Mount Pleasant Apr 2016 - Mount Pleasant Community Association


Mount Pleasant Apr 2016 - Mount Pleasant Community Association
The Official Newsletter of the Mt. Pleasant Community Association
APRIL 2016
Like us on
Pamper your Palate
April 9. See Page 5 for details.
Call for Volunteers
and Membership
See Page 4 for details.
Syrian Support Information Meeting
April 5, 7pm in the Upper Hall. See page 6.
2016 MPCA Membership
Renew Your Membership Now
Do you qualify as a life member? Are you age 65 or older and
been an MPCA member for 10 or more years? If so, you can qualify
as an MPCA “life member.” This means you will not have to pay the
annual membership free and will not need to send in a membership
renewal form each year to maintain your active status. When you fill
in your membership form this year, please indicate you are applying
as a “life member.” If you renew online, choose the “pay by cheque”
option and e-mail to advise you are applying
for a life membership.
Are you a new resident of Mount Pleasant? If you move into Mount
Pleasant during the membership year, you qualify for membership
for the first year. When you fill in your membership form, please
indicate you are applying as a “new resident” and provide the date
you moved into Mount Pleasant. If you renew online, choose the
“pay by cheque” option and e-mail to advise
you are applying as a new resident, indicating the date you moved
into Mount Pleasant.
MPCA Membership Benefits
Whether you have children or not, rent or own, are older or
younger, an MPCA membership brings lots of benefits. And at only
$15.00 per family living in Mount Pleasant ($5.00 per family for
seniors age 65 and older) it is the best deal in town.
MPCA membership benefits:
• Membership is an opportunity to support your community.
• Only members can purchase monthly passes for the Mount Pleasant
outdoor pool.
• Swimming lessons at the Mount Pleasant outdoor pool are offered
at a reduced cost for members
• Hockey and ringette subsidies are available for members’ children
• Members enjoy free public skating at the Mount Pleasant Sportsplex
• Members receive discounted ticket prices for some community Special Events
• Membership is required for participation in the Soccer and PlayGroup programs
• Only MPCA members who are Mount Pleasant residents can vote at
the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and sit on the Board of Directors
• Members receive e-mail notice of City matters affecting Mount
Pleasant, upcoming Special Events, volunteer opportunities, and the
• Members may qualify for reduced group home and auto insurance
rates (based on experience); go to ToolePeet
a cheque
C form andAforward it with
A payable to:
Mount this
Please complete
form and
forward it with
a cheque payable to:
Mount Pleasant Community Association
. NW,
, ,AB
My Membership Type:
Mount Pleasant Resident ($15.00/year/family)
Senior, 65 and over ($5.00/year/family)
New Resident or Life Members (free)
Non-Resident ($25.00/year/family)
Life Members
are community residents age 65 and over who have been an MPCA member for at
least 10 years. New Residents have lived in Mount Pleasant for less than 1 year.
My Information
(* Fields
followed by an * are required):
ount Pleasant
Senior, 65 and over ($5.00/year/fam
Name of Primary Contact*
ew Resident or Life Members (free)
Name of Alternate Contact
Non-Resident ($25.00/year/family)
are community residents age 65 and over who have been an MPCA member
10 years.
for less than 1 year.
Code*Residents have lived in Mount
Home Pleasant
E-Mail Address*
by an * Cash:
are required):
Payment (*
any community activities that are of interest to you and
2 My Interests (please check beside Mount
April 2016
Pleasant PULSE
your family):
President ................ Murray Anderson, 403-289-5071
Vice-President.............................................Jason Iverson
Secretary........................... Nora Spencer, 403-230-1649
Treasurer.................................................. Sandra Jackson
Past President .................... Roger Leach, 403-284-1719
Playgroup .......................................... Brandy Hasselback
Membership .............................................. Brittany Stahl
Sportsplex .......................... Roger Leach, 403-284-1719
Hall ............................. Murray Anderson, 403-289-5071
Swimming Pool .....................Jamie Reid, 403-992-7343
Soccer ........................... Michael Back, 403-277-5549
Grants .......................................Alta Scott, 403-617-1538
Planning, Transportation & Land Use ..... Brenden Smith
Publicity ...................................................... Carole Broger
Special Events ................................................... Eric Filion
Green Initiatives ....................................... Matthew Crist
Hall Rentals
Mount Pleasant Community Board meetings are on the third Tuesday at
7pm of every month in the Upper Hall, see for more details. Any
community member with a current membership is more than welcome to attend.
