making an impact - Covenant Health


making an impact - Covenant Health
We are delighted to share our latest Covenant Health Foundation Annual Report with you,
our friends and supporters. This report highlights our activities and accomplishments for the
2012 fiscal year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). These 12 months have been a period of growth
and transition. We changed our name to Covenant Health Foundation, re-emphasizing our
commitment to overall health. Sharon Prather, the Foundation’s President and acting Director
for several years, moved into another important role with Covenant Health as I came on board
as the new Executive Director of Covenant Foundation. On behalf of the Foundation’s many
friends and supporters as well as our staff, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to Sharon for
her leadership to the Foundation. Throughout this year, our supporters have embraced these
and other new opportunities with great enthusiasm and continued dedication to further our mission of ministry to
the whole person - body, mind and spirit.
Again this fiscal year, Covenant demonstrated strong financial performance and outstanding patient satisfaction
results. Achieving these goals takes the combined commitment of our entire team of physicians, nurses, technicians
and other medical staff as well as administrative support staff and our executive leadership. Within these pages,
you will see how their devotion to Christian ministry, clinical excellence and healthy communities has changed lives.
The success of our mission also depends on the generosity of our loyal donors and supporters. Through your gifts of
time, talent and resources, we exceeded our goal for fiscal year 2012, raising over $3.6 million to benefit programs
and provide state-of-the-art equipment for the patients and families we serve!
Dear Friends,
Among our major achievements this year are supporting a new mobile mammography unit to serve women across
our region, celebrating a record-breaking employee giving campaign, growing our Samaritan Society and Physicians
of Philanthropy programs, receiving new grants for renovation of a cardiac cath lab and a Parent Boot Camp for new
dads and moms. We also enjoyed success with our special events to benefit many worthy projects for Covenant
We hope you enjoy the stories featured inside from our volunteers, board members and auxiliaries who share their
hearts about why they help us raise awareness and support to care for our patients. Every day in so many ways you,
our supporters, are making a positive difference in the lives of these families. May you be richly blessed just as your
kindness and compassionate contributions have blessed others in ways you will never know. To all of you who are
extensions of our ministry, we offer our deepest gratitude.
Mikell Bollinger, Executive Director
Covenant Health Foundation
2012 Covenant Health Foundation | ANNUAL REPORT
Covenant Health was founded in 1998 with the merger of two of Lubbock’s most respected health care facilities,
St. Mary of the Plains Hospital and Lubbock Methodist Hospital System. In 2012, Covenant Health System became
Covenant Health – a new identity that embraces our new networks of care, which focus not just on hospitals, but
on the overall health of the communities we serve. Covenant Health, a member of St. Joseph Health, is the largest
provider of medical services for the West Texas and Eastern New Mexico regions, serving 62 counties with a total
population of over 1.2 million people.
Mission Statement:
To extend Christian ministry by caring for the whole person—body, mind, and spirit—and by working with others to
improve health and quality of life in our communities.
3&3 Initiative
The “3-in-3” campaign, kicked off in 2012, refers to our three year direction and three primary
goals that we will accomplish between now and 2015:
• Christian Service: We will create sacred encounters through compassion, caring, dignity and connection.
• Clinical Excellence: Covenant will be recognized as a leader in clinical quality and culture of safety.
• Healthy Communities: We will improve the health of people through wellness and disease management.
Foundation Staff:
Mikell Bollinger
Trevor Cates
Valerie Kerr
Kelli McElhone
Zoe Metcalf
Paula Miser
Jordan Washer
Lindsay Webb
Natalie Willett
Regional Staff:
Doris Jackson
Carol Terrell
Contact Us:
3623 22nd Place | Lubbock, TX 79410 | 806.725.6089 | Fax: 806.723.6256 |
Find us on Facebook at: Covenant Health Foundation
2012 Covenant Health Foundation | ANNUAL REPORT
The single most traumatic event in my life
was dealing with heart failure and living
with consequences of that event. Ignoring
two years of symptoms and doing some
very erroneous self diagnosis, on July 2,
2010 it all caught up with me. Fortunately,
I was treated at Covenant Hospital and
have realized a miraculous recovery.
Finding a New Rhythm
My treatment actually started when I
was picked up and cared for by EMS and
taken to Covenant with life threatening
heart failure. After a morning of work to
prepare for the 4th on Broadway music
production, again ignoring the fact that I
was sick, I succumbed to the symptoms.
When arriving at the emergency room,
an incredible team of doctors and nurses
began work to save my life. They were
passionate in their approach to treat me
and showed the greatest compassion and
caring imaginable.
It was determined that open heart surgery
was a necessity. I was operated on by
Dr. Bill Springer and admitted to South 8
and began the journey to recovery. There
was never a moment that I doubted
the professionalism and ability of that
incredible team of caregivers. As a matter
of fact, in that period of time I developed
several friendships of a lifetime.
Halfway through my stay, due to major clotting in the bypasses, it was determined that the only way to save my life
was to undergo the emergency placement of stents in the bypasses. I was treated in the cath lab by my cardiologist,
Dr. Juan Kurdi. Due to my low blood pressure, I had to do so without anesthesia. His unbridled determination to
clear the blockage without a doubt saved my life. Words can’t express my appreciation to Dr. Kurdi and the entire
Covenant Hospital team. Thanks to the grace of God and Covenant’s wonderful care, my family and I have been
immeasurably blessed through this ordeal.
Don Caldwell, Owner/Founder Cactus Theater
2012 Covenant Health Foundation | ANNUAL REPORT
Covenant Cares Sets New Records with 2012 Campaign
Covenant Cares is the Covenant Health Employee Campaign that supports needed equipment and projects within
the health system. Started in 2005, Covenant Cares provides equipment and programs throughout our health system
based on requests submitted by employees. An anonymous board of eight randomly selected employees makes the
funding distribution decisions each quarter.
Covenant Cares is employee funded….employee administered….and employee distributed. It changes lives
throughout Covenant Health by funding needed equipment and programs. Employees donate one hour of pay
per month for 12 months to make this happen! As one employee stated, “It is a wonderful feeling to contribute
to so many worthwhile projects.” Covenant employees have given over $4 million in personal financial support to
Covenant Health since the program began.
The 2012 Campaign, held October 3 - November 15, 2011, was a record breaking year in both donations and
participation. The campaign goal was $640,000, and was managed by over 120 Covenant Cares Ambassadors. This
goal was exceeded with a total amount raised of $717,848 by the end of December 2011. This was a 9% increase in
contributions over last year’s campaign and is the largest amount ever raised in the Covenant Cares Campaign! In
addition, employee participation in Covenant Cares increased by over 5%, for total participation of 57%.
Included in the money raised was a significant donation of $18,763 from St. Joseph Health employees. These
employees, who are local to Lubbock but are employed by our St. Joseph Health system office based in California,
conduct their own employee campaign each spring and have the option of choosing any ministry they wish to
support. Since there are several St. Joseph employees who work at Covenant, Covenant Cares gives them the
opportunity to support their ‘home’ ministry and they do it with great generosity!
It would be difficult to find an area of Covenant Health that is not touched by Covenant Cares and its legacy of
generosity and support. For example, the Covenant Behavioral Health Unit received a television, DVD player and
DVD’s that help provide daily education on alcoholism to patients and families. According to the Clinical Coordinator
for Chemical Dependency Services at Covenant, the equipment made it possible for him to add to their services.
Additionally, the Joe Arrington Cancer Research and Treatment Center Pharmacy received ambulatory pumps that
are used daily to provide chemotherapy to patients who must receive extended treatments at home. These are
just two examples of the impact employees have made through Covenant Cares. We salute all of our employee
campaign contributors for giving from their hearts!
2012 Covenant Health Foundation | ANNUAL REPORT
The Covenant Health Foundation received over $638,000 in grant funding
and commitments in Fiscal Year 2012. With the help of local, regional
and state funding agencies, Covenant Health was able to provide funding
toward numerous important initiatives, including a radiant warmer for the
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, the Community Health Outreach Dental Clinic,
car seats for families in need, and materials for hand-made blankets for our
neuroscience patients, among other initiatives. Our regional hospitals also
received grant funds that helped them provide equipment and services to
their patients.
Grant funding helped patients and community members throughout the
year. According to the Manager of the Covenant Community Services
Denture Program, which received $2,000 to help patients receive dentures,
“the patients are so thankful for the services they receive and the funding
just made them even more appreciative.”
Other grant projects include:
The CH Foundation approved a $406,578 grant toward the purchase
of new equipment for one of the hospital’s cardiac catheterization
labs. The catheterization equipment will benefit approximately
830 patients annually and provide improved technology to patients
seen at the catheterization lab, including better image quality and
lower radiation dosages.
Successful Grantseeking Means Success
for Patients at Covenant Health
The Lubbock Area Affiliate of the Susan G. Komen for the Cure
approved two grants for breast cancer programs within the health
system. The Joe Arrington Cancer Research and Treatment Center’s
(JACC) Chorus of Angels program received $19,918 to provide
assistance to breast cancer patients through lodging, transportation,
and medication resources. This grant will be used to alleviate barriers to treatment and give low-income patients
the opportunity to continue and complete needed cancer treatment at JACC. According to the Supervisor of Patient
and Community Services at JACC, “Most of our patients will tell you that there are few, if any, resources for needs
like fuel, medications, or other expenses that can place a huge financial strain on them. It is support like this that
helps provide hope to our patients and a sense that we care about all aspects of their lives. This program in many
instances minimizes or eliminates some of the barriers that place a financial or emotional strain on them. It is
a prime example of what patient-centered care is all about, providing support for every aspect of our patient’s
lives.” The Arrington Comprehensive Breast Center’s mobile mammography program received $44,907 to provide
screening and diagnostic mammograms, ultrasounds, and biopsies to underfunded and unfunded patients through
the mobile mammography bus or at JACC.
The Kohl’s Cares Hospital Partnership Program approved a $28,925 grant to provide monthly Boot Camp workshops
to new parents. Boot Camp prepares men and women to be parents in all respects, including holding and comforting
a baby, burping, changing, swaddling, handling a crying baby, bonding, and forming a parenting team, among other
The William M. Weaver Foundation approved a $25,000 grant to provide funding support to help purchase a mobile
mammography unit for the Arrington Comprehensive Breast Center. The new unit, which will include the additional
purchase of a digital mammography system, will allow the mobile mammography program to provide state-of-the-art
preventative mammography screenings and health education to patients served through the mobile mammography
program in Lubbock and the region.
2012 Covenant Health Foundation | ANNUAL REPORT
Covenant Foundation Gala
When: September 30, 2011
Chairs: Ann & John Zwiacher
Raised: $222,551
Proceeds: Enhancement, renovation, and improvement of
the patient care facilities at Covenant Medical Center and
Covenant Women’s and Children’s Hospital
Light Up a Life
When: December 3, 2011
Chair: Becky Garza
Raised: $53,473
Proceeds: Support for Hospice of Lubbock’s
community outreach mission of providing quality
and compassionate end-of-life care and bereavement
services for terminally ill children, adults and their
families regardless of their ability to pay
2012 Covenant Health Foundation | ANNUAL REPORT
When: March 2, 2012
Raised: $58,614
Proceeds: Direct Patient Care at
Hospice of Lubbock
23rd Annual Mayors’ Beans
and Cornbread Luncheon
Heart 2 Heart /
debakey Lecureship
When: March 29, 2012
Chairs: Dr. & Mrs. James Moss
Raised: $90,275
Proceeds: Upgrade for a new state-of-the-art
cardiac catheterization laboratory
2012 Covenant Health Foundation | ANNUAL REPORT
When: June 23rd, 2012
Chairs: Melissa and Eric Pierce
Raised: $111,692
Proceeds: Retina Camera for infants and children
treated at Covenant Children’s Hospital
Joe Arrington Cancer Center
Golf Tournament
When: April 30th, 2012
Chair: Gregory Turner
Raised: $ 129,640
Proceeds: A new Mobile Mammography Unit, making Covenant
Health the only facility with a Mobile Mammography Program in
the region
2012 Covenant Health Foundation | ANNUAL REPORT
Hospice of Lubbock is the region’s only hospice dedicated to both pediatric and adult care and has served a
19-county West Texas region since 1987. Hospice of Lubbock is also the only non-profit hospice in the area and is a
wholly-owned subsidiary of Covenant Health. Hospice of Lubbock (HOL) offers care designed to meet the physical,
emotional, and spiritual needs of terminally ill patients and their families. This year marks Hospice of Lubbock’s
official 25th anniversary of service.
Hospice of Lubbock has served approximately 8,500 patients and their families since admitting its first patient in
1987. Hospice of Lubbock served 435 patients in FY2012 (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012). Patients and their families
are truly impacted by Hospice of Lubbock. “I believe I was guided to this special place, Hospice of Lubbock, and I am
so grateful. I truly consider them angels on earth”, states a patient’s family member. Not only patients and families
feel the impact of Hospice, employees do as well. Marisa Ochoa, a Registered Nurse at Hospice of Lubbock, says,
“There is nothing that compares to being a hospice nurse. I am so blessed to be one.”
