Atención - Sacred Heart of Jesus, Spearman


Atención - Sacred Heart of Jesus, Spearman
Liturgical Ministry Schedule
Our Gratitude for God’s Blessing
June 07, 2015
$ 756.00
$ 1161.00
$ 39.30
$ 1956.30
Saturday @
Sunday @
Ridge Holland
Cadance Holland
Shawn Thompson
Mark Allen
Mike Ralston
Dwayne Thompson
Mike Ralston
Amber Holland
John Holland
Ginny Grotegut
Krista, Diane, Tori S.
Nathen Schenek
Nikki Lozano
June 21
Meetings and Important Dates!
June 28– Second Collection ~ Peter’s Pence
Juntas y Fechas Importantes!
Junio 26-27– Retiro para parejas en Spearman en Español.
Junio 28– Segunda Colecta ~ Óvolo de San Pedro
Calendario de los Ministros
June 21
Familias puesto para limpiar la Iglesia en
Junio 12– Lora Antonio & Guadalupe, Lora Gregorio & Reyna
Junio 19-- Lora Silvino & Cristina, Lora Celestino & Lucy
Junio 26– Luciano Salvador & Maria, Lugo Jorge & Emma
Families Scheduled to Clean the Church
Domingo @ 11:30
Gruver @ 1:30pm
Mica Ortiz
Delina Torres
Sujeila Garcia
Margarita Lopez
Rebecca Rosendo
Rita Vasquez
Yolanda Bonilla
Anita Márquez
Francisco Trejo
Silvino Lora
Sagrado Corazón
Lupe Trejo
Monse Mendoza
Javier Mendoza
Maribel Mendoza
Antonio Lora
Anita Márquez
Omar Enríquez
Samantha González
Dahiana Ramírez
Gerardo Muñoz
Abraham Bonilla
Vicente & Cilvia
June 21
June 12– Holland John & Amber, Huizar Sigilfredo & Guadalupe
June 19-- Borunda Clara, Juárez Jorge & Rosa
June 26– Lopez Antonio & Maribel, Lopez John & Angie
Martin Ochoa Jr., Jovita Ochoa, Don Kos, Rosa Rojas, Petra Lozano, Elva Sullivan, Jesus Castillo,
Carla Willimon, Rey Garza, Wardell Volden, Eduardo Tornil, Gabriella Quezada, Violet Ortiz, Robert
Cantu Jr., Domingo Ponce, Laretta Cook, John Lopez, Ciria Vela, Joe Avila Juliana Carmona,
Edwin Altamirano, Juan Martinez, Albert Avila, Rose Lopez, Eli Vela, Johnny & Viola Garcia,
Shyann McKnight, Roy Diaz, Marisol Hernandez Cruz, Javier Borunda, Juana Diaz, Maribel
Moreno, Teresa Federico, Monse Gonzalez, Sasha Ortega, Olga Abrego, Eva Espinoza, Vera
Martinez, Saul Chacon, Melisa Almanza, Gumme Garza, Maria Del Carmen Ramirez.
Please let us know of anyone that needs to be added or removed from the list. We would also like to know how
they are doing. You may call the office at 659-2166.
Pray for...
Onceavo domingo de tiempo ordinario
Este es el consejo del Papa a los jóvenes para que no
caigan en la miseria espiritual
202 E. Hwy 15 ~ PO BOX 238
Gruver, TX 79040
Servidores Misa de los Martes y Domingos
Comunión a los
Los Domingos
Junio 14
Junio 21
VATICANO, 07 Jun. 15 / 11:38 am (ACI/EWTN NotiRita Vásquez
Rebecca Rosendo
cias).- Una larga caminata que el Papa Francisco quiso bendecir y
apoyar lanzando un mensaje a los jóvenes: “¡Canta y camina!”. En
Junio 16
Junio 23
Martes @ 7:00pm
la noche del sábado al domingo, cien mil jóvenes recorrieron 27
kilómetros desde la localidad italiana de Macerata a la de Loreto,
Delina Torres
donde se encuentra el Santuario de la Virgen de Loreto.
