misericordioso como el padre diciembre 2015


misericordioso como el padre diciembre 2015
Our Gratitude for God’s Blessing
Liturgical Ministry Schedule
January 31, 2016
Feb. 14
Saturday @ 5:30pm
Sunday @ 9:00am
Cathy Davis
Davin Winger
Ginny Grotegut
Mike Ralston
Barbara Stavlo
Frances Ortega
Linda Venneman
Amber Holland
Nikki Lozano
Phillip Lozana
Terry Felderhoff
Meetings and Important Dates!
Ash Wednesday February 10
6:30 AM. Bilingual in Gruver
6:30 PM. Spanish in Gruver
8:00 PM. English in Spearman
10:00 PM. Spanish in Spearman
Juntas y Fechas Importantes!
Miercoles de Cenisa -10 de Febrero
6:30AM. Bilingüe en Gruver
6:30PM. Español en Gruver
8:00PM. Ingles en Spearman
10:00PM. Español en Spearman
Brandea Allen
Calendario de los Ministros
* Si necesita su carta para sus
impuestos favor de llamar a la
oficina, si no contestan deje su
mensaje. Gracias!
Familias puesto para limpiar la Iglesia en
Families Scheduled to Clean the Church
Feb. 05-Winger Davin & Teague, Wood Matt & Sherrie
Feb. 12.-Quezada Abraham & Belinda, Ramirez Remedios & Azucena
Cuando falta poco más de una semana para viajar a México, el Santo
Padre señaló que este país vive parte del clima de “guerra” que sufre el
Servidores Misa de los Martes y Domingos
Comunión a los
Los Domingos
07 Febrero
14 Febrero
Rebeca Rosendo
Rebeca Mendoza
Martes @
9 de Febrero
16 de Febrero
Delina Torres
Jenny Hernandez
Ministro de
Mica Ortiz
Rebeca Rosendo
Gruver @ 1:30pm
“Si yo voy ahí, es para recibir lo mejor de ustedes y para rezar con ustedes, para que los problemas de violencia, de corrupción y todo lo
que ustedes saben que está sucediendo, se solucione, porque el México de la violencia, el México de la corrupción, el México del tráfico
de drogas, el México de los carteles, no es el México que quiere nuestra Madre”.
Victor Reyes
Jenny Hernandez
Ailyn Herbandez
“Por supuesto que yo no quiero tapar nada de eso, al contrario, exhortarlos a la lucha de todos los días contra la corrupción, contra el tráfico, contra la guerra, contr a la desunión, contr a el cr imen or ganizado, contr a la tr ata de per sonas”, expr esó a Notimex.
Francisco Trejo
Zerapia Trejo
Tomasa Cruz
Coro de Niños
Espíritu Santo
Rejino Vasquez
Lupe Mendoza
Paco Bonilla
Ruben Lopez
Belen Lopez
Leslie Lopez
Alonso Bonilla
Ulises Garcia
Jesus y Adriana
Feb. 14
Rosario @11:00am
Rosario @1:00pm
El Santo Padre explicó que la paz se trabaja todos los días, “es más -yo diría una palabra que parece una contradicción-, ¡la paz hay que
pelearla todos los días!, hay que combatir todos los días por la paz, no por la guerra”.
Para leer mas aciprensa.com
*If you need your letter for your
taxes please call the office, if no
answer leave a message. Thanks!
Papa Francisco: Quiero ser instrumento de paz para México
con todos los mexicanos
VATICANO, 03 Feb. 16 / 10:19 pm (ACI).- El México de
la violencia, la corrupción, el tráfico de drogas y los cárteles, no es el México que quiere la Virgen de Guadalupe, afirmó el
Papa Francisco en una entrevista divulgada este miércoles, y señaló que
quiere ser un instrumento para lograr la paz en este país, pero de la
mano de toda la población.
202 E. Hwy 15 ~ PO BOX 238
Gruver, TX 79040
Domingo @ 11:30
Feb. 14
The Way of the Cross
El Via Crusis
6:00pm English ~ Ingles
7:00pm Spanish ~ Español
In Spearman and Gruver
En Spearman y Gruver
Every Friday during Lent
Todos los Viernes de Cuaresma
quinto domingo de tiempo
“Quisiera ser en México un instrumento de paz, pero con todos ustedes. Es obvio que solo no puedo, sería una locura si yo dijera eso, pero
con todos ustedes, instrumento de paz”, expresó.
El Pontífice insistió en que “la paz es un trabajo artesanal, un trabajo de todos los días que se amasa con las manos, desde cómo educo yo a
un chico, hasta cómo acaricio a un anciano, son todas semillas de paz. Palabra caricia”.
