PTA By George - East Meadow School District


PTA By George - East Meadow School District
PTA By George
June 2013 Kerry Dunne, Principal  Harriet Alfano, Assistant Principal
Principally Speaking...
Dear Parents,
What a wonderful year it has been with your
children! They have grown in size, knowledge and
citizenship. They have challenged themselves, overcome obstacles and made steady progress. They have
worked hard to “Get Smart” and fill buckets; they are
ready to take the next step in their education .
As we look ahead to September, the necessity to keep
your child’s brain active over the summer is of paramount importance. On average, children lose three
months of reading progress during the summer,
which amounts to 1.5 years of progress lost during a
child’s schooling years. Our hope is to prevent that
loss so that the learning that occurred during the 2012
-2013 school year will help your child transition
smoothly into the 2013-2014 school year. Therefore,
the summer continues to be a great time to “Get
Smart” and keep your child’s “Mighty Mind”
sharp. Please take the time to review the Summer
Reading Packet and partake in the activities that have
been provided in the Activity Calendar. There are
also several suggested activities and plenty of book
titles for your child to select from. Indeed the
summer months should be a time of family enjoyment and relaxation, but learning too is fun and
should be a part of the family plan to ensure that your
child is not at a disadvantage in September.
Congratulations to the class of 2013!! As our young
ladies and gentlemen move off to Woodland Middle
School, we hope that they will remember their roots at
McVey and continue to challenge themselves to
achieve their personal best. In addition, I would like to
personally thank all of the many volunteers that have
worked to make this another fantastic year at
McVey. From the By George to the barbeque, field
day, Cultural Arts assemblies, book fairs and the
Halloween celebration, the countless hours of
volunteerism that provided these wonderful programs
have been more than appreciated. The memories you
have built will last a lifetime and are invaluable. I
cannot thank you enough for your continued support of
your children and your school. .
In closing, I wish you a wonderful, fun-filled and
restful summer……and don’t forget the importance of
keeping your brain tuned up along the way. I look
forward to another great year next year. See you in
September! Enjoy!
Very truly yours,
Kerry Dunne
McVey PTA’s Parent’s Night Out—Save the Date! April 10,2014
Mark Your Calendar: April 10, 2014 Call the Grandparents or reserve the sitter .
June 2013 Kerry Dunne, Principal  Harriet Alfano, Assistant Principal
Page 1
From the Desk of Mrs. Alfano
McVey’s Human Dignity Committee promoted
continued learning during the summer months. The
theme for the month of June was “Responsibility,”
which the children understood to mean: to act or
decide on one’s own, without supervision; accountability. It was the responsibility of the students to motivate and encourage one another to continue to “Get
Smart” over the summer. Each class brainstormed
suggestions, which were displayed on a bulletin
board, on how to keep your brain sharp. I am certain
that every McVey student will come back to school
in September with a “Mighty Mind.”
Once again McVey’s Spring Concert was outstanding! The children felt like professionals playing on the
stage at East Meadow High School. Parents were
beaming as they enjoyed beautiful music from the
band, orchestra and chorus. The chorus’ performance
of the song “Listen to the Rain” was very unique. The
sounds the children produced with their snapping
fingers and slapping hands, one would actually think
they were hearing a rainstorm. A special thanks to
Mrs. Levy, Ms. Finello and Ms. Bessel for their tireless
McVey’s students and staff have continued to work
diligently throughout the spring. I have never been
more proud to be part of such a remarkable school
Representatives from the East Meadow Public
Library visited McVey students on June 6, 2013. The district. From Central Administration, to the teachers,
and of course the students and their parents, this school
librarians discussed the importance of reading over
the summer. They stressed the academic benefits of year was a true collaboration, and together we were
continued reading, along with how enjoyable it is to successful!
get lost in a great book. The children learned about a Have a joyous summer!
variety of programs offered by the East Meadow
Public Library to make summer reading fun for
Warmest Regards,
everyone! Please be sure to visit the library over the
summer. Great place to feed your mind, and cool off! Mrs. Alfano
Assistant Principal
“Getting Smart” Through Science
The students of McVey continued their commendable tradition of “Getting Smart” by taking part in a science
fair. The fair was open to all students from grades 2 through 5. Students worked on their projects at home, so
families were encouraged to get involved. Many children also worked cooperatively with friends from their
grade level .
The topics were chosen by the students, with approval from the Science Fair coordinators, Mr. Prisco and Mr.
