Employment Opportunities at Brackenhill Primary School
Employment Opportunities at Brackenhill Primary School
Employment Opportunities at Brackenhill Primary School Dear applicant, Thank you for requesting an application pack for a vacancy at Brackenhill Primary School. We are looking for enthusiastic and committed staff with high expectations to join our team. If you feel you are an excellent practitioner, who is keen to work hard in an exciting and successful environment, then we look forward to receiving your application. This booklet will give you a brief insight to our school but we would encourage you to come and visit us to see for yourself our wonderful school environment. Contact details are available on the job advert. How to apply Please read the job description and personnel specification carefully to ensure you meet the required criteria before applying for this position. You should complete the enclosed application form outlining how you meet the criteria in the job description. Alternatively you can submit an online application through Prospects on line. Your application should be accompanied by a supporting letter, no longer than two sides of A4. Within your letter of application you may wish to outline you reasons for applying for the post and give an indication of what you can offer the school. We would request that you provide details of daytime and evening contact numbers and email addresses for use should you be called for interview. Completed Applications should be returned to: FAO Helen Metcalf Headteacher Brackenhill Primary School Dracup Road Bradford BE7 4HA Alternatively you may wish to email your application to rachel.partovi@brackenhillprimary.co.uk You may also apply by uploading your application via the prospects online website. You are advised to call the school to confirm that we have received your email before the close of applications. We look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards Helen Metcalf Headteacher Our Building and Grounds The current school was built in 1975 when Great Horton Infant School became Brackenhill First School. The school became a Primary school in 2001 with the reorganisation of Bradford schools. Major refurbishment followed this changed use with the creation of classrooms to replace the original open plan layout. We also created an ICT suite, a library and an art room to meet the changing needs. Over recent years the school has been updated with a pitched roof placed over the flat roof, new boilers, security fencing and the replacement of all doors and windows. In 2009 Brackenhill Primary began the exciting process of moving from a one to a two form entry school. The work has seen the completion of new modern classrooms and a sports hall along with refurbishment of existing classrooms and a new nurture room. The school has extensive grounds including the large sports field, a wildlife area with copses, orchard, geology area, seating etc. There is also a growing garden and a cycle track and skills area within the grounds. Our Community and extended schools provision We are near the centre of Great Horton and while this former village is now very much a part of the city, the school is bordered by a large park and green spaces. We serve a mixed community reflecting the ethnic mix within Bradford. We are part of ‘Great Heights’, which is a vibrant partnership of schools in the area. Sports, cultural and community events are on offer, widening opportunities for community collaboration and learning. Within school our learning mentor provides a low cost breakfast club and a range of after school clubs which vary over the year. Currently there are clubs for film and animation, music, cooking, drama and a variety of sports including cycling. Our pupils typically move to up to twelve different secondary schools. For our parents we have long established ESOL classes in school, organised by the WEA, as well as a variety of other classes including sewing and ICT. The development of these classes over the years has resulted in increasing parent involvement in school life. Brackenhill Friendship Group supports the school through events and fundraising. Teaching and Learning at Brackenhill The school takes in children with a wide range of ability on entry, however increasing numbers join us with attainment and development well below national average. The challenge for the school is to meet the needs of such a wide range of ability and to ensure that those with low attainment on entry make sustained, accelerated progress to meet new national standards. While raising attainment is a key priority, at the heart of the school is the aim to develop future citizens with high aspirations, who show respect for others and their environment, develop a range of talents and gain satisfaction from learning and making a contribution to our society. We have an active school council as well as a playground buddy scheme and sports leaders. Out of school visits are essential to widen our children’s experiences and we have a long established programme of visits to a range of venues. A range of visitors also come to school to share their expertise and widen learning. Children take part in the Schools Linking Project to develop cohesion across the city. . To meet the needs of pupils from different faiths we provide separate faith worship weekly for Christian, Muslim, Hindu and Sikh groups. Leaders are provided by the LA Interfaith Centre. We also aim to provide a balanced celebration of the main festivals of these groups through the school year. New staff are joining a highly committed enthusiastic team. There is a balance of experienced teachers and recently qualified teachers who are keen to implement educational changes and raise attainment. Throughout Foundation stage a skilled and welcoming team of teachers, nursery nurses and teaching assistants ensure good practice from the start. In Key Stage One and Key Stage Two we have a skilled and enthusiastic team of teachers and teaching assistants, as well as higher level teaching assistants, who also provide PPA cover. Our Learning Mentors and Behaviour Champion provide a wide range of additional support for vulnerable children. Our School Business