January 7, 2011 - Colorado Springs Military Newspaper Group


January 7, 2011 - Colorado Springs Military Newspaper Group
Vol. 69 No. 1
Jan. 7, 2011
Word of the month: Discipline
Photo by Dustin Senger
Home for the holidays
Spc. Brandon Barnes is surrounded by his wife, Katherine Barnes, and sons
during a redeployment ceremony inside the Special Events Center at Fort
Carson, Dec. 24. Barnes was one of 70 war fighters from 3rd Brigade Combat
Team, 4th Infantry Division, to redeploy from Iraq’s southern provinces, where
they assisted the Iraqi army and police. The torch party will prepare for the
eventual return of the entire brigade.
Event seeks warriors
by Kerstin Lopez
Mountaineer staff
Registration ends Monday for the third
annual All Fort Carson Combatives
Tournament Wednesday-Thursday at the
Special Events Center.
The tournament is designed to boost the
morale of the Soldiers and community, said
Sgt. 1st Class Vincent Miller, combatives
instructor and event organizer.
“Combatives afford Soldiers the
opportunity to practice their warrior tasks
and drills, react to man-to-man contact and to
inspire units postwide to support their Soldiers
in the arena of combatives,” Miller said.
Proficiency in hand-to-hand combat is
one of the fundamental building blocks for
training the modern Soldier, according to
Field Manual 3-25.150.
In today’s Army, Soldiers are faced
with many unknowns in the battlefield and
See Combatives on Page 4
Live blog set for Tuesday
Mountaineer staff
The Fort Carson command team hosts a live blog session for the
Mountain Post community Tuesday from 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Fort Carson leadership is interested in hearing thoughts, questions
and concerns as they relate to life at Fort Carson. This session is
open to anyone who would like to engage the leadership on topics that
concern Fort Carson and the 4th Infantry Division.
To register for the blog, visit http://www.carson.army.mil and
click on the link under Carson Live and On Demand. By returning to the
website Tuesday and clicking on the live blog link under Carson Live
and On Demand, community members can type in their questions or
concerns, and community leaders will address issues.
Page 5
Page 16
Page 27
MOUNTAINEER — Jan. 7, 2011
Commanding General:
Maj. Gen. David G. Perkins
Garrison Commander:
Col. Robert F. McLaughlin
Fort Carson Public Affairs Officer:
Dee McNutt
Chief, Print and Web Communications:
Douglas M. Rule
Julie M. Lucas
Staff Writers:
Rick Emert
Devin Fisher
Kerstin Lopez
Dustin Senger
Nel Lampe
Sports Writer: Walt Johnson
Layout/graphics: Jeanne Mazerall
This commercial enterprise newspaper is
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Mountaineer are not necessarily the official
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is 12,000 copies.
The editorial content of the Mountaineer
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526-4144. The e-mail address is
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Internet at http://csmng.com.
The Mountaineer is an unofficial
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Reproduction of editorial material is
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Classified advertising
Focus on Army Family is year round
by Lt. Gen. Rick Lynch
Commanding general, Installation
Management Command
Army children are dealing
with the absence of a
deployed parent. Just like
the adults around them,
We often recognize and honor the commitment and
Army children are also
sacrifice of our military Families. The strength of our
dealing with separations,
Army is the Army Family, and we are asking more of
reunions, injuries and
Families than at any time in the past. As such, the Army
death. We want to help our
is aggressively working to support those who are the
children cope with these
strength of our Soldiers.
issues, and more than that,
The strength also comes from more than 30,000
to help them grow into
participants who attended the 2010 Association of the U.S.
strong, resilient young
Army Annual Conference in October, held in Washington,
adults. To that end, we
D.C. AUSA supports Soldiers, civilians, Family members
are working with a number
and retirees of all branches of the Army by providing a
of partners, including
platform to address their concerns. Every year, AUSA
universities, to provide programs that support the healthy
draws thousands of Soldiers and Army civilians worldwide
development of our children. There are programs for our
to view exhibits on the latest technology and attend special
youngest, such as Talk, Listen, Connect, and others through
presentations on various issues affecting the Army.
the elementary and high school years, such as 4-H,
The AUSA conference hosts several forums for those
Boys and Girls Clubs and Backpack Journalism.
who work on behalf of the Army Family — senior Army
The Army Families, Caring for Ourselves forum
leaders, subject matter experts and Family members — to
focused on caregivers and Family readiness group leaders.
discuss critical issues Families are facing. Family Forums
With this in mind, several initiatives, like “Coming Together
have been a favorite for more than 10 years, with this year’s Around Military Families,” are in progress to better prepare
being the most widely attended of the sessions. Thousands
the professionals who work with our children and help them
of Soldiers, Family members and command teams attended
understand the challenges and opportunities of military life.
this year’s forums that were broken into four themes: Army
Army marriages face challenges every day. The
Families, Our Leaders; Army Families, Our Children;
divorce rate has increased during the last nine years
Army Families, Caring for Ourselves;
of conflict, but efforts are under
and Army Families, Caring for Our
way to strengthen Army marriages
Survivors. Soldiers and Family
through a study called “Supporting
members got a chance to voice their
Those Who Serve.” The study is one
concerns to senior Army leaders, who,
of the largest ever conducted, which
in turn, addressed their concerns.
includes data on the effects of combat
Central to some of the concerns
exposure on Soldiers and their
are the promises the Army has made to
Families, and highlights of services
Families in the Army Family Covenant:
available for couples. Programs that
promises to enhance Family strength,
support relationships include Oxygen
resilience and readiness and to provide an environment
for Your Relationship and Strong Bonds.
in which Family members can thrive. These promises
This is the first year a special forum — Army Families,
are non-negotiable, and the Installation Management
Caring for Our Survivors — was held to focus on the needs
community is charged with delivering on many of them,
of Army survivors. We owe a special debt to the survivors
by providing Families with the right programs and services
of Soldiers who have made the ultimate sacrifice. The
in the right place at the right time.
Survivor Outreach Services Program, launched two years
A common theme addressed across the Family Forums
ago in recognition of the needs of survivors, continues to
was the challenge of providing programs and services for
grow and evolve in response to feedback from survivors.
all of our Soldiers and Family members. As leaders, service The program is increasing counseling services, improving
providers and Family members noted during the AUSA
notification procedures and looking for ways to expand
Family Forums, access can be an issue, particularly for
financial support services. The importance of the Survivor
those who do not live near an installation. That is why the
Outreach Services Program cannot be overstated. We
Army is creating Army Strong Community Centers: to
want survivors to know that they are a part of the Army
provide information, resources and assistance to active-duty, Family for as long as they desire.
Reserve and National Guard servicemembers, retirees,
Results from the forums are available at http://www.
veterans and family members who cannot easily get to an
installation. Currently, three ASCCs are open, in Rochester, family(underscore)q(underscore)and(underscore)a/.
N.Y.; Brevard, N.C.; and Coraopolis, Pa. Another one
I encourage you to visit the site to view the feedback.
opens in Oregon City, Ore., in early 2011.
In the Installation Management community we take our
Another important topic of discussion was the role
responsibility to provide quality services and programs for all
technology plays as an invaluable tool in helping Soldiers and Soldiers and Families very seriously. We are always looking
Families access programs and services anytime and anywhere, for ways to enhance our programs and services, based on
as websites such as http://www.myarmyonesource.com are
research, program results and feedback from Soldiers and
demonstrating. The Army is continuing to look at different
Families. We are also looking for ways to communicate
ways to use technology, such as Virtual Installations. While
about what is happening with Family programs. We want
we cannot put a bricks-and-mortar installation in every
Families to know what services and programs exist for
community, we can build a Virtual Installation that provides
them and to let us know how they are working. We are
localized support to all members of the Army Family.
proud of the work we do to deliver on the Army’s promises.
The Army Families, Our Children forum focused on
It is part of our ongoing commitment to Families, for the
programs and opportunities that lessen the impact of effects sacrifices they make, and to Soldiers, whose strength and
of deployments on children. Currently more than 142,000
readiness is rooted in the strength of their Families.
Forum results website
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Mountaineer editor
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Post weather hotline
Send your letters or commentaries
to the editor at
Jan. 7, 2011 — MOUNTAINEER
Pizza Hut, Gun Shop open on post
by Devin Fisher
Mountaineer staff
Fort Carson is home to the first
Army and Air Force Exchange Service
Pizza Hut/Wing Stop restaurant and
Gun Shop in Colorado.
AAFES held its official grand
opening of the two facilities Dec. 16.
The Pizza Hut/Wing Stop is located
in building 5940, next to the newlyrenovated housing area shoppette near
Ellis Street and Chiles Avenue, while
the Gun Shop is located inside the
Mini Mall near Chiles Avenue and
Flint Street.
“The exchange is proud to partner
with (Fort Carson leadership) to
maintain and expand services within
the Fort Carson community,” said
Patrick Riordan, Colorado Springs
Exchanges general manager. “As the
Fort Carson community continues to
grow, the exchange will be there to
provide new and exciting services that
enhance quality of life concerns voiced
by our customers.”
Col. Robert F. McLaughlin, garrison
commander, said the Fort Carson community is excited about the additions.
“It is important (that in our
partnership with AAFES) we are able
to provide things to Soldiers on the
installation that are convenient,” he said.
“(Dec. 16) we opened two facilities
that will provide a need for our
Soldiers across the installation ... it’s a
good deal for everyone.”
Business has been steady since
Pizza Hut/Wing Stop opened its doors
Dec. 2 for delivery or carryout. The
staff received 1,300 orders for more
than 2,000 pizzas in the first two
weeks, said John Rossello, area coach.
Noting a high percentage of
deliveries received at an off-post store
were for deliveries to Fort Carson,
Rossello said delivery times both on
and off post will be significantly
reduced as drivers will not have to gain
access to the post for each delivery.
Open seven days a week, Pizza
Hut/Wing Street offers individual lunch
specials from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. weekdays,
ranging from $5-$8 and whole pizza
specials. Rossello said items on the
Wing Street menu accounted for about
18 percent of sales the first two weeks.
To place an order, call 538-0100.
Pizza Hut/Wing Stop is open
Sunday-Thursday from 10 a.m. to
midnight and Friday-Saturday from 10
Hours of operation
Pizza Hut/Wing Stop
Sunday-Thursday: 10 a.m. to midnight
Friday-Saturday: 10 a.m. to 2 a.m.
Delivery only from midnight to 2 a.m.
Gun Shop
Monday-Friday: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Saturday-Sunday: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
a.m. to 2 a.m. (delivery only from
midnight to 2 a.m.).
The Gun Shop features generally
anything that is available except for
automatic weapons, said Richie
Crum, furniture and sporting goods
store manager. He said the Gun Shop
strives to have the biggest variety of
pistols, shotguns, long rifles and
semi-automatic target guns in stock
and associates will assist customers
in making special order purchases.
Weapons purchased through
AAFES are registered through the
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms
and Explosives. He noted the Child
Safety Act now requires all pistols to
have gun locks.
“We’re going to go one step higher,”
he said. “We are going to make sure
that every weapon that leaves this store
has a gun trigger lock.”
Crum noted weapons aren’t just for
protection or force measures, but can
provide family bonding opportunities
such as hunting or skeet, trap and
target shooting.