Era la 37 edición de la peregrinación tradicional hacia el Santuario
Ministro de
El Papa animó a los jóvenes enviando un mensaje desde Sarajevo en
la tarde del sábado, en el que les habló del significado de “caminar”
y les pidió no “permanecer quietos” porque entonces uno “se corrompe” y “no sirve”.
Si caen, deben levantarse porque “existe la misericordia de Dios” y se puede recomenzar, dijo.
“La peregrinación es un símbolo de la vida, nos hace pensar que la vida es caminar, es un camino” y “si una persona no camina y se queda
quieta, no sirve, no hace nada”, dijo en su mensaje.
Es como “cuando el agua no está en el río, no avanza, está quieta, se corrompe”. De la misma manera, “un alma que no camina en la vida
haciendo el bien, haciendo tantas cosas que se deben hacer por la sociedad, por ayudar a los otros y también quien no camina por la vida buscando a Dios y que el Espíritu Santo te mueve de dentro, es un alma que termina en la mediocridad y en la miseria espiritual”. Así que “¡Por
favor, no se paren en la vida!, les pidió.
El Santo Padre señaló a los jóvenes que “todos hemos tenido en la vida caídas, errores”, pero los alentó a que “si te has equivocado levántate
rápidamente y continua caminando”.
Recordando a San Agustín, Francisco indicó que “caminar con alegría es también caminar cuando el corazón está triste”.
“Si tienen necesidad de parar, que sea para descansar un poco y tomar un poco de aliento para avanzar después”, por eso “¡Canta y camina!”.
No obstante, existe el peligro de equivocarse de camino porque “quien camina puede equivocarse de vía” pero “si uno se equivoca, regresa.
Regresa porque existe la misericordia de Jesús”.
El lema de la peregrinación de los jóvenes a Lourdes es “Acariciados de la misericordia”, por lo que el Papa explicó que “la misericordia
perdona todo, siempre espera, siempre te ama mucho”.
“Cada uno de ustedes conoce su propia historia. Todos conocemos la nuestra. ‘Eh, Padre, he caído tantas veces’. Me viene a la mente esa
canción tan bonita de los ‘Alpini’ que dice: el arte de salir no es el de no caer, sino el de no permanecer caído. Canta y camina y si estás caído,
levántate: existe la caricia de la misericordia de Jesús que perdona todo y allí está la alegría, la alegría del encuentro con Jesús”.
Francisco encomendó a los jóvenes otra tarea durante su caminata nocturna: “Piensen en su vida. ‘¿Qué debo hacer de mi vida?, ¿qué me dice
Jesús que debo hacer de mi vida?, ¿qué tiene pensado el Señor para mí? ¿Hay alegría en mi corazón para cantar mientras camino?’ Si no hay
alegría, ¡Búsquenla! El Señor te la dará, te la donará con su misericordia”.
Al despedirse, asegurándoles que se acordaría de ellos desde Sarajevo, el Papa deseó que “el ángel de la guardia de cada uno de ustedes les
diga a la oreja: ‘¡canta y camina!’”.
Para leer mas:
Quinceañeras Próximas
Necesitan hablar con Sacerdote dos años antes de
la fecha de su Quinceañera. Tienen que servir a la
Parroquia como: Monaguillos, Lectora, Coro de
El próximo Jueves 18 de Junio
el Santísimo Sacramento estará expuesto en
Spearman a las 7:00pm están invitados a una
hora de oración intima con Jesucristo en La
Santa Hostia.
Nuevos Miembros Caballeros de Colon
El día 28 de Junio Los Caballeros de Colon tendrá inscripciones para
nuevos miembros en el salón de la parroquia de 2:30-4:00. En este
periodo el salón de la parroquia estará inacsesible excepto para los
Caballeros de Colon. Su usted esta interesado favor de contactar a
Jacsha Fishburn 330-0614.
