here - Museum at the Coffee Works
here - Museum at the Coffee Works
THE BERSTEN ANTIQUE COFFEE & TEA COLLECTION & MUSEUM AUCTION # Sort Date Origin 2004.1004 AI 1850S USA 2004.163 AI 2004.234 ENG Name Description USA. BOUGHT IN USA. Bought in the US THE US AND and likely of US LIKELY OF US manaufacture - very MANAUFACTURE - large compared to Euro VERY LARGE models. 1850s COMPARED TO EURO MODELS. 1850S RUSSELL HOBBS POT 6002 Russell Hobbs. England .Patent applied for. Model 6002 serial number 656600. This was part of a set 6501 comprising the teamaker 6002 and the clock model 7002 which made it into and automatic teamaker.. Same floating basket as in the model 7107 CAD -TEA TEAPOT CADOGAN BLUE AND RED POT A blue and red glaze ceramic teapot with dragon and bat characters on body of pot. Unusual 2004.236 CAD -TEA BROWN GLAZED Brown glazed Cadogan CADOGAN TEAPOT teapot 2004.242 CAD -TEA TAI TWO CADOGAN TEAPOTS FROM TAIWAN two cadogan teapots from Taiwan 2004.244 CAD -TEA TAIWAN TWO CADOGAN ANIMAL POTS FROM TAIWAN TWO CADOGAN ANIMAL POTS FROM TAIWAN Image 2004.248 CAD -TEA TWO CHINESE FIGURE CADOGAN TEAPOTS 2004.253 CAD -TEA TWO CADOGAN TWO CADOGAN TEAPOTS IN THE TEAPOTS IN THE SHAPE SHAPE OF OF bamboo shoots ?? BAMBOO SHOOTS 2004.262 CAD -TEA VERY SMALL Very small cadogan style CADOGAN STYLE teapot in shape of 'cash' TEAPOT IN SHAPE - money token. This OF 'CASH' could be a wine pot but MONEY TOKEN is also perhapa a teapot. 2004.268 CAD -TEA CADOGAN TEAPOT CADOGAN TEAPOT WITH WITH TWO FISH TWO FISH COPULATING COPULATING 2004.272 CAD -TEA 2004.278 CAD -TEA 2004.241 CAD-TEA 2004.245 CAD-TEA 1870 Two chinese figure cadogan teapots ENG CADOGAN TEAPOT CADOGAN TEAPOT - POSSIBLY POSSIBLY ENGLISHENGLISH possibly Doulton around 1870 CHINA CHINESE Chinese cadogan teapot CADOGAN TEAPOT in shape of peach IN SHAPE OF PEACH TAIWAN RED LAQUEUR CADOGAN TEAPOT Red laqueur cadogan teapot TWO CADOGAN JESTER POTS FROM TAIWAN TWO CADOGAN jester POTS FROM TAIWAN 2004.1000 CP 1880S USA HUDSON MAXIM & CO. USA. MAXIMS PATENT COFFEE POT. PATENT APPLIED COVERING ALL IMPROVEMENTS. 1880S Hudson Maxim & Co. USA. Maxims Patent Coffee Pot. Patent Applied Covering all Improvements. An amazing coffee pot from the USA with a filter pot inside and a bain-marie inlet around the pot to keep the coffee hot OR to provide hot water for the coffee. 2004.1001 CP 1888 USA 2004.1014 CP 2004.1015 CP 2004.170 CUP JAP JAPANESE CUP WITH LARGE PLATE/SAUCER Japan - 'Fine China' . Crown logo. A cup with large saucer/plate for sandwiches 2004.171 CUP ENG A SIX PIECE TEACUP SET ON TRAY Royal Winton - 'Countess' . Grimwades England. A set on a tray complete unusual - there are a few of these on the market very difficult to find. 2004.172 CUP CHINA SIMPLE CUP FILTER China .A simple mug with filter combined. ETRUSCAN Etruscan Coffee Pot Co. COFFEE POT CO. USA. Reg'd May 29 1888. USA. REG'D MAY Patent applied for. A 29 1888. PATENT most amazing coffee pot APPLIED FOR. A - u8nusual internal MOST AMAZING design to rotate and COFFEE POT elevate the ground coffee. Shown in Ukers book. THE MARION The Marion Harland Tea HARLAND TEA & & Coffee Pot. This was COFFEE POT. THIS named after Marion WAS NAMED Harland the editor of the AFTER MARION Ladies Home Journal HARLAND magazine. It had a good internal filter and a glass marble in the spout to prevent the aromatics escaping. 1902 USA T.A.C.U. CO. T.A.C.U. Co. - 'Wear 'WEAR - EVER'. Ever'. USA. Pat'd June 10 USA. PAT'D JUNE - 1902. A popular and 10 - 1902. A simple coffee pot with a POPULAR AND filter in the lid which SIMPLE COFFEE covered the outlet to the POT spout. 2004.173 CUP 2 CUP AND SAUCER/PLATES Two tea cups on saucers . 1 - Roslyn China . 2 Queen Anne . Very unusual - not widely used but probably a great gift item. 2004.274 CUPS CHINA MODERN CHINESE MODERN CHINESE MUG MUG WITH BUILT- WITH BUILT-IN FILTER IN FILTER purchase in HK around 2000 2004.247 CUPS -TEA CHINA CHINESE TEA CUP A Chinese cup and AND SAUCER FOR saucer - the old style of DRINKING/BREWING making tea in the cuop and putting the lid on to filter the leaves. Plus small painted tea set. 2004.1087 DRIP 1920/30S USA THE ENTERPRISE The Enterprise ALUMINUIM CO. Aluminuim Co. USA. USA. PATENT NO Patent no - 1743.925 1743.925 dripolator Massilon Ohio DRIPOLATOR D Lo U Lator - letters missing makes healthful coffee. 20s and 30s 2004.1002 FIL 1900 USA BAKER & CO. USA. Baker & Co. USA. Pat. PAT. APPLIED FOR. Applied For. Around 1900 AROUND 1900 - A - a pot using a cloth filter POT USING A - important CLOTH FILTER IMPORTANT 2004.1003 FIL 1858 USA MILLER CRONISE & Miller Cronise & Co. USA. CO. USA. THE The 'Continental' 'CONTINENTAL' patented by S.Culver - 14 PATENTED BY Dec. 1858. Very early S.CULVER - 14 filter maker Two part DEC. 1858. chamber inside 2004.1041 FIL USA THOMAS A Thomas A Edison Inc. EDISON INC. USA. USA. 'Edicraft 'EDICRAFT Siphonator'. Patents SIPHONATOR'. Pending. An unusual PATENTS electric filter machine PENDING. AN the water boils on one UNUSUAL side and is pumped up ELECTRIC FILTER and through a basket of coffee where it siphons through a tube and into the lower compartment. The boilin 2004.112 FIL 2004.158 FIL 1990S CZECH CZECH GLASS POT WITH PLASTIC FILTER Czech glass pot with plastic filter - made in the 1990s GER ELECTRIC TEA URN FROM GERMANY Wumak - German electric tea urn with tap has internal ceramic filter. Elegant German maker - tea making was different on the continent. Kin Hee Quick .USA . J.A.Shelkin & Co. Pat. May 22 - 1900. This is one of four Kin Hee models in the collection each slightly different. This one tin 1900. A cloth filter was secured over the upper section which was then connected to the base and upt 2004.1008 FIL kinhee 3 1900 USA KIN HEE QUICK .USA . J.A.SHELKIN & CO. PAT. MAY 22 - 1900. TIN MODEL 2004.1005 FIL kinhee1 1900 USA FOUR KIN HEE Kin Hee Quick. Patent MODELS IN THE Pot. 1900. This is one of COLLECTION four Kin Hee models in EACH SLIGHTLY the collection - each DIFFERENT. THNIS slightly different. Thnis ONE COPPER. one copper. A cloth filter was secured over the upper section which was then connected to the base and upturned. The coffee could not 2004.1006 FIL kinhee2 1900 USA KIN HEE QUICK. PATENT POT. 1900. PEWTER Kin Hee Quick. Patent Pot. 1900. This is one of four Kin Hee models in the collection - each slightly different. This one pewter 1900. A cloth filter was secured over the upper section which was then connected to the base and upturned. The coffee could 2004.182 MISC - TEA 1960S GER MELITTA TEA GRINDER - FOR MAKING LARGE LEAF TEA INTO SMALL LEAF TEA Germany . Melita Teemuhle . Fromn the 1960s this was used to get faster extraction from large leaf teas. 2004.189 MISC - TEA ENG VACCO TEA FLASK Vacco Ltd. England - Tea AND LITTLE TEA thermos . Prov. Pat. DISPENSER 16071/52 and little tea dispenser 2004.196 MISC - TEA 2004.201 MISC TEA 2004.183 MISC -TEA 2004.184 MISC -TEA 2004.185 MISC -TEA 2004.186 MISC -TEA 2004.187 MISC -TEA 2004.188 MISC -TEA 7 TEA MEASURE Interesting collection of SPOONS AND TWO tea measuring spoons MATE STRAWS and two mate straws 1880S EUROPEAN ORIGIN 1960S SPECIAL TEASTRAINERS FOR CATCHING THE DRIPS 8 tea strainers designed to catch the drips - most unusual collection. From 1880s on and Chinese TWO TEA DISPENSERS FOR LEAF 1/ Caddymatic . 2/ Pierwood Plastics Ltd . 2 TEA DISPENSERS The dispenser on the IN PLASTIC glass is very rare - the 1960S tap turns around and a teaspoon oif tea drops. Dating probably from the 1960s 2 USED TEABAG RESTS TEA AND HALF A CUP Two special rests for used teabags so that the teaabg could be taken out of the cup and rested on the table. The half a cup is of course a joke TEABAG DISPENSER AND TEABAG SQUEEZER TEABAG DISPENSER AND TEABAG SQUEEZER probably 1970s. Interesting items showing the increasing use of teabgas ENG / AUST / IT CONTAINERS ONE PERHAPS A BUSHELLS BILLY 3 Tins - England / Australia / Italy Gibsons tea made in Staffordshire. Bushells tin which is perhaps a billy for making tea and lidded tin from Italy AUST / AUST / ? 3 TEA TINS ONE WITH CALENDAR 1 - Gilshead Tea Buds Australia. - a tea tin with a calendar on nteh front 2 - Bushells blue label tea - Australia. 3 - CSW Tea. 4 - Harrisons 'Bonus Tea' Greetland. 1970S 2004.190 MISC -TEA ARGENTINA MATE TEA SUCKING SPOON AND TEAPOT FROM GOURD FROM ARGENTINA Argentinian mate tea maker and spoon 2004.191 MISC -TEA ENG OMO TEA SPOUT REPLACEMENTS TEA Comco Teapot Spout . The C.I.R.M. Co Ltd. England. Teaa sopout relacements with rubber connector - most rare. 2004.192 MISC -TEA 2004.193 MISC -TEA 2004.194 MISC -TEA 2004.195 MISC -TEA 2004.197 MISC -TEA 2004.198 MISC -TEA 2 X AUST 2X 4 TEA FILTER - TEA 4 filter devices - two are EUROPE ROBUR AND 2 for Robur teapots and CERAMICEA the other two are from Europe almost certainly. 1900 CHINA COMPRESSED TEA Compressed tea brick BRICK from Chgina - these had great currency in the 19C and are still made today mainly for tourists. 9 TEA EGGS ON SPOONS WITH HINGED LIDS 1880S TEN TEA EGGS ON Ten tea eggs on spoons SPOONS a fashionable way to make tea from the 1880s. A very unusual collection. EUROPE 1870S These nine tea eggs on spoons are very interesting and some are very rare with the origianl makers anme EIGHT LARGE Eight larghe teaballs for TEABALLS MOSTLY teapots - mostly EUROPEAN European - some with measuring devices. Very unusual collection. EIGHT VERY INTERSTING TEABALLS FOR TEAPOTS Eight teaballs for teapots including one probably from 1870s and two woven ones from China 2004.199 MISC -TEA 2004.204 MISC -TEA 2004.249 MISC -TEA 2004.1007 PER 1890 FR L. MALEN FRANCE. CIRCA 1890. ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PIECES IN MY OOLLECTION. L. Malen - France. Circa 1890. One of the most important pieces in my oollection. The glass top was the transition from the glass bowl vaculator machines and provided the spectacle for the percolated coffee. It was the catalyust to the growth of percola 2004.1009 PER EARLY FR MALEN. FRANCE. EARLY PERCOLATOR. THIS WAS EXACTLY THE SAME AS THE MODEL IN THE PATENT Malen. France. Early percolator. This was exactly the same as the model in the patent and presumably made in France. Bought in Portland Oregon. 2004.1010 PER 1913 USA EMPRESS WARE. Empress Ware. USA. Pat. USA. PAT. JUNE 14 June 14 - 1913. Very - 1913. VERY ealry percolator with EARLY glass upper bowl. Note PERCOLATOR different water sprayer WITH GLASS to other Empress UPPER BOWL. models. 2004.1011 PER 1875 FR VERY UNUSUAL I bought this in New York PERCOLATOR - it may be made in BASE MALEN 1875 Europe or the US. Very PATENT FRANCE unusual percolator base Malen 1875 patent France. My guess is that it was made in France. ENGLISH & EUROPEAN EIGHT TEABALLS DIFFERENT TYPES Eight teaballs - woven mesh - part of good collection 10 MIXED TEA ITEMS IMPORTANT 10 mixed tea items. Stainless tea infuser. Plastic teapot spout.Teainfusion bag seal and spout. Tea infusion bags. Teapot spout/strainer. Teabag seal device and chain.teapot spout strainer mesh and drain tray. Tea bag squeezer. DISPLAY BOX OF A dispplay box of tiny tea SMALL TEAPOTS pots, 2004.1012 PER NYS & CO. NYS & Co. Empress. Note EMPRESS. NOTE water sprayer - different. WATER SPRAYER DIFFERENT. 2004.1013 PER 1892 USA PATENTED AUG 30 Patented Aug 30 1892 1892 - US US percolator all metal PERCOLATOR ALL large bell. early METAL - LARGE percolator with woven BELL. mesh - first use of woven mesh in coffee pot. Very important. 2004.1016 PER 1902 USA SIDNEY , O. USA. Sidney , O. USA. 'WAGNER'. ON 'Wagner'. On glass GLASS GARDELLA Gardella Mfg Co MFG CO Clevekland Ohio. Pat Feb CLEVEKLAND 18 1902. Novel for the OHIO. PAT FEB 18 aluminium bas which had 1902. legs to elevate the base and allow contact with the hot stove and to ONLY boil the water in the bell and not the whole base. 2004.1017 PER 1905 USA GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. USA. PAT. APRIL 18 - 1905. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR 2004.1018 PER 1905 USA GENERAL General Electric Co. USA. ELECTRIC CO. Pat. April 18 - 1905. USA. PAT. APRIL Complete with glass and 18 - 1905. pumping tube. Show2s COMPLETE WITH that the pumping bell GLASS AND was broad and slow. PUMPING TUBE. 2004.1019 PER 1909 USA GENERAL General Electric Co. USA. ELECTRIC CO. Pat - 906629. 1909 very USA. PAT early percolator. New 906629. 1909 design copper outside VERY EARLY PERCOLATOR. NEW DESIGN COPPER OUTSIDE 2004.1020 PER USA THIS PERCOLATOR This percolator has the HAS THE NAME name Meteor on the METEOR ON THE glass of the lid which GLASS OF THE LID indicates that it is almost certainly a Manning Bowman. The inner tube is fixed to the base and suggests that the whole model may been very early. The base made it easy to put on the stove General Electric Co. USA. Pat. April 18 - 1905. This was the electric base of the first GE percolator the glass is missing. Very rare. 2004.1021 PER 1906 USA MANNING BOWMAN & CO. USA. METEOR PERCOLATOR. PAT. JUNE 12 1906 , Manning Bowman & Co. USA. Meteor Percolator. Pat. June 12 - 1906 , March 6 - 1906 , May 22 - 1906. Has totally different internals to the other pot which looks the same. Sits on an electric stove made by the American Electric Heater Co, Detroit Mich. 2004.1022 PER 1910 USA MANNING BOWMAN. USA. PAT. MARCH 22 1910. PERCOLATOR STOVE TOP Manning Bowman. USA. Pat. March 22 - 1910. Percolator stove top 2004.1023 PER 1906 USA MANNING Manning Bowman & Co. BOWMAN & CO. USA. Pat. May 22 - 1906. USA. PAT. MAY 22 Percolator With spirit - 1906. burner PERCOLATOR WITH SPIRIT BURNER 2004.1024 PER 1906 USA MANNING Manning Bowman & Co. BOWMAN & CO. USA. Pat. May 22 - 1906. USA. PAT. MAY 22 Percolator opn base and - 1906. spirit lamp. PERCOLATOR OPN BASE AND SPIRIT LAMP. 2004.1025 PER 1906 USA MANNING Manning Bowman & Co. BOWMAN & CO. USA. Pat. Feb. 6 - 1906. USA. PAT. FEB. 6 - Electric percolator This 1906. ELECTRIC model allow to cool PERCOLATOR before resetting. 2004.1026 PER 1899 USA MANNING Manning Bowman & Co. BOWMAN 1899- USA. Pat. Feb. 15 - 1899. 1901 VERY EARLY June 18 - 1901. Very PERCOLATOR early percolator - tilt TILT MODEL ON model on stand with STAND WITH spirit burner SPIRIT BURNER 2004.1027 PER 1906 USA MANNING Manning Bowman & Co. BOWMAN & CO. Pat. March 6 - 1906 / PAT. MARCH 6 - May 22 1906. Percolator 1906 / MAY 22 on tip stand with spirit 1906. burner PERCOLATOR ON TIP STAND WITH SPIRIT BURNER 2004.1028 PER 1906 USA MANNING Manning Bowman & Co. BOWMAN & CO. Pat. May 22 - 1906. USA. PAT. MAY 22 Very early electric model 1906. USA. VERY on electric stove. Use EARLY ELECTRIC with very fine coffee. MODEL ON Start with cold or hot ELECTRIC STOVE. water. Most of the early percolators recommended that the water be hot before 1912. 2004.1029 PER 1900 USA MANNING Manning Bowman & Co. BOWMAN & CO. USA. Early aluminium USA. EARLY percolator with heat ALUMINIUM concentrator base 1900s PERCOLATOR WITH HEAT CONCENTRATOR BASE 1900S 2004.1030 PER 1906 USA MANNING Manning Bowman & Co. BOWMAN & CO. Usa .Pat. March 22 USA .PAT. MARCH 1910 / May 22 - 1906. 22 - 1910 / MAY 22 Percolator On stand with - 1906. spirit burner PERCOLATOR 2004.1031 PER 1906 USA TWO PERCOLATORS MANNING BOWMAN & CO. USA. 1031A - PAT. OCT 12 - 1904. 1031B - PAT.MAY 22 - 1906. Note two items are listed under this number. Refer to photos. Both Manning Bowman & Co. USA. 1031A - pat. Oct 12 - 1904. 1031B - pat.May 22 - 1906. One missing bowl. 2004.1032 PER 1914 USA MANNING BOWMAN & CO. 1914. PAT. NOV. 8 - 1904. PERCOLATOR WITH METAL TOP UNUSUAL. Manning Bowman & Co. 1914. Pat. Nov. 8 - 1904. Percolator with metal top - unusual. Most percolators had a glass top. Spirit stove on stand. 2004.1033 PER 1906 USA LANDERS FRARY & Landers Frary & Clark. CLARK. UNUSUAL Unusual blue enamel BLUE ENAMEL percolator on wide PERCOLATOR ON concentrator base.USA. WIDE 1906 Pat. May 22 - 1894 CONCENTRATOR / May 11 - 1897 / July 12 BASE.USA. 1906 1898 / May 22 - 1906 / July 16 - 1907 / July 16 1907 / DRGM no271098. 2004.1034 PER 1923 USA MANNING Manning Bowman & Co. BOWMAN & CO. Pat's.- Dec 27 1910 / PAT'S.- DEC 27 Nov.27 1923. To replace 1910 / NOV.27 fuse instructions under 1923. TO REPLACE lid. FUSE INSTRUCTIONS UNDER LID. E 2004.1036 PER 2004.1037 PER 2004.1038 PER 2004.1039 PER 2004.1040 PER 2004.1042 PER 2004.1043 2004.1044 1914 USA MANNING Manning Bowman & Co. BOWMAN & CO. USA. Pat - May 22 PERCOLATOR 1906. Prob made 1914 1906. PROB MADE date on burner Chrome 1914 - DATE ON plated percolator on BURNER stand USA MANNING BOWMAN & CO. USA. 'METEOR'. MISSING LAMP. PERCOLATOR ON STAND Manning Bowman & Co. USA. 'Meteor'. Missing lamp. The word Meteor is asscoiated with MB in the earlky days. Nickel plated - small crack in glass. 1914 USA MANNING BOWMAN & CO. USA. PAT. NOV. 10 - 1914. PERCOLATOR ON STAND WITH BURNER. CHROME PLATED Manning Bowman & Co. USA. Pat. Nov. 10 - 1914. Percolator on stand with burner. Chrome plated 1917 USA EDISON ELECTRIC Edison Electric Appliance APPLIANCE CO. Co. USA. Electric USA. ELECTRIC percolator . Missing glass PERCOLATOR . possibly 1917 1924 MISSING GLASS POSSIBLY 1917 1924 USA EDISON ELECTRIC Edison Electric Appliance APPLIANCE CO Co Inc. USA. 'Hotpoint'. INC. USA. Pat No - 144P. Cfhrome 'HOTPOINT'.CFHROME percolator - plastic PERCOLATOR handles PLASTIC HANDLES 1914 USA EDISON. USA. Edison. USA. 'Hotpoint'. 'HOTPOINT'. PATS Pats May 7 - 1912/April 7 MAY 7 1914. Electric percolator 1912/APRIL 7 1914. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR PER 1904 USA MANNING BOWMAN & CO. PAT NOV. 8 1904. Manning Bowman & Co. Pat Nov. 8 - 1904. Mikssing tip and glass bowl filter spirit percolator on stand PER 1930 USA CHROMALUX USA. PATS APPLIED FOR. CIRCA 1930. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR Chromalux - USA. Pats applied for. Circa 1930. Electric percolator 2004.1045 PER 1906 USA LANDERS FRARY & Landers Frary & Clark. CLARK. USA. USA. 'Universal'. No 369 . 'UNIVERSAL'. NO Chjrome metal 369 . CHJROME percolator with two large METAL handles Pat March 20 PERCOLATOR 1906 / on burner. Pat. WITH TWO LARGE May 22 HANDLES 1894/97/98/06/07/ on grounds basket. 2004.1046 PER 1920S USA LANDERS FRARY & CLARK. USA.ELEC PERK 'UNIVERSAL'. PATS OCT 8 1912 / APRIL 29 1913. PROB FROM 1920S 2004.1047 PER 1906 USA LANDERS FRARY & Landers Frary & Clark. CLARK. USA. USA. 'Universal'. Pat. 'UNIVERSAL'. PAT. Mission style unusual MISSION STYLE 1906 May 22 - 1894/ May UNUSUAL 1906 11 - 1897/ July 12 - 1898 SPIRIT PERK / May 22 - 1906. 2004.1048 PER USA LANDERS FRARY & CLARK. USA. 'UNIVERSAL'. EARLY ALUMINIUM PERCOLATOR WITH WIDE BASE 2004.1049 PER 1912 USA LANDERS FRARY & Landers Frary & Clark. CLARK. USA. USA. 'Universal'. Electric 'UNIVERSAL'. percolatort Pat'd Oct 8 ELECTRIC 1912 / Nov 5 - 1912. PERCOLATORT PAT'D OCT 8 1912 / NOV 5 1912. 2004.1050 PER 1894- 1907 USA LANDERS FRARY & Landers Frary & Clark. CLARK. USA. ' USA. ' Universal' no 48. UNIVERSAL' NO With heat concentrator 48. WITH HEAT base. Carries company CONCENTRATOR patents from 1894 to BASE. 1907. 2004.1051 PER 1894 - 1907 USA LANDERS FRARY & Landers Frary & Clark. CLARK. USA. USA. 'Universal' no 'UNIVERSAL' NO 76.electric percolator 76.ELECTRIC with heater attached PERCOLATOR pat'd May 22 - 1894 to WITH HEATER july 16 - 1907. Tyhis is a ATTACHED very important and rare piece - it is the only one I have ever seen whiich attched the electric element to the bas Landers Frary & Clark. USA.elec perk 'Universal'. Pats Oct 8 1912 / April 29 1913. Prob from 1920s Landers Frary & Clark. USA. 'Universal'. Early aluminium percolator with wide base for fast heating. 2004.1052 PER 1894 - 1907 USA LANDERS FRARY & Landers Frary & Clark. CLARK. USA. USA. 'Universal' no 606. 'UNIVERSAL' NO Copper percolator on 76.EELCTRIC stand. Pat. May 22 PERCOLATOR 1894 to July 16 - 1907. WITH HEATER ATTACHED 2004.1053 PER 1912 USA LANDERS FRARY & Landers Frary & Clark. CLARK. USA.'Universal' Pat'd USA.'UNIVERSAL' 1912. Eelctric percolator PAT'D 1912. Very unusual wide glass EELCTRIC top. PERCOLATOR VERY UNUSUAL WIDE GLASS TOP. 2004.1054 PER 1894 - 1919 USA LANDERS FRARY & Landers Frary & Clark. CLARK. USA. USA. 'Universal' no 006. 'UNIVERSAL' NO Copper perc on stand 006. COPPER PERC and burner. Pat's May 22 ON STAND AND 1894 to Feb 25 - 1919. BURNER. 2004.1055 PER USA LANDERS FRARY & Landers Frary & Clark. CLARK. USA. ' USA. ' Elecric percolator ELECRIC - strong to mild settings PERCOLATOR in base - big advance. STRONG TO MILD IMPORTANTUniversal'. SETTINGS IN BASE Pat' no 2076096. - BIG ADVANCE. 2004.1056 PER 1920 USA EDISON ELECTRIC Edison Electric Appliance APPLIANCE CO. Co. Inc. USA. 'Hotpoint'. INC. USA. Electric percolator 'HOTPOINT'. 1920s, Pat no. 14P46. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR 1920S, PAT NO. 14P46. 2004.1057 PER 1912 - 1914 USA EDISON ELECTRIC Edison Electric Appliance APPLIANCE CO Co Inc. USA . 'Hotpoint'. INC. USA . Pat's - May 7 - 1912/ 'HOTPOINT'. PAT'S April 7 - 1914. Wrong lid. - MAY 7 - 1912/ APRIL 7 - 1914. 2004.1058 PER 1920S USA WESTINGHOUSE Westinghouse Electric & ELECTRIC & Manufacturing Co. USA. MANUFACTURING Fused type electric CO. USA. FUSED percolator. 1920s TYPE ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR. 1920S 2004.1059 PER 1913 USA WESTINGHOUSE Westinghouse Elect. & ELECT. & MFG.CO. Mfg.Co. USA.electric USA.ELECTRIC percolator tall Patented PERCOLATOR April 29 - 1913. TALL PATENTED APRIL 29 - 1913. 2004.1060 PER USA WESTINGHOUSE Westinghouse Electric & ELECTRIC & MFG. Mfg. Co. USA. Nickel CO. USA. NICKEL plated with two handles. PLATED WITH TWO HANDLES. 2004.1061 PER USA THE STERNAU The Sternau Percolating PERCOLATING Coffee Pot. USA. Pat'. COFFEE POT. USA. applied for.Copper PAT'. APPLIED percolator. The rise in FOR.COPPER the use of electricity saw PERCOLATOR. the demise of the Sternau brand which seemed to disappear off the market 2004.1062 PER 1920S USA BERSTED ELEC. USA. LATE 1920'S.PAT. PENDING. MODEL 38 LATE 1920S Bersted Elec. USA. Late 1920's.Pat. Pending. Model 38 late 1920s 2004.1063 PER 1904 USA STERNAU. & CO. USA. PATENTED NOV.22 1904. VERY UNUSUAL MODEL ON BLACK BASE WITH LAMP Sternau. & Co. USA. Patented Nov.22 1904. Very unusual model on black base with lamp And lamp 1908 2004.1064 PER 1920S USA ROCHESTER STAMPING CO. USA. COPPER ELEC PERCOLATOR WITH WOODEN HANDLES PRE 1920S Rochester Stamping Co. USA. Copper elec percolator with wooden handles pre 1920s 2004.1065 PER 1924 USA 'ROYAL ROCHESTER'. PAT. AUG. 12 - 1924. WITH GRAVITY FUSE RESET BUTTON. Soreson Rochester Corp. USA. ' Royal Rochester'. Pat. Aug. 12 - 1924. With gravity fuse reset button. FRY glass made with aluminium in lid. 2004.1066 PER 1920S USA ROME Rome Manufacturing Co. MANUFACTURING USA. Electric percolator CO. USA. 1920s - the Rome ELECTRIC company had been PERCOLATOR making stovetop 1920S percolators for a long time. 2004.1067 PER 1912 USA 'ROYAL Sorenson Rochester ROCHESTER'. Corp. USA. 'Royal PAT'D. JULY 2 - Rochester'. Pat'd. July 2 1912. WITH 1912. With double valve DOUBLE VALVE IN in perc stem. VERY PERC STEM. RARE. I have no idea what the advantage was - perhaps to break the patent of another company. 2004.1068 PER 1930S USA E.A.CO. USA. E.A.Co. USA. Enterprise ENTERPRISE Alumium Co. 1930s ALUMIUM CO. Tempered lime soda 1930S TEMPERED glass in lid. LIME SODA GLASS IN LID 2004.1069 PER 1930S USA ENTERPRISE ALUMIUM CO. 1930S ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR TEMPERED LIME SODA GLASS IN LID.. Enterprise Alumium Co. 1930s Electric percolator Tempered lime soda glass in lid.. 'Break No More' - Glass lid. 2004.1070 PER 1918 - 23 USA WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC MFG. CO. USA.ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR Westinghouse Electric Mfg. Co. USA.Electric percolator Pat's. - June 11 - 1918 / March 13 1923. 2004.1071 PER USA ROYAL FAMILY INC. USA. SMALL POPULAR ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR Royal Family Inc. USA. Small popular electric percolator 2004.1072 PER 1912 - 1924 USA LANDERS FRARY & Landers Frary & Clark. CLARK. USA. USA. 'Universal' no 'UNIVERSAL' NO E9106. Pat's.Oct. 8 1912 E9106. PAT'S.OCT. - Sept 9 1924. Electric 8 1912 - SEPT 9 percolator 1924. 2004.1073 PER 1912 USA LANDERS FRARY & CLARK. USA. 'UNIVERSAL'. PAT.OCT 8 - 1912 / NOV 5 - 1912. Landers Frary & Clark. USA. 'Universal'. Pat.Oct 8 - 1912 / Nov 5 1912. 2004.1074 PER 1920S USA WAAGE ELECTRIC Waage Electric Co. USA. CO. USA. LATE Late 1920s 1920S 2004.1075 PER 1920S USA WESTINGHOUSE ELECT. MFG.CO. USA. PATENTS -1.451.755 / 1.448.240. 1920S 2004.1076 PER USA CONTINENTAL Continental Silver Co.Inc. SILVER CO.INC. USA. Pat's. Pending. USA. PAT'S. Aluminium body with PENDING. clear crystal handles. ALUMINIUM BODY WITH CLEAR CRYSTAL HANDLES. 2004.1077 PER 1930S STRIPPER USA 2004.1078 PER 1920/30S USA NATIONAL National Stampings & STAMPINGS & Electric Works. ELECTRIC WORKS. USA.White Cross Trade USA.WHITE CROSS mark. 1920/30s Pat. TRADE MARK. Applied for. 1920/30S 2004.1079 PER 1920S USA LANDERS FRARY & Landers Frary & Clark. CLARK. USA. ' USA. ' Universal' no 58. UNIVERSAL' NO Nickel plated - pressed 58. NICKEL metal spout , heat PLATED - PRESSED concentrator base 1920s METAL SPOUT , 2004.1080 PER 1920S USA GREAT NORTHERN Great Northern Mfg. Co. MFG. CO. USA. USA. FireKing on glass FIREKING ON electric perc 1920s GLASS ELECTRIC Quality Brand. Pat - July PERC 1920S 18 - 1916 no - 1191426. 2004.1081 PER 1930S LEHMAN BROS. SILVERWARE CORP. USA. 'KROMASTER'. 1930S O BRAND - HEAT CONCENTRATOR BASE - ELEGANT ALUMINIUM PERCOLATOR 1930S Westinghouse Elect. Mfg.Co. USA. Patents -1.451.755 / 1.448.240. 1920s Lehman Bros. Silverware Corp. USA. 'Kromaster'. 1930s No Brand - heat concentrator base elegant aluminium percolator 1930s 2004.1082 PER USA 'A' - USA. 'A' - USA. Aluminium ALUMINIUM stovetop perc with green STOVETOP PERC glass in lid Patent WITH GREEN Pending. GLASS IN LID 2004.1083 PER 1920S USA ROME Rome Manufacturing Co. MANUFACTURING USA. Rome was a city in CO. USA. ROME NY state pre 1920s WAS A CITY IN NY STATE PRE 1920S 2004.1084 PER 1920S USA KAR-A-VAN - ON HINGE . SAME AS 1083. POSSIBLE ROME MANUFACTURER. STOVETOP PERCOLATOR 2004.1085 PER 2004.1086 PER 1920S USA 2004.1088 PER 1950S USA THE EMPIRE The Empire Metal Ware METAL WARE Corp. USA. Two Rivers CORP. USA. TWO Wisconsin -Empire-matic RIVERS electric coffee maker WISCONSIN 1950s EMPIRE-MATIC ELECTRIC COFFEE MAKER - 1950S 2004.1089 PER USA UNITED Unimatic Division COOKWARE INC. United Cookware Inc. Us. US. PAT. - N. Pat. - N. 3.068.777. 3.068.777. Percolator with heavy PERCOLATOR heat retaining base. This WITH HEAVY HEAT was a completely RETAINING BASE. different type of percoaltor - when the water boiled a glass knob in the lid was pushed and the coffee taken off the stov USA Kar-a-Van - on hinge . Same as 1083. Possible Rome manufacturer. Stovetop percolator 'PRICILLA WARE' 'Pricilla Ware' - USA . USA . EVEN SPRAY Even spray on glass US ON GLASS US PAT. pat. Office. Clip hold on OFFICE. CLIP glass top - pat.1446709. HOLD ON GLASS TOP PAT.1446709. E.A.CO. - USA. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR 1920S E.A.Co. - USA. Electric percolator 1920s Enterprise Alumium, 2004.1090 PER 1920S FR? VERY EARLY Very early percolator PERCOLATOR missing all working parts. MISSING ALL 220 volts - possibly WORKING PARTS. European 1920/20s 220 VOLTS POSSIBLY EUROPEAN 1920/20S 2004.1091 PER 1917 USA ARMSTRONG Armstrong Electric & ELECTRIC & MFG. Mfg. Corp. USA. CORP. USA. Armstrong Automatic ARMSTRONG Percolator - 1917. Pat. AUTOMATIC Pending. With balance PERCOLATOR mechanism and micro ELEC BALANCE switch - most rare - the PERCOLATOR water boiled went up and came down the other side through the basket changing the balance of the pot 2004.1092 PER 1904 USA STERNAU & CO. Sternau & Co. USA.PATENTED USA.Patented Nov. 22 NOV. 22 - 1904. 1904. On spirit lamp ON SPIRIT LAMP 'Sterno Inferno'. 'STERNO patented April 1 INFERNO'. COPPER 1902/Feb. 17 - 1903. PERC Copper percoaltor with burner Very early model. 2004.40 T 1812 ENG TEAPOT WITH SLIDING LID AROUND 1812 Very early teapot showing sliding lid and copper / brass spout. Probably white feldspathic stoneware possibly from Castleford. This is one of the first attempts to make a lid that did not fall off and very unusual - I have never seen another. Very impo 2004.1 TEA EARLY ENG PEWTER TEAPOT Early English pewter teapot. Thed shape was a copy of porcelain teapots of the period. Important because it an early piece. 2004.10 TEA AUST ROBUR PERFECT TEAPOT BLUE CERAMIC Robur perfect teapot Blue ceramic patent nos Aus 10373-14.11.27. It is very unusual to find the ceramic Robur teapot. The hinged metal lid is unusual 2004.100 TEA JAP TEAPOT WITH CENTRAL HOLE Grey teapot with central hole - unusual design which must have allowed the pot to cool down faster. Japanese origin rare. 2004.101 TEA 2004.102 TEA 2004.103 TEA 2004.104 HK TALAMON TEAPOT Unusual shape - made in Hong Kong. The chief attraction was probably the unusal design. TEAPOT WITH FILTER INSERT A Bodum teapot made with heat-resistant glass. The technique allowed the pot to be put on the stove and the water boiled and THEN the filter inserted with the tea. Not sure this was great success. Better if the boiling water pours through the tea leaves, TAIWAN TAIWANESE TEAPOT WITH UNUSUAL FILTER This teaopot was designed and made in Taiwan. By depressing a little knob a stainless steel ball was lifted and allowed the brewed tea to fall into the bottom compartment. Very good design - unusual outside Taiwan. A must have for a collection TEA VIETNAM VIETNAMESE TEAPOT WITH TWO METAL HANDLES A Vietnamese teapot with two metal handles probably very common in Vietnam. Not very important unless you want to show different teapots from different countries. 2004.105 TEA USA TWO ALUMINIUM Two pots - both alu - one TEAOTS from Japan with origami bird logo and the other very heavy cast ali from the US. Neither very important but different. 2004.106 TEA ENG TEAPOT WITH A brown m ottled teapot PATENTED GLAZE with a downward AND LID pointing spout to stop drips. The firsst patent is not for the spout but for the design of the lid to keep it in. Alcock Lindley and Bloore of 1931. The second patent is for a process by British Thomson Houston Co 2004.107 TEA 1931 TEAPOT WITH DIAMOND SHAPE A green glaze teapot with unusual lid design 2004.108 TEA 2004.109 TEA 2004.110 TEA 2004.111 TEA 2004.113 USA TEAPOT WITH HOOK ON LID Yellow Hall teappot with hook on lid - made in USA. TEAPOT OF CLASSIC DESIGN This teapot has a classic design and I always used it to show that the tea sank and came out the funnel spout. It is metal and probably made around 1900 TEAPOT WITH SIDE HANDLE A Teral teaopot with side handle, The importance is in the design variation. ENG 2 TEAPOTS ONE WITH GREEN GLAZE AND OTHER WITH CHANNEL IN SPOUT Woods - England The bgreen glaze has a lid device and the white pot has a small channel in the spout to get the drips to fall. Very interesting pieces. TEA ENG TEAPOT WITH BONE HANDLE INSERT PATENT James Dixon & Sons patent - 8876 possi bly for handle with bone inserts 2004.114 TEA USA TEAPOT WITH TWO SPOUTS Teamaster - by Hall , USA. US & foreign patents. Has two spouts and compartments - one for water and other for tea. Very interesting. 2004.115 TEA ENG MASTER TEAPOT Master - England. Reg. Design. Patents applied for. 1900 2004.116 TEA 3 CUBE TEAPOTS Three tea pots. 1Grimwades. 2 Copelands 3 - G.Clews & Co . Reg no.693783 . Brit. Patents - 110951/16 & 258456 . Often claaed the cunard teapot. Has a website. Great for stacking. Two are Cunard pots. US patent 1380066 2004.117 TEA ENG 2004.118 TEA ENG TEAPOT WITH FORM OF LADY AND BROAD SKIRT England - reg 2009. A simple teapot with attractive design. 2004.119 TEA USA TEA two teapots. Taiwan & USA. The one on the left was from the US and PYREX. The one on the right was of Taiwanese origin and had a device such that when the upper filter was turned, the filter part dropped down and in so doing opened a val;ve with s/steel 2004.12 TEA GER BROWN CERAMIC TEAPOT German heatresistant teapot - may not have original lid, The base is certainly heat resistant. NOT IMP 2004.120 TEA SRILANKA TEAPOT BY ANSELM - SRI LANKA Lanka Porcelain ltd. This teapot was made for Anslem tea company the name backwards was Mlesna. It was an accessory for tea making. 2 TEAPOTS WITH Sadler - Burslem England VERTICAL . 2 tea pots. The unusal INTERNAL FILTER design of these pots hides the vertical internal filter which was designed to overcome the fact that the tea layered around the tea leaves by having holes all the way up the various levels were able to d 2004.121 TEA CZECH SIMAX TEAPOTCZECH WITH FILTER Simax - Czech. A teapot with a simple plastic filter - of czech origin. 2004.122 TEA SIRRAM -ENG SIRRAM TEAPOT FOR PICNICS. Sirram - England. I have seen this pot in a picnic basket set for making tea in trains etc - the water was held in the pot and your were instruced to unscrew the spout before boiling the water. 2004.124 TEA ENG TEAPOT AS ALLEGEDLY USED BY WELLINGTON AT THE BATTLE OF WATERLOO. This is a thermos teapot which was sold to me as a teapot of the type used by Wellington at the Battle of Waterloo. This would make it extant in 1812. The outer cover is brass and it has a little spout in brass which falls down to allow the tea to pour. 2004.126 TEA AUST TWO BILLY TEAPOTS AND A LARGE POT The two billy pots are the interesting pots here with their handles for swinging around to make the tea settle. The pots were put into the fire to boil, the tea added and allowed to brew sometimes a gum leaf or twig was added. These pots are increasing 2004.127 TEA GER GERMAN GLASS TEAPOT WITH GLASS FILTER Schott - Mainz was the manufacturer of this pot - very delicate, very elegant. 2004.128 TEA ENG HAWKINS TEAMAKER - 1936 This Hawkins TECAL autoimatic teamaker is definitely the 1936 model made perhaps in 1949 because you can see the switch on the front of the machine. The printout shows the top rounded clock face rather than the square face on the teasmade models page 2. 1812 1936 2004.129 TEA 1980'S 2004.13 TEA 2004.130 TEA 1980S 2004.131 TEA 2004.132 TEA 2004.133 TEA 2004.134 TEA ENG RUSSELL HOBBS Russell Hobbs - Chelsea CHELSE Teamaker - 1980s. TEAMAKER 1980S Worked in a very strange way - the tea was put in a little filter basket which floated. When the water boiled it sank to the bottom and engaged a magnetic switch which turned the water off. Ingenious. ENAMEL TEAPOT Enamel teapot with folk painting. Teapots were a favorite item for decoration in classes. No particular value example of folk art. GER TEASMADE BREVILLLE 860D Breville model 860D made in 1980s 1939 ENG TEASMADE Goblin - England. 571849 - made with wood base. Goblin D20 looks to be a 1939? M odel. Missing light covers 1980 ENG RUSSELL HOBBS Russell Hobbs - Chelsea CHELSSEA Teamaker - 1980s. TEAMAKER Worked in a very strange way - the tea was put in a little filter basket which floated. When the water boiled it sank to the bottom and engaged a magnetic switch which turned the water off. Ingenious. ENG SWAN TEASMADE Swan Deluxe Teasmade MODEL 860 England seems to be a private lable of Teasmade 1973 ENG TEASMADE GOBLIN M ODEL 835C - 1973 Goblin - England model 835C from 1973 2004.135 TEA ENG SWAN COMPACT 10890 Swan Houswares Ltd England 2004.136 TEA 1966 ENG TEASMADE MODEL D32 - 1966 Goblin - England D32 1966 2004.137 TEA 1972 ENG TEASMADE DE LUX Goblin - Teasmade De 835B 1972 Lux. England 835B 1972 2004.138 TEA 1939 ENG TEASMADE Goblin - England . . Licenced under letters pat.366710 . Model D20 1939 on wooden base 2004.139 TEA 1960S ENG TEASMADE Russell Hobbs - Chelsea Teamaker 2004.14 TEA 2004.140 TEA CHROME METAL Most unusual teapot with TEAPOT WITH ceramic liner. The only CERAMIC LINING ones I have seen are in my collection. One would imagine by the num,ber of metal teapots that ceramic teapots had a very limited life before breaking. This teapot was a combination of a ceramic inner lining 1980S BREVILLE TEASMADE 860D Breville - Teasmade Looks like a model 860D from the 1980s. 2004.141 TEA 1970S ENG TEASMADE GOBLIN 855K 2004.142 TEA 1974 ENG TEASMADE COULD Goblin - England - could BE MODEL 844 be model 844 from 1974 2004.143 TEA 1973 ENG TEASMADE COULD Goblin - England could be BE 843 ON 843 on dating from 1973 2004.144 TEA 1979 2004.145 TEA 2004.146 TEA ASIA 2004.147 TEA USA 2004.148 TEA TEASMADE BREVILLE RADIO TEASMADE 870 Goblin - England - a model 855k from the 1970s Breville - Radio Teasmade- same as Goblin 870 1979 - this one made in 1980s TEASMADE BOILER 2 spare items - pot and AND POT boiler 1975 TEAPOT WITH Aluminium teaqpot with TWO SPOUTS AND two spouts and filter FILTER probably Asian origin TEA Master Cast - American cast teapot - with filter. Very heavy TEAPOT SIMPLE WITH ELEGANT DESIGN Britania Metal Co - no. 1975. The elegant design is to take note of the fact that tea sinks. Design interest 2004.149 TEA 1920S 2004.15 TEA 2004.150 TEA 2004.151 TEA 2004.152 TEA ENG TEAPOT WITH METAL SPOUT Langley - England Langley teapot with metal spot. The problem of spouts being broken has persisted from the first days of teapots 2004.155 TEA ENG TWO TEAPOTS WITH FILTER The ceramic one is with a plastic filter and probably from Japan. The other one is metal and probably from England with a woven metal handle. 