Minerva, as well as by their own classroom teachers. The participants were encouraged to explore areas that
interested them. They were required to perform an experiment that followed the “scientific method” and to
present their findings on a project display board.
The McVey Science Fair took place on Thursday, June 13th at 6:00 pm in the APR room. The Science Fair
was a tremendous hit with both participants and spectators. Visitors enjoyed learning scientific facts and
principles from McVey’s inquisitive young experimenters .
Art Department
The artwork of McVey students was on display throughout the school, brightening the hallways with many
creative projects. Our Art Teacher, Mrs. C. Safren, is very grateful to the following people who helped hang
and display the art in the show: Mrs. Kleiner, Mrs. Masaoka-Guevara, Mrs. Collura, Mrs. Vespoli and
Mr. Fosso.
June 2013 Kerry Dunne, Principal  Harriet Alfano, Assistant Principal
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PTA Presidents’ Message
McVey PTA is getting ready for the lazy days of
summer ………
As the end of the 2012/13 school year comes to an end
we would like to take this opportunity to send some
giant thanks to those individuals who have spent
countless hours of their time organizing our April,
May and June events. Without you these events would
not be possible!
-Donna Doran: Staff Appreciation Day
-Maria Abels: Blood Drive
-Mary Ellen Melanson: Plant Sale
-Maria Kanas and Ann Jackson: Spring Boutique
-Jill Mallilo: Scholastic Book Fair
-Danielle Sjoholm: Field Day
-Cleo Gakshteyn, Maria Kanas and Ann Jackson: End
of Year BBQ
-Eva Marie Wilson: Kindergarten Moving Up
-Annette Maldanado: 5th grade Graduation Party
-Auying Riveria and Kathleen Walker- 5th Grade
Graduation Reception
-Heather Parker: An amazing year of wonderful
assemblies through Cultural Arts!!
-Kathleen Reynolds: For taking on By George and
being amazing at it!
-Kerri Mangone: Yearbook
-Laurie Van Houten and Justin Weiss: Green Thumb
We would also like to thank our chair people who
attend monthly meetings throughout the year in order
to make a difference in the lives of our children:
-Andy Lindow: Safety and Transportation
-Cleo Gakshteyn: Public Relations
-Lisa Amblo: Legislation
-Kathleen Walker: Access and Curriculum
We would like to wish our new slate of officers, Jill
Mallillo 2nd Vice President, Robyn Kessler Recording
Secretary, Carolyn Oliveira Treasurer and Lauren Nicholson Corresponding Secretary a successful 2013/14
school year.
And finally we would like to congratulate the Graduating class of 2013. We wish you success in achieving your goals. For those parents who are “graduating”
from McVey we would like to thank you for all your
hard work and dedication throughout all these years.
We will miss you greatly!
Have a Happy Healthy and Safe Summer vacation!
We will see you in September………
Linda Giblin
McVey PTA President
PTA Committee Reports
Cultural Arts
Cultural Arts had our last 3 events in May.
May 2nd & 3rd the National Circus Project came to school with performances for all grades and workshops
for grades 2 through 5.
May 7th, 8th & 9th Mad Science: Bugs! was in school for individual class workshops for the 1st and 2nd
May 17th the 3rd graders were able to see "Top
Secret, A Reading & Geography Adventure!"
The children all enjoyed their visits and workshops!
Heather Parker—Chairperson
June 2013 Kerry Dunne, Principal  Harriet Alfano, Assistant Principal
Page 3
Science Lab News
Dino Day 2013
Flower Power Day 2013
Spring sprang through for McVey’s first grade
students on Tuesday, April 16, when they took part in
their annual Flower Power Day Celebration.
Each student visited a variety of different stations,
each with a planting theme. Some of the stations were
Guess the Seed, Dissecting a Seed, Planting Seeds,
and Sorting Seeds.
This day also would not have been possible without all
the parent and grandparent volunteers who ran all of
the stations. Those parents were Justine Uzzi, Maricel
Suarez, Wajeeha Mazhar, Carol Errico, Fran Vespoli,
Claudia Dicso, Kathleen McKelvey, Pat Turker, Karyn Sevoti, Liling Berkowitz, Craig Dilthey,
Jennifer Collura, Joanne Wallace, Jackeline Erazo, Martha Harrigan, Matthew Comerfold, Jen Kleiner, Beatrice Sundquist, Melissa Menechino, Jeannine Luisi,
McVey’s kindergarten students participated in our
Ann Jackson, John Reynolds, Eleni Kovoros, Michi
annual Dino Day on Tuesday, March 19.
