Current Issue - Tipton Children`s Home
Current Issue - Tipton Children`s Home
I heard an interesting concept recently about goals and how to achieve them. It’s called the “Why, What Concept.” So often we get caught up in the “what” we are doing and forget the “why”. It is easy for us here at Tipton Children’s Home to get caught up in the “what” we are doing. We are taking children to school, going to ballgames, sitting in a doctor’s office, figuring out what to feed them for supper, and the list goes on and on. Those things are the “what” we do, and if that’s all we see, then we can get in trouble with our thinking. Now for the other side of the concept, let’s look at the why? Why we do what we do? We do it to provide for children who, through no fault of their own, have been placed with us. We provide a better home and environment than where they previously lived. Why do we do what we do? Because so many of you have placed your faith in us, and we are eternally grateful for that. But most of all we do it to introduce these children to the opportunity to have an eternal home in heaven. We have been given a golden opportunity and a God-given responsibility to lead souls to Christ. We don’t take that task lightly. How can you help? Please pray that all of us at Tipton Children’s Home will have the strength and courage to focus on the “why” and not the “what.” It’s something we must make a goal to focus on each and every day-to focus on the bigger picture and the eternal goal. And also, as always, if you know of children in need we have beds and staff available. Please call me with any of your questions or concerns. Joe B. Waugh 580-667-5221. Our children attended camp this summer at Quartz Mountain. We had three different groups that went. Joe Waugh directed the session for the older group. The children always enjoy camp and come back with a renewed outlook on living a Christian life. Sonya received the Cabin Camper award. Day campers included Erika, Alee, Chloe, Hunter and Nathan. Patricia received the Encouragement award. Campers having fun at camp. We are grateful they have this opportunity made possible by your support! Page 1 - Volume 2015 - No. 3 by Susie Boyd At Tipton Children’s Home we have many blessings that come our way but the blessing we cherish the most is our children. They provide us with an insight into their lives and often times will bring a new perspective to us as adults. Their innocence is remarkable. Their love and acceptance of others is a reminder of Jesus’s love and acceptance of us when we don’t deserve it. Our children struggle daily with their place in life and the circumstances they have had to endure. But through it all they have a hug and a smile for those around them. Working with children is a rewarding opportunity. I pray that Tipton Children’s Home will guide them in the way they should go and give them the strength to continue with daily activities. Children need physical nourishment and a safe place to be, but they also need love, laughter and a strong relationship with adults who are willing to listen and teach. The following “Beatitudes for Parents” was given to me by my sister. I think it is good advice for all parents as we strive to nurture and mold Christian young men and women. On Tuesday, August 18, the Tipton Home children had a pizza party in the cafeteria. The children made their own pizzas. They rolled the dough, added the toppings, cooked them and then ate their creations. The cafeteria was decorated with red checked cloths and chef’s hats. They even wore mustaches! They had a lot of fun! BEATITUDES FOR PARENTS Blessed are parents who make their peace with mud and spilled milk, for such is the kingdom of