Hospice of Lubbock had its Annual Mayors’ Beans and Cornbread Luncheon in March and raised over $58,000,
with all proceeds going directly towards patient care. The Mayor of the City of Lubbock, along with Mayors from
communities in the surrounding region, was in attendance at the event. A variety of artists from the Cactus Theatre
provided entertainment. Several community leaders and radio and television personalities helped wait tables and
collect tips, all for the benefit of Hospice of Lubbock. HOSPICE OF LUBBOCK
Hospice Events Raise Support for Patient Care Services
Hospice of Lubbock also held its Light Up A Life campaign in November and December of 2011. Light Up A Life offers
donors the opportunity to remember, honor or celebrate the lives and events of loved ones. Light Up A Life raised
over $53,000 in 2012.
Hospice of Lubbock would like to thank all of the individuals and organizations in our communities for your generous
support this year, with special appreciation to Betenbough Homes for their significant donation to the Children’s
Grief Counseling Ministry in 2012 through their support of the Mayors’ Beans and Cornbread Luncheon and Light
Up A Life.
2012 Covenant Health Foundation | ANNUAL REPORT
The Covenant Health Foundation values and recognizes support from all of our donors. Our Samaritan Society
members represent a select group of friends and supporters whose commitment and steadfast philanthropy have
truly strengthened healthcare in our community. Leadership through giving continues to be a generous expression of
confidence in CovenantHealth’s tradition of Christian service, clinical excellence, and ensuring healthy communities.
In its various forms, skilled and compassionate care has distinguished CovenantHealth and its service to the residents
of the Texas South Plains for nearly 100 years. Your contributions to our organization represent much more than a
charitable donation – they are a meaningful investment in the lifesaving services our community needs now and in
the years ahead.
Many friends of CovenantHealth wish to support the organization’s commitment to the health and healing of our
neighbors throughout West Texas and eastern New Mexico. Their loyalty, compassion, and passion for our mission to
create the healthiest communities inspires them to give regularly to support our programs and services. In doing so,
they become part of the Covenant family, building a spirit of giving that is the foundation for our continued ability to
provide the best medical care available.
In the fall of 2009, we proudly introduced the Samaritan Society. Establishing this exclusive Society provides an
opportunity for us to recognize individual and organizational leaders in our community whose especially generous
annual gifts are $1,000 or greater.
In 2011, we expanded our recognition opportunities by creating a special giving category just for our medical staff.
The Physicians of Philanthropy are those physicians who give back to CovenantHealth through the annual employee
giving campaign or a direct donation. We are truly blessed with physician partners who contribute to our success!
The benefits of joining the Samaritan Society include:
• Samaritan Society Membership Card
• Complimentary valet parking at Covenant Medical Center
• Complimentary self-parking in all hospital garages
• Invitation to an exclusive Annual Recognition Luncheon
• Invitation to Foundation special events
• Recognition in the Foundation Annual Report
• Prominent recognition within hospital facilities (on donor recognition displays proposed for the future)
New for 2013, Samaritan Society members will also be invited to attend exclusive Leadership Lectures with
speakers drawn from hospital and medical staff leadership, as well as a Personal Financial Planning series being
developed in collaboration with professors from Texas Tech University. Plans for program enhancement continue to
2012 Covenant Health Foundation | ANNUAL REPORT
The Legacy Society honors friends
of the hospital who have arranged
for future philanthropic support by
making a planned gift through their
will or estate plans.
Anne Arrington Family Trust
Melvin Ballard Estate
Mildred I. Ballard Estate
Mattie Bishop Estate
Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Bricker
Briscoe Trust
A.W. Bronwell, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. James Burrell
J. C. Chambers
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Christian
Lorraine Combs Charitable
Remainder Unitrust
James Garrett
Mr. and Mrs. James O. Gilbreath
Estate of Anna Bass Godwin
Estate of Christine M. Grady
Estate of Glenn Ray Green
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Greer
Ethel Headstream Estate
G. Baird B. Helfrich, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. John Iacuone
Greg and Betty Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Key
Gary Lawrence
Royan McClesky
Mr. and Mrs. Bryce J. McGregor
The Estate of Ann Morrison
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Neal
Neely Unitrust and Estate
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pope
Robert Salem, M.D.
Douglas Sanford
Diannah Tatum
Physicians of
Our physician giving society, created
in 2011 to recognize members of our
medical staff who generously support
CovenantHealth with gifts of $1,000
or more annually.
Anonymous (2)
Bill D. Atkinson, M.D.
David W. Blann, M.D.
Ronnelle S. Burley, M.D.
Joyce C. Chen, M.D.
Curt Cockings, M.D.
David R. Close, M.D.
Jeremy Dalton, M.D.
Vanessa Dalton, M.D.
Jane Goldthorn, M.D.
David Gray, M.D.
James P. Gutheil, M.D.
Kurt A. Hales, M.D.
Arundhati Harati, M.D.
Frederick J. Hensal, M.D.
Laszlo Nagy, M.D.
Kalarickal J. Oommen, M.D.
Karl Pankratz, M.D.
Richard Ranne, M.D.
Andrew Robinson, M.D.
Catherine A. Ronaghan, M.D.
Kaiser R. Tarafdar, M.D.
Sushma K. Vance, M.D.
Clinton Wolboldt, M.D.
John Zias, M.D.
Pillars – Individual
(Individuals who have generously
provided cumulative lifetime gifts
of $25,000 or more)
Mr. and Mrs. David Alderson
Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Alderson
Barbara Arrington
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Atkins
Dr. and Mrs. Bill D. Atkinson
Mrs. Dorothy F. Baggerly
Karen A. Baggerly
Steven Baggerly
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Balch
Mr. and Mrs. Randy R. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Byerley
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Crofoot
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Crofoot
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Griffin
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Harrell
Mr. and Mrs. William Hartsfield
Gordon Huff
Mr. and Mrs. Royce Ivory
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones
Marjorie C. Kastman
Jane P. Kuykendall
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Macy
Dr. and Mrs. Scott Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sanford
Robert D. Snell
Joseph A. Sonnier,III, M.D.
Dr. Thelma Sutter
Margaret Talkington
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tarbox
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Tatum
Wayne P. Turney
Samaritan Pillars –
(Business/Organizations who have
provided cumulative lifetime gifts
of $50,000 or more)
AC Uniforms
Alderson Enterprises, L.P.
Prosperity Bank
Atkinson Family Partnership
Atmos Energy
Boston Scientific Corporation
Covenant Auxiliary – Lakeside
Covenant Auxiliary – Medical Center
Crenshaw, Dupree and Milam, L.L.P.
Deloitte Consulting
FirstBank & Trust
FirstCare Health Plans
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Kohl’s Department Stores
2012 Covenant Health Foundation | ANNUAL REPORT
Lee Lewis Construction, Inc.
Lubbock Diagnostic Radiology, L.L.P.
Lubbock Methodist Hospital System
Lubbock National Bank
Merrill Lynch Wealth Management
Parkhill, Smith & Cooper, Inc.
PlainsCapital Bank
Sanford & Tatum Insurance Agency
Strasburger Attorneys at Law
United Supermarkets, L.L.C.
Wells Fargo Bank
Xcel Energy
Samaritan Leaders
Legacy Society
(Businesses/Organizations who
generously provide support of
at least $2,500 annually)
American Glass Distributors
Angelica Corporation
BBVA Compass
Benchmark Business Solutions
Betenbough Homes
Burkhart Enterprises, Inc.
Lindsay Callaway Memorial
Toy Drive
Calvert Home Health Care, Ltd.
Chi Tau Epsilon Dance Honor Fraternity
Christ Lutheran Church
Combest Family Funeral Homes
Diversified Investment Advisors
Elks Lodge 1348
Ferguson Enterprises
Field, Manning, Stone, Hawthorne
& Aycock
Gold ‘N Visions, LTD
Graco Real Estate Development
Happy State Bank – Lubbock
High Plains Surgery Center
Howard, Cunningham, Houchin &
Turner, LLP
Howell and Windham Advertising
ICU Medical
Insurance Associates Employees
Benefit Company
KJTV 34/Ramar
Communications II, Ltd.
Llano Estacado Clay Guild
Lubbock Power & Light
Merrill Lynch Wealth Management
Monroe Vos Consulting Group, Inc.
Norton Drilling Co.
Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak &
Stewart, P.C.
Paper Moon Photography, Inc.
Polsinelli Shugart
Potato Specialty Co.
Professional Maintenance, Inc.
Pulmonary Associates of Lubbock
Robinson, Burdette, Martin &
Seright, LLP
(Samaritan Leaders Continued
on Next Page)
Senior Solace, LLC
Sonic Drive-In (SPSM Ltd.)
Spirit of Halloween Superstores
Sysco West Texas
Sun-Star Electric, Inc.
Texas Medical Liability Trust
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Department of Medicine
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Office of the President
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, School of Medicine
Towers Watson Delaware Inc.
Tyler & Company, Executive Healthcare
Search Consultants
Tree Loving Care
Vista Bank
Samaritan Partners
(Individuals who generously provide
support of at least $1,000 annually)
Ms. Brenda Becknell
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Becknell
Mr. Phillip Benjamin
Drs. David W. and Melissa M. Blann
Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Bollman
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dee Brooks
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Buchanan
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Burkhart
Ms. Carol Calhoon
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Callaway
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Camp
Mrs. C.B. Carlson
Dr. and Mrs. Travis Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney W. Cates
Mr. Sealy H. Cavin
Dr. and Mrs. Clarke E. Cochran
Ms. Jonnie D. Cogdell
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin Contreras
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cook
Dr. and Mrs. Barry Cowart
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Crump
Dr. and Mrs. Barry J. Currey
Mrs. Evelyn M. Davies
Dr. Lou D. Diekemper
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Field
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Fisher
Mr. Charles Frederick
Ms. Johanna Gallagher
Ms. NaRae Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. David Garza
Mr. and Mrs. James O. Gilbreath
Mr. and Mrs. Estevean Gonzalez
Mrs. Linda Hall
Mrs. Cindy Hardin
Mr. and Mrs. Bill C. Harding
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Hawthorne
Mr. Dean Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Zachary P. Holtzman
Mr. and Mrs. Choc R. Hutcheson
Mr. and Mrs. Chase E. Key
Mrs. Joyce L. Kuhl
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lambright
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Lipps
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Long
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Madison
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Troy McClendon
Mrs. Ethel McLeod
Mrs. Marie D. Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Middleton
Dr. and Mrs. James B. Moss
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Moss
Mrs. Sheela J. Noble
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Norton
Dr. Lola D. Page
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Parks
Dr. Ronald H. Phillips and
Ms. Elaine McNair
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Laurin Prather
Mr. Michael Raburn
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ranck
Mr. Scott Reynolds
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Bill F. Russell
Mrs. Annalee Schubert
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Scott
Mr. and Mrs. John Seright
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Shamburger
Dr. Charles E. Shields
Mr. and Mrs. John Shirley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Skinner
Drs. Brad and Priscilla Snodgrass
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Stephens
Ms. Laura Tafoya
Ms. Roxie Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Thibodeaux
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Timberlake
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Vandivere
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Windham
Mrs. Bonnie M. Welch
Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. John Zwiacher
2012 Covenant Health Foundation | ANNUAL REPORT
Wes Everett made it to adulthood not thinking too much about
his heart health, despite the fact that there was a strong family
history of heart disease. In 2005, at the age of 30, Wes was
overweight, out of shape, had borderline high blood pressure,
and was already on a cholesterol-lowering medication. He was
well on his way to following in the footsteps of his father and
grandfather, each of whom began experiencing heart problems
in their early 30s. There was never a time in Wes’s life when his
father’s health was not a concern for their family.
He’s Got Heart
With the birth of his first child, Wes realized that he wanted a
different life experience for his own family. He never wanted his
wife, Susan, or his daughters to have to worry about his heart
health. He vowed then and there to fight for good health – to
get in shape, to be mindful of how his body was feeling and
functioning, and to take good care of himself.
His commitment to this mission was solidified in
2009 when his father tragically passed away, on
Wes’s birthday, at the relatively young age of 63.
Wes feels certain that his father’s heart disease
played a role in his untimely death, a loss that left
him feeling cheated – cheated out of the time he
wanted to spend with his father, cheated out of
the opportunity to share his children with their
grandfather. He vowed then and there that his father
would be the last Everett man who went down to
heart disease without a fight.
Today, Wes is an accomplished triathlete, fit and
healthy and an example for all those around him,
especially his family. He speaks frequently in the
community, inspiring others to fight for their own
good health. His wife, Susan, says that for their girls,
Wes’s healthy lifestyle is the only one they’ve ever
known – and one that the whole family embraces.
In 2010, Wes had the opportunity to turn his
triathlon participation into a fundraiser to support
Covenant Health, securing more than $25,000 for the
renovation of Covenant’s Cardiac Cath Lab Waiting
Room in memory of his father, J.D. Everett. When
the project comes to fruition later this year, Wes will
have the satisfaction of knowing that other families
dealing with heart disease can take comfort in the
renewed waiting area – and perhaps be inspired by
the Everett story to take up the fight for good health.
Wes Everett – husband, father, son, dedicated Covenant volunteer, successful triathlete - an inspiring champion for
heart health on the South Plains!
