%,r*" - Pinna Trasporti Logistica Srl
%,r*" - Pinna Trasporti Logistica Srl
CISQ is a member of ** ** ** www.iqnet-certification.com ,sygvtrvs sÉ s#tr?"fsgfsgf*ss ss*&.€ #g,$sf.i?xt fr"'vîJ. torxit1 u3 ii,l. iÎ ; 8,Tlffî;:,i" IQNeL the association of the world's frret class certilication bodies, is the largest provider of management System Ceftification in the world. 17628 ,Q/Vef ls conposed of more than 30 bodi6 and counls over SI CERTìFICA CHE L'ORGANIZZAZIONE WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ARGANIZATION 150 subsidiaries all over the globe. PINNA TRASPORTI LOGISTICA S.R.L. IT - 09023 MONASTIR (CA) BAU NURAMINIS - S.S. 131 KM 18.800 NEI SEGUENTI SÎI I IN THE FOLLOWNG S/IES IT - 09023 MONASTIR (CA) - LOCALITA' BAU NURAMINIS HA ATTUATO E IIIAN'IIENE UN SISTEMA DI GESTIONE AI\IBIENTE CHE E'CONFORIVIE ALLA NORI\,'IA HAS ]MPLEMENTED AND MAINTAINS A ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WHICH COMPLIES WITH THE FOLLOWING STANDARD UNI EN ISO 14001:2004 pER LE sEGUENTI ArrvrrA'i FoR rHE FoLLowtNG AcrtvtnEs t?tJBFt EA 31 . 39 Servizi di trasporto, distribuzione e logistica per conto di terzi di merci varie anche in regime ADR e di alimentarianche in regime ditemperatura controllata (ATP). Servizi di trasporto per conto di terzi di rifiuti pericolosi e non pericolosi. Seryices of transporf, distribution and logistics on behalf of third parties of sundry merchandise, also in ADR regimen, and foodstuff also under controlled temperature (ATP) Third-party transport serylces of dangerous and non-dangerous waste. Certificazione rilasciata in conformità al Regolamento Tecnico ACCRÉDlA RT 09 rHE IL PRESENTE CERTIFICATO E'SOGGÉTTO AL R]SPETTO DEL REGOLAIV]ENfO PER LA CERÍIFICAZIONE DEI SISTEIV]I DI GÉSTIONE IJSE AND THE VALID]TY OF THE CERTIF]CATE SHALL SATISFY THE REAUIREMENTS OF THE RULES FOR THE CERTIFICAT|ON AF ì/IANACEMENT SYSTEMS :yiTlî):,"",ff "' 22/1 2/2 o 1 4 PilÀ?A??^ 21/12/2017 CISQ è la Federuione ltaliana di %,r*" :flyi,"x,iT'o-' 2o/12/2011 Organismi di CeÉificazione dei sistemi di gestione aziendale. CISQ CERTIOUALITY S.r.l. - lL DIRETTORE GENERALE Via c. Giadino 4 - 20123 MILANO (Mn - |îALY is the ltalian Federalion of management system Ceftification Bodies. La validità del presente certifìcato è subordinata a sorveglianza periodica N N N o U U SGQ N" OOSA SGA NO OO1D scR FSI4 No NO 002F 006I PRD NO OOSB DAP NO OO3H ssl No 007G SGE NO OO1M Membro degli accordi di Mutuo Riconoscimento EA, IAF e ILAC Signatory of EA, IAF and ILAC l4utual Recogniton Agreement annuale ed al riesame completo del Sistema di Gestjone con periodicità Per informazioni sulla validità del certificato, visitare il sito www.ceÉiquality.it triennale. For Ìnformation concerning the validity of the certificate, you can visit the site The validity this certificate depends on annual audit and on a complete review every three yeare of the Management System, www,certÌquality.it ffi M.cisq.com r Net @ l{ *a^ * * *^* *Ik THE INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION NETWORK CERTIFICATE lQNet and its partner CISQ/CERTIQUALITY S. r. l. PINNA TRASPORTI LOGISTICA S.R.L. tT - 09023 MONASTTR (CA) BAU NURAMTNTS - S.S. 131 KM 18.800 has implemented and maintains a Environmental Management System which fulfills the requirements of the following standard ISO 14001:2004 forthe following activities Code EA 31a, 39a Services of transport, distribution and logistics on behalf of third parties of sundry merchandise, also in ADR regimen, and foodstuff also under controlled temperature (ATP). Third-pafi transport services of dangerous and non-dangerous waste. in the following operative units tT - 09023 MONASTTR (CA) - LOCALTTA'BAU NURAMINIS on: since: on: lssued Certified Expire Registration 2014-12-22 2011-12-20 2017-12-21 number: lT-76830 @ffi Michael Drechsel President of IQNET IQNet Partners*: President of CISQ AENOR Spaln AFNOR Certification France AlB-Vingotte International Belgium ANCE-SIGE Mexico APCER Portugat CCC Cyprus CISQItaly CQC China CQM China CQS Czech Republic Cro Cert Croatia DQS Holding GmbH Germany FCAY Brazil FONDONORMA Venezuela ICONTEC Colombia IMNC Mexico InspectaCertification FintandIRANIArgentina JQAJapan KFQKoTeaMIRTEC Greece MSZT Hungary Nemko ASNorwayNSAIlreland PCBCPoland Quality Austria Austria RR Russia SII Israel SIQ Slovenia SIRIM QAS International Malaysia SQS Switzerland SRAC Romania TEST St Petersbirg Russia TSE Turkey YUQS Serbia IQNet is represented in the USA by: AFNOR Certification, CISQ, DQS Holding GmbH and NSAI Inc. * The list of IQNet parhrers is valid at the time of issue of this certificate. Updated information is available under www.iqnet-certification.com
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M=,r*" - Pinna Trasporti Logistica Srl
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