President’s Message
The Community received its Casino cheque after the Alberta Gaming did its four
month averaging. We came away with over $72,000 as our share, which no matter how
you view it, it is a nice pay day for two days work. These funds will cover a lot of our
administration expenses as well as cover much of the Seniors funding. Ones again
a big thank you to Holly Sinclair for chairing the event and everybody that worked a
shift, the community is better off for your efforts.
Easter Sunday, March 27th from 10am to noon was our annual Easter Shell
Hunt at the Upper Hall. Jean Sebastien Rioux planned a big party for all the kids in
the community so I hoped you marked your calendar to attend.
There will be a Syrian Support Information Meeting April 5th at 7pm. Linda
O’Hanlon and Maryvonnen Farrand are gauging the support the community has for
possibly sponsoring a refugee family for a year. If you are interested in helping please
plan on attending and engage in the planning.
Pamper Your Palate will take place April 9th in the Hall. Eric Filion is once again
planning a wonderful evening of great food, wine and beers. Plan on coming out and
meeting your neighbours and having a fun night out. If last years turn out is any indication you will need to buy your tickets early.
Michael Back reports close to 400 players have registered to play soccer this
spring which is another record. Thanks Michael for making soccer so popular in the
community and giving the kids a place to showcase their talents.
Have a Happy Easter and enjoy this wonderful weather.
Murray Anderson, President,
Mount Pleasant Community Association
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed within any published article, report or submission reflect those of the author and should not
be considered to reflect those of the community association. The information contained in this newsletter is believed to be accurate
but is not warranted to be so. The community association does not endorse any person or persons advertising in this newsletter.
Publication of these ads should not be considered an endorsement of any goods or services.
We publish ten issues per year in each
of these fine communities:
is the official newsletter of the
Mount Pleasant
Community Association
Crescent Heights • Mt. Pleasant
Renfrew • Bridgeland/Riverside
Winston Heights & east Tuxedo Park
Crossroads • Marlborough Park
Marlborough • Rundle
Proudly published by:
Best Service
Best Quality
Best Value
April 2016
Printed using environmentally friendly
vegatable-based inks and recycled paper.
Mount Pleasant PULSE
• discount levels up to 40%
• target one or many communities
• colour advertising available
• reach your target market effectively
• community newsletters contain the
news that residents want to read
For advertising information
or call 403-276-8108.
MPCA Community News
Call For Volunteers And Members
MPCA is organizing a membership drive in May to encourage community members and
businesses to join the MPCA.
Please contact for more details and to join the drive!
Boomers and Zoomers
Next Lunch - Wednesday, April 27, 2016
My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She’s ninetyseven now, and we don’t know where the heck she is.- Ellen DeGeneres
Spring is finally here! Like you, the seniors are looking forward to getting outside to enjoy
some fresh air, bocce, and horseshoes. I’m writing this in early March so sure hope you’re not
reading it in the midst of a blizzard.
We get together in the Upper Hall on the 4th Wednesday of each month (2nd Wednesday
in December) for a delicious hot meal followed by entertainment that varies each month
(speaker, conversation, movie, games, etc.). Our doors open at 11:30, lunch is served around
noon, and the entertainment follows.
If you’re age 60 or above and have difficulty getting out to socialize, please let us know and
we’ll arrange a ride to and from each lunch for you. If you know anyone who fits this description, please let her/him know we can arrange a ride to the Hall. If you would like to be on our
invitation list, please call (403) 289-8390 or email You can also take part
if you’re approaching this age, if you wish to volunteer, or if you are accompanying a senior.