2012 Covenant Health Foundation | ANNUAL REPORT
Covenant Foundation
Levelland Had a Great
Covenant Hospital Levelland and its clinics
offer exceptional healthcare to Hockley
County and surrounding communities
through 24-hour emergency care, outpatient
surgery, maternity services, physical therapy,
and imaging services. Covenant Hospital
Levelland is a licensed, 48-bed facility. The
Levelland Foundation office supports the
hospital and raised $191,253 in FY2012 for
the hospital through events, activities, and
Annual Report
Covenant Foundation Levelland held two perfume sales for employees, which generated $5,000 in proceeds for the
Foundation. The proceeds benefitted new medical equipment for the hospital.
Covenant Foundation Levelland also held their 11th Annual Gala, “An Evening at the Kentucky Derby”. Over 500 guests
attended and helped raise over $87,000. An extremely successful live and silent auction at the event generated
$36,200 in revenue! Gala proceeds helped purchase an Alter G Gravity Treadmill and Colonoscopy Scopes.
Covenant Foundation Levelland also received grants benefitting the hospital. The Texas Department of Rural Affairs
provided $50,000 for a Capital Improvement Loan grant that paid for a Surgical C-Arm for the Surgery Department.
The hospital also received a Small Hospital Improvement Program (SHIP) grant for $8,386 that provided funding for
employee training costs.
The 2nd Annual Covenant Cares Employee Campaign for Covenant Hospital
Levelland also took place in FY2012 and was a great success, with 58%
of employees contributing to the campaign. Their strong commitment to
supporting the hospital is expected to yield $24,000. Covenant Cares is
the Employee Campaign that supports needed equipment and projects
within the hospital.
2012 Covenant Health Foundation | ANNUAL REPORT
Covenant Hospital Plainview is a licensed, 100-bed facility staffed by over 300 employees and medical professionals
whose mission is to give our patients the best possible care at each and every visit. Covenant Hospital Plainview
provides medical services including diabetes education, emergency services, gastroenterology, laboratory services,
and radiology services. Covenant Foundation Plainview raised more than $200,000 for the hospital in FY2012
through events, activities, and donations.
This past year was a wonderful year for Covenant
Foundation Plainview in large measure due to
the overwhelming support of employees and
donors. The Foundation conducted a fragrance
sale in December and doubled their goal by selling
almost $20,000 with proceeds benefitting hospital
projects. The Foundation also held a Jean Day,
where employees pay to wear jeans on Fridays.
Proceeds of more than $2,000 will go towards a
Pediatric room at the hospital.
Covenant Foundation Plainview Sees
Success with Golf, Glam and Gift Matching
The Covenant Hospital Plainview Golf Tournament
raised $20,640 in funds to be used for the hospital’s
Hk2020 program and Diabetes Education program.
Hk2020 is a free program offered for the community
to assist in educating kids to make healthy decisions
for mind, body and spirit. Additionally, Hk2020
received $5,000 from the Plainview Walmart Distribution Center after partnering with them in the Hale County
health fair held in September.
The 2012 Premier Oscar Night Extravaganza Gala proved to be not only a great fundraiser, raising $47,650, but a
magnificent night of glamour mixed with a twist on an Oscar awards ceremony. Almost 100% of the medical staff
were in attendance and played a major role in the evening’s entertainment. The Plainview Foundation also had a
successful Covenant Cares Employee Campaign this year, raising more than $42,000. The Hospital Authority Board
matched this amount, which will allow the hospital to leverage the employee gifts for the benefit of the hospital and
patients. Covenant Cares is an employee-driven campaign that supports needed equipment and projects within the
hospital. Approximately 82% of the employees at Covenant Hospital Plainview donate one hour of their pay each
month to participate in the campaign.
2012 Covenant Health Foundation | ANNUAL REPORT
Foundation’s Journey
Toward a New Mobile Unit
They say that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a
single step. The Covenant Health Foundation embarked
on a journey in 2011 – a journey to fund a new mobile
mammography unit and digital imaging equipment for
the Arrington Comprehensive Breast Center’s Mobile
Mammography Program. At the end of Fiscal Year 2012,
this journey was almost complete, with 70% of funds
needed for the unit and equipment raised from donors,
foundations, and businesses.
Covenant Health is the only facility in this region with
a mobile mammography program that reaches out to a
125-mile radius of Lubbock and provides mammography
screenings in rural and underserved communities. Most
importantly, these services are offered to all who need
them regardless of their ability to pay. The new unit,
which will include a digital mammography system, will
allow the mobile mammography program to continue
to provide state-of-the-art preventative mammography
screenings and health education to patients served
through the mobile mammography program in Lubbock
and the region.
As of June 2012, the Covenant Health Foundation had raised $485,715 toward the mobile mammography unit
and equipment’s total cost of $690,835, thanks in large part to Foundation supporters and donors. Included in
this amount was a $200,000 combined donation from the hospital auxiliaries, along with grant funding, gifts from
individuals and businesses, a direct mail campaign, and a $50,000 donation from the Covenant Health Employee
The overwhelming support from donors will make it possible for Covenant Health to continue making a difference in
the lives of our friends and neighbors. The program has already impacted numerous patients over the years, serving
1,457 women and traveling 18,260 miles in FY2012.
Why is this program important? It’s important for patients like Angie*, who had her breast cancer detected as a
result of services provided by the unit. In fact, she feels that if it wasn’t for the mobile unit and the health fair she
attended she wouldn’t have found out she had cancer. The services provided on the mobile unit were something
she could afford to do, especially as a person without health insurance.
As noted by Angie’s* story, without Covenant’s mobile mammography program, hundreds of women would
potentially go unscreened. The Covenant Foundation anticipates fully funding the new unit by December 2012.
*not her real name
One single mammography screening can make a difference...
2012 Covenant Health Foundation | ANNUAL REPORT
Covenant Auxiliaries Make a Difference in 2012
The Covenant Medical Center Auxiliary was formed in 1952 under the name “Methodist Hospital Auxiliary”. The
Methodist Hospital Auxiliary helped form the St. Mary of the Plains Auxiliary in 1963. Since the merger of St. Mary
of the Plains Hospital and Lubbock Methodist Hospital System in 1998, the auxiliaries are now referred to as the
Medical Center Auxiliary and the Lakeside Auxiliary. Covenant Health’s two auxiliaries have been compassionately
caring for our patients and families, providing years of dedicated service here on the South Plains.
In 2011, the auxiliaries worked a combined total of approximately 49,000 hours. This equates to over $588,000 in
services in 2012. Auxiliary volunteers perform numerous important jobs throughout our facilities including: staffing
all hospital waiting rooms and information desks; keeping coffee and supplies available to guests; delivering flowers,
mail and free newspapers to our patients; and providing transportation for patients to or from a hospital room.
Many of the dedicated auxiliary members began their volunteer service for Covenant Health after having a friend or
family member in one of our hospitals.
This year, each auxiliary donated $100,000 toward the purchase of a new state-of-the-art mobile mammography
unit for the Arrington Comprehensive Breast Center, for a combined gift of $200,000! According to the Lakeside
Auxiliary President Lana Corcorran, “I hope that one day I might get to meet somebody that has really benefited by
using the mobile mammography (unit), possibly saving their life. I feel that this service is so important and I am so
proud not only that Covenant Health plays a huge role in bringing such an important service to our community, but
that our volunteers were able to help by making this our project this year. I feel that the volunteer program is so
important and am humbled to be a part of it.” Mary Stubbs, Auxiliary President at the Medical Center, says, “All of
the funds from the Gift Shop go back to Covenant. That is simply what the Auxiliary is all about – giving back to the
hospital. Contributing to the Mobile Mammography project is just an awesome thing to do. It gives us pleasure to
help provide services to those who cannot access these services elsewhere. We are excited about seeing the new
mobile unit! I have met people who have received their mammograms on the (current) bus and were so thankful
for the service. That thrills me!”
Other programs funded by the auxiliaries in 2012 include scholarships to Covenant School of Nursing students and
scholarships to Covenant employees who are furthering their education in nursing, radiology, or other areas of
medical service delivery. The auxiliaries also supported purchase of a golf cart to transport patients and families
from the Joe Arrington Cancer Research and Treatment Center’s parking lot to the Center’s front door.
In addition to the impact made by their financial support, volunteers make an impact on patients each day. One
example is the “go to” couple that volunteers on the 4th floor of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital. They come
in twice a week and quietly go about putting together packets for physicians’ offices, assembling admitting packets,
and delivering newspapers to each patient on that wing. They, like so many others, enable the staff to do more than
would be possible without them.
The volunteers state it best when describing their work. “The reason we are here is to meet, greet and try to help
people.” Additionally, “it is a great social outlet for us and many great friendships have developed from getting to
know each other here at Covenant.” We are deeply grateful to all the men and women of the Covenant Auxiliaries
for their friendship and devotion to our patients and families!
2012 Covenant Health Foundation | ANNUAL REPORT
Covenant Foundation
Board of Directors
Kevin Atkins
Mike Bailey
Byrnie Bass
Kay Brown
Suzann Brown
Carol Calhoon
Kelly Crofoot
Claudette Culp
Mike Cunningham
Ben Edwards
Jayne Field
Kathy Gilbreath
Lindsey Hamilton
Michael Hardin
Marty Harrell
Michael Hill
Brodie Hutchinson
Shawn Johnson
Danny Johnston
Greg Jones
Harold Jones
Marjorie Kastman
Roger Key
Katie Marshall
Arlene Matthews
Joe McKay
Scott McLaughlin
Marie Meyer
Jay Norton
Cathy Porter
Jan Rambo
Heather Reynolds
Jim Rice
Robert Salem
Ross Shamburger
Diannah Tatum
Gregory Turner
Kim Wheeler
Yvonne Woody
Children’s Hospital
Development Board
Craig Alley
Kevin Atkins
Jennifer Dannheim
Tosha Foster
Laurie Gregory
Brandon Hamilton
Marty Harrell
Martha Hoover
Kim Kirkpatrick
Elizabeth Massengale
Teresa McCabe
Shay McDaniel
Leslie Moss
Jay Norton
Melinda Pharies
Melissa Pierce
Brandy Pitts
Heather Reynolds
Gretchen Robinson
Corey Stovall
Mary Kathryn Strong
Diannah Tatum
Bill Tarbox
Karol Tarbox
Pam Underwood
Yvonne Woody
Heart Development
Kay Brown
Wes Everett
Jone Fisher
Kay Greer
Lindsey Hamilton
Ann Horkey
Shawn Johnson
Carol King
Lacy Mangum
Keith Mann
Steve Massengale
Douglas Sanford
Kelby Sue
Hospice of Lubbock
Event Committee
Lalani Carter
Kathy Gilbreath
Mistie Hill
Katie Salter
Kim Wheeler
Joe Arrington
Cancer Center
Development Board
Betty Bowen
Bob Boyd
C.B. Carlson
Jeff Chase
Greg Jones
Carol Lindsey
Russell Madison
Arlene Matthews
Vickie Noyola Al-Souki
Jody Perez
Jan Rambo
Gloria Reyes
Jo Anne Rice
Lori Scott
Ed Stephens
Michael Tatum
Gregory Turner
Ann Zwiacher
Development Board
Brenda Becknell
Jan Broome
Suzann Brown
Kelly Crofoot
Jayne Field
Jon Furbee
Marcia Furbee
Michael Hill
Harold Jones
Chase Key
Scott McLaughlin
Marie Meyer
Cathy Porter
Bob Ranck
Leslie Rhodes
Cindy Snell
Finance Committee
Kevin Atkins
Byrnie Bass
Mike Cunningham
Ben Edwards
Danny Johnston
Roger Key
Arlene Matthews
Jay Norton
Cathy Porter
Covenant Foundation
Levelland Advisory
Michael Bailey
Judy Broussard
Brodie Hutchinson
Jim Mara
Cody Poage
Victoria Quezada
Chris Roberts
Teresa Waters
Janna Worley
Bobby Zetzsche
Covenant Foundation
Plainview Board
Brad Andrews
Rose Ann Bailey
Renee Branch
Alicia Browning
Donna Kay Burnett
Michael Cox
Christine Cummins
Mike Fox
Carri Key
Barbara Kiser
GK Reddy
Karen Rodgers
Ruth Rector Wright
2012 Covenant Health Foundation | ANNUAL REPORT
Glenn Ray Green lived a simple life in rural East Texas. When he passed in August of 2011, he specified several
bequests to people important to him, but he had no heirs, no one to receive the remainder of his estate. However,
at some point in Mr. Green’s past, he or someone close to him had been touched by services provided by a children’s
hospital. So, in a move of exceptional generosity, he left the bulk of his estate to be split equally among the seven
children’s hospitals across the State of Texas, including Covenant Children’s Hospital. We received Mr. Green’s
generous bequest this past May.
The Covenant Foundation works with individuals who are passionate about the future of quality healthcare in our
communities. We are building a pool of future resources, ensuring that funding for important health and wellness
initiatives will always be available when and where it is needed. A legacy gift to the Covenant Foundation honors
what you value most today and communicates those values to future generations.
The Covenant Foundation’s Legacy Society was established in 2010 to recognize and honor donors who have
expressed their desire to provide a bequest or other testamentary gifts to the Covenant Foundation through their
will, trust, beneficiary designation, or other estate planning vehicle. These individuals recognize the role of charitable
gifts in providing quality healthcare both today and for future generations. We invite you to join the Legacy Society
today and encourage you to visit our planned giving website at for more information regarding
legacy giving.
