

1) Game Overview
2) Installation Guide
2-1) Getting Started
2-2) Registration Instructions
2-3) Installation Instructions
2-4) Patch Client Windows
2-5) Patch Client Option
2-6) Server Selections
3) Character Guide
3-1) Character Creation
3-2) Classes Description
4) Game Guide
4-1) Game Interface
4-2) Basic Controls
4-3) Hot Keys
4-4) Help Button
4-5) Game Options
5) Player Interaction
5-1) Chat Types
5-2) Friend/Ignore List
5-3) Flag
5-4) Party Systems
5-5) Guild Systems
5-6) Guild vs. Guild System
6) Transportation Guide
6-1) Portal
6-2) Passports
6-3) Mount
7) Combat Guide
7-1) Player Versus Environment
7-2) Player Versus Player
7-3) Deaths
8) Skill Guide
9) Item Guide
9-1) Item Equipping
9-2) Item Stats
9-3) Item Upgrade
10) Trading Guide
10-1) NPC Trading
10-2) Player to Player Trading
10-3) Auction House
11) Crafting Guide
11-1) Collecting Skill
11-2) Cooking Skill
11-3) Alchemy Skills
12) Quest System
13) Map Guide
14) Main Contents
14-1) Siege War
14-2) Chaotic Frontiers
14-3) Battle Ground
15) Event NPC
16) Chantra Shop Guide
17) Forum Icon
1) Game Overview
Set in the continent of Chantra, choose between four distinct races; Humans, Orcs, Moonelves, and
DragonScions. Each race has their own unique features, ranging from Human Archers with the power
to stun targets to Moonelf Elementalists who can summon spirits to protect them and DragonScion
can evolve to three different classes. In order for players to reach their ultimate goal they must forget
their differences and band together in the struggle for absolute supremacy.
2) Installation Guide
2-1) Getting Started
You can register at Webzen.com and play Archlord by the following the steps below
Don't worry if you don't understand English! Just click the different language tabs on this page to read
all the explanations in other languages (English, German, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Polish).
2-2) Registration Instructions
1) Click [sign up now] on the Webzen.com homepage
2) Enter your id, password, birthday, and email address – Please be careful when you enter your
email address and birthday because you cannot modify the email address once you have registered.
3) Read the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
4) If you agree to all of them, check the „I agree box‟ and press Submit.
5) Validate your registered e-mail address. Login to your registered email and you will receive the
confirmation email. In order to completely validate your Webzen.com account you must click the
attached link in the received email.
6) If you cannot find your validation email even though you checked your inbox:
- Please wait at least 10 minutes before checking again.
- Please check your Spam/Junk email folder.
7) After completely validating your account using the email, you can login to Webzen.com.
Congratulations! You are now approved to use the various services provided by Webzen.com.
2-3) Installation Instructions
In order to play Archlord, you need to download the client first. Click on DOWNLOAD button on the
top-left side of official Archlord website or Webzen.com portal. This will take you to the Download
page. You could download Archlord client through P2P (TORRENT) or Mirror sites.
Start the game client by clicking the [START GAME] button on the webpage.
If you have connected to the game for the first time, you will be prompted to install a Web Starter
automatically. Web Starter is a program that enables you to start the game on the webpage. Don‟t be
concerned, you just need to click the [INSTALL] button.
Note: If you can’t proceed, you should allow your IE to enable all ActiveX control and plug-ins.
For your convenience, Archlord is compatible with both Internet Explorer and Firefox enabled
browsers. ActiveX is also required to properly download, install, and launch game. To change the
ActiveX control settings, please see below:
*Please note: Following steps will require the Administrator PC login. Also, this may default your
internet browser's security settings (if they were customized). Modifications of these settings are done
at your own risk.
1) Open Internet Explorer
2) Click Tools>Internet Options
3) Select Security Tab
4) Click "Custom Level" button
5) Scroll down to view "ActiveX controls and plug-ins"
6) Enable all ActiveX control and plug-ins.
Once this has been adjusted Users may fully utilize the Archlord Service without further ActiveX
compatibility issues or prompts.
After installing the Web Starter, you need to restart your web browser. Play the game by clicking the
[START] button on the launcher. After clicking the [START GAME] button on the webpage, you can
see the game launcher. Click the [START] and play the free online game!
Manual Patch Guide
If you have trouble with auto-patching, please try our manual patch file at download page.
Link - http://www.webzen.com/_HTML/Download.aspx
Please download the latest Archlord Manual Patch file to your hard drive
Once you have downloaded the latest manual patch file, run “Archlord_Manual_Patch.exe” to initiate
the installation process and you will be able to complete the installation.
GameGuard Error Guide
If you have trouble with GameGuard auto-patching, please try our manual patch files at Archlord main
page Quick Links. If you still have problem with the GameGuard manual installation please submit
your error by sending a direct inquiry to global_admin@webzen.com.
Note: If you can’t proceed, we recommend that you complete the instruction listed below.
1. Close all applications on your PC
2. Update your graphics card drivers
3. Install and update Windows Security Update
4. Update your anti-virus and anti-spyware software
5. Scan your PC to remove any virus or spyware
6. Reboot your PC
For more information please visit our Archlord GameGuard Error Submission Forum.
Link - http://forum.webzen.com/forum117-archlordgameguard-error-submission.aspx
2-4) Patch Client Windows
On the above picture you can see the main window of the
Archlord auto-updater. This application is launched after
clicking on the start game button on the Archlord website.
The patch client is there predominantly to check for new
updates for your Archlord client, but it is also used for
launching the game.
[1] Button for starting the game
[2] Button setting the graphics and other options.
[3] A progress bar which displays the progress of any
updates. If there are any new updates for your Archlord
client version, The progress of downloading and applying
will be displayed here
[4] Latest News from archlord.webzen.com.
2-5) Patch Client Option
You can adjust some of the settings for the Archlord client directly through the patch client by clicking
on the OPTION button in the patch client window.
[1] First, you can set the screen resolution, Archlord client's user interface is created for resolutions
1024x768, 1280x1024 and 1600x1200.
[2] Texture detail adjustment, this can be very helpful, especially if you are using older hardware.
[3] Windowed Option. This allows you to decide whether to launch Archlord in windowed mode or in
full screen.
[4] This worldwide version of Archlord also supports several languages (English - default, French,
German, Portuguese and Spanish). You can set your choice of language for Archlord using the
Language option.
[5] Setting for in game graphic details. With the moving slider you can set the quality of the details.
Move the slider to the right side – for greater detail but fewer fps. Move the slider to the left side for
lower quality, but more fps. On the left side of this bar is also an X option, if you select this option,
your graphics details are / will be set using the in game options.
[6] For saving changes, click on SAVE button.
[7] For or cancelling changes, click on CANCEL button
2-6) Server Selection
After you have loaded successfully you will be asked to select a server region. In Webzen Archlord,
we currently have 3 different server locations. Asia / Pacific (Tullan server), Europe (Zian, Urzark,
Sylvia, Ugdrasil servers), and America (Gracia, Stull servers). Select carefully and do tests to
determine which location is the best for you as choosing the wrong server can cause relatively big
response times between you and server.
[1] Select your Region
[2] If you wish to exit the game, before logging onto one of the servers, use the Exit button
After selecting your desired server region, you will be logged onto the requested server region and
moved to the next menu where you can choose which server you wish to connect as below.
[1] All available servers for the region are displayed in the center of screen. There is the server name,
and then information about the specific server such as if the server is new. Next is displayed the PvP
Mode for the server. PvP written in yellow means, that server is, but without the risk of item loss after
the death of the character. PvP written in red means, that the server is “Hardcore” PvP and players
run the risk of dropping items after death. The last piece of information on the screen shows the
current number of players logged into the server at that time.
[2] Continue by selecting the server and clicking on the Connect button.