childhood. Blessed are parents who refuse to compare their children with others, for each is precious in his or her own way. Blessed are fathers and mothers who have learned to laugh, for this is the music of the child’s world. Blessed are parents who can say no without anger, for comforting to the child is the security of a firm decision. Blessed are parents who accept the awkwardness of their growing children, letting each progress at his own speed. Blessed are parents who are still teachable, because knowledge brings understanding and love. Blessed are parents who love their children in the midst of a hostile world, for love is the greatest of all gifts. ---Marion E. Kinneman (1895-1985) TIPTON HOME MESSENGER Susie Boyd, Editor (USPS 631-560) POSTMASTER: Send address change to: Tipton Home Messenger, Box 370, Tipton, OK 73570 Published four times yearly by the Tipton Home, Box 370, Tipton, OK 73570 in the interest of homeless children. Periodical postage paid at Tipton, OK 73570 and at additional mailing offices. Joe B. Waugh....................................... Director TIPTON HOME (Incorporated) Board of Directors are the elders of the Tipton Church of Christ Page 2 - Volume 2015 - No. 3 As the saying goes “The Good Ole Sumer Time” is what we have been enjoying. Many fun things have taken place this summer. There is always something going on for the children at the Tipton Children’s Home and we have been busy. We hope all of you have had a good summer. Some of our alumni, or a family member of an alumni have dropped by, and as always we were happy to see them and enjoyed reminiscing about old times. Among those visitors was Ashlynne Prophet from Conroe, Texas. She came to live here November 28, 2007 and lived here several years. Logan Ko stopped by for a visit. He lived here from April 28, 2011 until May 23, 2013. Jerry Powers came with a group of volunteers. He was in the Home from November 11, 1974 until May 1981 when he graduated from Tipton High School. Jerry’s wife, Mary and granddaughter were with him as well as a group from the Carbondale church of Christ in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Jerry lived in the cottage with our Director, Joe Waugh’s parents, Charles and Sharon Waugh. Thomas Mello, one of our boys that lived here from June 30, 2012, and graduated from Tipton High School in 2014 who is now serving in the U.S. Navy had some leave and came home for a visit. Former house parents, Paul and Renee Wells, and their two daughters, Addie and Jodi came with a group from Conroe, Texas. They spent several days on campus. Another visitor was David Eaves who is the son of Alumni Ruby Helen Prosser. She lived here from 1938 to 1943. I have enjoyed visiting with David very much. We would like to have more of our Alumni to surprise us. Keep your phone calls, letters and e-mails coming. We appreciate those very much. Along with our happiness, we also have sadness. We have lost some of our special people. Mona Blanch (McCoy) Valance of Gallipolis, Ohiop passed away a few months ago. I met Mona for the first time fifteen years ago as I started doing the Alumni Relations job. She surprised us with a visit, and I will never forget that day. While she was here she asked if it was ok to send all the children something. Well after she returned home she sent everyone an Indian Head nickel. She later made one more visit. She lived at the Home from February 1, 1939 until July 19, 1940. Jewell (Nichols) Self passed away May 1, 2014. We just recently got the news. She lived here from December 12, 1936 to May 19, 1940. Tracey (Barron) Riehle passed away on June 11, 2015 at the age of 44. She came to the Home on November 30, 1982 and lived in the cottage with