The Gun Shop is open MondayFriday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and
Saturday-Sundays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
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MOUNTAINEER — Jan. 7, 2011
Photo by Spc. Beth Raney
FORSCOM CSM visits 4th Inf. Div. Soldiers
1st Sgt. Jeremiah Smith, the first sergeant of Company B, 1st Battalion, 12th
Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, left, speaks with
from Page 1
combatives can give them the upper hand if
they ever find themselves in a close-combat
situation. Hand-to-hand combat can include
strikes, takedowns, throws, chokes, grappling
and holds to subdue the enemy.
Competitions such as the Fort Carson
combatives tournament allow
Soldiers to practice these
techniques in a controlled
environment and build
confidence to know they
can fight the opponent on
the other side of the mat.
“This tournament is
used to find the 36 best
fighters to represent Fort
Carson in April at the
Championship Combatives
Tournament at Fort Benning,
Ga.,” Miller said.
The f irst day of the
combatives tournament will
Command Sgt. Maj. Ronald Riling, the United States Army Forces Command senior
enlisted adviser, about the company’s live-fire exercise on Fort Carson, Dec. 1.
be a standard-rules competition with
standing and takedowns, which narrows
down the number of fighters that will
compete the following day, Miller said.
Competitors win by acquiring points or by
opponent submission. The second day of
the competition will determine the top
four fighters for each weight class.
A commander’s cup will be
presented to the unit with the
most overall fighters, and
medals will be awarded to the
top three fighters of each
weight category — bantam,
fly, light, welter, middle,
cruiser, light heavyweight and
Miller said the competition is open to all Fort Carson
Soldiers and units regardless
of experience level. Contact
Miller at 526-3629 or
719-502-1640 for more
information regarding the
tournament and registration.
List IDs off-limits areas
Armed Forces Disciplinary
Control Boards and OffInstallations Liaison and
The new Armed Forces
Disciplinary Control Boards
and Off-Installations Liaison
and Operations list of off-limits
areas was released Dec. 14.
All uniformed armed
forces personnel are prohibited
from entering the areas and
establishments listed below,
within the Colorado Springs
and surrounding areas.
Rental properties owned
by Alma Patrick:
1003 W. Colorado Ave.,
1128 1/2 W. Colorado Ave.,
1208 W. Colorado Ave., 1223
W. Colorado Ave., 1705 W.
Colorado Ave., 1715 W.
Colorado Ave., 1132 W. Kiowa
Ave., 15 S. 12th St., 1718 W.
Vermijo Ave., 725 W. Platte
Ave., 1203 Richards Ave.,
1128 W. Colorado Ave., 1130
W. Colorado Ave., 1208 1/2 W.
Colorado Ave., 1224 W.
Colorado Ave., 1713 W.
Colorado Ave., 2123 W.
Colorado Ave., 2228 N.
Walnut Ave., 112 S. 10th St.,
1720 W. Vermijo Ave. and
1812 W. Platte Ave.
Massage and Spa Parlors:
Kinja Clinic, 1729 Crest
Place; Siam’s Oriental Massage
Parlor, 1783 B Street; Moshi
Moshi Spa, 409 Windchime
Place; and Oriental Spa
Massage, 955 N. Powers Blvd.
Sodo’s Nightclub, 527 S.
Tejon St.
Jan. 7, 2011 — MOUNTAINEER
ANSF, ISAF conduct joint operations
Story and photo by Pfc. Nathan Thome
1st Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs
Office, 4th Infantry Division
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan — Afghan
national security forces and international
security assistance forces conducted joint
clearing operations in villages west of
Kandahar City Dec. 6-12.
Afghan national civil order police and
Afghan national police led the joint patrols
with Soldiers from 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry
Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th
Infantry Division, where they cleared villages
and houses while collecting assessments of
security concerns from local residents.
Partnering with the Afghan police during
this operation helped 1st BCT, 4th Inf. Div.,
with its overall mission of mentoring the ANSF
so they can take over the security of Kandahar
without the assistance of international forces.
Forces conducted house-to-house searches
after receiving consent from the head of the
household. The searches were conducted to
gain atmospherics of the area and address
security concerns with the local populous.
“We are making sure that the Taliban aren’t
using the villagers’ homes to fabricate improvised
explosive devices or conduct other insurgent
activities,” said Staff Sgt. Andrew DeVries,
squad leader, 4th Squad, Company A, 1st Bn.,
22nd Inf. Reg., 1st BCT, 4th Inf. Div.
“By engaging the residents, we can better
keep the community safe,” said Pfc. Matthew
Truxel, 3rd Platoon, Company A, 1st Bn.,
22nd Inf. Reg., 1st BCT, 4th Inf. Div. “It also
helps us keep out those who don’t have a
reason to be there.”
“The Afghan police did a great job leading
these patrols,” said Spc. Jeff Lamica, 1st Squad,
Company A, 1st Bn., 22nd Inf. Reg., 1st BCT,
4th Inf. Div. “They worked hard right alongside
their ISAF partners.”
“ANSF and ISAF have a great relationship,
which played a major role in these operations,”
said Col. Ghulam Farooq, the 3rd Brigade, 2nd
Kandak, commander. “The operation went as
smoothly as it did because the Afghan police
and ‘Raider’ Brigade work so well together.”
Farooq added that the mentorship by 1st
BCT has enabled the Afghan police to grow
in its ability to increase and maintain the
security of the district.
Because of the progress by the ANCOP
and ANP, insurgent activity has greatly
decreased, making it safer for the villagers
to walk through the streets of Kandahar,
said Farooq.
“The residents are happy with our work
and are excited to see us when we patrol
through their villages,” said Farooq. “With our
continued partnership with ‘Raider’ Brigade,
Taliban activity will continue to diminish and
we will take complete control of the area.”
Sgt. Hector Reyes, a dog handler with the K-9 unit attached to 1st
Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th
Infantry Division, assists in searching for improvised explosive
devices Dec. 10 in the outskirts of Kandahar City.
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MOUNTAINEER — Jan. 7, 2011
Avenged Sevenfold brings metal to Camp Adder
Story and photos by
Spc. Khori D. Johnson
3rd Advise and Assist Brigade Public
Affairs Office, 4th Infantry Division
BASE ADDER, Iraq — After traveling
from the sands of Huntington
Beach, Calif., to the sands of
Contingency Operating Base
Sevenfold performed an hourlong concert at the Memorial
Hall Commons for the Camp
Adder community Nov. 30.
The band consists of
M. Shadows, lead vocalist;
Synyster Gates, lead guitarist;
Johnny Christ, bass guitarist;
Zacky Vengeance, rhythm
guitarist; and Mike Portnoy,
“We wanted to thank
you guys from the bottom
of our hearts for doing
what you do and keeping
us all safe back at home,”
said Shadows.
Although the last show
of the USO tour, it was certainly not
the least in energy or intensity.
Electric guitars sent wails of sound
through the open-air commons that
vibrated the foundation of COB Adder.
The crowd showed its appreciation by
head-banging to every note.
“This is the smallest group we’ve
played for on this tour, but you guys are
by far the craziest group we’ve played
for this tour,” said Shadows.
The concert was a morale booster for
the collective community of COB Adder.
“It was easily the best USO show
I’ve ever been to,” said Spc. Brittney
Parish, supply specialist, Headquarters
and Headquarters Troop, 3rd Special
Troops Battalion, 3rd Advise and
Assist Brigade, 4th Infantry Division.
“You don’t expect to have that much
fun while you’re deployed.”
M. Shadows, lead vocalist
for platinum-selling metal
band Avenged Sevenfold, belts
out over the Camp Adder, Iraq,
community, while Johnny
Christ shreds on his electric
bass guitar during a
performance at the
Memorial Hall Commons.
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Jan. 7, 2011 — MOUNTAINEER
Army Entertainment is looking for performers and
technicians — for the 2011 U.S. Army Soldier Show.
Application deadline is Jan. 18. Visit http://www.
mwrfortcarson.com for application, details and
information. For more information call 526-1867.
Sergeant Audie Murphy Club — The Fort Carson
Sergeant Audie Murphy Club meets the third Tuesday
of each month at the Family Connection Center from
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. The SAMC is open to all active
members and those interested in becoming a future
SAMC member. The club was originally a U.S. Forces
Command organization of elite noncommissioned
officers but is now an Armywide program for individuals
who have met the criteria and have proven themselves
to be outstanding NCOs through a board/leadership
process. For more information contact the SAMC
president, Staff Sgt. Thomas Witt, at 526-5661.
Defense Travel System and Government Travel
Card — The Mission Support Element G8 Travel
Office has established new operating hours. The
office is open Monday-Friday from 7-11:30 a.m. and
12:30-4 p.m. Use of the GTC in conjunction with
leave at the temporary duty point is no longer
authorized; the provision that allowed its use was
eliminated in August. By eliminating the authorization,
the continued use of the GTC for personal expenses is
prohibited. Individuals have to check out of the hotel
and return any rental car (if necessary) and then
register or rent a car using their personal charge cards.
For more information contact Debora Parks, G8
Resource Management director, at 526-1858.
U.S. Army Warrant Officer Association — Pikes Peak
Silver Chapter meets at noon Thursday at the Wolf
Dining Facility, building 1444. All warrant officers —
active, retired and former — are invited to attend. For
more information visit http://www.pikespeakwoa.org.
Casualty Assistance Center — provides training for
units, Family readiness groups, care teams and other
interested parties regarding casualty operations, personal
effects, predeployment preparedness and estate planning. For more information call Jean Graves at 526-5613
or e-mail carsdhrmpdcasualty@conus.army.mil.
Command Evaluation and Training Team —
COMET provides commanders at all levels with a
responsive maintenance and supply assessment and
training tool that improves the combat effectiveness,
readiness and efficiency of their units’ logistical
programs. The team identif ies supply and
maintenance weaknesses and problems, and
provides individual/unit reinforcement training
based on assessments. Results remain confidential
for the unit commander only. The team provides
assistance in the majority of maintenance and
supply management areas with one-on-one training,
and by conducting follow-up visits. The team also
conducts classes to help strengthen supply
skills and improve maintenance readiness. For
more information contact Tim Howarth at 503-3095
or e-mail tim.howarth@conus.army.mil.
DPW services — The Directorate of Public Works is
responsible for a wide variety of services on Fort
Carson. Services range from repair and maintenance
of facilities to equipping units with a sweeper and
cleaning motor pools. Listed below are phone
numbers and points of contact for services:
• Facility repair/service orders — KIRA
service order desk can be reached at 526-5345. Use
this number for emergencies or routine tasks.
• Refuse (trash)/recycling — Call Eric Bailey at
526-5898 when needing trash containers, trash is
overflowing or emergency service is required.
• Facility custodial services — Call H.D.
“Woody” Wood at 526-1854 for service needs or to
report complaints.
• Elevator maintenance — Call Sharon Gayle at
• Motor pool sludge removal/disposal — Call
H.D. “Woody” Wood at 526-1854.
• Repair and utility/self-help — Call Gary
Grant at 526-5844. Use this number to obtain self-help
tools and equipment or a motorized sweeper.
• Base operations contracting off icer
representative — Call Terry Hagen at 526-9262 for
reporting wind damage, snow removal concerns,
damaged traffic signs or other facility damage.
• Portable latrines — Call H.D. “Woody”
Wood at 526-1854 to request latrines, for service or
to report damaged and overturned latrines.
Legal services — Services provided at the Soldier
Readiness Processing site are for Soldiers undergoing
the SRP process. The SRP Legal Office will only
provide powers of attorney or notary services to
Soldiers processing through the SRP. Retirees, Family
members and Soldiers not in the SRP process can
receive legal assistance and powers of attorney at
the main legal office located at 1633 Mekong St.,
building 6222, next to the Family Readiness Center.