Leave a Legacy — Make A Difference In The Lives That Follow
After taking care of your family and loved ones, you can make a difference in the lives of thousands of others by
leaving a bequest—a donation in your will—to the Covenant Foundation. Your bequest, regardless of size, is a lasting
and meaningful gift to future generations. In addition, a bequest is exceptionally easy to create. You simply insert a
few sentences into your will, or create a codicil to a previously created will. This is the recommended language for a
bequest to the Covenant Foundation:
Legacy Giving
“I give, devise, and bequeath to the Covenant Foundation, a non-profit corporation located in Lubbock, TX, the sum
of $________ (or ____ percent of my estate, or other tangible personal property described herein) for its general
use and purposes.”
The Covenant Foundation always recommends that donors discuss any estate plan with their personal financial
The true meaning of life is to plant trees under whose shade
you do not expect to sit. – Nelson Henderson
2012 Covenant Health Foundation | ANNUAL REPORT
of Final
Summary Financial
(As of June 30, 2012)
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Property and Equipment
Other Income
Liabilities and Net Assets
Accounts Payable
Total Fund Balance/Equity
Other Income
Program Expenses
Management and General
Net Income
2012 Contributions
Misc. Income $200,618
Special Events $676,297
Auxiliary $214,000
Compassion $36,617
Covenant Cares
Planned Gifts
Major Gifts $530,856
Auxiliary $214,000
Compassion $36,617 36617.5
Covenant Cares $808,677
Direct Mail $35,344 35344.22
Grants $638,704
Levelland $191,253 191253.26
Major Gifts $530,856530856.66
Memorials $76,374 76374.84
Plainview $83,730 83730.95
Planned Gifts $94,20794207.76
Special Events $676,297
Misc. Income $200,618
Grants $638,704
Direct Mail
Levelland $191,253
2012 Covenant Health Foundation | ANNUAL REPORT
(As of June 30, 2012)
2012 Program Expenses
Patient Care Support
Chorus of Angels
JACC Christmas Families
Tiny Treasures & Other Burials
Hospice Kidz Kamp
Beads of Courage
Hospice Charity Care
Other Program Expenses
Friends of Nursing
TTUHSC Endowed Chairs
Spiritual Care
Covenant Compassion
Covenant School of Nursing
Child Life
Total Program Support
Minor Equipment
Covenant Cares Employee Campaign
Other Equipment
Covenant Children's Hospital Equipment
Equipment Purchased
NICU Radiant Warmers
Airpal Patient Transfer System
Women's Health Ultra Sound
Hilbron Affinity Birthing Beds
Vestibular Therapy Equipment
EZ Pic Recording Device
Adult ER Trauma Stretchers
Adult ER Wheelchairs
2012 Covenant Health Foundation | ANNUAL REPORT
Program Expenses
Covenant Auxiliary-Lakeside
Covenant Auxiliary-Medical Center
Covenant Cares Employee Donors
Susan G. Komen for the Cure
The CH Foundation
Mrs. Marjorie Kastman
Northwest Texas Conference
Texas Department of Rural Affairs
AC Uniforms
Kohl’s Department Stores
Lorraine Combs Charitable Remainder Unitrust
Lubbock Methodist Hospital System
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sanford
Sanford & Tatum Insurance Agency
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Tatum
William M. Weaver Foundation
Alderson Enterprises, L.P.
American Glass Distributors
Dr. and Mrs. Bill D. Atkinson
Betenbough Homes
Burkhart Enterprises, Inc.
Ms. Carol Calhoon
Estate of Glenn Ray Green
FirstCare Health Plans
Kuykendall Foundation
Llano Estacado Clay Guild
Lubbock Diagnostic Radiology , LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Bryce McGregor
PlainsCapital Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rice
Sonic Drive-In
Southwest Airlines Company
State Employee Charitable Campaign
Sysco West Texas
TTUHSC - Department of Medicine
American State Bank
AMN Healthcare, Inc.
Artesia BPOE #1717
Atmos Energy
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Becknell
Bill Hartsfield & Associates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dee Brooks
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin Contreras
Crenshaw, Dupree and Milam, L.L.P.
Elks Lodge 1348
Ferguson Enterprises
FirstBank & Trust
Gold ‘N Visions, LTD
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Harrell, Jr.
Howard, Cunningham, Houchin &
Turner, L.L.P.
John G. and Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation
Mr. Harold Jones
Lee Lewis Construction, Inc.
Lindsey Callaway Memorial Toy Drive
Lubbock Area Foundation, Inc.
Lubbock National Bank
Merrill Lynch Wealth Management
Monroe Vos Consulting Group, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. James B. Moss
Paper Moon Photography, Inc.
Parkhill, Smith & Cooper, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Parks
Polsinelli Shughart
Potato Specialty Co.
Robinson, Burdette, Martin & Seright, L.L.P.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Russell
Mr. Robert D. Snell
Spirit Halloween Superstores
Strasburger Attorneys At Law
Sun-Star Electric, LP
Texas Medical Liability Trust
Tree Loving Care
TTUHSC Office of the President
Ultimate Fundraisers
United Supermarkets, L.L.C.
Walmart Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Windham
Amarillo Lodge 923 BPOE
Mrs. Barbara Arrington
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Atkins
Ms. Karen A. Baggerly, R.N, M.S.N
Dr. and Mrs. Nevan G. Baldwin, M.D.
BBVA Compass
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Beck
Ms. Brenda Becknell
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Benjamin
Mr. and Mrs. Brad C. Blake
Drs. David W. and Melissa M. Blann
Bolinger, Segars, Gilbert & Moss,
Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Bollman
BPOE #865 Gaming Charity Account
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Brown
Mrs. Suzann Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Buchanan
Burleson Petroleum, Inc.
Dr. Ronnelle S. Burley
Calvert Home Health Care, Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. John Camp, III
Caprock Corvette Club, Inc.
Carizma Motors
Dr. and Mrs. Travis Carroll
Carson Art Gallery
Mr. William D. Cash , III
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney W. Cates
Cavender’s Western Outfitter
Mr. Sealy H. Cavin
Dr. Joyce C. Chen
Chi Tau Epsilon
Christ Lutheran Church
City of Lubbock
Dr. and Mrs. David R. Close
Dr. and Mrs. Clarke E. Cochran
Dr. Curt Cockings
Ms. Jonnie D. Cogdell
Combest Family Funeral Homes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Lyndall Couch
Dr. and Mrs. Barry Cowart
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Crofoot
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Crump
Dr. and Mrs. Barry J. Currey
Drs. Jeremy and Vanessa Dalton
Mrs. Evelyn M. Davies
Davis Allen Agency, Inc.
Diamond Diagnostics, Inc.
Mrs. Lou D. Diekemper
Diversified Investment Advisors
Doyle Hartman, Oil Operator
El Ran Inc
FaithSearch Partners, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Field
Field, Manning, Stone, Hawthorne
& Aycock
Dr. and Mrs. Cecil W. Fincher
First Presbyterian Church
Dr. and Mrs. Juan Fitz
Mr. Charles Frederick, Jr.
Funeral Directors Life Insurance
Ms. NaRae Gallagher
Ms Johanna Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. James O. Gilbreath, Jr.
Dr. Jane Goldthorn
Golf Headquarters
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Gonzalez
Graco Real Estate Development
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd L. Greer
Dr. and Mrs. James P. Gutheil
Mrs. Linda Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon R. Hamilton
Happy State Bank - Lubbock
Mr. and Mrs. Bill C. Harding
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hartsfield
Hartsfield Design
High Plains Radiation Consultants PA
High Plains Surgery Center
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Zachary P. Holtzman
Howell and Windham Advertising
Mr. Gordon Huff
Mr. and Mrs. Choc R. Hutcheson
Dr. Micheline Hyacinthe
ICU Medical
J&L Teamworks
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn M. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Chase E. Key
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel M. King
Kirk, Nicholson, & Reynolds, LLP
KJTV 34 / Ramar
Communications II, Ltd
Ms. Joyce L. Kuhl
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lambright
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Lipps
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Long
Lubbock Area Combined Federal
Lubbock Professional Fire
Fighters Assoc. Local 972
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Macy
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Griffin
Mary L. Livermore Foundation
Mr. Robert Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Steve McCamy
Mr. and Mrs. Troy McClendon
Mr. and Mrs. J.D. McDaniel
Mr. and Mrs. Terry McInturff
Mrs. Marie D. Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Middleton
Dr. Laszlo Nagy
Neurosurgical Associates of
Lubbock, LLP
Mrs. Sheela J. Noble
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Norton
Norton Drilling Co.
Dr. Melanie Gayle Oblender
Officewise Furniture & Supply
Dr. and Mrs. Kalarickal J. Oommen
Our 365 Newborn Photography
Dr. Lola D. Page
Dr. Ronald H. Phillips and
Elaine McNair
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Laurin Prather
Professional Maintenance, Inc.
Pulmonary Associates of Lubbock
Mr. Michael Raburn
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ranck
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Ranne
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Reynolds
Mr. Scott Reynolds
Dr. Joseph Rizzo
Ms. Glenna B. Roberts
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Robinson
Most Reverend Placido
Rodriguez, CMF
Dr. Catherine A. Ronaghan
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Salem
Sam’s Club #8270
Mrs. Annalee Schubert
Mrs. Lori Scott
Senior Solace, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Shamburger
Shamburger Agency, Inc.
Mrs. Tammy Shirley
Sign Pro of Lubbock
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Skinner
SouthWest Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Stephens
Strong Custom Builders
Sudan High School
Ms. Laura Tafoya
Ms. Roxie Taylor
Texas Dental Association
Texas Methodist Foundation
Texas Retina Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Thibodeaux
Mr. Todd Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Timberlake, Jr.
Towers Watson Delaware Inc.
Mr. Wayne P. Turney
Tyler & Company, Executive
Healthcare Search Consultants
UMC Physician Network Services
Drs. Sushma and Waseet Vance
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Vandivere
Vista Bank
Dr. and Mrs. Paul D. Walter
Wentz Orthodontics
Westmont Christian Church
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Wilson
Dr. Clinton Wolboldt
Xcel Energy
Dr. and Mrs. John Zias
4-H Leader Association
A.Fritz and Associates, LLC
A-1 Automatic Transmissions Inc.
Ms. Neva Abell
Mr. and Mrs. Emilio Abeyta
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Abraham
Abuelo’s Mexican Food Embassy
Mr. Larry Ackers
Ms. Kaye Adams
Adams Farm Equipment Company
Adcock Gin Company
Mrs. Jeanna Adler
Advanced Graphix Screenprinting
AgTexas Farm Credit Services
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Aishman
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Akehurst
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Albus, Jr.
Ms. Rosita Alexander
Mr. John T. Alford
Alicia Rose “Victorious” Foundation
Ms. Cheyanna Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Craig G. Alley
Mr. and Mrs. Homer B. Allison
Aluminum Metal Products, Inc.
AMD Engineering, LP
American Bank of Commerce
Mr. and Mrs. Grover D. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Anderson
Ms. Jean W. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Justin E. Anderson
Ms. Tami Anderson
Mr. Troy Anderson
Anderson Brothers Jewelers, Inc.
Ms. Clarice Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Anger
Mrs. Max Anthony
Mr. and Mrs. Donnell Archer
Mr. Herb Armstrong
Armstrong Mechanical
Mr. Bill B. Armstrong, Jr.
Dr. Christine K. Aronoff
Mr. and Mrs. Jamiel Aryain
Ms. Mary Asbell and Mr. Allan
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Asjes
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby D. Assiter
Associated Supply Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Atchley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Aten
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bailey
Mr. Denzil Bailey Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Baker
Mrs. Verdie M. Baker
Baker Office Products
Ms. Julie L. Baldwin
Ms. Jan Ballew
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford I. Balzer
Ms. Mae D. Bandy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Barber
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Barlow
Mr. Danny Barrett
Mr. Michael Barrett
Mrs. Martha Barrick
Mrs. Lottie Fay Barrow
Dr. and Mrs. Barry Bartee
Ms. Linda Bartley
Mr. and Mrs. Math Bartley
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Bartley
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bartsch
Ms. Shirley R. Basham
Basic Idiq
Ms. Martha Basinger
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Basom
Ms. Betsy Bass
Mr. and Mrs. Byrnie Bass
Ms. Ms. Wilma Bates
Bates - Wells Promotional Products
Mr. and Mrs. David Battey
2012 Covenant Health Foundation | ANNUAL REPORT
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Carr
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse L. Carrasco
Ms. Sara B. Carrell
Mr. and Mrs. John Carson
Teddy Carson
Mr. and Mrs. Don Carsten
Mr. and Mrs. David Carter
Ms. Nell Carter
Ms. Ruth Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Cash
Mr. Robert L. Cash
Mrs. Pamela S. Castellano
Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Cates
Central Electric Membership
Mr. Randall J. Ceplina
Ms. Lois M. Chalfant
Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Chambers
Ms. Ms. Shari Chambers
Mrs. Rita Chamblin
Ms. Donna Chaney
Pat Chapman
Dr. Rebecca M. Chapman
Mr. Neal Allison Chastain
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Chatburn
Drs. Naidu and Syamala Chekuru
Cherokee Fabrication
Chick-fil-A at South Plains Crossing
CHR Solutions
Ms. Patricia E. Christensen
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Churchwell
Citizens Bank
City Bank
Ms. Betty J. Claborn
Ms. Lisa Claborn
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clack
Ms. Della M. Clark
Mrs. Sharon Clark
Mrs. Sue Clary
Mrs. Carissa Cleavinger
Ms. Rosalia K. Clemens
Ms. Pat Clements
Mr. Paul M. Coats
Mr. and Mrs. C. David Cobb
College Flowers
Ms. Kathy Collie
Ms. Faye Collins
Ms. Kathy Collins
Ms. Shirley Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Colson, Jr.