2004.157 TEA LARGE TEAPOT WITH FILTER MADE OF TIN This is a alrge teapot with removable filter almost certainly for commercial use. ENG TEAPOT WITH METAL/FELT COVER Teapot with metal felt cover to keep hot - looks like 1920s COPPER COATED METAL WITH CERAMIC LINING TWO Copper coated metal with ceramic liner two examples Most unusual teapot with ceramic liner. The only ones I have seen are in my collection. One would imagine by the num,ber of metal teapots that ceramic teapots had a very limited life before breaking. This TEAPOT -PLASTIC THERMAL WELWARE Thermal Welware England .Pat App.61065/68 A plastic moulded teapot with thermal msides to keep the tea hot. Very unusual. TEAPOT WITH Patent - Locks Lid. Pat PATENT LID LOCK, This is an early patent number for one of the great problems of tea-making how to keep the lid on. 2004.159 TEA 1912 USA 2004.16 TEA THE COSY TEAPOT The Cosy teapot with the WITH FILTER IN filter in the lid insert THE LID Patent no 188503 also called the perfect teapot. Patenetd by Abram Allware Ltd. The Perfect Teapot. Patent No 188503. The usual models are in ceramic. The idea was that any drips would fall into the c 2004.160 TEA ELECTRIC TEAPOT WITH TEABALL Pacific Electric Heating Co. ' El Teballo '. 2004.161 TEA 1910 FR EARLY ELECTRIC TEAPOT - FRANCE ph.F& - the manufacturer's name indicates this was made in France. The design was very early and the two electric prongs sitting bare indicate a very early model. I would put it around 1910 or a little later. It must be one the earlies electric t 2004.162 TEA 1904 USA TEAPOT AND KETTLE ELCTRIC 1904 American Electrical Heater Co. Detriot Mitchigan.USA. Pat. April 5 - 1904 This is the first teapot that I have seen that was an electric kettle at the same time very very early piece. 2004.164 TEA HUNGARY UNIVERSAL Universal - Landers,Frary TEAPOT ELECTRIC & Clark. USA . Pats - Oct FROM US 8 - 1912. Nov 5 - 1912. April 29 - 1913 PERLUSZ Mandarin - 'Elekthermax' ELECTRIC TEAPOT . This was made by Desiderius Perlusz of Hungary who made an electric vacuum siphon machine. It is an important piece because it wsa electric and glass. The tea egg was wound up and down. When the tea was brewed the bsket was wo 2004.165 TEA 2004.167 TEA 2004.168 TEA 2004.17 TEA 2004.174 TEA 2004.175 2004.176 USA HOLLAND TEARYTE ELECTRIC POT USA Nesco . 'Tea Ryte' .USA A simople pot with an electric cutout and flavour control. TEAPOT ELECTRIC ON STAND Nil manufacturers marks. Duck - symbol two coil elements inside and two elements inside. PHILLIPS TEA FOR Phillips .Made in Holland TWO - ELECTRIC an electric two cup PLASTIC TWO maker which was copied MUG MAKER in Taiwan and other places. COSY TEAPOT CERAMIC Cosy teapots Blue and white Bursleyware Blue and Red Woods and son Yellow Wood and son patent 133503 The lid is dessigned to stop drips falling outside. Some models have security clips on the lid to stop it falling off. ENG TEACADDY HONESTEA IS THE BEST POLICY Doulton Lambeth England A very unusual piece - rarely seen. TEA CHINA TEA PACK CHINESE OF PLASTIC China . This is a plastic pack for selling tea - very attractive and very unusual. TEA ENG TEA CADDY WITH Pearce - Maker . London TWO MOTE , England . A beautiful SPOONS caddy from early 1800s the two mote spoons are very old and hard to find. The caddy is worth a lot shows gren ta side and black tea compartment. The mote spoons are worth quite a lot. 2004.177 TEA TEA CADDY WOODEN 2004.18 TEA HOLLAND 2004.181 TEA GER 2004.19 Nil marks . Tea caddy nothing special DAALDEROP Daalderop teapot from BRASS BASE AND Holland. N othing special. COPPER SIDED MELITTA TEA FILTER Germany . Melita - 'TeeFilter' no 402. Patented . For 6-12 cups. A very unusual product which used Melitta filter paper, much more widely used for coffee. TEA PARAMOUNT BREWMASTER WITH PLUNGER AND FILTER Paramount Brewmaster with filter basket and plunger Reg no. 25298 2004.2 TEA MASTER TEAPOT WITH CERAMIC FILTER A teapot with ceramic infuser - Pat appl on infuser. The Master teapot was an early example of a ceramic filter and a metal body. An important advance I n making a durable teapot. 2004.20 TEA 2004.200 TEA SHEFFIELD ENGLAND 1940S EUROPEAN ORIGIN DUNDONALD The Dundonald teapot TEAPOT- RESTS was named after Lord ON SPINE TO Dundonald. It was copied BREW AND in Germany around UPRIGHT TO POUR 2000. Came in ceramic versions as well. Reg No 879345 Also called the S.Y.P teapot - simple yet perfect. Made by James Dixon and Sons, Sheffield. The lid stopped the PLASTIC AND METAL TEABALLS Plastic postwar teaballs and metal teaballs of various origins.. The ceramic ones are of European origin. 2004.202 TEA EUROPEAN ORIGIN UNUSUAL 9 tea-strainers mostly STRAINERS FOR designed to hang off the HANGING OFFTEA spout of the teapot POT SPOUT mostly of European origin. The woven ones are Chinese. 2004.203 TEA AUST QUICK CLIP TEASTRAINERS 8 tea-strainers - the INCLUDING A patented Australian PATENTED KWIK_CUP which had the AUSTRALIA KWIKgreen handle was a CUP terrific invention - the boiling water was poured through the tea sitting on the cup., This had the potential to be a world beater because its performace was so good. Po 2004.206 TEA 2004.209 TEA ASIA 2004.21 TEA ENG 2004.210 TEA TAI 2004.211 TEA 1800'S -1900 ENG TEA DISPENSER ENGLISH - 3 COMPARTMENT 1900 3- lid,commercial tea storer -0 these are fairly uncommon n- a tea dispenser from an English Grocery shop late 1800s - 1900. The rise of packeted tea say the reduction i9n the use of dispensers. 2 TEAPOTS ASIAN T%wo teapots with filters WITH - probably modern. Good EARTHENWARE in a collection. FILTERS BROWN DUNDONALD TEAPOT Brown ceramic DundonaldThe Dundonald teapot was named after Lord Dundonald. It was copied in Germany around 2000. Came in ceramic versions as well. Reg No 879345 Also called the S.Y.P teapot - simple yet perfect. Made by James Dixon and Sons, Sheffield THREE BUDDHA Three Taiwanese teapots TEAPOTS with Cadogan style CADOGAN STYLE underneath holes TEAPOT TIBETAN Sterling Products Pvt. Ltd - Tibetan style teapot made recently. 2004.213 TEA JAPAN TEAPOT CAST IRON JAPANESE WITH FILTER Two cast iron Japanese teapots with aluminium filters 2004.214 TEA CHINA TWO CHINESE PEACH SHAPE CADOGAN TEAPOTS Two cadogan style Chinese pots in the shapoe of a opeach. The peach was supposed to have sexual connotations. 2004.215 TEA CHINA TEAPOT CHINESE WITH TWO CUPS IN INSULATED CARRY CASE Chinese teapot and two sups in insulaterd carry bag - very nice example 2004.216 TEA CHINA MODERN CHINESE Modern Chinese cadogan CADOGAN BLUE blue teapot TEAPOT 2004.217 TEA 2004.218 TEA 2004.219 TEA 1930S 1880S JAPAN ENG JAPANESE CUP WITH LARGE PLATE/SAUCER page 156 Bramah Novelty Teapots from Japan 1930s TEAPOT CHINESE WITH TONGUE FROM NECK This is a teapot that relies on the steam pushing out the tongue from the neck. This is a modrn piece. I suspect without ever having seen one that there were models in earlier times. A very novel pot and should be in every collection. CHINESE TEAPOT This beautiful teapot has WITH LINDO LIKE a filter in the base just FILTER IN BOTTOM like the Lindo design in England in the 1880s. Never seen one like this in any collection. VERY UNUSUAL. Same as 228 2004.22 TEA ENG 2004.220 TEA CHINA 2004.221 TEA ASIA 2004.222 TEA ASIA 2004.223 TEA 2004.224 TEA 2004.225 TEA SYP TEAPOT SYP teapot This teapot was the Dundonald named after Lord Dundonald, The water was poured over the tealeaves in the back section while the pot rested on its handle and the brewing was stopped by making the teapot upright.The Dundonald teapot was named aft TEAPOT CHINESE - Unusuak square shaped UNUSUAL SHAPE teapot of Chinese origin. Most unusual. TEAPOT ASIAN Two Chinese teapots one with metal strainer over spout and the other with spout in the shape of a chicken head. TEAPOT WITH TEAPOT WITH SERVING SERVING CUPS ON CUPS ON TRAY AND TRAY AND WARMER. Classic setting. WARMER 2 CHINESE 2 Chinese TEAPOTs with TEAPOT WITH unusual design make UNUSUAL DESIGN great display ENG CHINESE TEAPOT This beautiful teapot has WITH FILTER IN a filter in the base just BOTTOM LIKE like the Lindo design in LINDO England in the 1880s. Never seen one like this in any collection. VERY UNUSUAL. Same as 228 THREE TEAPOTS WITH BLUE COLOUR Three teapots with blue colour. Unusual colour for teapots. 2004.226 TEA THREE one small pot with DRAGONTEAPOTS moveable dragon in lid. One with lion and dragon on inside of mlid. Larger pot with coiled dragon on lid. 2004.228 TEA CHINA CHINESE A classic teapot with REVOLVING UPPER upper dispenser. The tea CHAMBER TEAPOT sits in the upper pot and stays there until the the top is revolved and outlet spouts co-incide with inlet holes on the lower pot and the tea pouts into the cups at either end, one at a time. Thius pot requ 2004.229 TEA CHINA TEAPOT CHINESE Old Chinese blue and WITH OUTER white teapot with outer WATER WARMER warmer for hot water. It is sometimes hard to tell - this may be for wine. 2004.23 TEA 2004.230 TEA 2004.231 2004.232 WOODS IVORY TEAPOT This teapot has a little hole in the spout which prevents any drips falling down. One of many spouts to stop drips. THREE CHINESE METAL TEAPOTS WITH ANIMAL MOTIFS ASIAN 1. Bamboo woven with frog on lid. 2. Dragon spout with monkey on lid.3. Dragon spout and handle. TEA FOUR METAL TEAPOTS Three metal teapost and perhaps a metal wine pot. TEA 2 CHINESE TEAPOTS WITH FLAT STYLE Two teapots showing exaggerated low style in blue and white CHINA 2004.233 TEA CHINA CHINESE TEA SHAPED WATER BOILER IMPORTANT This is a most unusual water boiler. A wide hole is a chimney through the center of the pot and heats the water, The top hole shoiws steam escaping and shows the water is boiling. The lower inklet is designed to be set in a basin of water which is contin 2004.235 TEA ASIA TEAPOT ASIAN Brown ceramic Chinese pot with relief drawings. Nice piece. 2004.237 TEA CHINA TWO CHINESE TEAPOTS Two simple chinese teapots 2004.238 TEA CHINA 2004.239 TEA 2004.24 TEA 2004.240 TEA AUST THREE COLOURED Three coloured teapots TEAPOTS CHINESE Chinese. Unusual shapes. WATER CARRIER BAR WITH TWO TEAPOTS WATER CARRIER BAR WITH TWO TEAPOTS. Unusual design WOOD AND SONS TEAPOT Commercial teapot designed for stacking. These do not often appear in collections but they are important showing how the teapot was developing for commercial caterers. Made for McDonald and Co, Adelaide. UNUSUAL TEAPOT Unusual teapot with two WITH TWO brewing chambers. Most BREWING unusual. CHAMBERS. MOST UNUSUAL. 2004.243 TEA TORTOISE SHAPED TORTOISE SHAPED TEAPOT AND TEAPOT AND REGULAR REGULAR CERAMIC. CERAMIC. 2004.246 TEA 2004.25 TEA ROYAL WINTON WITH LOCKING DEVICE ON LID This pot has an unusual lid to stop it falling off 2004.250 TEA CERAMIC TEAPOT Ceramic teapot 2004.251 TEA THREE CHINESE UPPER BREW COMPARTMENT TURNING POTS. THREE CHINESE UPPER BREW COMPARTMENT TURNING POTS. 2004.252 TEA METAL TEAPOT This matching caddy and WITH YELLOW pot are modern PAINTED PANELS reproductions of a style PLUS CADDY made earlier in the 20C. 2004.254 TEA CHINESE TEAPOT WITH COPPER HANDLES AND APPLIED DECORATION Chinese teapot with copper handles and applied decoration 2004.255 TEA METAL TEAPOT IN BRASS Metal teapot in brass JAPAN CHINA MULTI SIDED POT MULTI SIDED POT WITH WITH BIRD - PROB BIRD - PROB JAPANESE. JAPANESE Very unusual design seemingly no purpose. See Bramah page 29 2004.256 TEA BLUE CHINESE BLUE CHINESE TEAPOT TEAPOT WITH WITH UNUSUAL HANDLE UNUSUAL HANDLE 2004.257 TEA LARGE CERAMIC LARGE CERAMIC BOWL BOWL CONTAINING TEAPOT CONTAINING AND CUPS TEAPOT AND CUPS 2004.258 TEA MULTIFACE MULTIFACE TEAPOT TEAPOT WITH SEE WITH SEE THROUGH THROUGH PANELS PANELS - JAPANESE. - JAPANESE Thbuis is quite a famous styel - put the panel up to the light and you can see through. 2004.259 TEA CHINESE DOUBLE Chinese double chamber CHAMBER DOUBLE double spout teapot. SPOUT TEAPOT Rather unusual. 2004.26 TEA VILLEROY & BOCH A Modern design teapot MODERN DESIGN from V & B, Luxemburg. A beautifuk example of modern teapot design by one of Europe's leading factories. 2004.260 TEA BLACK CERAMIC BLACK CERAMIC CHINESE TEAPOT CHINESE TEAPOT WITH WITH PAINTED PAINTED DECORATIONS. DECORATIONS. 2004.261 TEA 2004.263 TEA CHINA CHINESE TEAPOT WITH SIX BEADS IN LID. Chinese teapot with six beads in lid. METAL POT INSIDE METAL WARMING POT METAL POT INSIDE METAL WARMING POT 2004.264 TEA 2004.265 TEA 2004.266 TEA 2004.269 TEA 2004.27 CHINA TWO CHAMBER TWO CHAMBER TEAPOT TEAPOT - CHINESE - CHINESE These are rather rare and I have seen them for around $Aust800 in antique shops in HK WIDE MOUTH TEAPOT WITH HAND PAINTING ON GLAZE WIDE MOUTH TEAPOT WITH HAND PAINTING ON GLAZE. Very unusual DOUBLE CHAMBER DOUBLE CHAMBER DOUBLE SPOUTS DOUBLE SPOUTS METAL METAL TEAPOT TEAPOT WITH WITH BUTTERFLY BUTTERFLY MOTIF ON MOTIF ON LID LID. Very uinusual obviously for pouring and blending two liquid types of tea. CHINA UBNUSUAL CERAMIC CHINESE TEAPOT ON STAND FOR TIPPING UBNUSUAL CERAMIC CHINESE TEAPOT ON STAND FOR TIPPING. Very unusual - never seen another TEA ROYAL WINTON WITH LID LOCK Teapot with lid lock. An unusual but effective lid lock. 2004.270 TEA TEAPOT WITH TURNING UPPER CHAMBER TO CONTROL POURING TEAPOT WITH TURNING UPPER CHAMBER TO CONTROL POURING. Double spout. Has applied slurry design 2004.271 TEA CHINESE TEAPOT IN SHAPE MOF LOAD ON BARROW Chinese teapot in shape mof load on barrow. Very uinusual design 2004.273 TEA LIGHT COLOUR LIGHT COLOUR CERAMIC CERAMIC TURING TURING UPPER UPPER CHAMBER CHAMBER TEAPOT - ONE TEAPOT - ONE SPOUT. SPOUT 2004.275 TEA 2004.276 1990S JAPAN AKECHI TEAPOT FROM JAPAN AKECHI TEAPOT FROM JAPAN 1990s. The quakity and fineness of the plastic mesh filter make this one of the best teapots ever made. TEA CHINA CHINESE TEAPOT IN SHAPE OF OLD MAN MULTICOLOURED CHINESE TEAPOT IN SHAPE OF OLD MAN MULTICOLOURED 2004.277 TEA CHINA CHINESE TEAPOT Chinese teapot with WITH UNUSUAL unusual decoration and DECORATION AND teapot on lid TEAPOT ON LID 2004.279 TEA CHINA PAIR OF TEAPOTS Pair of teapots missing MISSING connecting pole. Chinese CONNECTING origin POLE 2004.28 TEA 2004.280 TEA 2004.281 TEA 2004.283 TEA 1930S ENG HUMPTY DUMPTY TEAPOT This pot has a fallout retard Made by Lingard pottery - 1930s. CHINA CHINESE TEAPOT UNUSUAL DESIGN ON BRANCH LEGS CHINESE TEAPOT UNUSUAL DESIGN ON BRANCH LEGS MODERN BLUE/WHITE TEAPOT WITH HOLE IN MIDDLE MODERN BLUE/WHITE TEAPOT WITH HOLE IN MIDDLE JAPANESE TEAPOT - BIRDS AND MT. FUJI SCENE Japanese teapot - birds and Mt. Fuji scene JAPAN 2004.284 TEA 2004.285 VIETNAM GREEN TRANSLUCENT GLAZE TEAPOT POSSIBLY VIETNAM GREEN TRANSLUCENT GLAZE TEAPOT POSSIBLY VIETNAM small lid is cup TEA TEAPOT IN HOT WATER TEAPOT The inner teapot sits in the outer teapot which is filled with hot water to keep the tea hot. This is a very unusual item rarely seen. 2004.29 TEA CAR SHAPED TEAPOT Plain white ceramic teapot in car shape made by Sadler and Sons 2004.3 TEA TEAPOT Teapot with handle with holes pat numbers handle 19759 other marks 17072-A /3/99 letter E in circle.. The patent date would indicate that it was made in 1899. The problem with metal handles was to disperse the heat from the pot so that you could actuall 2004.30 TEA JUDGE SHAPE TEAPOT Judge shape teapot. Great for display, 2004.31 TEA 1899 PEWTER TEAPOT Pewter tepot silver WITH EXPANSION plated or Britannia metal BOTTOM with an ridged expansion base to allow the base to expand with heat. Patented by Philip Ashberry. The fact that the bottom of the teapot and the metal walls was casused by heat expansion. The ridges allowed 2004.32 TEA 2004.33 TEA 1920S 2004.34 TEA 1880S 2004.35 TEA 2004.36 TEA 2004.38 TEA 2004.39 TEA ENG NEST OF THREE TEAPOTS FROM JAPAN A display of three teapots glazed earthenware from Japan - overglazed handpainted ducks. These were made in Engladn or for the English amrket - the Japanese did not put milk in their tea. Royal Sealey is a brand of Japanese porcelain. GER ENAMEL YELLOW TEAPOT CAST IRON WITH ATTACHED LID Yellow German teapot collector' - WMF 1920s could be worth $400 which is the price I saw similar one at Oxford St, Dealers opposite Centennial Park EVERHOT TEAPOT This is an early example WITH INSULATION of an Everhot thermal SURROUND COZY teapot The earliest ones like this came out in the 1930s although I think patents were around from the 1880s HEATMASTER TEA- Heatmaster teapot with POT WITH insulation INSULATION 1990S CZECH TEAPOT WITH INTERNAL STRAINER UNUSUAL SHAPE Unusual shape teapot with internal strainer. This is almost a combination coffee and tea pot - its height would make you think it was a coffee pot but the filter in the spout makes me think it was for tea. Certainly very unusual. GLASS TEAPOT WITH INFUSER FITS INTO LID Glass teapot with infuser attached to lid Almost certainly of Czech origin after 1990s. The czechs had a glass factory and with the collapse of the Iron Curtain it looked overseas for markets. Not major importance,. TEAPOT , HOTWATER AND SUGAR SET A common set of teapot, hot water and sugar. Unusual to see the milk and sugar with the metal covers. 2004.4 TEA CHINA ELECTRIC TEAPOT Chinese electric teaoot 1800W 240Volts - a great idea for making sure the water was boiling 2004.41 TEA CERAMIC TEAPOT Very unusual teapot with WITH METAL metal spout and lid. SPOUT AND LID Another attempt to fit a metal spout to a ceramic teapot. The design suggests that it was made for mass production. Very unusual and very significant. The holes in the metal filter inm the spout could be mu 2004.42 TEA TEAPOT WITH LID RESTRAINING DEVICE 2004.43 TEA METAL TEAPOT Almost certainly a WITH HINGED LID commercial teapot. Pots like this rarely show up in collections or books but were used widely in commercial establishments. 2004.44 TEA TEAPOT WITH UNUSUAL LID LOCKING DEVICE This teapot has a Japanese motif with an unusual lid locking device. Most unusual lid. 2004.45 TEA BLACK TEAPOT Hand applied flower decoration. Could be an example of folk art rather than factory production. 2004.46 TEA Teapot with lid restraining device. No marks. Ingenious. BAINS TEAPOT This is probably the most WITH MOST unusual teapot patent UNUSUAL DEVICE ever seen. The lower FOR BREWING bowl is put into the teapot facing down to enclose the air in it. The tea is put into the filter and water popured over it. When the knob in the lid is pushed, the air in the lower bowl 2004.47 TEA 1887 TEAPOT WITH LOWER COMPARTMENT STRAINER TO SPOUT This is almost certainly the Henry Lindo teapot with the strainer at the bottom of the pot. It was probably the inspiration for the pumping teapots of 1887. Most unusual never seen another one and not in any book Probably the first recognition that t 2004.48 TEA 1900/20 2004.49 TEA BODUM TEAPOT WITH INFUSER This teapot won the prize for the English tea council in the 1990s. Designed by C. Jorgensen. An important aprt of the deign is that when the plunger is pushed down it isoles the spent tea completely in the plastic section with no holes. 2004.5 TEA CERAMIC TEAPOT WITH INFUSER Patent no. 437694 on infuser, This is the Master filter in a ceramic teapot 2004.50 TEA 1960S JAPAN TEAPOT WITH UNUSUAL LID ATTACHMENT Japanese teapot with unusual lid attachment and filter. There were hinged lids from very early but it is unusual to see modern pots with one. 1960s on. Not very important. 2004.51 TEA 1990S IT TEAPOT WITH The only important one FILTER IN THE LID. here is a cheap Italian pot with a filter in the lid to stop the teabag falling out. Sold in an Italian street market in the 1990s 2004.52 TEA HK TEAPOT WITH An anodise aluminium FILTER IN THE LID tea pot with a filter in the lid - made in Hong Kong The eazi-pot The Perfect Teapot. TEAPOT WITH Unusual spout on teapot. VERTICAL SPOUT Seeminglky without a SO THAT THERE patent but a clever COULD BE NO design to make sure that DRIPS there were no drips falling outside the pot. No date but it seems to be 1900-1920. Another attempt to solve the drip problem. Important. 2004.53 TEA 1990S 2004.54 TEA TAIWAN TEA Hario teapot with filter ball on chain. This was the original design and copied mercilessly in Taiwan. There were several variations. 2004.55 TEA TAI TEAPOT WITH SUSPENDED TEAEGG AND CHAIN This is almost certainly made in Taiwan and a copy of Hario teapots from Japan with the same design. 2004.56 TEA JAPAN TEAPOT ALUMINIUM This is a cheap teapot from Japan made from aluminium. It looked cheap and probably was made soon after WW2 ended. The filter was removed to stop brewing., 2004.57 TEA 2004.58 TEA 2004.6 TEA 1900S 1970S CZECH USA NZ TEAPOT WITH Probably a Czech teapot. PLASTIC FILTER Made in the 1990s ATTACHED TO LID TEAPOT MILK AND Apollo Silver Co SUGAR SET quadruple plate - almost certainly from the USA. A classy piece - possibly thte 1900s. TEAPOT The unusual design of the lowere part suggests that this was a pot designed to sit in a ring or on a stand to stay in position BRITDIS TEAPOT Simple teapot from NZ. In the collection to illustrates the range of teapots available to the general public during the 1970s of metal manufacture 2004.60 TEA ROYLE'S TEAPOT M ETAL 2004.61 TEA TEA 2004.65 TEA ROYLE'S TEAPOT IN PEWTER The Royle's self pouring teapot was based on the idea that the tea could be pressed out of the pot through a lower filter that went straight to the spout. A finger closed the plunger on nthe down stroke. There are several Royle's in the collection - all s 2004.67 TEA TEAPOT FROM INDIA Silver plated tea pot with Otter symbol - Indian origin.Not valuable. Probably 1920s. 2004.68 TEA TEAPOT WITH PATENTED HANDLE Silver plated teapot WITH PATENTED HANDLE No 19759 HOLES TO DISSIPATE THE HEAT. 2004.69 TEA 2004.70 TEA 1920S INDIA The Royle's self pouring teapot was based on the idea that the tea could be pressed out of the pot through a lower filter that went straight to the spout. A finger closed the plunger on nthe down stroke. There are several Royle's in the collection - all s TEAPOT IN SHAPE Tea pot in the shape of a OF HOUSE house. Very similar to one in Bramah's book Kensington Cottage Ware reg no. 845007 JAP TEAPOT COTTAGE A teapot made in Japan SHAPE copying the Engliosh cottage shapes. 2004.71 TEA JAPAN TEAPOT SWAN A teapot in the shape of a swan made in Japan. Nothing special. 2004.72 TEA GER TEAPOT German teapot. Purely decorative. 2004.73 TEA TEAPOT WITH DOWN FACING SPOUT This is a reasonable common teapot - with a downward facing spout so that drips could not hold onto anything. 2004.74 TEA TEAPOT WITH SPOUT DEVICE This teaopot has a side handle and a lip inside to prevent the leaves clogging up the spot. 2004.75 TEA TEAPOT WITH ALUMINIUM SPOT Teapot with an aluminium spout - very unusual. 2004.76 TEA TEAPOT ENGLISH BROWN A simple teapot. The marks say it was petented but no numbers are given. ALB 2004.77 TEA AUST TEA Commercial teapot made in Australia. Inscribed M. Dowell. 2004.78 TEA HOLLAND TEAPOT YELLOW ENAMEL A yellow enamle teapot with alumium filter basket. The filter in the spout is probably of Dutch origin. The piece is only important because of the spout filter 2004.79 TEA TWO TEAPOTS Two simple teapots - not important - from China 2004.8 TEA PARAMOUNT BREWMASTER WITH PLUNGER INSERT Paramount Brewmaster teapot with a plunger /filter insert. Very interesting Reg no. 2529B pat pending 138711 2004.80 TEA CZECH TEAPOT GLASS A glass pot with plastic filter - no marks - seems to be Czech. 2004.81 TEA AUS AUSTRALIAN TEA WITH REMOVEABLE HANDLE An Australian teapot obviously made for the fire with a removable handle. Very novel. 2004.82 TEA USA GEMCO TEAPOT Gemco brand US filter teapot. Heat resistant glass. Probably made good tea. 2004.83 TEA BLACK MAMMY TEA A black mammy teapot with wire handle. Unusual subject. 2004.84 TEA ENG DUBLEDEKR HEATMASTER TEAPOT The Dubldekr teapot was designed to be stacked. Commercial use. Heatmaster was an English brand. 2004.86 TEA GER GERMAN TEAPOT WITH PLASTIC FILTER German teapot with plastic filter, Looks like 1980s. 1980S 2004.87 TEA ENG METAL TEAPOT Simople metal teapot English 2004.88 TEA ENG TEAPOT WITH HOLES IN HANDLE English teapot. 2004.89 TEA ENG TEAPOT WITH FILTER English tea 2004.9 TEA ENAMEL TEAPOT Simple enamel teapot. This was one of a new range of coloured items for colour-co-ordinated kitchens. Enamel was a good material for making tea provided that the enamel was not chipped. Not very important bus aprt of the scene. 2004.90 TEA 2004.91 TEA 2004.92 TEA JAPAN 1930S ENG JAPANESE TEAPOT The KISSL teapot had a - METAL magnetic lid to stop the MAGNETIC LID lid falling out - very ingenious. Made by Kissl Technica Co. A most unusual piece in a lid collection TEA Swan brand travelling teapot - desugned to be aprt of a picnic basket. The water was carried in the teapot and the screw on spout top taken off when the flame was put underneath and when boiling the filter was put in with the tea. DOUBLE SPOT TEAPOT A double spout teapot these were made in England in the 1930s for the tea ladies at the Lipton's teashops in England. Great display piece. 2004.93 TEA 2004.94 TEA 2004.95 TEA 2004.96 TEA 2004.97 TEA 2004.98 TEA 2004.99 TEA ENG DOUBLE SPOUT TEAPOT A double spout teapot these were made in England in the 1930s for the tea ladies at the Lyons teashops in England. Great display piece. TEAPOT Simple teapot PACIFIC COCONUT TEAPOT A teapot made from coconut shell - very unusual. Obviously from an island in the Pacific as a tourist momento. Very unusual 1944 ENG TEAPOT WITH VERY UNUSUAL SPOUT This teapot was patented in 1944 made by Spode in England. The unusual spot device was obviously to allow brewed tea to escape the pot when the filrter holes were blocked. Most unusal and rare - never seen in books or elsewhere. I bought them in Sydney 1938 USA ALUMINIUM TEAPOT WITH BALL FILTER The Club teapot was an American pot - almost certainly made just after WW2 when aluminium was cheap. The tea - egg deevice was adequate. It is very unusual to see an aluminium pot. TEAPOT ON LEGS Simple teapot on legs handle has bone inserts. TEAPOT SIMPLE Brown teapot with patent 358748+ - possibly the 8 sholuld be 6. This patent number is probably for the lid device by Alcok, Lindley and Bloore in 1931 also used in 101 1931 2004.180 TEA - CRAZY ENG HOBBS PATENT TEAFILTER 1885 Hobbs Patent Antitannic Infuser Co. Ltd . England Patent - 36829. This was a crazy device that claimed to reduce the tannin in the cup - it did so by instructing the maker to pour boiling water into the cup and THEN putting the filter in with the tea. 2004.66 TEA - NB 2004.85 TEA- NB AUST 2004.11 TEA -NB AUST ROBUR TEAPOT Robur teapot with infuser patent dates 10270 14.11.27Robur teapot perfect teapot patent Aust 10373-14.11.27 Infuser patent nos GB300540-28, The Robur Tea Comapy was based in Melbourne and its business was based on coupon selliung - the more tea you 2004.7 TEA -NB AUST ROBUR METAL TEAPOT WITH INSERT Robur teapot perfect teapot patent Aust 10373-14.11.27 Infuser patent nos GB30054028, The Robur Tea Comapy was based in Melbourne and its business was based on coupon selliung - the more tea you bought the more coupons you received and these were exch 2004.62 TEA ROYLES 1 ROYLES TEAPOT WITH DOUBLE HANDLES. The Royle's self pouring teapot was based on the idea that the tea could be pressed out of the pot through a lower filter that went straight to the spout. A finger closed the plunger on nthe down stroke. There are several Royle's in the collection - all s FENTON';S Fenton's patent teapot. A PATENT TEAPOT most unusual pot with a WITH BASKET filter basket which could be elevated or lowered from outside the pot. Very rare - never seen another one even in books. A total departure from any other invention. AUSTRALIA This a very rare Bakelite BAKELITE TEASET teapot set - Nally brand., There was a metal filter inserted in the spout. It must have been made before the flood of cheap imports from Asia began. Very important for an Australia museum. 2004.63 TEA ROYLES 2 TEA The Royle's self pouring teapot was based on the idea that the tea could be pressed out of the pot through a lower filter that went straight to the spout. A finger closed the plunger on nthe down stroke. There are several Royle's in the collection - all s 2004.64 TEAROYLES 3 ROYLE'S TEAPOT IN CERAMIC. The Royle's self pouring teapot was based on the idea that the tea could be pressed out of the pot through a lower filter that went straight to the spout. A finger closed the plunger on nthe down stroke. There are several Royle's in the collection - all s 2004.212 TR - T 2004.59 TR - T 1960S JAPAN TEAPOT TRAVELLING A Japanese teapot for with foldable legs for travelling - stainless steel suggests that it was made after the war in the 1960s 2004.154 TR- TEA 1810 ENG PICNIC TEAPOT SET WITH REMOVABLE HANDLES This is a most important set demonstrating that tea was drunk in 1810 with hot cream - the two containers - one for milk and the one with the handle is for hot cream. See Coffee Floats p20 for whole story There is allegedly one other in the world like t 2004.123 TR -TEA ENG TRAVELLING TEAPOT DREW AND SONS Drew & Sons. {Piccadilly Circus England. Reg. No 555130. A travelling teapot for picnics etc. 2004.166 TR -TEA JAP TEAPOT FOR CAR Nil - makers marks. A very cheap teamaker for use off a battery in a car - probably 1950s and probably made in Japan. The power came from the cigarette lighter outlet. CHINA 1950S CHINESETEAPOT Classic Chinese teapot in IN CARRYING CASE insulated carry case WITH INSULATION 2004.169 TR -TEA 1950/60S 2004.125 TR -TEA NB 2004.153 TR -TEA NB 2004.344 AI 2004.375 AI 2004.501 AI ENG 2004.363 B JAPAN 1910 ENG SIRRAM CAR TEAMAKER Sirram - England . The maker is still in tis box and looks like it was made in the 1950s or 60s. Very early and rare. AUST QUART POT AUSTRALIAN This is a quart-pot in a leather container designed to be attached to the leather saddle on a horse and for making tea while droving etc. Most unusual to find a genuine one that hs been used. ENG TEAPOT WITH SELF ENCLOSED BURNER FOR TRAVELLING Sirram - England . on lid of burner. This was allegedly the same teapot that was taken to the South Pole by the Australian explorers in the 1910s FR ELEC ESPREESSO Spirit lamp. Elec VIENNESE TYPE espresso of Viennese AND CELER type -= missing the glass FRENCH ELEC dome - model Celer, ESPRESSO modele depose. And made in Italy - no lid perhaps never had a lid. TWO GLASS Silex bowl - upper filter is BOWLS - ONE IS A missing SILEX COFFEE STANDS FOR CONA MACHINE Cona. Stands for upper funnel for a Cona machine plus the central stem HARIO - JAPAN. Hario - Japan. Coffee COFFEE PLUNGER plunger - very good filter - VERY GOOD system with woven nylon FILTER SYSTEM WITH WOVEN NYLON 2004.366 B IT 2004.370 B 1990S CZECH 2004.371 B 1930S FR LA FRANCAISE PARIS. METAL PLUNGER FRANCE. NOTE THE PLUNGER FILTER. 1930S La Francaise - Paris. Metal plunger - France. Note the plunger filter. 1930s 2004.374 B 1930S ENG MELIOR ENGLAND. BRIT'. 1930S Melior - England. Brit'. The original patent was in Italy and this model came from England or was made in Italy and had the English agnet as maker. Several different models early - the problem of getting the plunger filter to seal against the wall was 2004.376 B 1990S JAPAN 2004.377 B 2004.378 B UK 1980S FR MELIOR PATENT. ITALY. MADE IN ITALY PLUNGER Melior patent. Italy. Made in Italy Has split sides which indicate the difficulty of makign this new invention work reliably. Eac of the early Melior pots has a different filter. Important in development of one of the world's favoured way of makign coff SIMAX. PLUNGER - Simax. Plunger - plastic PLASTIC FILTER filter with fine plasctic WITH FINE mesh - not very good. PLASCTIC MESH - Probably Czech. 1990s NOT VERY GOOD. PROBABLY CZECH. 1990S HARIO. SIBATA Hario. Sibata Hario Glass HARIO GLASS CO Co Ltd. Japan 1990s. LTD. JAPAN. Excellent filter made grit PLUNGER free coffee. Important in Asian and Japanese market. MELIOR.UK.BROKEN EARTHENWARE PLUNGER. Melior.UK.- broken earthenware plunger. INGENOR Ingenor plunger france PLUNGER FRANCE made from makrolon - MADE FROM heat resistant plastic MAKROLON - HEAT 1980s RESISTANT PLASTIC 2004.381 B 2004.383 B 2004.385 B 2004.386 SWISS BODUM SWIZERLAND. SIMPLE POT Bodum - Swizerland. WHITE PLASTIC PLUNGER NOVEL FILTER White plastic plunger SWISS BODUM, SWIZERLAND. PLUNGER Bodum, Swizerland. B IT MELIOR PATENT. 3 SMALL PLUNGERSITALY. IMPORTANT AS FIRST PLUNGERS Melior Patent. 3 small plungers- Italy. Important as first plungers 2004.388 B JAPAN 2004.389 B GER 2004.392 B USA 'BOONTONWARE' - 'Boontonware' - USA. USA. Corningware glass. Pat. CORNINGWARE Pending. Possibly the GLASS. PAT. only plunger made in the PENDING. US 2004.299 CP BAVARIA GERMANY BAUSCHER Bauscher Weiden, WEIDEN, BAVARIA Bavaria Germany. GERMANY. Pouring lip with channel. POURING LIP WITH CHANNEL. DOUTOR PLUNGER Doutor Coffee Co.Ltd. MADE IN JAPAN. Made in Japan. Very fine mesh BMF - PLUNGER WEST GERMANY. BMF -plunger West Germany. 2004.380 CP 1970S 2004.537 CUPS 2004.292 CUPS- TEA CHINA 2004.293 CUPS- TEA CHINA 2004.294 CUPS -TEA CHINA 2004.308 DE 1920 IT 2004.309 DE 1950/60S IT WHITE CERAMIC POT WITH INSULATING COVER White ceramic pot with insulating cover 1970s?? 2 INVALIDS COFFEE OR TEA CUPS USED IN HOSPITALS 2 Invalids coffee or tea cups used in hospitals so that people could drink from the spouts and not spill the drinks. PLASTIC TEAPOT Plastic teapot and six AND SIX CUPS ON cups on tray - chinese. TRAY - CHINESE Seems modern - no date TWO CLASSIC TEACUPS WITH FILTERING SAUCER TWO CLASSIC TEACUPS WITH FILTERING SAUCER. TWO TEACUPS two teacups - one with ONE WITH saucer and the other on SAUCER AND THE a stand OTHER ON A STAND VELOX ELEC ESPRESSO Velox - Rag.U. Malago Ferrara , Italy. Patented.3. This company was started in 1920 in Ferrara in Italy. It still exisrts today with modern machines not using pumps. This is an important early piece one of the first with a container external to the FEAR. 'LA PEPPINA' Fear. 'La Peppina' - Italy . - ITALY . Patented. A machine PATENTED. from the 1950s/60s - one of the first with a lever to pump the water through the coffee. The machine came in two versions. The handle contained the coffee and the water was pumped through. Important early 2004.310 DE 1960S 2004.311 DE AUSTRIA 2004.312 DE IT 2004.313 DE 2004.314 DE 2004.315 DE FR JEMA - PARIS .FRANCE DOMESTIC ESPRESSO Jema - Paris .France either prewar or just postwar Not very important 2004.316 DE FR JEMA - PARIS .FRANCE Jema - Paris .France either prewar or just postwar Not very important 1960S MICRON EXPRESS MICRON EXPRESS WITH WITH DOUBLE DOUBLE SPRING SPRING LOADED LOADED PUMP HANDLES PUMP HANDLES - a machine from the 1960s. An important example of domestic coffee making. IT 'NOCKIT' - MOKKA ESPRESSO. AUSTRIA. 'Nockit' - Mokka Espresso. Austria. Fab. No.03063-2. The little handle in the middle of the machine was the pump to force the hot water through the coffe. FAEMINA - ITALY . Faemina - Italy . Baby BABY FAEMINA Faemina Crema Caffe. CREMA CAFFE. The coffee was put in the WITH HANDLES contaiuner under the water holder and the handles pushed down. You though it was going to be an espresso coffee because of the handles but the coffee was not compressed and it was rea AMA MILANO DOMESTIC ESPRESSO MACHINE WITH STEAM - 1960S AMA Milano . Italy . App. No N/1158. Well constructed machine and popular. It had stainless filter and good steam. Evolutionary machine. LIECHTENSTEIN KARAT ESPRESSO Karat Espresso - LIECHTENSTEIN. Liechtenstein. Boiled the machine in the upper compartment. The little handle on the sie pumped the water through the coffee. 