GHS March 2013 Newsletter
GHS March 2013 Newsletter
Gitxsan Health Society Newsletter Messa ge from the Executive Health Dir ector On behalf of the Board & Staff, I would like to express our sympathies and prayers to those that have lost a loved one recently. We recognize that our communities have many challenges and stresses, with grief and loss, illnesses, and limited opportunities for employment. We keep this in mind when we plan activities. We have been hosting a community lunch at the Anglican Church hall on Thursdays. The intent is to create opportunities for our members to make connections with resources and share a meal and laugh. Thank you to Northern Health Authority, Mental Health &Addictions program and the NWCC Aboriginal Community Mental Health Support Worker program for cooking some meals and to those that attend. We started the 2nd Weight Loss Challenge in January. The final weigh in will be in June 2013. Congratulations to Alvin Sampson, Sr. for losing the most weight based on weight loss percentage. We are planning a half marathon in June 2013. If you or your organization would like to be part of the planning and organizing, please contact Jennifer Sampare or Richard Sampson. . We held a “Hearts in Motion” day at the Gitanmaax Hall on February 14th. We raised $375.00 from the Loonie Auction. The proceeds will go to the Heart & Stroke Foundation. Thank you to all who organized, cooked, donated, attended, and supported it. March 2013 edition February 27th was anti-bullying day and to promote this value concept Gitxsan Health purchased pink t-shirts for the youth and staff. The I n s i d e t h i s i s s u e : messages on the shirts had “ Love is Dental/COHI Program 2 Louder” and the “Bullying Stops”. 3 Youth Program We send newsletters 4 Nursing Program and event notices door to door each Northwest Community 8 month and post them on our website Engagement HUB at www. 9 Mental Health Program If you would like to have an emailed 10 IRS Program version please send an email to 12 Anti Bullying Day I would like to thank the staff for their dedication to the health needs of our communities and wish you all good health and happiness in the months ahead. Julie Morrison, EHD Earthquakes—What 14 to do? Band Emergency Management 16 Upcoming Events 17 Page 2 Gitxsan Health Society Newsletter Dental /COHI Program The Children’s Oral Health Initiative (COHI) is a program designed to prevent and control tooth decay in young First Nations and Inuit children and to set the stage for a lifetime of healthy teeth. Our focus here at Kispiox Dental is on children, ages 0 to 7; their parents /caregivers and pregnant women. We encourage parents and care givers to: Clean their children’s teeth Keep their own mouth healthy Give children healthy drinks and snacks Milk with meals and water for thirst in baby bottles Practice good feeding habits Enrol their children in COHI Jackie Cosman, Dental Therapist and Tiffany Denny, Dental Assistant are located at the Kispiox Health Centre. They can be reached at 250-842-6236 ext. 26 for appointments and inquiries. Visit a dental professional regularly We provide dental services to Kispiox Elementary School, Kispiox Head Start, John Field Elementary School, Gitanmaax Day Care; Nursery, Gitxsan Language Nest, and SES Day Care Centres. COHI Dental services include; Fluoride Varnish Program, Dental Screenings, some dental work such as sealants, fillings and extractions when necessary. In addition to effective brushing and flossing techniques. We also do site visits with P-CAP/MCH mentor program office and Glen Vowell Health Centres. Caring for Your Child's Teeth: For Children 3 and under Baby teeth play an important role in your child's development. They facilitate chewing, create spaces for the developing adult teeth below, and influence speech development which affects selfesteem and confidence. As parents and care givers, you play an important role in your child's dental health. Establishing positive dental health care habits early will help to set your child up to maintain healthy teeth for life. March 2013 Page 3 Yo u t h P r o g r a m From the desk of Lisa Mowatt, Youth Program Facilitator During the National Addictions Awareness Week we had some events going on for the communities. On November 19, 2013 we started off the week with a sobriety drive throughout all the communities which is always a lot of fun. On November 21st we hosted a NAAW week talent show contest which was a great hit with our young people and it brought out many of our young talented youth. On Nov. 23rd we hosted a free public skate for all our communities and we were able to have it during the day with all the youth out of school for a professional development day. Finally the week winded up with a family dance hosted by the IRS