[3] Leave the game with the Exit Button.
3) Character Guide
3-1) Character Creation
After selecting your server, you will be moved to the character selection screen. This screen is
designed for managing your characters.
Character Selection Screen
[1] You can create or delete selected character. If you will choose Delete, you will be asked for your
password, after entering your password you can confirm deletion and character will be deleted.
[2] You can go back to the Server selection screen by Back button or Leave the game with the Exit
If you don't have characters on the selection screen, use the Create button to create a new character.
Character Creation Screen
[1] Enter name of your character.
[2] Select the race
[3] Select the class
[4] Select styles of Hair and Face
[5] Check the appearance of the character
[6] Use the zoom button for character detail
[7] You can see the description of the race
[8] You can check the class explanation
[9] You can confirm your creation with the Create Button
[10] Return back to the character selection screen using the Back Button
If you have successfully been create the character. You will find your character in the character
selection screen. You can have total of 3 characters on the character selection screen for each server.
Your characters will be displayed in the center.
[1] Select the character you want to play.
[2] After selecting the character press Play button to play Archlord.
3-2) Classes Description
Humans are the great lords of the north-western part of Chantra. Strength and honor are the most
important values for them.
Knight – the lord of the sword. His strength is unbelievable resistance and perfect skills in fighting
cold steel. It‟s hard to find a hero able to beat him.
Archer – master of the bow. His strength is a long distance fighting and ability to slow down your
opponent. Agility, speed and power – what else can you expect?
Mage – her attribute is a powerful staff. Mighty spells, controlling elementals, ability to make your
opponent almost defenseless are the greatest strengths of the mage
The south-east part of the world of Chantra is their kingdom. They are believed to be the children of
the earth. Brutality and warmongering are their greatest pleasure
Berserker – the powerful warrior. Fighting with the cold steel is his mastery. Incredible strength and
pain resistance makes them one of the strongest classes in the world of Chantra.
Hunter – the queen of the crossbow. Distance fighting, powerful skills and high resistance make her
almost unkillable.
Sorcerer – the master of the black magic. Strong, long range elemental attacks and quick skill casting
mastery makes him a powerful magician.
In the north-east part of Chantra is the Moonelves' hidden kingdom. Adept at hiding, some believe
them to be the perfect assassins. Typically hidden in darkness, they at times come to wreak havoc
upon the world and are the only entirely female race.
Swashbuckler - mastery in fencing, high resistance, ability not to be affected by the other classes
skills make her an unbelievably strong warrior.
Ranger – hunter‟s defense, archer‟s speed and agility, and a knight‟s resistance culminate in a really
tough warrior. Rangers are specialists in long distance fighting.
Elementalist – master of the elementals. Her strength is accumulated in her chakram and summoned
monsters. One of the most unpredictable classes.
Dragon Scion was the last of the 4 races to arrive at the continent of Chantra. They roamed the world
for 1000 years, searching for a place to settle down, finally reaching south-west of Chantra.
Slayer - A Dragon Scion, who has trained with destructive body power, will turn into a Slayer who
uses huge claws as a weapon. This class is the most muscular among the Dragon Scion after the
Orbiter - Those Dragon Scion, who indulge in knowledge, will turn into an Orbiter, who gives life to
friendly but death to the enemy. The Orbiters lost their wings in exchange for control over life.
Summoner - The Dragon Scion, who is versed in wisdom and spells, will turn into a Summoner, who
summons various types of powerful dragons.
4) Game Guide
4-1) Game Interface
[1] The Party List is located on the top left of the screen, this is where the list of your party members is
located. You can click any of the members of your party in the party list to be able to trade with them,
invite them to your guild if you are a leader, whisper them, and many other options.
[2] The Mini map is defaulted at the top right of the screen. You can expand the mini map using the +
and – signs. To open the map press Shift + M.
[3] Your gained experience percent shown in bars
[4] Your level and experience percentage
[5] HP and MP pots. You place the use
[6] Skills and buffs. You can use the shift key to switch to the next “bar” where u can place more buffs.
There are a total of 4.
[7] HP and MP. The HP and MP displays will, by default, have 2 small golden triangles located on the
far left side of them, these allow you to auto-heal when your health reaches that mark. Your pots will
automatically be used as either your HP or your MP get to that point if you have health or mana
potions in your bags.
[9] On the right hand side you can find clickable ways to move into the guild and party and friend and
ignore and other such menus
4-2) Basic Controls
Movement of your character occurs by clicking the left mouse button onto the location you wish to
move to on the landscape. Keep in mind that areas that are blocked or that have a significant
difference in altitude cannot be reached and a shorter initial midway point will need to be selected.
The characters destination may be changed whilst in movement by clicking a different point on the
4-3) Hot Keys
1 – HP potion
N – Ignore list
Space – Collect item
2 – MP potion
F – Friends
Shift + M – Mini map
Tab – Target Nearest
G – Guild
F1 – Help menu
Q – Quest Diary
J – Craft Skill
F10 – Sky Camera
Enter – Chat
K – Skill
Pad minus – Default Camera
R – Reply
~ - Switch bar up
Pad plus – Camera Zoom
T – Chantra Shop
Ctrl + ~ - Switch bar down
F11 – Angled camera
U – Mailbox
Z – Chat room creation
F12 – Far camera
I – Inventory
X – Enter chat room
Up – Camera up
O – Options
C – Character info
Left – Camera left
P – Party Options
V – Pet inventory
Right – Camera right
M – World map
B – Chantra bag
Down – Camera down
4-4) Help Button
Even if you forget everything else in game, or decide you do not want to read any more of the
beginners guide, all you really need to do is remember the F1 button. This will give you instant ingame help, which although less detailed, can usually cover most of the basics that you need.
Clicking on the individual title will open up more information in the Content (description) window.
4-5) Game Options
The game options are down to personal preference really, most people turn all the settings down to
the lowest for the massive PvP castle sieges though.
As you may of noticed there are 2 tick box‟s at the top that allow you to turn settings to and to turn
other players skills off, these options are very useful when finding the game taxing on your computer
This is where you can set all of your sound settings.
This is where you can set all your display options for in game options for yourself and others you see
during your time playing.
These options will allow you to control who will interact with you, when your grinding you may wish to
block people from trading you.
5) Player Interaction
5-1) Chat Types
The ArchLord Community options allow you to communicate with other players in various ways
Including General Chat and Chat Room.
The chat types in ArchLord are described below.
General chat is in white. It is at times also referred to as White Chat. This is the most simple of chats
used to talk openly with people within your area. To use General Chat press enter and type and press
enter to send. This can be blocked by blocking general.
Whisper chat is used to speak privately with another person. To use whisper chat you can press enter
and then type “/w Player name text.” This chat appears as a pinkish color. This can be blocked by
blocking whispers.
Shouts are used to speak with all players within a region. Such as Tullan, Delfaras, Limelight,
Silancium, etc. The default color of shouts if blue but can be edited to different colors. To do a basic
shout, the command is “/s”. To change the color of your shout you can use codes such as
“/s <;HHFF0000> “to make red. These can be blocked by blocking shouts.
Party chat is used to speak specifically with the people in your party anywhere around the map. It
shows in green and the command is “/p”. This can be blocked by blocking party chat.
Guild chat allows you to speak with anyone in your guild and your entire guild is able to read it. To use
this chat, use the command ”/g”. This chat is orange. This can be blocked by blocking Guild Chat.
If your guild has a union guild or guilds (max of 3 in a union) you can use the command “/u” to chat
with every person in the union. This is the only chat that cannot be blocked. This chat is greenyellow.