2004.317 DE 2004.318 DE 2004.319 DE 2004.320 DE 2004.321 DE 2004.323 DE 2004.324 DE 2004.325 DE IT 1930S 1920S SWISS Neowatt. BC. Milano Italy. One of many machines, NVI - not very important OG SWISS OG . Switzerland . The DOMESTIC end of machines with the MACHINE - 1930S external group. Not very important FR COFFEE MACHINE WITH PLASTIC HANDLE IT THE PREMIER . NO The Premier . No 152 . 152 . BY By Universal of Milan see UNIVERSAL OF Fumagalli p62 An early MILAN 1920S and popular model, Marginally important. IT 1930S NEOWATT. BC. MILANO ITALY. No marks.COFFEE machine with plastic handle Almost certainly French. Not very important. CAFFETTIERA 'STELLA' . FERRARA ITALY Caffettiera 'Stella' .Scarbi - Chiozzi & Co. Ferrara Italy METAL ELECTRIC RORE MAKER WITH FOURSPOUTS 'RORE'.Metal electric Rore maker with fourspouts. NVI FR NORMANDIE EXPRESS,PARIS, FRANCE. Normandie Express,Paris, France. Probably from the 1930s. FR OVAL SHAPED ESPORESSO - OVAL SHAPED esporesso probably French 2004.326 DE 1960S HUNGARY 2004.327 DE 1960S SWEDEN SWEDISH KAWA Swedish espresso ESPRESSO interesting locking INTERESTING handle. The handle was LOCKING HANDLE eccentric and as turmed 1960S it locked down the top0 compartment. The ratio of water to coffee was higher. There was possibly a filter on the spout. I believe it was made by Electrolux. 2004.328 DE 1960D SWEDEN SWEDISH KAWA Swedish espresso ESPRESSO interesting locking INTERESTING handle. The handle was LOCKING HANDLE. eccentric and as turmed 1960S it locked down the top0 compartment. The ratio of water to coffee was higher. There was possibly a filter on the spout. I believe it was made by Electrolux. 2004.329 DE 2004.330 DE 1970S IT 2004.331 DE 1950S IT 2004.332 DE 1910 SWEDEN HUNGARIAN ALUMINIUM ESPRESSO 1960S SWEDISH KAWA ESPRESSO WITH FILTER AND UNUUSAL LOCKDOWN HANDLE Hungarian aluminium espresso 1960s Swedish espresso interesting locking handle. The handle was eccentric and as turmed it locked down the top0 compartment. The ratio of water to coffee was higher. There was possibly a filter on the spout. I believe it was made by Electrolux. MOKITA ESPRESSO 'Mokita' - SRT . Fonderia WITH TWIST Ruffini Spa. Torino Italia. LOCKDOWN LID The lid was twisted on in lock position to seal the coffee chamber. 1970s Important - new style VELOX - POST WAR ESPRESSO MODEN STYLE ' Velox' - Rac.U. Ferrera Italy. 1950s EARLY BETA ESPRESSO ELECTRIC Early beta espresso electric note electric connections and lead very early - perhaps late 1910s. Important because of early appearance 2004.333 DE IT FARE - MILANO ITALY. VERY EARLY Fare - Milano Italy. The heating element was in the cup shaped base. This looks to be one of the first of its type. 2004.334 DE 1910S IT 'AQUILAS' 'Aquilas' - Fratelli Santini FRATELLI SANTINI , Ferrara Italy. Model WITH SPIRIT LAMP Adele. With spirit lamp possibly 1910s. This company made miners lamps. Italy used a lot of hydroelectric electricity after Mussonili's arrival but prior to that electricity must have been in shor 2004.335 DE 1917 IT 'AQUILAS' 'Aquilas' - Fratelli Santini FRATELLI SANTINI , Ferrara Italy. I am , FERRARA ITALY. poretty sure that there ESPRESSO WITH are advertisements for TUBE 1917 this machine from 1917. It was certainly one of the early espress machines. It was not electric. Fumagalli gives the date - end of the 1800s but I doubt i 2004.336 DE 2004.337 DE 2004.338 DE 2004.339 DE ESPRESSO ESPRESSO ELECTRIC ELECTRIC WITH WITH TUBE AND OUTER TUBE AND OUTER SURROUND HEATER SURROUND CIBA -SO.AC. 1920s or HEATER CIBA 1930s. The larger size SO.AC indicates the availability of more electricity. Important in a collectionshowing styles and advancement. 1960S HUNGARY IT 1920S HUNGARIAN ALUMINIUM ESPRESSO 1960S Hungarian aluminium espresso 1960s SELECT ESPRESSO Select Electric Co . Italy. -ELECTRIC WITH Di Postata - elec INTERNAL COFFEE espresso with coffee AND TUBE internal and tube. COFFEEELECTRIC OVAL ESPRESSO INT COFFEE, EXT TUBE 1920S Electric oval espresso int coffee, ext tube 1920s 2004.341 DE 1930S 2004.342 DE 1920S 2004.343 BLUE ELECTRIC Blue electric internal INTERNAL COFFEE, coffee, spout. No marks SPOUT one of the first uses of colour in an espresso machine that I can remember. Most were just metal. 1930s IT TURBICH B.T.D. - Turbich B.T.D. - patented PATENTED ITALY, Italy, Elec espresso ELEC ESPRESSO intcoffee/ext tube. See INTCOFFEE/EXT Fumagalli 1920s TUBE DE IT VERITAS - ITALY. Veritas - Italy. External EXTERNAL coff/ext double tube. I COFF/EXT DOUBLE associate these machine TUBE. with manufacture in Basque country. Important new style 2004.345 DE AUST 'BRAZILLA' 'Brazilla' - Australia. Pat. AUSTRALIA. PAT. Appl. No31478/57. Made APPL. NO31478/57 by Italian immigrants in TWO MODELS Australia. Important because very rare and there were only two espresso machines fully made in Australia and this is one of them. 2004.346 DE IT MONDIAL ESPRESS Mondial Espress Caffe CAFFE - ITALY. Italy. 42529 LARGE MOKA TYPE large Moka type 1970s. 1970S 2004.347 DE IT CAVALIER Cavalier Espresso - Italy. ESPRESSO - ITALY. Large Moka type LARGE MOKA TYPE 2004.348 DE IT PRIMA ESPRESSO OMG - Italy. Patent ROUND WITH Bialetti. Italian Design UNIQUE ROUND Gde. Gotzen Prima. This TOP INSERT 1970S machine had a top insert and no center spout -0 the brewed coffee came up around the upper cup. Very unique. Important design modification 1970S 1970S 2004.349 DE IT STOVETOP 'M' - logo .Italy Stovetop ESPRESS WITH espress with unusual UNUSUAL bayonnet lock. BAYONNET LOCK. 2004.350 DE IT ALPU - ITALY. S/STEEL ESPRESSO Alpu - Italy. S/steel espresso New metal techniques allowed the cheaper manufacture of stainless steel machines 2004.352 DE 1980S IT GB - ITALY. STAINLESS ESPRESSO GB - ITALY. STAINLESS ESPRESSO. The 1980s saw the beginning of a flood of stainless steel espresso pots. 2004.354 DE 1970S FR SEB COFFEE ESPRESSO POT FRANCE 1970S SEB - France. This pot was very sophisticated in manufacture and performance. The interma; filter was very high quality and there was an electric model as well. Important design improvements. 2004.356 DE IT CARLO GIANNINI . Carlo Giannini . Fibbi FIBBI PROJECT. Project. Italy. Flavio ITALY. FLAVIO Sambinelli - Design. SAMBINELLI Patent right. Has unique ESPRESSO whistle sleeve over flow STOVETOP tube and mneeting chimney in lid. 2004.357 DE IT ALFONSO Alfonso Bialetti & C. Italy. BIALETTI & C. - 'Brikka' model name. ITALY. - 'BRIKKA' Bailetti spa. Has flow ESPRESSO WITH head control on central CREMA TUBE tube to produce crema on the coffee. Very important development. 2004.358 DE IT ALPL - ITALY. MOKADOSE SYSTEM. WITH SPRING FILTER ALPL - Italy. Alpi by Press - Metal. Filter - Mokadose System. Brevettato Patented. Has spring filter base to tamp coffee down 2004.359 DE IT KOMMEC SRL ITALY . PLASTIC COFFEE DOSER Kommec Srl Italy . Plastic coffee doser 2004.360 DE 2004.361 1998 IT ESPRESSO MACHINE WITH CLEAR PLASTIC UPPER COMPARTMENT 1998 Made in Italy for J.D.Milner &Assoc. Australia. Coffeeespresso pot with clear plastic upper compartment. Higher grade plastuics which could withstand the heat of the coffee and the stove were becoming available. Very important for design. DE HUNGARY 'SEHEREZADE' VAS FEM SZOV. HUNGARY. MOKA WITH CERAMIC TOP 'Seherezade' - Vas Fem Szov. Hungary. The ceramic top was a way to keep the coffee away from alumium. Important deisgn mod. 2004.479 DE IT ITALY . DOUWE Italy . Douwe Egbert. EGBERT.CENTRIFUGALThis was an espresso ESPRESSO machine where the MACHINE water was forced through the coffee by centrifugal force. The pressure was too olow to make a true espresso but it made crema and was a simple machine.Very Important 2004.489 DE SWISS 'CUPPACINO' 'Cuppacino' - Swizerland SWIZERLAND . . Black & Decker. BLACK & DECKER. Espresso machine and ESPRESSO jug with milk frother MACHINE AND JUG WITH MILK FROTHER 2004.517 DE TAIWAN 2004.518 DE 1960S FR 2004.519 DE 1970S IT BREVILLE Breville -eelctric EELCTRIC Espresso ESPRESSO Cappuccino.machine CAPPUCCINO.MACHINE made in Taiwan D.T.F. SRL. 'SNIPE'. D.T.F. srl. 'Snipe'. French FRENCH MANUAL manul lever espresso LEVER ESPRESSO machine with good MACHINE spring handle and good group. 1960s BERGEM SPA. ITALTY. 'CARIMALINA'. Bergem Spa. Italty. 'Carimalina'. Domestic electric espresso machine with pump. From well known commercial company Carimali 1970s 2004.520 DE IT SAECO BOLOGNA, ITALY. SUPER AUTOMATIC ESPRESSO Saeco - Bologna, Italy. This was the first really popular and cheap fully automatic grind and brew machine. It had a simple replaceable plastic brewing chamber. Very popular worldwide sold over half million units. Very important machine 2004.521 DE 1980S IT 'BIG BAR' - ITALY. A DOMESTIC ESPRESSO 'Big Bar' - Italy. A domestic espresso machine designed to be easily repaired - the whole valve and electric assmbly was pulled out and replaced completely by another. !980s. There was a lot of uncertainty about the reliability of espresso machines at t 2004.522 DE 1980S IT 'BIG BAR' - ITALY. A DOMESTIC ESPRESSO 'Big Bar' - Italy. A domestic espresso machine designed to be easily repaired - the whole valve and electric assmbly was pulled out and replaced completely by another. !980s. There was a lot of uncertainty about the reliability of espresso machines at t 2004.523 DE 1980/90S CHINA BREVILLE Breville - 'Espresso 'ESPRESSO Cappuccino'. Made CAPPUCCINO'. China. Incorporated milk MADE CHINA. reservoir - very INCORPORATED unusual1980/90s MILK RESERVOIR Important VERY UNUSUAL1980/90S 2004.525 DE 1980/90S IT SUNBEAM . MADE Sunbeam . Made Italy. ITALY. DOMESTIC Domestic espresso made ESPRESSO MADE in Italy - neat design IN ITALY - NEAT 1980s/90s DESIGN 1980S/90S 2004.527 DE 1990S SWISS TURMIX SWITZERLAND. ELECTRIC ESPRESSO MACHINE. VERY WELL DESIGNED WITH GOOD TEMPERATURE CONTROL. Turmix - Switzerland. Electric espresso machine. Very well designed with good temperature control. 1990s 2004.528 DE SWISS TWO ITEMS SAME MODEL. BLACK & DECKER SWITZERLAND 'CUPPACINO'. two items same model. Black & Decker Swizerland 'Cuppacino'. 2004.529 DE GER MELITA GERMANY 'CAFÉ CAPPUCCINO' WITH TRAINING /OPERATIONAL VIDEO. Melita - Germany 'Café Cappuccino' - with training /operational video. 2004.340 E 2004.355 FIL USA STRONG - LITE . LOOKS AMERICAN. 2 PART FILTER. Strong - Lite . Looks American. 2 part filter. 2004.364 FIL GER METAL POT WITH INTERNAL FILTER Essen Metal Works Germany. 2004.365 FIL FR 2004.367 FIL 1917 IT 'AQUILAS' 'Aquilas' - Fratelli Santini FRATELLI SANTINI , Ferrara Italy. I am , FERRARA ITALY. poretty sure that there are advertisements for this machine from 1917. It was certainly one of the early espress machines. It was not electric. Fumagalli gives the date - end of the 1800s but I doubt i AG PARISCHROME Chrome metal coffee METAL COFFEE filter pot - internal filter. FILTER POT AG Paris INTERNAL FILTER UNUSUAL DRIP FILTER WITH NO HANDLE Unusual drip filter with no handle - drip coffee, remove filter and drink??? 2004.373 FIL 1923 USA 2004.379 FIL 1900 HOLLAND 2004.387 FIL 2004.441 FIL 1970S 2004.442 FIL 1980S 2004.443 FIL 2004.444 FIL FR HOLLAND / SWISS SALAM - USA. PAT. Salam - USA. Pat. - US - US 25-9-1923. 25-9-1923. Simple SIMPLE dripolator with holes to DRIPOLATOR control flow. Widely used WITH HOLES TO in France in various CONTROL FLOW. models. ENAMEL DRIPOLATOR POT This enamel pot has no marks - the age is possibly around 1900 and possibly from Holland where eneamelware was very popular. Very unusual. Most enamel became chipped and was thrown out. Important because of material DURALEX FILTER MB - Metal Blanc. Glass ON CUP - LARGE Duralex , France. The HOLE large hole was to put the sugar in and sti it with the spoon while the coffee was still filtering. Very unusual - rare. Important. THREE PLASTIC FILTERS FOR COFFEE 1. Filtropa - Holland. 2. Melita - Switzerland. 1970s MELITA MAKROLON COFFEE FILTERS 1X6 Melita makrolon coffee filters 1x6 198os 4 PLASTIC COFFEE 4 plastic coffee filters FILTERS - ONE one with on/off. Various WITH ON/OFF. plastics. Important for VARIOUS evolution PLASTICS. IMPORTANMT FOFR EVOLUTION GER THREE PLASTIC FILTERS - ONE FOR VACUUM FLASK, ONE EDUSCHO (GERMAN) Three plastic filters - one for vacuum flask, one eduscho (German) 2004.445 FIL 1930S SWISS THREE ORIGIANL MELITTA PORCELAIN FILTERS - 1930S. Melita Swizerland. Schnell - Filter nr - 2. Brevette Suisse - no 167505. Deutsches Reichs Patent.Very important in the history of coffee in Europe Changed the way coffee was made with later developments - Most filter coffee in the world is based on thes 2004.446 FIL 1940S GER 3 PORCELAIN COFFEE FILTERS POST WAR. 1-2. Melita. 3. Azumi. 4. Arzberg - Germany. 3 PORCELAIN COFFEE FILTERS - POST WAR. 2004.447 FIL 1960S GER MELITTA 103 Melita - Schnell Filter no FILTER WITH POT - 103. Deutches Reichs 12-15 CUPS Patent.Melitta 103 filter 1960S with pot - 12-15 cups 1960s 2004.448 FIL 1782 GER 1782 Two Hamburger filters needed filter paper or cloth filter otherwise coffee would fall through. I have never found a mention of the filter material.They were called in German Hamburger Spitztrichter. The Jacobs Museum in Zuich has on dating from 1782 2004.449 FIL GER TWO COFFEE FILTERS AND A MELITTA TEA FILTER Two coffee filters - round one from Holland and a postwar Melitta tea filter with rod to block flow. 2004.450 FIL GER ENAMEL HAMBURGER SPITZTRICHTER AND TWO ALU FILTERS Enamel Hamburger Spitztrichter and two alu filters 2004.451 FIL FR 2 FILTERS FROM FRENCH DRIP POTS 2 filters from French drip pots 2004.452 FIL BELGIUM 2004.453 FIL 1950/70S 2004.454 FIL 1950S 2004.455 FIL SIMPLE ALUMINIUM CUP FILTERS Simple aluminium cup filters 2004.456 FIL 3 SINGLE CUP FILTERS 3 single cup filters 2004.457 FIL 1. SELECTA FRANCE. ANOTHER CUP FILTER PLUS LARGE FILTER 1. Selecta - France. Another cup filter plus large filter 2004.458 FIL 1950S GER COFFEE 1. MELITA. 1. Melita. Aluminium ALUMINIUM filter 102 plus two other FILTER 102 PLUS alu pot filters Post war TWO OTHER ALU aluminium was cheapt POT FILTERS and before plastics took over the market place. 1950s 2004.459 FIL 1970S USA 1. 'BREW-A-CUP. 1. 'Brew-a-Cup. USA., USA., MELITTA Melitta makrolon and MAKROLON AND another plastic cup filter ANOTHER PLASTIC 1970s Quite important in CUP FILTER 1970S evolutionary terms GER 1.PERCO. 2. DURO-BAR. 2 SINGLE CUP FILTERS. DUROBOR WAS A BELGIAN COMPANY. 1.Perco. 2. Dur-o-bar. 2 single cup filters. Durobor was a Belgian company. MELITA Melita - Germany - 4 cup GERMANY - 4 CUP filters 1950s-1970 FILTERS 1950S1970 1. SALAM. AND 2 1. Salam. And 2 others OTHERS - SINGLE single cup filters 1950s CUP FILTERS 1950S FR 2004.461 FIL JAPAN / HOLLAND THREE PLASTIC FILTERS. FOR COFFEE 1. Tajmi Pottery Co Japan. 2. Douwe Egbert Holland. 3. Nil. The plastic red filter is Japanese and extremely light weight. 2004.462 FIL HOLLAND / / GER/ SWISS 1. DOUWE EGBERT 2.MELITA. 3.SWISS GOLD. COFFEE FILTERS 1. Douwe Egbert 2.Melita. 3.Swiss Gold. 2004.463 FIL COFFEEBLACK & DECKER - 'EASY BREW' ELECTRIC FILTER MACHINE Black & Decker - 'Easy Brew' electric filter machine 2004.465 FIL FR MOULINEX 'SOLEA'. FRANCE. ELECTRIC FILTER MAKER Moulinex - 'Solea'. France. Electric filter maker 2004.466 FIL USA 2004.467 FIL 2004.468 FIL 'MR COFFEE' . 'Mr Coffee' . North NORTH AMERICAN American Systems. Inc. SYSTEMS. INC. US pat. No - 3.693.535 This was the most popular American coffee makers and changed the way Americans drank coffee. Very important to US BLACK & DECKER - Black & Decker - 'Brew'BREW-N-GO'. n-Go'. Single cup brewer SINGLE CUP BREWER SWISS BONECO. THE Boneco. The Boneco BONECO BRAND brand was made in WAS MADE IN Switzerland and was very SWITZERLAND 4 poipular - it incorporated CUP a stainless steel woven mesh filter embedded in the base. Very IMPORTANT 2004.469 FIL SWISS 2004.470 FIL DENMARK 'AROMATIC' DENMARK. ELEC FILTER MACHINE 'Aromatic' - Denmark. Elec filter machine Used a heat sensitive valve in the base - when the water boiled in the top section which filtered through to the container Impoortant - unusual action 2004.471 FIL CHINA SINGLE CUP FILTERS FROM CHINA 2 single cup filters from China 2004.474 FIL GER BRAUN GERMANY. ELEC DRIPOLATOR SWING FILTER AND STRENGHT SELECTOR Braun - Germany. Elec dripolator - swing filter and strenght selector Important development 2004.484 FIL GER MELITA Melita - Germany electric GERMANY drip filter Distributed by ELECTRIC DRIP Breville. FILTER DISTRIBUTED BY BREVILLE. 2004.485 FIL DENMARK DENMARK - O & N Denmark - O & N Electric ELECTRIC A/S. A/S. 'Aromatic'. Water 'AROMATIC'. ELEC boiled in top and fell DRIPOLATOR when boiled over coffee filter in jug. 1980s 2004.486 FIL GER GENERAL General Electric - West ELECTRIC - WEST Germany. Early electric GERMANY. EARLY filter machine One of the ELECTRIC FILTER first machines made by a MACHINE big electrical company 1980S BONECO. THE Boneco. The Boneco BONECO BRAND brand was made in WAS MADE IN Switzerland and was very SWITZERLAND 8 poipular - it incorporated CUP a stainless steel woven mesh filter embedded in the base. Very IMPORTANT This is the large model 2004.488 FIL GER KENWOOD - WEST Kenwood - West GERMANY. EARLY Germany. Early electric ELECTRIC DRIP drip filter machine FILTER MACHINE 2004.490 FIL CHINA CHINA . 'COFFEE China . 'Coffee Cassette' CASSETTE' . . Black & Decker. Eelctric BLACK & DECKER. dripolator EELCTRIC DRIPOLATOR 2004.498 FIL 1936 USA CHEMEX - USA. PYREX GLASS. CONICAL FILTER FROM 1936 Chemex - USA. Pyrex glass. US pat. 2.441.340 made by a German immigrant 'schlumberger'??? In the 1930s - became very popular and attracted lots of followers who swore by it. The Tricolator used a flat filter so this was probably the first coniil filter 2004.499 FIL 1936 USA CHEMEX - USA. PYREX GLASS. CONICAL FILTER FROM 1936 Chemex .USA. Pyrex glass. US 2.441.340 CHEMEX USA. PYREX GLASS. CONICAL FILTER FROM 1936. The filter appaer is thicker than normal paper and extends the brewing time a little Better flavour ??? 2004.500 FIL 1936 USA CHEMEX - USA. PYREX GLASS. CONICAL FILTER Chemex .USA. Pyrex glass. US 2.441.340 CHEMEX USA. PYREX GLASS. CONICAL FILTER FROM 1936. The filter appaer is thicker than normal paper and extends the brewing time a little Better flavour ??? 2004.516 FIL 2004.524 FIL 1990 JAPAN HARIO , JAPAN. Hario , Japan. 'Bloom'. 'BLOOM'. GLASS Glass filter pot with cloth FILTER POT WITH filter CLOTH FILTER JAPAN GENERAL ELECTRIC DRIPOLATOR'COFFEE CASSETTE'. MADE JAPAN. 1990A General Electric dripolator- 'Coffee Cassette'. Made Japan. 2004.533 FIL USA TRICOLATOR AND 1. Tricolator - Filtrator COFFEE MITE Co. USA. 2. 'Coffee Mite' PAPER Acromar Manufacturing Co. USA. The coffee mite papers go with the maker in the next item 536 2004.534 FIL USA COFFEE MITE, coffee mite USA, TEBRYGG DANISH Tebrygg Danish tea filter TEA FILTER AND and swiss gold coffee SWISS GOLD filter. Coffee mite was COFFEE FILTER designed to look like a space probe lifting off. 1970s 2004.482 FIL - NB AUST SUNBEAM Sunbeam - Australia. AUSTRALIA. MADE Made a lot of coffee A LOT OF COFFEE used a bimetal strip - USED A BIMETAL valve to open and let the STRIP VALVE boiled water fall through onto the coffee. A good innovation which kept breaking down. Very important 2004.393 G ENG 2004.394 G 2004.395 G 1850S 2004.396 G 1900 2004.397 G 1970S A.K & SONS. GRINDER IN THE SHAPE OF THE ALBERT HALL IN LONDON. A.K & Sons. Grinder in the shape of the Albert Hall in London. Rare important for shape. WOODEN GRINDER wooden grinder - no marks THE CLARK & CO The Clark & Co Improved IMPROVED Coffee Mill. 1850s? Metal COFFEE MILL. m ill for attaching to wall. 1850S? METAL M ILL FOR ATTACHING TO WALL. TIN PLATE tin plate grinder for wall GRINDER FOR mounting - 1900 WALL MOUNTING 1900 FR PATENTED FRENCH METAL GRINDER PATENTED FRENCH METAL GRINDER 2004.398 G 1905 USA 'UNIVERSAL' COFFEE MILL. USA. 1905 'Universal' Coffee Mill. USA. 1905 2004.399 G 1850S 2004.400 G IT AT BREVETTI . ITALY. PATENTED ITALIAN GRINDER AT Brevetti . Italy. Patented italian grinder 2004.401 G IT AT BREVETTI . ITALY. METAL CYLINDRICAL GRINDER AT Brevetti . Italy. Metal cylindrical grinder 2004.402 G SWISS SOFRACA TURMIX. Sofraca Turmix. Turmix SPINNING BLADE was a Swiss brand so this GRINDER was probably a Swiss product 2004.403 G AUSTRIA ANNE - VIENNA. Anne - Vienna. Austria. AUSTRIA. Cylinder coffee grinder. CYLINDER COFFEE GRINDER. 2004.404 G RUSSIA 2004.405 G FR TURNED WOODEN turned wooden grinder GRINDER - EARLY early 1850s 1850S METAL CAST GRINDER WITH ENAMLE COATING AND 4 SCENES FROM RUSSIA Metal cast grinder with enamle coating and 4 scenes from Russia Kofemoka is the brand WQOODEN Wqooden coffee grinder COFFEE GRINDER - - looks like early French LOOKS LIKE EARLY FRENCH 2004.406 G 2004.407 G 2004.409 G ENG 2004.410 G JAPAN 2004.411 G IT 2004.413 G 1920S 2004.414 G 1980S 2004.415 G 1840S FR SALAM - FRANCE. Salam - France. Metal METAL CYLINDER cylinder grinder with GRINDER WITH collapsible handle./ COLLAPSIBLE Salam made coffee pots HANDLE as well. ENG A.KENRICK & A.Kenrick & Sons. SONS. ENGLAND. England. Early metal EARLY METAL coffee grinder from mid COFFEE GRINDER 1800s FROM MID 1800S GER EARLY METAL GRINDER ENGLAND England - crown logo.early metal grinder England 'CANISTERMILL' 'Canistermill' - Hario HARIO .JAPAN. - .Japan. - grinder on glass GRINDER ON canister to preserve GLASS CANISTER aromatics. TO PRESERVE AROMATICS. B.G. - ITALY. WOODEN GRINDER WITH SWING LID B.G. - Italy. Wooden grinder with swing lid MS . JAVA. MS . Java. Germany. Wall GERMANY. WALL grinder. 1920s GRINDER. 1920S PHILLIPS - 'DIAL-A- Phillips - 'Dial-a- Bean'. BEAN'. PLASTIC Plastic grinder electric GRINDER 1980s ELECTRIC - 1980S GER KRUPS. GERMANY. Krups. Germany. KM200 KM200 DOMESTIC Domestic electric grinder ELECTRIC - for dispensing into GRINDER - FOR espresso machines DISPENSING INTO ESPRESSO MACHINES 2004.416 G AUSTRIA 'MOKKAFFEE' 'Mokkaffee' GEHART,SPEZ,WERK. Gehart,Spez,Werk. AUSTRIA. Austria. Patented PATENTED 2004.417 G 1900S ENG 2004.418 G 1900S FR AS. FRENCH WALL COFFEE GRINDER AS. French wall coffee grinder 2004.419 G GER GERMANY PERCO. WALL COFFEE GRINDER Germany - Perco. Wall coffee grinder 2004.420 G IT ROUND GRINDER round grinder Italy . Logo ITALY . LOGO - three crossed swords. THREE CROSSED Tre Spade brand SWORDS. TRE SPADE BRAND 2004.421 G FR ELECTRIC WALL Electric wall mounted MOUNTED COFFEE coffee grinder The motor GRINDER was the same as used in the windscreen wipers for the Citroen or Renault car. 2004.422 G 2004.423 G 'RAPIDE NO 2 ' - 'Rapide no 2 ' - Beatrice , BEATRICE , England. Table model ENGLAND. TABLE grinder - red - early MODEL GRINDER 1900s RED - EARLY 1900S 'H.T.' WALL MOLUNTED COFFEE GRINDER - ENG 'H.T.' Wall molunted coffee grinder - simple unit 'BEATRICE' NO 2 'Beatrice' no 2 ,England. ,ENGLAND. . R'd no 537362. Classic CLASSIC ENGLISH English table mounted TABLE MOUNTED grinder GRINDER 2004.424 G 1930S FR PARIS RHONE. FRENCH. MAYBE 1930S Paris Rhone. French. Maybe 1930s 2004.425 G 1950S FR PARIS RHONE . FRANCE. ELECTRIC GRINDER 1950S Paris Rhone . France. Electric grinder 1950s 2004.426 G 1905 USA 2004.427 G FR SEV. ELECTRIC FRENCH WALL MOUNTED COFFEE GRINDER SEV. Electric French wall mounted coffee grinder the motor used was as in the windscreen wiper of Renault or Citroen cars. Important 2004.428 G SWEDEN M.BERGSTROM . ADAK . SWEDEN. RED HAND GRINDER M.Bergstrom . ADAK . Sweden. Red hand grinder 2004.429 G JAPAN 2004.430 G 2004.432 G GER 'UNIVERSAL' . 'Universal' . - Landers LANDERS FRARY & Frary & Clark. USA. Pat . CLARK. USA. PAT . Feb' 14 - 1905. N Table FEB' 14 - 1905. N mounted grinder TABLE MOUNTED GRINDER PHILLIPS ' DIAL- A- Phillips ' Dial- a- Bean' BEAN' Japan. JAPAN.ELECTRIC GRINDER HAND GRINDER hand grinder MS . JAVA . GERMANY. WALL COFFEE GRINDER MS . Java . - Germany. Wall coffee grinder 2004.434 G JAPAN PHILLIPS . HA2760 Phillips . HA2760 - early - EARLY SPINNING spinning blade grinder BLADE GRINDER 1960S? 2004.435 G EUROPEAN ORIGIN 2004.436 G EUROPEAN ORIGIN 11 SETS OF 11 sets of grinder blades GRINDER BLADES - different styles DIFFERENT STYLES commercial shop grinders. This is a unique collection - I do not know of another one anywhere. Very important 2004.433 G -NO GO TAI 'OLDE THOMPSON 'Olde Thompson Coffee COFFEE MILL' Mill' - Taiwan. Plastic TAIWAN. PLASTIC grinder - didn't work GRINDER - DIDN'T WORK 2004.531 KIDS - NB FR 2004.530 KIDS -NB 1970S GER 2004.322 MILK 1970S IT MILK FROTHER 1970S Milk frother . Italy. 2004.362 MILK IT FRABOSK - ITALY. MILK FROTHER Frabosk - Italy. Milk frother. Operated with up and down motion to make bubbles. This was not the froth from an espresso machine where the steam created the froth. HAND GRINDER EUROPEAN BERCHET. FRANCE. 'CAFETIERE AUTOMATIQUE'. CHILDRENS PLAY SET FOR COFFEE hand grinder - European Berchet. France. 'Cafetiere Automatique'. Childrens play set for coffee MELITA - 'FOR Melita - 'For little LITTLE housewives'. Germany. A HOUSEWIVES'. ceramic children's set for GERMANY. A play. A very important CERAMIC part of the program to CHILDREN'S SET get German children FOR PLAY. used toi the Melitta brand name. 1970s 2004.473 MILK BREVILLE FROTHIE C Aust'. Pat'. - FOR FROTHING App.52911/86 Breville MILK Frothie - for frothing milk 2004.491 MILK 2004.532 MILK 2004.538 MINIS 2004.437 MISC 2004.464 MISC SUNBEAM Sunbeam - 'Hotshot'. For 'HOTSHOT'. FOR boiling one cup water for BOILING ONE CUP instant coffee WATER FOR INSTANT COFFEE 2004.487 MISC BIRKO . REG. NO .- Birko . Reg. No .- 75883. 75883. ELECTRIC Electric jug for instant JUG FOR INSTANT coffee COFFEE BREVILLE 'FROTHIE'. FOR FROTHING MILK DENMARK 1900 AUST Breville - 'Frothie'. For frothing milk FORTHING DEVICE 1. Bie ssa spa. AND DANISH 'Cremafacile'. A frothing FILTER HOLDER device and 2.Len'n Form. A holder for a plastic filter opver the jug from Denmark MINIATURE COFFEE ITEMS FOR DISPLAY Miniature coffee items for display OLD AUSTRALIAN COFFEE CANISTER - WITH TOWN HALL SYDNEY OLD AUSTRALIAN COFFEE CANISTER WITH TOWN HALL SYDNEY 1900s 2004.535 MISC SELF HEATING two packs of Baritalia AND COOLING packs - hot with grappa, PACKS OF DRINKS 1 cold coffee. And a Nescafe self heating. Plus a pack of russian ground coffee. The first three were very important showing atempots to widen the amrket with drinks that could heat up or coll down. MOST IM 2004.536 MISC BELGIUM 2004.539 MISC IT /USA ESPRESSO FILTER AND PLASTIC MICROWAVE COFFEE HOLDER 1. Italy - GV International. Espresso filter 2.USA - Tops Mfg.Co inc.microwave single cup filter 3. Two glass pot watchers Most rare and important. 2004.540 MISC JAPAN/ USA COFFEE SPOONS AND TEABAG SQUEEZE spoons - Japan/USA. Tea squeeze - England. With cloth bag 2004.541 MISC FOUR SAMPLES OF Four samples of portion PORTION control pod CONTROL form COFFEE.IN POD FORM 2004.542 MISC PACKAGED PRODUCTS. PACKAGED COFFEE PLUS ONE TEA BREWER PACK Packaged products. Packaged coffee plus one tea brewer pack 2004.543 MISC MIXED PARTS INCLUDING ONE BOILER mixed parts including one boiler BRABANTIA. Brabantia. Belgium. Filter BELGIUM. FILTER paper holder and PAPER HOLDER dispenser AND DISPENSER 2004.439 MISC - T 1960S 2004.301 MISC - TEA 2004.438 MISC- C 2004.440 MISC -T 2004.296 MISC -TEA 2004.300 MISC -TEA GER MELITTA ,GERMANY. TEA GRINDER. Melita ,Germany. Tea grinder. To use finely groiund tea with filter paper 2004.305 MISC -TEA JAPAN 2 JAPANESE TEA TINS RED AND GREEN 2 JAPANESE TEA TINS RED AND GREEN 2004.306 MISC -TEA HOLLAND & DENMARK FILTROPA TEA FILTER FROM HOLLAND AND TEBRYGG FROM DENMARK TEABAG HOLDERS Filtropa tea filter from Holland and Tebrygg from Denmark teabag holders ENG 1900 CADDY-MATIC TEA DISPENSER 1960S Caddy - Matic . Tea dispenseer 1960s CORNISH TEA CADDY WITH DONKEY DECORATION Clovelly on side - a seaside memoir COFFEE SCOOP COFFEE SCOOP FROM FROM SHOP SHOP - HANDMADE HANDMADE BRASS BRASS AND WOOD 1900 AND WOOD AUST TOLEDO BERKEL - Toledo Berkel - Australia. AUSTRALIA. ' MC ' Mc Lean Automatic Tea LEAN AUTOMATIC Dispenser'. Fro TEA DISPENSER'. commercial use VARIOUS DEVICES various devices used in USED IN MAKING making tea including a TEA INCLUDING A metal strainer on a stand METAL STRAINER ON A STAND 2004.307 MISC -TEA MIXED TEABAGS AND TEAFILTERS Mixed teabags and teafilters 2004.353 NAP ILSA ALUMINIUM NAPOLETANA MODERN MASS MANUFACTURE ILSA ALUMINIUM NAPOLETANA - MODERN MASS MANUFACTURE. 2004.368 NAP NAPOLETANA IN OVAL SHAPE PARIS AG - Paris.NAPOLETANA IN OVAL SHAPE - PARIS Most of this type were on a stand with a burner underneath. Often called the Russian. 2004.382 PER ALUMINIUM PERCOLATOR CHEAP DOMESTIC MODEL. Aluminium percolator cheap domestic model. 2004.384 PER ENG NCO LTD. STRATFORD, ENGLAND. ALU PERCOLATOR NCO Ltd. Stratford, England. Sona Chrome pyrex glass in lid 2004.391 PER AUST 'POLY BREW' GENERAL ELECTRIC AUSTRALIA. 'Poly Brew' -General Electric Australia. One of the early plastic percolators. 2004.475 PER USA SUNBEAM - 'BREW POT'. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR Sunbeam - 'Brew Pot'. Electric percolator 2004.476 PER USA PERMANENT.USA .' Permanent.USA .' Jet - O JET - O - MATIC'. - Matic'. US pat. nos ELECTRIC 2720154 / 171202 / PERCOLATOR 2784678 / 2835190. IFR 2004.480 PER 1960S 2004.483 PER JAPAN SIBATA HARIO GLASS CO LTD. JAPAN. GLASS PERCOLATOR STOVETOP Sibata Hario Glass Co Ltd. Japan. Glass percolator stovetop 2004.492 PER AUST 'CAFÉ MAJIC' SUNBEAM. AUSTRALIA. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR 'Café Majic' - Sunbeam. Australia. Electric percolator 2004.493 PER NZ WESTINGHOUSE NEW ZEALAND. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR, Westinghouse - New Zealand. Electric percolator, The wide opening meant a wide and shallow coffee basket and shorter contact time of water with the coffee. 2004.494 PER ENG SWAN BRAND BULPITT & SONS LTD.ENGLAND. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR 1950S/60S Swan Brand - Bulpitt & Sons Ltd.England. Electric percolator 1950s/60s 2004.495 PER USA DAVID DOUGLAS . FLAME PROOF.STOVE TOP PERCOLATOR USA David Douglas . Flame Proof.stove top percolator USA 2004.286 TEA TEAPOTS WITH PATTERNS AND BAMBOO HANDLES Two teapots with patterns - very typical 2004.287 TEA CHINESE TEAPOT WITH BABY ELEPHANT SHAPE Not especially interesting. A moderrn shaped teapot 1950/60S AUST CHINESE HECLA . Hecla . Australia.electric AUSTRALIA.ELECTRIC percolator 1960s PERCOLATOR 1960S 2004.288 TEA CHINA BRASS TEAPOT A brass teapoot is unusual for Chinese tea. 2004.289 TEA CHINA TEAPOT WITH METAL DESIGN CADOGAN A chinese teapot with a metal design - quite unusual 2004.290 TEA TEAPOT WITH DESIGN BLUE/WHITE TEAPOT WITH DESIGN blue/white. Modern 2004.291 TEA CHIINA CHINESE TEAPOT CHINESE TEAPOT WITH WITH DRAGON'S DRAGON'S HEAD AND HEAD AND TONGUE. The tongie pos TONGUE out with the steam pressure. 2004.295 TEA TAIWAN THREE SETS OF THREE SETS OF BAMBOO BAMBOO TOOLS TOOLS FOR MAKING TEA FOR MAKING TEA - - TAIWANESE. Modern TAIWANESE 2004.297 TEA 2004.298 TEA GER 2004.302 TEA ENG BODUM. BUSHELL BLUE LABEL - ON SIDE OF POT. Bodum. Bushell Blue Label - on side of pot. BMF ,WEST GERMANY. 'TEA PRIMO' . BMF ,West Germany. 'Tea Primo' . RUSSELL HOBBS , Russell Hobbs , England . ENGLAND . Electric 'Tea Maker'. ELECTRIC 'TEA 1954 MAKER'. 1954 2004.303 TEA ENG RUSSELL HOBBS , Russell Hobbs , England . ENGLAND . Electric 'Tea Maker'. ELECTRIC 'TEA 1954 MAKER'. 1954 2004.351 TR 1970S CHINA FRANZUS 'BROOKSTONE' CAR COFFEE MAKER. CHINA. Franzus - 'Brookstone' car coffee maker.made in China. 1970s 2004.369 TR - CP 1960S GER CAR POT GERMANY 1960S CAR POT GERMANY 1960S Important for collection 2004.390 TR - CP 1970S GER MELITTA THERMOS CAN 1970S Melitta thermos can 1970s 2004.481 TR - CP CHINA AUTO COFFEE MAKER - CHINA. PLASTIC Auto Coffee Maker China. 2004.477 TR - PER ENG 2004.478 TR - PER HK CAR COFFEE MAKER Made Hong Kong. UK reg'd. design no 999644. Car coffee maker 2004.304 TR - TEA JAPAN FUKAI CO, JAPAN. 'MINI POT'. CAR HEATER TEAPOT fukai Co, Japan. 'Mini Pot'. Car heater teapot 'ROOM SERVICE' . England. Traveller CAR PERCOLATOR International Products. ' INTERNAL SWISS Room Service' . Car GOLD FILTER percolator Internal Swiss gold filter 2004.372 TR- FIL 2004.472 TR -FIL 2004.412 TUR 2004.431 TUR 2004.496 VAC 1950/60S AUST CROWN AUSTRALIA. 1950S/60S VACULATOR Crown - Australia. Crown was a company in Australia - ACI which later joined up with Corning to make Crown Corning. This was a vaculator. 1950s.60s 2004.497 VAC 1920S ENG CONA NO 2 , ENGLAND. VACULATOR 1920S Cona no 2 , England. Vaculator 1920s 2004.502 VAC USA PYREX Pyrex. USA. Pat. No VACULATOR WITH 2032317 on rubber CLOTH FILTER collar. There mare many different vaculators and they all differ aroiund the way the filter works with cloth, without cloth etc. This one has a cloth filter 2004.503 VAC ENG CONA. BASE FOR Cona. Base for vaculator VACULATOR TAIWAN B & SONS. TRAVELERS DRIPOLATOR CHROMED B & Sons. Travelers dripolator - chromed AUTO - SIS - CO. TAIWAN. CAR COFFEE MAKER Auto - Sis - Co. Taiwan. Car coffee maker EARLY TURKISH Early Turkish coffee COFFEE GRINDER grinder in steel. The IN STEEL. THE most common metal was MOST COMMON brass. METAL WAS BRASS. AUSTRIA JOS .MATAUSCHEK Jos .Matauschek . Wien . . WIEN . VIENNA. Vienna. Matauschek was MATAUSCHEK a large store in Vienna WAS A LARGE these Turkish grinders STORE IN VIENNA were probably made - TURKISH specially for them. GRINDERS 2004.504 VAC ENG CONA.ENGLAND. INCOMPLETE Cona.England. Incomplete 2004.505 VAC AUST CROWN , AUSTRALIA. VACULATOR Crown , Australia. Vaculator 2004.506 VAC ENG CONA , ENGLAND. Cona , England. Reg no REG NO - 337117. 337117. Electric ELECTRIC vaculator table model c VACULATOR and d TABLE MODEL C AND D 2004.507 VAC ENG CONA , ENGLAND. TABLE MODEL DELUX . SIZE NO 111. REG 337117. 2004.508 VAC USA ABCO METAL ABCO Metal Products PRODUCTS INC. Inc. American vaculator AMERICAN with internal glass filter VACULATOR WITH INTERNAL GLASS FILTER 2004.509 VAC 2004.510 VAC STAND AND UPPER GLAS BOWL FOR VACULATOR Cona , England. Table model Delux . Size no 111. Reg - 337117. Stand and upper glas bowl for vaculator PYREX Pyrex vaculator with wire VACULATOR WITH stand and spirit burner WIRE STAND AND SPIRIT BURNER 2004.511 VAC JAPAN 2004.512 VAC SWISS 2004.513 VAC 2004.514 VAC 2004.515 VAC 2004.526 2004.729 ENG BODUM SWITZERLAND. VACULATOR Bodum - Switzerland. Vaculator RICA . DES.APP. 24178 CONA MACHINE Rica . - 24178 Cona machine CONA , ENGLAND. Cona , England. Reg no REG NO - 337117. 337117. Vaculator VACULATOR standard model CORY .POT FROM Cory .pot from vaculator VACULATOR IT FIL REV 'MINIPHON' . 'Miniphon' . Sibata Hario SIBATA HARIO Glass Co Ltd. Vaculator GLASS CO LTD. with nylon mesh filter. VACULATOR WITH The Japanese were NYLON MESH entranced with the Cona FILTER method of making coffee and had classses to show people how to make coffee. IT SATEM SNC. Satem snc. Italy. 'Super ITALY. 'SUPER Quick' espresso. Pat QUICK' ESPRESSO. More Quickmill was a QUICKMILL. company which was the first company to have a domestic espresso with a pump and the seconad. The quality of its products was very good. This machine had a serpentine boiler - one of the J.G.& CIE. CAFETERIE MONNET - LYON. THE MONNET REVERSIBLE FILTER WAS INVENTED IN FRANCE. J.G.& Cie. Cafeterie Monnet - Lyon. The Monnet reversible filter was invented in France. Very important - early and popular machine. 2004.708 PER GRAETZER 2- 1920S SWISS /GER GRAETZER ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR Graetzer - electric percolator - I thin k this was a Swiss brand but could have been German. Shows the spread of percolators through Europe. 1920s 2004.547 AI 1880S FR FRANCE. VIENNA TYPE ESPRESSO ON STAND WITH FLAME - QUALITY INSIDES1880S France. Vienna type espresso on stand with flame - quality insides1880s 2004.548 AI LARGE SILVER METAL REISS ESPRESSO ON SWING STAND GOOD QUALITY. IMPORTANT. Large silver metal Reiss espresso on swing stand - good quality. Important. 