“La paz nace de la ternura, la paz nace de la comprensión, la paz nace o se hace en el diálogo, no en la ruptura, y ésta es la palabra clave, el
diálogo: diálogo entre los dirigentes, diálogo con el pueblo y diálogo entre todo el pueblo”.
Francisco, quien durante la entrevista compartió que por Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe siente “seguridad, ternura”, preguntó a los mexicanos
si le piden a la Virgen por el fin de la violencia en el país.
Platicas Bautismales ~ Vienes 19 de Febrero 5:00pm Salon de la Parroquia
Martin Ochoa Jr., Jovita Ochoa, Don Kjos, Rosa Rojas, Petra Lozano, Elva Sullivan, Jesus Castillo,
Carla Willimon, Rey Garza, Wardell Volden, Eduardo Tornil, Gabriella Quezada, Violet Ortiz, Robert
Cantu Jr., Domingo Ponce, Laretta Cook, John Lopez, Ciria Vela, Joe Avila Juliana Carmona, Edwin
Altamirano, Juan Martinez, Albert Avila, Rose Lopez, Eli Vela, Johnny & Viola Garcia, Shyann
McKnight, Roy Diaz, Marisol Hernandez Cruz, Javier Borunda, Juana Diaz, Maribel Moreno, Teresa
Federico, Monse Gonzalez, Sasha Ortega, Olga Abrego, Eva Espinoza, Vera Martinez, Saul Chacon,
Pray for...
Melisa Almanza, Gumme Garza, Maria Del Carmen Ramirez, Art Maestas, Pablo Perez.
Please let us know of anyone that needs to be added or removed from the list. We would also like to know how
they are doing. You may call the office at 659-2166.
El próximo Jueves 11 de Febrero
el Santísimo Sacramento estará expuesto en Spearman a las 7:00pm están
invitados a una hora de oración intima con Jesucristo en La Santa Hostia.
Quinceañeras Próximas
Necesitan hablar con Padre Gregory dos años antes de la fecha de su Quinceañera. Pueden servir a la Parroquia como: Monaguillos, Lectora o Coro de
Pope Francis: I want to help bring peace to Mexico
To finish reading this article visit: www.catholicnewsagency.com
Vatican City, Feb 3, 2016 / 03:55 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis will leave for Mexico in just over a week. In a new
interview with a Mexican news agency, he told citizens of the crime-ridden country that while there, he hopes to be a messenger
of peace, which must be fought for daily.
“Violence, corruption, war, children who cannot go to school because of their countries at war, trafficking, arms manufacturers who sell
weapons so that the wars in the world can continue.”
“More or less this is the climate in which we are living in the world today,” the Pope said in an interview with Mexican news agency Notimex State, published Feb. 3.
The interview marks the first time Pope Francis has participated in a collective interview, in which he responded to four questions posed by
33 people from various states across Mexico.
Francis recorded his answers to the questions, which were raised by some 16 women and 17 men, on Jan. 22, in his residence at the Vatican’s Saint Martha guesthouse.
Echoing the well-known prayer named after his patron, “The Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi,” the Pope said that “I would like to be an instrument of peace in Mexico,” but said that he won’t be able to do it alone.
“It is obvious that I cannot do it alone, it would be crazy if I said that, but with all of you, an instrument of peace,” he said, adding that peace
is something that is “kneaded with your hands” every day through small gestures of charity.
“Peace is born from tenderness, peace is born from understanding, peace is born or made with dialogue, not in rupture,” he said, and emphasized the importance of dialogue in the various areas and environments of one’s life.
He also encouraged Mexico's citizens to pray to Our Lady of Guadalupe, “Mexico's mother,” for assistance in achieving peace in the country, which has been plagued by increasing violence and drug trafficking for years.
“I would ask each of you the question: do I ask the Virgin of Guadalupe, Mexico's mother, Empress of America, do I ask her for peace? Do I
ask her to make peace, in that place, in that person?” he asked.
The Pope said he's going to pray to Our Lady of Guadalupe on behalf of Mexico's citizens, “that she gives you peace of heart, of family, of
city and of country.”
Pope Francis is scheduled to visit Mexico from Feb. 12-17, just over a week from now. In addition to visiting the Shrine of Our Lady of
Guadalupe, which he has said is the primary reason for the visit, Francis will also travel to the border U.S. border city Ciudad Juárez, as well
as Chiapas, one of the poorest regions in the country.
In the interview, Francis said that he’s not coming to Mexico as a “Wise Man” with a list of messages, ideas or solutions to problems, but
rather as “a pilgrim” who wants to receive from the people and culture he encounters.
“I’m going to look for the wealth of faith that you have, I'll try to be contaminated by that wealth of faith,” he said, adding that Mexico has
an “idiosyncrasy, a way of being that is the result of a very long journey, of a history that was slowly forged” with both joy and sorrow, success and failure.