Race Trumpet
Race trumpets are viewed by everyone of your race and appear as pink. The command is “/race”
Shout of Elemental
These are special WC shouts that can be read by everyone on the server. They appear in yellow but
the color can be changed as normal shouts can. This can be blocked by blocking shouts
Warning of Ashtal
Another special WC communication, a Warning of Ashtal can be seen by everyone in the game, on
every server. These appear in red. This can be blocked by blocking shouts.
Chat Room
To establish a Chat Room select the „Create Room‟ option found under the community tab on the
menu bar. You must enter a name for your Chat Room and decide whether it will be an;
1) Open room where anyone can join.
2) Secret room where only people who know the password can join.
3) Guild room where only members of the same guild as you can join.
If you choose to create a „Secret‟ Room you will need to enter a „Password‟ which you will give to
players you wishes to join the room. The Chat Room will open as soon as you click the „Create‟ button.
To find a chat room select the „Find Room‟ option from the community tab on the menu bar. Enter the
Rooms name and click the Enter button. The chat room will then be opened, you may however be
presented with a password box if it is a „Secret‟ Chat Room.
Once in a chat room type your message in the text box and press the Enter key to confirm your
message. You can invite other players to the chat room by clicking the „Invite‟ button
5-2) Friend/Ignore List
Selecting the „Friends‟ option from the community tab will access the „Friends list‟. In this window you
can register players as friends, then see if they are online and their current location. You can also
invite them to a party or whisper them. To remove a player from this list, simply click delete when the
player is selected in the list.
Choosing „Ignore‟ from the community tab on the menu bar will open the „Ignore List‟. Here you can
register players who you wish to ignore. You can select a combination of Chat, Trade and Party Invite
Blocks for each player in this list. To remove a player from this list, simply click delete when the player
is selected in the list.
5-3) Flag
There is a system in place in Archlord that allows you to create a flag above your character. Just
simply type “/Flag” and the name of the country and press enter.
Link - http://forum.webzen.com/forum117-archlordgameguard-error-submission.aspx
5-4) Party Systems
A party in Archlord is a group of people who can speak to one another using the /p command and who
can gain benefits from certain leaders and who can share party buffs. A party also allows a group of
people to share experience or drops while killing mobs. To create a party you can click a person and
then click the menu to the right of their name and then click Party, or you can press P and type their
name, or if they are on your friends list you can click party on your friends list while they are selected,
you can also party people through the guild member list by clicking their name and clicking party, and
finally you can add someone to party by using the command /Pin “player name”
[1] Party Options
In the party menu (press P) you will see the party options. Here you can adjust between Free-for-all
drops, Contribution drops and Round-Robin drops, and you can also switch between contribution
experience and Level share.
[2] Individual HP bars will appear on left hand side of the screen for each party member.
As the Party Leader you can choose how both the XP and any loot from monsters are shared
between party members. Press the „P‟ Key to open the Party options window.
[3] To change Split Loot to;
Contribution: Loot is given to the player who caused the most damage
Round Robin: Loot is consecutively given out to all party members
Free For All: Loot will drop on the floor unbinded to any party members
[3] To change Split XP to;
Contribution: XP is shared dependant on damage dealt to the monster by each party member
Level Share: XP is split between party members dependant on their level.
[4] You must click „Apply‟ before any changes are made to Party options.
If you are a Party Leader and you wish to leave the party but allow the other members to continue
being grouped, you can authorize another member as the Party Leader.
[5] By clicking on the player‟s name (on the party member HP bar) and choosing the “Make Leader”
option from the user menu.
Party Leader
The Party Leader is the only person who is able to invite or kick people from the party or change the
Party Options, and depending on the type of character the leader is, the entire group can gain a
Party Leader Class and Relative Party Buff
Warrior Class Attack power increase
Archer Class Defense power increase
Mage Class Max HP increase/ Max MP increase
Party Buffs
A party buff is any buff that can be given to the people in your party. The people have to be close to
the person casting the buff when the person uses it for the others to gain the effect of it.
5-5) Guild Systems
There are 2 ways to become a guild member. Finding a suitable guild in the Guild list (Press G) and
clicking Apply, or having a guild leader invite you to the guild.
Create Guild
To create a Guild your character must be level 20 or above and have 10‟000 Gold available. You must
see a Guild Registrar NPC to establish your Guild. You must enter a name for your Guild. Then create
and confirm a password. Make sure you use a memorable password, as you will need it for certain
Guild Options in the future.
Dissolve Guild
To delete your Guild, use this option. You must enter the Guild name and then confirm the password.
You will then be asked to confirm the deletion. This action cannot be reversed and all Guild; members,
Statistics, rankings etc will be lost.
Guild Mark
When your Guild has 10 or more members and you have a certain amount of Skulls you can create a
Guild Mark. Using this option will present you with a Guild Mark window. Here you can choose a
„Background‟ and select its color, then choose a „Trim‟ and select its color, finally choose a „Symbol‟
and select its color. Then click purchase to complete the Mark creation. If you wish to amend your
Guild Mark at a later date, it is as simple as going through the above steps again.
Guild Member Increase
When your Guild has 20 or more players you can increase the overall member limit to 70. This
process this requires greater quantities of gold per increase in numbers
As a guild leader you will have the opportunity to decide who you let in and out of your guild. You can
accept people who apply by finding them on the guild list; they will have the word JOIN next to their
names, just click Accept at the bottom to let them in.
Leaders also have the ability to invite people to their guilds by either clicking their names, using the
drop menu on the right, or by using the command “/gin” just type “/gin Dagus” and the player Dagus
will receive an invite to your guild.
A leader can also kick a player he doesn‟t believe fits in the guild well. There are many reasons a
leader may kick a person from a guild, but if you find yourself kicked, you may want to speak with the
guild leader and find out what you‟ve done.
Guild Information Tab
The Information tab shows you information about your current Guild. Also Guild Masters can send
Guild Notices from this window.
Members Tab
The Members tab shows a list of all the members in your Guild and their respective level, class, race
and current status. You can send „Whispers‟ to players, send „Party Invites‟ and also request to „Quit
Guild‟ from this window. Guild Masters can also use this window to approve any awaiting Guild Join
Ranking Tab
The Guild Ranking tab shows a list of all available Guilds, their current number of members and their
ranking with Victory Points. Players can request to join a Guild by selecting it from the list and then
clicking the „Join Guild‟ button. A Guild Master will then either accept or decline their join request.
5-6) Guild vs. Guild System
Guild Battle Challenges
A guild master whose guild has more than 10 members can challenge another guild to a guild battle.
The challenged guild must also have at least 10 members. You can issue a guild battle challenge by
selecting a guild and hitting the challenge button in the view guilds tab of the guild information window.
The guild battle starts after a specified countdown - only if the other guild accepts your challenge.
Guild Battle Points
Guild battle points will be awarded depending on the actions of the guild members. Points are
awarded differently based on the kind of battle. The kinds of guild battles are: point match, knock-out
match, guild survivor – group, guild survivor – individual and chief death match.
Point match
The team that gets more points in the given time wins. Your opponent takes your points when u dies
or disconnect. If one team gives up, they lose regardless of points. In a point match, different points
will be given depending on all players‟ levels.
Knock out match
The team that gets more knock-out points wins. Your opponent takes your points when you die or
disconnect. If one team gives up, they lose regardless of points. In a knock-out match, points are
given according to the number of enemies you defeated regardless of their level.
Survivor (Group)
Two groups battle each other for a given time and the team that wins more often wins the battle. If you
disconnect during the battle you can rejoin the battle by reconnecting as long as the battle is still in
progress. However, when one of your members disconnects, the other team receives 1 point.
6) Transportation Guide
6-1) Portal
In every corner of Chantra you can find different portals. They help you to go faster to town or other
places, but usually you are charged gold to use them.
[1] An example of a portal in Moonelf‟s village
[2] You could choose your destination.
6-2) Passports and Phantom Gate
While you are grinding you will drop several passports. You can use passports to go back to the last
visited town or to go to different areas like Chaotic Frontier or the other realms.