2004.554 AI DENMARK O & N - DENMARK. ELECTRIC TRIPLICATE O & N - Denmark. Electric triplicate 2004.568 AI SWEDEN KAWA - SWEDEN. Kawa - Sweden. Without WITHOUT SPOUT spout 2004.687 AT IT ATOMIC Atomic - Brevette BREVETTE Robbiati .Milano Italy. ROBBIATI .MILANO One of the first models. ITALY. ONE OF No steamer. This THE FIRST machine captured the MODELS. NO puiblic imagination - it STEAMER. was difficult to use because it required just the right ggrind size. 1956 The prices for all the Atomics are very high. 2004.688 AT 1956 IT ATOMIC BREVETTE ROBBIATI . MILANO ITALY. LATER MODEL WITH STEAMER Atomic - Brevette Robbiati . Milano Italy. Later model with steamer 2004.605 B 1980/90S DENMARK BODUM PLUNGERDENMARK. Bodum plungerDenmark.Bodum seemed to have a policy to release lots of colours and sell them at high and low prices. Probably the most succesful plunger pot company in 1980s and 1990s 2004.740 B 1934 ENG MELIOR ENGLAND. BRIT. PAT.308993/395548. PLUNGER Melior - England. Brit. Pat.- 308993/395548. All the Melior patents were based on the original Italian patents of 1934 but various changes were made as each model appears with a problem. 2004.742 B 1980S GER GERMAN PLASTIC German plastic plunger PLUNGER WITH with plastic compressing PLASTIC slits to contact wall of COMPRESSING plunger. 1980s. SLITS TO CONTACT WALL OF PLUNGER. 1980S. 2004.666 CE 1948 IT GAGGIA - MILANO. Gaggia - Milano. First FIRST LEVER lever espresso by Gaggia ESPRESSO BY - no spring 1848 - 1948. GAGGIA - NO No patent marks. Note SPRING 1948 same model as in item 672. This was an incredible item because Gaggia obviously did not understand that the important thing he invented was the use of powe 2004.680 CE GER WMF GAS WMF POWERED Wurrtemburgischen ESPRESO Maschinen Fabrik - gas MACHINE FOR powered espreso SMALL OUTLETS - machine for small outlets NOT DOMESTIC. - not domestic. Very important and popular in Germany 2004.763 CHOC FR 2004.600 CP 1800S LIMOGES FRANCE. CHOCOLATE POT. Limoges - France. Chocolate pot. You can always tell a chocolate pot by the wooden stirrer in the hole in the lid. Unusual piece - difficult to find. PEWTER COFFEE POT - TALL CYLINDRICAL SHAPE 1800S Pewter coffee pot - tall cylindrical shape 1800s 2004.603 CP 2004.604 CP 2004.610 ENG 1980S ROYAL DOULTON Royal Doulton coffee pot COFFEE POT WITH with lid device- England. LID DEVICEENGLAND. JAPAN JAPANESE.WHITE HEAT RESISTAND AND FIRE RESISTANT COFFEE POT 1980S Japanese.white heat resistand and fire resistant coffee pot 1980s CP IT AMA -MILANO. ITALY. BELONGS WITH PREVIOUS ITEM AMA -Milano. Italy. Belongs with previous item 593 2004.614 CP FR FRENCH COFFEE POT French coffee pot 2004.721 CP 1954 2004.732 CP 1800S 2004.734 CP 1790 2004.746 CP 1910 ENG RUSSELL HOBBS Russell Hobbs AUTOMATIC Automatic Coffee Pot. COFFEE POT. PATS Pats pend. 1954. See PEND. 1954. SEE Teasmade docs for date. TEASMADE DOCS FOR DATE. PEWTER COFFEE Pewter coffee pot. 1800s POT. 1800S simple pot SIMPLE POT JCZ 1790. M SIMPLE PEWTER POT. USA JCZ 1790. M simple pewter pot. COFFEE POT Coffee pot - two spouts TWO SPOUTS one coffee, one hot ONE COFFEE, ONE marks. Pat no HOT MILK.NO 942. USA Most unusual. MARKS. PAT NO 1910s 942. USA 2004.748 CP 1886 ENG JAMES DIXON & SONS. ENGLAND. ROYLES PATENT SELF POURING.COFFEE POT PAT NO 6327 - 1886. James Dixon & Sons. England. Royles patent self pouring. Pat no 6327 - 1886. Thius is the coffee pot version of the teapot - it is much taller and not so rounded. Very Very Rare - never seen another 2004.549 DE 1990S IT 2004.550 DE 1980S IT GAGGIA SPA MILANO. ITALIA. 'GAGGIA DANDY'. ELCTRIC PUMP ESPRESSO 2004.560 DE IT SANTA FLAVIA Santa Flavia INTERNATIONAL International Spa. Italy SPA. ITALY FULLY This was a fully AUTOMATIC automatic grind and ESPRESSO brew espresso machine MACHINE 1990 very electronic - the coffee was dosed using an electronis timer, the grind could be changed electronically - the screw piston pressing the coffee was cont 2004.569 DE IT ITALY - STOVETOP Italy - stovetop espresso ESPRESSO WITH with unusual bayonnet UNUSUAL fitting and knob on BAYONNET internal flow pipe FITTING AND KNOB ON INTERNAL FLOW PIPE 2004.596 DE AUSTRIA BIRO & COMP. Biro & Comp. Vienna VIENNA - AUSTRIA. Austria. No. 40488. Early NO. 40488. EARLY cylinder espresso with CYLINDER tube ESPRESSO WITH TUBE 2004.606 DE IT GAGGIA - MILANO. Gaggia - Milano. Italy. ITALY. DOMESTIC Domestic pump espresso PUMP ESPRESSO 1990s 1990S IRMEL - ITALY. 'NOVA EXPRESS'. WITH UNUSUAL TWIN SPOUT INSIDE TOP. IMPORTANT Gaggia spa - Milano. Italia. 'Gaggia Dandy'. Elctric pump espresso 1980s important Irmel - Italy. 'Nova Express'. With unusual twin spout inside top. Important 2004.608 DE FR SEB ESPRESSO STOVETOP. FRANCE. SEB espresso stovetop. France. Modelle Depose Serie G6 DI. Marks on unusual internal filter device - 'Joint Bassin No 13.6.DI'. Very well made - different. Important 2004.667 DE IT 2004.668 DE IT A. RADAELLI MILANO. MILANO. 'CAFFOMATIC'. 1960S 2004.669 DE IT ARRAREX MILANO. Arrarex Milano. 'Caravel'. 'CARAVEL'. ITALY. Italy. Spring lever SPRING LEVER espresso machine ESPRESSO MACHINE 2004.670 DE 1970S IT CONTI DIFUBAR Conti Difubar - Italy. ITALY. 'Comocaffe' - De Conti. 'COMOCAFFE' - DE L;arge electric lever CONTI. L;ARGE spring espresso machine ELECTRIC LEVER 1970s Conto was a SPRING ESPRESSO French compay obviously MACHINE 1970S selling a machine made in Italy 2004.672 DE 1948 IT GAGGIA - MILANO. Gaggia - Milano. First FIRST LEVER lever espresso by Gaggia ESPRESSO BY - no spring 1848 - 1948. GAGGIA - NO No patent marks. Note SPRING same model as in item 672. This was an incredible item because Gaggia obviously did not understand that the important thing he invented was the use of powe 2004.673 DE IT LA CIMBALI La Cimbali 'MICROCIMBALI'. 'Microcimbali'. Italy. Note ITALY. - same model as in item 673. Has a spring in the handle. One of the better electric lever domestic machines. VERY IMPORTANT LA CIMBALI La Cimbali 'MICROCIMBALI'. 'Microcimbali'. Italy. Note ITALY. - same model as in item 673. Has a spring in the handle. One of the better electric lever domestic machines. VERY IMPORTANT A. Radaelli - Milano. Milano. 'Caffomatic'. 1960s Beautifully designed spring lever espresso machine VERY IMPORTANT 2004.674 DE VESUBIO . Vesubio . Calandra & Co. CALANDRA & CO. ' ' Signor Cappuccino'. SIGNOR Interesting valve on CAPPUCCINO'. steam arm and coffee INTERESTING outlet VALVE ON STEAM ARM AND COFFEE OUTLET 2004.675 DE IT SIMAC - ITALY. 'CAFFE SIMAC'. ELCTRIC PUMP MACHINE WITH STEAMER. Simac - Italy. 'Caffe Simac'. Elctric pump machine with steamer. 2004.677 DE GER KRUPS ESPRESSO. ELEC PUMP MACHINE Krups Espresso. Elec pump machine 2004.678 DE IT GAGGIA - 'GRAN GAGGIA'. ELEC ESPRESSO PUMP MACHINE Gaggia - 'Gran Gaggia'. Elec espresso pump machine 2004.679 DE IT OMRE - ITALIA. OMRE - Italia. Quickmill. QUICKMILL. Patented. Very important PATENTED. FIRST machine. This was the ELEC PUMP first machine with a MACHINE pump bit it operated with hot water and the pump broke down. Very important historically and very rare. 2004.681 DE FR FEMOKA - FRANCE. Femoka - France. 'La 'LA FEMOKA'. Femoka'. The factory for DOMESTIC this machine is still in ELECTRIC Paris - making and ESPRESSO repairing machines. They MACHINE made a large range of machines with dials, pressure gauges and other knobs. Important 2004.689 DE IT SICADI - MILANO Sicadi - Milano Italy. Gas ITALY. GAS bottle espresso machine BOTTLE ESPRESSO - very rare. For use MACHINE - VERY camping or in the RARE. standat the stadium. 2004.699 DE GER BAVARIA , Bavaria , Germany. GERMANY. Ceramic domestic CERAMIC espresso machine - most DOMESTIC unusual to find a ceramic ESPRESSO espresso pot - the MACHINE - MOST oressure could explde UNUSUAL the pot. It was considered that metals made bad coffee. Rare andd important. 2004.700 DE 2004.702 DE ITI ALPU . ITALY Alpu . Italy 'Puppy 'PUPPY EXPRESS'. Express'. Moka pot with MOKA POT WITH ceramic upper part. This CERAMIC UPPER was an attempt to keep PART. the coffee away from the alumium and in a clean surface. 2004.705 DE FR P.ARNOUD INV. FRANCE. 'COMPRIMA' - LA CAFETIERE DES CAFÉ GILBERT. PUMP HANDLE ESPRESSO 2004.733 DE 1884 2004.749 DE 1880S AUSTRIA JM . AUSTRIA . COMFORT CAFÉ MASCHINE. REISS TYPE ESPRESSO MACHINE IN A STAND 1880S JM . Austria . Comfort Café Maschine. Reiss type espresso machine in a stand 1880s 2004.757 DE 1878 GER WMF - GERMANY. AN EICKE ESPRESSO MACHINE INVENTED 1878. THIS MODEL IS LATER. WMF - Germany. An Eicke espresso machine invented 1878. This model is later. GIRMI EPEC ESPRESSO LONG POOT - THE ELEMENT WAS IN THE BOILER COMPARTMENT GIRMI epec espresso long poot - the element was in the boiler compartment. Pat's 2818 / 2816 / 2817 / 24949. P.Arnoud Inv. France. 'Comprima' - La Cafetiere Des Café Gilbert. This was a pumping espresso machine. The word comprima suggests to compress the coffee and then pump the water through using the handle as the pump. Most unusual and important HOLTERHOFF SEE Schutzmarke. D.R.P. P. 76 OF COFFEE Holterhoff see p. 76 of FLOATS. Coffee Floats. This is ESPRESSO surely one of the most MACHINE WITH unusual inventions of all VARIABLE CUPS time with much ingenuity. The internal tube has holes in it which corresponded to holes on the outer part of the tube to control the leve 2004.762 DE IT 2004.676 DE - E GER 2004.684 DE - L SWISS 2004.690 DE - L IT 'RORE'. ITALY. PRETTY MACHINE TO MAKE FOUR CUPS LONG STYLE. 2004.693 DE - L IT ITALY . EIRAR Italy . Eirar .Patentardo .PATENTARDO S23 S23 - Marca Registrada. - MARCA Electric long espresso REGISTRADA. machine Very early,k ELECTRIC LONG very important. ESPRESSO MACHINE 2004.694 DE - L 2004.697 DE - L 1930S IT IT BORLETTI & Chimici - F.W.Natalini PEZZI. ITALY. .Pesaro. Brevetto ALARM ESPRESSO A.Ardovino. Orologeria - AMAZING PIECE - Borletti & Pezzi. Italy. Alarm espresso amazing piece - only one other is rumored to exist. Most rare. Spectacular. MELITA GERMANY. 'CAFÉ CAPPUCCINO'. DOMESTIC ESPRESSO MACHINE Melita - Germany. 'Café Cappuccino'. Domestic espresso machine F. STAUFFER & CO. F. Stauffer & Co. Luzern.Switzerland. LUZERN.SWITZERLAND. 'Subica'. Pat.- Ang. Well 'SUBICA'. PAT.designed long espresso ANG. WELL machine DESIGNED LONG ESPRESSO MACHINE RORE . ITALY .1930S ELECTRIC LONG ESPRESSO MACHINE 'Rore'. Italy. Pretty machine to make four cups long style. Rore . Italy .1930s electric long espresso machine 'MINIBAR' - VELOX 'Minibar' - Velox ,Ferrara ,FERRARA . ITALY. . Italy. Patent. Long elec PATENT. LONG espresso machine ELEC ESPRESSO MACHINE 2004.703 DE - NB 2004.691 DE -E 2004.695 DE- L 2004.682 1838 ALEXANDRE LEBRUN.PARIS FRANCE. 1838. FIRST ESPRESSO MACHINE. Alexandre Lebrun.Paris France. 1838. This was the first working espresso machine in the world. There are other patents a few years earlier but this machine exists and none of the others have ever been seen. In this sense it is a most important piece. I h 'VEGLIA' - ON CLOCK FACE. ELECTRICALLY OPERATED BY ALARM CLOCK ESPRESSO MACHINE. Italy . No makers marks . 'Veglia' - on clock face. Electrically operated by alarm clock espresso machine. IT STELLA .LONG ESPRESSO MACHINE 'STELLA' . Brev. Tamburrini . Sgarbi Chiozzi & Co.Italy. No 475560 - 576016 .long espresso machine DE -L IT VITORIA ARDUINO - TORINO.ITALY. REG NO - 708771 ELECTRIC LONG ESPRESSO MACHINE. Vitoria Arduino Torino.Italy. Reg no 708771 electric long espresso machine. IMPORTANT 2004.683 DE -L GER 2004.686 DE -L CZECH 2004.692 DE -L 1910 FR IT FN.LONG FN.long espresso ESPRESSO machine with handle MACHINE WITH outlet underneath - very HANDLE OUTLET common among German UNDERNEATH espresso machines. Made after WW2 CHRANEN ZAKONEM. NAPKA C-36635. CZECH LONG ESPRESSO MACHINE Chranen Zakonem. Napka C-36635. Czech long espresso machine LEOPOLD Leopold Giussani - Milano GIUSSANI , Italy. Early electric long MILANO , ITALY. espresso machine 1910s EARLY ELECTRIC VERY IMPORTANT LONG ESPRESSO MACHINE 1910S VERY IMPORTANT 2004.696 DE -L IT 2004.698 DE -ST GER 2004.704 DE-L 1891 FR STANDARD. CAFETIERE AUTOMATIQUE. POUGET - FRANCE LONG ELECTRIC ESPRESSO Standard. Cafetiere Automatique. POUGET Btee _ FCE. France long electric espresso. This was the electric version of the KIRMAIR invented in the 1891 - see Coffee Floats p.71. An important invention 2004.544 FIL 1973/79 USA 'THE BOSS' .USA. FILTER POT WITH CLOTH INSERT BELOW RIM PAT JUNE 11 '73/JULY8 '79. 'The Boss' .USA. Filter pot with cloth insert below rim Pat - June 11 '73/July8 '79. Important early US patent 2004.551 FIL GER MELITA AUTOMAT Melita Automat domestic DOMESTIC electric filter machine. ELECTRIC FILTER 'Super Plus 10' . MACHINE. 'SUPER Germany. PLUS 10' . GERMANY 2004.552 FIL 2004.553 FIL 2004.555 FIL 1990S 1980S STELLA ELEC LONG ESPRESSO MACHINE 'Stella' - Sgarbi - Chiozzi & Co. Italy . Brev. Tamburrini - no 475560 elec long espresso machine GB - ITALY. SMALL GB - Italy. Small stovetop STOVETOP TWO two cup s/steel espresso CUP S/STEEL machine. Important. ESPRESSO MACHINE. IMPORTANT. HOLLAND HOLLAND. PHILLIPS 'COMFORT PLUS'. 1990S Holland. Phillips 'Comfort Plus'. 1990s GER ROWENTA DOMESTIC ELECTRIC FILTER MACHINE WITH THERMOS JUG W.GERMANY. Rowenta - domestic electric filter machine with thermos jug W.Germany. JAPAN TOSHIBA ,- 'MY Toshiba ,- 'My Café'. With CAFÉ'. WITH combined mill and brew COMBINED MILL in the same machien AND BREW IN THE very unusual Japan SAME MACHIEN 1980s VERY UNUSUAL JAPAN 1980S 2004.563 FIL JAP HARIO - JAPAN. 'COFFEE BOX'. THERMOS FILTER COFFEE BREWER Hario - Japan. 'Coffee Box'. Thermos filter coffee brewer 2004.564 FIL HK MELITA - HONG KONG. MELITA/BREVILLE. FANCY DESIGN ELEC DRIP FILTER MACHINE Melita - Hong kong. Melita/Breville. Fancy design elec drip filter machine 2004.565 FIL FR SEB. FRANCE. 2 SEB. France. 2 elec ELEC GRINDERS grinders with filters WITH FILTERS underneath - the coffee UNDERNEATH LIKE was flung centrifugally TECHNIVORM through different size filters. Invented and made by Technivorm 2004.566 FIL USA CHEMEX Chemex Corporation. CORPORATION. USA.with plastic collar, USA.WITH PLASTIC not wood COLLAR, NOT WOOD 2004.572 FIL 2004.575 FIL CANADA 2004.583 FIL HK KAMBROOK 'BREW TWO' . HONG KONG. COPYT OF PHILLIPS MAKER Kambrook - 'Brew Two' . Hong kong. Copyt of Phillips maker 2004.597 FIL FR SFAMLIK. A FRENCH DRIPOLATOR WITH PLASTIC HANDLES 1930S Sfamlik. A French dripolator with plastic handles 1930s 1970S 1930S GER MELITA . SINGLE CUP FILTER WITH ROUND PAPER 1970S Melita . Single cup filter with round paper 1970s CANADA -. Canada -. 'Nissan'. Plastic 'NISSAN'. PLASTIC filter for thermos FILTER FOR THERMOS 2004.630 FIL HOLLAND / DENMARK/ GER THREE COFFEE 1.Filtropa polystyreneFILTERS filter Holland. 2.Denmark POLYSTYRENE, polypropylene 3.Melita POLYPROPYLENE, 101 Germany.aluminium ALUMIINIUM 2004.632 FIL USA 2004.633 FIL 2004.635 FIL TAIWAN TWO TAIWANESE COFFEE FILTERS FOR ONE CUP twoTaiwanese coffee filters for one cup 2004.636 FIL GER 1. BRAZIL - ASTRA. 2.GERMAN. 3.QUALITY MESH. THREE DIFFERENT FILTERS OF PLASTIC 1. Brazil - Astra. 2.German. 3.Quality mesh. Three different filters of plastic 2004.638 FIL GER / SWISS SWISS AND GERMAN POT FILTERS OF PLASTIC 1.Fency - Germany. Plastic filter with very fine mesh 2.PlastonBonita,Switzerland.with fine stainless mesh. Important 2004.639 FIL GER MELITA Melita - Germany. Filtro GERMANY. FILTRO Aroma. Makrolon filter - AROMA. MAKROLON FILTER 2004.640 FIL GER FOUR FILTER DEVICES. MOSTLY EX GERMANY 1. T - MOS.INC. USA. 'COFFEE CADDY'. 2. NO MARKS - PAT'S PEND. PLASTIC ONE CUP FILTERS 1. T - USA. 'Coffee Caddy'. 2. No marks - pat's pend. Plastic one cup filters 13 NYLON AND 13 nylon and metal mesh METAL MESH coffee fillters COFFEE FILTERS Four filter devices. Mostly ex Germany 2004.725 FIL 1870S GER 2004.728 FIL 2004.730 FIL 1900S 2004.731 FIL 1830S 2004.735 FIL 2004.737 FIL 1850S EUROPEAN ORIGIN 2004.743 FIL 1960S IT 2004.747 FIL 1900 ENG E.BERSTEIN. GERMANY. FILTER MAKER WITH MILK WARMER JUG ON TOP. PROBABLY 1870S. E.Berstein. Germany. Filter maker with milk warmer jug on top. Probably 1870s. Very important. A.C. - NOUBLE . A.C. - Nouble . Chatelain. CHATELAIN. THIS This is identical to the de LOOKS LIKE THE Belloy pot around 1800 DE BELLOY POT but is certainly much OF 1800 BUT IS later. Very unusual. See CERTAINLY MUCH coffee floats p. 65 LATER. HOLLAND LION LOGO.FILTER Lion logo.filter enamel ENAMEL MACHINE machine - very unusual - VERY UNUSUAL to find in enamel. Very TO FIND IN likely from Holland ENAMEL. 1900s. J M. CERAMIC FILTER POT WITH WATER SPREADER FROM 1830S. J M. Ceramic filter pot with water spreader from 1830s. Very importany. TACU. CO TACU. Co Aluminuim. ALUMINUIM. 'Wear- Ever'. USA filter 'WEAR- EVER'. USA pot Deep internal filter FILTER POT from USA COPPER FILTER Copper filter with WITH INTERNAL internal filter basket. FILTER BASKET. Right angles handle. RIGHT ANGLES Early 1850s European? HANDLE. EARLY 1850S EUROPEAN? ITALY. NO MARKS. Italy. No marks. Pumping PUMPING pressure filter - 1960's. PRESSURE FILTER Most amazing coffee - 1960'S. makers . The top was a concertina and pumped the water through the coffee. JAMES DIXON & SONS. ENGLAND. POT WITH CLOTH FILTER 1900A James Dixon & Sons. England. Pot with cloth filter 1900a 2004.751 FIL 1958 2004.752 FIL 1944 2004.753 FIL 1960S 2004.755 FIL 2004.779 FIL 2004.556 FIL - NB GER WIGOMATIC 100 DE LUXE. GERMANY. ELECTRIC FILTER MACHINE. 1958 Wigomatic 100 De Luxe. Germany. Electric filter machine. This was the machine manufactured in 1958 after the invention in 1944 by Willi Brandl of his machine. This was the machine that set the world off on a new track of making coffee. In this sense it i THE BRANDL ELECTRIC FILTER MACHINE 1944 THE FIRST EVER ELECTRIC FILTER MACHINE. The Brandl electric filter machine 1944 - the first ever electric filter machine. Most rare and very important GER BLAUKNECHT. GERMANY. ELECTRIC FILTER MACHINE - 1960S. VERY EARLY MACHINE - VERY IMPORTANT. Blauknecht. Germany. Electric filter machine 1960s. Very early machine - very important. 1968 GER KRUPS. GERMANY. Krups. Germany. TYP TYP 266 A BRANDL 266 A Brandl invention INVENTION Arbella p. 176 Coffee ARBELLA P. 176 Floats was the inspiration COFFEE FLOATS for one of the best inventions ever - it was a filter machine operating at very low pressure and the water temperature must have been just at boiling. The flavour 1900S FR HOLLAND TWO COFFEE FILTERS - ONE WITH CLOTH FOR SITTING IN FRENCH DRIP POTS. 1900S Two coffee filters - one with cloth for sitting in French drip pots. 1900s TECHNIVORM BV. Technivorm BV. Holland. HOLLAND. THE The first approved FIRST APPROVED machine by the MACHINE BY THE Norwegian coffee NORWEGIAN bureau. Correct COFFEE BUREAU. temperatuire, correct time. The best. Very important. See coffee floats 2004.557 FIL - NB GER KRUPS GERMANY. Krups Germany. Kaffe KAFFE AUTOMAT Automat T8. There are T8. ELEC FILTER two models of this MACHINE AT 100C machine patented by Will Brandl - see Coffee Floats. This was a very special brewer making filtered coffee at 100C under little pressure. It was the only machine in a new category of filter co 2004.576 FIL - NB 1980S AUST BELAROMA Belaroma - 'True Brew' . 'TRUE BREW' . Australia. 1980s 1,2,3 AUSTRALIA. 1980S cup filter using stainless 1,2,3 CUP FILTER steel mesh from USING STAINLESS Makrolon. Invented by STEEL MESH FROM Ian Bersten MAKROLON 2004.561 G 1980S IT ELECTRIC DOMESTIC GRINDER ITALY.1980S Electric domestic grinder - Italy.1980s It was always difficult to get the motor stron enough to grind very fine for a really fine espresso grind. 2004.562 G 1970S IT AT - ITALY. COMBINED DOMESTIC CHEESE AND COFFEE GRINDER 1970S AT - Italy. Combined domestic cheese and coffee grinder 1970s 2004.615 G EURPOE BRASS WALL GRINDER EUROPE. AMERICAN WALL GRINDERS HAD GLASS SIZE CONTAINERS UNDERNEATH. Brass wall grinder Europe. American wall grinders had glass size containers underneath. 2004.616 G USA USA - 'ARCADE 25'.MISSING GLASS USA - 'Arcade 25'.missing glass 2004.617 G ENG BEATRICE ENGLAND. 'RAPIDE NO1'. TABLE ATTACHED GRINDER Beatrice - England. 'Rapide no1'. Table attached grinder 2004.618 G FR COUGAUX & CO. Cougaux & co. France FRANCE WOODEN wooden grinder - early. GRINDER - EARLY. Drawer missing but DRAWER MISSING somewhere. BUT SOMEWHERE. 2004.619 G GER GERMANY. HAND GRINDER Germany. Hand grinder 2004.620 G USA USA . SUN MFG. CO. NO 6. WALL EARLY USA . Sun Mfg. Co. No 6. Wall early 2004.622 G GER 'MOKKA' LEINBROCKS JDEAL. FROM EASTERN GERMANY 'Mokka' - Leinbrocks Jdeal. From eastern Germany 2004.623 G USA USA - 'ARCADE 25'. WALL GRINDER MISSING GLASS USA - 'Arcade 25'. Wall grinder missing glass 2004.624 G GER RZ. SMALL METAL RZ. Small metal grinder GRINDER missing hopper German MISSING HOPPER GERMAN 2004.625 G USA USA. WOODEN GRINDER WITH ADJUSTMENT SCREW ON TOP. VERY INTERESTING. IMPORTANT USA. Wooden grinder with adjustment screw on top. Very interesting. IMPORTANT 2004.626 G TAIWAN TAIWAN. PLASTIC BODY GRINDER NOT VERY GOOD. Taiwan. Plastic body grinder - not very good. The Taiwanese grinder had cast grinders and not cut - not very sharp 2004.627 G IT PB. ITALY. METAL BODY REMOVABLE CONTAINER DIFFEREENT. INTERESTING 2004.628 G IT PB. ITALY. METAL A.Kendrick & BODY REMOVABLE Son.England. No 2. CONTAINER Patent Coffee Mill.very DIFFEREENT. early coffee grinder INTERESTING from 1820s I think. Very important. 2004.629 G USA USA . ARCADE USA . Arcade 'CRYSTAL'.METAL 'Crystal'.metal wall WALL GRINDER grinder brass upper bowl BRASS UPPER BOWL 2004.643 G EUROPEAN ORIGIN 2004.659 G USA 2004.660 G 2004.661 G 2004.662 G 1900S USA SPAIN THREE SETS OF MIXED GRINDER BLADES. VERY IMPORTANT PB. Italy. Metal body removable container differeent. Interesting Three sets of mixed grinder blades. Very important USA. ENTERPRISE USA. Enterprise Mfg. Co. MFG. CO. . TABLE . Table mounted coffee MOUNTED COFFEE grinder GRINDER FRIARY LANDERS & CLARK. USA. WALL MOUNTED COFFEE GRINDER 1900S Friary Landers & Clark. USA. Wall mounted coffee grinder 1900s METAL GRINDER WITH DRAWER metal grinder with drawer ELMA. WAS A SPANISH BRAND FROM THE BASQUE COUNTRY. THIS WAS LARGE DOMESTIC GRINDER. Elma. Was a spanish brand from the Basque country. This was large domestic grinder. 2004.663 G FR THIS IS A MOST INTERSTING GRINDER - IT HAS HANDLE AND A WHEEL WITH A SMALL GROOVE IN IT This is a most intersting grinder - it has handle and a wheel with a small groove in it for belt from electric motor. A flat belt would in steam power. Most important. French origin. 2004.764 G 1950/60S IT JACKER - MILANO. TIPO - ITALY. EARLY ELECTRIC ESPRESSO DOMESTIC GRINDER 1950/60S Jacker - Milano. Tipo Italy. Early electric espresso domestic grinder 1950/60s 2004.765 G 1952 FR PEUGEOT FRERES. Peugeot Freres. France. FRANCE. LION Lion model electric blade MODEL ELECTRIC 1952. See Coffee Floats BLADE 1952. SEE p.237 one of the first COFFEE FLOATS P.237 ONE OF THE FIRST 2004.766 G 1950S GER AEG. ELECTRIC AEG. Electric wall grinder WALL GRINDER 1950s probably Germany 1950S PROBABLY GERMANY 2004.767 G 1950S GER AEG. ELECTRIC AEG. Electric wall grinder WALL GRINDER 1950s probably Germany 1950S PROBABLY GERMANY 2004.768 G 1950S LIZ. EARLY ELECTRIC BALDE GRINDER 1950S LIZ. Early electric balde grinder 1950s 2004.769 G 1777 NO MAKERS MARKS. DATE 1777 -ON REAR. WOODEN GRINDER. no makers marks. Date 1777 -on rear. Wooden grinder. 2004.770 G 1810/20 AM. ALL IRON GRINDER GERMAN 18101820 AM. All iron grinder German 1810-1820 GER 2004.771 G 1750 2004.772 G 1800S 2004.558 WOODEN FRENCH GRINDER WITH STEEL INSERTS TO ACT AS CUTTERS. FROM 1750 ON Wooden French grinder with steel inserts to act as cutters. From 1750 on - these grinders were only capable of grinding coarse coffee. Very important. NORWAY WOODEN ROLLER Wooden roller grinder GRINDER - THESE these were popular in WERE POPULAR IN Norway and nothern NORWAY AND Europe where metal was NOTHERN EUROPE virtually unknown fro 1800S grinders. They were made by artisans in the country side. 1800s LE IT GAGGIA - ITALY. Gaggia - Italy. 'Fantastico 'FANTASTICO Coffeecappuccino'. Long COFFEECAPPUCCINO'. espresso without pump LONG ESPRESSO WITHOUT PUMP 2004.567 LE IT VELOX ,FERRARA. Velox ,Ferrara. Italy. Elec ITALY. ELEC LONG long espresso machine ESPRESSO MACHINE 2004.587 LE 2004.591 LE 2004.671 LE 2004.570 MILK 1980S LE CALANDRA & CO. ELECTRIC LONG ESPRESSO MACHINE AND FROTHER 1980S Calandra & Co. Electric long espresso machine and frother 1980s IT AMA MILANO.ELEC LONG ESPRESSO MACHINE WITH VARIABLE FILTERS.AND STEAM. IMPORTANT. AMA - Milano.elec long espresso machine with variable filters.and steam. Important. See 612 forjug IT AMA - MILANO. AMA - Milano. Long LONG ESPRESSO espresso machine - Jug is MACHINE - JUG IS in another lot. IN ANOTHER LOT. MR CUPPACINO ELEC MILK FROTHER WITH AERATOR CONTROL Mr Cuppacino elec milk frother with aerator control 2004.602 MISC JAPAN HARIO .JAPAN. GLASS POT Hario .Japan. Glass pot 2004.612 MISC IT CELLOCA - IL DOMANI D'ITALIA ENAMEL SIGN MACCHINA AMER Celloca - il domani d'Italia - enamel sign macchina AMER 2004.613 MISC HAWAII / JAP / AUST UCC COFFEE 1. Superior Coffee & DRINK AND Foods, Hawai. 2. UCC BUSHELLS COFFEE Japan.3. Bushells Coffee AND CHICORY and Chicory- Australia. 2004.778 MISC GER JAR OF QISHR AND 1. Jar of dried coffeeCUP HOLDER cherry flesh QISHR. GERMAN -MOST 2.Calypso - Germany. US INTERESTING pat no - 4.747.489 - cup holder on sand to stay level on moving surfacevery interesting and unusual. 2004.642 MISC - GER 1. INOX STRAINER 1. Inox strainer one ONE UNDER POT under pot protector with PROTECTOR WITH attachment to keep on ATTACHMENT TO pot. Germany. KEEP ON POT. GERMANY. 2004.641 MISC - C HOLLAND HOLLAND. Holland. Candle warmer CANDLE WARMER for coffee jug FOR COFFEE JUG 2004.574 MISC C TIN AUST ANCHOR COFFEE Anchor coffee and AND CHICORY. chicory. Australia. AUSTRALIA. G.Wood & Co Ltd. Coffee G.WOOD & CO tin LTD. COFFEE TIN 2004.573 MISC T TIN ENG TOWER TEA LTD. Tower Tea Ltd. London. LONDON. TIN OF Tin of tea full and sealed TEA FULL AND from 1900 SEALED FROM 1900 1900 2004.545 PER ENG GEC - ENGLAND. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR GEC - England. Electric percolator 2004.585 PER AUST LANGCO 'COFFEEMATIC' .AUSTRALIA. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR langco - 'Coffeematic' .Australia. Electric percolator 2004.586 PER 1960S GER 2004.588 PER 1980S AUST 2004.589 PER USA PYREX - USA. PAT. NO. - 2204158 CORNING WARE GLASS PERCOLATOR Pyrex - USA. Pat. No. 2204158 Corning ware glass percolator on aluminuim filter basket with glass sides - this is the first of the type. Very important. Over 600,000 of these were made. 2004.590 PER ENG SWAN BRAND. BULPIT & SONS LTD. ENGLAND. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR Swan Brand. Bulpit & Sons Ltd. England. Electric percolator 2004.592 PER ENG SWAN BRAND. ENGLAND. SIMPLE ALU PERCOLATOR Swan Brand. England. Simple alu percolator 2004.594 PER USA EMPIRE - USA. THE Empire - USA. The METALWARE Metalware Corp.'Empire CORP.'EMPIRE Supreme'. Made by a SUPREME'. company with a long ELECTRIC history of coffee PERCOLATOR percolators ROWENTA.ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR 1960S GERMANY Rowenta.electric percolator - 1960s Germany WESTINGHOUSE . Westinghouse . Australia. AUSTRALIA. Electric percolator wide ELECTRIC mouth - wide filter PERCOLATOR basket 1980s WIDE MOUTH WIDE FILTER BASKET 1980S 2004.595 PER AUST BIRKO ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR AUSTRALIAN Birko Australia.Birko Electric Pty Ltd. Victoria. 'Poach - N - Perk'. Reg No.- 35426. Elec percolator 2004.607 PER 1970 2004.665 PER 1906 USA MANNING BOWMAN & CO. 'METEOR'. PAT FEB.6 - 1906 Manning Bowman & Co. 'Meteor'. Pat - Feb.6 1906 This is one of the very first electric Percolators ever made with the element incorporated into the body of the percolator.VERY IMPORTANT The pumping stem was firmly attached to the base. 2004.706 PER 1909 GER LANDERS FRARY & CLARK . USA. 'UNIVERSAL NO 6' .PAT FEB. 25 1909. Landers Frary & Clark . USA. 'Universal no 6' .Pat Feb. 25 - 1909. DRGM 271098. There were many models from LFC and this is a famous one. This onme has the registered German number. It was copied in Russia prior to the Revolution. 2004.711 PER 2004.713 PER 1970S AUST SUNBEAM , AUSTRALIA. COFFEEMASTER PERCOLATOR. 1970S Sunbeam , Australia. Coffeemaster Percolator. Pat's no - 250.309 . Reg' no - 47.077. 2004.714 PER 1980S USA COFFEE Gemco , USA. Plastic and glass stovetop percolator 1980s CORNING Corning Ware.percolator WARE.PERCOLATORmade from heatresistant MADE FROM material. Very popular HEATRESISTANT material. 1970s MATERIAL. VERY POPULAR MATERIAL. 1970S USA GENERAL General Electric Co. USA. ELECTRIC CO. Type - L21. Very early USA. TYPE - L21. electric percolator VERY EARLY ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR 2004.715 PER 1924 USA ROBESON ROCHESTER CORP. USA. 'ROYAL ROCHESTER'. NO 11.PAT - AUG.12 1924. Robeson Rochester Corp. USA. 'Royal Rochester'. No 11.Pat - Aug.12 1924. I think this was the percolator which had the operation to replace a blown fuse by turining it upside down and then rightside up again. 2004.716 PER CORNING WARE. STOVETOP PERCOLATOR Corning Ware. Stovetop percolator 2004.717 PER USA STERNAU , USA. VERY EARLY ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR. Sternau , USA. Very early electric percolator. The Sternau was one of the first and major brands for percolators in the US. This was a very early model. 2004.718 PER USA MANNING BOWMAN & CO. USA. EARLY EELCTRIC PERCOLATOR Manning Bowman & Co. USA. Early eelctric percolator 2004.719 PER 1907 2004.720 PER 1924 USA LANDERS FRARY & Landers Frary & Clark. CLARK. USA.electric percolator. USA.ELECTRIC Universal. US pat - Oct 8 PERCOLATOR. FOR - 1912 / Sept 9 DESIGN. 1924.Important design, 2004.722 PER 1893 USA EMPRESS Empress N.Y.S.Co. N.Y.S.CO. USA.Pat'd - May 12 USA.PAT'D - MAY 1893 / Sep 17 - 1895. 12 - 1893 / SEP 17 One of the very first - 1895. ONE OF percolators. On the side THE VERY FIRST of the glass upper bowl PERCOLATORS. sometimes appears the words - Empress made in Germany. I am not certain if this referred to the glass only or the whole T.A.CO. T.A.Co. Aluminuim. ALUMINUIM. 'Wear - Ever'. No 46. 'WEAR - EVER'. NO Pumping recirculating 46. PUMPING percolator. Used the RECIRCULATING poopular heat PERCOLATOR. concentrator with small valve in bottom - fast percolating. From 1907 2004.723 PER 1917 2004.727 PER 1880S 2004.739 PER 1954 2004.707 PER GRAETZER 1 2004.709 PER GRAETZER 3 2004.559 R 2004.644 R 2004.645 R USA ARMSTRONG Armstrong Electric ELECTRIC Manufacturing Co.USA. MANUFACTURING The Perc-o-toaster from CO.USA. THE Huntington Calif was a PERC-O-TOASTER famous and rare piece. FROM The date is 1917 I HUNTINGTON believe. CALIF PIQUE PERCOLATOR IN TIN - PROBABLY 1880S. Pique percolator in tin probably 1880s. see Coffee Floats p.79 Very very important GER BAVARIA AROMATOR ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR 1954 - 2 SIZES Bavaria - Germany. Aromator electric pumping percolator - a German invention to keep the coffee in porcelain and out of contact wioth metal. The element was metal. 1954 1920S SWISS/ GER GRAETZER ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR Graetzer - electric percolator - I thin k this was a Swiss brand but could have been German. Shows the spread of percolators through Europe. 1920s 1920S SWISS /GER GRAETZER ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR Graetzer - electric percolator - I thin k this was a Swiss brand but could have been German. Shows the spread of percolators through Europe. 1920s JAPAN 1960S JAPAN - CAMBLEM. Japan - Camblem. Coffee COFFEE ROASTER roaster with automatic WITH AUTOMATIC controls. A very CONTROLS. A advanced machine. VERY ADVANCED IMPORTANT MACHINE. HUNGARY STOVETOP DOMESTIC ROASTER HUNGARY. 1960S Stovetop domestic Roaster - Hungary. 1960s ENG SMALL HAND ROASTER WITH MESH OUTER CYLINDER SURFACE. Small hand roaster with mesh outer cylinder surface. Almost certainly of English origin where screen holes were popular Important 2004.646 R FR SMALL ROUND CYLINDER ROASTER FOR PUTTING ON STOVE. VERY LIKELY FRENCH 1880S ON. IMPORTANT Small round cylinder roaster for putting on stove. Very likely French 1880s on. Important 2004.647 R 2004.648 R 1850S FR FRENCH BALL ROASTER IN COVER TO SIT ON STOVE - FROM 1850S ON. IMPORTANT French ball roaster in cover to sit on stove from 1850s on. Important 2004.649 R 1850S FR FRENCH BALL ROASTER IN COVER TO SIT ON STOVE - FROM 1850S ON. IMPORTANT French ball roaster in cover to sit on stove from 1850s on. No internals 2004.650 R 2004.651 R 2004.652 R FR BALL ROASTER IN SUPPORT - OLD PROBABLY FRENCH Ball roaster in support old - probably French 2004.653 R IT MODERN ELECTRIC BALL ROASTER FROM ITALY - Modern electric ball roaster from Italy - the motor turns the drum and the heat comes from the stove. Could also be used for chestnuts LARGE HEAVY Large heavy stovetop STOVETOP roaster designed to sit in ROASTER the hearth and turning DESIGNED TO SIT handle. IN THE HEARTH AND TURNING HANDLE. IT / FR SMALL Small cylindrical roaster CYLINDRICAL with long handle and ROASTER WITH supports to hang. LONG HANDLE Possibly Italian or French AND SUPPORTS TO HANG. POSSIBLY ITALIAN OR FRENCH STOVETOP Stovetop roaster - pan ROASTER - PAN shape with sweeping SHAPE WITH arm. A common shape. SWEEPING ARM. A COMMON SHAPE. 2004.654 R 1800S 2004.655 R 2004.656 R 1860S FR 2004.657 R 1880S IT LARGE MANUAL Large manual drum DRUM ROASTER roaster with crank WITH CRANK handle - and suppoort to HANDLE - AND sit over flame. Italy SUPPOORT TO SIT 1880s on OVER FLAME. ITALY 1880S ON 2004.658 R FR BOTTOM OF BALL ROASTER. FRENCH Bottom of ball roaster. French 2004.781 R IT COFFEE ROASTER - EARLY ITALIAN 1800S - IRON Coffee roaster - early Italian - 1800s - iron 2004.571 SE IT ITALY - NANNI PASQUALE & BENITO. STAINLESS STEEL STOVETOP ESPRESSO MACHINE Italy - Nanni Pasquale & Benito. Stainless steel stovetop espresso machine 1880S CAST METAL Cast metal heavy roaster HEAVY ROASTER designed to sit in the DESIGNED TO SIT holes on the hearth. IN THE HOLES ON 1800s THE HEARTH. 1800S SMALL DRUM ROASTER ON BASE. Small drum roaster on base. LARGE COMMERCIAL ROASTER WITH DRUM AND FITTINMGS TO HANG OVER FLAME. Large commercial roaster with drum and fittinmgs to hang over flame. France 1860s on. Important. Could have come from the insides of a commercial roaster. Sliding lid. 2004.701 STE IT NORA . ITALY . Nora . Italy . 'Nora 'NORA EXPRESS'. Express'. This is one of THREE SPOUTS two pots - the other is in AND STEAM better condition. Most PRESSURE VALVE unusual patent. In the boiler compartment there is a spring valve leading to the coffee.= and three outlet tubes from the boiler. The steam escaped from the 2004.777 SUG FR/ GER SUGAR CUTTER Sugar cutter from FROM FRAMCE Framce and Loth - coffee AND LOTH measure - Germany COFFEE MEASURE - GERMANY 2004.577 TEA CHINA 2004.578 TEA 2004.579 1990S CHINESE TEAPOT WITH TONGUE FROM DRAGON'S MOUTH Chinese teapot with tongue from dragon's mouth ENG / JAPAN 1. FILTER POT Refer to filter pic 'THE LONDON TEA previous. 1. Filter pot POT CO'- 1990'S . 'The London Tea pot Co'2. STANDARD 1990's . 2. Standard TEAPOT - JAPAN. teapot - Japan. Tjhis teapot was considered by the British to be one of the best inventions the patent seems to refer to the fineness of the mesh but the Japanese TEA ENG / HK 1. TOWER 1. Tower Brand.England. BRAND.ENGLAND. 2. Hong Kong.teapot with 2. HONG fitted filter KONG.TEAPOT WITH FITTED FILTER 2004.580 TEA JAP JAPAN. - TEAPOT WITH SHAPE OF TREE AND KOALA BEAR 2004.581 TEA USA GLASS TEAPOT - glass teapot - may have MAY HAVE FILTER filter missing USA MISSING USA Japan. - teapot with shape of tree and koala bear 2004.598 TEA 1900S OLD COPPER TEAPOT ON STAND AND TIPPING 1900S Old copper teapot on stand and tipping 1900s 2004.637 TEA 2004.756 TEA 2004.609 TR - CP 2004.611 TR - CP 2004.780 TR - R 1802 TURKEY TURKISH Turkish travelling coffee TRAVELLING roaster - early 1800s COFFEE ROASTER very difficult to find. - EARLY 1800S VERY DIFFICULT TO FIND. 2004.773 TUR 1800S TURKEY TURKISH COFFEE Turkish coffee grinder GRINDER STEEL- steel- made in the style MADE IN THE of a spice grinder from STYLE OF A SPICE 1800s on. It is virtually GRINDER FROM impossibl;e to tell the 1800S ON. age of a Turkish grinder as they were mostly hand made in Turkey. 2004.774 TUR TURKEY TWO TURKISH Two Turkish coffee pots COFFEE POTS one with open mouth ONE WITH OPEN and the other in jug MOUTH AND THE style. Both old. Possibly OTHER IN JUG old. STYLE. BOTH OLD. POSSIBLY OLD. GER/ UK HOLL 1. TOBY - TEABOY. 1. Toby - Teaboy. GERMAN/UK. TEA German/uk. Tea egg EGG 2.DOUWE 2.Douwe Egbert - pod. EGBERT - POD. 3.Kaga - Daverfilter. East 3.KAGA German. Important DAVERFILTER. EAST GERMAN. 