. 30% primary decision-maker 87% decision-makers 66% in management positions Exhibitor statements 2015 “We have been at BAU from the very first event in 1964, but this BAU was better than any of the other events so far. Right from the start things were very busy and it stayed like that all the time. Each day was a record-breaker.” Martin Möllmann, Director, Dyckerhoff, Germany Share of decision-makers at BAU 2015. Source: Visitor survey BAU 2015—TNS Infratest Exhibitors’ objectives were reached. And perspectives were broadened. Cultivate existing business ties 67 Make new business ties 50 Prepare post-fair business 44 Monitor the competition 36 Information about/present new developments 50 Exchange ideas/information 56 Exhibitors’ ratings of BAU 2015 for being able to reach their goals. Source: Exhibitor survey by TNS Infratest at BAU 2015 Excellent/Very good 29 3 40 10 45 11 46 17 42 7 39 Good 5 Acceptable/Poor All results of the 2015 participant survey: 3 2 For your portfolio: Practice oriented and innovative Demonstrate your innovative strength at the most important platform for material and product innovations in commercial and residential construction and interior work for both new-build and renovation and mod ernization. This is where people come to search for solutions for the future of building in all building trades. Unique scope of exhibits. Concentrated at a single location. Aluminum Aluminum profiles/systems, machines for aluminum and steel work, façade systems, sunshade systems Chemical building products/ Construction tools BAU-IT Energy/Building systems/ Solar technology Ceramics Wood Stone/Cast stone Software, hardware, measurement technology Plasters/varnishes/paints, adhesives, protection against heat, cold, fire and noise, insulation materials, seals, construction tools Floor coverings Elastic, textiles, parquet, laminates, moldings and profiles Tiles/glass tiles, ceramics, sanitary technology/objects, façades, accessories Air-conditioning technology, ventilation technology, solar building/ solar thermal energy Glass, Building automation/control Wood materials, interior work, stairs, timber construction, laminates, accessories Stone, cast stone, accessories Locks/Fittings/Security Steel/Stainless Steel/Zinc/Copper Stones/Soils Gate/Parking systems Doors and windows Bricks/Roof building Glass building materials, glass façades, glass structures, foils Profiles/structural steel systems, façade systems, sunshade systems, stainless steel, zinc and copper surfaces/systems Locks, cylinders, fittings, antiintrusion systems, access-control systems, accessories Gate systems, parking systems, gate and door drive technology, accessories Stones/soils, sand-lime brick, concrete/ porous concrete, pumice/fiber-cement building materials, dry interior finishing, prefabricated building, plasters, screed, insulating materials Wood, aluminum, plastics, glass, roller blinds/sunshade systems Bricks, roof tiles, chimney-building materials, roof-building materials, dormer windows/skylights, façades Central access to trade visitors from all sectors. Company/business/ plant management 1 Logistics: Material management, storage, transport 27 Research & Development/ Engineering 4 5 Product development/Design Planning 19 Processing/Manufacturing/Production/ Quality control 2 Maintenance/ Repair 13 4 Purchasing/ Acquisitions Profile of trade visitors at BAU 2015 according to area of expertise in percent. Source: Visitor survey BAU 2015—TNS Infratest 4 Sales 14 Other sectors 3 6 in % Marketing/ Advertising/PR 3 For your growth: International and down to earth Take advantage of the potential of more than 250,000 trade visitors and the international appeal of 2,015 exhibitors. At home in Germany and a leader in Europe, BAU sets international standards—and opens new markets for your growth. Good for business. The Top 10 visitor countries 13,158 5,525 5,471 3,281 2,512 2,403 2,371 1,987 1,611 1,547 Austria Switzerland Italy Turkey Slovenia Poland Czech Republic Russian Federation France Belgium Source: Visitor survey BAU 2015—TNS Infratest Outstanding solutions. The Top 10 exhibitor countries 109 103 43 42 37 37 30 29 19 18 Italy Austria Poland Turkey Belgium Switzerland Netherlands Spain China Czech Republic Source: Exhibitor survey BAU 2015—TNS Infratest Global leader. Visitors from 5 continents 48,982 9,745 4,685 2,549 1,156 813 227 EU (w/o Germany) Rest of Europe Asia Middle East North, Central and South America Africa Australia/Oceania 48,982 9,745 4,685 2,549 1,156 813 227 Number of visitors at BAU 2015 by continent Source: Visitors survey BAU 2015—TNS Infratest Momentous. Increasingly international. 28% 26% 25% 18% 37,201 2009 59,940 2011 60,149 2013 72,250 2015 Exhibitor statements 2015 “BAU 2015 provides a fantastic opportunity to present our product portfolio to an international audience. ... We are already looking forward to taking part in BAU 2017.” Anthony Milling, Managing Director, Aquabocci, Italy Change in number and share of international visitors Source: Visitor survey BAU 2015—TNS Infratest 5 4 For your innovative spirit: Inspiring and moving Set trends with the entire industry and move trade visitors with ideas, products and a profitable partnership. More than 65,000 architects and engineers and 75,000 trade representatives are waiting for your inspiration! Interdisciplinary. Visitor target groups. Investors Housing associations, private and local authority developers, real-estate managers, fund managers, agents, retailers/retail chains, facility managers (buildings maintenance) Planners 3 Architects, interior designer, landscape architects, engineers, structural engineers, local and national building authorities, energy