Legal assistance prepares powers of attorney and
performs notary services on a walk-in basis from
8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Mondays-Wednesdays and Fridays,
and from 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Thursdays.
The Fort Carson Trial Defense Service office — is
able to help Soldiers 24/7 and is located at building
1430, room 240. During duty hours, Soldiers should
call 526-4563. The 24-hour phone number for after
hours, holidays and weekends is 719-358-3275.
Questions can also be submitted by e-mail to
FtCarsonTDS@gmail.com. Know your rights.
Casualty Notification/Assistance Officer training
— is held Jan. 18-20 from 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. in the
Family Readiness Center, building 6237, room 104.
This training is required for all Soldiers asked to
perform this solemn duty. Per Army Regulation
600-8-1, this duty is limited to those in the ranks of
sergeant first class to command sergeant major,
chief warrant officer 2-5 and captain and above. No
reservations are required to attend training. Classes
offered on a first-come, first-served basis. For more
information call Jean Graves at 526-5613/5614.
Retirement briefings — are held from 8 a.m.-noon
the second and third Wednesday of each month at the
Joel Hefley Community Center conference room,
6800 Prussman Ave. The Retirement Services Office
recommends spouses accompany Soldiers to the
briefing. Call 526-2840 for more information.
The Medical Evaluation Board Outreach Counsel
office has moved — within the Soldier Readiness
Center, building 1042 to rooms 318 and 319. The
telephone numbers have not changed. For more
information call Rhonda Joell at 526-9854 or
e-mail rhonda.joell@amedd.army.mil.
Reassignment briefings — are held Tuesdays for
Soldiers heading overseas and Thursdays for
personnel being reassigned stateside. The briefings are
held in building 1219, room 202A; sign in is at 6:45 a.m.
and briefings start at 7 a.m. Soldiers do not need to bring
a copy of their orders, but must bring a pen to complete
forms. Call 526-4730/4588 for more information.
ETS briefing — for enlisted personnel is held the first
and third Wednesday of each month. Briefing sign in
begins at 7 a.m. at the Soldier Readiness Building,
building 1042, room 244, on a first-come, first-served
basis. Soldiers must be within 120 days of their
expiration term of service, but must attend the briefing
no later than 30 days prior to their ETS or start of
transition leave. Call 526-2240/8458 for details.
Army ROTC Green to Gold briefings — are held
BOSS meetings are
held the first and third
Wednesday of each month
at the Foxhole, formerly
Alternate Escapes, at 10
a.m. For information, call
Tuesdays at noon at the education center, building 1117,
room 120. For more information call University of
Colorado-Colorado Springs Army ROTC at 262-3475.
Special Forces briefings — are held Wednesdays in
building 1217, room 305, from 10-11 a.m., noon-1 p.m.
and 5-6 p.m. Soldiers must be specialist-staff sergeant
from any military occupational specialty, have a general
technical score of at least 100, be a U.S. citizen, score
229 or higher on the Army Physical Fitness Test, and
pass a Special Forces physical. Call 524-1461 or visit
the website at http://www.bragg.army.mil/sorb.
Hours of Operation
DFAC hours — Fort Carson dining facilities operate
under the following hours:
• Wolf — Friday, 7-9 a.m. (breakfast), 11:30 a.m.1 p.m. (lunch), 5-6:30 p.m. (dinner). Saturday and
Sunday, 7:30-9 a.m. (breakfast), 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
(lunch); and 5-6:30 p.m. (dinner). MondayWednesday, 7-9 a.m. (breakfast), 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
(lunch) and 5-6:30 p.m. (dinner). Thursday, 7-9 a.m.
(breakfast), 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. (lunch), no dinner.
• Raiders — Friday, 7-9 a.m. (breakfast), 11:30
a.m.-1 p.m. (lunch), no dinner. Closed Saturday and
Sunday. Monday-Thursday, 7-9 a.m. (breakfast),
11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. (lunch), 5-6:30 p.m. (dinner).
• 10th SFG (A) — Closed through Thursday.
• Butts Army Airfield — Friday, 7-9 a.m. (breakfast), 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. (lunch), no dinner. Closed
Claims Office hours — are Mondays-Fridays from
9 a.m.-noon and 1-4 p.m. The Claims Office is
located on the first floor of building 6222, 1633
Mekong Street. Shipment under Full Replacement
Value claimants must submit their Department of
Defense Form 1840R to the carrier within 75 days.
Shipment under Defense Personal Property Program
claimants must log into the Defense Personal
Property System at http://www.move.mil and report
all the items online within 75 days. Under both
shipments, claims must be submitted within nine
months directly with carriers to receive full
replacement value for missing and destroyed items.
All other claims should be submitted to Fort Carson
Claims Office within two years of the date of
delivery or date of incident. For more information
call the Fort Carson Claims Office at 526-1355.
Central Issue Facility regular business hours — are
listed below. Call 526-3321 to make appointments.
Mondays-Thursdays from 7:30-10:30 a.m.
Initial issues
Mondays-Thursdays from12:30-3 p.m.
Partial issues
Mondays-Thursdays from 12:30-3 p.m.
Cash sales/report of survey
Mondays-Thursdays from 7:30 a.m.-3 p.m.
Direct exchange
Mondays-Thursdays from 12:30-3 p.m.
Partial turn-ins
Mondays-Thursdays from 12:30-3 p.m.
Full turn-ins
Mondays-Thursdays from 7:30-10:30 a.m.
Unit issues and turn-ins
Call 526-5512/6477 for approval.
Education Center hours of operation — The
Mountain Post Training and Education Center, building
1117, 526-2124, hours are as follows:
• Counselor Support Center — MondaysThursdays 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. and Fridays 11 a.m.4:30 p.m.
• Army Learning Center — MondaysThursdays 9 a.m.-8 p.m. and Fridays 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
• Defense Activity for Nontraditional
Education Support and Army Personnel
Testing/eArmyU testing — Mondays-Fridays
7:30-11:30 a.m. and 12:15-4:15 p.m.
Medical Activity Correspondence Department
office hours — The Correspondence (Release of
Information) Office in the Patient Administration
Division hours are Mondays-Fridays 7:30 a.m.-4:30
p.m. and closed Thursdays and federal holidays. Call
526-7322 or 526-7284 for more information.
MOUNTAINEER — Jan. 7, 2011
WWE superstars serve servicemembers
Story and photo by Spc. Cardell Brown
1st Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs Office,
4th Infantry Division
Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, said watching
the WWE was really entertaining as a child but
after viewing the WWE’s commitment to the
troops, his level of respect increased for the wrestlers
and their profession.
McMahon and his team of wrestlers have entertained
servicemembers in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2003
in locations such as Camp Ramadi, Iraq; Forward
Operating Base Wilson, Afghanistan; FOB Stryker,
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan — Four members
Afghanistan; and now Camp Nathan Smith.
Entertainment visited Soldiers
received autographs and group
at Camp Nathan Smith,
photos, the stage was set for
Afghanistan, Dec. 3 as part
the wrestlers to do what they
of the WWE Holiday Tribute
do best. Big Show proceeded
for Troops.
to perform headlocks and
WWE Chairman Vince
guillotines on some of the
McMahon, accompanied by
troops in attendance.
WWE superstars Big Show,
“This was an absolute
Eve and Kelly, posed for
remarkable experience for me,”
photos and signed autosaid Janko. “Under any other
graphs for international
circumstance, I would’ve never
security assistance forces.
had the opportunity to meet
As the superstars entered
Vince. However, for him and
“The Pit,” a central meeting
the other WWE superstars to
place on the camp, Big Show
take time out of their busy
towered above both the WWE
schedules and visit us is simply
chairman and the divas who
accompanied him.
“It’s been a really
“Anytime we have the
wonderful experience to be
opportunity to visit troops, we
able to visit the troops again
take it, because they are our
and show support by signing
heroes,” said McMahon. “We
autog raphs and taking
want them to know that they
photos,” said Eve.
are appreciated and their
The visit to CNS was the
service means a lot to us.”
third of a four-stop tour which
Maj. Steve Janko brigade Soldiers with Special Troops Battalion, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, meet World Wrestling began and ended at Kandahar
judge advocate, 1st Brigade Entertainment superstars during a visit Dec. 3 at Camp Nathan Smith, Afghanistan.
Airfield, Afghanistan.
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Jan. 7, 2011 — MOUNTAINEER
31 engineers join NCO ranks
Story and photo by Devin Fisher
Mountaineer staff
The 4th Engineer Battalion officially
introduced its 31 newest noncommissioned officers during a timehonored tradition Dec. 10 at McMahon
The Engineers’ NCO Induction
Ceremony publicly recognized each of
the corporals and sergeants as they
walked beneath an arch representing
their crossover from junior enlisted
to the NCO corps, following their
sponsorship from a fellow NCO.
“Being an NCO is the best thing
you can ever be,” said Hans Liebrich,
guest speaker and former 4th Eng. Bn.
command sergeant major.
The ceremony featured an NCO
tribute video, the inductees reciting
the NCO oath and NCO creed and
concluded with the singing of the
Engineers, 4th Infantry Division and
U.S. Army songs.
Take care of your Soldiers and their
Families was the simple message
Liebrich shared with each inductee
following his rite of passage.
“If you take care of your Soldiers,
they will take care of you,” the 30-year
Army veteran said during his speech.
He said NCOs have to be able
to stand up and correct
Soldiers, off icer and
enlisted alike.
“They may not be in
your unit, but they are in
your Army,” Liebrich said.
NCOs also need to
exploit discipline and be
able to hand out both
punishment and praise
for their Soldiers, he
said. “If you can’t handle
it, you need to turn in
your stripes.”
He concluded with
“I’ll be a Soldier till I die”
to a roaring Hooah from
the audience.
Battalion Command
Sgt. Maj. Lauro Obeada,
who arrived at Fort Carson
in August, brought the Thirty-one Soldiers with the 4th Engineer Battalion recite the noncommissioned officer oath Dec. 10
NCO induction tradition during the battalion’s NCO induction ceremony at McMahon Auditorium.
back to the 4th Eng. Bn.
“We’re going back to
very difficult job,” Obeada said. “We the occasion.
the basics; it’s part of tradition to want to do it the proper way so they are
Inductee Cpl. Paul Bays, 62nd
properly induct our newly promoted recognized, not just promoted to Engineer Company, 4th Eng. Bn., was
(corporals and sergeants) into the NCO (sergeant) … but actually what it means touched by the ceremony.
corps,” he said, noting many units to be a noncommissioned officer.”
“It means a lot,” said the five-year
stopped holding the ceremonies due to
While NCO induction ceremonies Army veteran who had not seen such a
the high operations tempo.
are typically closed to only enlisted ceremony. “It’s neat to see and get
“It’s important to recognize (that members, Obeada invited Family appreciation for your hard work
being an NCO) is not an easy job, it’s a members and officers to experience becoming an NCO.”
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10 MOUNTAINEER — Jan. 7, 2011
Ivy Division Band
Members of the Ivy Division Band rock band, High Altitude, Special
Troops Battalion, 4th Inf. Div., perform at Contingency Operating Base
Adder in Iraq, Dec. 9.
Tours Iraq, performs for
‘Iron’ Brigade Soldiers
Story and photos by Sgt. David Strayer
109th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment, U.S.