1936 ENG HAWKINS TECAL. ENGLAND. 1936 ELECTRIC ALARM TEAPOT. Hawkins Tecal. England. 1936 electric alarm teapot. Not the first but one of the very first commercial teapots of its type - preceded by the Goblin Teasmade in 1932 and 1936 DR. ZIMMERMANN Dr. Zimmermann . . 'MARIANNE'. 'Marianne'. Glass internal GLASS INTERNAL thermos for coffee THERMOS FOR COFFEE JAP JAPAN. CAR COFFEE MAKER MMM TOKYO Japan. Car coffee maker MMM Tokyo 2004.775 TUR 2004.776 TUR 2004.546 TURKEY 1700S TURKISH IBRIK, FINJAN AND ZARF ON TRAY - PROB MODERN Turkish Ibrik, finjan and zarf on tray - prob modern TURKEY TURKISH WOODEN Turkish wooden box for BOX FOR SUGAR sugar and coffee. Very AND COFFEE. rare. Some examples VERY RARE. SOME are in the Budapest EXAMPLES ARE IN museum. Eighteenth THE BUDAPEST century MUSEUM. 18C VAC JAPAN HARIO - JAPAN. Hario - Japan. Vaculator VACULATOR WITH with cunning use of lid to CUNNING USE OF hold the upper stem LID TO HOLD THE UPPER STEM 2004.584 VAC USA 2004.593 VAC ENG 2004.599 VAC 2004.726 VAC 1870S 2004.750 VAC 1930S COFFEEMASTER MOD C-20 VACULATOR ELECTRIC Coffeemaster mod C-20 vaculator electric Pat. No. 1994323 . Other patents applied for..Chicago Flexible Shaft Co. CONA - ENGLAND. Cona - England. STANDARD Standard Kitchen Model. KITCHEN MODEL. Reg. No . 337117. REG. NO . 337117. Vaculator VACULATOR CONA KITCHEN Cona kitchen funnel FUNNEL HOLDER holder and upper glass AND UPPER GLASS reg 337117 REG 337117 GER VEYRON VACULATOR COFFEE POT - SEE COFFEE FLOATS P.90. DATED FROM 1870S Veyron coffee pot - see Coffee floats p.90. Dated from 1870s and was in catalogues for the enxt thirty years. Very very rare. It was a siphon machine that defied gravity. Very very important. SCHOTT & CO. JENA. SINTRAX. VACULATOR MACHINE 1930S VERY FAMOUS IN GERMANY Schott & Co. Jena. Sintrax. Vaculator machine 1930s - very famous in Germany 2004.754 VAC 1841 2004.758 VAC 1849 APOLLEONI Apolleoni Preterre model PRETERRE MODEL of a balance machine OF A BALANCE vaculator patented in MACHINE 1849. This was a simple VACULATOR model - more PATENTED IN complicated ones 1849. followed. 2004.759 VAC 1840 A NAPIER STYLE A Napier style horizontal HORIZONTAL vaculator from 1840. No VACULATOR FROM balance mechanism. 1840. NO Very rare. BALANCE MECHANISM. VERY RARE. 2004.760 VAC 1849 2004.601 WAT 2004.631 2004.664 FR ENG JAPAN GER / JAP CAFETIERE Cafetiere ARTESIENNE.BREVET Artesienne.Brevet D'INVENTION D'Invention .Hiraux. .HIRAUX. PARIS. Paris. France. Vaculator FRANCE. 1841? Very important. VACULATOR 1841? SILVER MARKS Silver marks fine work FINE WORK - A a spectacular piece. A SPECTACULAR Gabet type vaculator PIECE. A GABET 1849. English. TYPE VACULATOR 1849. ENGLISH. ELECTRIC Electric whistling bird pot WHISTLING BIRD Japan. POT JAPAN. 1. MELITA 1. Melita - Germany. GERMANY. 2.Kalita 2.KALITA Japan.earthenware JAPAN.EARTHENWARE coffee filters COFFEE FILTERS HERBERTS PATENT. THIS A FARM IMPLEMENT AND IS NOT IN THE COLLECTION Herberts Patent. This a farm implement and is not in the collection 2004.685 IT 2004.710 USA LANDERS FRARY & CLARK,USA. 'UNIVERSAL NO4'. 2004.712 USA LANDERS FRARY & Landers Frary & Clark. CLARK. USA. USA. 'Universal no 369'. 'UNIVERSAL NO Pats no - may 22 - 1894 / 369'. STUNNING july 16 - 1907. DRGM no DESIGN 271098. 2004.724 ENG SOUTERWARE Souterware - England. ENGLAND. MADE Made after the Malen AFTER THE MALEN patent of 1872. This PATENT OF 1872. model was made in T England. Very early and very important. 2004.736 2004.738 ITALY. HAND Italy. Hand lever LEVER OPERATED operated espresso ESPRESSO machine - actually made MACHINE long filtered coffee. The ACTUALLY MADE coffee was put itno the LONG FILTERED brew handl;e with hot COFFEE. water and the handle depressed which made the coffee get forced out but the coffee was not compressed - therefore not tru Landers Frary & Clark,USA. 'Universal no4'. Not in good condition. THE INTERNAL Very unusual pot POT MUST BE TO internal chamber has no KEEP THE COFFEE spout. There is an WARM - IT IS AN exteranl outer pot which INSIDE OUIT BAIN- has the spout but the MARIE. only entry is via the spout. The internal pot must be to keep the coffee warm - it is an inside ouit bain-marie. 1879 IT MILANESE WITH Milanese with whistle. WHISTLE BY Most unusual - very rare. FRANCESCO The only one I have ever NEGRETTI - 1879 seen. It was a look alike MOST RARE copy of Grandin & Crepaux pot from 1832 which was made in Milan much later and known as a Milanese. The thing that makes this por so unusual is that the 2004.741 1934 IT 2004.744 GER 2004.745 USA 2004.761 MELIOR - ITALIAN NO 1 - ALPACCA METAL Melior - Italian no 1 alpacca metal All the Melior patents were based on the original Italian patents of 1934 but various changes were made as each model appears with a problem. GS - GEPRUFTE GS - Geprufte Sicherheit SICHERHEIT .Germany. 'Quick Café'. .GERMANY. 'QUICK Pat's pending. Electric CAFÉ'. PAT'S coffee maker. PENDING. ELECTRIC COFFEE MAKER. MICROWAVE COFFEE POT. FARBERWARE MICROBREW Farberware . 'Micro Brew'. USA. Pats pending. In the 1990s simple aprtments haad no stoves but only microwave ovens for cooking and this caused the introduction of microwave coffee makers. 1855 ENG LOYSELS PATENT Loysels Patent HYDROSTATIC Hydrostatic Percolator. PERCOLATOR. I.S.Pyke & I.S.PYKE & Sons.London.England. SONS.LONDON.ENGLAND. Silver. His first machine SILVER was invented in 1855 for commercial use. 2004.783 CE 1920S IT SNIDER - MILANO. Snider - Milano. ' Mare'. ' MARE'. SMALL Small electric espresso ELECTRIC famous in the 1920s ESPRESSO the water went through FAMOUS IN THE the elemnt and was 1920S heated on the way bthrough - great saving in electricity. Famous maker. 2004.784 CE 1930S IT OMEGA - ITALY. Omega - Italy. Company COMPANY NAME name on dome. ON DOME. Electrical Snider type ELECTRICAL machine. Very popular in SNIDER TYPE the 1930s. With steam MACHINE. VERY valvae as well. POPULAR IN THE 1930S. 2004.785 CE IT NEOWATT - ITALY. Neowatt - Italy. Was the WAS THE BRAND brand of a company that OF A COMPANY made domestic THAT MADE machines as well. DOMESTIC Electric Snider type MACHINES AS machine with steam WELL. valve. 2004.786 CE IT 'SIMPLEX'. 'Simplex'. Brevette BREVETTE DONINI Donini - Milano. Italy. - MILANO. ITALY. Small electric espresso SMALL ELECTRIC he water went through ESPRESSO the element and was heated on the way bthrough - great saving in electricity. Famous maker. 2004.787 CE IT 'LA TORINO 'La Torino Espress' .N.De ESPRESS' .N.DE Mattei & A.Bartolini. Italy. MATTEI & Large commercial A.BARTOLINI. espresso machine ITALY. LARGE Snider style. COMMERCIAL ESPRESSO MACHINE - SNIDER 2004.788 CE IT SNIDER - MILANO, Snider - Milano, Italy. ' ITALY. ' MARE'. Mare'. New double NEW DOUBLE grouip machine - - one of GROUIP MACHINE the big manufacturers of this type of machine. 2004.789 CE IT SNIDER - MILANO, Snider - Milano, Italy. ' ITALY. ' MARE'. Mare'. New double NEW DOUBLE grouip machine - - one of GROUIP MACHINE the big manufacturers of this type of machine. A bit dirty - needs polishing. 2004.791 CE 1920 IT 'LA PAVONI'. MILANO. ITALY. THE ORIGINAL STYLE OF MACHINE FROM THE 1910S AND 1920S. 'La Pavoni'. - Milano. Italy. The original style of machine from the 1910s and 1920s. A very good example of the first machines and a must in any serious collectiion. MOST MOST IMPORTANT 2004.792 CE 1926 FR PARIS ESPRESS . 1926. FRANCE. COMMERCIAL ESPRESSO MACHINE Paris Espress . 1926. France. Vertical boiler in poor condition. Needs attention. 2004.793 CE 1920S IT OMEGA - ITALY. Omega - Italy. Vertical VERTICAL TWO two group machine GROUP MACHINE - purchased in Argentina. PURCHASED IN 1920s ARGENTINA. 1920S 2004.794 CE 1920S IT OMEGA - ITALY. Omega - Italy. Vertical VERTICAL TWO two group machine GROUP MACHINE - purchased in Argentina. PURCHASED IN 1920s ARGENTINA. 1920S 2004.795 CE 1910/20 UR INAMET Inamet - Montevideo. MONTEVIDEO. Uruguay. Two group URUGUAY. TWO espress - purchased in GROUP ESPRESS - Argentina - 1910s 1920s PURCHASED IN ARGENTINA 1910S 1920S 2004.796 CE 1910/20 UR INAMET MONTEVIDEO. URUGUAY. TWO GROUP VERTICAL ESPRESSO MACHINE EX ARGENTINA. Inamet - Montevideo. Uruguay. two group vertical espresso machine ex Argentina. 2004.800 CE IT FAEMA - MILANO .ITALY. ' PRESIDENT'. Faema - Milano .Italy. ' President'. with broken plate glass. Very important machine. 2004.799 DE 1950/60S IT SAMMA - MILANO. Samma - Milano. Italy. ' ITALY. ' LUSSO'. Lusso'. Small domestic SMALL DOMESTIC lever espresso machine LEVER ESPRESSO 1950s/1960s MACHINE 1950S/1960S 2004.782 DE-E 1950S IT LA PAVONI La Pavoni - 'Europiccola'. 'EUROPICCOLA'. Lever machiune LEVER MACHIUNE espresso 1950s and later ESPRESSO 1950S AND LATER 2004.797 PER 1900 FR FRANCE . France . Langloise & LANGLOISE & Vienne. Paris. Very large VIENNE. PARIS. coffee percolator for VERY LARGE large barracks or large COFFEE institution. 1900s PERCOLATOR FOR heated by gas LARGE BARRACKS underneath 2004.802 CE IT FEAMA - MILANO ,ITALY. ' PRESIDENT'. THREE GROUP MACHINE Feama - Milano ,Italy. ' President'. Three group machine 2004.803 CE 2004.804 CE 2004.805 CE 2004.806 1960S IT LA SAN MARCO. ITALY. ONE GROUP LEVER MACHINE 1960S La San Marco. Italy. One group lever machine 1960s IT AUSONIA - ITALY. 'CREMA CAFFE'. ONE GROUP LEVER MACHINE AND STANDARD HEAD MACHINE Ausonia - Italy. 'Crema Caffe'. One group lever machine and standard head machine 1960S IT 'LA DORIO' UDINE, ITALY. HYDRAULIC HEDS TWO GROUP MACHINE 1960S 'La Dorio' - Udine, Italy. Hydraulic heds two group machine 1960s CE 1930S FR- MOULON ROUGE 2004.807 CE 1961 IT COFFEE FAEMA E61. MILANO, ITALY. CLASSIC MACHINE COMPLETE 1961 Faema - E61. Milano, Italy. Classic machine complete 1961 2004.808 CE 1950S IT FAEMA - MILANO, ITALY. 'URANIA'. 1950S ONE GROUP LEVER MACHINE Faemo - Milano, Italy. 'Urania'. 1950s one group lever machine 2004.809 CE 1950S MON CONTI - MONACO. ONE GROUP LEVER MACHINE MODERATE CONDITION 1950S Conti - Monaco. One group lever machine moderate condition 1950s 2004.812 CE 1980S IT VIBEMME - ITALY. SINGLE GROUP PUMP ESPRESSO MISSING TRAY 1980S Vibemme - Italy. Single group pump espresso missing tray 1980s IMPERIAL - PARIS, Imperial - Paris, France. FRANCE. Espresso machine 1930s ESPRESSO one group wityh steam MACHINE 1930S and water control. ONE GROUP WITYH STEAM AND WATER CONTROL. 2004.813 CE SP VISACREM VX. Visacrem VX. Spanish 3 SPANISH 3 GROUP group machine with heat MACHINE WITH exchanger - large HEAT EXCHANGER horizontal tube. Not - LARGE good. HORIZONTAL TUBE. NOT GOOD. 2004.814 CE 1980S IT LA PAVONI ITALY. P/UNO. 3GROUP MACHINE. 1980S La Pavoni - Italy. P/UNO. 3group machine. 2004.815 CE 1980S IT LA SAN MARCO. ITALY. VOLUMETRIC 3 GROUP 1980S La San Marco. Italy. Volumetric 3 group 1980s 2004.816 CE IT 2004.818 CE SWIT 2004.819 CE IT LA PAVONI ITALY. 2 GGROUP MACHINE VOLUMETRIC. La Pavoni - Italy. 2 ggroup machine volumetric. 2004.820 CE IT LA CIMBALI - M15. ITALY. HYDRAULIC GROUP La Cimbali - M15. Italy. Hydraulic group - the water pressure forced the water through the coffee. Excellent machine and excellent coffee. 2004.821 CE IT BERGEM SPA. CARIMALI .ITALY. ' ORION'. FULLY AUTOMATIC GRIND AND BREW MACHINE. Bergem spa. - Carimali .Italy. ' Orion'. Fully automatic grind and brew machine. A FAVOURITA La Favourita - Israel. 2 ISRAEL. 2 GROUP group espresso machine ESPRESSO MACHINE SANTOS Santos - 'Aequator'. 'AEQUATOR'. Arbon Stachen' ARBON STACHEN' Switaerland near St. SWITAERLAND Gallen. Fully automatic NEAR ST. GALLEN. machine. Very good. FULLY AUTOMATIC MACHINE. 2004.822 CE IT 2004.823 CE AUST 2004.824 CE IT 2004.853 CE 2004.817 CE/ IAN 2004.810 DE 2004.811 DE 2004.856 DE 1980S 1960S CMA. ASTORIA CMA. Astoria - Italy. ITALY. 'TITANIA'. 'Titania'. Fuly automatic FULY AUTOMATIC machine missing hopper MACHINE MISSING but goes. HOPPER BUT GOES. BOEMA AUSTRALIA. 'ESPRESSOMATIC'. EARLY MACHINE Boema - Australia. 'Espressomatic'. Early machine LA CIMBALI - M50 La Cimbali - M50 DOLCEVITA Dolcevita - 'Cappuccino'. 'CAPPUCCINO'. Fully automatic machine. FULLY AUTOMATIC An important machine MACHINE. for collector IT OSE - ITALY. OROBICA SELF EXPRESS. AUTOMATIC ESPRESSO MACHINE 1980S IT SANTA FLAVIA Santa Flavia - Italy. Two ITALY. TWO machines - one complete MACHINES - ONE and one showing COMPLETE AND internals. This machine ONE SHOWING was the most exciting INTERNALS. machine I ever saw with many electronic innovatiosn - very exciting. GER WMF GERMAN WMF German one group ONE GROUP loever instantaneous LOEVER boiler espresso machine INSTANTANEOUS - 1960s BOILER ESPRESSO MACHINE - 1960S FR - made in IT PONY ESPRESS FRANCE. MADE IN ITALY. UNIC MACHINE - FOR PODS AND COFFEE. SWISS for illy OSE - Italy. Orobica Self Express. Automatic espresso machine 1980s Pony Espress - France. Made in Italy. UNIC machine - for pods and coffee. MADE FOR ILLY Made for Illy CAFFE,TRIESTE Caffe,Trieste Italy. Made ITALY. MADE IN in Switzerland by Turmix. SWITZERLAND BY Domestic espresso TURMIX. machine for pods. 2004.854 FIL 1980S 2004.855 FIL 1990S 2004.831 G 2004.832 G 2004.839 BUNN - O - MATIC CORPORATION. POUROVER MACHINE 1980S Bunn - O - Matic Corporation. Pourover machine 1980s HOLLAND TECHNIVORM Technivorm - Holland. HOLLAND. 'CLUB 'Club Line'. Commercial LINE'. pourover machine 1990s COMMERCIAL POUROVER MACHINE 1990S USA ENTERPRISE MFG. Enterprise Mfg. Co. USA. CO. USA. WHEAT Wheat cracker - not for CRACKER - NOT sale in collection. FOR SALE IN COLLECTION. ENG PARNALL & SONS. BRISTOL. DOUBLE WHEEL GRINDER TRADITIONAL CONICAL SYSTEM 1880S - 1900 G AUST CLIMAX Climax Engineering PL. ENGINEERING PL. Australia. missing hopper AUSTRALIA. MISSING HOPPER 2004.840 G IT SNIDER - MARE , Snider - Mare , Milano MILANO ITALIA. 2 Italia. 2 grinders missing GRINDERS hoppers. Can get MISSING hoppers. HOPPERS. CAN GET HOPPERS. 2004.835 G-C USA INTERNATIONAL International Business BUSINESS Machines. Large double MACHINES. LARGE ended electric grinder ex DOUBLE ENDED USA with two gold ELECTRIC coloured hoppers. GRINDER EX USA 2004.842 G-C AUST 1 - 'DIE KRONE'. 2 1 - 'Die Krone'. 2 - Tadco - TADCO - Australia. Poor AUSTRALIA. POOR condition grinders CONDITION GRINDERS 1880S Parnall & Sons. Bristol. Double wheel grinder traditional conical system 1880s - 1900 2004.844 G-E IT ITALY. TWO SHOP Italy. Two shop espresso ESPRESSO grinders - one Anfim. GRINDERS - ONE One in good condition. ANFIM. ONE IN GOOD CONDITION. 2004.828 G-S 1900S SWEDEN HUSQVANA NO.7 . Husqvana No.7 . Swedish SWEDISH HAND hand grinder for shop. GRINDER FOR Prob 1900s SHOP. PROB 1900S 2004.833 G-S 1920S ENG PEERLESS & Peerless & Eriksson Ltd. ERIKSSON LTD. Model - G1.England. MODEL Early shop grinder G1.ENGLAND. 1920s. Large motor for EARLY SHOP size of output. GRINDER - 1920S. 2004.834 G-S 1950S AUST KONA MFG.CO. - Kona Mfg.Co. - Australia. AUSTRALIA. SHOP Shop grinder 1950s GRINDER 1950S electric ELECTRIC 2004.837 G-S 1930S USA STIMPSON Stimpson - Computing COMPUTING Scale Co. USA. US shop SCALE CO. USA. grinder 1930s US SHOP GRINDER 1930S 2004.838 G-S 1980S SWEDEN OHLSSON & CO. Ohlsson & Co. Sweden. SWEDEN. VERY Very good quality conical GOOD QUALITY grinder 1980s CONICAL GRINDER 1980S 2004.830 G-W ENG 2004.843 G-W FR LARGE ENGLISH GRINDER - WITH WHEEL - GOOD CONDITION. Large Engliosh grinder with wheel - good condition. VERY EARLY Very early French shop FRENCH SHOP OR or factory grinder - the FACTORY wide wheel indicates that GRINDER - THE it was used with steam WIDE WHEEL power - must be before 1900. 2004.850 G- C GREECE KK - GREECE. TURKISH GRINDER MISSING FRONT END. KK - Greece. Turkishgrinder missing front end. 2004.852 G- C IT 2004.851 G- C GREECE GREECE 'SAMSON'. TURKISH COFFEE GRINDER, Greece - 'Samson'. Turkish coffee grinder, 2004.841 G- S USA DAYTON - USA. HOBART SHOP GRINDER - VERY HEAVY MOTOR Dayton - USA. Hobart shop grinder - very heavy motor 2004.846 G- S 1950S USA 2004.836 G -S 1980S IT QUICKMILL MORE. ITALY. SHOP GRINDER 1980S. Quickmill - More. Italy. Shop grinder 1980s. 2004.826 G -W 1898 USA COFFEE Enterprise Mfg. Co. USA. Pat. - July 12 - 1898. 2004.827 G -W 1800S ENG TWO Two commercial COMMERCIAL grinders . Vittoria - Italy. GRINDERS . Very lkarge VITTORIA - ITALY. VERY LARGE THE HOBART MFG. The Hobart Mfg. Co. CO. USA. - VERY USA. - very heavy shop HEAVY SHOP grinder 1950s - perhaps GRINDER 1950S before. PERHAPS BEFORE. CAST IRON WHEEL cast iron wheel grinder GRINDER - NO no hopper. 1880s HOPPER. 1880S England ENGLAND 2004.849 G-C GREECE KHM - GREECE. LARGE ELECTRIC GRINDER FOR TURKISH COFFEE. KHM - Greece. Large electric grinder for Turkish coffee. 2004.845 G-S DEN SCHRODER & JORGENSON. ' CARAVEL '. CONICAL GRINDER. FROM DENMARK Schroder & Jorgenson. ' Caravel '. Conical grinder. From Denmark 2004.847 G-S 2004.848 G-S 2004.801 PER 2004.857 R -S 2004.858 R -S 2004.825 VAC 1950S 1900S USA THE HOBART MFG. The Hobart Mfg. Co. CO. USA. - VERY USA. - very heavy HEAVY GRINDER grinder two eneded. USA TWO ENEDED. USA DENMARK SCHRODER & Schroder & Jorgenson. ' JORGENSON. ' SIK Sik Jet'. Small belt driven JET'. SMALL BELT grinder from Denmark. DRIVEN GRINDER FROM DENMARK. FR FRANCE . France . Langloise & LANGLOISE & Vienne. Paris. Very large VIENNE. PARIS. coffee percolator for VERY LARGE large barracks or large COFFEE institution. 1900s PERCOLATOR FOR heated by gas LARGE BARRACKS underneath GER G.W.BARTH. GERMANY. SAMPLE ROASTER - GERMANY G.W.Barth. Germany. Sample roaster Germany 1920S ENG THE WHITMEE The Whitmee ENGINEERING CO. Engineering Co. London LONDON England. Sample roaster ENGLAND. SAMPLE with four/five drums ROASTER WITH 1920s FOUR/FIVE DRUMS 1920S 1880S ENG TWO VACULATOR Two vaculator machines MACHINES FROM from England - one ENGLAND - ONE missing lid. 1880s made MISSING LID. of copper. 1880S MADE OF COPPER. 2004.860 R 2004.861 R 2004.862 R 2004.863 R 2004.859 R-S 2004.886 G-D owners cars 2004.887 G-D owners cars 2004.864 R R2D2 1920S 1930S 1950S 1880S IT VITTORIA - ITALY. Vittoria - Italy. 25kg gas 25KG GAS electric roaster -0 missin ELECTRIC g back drive shaft. Could ROASTER -0 me made to work easily MISSIN G BACK with clean up. DRIVE SHAFT. IT VITTORIA - ITALY. Vittoria - Italy. Early coke EARLY COKE roaster -1920s ROASTER -1920S GER COFFEE PROBAT GERMANY. 5 KG ROASTER GAS/ ELECTRIC Probat - Germany. 5 kg roaster gas/ electric ENG UNO COMPANY LTD. ENGLAND. PERFORATED DRUM ROASTER 1930S UNO Company Ltd. England. Perforated drum roaster 1930s ENG UNO COMPANY LTD.. ENGLAND. SAMPLE ,ROASTER UNO Company Ltd.. England. - sample ,roaster GER + ? +FR GERMAN GLASS LID - VERY EARLY NOT PLASTIC 2.GLASS LID, ANOD ALU - 1950S . 3. ROTARY FRANCE 1. VEB - Turoette sg.German glass lid very early -not plastic lid, anod alu 1950s . 3. Rotary France with timer. GER + IT +FR THREE EARLY GRINDERS KRUPS 50, BIALETTI CAROSELLO MOULIN BB 1. Krups 50 - Germany. 2.Bailetti 'Carosello' Italy. 3. Moulin BB France. - early with brushes outside FR LEGRAIN - PARIS. FRANCE. OLD GAS ROASTER WITH ROUND DRUM 1880S. Legrain - Paris. France. Old gas roaster with round drum - 1880s. 2004.885 G-D 3 little maids FR 2004.865 R TIN MAN 1850 GER HAND ROASTER A BIT RUSTED ROUND DRUM MID 19C RARE. GERMAN Hand roaster - a bit rusted - round drum mid 19C rare. German 2004.956 G-D matador 1960/70S HUN+GER MOCCADOR 'MATADOR'. HUNGARIAN BALDE GRINDER 1960S/70S Moccador 'Matador'. Hungarian balde grinder 1960s/70s 2004.1190 AI 2004.1156 AI 1860'S ENG 2004.1136 AI DATE 1800s GER LOGO ONLY.- TWO Logo only.- Two crossed CROSSED swords in blue. Famouis SWORDS IN BLUE. German brand Rosenthal FAMOUIS GERMAN - early style 1800s BRAND ROSENTHAL EARLY STYLE 1800S 2004.995 ATOMIC 1950S IT ATOMIC - ITALY. Atomic - Italy. Espresso ESPRESSO Stella Wien. Patent. STELLA WIEN. Vgery early model PATENT. VGERY notice screwed head. EARLY MODEL 1950s NOTICE SCREWED HEAD. 1950S 2004.996 ATOMIC 1950S IT ATOMIC - ITALY. TWO MACHINES WITH STEAM ONE JUG MISSING FR FRANCE - MOTEUR France - Moteur UNIVERSEL. Universel. - tthree Elaul TTHREE ELAUL grinders each different. GRINDERS EACH Simple, stop and musical DIFFERENT. SIMPLE, STOP AND MUSICAL LE TRITON . Le Triton . France. Very FRANCE. VERY unusual machine - not a UNUSUAL percolator - the water MACHINE - NOT A boiled around the filter in PERCOLATOR the base. VERY UNUSUAL COFFEE MAKER THE BOWL HAS A VERTICAL FILTER IN THE MIDDLE Very unusual coffee maker - the bowl has a vertical filter in the middle - the hot water passes horizontally through the coffee. 1860s I think this is English Atomic - Italy. Two machines with steam one jug missing 2004.997 ATOMIC 1950S IT ATOMIC - ITALY. S.T.E.M.A.C, ROBBIATI MILANO. TWO MACHINES WITH SPECIAL ROD IN OUTLET Atomic - Italy. S.T.E.M.A.C, Robbiati Milano. Two machines with special rod in outlet to control coffee flow very unusual, one jug missing. 2004.998 ATOMIC 1950S IT ATOMIC - ITALY. LONG ESPRESSO WITH PRESSURE GUAGE ON TOP AND ROD CONTROL IN COFFEE OUTLET Atomic - Italy. Long espresso with pressure guage on top and rod control in coffee outlet American model 2004.1114 B 1980S SWISS 2004.1115 B 1980S SWISS PLUNGER WITH SWISS GOLD FILTER. Plunger with Swiss Gold filter. 2004.1116 B 2000 CHINA BLACK & DECKER 'CAFÉ CONNOISSEUR'. MADE IN CHINA. ELECTRIC PLUNGER 2000 Black & Decker - 'Café Connoisseur'. Made in China. Electric plunger 2000 2004.1129 CE GER GERMAN. AN German. An attachment ATTACHMENT TO to go on the steam outlet GO ON THE STEAM of a commercial OUTLET OF A espresso machine and COMMERCIAL make froth with ESPRESSO controlled aeration. Very MACHINE AND unusual - much better MAKE FROTH quality than found on most espresso machines. 2004.866 CE SWISS CAFINA Cafina Switzerland. 2 SWITZERLAND. 2 group espresso machine GROUP ESPRESSO - double boiler. In MACHINE working condition as far DOUBLE BOILER. as I know. 1. BODUM 1. Bodum - Switzerland. SWITZERLAND. 2. 2. Hario plungers 1980s HARIO PLUNGERS 1980S 2004.972 CE 1950S SWISS 2004.1102 CP 1920S?? GER 2004.1105 CP 2004.1132 CP 2004.1134 ERICA SWITZERLAND. 'SPECIAL'. ONE OF THE EARLIEST ESPRESSO MACHINES WITH A LONG FILTER 1950S Erica - Switzerland. 'Special'. One of the earliest espresso machines with a long filter - 1950s SUNDSWALLS Sundswalls Metall METALL - FABRIK. Fabrik. Simple coffee pot SIMPLE COFFEE German 1920s?? POT GERMAN 1920S?? USA COFFEE Poulson & Nardon Inc.USA. 'Royal Chef'. Patent pending - no. 506. 1900 GER TWO SMALL PEWTER COFFEE POTS FROM MID 19C - GERMAN ORIGIN. Two small pewter coffee pots from mid 19C German origin. CP 1900 FR FRANCE. MARKS - France. Marks - g'teed G'TEED FINE TIN. fine tin. Small coffee pot. SMALL COFFEE 1900 POT. 1900 2004.1159 CP 1900S USA ROME METAL Rome Metal Ware. USA. WARE. USA. Simple pot 1900s SIMPLE POT 1900S 2004.1205 CP 1900S FR SIMPLE BROWN Simple Brown jug from JUG FROM FRANCE France - ceramic with - CERAMIC WITH filter 1900s FILTER 1900S 2004.1135 CP AI 1920S GER GERMANY. A Krautheim. K & H PORCELAIN POT Bavaria. Germany. A WHICH porcelain pot which EXEMPLIFIES THE exemplifies the fact that FACT THAT THE the coffee floats - the COFFEE FLOATS filter is at the bottom. 1920s 2004.1163 CP - NB 2004.1131 CP ? 2004.1128 CUP 2004.1093 DE 2004.1094 DE 2004.1095 DE 2004.1096 DE 1900 AUST WENTWORTH Wentworth - Australian. AUSTRALIAN. THIS This is probably the only IS PROBABLY THE coffee pot I have ever ONLY COFFEE POT seen without a spout. I HAVE EVER SEEN WITHOUT A SPOUT. GER VILLEROY & BOCH. Villeroy & Boch. LUXEMBURG WITH Luxemburg with lid with LID WITH BUILT IN built in strainer. 1900 STRAINER. 1900 HK FREEZINHOT HONGKONG. REG. DESIGN - 908097. THERMOS CUP WITH LID IT ITALY BIALETTI Italy Bialetti new design NEW DESIGN stove espresso and capp STOVE ESPRESSO for one. Late 1990s AND CAPP FOR ONE. LATE 1990S IT BALLARINI - B.P. & Ballarini - B.P. & F. Italy. F. ITALY. 'JOLLY 'Jolly Express'. Aluminium EXPRESS'. Moka pot with unusual ALUMINIUM MOKA filter for variable dose POT WITH marks Rivarolo UNUSUAL FILTER Mantovani post WW2 IT ALUMINIUM Italy. No makers marks. ESPRESSO This was probably the MACHINE MADE first aluminium espresso AFTER WW2 - IT IS machine made after VERY LIGHT IN ww2 - it is very light in WEIGHT weight and part of a series, one of which is electric. The manufacturer is the same which can be seen from the shape of the handle. 1910 IT 'RISING OF HEAT'. VERY EARLY NO0T THE CERAMIC ELECTRIC PARTS. 1910S DOMESTIC ELECTRIC ESPRESSO 1990S Freezinhot - Hongkong. Reg. Design - 908097. Thermos cup with lid Italy. No makers marks.Only mark 'Rising of Heat'. Very early no0t the ceramic electric parts. 1910s domestic electric espresso 2004.1097 DE USA SUMBEAM. Sumbeam. Chicago CHICAGO Flexible Shaft Co. USA. FLEXIBLE SHAFT Design patent - D/92668. CO. USA. DESIGN Used for a coffee maker PATENT - D/92668. - a vaculatoir or as a teamaker or coffeemaker with a long filter on the end of a rod, 2004.1098 DE HUN HUNGARY. 'POCCINO ESPRESSO'. ELEC CAPP MACHINE CAME IN SEVERAL MODELS WITH PRESSURE GUAGE. Hungary. 'Poccino Espresso'. Elec capp machine Came in several models with pressure guage. Largely marketed by a German company which is still in existence. 2004.1099 DE 1960/70S HUN TWO ITEMS POCCINO LONG ESPRESSO MACHINE 'CAPPUCCINO ESPRESS'. HUNGARY. 1960S/70S Two items - Poccino long espresso machine 'Cappuccino Espress'. Hungary. 1960s/70s 2004.1101 DE 2000 CHINA SUNBEAM CORPORATION. ' CAFÉ MOKA'. MADE IN CHINA. PATENTED ELECTRICAL CONTACT. 2000 Sunbeam Corporation. ' Café Moka'. Made in China. Patented electrical contact. 2000 2004.1107 DE HK HONG KONG. PLASTIC ESPRESSO MACHINE FOR MICROWAVE VERY UNUSUAL - Hong Kong. Plastic espresso machine for microwave - very unusual - had aluminium filter inside. 2004.1108 DE 2000 MEXICO BLACK & DECKER USA. 'EXPRESSO MIO'. MADE IN MEXICO. MICROWAVE OVEN ESPRESSO MACHINE 2000 2004.1126 DE 2002 CHINA OODO - CHINA. MICROWAVE ESPRESSO MACHINE 2002 OODO - China. Microwave espresso machine 2004.1195 DE 1880S GER WMF . GERMANY. REISS TYPE LONG ESPRESSO MACHINE - VERY POPULAR IN 1880S AND LATER WMF . Germany. Reiss type long espresso machine - very popular in 1880s and later 2004.1196 DE GER WMF . GERMANY. LONG ESPRESSO MISSING GLASS BOWL 2004.1197 DE GER WMF . GERMANY. WMF . Germany. Missing MISSING GLASS glass bowl long espresso BOWL LONG ESPRESSO 2004.973 DE GER BRAUN GERMANY LONG ESPRESSO WITH STEAM 2004.974 DE HK BREVILLE/MELITA Breville/Melita L'ESPRESSO. l'Espresso. Made in Hong MADE IN HONG Kong. Used centrifugal KONG. force to drive the hot water through the coffee - produced crema but not a complete extraction 2004.975 DE IT BAILETTI - ITALY. Bailetti - Italy. 'CAPPUCCINO 'Cappuccino Super'. Long SUPER'. LONG espresso with steam ESPRESSO WITH STEAM 2004.976 DE IT ZEROWATT. ITALY. Zerowatt. Italy. Lever LEVER ESPRESSO espresso machine 1960s MACHINE 1960S 2004.977 DE SWISS 2004.978 DE IT 1960S SALTON ELECTRICAL PL. SWITZERLAND. LONG ESPRESSO WITH STEAM WMF . Germany. Long espresso missing glass bowl Braun - Germany Long espresso with steam Salton Electrical PL. Switzerland. Long espresso with steam LA PAVONI. ITALY. La Pavoni. Italy. Black BLACK UNUSUAL unusual lever espresso LEVER ESPRESSO machine $600 - current MACHINE price 2004.979 DE CHINA BLACK & DECKER - Black & Decker - 'Café 'CAFÉ COMBO'. Combo'. Made in China. MADE IN CHINA. Long espresso with LONG ESPRESSO steam WITH STEAM 2004.980 DE SWISS SAECO PUMP MACHINE1. ESPRESSO GREAT - SWITZERLAND. 2. SAECO - ITALY. 1990S Saeco pump machine1. Espresso Great Switzerland. 2. Saeco Italy. 1990s 2004.981 DE PORTUGAL KENWOOD. MADE IN PORTUGAL. ELEC PUMP MACHINE Kenwood. Made in Portugal. Elec pump machine 2004.982 DE IT SUNBEAM - ITALY. *UNUSUAL DESIGN PUMP ESPRESSO WITH STEAM Sunbeam - Italy. *Unusual design pump espresso with steam 2004.983 DE TAIWAN BREVILLE 'ESPRESSO CAPPUCCINO'. MADE IN TAIWAN. LONG ESPRESS WITH STEAM Breville - 'Espresso Cappuccino'. Made in Taiwan. Long espress with steam 2004.985 DE IT AMA - MILANO. ITALY. LONG ESPRESSO WITH STEAM AMA - Milano. Italy. Long espresso with steam 2004.986 DE 1993 IT AMA AMA - Milano.Italy. MILANO.ITALY. 'Multichef. 1983. Special 'MULTICHEF. 1983. de luxe model SPECIAL DE LUXE MODEL 2004.987 DE 1960S IT LA CIMBALI. ITALY. EARLY LEVER MACHINE - PAINT DAMAGE 1960S 1990 La Cimbali. Italy. Early lever machine - paint damage 1960s 2004.988 DE 2004.989 DE 2004.990 DE 2004.991 DE 2004.992 1930S RENEKA. WALL ESPRESSO MACHINE FOR SMALL ESTABLISHMENTS - LONG 1930S Reneka. Wall espresso machine for small establishments - long 1930s FR MOKADOR. Mokador. France - most FRANCE - MOST unusual - using a UNUSUAL - USING combination of taps and A COMBINATION valves it was possible to OF TAPS AND make both percolated VALVES and espresso coffee the groupp handle is not original. Most rare and unusual. 1950S IT GILDA. ITALY. AN ESPRESSO MACHINE WITH HANDLES NAMED AFTER THE FILMJ GILDA FROM THE 1950S 1950S IT A.BRUNI & A.Bruni & Co.Milano CO.MILANO Italy. 'Brunella'. Lever ITALY. espresso machine 1950s 'BRUNELLA'. LEVER ESPRESSO MACHINE 1950S DE IT FAEMA MACHINE WITH SPRING HANDLE - VERY EARLY Faema machine with spring handle - very early 2004.993 DE IT T.C.L. - MILANO. ITALIA. ' CAPPAMORE'. VERY VERY LARGE LONMG ESPRESSO MACHINE WITH STEAM T.C.L. - Milano. Italia. ' Cappamore'. Very very large lonmg espresso machine with steam very rare 2004.994 DE IT QUICKMILL ITALY. ' AUTOMATICA'. VERY RARE - THE FIRST ELECTRIC PUMP MACHINE Quickmill - Italy. ' Automatica'. Very rare the first electric pump machine where cold water was forced through the handle, !960s 2004.984 DEjetsons gone wrong IT THESE TWO 'Espresso Point'. Balzano ESPRESSO Slr.- for Lavazza. These MACHINES WERE two espresso machines FOR MAKING were for making Lavazza LAVAZZA capsule coffee CAPSULE COFFEE 1960S Gilda. Italy. An espresso machine with handles named after the filmj Gilda from the 1950s 2004.999 DE-S IT DOLCE CAFFE ITALY. MEANS SWEET COFFEE WITH PLASTIC WINDOW IN LID. 2004.1104 FIL 1890'S FR? PROBABLY Probably French tin - the FRENCH TIN - THE top collar holds a cloth TOP COLLAR bag filter. 1890s?? HOLDS A CLOTH BAG FILTER. 1890S?? 2004.1106 FIL 1947 SWED SWEDEN. Sweden. Kaffebehallaren KAFFEBEHALLAREN - Bravur.Gust Norin - BRAVUR. Ludvika Patented.1947. PATENTED.1947. No.506 A special filter for NO.506 A SPECIAL Poulsen & Nardon Inc. FILTER FOR Makers marks Royal POULSEN & Chef Los Angeles Ca NARDON INC. 2004.1110 FIL 1880S ENG 2004.1120 FIL 1980S GER 2004.1121 FIL 1980S GER 2004.1123 FIL M.D. - ENGLAND. VERY UNUSUAL POT WITH CLOTH FILTER AND SUGAR AND CREAMER 1880S Dolce Caffe - Italy. Means sweet coffee with plastic window in lid. Pic is 1617 M.D. - England. Very unusual pot with cloth filter and sugar and creamer MELITA Melita - Germany. GERMANY. Makrolon filter and glass MAKROLON FILTER jug with makrolon AND GLASS JUG handles and lid. 1980s WITH MAKROLON HANDLES AND LID. 1980S BRAUN - WEST GERMANY. ELECTRIC DRIPOLATOR WITH UNUSUAL DESIGN 1980S Braun - West Germany. Electric dripolator with unusual design 1980s PHILLIPS - 'CAFÉ Phillips - 'Café Duo'. To DUO'. TO MAKE make two cups of coffee TWO CUPS OF - a simple electric drip COFFEE - A SIMPLE maker for two cups ELECTRIC DRIP MAKER FOR TWO CUPS 2004.1124 FIL 1990S GER BRAUN GERMANY. ELECTRIC DRIPLOATOR 1990S Braun - Germany. Electric driploator 1990s 2004.1125 FIL 1980S HOLL TECHNI VORM 'CLUB LINE'. HOLLAND. PAT. PENDING. DOUBLE JUG MAKER 1980S Techni Vorm - 'Club Line'. Holland. Pat. Pending. Double jug maker 1980s 2004.1127 FIL 2000 USA BONJOUR CORP. Bonjour Corp. - USA. USA. 'BONJOUR - 'Bonjour - Brew & Touch'. BREW & TOUCH'. Made in Taiwan this was FILTER developed for the US market to allow brewing when the filter was set onto a jug - no pouring off the jug. 2000 2004.1130 FIL 1900 GER GERMAN JUG WITH FILTER DEVICE IN THE LID OUTLET. 1900 German jug with filter device in the lid outlet. 1900 2004.1133 FIL 1920S FR S.F.M.O. FRENCH ALUMINIUM JUG WITH FILTER SECTION AND FILTER CLOTH BAGS 1920S S.F.M.O. French aluminium jug with filter section and filter cloth bags 1920s 2004.1143 FIL DEN UBGM - DENMARK. UBGM - Denmark. REGISTERED Registered design. DESIGN. - BLACK black plastic filter insert PLASTIC FILTER INSERT 2004.1152 FIL USA KENT PRODUCTS Kent Products Co. USA. CO. USA. Electric base by VACULATOR Westinghouse. Filter - US ELECTRIC BASE BY pat. No. - 2.376.410. WESTINGHOUSE. Note ceramic filter pat no. 2376 410 US 2004.1154 FIL USA SALAM. US PAT. Salam. US pat. - 25-925-9-1923 / 1923 / British pat. - 164BRITISH PAT. 309. French filter 164-309. FRENCH machine for restaurants FILTER MACHINE 1920s FOR RESTAURANTS 1920S 1920S 2004.1168 FIL 1950S USA GUARDIAN Guardian Service. USA. SERVICE. USA. Aluminium filter ex US ALUMINIUM post war aluminium was FILTER EX US very cheap. 1950 POST WAR ALUMINIUM WAS VERY CHEAP. 1950 2004.1201 FIL 1900S BELGIUM BELGIUM Belgium - Maudouk MAUDOUK Dinant. Brass and copper DINANT. BRASS pot with removable filter AND COPPER POT 1900s WITH REMOVABLE FILTER 1900S 2004.1202 FIL 1880'S BAVARIA SPM - BAVARIA. GERMANY. COMMONLY KNOWN AS A KARLSBADER - A CERAMIC FILTER MACHINE 1880S ON SPM - Bavaria. Germany. Commonly known as a Karlsbader - a ceramic filter machine 1880s on 2004.1203 FIL 1930S FR MM. - FRANCE. FRENCH CHROME FILTER MACHINE 1930S MM. - France. French Chrome filter machine 1930s 2004.1204 FIL 1900S USA SALAM - USA. PAT Salam - USA. Pat - 25.9.23 . GB. PAT 25.9.23 . GB. Pat - 164309. FILTER 164309. Filter top to put TOP TO PUT ON A on a jug France 1930s JUG FRANCE 1930S 2004.1206 FIL 1920S FR SELECTA Selecta - France. Brevet FRANCE. BREVET no - 246.609. French NO - 246.609. brass filter machine FRENCH BRASS good device 1920s FILTER MACHINE GOOD DEVICE 1920S 2004.1207 FIL 1970S USA COFFEECORNING Corning Glass for Wilbur GLASS FOR Curtis Co. USA. WILBUR CURTIS Glass/plastic filter pot CO. USA. 1970s GLASS/PLASTIC FILTER POT 1970S 2004.1208 FIL FR SELECTA Selecta - France. FRANCE. Chromed filter top to go CHROMED FILTER on jug TOP TO GO ON JUG 2004.1209 FIL 1970S GER MELITA Melita - Germany. Early GERMANY. EARLY post war filter set in POST WAR FILTER ceramic - 1970s SET IN CERAMIC 1970S 2004.1210 FIL 1900S FR 2004.1211 FIL 1880S GER HK & C. BASSE & HK & C. Basse & Fischer. FISCHER. Germany. Early pewter GERMANY. EARLY filter pot 1880s unusual PEWTER FILTER POT 1880S UNUSUAL 2004.1212 FIL 1900S FR PILIVUYT- FRANCE. Pilivuyt- France. Famous FAMOUS BRAND brand ceramic filter pot CERAMIC FILTER 1900s brown POT 1900S BROWN 2004.1213 FIL 1920S USA 'WEAR EVER' 'Wear Ever' - Aluminuim. ALUMINUIM. USA. USA. Simploe two part SIMPLOE TWO filter pot 1920s PART FILTER POT 1920S 2004.1214 FIL 1920S GER THREE CERAMIC Three ceramic filters. 2 x FILTERS. 2 X Melita 1936 - Germany. MELITA 1936 No marks on other GERMANY. NO 1920s. All from Germany MARKS ON OTHER - 1920S. ALL FROM GERMANY 2004.1215 FIL 1900 - 20 FR 2004.1216 FIL 1880 BROWN ORANGE ENAMEL FILTER POT - 1900S FRANCE TWO TIN FILTERS FROM FRANCE 1900-1920 VERY EARLY AND UNUSUAL Brown orange enamel filter pot - 1900s France Two tin filters ffrom France 1900-1920 very early and unusual TWO HAMBURGER Two Hamburger Trichter TRICHTER FILTERS filters - ceramic to put on - CERAMIC TO PUT jugs - required filter ON JUGS ppaper - pre 1900 REQUIRED FILTER PPAPER - PRE 1900 2004.1217 FIL 1920S 2004.1218 FIL 1920S 2004.1219 FIL 2004.1220 FIL 2004.1221 FIL 2004.1222 FIL 2004.1223 2004.1224 BELGIUM OR C & V.V. LOOKS C & V.V. Looks Begian or HOLLAND BEGIAN OR DUTCH Dutch filter pot - 1920s FILTER POT metal filter 1920S METAL FILTER USA USA 1960S ENTERPRISE Enterprise Aluminuim Co. ALUMINUIM CO. USA. 'Drip - O - Lator'. -USA. 'DRIP - O - 'Makes Heathful Coffee'. LATOR'. -- 'MAKES 1920s HEATHFUL COFFEE'. 1920S POT - THE CLUB ALUMINUIM CO. USA .FILTER WEST BEND ALUMINUIM CO.HEAVY ALUMINIUM FILTER Pot - The Club Aluminuim Co. USA .Filter - West Bend Aluminuim Co.heavy naluminium filter Pat. No - 1.570.807. Other patents pending. HOLLAND DUTCH FILTER Dutch filter pot made for POT MADE FOR Douwe Egbert - ceramic DOUWE EGBERT - pot, plastic funnel built CERAMIC POT, into shape of pot 1960s PLASTIC FUNNEL BUILT INTO SHAPE OF POT 1960S USA SUNBEAM . USA. Sunbeam . USA. Design DESIGN PAT. NO. - pat. No. - D92668. Made D92668. MADE BY by - Chicago Flexible - CHICAGO Shaft Co. with long filter FLEXIBLE SHAFT compartment CO. 1930S USA MIRACLE MAID Miracle Maid Cookware. COOKWARE. USA. USA. Patented. PATENTED. Aluminium filter pot ALUMINIUM 1930s FILTER POT 1930S FIL 1930S USA ENTERPRISE ALUMINIUM CO. USA. 