Charles, myself and all of our girls until May 21, 1988. We loved her very much. Cleo (Johnson) Laviage passed away August 3, 2015. She came to live at the Home August 24, 1925 and left on November 28, 1936. John Dudley passed away on July 6, 2015. His wife, Gean worked in our kitchen and cafeteria in the ealy 1900’s. Our love and sympathy is extended to all the families of their loved ones. Wedding: Congratulations to Larry White and Marcie Thomas. They were married on July 14, 2015. Larry lived at the Home from April 16, 1976 and graduated from Tipton High School May 23, 1985. They are making their home in Amherst, Ohio. As usual, I like to start reminding you to mark your calendars now about next year’s Homecoming for March 26, 2016. This is one of those times Easter comes early. We always look forward to this special time each year. Also want to thank you for your prayers, support and your love for the Tipton Children’s Home as we do our best to care for the children who live here. Please remember our young men and women in the U. S. military that are serving our country. Page 3 - Volume 2015 - No. 3 The Southwest church of Christ in Oklahoma City continues to bring joy to the Tipton Children’s Home family. This was the 70th year the group has provided a “Fun Day” for our children. The tradition began in 1945 and still continues. The group arrives early and brings food, games, prizes and gifts for the children. Each year it is a highlight of the summer. We are extremely grateful for the generosity of the group from Southwest. Page 4 - Volume 2015 - No. 3 HONORS MEMORIALS COX, FRANKIE Tom and Georgia Barger 45TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY ARBES, LOEADA CROSSLAND, KENNETH BILL AND DEBBIE ROSE Edith and Jeff Cleveland and Gerald and Opal Hukill Curtis and Deloris Eastman Family CROSSLIN, ARVEL 70TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY ATKINS, BOBBIE MARIE Earl and Sandra Shephard PETE AND DOROTHY REID Harold A. Loman CUMMINGS, COTTON Eliasville Church of Christ BARNARD, DAN L. C. and Faye Bingham BIRTHDAY Kenneth and Daralene CUNNINGHAM, BILLY DELENE STUART Kidwell Media Cunningham Charlene Slatton BLACK, SR., DAVID L. Brenda Lawson BIRTHDAY Larry and Linda Taliaferro CUNNINGHAM, RUSTY KARA DAVENPORT BLANKENSHIP, RANDLE AND Tom and Georgia Barger Anthony Davenport LUCILLE CYPERT, ROY BIRTHDAY Randle Blankenship Robert and Allene Fitzgerald BILL RAPERT BOATRIGHT, ANN Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Wilson Ocie and Cathy Fuchs L. C. and Faye Bingham DANNER, JOYCE J. BIRTHDAY BOLES, ALMA Bob, Marcia and Karole ANTHONY DAVENPORT L. C. and Faye Bingham Spangler Duke and Kala Davenport BONE, JIMMY DALE DANNER, KATHRYN JOYCE BIRTHDAY Larry and Linda Taliaferro (HOPKINS MCKAY) LILA CAMPBELL BOWLES, TERRY Mrs. Ida B. Allison Lynn Campbell Dozer Service Helen Wood DAVIS, ALLENE (MOTHER’S HONOR Mrs. Terry Bowles DAY) BRYAN & SHAWNA WALSH Garrell and Laretta Kidd DAVIS, D. C. (FATHER’S DAY) Darryl & Erin McEndree Ron and Cheryl Harrison LaDonna Polston HONOR BRISCOE, VENETA DAVIS, DORIS JERRY AND SUE EDWARDS Joe Stewart and Family John C. Davis Benny Prentice Robert and Diane Dickerson DAVIS, PHYLLIS KAY THANK YOU – CONDUCTING BROWN, GUY John C. Davis FUNERAL SERVICE Averd and Barbara Parks DENNIS, RONNIE GARRELL KIDD BROWN, LEON Loreata Martin Mrs. Terry Bowles Kamay Church of Christ DESKINS, GARRET IN GRATITUDE FOR DOUG’S BRYAN, KENNETH Sam and Lois Killebrew BOOK COLLECTION Gail Stewart DILLAHUNTY, RAYMOND PEGGY LEATHERMAN BURROWS, DON Lynn Denney Gary and Sandra Montgomery Elton and Lura Vanscoder DUDLEY, JOHN APPRECIATION – YOUR HOSPI- CAGE, VERNA Elton and Lura VanScoder TALITY WAS OUTSTANDING Sally J. Moon