consultants Research, further education 26 30 4 in % Building materials trade Building material suppliers, DIY stores, other retail Universities, research institutes, master craftsmen colleges and trade schools 37 Trade visitors at BAU 2015 according to sectors in percent Source: Visitor survey BAU 2015—TNS Infratest More performance figures from BAU 2015: 6 Building industry Awning/blinds fitters, bricklayers, carpenters, concrete specialists, dry wallers, façade fitters, fitters, flooring fitters, glaziers, heating engineers, insulation fitters (thermal, sound), locksmiths, metalworkers, painters, parquet flooring fitters, plasterers, plumbers, roofers, screed layers, shopfitters, solar technology specialists, tilers, window/ glass façade fitters 5 For your future: Visionary and sustainable Share concrete solutions and future-oriented ideas for meeting global ecological and social challenges with the Who’s Who of the industry. All you need is a stand at BAU 2017! Satisfied exhibitors. Best recommendations. Gave BAU an overall rating of good to excellent 97% Would recommend BAU to others 99% Want to participate again 98% Rated quality of visitors as good to excellent 96% Are satisfied with the number of visitors 90% Emphasize the large share of international visitors 90% Consider BAU a leading trade fair 94% Overall exhibitor satisfaction with BAU 2015 in percent. Source: Exhibitor survey BAU 2015—TNS Infratest Fair stand prices. A worthwhile investment. Row stand (one side open) EUR 197/m2 Corner stand (two sides open) EUR 208/m2 End stand (three sides open) EUR 222/m2 Island stand (four sides open) EUR 238/m2 Additional information about prices and conditions is available at Exhibitor statements 2015 “BAU 2015 was a resounding success. The quality and international spectrum among the visitors have once again increased. ... BAU has therefore put in an impressive demonstration of why it bears the title, World’s Leading Trade Fair.” Dieter Schäfer, Chairman of the Advisory Board of BAU and Chairman of the Board of Management of Deutsche Steinzeug Cremer & Breuer AG, Germany Register for BAU 2017 now: 7 As of: 06/2012 17 halls. 180,000 m² of space for success. R Mün c h en A3 A P1 n d e r P a P o Motorway exit MünchenRiem Forwarding offices/ Customs l u H n 20 21 Nord Service companies North e r A4 i 19 i n 18 North t 17a p P4 A4 a 17 a k - 16 15a 15 C1 C2 C3 P5 C4 S t r a 14 P6 ß e A5 A6 13a A6 B6 13 B ricks / Roof building Bricks, Roof tiles, Chimney-building materials, Roof-building materials, Dormer windows / -skylights, Facade systems Stone / Cast stone Stone, Cast stone, Facade systems, Floor coverings Ceramics Tiles, Ceramics, Facades, Sanitary technology / objects, Accessories Floor coverings Elastic, Textiles, Parquet, Laminates, Moldings and profiles, Floor-laying technology and equipment Chemical building products; Construction tools 11a Plasters / varnishes / paints, Adhesives, Protection against heat, cold, fire and noise, 11 Insulation materials, Seals, Facade systems e 12 - r th No est w P2 Nord Motorway exit Stones / Soils Feldkirchen-West Sones / soils, Sand-lime brick, Concrete/porous concrete, Pumice / fiber-cement building materials, Facade systems, Dry interior finishing, Prefabricated building, Plasters, Screed, Insulating materials A99/Pas sau D A m S P3 rey sto e st lti- W Mu park c ar Tower 18a TAXI e n a b g r l l H ü A1 A2 A94 S t r a ß e r m e i e Investing in the future Renovation & modernization, Research and grants, Institutes/associations/ service companies G ee B4 B5 B6 i u A r i u A5 A6 Am Messeturm Park & Ride car park P9 P10 B2 Stainless steel, Zinc and copper surfaces, systems B2 se e Service companies East B3 1 2 3 W i 4 l l y - 6 5 B r a n d t - A l 8 7 l e W i l l y - B r a n d t - P l a t z 9 e B4 C4 U2 Messestadt West U2 Messestadt Ost ExpressWay P Regular bus Airport shuttle bus (operation depends on event) TAXI Taxi Gates B5 Register now: S teel / Stainless Steel / Zinc / Copper Profiles / structural steel systems, Facade systems, Sunshade systems, P11 P12 E nergy / Building systems / Solar technology Air-conditioning technology, Ventilation technology, Solar building / Solar thermal energy n A4 East m e A3 t g A2 m o A1 r B Am M es se e S t r a ß Administration building t - A Aluminum; Machines for aluminum and steel work Aluminum profiles / systems, Facade systems, Sunshade systems i West B1 C1 r TAXI e B3 p es B2 M e s s e f r e i g e l ä n d e ss P a l m e B1 B0 B0 s Me ICM TAXI P8 a A m Am O l o f - P7 Status: April 30, 2015 (Subject to alteration) Gate / Parking systems Gate10systems, Parking systems, Gate and door drive technology, Accessories L ocks / Fittings / Security Locks, Cylinders, Fittings, Anti-intrusion systems, Access-control systems, Accessories Doors and windows Wood, Aluminum, Plastic, Glass, Roller blinds / sunshade systems Wood Wood materials, Interior work, Stairs, Timber construction, Facade systems, Veneers, Accessories C2 G lass; Building automation / control Glass building materials, Facades, Glass structures, Foils, Lifts C3 BAU IT IT solutions for building, Measurement technology ICM ICM – Internationales Congress Center München Congresses, seminars, specialty events For your organization Dates Monday—Saturday January 16–21, 2017 Opening hours Monday–Friday: 9:30–18:00 Saturday: 9:30–17:00 Venue Messe München Organizer Messe München GmbH Messegelände 81823 München, Germany Contact Tel. +49 89 949-201 15/16/17/25/26 Fax+49 89 949-201 19 CXXXXXX Published by Messe München, Munich. Printed in Germany. Ausstellerbroschüre E/05/2015 Rappresentanza ufficiale in Italia MONACOFIERE via B. Rucellai 10 I-20126 MILANO tel. 02 40 70 83 01 fax 02 87 36 90 39 eMail: