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Printable PDF Format - Calaveras County Chamber of Commerce
April—June 2016
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Chamber Champion
New Melones Lake
In business since 1987.
In a nutshell, what does your business
provide to your customers?
New Melones Lake Marina provides
endless recreation fun and excitement for
all ages. Our Marina offers everything
necessary for all day fun on the lake. We
provide swim gear, clothing, food,
fishing, and camping supplies. We have
a fuel and full service dock for all boat
maintenance. Our incredibly helpful and
friendly staff is available and waiting to
make your experience memorable, and
making New Melones Lake Marina one
of the greatest placed for family fun,
boating and fishing.
What are some features that make
your business unique?
We are supported by a wonderful community and strive to give back to our local
families and community members in many ways. Including our support of other local
businesses and our ever growing schools. Being the only marina on New Melones
Lake, we have the opportunity to provide service to all those who come to visit.
Please give us a brief history of your business.
The marina was purchased by Darrin and Karin Mills in 2014. Since then, the marina
story has maintained operation and extensive upgrades have been made to the
What is the most exciting news your business has had in the last year?
The water level has maintained and increased since the year previous.
What do you see for the future of your business?
We plan to continue to increase growth and expand our boat rentals and services. We
look forward to helping give our lake lovers a place to enjoy and make te most
memories of summer fun!
Interested in
increasing your
Chamber Champion
Sponsorships are
Contact the Chamber
office at 209-754-5400.
Staci Johnston
Sarah Cunningham
Executive Director
Administrative Assistant
Leadership Calaveras 2016
The Calaveras County Chamber of Commerce Leadership Calaveras 2016 program
kicked off in June with two fantastic sessions. Starting with the team building
session, participants spent the day at Camp Lodestar in Wilseyville where
facilitators Jeff and AJ offered numerous challenges to include a low ropes course
and zip lining. These challenges are designed to challenge the participants to work
together and solve problems. Many of the participants faced and conquered their
fears while approaching these obstacles.
The Recreation and Tourism session on June 21st took the Leadership class all over
the county. Starting with Calaveras Big Trees State Park, participants learned about
the importance of outdoor recreation and how the giant Sequoias take part in the
Leadership Calaveras 2016 with Calaveras
County Chamber of Commerce and Camp tourism of Calaveras County. Participants then
Lodestar facilitators.
travelled to Ironstone Vineyards where they
toured the facility while learning the tourism from the wine industry perspective.
Afterward, Leadership Calaveras was led through the Calaveras County Museum in
San Andreas by Danielle Ballard to learn about how the county’s history effects
tourism. This session was wrapped up with an overview of recreation and tourism at
the Calaveras Visitors Center in Angels Camp by Lisa Boulton, Executive Director of
the Calaveras Visitors Bureau.
The Leadership Calaveras program is one of the Calaveras County Chamber of
Commerce’s favorite programs. Participants are introduced to the many organizations Leadership Calaveras at Big Trees
and get a “behind the scene” experience of the county. During the course of the
program, each class will look at the various issues within Calaveras County and choose a project in which they believe
will help the community. The goal of this program is to equip participants with leadership skills in which they can take
with them throughout their lives.
For more information the Leadership Calaveras program, please contact the Chamber office at (209) 754-5400 or email
Calaveras Recovers Update
Status Update—Calaveras Recovers (CR), June 15,
Where we started and how we have progressed:
Background: After the initial response, FEMA gathered
individuals, organizations and groups with the sole purpose of
forming a Long Term Recovery team to respond to the Butte
Result: A board of directors and bylaws were established. The
primary goal of the group became to rebuild homes of the
uninsured and underinsured. Calaveras Recovers recognizes
that perhaps the survivors should have had the insurance.
However, our goal is to rebuild a community and not pass
judgement on the decisions of others.
Next Steps:
Find a 501©(3) to act as fiduciary
 Amador Community Foundation is the fiduciary.
Website created
 Created by a college student. We have a PR committee
that writes press releases and maintains our social medical
Find and position office trailer in the affected area
 The office is located in Mountain Ranch and is managed
by a volunteer.
Train case managers to work with clients appropriately
 The case managers have been trained by our parter
organizations. The process is time consuming and very
detailed. The needs of the client are ascertained and then
CR find assistance for their immediate needs though the
Red Cross, community funded grants, other community
organizations etc. Red Cross has played a vital role in
Case Managements.
Set up emotional and spiritual care for survivors
 Emotional and spiritual care is and will continue to be the
most important function through the rebuilding process.
The work is being done daily by our volunteers and them
clients are referred if necessary.