'DRIP- OLATOR'. ALUMINIUM FILTER 1930S Enterprise Aluminium Co. USA. 'Drip- O-Lator'. Aluminium filter 1930s FIL 1910S FR ARMY ISSUE POT. FRENCH. 1910S VERY UNUSUAL WITH BASE. Army issue pot. French. 1910s - very unusual with base. 2004.1225 FIL 1940 USA MIRRO. USA. ALUMINIUM FILTER POT 1940S Mirro. USA. Aluminium filter pot 1940s 2004.1226 FIL 1930S FR FRANCE. UNIS. France. Unis. 'Merit' 'MERIT' - MODELE modele 'Gallia'. Unusual 'GALLIA'. pot with heavy part to UNUSUAL POT keep the coffee down in WITH HEAVY PART filter 1930s 2004.1227 FIL USA E.W.HAMMOND. E.W.Hammond. USA. USA. 'MIDGET 'Midget - Drip'. A cloth DRIP'. A CLOTH filter was tied around the FILTER WAS TIED upper part. AROUND THE UPPER PART. 2004.1228 FIL 1891 FR POT - 'LIMOGES'. Pot - 'Limoges'. France. FRANCE. TOP Top filter - Joseph FILTER - JOSEPH Demaison la Precieuse. DEMAISON LA 23-5-1891. The upper PRECIEUSE. 23-5- filter had a part to allow 1891. the water to fall through and then close so that the aroma would not escape. 2004.1229 FIL 1960S JAP JAPAN. POSTWAR Japan. Postwar copy of a COPY OF A Karlsbader coffee pot KARLSBADER orange colour. 1960s COFFEE POT ORANGE COLOUR. 1960S 2004.1230 FIL 1930S USA STRONG - LITE Strong - Lite Aluminuim. ALUMINUIM. USA. USA. 1930s aluminium 1930S ALUMINIUM coffee filter pot COFFEE FILTER POT 2004.1231 FIL 1800 2004.1232 FIL 1920S VERY EARLY STEEL Very early steel coffee COFFEE FILTER filter with hinged lid WITH HINGED LID could be any time from - COULD BE ANY 1800 on TIME FROM 1800 ON FR S.I.F. BREVETE SGDC. FRANCE. EARLY FRENCH PUNCHED METAL FILTER 1920S S.I.F. Brevete SGDC. France. Early French punched metal filter 1920s 2004.1233 FIL 1851 USA 'THE PRIVATE ESTATE COFFEE MAKER'. THE PRIVATE ESTATE COFFEE COMPANY. EST. 1851. USA 'The Private Estate Coffee Maker'. The Private Estate Coffee Company. est. 1851. USA. Patent applied for. 2004.894 G 1950S IT ITALY. TIN Italy. Tin grinder with GRINDER WITH removable base. 1950s REMOVABLE BASE. 1950S 2004.908 G 1904 FR FONDON & VALLO Fondon & Vallo . France . . FRANCE . ARMY Army issue. For First ISSUE. FOR FIRST World War. WORLD WAR. 2004.910 G 1880 AUSTRIA GRINDER FROM VENICE 1880. SEE ELIZABETH MULLER P.129 2004.944 G TURKEY BRASS CYLINDER Brass cylinder electric ELECTRIC MOST most rare - could be RARE - COULD BE electric Turkish grinder EELCTRIC TURKISH GRINDER 2004.899 G-D IT COFFEE TRE SPADE - ITALY. ITALIAN HAND GRINDER WOODEN Tre Spade - Italy. Italian hand grinder wooden 2004.906 G- D 1880 AUSTRIAN K & S. WIEN. EARLY AUSTRIAN GRINDER - PRE 1900 K & S. Wien. Early Austrian grinder - pre 1900 2004.943 G- D 1940S FR LAMEL FRANCE.TWO ELECTRIC GRINDERS - LATE 1940S Lamel - France.Two electric grinders - late 1940s domestic Grinder from Venice 1880. See Elizabeth Muller p.129 2004.896 G -D GER 'MOCCA'. 'Mocca'. Wooden WOODEN GERMAN German grinder. I have GRINDER. the idea that this was made during WW2 when metal was difficult find. 2004.902 G -D 1950S IT 2004.930 G- W 1750 FR COFFEE FRANCE - France - circa 1750-80.A CIRCA 1750-80.A large wooden mill on a LARGE WOODEN stand - the grinding burrs MILL ON A STAND were made of wood with steel fillets - the grind was coarse only, The screws that held the mill together were made of wood. A fantastic piece. 2004.919 G=D FR COFFEE FRANCE. WALL GRINDER UNUSUAL GRINDING MECHANISM REMOVABLE HANDLE 2004.953 G-C USA CORY GLASS Cory Glass Coffee COFFEE BREWER Brewer Co. USA. Made CO. USA. MADE BY by Hobart for Cory see HOBART FOR MacMillan page 364 rare CORY SEE MACMILLAN PAGE 364 RARE 2004.883 G-D GER + IT +FR 1.WIGO PLUS 1.Wigo Plus German GERMAN GRINDER grinder with sieve. 2. WITH SIEVE. 2. Bialetti & C. Italian 3. BIALETTI & C. Rotary - Brevete.Fr with ITALIAN 3. timer - very early ROTARY BREVETE.FR 2004.884 G-D FR +? AT - BREVETTI. ITALY. METAL GRINDER 1950S 1. PEUGEOT FRANCE VERY EARLY . 2. PHILLIPS 3.MOTEUR UNIVERSEL KALORIK. BLADE GRINDERS AT - Brevetti. Italy. Metal grinder 1950s France. Wall grinder unusual grinding mechanism removable handle 1. Peugeot - France very early . 2. Phillips 3.Moteur Universel Kalorik. Blade grinders 2004.889 G-D 2 = ? + FR TWO GRINDERS AND. 3.'PERFEX' FRANCE. CYLINDER ALU GRINDERS. two grinders and. 3.'Perfex' - France. Cylinder alu grinders. 2004.890 G-D CZEC+GER+? 2004.891 G-D FR 2004.892 G-D 1900S ENG THE POPULAR The Popular Coffee Mill COFFEE MILL England. To be affixed to ENGLAND. TO BE table - 1900s or earlier AFFIXED TO TABLE - 1900S OR EARLIER 2004.893 G-D 1850S ENG A.KENDRICK & SONS. ENGLAND. EARALY MODEL PAINTED IN GREEN - PERHAPS 1850S A.Kendrick & Sons. England. Earaly model painted in green perhaps 1850s 2004.897 G-D GER LEINBROKS JDEAL. UNUSUAL SIDE HANDLE GRINDER Leinbroks - Jdeal. Unusual side handle grinder 2004.898 G-D 1875 GER 'HAHA' HACHAUS. GERMAN SEIT 1875. UNUSUAL GRINDER WITH SLIDE ADJUSTER. 'Haha' - Hachaus. German seit 1875. Unusual grinder with slide adjuster. 2004.900 G-D 1930S FR PEUGEOT FRANCE. WOODEN 1930S Peugeot - France. Wooden 1930s COFFEETHREE Three grinders 1 Czech GRINDERS 1 Zaklady Metalowe 2. Alix CZECH ZAKLADY 2 German pat. 3 L:OP AA METALOWE 2. patented. Three ALIX 2 GERMAN important. PAT. 3 L:OP AA PATENTED. MOULUX FRANCE. ALU GRINDER - HEAVY DUTY Moulux - France. Alu grinder - heavy duty 2004.901 G-D 1920S FR FRENCH GRINDER French grinder with WITH SCENE scene - there were many THERE WERE different grinders with MANY DIFFERENT different scenes 1920s GRINDERS WITH DIFFERENT SCENES 1920S 2004.903 G-D 1940S ENG PARK GREEN ENGLAND. GRINDER OF EXCELLENT QUALITY -MILLED CUTTERS GROUND VERY FINE. Park Green - England. Grinder of excellent quality -milled cutters ground very fine. 1940s 2004.904 G-D IT 'TRE SPADE' ITALY. CLASSIC GRINDER FOR ATTACHING TO THE TABLE METAL CYLINDER ON WOODEN BASE 'Tre Spade' - Italy. Classic grinder for attaching to the table metal cylinder on wooden base 2004.905 G-D 1900 USA 2004.907 G-D 1920 SPAIN 'ORIGINAL' - M.J.F. 'Original' - M.J.F. Spain. SPAIN. SMALL Small metal grinder with METAL GRINDER wheel 1920s WITH WHEEL 1920S 2004.909 G-D 1895 ENG THE POPULAR The Popular Coffee Mill COFFEE MILL England. 'Beatrice'. Reg ENGLAND. no - 520929. 1895 table 'BEATRICE'. REG model NO - 520929. 1895 TABLE MODEL 2004.911 G-D 1900 ENG A.FREDERICK & A.Frederick & Sons. SONS. PATENTED Patented coffee mill no COFFEE MILL NO 3. England. 1900 3. ENGLAND. 1900 2004.912 G-D GER ZASSENHAUS. RZ. EARLY GERMAN GRINDER 'MONITOR' - USA. 'Monitor' - USA. A A GGRINDER ggrinder named after NAMED AFTER THE the first submarine of FIRST SUBMARINE the Civil War in the US. OF THE CIVIL WAR Very unusual. 1900 IN THE US. Macmillan p.100 Zassenhaus. RZ. Early German grinder 2004.913 G-D 1800 GER IRON GRINDER 1800 GERMAN SEE ELIZABETH VON WALDENDORFF P.80 Iron grinder 1800 German see Elizabeth von Waldendorff p.80 2004.914 G-D 1888 USA IMPERIAL MILL Imperial Mill - Arcade ARCADE Manufacturing Co. MANUFACTURING patented Sept 25 - 1888. CO. PATENTED American SEPT 25 - 1888. AMERICAN 2004.915 G-D 1860 ENG A.K & SONS. A.K & Sons. England. ENGLAND. ALBERT - 857707. HALL. AROUND Around 1860 see 1860 SEE Macmillan p.974 very MACMILLAN P.974 rare made in the shape of the Albert Hall. 2004.916 G-D 1750S GER GERMAN GRINDER CIRCA 1750'S. VERY VERY OLD German grinder Circa 1750's. Very very old 2004.917 G-D 1920S COFFEE wooden grinder - metal hopper shows the origin is recent - perhaps 1920s 2004.918 G-D 1916 SWEDEN THE TIX GRINDER The TIX grinder by Carl BY CARL Ranstedt & Co in RANSTEDT & CO Eskiltuna, Sweden made IN ESKILTUNA, this grinder in 1916. The SWEDEN MADE grinding mechanism is THIS GRINDER IN absolutely unique - the 1916. horizontal roller has longitudinal cuts in it and the static outside has vertical cuts - only good fro grinding coars 2004.920 G-D 1900 GER ZASSENHAUS - RZ. Zassenhaus - RZ. GERMAN GRINDER German grinder - around - AROUND 1900 1900 2004.921 G-D 1900S FR PEUGEOT Peugeot grinder with slot GRINDER WITH undeneath to fasten to SLOT UNDENEATH the table - 1900s TO FASTEN TO THE TABLE 1900S 2004.922 G-D 1950 IT TRE SPADE ITALY.SPHERICAL GRINDER METAL AROUND 1950 2004.923 G-D 1940S GER 2004.924 G-D 1960S FR+CZEC+HUN 2004.925 G-D HUN+GER 1.BEHA - LILIPUT- 1.Beha - Liliput-Mocca MOCCA Hungary. 2.Drienes HUNGARY. Mahlchen - Germany 2.DRIENES Using plastic and rotating MAHLCHEN lids. GERMANY USING PLASTIC AND ROTATING LIDS. 2004.926 G-D GER+HUN 1. KYM - 'MILLY'. 1. KYM - 'Milly'. Germany. GERMANY. 2.Szarvasi - Hungary. 2.SZARVASI Using plastic base and HUNGARY. USING rotating lids. PLASTIC AND ROTATING LIDS. 2004.927 G-D 1960S FR Tre Spade Italy.spherical grinder metal around 1950 MOKKA. WOODEN Mokka. Wooden German GERMAN GRINDER grinder looks like 1940s LOOKS LIKE 1940S 1. MIGNON FRANCE. 2. TRAMP 3 - CZECH. 3. MINURET HUNGARY. PLASTIC TRAVEL GRINDERS 1960S SEV - TYPE 50. FRANCE. ELEECTRIC WALL GRINDER - VERY STRONG. 1960S 1. Mignon - France. 2. Tramp 3 - Czech. 3. Minuret - Hungary. Plastic travel grinders 1960s SEV - Type 50. France. Eleectric wall grinder very strong. 1960s 2004.928 G-D 1930S GER MOKKAFINA WEST GERMANY. ELECTRIC GRINDER. 1930S Mokkafina - West Germany. Electric grinder. 1930s The Hamburg Electric Museum has one and that is the only other one that I have ever seen. Mokkafina - West Germany. Electric grinder. 1930sery rare. 2004.934 G-D 1846 FR 2004.935 G-D MODERN WOODEN GRINDER Modern wooden grinder 2004.936 G-D MODERN WOODEN GRINDER Modern wooden grinder 2004.937 G-D 1930 SLOVAKIA KAVA. - A Kava. - a Slovakian SLOVAKIAN grinder with two GRINDER WITH compartments side by TWO side - one for coffee, one COMPARTMENTS for grain - malt.1930s SIDE BY SIDE The two compartments ONE FOR COFFEE, fed two grinders ONE FOR GRAIN - ujnderneath. Very rare. 2004.939 G-D 1930S GER 1. PE-DE. 2.NO 1. Pe-De. marks. MARKS. MUCH Much rarer. Two bakelite RARER. TWO grinders from the 1930s BAKELITE Germany GRINDERS FROM THE 1930S GERMANY 2004.945 G-D 1929 IT JADY FRERES & Jady Freres & Co. France. CO. FRANCE. THE The first grinder I have FIRST GRINDER I ever seen with HAVE EVER SEEN intermeshing teth 1846 WITH Coffee Floats p.218 INTERMESHING TETH 1846 SIMERAC Marelli - Italy. Simerac ELECTRIC electric grinder - one of GRINDER - ONE OF the very first electric THE VERY FIRST domestic grinders. ELECTRIC 1929/1930 DOMESTIC GRINDERS. 1929/1930 2004.946 G-D 1950S IT 2004.948 G-D 2004.949 G-D 1920S FR 2004.954 G-D 1990S CHINA RONSON 'COFFEE MILL'. MADE IN CHINA. 1990S Ronson - 'Coffee Mill'. Made in China. 1990s 2004.955 G-D 1980S GER BOSCH GERMANY. ELECTRIC GRINDER - 1980S Bosch - Germany. Electric grinder - 1980s 2004.957 G-D 1980S GER 2004.958 G-D GER WIGOMILL GERMANY. MADE BY GOTTLOB WIDMAN Wigomill - Germany. made by Gottlob Widman one of the first manuifacturers of electric filter machines. 2004.959 G-D GER EMIDE - WEST GERMANY. AN EARLY ELECTRIC GRINDER Emide - West Germany. An early electric grinder SWISS FAEMA - ITALY. Faema - Italy. Small SMALL DOMESTIC domestic electric grinder ELECTRIC 1950s GRINDER 1950S A.R.S.A. PLASTIC AND METAL ELECTRIC GRINDER FROM SWITZERLAND VERY RARE A.R.S.A. Plastic and metal electric grinder from Switzerland - very rare FRENCH ELECTRIC French electric grinder GRINDER ON on wooden base - very WOODEN BASE very rare - not in good 1920S - NOT IN condition but very rare. GOOD CONDITION A linen belt from the BUT VERY RARE. pulley on motor turns a 192 wheel with cogs which turns the grinderer blades. BOSCH Bosch Germany.electric GERMANY.ELECTRIC grinder 1980s GRINDER 1980S 2004.960 G-D 1930S GER ESM - DIE KRONE . ESM - Die Krone . GERMANY. 1930S Germany. 1930s or later OR LATER electric domestic grinder ELECTRIC - small and very solid DOMESTIC GRINDER - SMALL AND VERY SOLID 2004.962 G-D 2004.963 G-D 1936 USA 2004.964 G-D 1960S IT QUICKMILL ITALY. ELECTRIC GRINDER FOR ESPRESSO 1960S 2004.965 G-D IT LESA - ITALY. ' Lesa - Italy. ' Cafir'. CAFIR'. ELECTRIC Electric domestic grinder DOMESTIC GRINDER 2004.966 G-D CHINA 2004.968 G-D 2004.969 G-D PHILLIPS - 'DIAL-A- Phillips - 'Dial-a-Bean'. BEAN'. ELECTRIC Electric domestic grinder DOMESTIC GRINDER 1950S KITCHEN AID Kitchen Aid - elec ELEC DOMESTIC domestic grinder USA. GRINDER. USA. Pat's pending. Made PAT'S PENDING. from 1936 on to postwar MADE FROM 1936 ON TO POSTWAR RALTA - CHINA. ELECTRIC SPINNING BLADE GRINDER FOR SPICE AND COFFEE Quickmill - Italy. Electric grinder for espresso 1960s Ralta - China. Electric spinning blade grinder for spice and coffee GER AEG AEG - Germany.electric GERMANY.ELECTRIC domestic grinder with DOMESTIC plastic body - very solid GRINDER WITH 1950s PLASTIC BODY VERY SOLID 1950S IT GUGL ELMO. VERY Gugl Elmo. Very early EARLY ITALIAN Italian coffee grinder COFFEE GRINDER blade - very hard plastic BLADE - VERY like bakelite . Glass bowl HARD PLASTIC - rare. LIKE BAKELITE 2004.970 G-D 1950S FR/GER FRENCH OR GERMAN EELCTRIC WALL GRINDER VERY UNUSUAL 1950S French or German eelctric wall grinder very unusual 1950s 2004.938 G-D sir lancelot 1930S 2004.940 G-D/E 1970 2004.952 G-E 2004.961 G-E to espresso 1970S IT DERRE - ITALY. Derre - Italy. Quickmill QUICKMILL espresso grinder without ESPRESSO doser. 1970s GRINDER WITHOUT DOSER. 1970S 2004.929 G-S 1930/40S USA AMERICAN American Duplex Co. DUPLEX CO. USA. USA. Pat's. pending. PAT'S. PENDING. Called The Big Pot in the CALLED THE BIG shape of a coffee pot POT IN THE SHAPE from the 1930s and OF A COFFEE POT 1940s see MacMillan p 13 - large article on this grinder. 2004.932 G-S 1910 FR GOLDENBERG. NO Goldenberg. No 2. Shop 2. SHOP GRINDER grinder 1910s - very 1910S - VERY large French company LARGE FRENCH COMPANY 2004.933 G-S 1900 FR A MILL BOUGHT IN A mill bought in France FRANCE FOR for counter use - the COUNTER USE ground coffee fell THE GROUND through the bench to a COFFEE FELL drawer underneath. THROUGH THE 1900s or before. Most BENCH TO A rare. Never seen another DRAWER one. COFFEE MOCCA Mocca - KYM. Pieter KYM. PIETER Dienes made this DIENES MADE bakelits grinder in the THIS BAKELITS early 1930s in the shape GRINDER IN THE of a knight with vizor. EARLY 1930S IT V.CONTI. ITALY. 'EUREKA'. SMALL DOMESTIC ESPRESSO GRINDER.1970S V.Conti. Italy. 'Eureka'. Small domestic espresso grinder.1970s PORT BRIEL WAS A BRAND MADE IN PORTUGAL FOR ESPRESSO Briel was a brand made in Portugal for espresso 2004.941 G-S 1930 USA SUNBEAM - USA. Sunbeam - USA. Pat's PAT'S - ELECTRIC electric coffee grinder COFFEE GRINDER attachment on ATTACHMENT ON Mixmaster 1930 MIXMASTER 1930 1733291/1759760/1926910/1975949. Design pat's. 83410/87226/87587. Very rare and scarce. 2004.942 G-S 2004.971 G-S 1920 FR ETABS LEGRAIN Etabs Legrain - Paris. PARIS. FRANCE. France. One of the ONE OF THE earliest small shop or EARLIEST SMALL domestic grinders 1920s SHOP OR DOMESTIC GRINDERS 1920S 2004.895 G-T 1900S TURKEY TABLE TURKISH table Turkish coffee COFFEE GRINDER - grinder - missing handle MISSING HANDLE 1900s 1900S 2004.931 G-W 1800 FR FRENCH - CIRCA French - circa 1800. A 1800. A LARGE large wooden mill on a WOODEN MILL ON stand - the grinding burrs A STAND - DARK were made of wood with COLOUR steel fillets - the grind was coarse only, The screws that held the mill together were made of wood. A fantastic piece. 2004.1160 MILK 1900S FR JANEY VERNINES - Janey Vernines - France. FRANCE. 'NELLY'. 'Nelly'. Saguimenes SAGUIMENES eelctric milk heater very EELCTRIC MILK early rare. 1900s HEATER VERY EARLY RARE. 1900S 2004.1161 MILK 1900S FR ALBERT PILIVUYT & FILS. FRANCE. A MILK WARMER ON BURNER 19C QUICKMILL .DOMESTIC GRINDER ELECTRIC WITH LARGE CONTAINER COULD BE SHOP Quickmill .domestic grinder electric with large container - could be shop Albert Piluvuyt & Fils. France. A milk warmer on burner 19c 2004.1234 MISC 1950S USA 2004.1157 NAP 1900S IT 2004.1158 NAP 1980S 2004.888 owners cars G-D 2004.1103 PER 2004.1111 PER 2004.1112 PER 1960S 2004.1113 PER 1920S 1900S 'THE CLUB COFFEE 'The Club Coffee DISPENSOR'. CLUB Dispensor'. Club ALUMINUIM Aluminuim Products Co. PRODUCTS CO. USA. Postwar and USA. popul;ar collectors items - kept the coffee in airtight containers. 1950s ITALY. LA CAFFETTIERA PREFERITA DEPOSITATA. A NAPOLETANA 1900S Italy. La Caffettiera Preferita -Depositata. A Napoletana - 1900s A.AGUIAR LISBON. MODERN NAPOLETANA 1980S A.Aguiar - Lisbon. Modern Napoletana 1980s FR+ ? + It 1. DURANDAL 1. Durandal - France. 2. FRANCE. 2. NO No marks. 3. Peugeot & MARKS. 3. C. . - 'Rallye'. Three early PEUGEOT & C. . blade grinders 'RALLYE'. THREE EARLY BLADE GRINDERS ENG PICARD. LONDON Picard. London England. ENGLAND. A A French used the Malen FRENCH USED THE French patent to make MALEN FRENCH coffee. 1900s PATENT TO MAKE COFFEE. 1900S USA USA USA. NO MAKERS MARKS.COPPER BASKET AND FITTINGS UNUSUAL USA. No makers marks.Copper basket and fittings unusual SIMPLE ALUMINIUM PERCOLATOR 1960S Simople aluminium percolator 1960s EMPIRE METAL Empire Metal Ware Corp. WARE CORP. USA. USA. Pat. - July 18 - 1916 PAT. - JULY 18 no .119142. Popular 1916 NO .119142. aluminium percoltr POPULAR 1920s ALUMINIUM PERCOLTR 1920S 2004.1122 PER 2004.1153 1970S AUST AUSTRALIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC P/L. PLASTIC PERCOALTOR 1970S Australian General Electric P/L. plastic percoaltor 1970s PER USA F.B.ROGERS SILVER CO. USA. VERY LARGE ELECTTRIC URN PERCOLATOR F.B.Rogers Silver Co. USA. Very large electtric urn percolator 2004.1155 PER ENG LOYSELS PATENT Loysels Patent HYDROSTATIC Hydrostatic Percolator. PERCOLATOR. T.F.Griffiths & T.F.GRIFFITHS & Co.Manufacturers.CO.MANUFACTURERS.Birmingham, England. BIRMINGHAM 1854 patent 2004.1162 PER 1920S USA 'QUALITY BRAND'. 'Quality Brand'. Great GREAT NORTHERN Northern Mfg. Co. USA. MFG. CO. USA. Electric aluminium ELECTRIC percolator 1920s ALUMINIUM PERCOLATOR 1920S 2004.1164 PER 1930'S AUST WENTWORTH MANUFACTURING & DISTRIBUTORS P/L. AUSTRALIA. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR 1930S Wentworth Manufacturing & Distributors P/L. Australia. Electric percolator 1930s 2004.1165 PER 1960S ENG SAMOVAR ENGLAND. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR LOOKS 1960S Samovar - England. Electric percolator looks 1960s 2004.1166 PER 1960S USA UNIVERSAL LANDERS FRARY CLARK. 1960S 'UNIVERSAL COFFEEMATIC'. Universal - Landers Frary Clark. 1960s 'Universal Coffeematic'. The end of the line for a famous brand 2004.1169 PER USA PYREX. USA. PERCOLATOR IN GLASS MADE BY CORNING. Pyrex. USA. Percolator in glass made by Corning. 2004.1170 PER 1970S LA BELLE SILVER La Belle Silver Co Ltd. CO LTD. - 'SUPER - 'Super - Matic'. Classy MATIC'. CLASSY eelctric percolator 1970s EELCTRIC style PERCOLATOR 1970S STYLE 2004.1171 PER 2004.1172 PER 1980 AUST SUNBEAM . Sunbeam . Australia. AUSTRALIA. 'Coffeemaster Percolator 'COFFEEMASTER De Luxe'. Pat no PERCOLATOR DE 250.309. 1980s LUXE'. PAT NO 250.309. 1980S 2004.1173 PER 1970S USA CORNINGWARE. Corningware. USA. A USA. A percolator made from a PERCOLATOR special material whicjh MADE FROM A was heat resistant 1970s SPECIAL MATERIAL WHICJH WAS HEAT RESISTANT 1970S 2004.1174 PER 1980S USA CORNINGWARE . USA. AN ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR SHOWING THE ELEMENT 1980S Corningware . USA. An electric percolator showing the element 1980s 2004.1175 PER USA WEST BEND COMPANY. USA. PAT NOS 3.137.786 / 3.138.698. PLASTIC PERCOLATOR West Bend Company. USA. Pat Nos - 3.137.786 / 3.138.698. Plastic percolator 2004.1176 PER 2004.1177 PER USA 1970S USA USA WESTINGHOUSE. USA. PAT NOS 1551504 1475334. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR Westinghouse. USA. Pat nos - 1551504 1475334. Electric percolator CORNING GLASS Corning Glass Works. WORKS. USA. USA. Electric percolator ELECTRIC with glass body 1970s PERCOLATOR WITH GLASS BODY 1970S DAZEY CORPORATION KANSAS . USA. 'DAZEY PERKUP'. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR WITH GLASS BOWL Dazey Corporation Kansas . USA. 'Dazey Perkup'. Electric percolator with glass bowl 2004.1178 PER 1960S USA CORY . USA. GLASS PERCOLATOR 1960S Cory . USA. Glass percolator 1960s 2004.1179 PER 1970S FR 2004.1180 PER 2004.1181 PER 2004.1182 PER 2004.1183 PER 2004.1184 PER 1950S AUST LANGCO . AUSTRALIA. ELECTRIC PERCOLATORS 1950S Langco . Australia. Electric percolators 1950s 2004.1185 PER 1930S USA S.W.FARBER INC. USA. 'FARBERWARE'. US PAT - 1839329. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR 1930S S.W.Farber Inc. USA. 'Farberware'. US pat 1839329. Electric percolator 1930s PHILLIPS . Phillips . France. Modele FRANCE. MODELE 'Celt' Depose. Electric 'CELT' DEPOSE. percolator 1970s ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR 1970S JOHN OSTER John Oster MANUFACTURING Manufacturing Co. CO. 'OSTER' 'Oster' - Insulated. Patent INSULATED. applied for. Plastic PATENT APPLIED percolator FOR. PLASTIC PERCOLATOR 1957 USA PYREX. USA. GLASS PERCOLATOR CORNING WARE USA Pyrex. USA. Glass percolator Corning ware USA USA PYREX . USA. ON ALUMINUIM FILTER - PAT NO 2204158. VERY EARLY GLASS CORNING WARE PERCOLATOR 1957 Pyrex . USA. On aluminuim filter - pat no 2204158. Very early glass Corning ware percolator 1957 USA CORNING WARE. Corning Ware. USA. USA. PERCOLATOR Percolator pyroceram PYROCERAM very heat resistant VERY HEAT material RESISTANT MATERIAL 2004.1186 PER 1938 CANADA PYREX. CANADA. VERY EARLY GLASS PERCOLATOR CORNING WARE 1938 Pyrex. Canada. Very early glass percolator Corning ware 1938 2004.1187 PER 1938 USA PYREX. USA. VERY EARLY MODEL 1938 POSSIBLY WITH GLASS FILTER BOWL. Pyrex. USA. Very early model - 1938 possibly with glass filter bowl. 2004.1188 PER USA PURE ALUMINUIM WARE. USA. CHEAP PERCOLATOR Pure Aluminuim Ware. USA. Cheap percolator 2004.1189 PER USA PYREX . USA. GLASS PERCOLATOR Pyrex . USA. Glass percolator 2004.1191 PER GER SIEMENS Siemens - Germany. GERMANY. Electric percolator - note ELECTRIC the ceramic base to PERCOLATOR avoid using metal and NOTE THE then the filter is in CERAMIC BASE TO aluminium. AVOID USING METAL 2004.1192 PER 1930S GER ROWENTA. Rowenta. German GERMAN ELECTRIC electric percolator 1930s PERCOLATOR 1930S 2004.1193 PER 1980S CHINA 2004.1194 PER 1912 USA CHINA . ENAMEL PERCOLATOR 1980S China . Enamel percolator 1980s GENERAL General Electric Co. USA. ELECTRIC CO. Pat. - June 18-1912. Very USA. PAT. - JUNE early model 18-1912. VERY EARLY MODEL 2004.1198 PER GER AEG. L.NR. 44510. GERMAN ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR VERY EARLY 2004.1117 PL 2000 GER MONO Mono - Germany. A GERMANY. A stainless steel basket is STAINLESS STEEL suspended in a hot water BASKET IS glass container. 2000 SUSPENDED IN A HOT WATER GLASS CONTAINER. 2000 2004.1100 TEA 1952 ENG HAWKINS 'TIFFEE' - ENGLAND. ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC TEAMKER UK 1952 2004.1119 TEA 1990S TAIWAN STAINLESS STEEL Stainless steel thermos THERMOS MUG mug with tea filter WITH TEA FILTER - Taiwan or China 1990s TAIWAN OR CHINA 1990S 2004.867 TUR TURKEY BRASS TRAY - 9 Brass tray - 9 small SMALL TURKISH Turkish cups in holders CUPS IN HOLDERS and ceramic - zarfs and AND CERAMIC finjans ZARFS AND FINJANS 2004.868 TUR TURKEY 2004.869 TUR TURKEY TURKISH CEZVE - Turkish Cezve - open pot OPEN POT WITH with lip LIP 2004.870 TUR TURKEY THREE POTS. MODERN CEZVE OPEN TURKISH BOILERS WITH SPOUTS EARLY BAGDAD BOILER - LONG SPOUT FOR POURING INTO SMALL CUPS. AEG. - 44510. German electric percolator - very early Hawkins 'Tiffee' England. Electric automatic teamker UK 1952 Early Bagdad boiler long spout for pouring into small cups. no marks . Three pots. Modern Cezve - open Turkich boilers with spouts 2004.871 TUR 2004.872 TUR 2004.873 TUR 2004.874 TUR 2004.875 1990S MODERN ELECTRIC CEZVE AND COPPER ONE WITH LID Modern electric cezve and copper one with lid TURKEY 1. NO MARKS. 2. S.KIRMIKIL. BURSA. 2 TURKISH POTS 1. No marks. 2. S.Kirmikil. - Bursa. 2 Turkish pots TURKEY TWO INTERESTING TURKISH POTS ONE GERMAN ELECTRIC AND THE OTHER WITH A VERY WIDE MOUTH. Two interesting Turkish pots - one German electric and the other with a very wide mouth. Hard to imagine why the wide mouth except to catch the brewing foam. JAPAN COFFEE TAJIMI Tajimi Pottery Ltd. Japan. POTTERY LTD. Ceramic Bagdad boilers JAPAN. CERAMIC 1990s - very attractive BAGDAD BOILERS - 1990S - VERY ATTRACTIVE TUR DUBAI TWO BAGDAD Two Bagdad boilers BOILERS - SIMILAR similar design. One may DESIGN. ONE MAY have patent marks from HAVE PATENT Dubai. MARKS FROM DUBAI. 2004.876 TUR TURKEY THREE IBRIKS ONE V INT. DESIGN. THE OTHER TWO NORMAL Three ibriks - one v int. design. The other two normal 2004.877 TUR TURKEY ONE IBRIK AND A POSSIBLE TURKISH POT. One ibrik and a possible Turkish pot. 2004.878 TUR TURKEY TWO IBRIKS - ONE WITH ISTAMBUL STYLE AND THE OTHER WITH A FOLDING HANDLE. Two ibriks - one with Istambul style and the other with a folding handle. And a sugar container to match 2004.879 TUR TURKEY TWO IBRIKS - ONE WITH A DISTINCT BAGDAD STYLE Two ibriks - one with a distinct Bagdad style 2004.880 TUR TURKEY THREE TURKISH Three Turkish grinders GRINDERS AND A and a mortar and pestle MORTAR AND - the wide grinder is of PESTLE - THE Moroccan origin. WIDE GRINDER IS OF MOROCCAN ORIGIN. 2004.882 TUR TURKEY ONE LARGE AND One large and one small ONE SMALL Turkish coffee pots TURKISH COFFEE IBRIKS with heated coals POTS IBRIKS WITH underneath, HEATED COALS UNDERNEATH, 2004.881 TUR CUPS JAPAN MIXED MIDDLE Mixed Middle eastern EASTERN COFFEE coffee cups made in CUPS MADE IN Japan PLUS two coconut JAPAN PLUS TWO cups as used in SE COCONUT CUPS Turkey AS USED IN SE TURKEY 2004.1118 VAC USA SILEX VACULATOR Silex vaculator USA. 'Bon USA. 'BON Vivant'.- unusual and VIVANT'.modern design UNUSUAL AND MODERN DESIGN 2004.1138 VAC 1880s ENG PICARDS LTD. Picards Ltd. England. Reg ENGLAND. REG NO no - 690219. Vaculator - 690219. from England. 1880s VACULATOR FROM ENGLAND. 1880S 2004.1139 VAC 1915 ENG ENGLAND. 'CONA' England. 'Cona' - no 2. - NO 2. REG. NO - Reg. No - 591396. Trade 591396. TRADE Mark - Reg.No 337117. MARK - REG.NO The Cona company 337117. began making Vaculators in 1915. There are many models. 2004.1140 VAC ENG ENGLAND. 'CONA' England. 'Cona' - Table - TABLE MODEL model deluxe'. Size 11A. DELUXE'. SIZE Brass by - J.Picard & 11A. BRASS BY Co.London. Reg no J.PICARD & 690219 CO.LONDON. REG NO 690219 2004.1141 VAC USA 'THE DUNBAR' .DUNBAR GLASS CORPORATION USA. WEST VIRGINIA VACULATOR 'The Dunbar' .Dunbar Glass Corporation - USA. West Virginia vaculator with cloth filter 2004.1142 VAC 1930S ENG 'PRESTO'. PRESTO'. ENGLAND. ENGLAND. METAL METAL INSERT - PRO' INSERT - PRO' PAT. NO - 636269 WITH PAT. NO - 636269 UNUSUAL METAL FILTER WITH UNUSUAL INSERT 1930S/40S METAL FILTER INSERT 1930S/40S 2004.1144 VAC 1950 ENG CONA . ENGLAND. Cona . England. Size D. SIZE D. ELECTRIC Electric vaculator VACULATOR esigned by famous ESIGNED BY English designer Abram FAMOUS ENGLISH Games in 1950 DESIGNER ABRAM GAMES IN 1950 2004.1145 VAC USA 'COFFEEMASTER'. 'Coffeemaster'. SUNBEAM Sunbeam CORPORATION.USA.Corporation.USA. Patent PATENT - USA - USA 1994323. Electric 1994323. vaculator ELECTRIC VACULATOR 2004.1146 VAC USA ABCO METAL ABCO Metal Products PRODUCTS INC. Inc. USA. On insert - pat. USA. ON INSERT Pending. Aluminium PAT. PENDING. vaculator ALUMINIUM VACULATOR 2004.1147 VAC GER GERMANY. GLASS BY SCHOTT/MAINZ ELECTRIC VACULATOR 2004.1148 VAC USA KENT PRODUCTS Kent Products Co.. USA. CO.. USA. GLASS Glass vaculator with VACULATOR WITH cloth filter CLOTH FILTER 2004.1149 VAC USA CORY - USA. Cory - USA. 'Vaculator' 'VACULATOR' insert Dutch Filter. Pats. INSERT DUTCH Pending on pot and filter. FILTER. PATS. Note ceramic filter. PENDING ON POT AND FILTER. NOTE CERAMIC FILTER. Germany. Glass by Schott/Mainz electric vaculator 2004.1150 VAC GER SCH0TT/MAINZ Schott/Mainz GERMANY.GLASS vaculator VACULATOR 2004.1151 VAC ENG CONA - ENGLAND. 2004.1167 VAC USA S.W.FARBER INC. S.W.Farber Inc. USA. USA. 'Farberware'. 'FARBERWARE'. - Automatic Coffee Maker. AUTOMATIC Electric vaculator Pat,s. COFFEE MAKER. 1.947.426 / 2.086.357. ELECTRIC VACULATOR 2004.1199 WAT 1977 RUSSIA RUSSIA. SAMOVAR. 1977. ELECTRIC. IT WAS ONLY A MACHINE TO KEEP WATER BOILING Russia. Samovar. 1977. Electric. It was only a machine to keep water boiling to dilute the teapot on top 2004.1200 WAT 1969 RUSSIA RUSSIA. SAMOVAR. 1969. ELECTRIC. IT WAS ONLY A MACHINE TO KEEP WATER BOILING Russia. Samovar. 1969. Electric. It was only a machine to keep water boiling to dilute the teapot on top 2004.1109 WH 1930S USA 1800s GER 2004.1137 2004.947 Cona - England. WASHINGTON Washington Coffee COFFEE - 'JUNIOR 'Junior Water Heater'. WATER HEATER'. Made by The Globe MADE BY THE Machine & Stamping Co. GLOBE MACHINE & Pat. Pending. Very STAMPING CO. unusual and rare - used to dispense George Washington instant coffee. 1930s GERMAN PEWTER POT - 1800S. German Pewter pot 1800s. WALTONS 'CELESTIAL BAR COMPANION'. MADE IN JAPAN. ICE BREAKER NOT IN COLLECTION Waltons -'Celestial Bar Companion'. Made in japan. Ice breaker - not in collection 2004.967 TECHNIVORM HOLLAND. GRINDER USING CENTRIFUGAL FORCE Technivorm - Holland. Grinder using centrifugal force to force grounds through grinder -Very important MIRRO ALUMINUIM CO. USA.' MIRRO MATIC'. 1960S Mirro Aluminuim Co. USA.' Mirro - Matic'. 1960s 2004.1295 AI 1960S USA 2004.1527 AI 1920S FR COFFEE NAM NAM - France. 'Toilectro'. FRANCE. An early electric single 'TOILECTRO'. AN pour filter percolator EARLY ELECTRIC 1920s SINGLE POUR FILTER PERCOLATOR 1920S 2004.1528 AI 1920S FR NAM - FRANCE. NAM - France. 'Toilectro'. 'TOILECTRO'. AN An early electric single EARLY ELECTRIC pour filter percolator SINGLE POUR 1920s slightly later FILTER model PERCOLATOR 1920S 2004.1532 AI USA 'EUREKA'. 'Eureka'. Patented. I PATENTED. I believe this is an BELIEVE THIS IS American patent coffee AN AMERICAN maker . The woven mesh PATENT COFFEE is very unusual and I MAKER . have only seen this on early American pots. I bought it in Berlain but I do not think it is German - metal for a start. The date is partiall 2004.1547 AI FR COFFEE France. No makers marks. 2004.1569 AI IT ZEROWATT MILANO.ITALY. BREVETTI GARDONCINI. 1930S AN AMAZING PIECE PURCHASED IN PRAGUE - Zerowatt - Milano.Italy. Brevetti Gardoncini. 1930s An amazing piece purchased in Prague the unit rests on three legs which sit on the rim of a cup. It is eelctric and the coffee is forced out into the cup.. Most rare. Never seen before. 1930S 2004.1577 AI 1920S AUSTRIA J.M. - VIENNE. J.M. - Vienne. Comfort COMFORT CAFÉ Café Maschine. Austria. MASCHINE. Electric Vienna coffee AUSTRIA. machine 1920s like Reiss ELECTRIC VIENNA COFFEE MACHINE 1920S LIKE REISS 2004.1581 AI 1970S IT ITALY. BRASS TOP DESIGN - THE COFFEE BREWED INTO A BRASS JUG. ONE OF THESE IS IN THE JACOBS 2004.1616 AI 1970S IT THERMOS Thermos Express EXPRESS Italy.'Caffeteria la ITALY.'CAFFETERIA Signora'. To make coffee LA SIGNORA'. TO directly into a thermos. MAKE COFFEE 1970s DIRECTLY INTO A THERMOS. 1970S 2004.1618 AI IT LE TIZIA ESPRESSO. ITALY. 'LETIZIA'. ITALIA BREV.NO. - 28932. ALUMINIUM BOILER PART Le Tizia Espresso. Italy. 'Letizia'. Italia 28932. Aluminium boiler part and ceramic teapot onj top to avoid contact with coffee and aluminium. 2004.1262 B 1980S FR MAKROLON PLUNGER MADE BY INGENOR FRANCE 1980S. Makrolon plunger made by Ingenor France 1980s. 2004.1263 B 1930S IT MELIOR . PYREX . ORIGINAL PLUNGER 1930S ITALY Melior . Pyrex . Original plunger 1930s Italy 2004.1340 B IT 2004.1341 B GER Italy. Brass - top design the coffee brewed into a brass jug. One of these is in the Jacobs museum in Zurich and was bought for a huge sum at London 1970s PLUNGER plunger Bonomelli. Italy. BONOMELLI. This was possibly for tea ITALY. THIS WAS rather than coffee but POSSIBLY FOR TEA has the word espresso RATHER THAN perhaps coffee. COFFEE POT - THOMAS. BAVARIA. PLUNGER MELIOR.COMPONENTS AND PATENT. Pot - Thomas. Bavaria. Plunger - Melior.components and patent. 2004.1559 B 1930S FR LAFRANCAISE Lafrancaise - Paris. PARIS. FRANCE. France. Looked likke a LOOKED LIKKE A Melior but was not - the MELIOR BUT WAS edge of the plunger was NOT solid without flexibility. 1930s 2004.1564 B 1930S IT MELIOR PATENT. MADE IN ITALY. YET ANOTHER MELIOR PATENT USING A SPRING IN THE FLEXIBLE EDGE 2004.1566 B - NO GO UKDESIGN MADE IN CHINA 2004.1565 B/ TL FR 2004.1563 B/TL 1930S ENG 2004.1462 BAL 1851 FR 2004.1472 BIG ENG Melior Patent. Made in Italy. Yet another Melior patent using a spring in the flexible edge, not coiled spring. 1930s CULINARE . MADE Culinare . Made in China. IN CHINA. REG. UK Reg. UK design DESIGN - 2089054. 2089054. A single cup A SINGLE CUP plunger - I am almost PLUNGER certain this did not work. MOKA - FRANCE. Moka - France. No clue NO CLUE TO to maker. This is almost MAKER. THIS IS certainly the first plunger ALMOST that worked - the lower CERTAINLY THE ring of the plunger itslef FIRST PLUNGER had a shape designed to THAT WORKED keep cloth sewn to it in place. The cloth made a tight contact with the walls opf the pot. The two litt MELIOR ENGLAND. 'SILICON CHINA'. BRITISH PAT. NO 448.883. PATENTED - AUS. CAN. INDIA. Melior - England. 'Silicon China'. British Pat. No 448.883. Patented - Aus. Can. India. Grey ceramic plunger with very fine mesh but no cloth. They must have discovered that very very fine mesh did not work. 1930s PENANT. FRANCE. Penant. France. 'Bascule' 'BASCULE' 1851 1851 Balance machine BALANCE France spring loaded at MACHINE FRANCE point of balance. Very SPRING LOADED rare AT POINT OF BALANCE. HARRISON. SHEFFIELD. ENGLAND. COFFEE POT WITH ORIGINAL CLOTH FILTER. Harrison. Sheffield. England. Coffee pot with original cloth filter. There are thousands of coffee poots but very few with the original cloth filter bags - I am not sure if this is what was called a biggin. 2004.1465 CE IT CELSO, SALVADE Celso, Salvade & Figlio. & FIGLIO. COMO Como Italy. A coffee ITALY. A COFFEE dispensing machiune for DISPENSING espresso coffee - the MACHIUNE FOR grounds go into the ESPRESSO COFFEE group filter handle Very very rare 2004.1241 CP 1880 IT MILANESE COFFEE Mfr Giovanni Rizzio Milan POT LIKE GRANDIN prob around 1880-1900 & CREPAUX missing lid. Italy. The original French Grandin and Crepaux invented in 1832.was the same. This was known as a Milanese pot, part of the habit of naming coffeemakers after towns. The coffee was made by 2004.1259 CP 1900 GER EDUARD HUEOK 101. PEWTER COFFEE POT GERMAN 1900 Eduard Hueok - 101. Pewter coffee pot German 1900 2004.1260 CP 1900S USA SIMPLE COFFEE POT WITH HANDLES POSSIBLY AMERICAN 1900S simple coffee pot with handles - possibly American 1900s 2004.1460 CP USA AMERICAN American Aluminuim ALUMINUIM WARE Ware Co. USA. ' Kin - Hee CO. USA. ' KIN ' --Vacuum coffee pot. HEE ' --VACUUM The Kin Hee came in four COFFEE POT. different versions and this is the last one in aluminium. 2004.1467 CP FINLAND / ESTONIA MOST RARE -A Most rare -a coffee pot COFFEE POT FROM from Finland/Estonia FINLAND/ESTONIA which was like a WHICH WAS LIKE samovar - there was a A SAMOVAR section with a cloth filter to hold the brewed coffee and a compartment at the side for hot colas to keep the coffee hot. Very rare. 2004.1473 CP 1750S GREEN COFFEE Green coffee poot of tin POOT OF TIN AND and painted with PAINTED WITH interesting shape to INTERESTING illustrate the bulbous SHAPE TO base to catch the ILLUSTRATE THE grounds. 1750s BULBOUS BASE 2004.1480 CP 1880S USA LARGE COPPER Large copper coffee pot COFFEE POT WITH with wooden handle and WOODEN HANDLE large spout. Could be US. AND LARGE 1880s SPOUT. COULD BE US. 1880S 2004.1481 CP 1917 ENG WHISTLING COFFEE POT 1917 MADE IN ENGLAND BUT GERMAN NAME ?? 2004.1542 CUP GER GERMANY. A Germany. A 'Loth'. One 'LOTH'. ONE MARK mark only - Probat. A ONLY - PROBAT. A Loth was a German LOTH WAS A measure for coffee GERMAN generally 15 gms for two MEASURE FOR cups and 30 gms for 4 COFFEE cups. 2004.1344 DE IT VITTORIA . ITALY. Vittoria . Italy. 'Sport'. 'SPORT'. EARLY Early espresso with spirit ESPRESSO WITH burner 1920s SPIRIT BURNER 1920S 2004.1373 DE AUSTRIA STELLA. AUSTRIA. Stella. Austria. Stella STELLA ELECTRIC Espresso - Wien. Pat'.ESPRESSO - WIEN. Austria.Unusual water PAT'.flow across top. Stella AUSTRIA.UNUSUAL was an Italian company WATER FLOW and must have had a ACROSS TOP. branch in Austria. 2004.1376 DE SWISS ZAPPIA PARADISO Zappia Paradiso SA.LUGANO. Sa.Lugano. Switzerland. SWITZERLAND. 