Please pass this information on to anyone in the community who might enjoy the chance to
get out for an adults-only social gathering.
Don’t forget to save the 4th Wednesday of each month on your calendars now so you don’t
miss any lunches. Be sure to register in advance to ensure there’s a seat available and we order
enough food.
MPCA Book Club
Our April 26th book will be Rules of Civility by Amor Towles. This sophisticated and
entertaining first novel presents the story of a young woman whose life is on the brink of
transformation. On the last night of 1937, twenty-five-year-old Katey Kontent is in a secondrate Greenwich Village jazz bar when Tinker Grey, a handsome banker, happens to sit down at
the neighboring table. This chance encounter and its startling consequences propel Katey on a
year-long journey into the upper echelons of New York society—where she will have little to
rely upon other than a bracing wit and her own brand of cool nerve. With its sparkling depiction of New York’s social strata, its intricate imagery and themes, and its immensely appealing
characters, Rules of Civility won the hearts of readers and critics alike.
Our May 24th book will be To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee.
We meet from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month in the Lower Hall,
602 22 Ave NW.
Everyone is welcome to attend to enjoy discussing books (and snacks!) with those with
similar interests in a fun, casual atmosphere.
Mount Pleasant PULSE
April 2016
April 2016
Mount Pleasant PULSE
Home reno, new construction, CABINETRY, decks, FENCES...
All the things you NEED done
but can’t or don’t want to do yourself.
A timely, PROFESSIONAL, high quality service on every job!
Call today to set up a free quote.
references and
site viewing
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Licensed, bonded and insured!
Mount Pleasant Community News
Business Membership
in Good Standing
Alpine Insurance and Financial
Small Business Legal Centre
Active Wednesdays
Our strengthening and stretching activities continue in the Upper
Hall of the MPCA Community Centre, 602 22 Ave. NW. These sessions benefit not only seniors but anyone with limited mobility or a
lower fitness level. If you need some help and guidance to improve
your physical fitness, this is where you can start. And if you’re looking
for some social opportunities, we can help with that, too.
We’re an energetic group of 13 this session. This means there are
only 2 spots remaining at the subsidized rate of $7 per week if you sign
up for all remaining classes. Drop in participants pay $12 per class.
After lunch, we have our usual Wednesday afternoon games session: bridge, Scrabble, cribbage, bocce and horseshoes, even indoor
badminton, or whatever game people wish to play. Please join us at
1:15, whether or not you take part in the exercise program.
If you’d like to join our exercise class and/or come for games day,
please contact Linda at (403) 289-8390 or
Mount Pleasant Refugee Support
Information Session, Tuesday, April 5th, 7 p.m.
Don’t forget to come to the Upper Hall, 602 22 Ave. NW, on
Tuesday, April 5th at 7 p.m. to learn about opportunities to volunteer
with the refugees who’ve moved and are moving to Calgary.
If enough Mount Pleasant residents are interested in becoming
involved, MPCA will arrange to support a family living as close as
possible to Mount Pleasant. If you have a rental property in our community or one easily accessible from Mount Pleasant, please get in
We also expect to need volunteers interested in:
• sourcing home supplies and furnishings;
• helping the family learn about shopping in Canada, setting up a
bank account, budgeting, job search skills, the transit system, social
supports, and child care;
• interpreter services;
• English language practice;
• helping the family register for health care coverage and find a doctor;
• helping the family enroll children in school;
• cultural adjustment;
• recreational opportunities
We expect to form teams of varying size for each activity with a coordinator for each team and an overall coordination team. If you can
be a coordinator or help with any of these activities, please contact
Linda O’Hanlon at either or 403 289-8390
Green Report - Earth Day
by Matt Crist – Green Initiatives Director
Earth day is April 22, a day to celebrate the environment and to
work towards protecting it for future generations. There are several
events happening in Calgary for earth day.