Contact national partners to assist with the rebuilds
 Through FEMA we have made contact with several faith
based organizations
 UMCOR (United Methodist) - provided training, funding a
case management position.
 World Renew—provided training and will be part of the
building process.
 National Mennonite Disaster Organization—part of the
building process.
 CAM (Christian Aid Ministries) - part of the building
Find funding
 The finance team has not had much success fundraising.
However, CR has been successful through our community
partners. We currently have $242,000 in the bank. We
have pledges for $163,000. In addition, the Calaveras
Community Foundation has committed $40,000 per home
up to $200,000. Recently the grant writing team applied
for 14 grants.
Executive Team
 Works with FEMA and CALOES
 Attended County Briefings
Communicates with County Assessor, Building, Planning,
Environmental Health, Public Works and PIO
Start Construction
 There are two types of homes that CR will rebuild. One is
called a resource home which is prioritized by the client’s
own resources. The other is called a needs home which is
prioritized by the client’s needs.
Where are we now:
Originally FEMA registered 1179 people.
Red Cross had 571 registered families
Through case work that was narrowed to 267
Currently Calaveras Recovers has 176 open cases
66 are in need of assistance rebuilding their homes
$137,000 of the county grant has been distributed for
health and safety issues
Total amount needed to complete project is $5,440,000
over the next five to seven years. (This could change
depending on client’s resources or if they opt out of the
Rebuild Plan 2016
Calaveras Recovers has started two homes. These are
bother resource homes. The local Mennonite community is
building them.
In August we are starting a third home. This is a needs
home. It will be built by the Church of Nazarene in Sutter
In October the National Mennonite Disaster Organization
will build three. In addition, World Renew will build
Currently, Calaveras Recovers has the resources to build
the first nine. However, in order to complete the other 59
needed we will require additional resources.
PGE Lawsuit:
Calaveras Recovers recognizes that many clients might receive
settlements from PGE. However, we doubt that said
settlements will make them whole. If our clients receive funds
they will become a resource house versus a needs house or
perhaps rebuild on their own.
Deeds and Closing Documents:
In the event a client decided to sell their house in the first five
years, they will have to repay Calaveras Recovers. The
payment schedule is on a sliding scale. The clients will be
requires to have insurance. After five year, the house is a gift
and title is clear.
Calaveras Recovers respectfully asks the Board of
Supervisors to fund a project manager and an
administrative assistant. In order to be successful and
move forward CR needs these two paid position.
Managing the recovery is a full time job and has been
accomplished to date by volunteers. The response
belonged to the community and so does the recovery.
We look forward to your thoughtful response.
Thank You,
Allen Sender, Chair
Laurie Giannini, Co-Chair
Gary Kuntz Memorial Golf Tournament
On Friday, June 17, 2016 the Calaveras County Chamber of Commerce held it’s
annual Scholarship Golf Tournament at La Contenta Golf Course in Valley Springs.
This event raises money each year to support the Mission Statement of the
organization with a percentage of the proceeds going toward a scholarship fund which
benefits Bret Harte and Calaveras High School seniors. The 2016 scholarship golf
tournament was named the “Gary Kuntz Memorial Golf Tournament” in honor of the
late Gary Kuntz, Calaveras Sheriff and chamber board member.
Beautiful weather and an enthusiastic group of golfers made for a great day on the
green. John Lavaroni, Scott Soracco, Ty Abraham, and Cliff Overmier with Treats
General Store won the Traveling Tom
Trophy. A slew of raffles prizes and
Cheryl Hoag (Cal Tel) takes a
silent auctions were handed out during
the awards lunch.
Major sponsors
included Murphys Historic Hotel, Treats General Store, Black Oak
Casino, Sonora Ford, Umpqua Bank, and Chamber Champions Mark
Twain Medical Center, Calaveras County Fairgrounds, Sonora Regional
Medical Center, Hunt & Sons, CalTel, Sierra Pacific Industries and Mark
Twain Health Care District.
The Calaveras County Chamber of Commerce would like to thank all
those who helped make this event a success to include volunteers,
sponsors, raffle/auction donors and La Contenta staff. For more
information on this or other events, please contact the Chamber office or
visit our website at
Traveling Tom Trophy winners John Lavaroni,
Scott Soracco, Ty Abraham, and Cliff Overmier!
Event Highlights
2016 Mixer Schedule
$10 Donation Admission
*Covers Food, Wine & Networking
**Raffle Tickets Sold Separately
 Starred Mixers are FREE of charge.