'Paradiso'. Electric 'PARADISO'. espresso. Lugano was ELECTRIC close to Italian border. ESPRESSO. 2004.1378 DE IT G.B. - ITALY. G.B. - Italy. Small two SMALL TWO CUP cup espresso machine ESPRESSO for stove with two outlets MACHINE FOR - stovetop STOVE WITH TWO OUTLETS STOVETOP 2004.1379 DE IT TWO STOVE-TOP ESPRESSO POTS BY - OMG - ITALY. TWO SPOUTS TO GO DIRECT INTO SMALL CUPS. 1920S Whistling coffee pot 1917 made in England but German name ?? Two stove-top espresso pots by - OMG - Italy. Two spouts to go direct into small cups. 2004.1380 DE IT DESIGN L.BIALETTI. ITALY.'VAP 2.' A SMALL ONE CUP CAPPUCCINO MACHINE Design - L.Bialetti. Italy.'Vap 2.' a small one cup cappuccino machine 2004.1381 DE 1930S FR JAM. VERY UNUSUAL SEALING OF LID ONTO ELECTRIC LONG ESPRESSO MACHINE FRENCH ?? 1930S Jam. Very unusual sealing of lid onto electric long espresso machine - French ?? 1930s 2004.1382 DE 1970 IT AMA MILANO.ITALY. EARLY AMA MACHINE 1970S AMA - Milano.Italy. Early AMA machine 1970s 2004.1383 DE 1930 AUSTRIA 2004.1385 DE 1930 FR 2004.1386 DE T FRATALLI SANTINI Fratalli Santini - Ferarra. - FERARRA. ITALY. Italy. 'Aquilas'. Electric 'AQUILAS'. Important Italian ELECTRIC transition piece from spirit- lamp to electricity. 2004.1398 DE IT IRMEL. ITALY. Irmel. Italy. 'Nova 'NOVA ESPRESS'. Espress'. Small two spout SMALL TWO stove top espresso SPOUT STOVE TOP ESPRESSO 2004.1400 DE GER BRAUNEIS U.CO. Brauneis U.Co. Austria. AUSTRIA. MOCCA Mocca - Express. EXPRESS. Aluminium electric long ALUMINIUM espresso machine 1930s ELECTRIC LONG ESPRESSO MACHINE 1930S CAFETIERE VERITAS. FRANCE. ELECTRIC LONG ESPRESSO WITH FILTER CONTAINER OUTSIDE MACHINE 1930S VEB . GERMANY. EAST GERMAN ESPRESSO MACHINE 1960S VERY LONG 1970S Cafetiere Veritas. France. Electric long espresso with filter container outside machine 1930s VEB . Germany. East German espresso machine 1960s - very long 1970s 2004.1405 DE IT CG - ITALY. 'GIANNINA ESPRESS'. STAINLES STEEL STOVETOP ESPRESSO WITH UNUSUAL LOCKING DEVICE. 2004.1411 DE 2004.1415 CG - Italy. 'Giannina espress'. Stainles steel stovetop espresso with unusual locking device. 1980S FR SEB - FRANCE. AN SEB - France. An electric ELECTRIC espresso machine 1980s ESPRESSO with unusual filter basket MACHINE 1980S WITH UNUSUAL FILTER BASKET DE 1980S TAI BREVILLE. TAIWAN. 'ESPRESSO CAPPUCCINO'. ELECTRIC COFFEE AND STEAAM MAKER. 1980S Breville. Taiwan. 'Espresso Cappuccino'. Electric coffee and steaam maker. 1980s 2004.1416 DE 1980S IT AMA - MILANO. ITALY.LONG ESPRESSO WITH STEAM ELECTRIC 1980S AMA - Milano. Italy.long espresso with steam electric 1980s 2004.1424 DE 1970S FR CAMBI - FRANCE. ELECTRIC ESPRESSO POT WITH UNUSUAL DESIGN 1970S Cambi - France. Electric espresso pot with unusual design 1970s 2004.1433 DE 2004.1434 DE 2004.1435 DE SPAIN BEROA. Beroa. Arechavaleta ARECHAVALETA Guipuzoca. This was a GUIPUZOCA. THIS Basque city abd this was WAS A BASQUE a typical machine from CITY AND THIS that region. WAS A TYPICAL MACHINE 1960/70 IT FE- AR.MILANO - FE- AR.Milano - Italy. 'La ITALY. 'LA PEPINA'. Pepina'. Lever electric LEVER ELECTRIC espresso machine ESPRESSO 1960s/70s MACHINE 1960S/70S 1960/70 IT FE - AR. MILANO - FE - AR. Milano - Italy. 'La ITALY. 'LA PEPINA'. Pepina'. This model with THIS MODEL WITH pressurised lid and PRESSURISED LID steam - wand. Very AND STEAM unusual. WAND. 2004.1436 DE GER 2004.1437 DE 1960S IT ZEROWATT Zerowatt - Italy. Electric ITALY. ELECTRIC lever machine with LEVER MACHINE spring loaded handle. WITH SPRING 1960s Note - picture is LOADED HANDLE. showing the incorrect 1960S item number.Should read - 1437. 2004.1515 DE 2000 CHINA DESIGN OBJECTIVE Design Objective - 'OODO'. CHINA. 'Oodo'. China. Microwave MICROWAVE espresso machine 2000 ESPRESSO MACHINE 2000 2004.1567 DE 2004.1568 DE 1920S IT DIANA - MIGNON Diana - Mignon Brevetti BREVETTI Cavagnini. Torino, Italy. CAVAGNINI. A espresso machine with TORINO, ITALY. A a bimetal strip above the ESPRESSO flame - when it bent MACHINE WITH A enough it released a BIMETAL STRIP spring loaded metal strip which closed the flame off. 1920s Very unusual. 2004.1570 DE 1920S IT COFFEE ITALY. NO Italy. No makers marks. MAKERS MARKS. Electric long espresso ELECTRIC LONG machine with cup ESPRESSO outlets. 1920s MACHINE WITH CUP OUTLETS. 1920S 2004.1571 DE 1910 IT DALLE PIANE, GIUSSANI & GACHTER MILANO , ITALY. PATENTED. 1910S SOLID LONG ESPRESSO MACHINE AUSTRIA M. TYPE - KM 1. GERMANY. THIS WAS A TYPICAL GERMAN LONG ESPRESSO MACHINE A.REISS'S AUSTRIA. 'NON PLUS ULTRA'. THIS IS AN ESPRESSO POT WITH REISS' NAME ON IT M. Type - KM 1. Germany. This was a typical German long espresso machine - filter underneath and space for cup or jug underneath. I believe this machine was sold door to door in Germany. A.REISS'S - Austria. 'Non Plus Ultra'. This is an espresso pot with Reiss' name on it - it must therefore be the first of all this type of espresso makers and is very important for that. There is no doubt that this is a low pressure espresso machine and Dalle Piane, Giussani & Gachter - Milano , Italy. Patented. 1910s solid long espresso machine with spout. 2004.1572 DE 1920S IT DIANA - MIGNON. BREVETTI CAVAGNINI. ITALY. ELECTRIC WITH FUSE RESETTER. 1920S Diana - Mignon. Brevetti Cavagnini. Italy. Electric with fuse resetter. 1920s long espresso with spout 2004.1573 DE 1920S purchased in Chile THIS IS ONE OF THE FIRST MOKA POTS - NO MARKS, NO PATENT, NO NOTHING. I BOUGHT IT IN CHILE. This is one of the first MOKA pots - no marks, no patent, no nothing. I bought it in Chile. The date should be in the 1920s. The workings are the same as the Bialetti MOKA which has NO patent at all, at least for the Bialetti company. Very rare. Coiunt 2004.1574 DE 2004.1575 DE 2004.1576 2004.1579 IT DIANA - MIGNON. Diana - Mignon. Brevetti BREVETTI Cavagnini , Novara & CAVAGNINI , Tesio. Torino ,Italy. NOVARA & TESIO. Electric version of TORINO ,ITALY. no.1572. ELECTRIC VERSION OF NO.1572. 1900 IT SIG. CEPIA. V. Sig. Cepia. V. BREVETTATA Brevettata 1119. 1119. IMPORTANT Important early patent of EARLY PATENT OF espresso device - 1900 ESPRESSO DEVICE or before. From Torino. - 1900 OR The coffee is held in a BEFORE. primitive bayonet device and the coffee falls into a cuip or pot. The side tube holds a spring safety valve. Very very ra DE 1910 GER BERNDORF Berndorf - Alpaccasilber. ALPACCASILBER. A A German version of the GERMAN VERSION Reiss long espresso OF THE REISS machine. May have been LONG ESPRESSO built by Krups 1910s MACHINE. DE 1960-1970S VIENNA AUSTRIA FRAUENTHAL Frauenthal espresso JUNO ESPRESSO machine - very rare and MACHINE - VERY unusual. It is a machine RARE AND made from ceramic by a UNUSUAL. IT IS A company in Vienna that MACHINE MADE makes ceramic electric FROM CERAMIC ators for the top of electric poles - very stronmg. Unfortunately the lid is missing.Very unusual. 1960s/1970s 2004.1580 DE 1930S FR ELECTRIC FOUR CUP ESPRESSO MACHINE WITH WHISTLE TO TELL YOU THERE WAS ENOUGH STEAM FOR BREWING. 2004.1582 DE 1970S IT D.L.D - ITALY. D.L.D - Italy. 'CAPPUCCINO'. A 'Cappuccino'. A clever CLEVER DESIGN - design - the coffee came THE COFFEE CAME out first and then by OUT FIRST pressing the valve you could get steam. 1970s 2004.1583 DE 1950S FR FEMOKA - PARIS. Femoka - Paris. France. FRANCE. CLASSIC Classic French design for FRENCH DESIGN two cups and pressure FOR TWO CUPS gauge. 1950s AND PRESSURE GAUGE. 1950S 2004.1584 DE 1930S IT 2004.1585 DE 1960S IT 2004.1586 DE 1920'S FR APEL - FRANCE. Apel - France. 'Veritas'. 'VERITAS'. LONG Long electric espresso ELECTRIC with four spouts. A style ESPRESSO WITH common to the Basque FOUR SPOUTS. A regions for some reason. STYLE COMMON 1920/30s TO THE BASQUE 2004.1587 DE HUNGARY M. EIE. M. Eie. Autofelszereles es AUTOFELSZERELES Tomegcikk Isz. ES TOMEGCIKK Hunagrain long espresso ISZ. HUNAGRAIN machine electric post LONG ESPRESSO war. MACHINE ELECTRIC POST WAR. 2004.1588 DE IT MOKITA . SRL. AN Mokita . Srl. An espresso ESPRESSO LONG long with very novel filter WITH VERY NOVEL container locked in by FILTER lid. Italy 1970s CONTAINER LOCKED IN BY LID. ITALY 1970S 1970S ITALY . 'COMET'. ELECTRIC LONG ESPRESSO MACHINE 1930S Electric four cup espresso machine with whistle to tell you there was enough steam for brewing. 1930s. Almost certainly French Italy . 'Comet'. Electric long espresso machine 1930s ITALY. NO MAKERS Italy. No makers marks. MARKS. SIMPLE Simple aluminium ALUMINIUM espresso with group ESPRESSO WITH handle. 1960s GROUP HANDLE. 1960S 2004.1590 DE 1930S SPAIN T.E.R. A SPANISH T.E.R. A Spanish long LONG ESPRESSO espresso with two WITH TWO internal spouts to keep INTERNAL SPOUTS the coffee hot - very TO KEEP THE unusual. 1930s??? COFFEE HOT VERY UNUSUAL. 2004.1591 DE 1920S IT 'SIMERAC' 'Simerac' - Milano. Italy. MILANO. ITALY. A A rare electric RARE ELECTRIC combination tre and COMBINATION espresso coffee maker TRE AND 1920s. ESPRESSO COFFEE MAKER - 1920S. 2004.1593 DE 1970S IT PEZZETTI. ITALY. Pezzetti. Italy. Copied the COPIED THE MOKA MOKA Bialetti . 1970s BIALETTI . 1970S 2004.1594 DE 1930S SPAIN 2004.1595 DE 1960S 2004.1596 DE 1970S IT COGEN Cogen - Electric. Italy. ELECTRIC. ITALY. Stovetop espresso STOVETOP machine with steam and ESPRESSO coffee. 1970s MACHINE WITH STEAM AND COFFEE. 1970S 2004.1597 DE 1980S IT VESUBIO .ITALY Vesubio .Italy Stovetop STOVETOP LONG long espresso and steam ESPRESSO AND with valve in tube. 1980s STEAM WITH VALVE IN TUBE. 1980S 2004.1598 DE 1980S IT COFFEE FUEGO SPANISH LONG ESPRESSO MACHINE WITH EXTERNAL FILTER. VERY ELEGANT. 1930S Fuego - Spanish long espresso machine with external filter. Very elegant. 1930s SWISS Swiss electric long espresso machine - very strong - used filter paper. There is an aluminium stovetop version. 1960s T.C.L. MILANO.ITALY. LON ESPRESSO MACHINE WITH TUBES FOFR STEAM AND COFFEE. 1980S T.C.L. - Milano.Italy. Lon espresso machine with tubes fofr steam and coffee. 1980s 2004.1599 DE 2004.1600 DE 2004.1601 DE 2004.1602 1920S IT LA VITORIA La Vitoria Ardvino ARDVINO Torino. Italy. Very early TORINO. ITALY. handle with group VERY EARLY machine like commercial HANDLE WITH machines - very famous. GROUP MACHINE 1920s LIKE COMMERCIAL MACHINES FR 'FEMOKA' - PARIS. 'Femoka' - Paris. France. FRANCE. ELECTRIC Electric espresso ESPRESSO machine. This company MACHINE. which still exists in Paris was responsible for some remarkable espresso machines with novel designs and this is one of them. 1990S IT ITALY. 1. CAFFE RAPID. 2. BIALETTI. TWO SMALL STOVETOP ALUMINIUM ESPRESSO MACHINES 1990S DE 1990S IT VEV - VIGANO. Vev - Vigano. Italy. Two ITALY. TWO SMALL small stovetop machines STOVETOP with spouts for small MACHINES WITH cups 1990s SPOUTS FOR SMALL CUPS 1990S 2004.1603 DE 1950S IT LA VENEZIANA , La Veneziana , Italy. An ITALY. AN UNUSAL unusal style of espress STYLE OF ESPRESS with steam - 1950s - very WITH STEAM rare. 1950S - VERY RARE 2004.1604 DE 1980S IT BAILETTI - ITALY. Bailetti - Italy. 'Nuova 'NUOVA MIGNON'. Mignon'. Extremely rare EXTREMELY RARE electric two spout little ELECTRIC TWO espresso machine 1980s SPOUT LITTLE ?? ESPRESSO MACHINE 2004.1605 DE 1970S HUNGARY M. EIE. ELECTRIC M. Eie. Electric HUNGARIAN LONG Hungarian long espresso ESPRESSO amchine 1970s AMCHINE 1970S Italy. 1. Caffe Rapid. 2. Bialetti. Two small stovetop aluminium espresso machines 1990s 2004.1606 DE 1970S GER 2004.1607 DE 1950S IT FAEMA. MILANO, Faema. Milano, Italy. The ITALY. THE electric lever machine ELECTRIC LEVER was spring loaded and a MACHINE WAS much better machine SPRING LOADED than the domestic Gaggis machine 1950s/1960s 2004.1608 DE 1970S IT ITALIAN STYLE SLR. ITALY. ITALIIAN BRASS LEVER MACHINE WITH PRESSURE VALVE. 1970S Italian Style Slr. Italy. Italiian brass lever machine with pressure valve. 1970s 2004.1609 DE IT THIS WAS ALMOST CERTAINLY THE FIRST ELECTRIC ESPRESSO MACHINE MADE AFTER WW2. Italy. No makers marks. This was almost certainly the first electric espresso machine made after WW2. The handle is the same as some small stovetop machines. 2004.1610 DE IT CAFFETTIERA ESPRESSO. ITALY. ONE OF THE FIRST STOVETOP ESPRESSO MACHINES MADE AFTER WW2 - Caffettiera Espresso. Italy. One of the first stovetop espresso machines made after WW2 - very light construction. 1940s 2004.1611 DE IT NORA EXPRESS.ITALY. ONE OF THE MOST EXTRAORDINARY ESPRESSO MACHINES EVER MADE. Nora Express.Italy. One of the most extraordinary espresso machines ever made. The boiler part had a spring valve to allow the steam to escape until a certain steam pressure had been achieved and then it closed forcing the water up the three tubes whic 2004.1614 DE IT O.M.G. O.M.G. - 'Columbia 'COLUMBIA Crème'. Italy. The CRÈME'. ITALY. machine operated by the THE MACHINE steam forciong the OPERATED BY THE handle up and then the STEAM FORCIONG user pumped up and THE HANDLE UP down. 1970s/80s. 1940S 1970/80S PALUXETTE. D & S. Paluxette. D & S. GERMANY. LONG Germany. Long electric ELECTRIC espresso machine with ESPRESSO group handle MACHINE WITH underneath. 1970s GROUP HANDLE UNDERNEATH. 2004.1615 DE 1970S GER FTM . UNIPRESS. A FTM . Unipress. A GERMAN STYLE German style long LONG ESPRESSO espresso machine with MACHINE WITH filter group underneath. FILTER GROUP 1970s electric UNDERNEATH. 1970S 2004.1617 DE 1970S IT NOVA ESPRESS. Nova Espress. Italy. ITALY. BREV.NO. 425231. An 425231. AN espresso with a new type ESPRESSO WITH A of filter insert in the NEW TYPE OF m,iddle. 1970s FILTER 2004.1505 F/TL 2004.1235 FIL 2004.1238 FIL 2004.1239 2004.1240 BELGIUM METAL - NO MARKS. GLASS DUR- O - BOR. THIS WAS A BELGIAN BRAND OF COFFEE MAKER Metal - no marks. Glass Dur- O - Bor. This was a Belgian brand of coffee maker-- they specialised in making one cup filters. This one is very unusual has a large hole in the middle for sugar and stirring. 1916 - 1927 USA TRICOLATOR FILTER USA IN FOUR PARTS US patents Feb 22 1916 May 22 1923 Jan 4 1927. This was the US version of the Melitta filter - very widely used. Very important in US history. 1872 FR FRENCH PATENT LOUIS MALEN TYPE This is a plated Louis Malen pot. France. It is unusal to find a plated Malen pot. The original patent was in 1872 in France. Most of the pots seem to have been made there although there was almost certainly production in England FIL HOLLAND ENAMEL FILTER POT Simple enamel coffee pot with filter. No makers marks. This is very likely from Holland where enamel was quite popular. Probably from around the turn of the century. A very important piece in the evolution of materials and a pot for the masses. FIL GER CERAMIC 4 PART FILTER POT Traditional ceramic filter pot. Bavaria - Germany. They were known as Karlsbader after the famous gaming resort. They were widely manufactured in France and Germany. 2004.1242 FIL 1880 2004.1243 FIL FR F.E.- LOGO. FRANCE. FRENCH ENAMEL FILTER POT BRIGHT RED F.E.- logo. France. French enamel filter pot bright red 2004.1244 FIL FR FRENCH CUP TOP FILTER IN HEAVY METAL French cup top filter in heavy metal 2004.1245 FIL FR 'LE PRIDQUE'. 'Le Pridque'. - France. A FRANCE. A CUP cup top filter with handle TOP FILTER WITH and screw down holder HANDLE AND for the coffee SCREW DOWN HOLDER FOR THE COFFEE 2004.1246 FIL 1920S FR COFFEE FILTER ON Coffee filter on glass with GLASS WITH holder 1920s French HOLDER 1920S FRENCH 2004.1247 FIL 1908 GER MELITA BENZ DRESDEN, GERMANY. PRESENTATION COPY OF 1908 FILTER DESIGN. 2004.1248 FIL GER BAUSCHER Bauscher - Weiden. WEIDEN. Germany. Very unusual GERMANY. VERY pot - the top filter rotates UNUSUAL POT - until a single hole in filter THE TOP FILTER is in contact with a hole ROTATES in base which allows the coffee to fall into lower compartment. Lid m issing 2004.1249 FIL 1930S USA FR EARLY TIN FILTER early tin filter - PURCHASED IN purchased in the US THE US - MAY BE may be American 1880s AMERICAN 1880S on ON Melita Benz - Dresden, Germany. Presentation copy of 1908 filter design. THREE ALUMINUIM Three aluminuim cup-top CUP-TOP FILTERS. filters. No makers marks. NO MAKERS Probably French 1930s MARKS. PROBABLY FRENCH 1930S 2004.1250 FIL 1920S FR FRANCE.1. PEGASUS. 2. PARIS. TWO FRENCH FILTER DEVICES FOR CUPS 1920S France.1. Pegasus. 2. Paris. Two French filter devices for cups 1920s 2004.1251 FIL 1930S FR FRANCE . 1.SALEM. 2. NO MARKS. TWO SINGLE CUP FILTERS 1930S France . 1.Salem. 2. No marks. Two single cup filters 1930s 2004.1254 FIL 2004.1258 FIL 2004.1291 USA SILEX - USA. Silex - USA. Patents PATENTS - USA. USA. Filter - 2054999. FILTER - 2054999. Pot - 1859614 / 2072934. POT - 1859614 / With cloth filter 2072934. WITH CLOTH FILTER 1950 USA HELMCO LACEY 'FILTRON COLD WATER EXTRACTOR'. 1950. USA. Helmco Lacey - 'Filtron Cold Water Extractor'. 1950. USA. The idea of cold water extraction was popular for some by extra slow filtering it was possible toi get a coffee concentrate which hasd no bitter components and then to dilute with hot water. Th FIL 1980S USA CORNING WARE. USA. COMPLICATED DRIPOLATOR 1980S Corning Ware. USA. Complicated dripolator 1980s 2004.1350 FIL 1900 FR VERY LARGE COMMERCIAL FILTER FRANCE 1900 very large commercial filter France 1900 2004.1351 FIL CHINA BLACK & DECKER. Black & Decker. China. CHINA. 'EASY 'Easy Brew'. Electric filter BREW'. ELECTRIC machine FILTER MACHINE 2004.1352 FIL 2004.1353 1980S HK BREVILLE MELITA. HONG KONG. SMALL COFFEE FILTER MACHINE 1980S Breville - Melita. Hong Kong. Small coffee filter machine 1980s FIL CHINA BLACK & DECKER. CHINA. 'BREW'N GO'. SINGLE MUG BREWER Black & Decker. China. 'Brew'n go'. Single mug brewer 2004.1354 FIL HK 2004.1355 FIL GER 2004.1356 FIL FR 'TASTE KING'. 'Taste King'. Very small VERY SMALL electric filter machine to ELECTRIC FILTER make one cup - French MACHINE TO origin I believe. MAKE ONE CUP FRENCH ORIGIN I BELIEVE. 2004.1357 FIL SWISS EUROPRO.SWISS. Europro. Swiss. Le LE CHOUCHON. Chouchon. Small electric SMALL ELECTRIC filter machine FILTER MACHINE 2004.1359 FIL GER BREVILLE Breville - Melita. 'Aroma MELITA. 'AROMA Art'. German electric ART'. GERMAN filter machine. Modern ELECTRIC FILTER design. MACHINE. MODERN DESIGN. 2004.1360 FIL JAP GENERAL ELECTRIC CORP. JAPAN. 'COFFEE CASSETTE'. ELECTRIC FILTER MACHINE 1980S 1980 RALTA. HONG Ralta. Hong Kong. 'Café KONG. 'CAFÉ Petite'. Eelctric filter PETITE'. EELCTRIC machine FILTER MACHINE EMIDE. WEST GERMANY. ELECTRIC FILTER MACHINE Emide. West Germany. Electric filter machine General Electric Corp. Japan. 'Coffee Cassette'. Electric filter machine 1980s 2004.1361 FIL CHINA VOGUE. MADE IN CHINA. ELECTRIC FILTER MACHINE Vogue. Made in China. Electric filter machine 2004.1362 FIL CHINA KENWOOD. CHINA. Kenwood. China. ELECTRONIC. Electronic. Electric filter ELECTRIC FILTER machine MACHINE 2004.1363 FIL CHINA KAMBROOK. MADE IN CHINA.ELECTRIC FILTER MACHINE 2004.1364 FIL GER 2004.1365 FIL PORTUGAL PHILLIPS. PORTUGAL. 'CAFÉ GOURMET'. ELECTRIC FILTER MACHINE Phillips. Portugal. 'Café Gourmet'. Electric filter machine 2004.1366 FIL CHINA RUSSELL HOBBS.MADE IN CHINA.ELECTRIC FILTER MACHINE Russell Hobbs.made in China.electric filter machine 2004.1367 FIL USA 2004.1368 FIL TAIWAN Kambrook. Made in China.electric filter machine MELITA BY Melita by Breville. Melita BREVILLE. MELITA Aromaline. Electric filter AROMALINE. machine ELECTRIC FILTER MACHINE NORTH AMERICAN North American Philips PHILIPS CORP. Corp. Norelco.USA. ' Dial NORELCO.USA. ' - a - Brew'. Innovative DIAL - A - BREW'. INNOVATIVE SINGER.MADE IN TAIWAN. 'FIVE IN ONE'. BUILT IN GRINDER AND BREWER. Singer.made in Taiwan. 'Five in One'. Built in grinder and brewer. 2004.1369 FIL SWISS RUSSELL HOBBS. Russell Hobbs. SWITZERLAND. Switzerland. 'Sovereign'. 'SOVEREIGN'. With Swissgold filter WITH SWISSGOLD electric filter machine FILTER ELECTRIC FILTER MACHINE 2004.1370 FIL JAP GENERAL General Electric for Black ELECTRIC FOR & Decker (A'Asia) P/L. BLACK & DECKER Made in Japan. Large (A'ASIA) P/L. MADE round filter IN JAPAN. LARGE ROUND FILTER 2004.1420 FIL 1980 FR SEB - FRANCE. ELECTRIC ESPRESSO WITH VERY UNUSUAL FILTER INCLUDING NYLON MESH. 1980S SEB - France. Electric espresso with very unusual filter including nylon mesh. 1980s 2004.1431 FIL 1980S IT NOVA ESPRESS. ITALY. SCREW IN FILTER DEVICE. 1980S Nova Espress. Italy. Screw in filter device. 1980s 2004.1432 FIL 1970S LOOKS SWISS NO MAKERS MARKS. BEEHIVE SHAPE - SIMILAR TO A SWIUSS COFFEE POT ELECTRIC No makers marks. Beehive shape - similar to a Swiuss coffee pot electric May have used filter paper 1970s 2004.1468 FIL 1880 FR CAFETIERE Cafetiere Monnet MONNET BREVETE Brevete SGD.Paris SGD.PARIS France. Drip pot French FRANCE. DRIP POT 1880s FRENCH 1880S 2004.1469 FIL 1920S ENG PISTON FREEZING Piston Freezing Machine MACHINE & ICE & Ice Co. London CO. LONDON England. 'Ash's ENGLAND. 'ASH'S Kaffeekanne'. A filter pot KAFFEEKANNE'. with a cloth filter and a bain-marie section to keep the coffee hot. 1920s 2004.1471 FIL 1820 FR FRANCE. THIS France. This was a filter WAS A FILTER coffee maker from the COFFEE MAKER 1820s. Bramah says late FROM THE 1820S. 18C but I think he is wrong - too advance for the tiem. It had a water spreader and a filter. The space underneath was for coke to keep the coffee hot. Very rare 2004.1476 FIL 1829 ENG EAMES AND England. Silver marks. BARNARD SILVER Eames and Barnard FILTER WITH silver filter with rammer RAMMER AND and water spreader WATER SPREADER England 1829. A very - ENGLAND 1829. early example of the use of the water spreader to spread the water oiver the coffee and slow the brewing. 2004.1493 FIL 1960S GER KRUPS Krups - Germany. Very GERMANY. VERY early electric drip filter EARLY ELECTRIC with flat filter paper DRIP FILTER WITH 1960s. Not common FLAT FILTER PAPER 1960S. NOT COMMON 2004.1494 FIL 1980S CHINA RONSON. MADE IN Ronson. Made in China. CHINA. 'COFFEE 'Coffee Express'. Very EXPRESS'. VERY unusual coffee electric UNUSUAL COFFEE filter pot 1980s ELECTRIC FILTER POT 1980S 2004.1495 FIL GER SIEMENS Siemens - Germany. One GERMANY. ONE OF of the most inventive THE MOST pots ever made - an INVENTIVE POTS electric filter machine EVER MADE - AN where the compartment ELECTRIC FILTER for the water supports a MACHINE floating plastic compartment which sinks as the water is heated and rises over the filter into mthe filter and into th 2004.1496 FIL GER SIEMENS Siemens - Germany. GERMANY. VERY Very unusual pot - there UNUSUAL POT is a valve leading from THERE IS A VALVE the hot water LEADING FROM compartment and by THE HOT WATER tightening it you slow the COMPARTMENT water down and increase its temperature. Very rare. Never seen another. 2004.1497 FIL 1968 GER WIGOMAT Wigomat - Germany. GERMANY. 'Oswald'.- Kaffe/Tea 'OSWALD'.Automat Gottlob Widman KAFFE/TEA was the first to copy the AUTOMAT Willy Brandly patent for GOTTLOB the electric filter WIDMAN WAS THE machine, 1968 FIRST TO COPY 2004.1498 FIL 2004.1499 FIL HK BREVILLE Breville - Melita. Made in MELITA. MADE IN Hong Kong. made both HONG KONG. espresso and filter MADE BOTH coffee. ESPRESSO AND FILTER COFFEE. 2004.1506 FIL FR SAGLIE - FRANCE. METAL ONE CUP FILTER WITH UNUSUAL LID 2004.1507 FIL FR 'SELECTA'. 'Selecta'. France. FRANCE. BREVETE Brevete no - 246.609. NO - 246.609. Duralex glass - France. DURALEX GLASS - Complete glass filter set. FRANCE. COMPLETE GLASS FILTER SET. 2004.1508 FIL FR NO MAKERS MARKS. THIS IS A VERY EARLY TIN FILTER PORCELAIN KNOB. NOT SURE WHICH PATENT 2004.1516 FIL SUNBEAM Sunbeam - 'Cappuccino 'CAPPUCCINO Instantly'. Very unusual INSTANTLY'. VERY machine. I think it used UNUSUAL instant coffee. MACHINE. I THINK IT USED INSTANT COFFEE. 1890S USA Saglie - France. Metal one cup filter with unusual lid No makers marks. This is a very early tin filter porcelain knob. Not sure which patent applied but it was likely made in the 1890s. This was the origin of Caffe espresso in French café espres coffee made one cup at a time. MICROWAVE MR. Microwave Mr. Coffee . COFFEE . USA. USA. Pat. No .- 4999470. PAT. NO .Filter coffee maker 4999470. FILTER COFFEE MAKER 2004.1518 FIL 1887 USA 2004.1519 FIL 1920S GER GERMAN ALUMINIUM FILTER POT ALMOST CERTAINLY COLUMBUS BRAND German aluminium filter pot - almost certainly Columbus brand see Coffee Floats page 164 1920s very rare 2004.1520 FIL 1880S FR FRANCE. TIN FILTER ON CERAMIC POT 1880S. France. Tin filter on ceramic pot - 1880s. 2004.1521 FIL 1880S FR LA PRECIEUSE. La Precieuse. France. A FRANCE. A FILTER filter with a valve in the WITH A VALVE IN top with the weight of THE TOP water and closed when it had fallen through - the process was designed to keep the aroma in the pot and not let it escape. 1880s 2004.1522 FIL 1926 GER GERMANY. Germany. Bremer BREMER KaffeeMaschine 1926 KAFFEEMASCHINE see Coffee Floats p. 166. 1926 The coffee was in a filter which could be lifted out and suspended on a little hook on the lid while the brewed coffee drained. Probably very good with nice hot coffee. 2004.1523 FIL 2004.1524 FIL 1920S MARION Marion Harland. USA.' HARLAND. USA.' The Marion Harland Tea THE MARION & Coffee Pot'. 1887 A HARLAND TEA & filter pot with a glass COFFEE POT'. marble in the spout 1887 A FILTER which fell away to allow POT WITH A the opening and fell back GLASS MARBLE to keep the aroma in. FR FRANCE. A VERY INTELLIGENT BREWER - THE RING AROUND THE OUTSIDE WAS FOR THE SPIRITS France. A very intelligent brewer - the ring around the outside was for the spirits - the flame boiled the water in the top section and when it was boiled the tap on the side was turned and this opened a little hole to allow the hot water to slowly pour o FR TRICOLATOR BTE. Tricolator Bte. SGDG.FRANCE. SGDG.France. The THE ORIGINAL original patent was in the PATENT WAS IN US. 1920s a paper filter THE US. 1920S coffee maker 2004.1529 FIL 1920S GER COLUMBUS. Columbus. Germany. GERMANY. KAFFEE Kaffee - Filter DRGM. - FILTER DRGM. Early German alumium EARLY GERMAN filter with mesh 1920s, ALUMIUM FILTER 1930s Coffee Floats WITH MESH p.164 1920S, 1930S 2004.1533 FIL 1960S GER GERMANY. Germany. Porcelain filter PORCELAIN FILTER coffee maker - with very COFFEE MAKER fine nylon mesh on the WITH VERY FINE middle - probably East NYLON MESH ON German. 1960s THE MIDDLE 2004.1534 FIL GER 1. MELITA 1. Melita - Germany. 2. GERMANY. 2. Brazil - Germany. The BRAZIL Brazil was the first coffee GERMANY. THE filter with conical paper BRAZIL WAS THE 11932 see Coffee Floats FIRST COFFEE p.166 very rare. The FILTER Melitta filter was one of the first. 2004.1535 FIL 1932 GER MELITA GERMANY. TWO 102 ORIGINAL COFFEE FILTERS 1932. VERY EARLY. Melita - Germany. Two 102 original coffee filters 1932. Very early. 2004.1536 FIL 1920S FR EARLY FRENCH TIN FILTER PRESSED HOLES. 1920S Earky French tin filter pressed holes. 1920s 2004.1537 FIL 1890S GER 2004.1538 FIL 1910 -1920 GER 2004.1539 FIL 1880S HOLL TWO EARLY Two early HAMBURGERTRICHTERHamburgertrichter PORCELAIN porcelain filters for use FILTERS FOR USE with filter paper. 1890s. WITH FILTER German PAPER. 1890S. GERMAN RIFIPA. GERMAN ROUND FILTER PAPER FILTERS. 1910S/20S Rifipa. German round filter paper filters. 1910s/20s ENAMEL CONICAL Enamel conical filter FILTER probably from Holland PROBABLY FROM where enamel was very HOLLAND WHERE popular 1880s. ENAMEL WAS VERY POPULAR 1880S. 2004.1543 FIL 2004.1545 FIL 2004.1546 FIL 2004.1557 1930S CZECH COFFEE LAMKA CZECH. PATENT 20.000. A MOST UNUSUAL PAPER FILTER COFFEE POT. 1930S Lamka - Czech. Patent 20.000. A most unusual paper filter coffee pot. 1930s with a bain-marie water jacket SINGAPORE BLACK & DECKER - Black & Decker - 'Cup-At'CUP-AT- A- TIME'. A- Time'. Made in MADE IN Singapore. Electric SINGAPORE. coffee maker ELECTRIC COFFEE MAKER 1980S SWISS BONECO. NYLON Boneco. Nylon mesh MESH COFFEE coffee filter and pot for 4 FILTER AND POT cups 1980s Swiss FOR 4 CUPS 1980S SWISS FIL 1922 USA COFFEETRICOLATORTricolator Co., Inc. USA.' CO., INC. USA.' Coffee Tricolator '. Pat COFFEE no - 1456.010 May 22 TRICOLATOR '. 1922. Filter paper filter PAT NO - 1456.010 MAY 22 - 1922. 2004.1560 FIL 1930S 2004.1461 FIL - NO GO 1880S 2004.1337 LE FR FRANCE. VERY EARLY VIENNESE STYLE LONG ESPRESSO MACHINES - France. Very early Viennese style long espresso machines - 2004.1338 LE FR FRANCE. VERY EARLY VIENNESE STYLE LONG ESPRESSO MACHINES - France. Very early Viennese style long espresso machines - MELIOR PATENT. Melior Patent. Ceramic 1930S CERAMIC pot with very fine woven POT WITH VERY mesh filter PLUS cloth FINE WOVEN filter and spiral spring MESH FILTER PLUS flexible edge on filter. CLOTH FILTER Very early and very intersting. Different. ENG B.A & CO. B.A & Co. England. ENGLAND. Pressure filter Very large PRESSURE FILTER and impressive 1880s VERY LARGE AND probably. Almost IMPRESSIVE 1880S certainly made a rotten PROBABLY. cup of coffee because the water became cold too quickly. 2004.1345 LE 1920S IT ESPRESS CAFEMO. Espress Cafemo. Italian ITALIAN ESPRESSO espresso with spirit WITH SPIRIT burner 1920s BURNER 1920S 2004.1346 LE 1920S IT NEA LUX MILANO. ITALY. 'TEA'. ELECTRIC LONG ESPRESSO 1920S Nea Lux - Milano. Italy. 'Tea'. Elescric long espresso 1920s 2004.1347 LE 1917 IT FIGLI DI SILVIO SANTINI. FERRARA,ITALY. 'ORSO'. 1917 VERT EARLY LONG ESPRESSO ON BURNER Figli Di Silvio Santini. Ferrara,Italy. 'Orso'. 1917 vert early long espresso on burner 2004.1348 LE 1910 IT COFFEE ITALY.PLANE GIUSSANI & GACHTER MILANO LONG ESPRESSO MACHINE ON BURNER 1910S Italy.Plane Giussani & Gachter Milano long espresso machine on burner 1910s 2004.1371 LE HUNGARY 2004.1372 LE HUNGARY HUNGARIAN ESPRESSO MACHINE FOR LONG ESPRESSO 2004.1374 LE HUNGARY NAD LAKO. LONG Nad Lako. Long espresso ESPRESSO FROM from Hungary probably HUNGARY PROBABLY 2004.1375 LE AUSTRIA COFFEE BAMBI Bambi Haztartasi HAZTARTASI Gyartja. Solid aluminium GYARTJA. SOLID long espresso machine ALUMINIUM LONG from Hungary ESPRESSO MACHINE FROM HUNGARY Hungarian espresso machine for long espresso STELLA Stella Espresso. WienESPRESSO. WIEN- Austria. Patent-Austria. AUSTRIA. PATENT- Stovetop long espresso AUSTRIA. STOVETOP LONG ESPRESSO 2004.1377 LE IT ORIGINAL F.A.E.D.E,S, MILANO. ITALY. BRASS LONG ESPRESSO. Original F.A.E.D.E,S, Milano. Italy. Brass long espresso. This is almost identical to item 1376 excpet that it is brass. 2004.1384 LE 1920 IT FRATELLI SANTINI - FERRARA.ITALY. 'AQUILAS'. EEARLY SPIRIT BURNER ESPRESSO FOR TWO CUPS PORTABLE Fratelli Santini Ferrara.Italy. 'Aquilas'. Eearly spirit burner espresso for two cups portable 1920s 2004.1387 LE 1930S IT NEA LUX MILANO. ITALY. LONG ESPRESSO ELECTRIC 1930S WHITE PLASTIC HANDLE Nea Lux - Milano. Italy. Long espresso electric 1930s white plastic handle 2004.1388 LE 1930S IT POSSIBLY FRATELLI SANTINI 1930S LONG ELECTRIC ESPRESSO MACHINE ITALY Possibly Fratelli Santini 1930s long electric espresso machine Italy 2004.1389 LE 1930S IT SGARBI - CHIOZZI Sgarbi - Chiozzi & & CO.ITALY . Co.Italy . 'Stella'. Electric 'STELLA'. espresso long 1930s ELECTRIC ESPRESSO LONG 1930S 2004.1390 LE 1930S IT R.V.- MILANO. ITALY. LONG ELECTRIC ESPRESSO 1930S 2004.1391 LE 2004.1392 LE HUNGARY 1920S R.V.- Milano. Italy. Long electric espresso 1930s AUTOFELSZERELES Autofelszereles Es ES TOMEGCIKK Tomegcikk Ktsz. KTSZ. HUNGARY. Hungary. Electric long ELECTRIC LONG espresso machine ESPRESSO MACHINE AG. OIKOS AG. Oikos - Patent. Very PATENT. VERY early patented long EARLY PATENTED espresso machine. LONG ESPRESSO 1920s. Very rare MACHINE. 1920S. 2004.1393 LE 1920S 2004.1394 LE 2004.1395 LE 1950S 2004.1396 LE 2004.1397 IT MARE SNIDER MILANO .ITALY. LONG ELECTRIC ESPRESSO MACHINE 1920S Mare Snider - Milano .Italy. Long electric espresso machine 1920s BROWN ALUMINIUM ESPRESSO MACHINE FOR LONG ESPRESSO ON STOVE Brown aluminium espresso machine for long espresso on stove IT TRIMEL. ITALY. LONG ESPRESSO WITH UNUSAL BAYONNET FITTING. 1950S Trimel. Italy. Long espresso with unusal bayonnet fitting. 1950s 1930S IT VELOX FERRARA.ITALY. PATENT. LONG ESPRESSO ELECTRIC 1930S Velox - Ferrara.Italy. Patent. Long espresso electric 1930s LE 1930S AUSTRIA KAYSER ESPRESSO MASCHINEN AUSTRIA. ' FAMOSA'. 1930S LONG ESPRESSO MACHINE Kayser Espresso Maschinen - Austria. ' Famosa'. 1930s long espresso machine 2004.1401 LE 1940S IT 2004.1402 LE 1940S LARGE MODEL OF Large model of one of ONE OF THE FIRST the first postwar POSTWAR espressos long. 1940s ESPRESSOS LONG. very light construction. 1940S - VERY Very rare LIGHT CONSTRUCTION. VERY RARE 2004.1403 LE 1940S COFFEELARGE Large model of one of MODEL OF ONE OF the first postwar THE FIRST espressos long. 1940s POSTWAR very light construction. ESPRESSOS LONG. Very rare TS yacht logo 1940S - VERY LIGHT CONSTRUCTION. ESPRESSO Espresso Rapido. Italy. RAPIDO. ITALY. Large model of one of LARGE MODEL OF the first postwar ONE OF THE FIRST espressos long. 1940s POSTWAR very klight construction. ESPRESSOS LONG. 1940S 2004.1404 LE 2004.1417 LE 2004.1418 LE 2004.1264 1940S LARGE MODEL OF Large model of one of ONE OF THE FIRST the first postwar POSTWAR espressos long. 1940s ESPRESSOS LONG. very light construction. 1940S - VERY With glass lid LIGHT CONSTRUCTION. IT LUXA - ITALY. Luxa - Italy. Stovetop two STOVETOP TWO spout two cup espresso SPOUT TWO CUP aluminium ESPRESSO ALUMINIUM 1940S IT CAFÉ ESPRESS - Café Espress - Italy. Early ITALY. EARLY postwar very light POSTWAR VERY alumium espresso low LIGHT ALUMIUM pressure 1940s ESPRESSO LOW PRESSURE 1940S MILK 1990S SWISS BODUM SWITZERLAND. MILK WHIP IN GLASS 1990S Bodum - Switzerland. Milk whip in glass 1990s 2004.1265 MILK 2000 IT 'CAPPUCCINO CREAMER'. FABROSK - ITALY. PATS. PEND. MILK WHIPPER FOR FROTH 2000 'Cappuccino Creamer'. Fabrosk - Italy. Pats. Pend. Milk whipper for froth 2000 2004.1339 MILK 1917 FR LOUIS FOREST. DEPOSE & BTEE.SGDG. FRANCE. 'CAFEOLETTE'. VERY EARLY PLUNGER Louis Forest. Depose & Btee.SGDG. France. 'Cafeolette'. Very early plunger type for making milk coffee - not very efficient travel of plunger against cylinder 1917 2004.1428 MILK 2000 CHINA BLACK & DECKER. Black & Decker. Made in MADE IN CHINA. China. Milk frother 2000 MILK FROTHER 2000 2004.1541 MILK 1935 ENG WEDGEWOOD Wedgewood - England. ENGLAND. 'DUO 'Duo Pour'. Pat POUR'. PAT 13027/35 Double pot for 13027/35 DOUBLE milk and coffee. By POT FOR MILK changing the angle of AND COFFEE. the pot you could get more or less milk. 1935 2004.1561 MILK 1917 FR LOUIS FOREST DEPOSE & BTE.SGDG. 'CAFEOLETTE'. FRANCE. 1917 MILK COFFEE PLUNGER Louis Forest Depose & Bte.SGDG. 'Cafeolette'. France. 1917 milk coffee plunger - holes in filter a type of French Press but not - was for milk coffee. 2004.1477 MISC -TL 1894 BELGIUM 2004.1261 NAP 1930S FR KAFEXPRESS BSGDG.FRANCE. 1930S ALUMINIUM NAPOLETANA WITH BAKELITE HANDLES 2004.1530 NAP 1900S IT A.VESCOVI. ROMA A.Vescovi. Roma - Italy. - ITALY. 'LA 'La Perfetta'. A PERFETTA'. A Naoletana reversible NAOLETANA dripolator looks like REVERSIBLE 1900s DRIPOLATOR LOOKS LIKE 1900S 2004.1531 NAP 1900S FR 2004.1553 NAP 1950S GER 2004.1592 NAP BELGIUM - A Belgium - a glass GLASS CONTAINER container of a coffee OF A COFFEE sample from 1894. Very SAMPLE FROM unusual. Coffee Bolivar 1894. VERY on front. UNUSUAL. Kafexpress BSGDG.France. 1930s aluminium Napoletana with bakelite handles Aluminium de Savoie FRANCE. France. Napoletana on a NAPOLETANA ON stand with burner. 1900s A STAND WITH BURNER. 1900S GERMAN ELECTRIC NAPOLETANA 1950S - VERY UNUSUAL . German electric Napoletana - 1950s very unusual . NAPOLLEONE Napolleone Callegari Btd. CALLEGARI BTD. Brev.-1367. Electric long BREV.-1367. espresso machine with ELECTRIC LONG tube ESPRESSO MACHINE WITH TUBE 2004.1612 NOGO IT 2004.1613 NOGO 1980S IT LA La Multicaffettiera MULTICAFFETTIERA Gravellonna Toce,Italy. - GRAVELLONNA 'Miss Italia'. Brevetto no. TOCE,ITALY. 'MISS 22986/ B83. This sample ITALIA'. BREVETTO machine made coffee in NO. 22986/ B83. four different ways but was never put into production as far as I know. Attempted too much. 1980s. MOST MOST RARE 2004.1474 PB 1880S FR C.PORRY. FRANCE. C.Porry. France. INTERESTING Interesting pressure PRESSURE brewer. The water and BREWER. THE coffee were put in the WATER AND pot and the water boiled COFFEE WERE PUT - there were safety IN THE POT valves and a whistle. Very intersting idea to make hot coffee. 