Tenemos nuevo correo electrónico
The Eucharist teaches us to care for the weakest of society,
Pope Francis says
To see the rest of his
Vatican City, Jun 7, 2015 / 08:29 am (CNA/EWTN News).- In his
Angelus address on Sunday, Pope Francis focused on the recent feast
of Corpus Christi, saying the Eucharist is a “school of solidarity and charity,”
which inspires us to care for the most vulnerable.
This feast, the Roman Pontiff said June 7 at St. Peter's Square in the Vatican,
“evokes this message of solidarity, and pushes us to welcome the intimate invitation to conversion and to service, to love and to forgiveness.”
In our daily lives, we encounter Christ, who nourishes us in the Eucharist, in the
poor, the suffering, our brothers, and “in every human being, even the smallest
and most defenseless.”
The roman Pontiff reflected on the feast's Gospel, which recounts the institution
of the Eucharist during Christ's Last Supper before his crucifixion.
That night, Christ said that whoever eats his flesh and drinks his blood will
“remain in me and I in him,” and will have eternal life.
“With this gesture and with these words, he gives bread a function that is no
longer simply physical nourishment, but that which makes present his Person
amid the community of believers.”
The Pope added that the Last Supper marks the end of Christ’s life, looking
ahead to his death on the Cross, but also to the synthesis of “a life offered for the
salvation of humanity.”
For this reason, it is not enough to affirm Christ's presence in the Eucharist, the
Pope said, but recognize it as “the presence of a life given, and take part.”
By receiving Christ in the Eucharist, taking part in his life and entering into
communion with him, we in turn are called to promote unity among ourselves,
transforming “our life into a gift,” especially to the poor.
The Eucharist is a “school of charity and solidarity,” the Pope said. “Whoever
is nourished by the Bread of Christ cannot remain indifferent to those who do not
have bread daily.”
Despite efforts by the international community, this is an increasing problem,
and requires proposals to resolve its causes, he said.
The Pope concluded his address by invoking the intercession of Mary, that she
may “awaken in everyone the joy in participating in the Mass, especially on
Sunday, and the joyful courage to give witness to the charity of Christ.”
After leading the crowds in the recitation of the Angelus, Pope Francis spoke of
his apostolic visit to Sarajevo the previous day.
Once described as the “Jerusalem of the West” owing to the coexistence of
various peoples and religious, the recent past has made it into a “symbol of
destruction and war,” he said.
Acknowledging the efforts toward reconciliation, Pope Francis encouraged “this
journey toward of peaceful coexistence between diverse peoples; a hard, difficult, yet possible journey!”
Pope Francis’ visit on Saturday marked the twentieth anniversary of the signing
of the Dayton Agreement which brought an end to the Bosnian War.
After the breakup of Yugoslavia, some 100,000 combatants and civilians were
killed and a million more displaced during the war, which lasted between 19921995. The fighting split largely along ethnic lines, among the predominantly
Orthodox Serbs, the predominantly Catholic Croats, and the predominantly
Muslim Bosniaks.
ACTS Amarillo
“Pay It Forward” Raffle
Get your tickets NOW!
Win a $10,000 Visa Gift Card
2nd Prize $5,000 Visa Gift Card
3rd Prize $2,000 Visa Gift Card
4th Prize $1,000 Visa Gift Card
The parish listed on winning ticket
will receive $1,000 Visa Gift Card!
Prizes will be given away Aug. 9, 2015
following the Men’s ACTS Retreat potluck dinner.
To Enter, go to:
or contact CORE members:
Chris Hall
(Canyon) 681-0621
Kent Hoelting
(Amarillo) 679-1762
Stacy Wilhelm (Amar illo) 6222114
Danny Frerich
(Vega) 344-4276
Mac Langford (Bovina)
Mark McVay
(Pampa) 664-1630
Randy Friemel (Herefor d)
Debbie King (Nazareth) 9940086
All proceeds will help us offset the rising costs of hosting the retreats
If you have been on an ACTS Retreat and would like to help us
sell tickets, please contact Stacy Wilhelm at (806) 622-2114 or
email to get tickets to sell.