• Climb and Run for Wilderness held by the Alberta Wilderness
Association is being held on April 23. The event is held at the Calgary Tower and raises awareness of wilderness, wildlife and wild water
in Alberta.
• April 12-15 is REAP’s (Respect for The Earth and All People) annual Earth Week Festival. Several events are going on around town.
See for more details.
• April 20th Green Calgary is having their annual Earth Day event
at the John Dutton Theatre from 5:30 pm to 8:30pm. Refreshments
from local vendors will be provided, along with their AGM and a
film screening.
Also, don’t forget about our annual community cleanup on
May 1 from 9am to 2pm!
Ward 7 update by Druh Farrell
The City of Calgary is moving quickly to mitigate the economic
downturn with a number of endeavours, both short and long-term.
Accelerating the pace of large construction projects can be an effec-
Mount Pleasant PULSE
April 2016
tive way to stimulate a struggling economy and increase employment.
The City has identified a list of pre-approved projects that will create jobs and leave a lasting public benefit. The projects are divided
into three buckets: new infrastructure, lifecycle maintenance and enhancement, and affordable housing.
Flood mitigation measures to protect river communities and the
City Centre are at the top of the priority list. Some capital projects,
like enhancing community and recreation centres, can start right
away, while others, like the Green Line LRT, will break ground only
once community consultation is completed and funding is secured.
The City will work with its community partners to construct new affordable housing units or purchase existing housing stock.
While large-scale, transformational projects have their place, incremental micro-improvements are increasingly seen as a way to
phase into large investments. I have long been a promoter of lowcost, high-reward projects to create opportunity and vibrancy, test
new ideas, and solve urban problems. Quick projects such as pop-up
parks, patios, and restaurants take little investment but add instant
vitality. Pilots like cycle tracks or lane reversals help us test new concepts before making substantial political and financial commitments.
Rules can be a barrier and sometimes the rule-makers just need to
know when to get out of the way.
While temporary projects can spark creative solutions, we must
take a long-term approach with investments that are meant to last.
Over the years I have seen both booms and busts used as excuses for
shoddy design and workmanship. When the economy is booming we
are in a rush to build, and success is measured by the speed of the planning process. During a downturn, we are afraid to be too demanding,
for fear that that the opportunity will vanish. Calgary deserves better.
In addition to the capital construction program, City Council is
working with Calgary Economic Development on economic resiliency. Several projects have already been funded:
• Marketing campaign to promote tourism
• Buy-local campaign to promote local business
• Real estate and economic diversification plan to attract head-offices and repurpose empty office space
• Grant program to cover development permit fees for new and
refurbished affordable housing
The City of Calgary is doing its part to strengthen our economy. During hard times, we must manage carefully, but think ambitiously, and
combine caution with optimistic long-term planning for the recovery.
For people and pets
with discerning tastes!
616 1st Avenue NE
Ph: 403-229-DOGS
Proposed Changes to Northwest Bus Routes
Calgary Transit is considering changes to a large number of northwest bus routes. Of most concern are:
• discontinuation of the 404 bus that serves our community, Crescent Heights, Rosedale, and Hounsfield Heights-Briar Hill; and
• discontinuation of bus service north from 20th Ave. NW and
14th St. NW.
The 404 bus is important to the many seniors in our communities
who no longer drive and need access for medical appointments, groceries, personal care, and socializing. It is easy to say people need only
walk 3 or more blocks to reach other bus routes but this isn’t easy to
accomplish when sidewalks are icy and our balance isn’t what it used
to be. Also, those alternate routes don’t take us directly to where we’ve
set up our lives (e.g., medical and personal care appointments). Waiting in the cold to transfer to another bus isn’t pleasant at any age.