[1] Passport A 'one way ticket' to the last visited town
[2] Roundtrip Passport A passport back to town and back to your spot again.
[3] Chaotic Frontier Passport. You can either drop them on mobs that are around the level range of
the dungeon, or you can just buy them at the Item Trader. For each dungeon of chaotic frontier you
need different passports, like the following one
[4] If you have used the Roundtrip Passport by click the icon you could go back to your sport again.
Lightning and Poison passport
They look like Chaotic Frontier passports and you will be able to drop them in the realms or buy them
with WC.
Phantom Gates
You can buy them from the WC shop and you can just port on other player, no matter where they are
by typing /go Nickname. The only character phantom gates won‟t work on is the Archlord.
Passports to towns and caves
Also available in the Chantra shop there are several passports. Passports to the major towns, or to
Protective Passport
A protective passport helps you to port to the last visited town even if you are in a fight. These are
often included in leveling up gifts, and can also be bought from the Chantra Shop. They don't work
in Chaotic Frontier and Battleground.
6-3) Mount
[1] Mounts and Mount Weapons can be bought from Animal Breeders.
[2] You can find Mounts in different level ranges
When you reach level 35 you will be able to use Mounts, which will greatly reduce your travelling time
around the world. They can also be used in battle if you purchase a mounted weapon such as a
Lance, Partisan or Langderine. To purchase a mount visit the Animal Breeder NPC who can be found
in your own race‟s towns. Mount Weapons can also be purchased from these NPCs. To Equip a
purchased mount and mount weapon, double click them in your inventory. Like Wearable items
Mounts have a rating that determines their durability or health. It is listed as Time Left, when this
reaches 0 Hr(s) 0 Min(s) the Mount will become unusable. At any point before this reaches zero the
Mount can be taken to an Animal Breeder NPC and rested in exchange for Gold. Apart from the
regular mounts that can be bought, there are other mounts that can be found in premium boxes
(chantra item). These mounts have 250% movement speed race specific lv35 mounts. These mounts
are Golem, Teah, Spider, Griffin, Mitchell, Legend of Roux and Milfi’s Candy Cart.
7) Combat Guide
7-1) Player Versus Environment (PVE)
[1] Placing the mouse cursor over a target will show their name and HP bar above them. Clicking on
them with the left mouse button will select them and the condition window will appear at the top of the
[2] Monster types: Normal, Elemental (Earth, Magic, Air, Water, Fire), Named, Elemental Named and
Dungeon Bosses.
[3] Name & Level: Target‟s name and their respective level, also a gauge showing the remaining HP
of the target.
[4] Combat Status: An orb appears when you are in combat with a target. Combat is initiated by
another click of the left button mouse button on the target. If the monster has elemental powers then
the „Elemental‟ button will appear. Clicking on this menu will show the elemental details. Killing
monsters will increase your level of experience. However if the monster is 6 or more levels below your
own then you will not gain any XP from killing them.
[5] Buffs: Buffs of course are also a key part of the game. They are non combat skills that increase the
stats of yourself, your party, and some help your guild. Some are dependent on having a shield; some
are dependent on having a certain type of weapon equipped.
[6] Normal Attacks: When in combat with a monster, battle begins automatically upon double clicking.
The fight will continue until you have moved or selected a new monster. You cannot attack while
[7] Skill Attacks: It is more effective to use skills while grinding and in many situations in PVP. You
must learn skills from the trainer in the land of your race and you must set the skills onto your Quick
Slots on the bottom of your screen. You can then use the skill you have on the quick slot by either
clicking on it or pressing the corresponding key on your keyboard. Most skills require a weapon to be
equipped and also require you to have enough Mana to cast it. Magic classes consume Mana even
for Basic (Normal) Attacks.
7-2) Player Versus Player (PVP)
You can attack and be attacked by players from both the same and different races in ArchLord. You
become eligible for PVP at level 6. PVP will not work in certain safe zones such as villages and towns.
To attack a player you must click on them with the „left mouse button‟ to select them. Then left click
them again while holding the „Ctrl‟ key to start the attack. This will change the color of their name (In
Target Condition window) to red.
[2] Villain Points
If you kill a player more than 4 levels below your own you will receive villain points. After Receiving 40
villain points you will be named a Rogue with a visible sign above your head. There are 3 levels of
Rogue status each with its own disadvantages. Villain points can be removed by collecting pardon
scrolls. These are to be handed to a Pardoner NPC, who can be found in some towns and villages.
50 pardon scrolls are needed to reduce your villain points by 10.
(Purple) = First Attacker
•This cannot be removed for a minimum of 20 minutes
• Eligible to be freely attacked by any other player for 20 minutes.
(White) 40 Villain Points = Rogue Level 1
• Guards will attack you
• Trading between players is disabled
• This cannot be removed for a minimum of 120 minutes
(Yellow) 60 Villain Points = Rogue Level 2
• Rogue level 1 disadvantages
• Trading with all NPC‟s and the Auction House is disabled
•This cannot be removed for a minimum of 120 minutes
(Red) 100 Villain Points = Rogue level 3
• Rogue level 1, 2 disadvantages
• 10% XP loss upon death
• 50% decrease in XP gain
• You cannot be the 1st attacker
• This cannot be removed for a minimum of 120 minutes
7-3) Deaths
When you die in ArchLord you will be presented with a Revival Menu. The available options are as
[1] Revive in last visited town: You will revive in the last town or village that you visited. So make sure
if you go on a long journey that you pass through towns or villages on the way! You will suffer a 3%
loss of the XP gained during your current level. You will never go below 0% XP so you will not drop
[2] Use revival item: If you have a Resurrection Orb you can use it to revive where your corpse lies.
Resurrection Orbs can be bought with WC or found from killing some mobs. They allow you to revive
without moving back to town and without the experience penalties.
8) Skill Guide
Skill trainers are located in all main towns; every time you level you will gain a skill point which you
may spend at these NPC‟s to gain new skills/spells or even upgrade current skills/spells. You will soon
notice if you are an Orc trying to use the human skill trainers it will not work, you must use you own
skill trainers as all of your spells/skills are class and race specific.
[1] „Trainer NPC‟ is located in various towns and villages.
[2] You can learn your clicking „Skill‟ button
[3] There are 4 types of skills available; Combat Skills such as combo hits, Buff Skills such as
temporary stat increases, Class Skills that are class specific and Passive skills that are permanent
stat increases.
[4] You obtain a skill by selecting it. Once you have obtained a skill it can be upgraded to the next
level by buying the same skill again.
[5] Learn your skill by clicking „Learn‟ at the bottom of the skill window.
[6] You can reset your skills by clicking „Reset‟ button.
When using skill points do be careful, there are ways to reset the points but it will cost WC credits.
The first full reset is free, and you will be refunded the costs of your skills but you will not be refunded
the additional tax you have spent on them in the towns while you were training. Occasionally therefore,
if you choose to do a full reset for the first time, you may not have enough money to re- purchase all
the skills again after you take the additional taxes into account.
Skills can be learned in 2 different ways:
The first is the standard method of random purchase, you click on the skill you wish to buy and that is
it. The second way happens once you get to the Combo Skills or if you decide to play a Dragon Scion
Character. These skills must be learned in a specific way (a skill tree) and you cannot purchase some
skills until you have achieved a minimum level in other skills.
Although it sounds complicated, it is fairly self explanatory when you get to learn them. The only
difficulty you may encounter is if you wish to reset one skill on a skill tree you usually have to reset
many others too so it can be a very expensive reset.
Once you have purchased your skills, press K to bring up the skill menu and then drag the skills down
to the toolbar. Skills can be cast by right clicking with the mouse, or by pressing the corresponding
number across the top of the keyboard.