Above all, Mexico has the wealth of refusing to be “orphans” because of their Mother, he said, referring to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe. This, Francis said, is perhaps “the greatest wealth that I will seek.”
Veneration of Our Lady of Guadalupe dates back to the 16th century, and surrounds a miraculous image of Mary left on a tilma, made from
a piece of poor-quality cactus cloth.It all started when a “Lady from Heaven” appeared to Saint Juan Diego, a poor Indian from Tepeyac, on
a hill northwest of Mexico City. Over the course of a series of apparitions in 1531, the woman, who identified herself as the Mother of the
True God, instructed Juan Diego to have the bishop build a church on the site.
As a sign, the now-famous image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, was imprinted miraculously on his tilma. Both the image and the tilma remain
intact after more than 470 years.The Pope said that when he thinks of Our Lady of Guadalupe, he things of “safety and tenderness.”
St. Thomas the Apostle Parish, Amarillo, TX, invites you to the Vatican International Exhibition of the Eucharistic Miracles, Friday, March 4, 9:00
am – 8:30 pm; Saturday, March 5, 1:00 – 7:30, and Sunday, March 6, 8:00am – 4:00pm
at the Msgr. Tash Hall, 4100 Coulter Street. The self-guided tour exhibition has visited over 500 parishes alone in Italy and other countries. By
means of photographic laminated panels, this exhibition presents some of the principal Eucharistic Miracles, which have taken place throughout the
ages in various countries of the world, and have been recognized by the Church. The exhibit is free(donations accepted). A limited number of books
will be available for purchase. Questions – call 681-9344 or 367-9920 or visit www.stthomasamarillo.org.
February 21, 2016 at 10:00am
Charismatic Group will be having an Enchilada Sale
Plate $10.00 includes drink and desert
$15.00 Dozen
Women’s Guild will be having a Pancake/
Sausage breakfast on Sunday February 14th
after English mass.
Next Thursday February 11
at 7:00pm.
You are invited to a intimacy prayer
moment before Jesus in
The Holy Sacrament of The Altar
901 Roland ~ PO BOX 127 Spearman, TX 79081
02/07/2016 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Office :(806) 659-2166 Fax : (806) 644-2166 Rectory: (806) 644-0132 sacredheartspearmancatholic@gmail.com
Fr. Gregory Bunyan
Tues/Mart: 2:00 — 5:00 P.M.
Wed/Mier, Thurs/Juev, & Fri/Vie: 10-5pm
Secretary-Angie Lopez
Mon/Lun., Wed./Mier. Fri./Vie.
Pastoral Council/Resp.
Richard Wagner
Finance Council/Resp.
Phillip Renner
Wanda Wagner/Sylvia Borunda
DRE-Olivia Mendoza
RCIA– Davin Winger
Youth Minister/Resp.
Patricia Hernandez, Brenda Terrazas
Charismatic Renewal/Resp.
Maria Gonzalez
Eucharist Ministers/Resp.
Dwayne Thompson, Rita Vasquez,
Anita Marquez
Rosemary Parks, Yaneth Valles,
Tomasa Perez.
Altar Servers/Resp.
Buster McLain, Maria Carbajal,
Teresa Ayala
Diane McLain
Javier Mendoza/Juan Aguilar
Jascha Fishburn
Margarita Lopez
Women’s Guild/Resp.
Ana Fishburn
Why Catholic?/Resp.
Rebecca Rodriguez/Linda Weller
Mass Schedule
Saturday/Sab. …… 5:30P.M.
Sunday/Dom. …… 9:00A.M. ….11:30A.M. (Spearman)
…...……...………1:30P.M. (Gruver)
Tuesday /Mart. ………………….7:00P.M. (Spearman)
Wednesday ……..6:30A.M. (Gruver)
Friday/Veer. ……………………6:30A.M. (Gruver)
Adoration/ Adoración
Ultimo Viernes del Mes 7:00-8:00P.M. (Gruyer)
Thursdays/Jueves 7:00-8:00P.M.(Spearman)
Confessions ~~ Confesiones
Spearman ~ Saturdays/Sábados
4:30P.M.— 5:20P.M.
Coro de Niños Practica los Lunes 4:30pm en el Salón
Wed./Mier. @ 7:00P.M. in
Wed./Mier. @ 6:30P.M. in
Interested in Catholic Faith?
7:00P.M. Miércoles
en Salón Parroquial de
Spearman– Español.
7:00P.M. Wednesday
in Parish Hall in Spearman in
Wednesday in Gruver
@7:00am English/Ingles
Domingo Spearman @
Domingo Gruver @ 1:00pm
Viernes en Gruver @ 7:00am

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