Curtis and Linda Boyd WAYNE AND JANICE NEELEY CALHOUN, VERONA MCCLURE Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Carey Jerry and Sue Edwards Patrick and Terrie Dean Joe and Lori Waugh GET WELL SOON CALLACOAT, JOYCE RENE Robert and Linda Killebrew OTHO AND KAY ROGERS Dwain and Billie Ann Darrow Judy McConnell Jerry and Sue Edwards CARLSON, MOLLY Mr. and Mrs. David McConnell HONOR –TO BLESS CHILDREN Dean Carlson and Family AS YOU BLESSED CARNES, FRED JR. Billy and Verna Gray MY GRANDMOTHER, BONNIE Mike and Kathy Seymour Gina McNeill HORN David and Glenda Cross Jonnie Partida Destiny Parks CLINTON, DOROTHY Dewight and Betty Mitchell The Chism Family G. W. Petty COUCH, CLAUDINE Dennis and Ilena Vernon Betty Carson Raenell Vernon Page 5 - Volume 2015 - No. 3 Randall Vernon Robert W. Vernon Jimmie and Beverly Meeks Badonna and Jarret Tyra ELLEDGE, REBECCA Eddy and Doris Tipton ENGELKE, RAYMOND Northside Church of Christ FISHER, YVONNE Tom and Georgia Barger FLOWERS, ADA Wynnewood Church of Christ Curtis and Sue Stubblefield FUEGLEIN, DORIS Bill and Sallie Jo Carder FULTS, LORETTA Mr. Connie Fults FUTRELL, NELLIE FAYE Maxine Lipe Janice Pool Kenneth Huff Ronnie Huff GARRETT, GAYE Kevin and Suzanne Harrington GARRETSON, JOHN Mickey and Phyllis Lathan GIBSON, DAN HINES Roberta McCain Randy and Anthony McMackin Lumberton Church of Christ Wilbern and Mary Nell Gardner GIBSON, RUTH Kenneth and Josephine Shaw GILES, JESSIE Tom and Georgia Barger GILES, JIMMIE Wilburn and Tillie Grisham GIVENS, GLEN D. Kenneth and Daralene Kidwell GORRIE, DAVE Glen and Naomi Hixon GRAGG, MARTHA Paula Toler Kate Wright Wilma Walker GRAY, MARGUERITE Stan and Judi French Curtis and Linda Boyd Sam and Lois Killebrew Larry and Deb Putnam Robert and Linda Killebrew Billy and Verna Gray HALEY, BILL Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Bingham HANNING, ROY Loyd and Monnie Morris Mildred Achimon HANNIGAN, BEVERLY Jo Hailey HARE, SANDRA Billy and Verna Gray HARRINGTON, JOANIE Jerry and Sue Edwards and Families HARRISON, EDNA V. Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Wilson Robert and Allene Fitzgerald Evelyn Killion Vickie Norton Jenny Pruner Glenna Bryant HARWELL, JIM Ron and Cheryl Harrison HENLEY, MRS. DOROTHY David and Jean Burns HERRING, JOHN H. Elton and Lura VanScoder Beverly Gifford and Robert, Danny and Diane Gina McNeill Jonnie Partida Billy and Verna Gray Robert and Linda Killebrew Raenell Vernon Randall Vernon and Family Dennis Vernon and Family Becky Howdeshell and Family Gene and Sue Patterson First National Bank of Altus Gary and Barbara Burton Jimmie and Beverly Meeks Judy McConnell Sam and Lois Killebrew Geneva Osborn HODGES, JOE Rob and Jo Hailey HOSEK, LOUIS L. C. and Faye Bingham Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Hatcher Dwayne and Linda Anderson HURD, KATHY Tom and Georgia Barger HUTCHERSON, FRAN Ronnie and Ann Wilson JACKSON, BRENDA CAROLE PRATHER Mr. and Mrs. Billy W. Prather JACKSON, DON Iona Martin JARRELL, DOROTHY Orgel and Hatsene Milligan JOHNSON, JERI Eva Wilmeth JOHNSON, OTHELL Robbie and Dean Rains JOLLIFF, SUZANNE Daniel Jolliff JONES, DONNIE Hugh Bethards JONES, JOYCE Venna Nix Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bob Arrott Steve and Jo Ann Brown Robert and Lisa Crawley Randy and Debbie Turner JONES, MARK John and Ola Faye Carrell and John David KELLY, KENNETH Kenneth and Daralene Kidwell KELLY, JIMMIE CLYDE Kent and Kristie Walker Jimmie and Beverly Meeks Badonna and Jarret Tyra Max and Marilyn Dobson Charlie and Debbie Powell Kenneth and Daralene Kidwell Family of Geraldine Suiter KERR, KIMBERLY Grandpops and Granny Burton KETCHUM, JEANETTE Kevin and Suzanne Harrington KINCANNON, MARIE Pam Gilrie