Jan 21—Gold Country Auto Body
65 Main St., Valley Springs
February 18—Calaveras County
Association of Realtors
1270 Suzanne Dr., Ste. B, Angels Camp
March 17—Murphys Historic Hotel
457 Main St., Murphys
April 21—Greenhorn Creek Golf Resort
711 McCauley Ranch Rd., Angels Camp
May 12—Calaveras County Fairgrounds
2465 Gun Club Rd., Angels Camp
June 16—New Melones Lake Marina
6530 Glory Hole Rd., Angels Camp
July 21—Camanche Recreation Company
(Lake Camanche)
11700 Wade. Ln., Valley Springs
August 18—Arnold Medical Center
2182 Hwy 4, Arnold
(Big Trees Market Center)
September 15—Copperopolis Town Square
100 Town Square Rd., Copperopolis
October 20—Signal Service & Pickle Patch
November 17—Foothill Village Senior
Living Community
1400 Foothill Village Dr., Angels Camp
December 15—Renegade Winery
8435 Main St., Mokelumne Hill
Want to increase your visibility?
Host a Chamber Mixer!
Contact us for information:
Event Highlights
Calaveras Youth Organization
Calaveras County
Camp Lodestar
1st Annual “State of the County” Breakfast
Tri Chamber Inaugural Golf Tournament
Tri Chamber Mixer
Wines on Main
For a list of community events, please visit
our online event calendar at
Chamber Awards
Every year the Calaveras County Chamber of
Commerce accepts applications from Bret Harte
and Calaveras High School seniors for the
Chamber Scholarship program which assists
selected students in furthering their education
with a focus on business or economic
development. Applicants are selected by a
committee based on GPA, extra curricular
activities, community involvement and essay.
The Chamber raises funds for their scholarship
program through various events such as their
Scholarship Golf Tournament.
The 2016 recipients of the Calaveras County
Chamber of Commerce Scholarship were Omar
Munoz with Bret Harte High School and Dylan
Byrd with Calaveras High School.
Get FREE advertisement in
exchange for your story or business
Email the Chamber office today!
*Content subject for approval
Ribbon Cuttings
Candidates Night
District 1
May 5, 2016
District 4
May 11, 2016
San Andreas Town Hall
San Andreas
Saddle Creek Golf Resort
Calaveras Has Talent
Calaveras Has Talent is the lead fundraiser for the Calaveras Youth Organization's Support Music Calaveras
Campaign. CYO is a 501 c3 charity supporting Music Education in all Calaveras County Schools. The CYO has
donated nearly $10,000 for educator supplies, student instruments, student instrument repairs and new Band Instruments
for Bret Harte, Calaveras, Toyon and CUSD Schools. We also started a instrument loan program and donation service
for those impacted by the Butte Fire.
Calaveras Has Talent will have 60 participants this year ranging in age from 3-80. We have four shows: Quarter Finals
Aug 6 at CPAC and Aug 13 at Bret Harte Theater. The Semi Final Aug 20 at CPAC and the Final Sept 24 at Bret Harte
Theater. Anticipated attendance at shows will be 300 per show.
Any business that donates will be featured on our Facebook page which receives 3000 views a week and our website and will be featured in our show programs. Contact the organization at or
call 209-286-6715. Make a donation online at
Sponsorships Available
Platinum ($1000): Full page ad in all pr ogr ams & 6 Tickets to ever y show.
Gold ($500): Half page ad in all pr ogr ams & 4 Tickets to ever y show.
Silver ($300): Quar ter page ad in all pr ogr ams & 2 Tickets to ever y show.
Bronze ($100): Business car d size ad in all pr ogr ams & 4 Tickets to any one of the shows.
Community Level ($50): Your name on the sponsor list in all pr ogr ams & 2 Tickets to any one of the shows.
Friend Level ($25): Your name on the sponsor list in all pr ogr ams.
*All Sponsor levels receive a “Thank You” in published media.
Chamber wins “Best Theme”
at Chili Cook Off
with us!
Social Media
E-News & Newsletters
Let us help you!
Contact the Chamber office for service rates
Saturday, May 7, 2016, the
Calaveras County Chamber of
Commerce won first place in
popular choice “Best Theme” for
Calaveras County’s 6th Annual
Chili Cook Off. The well turned out event took place at
Murphys Historic Hotel with a total of 10 chili entries and
live music by Plan B.
Soroptimist International of Calaveras County (SICC) is a
nonprofit organization which strives to improve the lives of
women and girls through programs leading to social and
economic empowerment.
For more information on SICC, visit their website at
Having a Grand Opening?
Celebrating an Anniversary?
Schedule a Ribbon Cutting!
Become a Chamber Member!
Contact us to learn more about the benefits on
membership today!
Calaveras County Chamber of Commerce
39 N. Main St., PO Boz 1075
San Andreas, CA 95249
(209) 754-5400
(209) 754-5401