;1 ,§fiITUrA D' CERTIF'CAZ'ONE DELLA QUALII.A - ì.]::i:.r:. 'lhe associafion of the:world's frÉl certification bodiès; is' the lergest prgvider of management System Certifi atio.n in the world. 8E§I,'I/3f#;" 5638 is compotaéd of more than 30 and counts ovè12i50 subsidiaies :,::i* ' :, I l.P..Y,. e r th e g I o b e, SI CERTIFICA CHE L'ORGANIZZAZIONE WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ORGANIZATION ::rè*-:j : ' AUTOSERVIZI SALEMI S.R.L. ìir:.i.ii:è:'. ::iS* .-:li:;:::it. 3t1Ir. ':_'l:l'i" '' ':':ì' ::-i.:. :1É lT - 91025 MARSALA OP) - VIA SALEMI9T NELLE SEGUENTI UNITA' OPERATIVÉ I IN THE FOLLOWNA OPERATIVE UNITS lT - 91025 MARSALA (TP) - VIA SALEMI 97 HA ATTUATO E MANTIENE UN SISTEMA DI GESTIONE OUALITA' CHE E' CONFORME ALTA NORMA AND MAINTNNS A QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTÉM W1ICH COMPUES WTH THE FOLLOWNG STANDARD .l: HAS IMPLEMENTED UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 pERLESEGUENTATTvTTA/ FoRTHE :t FoLLowNGAcrtvtrtEs .:: t?l3|t EA 31a ::.I :i ; Trasporto Pubblico di Persone. Servizi regolari di linea, regionali, nazionalied internazionali. Servizio di noleggio autobus con conducente. Passenge r P u bl ic transPott. Regional, domestic and international scheduled line seruices. .rii: .i Chauffeur-driven coach rental seruice. RIFERIRSI AL MANUALE OI GESTIONE AUALITA' PER IAPPLICABILITA DEI REOUISITI DELLA NORMA REFER TO MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANUAL TOR DETNLS OF APPUCANON TO STANOARO REQUIREMENTS DEI SISTEMI DI GESTIONE IL PRESENTE CERTIFICATO E' SOGGÉTIO AL RISPETTO DEL REGOLAMENTO PER THE USE AND THE VAUDITY OF THE CERTIFICATE SHiLl S/q7SFY fHÉ REOUIRÉMEI,rS OF ME RULES FOR :Ès,:El,È'"-' 26/09/2002 o/20 :uiTls:""r"rr'*rE o 4/1 #à?"4??* 03/10/2014 11 OF MA'VIGEMENT SYSIEMS CISQ è la U Organismi slsteml di - IL PRESIDENTE (Mt) - ITALY crsQ rs ol *1 * * ffi{*Ik reffiffi *^* THE INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION NETWORK CERTIFICATE lQNet and its partner CISQ/CERTIQUALITY S. r. l. AUTOSERVIZI SALEMI S.R.L. rT - 91025 MARSALA (TP) - VrA SALEMT 97 has implemented and maintains a Quality Management System which fulfills the requirements of the following standard ISO 9001:2008 for the following activities Code EA 31a Passenger public transport. Regional, domestic and international scheduled line services. Chauffeur-driven coach rental service. in the following operative units rT - 91025 MARSALA (TP) - VrA SALEMT 97 on: since: on: lssued Certified Expire Registration mmt'Michael Drechsel President of IQNET 2011-10-04 2002-09-26 2014-10-03 number: lT-22202 @ h** President of CISQ IQNet Partrers*: AENOR §iaarn AFNOR Certification France AlB-Vingotte International Belgium ANCE Mexico APCER Portugal CCC Cyprus CISQ Italy CQC China CQM China CQS Czech Republic Cro Cert Croatia DQS Holding GmbH Germany DS Denmark ELOT GreeceFCAY Brazil FONDONORMA Venezuela ICONTEC Colombia IMNC Mexico Inspecta Certification Finland IRAM Argentina JQAJapan Y..JQ Korea MSZT Hungary Nemko AS Norway NSAL lreland PCBC Poland Quality Austia Austria RR Àussra SII Israel SIQ Slovenia SIRIM QAS Internatiotal Malaysia SQS Switzerland SRAC Romania TEST St Petersburg Russia TSE Turkey YUQS Serbia IQNet is represented in the USAby: AFNOR Certification, CISQ, DQS Holding GmbH and NSAI Inc. * The list of IONet Dartners is valid at the time of issue of this certificate. Uodated information is available under
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