Masaoka-Guevara, Andres Savoreth, Tanya Said, MirEach student visited eight stations with each station
highlighting a different dinosaur-themed activity, such iam Loar, Michael Jasmin and Maria Kanas. We sinas digging for bones, making fossils, making a
cerely apologize for any misspellings or omissions.
dinosaur pattern and making dinosaur rubbings. Each
child also brought home a dinosaur goodie bag loaded The McVey PTA generously contributed the funds
with some simple dinosaur treats.
necessary to make both Dino Day and Flower Power
Kindergarten parents and grandparents graciously
day possible and we are extremely grateful.
volunteered their time to man the stations. Without
their assistance this day would not have been possible,
so a sincere thank you goes out both to the PTA and to
those who came out to help. They are John Stergis,
April Senra, Erin Olson, Esin Singer, Joanna Festa,
Vinny Festa, Cynde Shulman, Karen Daly, Crystal
Farenda, Tracy Lindow, Lisa DuPuy, Shari Tauber,
Chris Moore, Tomoko Tran, Patricia Robinson, Jen
Cardone, Tamar Mahaffy, Mayra Garcia, Robert
McCardell, Danielle Cioffaro, Lauren Juliano, Fran
LaVerda, Kristy Verdi, Liz Colombo, Carlos Berrera,
Jennifer Collura, Gerard Kiny, Iris Lopez, Jean
Hansen, Jaime Milici and Lisa Verta.
June 2013 Kerry Dunne, Principal  Harriet Alfano, Assistant Principal
Page 4
PTA Committee Reports
Spring Blood Drive
Spring Boutique and Plant Sale
The Spring Blood Drive
was held on April 22nd
and is was a SUCCESS!
We had 53 registrants and
49 pints of blood
collected. It was a great
social networking event,
as many new connections
and friendships were
made. Children had
homework help and
snacks to keep them
entertained. I am so proud
and grateful to all the
volunteers that took time out of their busy schedules to
help out and make this event a success. But most
importantly, the donors who came from far and near to
ensure they were a part of “Saving Lives”. Please save
the date as the next blood drive will be October 21st.
Have a safe and fun summer!
Maria Abels—Chairperson
Once again, the time had come for the children of
McVey Elementary to participate in our annual
Spring Boutique and Plant Sale. This boutique gave
our children an opportunity to purchase their very
own Mother’s day and Father’s day gifts. We would
like to give an enormous thanks to our shoppers and
volunteers. The boutique was a success, largely due
to help from our die-hard PTA moms and grandmas.
We so appreciate your taking time out of your busy
life. We want to especially thank Lougene Kennedy,
Jennifer Collura, Anna Viteri, Robyn Kessler and
Fran Wax, for all their continuous dedication to our
Special thanks to past and present McVey students;
Dakota Jackson, Nick Amadeo, Nicole Kanas, Ashley Kanas and Emily Anne Jackson who volunteered
time after school to set-up the boutique. Special
thanks also to Michi Masaoka, Kathleen Reynolds.
Ann Jackson, Maria Kanas and
MaryEllen Melanson—Chairpeople
Spring Book Fair
On May 21st -23rd McVey PTA had its Scholastic Book Fair. All items at the fair were buy one get one free!
The children enjoyed browsing through all their favorite titles. I would like to thank all the amazing volunteers
who without we would not be able to do things like the book fair. Thank You to Lougene Kennedy, Maria
Zampini, Carolyn Oliveira, Lisa Dosil, Donna Doran, Dorine Incammicia, Michi Masaoka, Vicky Lodise, Jen
Collura, Cindy Rein, Michelle Gentile, Fran Wax, Robyn Kessler, Kathleen Reynolds and Ann Jackson.
Please forgive me if I left anyone out, I am going by who has signed in and by my memory which is not as
good as it use to be. Thank you to each and every volunteer who gave their time to help the children find the
right books, your time and dedication is very much appreciated!
Jill Mallilo and Linda Giblin—Chairpeople
Box Tops for Education
Thank you to all who have contributed to the Box Top program this year. The program has grown and this
year we were able to earn $2300. Continue to collect those box tops over the summer. There is a sheet to fill
at the back of this issue! Collection sheets can be found on the Box Tops for Education website. Have a
wonderful summer!!