Manager leads the administrative team who are supported by a peripatetic bursar. Our Site Manager takes a pride in the school and is very much a part of the whole team. We have the Sainsbury’s School Games Award, our Nurture Team has been awarded the Marjorie Boxall Award and we are working towards our Eco School Green Flag Award. Brackenhill Primary School Job Description Teaching Assistant Level 2 Job Purpose To undertake work/care/support programmes, to enable access to learning for pupils and to assist the teacher in the management of pupils and the classroom. Work may be carried out in the classroom or outside the main teaching area. Areas of responsibility and key tasks Assisting as a member of the classroom team in the supervision of students on work experience, trainees and voluntary helpers with whom the postholder is working To work under the instruction/guidance of teaching/senior staff. To make decisions using initiative within established working practices and procedures. The postholder will be expected to use good common sense and initiative in all matters relating to: - the conduct and behaviour of individuals, groups of pupils and whole classes - the correct use and care of materials by individual and small groups of pupils - the safety, mobility (if required) and hygiene and wellbeing of the pupils. To maintain the confidential nature of information relating to the school, it’s pupils, parents and carers. The provision, use and storage of equipment and materials used by pupils with whom the postholder is working. General responsibility for the care of all equipment and materials within the classroom/designated area of the school. Contacts Internal at all levels, Parents / Carers, Governors, Community Groups, Health, Social Services, Police, Local Education Authority, Education Bradford, Contractors, External Agencies. Support for pupils • • • • • • • Supervise and provide particular support for pupils, including those with special needs, ensuring their safety and access to learning activities. Establish constructive relationships with pupils and interact with them according to individual needs. Promote the inclusion and acceptance of all pupils. Encourage pupils to interact with others and engage in activities led by the teacher. Set challenging and demanding expectations and promote self-esteem and independence. Provide feedback to pupils in relation to progress and achievement under guidance of the teacher. Assist with the development and implementation of Individual Education/Behaviour Plans and Personal Care programmes. Support for the teacher • • • • • • • • • Create and maintain a purposeful, orderly and supportive environment, in accordance with lesson plans and assist with the display of pupils’ work. Provide detailed and regular feedback to teachers on pupils achievement, progress, problems etc. Monitor pupils’ responses to learning activities and accurately record achievement/progress as directed. Promote good pupil behaviour, dealing promptly with conflict and incidents in line with established policy and encourage pupils to take responsibility for their own behaviour Establish constructive relationships with parents/carers. Provide clerical/admin. support e.g. photocopying, typing, filing, money, administer coursework etc. Use strategies, in liaison with the teacher, to support pupils to achieve learning goals. Assist with the planning of learning activities. Administer routine tests and invigilate exams and undertake routine marking of pupils’ work. Support for the curriculum • • • • Undertake structured and agreed learning activities/teaching programmes, adjusting activities according to pupil responses. Undertake programmes linked to local and national learning strategies e.g. literacy, numeracy, KS3, early years recording achievement and progress and feeding back to the teacher. Support the use of ICT in learning activities and develop pupils’ competence and independence in its use. Prepare, maintain and use equipment/resources required to meet the lesson plans/relevant learning activity and assist pupils in their use. Support for the school • • • • • • • • • Be aware of and comply with policies and procedures relating to child protection, health, safety and security, confidentiality and data protection, reporting all concerns to an appropriate person. Be aware of and support difference and ensure all pupils have equal access to opportunities to learn and develop. Contribute to the overall ethos/work/aims of the school. Appreciate and support the role of other professionals. Attend and participate in relevant meetings as required Participate in training and other learning activities and performance development as required. Assist with the supervision of pupils out of lesson times, including before and after school and at lunchtime. Accompany teaching staff and pupils on visits, trips and out of school activities as required and take responsibility for a group under the supervision of the teacher. To support, uphold and contribute to the development of the Council’s Equal Rights policies and practices in respect of both employment issues and the delivery of services to the community. This job description may be amended at any time following discussion between the Headteacher and member of staff, and will be reviewed annually. Signed………………………………………… Dated…………………………………….. Bracken nhill Primary y School Personnel Specification Teachin ng Assistantt Level 2 Attrib butes Essential Desirable Means s of Asses ssment EXPER RIENCE Working w with or caring for pupils p of relevant age or relevant experiencce e.g. voluntary organisation, o pare ental caring experiencce. General te echnical / resourc ce experience eg. science, art, ICT.. Application form & Selec ction process s GCSE En nglish and Maths level C or above or o equivalent eg. Adult Literacy/Numeracy att level 2 QUALIFICATIONS TRAIN NING SPECIIAL KNOW WLEDGE Willingnesss to participate in n development an nd training opportunities. onal development. Evidence of previous perso Knowledg ge of particular subject / technical area. a Experiience of working in a team situation n. Experiience of working in a school supporting pupils with additional ed ducational