1880s 2004.1237 PER 2004.1266 PER 2004.1267 PER 2004.1268 PER 1980S Biesse - Italy. Pat. Pending. A crazy machine which never worked. The lower plastic part still has the marks of a wrench to unscrew it. The plastic screw part were the wrong size and stuck very easily. The rationale behind the machine was to have a rev FR LOUIS MALEN COFFEE POT BASE ONLY This is an early tin Louis Malen coffee pot pumping recirculating percolator. France. The top part is missing. TAI TAIWAN . MICROWAVE PERCOLATOR 1980S USA Taiwan . Microwave percolator 1980s USA ENG 1930S BIESSE - ITALY. PAT. PENDING. A CRAZY MACHINE WHICH NEVER WORKED. GER SWAN BRAND. Swan Brand. ENGLAND.PAT. England.Pat. No. 25272. NO. 25272. PYREX Pyrex brand glass. BRAND GLASS. Percolator PERCOLATOR DEGEA GERMANY. DEUTSCHES REICHS PATENT. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR 1930S Degea - Germany. Deutches Reichs Patent. Electric percolator 1930s 2004.1269 PER SCM - PROCTOR - SCM - Proctor - Silex Inc. SILEX INC. 1974. 1974. Electric glass ELECTRIC GLASS percolator PERCOLATOR 2004.1270 PER 2004.1271 PER AUST HECLA AUSTRALIA. PERCOLATOR Hecla - Australia. Percolator 2004.1272 PER USA DORMEYER CORP. USA. AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC COFFEEMAKER. VERY ELEGANT Dormeyer Corp. USA. Automatic Electric Coffeemaker. Very elegant 2004.1273 PER USA JET AGE PRODUCT. US ELECTRIC PERCOALTOR ALUMINIUM 1930S Jet Age Product. US electric percoaltor aluminium 1930s 2004.1274 PER AUST LANGCO AUSTRALIA. 'COFFEEMATIC'. PAT.APPLIED FOR 34183/57. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR Langco - Australia. 'Coffeematic'. Pat.applied for 34183/57. Electric percolator 2004.1276 PER AUST WENTWORTH ELECTRIC. AUSTRALIA. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR1930S Wentworth Electric. Australia. Electric percolator1930s 2004.1277 PER 1970S 1930S 1930S BIRKO. REG. NO. BirKo. Reg. No. 35426. 35426. THIS WAS This was really a water REALLY A WATER boiler with a percolator BOILER WITH A stem inserted to become PERCOLATOR a percolator. There was STEM INSERTED no lid. 1970s USA WESTBEND Westbend Aluminuim Co. ALUMINUIM CO. USA. ' Hawthorn'. US Pat. USA. ' - 2.719.212. Electric HAWTHORN'. US percolator PAT. - 2.719.212. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR 2004.1278 PER 2004.1279 PER 2004.1280 PER 2004.1281 PER 2004.1282 PER 1930S USA LANDERS FRARY & Landers Frary & Clark.' CLARK.' Universal'. USA. Electric UNIVERSAL'. USA. percolator 1930s ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR 1930S 2004.1283 PER 1950S USA LANDERS FRARY & Landers Frary & Clark. CLARK. Universal ' Coffeematic'. UNIVERSAL ' USA . Pat. Applied for. COFFEEMATIC'. 1950s USA . PAT. APPLIED FOR. 1950S 2004.1284 PER 1910 USA M.B & CO. M.B & Co. Meteor.USA. METEOR.USA. PAT. Pat. Dec. 27 - 1910. DEC. 27 - 1910. Electric percolator - the ELECTRIC patent date may be early PERCOLATOR but this is from much later 2004.1285 PER 1930S USA KEYSTONE WARE. Keystone Ware. USA. USA. ELECTRIC Electric percolator 1930s PERCOLATOR 1930S 1930S USA AUST NO MAKERS MARKS. ALUMINIUM PERCOLATOR No makers marks. Aluminium percolator S.W.FARBER INC. USA. 'FARBERWARE'. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR 1930S S.W.Farber Inc. USA. 'Farberware'. Electric percolator 1930s US pats. - 1.947.426./ 2.217.474. Other pats.pending. SCIENCO. SIMPLE ALUMINIUM PERCOLATOR Scienco. Simple aluminium percolator HECLA AUSTRALIA. HECLA AUTOSAFETY KETTLE. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR Hecla - Australia. Hecla Auto-Safety Kettle. Electric percolator Pat. Nos. - 5731 - 27 / 16597 28. 2004.1286 PER USA CORY GLASS COFFEE BREWER CO. USA. TWO PERCOLATORS STOVETOP GLASS Cory Glass Coffee Brewer Co. USA. Two percolators stovetop glass 2004.1287 PER 1930'S AUST SERVEX AUSTRALIA. ELECTRIC PERCOALTOR 1930S Servex - Australia. Electric percoaltor 1930s 2004.1288 PER 1940S USA U Manning Bowman & Co.USA. Pats. - 1551504 / 1475334. Electric percolator 1940s 2004.1289 PER 1930S USA 2004.1290 PER 1960S AUST 2004.1292 PER 1970S USA 2004.1293 PER 1940/50S USA MANNING BOWMAN. USA. PAT. NOS. 1551504 / 1475334. 1940S/50S Manning Bowman. USA. Pat. Nos. - 1551504 / 1475334. 1940s/50s 2004.1294 PER 1950S USA GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. USA. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR 1950S General Electric Co. USA. Electric percolator 1950s WESTINGHOUSE. Westinghouse. USA. USA. ELECTRIC Electric percolator 1930s PERCOLATOR 1930S BIRKO. AUSTRALIAN ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR 1960S Birko. Australian electric percolator 1960s ROBESON Robeson Cutlery Co. CUTLERY CO. USA. USA. Electric percolator ELECTRIC 1970s PERCOLATOR 1970S 2004.1296 PER 1970S USA 2004.1297 PER 1940S USA ROBESON Robeson Rochester Corp. ROCHESTER Royal Rochester. Pat. CORP. ROYAL Pend. - 10366. Electric ROCHESTER. PAT. percolator 1940s PEND. - 10366. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR 1940S 2004.1298 PER 1030S USA WESTINGHOUSE . Westinghouse . USA. USA. ELECTRIC Electric percolator 1930s PERCOLATOR 1930S 2004.1299 PER 1960S 2004.1300 PER 1940S/ 2004.1301 PER 2004.1302 PER 1970S COFFEE REGAL WARE INC. USA. 'POLY PERK'. PLASTIC PERCOLATOR 1970S Regal Ware Inc. USA. 'Poly Perk'. Plastic percolator 1970s This had the same shape as an Australian percoaltor - the practice had developed of hiring dies so that the plastic could be moulded in another country. NATIONAL PRESTO National Presto INDUSTRIES INC. Industries Inc. 'Presto 'PRESTO - SUPER Super speed'. Electric SPEED'. ELECTRIC percolator 1960s PERCOLATOR 1960S USA GLASBAKE. USA. Glasbake. USA. Unusaual UNUSAUAL GLASS glass percolator with PERCOLATOR aluminium stem and WITH ALUMINIUM basket. 1940s/50s STEM AND BASKET. 1940S/50S USA LANDERS FRARY & Landers Frary & Clark. CLARK. USA. USA. Universal UNIVERSAL no.E98376. Pat. - 7 Feb NO.E98376. PAT. 1925. Missing lid 7 FEB 1925. MISSING LID USA SUNBEAM CORP. USA. 'COFFEEMASTER PERCOLATOR'. GLASS BODY PERCOLATOR 1970S Sunbeam Corp. USA. 'Coffeemaster Percolator'. Glass body percolator 1970s 2004.1303 PER 1930S USA CONTINENTAL SILVER CO. INC. USA. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR 1930S Continental Silver Co. Inc. USA. Electric percolator 1930s 2004.1304 PER 1970S AUST 2004.1305 PER 1930S USA COFFEE MAID. Coffee Maid. Foreman FOREMAN FAMILY. Family. USA. Pat USA. PAT 223734. 1930s unusual 223734. 1930S design percolator UNUSUAL DESIGN PERCOLATOR 2004.1306 PER USA MONTGOMERY Montgomery Ward. WARD. WARDS - Wards - USA. 'Signature'. USA. 'SIGNATURE'. Glass bowl percolator GLASS BOWL PERCOLATOR 2004.1307 PER 1930S USA WEAR - EVER . Wear - Ever . USA. Pat. USA. PAT. APPLIED Applied for. Small glass FOR. SMALL top in lid - aluminium GLASS TOP IN LID 1930s - ALUMINIUM 1930S 2004.1308 PER 1920S USA AMERICAN PERCOLATOR 1920S COPPER American -percolator 1920s copper 2004.1309 PER 1910 USA MANNING BOWMAN & CO. USA. PAT. DEC. 27-1910 / NOV. 21923 / JAN. 21925. 1920S Manning Bowman & Co. USA. Pat. Dec. 27-1910 / Nov. 21923 / Jan. 21925. 1920s 2004.1310 PER 1950S USA LANDERS FRARY & CLARK.USA. UNIVERSAL 'COFFEEMATIC'. 1950S Landers Frary & Clark.USA. Universal 'Coffeematic'. 1950s WESTINGHOUSE. Westinghouse. Australia. AUSTRALIA. Electric percolator with ELECTRIC very wide mouth and PERCOLATOR basket. 1970s WITH VERY WIDE MOUTH AND BASKET. 1970S 2004.1311 PER 2004.1312 1910 USA ALUMINIUM PERCOALTOR EARLY 1910S USA Aluminium percoaltor early 1910s USA PER USA CORNWALL CORP. USA. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR Cornwall Corp. USA. Electric percolator 2004.1313 PER SWISS THERMA'. THIS WAS A SWISS BRAND ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR 'Therma'. This was a Swiss brand electric percolator 2004.1314 PER 1920S/30S USA LANDERS FRARY & CLARK. USA. UNIVERSAL. PAT.SEPT.9 - 1924. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR 1920S/30S Landers Frary & Clark. USA. Universal. Pat.Sept.9 - 1924. Electric percolator 1920s/30s 2004.1315 PER 1936 2004.1316 PER AUST RENOWN. MISSING Renown. Missing lid LID - LOOKS LIKE looks like it could be IT COULD BE Australian but the brand AUSTRALIAN BUT is not known here THE BRAND IS NOT KNOWN HERE 2004.1317 PER JAP NATIONAL . JAPAN. National . Japan. Electric ELECTRIC percolator automatic PERCOLATOR strength adjustment AUTOMATIC STRENGTH ADJUSTMENT 2004.1318 PER USA TACUCO Tacuco Aluminuim. USA. ALUMINUIM. USA. 'Wear - Ever'. Aluminium 'WEAR - EVER'. stove top percoaltor with ALUMINIUM small glass in lid STOVE TOP PERCOALTOR WITH SMALL GLASS IN LID GENERAL General Electric Co. ELECTRIC CO. 'Hotpoint'. Pats. 'HOTPOINT'. PATS. 1684242 / 1494940. Side - 1684242 / of pot engraved in 1936 1494940 as trophy for cricket club. 2004.1319 PER 1919 USA 2004.1320 PER 1912 USA NO NAME. USA. No name. USA. Pat. PAT. MARCH 19 - March 19 - 1912. Electric 1912. ELECTRIC percolator looks very PERCOLATOR much like a LOOKS VERY Westinghouse MUCH LIKE A WESTINGHOUSE 2004.1321 PER USA MANNING Manning Bowman. USA. BOWMAN. USA. Pats.- 1551504/1475334. PATS.Electric percolator 1551504/1475334. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR 2004.1322 PER USA MANNING Manning Bowman & Co. BOWMAN & CO. USA. Pat.- 97658. USA. PAT.- 97658. Cylinder electric CYLINDER percolator ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR 2004.1323 PER ENG 2004.1324 PER 2004.1325 PER ENG 2004.1327 PER ENG 1960 USA ROBESON ROCHESTER CORP.USA. ROYAL ROCHESTER. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR BEST PRODUCTS LTD. ENGLAND. REGD. DESIGN. PATS. PENDING. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR Robeson Rochester Corp.USA. Royal Rochester. Electric percolator Pot - Pats. Pending. Filter - July 81919. Best Products Ltd. England. Regd. Design. Pats. Pending. Electric percolator CORY Cory CORPORATION.USA.ELECTRIC Corporation.USA.Electric AUTOMATIC Automatic Percolator. PERCOLATOR. 1960s 1960S SWAN BRAND. ENGLAND. STOVETOP PERCOLATOR Swan Brand. England. Stovetop percolator POWER- PRESS Power- Press Aluminuim ALUMINUIM WARE. Ware. England. Prov.Pat. ENGLAND. Reg'd design. Aluminium PROV.PAT. REG'D percolator DESIGN. ALUMINIUM PERCOLATOR 2004.1329 PER 1960 USA FARBERWARE. Farberware. USA. USA. 'SUPERFAST' 'Superfast' - fully - FULLY automatic. Pats nos AUTOMATIC. PATS 2.817.743 / 4.147.925 . NOS - 2.817.743 / 1960s 4.147.925 . 1960S 2004.1330 PER 1920S USA THE METALWARE CORP. 'EMPIRE'. USA. TWO SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT ELECTRIC PERCOLATORS 1920S The Metalware Corp. 'Empire'. USA. Two slightly different electric percolators - 1920s 2004.1331 PER USA ARMORWARE . USA. COPP-ER BASE PERCOLATOR Armorware . USA. Copper base percolator 2004.1332 PER 1960S ENG RUSSELL HOBBS. Russell Hobbs. England. ENGLAND. Electric percolator 1960s ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR 1960S 2004.1333 PER 1960S ENG RUSSELL HOBBS. ENGLAND. CERAMIC ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR 1960S 2004.1335 PER 1930S AUST SERVEX. Servex. Australia. AUSTRALIA. Electric percolator Made ELECTRIC as a copy of an PERCOLATOR American model. 1930s MADE AS A COPY OF AN AMERICAN MODEL. 1930S 2004.1336 PER 1970S USA UNIVERSAL. 'COFFEE MATIC'. USA. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR 1970S Universal. 'Coffee Matic'. USA. Electric percolator 1970s 2004.1349 PER ENG SHAW & FISHER MANUFACTURING - SHEFFIELD. ENGLAND. 'LOYSELS HYDROSTATIC PERCOLATOR'. LOYSELS PATENT. Shaw & Fisher Manufacturing Sheffield. England. 'Loysels Hydrostatic Percolator'. Loysels patent. Russell Hobbs. England. Ceramic electric percolator 1960s 2004.1463 PER 1870S ENG 2004.1464 PER 1880S FR 2004.1511 PER 1936 USA 2004.1512 PER 1960S FR 2004.1514 PER 1980S 2004.1525 PER 2004.1526 PER 1920S ENGLAND. England. Loysels patent LOYSELS PATENT percolator. Probably PERCOLATOR. 1870s. It worked on PROBABLY 1870S. water pressure. IT WORKED ON WATER PRESSURE. A FRENCH PUMPING PERCOLATOR 1880S PROBABLY VERY RARE. A French pumping percolator 1880s probably - very rare. PYREX - USA. Pyrex - USA. Very early VERY EARLY percolator made of glass PERCOLATOR - in fact probably the MADE OF GLASS - very first made in 1936 IN FACT by Corning Glass. PROBABLY THE VERY FIRST MADE IN 1936 'CELT' - PARIS. FRANCE. A FRENCH PERCOLATOR WITH AN UNUSUAL STEN WITH HOLES AT DIFFERENT LEVLES 'Celt' - Paris. France. A French percolator with an unusual sten with holes at different levles possibly to allow water at different temperatures to perk over the coffee 1960s NO BRAND - A MICROWAVE PLASTIC PERCOLATOR 1980S No brand - a microwave plastic percolator 1980s GER P.N. - GERMANY. AN AMAZING ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR. THE ELEMENT WAS IN THE SIDE WALL. P.N. - Germany. An amazing electric percolator. The element was in the side wall. If it fused you threw out the whole percolator. Very unusual. I have the impression that this unit has never been used. FR POUGET BTE. FRANCE. 'STANDARD' CAFETIERE AUTOMATIC. AN ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR NONRECIRCULATING. Pouget Bte. France. 'Standard' cafetiere automatic. An electric percolator nonrecirculating. 1920s. 2004.1550 PER 1890 GER WMF - GERMANY. WMF - Germany. Early EARLY percolator - late 1800s/ PERCOLATOR early 1900s note ratio of LATE 1800S/ water to coffee - high EARLY 1900S NOTE RATIO OF WATER TO COFFEE - HIGH 2004.1551 PER BAVIARIAGERMANY 2004.1552 PER ENG 2004.1554 PER 1920S IT COFFEE OMEGA. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR PURCHASED IN ITALY 1920S VERY EARLY AND RARE FOR ITALY. Omega. Electric percolator purchased in Italy 1920s - very early and rare for Italy. 2004.1555 PER 1920S SWISS THERMA SWITZERLAND. ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR 1920S Therma - Switzerland. Electric percolator 1920s 2004.1556 PER 1920S ENG H.B. & H. ALPHA. H.B. & H. Alpha. English ENGLISH ELECTRIC electric percolator using PERCOLATOR the Malen French patent USING THE MALEN - very early 1920s, FRENCH PATENT perhaps earlier. 2004.1558 PER GER WASB. GERMAN PERCOALTOR WITH THREE PART BURNER AND METAL WOVEN MESH BASKET WASB. German percoaltor with three part burner and metal woven mesh basket 2004.1801 PER USA ROYAL FAMILY INC. BROOKLYN USA. SMALL ALUMINIUM PERCOLATOR Royal Family Inc. Brooklyn USA. Small aluminium percolator COFFEE GBN BAVARIA. GERMANY. PATENT ANGEMELDET. VERY UNUSAL PERCOLATOR GBN - Bavaria. Germany. Patent - Angemeldet. Very unusal percolator the water pumped up and dripped out of a tube over the coffee in a basket in the top. ENGLISH English percolator Mark PERCOLATOR Rd.- 657224. Could be MARK - RD.quite early. Important for 657224. COULD England. Note unusual BE QUITE EARLY. handles. IMPORTANT FOR ENGLAND. 2004.2037 PER USA 2004.2077 PER 2004.1334 PER gisha girl 2004.1326 PER rocket man 1920 2004.1438 R 1800S TURKISH COFFEE Turkish coffee roaster ROASTER WITH with folding handle and FOLDING HANDLE metal bits to rattle when AND METAL BITS the roasting was being TO RATTLE done. Early 1800s 2004.1439 R 1920S STOVETOP Stovetop coffee roaster COFFEE ROASTER a common dedsign - A COMMON could be from any DEDSIGN - COULD country - probably 1920s BE FROM ANY COUNTRY PROBABLY 1920S 2004.1440 R 1900S COFFEE ROASTER Coffee roaster to fit into TO FIT INTO RINGS rings of stove - 1900s. OF STOVE - 1900S. 2004.1441 R 1850 1880 IT JAP GER SWEDEN 'ROME'. USA. A PERCOLATOR STEM AND BASKET IS INSIDE. 'Rome'. USA. A percolator stem and basket is inside. It is difficult to say at this remove just how many pots were in fact percolators ITALIAN Italian recirculating RECIRCULATING percolator - very early PERCOLATOR late 1800s - very VERY EARLY different ratio of coffee LATE 1800S to water than any other VERY DIFFERENT percoaltor. Very rare. RATIO OF COFFEE JAPAN. ALUMINIUM PERCOLATOR WITH RED PLASTIC HANDLE Japan. Aluminium percolator with red plastic handle G.B.N. PATENT G.B.N. Patent ANGEMELDET. Angemeldet. German GERMAN percolator on burner PERCOLATOR ON with unusual perk system BURNER WITH 1920s UNUSUAL PERK SYSTEM 1920S COFFEE ROASTER Coffee roaster - Swedish - SWEDISH MID mid 19C with sliding lid 19C WITH SLIDING LID 2004.1442 R 1850 SWEDEN COFFEE ROASTER Coffee roaster - Swedish - SWEDISH MID mid 19C with sliding lid 19C WITH SLIDING LID 2004.1443 R IT PROBABLY Probably Italian roaster ITALIAN ROASTER with unusual chamber in WITH UNUSUAL front. 1900s CHAMBER IN FRONT. 1900S 2004.1444 R 2004.1445 R SOPHISTICATED Sophisticated metal METAL MESH mesh coffee roaster with COFFEE ROASTER external handle 1900s WITH EXTERNAL HANDLE 1900S 2004.1446 R METAL COFFEE Metal coffee roaster with ROASTER WITH round chamber at end of ROUND CHAMBER tongs. 1900s AT END OF TONGS. 1900S 2004.1447 R FR 2004.1448 R FR 2004.1449 R 1900S OFFEE ROASTER offee roaster for stove FOR STOVE TOP top with ring holes. WITH RING HOLES. 1900s 1900S DOMESTIC FRENCH BALL ROASTER WITH CHIMNEY. 1880S Domestic French ball roaster with chimney. 1880s LANDRY A LYON Landry A Lyon Brevete BREVETE SGDG. SGDG. France. Patented FRANCE. French roaster from PATENTED Lyon - 1880s? FRENCH ROASTER FROM LYON 1880S? ROTATING Rotating chamber on CHAMBER ON ring stand to go over RING STAND TO open ring on wqood fire GO OVER OPEN stove. 1900s RING ON WQOOD FIRE STOVE. 1900S 2004.1450 R 1880S VERY SOLID Very solid coffee roaster COFFEE ROASTER to fit into ring 1880s TO FIT INTO RING 1880S 2004.1451 R 1890S GER OR FR 2004.1452 R 188OS GER 2004.1453 R FR FERNAUD VILLEDIEU.LE HARVE - FRANCE. A WIND UP ROASTER USING A GRAMOPHONE MOTOR OR SIMILAR - 1900S Fernaud Villedieu.Le Harve - France. A wind up roaster using a gramophone motor or similar - 1900s 2004.1454 R FR LE BIJOU - DES FAMILLES. FRANCE. A WIND UP ROASTER USING A GRAMOPHONE MOTOR OR SIMILAR - 1900S Le Bijou - Des Familles. France. A wind up roaster using a gramophone motor or similar - 1900s 2004.1455 R 1885 ENG T.FLETCHER. T.Fletcher. Warrington WARRINGTON Lancashire, England. Pat LANCASHIRE, - January 14 1885. Gas ENGLAND. PAT - roaster with metal mesh JANUARY 14 1885. walls - a popul;ar English GAS ROASTER concept. WITH METAL MESH 2004.1456 R 1990S GER ENDER GERMANY. ELECTRIC COFFEE ROASTER USING HOT AIR BLOWER - 1990S 2004.1457 R 1990S GAS ROASTER WITH ROTATING CYLINDER POSSIBLY GERMAN OR FRENCH 1890S Gas roaster with rotating cylinder - possibly German or French 1890s LARGE COFFEE Large coffee roaster with ROASTER WITH ball and chimney BALL AND probably German CHIMNEY purchased in Germany PROBABLY 1880s GERMAN PURCHASED IN GERMANY 1880S Ender - Germany. Electric coffee roaster using hot air blower 1990s FRESH ROAST. Fresh Roast. Small SMALL DOMESTIC domestic electric coffee ELECTRIC COFFEE roaster 1990s with glass ROASTER 1990S chamber WITH GLASS CHAMBER 2004.1458 R 1980S HK FCF LTD. HONG KONG. ' MODA'. ELECTRIC COFFEE ROASTER 1980S FCF Ltd. Hong Kong. ' Moda'. Electric coffee roaster 1980s 2004.1459 R 1980S HK MELITA 'AROMAROAST'. MADE IN HONG KONG. ELECTRIC COFFEE ROASTER 1980S Melita - 'Aromaroast'. Made in Hong Kong. Electric coffee roaster 1980s 2004.1475 RCM FR L.C. - FRANCE. L.C. - France. Russian RUSSIAN COFFEE coffee maker - reversible MAKER coffee maker on stand REVERSIBLE copper 1900s COFFEE MAKER ON STAND COPPER 1900S 2004.1479 RCM FR L.C. - FRANCE. REVERSIBLE COFFEE MAKER ON STAND WITH BURNER. !900S 2004.1399 STE 2004.1406 1970S L.C. - France. Reversible coffee maker on stand with burner. !900s IT IRMEL.ITALY.'NOVA Irmel.Italy.'Nova ESPRESS'. TWO Espress'. Two four spout FOUR SPOUT INTO into cup stovetop CUP STOVETOP espresso machines ESPRESSO 1970s MACHINES 1970S STE IT DOMUS ESPRESS ITALY. SIMPLE STOVETOP ESPRESSO Domus Espress - Italy. Simple stovetop espresso 2004.1407 STE IT SELENE EXPRESS. ITALY. SIMPLE STOVETOP ESPRESSO UNUSUAL BAYONET LOCK Selene Express. Italy. Simple stovetop espresso unusual bayonet lock 2004.1408 STE CAF - REX. ALU Caf - Rex. Alu - Rex REX DEPOSEE. Deposee. Unusual UNUSUAL round/triangular ROUND/TRIANGULARespresso with screw in ESPRESSO WITH filter basket. SCREW IN FILTER BASKET. 2004.1409 STE IT BALLARINI - B.P. & Ballarini - B.P. & F. Italy. F. ITALY. 'JOLLY 'Jolly Express'. Unusual EXPRESS'. por and joint filter device UNUSUAL POR AND JOINT FILTER DEVICE 2004.1410 STE IT VEV. ITALY. VERY VEV. Italy. Very ATTRACTIVE attractive stainless steel STAINLESS STEEL and gold handle AND GOLD espresso - one of the HANDLE first to show design ESPRESSO application to make the product more valuable. 2004.1412 STE IT 2004.1413 STE 2004.1414 STE IT LETIZIA Letizia Espresso. Italy. An ESPRESSO. ITALY. espresso with an AN ESPRESSO aluminium base and a WITH AN ceramic pot on to avoid ALUMINIUM BASE coffee contact with AND A CERAMIC aluminium. POT 2004.1419 STE IT ALBERTINI - ITALY. Albertini - Italy. Nuovo NUOVO Superespresso - Dolce SUPERESPRESSO Caffe. Two stovetop DOLCE CAFFE. aluminium espresso pots TWO STOVETOP ALUMINIUM ESPRESSO POTS 2004.1421 STE IT A.BIALETTI ITALY. THIS WAS CALLED THE MOKA POT - THE ORIGINAL WAS INVENTED AND MADE IN 1934. G.D. - ITALY. 'SUSY EXPRESS'. RED ENAMEL ESPRESSO STOVE TOP G.D. - Italy. 'Susy Express'. Red enamel espresso stove top OMG. - COLUMBIA OMG. - Columbia Crème. CRÈME. THIS This espresso operated ESPRESSO differently to all other OPERATED espresso pots. The DIFFERENTLY TO steam pressure pushed ALL OTHER the handle up which was ESPRESSO POTS. then pushed up and down to force the water throughh the coffee. The water did not get so hot and the coffee was smoot 1934 A.Bialetti - Italy. This was called the MOKA pot the original was invented and made in 1934. The only difference seems to be in the handle shape. There seems to be no patent given to Bialetti for this machineor they cannot produce one. Probably oine 2004.1422 STE 1980S TAI 'CAFFE ESPRESSO' 'Caffe Espresso' - by - BY BENJAMIN & Benjamin & Medwin Inc. MEDWIN INC. Made in Taiwan. MADE IN TAIWAN. Stovetop espresso with STOVETOP steamer made for ESPRESSO WITH American distributor STEAMER 1980s 2004.1423 STE 2000 IT EPOCA - ITALY. Epoca - Italy. Aluminium ALUMINIUM BASE base with s'steel upper WITH S'STEEL pot - the materials UPPER POT - THE clashed and did not work MATERIALS well. 2000 CLASHED 2004.1425 STE IT ALBERTINI - ITALY. Albertini - Italy. 'Nuovo'. 'NUOVO'. DOLCE Dolce Caffe. Simple CAFFE. SIMPLE espresso stovetop ESPRESSO machine STOVETOP MACHINE 2004.1426 STE 1980S FR SEB - FRANCE. STOVETOP ESPRESSO UNUSUAL FILTER 1980S SEB - France. Stovetop espresso - unusual filter 1980s 2004.1427 STE 1970S FR PROBABLY FRENCH ESPRESSO MACHINE WITH UNUSUAL LOCKING DEVICE 1970S Probably French espresso machine with unusual locking device 1970s very rare 2004.1429 STE 1970S IY BIALETTI - ITALY. 'BIA 2'. NEW DESIGN ALUMINIUM MOKA POT - 1970S Bialetti - Italy. 'Bia 2'. New design aluminium MOKA pot - 1970s 2004.1430 STE IT ITALY. ESPRESSO WITH BROWN CERAMIC UPPER SECTION Italy. Espresso with brown ceramic upper section 2004.1478 TL 1817 MORIZE PATENT. Morize patent. The THE ORIGINAL original Morize patent MORIZE PATENT was in 1817 and this pot WAS IN 1817 AND is identical in every way. THIS POT IS I have n o idea of the IDENTICAL IN exact date of EVERY WAY. manufacture but it must be early. Purchased in Dresden 2004.1500 TL 1827 FR CAPY LAMPISTE Capy Lampiste Paris. PARIS. FRANCE. France. This is the THIS IS THE machine following the MACHINE 1827 Capy patent - see FOLLOWING THE Coffee Floats. The water 1827 CAPY is on springs and holds PATENT the lamp cover open unti te water boils and lightens the pot and the cover falls. This is the oldest patented coffee m 2004.1501 TL 1827 FR CAPY LAMPISTE Capy Lampiste PARIS.1827 Paris.1827 France. Note FRANCE. NOTE Top pot section of unit TOP POT SECTION only.This pot is a smaller OF UNIT ONLY. diameter than that of no.1500. 2004.1502 TL 1900 GER ARNDT' SCHE Arndt' Sche STURZMASCHINE. Sturzmaschine. This is THIS IS AMOST amost rare item. The RARE ITEM. THE German name means to GERMAN NAME turn over. The MEANS TO TURN Arndt'sche filter won the OVER. prize in Paris 1900 for being the best coffee invention and this is the derivative machine. Rare in the extreme 2004.1503 TL 2004.1540 TL 1900S ENG VERY UNUSUAL Very unusual double pot DOUBLE POT - one side for milk and ONE SIDE FOR the other for coffee. MILK AND THE English 1900s OTHER FOR COFFEE. ENGLISH 1900S 2004.1544 TL 1998 ZENGINTURKEY ZENGIN - TURKEY. Zengin - Turkey. An AN ELECTRIC electric coffee boiler for COFFEE BOILER Turkish coffee. Bought in FOR TURKISH Istambul for the COFFEE. equivalent of 90 cents. 1998 FR FRANCE .THE VEYRON COFFEE MAKER - SEE COFFEE FLOATS 91 FOR PATENT INFORMATION. France .The Veyron coffee maker - see Coffee Floats 91 for patent information. The machine itself was a reverse vaculator - the brewed coffee went up instead of down. Most rare. I have only seen three in my life - I won two - Ursula Becker owns the oth 2004.1562 TL 1881 FR B.H. CAFETIERE BREVETEE SGDG DEPOSE - PARIS. FRANCE. BOURDIER ET HOUET PLUNGER FILTER 2004.1589 TR - DE 1920S IT AQUINAS Aquinas - Fratelli Santini FRATELLI SANTINI .Ferrara,Italy. 'Record'. .FERRARA,ITALY. Brass travelling espresso 'RECORD'. BRASS with burner. 1920s TRAVELLING ESPRESSO WITH BURNER. 1920S 2004.1492 TR - FIL 1980S 2004.1342 TR -DE 1920S IT 2004.1343 TR -DE 1920S IT STELLA. ITALY. EARLY TRAVEDLLING SPIRIT BURNER ESPRESSO 1920S Stella. Italy. Early travedlling spirit burner espresso 1920s 2004.1358 TR-CUPS TAI AUTO SIS CO.TAIWAN. CAR COFFEE MAKER Auto Sis Co.Taiwan. Car coffee maker 2004.1466 TUR SEYCHELLES 2004.1252 VAC GER CAR BATTERY COFFEE MAKER 1980S B.H. Cafetiere Brevetee SGDG Depose - Paris. France. Bourdier et Houet plunger filter coffee pot 1881 Coffee Floats p. 91 The coffee was hled in a compartment which was pushed up and down, Car battery coffee maker 1980s STELLA. ITALY. Stella. Italy. Brevetto BREVETTO No.259760. Early electric NO.259760. EARLY AND spirit burner small ELECTRIC AND espresso for travel 1920s SPIRIT BURNER SMALL ESPRESSO FOR TRAVEL A LARGE TURKISH A large Turkish coffee COFFEE POT FOR pot for a street vendor in A STREET VENDOR the Seychelles IN THE SEYCHELLES SINTRAX GERMANY. SCHOTT- MAINZ. JENA GLASS. GLASS VACULATOR Sintrax - Germany. Schott- Mainz. Jena Glass. Glass vaculator 2004.1253 VAC USA 2004.1255 VAC BRAZIL 2004.1256 VAC USA 2004.1257 VAC AUST C VAC 1850 SCOTLAND 2004.1482 VAC 1930S USA 2004.1483 VAC 1859 FR 'PERFECTO'. ON 'Perfecto'. On internal INTERNAL FILTER - filter - Hooper. 4 patents HOOPER. 4 Pending. American PATENTS aluminium vaculator with PENDING. unusual filter part AMERICAN ALUMINIUM VACULATOR ROYAL - BRAZIL. ALUMINIUM VACULATOR Royal - Brazil. Aluminium vaculator NICRO STAINLESS Nicro Stainless Steel STEEL - USA. USA. Pats. Pend. Proably PATS. PEND. commercial vaculator PROABLY COMMERCIAL VACULATOR CROWN CRYSTAL GLASS P/L. AGEE PYREX COFFEE PERCOLATOR. AUSTRALIAN VACULATOR Crown Crystal Glass P/L. Agee Pyrex Coffee Percolator. Australian vaculator NAPIER. Napier. Scotland. 1840. SCOTLAND. 1840. Early vacuum coffee pot EARLY VACUUM - very early model. COFFEE POT Probably 1850s VERY EARLY MODEL. PROBABLY 1850S THE SILEX COMPANY. USA. PAT.PENDING. ELECTRIC VACULATOR 1930S The Silex Company. USA. Pat.pending. Electric vaculator 1930s E.R. - FRANCE. E.R. - France. Raparlier RAPARLIER Vaculator 1859 France VACULATOR 1859 very rare - hosehair joint. FRANCE - VERY RARE - HOSEHAIR JOINT. 2004.1484 VAC 1841 FR FRANCE.1841 France.1841 vaculator VACULATOR - NOT not original glass ORIGINAL GLASS 2004.1485 VAC 1856 GLASGOW 2004.1486 VAC 1915 ENG PICARD Picard - England. Glass ENGLAND. GLASS by Cona. Must be after BY CONA. MUST 1915 unless Picard made BE AFTER 1915 the base before Cona. UNLESS PICARD MADE THE BASE BEFORE CONA. 2004.1487 VAC 1870 ENG PICARDS LTD. ENGLAND. VACULATOR REG.NO - 690219. 1870S - WITH WOODEN PLUG FOR SPOUT 2004.1488 VAC 1937 HUNGARY DESIDERIUS Desiderius Perlusz PERLUSZ electric vaculator ELECTRIC Hungary 1937 patent. VACULATOR Unusual - a few around HUNGARY 1937 still. PATENT. UNUSUAL - A FEW AROUND STILL. 2004.1489 VAC 1970 JAP KONO - COFFEE Kono - Coffee Syphon. SYPHON. JAPAN Japan 1970s - the 1970S - THE Japanese thought the JAPANESE Siphon machine was the THOUGHT THE best because the British SIPHON MACHINE made them and they WAS THE BEST were very impressed with the British around 1900s 2004.1490 VAC 1952 ENG CONA - ENGLAND. Cona - England. Electric ELECTRIC MODEL model designed Abram DESIGNED ABRAM xxx in 1952 XXX IN 1952 MADE BY DAVID THOMPSON GLASGOW. 'NAPIER' -VACUUM POT.I Made by David Thompson - Glasgow. 'Napier' -Vacuum Pot.Invented by James Robert Napier FRS. Exhibited 1856/ 1863. Picards Ltd. England. vaculator 690219. 1870s - with wooden plug for spout 2004.1491 VAC 1960S FR 'CALOR'. PYREX FRANCE. ELECTRIC VACULATOR WITH PLASTIC TRAY 1960S 2004.1504 VAC 1919 FR PERCOLA SGDG. Percola SGDG. France. FRANCE. THIS This was a vaculator WAS A which operated by VACULATOR turning the lower bowl WHICH OPERATED and opening a small hole BY TURNING THE in the upper bowl. Very LOWER BOWL rare. Around 1919 I think, 2004.1510 VAC 1860S IT TOSETTI GIACOMO Tosetti Giacomo - Milano. - MILANO. ITALY Italy This was a vaculator THIS WAS A made identically to the VACULATOR original Grandin & Crepaux French patent of 1832. Probably made in the 1860s it was called a Milanese. This may bhave been the Tosetti who invented the train vaculator 2004.1513 VAC 1950S BERLIN 'MOCCADUR' 'Moccadur' - Berlin. BERLIN. Germany. Made in East GERMANY. MADE Germany - vaculator IN EAST GERMANY 1950s - VACULATOR 1950S 2004.1517 VAC 1919 FR PERCOLA SGDG. Percola SGDG. France. FRANCE. THIS This was a vaculator WAS A which operated by VACULATOR turning the lower bowl WHICH OPERATED and opening a small hole BY TURNING THE in the upper bowl. Very LOWER BOWL rare. Around 1919 I think, 2004.1548 VAC 1937 HUNGARY 2004.1624 AI 1920/30S IT DESIDERIUS PERLUSZ ELECTRIC VACULATOR 1937 HUNGARY 'Calor'. Pyrex France. Electric vaculator with plastic tray 1960s Desiderius Perlusz electric vaculator 1937 Hungary PIC NIC. ITALY. Pic Nic. Italy. Very rare VERY RARE travellinmg set which TRAVELLINMG SET fitted together in the WHICH FITTED leather case. 1920s/30s. TOGETHER IN THE MOST RARE LEATHER CASE. 1920S/30S. 2004.1640 CE 1930S FR ROMA - LYON. Roma - Lyon. France. FRANCE. ELECTRIC Electric commercial COMMERCIAL espresso machine with ESPRESSO element in the tube - to MACHINE WITH make steam and coffee. ELEMENT IN THE 1930s. TUBE 2004.1619 DE 1980S IT ITALIAN ESPRESSO - ALUMINIUM BASE WITH MAKROLON PLASTIC TOP. Italian espresso aluminium base with makrolon plastic top. This was the first machine to have a plastic top. 1980s?? 2004.1620 DE 1980S HUNGARY HOLLOHAZA. HUNGARY. ALUMINIUM BASE WITH SPOUT INTO POT. 1980S Hollohaza. Hungary. Aluminium base with spout into pot. 1980s 2004.1621 DE 1970S IT O.M.G. - ITALY. CAFFEXPRESS. UNUSUAL ESPRESSO WITH SCREW IN FILKTER BASKET. 1970S O.M.G. - Italy. Caffexpress. Unusual espresso with screw in filkter basket. 1970s 2004.1622 DE 1980S IT KITTY EXPRESS. ITALY. ALUMINIUM BASE WITH PORCELAIN TOP. 1980S. Kitty Express. Italy. Aluminium base with porcelain top. 1980s. 2004.1623 DE 1970S IT O.M.G.- ITALY. 'PRIMA'. PATENT BIALETTI. ESPRESSO MACHINE WITH CUP TOP AND CHANNELS O.M.G.- Italy. 'Prima'. Patent Bialetti. Espresso machine with cup top and channels outside the cup and between the outside walls - made good coffee. 1970s 2004.1625 DE IT PEZZETTI Pezzetti - 'Smalflon' 'SMALFLON' Express. Italy. The EXPRESS. ITALY. problem of having coffee THE PROBLEM OF in contact with HAVING COFFEE IN aluminium was CONTACT WITH overcome by having the ALUMINIUM aluminium coated with smalflon - teflon. Goid idea which was wrecked if the machine was boiled dry and the teflon in the base burnt - 2004.1626 DE 1970S IT VESUVIANA. Vesuviana. Italy. Electric ITALY. ELECTRIC version of the normal VERSION OF THE stovetop. Made long NORMAL espresso 1970s STOVETOP. MADE LONG ESPRESSO 1970S 2004.1627 DE 1970S IT 2004.1628 DE 1970S IT UTENTRA. ITALY. Utentra. Italy. Looks like LOOKS LIKE AMA AMA machine for long MACHINE FOR espresso - electric 1970s LONG ESPRESSO ELECTRIC 1970S 2004.1630 DE 1980S IT COLUMBIA - ITALY. Columbia - Italy. Large LARGE ELECTRIC electric long espresso LONG ESPRESSO machine with steam and MACHINE WITH coffee. 1980s STEAM AND COFFEE. 1980S 2004.1631 DE 1970/80S IT CIP. BALDIOLI CIP. Baldioli Eustasio & EUSTASIO & FIGLI. Figli. Italy. ITALY. 'Espressomatic'. Brevetto 'ESPRESSOMATIC'. no 573085. The lid BREVETTO NO screwed on and locked 573085. down the filter basket. 1970s/80s Very rare. 2004.1632 DE 2000 IT BRA . VEV VIRGANO. ITALY. 'KONCORD.' MOST UNUSUAL STYLE ESPRESSO MACHINE 2000 2004.1633 DE 1970S HUNGARY ARRAREX MILANO. ITALY. 'CARAVEL'. ELECTRIC LEVER MACHINE WITH GROUP. 1970S Arrarex - Milano. Italy. 'Caravel'. Electric lever machine with group. 1970s BRA . VEV - Virgano. Italy. 'Koncord.' Most unusual style espresso machine 2000 SPORT PRESSO . Sport Presso . Hungarian HUNGARIAN travelling espresso TRAVELLING machine in aluminium ESPRESSO very rare. Prob 1970s MACHINE IN ALUMINIUM - VERY RARE. PROB 1970S 2004.1634 DE 2004.1635 DE 2004.1636 DE 2004.1629 DE -NO GO 2004.1637 FOY-CP 2004.1638 MISC- TEA 2004.1639 TEA -FOY IT MORINOX - ITALY. Morinox - Italy. Patented. PATENTED. A A novel item - inside the NOVEL ITEM machine is an inverted INSIDE THE cup which is over the MACHINE IS AN water - the water boils, INVERTED CUP the steam forces the cup up and the water passes between the walls of the machine and the walls of the cup to pass through the com SHG . ELECTRIC PORCELAIN TOP AND ALUMINIUM BASE 2000 SHG . Electric porcelain top and aluminium base Pat. Nos. 2818 / 2817 / 2816 / 6701 / 24949. AUST MINI ESPRESSO - Mini Espresso - Australia. AUSTRALIA. THIS This is a copy of La IS A COPY OF LA Veneziana - it may be VENEZIANA using the same moulds from Italy and just moulded in Australia. Has electrical approvals from Australia. Steam and coffee. IT VEV - VIRGANO. VEV - Virgano. Italy. ITALY. STAINLESS Stainless steel base with STEEL BASE WITH stainless steel red top STAINLESS STEEL BUT aluminium filter in RED TOP the middle. 2000. This was the result of an attempt to make a machine with aluminium bae and stainless top which failed. INDIA INDIA. LARGE POT India. Large pot - display - DISPLAY ONLY. only. 1900 TIN - 'CHOICE Tin - 'Choice Tea'. TEA'. BLENDED Blended with Ceylon WITH CEYLON Orange Tips. Original tin ORANGE TIPS. of tea with the tea still in ORIGINAL TIN OF it from 1900 - a hundred TEA WITH THE TEA years old. STILL IN IT AUST SMPC - SYDNEY, SMPC - Sydney, AUSTRALIA. TEA Australia. Tea dispensing DISPENSING machine as used in MACHINE AS USED railway stations where IN RAILWAY there was the need for STATIONS lots of pots of tea for stops - the pots would be given a dose of tea and the boiling water ready until the train came in. 2004.1641 VAC ENG PICARDS LTD. Picards Ltd. England. ENGLAND. REG. Reg. No. 690219. Copper NO. 690219. vaculator from England COPPER VACULATOR FROM ENGLAND 2004.1642 VAC 1841 FR FRANCE. France. Possible' POSSIBLE' Vassieux' patent. VASSIEUX' Madame Vassieux 1841 PATENT. MADAME Lyon.France. VASSIEUX 1841 LYON.FRANCE. 2004.1643 VAC 1851 FR FRANCE. POSSIBLY France. Possibly a A 'PENANT' 'Penant' - Bascue. Circa BASCULE. CIRCA 1851. With spring on the 1851. WITH balance. An automatic SPRING ON THE coffee machine BALANCE. vacualtor type. 2004.1645 CE 1955 IT GAGGIA - MILANO. Gaggia - Milano. Italy. ITALY. ASSEMBLED Assembled in Melbourne IN MELBOURNE from the imported FROM THE components - Gaggia IMPORTED Percolators Pty Ltd. COMPONENTS 1955. 2 lever machine 2004.1644 FIL 1893 USA POSSIBLE Possible Manning MANNING Bowman - cloth filter BOWMAN - CLOTH brewer USA. Pat. April 4 FILTER BREWER 1893. Looks like one in USA. PAT. APRIL 4 style. The coffee was 1893. LOOKS LIKE poured through the lid ONE IN STYLE. with delay devices to slow down brewing through the cloth filter. Very rare. 2004.1646 R 1920 ENG UNO COMPANY LTD. ENGLAND. 1920. GAS/ELECTRIC COFFEE ROASTER - USED IN COFFEE SHOPS IN ENGLAND Uno Company Ltd. England. 1920. Gas/electric coffee roaster - used in coffee shops in England 2004.1647 R 1920 ENG UNO COMPANY LTD. ENGLAND. 1920'S. LARGER MODEL UNO HAS/ELECTRIC ROASTER Uno Company Ltd. England. 1920's. Larger model UNO has/electric roaster 2004.1649 R 1920S USA 2004.1648 TEA 1920S ENG ROYAL NO.4 . USA. Royal No.4 . USA. Drum DRUM roaster.Circa - 1920's. ROASTER.CIRCA - This was used by Repin's 1920'S. THIS WAS in Sydney until the USED BY REPIN'S 1980s. A perforated drum roaster with gas heating. ENGLAND. MANUFACTURER UNKNOWN. TEA WEIGHING MACHINE. FROM THE 1920S/20S England. Manufacturer unknown. Tea weighing machine. From the 1920s/20s