Ms. Joyce M. Combs
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Combs
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Comer
Ms. Suzanne Comer
Ms. Cynthia Comptar
Computer Transition Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Coffee Conner
Ms. Vicky Conway
Ms. Amanda Cook
Mr. Shane Cook
Cooper Construction Co., Inc.
Copy Craft Printers, Inc.
Mr. Bobby Cornelius
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Cornelius
Ms. Susan Cornell
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Cothran
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Cotten
Covington Landscape
Mr. Ken Cowling
Ms. Cleo Crabtree
Mr. Truett Craft
Craft Construction Co., Inc.
Craftsman Printers, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Mickey H. Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Delaine Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Crider
Ms. Nancy Criswell
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Crofoot
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Cromwell
Crosbyton Clinic Hospital
CRT Consulting PA
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Crump
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Crump
Mr. Roy Crutchfield
Dr. and Mrs. Jose C. Cruz
Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Culp
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Alton Currie
Mr. and Mrs. Harlen Curry
Mr. and Mrs. Larry M. Curtis
The Honorable Judge and
2012 Covenant Health Foundation | ANNUAL REPORT
Mrs. Giles Dalby
Dr. and Mrs. Mark D. D’Alise
Ms. Dorothy Dallas
Mr. Royce F. Dallas Morgan
Dan Wilson Home LLP
Dance Warehouse Studios, Inc.
Ms. Carol Daugherty
Ms. Lea Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Neville Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Davidson
Ms. Betty T. Davis
Mr. Bill E. Davis
Mr. Lloyd Davis
Tracy Davis
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Dawson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael De Long
Mr. and Mrs. James Dean
Ms. Elen Deering
Mr. and Mrs. Marion DeLavan
Ms. Karen Deleon
Ms. Katy Deleon
Mr. and Mrs. Joel S. Dennis
Ms. Ms. Ruth Dennis
Mr. Dallas Denton
Desiderata Energy, LP
Diekemper Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dillahunty
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Dobson
Mr. Ted Dockery
Ms. Helen W. Doege
Ms. Betty H. Dollins
Ms. Karen S. Donhue
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Donoghue
Mrs. Jan D’Orsay
Ms. Jo Ann Doty
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Dougherty
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Douglass
Dr. Thelma Sutter and Mr. John Sutter
Drake Design Photography
Jackie K. Driskill
Mrs. Rebecca Dudensing
Mrs. Vivian L. Dunbar
Mr. Doug Duncan
Mr. Sam Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Duyka
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Eagan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Earl
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Edwards
Mr. Horace T. Edwards
Mr. Jarrod Edwards
Reverend and Mrs. Richard W.
Egenbacher Real Estate
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ehler
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Elbow
Mr. Brad Elder
Mrs. Peggy C. Elkins-Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. J. Larry Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Emory
Mr. Jerry Epley
Mr. Dentler S. Erdmann
Mr. and Mrs. Chet S. Erwin
Ms. Nancy Etcheverry
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Etchison
Mr. Johnny Ethridge
Evensky & Katz Wealth Management
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Everett
Family Powersports Lubbock
Dr. Suat Cheng Fang
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Fanning
Mr. Charles C. Farrar
Mr. Dean Faulkenberry
Fellowship Bible Class
Mr. and Mrs. Lanny Fiel
Dr. and Mrs. John Filippone, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Finkner
First United Methodist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny M. Fisher
Mr. Arthur A. Flache
Seagraves Floral
Kathy Fluitt
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Howell Forman
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Fortenberry
Mr. and Ms. Robert Fortney
Mr. and Mrs. Jase Foster
Ms. Jane B. Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. Britt Fraim
Felicia Franco
Ms. Stacey L. Franklin
Ms. Darla Frazier
Ms. Jan Frazier
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Frederick
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Frederick
Mr. John Frederick
Mr. Matthew Frederick
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Freedman
Ms. Quida Frick
Mr. John M. Frullo
Ms. Linda Gaither
Mr. Adrian Galvan
Ms. Dana L. Gamble
Mr. and Mrs. Randall E. Gandy
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Gandy
Gannaway & Associates, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Garcia
Garden Acres Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Don Garnett
Garrison Bros. Signs, Inc.
Ms. Carol Gary
Gary, Bowers & Miller
Mr. and Mrs. David Garza
Gene Messer Toyota
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Gentry
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph George
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gillaspy
Ginter Eyecare
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Gleason
Ms. Tammy Glenn
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Glover
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery J. Goddard
Mrs. Jan L. Godwin
Dr. and Mrs. Chester G. Golightly
Mr. Don L. Graf
Mr. and Mrs. Millard D. Grantham
Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Graves
Dr. and Mrs. Andy Gray
Mr. Burl D. Greaves
Mr. Andy Green
Mr. Chester A. Green
Mr. and Mrs. D. Brad Green
Mr. and Mrs. Don Green
Ms. Edna R. Green
Ms. Virginia Green
Mr. and Mrs. Bernie J. Greenwood
Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Greer
Ms. Donna Griffis
Major Leon C. Griffith (Ret.) USAF
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Grigson
Grimes Insurance Agency, Inc.
Ms. Rufus W. Grisham
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grossman
Guajardo Funeral Chapels
Ms. Marybeth Gudal
Mr. Clarence E. Guhl
Mr. Joe Hackler
Mrs. Jeanette Hadaway
Dr. Elizabeth G. Haley and
Dr. Glenn Jones
Ms. Mary Haley
Mrs. Beverly B. Haliburton
Ms. Annette Hallman and Mr. Charles
Laura Hamadi
Mr. and Mrs. Brett L. Hamilton
Mr. Kenneth G. Hamilton
Mr. Owen Hamilton
Mr. Owen Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Joel H. Hamlett
Mrs. Sandra Hammitt
Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Haragan
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hardeman
Ms. Cindy Hardin
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Harkins
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Harris, III
Mr. and Mrs. Royce Hart
Harvesters Class 1st Christian Church
Mr. Biff Hatfield
Dr. Amanda Hatton
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Havens
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Hawthorne
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Haynes
Dr. Allan L. Haynes, Jr.
Mr. Clark Hays
Mr. Jonathan Hearn
Mr. Charles Heffington
Ms. Margaret Heinrich
Mr. Ryan Hellums
Mr. and Mrs. Brant Baugh
Mrs. Tracy Baugh
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Baum
Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Baze
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Beane
Ms. Mary Beauchamp
Dr. and Mrs. George Beck
Becknell Wholesale Company
Mrs. Margaret Beebe
Mrs. Gwen M. Belk
Ms. Geraldine Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Bell
Dr. Christiana Belle-Henry
Benchmark Business Solutions
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Bender
Ms. Ms. Vickie Bennett
Mr. Samuel A. Bennett
Bethel Assembly of God
Mr. Albert A. Bettina
Beyond Faith Homecare & Rehab, LLC
BGR Architects - Engineers
Mrs. Shobhna S. Bhakta
Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Biggs
Mr. Alton Billings
Ms. Charlotte Bingham
Sally Bird
Mr. and Mrs. Birkelbach
Ms. Melanie Bisbee
Ms. Edith C. Blackburn
Ms. Jamie Blackburn
Mr. and Mrs. John Blakey
Mr. Jason Bland
Ms. Dorothy F. Bleau
Mrs. Shirley E. Blevins
Ms. Teresa K. Blodgett
Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Bloom
Mr. Larry Bloskas
Ms. Tameisha D. Bolen
Ms. Ms. Vanessa Bolyard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bonnette
Mr. and Mrs. George Boschman
Boston Scientific Corporation
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Bowen
Mr. R.W. Boyd, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Boyer
Brac, Inc.
Ms. Toni Brackeen
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Bradley
Ms. Martha L. Braun
Mr. and Mrs. David Bridges
Mr. James E. Brink
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Brinker
Mr. Terrell Britten
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Brooks
Ms. Nelda Brooks
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Broome
Ms. Diana L. Brossman
Mr. and Mrs. Don G. Brothers
Dr. Jeremy L. Brown
Mr. L.D. Brown
Robert and Elena Brown
Ms. Elise Browne
Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Browning
Ms. Brenda Brumbelow
Bryan Insurance Agency
Mr. and Mrs. Rube A. Buchanan
Mr. David S. Buckberry
Mr. and Mrs. Demus L. Buckner
Mr. David Buescher
Mr. and Mrs. S.J. Burden
Ms. Kelli Burkes
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Burkhart
Mr. Brandon Burleson
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Burrows
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy L. Burrus
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Butler
Mrs. Sheila Butterfield
Byers-Petrolia Telephone Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Byrd
Mrs. Alynn Cain
Mr. Mike Calfin
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd R. Call
Mrs. Verline Calley
Cam Fannin Insurance Agency
Mr. Ken Campbell
Ms. Michele Campbell
Caprock Home Health Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Benny C. Caraway
Carillon, Inc.
Mrs. C.B. Carlson
Dr. J.T. Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Helms
Dr. Daniel N. Henderson
Mrs. Billie D. Hendrix
Ms. Sarah L. Henley
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Henry
Mr. Bill F. Henry
Ms. Joycelyn M. Henry
Ms. Judith Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Henson
Heritage Oaks and Hospitality
Nursing & Rehab Center
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Herring
Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Heskett
Mrs. John Hickerson
Mrs. Joyce Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hill
Mr. Michael H. Hill
Mrs. Mistie Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hill
Mrs. Wilma W. Hill
Ms. S. Katy Hilliard
Ms. Pamela M. Hillis
Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Hilton
Ms. Laura K. Hinson
Dr. Reinhold Hinz
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hlavaty
The Honorable Judge and
Mrs. Mark Hocker
Hodgepodge Design
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Hodges
Mr. and Mrs. John Hodnett
Mr. Dean Hoffman
Mr. Glenn G. Hoffman
Hogland Office Equipment
Mr. Anthony Holcomb
Ms. Barbara S. Holder
Ms. Patricia E. Hollabaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Holladay
Dr. James E. Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Holley
Mr. Monte Holman
Ms. Julianne Holt
Ms. Nancy Holt
Holy Cross Church
Home Instead Senior Care
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Hooks
Mr. William H. Hooper
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hoover
Ms. Tammy Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hopper
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hopson
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Horkey
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Horne
Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Horton
Ms. Teresa Hourigan
Mrs. Gail House
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Howard
Ms. Mary K. Howell
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Huddleston
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Hudgins
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hudnall
Dana Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Hudson
Mr. Grover D. Hudson
Mr. Willie Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence C. Huenergardt
Ms. Lloydine Huffaker
Mr. Harold E. Humphries
Mrs. Helen Hunter
Dr. and Mrs. Marque A. Hunter
Hunter Millworks, Inc.
Hurst Farm Supply, Inc.
Mr. Richard L. Husen
Mr. and Mrs. Jay E. Ingram
Iola Properties LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Irish
Mrs. Barbara L. Irwin
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ivie
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Jackson
Stoney and Doris Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Jackson
Ms. Ms. Wanda L. James
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jameson
Mr. John Jamison
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Janes
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Janica
Mr. Alan Jankowski
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Jaynes
Somer Jaynes
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Jennings
Ms. Mirriam Jennings
John R. Hall Company, Inc.
Ms. Laurel Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Mark W. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Johnson, Jr.
Ms. Dorothy Joiner
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Bedford Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Jones
Mr. and Mrs. David Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Don Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Jones
Mr. Jerry Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jones
Mrs. Risa L. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Troy L. Jones
Jones, Granger, Tramuto & Halstead
Ms. Janet S. Jordan
Joseph and Jeremy Hogan and
Sharon Parr, TTE
Ms. Latrelle B. Joy
Junior League of Lubbock
Ms. Janice K. Justice
Mr. Lee L. Kaplan
Mr. Bobby Kazee
KCBD - Newschannel 11
Ms. Martha C. Keene
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Keith
Pat Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kemp
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kennedy
Dr. Ronald C. Kennedy
Ms. Allison Kerin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael O. Kerr
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. KeyMr.
Frank Kilcrease
Mr. and Mrs. B.D. Kimbrough
Kindstar, Inc.
Ms. Suzanne King
Mrs. Brenda Kinning
Mr. Benn C. Kinslow
Mr. and Mrs. K.W. Kirkpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kirkpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kitten
Ms. Janet Kitten
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Kitten
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Kitten
Klemke’s Sausage Haus
Ms. Ms. Sandra Klovstad
Mr. W.A. Knott
Mr. Layton Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Noble Koepp
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Kohart
Ms. Debra A. Koke
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Koonsman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Kravetz
Nancy Krebbs
Mr. William Kritzer Jr.
Mrs. Jane P. Kuykendall
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Lafreniere
Mirabeau M. Lamar
Mrs. Mary T. Lampe
Mr. Bill D. Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Lane
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Langston
Ms. Rebecca J. Larkin
Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Laroe
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Latham
Law Offices of Baker, Brown & Thompson
Lawrence, Littlefield, Jacob & Ferris, L.L.P.