Erin Herlihy—Chairperson
June 2013 Kerry Dunne, Principal  Harriet Alfano, Assistant Principal
Page 5
PTA Committee Reports
Reflections for 2012-2013 school year was "Magic of a Moment". We had three students "unleashing their
artistic talents" by participating in the NYS PTA Reflections program.: Fifth grader Danielle Leahy with an
original dance, and two second graders, Giselle Mustafich in visual arts and Nidhi Misra in Literature.
Thank you all for your time, effort and energy and for making McVey PTA proud. GREAT JOB!!!
Remember start thinking about next years program the theme is "Believe, Dream, Inspire".
Kathleen Walker—Chairperson
Kindergarten Moving Up Day
On Thursday June 13th, the McVey PTA hosted the Annual Kindergarten Moving Up Day for both the
morning and afternoon classes. The PTA provided refreshments after each ceremony for the graduates and
their families and friends. The PTA also provided each graduate with a small gift wishing them well as they
move up to 1st grade. Thank you to the volunteers who helped make this year's Moving Up Day special.
Special thanks to Staples, McDonald's, Moe's, Friendly's, and Bagelicious for their generous donations.
Our congratulations to all the kindergarten students and our best wishes for a happy and safe summer. See you
in September!
Evamarie Wilson—Chairperson
Founders Day
Every year, the Founders Day committee selects people from our school that have devoted their time for our
children. This year’s honorees were: Harriet Alfano, Theresa Arnone and Ronald O’Leary. The ceremony
was held at the Crest Hollow Country Club. We want to congratulate and thank these volunteers for their service to our school. The money collected at this event was used to give scholarships to East Meadow High
School students.
Maria Kanas—Chairperson
Movie Night
Movie night was a huge success. The pre-k through second grade enjoyed Madagascar 3 and the third through
fifth grade loved Wreck-It-Ralph. The popcorn and raffle prizes were also a big hit. Thanks to all that helped:
Kathleen Reynolds, Ann Jackson, Al Spencer and Anita Madan. Also, a special thanks to Tyler Patterson,
Sean Patterson, William Giblin and Sarah Spencer.
Dawn Patterson—Chairperson
Comedy Night
Used Book Sale
What a great night! Laughter till everyone was in
stitches and the chance to win wonderful prizes
donated by McVey families and Local Businesses. I
would like to thank everyone that lent a helping hand
to make the event a success!
Tracy Allred-Pulice—Chairperson
We had a used book sale on May 2nd and raised
$62.75. I would like to thank Lougene Kennedy,
Lori VanHouten, Donna Doran, Tracy Pupo, and
Dorine Incammicia for volunteering.
Michelle Gentile—Chairperson
June 2013 Kerry Dunne, Principal  Harriet Alfano, Assistant Principal
Page 6
PTA Committee Reports
Field Day
McVey Elementary School students celebrated Field Day on Thursday May 30th. The festivities took place
outdoors in the back field. The students, staff, and parents despite the extremely hot weather enjoyed a day of
friendly competition, and ices brought to them by the PTA. The children rotated through station after station
of inter-active team games, each one representing a different movie to go along with our theme of “Let’s Go
To the Movies.” After the field events, the classes got to cool off and enjoy ices.
With a host of parents, student volunteers and staff chipping in, this year's event was a huge success in every
Field Day would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of Mrs. Dunne, Mrs. Alfano,
Mrs. O’Regan and Mr. Simone. They worked hand in hand with the field day committee planning, organizing, and scheduling events. Words can not express how grateful the committee is to have these dedicated administrators and teachers to work with who went above and beyond their job and always with the students
having fun in mind. On behalf of the committee (Danielle Sjoholm, Mr. Simone and Mrs. O’Regan) we
would like to especially thank the many volunteers who set up and cleaned up events, worked stations,
brought equipment, especially tents, cooled kids off with spray mist bottles, instructed each class on how to
participate at their event, and all the while smiling and having fun. Everyone was such great sports about the
heat and pitching in to keep the kids cooled down as much as possible. A special thanks to the Geoghegan
family for helping with a large amount of the supplies to run this day from their house or running around to
get them. A big warm thank you is sent to:
Michael Sjoholm
Sarah Sjoholm
Ashlee Sjoholm
Roderick Geoghegan