This is an issue for more than seniors. Young mothers and nannies
with children use this line to get to the mall, the library, or playgrounds. Students take it to get to school and home. People even use
it for travel to and from work. But my main concern is for seniors
who rely on this bus route. The route may not break even given the
number of seniors’ bus passes used on it but this is not a reason to
further isolate seniors in their homes. This disregards the contributions seniors have made to Calgary’s development. We can’t all afford
to take taxis and can’t all walk even a few extra blocks.
Continued on page 8
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April 2016
Save the 404 Bus
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Mount Pleasant PULSE
Visit us at:
Mount Pleasant Community News cont from page 7
Please check out all the changes being proposed at http://www. and complete the online survey there.
Playgroup is fun, in rain or in sun.
Friends meet and play, Monday through Friday!
It’s not too late to join us this spring. If you’re a parent or caregiver of children aged 0-5 then Playgroup might be just the thing for
you. It’s a great way to meet neighbours while keeping our little ones
busy and happy. Our members are currently enjoying the brand new
play structure and lots of new toys! We meet in the Lower Hall from
9:00am to 11:00am on weekdays. At the time of writing, there are
openings on Wednesdays and Fridays. You can register through the
MPCA website; just look for Playgroup.
Rosemont School
This year Rosemont School donated over 250 kilograms of food
to the Mayor’s Food Drive! Furthermore, the Farm to School Program fundraiser resulted in a further 350 kilograms of food being
donated to the Food Bank!
Zumba and Rocks and Rings (indoor curling) were offered as
part of our physical education program in the past months. Yoga is
taking place each Thursday as part of an eight-week program. Carnaval saw grade 5 and 6 students organizing lunchtime events for
students as a celebration of French-Canadian culture. Jeff Stockton
has been working with our students on a storytelling residency and
we look forward to a celebration of this work on April 14th!
Kindergarten registration is well under way for September 2016.
Please be sure to contact us if you live within our boundaries and plan
to register your child for the fall. You can contact the school directly
at 403-777-6230 Ext. 0.
New! Cloverdale Paint discount
Cloverdale Paint is now offering wholesale pricing to community
association members and organizational members of the Federation
of Calgary Communities!
What does this mean for you? Whenever you need to buy paint
you simply go to Cloverdale and say you are a “Federation of Calgary
Communities Club Member” or present your up-to-date Crescent
Heights community association card and you will receive more than
25% off paint and more than 15% off paint accessories!
This wholesale pricing discount applies to everyone who sits on
your board of directors as well as all residents who hold a membership
with your community association.
Your community association is run by your neighbours!
New Patients Always Welcome!
Dr. Dale Rapske, BSc, DDS (Prof Corp.)
- Serving Calgarians for over 30 Years -
• Oral Surgery
• Teeth Whitening
• White Fillings
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• Denturist On Site
Direct-Billing to Insurance Available.
Hours: Mon - Thur ............ 9am - 8pm
Fri - Sat appointment
901 - 64 Ave NE
Deerfoot Mall
Mount Pleasant PULSE
Mt Pleasant
The PULSE community newsletter
is published ten times per year.
Dec and Jan are combined into
a single issue; July and Aug are
combined into a single issue.
Editorial deadlines are the 10th of
the month prior to issue month.
Eg: The June issue editorial deadline is May 10th.
NOTE: one exception - the Sept
issue editorial deadline is Aug 1st.
Sept issues are distributed earlier.
Send your editorial submissions
For advertising info contact:
April 2016
Cal Cab
April 2016
Mount Pleasant PULSE
Mount Pleasant PULSE
April 2016
April 2016
Mount Pleasant PULSE
Mount Pleasant Community News
Green Line
Upcoming drilling activity
As part of the preliminary design for the Green Line project, the
City will be conducting a geotechnical field investigation from March
to April 2016. Geo technical drilling will occur along the length of
Centre Street from downtown, around Prince’s Island Park, Memorial Drive and up to Stoney Trail. The majority of the work will be
occurring on City owned property, however, some work will happen
on private property owned by Impark; The City has been granted
permission to access this area.