needs, specia al educational nee eds or other releva ant experience. Qualifiications relating to o post eg health, childre en, practical skills,, first aid. NVQ 2 for Teaching Ass sistants or equiva alent qualific cations or experie ence. NVQ 2 in relevant discip pline or equivalent qualific cation or experien nce. Completion of DfES tea aching assistant induction programme. ng or willingness to t undertake training in Trainin the relevant learning strrategies e.g. litera acy and/orr in particular curriculum or learning g area eg. bi--lingual, sign langu uage, dyslexia, IC CT, maths, English, CACHE E etc. h & Safety training g as appropriate. Health An und derstanding of the e needs of a multicultural society y. An und derstanding of the e issues relating to o pupils who have additio onal learning need ds, more able a and special educational e needss. Underrstanding of child development d and learnin ng. Underrstanding of releva ant polices/codes of practic ce and awareness s of relevant legisllation. Generral understanding of national/founda ation stage curriculum and otther basic learning g Application form & Selec ction process s. Certifica ates. Application form & Selec ction process s Application form & Selec ction process s EQUALITY DISPOSITION – ADJUSTMENT/ ATTITUDE PRACTICAL & INTELLECTUAL SKILLS CIRCUMSTANCES / PERSONAL PHYSICAL / SENSORY Candidates should indicate an acceptance of and commitment to the principles underlying the Council’s Equal Rights policies and practices. Ability to relate well to pupils and adults. Ability to work constructively as part of a team. Ability to remain calm under pressure. Demonstrate good co-operative, interpersonal and listening skills. Demonstrate a commitment to working with children of the relevant age. Good sense of humour. Flexibility and willingness to accept change. Willingness to share expertise, knowledge and experience. Approachable, courteous and able to present a positive image of the school to callers and visitors. Maintain confidentiality in matters relating to the school, its pupils, parents and carers. Ability to prioritise conflicting demands and pressures. Good literacy / numeracy skills. Ability to use relevant technology. Ability to use ICT effectively. Ability to use relevant equipment / resources. Good keyboard / computer skills. Will not require holiday leave during term time. Must be legally entitled to work in the UK (Asylum and Immigration Act 1996). No contra-indications in personal background or criminal record indicating unsuitability to work with children/young people/vulnerable clients/finance (CRB check required). If driving is a feature of this post – must be licensed and appropriately insured (e.g. business use) Must be able to perform all duties and tasks with reasonable adjustment, where appropriate, in accordance with the Disability Discrimination Act 1995. Ability to cope with requirements of the post, which may include working with pupils who have emotional and behavioural difficulties or physical difficulties. For posts working with pupils who have physical difficulties, it may be an unavoidable core component of the job for the postholder to be capable of lifting and carrying pupils, within school policies and practices. programmes/Strategies. Effective use of ICT packages. Selection process Ability to identify own training and development needs. Understanding of classroom roles and responsibilities and your own position within these. Selection process Application form & Selection process / test Selection process. Sight of appropriate documentation as specified in interview letter Selection process. Brackenhill Primary School Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy “Because of their day to day contact with individual children during the school terms, teachers and other school staff are particularly well placed to observe the outward signs of abuse, changes in behaviour or failure to develop.” (Working Together 2006) Brackenhill Primary fully recognises its responsibilities for child protection. Please refer to:• Appendix 1 Keeping Children Safe in education – Strategy guidance for schools and colleges April 2014 • Appendix 2 – Working Together to Safeguard Children March 2013 The Purpose of the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy The purpose of our whole school child protection and safeguarding children policy is to provide clear direction to staff and others about expected codes of behaviour in dealing with child protection and safeguarding children issues. The policy makes explicit the school’s commitment to the development of good practice and sound procedures. This ensures that child protection and safeguarding children concerns and referrals may be handled sensitively, professionally and in ways which support the needs of the child. Our policy applies to all staff, governors and volunteers working in the school. There are five main elements to our policy: • • • • • Ensuring we practice safe recruitment in checking the suitability of staff and volunteers to work with children. Raising awareness of child protection issues and equipping children with the skills needed to keep them safe. Developing and then implementing procedures for identifying and reporting cases, or suspected cases, of abuse. Supporting pupils who have been abused in accordance with his/her agreed child protection plan. Establishing a safe environment in which children can learn and develop Child protection is the responsibility of all school staff. Brackenhill Primary will therefore: • • • 1 Establish and maintain an environment where children feel secure, are encouraged to talk, and are listened to. Ensure children know that there are adults in the school whom they can approach if they are worried. Include opportunities in the PSHE curriculum for children to develop the skills they need to recognise and stay safe from abuse. Reviewed 2014 09 Roles and Responsibilities All adults working with or on behalf of children have a responsibility to protect them. There are, however, key people within schools and Bradford Council who have specific responsibilities under child protection procedures. It is the role of the Governing Body and the school