9) Item Guide
9-1) Item Equipping
ArchLord features a vast range of wearable items such as weapons, rings, amulets and armor. When
equipping equipment simply double click the armor piece in your inventory, alternately you may wish
to open your character menu and your inventory and click and drag it to the desired slot. Sometimes
you can switch armor sets while buffing, this can allow you to have a much better build depending on
the additional skills that come with the armor set. This does not always work with weapons though,
swapping weapons after buffing can cause the player to lose the buffs he or she has already cast.
9-2) Item Stats
Wearable items are split into 5 groups; White = Normal, Orange = Rare, Purple = Unique, Gold = Elite,
and Blue = Combination. Normal wearable items can be purchased from NPCs in villages and towns,
but Rare, Unique and Elite items are only found in monster loot, and Combination must be made by a
player using the Combination method. Both Weapons and Armor have a durability rating which is
shown as a fraction. When this rating reaches zero the weapon will be broken beyond repair and a
new weapon will need to be equipped. While a weapons durability rating is anywhere above zero it
can be taken to a Blacksmith or Animal Breeder NPC and repaired in exchange for Gold.
To equip an item a character must meet the item requisites. Some items may require a certain
character level, race or class. Item conditions of use are displayed within the item stats which are
shown when the mouse icon is held over an item in the Inventory or relevant character slot in the
character window(C).
[1] Required Level: A character must meet or exceed the stated character experience level.
[2] Required Race: Some items are race specific, others can be used by any race.
[3] Required Class: Some items are class specific, others can be used by all classes
9-3) Item Repair
Blacksmiths can be found in almost every town and village you visit. You can use the blacksmith to
either upgrade weapons using or repair your armor parts. When using the blacksmiths located in each
town you must have all the items you want to repair unequipped in your inventory. Then after selecting
the repair option you must click and drag the items from your inventory to the repair window then click
repair all once all your chosen items are in the window.
9-4) Item Upgrade
Upgrading items is a very important aspect of the game, each “+1” to your armor or weapon will
increase its basic physical stats. For amour the defense shall increase and for weapons the physical
attack power will increase. To upgrade you‟re armor or weapons you need reinforcement potions.
Once you have entered the upgrade item menu you will notice your reinforcement potions are already
listed, all you have to do now is select which armor or weapon you wish to upgrade and drag it into
the top slot.
Now all you must do is right click Upgrade(and hope that you‟re lucky) reinforcement is done by
chance so it may take 10 potions to get to +10 or may take 99. If you fail the upgrade it randomly
reset the weapon. And if you success the upgrade the weapon is now +1 with increased physical
damage. There are items available from the CC shop that can improve your chances of success, but
even they do not guarantee a 100% success rate.
9-5) Item Combinations
Similar to other forms of crafting, (as in you collect items together to produce a different item) but
combinations are done in the refinery, and require no prior experience or minimum level in crafting
skills. The refinery can be used for several purposes;
- Upgrading Potions
- Combining stones to make bigger stones
- 50 one way passports can be combined to make a round trip passport
- Creating Combination Accessories.
- Creating Combination Weapons
- Upgrading Shields
Combination Accessories
For those of us who have not been lucky enough to find a unique accessory we can try and make
combination accessories. The items we need to make each combination can be found listed under the
F1 help file in game. After making sure we have all the required items we can put them into the
Each attempt at combining accessories has a success rate, similar to that of reinforcing. Sometimes
the items will fail, other times you may be left with an item that is not as good as you hoped. Another
thing worth mentioning is that the accessories made using this method can gain additional stats as
the level of the player increases. Therefore if you have a higher level character too, it is always a
good idea to put the item on that character as well to check for any additional stats.
10) Trading Guide
Before entering into battle, you should stock up on items you think may be needed during your travels.
Take plenty of potions and projectiles if needed. For this reason, trading with a Merchant NPC is
essential before setting off. Talk to the Merchant NPC, click on „Buy/Sell‟. You will then be presented
with the Merchant‟s Store and your Inventory. Drag the item that you wish to purchase or sell between
the Merchant‟s Store and your inventory. You will be asked to confirm the trade, click „yes‟ to
complete the transaction (if you decide against the trade click „No‟ to cancel it). You can also click the
right mouse button on items in either the merchant‟s or your own Inventory to start a transaction.
Once you have finished trading click the „Close‟ button at the bottom of the merchant‟s Store.
Remember to make sure you really want to sell an item before confirming any transaction as you may
be selling something precious or difficult to obtain again.
At times there are instances when you may wish to trade with other players. To begin a trade click on
the player you wish to trade with, and then select „Trade‟ from the user menu next to their name. A
message regarding the trade request is sent to the other player. Once the other player agrees to trade
then the trade window and player Inventory will open for both players. The upper part of the trade
window is where you drop your items that you wish to give to the other player. The lower part is where
the other player will place any items he/she will be giving to you. Gold can also be paid in exchange
for goods. Once you have both selected all items to be traded or entered a price you are willing to pay
for goods, press the “Lock” button. Both players must now click the „Trade‟ button to complete the
To sell an item in the Auction House open your Inventory and click the „Sell‟ button located
underneath your Gold. This will open your sales window where you can drag items you wish to sell
onto available slots. A sale price must be entered into the pop up box to complete the listing.
To buy from or browse the Auction House you must visit an „Item Trader NPC‟ who can be
found in many of the villages or towns.
Trading Bound items
You are able to trade some bound items (like uniques) too. But you need to use a marvel scroll of
release to make the item unbound.
To trade for example a unique you have to put the marvel scroll into the trade window first.
put the marvel scroll you will be able to put the unique item into the trade window.
After you
11) Crafting Guide
If you have the right tools and skills you can collect items from the corpses of monsters, these items
can later be used to craft items such as Food, Weapons and Potions.
11-1) Collecting Skill
After killing a mob, players will often see an image of a hand at the top of the screen under the name
of the corpse. If this icon appears, it means that the player can collect an item from the mob, by using
the collection skill.
Players must be level 7 before they can learn the collection skill from the adventurer. Adventurers can
be found in different places throughout the world of Chantra, but they can always be found in the
starter towns too. As well as buying the collection skill from the adventurer you will need to buy a
knife from the merchant too.
Press J and you should see the collection skill shown in the crafting window. It should appear as a
colored picture of a hand. If the picture appears in black and white check you have purchased a
knife. If you have purchased a knife and it still appears in black and white - try relogging.
Using the left mouse button, drag the collection skill into a vacant window of your task bar. Each
time you kill a mob and the collection skill icon appears under its name at the top of the screen, right
click on the collection icon in your skill bar, and your character will then attempt to collect an item from
the mob
The collection skill is not 100% successful, but with each successful attempt at collecting, your
collection level will increase by a set percentage. As your level of ability increases, you will be able
to collect rare items and after level 9 you will be able to collect "finest items".
The items you collect can be used for different things, some are required to complete quests, and
others can be used for cooking and alchemy. With Cooking it is possible to create foods to give you
extra defense, attack and protection skills; with Alchemy you can make metamorphosis potions and
also boxes that contain items such as potions, stones and passports.
Mobs in the Chaotic Frontiers also have items you can collect which will reduce you cast time and
cool down times, or give you 10% chance to convert damage, or skill block +10%, and the bone
shards from CF can be used to make a mask, which does all 3 and will last for 30 minutes. Also all the
items you collect can be sold at the Auction House (with the exception of items collected in the
Chaotic Frontiers), and selling them is a good way of increasing the quantity of gold you have in game.
Your success in collecting rare and finest items increases as your collection skill level increases too.