Division-North Public Affairs
for Soldiers of the 4th Infantry
Division’s 3rd Advise and Assist Brigade
deployed to southern Iraq, Dec. 9-10.
The band performed its eclectic
CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE collection of rocking riffs, bluesy rhythms
ADDER, Iraq — Musicians of Ivy Division Band’s and gritty vocals for 3rd “Iron” AAB
rock band, High Altitude, hosted a series of concerts Soldiers deployed to U.S. Division-South
at Contingency operating bases Adder
and Garry Owen.
The mission of the 4th Inf. Div.’s
Ivy Division Band is to provide quality
music and entertainment to build
morale, esprit de corps and cohesion
for Soldiers of the 4th Inf. Div. and U.S.
Division-North, said 1st Sgt. Cornell
Herrington, the noncommissioned officer
in charge of the Ivy Division Band.
Herrington, who plays trombone for
High Altitude, said the rock band made
a special trip to southern Iraq to boost
morale and provide 3rd AAB Soldiers, Spc. Kasey Walker, left, of Ivy Division Band, Division Special Troops
who are nearing the end of a 12-month Battalion, U.S. Division-North, plays the acoustic guitar alongside
deployment, an opportunity to take a Sgt. Jared Bargas, a bass player for the band’s rock band, High Altitude,
break from the routine of work.
at Contingency Operating Base Adder, Iraq, Dec. 9.
Deployed to southern Iraq in
March of 2010, approximately 3,500
AAB, 4th Inf. Div, U.S. Division-South.
Iron Brigade Soldiers assumed the mission to
Sylvia said everyone in attendance enjoyed the
advise, assist, mentor and train Iraqi Security band’s performance.
Forces in the Dhi Qar, Basra, Muthanna and
Caught up in the music and the atmosphere
Maysan provinces of southern Iraq Sept. 1 as created by the rocking 4th Inf. Div. band, Joseph
Pfc. Joseph Sylvia, Company A, 1st Battalion, 8th Infantry Operation Iraqi Freedom transitioned to Operation grabbed a tambourine, joining the band at the front of
the room to dance with the music.
Regiment, 3rd Advise and Assist Brigade, 4th Infantry New Dawn.
“This is by far one of the most exciting things
“We love to see things like that,” said High
Division, bursts into dance with tambourine in hand at the
dining facility during a concert performed by the Ivy that has happened to us in the past five months,” Altitude lead vocalist Spc. Darnell Crater.
“It lets us know we are doing good, and we feed
Division Band rock band, High Altitude, at Contingency said Pfc. Joseph Sylvia, infantryman, Company
A, 1st Battalion, 8th Infantry Regiment, 3rd off the energy,” Crater said. “It helps us play better.”
Operating Base Garry Owen, Iraq, Dec. 10.
Jan. 7, 2011 — MOUNTAINEER
New MRAP improves
communication in field
Story and photo by
Sgt. Coltin Heller
109th Mobile Public Affairs
Detachment, U.S. DivisionNorth Public Affairs
Sgt. Joshua Estrada, Company C, Division Special Troops Battalion,
4th Infantry Division, performs preventive maintenance, checks and
services on a mine resistant ambush protected vehicle at
Contingency Operating Base Speicher, Dec. 15.
Iraq — Members of Company
C, Division Special Troops
Battalion, 4th Infantry Division,
provided training on the
command and control on the
move mine resistant ambush
protected vehicle platform to
U.S. Division-North Soldiers at
Contingency Operating Base
Speicher, Iraq, Dec. 11.
The MRAP platform allows
for better battlefield flexibility
as well as access to real-time
information while on the move,
said Staff Sgt. Jacob McCoy, a
radio operator-maintainer and
chief instructor for the C2OTM
training, Company C, DSTB,
4th Inf. Div.
“This system places all the
tactical operations center communications in one platform,”
McCoy said. “It cuts down on
the amount of equipment needed
to keep in contact with units.”
McCoy designed the
training program during a
one-month period for the
brigades deployed as part of
U.S. Division-North in support
of Operation New Dawn.
A civilian field service
representative also assisted
with the training, advising the
Soldiers with the installation of
the equipment.
The C2OTM is housed in
the Cayman platform, one of
the many variations of the
MRAP. The crew compartment
has been modified to hold
the new system, consisting of
several large monitors and
hardware necessary to operate
the system. “This is the first
time the system has been tested
in an operational environment,”
said Pfc. Joseph Nolen, a fiber
optics specialist and instructor
for the C2OTM platform.
“As with any new system
there are bugs that have to be
worked out, but the Soldiers
have adapted well to the new
system,” he added.
After receiving the instruction portion of the class, the
crews distanced the vehicles at
various locations throughout
COB Speicher to test the
system and its abilities.
Although new to the system,
the crews operated it without
any problem.
“The C2 system enables us
to go somewhere and set up
communications,” said Pfc.
Jeremy Pritchard, a student
in the class assigned to
Headquarters Support Battery,
4th Inf. Div. “It also lets us get
communications up faster and
enables units that go out on
overnight missions to have a
secure way of communicating.”
Beyond the Soldiers using
the systems in the field, the
new communications tool will
also help commanders move
troops more efficiently as U.S.
forces train and mentor Iraqi
Security Forces, said McCoy.
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Jan. 7, 2011 — MOUNTAINEER
Events bring holiday cheer
Mountaineer staff
While it may be time to pack up the holiday
decorations, the Mountain Post community can look
back on a wide array of
holiday events.
Highlights included
Candyland at Holiday Village
Dec. 2-5, Santa’s in Town at
the Elkhorn Dec. 7 and a
Living Nativity at Soldiers’
Memorial Chapel Dec. 10-11.
More recently, the
community honored its many
volunteers at the Fort Carson
Installation Volunteer Holiday
Social Dec. 16 at the Elkhorn
Conference Center.
Grant Library held a free
Christmas Eve party open to
the entire community Dec. 23.
Events held to provide
toys and gifts to Fort Carson
Families who may be feeling
the economic pinch during
the holidays were the Santa’s
Workshop, sponsored by the
Officers’ Spouses’ Club, a
toy road march conducted by
615th Engineer Company,
52nd Engineer Battalion,
Photo by Kerstin Lopez
and the Balfour Beatty Toy
Gavin Esquivel, 7, can’t believe his eyes. More than Giveaway at the Special
15,000 toys were available for Fort Carson families at Events Center.
the sixth annual Balfour Beatty Toy Giveaway Dec. 21.
Photo by Kerstin Lopez
Children participate in activities at the fifth annual Grant Library Christmas Eve
party Dec. 23. Activities at the free event included games, bingo, face painting, free
lunch, a visit from Santa and access to all books and library services.
Below: Garrison Command Sgt. Maj. James A. Kilpatrick greets Janelle Ginsburg
during a volunteer holiday social at Elkhorn Conference Center Dec. 16. Ginsburg
has volunteered since September 2009 for the Family readiness group at 3rd
Battalion, 29th Field Artillery Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry
Division. Nearly 300 attendees signed the social gathering’s guestbook. About
3,600 people are registered with the Fort Carson volunteer manager.
Photo by Dustin Senger
14 MOUNTAINEER — Jan. 7, 2011
People in darkness have seen great light
Commentary by
Chap. (Maj.) Jonathan Landon
10th Combat Support Hospital
Oprah Winfrey is fond of speaking
about the “aha moment.” That’s the
moment when you suddenly understand
a complex or vexing problem that
has given you difficulties.
Or, maybe it’s the moment when
you finally see a solution that you
have been looking for and had a hard
time finding.
Studies at Northwestern
University show such
moments light up the
brain with a burst of
electrical activity that
may show us making
connections among
facts and possibilities
that we didn’t
connect before, and
that — if we’re
open to change and
maybe even looking
for some kind of
change — an aha
moment is more
likely to happen.
Very early in
Christian history,
Christians began to
observe a feast on Jan. 6, in remembrance of a special aha moment when
the wise men from the East came to
honor the young child, Jesus. Eastern
Christians call that observance the
theophany. Western Christians use
the term Epiphany. Both terms
come from the Greek and mean the
appearance or manifestation of a god.
Epiphany has also come to mean
a sudden, intuitive insight, a burst of
understanding or enlightenment.
Many mistaken impressions about
this event have entered Western tradition.
However, from history and from
Scriptures we do know something of
the effect they had when they arrived.
First, they most likely came from the
Parthian Empire, representing enemies
that Herod had driven out of Judea on
behalf of the Romans, to seize the
kingdom over which Rome had
appointed Herod to rule. We can
scarcely think Herod welcomed them
cheerfully. Second,
the throne of the
Parthian Empire was
unoccupied at the
time, and the wise
men of Parthia —
also called magi —
constituted a sort
of senate, which
appointed the
emperor from
among the eligible
candidates. Herod
certainly knew this,
and it would have
added much tension
to the idea that they
were seeking a king.
Third, they came
looking for someone who was “born
to be King of the Jews.” More than
anything else, Herod feared and hated
anyone who might be a threat to his
crown. He even murdered his own
children when he thought — with little
apparent justification — that they
were plotting to overthrow him.
What an amazing contrast. The
wise men were driven by an event they
shows us
things about
Jewish Lunch and Learn with Chap.
(Maj.) Howard Fields, Wednesdays from
noon to 1 p.m. at Provider Chapel. For more
information call 526-8263.
Protestant Women of the Chapel — meet
Tuesdays 9-11:30 a.m. at Soldiers’
Memorial Chapel. For more information
e-mail pwocadmin@gmail.com.
Catholic Women of the Chapel — meet
Fridays from 9-11 a.m. at Soldiers’
Memorial Chapel. First Friday Mass is at
noon at the Catholic Center located in the
Citadel Mall. For questions or information
contact Kirsten Simonsgaard at 284-0182
or the parish office at 526-5769.
AWANA — is now meeting. Ages 3-12
meet 5:30-7 p.m. and teens meet 5-7 p.m.
Thursdays at Soldiers’ Memorial Chapel.
Registration is at Soldiers’ Memorial
Chapel south
entrance or by
contacting Heidi
McAllister, director
of religious
education, at
Volunteers are
also needed for
the program.
saw as so important and powerful and
joyful that they went far from their
home, on a dangerous journey of at
least two years, to a land ruled by an
enemy. They brought gifts that were
precious and rare, to bow down before
an infant (or maybe a toddler) who
they believed would bring wonderful
and amazing changes to the world.
They expected to find the child in a
royal palace, but when they found him
in very different circumstances they
still welcomed and honored him.
When they had worshipped him and
given their gifts, “they departed for
their own country by another way.”
On the other hand, Herod hated
and feared this child, whom he had
never met but whose birth he should
have welcomed. Herod knew the
prophecies of an eternal king from the
house of David, and presumably — as
a convert to Judaism — he should
have welcomed the signs of this king’s
coming. Instead, he ordered the murder
of all the children in Bethlehem 2
years old or younger. Later, his conduct
became even more bizarre, grandiose
and paranoid. Eventually, he was struck
down by a disease, which the Bible
links to his pride and his arrogance.
We each have a mental and
emotional image of what it means
for us to encounter God in our lives,
with expectations about how we will
recognize this encounter and how it
will shape our lives. Our expectations
have been shaped by the religious
beliefs we hold, by our family
relationships, by the customs of our
ethnic or cultural heritage and by
joyful, painful or traumatic life
experiences. Whatever our expectations,
history shows us some important
things about encountering God.