Vanessa Geoghegan
Aidan Geoghegan
Keira Geoghegan
Connor Geoghegan
Dorine Incammicia
Heidi D’Amico
Andy Lindow
Jenna Balsamo
Juliana Sanzone
Kristy Verdi
Lougene Kennedy
Julie Berger
Fran Wax
Patti Polehinke
Michelle Gentile
Jeanette Hafke
Kathleen Walker
Brian Walker
Lori VanHouten
Donna Doran
Kim Nacionales
Tara Moraitis
Rafaela Appicella
Robyn Kessler
Aidan Kessler
Jordyn Kessler
June 2013 Kerry Dunne, Principal  Harriet Alfano, Assistant Principal
Rachel Cavanagh
Fran Vespoli
Jen Moller
Jen Kleiner
Christina Figueroa
Heather Parker
Peter Parker
Erin Olson
Michelle Enciso
Jeannine Luisi
Page 7
PTA Committee Reports
Field Day (Continued)
Vijayalazmi. S.K
Marcella Arrigo
Maria Kanas
Heather LoNigro
Marty Daly
Frank Cichoki
Greg Decampi
Gary D’Abreau
Tara Stergis
Lauren Pastore
Jill Mallilo
April Senra
Linda Giblin
Auying Rivera
Jeff Rivera
David Gaksheyn
Justin Weiss
Kristina Hollywood
Malta Cuello
Theresa Rodriguez
Carolyn Oliveira
Annette Maldonado
Dawn Puma
Alissa Gregorio
Michi Masaoka-Guevara
Anthony Cardone
Patsy Mustafich
Elaine Sanzone
Stacey Russo
Corinne McCloughlin
Laurel Assif
Nancy Regazzi
Lisa Dosil
Tamar Mahaffy
Marcella Arrigio
Iris Lopez
Marni Schlectman
Aaron Schelctman
Samantha Schlectman
Joanne Wallace
Cindy Rein
Robert McCardell
Preethi Konappanavar
Vilma Alday
Michelle Barretta
Jennifer Morris
Hope Casey
Tomoko Tran
Christina Ratkewitch
Edna Garcia
Vicky Lodise
Kathleen McKelvey
Crystal Facenda
Jennifer Collura
Lauren Eisenberg
T. Umezaura
Samantha Dilthey
Beatrice Sundquist
Lisa Scifo
Joan Maniaci
The Reynolds Family
And any others whose names I may have missed but apologize for. If I misspelled your name I am truly sorry.
This event was made possible by the efforts of all PTA members and their hard-work in fundraising.
Danielle Sjoholm—Chairperson
We are starting to organize committee chair people for our 2013/14 school year. We encourage you to help out
in any way you can. As a committee chair you will receive a folder with step by step instructions and notes
from previous committee chairperson. The previous chair or the PTA President will ALWAYS be available to
go over any questions you may have YOU ARE NEVER ON YOUR OWN! HELP IS ALWAYS JUST A
We have worked very hard over the years to advocate for our children and to provide many fun activities. We
would be heartbroken if we had to end a committee due to lack of volunteers .
Please see below our list of committees in need of chair people.
If you have any questions or would like more information about a committee please contact Linda Giblin @ or call or text @ 263-5898.
June 2013 Kerry Dunne, Principal  Harriet Alfano, Assistant Principal
Page 8
GRADUATION RECEPTION: THIS CAN NOT BE A 5TH GRADE PARENT. Purchase items for the reception. There is a list of all things to do in the committee folder. You need to purchase flowers for all the 5th
graders. The day of the graduation you need to be there at 8:30 to hand out the flowers to the 5th graders and
then once that is done set up the food for the reception. Again there are step by step instructions in the folder.
HALL DECORATING: Decorate the main doors of the school each month with items we have in closet or
you can purchase new items if you want since we have a budget for it. Occasionally help out Mrs. Safren with
matting and hanging art work in the hallways.
FIRST AID KITS: This is a new committee so there is no folder. It will be an easy committee done with a catalog in the early spring. Please contact Linda Goblin for more information about this committee if you are interested.
PUBLIC RELATIONS/LEGISLATION: A committee that spotlights PTA sponsored events. The committee
maintains a website with monthly happenings around the district and also produces our PTA Points of Pride
card. Meetings are at the Leon J. Campo center usually every third Wednesday of the month at 9:30am.
FAMILY BINGO NIGHT 3RD-5TH GRADE: This year we have decided to split the Bing nights into two separate nights. This is a fun night! Coordinate with the chair from the K-2nd grade bingo night. Since this will be a
first this year we are not sure if will just have the one person purchase all the prizes for both nights. This will
be a work in progress.
ELECTION DAY BAKE SALE: Coordinate volunteers to work throughout the day on Election Day making
sure you have coverage from the time the polls open at 6:00am until 9:00pm. Send out letters to companies
and Local restaurants asking for donations for a school raffle. Send out letters to school families asking for
basket donations, baked goods, and volunteers.