program in Kispiox . It was a fun evening had by all who attended. In the month of December we hosted events for the Christmas Holidays. On December 23rd we along with Gitxsan Child and Family Services Society and Glen Vowell Band hosted a free Matinee for all the communities where we bused in youth from all the surrounding villages. On December 31st,2012 we hosted along with Gitanmaax Band and Glen Vowell Band a New Years Eve Wonderland Ball and finally to wrap up the holidays we sponsored a free public skate on January 5, 2013 3 Generations of Youth Peer Mentorship Program Train the Trainers Session 2 The youth program hosted another training for peer mentors on February 19th and 20th and we also started the 3 Generations of Youth Workshops in the communities with Gitwangak hosting the first 2 day workshop on February 23rd and 24th where we brought youth together from Gitanyow, Gitsegukla and Gitwangak. Please listen out for your workshop dates coming to your community. Get Connected Career Fair 2013 The Gitxsan Health Youth Program along with many partners such as the Northwest Community College, Gitanmaax Band, Hagwilget Band, Government Commission, and CFNR Radio Station hosted a Career Fair on February 7th and 8th , 2013 at the Gitanmaax Hall. This event was very successful with over 300 in attendance on the first day and over 200 in attendance on the second day. We had many businesses and organizations that came out for the 2 days of information exchange, breakout sessions and networking for all that attended the Fair. If you have any questions or comments please contact us at youthprogram @ Page 4 Gitxsan Health Society Newsletter N u r s i n g C o o r d i n a t o r Re p o r t by M a v i s S e b a s t i a n Nursing Coodinator Report We are fully staffed until April, 2013 when we will be posting for a casual LPN, and a casual R.N. We will hire and post for part-time Heart Health Nurse from funding we received from the LQT team, Laura Arbor and GHS funding. The nurse will collaborate and work with clients with heart conditions, their doctors and nurses and the community health nurses. A proposal was also put in for funding for a part time Cancer Care Nurse for GHS, we are hoping that the proposal will be successful. For the Home Care Program we have Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN’s) that go out in the field to do assessments for personal care aide services. We have visited the possibility of having weekend personal care aide services, this is based on operational requirements and staffing. Diabetes progam (Hogim Dii Dilts Program) (Living Healthy Working well with Rachelle Wilson, CHLPN (Community Health Licensed Practical Nurse)/ Diabetes Nurse coordinating and working with the other nurses, in the health stations. Raechelle works in collaboration with the diabetic nurse educator at the hospital. Raechelle is trying to get the diabetic nurse educator from the hospital to come out to the three communities more often to see the diabetic clients that are high risk. Two food skills classes were held this year and the second Hearts In Motion Screening was held at the Gitanmaax Hall on February 14, 2013. We received monies for her position three days a week, the other two days she works in Glen Vowell doing home care. College of Licensed Practical Nurses Association, for us to employ Licensed practical nurses. Mavis does the clinical supervision when the nurses are away. Mavis is the clinical supervisor for the Registered Nurses and the Diabetic Nurse/ LPN and she does the administrative duties for the nurses and personal care aides. Community Health The Community Health Nurses in each health centre do the clinical supervision of the Licensed Practical Nurses and mentors as needed. This is one of the requirements of the March 2013 Page 5 Immunizations Nurses are presently doing online recertification to do immunizations for 6 years and up. At one time the LPN assisted with flu shots. It is hoped that this will happen again, the LPN cannot do an immunization unless a R.N. is in the health centre. Dispensing of Tylenol from the Health Centre Effective, April 1, 2013, Adults and Children’s Tylenol will not be dispensed from the Gitanmaax, Kispiox and Glen Vowell Health Stations. Sick children need to be assessed by a doctor to find out if there is a reason that the child has a fever. You can get a prescription from your doctor for the Tylenol that you require. If you feel unwell and have a fever you can still come to the health station to be assessed by the nurses at the health station. If you have any questions or concerns, please Mavis Sebastian, R.N. Nursing Coordinator at 250-842-6236. Pre and Postnatal Program The nurses follow the pre and postnatal clients from the three communities. They work in