First, encounters with God happen
at times and places and in ways that we
do not expect, no matter how much
we think we know about God. We have
to be open minded and have some
humility about what we think we know,
or we are likely to fail to recognize those
encounters. We’ll go to the wrong place,
look for the wrong signs and miss the
wonderful and amazing changes and
growth we might have received with joy.
Second, we have a choice about
how we will respond. If we value the
status quo, safety, security and stability
more than we value God himself, we
might respond with anxiety or anger,
hostility and even destructiveness. On
the other hand, if we value God for his
own sake, and want to know him as
he is — instead of as we think he
should be — we have an opportunity
to receive a joyful and transformative
enlightenment that will bring new
meaning and understanding to every
part of our lives.
Third, having experienced an
encounter with God, we can allow
it to change our future paths and
attitude, like the wise men who went
home by another way. Or, we can
continue the way we were going
without God, like Herod, who
grew worse and worse to his own
eventual destruction.
The encounter with God, the
burst of insight, the Epiphany, happens
in God’s own way, in God’s own
time. However, whether we recognize
it, what we make of it, what our lives
become afterward, these things are
largely up to us.
Chapel Schedule
8:15-8:45 a.m.
9:15 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
11 a.m.
4:30 p.m.
9 a.m.
9 a.m.
9:15 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:50 a.m.
11 a.m.
11 a.m.
9:20 a.m., 5:50 p.m.
Intercessory prayer,
Bible Study
Liturgical Service
Sunday School
Sunday School
Chapel Next
Youth ministry
Nelson & Martinez
Nelson & Martinez
Nelson & Martinez
Nelson & Martinez
Evans Army Hospital
Evans Army Hospital
Contact Person
Cecilia Croft/526-5769
Cecilia Croft/526-5769
Pat Treacy/524-2458
Pat Treacy/524-2458
Fr. Nwatawali/526-7347
Fr. Nwatawali/526-7347
Nelson & Martinez
Chap. Stuart/524-4316
Evans Army Hospital
Barkeley & Ellis
Nelson & Martinez
Barkeley & Prussman
Nelson & Martinez
Barkeley & Prussman
Magrath & Titus
Nelson & Martinez
Nelson & Martinez
Chap. Roberts/526-7387
Chap. Mitchell/650-8042
Heidi McAllister/526-5744
Heidi McAllister/526-5744
Chap. Stuart/524-4316
Ursula Pittman/503-1104
Chap. Way/339-0845
Chap. Stuart/524-4316
Heidi McAllister/526-5744
For information and a schedule of Jewish Sabbath services, call the U.S. Air Force Academy Cadet Chapel at 333-2636.
2 p.m.
Provider Chapel, Building 1350, Barkeley and Ellis
White Mountain Warriors Lodge
White Mountain Warriors Lodge ceremonies (He Ska Akicita Inipi) are offered to military, Family members and Department of Defense personnel. These lodges
are traditional Lakota spiritual ceremonies for cleansing, purification and prayer, and are fully sanctioned and supported by the Fort Carson command chaplain. Michael
Hackwith is the spiritual adviser. For information and directions call Hackwith or Wendy Chunn-Hackwith at 285-5240 or kanasitafoundation@yahoo.com.
Family Dinner and a Movie Night — is
the first Friday of each month sponsored by
the Gospel Service at Prussman Chapel.
Dinner at 6 p.m., movie at 7 p.m. For more
information call Gary Neal at 217-7600.
Daily Bible readings: To assist
in regular Scripture reading,
the following Scriptures are
recommended. These
Scriptures are part of the common daily lectionary, which is
designed to present the entire
Bible over a three-year cycle.
Friday — Psalms 35, Mark 8
Saturday — Psalms 36, Mark 9
Sunday — Psalms 37, Mark 10
Monday — Psalms 38, Mark 11
Tuesday — Psalms 39, Mark 12
Wednesday — Psalms 40, Mark 13
Thursday — Psalms 41, Mark 14
Jan. 7, 2011 — MOUNTAINEER
Claims against the estate — With deepest regret
to the Family of 2nd Lt. Andrew Valley, deceased.
Anyone having claims or indebtedness to his estate
should contact 1st Lt. Betsy Arndt at 719-246-3906.
Spring Semester at Fort Carson Education
Center — begins Monday and Jan. 24 for lower
level courses; graduate courses began Monday.
College representatives from Pikes Peak Community
College, Colorado State University-Pueblo,
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs,
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University and Troy
University are available at the education center.
An Army education counselor can also assist in
developing an education plan. Education center
officials noted active-duty servicemembers stationed
in Colorado and their family members pay in-state
tuition; forms available at education center. For
more information call 526-2124.
Civilian Wellness Program — The Mountain Post
Wellness Center is looking for Fort Carson
Department of Defense civilian employees to
participate in a six-month Civilian Wellness
Program that allows employees to exercise during
work hours. The wellness center is handing out 150
packets for the DOD-supported program that begins
Feb. 4. Registration packets must be picked up by
each potential participant at the wellness center,
6303 Wetzel Ave., building 1526, room 206.
Participants aren’t officially registered until
their packets are returned with their doctor’s and
supervisor’s clearances; all packets must be returned
by Jan. 27. Initial health screenings, assessments
and orientations will be administered Feb. 4 and 18
from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Contractor employees
are not eligible to participate in this program.
For more information contact Denise Acevedo at
526-4910 or e-mail denise.acevedo@us.army.mil.
Hospital clinics move — Evans Army Community
Hospital’s Internal Medicine and Adult Allergy and
Immunization clinics have moved to the temporary
building located just outside the hospital’s west or
mountainside entrance to make room for hospital
renovations. For more information call 526-7160.
Retirement ceremony — The next Fort Carson
monthly post retirement ceremony takes place
Jan. 26 at 10 a.m. in the Special Events Center.
The ceremony honors the careers of retiring
Soldiers and the sacrifices of their spouses.
Nutrition counseling and classes — The
Evans Army Community Hospital Nutrition Care
Division offers nutrition counseling on a healthy
diet, weight loss or gain, high cholesterol,
hypertension, diabetes, sports nutrition and other
nutrition-related diseases or illnesses. Nutrition
classes include heart-healthy/lipid, weight loss,
pregnancy nutrition, commissary tour/healthy
shopping and sports nutrition (upon request). To
schedule an appointment call the TRICARE
appointment line at 457-2273. To register for a
class, call the Nutrition Care Division at 526-7290.
Patient pickup and drop off — Due to the redesign
of the Emergency Department, only emergency
patients may be dropped off or picked up at the
Emergency Room entrance on the Evans Army
Community Hospital’s north side. Nonemergency
patients may be dropped off or picked up at the
other hospital entrances on the west, east or south
sides. After normal duty hours all nonemergency
visitors must enter by the west entrance.
Hospital after-hours entrance — The west
entrance revolving door is the only after-hours
nonemergency entrance to Evans Army Community
Hospital. Visitors must check in with the security
guard and receive a visitor’s pass. Emergency
patients are the only ones who may enter the
hospital through the north-side Emergency Room
entrance. For more information call 526-7655.
Civilian personnel portal — To better serve and
inform Fort Carson federal employees on new
programs, policy changes and or guidance, Civilian
Personnel Advisory Center will be periodically posting
CPAC news bulletins and other valuable information,
such as upcoming events and training opportunities,
to its new SharePoint site available at https://portal.
aspx. CPAC also has a new external site located at
Big Brothers Big Sisters-Pikes Peak — is
looking for mentors for children 7-12 who reside in
El Paso County. Operation Mentor serves children
who have a deployed parent or a parent killed in
action. All programs are intended to provide positive
mentors to children. Matches meet two-four times
per month to engage in activities that are socially
enriching. The majority of the children involved in
Operation Mentor are connected to the Mountain
Post and have faced multiple deployments.
Operation Mentor gives the children left behind
a chance to share their feelings and experiences
with a caring adult mentor. Big Brothers Big
Sisters also has programs that serve children
who just need a positive influence in their lives.
Visit http://www.biglittlecolorado.org or call
719-633-2443 for more information.
Scholarships for military children — Applications
for the 2011 Scholarships for Military Children
program are now available in commissaries
worldwide. Only dependent, unmarried children,
younger than 21 (or 23 if enrolled as a full-time
student at a college or university) of a servicemember
on active duty, a reservist, guardsman or retiree, or
child of a servicemember who died while on active
duty or while receiving military retirement pay, may
apply for the $1,500 scholarship. Application details
are available at http://www.militaryscholar.org/
about/ about.shtml. Applications must be turned in
to a commissary by close of business Feb. 22. For
more information, call 856-616-9311 or e-mail
Scholarships for spouses and immediate Family
members — The Enlisted Spouses Charitable
Organization is accepting applications through
March 1 for 2011 scholarships. To be eligible, an
applicant must be a military spouse or immediate
Family member of an active-duty Soldier stationed
in the Colorado Springs area. Applicants must be
in good academic standing with a minimum grade
point average of 3.0. Application requirements are
available at http://www.carson.army.mil/units/esco/
events.html. Submit applications to ESCO
Scholarship Committee at P.O. Box 12806, Colorado
Springs, CO 80902 or e-mail esco(underscore)
scholarships@yahoo.com. For more information
call Sharon Blanchard, scholarship committee
chairperson, at 719-284-0301.
Donated annual leave for Fort Carson civilian
employees — is currently being accepted for the
following civilians under the Voluntary Leave
Transfer Program. The employees who have
exhausted all available leave because of medical
emergencies and are currently accepting leave
donations are Anthony Jackson and James
Kwasniewski, Directorate of Plans, Training,
Mobilization and Security; Danette Wyatt, Directorate
of Human Resources; Jennifer Taylor and Daniel
Tyner, Directorate of Emergency Services; James
Will, Directorate of Logistics; and Lou Ann
Armstrong, Garrison Resource Management. To
donate annual leave under VLTP, contact the
Garrison Resource Management Office at 526-1841/
1839 or tara.smithoverton@conus.army.mil to obtain
form OMP-630A, “Request to Donate Annual
Leave,” or the OMP-630B for an outside agency.
Troops to Teachers — Mountain Pacific Troops to
Teachers is a program that helps retired and separated
military members get jobs as teachers. It is a
counseling program that helps guide people through
the many steps of becoming a licensed teacher.
The program’s staff performs tasks such as transcript
evaluations and helping those interested pick the
right licensure program. For more information call
the Mountain Pacific Troops to Teachers program
at 800-438-6851 or e-mail info@mwttt.com.
Cub Scout Pack 264 on Fort Carson — offers
activities for boys in the first-fifth grades that include
sports and academics, helping to instill family and
community values such as honesty, good citizenship,
respect and more. The Cub Scout program includes
the following dens: Tiger (first grade), Wolf (second
grade), Bear (third grade), Webelos I (fourth grade)
and Webelos II (fifth grade). For more information
contact Georgia Meyer at 719-963-2305 or e-mail
Join Boy Scout Troop 164 on Fort Carson — Boy
Scouts is a year-round program for boys age 11-17.
Boys who are 10 may join if they have received the
Arrow of Light Award or finished the fifth grade.
Boy Scouts is a program of fun outdoor activities,
peer group leadership opportunities and a personal
exploration of career, hobbies and special interests,
all designed to achieve the Boy Scouts of America’s
objectives of strengthening character, personal fitness
and good citizenship. If you would like to sign your
son up for Boy Scouts, contact Jo Ann Rosser at
956-202-5139 or e-mail rosser.jo@gmail.com.