Ms. Carol Leaverton
Ms. Kristin Leblanc
Mr. Ralph L. Leedy
Mrs. Sylvia Lehman
Lehman Dermatology Clinic
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Lehmann
Ms. Bertha Lemaster
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lemon
Mr. and Mrs. Trent Leverett
Ms. Mary A. Lewis
Ms. Louise G. Linker
Little Guys Movers, Inc.
Mr. Larry K. Littrell
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Litzenberg
Llano Properties, LLP
Ms. Merlene London
Mr. and Ms. John E. Long
Mr. Wesley H. Looney
Loop Social Club
Mr. Marcus P. Lopez
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Louder
Ms. Connie Love
Mrs. Nancy Lovell
Mr. and Mrs. Mike L. Lovingier
Mr. Billy Low
Mr. Richard A. Low
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lowe
Lowell Wealth Management
Lubbock Aid Ambulance
Lubbock Bail Bond
Lubbock Economic Development
Alliance, Inc.
Lubbock Health Care Center
Lubbock Power & Light
Lubbock Regional MHMR
Lubbock Surgical Associates, L.L.P
Mr. and Mrs. Juan Luna
Mrs. Maria Macias
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Maddox
Mr. Richard S. Madrid
Mrs. Gloria Majors
Dr. Lama Shoukfeh Malki
Mr. John B. Malouf
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Malouf
Ms. Molly Mandry
Ms. Kathy Mann
Ms. Mandy Mantooth
Ms. Patricia Marston
Mr. Andy Martin
Mr. Clayton Martin
Ms. Ms. Suzanne Martin
Rick and Sharon Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Martin
Mr. Vicente Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Massengale
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Massengale
MassMutual Agents Association, Inc.
Ms. Arlene Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Maunder
Mr. and Mrs. Joe May
Mr. and Mrs. Van May
Dr. Vicente F. M. Maza
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie McBeth
McCabe Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Wayland McClellan
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McClendon
McCleskey, Harriger, Brazill & Graf, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McConnell
Mr. and Mrs. Loyd R. McCormick, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. Giles McCrary
Ms. Vicki T. McCrary
Mr. and Mrs. Dale C. McCrum
Mr. and Mrs. Eric McDonald
Mr. Mike McDonald
Mrs. Nadine McDonald
Mrs. Sammie McDonald
Ms. Linda McGann
Mr. Steve McGavock
Ms. Carla McGee
Mr. and Mrs. Randy McGee
Mr. and Mrs. Joe D. McKay
Mr. and Mrs. Kenny McKay
Ms. Sara T. McKee
Mrs. Ethel McLeod
Mr. and Mrs. George H. McMahan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. McMahon
Rev. and Mrs. Bobby J. McMillan
Ms. Cheryl McMurray
Ms. Diane McNaney
Mr. Trey McNeil
Mr. and Mrs. Barry McPherson
Mr. and Mrs. Zayne McPherson
McWhorter Tire & Service
McWhorter, Cobb & Johnson, LLP
Mr. Don Meador
Ms. Anne Mealey
The Honorable Juge and Mrs. Sam Medina
Ms. Annette Melton
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby J. Melton
Ms. Jane Merrick
Merz Pharmaceuticals, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Metcalf
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Michael
Michael Berg Insurance Agency, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Middleton
Mr. Tommy D. Middleton
Mike A. Myers Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Miles
Ms. Betty R. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Jeral Miller
Mr. Lon Miller
Mr. Matthew L. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie F. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Sam “Trey” W. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Millican
Mims & Smith Insurance Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Miranda
Mr. Cody Mires
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Mitchell
Dr. and Mrs. B.T. Mittemeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Monk
Ms. Laura Monroe
Mr. Ronald Montgomery
Mr. Jake Montoya
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby J. Moody
Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Moon
Ms. Angela Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Davis Moore
Mr. Donald Moore
Ms. Florence Moore
Ms. Reta B. Moore
Mrs. Sue Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Marciano Morales
Ms. Sara Moreno-Jurado
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morgan
Ms. Elida Morin
Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Morren
Ms. Helen H. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Morris
Mrs. Sarahlee Morris
Mr. Frank Morrison
Ms. Jean A. Morrison
Ms. Kayla Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Morrison
Ms. Carmyn H. Morrow
Mr. Steve Morrow
Mr. Harvey L. Morton
Capts. Mike and Annette Morton
Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Mosser
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Moyes
Ms. Carolie Mullan
Ms. Sonja Mullen
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Muller
Mullin Hoard & Brown, L.L.P.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Mullins
Murfee & Sons, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Murfee III
Mrs. Sally Murray
Ms. Juanice Myers
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Myers
Mr. David Nance
Mr. Morris Nanny
Mr. Robert Nash
Mr. Roger A. Nash
National Bonding of Lubbock
Ms. Susan Nemec
The Honorable Randy Neugebauer
and Mrs. Dana Neugebauer
New Hope Group
Mr. Bobby Wayne Newman
Mrs. Patty Newsom
Mr. and Mrs. Royce Newsom
Mr. Joe E. Newton
Ms. Kay Newton
Mr. and Mrs. Greg R. Nichols
Ms. Jean H. Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Tom C. Nichols
Mr. Williams Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Don W. Nickels
Ms. Janice D. Noblett
Ms. Betty Norman
Mr. Henry P. Obirek
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Odom
Olguin Law Firm
Ms. Alexis Ortega
Mr. Clayton F. Ortloff
Our Savior Lutheran Church
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Overby, III
Dr. Kelly Overley
Mr. Dwight J. Overton
Mrs. Donna Owen
Dr. and Mrs. Michael F. Owen
Ms. Ms. Vickie Owen
2012 Covenant Health Foundation | ANNUAL REPORT
Mr. Robert K. Roach
Mr. and Mrs. Loren H. Roark
Mr. Mark R. Robeck
Ms. Barbara G. Roberts
Ms. Dortha L. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Robertson
Dr. and Mrs. Michael D. Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Rogers
Mr. Marshall Rogers
Mr. Randy R. Rogers
Dr. and Mrs. Lakhu J. Rohra
Mr. Robert S. Romero
Ms. Sonja Rosson
Mr. and Mrs. Toby Rowin
Dr. Itikana D. Roy
Ms. Jeannie Rush
Ms. Dorthy A. Rutledge
Dr. Mac Ryburn
Dr. and Mrs. Frank M. Ryburn, Jr.
Dr. Raj Sabar
Ms. Joyce M. Sachs
Mr. Jack Sageser
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Salter
Ms. Elaine Salyer
Mr. and Mrs. A.G. Samy
Sandefur & Swindle
Ms. Andra J. Sanders
Sanders Funeral Home
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Sanders Jr.
Mr. Marion Sanford, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Sansom
Ms. Gayle Saunders
SAV Associated Services, LLC
Ms. Karen Savage
Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Schmid
Mr. and Mrs. Jim A. Schuster
Mr. and Mrs. H. Joe Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schwertner
Science Spectrum
Scoggin-Dickey ChevroletBuick-Geo Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Sconiers
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Scott
Mr. Jack Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Seale
Ms. Ann Seba
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Sedgwick
Ms. Martha A. Seery
Ms. Maurine Selman
Service Title Company
Sewell Lexus of Fort Worth
Dr. and Mrs. Ibrahim Adly Shalaby
Dr. and Mrs. Michel Shami
Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Shannon
Mrs. Mary Shauf
Dr. and Mrs. William A. Shaver
Ms. Sarah Jane Shelton
Mr. Rollie Sheppard
Dr. Charles E. Shields
Mr. and Mrs. Roddy Shipman
Shropshire Insurance Agency
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Shuffield
Mr. and Mrs. David Shuler
Ms. Annette Sides
Mrs. Jodell Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Simmons
Ms. Sharon Simonek
Mr. Brent Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. John Sims
Mr. Frank R. Sitton
Dr. Peggy Skinner
Slaton Economic Development
Slaton Gas & Equipment Co. Inc.
Ms. Emily R. Sloter
Smiles For Life Foundation
Ms. Audrey Smith
Mr. Calvin W. Smith
Kielle Smith
Mr. Rodney L. Smith
Smylie Wilson Faculity & Coaches
Ms. Cindy Snell
Snelling Temporary Services
Mr. Robert Sonnamaker
Sonshine PreSchool Broadway
Church of Christ
Mrs. Doris Sparkman
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Sparks
Mrs. Peggy T. Spaugh
Mr. John M. Spealman
2012 Covenant Health Foundation | ANNUAL REPORT
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Spears
Mr. John M. Tye, III
Mr. and Mrs. James Spivey
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnald P. Tyler
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Spradling
UMC Health System
Ms. Ms. Stephanie Spurrier
Mrs. Louise Underwood
St. Anna Philoptochos Society of Lubbock
UniFirst, Inc.
St. Clair Orthodontics
US Foodservice
St. John’s United Methodist Church
Valentine’s Building Service
Mr. James Stahl
Mr. and Mrs. Adolfo Varela
Mrs. Tommye R. Stallings
Mr. Marcos Varela
Standard Sales
Mrs. Toni Vaughn
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy J. Stanford
Dr. and Mrs. David Vermillion
Mr. Stan Stanford
Ms. Geneva Verner
Ms. Millie A. Stanley
W.B. Vickers
Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Stanley
Ms. Rebecca Villafranco
Mr. Robert Staples
Visiting Angels
Ms. Valene Starrett
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vogler
State Farm Insurance-Danny Leake
Volunteer Services Council for North
Ms. Rita Staton
Texas State Hospital
Mr. Richard M. Steadman
Mr. Max Von Roeder
Steel Depot
WA Paving
Mr. Richard Steen
Mr. Ernest C. Waddell
Ms. Susan E. Stegemoeller
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Waldrip
Stephens Insurance Services
Mr. G. Alan Waldrop
Ms. Sidonia Stevens
Ms. Donna Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. Steward
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Will Stewart
Dr. Craig C. Wallace
Mr. Jack Stoffregen
Ms. Mary Q. Waller
Ms. Janet Strahan
Dr. John V. Ward, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gery Straley
Mr. Steve Warren
Ms. Ms. Shari Straley
Mr. and Mrs. Ky Washer
Mrs. Melissa Stripling
Mr. Charley J. Wasson
Mr. and Mrs. Trey Strong
Mr. Cliff Watt
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Strunc
Mr. Mike Weatherford
Mr. and Mrs. Horton Struve
Mrs. Roxie Weatherford
Mr. Gary Styles
Mr. G. Chadwick Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sucsy
Mrs. Sarah Weaver
Dr. Thelma Sutter and Mr. John Sutter
Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Weber
Mr. Jiggs Swann
Mr. J. V. Webster
SWAT Surgical Associates
Ms. Bonnie M. Welch
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Szelazkiewicz
Ms. Freida F. Welch
Mrs. Ethelyn M. Szopinski
Mr. Fred Westmoreland
Dr. Isaac Tafur
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Whatley
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Tankersley
Mr. James E. White
Mrs. Janice Tapp
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry White
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tarbox
Dr. and Mrs. Kyle White
Tate Branch Dodge
Mr. Quincy White
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tatum
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Whitefield
Ms. Carly Taylor
Mr. Jack W. Whitehead
Mrs. Carolyn Taylor
Mr. C. C. Whittle
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wilde
Tech Sales, Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Wilkerson
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Teeter
Mr. Kenneth W. Williams
Templeton Construction Co.
Mrs. Pat Williams
The Bulverde Group of Alcoholics
Ms. Shelle L. Williams
Wilshire Place Senior Living
The Kelsey Logan Angel Fund
Ms. Bonnie M. Wilson
The MCS Group Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Wilson
The Overton Hotel & Conference Center
Ms. Margaret E. Wilson
The Scioli Group
Ms. Maurine Wilson
The Trinity Company
Mr. and Mrs. Randall B. Wilson
Mr. Blaine E. Thomas,
Ms. Wilma E. Wilson
USAF/Ret. LT. Col.
Ms. Deborah M. Wiltbanks
Mr. B. Lane Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Winzeler
Ms. Lisa Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Wise
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Wisener
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Thompson
Ms. Tonya Wofford
Ms. Tisha Thompson
Ms. De Lyn Wolcott
Ms. Victoria Thornley
Mr. Ralph Wolf
Ms. Kendra Thornton
Mr. and Mrs. James Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Thuett
Mrs. Yvonne Woody
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy G. Tidwell
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wooten
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Tipps
Ms. Beverly Workman
Top of Texas Depression Era Glass Club
Jane Worth
Mr. Thomas Townsend
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Jack Wright
Dr. and Dr. William D. Townsend
Ms. Cynthia Wright
Dr. Idris R. Traylor, Jr.