collaboration with the MCH/PCAP program. The clients must see a nurse before they receive coupons or the good food boxes. In April 2013, we will be cutting back to $30.00 for the coupons, having the good food boxes and using $20.00 coupons for incentive eg attending workshops at the health centre. Nursing Coodinator Report The nurses continue being busy with immunizations, and flu clinics until the end of April, 2013. The Licensed Practical Page 6 Gitxsan Health Society Newsletter To b a c c o C e s s a t i o n P r o g r a m Nursing Coodinator Report The nurses are certified to do pre and post counseling and dispense NRT(Nicotine Replacement Therapy Supplies) from the health centres. We did not receive monies for the program this year, but, we continue to do the pre and post counseling and dispense the NRT that we get from Northern health. T.B. Program The nurses continue to do T.B. screening as requested. We have no active clients this year. Home Care Program Home care has been very busy. We have three personal care aides, three LPN’s and the three R.N.’s that do the clinical supervision of the LPN. Based on need we are putting in a casual worker on Saturday and Sunday 4.0 hours per day for weekend coverage. There is a strong possibility that GHS will receive monies to have a program similar to Better at Home program where we will receive monies from the BC Government for starters to do a needs assessment, work plan and then implement this program once we complete what is required. Better at Home helps seniors with simple day-to-day tasks and helping seniors maintain their independence and stay connected with their community. A range of non-medical home support services: Friendly visiting, transportation to appointments, light yard work, minor home repairs, snow shoveling, light housekeeping and grocery shopping. We continue to contract out our home care services to Gitwangak and Hagwilget with Mavis doing the clinical supervision for the Licensed Practical Nurse in the communities of Gitwangak and Hagwilget. We will be having three students doing their preceptor ship with three of our Licensed Practical Nurses on March 11-30th and April 8 -27th, 2013. These are students that are doing their training at the First Nations High School through the Norquest College. March 2013 Page 7 STD/HIV Marilyn works with the nurses in each health centre and does the HIV/Sexual Health presentations for PCAP and the communities. The nurses are certified to do sexually transmitted testing in addition to Point of Care Testing (HIV) in the health centres. The STD (sexually transmitted disease) testing was started just this month. Point of Care (POC) HIV tests (known as “rapid” HIV tests) are screening tests for antibodies for HIV which can be performed on-site while the client waits and can provide results within minutes. and Raechelle Wilson. We sat in on a teleconference with the Aboriginal Cancer Care Committee in Prince George for the North. Planner, NWCEH – Hub Rep. and our past GHS Board member , Myrtle Muldoe. She now sits on as member at large. On the Aboriginal Cancer Care Advisory they have Bill Blackwater Jr., Gitxsan Rep., Robynn Muldoe, Gitxsan Health Society, Rep., Verna Howard Community Health We want our own nurse that works with community members that have cancer. We need funding for this. A proposal was sent in for this by Robynn Muldoe, CHLPN. Cancer Care We have a Cancer Committee which has been organizing the Annual Cancer Walk for Awareness . It is going into its 3rd year. We now have a name, it is Wii Ho’osxw (Caring). The committee members are Mavis Sebastian, Bill Blackwater Jr. Lorna Hamil, Robynn Muldoe Nursing Coodinator Report We received monies for a HIV/AIDS Educator for this fiscal year. We have Marilyn Morrison, HIV Aids Educator that works out of Gitanmaax every Friday, coordinating HIV/AIDS Activties. The HIV/ Aids walk was coordinated by Kia and myself this September. Page 8 Gitxsan Health Society Newsletter N o r t h we s t C o m m u n i t y E n g a g e m e n t H u b “The First Nations Health Council Transfer will officially be in effect on October 1, 2013. Greetings from Verna Howard, Community Health Planner & Francine Starr, Community Health Planner Assistant The 1st Nations Health Transfer will officially be in effect on October 1st, 2013. Any questions regarding this transfer, please feel free to contact our office at 250 842-5165, ext. 379 or by email at or francinelawlor@ We have created a survey to gather information from the onreserve and off-reserve population. It asks members what their thoughts and/or concerns are about the Health services in their communities; as well as what are the best communication methods to reach them for sharing information/ updates. We will continue to conduct this survey and compile