KIDSTUFF COUPON BOOK: Label books from a master list that you will get from the main office. This
year I think we are going to try to send out just to the oldest siblings in the school only like we do with the
chocolate. Distribute the books to the class rooms and then come by a few times a week to collect money and
any unwanted books.
Once again I would like to remind anyone who is interested in chairing any of these committees either by
yourself or with a friend, please know that all information are in the committee folders and you are never left
to fend for yourself.
Please fill out your information and return in an envelope marked MCVEY PTA COMMITTEE CHAIRS. Or
email Linda Giblin@
Thank You,
Linda Giblin
Name: __________________________________________ Phone#: __________________________
Committee Interested In: _____________________________________________________________
June 2013 Kerry Dunne, Principal  Harriet Alfano, Assistant Principal
Page 9
PTA Committee Reports
What makes a successful McVey BBQ? Good weather, great parents, tasty food and children having fun. On
June 6th the weather was perfect (not too cold and not too hot). The turn out of volunteers was the best yet.
Parents actually enjoyed supervising and spending time with all the student especially theirs. Our water station
made sure the water was cold and each child received one (sometimes two). Our parents became DJ assistants
and danced alongside. Our moms, of course, made sure every child had enough to eat. There was a steady
stream of food that started at the grill, went to the grill assistants and then ended up at our serving area. The
slide station was a hit and everyone got at least two or more turns on it. The ices station kept them cool and
happy. Again our parents made sure it ran smoothly. Our monitors were great at keeping the children on a
schedule that was hard to maintain. So much fun in such little time. Coolers were given out to grades K-4. Our
fifth graders received their official Woodland Middle School T-shirts .
Once again a big thank you to Mrs. Dunne and Mrs. Alfano for making this annual event possible. Our custodial and kitchen staff once again did everything to keep the day running smoothly .
Special thanks to John Morris and Vinny who provided the grills and ice. They also grilled alongside a very
happy crew of fathers. Our information booth crew did a wonderful job checking volunteers in (so many people) and assigning a work schedule. A shout out to Carolyn Oliveria and Tony Carodone for the wonderful
idea of donating all the extra cooked food to INN. We made the donation courtesy of McVey Elementary .
Thank you to all that checked in: Kathleen Reynolds, John Reynolds, Jen Collura, Michael Collura, Patsy
Mustafich, Hector Mustafich, Erick Mustafich, Vinny, Lougene Kennedy, Fran Vespoli, Kathleen McKelvey,
Fran Wax, Jen Kleiner, Vivian Carmargo, Cindy Rein, Robyn Kessler, Heidi D’Amico, Yesenia Vasquez, Nicole Bertolino, Andrea Savoretti, Janice Ruiz, Nancy Bourne, Tom Reilly, Lisa Shubin, Heather LoNigro,
Michi Masaoka-Guevara, John Ables, Vito Barretta, Michelle Barretta, Zena Torres, Jennifer Moller,
Christine Tucker, Ahmad Chohan, Birdie Senetto, Mary Ellen Melanson, Marcella Arrigo, Samantha Dilthey,
Joanne Dolan-Wallace, Wilson Ortega, Theresa Rodriguez, Crystal Facenda, Tomoko Tran, Joanna Festa,
Kristy Verdi, Anthony Carodone, Andy Lindow, Ana Perez, Marisa Costabile, Vilma Alday, Maria Zampini,
Donna Doran, Auying Rivera, Patti Polehinke, Nancy Regazzi, Rosalie Smith, Lillian Cruz, Frank Cichocki,
Raffaella Apicella, Tracy Lent, Danuta Bajda, Edna Garcia, Shyji Mathai, Riva Eapen, Michael Jasmin, Janet
Jasmin, Dawn Kiernan Puma, Jill Mallilo, Debbi Soldner, Christina Figueroa, Heather Parker, Preethi Kanappanavar, Michele Enciso, Kelly Festa, Jessica Verdon, Joanne Gerstein, Carolyn Oliveira, Erin Olson,
Nancy Lopez, John Morris, Daphne Ramirez, Jeff Rivera, Jeanne Luisi, Beatrice Sundquist, Lisa Scipo, Maurice Woodson, Vicky Lodise, Corrine McLoughin, Greg DeCampi, Stacey Russo, Kristine Hollywood, Jim
Hollywood, Christine Rathewitch, Jerry King, Jamie Milici, Janine Louise, and David Gaskshteyn.