Mr. J. W. Wright
Ms. Charlene Trent
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Wright
Mr. Albert “Tito” Troost
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Ben B. Trotter
Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Davy Trotter
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wuensche
Ms. Reisie Truelock
Mrs. Glenna Wylie
Mr. and Mrs. Swade Truelock
Ms. Mary N. Wylie
Mr. Clifford E. Trull
Mrs. Pat Yarbrough
TTU - President’s Office
Mamie L. Young
TTUHSC - Dept. of Surgery
Mr. Gilbert Zeiss
Mr. Nathan Tubb
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Zwiacher
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson E. Tucker
Thank you to all of our donors. Every effort has
Mrs. Joan Tucker
been made to correctly list all gifts. If you note a
Mr. and Mrs. Randy R. Tungate
mistake or omission, please accept our apologies
Mr. Andy Turner
and inform our office of any corrections by calling
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Turner
Mrs. Ann Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Owens
Erin A. Owens
Mr. and Mrs. John Owens
Ms. Sheelah K. Pagendarm
Mrs. Sumita Pal
Ms. Pat Park
Ms. Leona L. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Parson
Mr. and Mrs. Don Parsons
Ms. Lauren Parsons
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd A. Patton
Ms. Carolyn Patton
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Payne
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peacock
Pediatric Surgery, Inc.
Ms. Mary K. Peek
Mrs. Mary L. Peek
Mrs. Lynne Peel
Mr. and Mrs. Randy B. Peeples
Peoples Bank
Mr. Jody M. Perez
The Honorable Charles Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Peterson
Mr. Scott Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Chet Pharies
Ms. Dee Dee Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle R. Phillips
Ms. Elizabeth Pickett
Mr. Byron C. Pierce
Cathy Pierce
Mrs. Frances Pierce
Ms. Bessie Pierson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Pinhey
Mr. and Mrs. Harylon Pitcock
Mr. Eric Pittman
Plains Cotton Coop Association
Plains Roofing, Co., Inc.
Mrs. Kathy Plank
Ms. Penny Polk
Mr. Mauricio Pons
Ms. Barbara Pope
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Pope
Dr. and Mrs. Scott Porter
Ms. Alice W. Portnoy
Ms. Margie Poynor
Mr. Steve L. Poynor
Pratas, Smith & Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Prather
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Pratt
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey G. Prestridge
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Price
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Price
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Pritchett
Ms. Pamela Prosser
Mr. and Mrs. Brad A. Pruitt
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Puntch
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry N. Purkaple
Quality Beef Producers
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Quick
R&J Dirt Work, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Rambo
Mrs. Carl L. Ramsel
Mr. Harold Rasberry
Mr. and Mrs. Dayle H. Rasberry,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ratcliff
Mr. and Mrs. David Ratcliff
Mrs. Missy G. Ratcliff
RC Gaming LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Truitt Read
Ms. Anne Rebber
Ms. Winnie Reid
Ms. Monica Relvas
Ms. Sherry Renfrew
Ms. Nancy Renfro
Ms. Angelica Resendiz
Mr. Daniel Rey
Julia Reynolds
Ms. Kari R. Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Bobbie Rhea
Ms. Leslie Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Richards
Mr. and Mrs. James Q. Richards
Ms. Teresa T. Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Tom M. Richards
Ms. Moira K. Ridley
Rightway Medical Supply, Inc.
Mr. Bob Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Rinehart
Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Rittimann
In Memory of:
Hope Adcock
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Richards
Gid B. Adkisson, Jr.
Mrs. Martha Barrick
Maxine Allison
Ms. S. Katy Hilliard
Mr. and Mrs. Truitt Read
James Anderson
Ms. Jean W. Anderson
Fred Andrews
Mr. Anthony Holcomb
Bill Averitt
Mr. Tommy D. Middleton
Ms. Tonya Wofford
Jeanie Bailey
Mrs. Patty Newsom
Robert L. Bailey
Ms. Shirley R. Basham
Leo Bairrington
Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Lane
Neulyn Clark Barnes
Ms. Joyce M. Combs
Ms. Linda McGann
Nadra Baros
Mr. and Mrs. Will Stewart
Verla and V.O. Barron
Mr. Kenneth G. Hamilton
Hardin Barrow
Mrs. Lottie Fay Barrow
Lola Bartlett
Mr. and Mrs. Roddy Shipman
Emma Beights
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Colson, Jr.
Mr. Clark Hays
Mr. Frank Kilcrease
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lowe
Rose Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Kelly
Carol Blair
Ms. Nelda Brooks
Dodie Blake
Ms. Nelda Brooks
First United Methodist Church
Ms. Mary N. Wylie
Maxine Blakemore
Mr. and Mrs. Davis Moore
Josef A. Blevins
Mrs. Shirley E. Blevins
Shirley Bloom
Ms. Carolyn Patton
Burna G. Bosley
Lydia A. Brase
Ms. Helen W. Doege
Joyce Bromm
Mr. and Mrs. Trent Leverett
Fanny Bruce
Mr. and Mrs. Randy B. Peeples
Melinda J. Burdett
The Bulverde Group of Alcoholics
Mr. Bobby Cornelius
Mr. and Mrs. Greg R. Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Rittimann
Ms. Jeannie Rush
Brandon Byrd
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wooten
Ginger Carlisle
Mrs. Louise McCrary
Teddy Carr
Mrs. Jan D’Orsay
Evelyn Cash
Mr. William D. Cash , III
Miriam Jackie Church
Betty Coleman
Ms. Wanda L. James
DiAnna Collier
Mrs. Louise McCrary
Faye Collins
Ms. Dee Dee Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Jack Wright
Coffee Conner
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Brown
Mrs. Suzann Brown
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Dobson
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Field
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd L. Greer
Ms. Laura K. Hinson
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Litzenberg
MassMutual Agents
Association, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe D. McKay
Mr. and Mrs. George H.
McMahan, Jr.
Ms. Anne Mealey
Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Murfee III
Sanford & Tatum Insurance Agency
Scoggin-Dickey Chevrolet-BuickGeo Inc.
Ms. Martha A. Seery
Mr. Cliff Watt
Don E. Copenhaver
Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Heskett
Kenneth D. Cornelius
Mrs. Moya Jan Cornelius
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Helms
Snelling Temporary Services
Jane Worth
B.P. “Wally” Cortez
Mr. and Mrs. George H.
McMahan, Jr.
Connie A. Cox
Mr. and Mrs. David Jones
Betty Crow
Loop Social Club
Cy E. Crump
AgTexas Farm Credit Services
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Aishman
Mr. and Mrs. Rube A. Buchanan
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Crump
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Crump
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Crump
Hurst Farm Supply, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Bedford Jones
Ms. Debra A. Koke
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Monk
R&J Dirt Work, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Toby Rowin
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Sconiers
Sonshine PreSchool Broadway
Church of Christ
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Tankersley
Mr. Clifford E. Trull
Phillip S. Crumpler
BGR Architects - Engineers
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Brooks
Cooper Construction Co., Inc.
Ms. Karen Deleon
Ms. Linda Gaither
Mr. and Mrs. David Ratcliff
Templeton Construction Co.
Dorothy Cummings
Mr. and Mrs. Don Green
Elliott M. Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Elliott
Gwendolyn Q. Curry
Ms. Lois M. Chalfant
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Elbow
Ms. Patricia E. Hollabaugh
Lawrence, Littlefield, Jacob &
Ferris, L.L.P.
Mrs. Sarahlee Morris
Ms. Mary K. Peek
Mrs. Mary L. Peek
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Pinhey
Jack Dale
Scoggin-Dickey ChevroletBuick-Geo Inc.
Martha Daniel
Covenant AuxiliaryMedical Center
Jan Darnell
Ms. Cheyanna Allen
Cam Fannin Insurance Agency
Mr. and Mrs. Michael O. Kerr
Lee Lewis Construction, Inc.
Ms. Suzanne Martin
Ethel McLeod
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Miles
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Payne
Scoggin-Dickey ChevroletBuick-Geo Inc.
Derenda Davila
Dana Hudson
Ms. Anne Rebber
Marvin Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Jeral Miller
Paula Lee Davis
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Anderson
Ms. Suzanne Martin
National Bonding of Lubbock
Mr. Jack Stoffregen
Bernandra Deleon
Ms. Katy Deleon
Juan Deleon
Ms. Katy Deleon
Varie Dial
Ms. Vicky Conway
Jennie Donaldson
Mrs. Carolyn Taylor
Cortlynn Doty
Mr. and Mrs. Davy Trotter
George Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. Birkelbach
Our Savior Lutheran Church
Loy W. Dunkel, Sr.
Mrs. Jan D’Orsay
Anna Durham
Mrs. Martha Barrick
Theresa Edwards
Mr. Horace T. Edwards
Glenda Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Harlen Curry
Merle Enger
Ms. Linda Gaither
Lometa Epley
Ms. Darla Frazier
Mr. and Mrs. Giles McCrary
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Odom
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Waldrip
Ms. Freida F. Welch
Don Feazell
Computer Transition
Services, Inc.
Gary, Bowers & Miller
Mr. Cody Mires
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Moyes
SWAT Surgical Associates
Bertha Feldman Moss
Mrs. Sylvia Lehman
Mattie Field
Mr. Alton Billings
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy L. Burrus
Dr. J.T. Carpenter
Mr. Truett Craft
Egenbacher Real Estate
Mr. and Mrs. J. Larry Elliott
Ms. Nancy Etcheverry
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Randall E. Gandy
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd L. Greer
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jones
Law Offices of Baker, Brown &
Ms. Patricia Marston
Rick and Sharon Martin
Mr. and Mrs. George H.
McMahan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Morgan
Ms. Helen H. Morris
Representative and Mrs. Randy
Mr. and Mrs. Tom C. Nichols
Mr. Mauricio Pons
Mr. and Mrs. Laurin Prather
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Sanders Jr.
The Scioli Group
Mr. Frank R. Sitton
Mr. Robert D. Snell
Mrs. Janice Tapp
Mrs. Carolyn Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Wright
Lydia Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Miranda
Ms. Sharon Simonek
Billie Flatt, Sr.
Adcock Gin Company
Delwin Fluitt
Mrs. Louise McCrary
Beth Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Ford
Elizabeth Ford
Ms. Donna Chaney
William E. Fulbright
Mr. Billy Low
Mr. G. Alan Waldrop
Janice Galloway
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Long
Kenneth George
American Bank of Commerce
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Cothran
Smylie Wilson Faculty & Coaches
Terry Gill
Mr. and Mrs. Don Green
Norma Godine
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Burrows
Eugene C. Godwin
Basic Idiq
Mrs. Jan L. Godwin
Norma M. Godyn
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Gleason
McCleskey, Harriger, Brazill &
Graf, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Loren H. Roark
Sewell Lexus of Fort Worth
Norma Gras
Dr. Rebecca M. Chapman
Marlyn Green
Ms. Jamie Blackburn
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Whatley
Wanda Greer
Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Greer
David S. Hall
Mrs. Linda Hall
David G. Halley
Tech Sales, Ltd.
Bettye Hardeman
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hardeman
Dorothy R. Harlan
CHR Solutions
Mr. Charles C. Farrar
Darlene Harper
Mr. Steve L. Poynor
Dorothy Harrell
Mr. and Mrs. Roddy Shipman
Lillie Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clack
Mr. and Mrs. Lanny Fiel
Mr. and Mrs. Royce Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hill
Ms. Janet Kitten
Mrs. Louise McCrary
Quality Beef Producers
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Robertson
Mr. B. Lane Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wallace
Jay Hataway
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Gentry
Juanella Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jameson
Mr. and Mrs. Wayland McClellan
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnald P. Tyler
Faye Heffington
Mr. Charles Heffington
Donna Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Albus, Jr.
Ms. De Lyn Wolcott
Celeste Henley
Mr. Owen Hamilton
Ms. Sarah L. Henley
Mr. Gilbert Zeiss
Murray Hensley
Mr. and Mrs. Van May
Buddy Hettler
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney W.
Kenneth W. Hicks
Mrs. Joyce Hicks
Frank and Wanda Hodges
Betenbough Homes
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Byrd
Ms. Betty J. Claborn
Ms. Lisa Claborn
Ms. Kathy Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Seale
St. Clair Orthodontics
Janette Holder
Alderson Enterprises, L.P.
Anonymous - Hospice
Mrs. Verdie M. Baker
Dr. and Mrs. Clarke E. Cochran
Dr. and Mrs. Mark D. D’Alise
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Field
Mr. and Mrs. James Gilbreath
Mr. Don L. Graf
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd L. Greer
2012 Covenant Health Foundation | ANNUAL REPORT
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Harrell, Jr.
Herbert W. Leaverton
Mr. and Mrs. Sam “Trey” W. Miller
Patricia Leaverton
Ms. Betty T. Davis
Mrs. Lou D. Diekemper
Ms. Dana L. Gamble
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Henry
Home Instead Senior Care
Howard, Cunningham, Houchin &
Turner, L.L.P.