leadership team to ensure that the Named Persons for Child Protection are properly supported to carry out this task and that they are given time to fulfil the duties that their role demands. The school leadership team will ensure that Named Persons for Child Protection attend the required training and that they refresh their training as required. All other staff and the nominated governor must be offered an appropriate level of training and must undergo refresher training as required. It is the role of the Named Persons for Child Protection to ensure that the child protection procedures are followed within the school, and to make appropriate, timely referrals to Children’s Social Care in accordance with the locally agreed procedures. Additionally, it is the role of the Named Persons for Child Protection to ensure all staff employed including temporary staff and volunteers within the school are aware of the school’s internal procedures, to advise staff and to offer support to those requiring this. The role of the Nominated Governor for Child Protection is to ensure that the school has an effective policy, locally agreed procedures are in place, and that the policy and structures supporting safeguarding children are reviewed annually. Governors must not be given details relating to individual child protection cases or situations to ensure confidentiality is not breached. The child protection and safeguarding policy is available on the school website or a paper copy can be obtained from the school on request. All staff receive a booklet containing part 1 of ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’. All staff sign to confirm receipt of the booklet. Any new staff joining the school are given a booklet containing part 1 of ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education as part of their induction training. Safer Recruitment The Governing Body and school leadership team are responsible for ensuring that the school follows safe recruitment processes, including: • Ensuring the headteacher, other staff responsible for recruitment and at least one member of the Governing Body completes safer recruitment training. • Ensuring the upkeep of a Single Central Record of all staff and regular volunteers in accordance with government guidance. Safe Working Practice Brackenhill Primary School has developed a clear code of practice that staff understand and agree to. The code of practice offers guidance to staff on the way they should behave when working with children. 2 Reviewed 2014 09 Child Protection Procedures Brackenhill Primary adheres to child protection procedures that have been agreed locally through Bradford Safeguarding Children Board, (BSCB) The full version of Child Protection Procedures can be accessed from the BSCB web- site at: http://bradford-scb.org.uk/ and take account of the latest guidance issued by the Department of Education – currently ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education 2014’. Confidentiality All staff are aware that they must not promise to keep, ‘secrets’ with children and that if children disclose abuse this must be passed on to the Named Persons for Child Protection as soon as possible and the child should be told who their disclosure will be shared with. Staff will be informed of relevant information in respect of individual cases regarding child protection on a ”need to know basis” only. Record Keeping Child Protection records are kept centrally and securely by the Named Persons for Child Protection. Staff are aware that they must make a record of child protection issues and events as soon as possible and that these records must be signed and dated. Child protection records must not be made in the child’s curriculum file. Training Our school will ensure that the Head Teacher, Deputy Headteacher and the nominated governor for Safeguarding Children attend training relevant to their role. • All teaching and non-teaching staff will receive basic training on Safeguarding Children. • Staff will be kept informed on current safeguarding children issues through staff meetings and information on the staff notice boards • If a member of staff has any concerns or queries about safeguarding children they should verbalise these to either the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher or the Safeguarding Children school governor. Working with other agencies Schools are not investigating agencies and it essential that child protection issues are addressed through agreed procedures however schools continue to play a role after referral and need to develop strong links with partner agencies particularly social care. Brackenhill Primary School recognises the importance of multi-agency working and will ensure that staff are able to attend all relevant meetings including case conferences, core groups and strategy meetings. Allegations against members of staff Brackenhill Primary recognises that it is possible for staff and volunteers to behave in a manner that causes harm to children and takes any allegation made against members of staff or volunteers seriously. The local arrangements for managing allegations are understood and followed. All staff know who to talk to if they are concerned about the behaviour of an adult. 3 Reviewed 2014 09 The use of school premises by other organisations Where services or activities are provided separately by another body, using the school premises, the Governing Body expects that organisation will adher to this policy. Brackenhill Primary recognises that a number of other policies and procedures developed and operated by school form part of the wider agenda of Safeguarding and Promoting Children’s Welfare and this policy should be read in conjunction with the policies listed below: • Anti-bullying policy • Health and safety policy • Procedures for accessing risk ie school trips • Recruitment and Selection policy • Induction and Code of conduct for staff • Policies that recognise specific vulnerable groups Policy Review The Governing Body is responsible for ensuring the annual review of this policy. Approved by Chair of Governors ______________________ Date________________ Headteacher ______________________ Date________________ 4 Reviewed 2014 09