Girl Scouts — are currently registering adult
leaders and girls for the upcoming year. The grade
levels are: Daisy (kindergarten-first grade), Brownie
(second-third grades), Junior (fourth-sixth grades),
Cadette (seventh-ninth grades), Senior (ninth-10th
grades) and Ambassador (11th-12th grades). For
more information contact Kenya Cruzat, director,
at the Girl Scout Council, 597-8603, ext. 24.
16 MOUNTAINEER — Jan. 7, 2011
Memorial features photos of fallen heroes
Story and photo by Dustin Senger
Mountaineer staff
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our lives. This is the place to find
peace by talking to others.”
“We’re the family you never want
but you’re so glad you have,” said
Blackwell, on behalf of the Fallen
Heroes Family Center. “There is
no such thing as getting over
it — only getting through it —
especially when your whole heart is
invested in someone.
“I look at other survivors and
can tell when they need a hug. There
is something in their eyes that only
other survivors can see.”
“We’re here for you,” says
Rowland to survivors considering
involvement at the Fort Carson center.
“You’re not alone. Everything we can
do to get you through this new life,
we’ll do it. We know how you feel,
and we’re here to help.
“Every spouse’s, child’s, parent’s
fear is their loved one will be forgotten.
We want to ensure that will not happen.”
Families must submit their
servicemember’s photograph, name,
rank, branch, as well as year of birth
and death. Contributions received by
April 30 will display in time for a wall
of remembrance dedication ceremony
in early May, according to the Survivor
Outreach Services program manager.
Survivors may also plant memorial
pavers in the serenity garden at Fallen
Heroes Family Center. The bricks
line the pathways with a three-line
message containing the same
information displayed on the wall.
S. Academy Blvd
This is the
place to find
peace by
talking to
and Empirical Evidence.”
Tedeschi and Calhoun define
post-traumatic growth as “positive
psychological change experienced as
a result of the struggle with highly
challenging life circumstances.”
Fort Carson’s survivor support
extends through Colorado, Wyoming,
South Dakota, North Dakota and
Utah. Within that five-state area, more
than 180 servicemembers have died
during operations New Dawn, Iraqi
Freedom and Enduring Freedom,
according to the Department of
Defense casualty reports Dec. 13.
McShan highlights the thousands
of troops wounded in action — those
afflicted by combat injuries after
leaving the battlefield. She says her
son suffered traumatic brain injuries
while deployed in Afghanistan, where
one improvised-explosive device
knocked him unconscious and another
threw him from his vehicle.
“As far as I’m concerned, my child
is a causality of war,” said McShan.
“The wiring in his brain went
wrong,” she said, while describing
events leading to her only son dying
by suicide in April 2009, five months
after redeploying from combat.
While stationed in California, the
Marine fired his final bullet using his
nondominant hand; an action McShan
says proved his state of confusion.
“Our circumstances are different
but we all lost a loved one,” she
said. “We all lost an important part of
Circle Dr
Suddenly losing a loved one reveals
life’s frightening unpredictability.
“The whole first year was a
fog — I don’t remember the funeral
or memorial service,” said surviving
spouse Allyson Blackwell, alongside
two mothers inside the Fallen Heroes
Family Center at Fort Carson, Dec. 14.
Soldiers train to defeat enemy
tactics but chaotic battlefield
environments are, inevitably,
uncontrollable. Blackwell’s husband
died in August 2007, after a 120 mm
mortar exploded 10 feet from his
collage of portraits continued to
position in Baghdad, she said. His
exhibit military uniforms and civilian
death occurred five months after
clothes, as well as composed poses
the birth of their first child.
and jovial gestures.
“The choice is to be bitter or
“I’d like to fill all these rooms
better … and that’s an individual
with photographs,” said Rowland,
decision everyone needs to make,”
referring to the sprawling ranch house.
said Blackwell, who had recently
Her son unexplainably died in his
submitted her husband’s portrait
sleep in August 2009, six months after
for the Fallen Heroes Family
a 15-month deployment to Iraq.
Center’s Wall of Remembrance.
The wall of remembrance is
Created in October, the memorial
currently centralized in the main
honors lives lost in military service.
“It’s all about keeping his memory entry area. Rowland’s mission to
fill the center with photographs
alive,” she said, while seated beside
requires ongoing participation from
Gold Star Mothers Debbie Rowland
grieving families.
and Angelika McShan, who helped
“There is a lot of support for
establish Fort Carson’s commemorative
military families today,” said Rowland,
wall. Name plates anchor each image
posted under the title: “Remember the “such as Survivor Outreach Services,
Family readiness
Love, Celebrate the Life,
groups, the Warrior
Share the Journey.”
Transition Unit and
housing. People are
memorial portraits
educating themselves
adorned the Fallen
about post-traumatic
Heroes Family Center
stress disorder and
Oct. 14, when the
traumatic brain injury.
Fort Carson garrison
The military has come
commander announced
a long way.”
completion of
— Angelika McShan
renovations and
Richard Tedeschi and
initiation of Survivor
Lawrence Calhoun suggest “the
Outreach Services. The Mountain
cognitive processing of trauma into
Post began offering one-on-one
growth appears to be aided in many
counselors and support groups in a
people by self-disclosure in supportive
home-like atmosphere.
social environments,” according to
Eight more parents and spouses
their 2004 article “Posttraumatic
submitted images of fallen heroes
Growth: Conceptual Foundations
between October and December. The
Fallen Heroes Family
Center coordinators
gather in front of the
Wall of Remembrance
at Fort Carson, Dec.
14. From right: Debbie
Rowland and Angelika
McShan, surviving
mothers; Angela Gunn,
Survivor Outreach
Services program
manager; and
Nannette Byrne-Haupt,
SOS family support
coordinator and
surviving spouse.
Monday-Saturday 4:00pm-9:30pm
Sunday 4:00pm-9:00pm
Jan. 7, 2011 — MOUNTAINEER
Exercise joins Army, local K-9 agencies
Story and photo by Kerstin Lopez
Mountaineer staff
The Fort Carson military working dog
unit and more than 50 local area K-9 agencies
came together for a joint training exercise
Dec. 14-15 to share knowledge and exchange
techniques in the K-9 handler field.
The exercise was a way to organize joint
working-dog training between military and
local Colorado civilian police K-9 agencies in
an effort to combine training techniques and
tactics to better all K-9 teams, said Sgt. 1st
Class Thomas Macagg, 759th Military Police
Battalion military working dog kennel master.
It’s designed to better familiarize handler, dog
and team with civilian and military training
styles to enhance exposure in various training
problems for real-world missions, he said.
“This will be a great training exercise for
dog handlers and trainers alike. A place
for knowledge and experience to come
together and be taught to less experienced
personnel. This will be a fun and exciting
exercise filled with a plethora of knowledge
to be passed on,” Macagg said.
Training was conducted at ranges 60 and
150, which house the military operations on
urban terrain sites consisting of multistory
furnished buildings with underground tunnels,
vehicles, roadways and large open areas.
Training exercises at the MOUT sites
included explosive and narcotics detection,
building searches, scouting, open area,
barricaded suspect, scenario lanes and
swat integration.
“We hosted an event last November and
had over 65 dog teams here for training. I
like to host or attend these events to talk
with other trainers and handlers on the
training techniques they use,” Macagg said.
“It helps to further young handlers’
knowledge so they understand how others work
and train dogs. Everyone has their own way.”
Terry Brown, Colorado Department of
Corrections K-9 handler, and his dog, Hans,
have been working together for five years.
Brown said the exercise is a great way to have
civilian and military entities work together
and learn from one another.
“This is excellent training,” Brown said.
Jeff Uhrlaub, accompanied by his drug
and patrol dog, Denali, traveled from his
native Lakewood Police Department to join in
the training exercise at Carson.
“This is a great training event to expose
the dogs to new environments and new
situations — the more you can expose them
to, the better,” Uhrlaub said.
Graham Dunn, a K-9 handler from the
Denver Sheriff ’s Department, echoed
the sentiments of Brown and Uhrlaub, and
found the trip to the Mountain Post for the
two-day training event beneficial.
“It’s a good exercise — outstanding,”
Dunn said.
Chris Jakubin, from the Air Force Academy, portrays a fleeing suspect
for the K-9 teams during the joint training exercise Dec. 14-15.
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18 MOUNTAINEER — Jan. 7, 2011
Jan. 7, 2011 — MOUNTAINEER
Year in Review
Layout by Jeanne Mazerall
Period of troop movements, construction
by Devin Fisher
Mountaineer staff
Div. Headquarters and 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Inf.
Div., who deployed to Iraq and warriors with 1st BCT, 4th
Inf. Div., and elements of the 43rd Sustainment Brigade who
Emotions were high in 2010 for Family and friends of the
headed off to Afghanistan.
Mountain Post as they bid farewell to more than 10,000
A hero’s welcome awaited warriors with the 223rd Medical
Soldiers deploying to Iraq and Afghanistan and reunited with
Detachment, 10th Combat Support Hospital; elements of the 43rd
another 5,000 warriors returning from supporting Overseas
SB; and a number of 3rd BCT, 4th Inf. Div., Soldiers who had
Contingency Operations.
returned early from their tour of duty in Iraq as part of the
The year was filled with deployment and redeployment
drawdown. Similar celebrations honored Soldiers with 4th BCT,
ceremonies honoring the troops heading to and returning from
4th Inf. Div., elements of the 43rd SB and the 759th Military
war and celebrating the opening and groundbreaking for many
Police Battalion when they completed tours in Afghanistan. The
facilities to help serve the growing population as a result of
Mountain Post also welcomed back members of the 43rd SB, 4th
the 4th Infantry Division’s return to Fort Carson.
Engineer Bn. and 71st Ordnance Group (Explosive Ordnance
Maj. Gen. David G. Perkins, commanding general, 4th
Disposal) who served in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
Infantry Division and Fort Carson, knew in February that more
Fort Carson became home to four new units in 2010, as the
Soldiers would deploy from the
4th Battalion, 10th Special
Mountain Post in support of
Forces Group (Airborne);
operations Iraqi Freedom and
52nd Engineer Battalion,
Enduring Freedom than did for
555th Engineer Brigade;
the Vietnam War.
438th Medical Detachment
“Fort Carson (will) see
(Veterinary Service), 10th
even greater … numbers of
Combat Support Hospital;
Soldiers and units leaving here,
and Company C, 2nd
going into harm’s way … for
Special Troops Battalion,
extended periods (of time)
2nd BCT, 4th Inf. Div.;
with their Family members left
were activated.
back here,” he said during a
Construction scenes
community leader update at the
abounded around post
Elkhorn Conference Center.
throughout the year.
Perkins used the opportunity to
Ribbon-cutting ceremonies
advise the community of what
were held for the opening
was to come, noting that “you
of the Soldier and Family
Photo by Senior Airman Christopher Griffin
are all the community face
Cyclists line up for the upright bike portion of the Warrior Games May 13 at Assistance Center, Patriot
that all of these units … and
the United States Air Force Academy. Fort Carson Soldiers earned 12 of the and Cheyenne Mountain
Families will be looking for.”
Army’s 68 medals, capturing five golds, four silvers and three bronzes in child development centers,
Loved ones said goodbye
the inaugural Warrior Games in events ranging from sitting volleyball to Capt. Ian Weikel
to Soldiers from the 4th Inf.
wheelchair basketball, from swimming to shotput, and from track to air rifle. Elementary School and Fort
Carson Modern Army
fitness center, Warrior
Combatives Program
Transition Battalion
training facility. There
Complex and an expansion
were also ceremonies to
project to double the size
celebrate the opening of
of the Fort Carson Post
the Mountain Post Medical
Simulation Training Center
Amid the continuous
Tactical Combat Casualty
activity, Fort Carson leaderCare training lane; Off
ship hosted several key
Highway Vehicle Park;
military leaders to include
Company C, 10th CSH,
Secretary of Defense Robert
headquarters facility;
M. Gates; Army Chief of
Division Special Troops
Staff Gen. George W.