all our findings. We are travelling to Prince George from February 25-March 1/13 to attend the Northern Regional HUB Caucus in Prince George. For March 2013 we will be attending the Gitwangak Health Fair from March 5-7 , 2013, the Hazelton Wellness Committee Health Fair on March 8., 2013, the Gitwangak “End the Violence” workshop on March 2527 and *tentative for the week of March 18, 2013, we will be hosting an “Off-reserve Engagement” meeting. Time and location TBD. Please contact our office should you or a family member living offreserve wish to be notified of this meeting. Our office doors are always open to the public, should you have any questions, comments or concerns, feel free to stop by Thanks. Gitanmaax Narcotics Anonymous Every Monday Start at 7:30 p.m. Gitanmaax Drop In Centre (Old Hydro Building) For information, please call Trevor at 778-2021457 March 2013 Page 9 M e n t a l H e a l t h — N A DA A P P r o g r a m Please drop by any of the sessions. Everyone welcome! Kispiox AA Meetings Glen Vowell AA Meetings Gitanmaax AA Meetings When: Every Thursday When : Every Monday Time: 7:30 p.m. Time: 7:30 p.m. When: Every Wednesday Doors open at 7 p.m Doors open at 7:00 p.m Place: Kispiox Health Centre Place: Sik-e-dakh Health Centre For information please call Cheryl at 250 842-6876 For information please call Arnold at 250 842-6236 Time: 7:30 p.m. Doors open at 7:00 p.m. Place: Gitanmaax Health Centre For information please call Bonita at 250 842-6876 For confidential counseling services, please call either Alf Brady at 250 842-5165, Mental Health Program Cheryl Williams or The Mental Health Program staff consists of Alf Brady, Mental Health Counselor, Cheryl Williams, IRS Mental Health Support Worker, Arnold Jackson, IRS Mental Health Support Worker and Bonita Danes, IRS Mental Health Support Worker. We are pleased to offer CONFIDENTIAL Counseling services to members from Gitanmaax, Sik-e-dakh and Kispiox. If you would like to see any of our counselors, please call Alf at 250 842-5165, Cheryl or Bonita at 250 842-6876 or Arnold at 250 842-6236. If you are feeling overwhelmed, depressed, confused, suicidal or just need someone to listen please call the CRISIS LINE 1 888 562-1214. It is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. It is confidential and they do not have call display. There is a YOUTH SUPPORT LINE at 1 888 564-8336 (teen) that operates 4 p.m. to 11 p.m., 7 days a week, after hours calls are directly forwarded to the 24 hour line. There is a YOUTH CHAT WEBSITE for youth in crisis or who may need information or referrals. The website has the same hours as the youth line. Check out the website CRISIS, call 1800SUICIDE. For SUICIDAL Bonita Danes at 250 842-6876 or Arnold Jackson at 250 842-6236. Page 10 Gitxsan Health Society Newsletter IRS PROGRAM IRS Program Manager: Louise Johnson, Main Administration Office, Tel: 250 842-5165, ext. 399 or by cell at 250 842-8251 (texting available). IRS Mental Health Support Workers: Cheryl Williams, Glen Vowell Health Centre at 250 842-6876 Bonita Danes, Glen Vowell Health Centre at 250 842-6876 (part-time—Monday, Tuesday & Wednesdays) Arnold Jackson, Kispiox Health Centre at 250 842-6236. The IRS Program started in June 11, 2012 and will go until March 31, 2013. We offer Recovery Support for both Residential School Survivors & Intergenerational Affected: One on one counseling Group Therapy Support Groups: Weekly AA Meetings in Gitanmaax, Kispiox and Sik-e-dakh. IRS Drop-In (Gitanmaax Drop-in Centre on Wednesdays from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.) IRS Cultural Activities Night Every Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday Evening Until March 21, 2013 at the Kispiox ABE building. 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The crafts will be displayed at the celebration dinner on March 28, 2013. For information, call Louise at 250 842-5165. March 2013 Page 11 SPECIAL WORKSHOP SERIES FOR YOUTH AND ADULTS! The IRS Program is pleased to announce that we will have Lee Mason, National Director of The Young Warriors Network coming back to our community from March 26 through to 28 to present a special workshop series for youth and adults. This program covers numerous topics and issues you will find very educational, thought provoking and empowering. Lee Mason is an internationally renowned speaker and has facilitated very interesting workshops since 1995 in First Nations Communities right across Canada; his presentation style, his knowledge, his wit and his sense of humor are bound to inspire you too. When he shares his life story you can tell this man is for real and he’s been to hell and back. Today Lee travels the Good Red Road and is coming to share his story with you, it is a remarkable journey from gangs, hopelessness