Finest items rarely drop before level 9, but by level 15 (current maximum level for crafting) you should
collect the finest items more often. Each mob usually will drop one of 3 different items (there are a few
exceptions) and each of these items usually drops in 2 different forms – normal and rare. Also each
mob will drop 1 kind of finest item, and part of the fun is discovering from which mob you can collect
the items from. For those who do not want to search for the items, check the table below:
Normal and Rare
Trackers, Deer, Boars, Wolves, Goblins, Lizardmen, Barricks, Bats, Ethans, Amblords
Manticores, Voltex
Glutton Workers, Spiders, Worms, Moths, Crawlers, Lequimes,
Deer, Gargoyles, Creptils, Centaurs,
Deer, Centaurs
Vampires, Wolves, Lycantos, Barricks, Eyeballs, Bats, Ethans, Amblords, Voltex
Lycantos, Bandillions
Eyeballs, Griffens, Brokens, Crows
Eyeball, Broken, Crow
Drans, Lamias, Maryliths
Vipers, Drans, Maryliths
Bats, Vampires, Glutton Workers, Boar, Goblins, Skeletons, Ethans, Lamias, Teeth
Bats, Vampires, Trolls
Hypolynx, Wolves, Amblords, Creptils, Maryliths, Voltex, Lizardmen, Manticores
Wolves, Lizardmen
Torges, Tentacles
Vampires, Cubes, Skeletons
Cube, Skeleton
Cubes, Golems, Sharddancers,
Grinders, Ircon Plants, Bandillions, Thieves, Gnolls, Cubes, Gigglers, Baloondogs,
Thieves, Gnolls
Glutton Workers, Spiders, Worm, Moths, Crawlers,
Gigglers, Spriggans,
Skeletons, Spiders,
Lamias, Viscious, Lycantos, Bandillions, Crows
Lamias, Viscious
Barricks, Baloondogs, Boars, Worms, Crawlers
Worm, Boar, Crawler
Many other mobs will drop the items above so the above list is by no means complete. Half of the fun
is trying to find which items the mobs drop too. Also please note that some of the items change name
as they switch from Normal to Rare to Finest:
These items can usually be found in the Auction House too, although if you collect them yourself you
can save a considerable amount of gold, and make quite a lot of gold selling your spare collected
items too.
11-2) Cooking Skill
Cooking and Alchemy are useful in game for several reasons. Cooking will allow you to create foods
that will give your character greater defense, attack or resistance, or can also increase your HP or MP
for a limited period of time. Alchemy will allow you to make either metamorphosis potions which you
can use to transform yourself into various mobs and increase your powers for a limited time, or you
can use alchemy to create boxes which will contain items useful to you such as potions, stones,
scrolls, passports and occasionally serazaren pets. Both skills are necessary to complete the buddy
system, and items created by both skills are necessary for some of the game quests.
Cooking can be learned from level 10. You need to buy the main skill from the cook, and you will
need to purchase the recipes too, so select crafting to purchase the skill and recipes suitable for your
cooking level. The recipes available depend on your cooking level, as your ability at cooking increases,
the number of recipes available to you will also increase.
Then you will need to purchase additional ingredients and cooking utensils so on the conversation
screen choose the Buy/Sell option and purchase your utensils.
Once you have bought the cooking skill from the cook press J, the cooking ability should be shown on
your crafting screen as below: If the skill appears grayed out (as in the collection and alchemy skill
shown below), then you need to ensure you have purchased the cooking utensil. If you have already
purchased the utensil and it still is grayed out, try relogging. Drag the cooking skill from the Craft skills
box into your skill bar using the left mouse button:
To create a recipe, right click on the cooking skill in the skill bar and the list of recipes you have
learned will appear. Hover the mouse over each recipe and you can see at a glance which items you
have and which you are missing in order to create a recipe.
If all your recipes titles are written in grey you do not have enough of any ingredients to complete a
recipe – missing items are written in red. Cooking recipes involves a mixture of food items bought
from the cook, and collected items which you have either ransacked yourself or purchased from
another player or the Auction House.
If one of the recipes is written in white this means you have all the ingredients
necessary to attempt to cook the recipe. Click on the white recipe and the
create box will light up, along with pictures showing how many of each item
is needed to make the recipe. Click create and your character will cook the
chosen recipe. If you are unsuccessful, then a message will appear the
bottom right of the screen stating that “Cooking has Failed”. If your cooking
is successful the food will appear in your bags and your level of
cooking will increase by a small percentage. To consume the food,
right click on the item in your bag.
There are optional additional seasonings available for purchase
from the cook, and these can be used in order to increase
the success rate of the recipe. Buy them from the cook
and these will automatically be used in your recipe if
you have them stored in your inventory.
11-3) Alchemy Skill
This is almost identical to the cooking procedure,
but with a few minor differences; You must be level 15 in order to learn the skill,
and there are 2 main types of items you can make – metamorphosis potions or boxes
First you need to learn the skill from the Alchemist. Alchemists can be found all over Chantra, but
always in the first towns. As well as learning the skill you will also need to learn the recipes for the
potions and boxes. The metamorphosis potions can be seen at the top of the list, but if you scroll
down you will soon see the alchemy box recipes that are available for your level too.
Alchemists sell the Alchemy cauldron under the Buy/Sell section, and they also sell alchemy scrolls
for each different alchemy recipe. These scrolls are optional, but can improve the success rate of
the alchemy attempt.
Once you have learned the skill of alchemy, and purchased the recipe and the alchemy cauldron,
press J and drag the alchemy skill into your skill bar. If the skill appears grayed out, check you have
bought the cauldron, if it still appears grayed out, relog back into the game.
As with cooking, open the alchemy skill box by right clicking on it in the skill bar. However the mouse
over each recipe to see which items you still need. If the recipe is written in white rather than grey,
then you have all the ingredients necessary, and clicking on that recipe will highlight the create button
and display images of how many of each item your recipe will cost.
Click the create button and if you are successful the potion or box will appear in your bag and your
alchemy level will increase by a small percentage. To use the item, right click on it in the storage bag
– if you use a metamorphosis potion your character will mutate into that creature – to end the
metamorphosis early, right click on the metamorphosis icon shown at the bottom right corner of the
screen. The metamorphosis potions have level restrictions on them, so although you may be able to
create a metamorphosis potion, you may not be able to use it until your character is a higher level.
To open a box you have created, right click on the box in your storage bag.
All the crafting skills can be very useful, but take some practice. Getting into the habit of collecting
from mobs when you can, and storing all the items where possible to make into potions and boxes
and food can make a big difference to the amount of gold you have available in game.
Selling the items you collect that you do not need to the merchant or for more money to the Auction
House, can also increase the players‟ wealth, especially if the items are needed by other players in
order to complete quests. If you have crafting skills it is a good idea to regularly check the auction
house and see which items and products are selling for the most money, this can help considerably
and can allow a player to spend more when other players of the same level, but without crafting skills
are struggling for gold.
Also IF you accidentally spend too much gold and then have none left for potions, collecting the
necessary items from low level mobs will allow you to make the alchemy boxes that contain potions
and therefore let you continue to play without having to sell anything important.
12) Quest System
There are over 2000 Quests that can be collected from NPC‟s in the vast continent of Chantra. These
quests can be single tasks or can be chain quests where multiple tasks must be completed to finish
the quest. Symbols above these NPC‟s will show you which ones have Quests available and what
status those Quests are at.
A yellow exclamation mark - NPC has a new Quest Available
A green question mark - You have accepted a Quest from the NPC
A yellow question mark - NPC’s Quest has been completed and you may need to speak with
them to claim your reward.
Any Active Quests can be found in your Quest Diary, to access this use the (Q) key. Various rewards
are received for completing Quests, such as Gold, XP and sometimes rare items too.
In game there are different ways to get Experience and Items, one of those methods is by doing
Quests. You will be able to get quests starting from level 1.
As you can see there are a lot of red exclamation marks on this screenshot of Tullan. Each
exclamation mark means there is an NPC with available Quests.