This field investigation involves rigs drilling into the ground at
specified locations to obtain subsurface information and extract soil
samples. To accommodate the work, a number of parking stalls may
be blocked off.
About the Green Line
The Green Line will be a 40 kilometre long transit line, extending
from Seton in the southeast to Country Hills in the north. Once constructed, it will nearly double the size of Calgary’s current LRT network, providing almost 300,000 Calgarians with reliable and efficient
transit service. The Green Line will not only move people from point
A to point B – it will be a staple of the communities that it touches,
creating Transit Oriented Development (TOD) areas where people
can live, work and play in close proximity to public transit.
Green Line stations will be built for low-floor trains, meaning they
will be small in scale and seamlessly integrated into communities with
strong walking and cycling connections to and from each station.
Thank you for your patience while we undertake this technical
work. For more information about the Green Line project, please
visit or call 311.
Community Cleanups
Save Yourself a Trip to the Landfill - MPCA Cleanup May 1
Calgary Community Standards (formerly Animal & Bylaw Services) in partnership with Waste & Recycling Services and your community association is pleased to offer another year of Community
Clean-ups for FREE of charge to Calgarians. A Community Cleanup is a day scheduled at your community centre where you can bring
your household items that may not fit in your black, brown or blue
carts like furniture or old fencing or items that fill up your carts too
quickly or just an accumulation of items that are ready for the landfill. If you live in a multi-unit housing complex, we welcome you to
bring your waste and recycling items to this event especially if it is
closer than the designated community recycling depots.
We are pleased to announce that 3 packer trucks will be provided
this year (2 for waste and 1 for organic materials). Last year, 110 communities were served between April and October. Please check with
your community association to see when your Community Clean-up
has been booked and better yet, volunteer to help with the event
which is held either on a Saturday or Sunday from 9 am – 2 pm. Your
community association needs 15-20 volunteers to put on the event so
your assistance is greatly appreciated. Calgary Community Standards
provides funds for food and refreshments for the volunteers, advertising and promotion, gloves, garbage bags and any other items used to
help Clean-up.
Please note, there are items that the City of Calgary’s packer trucks
will not accept:
• Tires, home appliances, paint, household chemicals, propane
tanks, microwaves, car batteries, home electronics, liquids, metals
and glass, railway ties.
• Your Community Association usually enhances the event with
recycling services such as electronics, metal, paper shredding and possible tire recycling and paint pickup (or you can take your cans of
paint to any fire hall station).
The Community Clean-ups provide a fantastic opportunity to
work with your neighbours and community associations to Cleanup your yards and homes, parks, off-leash areas and sport playfields.
Thank you for your commitment to help create healthy, safe and vibrant communities.
For more information about the date set in your community,
please call your Community Association or you can go to for the full schedule and further details.
CBC Calgary / Calgary Reads
Big Book Sale
One of Calgary’s most anticipated and attended events!
More than 1,000,000 previously-loved books will be ready to be
purchased and find new homes. This is a signature fundraising event
for Calgary Reads.
Our 14th annual event! Held at the Calgary Curling Club, 720
3rd St. NW, Calgary:
Friday May 13 • 9am – 9pm
Author reading 7pm
Saturday May 14 • 9am – 9pm
Back by popular demand! Shop to the musical sounds of Midnight
Blue with cash wine bar 7 – 9pm.
Sunday May 15 • 9am – 1pm
Other special activities during the Big Book Sale will be announced
on our website as they confirm:
Donate books: We welcome donation of adult and children books
for the book sale! (We do not accept encyclopedias, text books, Harlequin Romances, Readers’ Digests, book tapes, VHS, cassettes, 8tracks or magazines.)