Happy parents + Happy children = Fun!
Maria Kanas, Ann Jackson and Cleo Gaskshteyn—Chairpeople
June 2013 Kerry Dunne, Principal  Harriet Alfano, Assistant Principal
Page 10
From the Kids’ Point of View
One of my favorite memories this year was getting to
wear my pajamas to school for 3 Fridays in a row
because we had a class party, we raised enough money
for “Pennies for Patients” and for PARP. I will never
forget Pajama Day at McVey!
Sarena Sahadeo—5-103
As I look back at all the memories at McVey, my
favorite was the moment I first stepped foot in the
building. I’m excited to graduate, but very sad I’m
leaving. In Woodland I look forward to making new
friends. Good-bye McVey.
Matthew Rein—5-103
One favorite memory I have is when all the state tests
were over and my class had a Wonka Party. One
more memory of this past year was when the 5th
Grade switched classes to learn about different
systems. When we did these systems I enjoyed when
we made board games of our own.
Christina Semonella—5-103
Next year I look forward to going into middle school
and changing classes. I am also looking forward to
making new friends, hanging with some old friends
and also to finally be in the same school as some of
my friends who were in other elementary schools!
Thank you to all of my teachers at McVey who helped
prepare me for Middle School.
Sean Kennedy—5-103
My favorite memory was the Jump Rope for Heart.
My friends and I worked hard as a team and we got it
done, it was amazing. My friends are the best friends
Kaynatt Ashfaq—5-106
My favorite 5th grade memory was when most of the
5th graders from McVey, Parkway, Bowling Green
and Barnum Woods went to the roller skating party. It
was really fun because we got to play games, listen to
music, and roller skate. Everybody in McVey got a
We always have fun everyday, especially Friday when
really cool light up necklace. It was a night full of fun!
we pick T-bills out of a box and whoever wins gets a
Tim Daly—5-109
prize. Also when we did the egg toss which is when
we wrap an egg into soft things and then into a
This year I loved doing the magnetism lesson in
container. Then Mr. T. throws it and you see if it
science. I enjoyed learning about the magnets and
cracked. If it didn’t, you got 10 T-bills.
doing different experiments with them. I am curious
and excited to go to middle school next year.
Anthony Cavanagh—5-109
Since I am a 5th grader I will be leaving McVey soon. Sarah Rielly—5-109
I look forward to being in middle school and beginIn this school year (the best I had yet), I have made
ning a new chapter in my life, but I will miss McVey. some great memories. For example, the field trip my
McVey is where I grew up and made friends. It has
entire grade and I went to Broadway to see Annie or
become a second home for me. Though I will miss
when we went to a park for almost a whole day to just
McVey I look forward to becoming independent. I
run and play.
know that I am ready for Woodland.
Joaquin Caceres—5-109
Brianna Bourne—5-109
My most memorable time was when I began school in
America. I never thought that there were people with
the same culture as me. So far I had a good experience and loved the Gelleri Getaway. I can’t wait for
5th Grade because then I will graduate and be the oldI remember when we planted and cleaned up the
est in school.
flowers. It was fun!
Hassan Raza—4-205
Tashu Patel—4-206
June 2013 Kerry Dunne, Principal  Harriet Alfano, Assistant Principal
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From the Kids’ Point of View
Next year I am looking forward to meeting my new
teacher and learning new things.
Andriani Constanti—4-207
I am looking forward to the BBQ.
Saliha Demir—4-207
My favorite memory from this year is the 4th Grade
Continent project. We got to bring our parents to
come to our booths. It was very fun.
Tara Doran—4-204
My most favorite time this year was on Field Day.
One reason is that on one of the games I got a point
which made the green team win., also at one of the
class games our class won.
Tiago Oliveira—4-205
I am looking forward to playing the Tuba and getting
a yearbook. A memory I have is ‘create your own
continent’ project. We got to make a made-up continent and we had to advertise it to our parents.
Meghan Senetto—4-205
A memory I enjoyed a lot is when we had a party after
the state tests were over. My teacher put all of the
foods my class brought on the back table. We had
cupcakes, brownies, fruits, vegetables, Doritos, and
homemade rice krispie treats. We went around the
table and got whatever we wanted. After that, we
went outside and got to play around. Then we went
inside and ate some more.