Just go to the different NPCs and click on them to read about the available quests. You can accept a
maximum of 10 Quests at a time.
Once you have clicked accept, the quests will be visible in your quest list. Quests which are
displayed with white letters are incomplete; those written in grey letters have been almost completed
and just need you to return to the NPC stated in the quest.
As you can see there are a lot of red exclamation marks on this screenshot of Tullan. Each
exclamation mark means there is an NPC with available Quests.
Just go to the different NPCs and click on them to read about the available quests. You can accept a
maximum of 10 Quests at a time.
Once you have clicked accept, the quests will be visible in your quest list. Quests which are displayed
with white letters are incomplete; those written in grey letters have been almost completed and just
need you to return to the NPC stated in the quest.
13) Map Guide
No matter where you are in game, press M to see the map of the area. When you are in, press M and
shift. If you press shift it will show you the names of the NPCs.
The world of Chantra is vast. It is large somewhat Pangaea like land. It‟s formed of 2 large continents
with Humans to the north-west, Dragon scion to the south-west, Elves to the north-east, Orcs to the
south-east, and a large desert in the center.
You‟ll find many mobs in the outside world. You will also find out that they are much easier to kill than
those in caves and chaos frontier and battleground and realm, with the loss of a lot of experience.
As you progress through the outside world mobs will become higher level as you continue to newer
towns and eventually into the desert of Silancium, then the lush greenery of Latria, and finally into the
areas of Ogre village and the village of shadows. The highest level mobs (Lv85) are located in the
village of shadows.
World Map
The Mini-Map (M) is located in the top right hand corner of the screen. This map gives you a detailed
view of your surrounding landscape and can be very useful for plotting journeys. It can be increased
in size by using the + symbol found at its top edge (this can be used twice to get the maximum size).
It can then be minimized again by using the – symbol. It can also be moved around the screen by
simply clicking it and dragging it to your preferred position. The Mini-Map shows you the location of
many things in the surrounding area, such as your location, any NPCs, party members and portals.
14) Main Contents
14-1) Siege War
Sieges were introduced in Episode 2 of Archlord and brought with them a different, new and
interesting side to the game. The ability to fight with a mass of players for the supreme power is one
of the most fun things to do in AL. There are several castles throughout the continent of Chantra:
Inflame, Arthian, Traqua, Drayger and Rensphere.
In order to siege a castle, a minimum of two guilds will have fight to each other, although there can be
up to 6 guilds competing. The guild master who leads his guild to victory will become the lord of the
castle. He will also rule the area where the castle is belonged, and will be compensated as well from
the taxes taken in each town. The Defender of a Castle can pick another guild to help defend the
castle. The Attacking Guilds must sign up for the siege at the siege Commander located in front of
each castle.
Attacking Castle
In front of the Castle there is a siege merchant from which you can buy
different items that can help: catapult bombs, reviving stones or different
summons. During the siege the attackers may use the
Catapults and Revival Towers they have situated in their
deployment zone. The defenders can destroy these
structures to buy some time during the fight.
The Catapults can only be attacked and destroyed if they are actively firing. If they are dormant then
you cannot inflict damage on them. This also applies to the Revival Towers. If the Revival Towers
have been activated by an attacking guild leader they you can attack and destroy this to remove the
attackers ability to revive at the battlefield upon death. The attackers can repair both these
structures up to 5 times.
To win the castle you need to “stamp the throne”. What that means is staying at the throne for 3
minutes. Only the Guild Master can Stamp. The stamping is cancelled if the Guild Master dies. During
stamping you cannot use skills doing so will cancel stamping, you can only use potions. But there
are a few steps before you can commerce stamping:
1. Destroying the Outer Gates
You can gain initial entry to the castle grounds via 3 methods. Going directly for the main gate or
going for the flanking guard towers. The guard towers will fight back however.
2. Destroying the Resurrection Tower (optional)
This is an optional requirement and is not integral to the final outcome. Destroying the Revival tower
however will remove the defenders ability to revive at the castle grounds upon death. This can prove a
major strategical bonus to the attacking team as it dilutes the defenders resistance somewhat.
3. Destroying the Inner Gate
There is only one way into the castle for the attackers and that is through the internal gate situated on
a higher tier directly behind the castle Revival Tower.
4. Destroying the Tower of Life (optional)\
This is an optional requirement and is not integral to the final outcome. Destroying the Life Tower will
disable the defenders use of the castle portals so they can no longer port around the battlefield and
reinforce their numbers.
5. Destroying the throne
The Throne is protected with a magical archon shield. This must be attacked until it can no longer
withstand any more punishment and fails. Once this shield is down the Archon Eye‟s become
vulnerable to attack.
6. Destroying Archon‟s Left and Right Eye.
Once the Throne shield is down the Archon Eyes can be attacked. This will blind the Archlord‟s
watchful gaze on the castle and allow stamping of the throne. The Eyes are flanked by an Archon
protective on each side that will retaliate to any hostile action upon the Eyes. The protective deals
around 800dmg and a further 50 magical damage of every elemental school. The protective cannot be
attacked or destroyed it will cease its attack when the eye is closed/destroyed. Once you have closed
one eye you must close the other eye within 5 minutes of the first one otherwise they both re-open
and the attackers have to close both eyes again.
7. Stamping your mark on the Throne
The final task in the fight is stamping your mark on the castle throne itself. This will take 3 minutes to
achieve and during which the stamping guild leader cannot move or attack other players lest the
stamping is cancelled. He/she can however use health potions as normal.
Any guild leader can stamp the throne and this is usually the point where alliances fail and the
attacking guilds turn against each other for control over the castle. The guild leader that was the last
to stamp the throne when the siege timer is up will be declared the new castle lord and the siege will
14-2) Chaotic Frontiers
There are 6 different Chaotic Frontiers: Forest of Scream, Land of Ice, Dungeon 1F, Dungeon 2F,
Forest of Pain and Tower of Despair. These are the places where you have the greatest chance to
drop unique accessories or realm set of armors, and they can be entered from the small portals in
most towns.
1) You can enter any Chaotic Frontier whenever you want, but your level will be downgraded upon
entering if it‟s higher than the level range of the CF.
2) If you are usually a higher level than the Chaotic Frontier you enter your level will be downgraded
and the rules of that level will apply where PvP is concerned. For example: If you are level 85 and you
have entered Dungeon 1F (level 51-55), your level will be lowered to 55, so if you kill a player level 53
there is no additional punishment (except from purple skull). If however you kill a level 51, you will
still accumulate VPs
3) If your level is lowered on entering a CF, you will not gain any experience points in there, however if
you die to a mob you will lose 3% xp and this will show on resurrecting in town.
4) Armors, weapons and accessories you wish to use, must be within the level range or lower than the
Chaotic Frontier you enter. For example: you cannot use Luke Necklace (level 85) in Tower of Despair
(level 69-70). Items which are unable to use will remain equipped, but will not work properly and will
soon show as broken on your screen.
5) All the skills you have learned will continue to work in any Frontier regardless of the level of the
Frontier. For example: If you are level 71 mage and if you have learned Voltaile Combustion (level 71)
this skill will still work in Forest of Scream (level 31-40).
6) Despite their lower level, some of the mobs use strong Area on Effect (AoE) attacks, so be careful.
14-3) Battle Ground
The Battle Ground is a free battle field, if you kill another player in there of a different race you will not
be punished as in you will get no skull and no villain points regardless of the level of the player you kill.
The only restriction is that you cannot kill members of your own race. All other race players have
their names hidden in the battleground, and these instead are shown as ******. Also players from
different races cannot communicate with each other in either normal chat, shout or guild chat,
although race trumpets, shouts of elemental, chat rooms and union chats remain visible.