Book collection locations, dates and times:
At Calgary Food Bank, 5000, 11th Street SE, Calgary:
• Monday to Thursday April 25 to 28 - drop off at Door #3 from
8:30am – 7pm
• Friday, April 29 - drop off at Door #3 from 8:30am – 3:30pm
At Calgary Curling Club, 720 3rd St. NW, Calgary:
• Thursday to Sunday May 3 to May 6 from 9am - 7pm sharp
• Monday and Tuesday May 7 and 8 from 9am - 4 pm sharp
Mount Pleasant PULSE
April 2016
At Calgary Reads we build connections, strengthen networks,
champion, involve and innovate—because we ALL have a role to play
in creating a thriving community where all children can read with
confidence and joy! Learn more:
Spring Street Sweeping
City crews ready for spring street sweeping program
Spring is just around the corner! That means the City’s annual
Spring Clean-up is coming to neighbourhoods across Calgary.
Spring Clean-up is an annual street sweeping program that removes
sanding materials and debris that has accumulated on roads and along
major sidewalks and boulevards during the winter months.
The program, kicking off April 3, improves safety and mobility for
Calgary motorists, cyclists and pedestrians. But you might see crews
out there working hard before April 3: pre-sweeping has already begun, so we’re busy removing materials along roads and boulevards.
This year, street sweeping will end by June 1. In order to make this
happen, crews will be sweeping streets on a compressed schedule,
working 7 days per week.
Keeping Calgary clean is a collaborative effort. To make sure the
program runs smoothly, we’re asking all Calgarians to help us make
the city beautiful by removing vehicles and carts from city roads
when they see street sweeping signs in their community. This year,
that includes weekends.
During the program, Calgarians can visit to:
• Find answers to all of their questions on our FAQ
• Visit a live map to track sweeper progress across the city
• Learn if there will be a parking ban in their neighbourhood
• Enter their address to confirm their street sweeping date.
Make sure to visit the website to learn more about street sweeping, and watch for signs in your neighbourhood starting April 3.
Storm Drains
There are approximately 48,000 storm drains in Calgary. Last year,
311 received more than 1,600 calls related to storm drains and drainage issues including water ponding, pooling or ice build up and debris on storm drains. The City historically receives the majority of its
storm drain –or ‘catch basin’- calls in March.
Storm drains are the main way water gets into the underground
pipe system. The metal grates that can be seen at the edge of the road
are only a portion of the structure which is primarily under ground.
Under the grates is a barrel that collects the water. The barrel is attached to a pipe that allows the water to be whisked away and eventually deposited in the river.
If you see a storm drain clogged by debris or snow, and it is safe
to do so, you may remove the debris to allow for water to run freely
into the drain.
If a storm drain is encased in ice, please contact 311 so it can be
thawed with specialized equipment – do not attempt to remove the
ice yourself. Also, do not attempt to clean a catch basin if it’s submerged in water. You cannot be sure if the grate is intact, presenting
a safety risk.
If the drain is covered in water, please contact 311.
April 2016
Personalized service for your vehicle...
Serving your community for over 21 years!
Fuel system compents such as the intake
manifold, injectors, combustion chamber and
throttle valve should be cleaned before fuel
economy or performance begins to suffer.
• Brakes and Tune-ups
• Fuel injection diagnostics
• Oil/Lube/Filter
• Coolant flush
• Transmission and
Power Steering flush
• General Repairs
• Vehicle Inspections
• Brake flush
• Tires/Batteries
• New car and old car
scheduled maintenance
Owner: Earl Reimer
1212 Edmonton Trail NE
Mount Pleasant PULSE
Mount Pleasant PULSE
April 2016
MPCA Business Memberships Available
MPCA is looking to increase the involvement of community
businesses to create goodwill and awareness among residents,
businesses, and the community association. We have introduced
business memberships to identify who the businesses are which wish
to participate in MPCA activities and help build community spirit.
A business membership costs only $100.00 per membership
year (September to August). Please complete the application and
send it with your cheque payable to MPCA today.
Please complete and return, along with a $100.00 cheque payable to MPCA to:
602 22 Ave. NW,
Calgary, AB T2M 1N7
Business Name: _______________________________
Street Address:
Postal Code:
Telephone: (403) ____________
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April 2016
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