Bn., 4th Inf. Div. Yellow
Casey Jr. and his wife,
Ribbon Room; 2nd Special
Sheila Casey; Army Vice
Troops Battalion, 2nd BCT,
Chief of Staff Gen. Peter
4th Inf. Div., battalion
W. Chiarelli; Army Surgeon
motor pool; Ivy Patch
General Lt. Gen. Erick
Photo by Dustin Senger
restaurant inside Elkhorn
Schoomaker; Lt. Gen.
Family and friends were reunited with about 5,000 Fort Carson Soldiers returning
Conference Center and The
Rick Lynch, commander,
to the Mountain Post from deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan and bid farewell
Hub and Warrior Family
Installation Management
to another 10,000 who left for deployments throughout the year.
Community Partnership.
Command; Brig. Gen. Gary
Health care services were improved with the opening of a
Cheek, commander, Warrior Transition Command; Director of
new Evans Army Community Hospital emergency room and
Army Safety Brig. Gen. William Wolf; and U.S. Forces Command
Soldier Family Care Center outpatient health care clinic and a
senior enlisted leader, Command Sgt. Maj. Dennis Carey.
complete renovation of the Col. Boyd Lee Smith Dental Clinic.
Several entertainment venues honored the Fort Carson
In an effort to improve traffic flow in the cantonment area, the
community for its service to the nation. Among them were
Directorate of Public Works converted Specker and Wetzel avenues
performances by country music stars Darryl Worley, Mark Wills,
to one-way streets, northbound and southbound respectively.
John Rich and Josh Gracin and a movie premier of “The Dry
Construction signs and cranes are
Land” with director Ryan Piers
still common on Fort Carson, a reminder
Williams and actors America
of the future improvements under way.
Ferrera, Wilmer Valerrama and
Groundbreaking ceremonies were held
Ryan O’Nan.
for the Gate 20 Child Development
Fort Carson personnel
Center, 4th Inf. Div. and Fort Carson
garnered numerous awards in
Museum Activity, the largest commissary
2010 to include Best Range
in the Colorado Springs area, a new
Control Team in the Army and
the United States Army Forces
Command’s Supply of Excellence
Award earned by the 204th
Brigade Support Battalion, 2nd
BCT, 4th Inf. Div. The Directorate
of Emergency Services, along
with the Colorado Springs Police
Department and the Air Force
Office of Special Investigations,
captured the international Civilian
Law Enforcement Military
Cooperation Award.
Photo by Sgt. 1st Class Brent M. Williams
Pulled by trusty “steeds,” Lt. Col. Craig Berryman commander, 4th Battalion, 42nd Field Artillery Regiment, 1st
Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, rides to during
the first heat of the Iron Horse Week Commander’s Chariot
Races June 15 at Iron Horse Park. A six-day event for
Soldiers, Families and friends of the Fort Carson and
Front Range communities, Iron Horse Week offered a
combination of sportsmanship, camaraderie and memorial
in honor of Mountain Post Soldiers and civilians.
More than 1,000 Mountain Post community members and friends and Family of Fort
Carson’s fallen Soldiers participate in the Run for the Fallen Aug. 21 at Iron Horse Park.
Fort Carson added names of 53 of its fallen Soldiers to the Mountain Post Warrior
Memorial in May, held memorial services for the Mountain Post’s 29 Soldier’s who paid
the ultimate sacrifice while serving the nation in Iraq and Afghanistan and hosted the
Lost Heroes Art Quilt over Memorial Day Weekend to pay tribute to fallen servicemembers
from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Fort Carson unveiled its World Trade Center
Memorial near Gate 1 in June to honor those killed in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
Photo by Devin Fisher
20 MOUNTAINEER — Jan. 7, 2011
Jan. 7, 2011 — MOUNTAINEER
22 MOUNTAINEER — Jan. 7, 2011
Police blotter
The following crimes were committed on the Fort Carson installation Dec. 23-29.
AWOL crime
2 – servicemembers were cited for AWOL, failure to
go to place of duty.
Motor vehicle crimes
1 – servicemember was cited for abandonment of a
motor vehicle.
1 – servicemember was cited for driving under
the influence of alcohol.
1 – servicemember was cited for driving a vehicle
with excessive alcohol content greater than 0.08.
1 – servicemember was cited for driving a vehicle
while license under restraint.
1 – civilian was cited for driving a vehicle while license
under restraint/revoked.
1 – servicemember was cited for driving a vehicle
while post driving privileges suspended.
1 – servicemember was cited for failure to clear area
of travel in parking area.
1 – servicemember was cited for failure to drive
vehicle in right-hand lane as required.
1 – servicemember was cited for fleeing the scene
of a traffic accident.
2 – servicemembers were cited for traffic accidents
with damage to government property.
1 – civilian was cited for a traffic violation,
compulsory insurance.
1 – servicemember was cited for a traffic violation,
failure to exchange information after an accident.
1 – servicemember was cited for traffic violations,
failure to report an accident.
1 – servicemember was cited for displaying
expired license plates.
Drug and alcohol crimes, not including
motor vehicles
2 – servicemembers were cited for drunk and disorderly
1 – civilian was cited for possession of marijuana.
1 – servicemember was cited for possession of drug
1 – civilian was cited for possession of drug paraphernalia.
1 – servicemember was cited for possession
of controlled substances.
1 – civilian was cited for underage drinking.
Miscellaneous crimes
2 – civilians were cited for assault, striking,
beating, wounding.
1 – civilian was cited for assault with a dangerous
3 – servicemembers were cited for disorderly conduct.
3 – civilians were cited for disorderly conduct.
1 – civilian was cited for domestic violence.
1 – civilian was cited for larceny of AAFES property,
$100 and over.
1 – civilian was cited for malicious mischief, real
or personal property.
1 – servicemember was cited for obstruction of justice.
1 – civilian was cited for obstruction of telephone/
telegraph service.
6 – servicemembers were cited for simple assault.
1 – civilian was cited for simple assault.
1 – servicemember was cited for spouse abuse,
civilian female victim.
1 – civilian was cited for theft, less than $100.
1 – civilian was cited for theft within special maritime
and territorial jurisdiction.
1 – civilian was cited for unlawful entry to U.S. property
by false pretenses.
1 – civilian was cited for violation of a civil court order.
1 – servicemember was cited for violation of
a restraining order.
Jan. 7, 2011 — MOUNTAINEER
Carson High
Renata Rankin,
40, shoots a
hook shot over
the defense of
Mesa Ridge’s
Lashai Powells
during action
Tuesday at
Mesa Ridge
High School.
Lady Trojans begin season strong
Story and photo by Walt Johnson
Mountaineer staff
Last year, the Fountain Fort Carson Lady
Trojans had their best season in some time, led by
all-state player D’Shara Strange and a talented group
of junior and senior players.
Strange and the seniors have graduated and
moved on to collegiate careers and the program is
now in the hands of those talented juniors from
last year and new players that have Harry Knight,
Trojans head coach, excited about the possibilities.
Knight knew he would have to go through a
rebuilding process this year, and he has been more
than prepared to tie this young team to the lofty
levels of last year’s squad. One of the first things he
did coming into this season was to see how he could
challenge his young team to play to its maximum
potential. He scheduled the Lady Trojans to play
in three of the toughest tournaments to start the
New Year. Two of those tournaments were in
Pueblo and one was in Denver. The message Knight
wanted to send to his young players was “get used
to tough competition.”
“We went five and five before the break. Our first
game of the season, we just weren’t into the game and
lost by 30 points. The next night we were ready to
play, and we won by 15. The games we have played
well, our shots have gone in and things that we wanted
to do worked. In the games that we lost, we had a
situation where one play here or one play there and
it would have been totally different,” Knight said.
He said this has been a good year in terms of
the family atmosphere in the Trojan community. He
said the players came into this year understanding
how hard they had to work, the coaches came into
the year understanding how much they wanted to
work to help the team reach its maximum potential
and the parents have been more than a big help in
getting this team ready to play.
“This year has been a learning experience for
everyone, the team, the coaches, the parents and the
players. We have responded well to the challenges
so far for this year on the court. Our parents are
pleased with the way the season is going so far. That
is giving confidence to the girls that the parents
understand what they’re doing and what they are
trying to achieve, and that gives them confidence to
go out and play well,” Knight said.
He said this year will be measured by more
than the team’s record. It will be all about achieving
the goal of getting better and winning a state
championship. He said that is what all of his teams
have tried to do in the past, and he expects this
team to do the same this year.
“I’m pleased with our season to this point. I told
the girls I’m not really concerned about the record
and the scores this year but I am concerned about us
getting better with each game. The record and the
scores will take care of itself if we are committed to
getting better with each game. In varsity basketball,
the goal every year is to win the state tournament,
and it is still our goal this year,” Knight said.
Mountaineer Sports Feature
Fort Carson youth
basketball coach
Howard Fisher takes
his young team
through drills Monday
at the Youth Services
Center. The 3-to-4
year olds season
kicks off Saturday
with games beginning
at 9 a.m. at the Youth
Services Center.
Photo by Walt Johnson
24 MOUNTAINEER — Jan. 7, 2011
On the Bench
Texas Hold ’em
set for Jan. 22
by Walt Johnson
Mountaineer staff
The next Monster Texas Hold
’em Poker tournament will be held
Jan. 22 on.
The event kicks off at 1 p.m. at
the Elkhorn Conference Center. Preregistration is under way for the event.
There will be a special New Year’s
buy in, $45, for the tournament that is
open to the first 200 Department of
Defense identification cardholders 18
and older. The top three prizes for the
tournament will be: a three-day trip to
Las Vegas for two, with $300 for buy
in to any tournament in Las Vegas, first
place; a 42-inch flat screen television,
second place; and a $300 gift card,
third place. There will be consolation
prizes for fourth through 10th places and
consolation room prizes. There will also
be a free lunch buffet and a cash bar.
Call 576-6646 for more information.
The Fountain-Fort Carson Trojans
boys basketball team plays its first
home game of the season Friday.
The Trojans host the two-time
defending 5A champion Regis-Jesuit
Raiders at 7 p.m. at the high school
gym. The Trojans host the Mitchell
Marauders Tuesday at 7 p.m. before
hitting the road again to take on the
Pine Creek Eagles Jan. 14.
The Fountain-Fort Carson girls
basketball team has yet to play a
home game this season.
The Lady Trojans host their first
game Tuesday when they welcome
Thomas Jefferson High School as part of
a men’s and women’s doubleheader. The
Lady Trojans game begins at 5:30 p.m.
at the high school gym. The boys game
with Mitchell High School follows.
After going on the road to Pine
Creek High School Jan. 14, the Lady
Trojans play five of their next six
games at home.
The post youth center is looking
for a few good men and women to
help with the youth sports program.
It’s a great opportunity for those
interested in coaching and mentoring
children, according to youth center
officials. The youth sports program is
in need of volunteer coaches for the
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See Bench on Page 26
Photo by Walt Johnson
Working out
Forrest Fitness Center aerobics instructor Chava Huerta, right, takes his
class through a strenuous workout Tuesday. The post fitness centers offer
programs to help community members burn off some holiday pounds, get
in shape or stay in shape.