MARRIAGE HELP! Do you have str ess in your mar r iage?
RETROUVAILLE is a program for married couples that feel
bored, disillusioned, frustrated, or angry in their marriage. Some
experience coldness. Others experience conflict in their relationship. Most don’t know how to change the situation or even communicate with their spouse about it. This program has helped
many couples experiencing difficulties in their marriage. For
confidential information about or to register for the upcoming
Amarillo program beginning with a weekend on August 14th16th , call Paul or Patty at 806-420-1520 or email us at or visit the website
New Members For Knights of Columbus
There will be a Knights of Columbus new member initiation on Sunday June 28th, in the parish hall, from 2:30 to 4:00. During
this initiation period, the parish hall will be inaccessible to anyone except for the Knights of Columbus. If you are interested in
becoming a Knight, please contact:
Jascha Fishburn at 330-0614
We have a new email address
Next Thursday June 18 at 7:00pm.
You are invited to a intimacy prayer
moment before Jesus in
The Holy Sacrament of The Altar
901 Roland ~ PO BOX 127
Spearman, TX 79081
06/14/2015 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Office :(806) 659-2166 Fax : (806) 644-2166 Rectory: (806) 644-0132
Fr. Gregory Bunyan
Tues/Mart: 2:00 — 5:00 P.M.
Wed/Mier, Thurs/Juev, & Fri/Vie: 10-5pm
Secretary-Cindy Lopez
Mon/Lun., Wed./Mier. Fri./Vie.
Pastoral Council/Resp.
Richard Wagner
Finance Council/Resp.
Phillip Renner
Wanda Wagner/Sylvia Borunda
DRE-Olivia Mendoza
RCIA– Davin Winger
Youth Minister/Resp.
Patricia Hernandez, Brenda Terrazas
Charismatic Renewal/Resp.
Maria Gonzalez
Eucharist Ministers/Resp.
Dwayne Thompson, Rita Vasquez,
Anita Marquez
Rosemary Parks, Yaneth Valles,
Tomasa Perez.
Altar Servers/Resp.
Buster McLain, Griselda Lopez
Diane McLain
Javier Mendoza/Juan Aguilar
Jascha Fishburn
Margarita Lopez
Women’s Guild/Resp.
Ana Fishburn
Why Catholic?/Resp.
Rebecca Rodriguez/Linda Weller
Mass Schedule
Saturday/Sab. …… 5:30P.M.
Sunday/Dom. …… 9:00A.M. ….11:30A.M. (Spearman)
…...……...………1:30P.M. (Gruver)
Tuesday /Mart. ………………….7:00P.M. (Spearman)
Wednesday ……..6:30A.M. (Gruver)
Friday/Vier. ……………………6:30A.M. (Gruver)
Adoration/ Adoración
Ultimo Viernes del Mes 7:00-8:00P.M. (Gruver)
Thursdays/Jueves 7:00-8:00P.M.(Spearman)
Confessions ~~ Confesiones
Spearman ~ Saturdays/Sábados
4:30P.M.— 5:20P.M.
Gruver ~ Domingos 2:40P.M. — 3:30P.M.
Coro de Niños Practica los Lunes 4:30pm en el Salón
Wed./Mier. @ 7:00P.M. in
Wed./Mier. @ 6:30P.M. in
Interested in Catholic Faith?
7:00P.M. Miércoles
en Salón Parroquial de
Spearman– Español.
7:00P.M. Wednesday
in Parish Hall in Spearman in
Wednesday in Gruver @7:00am
Domingo Spearman @ 11:00am
Domingo Gruver @ 1:00pm
Viernes en Gruver @ 7:00am