Robert and Linda Killebrew James and Barbara Pryor Jeff and Kim Wilmes KINCANNON, TED AND MARIE Shirley Olson and Family Jim and Terri Redding LASSETER, ERIC Carl and Janice Phelps LEATHERMAN, DOUG Gary and Sandra Montgomery LEYJA, BENENCIO Kenneth and Daralene Kidwell LUETTE, NORMA June Wells MALOY, RICHARD (DICK) Earl and Jo Anne Jackson MARCHO, BOB John and Ola Faye Carrell and John David Kenneth and Daralene Kidwell MARTIN, JEFF Larry and Linda Taliaferro Danny and Kristi Frazier MASHBURN, FRED E. Kenneth and Daralene Kidwell MAYBERRY, CAMERON F. Patsy Rapert Ocie and Cathy Fuchs MAYHUE, RAY Judy Calhoun MCCLURE, PAULINE MOORE Patrick and Terrie Dean MCDANIEL, DELORES Eva Wilmeth MCDONALD, RICHARD Mary McDonald MCFALL, KEN Ethelda Higgs Larry Higgs Gary Higgs MCRAY, SUE Cleo and Wanda Mauldin Loreata Martin MEADOWS, CECIL Edith Cleveland & Family Vickie Bowers Deborah Garrett MILAM, JOANN Ron and Nancy Riggs Sam and Lois Killebrew MILLIGAN, TRAVIS Clara Mayhue MOORE, LAWRENCE Bobbie Combest and Family Wayne and Juanita Kelley MORSE, TYLER (OUR BELOVED SON) Randy and Pam Morse MUNN, GARY Lenard and Margaret Reynolds NALL, MRS. VIRGINIA Donna Cookie Haile NEELY, BILL Joan Elsener NICHOLS, EDDIE AND ELSIE E. Glen and Carol Nichols OLSON, BILL Jon and Anna Jackson OSBORN, JOHN Elton and Lura VanScoder Billy and Verna Gray Alan and Susie Boyd L. A. and Phyllis Todd Teddy and Delia White The Branches Reunion Group, Sweetwater, TX Brittany Weaver Joe and Lori Waugh Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Seckler Bill and Connie Walker Mike and Margie Suiter Charles and Annetta Davis Deryl and Joan McCasland Clevenger Robert and Linda Killebrew Ocie and Cathy Fuchs Carroll and Karen Rogers Bob and Mary Gae Hays Stan and Judi French Curtis and Linda Boyd Sam and Lois Killebrew Larry and Deb Putnam Dale and Wildeana Harper Benny and Pam Cummings Gregory and Christine Petty Tom and Georgia Barger Bill and Johnnie Boverie Hale and Company, CPA, P. C. Perry Warren Dewight & Betty Mitchell Dr. Michael and Shaun Geiger Les and Jean Stafford Jerry and Nancy Ward Kent and Kristi Walker Gary and Mary Ellen Grose Larrell and Dorla Shutt Mrs. Iona Martin Class of 1960, Friona, TX Don and Adelle Clements Gary and Phyllis Brooks Ronnie Wood Erma Brownd Lawana Moore Jacquelyn Franklin Levada Bush Charlotte Ratcliff W. D. Givens Jimmie and Beverly Meeks Badonna and Jarret Tyra Timmy and Cheryl A. White Brent Thackerson Ronald and Jeneane Floyd Phyllis Harp Richard and Frieda Dickson Carl Gene and Pamela Denney Don and Darlene Bellar Lloyd Winkley Ron and Libby Procter Danny and Linda Rich Gerald Floyd Page 6 - Volume 2015 - No. 3 Geneva Osborn Kenneth and Daralene Kidwell Paul D. DeGan William and Venita Hand Henry and Glyda Faye Floyd Emma Della Floyd Jim and Oneita Poehl Family of Geraldine Suiter G. W. Petty Dennis and Tanya Smith OSBURN, MR. WENDELL Mr. and Mrs. David Burns PARR, DALE Earl and Sandra Shepherd PARTAIN, DONALD (DONNIE) L. A. and Phyllis Todd Teddy and Delia White Jerry Winingham David and Dara Robison Sam and Lois Killebrew Robert and Linda Killebrew Kenny and Helen Burrows Eddy and Doris Tipton Dana Drannon Rick Green Janet (Mollet) Boyd Jimmy and Cathy Smith Glenna Evans Earl Jones PERRY, R. T. Reva Perry PETRICEK, BRYAN Marilyn Petricek PHILLIPS, GERALDINE H. (JERRY) Terry Godwin Larry and Ann Bartlett Jerry and Shirley Alexander Elliott Rental & Equipment Inc. Bob, Luann and Matthew Davis Jennifer, Paul and Sarah Bloxham Philip and Leslie McNeill Class of 1980, Comanche High School of Comanche, OK POLLOCK, DON Joe and Jimmie Young Warren McGill POPE, HEATH L. C. and Faye Bingham Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Hatcher RAY, BILLY