One of my favorite memories from this year was when
Aavi Lund—3-218
it was the first day of 3rd grade. I got to know my
My favorite memory was when I started to learn diviteacher a little more and I met so many new friends.
sion remainders. I was working with my partner, we
Since then, I have learned so much from Mrs. Ricci
were working on all of the questions together. It was
and Ms. Chapman.
really fun. It helped me a lot how to learn about diviJeremiah Masih—3-220
sion remainders.
One of my favorite memories from 3rd grade was the Dayna Zobeidat—3-218
BBQ, I loved the DJ and dancing. I am looking forward to going away to a soccer camp in Pennsylvania. Something I am looking forward to next year is going
Soccer is my favorite sport so I want to practice more. to Quest because you could go on field trips and you
can do projects! Something else I am looking forward
John Reynolds—3-219
to is playing the bass.
Sachin Jojode—3-217
This school year was fantastic. I did so many things.
I loved playing volleyball in gym, and making crafts
in art. I thought the lessons that my teacher taught
were great. It was great to make new friends and Get
Hayley Lenz—3-220
I am looking forward to learning new math next year.
Janina Cichocki—3-216
Krista Gigi—3-217
My favorite memory is when I met new friends and
my teacher. All of my new friends are very nice and
sweet. They are very kind and very caring and so is
my teacher.
Megan Hand—2-227
The thing I love most about this year was meeting new
friends and playing with them at Field Day.
Second grade was super cool, but third grade here I
come! My favorite memory of this year was getting to
know my friends from class, especially my teacher
Mrs. McCreedy.
Giselle Mustafich—2-226
June 2013 Kerry Dunne, Principal  Harriet Alfano, Assistant Principal
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From the Kids’ Point of View
I am looking forward to 3rd Grade because I am
expecting to have nice friends and a great teacher like
my first and second grade teachers!
Dakota Eira—2-226
I loved all the reading I did, especially when I got to
read to the first graders at indoor playtime. Also, I
loved learning how to draw and paint pictures. Writing poems with Mrs. Ryder was very fun!
Tyler Enciso—2-225
My favorite memory is when my mom came to my
Emily Verdon—2-225
My favorite thing is that I had a beautiful teacher and
a nice class!
Asena Yucel—2-224
My favorite thing was reading to my class.
Kate Verdon—2-224
In 3rd grade I am looking forward to meet my new
teacher and friends. I am also looking forward to
learning multiplication and division.
Nidhi Misra—2-223
I will remember my teacher because she helped me get
ready for 2nd grade. Next year I hope to learn more.
Jacalyn M—1-123
My favorite person is my teacher Mrs. Viscuso. I love
math and science. I love playing with my friends. I
like art and gym. I love music and library. I like computers. I love writing and doing crafts.
Valerie Ortega—1-126
I like music because I like to sing a lot. Music is fun
and I enjoyed it all year.
Marissa Abels—–1-119
I think that my teacher was the best because she was
nice and kind and helped me with my work. I had the
I am looking forward to 3rd grade because I want to
learn multiplication and division and I want to take the best teacher, I love you Miss Lavine.
ELA and Math test too.
Eric Malillo—2-223
Hi, my name is Alina. My teacher is nice. She is funny
too. She let us have pj parties when we filled up our
I will remember my teacher because she helped me
cotton ball jar.
learn. Next year I hope to be a great reader.
Alina Uzzi—1-121
Christos Kovoros—-1-123
One of my favorite memories from this year was the
class trip to Schmitt’s Farm.
Kabir Toor—1-126
My favorite memory from 1st grade was the field trip
to Schmitt’s Farm. I loved when we rode on the
tractor, played on the playground, ate lunch, picked
radishes, string beans and pumpkins.
Maya Del Rosario—1-118
I like art and gym. I liked painting Van Gogh’s Sunflowers. I liked jumping rope in gym.
Sammy Abrons—1-119
1st grade was really fun! My favorite part was playing
with my friends.
Aiden Mustafich—1-118
One of my favorite memories this year was Field Day My favorite part about Kindergarten was when I got to
because we got to play a lot of games.
be with my teacher.
Shauna Gregorio—K-202
My favorite memory was when Ms. Kay taught us
songs, they helped us learn. My favorite song is the
f-r-i-e-n-d song. I love Kindergarten!
Aleigha Juliano—K-201
My most beautiful memory is the day that we reflected rainbow colors on paper. For next year I hope to
strengthen myself as a first grader.
Katherine Umanzor—K-201
June 2013 Kerry Dunne, Principal  Harriet Alfano, Assistant Principal
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June 2013 Kerry Dunne, Principal  Harriet Alfano, Assistant Principal
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