There are many mobs there which give high xp, but you run a much greater risk of being killed in
there by other players too. Any mob you kill within your level range, or any player you kill of a similar
level or higher will give you Charisma (CHA) points. These CHA points can be spent in the
Charisma Lottery machine in each of the race fortresses. Each spin costs 100 charisma points and
can result in a variety of gifts from potions, pets and race trumpets to battle ground armor and ashtal
Every week on a Thursday and Sunday at 12:00 GST there is a Race versus Race battle (RvR),
where each race tries to kill the leaders of the opposing races. There are also a large number of
special mobs at the beginning of the RvR which spawn in the centre of the battlefield. The races
which successfully kill these mobs then will benefit from additional buffs which will last a few days.
During the RvR, all the other monsters are removed from the battle ground, so it is not advised to cast
any leveling items such as talismans of awakening or serazarens just before the start of an RvR.
Rules in brief:
-It is a free battle field, so nobody will be punished for killing the others.
-If the player you have killed was around your level or higher you will gain Charisma Points*.
-You can attack ONLY other races
-You will not see the nicknames of the other race‟s players.
-You will not be able to use Revival Orbs (only Resurrection Orbs bought from the chantra shop).
-You cannot kill and you will not be attacked by the monsters of your own races fortress.
15) Event NPC
This is probably one of the most important NPCs you will ever find in game. You can find Event
bosses in every starter town and every main city throughout the world of Chantra and they are used to
deliver rewards to players for many different things. For any of the following you need to go click on
the event boss:
1) Exchanging items for in game event rewards.
2) Receiving Guild of the Month rewards
3) Collecting many forum event rewards
4) Registering for the Buddy System
5) Receiving Buddy System rewards
6) Receiving Leveling Up rewards
7) Exchanging Premium Tickets
Because of the constant change of events throughout the game,
many of the event listed change on a regular basis, it is a good
idea to therefore exchange items etc. as soon as you have
enough to complete an event, rather than waiting as if the NPC
Event changes, you will no longer be able to claim your prize.
It is good to regularly check all the pages of the NPC Event Boss,
as occasionally you will find rewards for events you may have entered
on the forums in preceding months and forgotten to claim.
16) Chantra Shop Guide
16-1) How to access Chantra Shop
- Click on the „P„icon located at the bottom right side of your screen.
16-2) Chantra Shop
- Certain restrictions may apply when purchasing Cash Items. Any Cash Items categorized under „PP
Card Only„, can only be purchased with W Coin (P). As for other Cash Items, you can purchase them
with both W Coin(C) and W Coin (P). „Buy„button will allow you to proceed to checkout window.
16-3) Purchasing Chantra Items
- Please note that all cash items are not refundable. Please check carefully before you confirm your
1. Choose any Cash Items and click on the „Buy‟ button.
2. Select the W Coin type. 1) W Coin(C): W coin(C) will be deducted from your account 2) W Coin (P):
W Coin (P) will be deducted from your account 3) Cancel: the transaction will be canceled.
- Please note that you will not be able to select W Coin Type when you purchase PP Card Only Items.
W Coin Type will be automatically set as W Coin (P)
16-4) W Coin Type
W Coin(C)
All cash items cannot be traded if purchased with W Coin(C). W Coin(C) is the credit deposited into
users„ account upon purchasing W Coin by means of credit card and Click&Buy. There are
daily/monthly maximum purchase limits for W Coin(C). Purchase limits can be adjusted according to
the user„s purchase history (total W Coins purchased, number of transactions, member registration
date, etc). Items purchased with W Coin(C) cannot be traded in game.
W Coin (P)
All cash items can be traded or moved if purchased with W Coin (P). W Coin (P) is the credit
deposited into his/her account upon purchasing W Coin by means of prepaid card (PaysafeCard,
Wallie, and Ukash), Electronic Serial (EPIN), and Bank Transfer. There is no purchase limit on W
Coin (P). Availability of payment methods to purchase W Coin (P) may differ for each region (i.e.:
Paysafecards can only be accessed in number of countries). W Coin (P) can be used to purchase PP
Card only Cash Items. Items purchased with W Coin (P) can be traded in game.
16-4) W Coin Type
What is W Coin?
W Coin is a pre-paid game currency regulated in Webzen's Game Portal which can be used to buy ingame items and enjoy other various contents. Get the best out of Webzen games with W Coin.
Your chosen payment method makes the difference between the two.
W Coin(C)
Credit Cards, Real-time Bank
Transfer, eWallets
Items purchased with W Coin(C)
cannot be traded.
Payment method
Purchase Limit
How it works
W Coin(P)
Prepaid/ Vouchers
Items purchased with W Coin(P)
can be traded.
W Coin does not have any real world value and it can only be used to purchase virtual goods and
services provided directly from WEBZEN.COM. Any act of violation goes against WEBZEN Terms of
Service including unauthorized trading or selling W Coin will be resulted in permanent account
16-5) Payment Methods
Payment Methods for W Coin (C)
W Coin(C) is the credit deposited into users‟ account upon purchasing W Coin by means of credit
card and Click&Buy. There are daily/monthly maximum purchase limits for W Coin(C). Purchase limits
can be adjusted according to the user‟s purchase history (total W Coins purchased, number of
transactions, member registration date, etc). Items purchased with W Coin(C) cannot be traded in
Payment Method
W Coin
Direct Link
Buy W Coin
Buy W Coin
Credit Cards
Buy W Coin
Buy W Coin
W Coin(C)
Real-time Bank
Buy W Coin
Buy W Coin
Buy W Coin
Payment Methods for W Coin (P)
W Coin (P) is the credit deposited into his/her account upon purchasing W Coin by means of prepaid
card (PaysafeCard, Wallie, and Ukash), Electronic Serial (EPIN), and Bank Transfer. There is no
purchase limit on W Coin (P). Availability of payment methods to purchase W Coin (P) may differ for
each region (i.e.: Paysafecards can only be accessed in number of countries). W Coin (P) can be
used to purchase PP Card only Cash Items. Items purchased with W Coin (P) can be traded in game.
Payment Method
Prepaid /
Prepaid /
Payment Method
W Coin
W Coin(P)
W Coin
W Coin(P)
Direct Link
Direct Link
Cherry Credits
17) Forum Icon Guide
In the Archlord Forums, you will see different icons. Here‟s a guide to distinguish them. While GMs
and Volunteers have special forum icons, there are many more fun forum icons to enjoy. If you don‟t
have one yet, don‟t be disappointed! We will continue to have forum events!
Game Master (GM)
GMs are employees of WEBZEN and they represent WEBZEN Inc. GMs provide support for game
users in and out of the game. This includes forums, direct inquiries, events, etc.
In Game Volunteer (IGV)
An in game Volunteer is a person you can go to with questions or requests with issues. They appear
as an lv99 swashbuckler with a golden [V] symbol above their head. IGVs cannot pvp, and are not
permitted to trade. They are players just like you, who have offered and been accepted by the GMs to
give their time for the players.
Official Forum Volunteer
Forum Volunteers are players who give up their spare time to help with the day to day running of the
forums. They will also help with press releases, translation duties, mediation and occasional testing
Probationary Forum Volunteer
The same duties as the Official Volunteers, but these players are serving a probationary period first.
After a month or so their icon will be changed to one with wings.
Volunteers are players that are supporting GMs and administrators.
Please remember they are users as well as other players. Official
Volunteers are selected by the GMs and you can ask for their help
in and out of the game. However, please do not ask much or
flame at the Volunteers as they do not represent WEBZEN
since they are not employees of WEBZEN Inc.
Guide Is Made By
Archlord Support Team & Volunteer Team
Volunteer ''Esme''
Volunteer ''Xisi'
Volunteer ''Krya'
Volunteer “Frist”
Volunteer ''Dagus''
Volunteer “Sumrak”
Volunteer “Snowhen”
Volunteer “Pentagramus”