Jan. 7, 2011 — MOUNTAINEER
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26 MOUNTAINEER — Jan. 7, 2011
from Page 24
upcoming softball, baseball, football, cheerleading and
soccer seasons.
Anyone who would like to give back to the youths
and coach a team can stop by the Youth Services Center or
call 526-1233.
The Fort Carson Youth Sports and Fitness Program
kicks off its winter basketball season Saturday at the
Youth Services Center.
The fitness and sports program kicks off its 3-4 year
olds youth basketball program with games at 9 and 10 a.m.
The rest of the youth basketball season begins Jan. 22.
There will be an opening ceremony at 9 a.m. with games
beginning at 10 a.m.
There will be a big ski event for Mountain Post
community members Jan. 14 as the annual Fort Carson
Ski Day is held at Monarch Ski Area.
There will be free transportation. Anyone interested in
the free transportation is asked to register at the Information,
Tickets and Registration office to ensure a spot on the bus.
There will be discounted ski and snowboard lessons for
anyone 7 and older for $45. Discounted lift tickets will also
be available for adults, students (13-17 years old), youth
(7-12 years old) and senior citizens (62-68 years old). For
more information call 526-5198.
The Fort Carson Youth Sports and Fitness Program
hosts its monthly midnight basketball program Friday
at the Youth Services Center.
The program is open to middle school players from 6-8
p.m. and high school players from 8:30 p.m. to midnight.
The post indoor swimming pool staff is ready to
teach anyone to learn how to swim.
Swimming lessons are available year round at the indoor
pool; learn in a 25-yard, six lane heated pool. For more
information call 526-3107.
Photo by Walt Johnson
To the goal
While the intramural program is on a short break, Soldiers and Family members get in some hoops
action at Garcia Physical Fitness Center. The intramural program resumes Monday.
Focus on the Family’s
Indoor playground
Story and photos by Nel Lampe
Mountaineer staff
ot only did last week’s snowstorm
prevent children from trying
out new bikes, skateboards and
other outdoor-type gifts, children had
to spend a lot of time indoors.
When winter weather is too cold for
outdoor play, parents wish for a warm
place for children to play and burn
off some energy. Wishes can come
true. Focus on the Family’s Welcome
Center is free, open six days a week and
offers a variety of activities for children,
particularly those under age 12.
Visitors can watch a film “The Last
Chance Detectives” at noon in the
large theater on the first floor, have a
free cup of coffee or tea in the Solid
Grounds coffee shop and view the
G. Harvey Art Gallery or learn about
Focus on the Family’s mission.
The 7,000-square-foot book store is
nearby, at the east end of the building.
The book store sells a wide selection
of books about family life, parenthood,
marriage and Christian living. The
book store also has a variety of Christian
music, family-friendly movies and
DVDs and CDs of “Adventures in
Odyssey” series, as well as “Veggie
Tales” and “The Chronicles of Narnia.”
A special section in the book store
See Focus on Page 28
Rayce Jenness, left, and Jayson Gandolph take a
pretend boat trip in Camp What-A-Nut toddler room.
Left: A group of visitors record a script in radio
station KYDS at the Focus on the Family Welcome
Center as a visitor watches the process.
Visitors leave the Welcome Center at the Focus on the Family campus
just off Briargate Parkway.
Places to see in the
Pikes Peak area.
Jan. 7, 2011
28 MOUNTAINEER — Jan. 7, 2011
from Page 27
is for children, complete with “Veggie Tales”
episodes running on screen and “Veggie
Tales” toys and gifts displayed nearby.
There’s a large selection of children’s books.
But the best is yet to come: the downstairs
area includes Whit’s End Soda Shoppe, from the
“Adventures in Odyssey” series, a large room
that has a replica of the B-17 clubhouse from
the “Last Chance Detectives” series, a climbing
gym for younger children, the three-story
slide A-bend-a-go and the video cave with
videos always playing.
Take the secret passageway to the Discovery
Emporium with its puppet theater, theatrical
stage, costume room, KYDS radio station, a
reading area with an assortment of books and
a toy train that circles the room. Nearby is
Camp What-A-Nut, a play area for children
4 and under and a Narnia Adventure Room
that’s entered through a large wardrobe.
Younger children can get some exercise on
the climbing gym or taking the stairs to the
slide. They can explore the Discovery
Emporium, put on puppet shows, try on
costumes and put on a play.
Older children can record a radio script in
the radio station or go on a scavenger hunt.
The A-bend-a-go corkscrew slide is a
favorite of many visitors, but there are strictlyapplied safety restrictions. Riders must be at
least 43.5 inches tall; the maximum height for
participants is 5 feet 9 inches. People who have
bad backs, heart conditions, wearing a cast
or pregnant should not use the slide. The slide
is open 10 a.m.-noon and 1-4 p.m. MondaysFridays. The slide closes at 3:30 p.m. Saturdays.
Whit’s End Soda Shoppe is open from 11
a.m. to 3 p.m. for lunch or snack items. The
old-fashioned shoppe serves a child-friendly
lunch menu of hot dogs, nachos, pizza and
the like, along with soft drinks and ice cream
treats. There are four meal specials, selling for
under $5, as well as a la carte items, including
soup, sandwiches and salads.
After 3 p.m., only snack items are sold.
Tables and chairs are available in the shoppe.
Focus on the Family, a Christian ministry,
moved from California to Colorado Springs in
1991.The organization has radio programs as
well as books, magazines and videos focusing
on family life and values.
People who want to visit the administrative
building may arrange for a tour at the Welcome
Center, call 531-3400 to make arrangements.
Tours are available Mondays-Fridays, at 9 a.m.
and 2 p.m. A cafeteria in the administrative
building is open to the public for lunch.
The Welcome Center opened about three
years after Focus on the Family moved to its
new campus.
Located near the campus entrance on
Explorer Drive, just off Briargate Parkway,
the Welcome Center has had more than three
million visitors, many of whom are vacationers
who’ve included a visit to Focus on the
Family in their itinerary.
Welcome Center hours are 9 a.m.-5 p.m.,
Monday through Friday and 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
The Focus on the Family Welcome Center
offers birthday party rooms for no charge but
reservations are necessary. Food arrangements
may be made with the soda shoppe or families
may bring a cake. Two rooms are available —
the Antique Store and the Fire Station. Call
531-3400 to reserve a party room.
The Focus on the Family campus is just
off Briargate Parkway, at 8685 Explorer Drive.
It is reached from Interstate 25 going north.
Take exit 151 and head east; follow the signs.
For more information go online to
http://www.focusonthefamily.com. Children
can access the Clubhouse on the website for
games, crafts, videos and movie reviews. Call
531-3328 for information.
Parking is available at in front of the
Welcome Center and an adjacent lot.
Just the Facts
• TRAVEL TIME — half an hour
• FOR AGES — families
• TYPE — indoor playground
• FUN FACTOR — ★★★★★
(Out of 5 stars)
$ = Less than $20
$$ = $21 to $40
$$$ = $41 to $60
$$$$ = $61 to $80
Above: Children
watch “Veggie
Tales” cartoons
in the book store,
surrounded by
toys and books
from the cartoon.
Left: A B-17
replica, similar
to the clubhouse
in the film series
“Last Chance
Detectives,” is in
the downstairs
play area at
Focus on the
Family Welcome
Jan. 7, 2011 — MOUNTAINEER
30 MOUNTAINEER — Jan. 7, 2011
Upcoming events
B.B. King is in the Pikes Peak Center
Monday at 7:30 p.m.
“Masterpieces of Classical Ballet” is
Jan. 29 at 7:30 p.m.
The Colorado Springs Philharmonic’s
“Simply Sinatra” concert is Jan. 25 at 8 p.m.
and Jan. 26 at 3:30 p.m.
Monty Python’s award winning musical,
“Spamalot” is in the Pikes Peak Center Feb.
8-9, at 7:30 p.m.
Tickets can be purchased at King
Soopers, the World Arena or Pikes Peak
Center box offices, by phone at 520-SHOW
or 866-464-2626.
World Arena
The following appearances are in the
World Arena:
The Harlem Globetrotters are making an
appearance Friday at 7 p.m.
Allegria, a Cirque Du Soleil production,
is Wednesday-Jan. 16,, featuring 55 performers
and musicians and lots of flamboyant costumes.
Performances are at 7:30 p.m. the first three
days and additional performances at
3:30 p.m. Jan. 14-15. Performances Jan. 26
are at 1 and 5 p.m.
Tickets are at King Sooper stores, the World
Arena and Pikes Peak Center box offices. By
phone, call 520-SHOW or 866-464-2626.
King Tut exhibit
The special exhibit, “Tutankhamun: The
Golden King and the Great Pharaohs” is in the
Denver Art Museum through Sunday. Tickets
for the exhibit begin at $22 for adults and $15
for ages 6-12 and include admission to the rest
of the museum. The Denver Art Museum is
at 100 W. 14th Avenue Parkway, in downtown
Denver. Go online at http://www.denverart
museum.ort or call 720-865-5000.
Tickets for U.S. Women’s Open
Tickets are available for military members
for half-price for the U.S. Women’s Open
Championship at the Broadmoor July 4-10.
Familiar names expected to participate include
defending champion Paula Creamer and
Michelle Wie. Military tickets are daily tickets
$22.50 each, a four-pack of any one-day tickets
is $70, and a trophy club package is $125.
Military ticket orders must be placed online
at http://www.2011uswomensopen.com.
Denver Stock Show
The Denver National Western Stock Show
is in Denver, beginning Saturday, running
through Jan. 23. The stock show includes
rodeos, wild West shows, bull riding, horse
show and much more. A Denver tradition
for more than 100 years, the stock show has
activities and entertainment for everyone.
Buy tickets for a show or rodeo or check out
one of the cattle shows. There are sheep
shearing and goat roping contests, a stick
horse grand prix, pedal tractor races, square
dancers, antique tractors, stock dog trials,
chainsaw carvers and lots of animals to see.
Tickets and special passes are available. Go
online at http://nationalwestern.com for tickets
and schedules for the 16-day event, which is
held at the National Western Stock Show,
4655 Humboldt St. in Denver. It’s off Interstate
70; a map is also on the website.
Free admission to museum
The Denver Museum of Nature and Science
is free for Colorado residents Sunday, from
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The museum is at 2001 N.
Colorado Blvd,; take the Colorado Boulevard
Exit off Interstate 25 north.
Fine Arts theater
The next production in the Fine Arts
Repertory Theater season is Mel Brooks’ “The
Producers” Jan. 28-Feb. 20. The outrageous
comedy includes adult language and situations.
Performances are Thursdays-Sundays. Thursday
and Sunday tickets are $31; Friday-Saturday
tickets are $35 each. The theater is at 30 W.
Dale St., in the Fine Arts Center. Call 634-5583
for information.
Mining museum
The Western Museum of Mining and
Industry is holding a Family Exploration
Day on geology Saturday, from 10 a.m. to
3 p.m. Mineralogical Society members will
be on hand to help identify rocks brought
by visitors. To reserve a spot, call 477-0880.
Admission is $8 for adults, $7 for military
and $4 for children ages 3-12. The museum
is on North Gate Boulevard at Exit 156A
off Interstate 25.
Jan. 7, 2011 — MOUNTAINEER
36 MOUNTAINEER — Jan. 7, 2011
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