F. Dennis and Ilena Vernon RICHARDSON, HELEN I. Fargo Church of Christ Joe Dale Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Wilson Page 7 - Volume 2015 - No. 3 RIGATTI, LOUIS Teddy and Delia White Kevin and Christine Wesche Pamela S. Walsh Patricia A. Pinchock Sam and Lois Killebrew Geneva Osborn James E. Penvose ROBERTS, DON Ronny and Huberta Duke ROBERTS, JOHN HENRY Dennis and Ilena Vernon ROBINSON, JIMMY Gordon and Aileen Weaver ROE, MILDRED Archie and Maxine Yeager ROSER, EMERY AND MINNIE David and Doylene Tompkins RUE, ROGER Wilburn and Tillie Grisham Melvin Brown RUSSELL, DEBBIE Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Bingham SCHMIDT, JAMES (JIM) Jim and Beverly Marshall Ken and LaVetra Brown Lefty and Jean Smith SCHRICK, KENNETH Kenneth and Daralene Kidwell SCHROEDER, DOROTHY BURCHETT Albert and Dea Schroeder SIMS, KATHERINE Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Wilson Fargo Church of Christ Joe Dale Wilson SMART, VERGENIA L. James Smart SMILEY, RON Mary Anne Watson SPARKS, LARRY Gary and Deborah Colhouer Sherry Owen SPARLIN, DORIS Billy Faulkenberry STINSON, JOE Jean Stinson STOCKTON, RANDALL Joe and Cathy Stockton STOUT, ROY Jerry and Sue Edwards STURGESS, ROBERT AND REBA Bill and Virginia Dennis SULLINS, STUART Lynn Denney TALLON, CHARLES MARION Lloyd and Sharon George TAYLOR, ROBERT Jon and Anna Jackson TEAFATILLER, REHBECCA RAE KELLY Nolan and Lynn Bullard THOMAS, JANICE James W. Thomas THOMPSON, RACHELLE Kenneth and Daralene Kidwell TOLLESON, BILL The Chism Family TOMPKINS, EDWARD AND BELVA David and Doylene Tompkins TYE, TOM AND DAISY Bill and Helen Mauch VAUGHN, JANE (KILLEBREW) Dewight and Betty Mitchell VINEYARD, LUTHER AND VESTA David and Doylene Tompkins VINSON, GENEVA Benny Prentice VOSS, HELEN Carol Siling Northside Church of Christ, Chickasha, OK Katherine Brewer WALLACE, FLORINE Eva Wilmeth WALLACE, JOANN Earl and Sandra Shephard WATSON, E. R. Alan and Juanita Pruitt WHITE, SHARON Kim Fergusen WILSON, MYRL Geneva Osborn WINSTEAD, RUSTY Albert and Wanda Boozer WRATHER, DOROTHY Eva Wilmeth WRIGHT, VAN BABE Arthur and Merle Wells Family Michelle Viers YORK, PARIS R. J. Williamson Family Nathan - Oct. 20 Lydia - Oct. 2 Sonya - Oct. 2 Justin - Nov. 13 Marcus - Dec. 23 Madisson - Nov. 14 Sami - Nov. 11 Not Pictured: Adelyn - Dec. 15 Messenger Box 370 Tipton, OK 73570 Periodical Postage Paid Address Service Requested EASY, QUICK AND DELICIOUS TACO SOUP 1 pound of lean, ground beef 1 small onion 1 package ranch dressing 1 package taco seasoning mix 1 can corn (undrained) 1 can pinto beans (undrained) 1 can chili beans (undrained) 2 cans diced tomatoes (undrained) (Mexican style is best, but any kind will do) Brown meat and onion. Drain excess fat. Add ranch dressing mix and taco seasoning; mix together. Add remaining ingredients (do not drain the liquids from cans). Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Enjoy! *We like to serve with sour cream, cheese and hot sauce (we use Tapatio). Tastes great with tortilla chips, too! Jenice Barrajas and her husband, Omar, are houseparents at the Chitwood cottage. They presently have 5 boys in their care. In addition, they have four children of their own. They are Daniel, age 11, Samantha, age 9, Abigail, 2 years and Adelyn, 8 months. The Barrajas came to Tipton Children’s Home in June 2014. Jenice and Omar strive to encourage their children by teaching them God’s will. They are active with the boys in their cottage as well as at basketball and football games, and other school activities. The boys always enjoy the smell of taco soup cooking in the cottage. Hope you enjoy it as well! Page 8 -Volume 2015 - No. 3
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