and despair to where he is at today and the steps he took to becoming the man he is today. Lee Mason, National Director , The Young Warriors Networks Date: March 26, 27, & 28, 2013 PLACE: Kispiox Community Hall Time: 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. daily Celebration Dinner on March 28, 2013 at 5:00 p.m. Check it out, you’ll be glad you did and you will learn a lot during the presentations, sharing circles and videos. Check out our website For information on programs, job postings, and events. Page 12 Gitxsan Health Society Newsletter A N T I - B U L LY I N G DAY — P I N K DAY ! F E B R UA RY 2 7 , 2 0 1 3 John Field Elementary School Al-anon Meetings Every Monday Start at 7:30 p.m. Sik-e-dakh Health Centre For information, please call Arnold at 250 842-6236 March 2013 Gitanmaax Nursery School Kispiox Elementary School Thank you to Robynn Muldoe for organizing the t-shirts for the youth . Job well done! Thank you to the FAST Program, Mental Health & NADAAP program for purchasing the t-shirts. Page 13 Page 14 Gitxsan Health Society Newsletter EARTHQUAKES—WHAT TO DO? 72 HOURS—IS YOUR FAMILY PREPARED? Health Canada— Approximately 5,000 earthquakes are recorded in Canada each year, most of them small ones. While earthquakes can occur in any Canadian region, British Columbia is most at risk from a major earthquake. Other areas prone to earthquakes are the St. Lawrence and Ottawa River valleys, as well as parts of the three northern territories. Canada have registered a magnitude greater than 7. A few have caused extensive damage. Even a magnitude 6 earthquake could do extensive damage in a built-up area. In fact, a strong quake near one of Canada’s major urban areas would likely be the most destructive natural disaster this country could experience. Everyone has a responsibility to protect their homes and their families. Since no one can predict with certainty when an earthquake will happen, it is important to get prepared in advance. This involves three basic steps: 1. Find out what to do before, during, and after an earthquake. 2. Make a family emergency plan, so that everyone knows what to do and where to go in case of an emergency. 3. Get an emergency kit, so that you and your family can be self-sufficient for at least 72 hours. Planning for an earthquake will also help prepare you for many other types of emergencies STEP 1: KNOW THE RISKS AND GET PREPARED To get prepared for an earthquake, you should know the risks specific to your community and your region to help you better prepare. To find out what the hazards are in your region, visit the “Know the risks” section of the website. STEP 2: MAKE AN EMERGENCY PLAN Every Canadian household needs an emergency plan. It will help you and your family to know what to do in case of an emergency. Remember, your family may not be together when an earthquake or other emergency occurs. March 2013 Page 15 STEP 3: GET AN EMERGENCY KIT In an emergency you will need some basic supplies. You may need to get by without power or tap water. Be prepared to be self-sufficient for at least 72 hours. You may have some of the items already, such as a flashlight, batteryoperated radio, food and water. The key is to make sure they are organized and easy to find. Would you be able to find your flashlight in the dark? Make sure your kit is easy to carry. Keep it in a backpack, duffel bag or suitcase with wheels, in an easy-to-reach, accessible place, such as your front hall closet. Make sure everyone Basic Emergency Kit: • Water — at least two litres of water per person per day. Include small bottles that can be carried easily in case of an evacuation order. • Food that won’t spoil, such as canned food, energy bars and dried foods (remember to replace the food and water once a year). • Manual can opener. • Wind-up or battery-powered flashlight (and extra batteries). • Wind-up or battery-powered radio (and extra batteries). • First aid kit. • Special items such as prescription medications, infant formula and equipment for people with disabilities. Extra keys to your car and house. Cash in smaller bills, such as $10 bills and change for payphones. A copy of your emergency plan and contact information. You can purchase a pre-packaged emergency kit from the Canadian Red Cross at Visit or call 1 800 O-Canada for a list of additional emergency kit items, including a car emergency kit. This newsletter is sent out on a quarterly basis and notices about GHS upcoming events are sent out monthly. If you would like to have the Gitxsan Health newsletter or monthly notices sent to you by email, please send the request to support @ Thank you. Page 16 Gitxsan Health Society Newsletter I n t h e ev e n t o f a m a j o r d i s a s t e r, s u c h a s f l o o d i n g , e a r t h q u a k e , e t c . , t