Ms. Carol Leaverton
Ethel McLeod
McWhorter, Cobb & Johnson, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Sam “Trey” W. Miller
Service Title Company
Mr. Brent Simpson
Dr. and Dr. William D. Townsend
Mrs. Louise Underwood
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Wilkerson
Joe Lee
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Koonsman
Jimmy Lemon
Gary, Bowers & Miller
Floyd Linch
Mr. and Mrs. Don Green
Linda M. Livingston
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dillahunty
Ronnie H. Locklin
Ms. Bessie Pierson
Martha Looney
Ms. Cleo Crabtree
John F. Lott
Mrs. Marjorie Kastman
Mrs. Louise McCrary
Frank Makovy
Ms. Elaine Salyer
Jean Marshall
Ms. Andra J. Sanders
Susan Mathes
Mr. and Mrs. Demus L. Buckner
Giles McCrary
Holy Cross Church
Mr. Marcus P. Lopez
McCleskey, Harriger, Brazill
& Graf, LLP
Mr. Robert Nash
Science Spectrum
Fred McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grossman
William McGann
Dr. and Mrs. Clarke E. Cochran
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Kohart
Dr. Peggy Skinner
Conrad Melcher
Adams Farm Equipment
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kitten
Ms. Penny Polk
Ms. Dorthy A. Rutledge
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schwertner
Slaton Economic Development
Slaton Gas & Equipment Co. Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Mary Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Baze
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Cash
Mrs. Louise McCrary
Mr. David Nance
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. Steward
Lisa R. Mills
Mr. Ralph Wolf
Janet Minor
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Bell
Mr. Randall J. Ceplina
Ms. Tammy Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Pratt
Norman Monk
Mrs. Sammie McDonald
Michiko “Mickey” Montgomery
Don Moore
Ms. Martha L. Braun
Wanda Moore
Mr. Donald Moore
James G. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Field
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Gandy
Mr. and Mrs. David Ratcliff
2012 Covenant Health Foundation | ANNUAL REPORT
Tillie Nanny
Ms. Shari Chambers
Rosemary Neumann
Dr. Isaac Tafur
Corey Newbrough
Adcock Gin Company
Dale Newsom
Mr. and Mrs. John Carson
J.E. Newton, Jr.
Ms. Kay Newton
PlainsCapital Bank
Sammy Norman
Ms. Betty Norman
Morris Nunley
Dr. and Mrs. Barry Bartee
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Boyer
Ms. Marybeth Gudal
Mr. Owen Hamilton
Ms. Teresa Hourigan
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie R.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Laroe
Ms. Sara T. McKee
Ms. Carmyn H. Morrow
Randy Overman
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Latham
Albert Parkhurst
Ms. Deborah M. Wiltbanks
Bruce Parks
Mr. Glenn G. Hoffman
Gene Pate
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Koonsman
Nicky Patterson
Anonymous - JACC
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Bradley
Citizens Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ehler
Mr. and Mrs. Britt Fraim
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hlavaty
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Kitten
Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Morren
Mr. Jiggs Swann
Randy Pickett
Ms. Donna Walker
Thomas Pirtle
Ms. Dorothy Joiner
Maurine Plunk
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Koonsman
Sammie Pollard
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Herring
Mr. and Mrs. Giles McCrary
Michael Ponder
Ms. Kendra Thornton
Shirley Ponder
Mr. Paul M. Coats
Ms. Karen S. Donhue
Ms. Annette Sides
Tommi Potter
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey G.
Margaret Privitt
Garden Acres Baptist Church
Lorena Pumphrey
Mrs. George Beck
Ms. Quida Frick
Ms. Janet S. Jordan
Ms. Reta B. Moore
Maxine Raburn
Mr. Michael Raburn
Woodrow Rampy
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Bartley
Bryan Insurance Agency
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Eagan
Mr. Owen Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Hooks
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Kravetz
Mims & Smith Insurance
Dr. Ronald H. Phillips and
Elaine McNair
PlainsCapital Bank
Shropshire Insurance Agency
Nell Regan
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Hudson
Tony Reis
Ms. Dorothy F. Bleau
Patty Reynolds
Mr. Scott Reynolds
Marsha Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Koonsman
Ara F. Rogers
Ms. Nell Carter
Hal Rowe
Mrs. Nancy Lovell
Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Wisener
Margie Rush
Ms. Jan Ballew
Bethel Assembly of God
Ms. Dorothy Dallas
Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Horton
Mr. Royce F. Dallas Morgan
Lorida Sanders
Mr. Monte Holman
Jim Schmulen
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Zwiacher
Janet Scoggin
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Zwiacher
John Scoggin
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Zwiacher
Judy T. Sexton
Mr. and Mrs. Michael De Long
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Donoghue
Empress Signor
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Field
Ms. Jan Frazier
Ms. Bonnie M. Wilson
Van Simkins
Mr. Terrell Britten
Gary L. Simmons
Alderson Enterprises, L.P.
Central Electric Membership
Cherokee Fabrication
Mr. and Mrs. Noble Koepp
Ms. Angela Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Don Parsons
Gordon Simmons
Mr. Sam Dunn
Mr. Andy Green
Ms. Edna R. Green
Ms. Virginia Green
Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Stanley
Willa Sinclair
Aluminum Metal Products, Inc.
Edward E. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Comer
Ms. Martha C. Keene
Merz Pharmaceuticals, LLC
Ms. Lauren Parsons
Ms. Nancy Renfro
Volunteer Services Council for
North Texas State Hospital
Edward Easy Smith
Ms. Janet Strahan
William M. Smith
Mr. Ken Campbell
Linda Spears
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lemon
William G. Spoonts
Mr. and Mrs. James O.
Gilbreath, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. James E.
Harrell, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Sam King
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tarbox
Berry Squyres
Fellowship Bible Class
Enoch Steen
Mr. Richard Steen
Elliouse Stewart
Ms. Mirriam Jennings
Pat Kelly
Paula Sullivan
Ms. Brenda Brumbelow
Barbara N. Teakell
Byers-Petrolia Telephone
Co., Inc.
Malcolm Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. David Battey
Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Chambers
Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Culp
Mrs. Lou D. Diekemper
Lloyd Thompson
Ms. Suzanne Comer
Jo Adrienne Tice
Top of Texas Depression
Era Glass Club
Gracie R. Tidwell
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy G.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Irish
Mrs. Sharyn Ivory
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Jaynes
Somer Jaynes
Lowell Wealth Management
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. McMahon
Mr. and Mrs. Laurin Prather
Sanford & Tatum Insurance A
Mr. Marion Sanford, Jr.
Mr. James Stahl
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Tatum
Mrs. Louise Underwood
Ms. Donna Walker
Craig C. Wallace, O.D.
Jimmie Lou Hough
Ms. Cynthia Comptar
Jerry P. House
Mrs. Gail House
Irene Hudgins
Ms. Linda Gaither
Mr. and Mrs. David Ratcliff
Floy Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney W. Cates
Cathy Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Brinker
Haynes Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Barlow
Dr. and Mrs. Barry Bartee
Ms. Sara B. Carrell
Mr. and Mrs. Don Carsten
Ms. Ruth Dennis
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Haynes
Mr. and Mrs. B.D. Kimbrough
Mr. and Mrs. George H.
McMahan, Jr.
Rev. and Mrs. Bobby J. McMillan
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Parson
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Strunc
Viola Husen
Mr. Richard L. Husen
Neil Hutchings
Robert and Elena Brown
Ms. Jane Merrick
Mr. Calvin W. Smith
Wanda Ingram
Ms. Leona L. Parker
J. J. Jeffress
Ms. Beverly Workman
June Jeffress
Ms. Beverly Workman
William N. Johnson
Covenant Executive
Management Team
Veda Joiner
Ms. Dorothy Joiner
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peacock
Alline Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Duyka
Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Hilton
Dale K. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Swade Truelock
Don Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Aten
Jennifer M. Jones
Mr. Jerry Jones
Milton Jones
Mr. Bill E. Davis
Robert Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Trent Leverett
Bob Kerby
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Freedman
Martha Kerby
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Freedman
Ray King
Mrs. Verdie M. Baker
Kyle Kitchens
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Fortenberry
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Havens
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Thompson
Joe L. Kitten
Mr. Frank Kilcrease
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Maddox
Roger Kuykendall
Mrs. Jane P. Kuykendall
Gereda Landers
Mr. and Mrs. Bobbie Rhea
Marjorie Lasater
Mr. and Mrs. James Gilbreath
Robert N. Tipps
Mr. Lee L. Kaplan
Mr. Mark R. Robeck
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Tipps
Connie Todd
Ms. Susan Cornell
Rachel Todd
Anonymous - Hospice
Fredda Townes
Covenant Auxiliary-Lakeside
Keith Trammel
Mr. and Mrs. John Hodnett
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T.
Lubbock Bail Bond
Rosie V. Trevino
Mr. and Mrs. Giles McCrary
Elson R. Tucker
Plains Cotton Coop
Elgene Turner
Ms. Teresa T. Richards
James Turner
Mr. Robert Staples
Una Ruth Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Beulah Vandiver
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Beane
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hopper
Madeline Vaughn
Mrs. Toni Vaughn
Andrew Jae Villarreal
Sanford & Tatum Insurance
Bonnie Walker
Ms. Linda Gaither
Doyle Weatherford
Ms. Kelli Burkes
Mr. Jonathan Hearn
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Keith
Mrs. Roxie Weatherford
Bill West
Ms. Mary A. Lewis
Harry Westmoreland
Mr. Fred Westmoreland
Byron “Buck” White
Mr. and Mrs. John Owens
Janye White
Copy Craft Printers, Inc.
Mr. Rollie Sheppard
Carol Whittle
Ms. Sandra Klovstad
Rosalie Wilkison
Mr. Roy Crutchfield
W.B. Vickers
Judy A. Wilson
Ms. Mae D. Bandy
Ms. Betsy Bass
Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd A. Patton
Seagraves Floral
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Wilson
Ms. Wilma E. Wilson
Anna Bess Wolfe Calfin
Mr. and Mrs. Marion
Frances E. Womack
4-H Leader Association
Mr. Biff Hatfield
CB Wright
Ms. Kathy Collie
Ms. Carol Daugherty
Joe Young
Ms. Ann Seba
Pat Youngblood
Mr. and Mrs. S.J. Burden
Vic Zouzalik
Mr. Ken Cowling
In Honor of:
Jeanna Adler
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Tina Anderson
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Dr. Bill D. Atkinson
Mrs. Helen Hunter
Karen A. Baggerly
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Steve Beck
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Shelly W. Biggs
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Ramonda Bingham
Mrs. Glenna Wylie
Mary Branscome
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Laney and Travis Bridwell
Mrs. Frances Pierce
Tyneal Buckner
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Shirley and Lonnie Cape
Ms. Lea Davidson
David R. Carroll, III
Mr. Ken Cowling
Rodney W. Cates
Ms. Edith C. Blackburn
Sharon Clark
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
David R. Close
Mrs. Peggy T. Spaugh
Jon Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Trent Leverett
Denton Dewitt
Dr. and Mrs. Barry J. Currey
Lerica Eaton
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Terry Echols
Craft Construction Co., Inc.
Josephine Edwards
Mrs. Missy G. Ratcliff
Darrell T. Ellison
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Marguerite Fallon
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Al Frazier
Mr. and Mrs. Trent Leverett
Mariano Gomez
Ms. Dorothy F. Bleau
Russell Gras
Dr. Rebecca M. Chapman
John A. Grigson
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Amanda Hatton
Mrs. Helen Hunter
Theresa Hays
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Hospice of Lubbock, Inc.
Reverend and Mrs. Richard
W. Edwards
Harold Jones
Dr. Elizabeth G. Haley and
Dr. Glenn Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Laurin Prather
DyAna Kerr
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Alan N. King
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Mason King
Ms. Mary Haley
Korey Kothmann
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Jimmy Lemon
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Jackson
Ms. Valene Starrett
Mike L. Lovingier
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Price
Janis Marr
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Mary McCrum
Mr. and Mrs. Dale C. McCrum
Other Tribute Gifts (not designated):
Kelly McDaniel
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Given By:
Bryce J. McGregor
Ms. Mary Beauchamp
Mr. and Mrs. Birkelbach
Kim Moore
Dr. and Mrs. Clarke E. Cochran
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Ms. Jo Ann Doty
Shirley Morrow
Ms. NaRae Gallagher
Mr. Steve Morrow
Dr. and Mrs. James E.
Daniel Olvera
Harrell, Jr.
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Ms. Nancy Holt
Jerry Osburn
Mrs. Sylvia Lehman
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Ms. Sonja Rosson
Richard H. Parks
Mr. Blaine E. Thomas,
Ms. Karen A. Baggerly,
USAF/Ret. LT. Col.
R.N, M.S.N
Mr. and Mrs. Randy R. Tungate
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Beck
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Scott Porter
City Bank
Sharon Prather
Ms. Karen A. Baggerly,
R.N, M.S.N
Ms. Julianne Holt
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Nicie Pratt
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Troy Pratt
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Cheryl K. Presley
Mrs. Missy G. Ratcliff
Woodrow Rampy
Mr. Don Meador
Craig D. Rhyne
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Michael Rowley
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Frank M. Ryburn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cook
Ms. Emily R. Sloter
Robert J. Salem
City Bank
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Chris Shaver
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Heather Smith
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Nani Spears
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Gwen C. Stafford
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Rachael Stehling
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Michelle Stephens
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Mark Stewart
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Carol T. Suit
Mrs. Helen Hunter
Roxie Taylor
Ms. Karen A. Baggerly, R.N, M.S.N
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Troy Thibodeaux
Ms. Karen A. Baggerly, R.N, M.S.N
Sharon Thiel
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Ben Todd
Mr. Joe Hackler
Charley J. Wasson
Ms. Lindy Lauderdale
Sam West
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie R. Hutcheson
Jane Westmoreland
Mr. Fred Westmoreland
Thank you to all of our donors. Every effort has been made
to correctly list all gifts. If you note a mistake or omission,
please accept our apologies and inform our office of any
corrections by calling 806-725-6089.
2012 Covenant Health Foundation | ANNUAL REPORT
3623 22nd Place | Lubbock, TX 79410 | 806.725.6089