h e f o l l ow i n g B a n d E m e r g e n c y M a n a g e m e n t Te a m s h a v e b e e n s e t u p t o r e s p o n d . K i s p i ox E m e r g e n c y M a n a g e m e n t Te a m Emergency Program Coordinator: Barney Stewart Chief and/or Council Representative; Robert Barnes Fire Chief or designate; Reno Johnson Band Administrator: Brian Williams Finance Manager: Julia Corbett EOC - Staff Designated Emergency Operational Centre: Kispiox Health Centre G i t a n m a a x E m e r g e n c y M a n a g e m e n t Te a m Emergency Program Coordinator: Dianne Shanoss/Rejean Jack Chief and/or Council Representative; Julie Morrison Fire Chief or designate; Rejean Jack Band Administrator: Dianne Shanoss Finance Manager: Pauline Rubinato Designated Emergency Operational Centre: Gitanmaax Community Hall S i k - e - d a k h E m e r g e n c y M a n a g e m e n t Te a m Emergency Program Coordinator: Tony Sampare/Mel Azak Chief and/or Council Representative; Tony Sampare Fire Chief or designate: Mel Azak Band Administrator: TBA Finance Manager: Sally Sampson Designated Emergency Operational Centre: Sik-e-dakh Band Office March 2013 Page 17 March 2013 Upcoming Events March 2 & 3, 2013: 3 Generations of Youth Workshop Place: Anglican Church Hall, Hazelton, B.C. Time: 10 a.m.. – 3 p.m. each day. For youth 13 to 18 years of age from Kispiox, Glen Vowell and Gitanmaax. Transportation and lunch will be provided each day, please contact your community youth worker to sign up. For information, please call Lisa at 250 842-2320. March 4, 2013: Gitanmaax Elder’s Luncheon Place: Gitanmaax Hall Time: 12:00 p.m. Sponsored by the Gitanmaax BFI program. For information, please call the Gitanmaax Health Centre at 250 842-6320. March 5, 2013: Internet Safety Workshop Place: Gitanyow Health Services Building. Time: 4:30 p.m. For youth ages 9 to 18years of age. For information, please call Lisa at 250 842-2320. March 5, 2013: PCAP/MCH Client Lunch. Place: PCAP/MCH office Time: 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Presentation on “ When to bring your baby to emergency” by Katye Bachmann, CHN. For information, please call Shelley at 250 842-2319. March 5, 6 & 7, 2013: Wellness Fair “Mind, Body & Spirit” Place: Gitwangak Community Hall. Time: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. Special guest speakers: Clarence Louie, Chief of the Osoyoos Band (March 5) and Dr. Jay Wortman, Metis Physician from Northern Alberta (March 6). Information and service booths. March 7, 2013: PCAP/MCH Client Lunch. Place: Kispiox Health Centre. Time: 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m Presentation on “ When to bring your baby to emergency” by Katye Bachmann, CHN. For info, please call Shelley at 250 842-2319 U p c o m i n g E v e n t s f o r M a r c h 2 0 1 3 c o n t ’d : Page 18 March 9 & 10, 2013 : 3 Generations of Youth Workshop Place: Centennial Hall , Moricetown, B.C. Time: 10 a.m.—3 p.m. each day For youth 13 to 18 years of age from Hagwilget and Moricetown. Transportation and lunch will be provided each day please contact your community youth worker to sign up. March 12, 2013: PCAP/MCH Client Swimming Trip: Transportation is provided. The bus will leave Kispiox Health Centre at 8:45 a.m.; Glen Vowell Health Centre at 9:00 a.m.; PCAP/MCH office at 9:30 a.m.; and New Hazelton Chevron Town Pantry at 9:45 a.m. To attend the swimming trip you must have regular scheduled appointments with your mentor and have gone over your goals. Please call the PCAP/MCH office at 250 842-2319 for information and to sign up. March 12, 2013: Internet Safety Workshop Place: Gitanmaax Drop-in Centre, Gitanmaax, B.C. Time: 4:00pm For youth ages 9 to 18 years of age. For info, please call Lisa at 250 842-2320. March 14, 2013: Gitanmaax Elder’s Wellness Day Place: Anglican Church Hall, Hazelton, B.C. Time: 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. For information, please call the Gitanmaax Health Centre at 250 842-6320. March 14, 2013: Mini AA Roundup Place: Kispiox Health Centre Time: 7:30 p.m. Doors open at 7:00 p.m. For information, please call Cheryl at 250 842-6876. March 18, 2013: Gitanmaax Elder’s Luncheon Place: Gitanmaax Hall, Gitanmaax, B.C. Time: 12:00 p.m. Sponsored by the Gitanmaax BFI program. For info, call the Gitanmaax Health Centre at 250 842-6320. March 19 – 22, 2013: Gathering Our Voices Youth Conference in Penticton, BC. March 26, 27 & 28, 2013 Workshop Series for Youth & Adults by Lee Mason Place: Kispiox Health Centre Time: 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. daily For information, please call Louise at 250 842-5165 This newsletter is proudly produced by the Gitxsan Health Society, P.O. Box 223, Hazelton, B.C., VOJ 1Y0 Tel: 250 842-5165 Fax: 250 842– 5587
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