Current Issue - Tipton Children`s Home
Current Issue - Tipton Children`s Home
Tipton Children’s Home is a non-profit organization. We rely on your many gifts of money, groceries, clothing and even handmade quilts. I realize that most of the people receiving the Messenger know what we are and what we do. Our concerns are usually centered around the material donations and the effect they will have on our day to day lives. But as the new year begins, I believe it is most important to seek another type of donation. That donation is PRAYER! I believe that all of our needs, desires and wants will be taken care of if each of you will set aside time every day to pray for us. Pray for the children. Pray that they may come to know Christ and the Cross. Pray for their healing from emotional and physical scars. Pray for our house parents. Pray that they may have patience and strength to deal with all the challenges that confront them. Pray for the administration, that they may lead in a Godly way which will continue to make Tipton Children’s Home a place which will make a positive change in the lives of our children. I Thessalonians 5:16 says “pray without ceasing”. As we diligently do this, I truly believe that all of our needs will be met, both spiritually and financially. As always, never hesitate to call or come visit us. Tipton Children’s Home would like to say thank you to all our friends and family who shared your love with us over the holidays. The children had a great Christmas with all the presents they received. In addition, they had the opportunity to meet new friends and reconnect with the old friends they have made in the past years. What a wonderful example of Christian love for our children. It is our goal that someday our children will be in the position of giving back to others just as so many of you have done. We wish you all a blessed year in 2016! Page 1 - Volume 2016 - No. 1 Tipton Children’s Home has benefited from the generosity of so many friends and families over the holidays. We returned to find our homes cold and dark like so many of you. The town of Tipton was without electricity for 3 days and others in the area were without electricity for a week or more. We have had happy times and some trying times. The children were kept safe and warm with the use of generators and mounds of quilts. It was a true adventure for children and houseparents. I want to express thankfulness to all of you for your generosity in bringing food, gifts and cards for the children. In addition, many of you sent monetary gifts. Your generosity is overwhelming. I would also like to express our gratitude to the lineman who helped restore the electricity and many others who called to check on our needs or brought supplies. We continue to thank God for the blessings we have received and the guidance and safety he provides as we do His will. I pray we will never lose sight of the love and care God provides for us when we trust Him and put our faith in Him. A few years ago, there was a story in the National Geographic magazine reminding us of God’s greatness and the plans he has had for his creatures since the beginning. A forest fire overtook Yellowstone National Park and after the fire the forest rangers walked up the mountain to assess the damage. One ranger found a bird petrified in ashes, perched statuesquely on the ground at the base of a tree. The ranger was saddened that the bird had perished and was astonished that he did not fly away as the fire came closer. He took a stick and knocked the dead bird’s ashes over. Immediately, three tiny chicks scurried from under their mother’s wings. The mother, keenly aware of the impending disaster, had carried her offspring to the base of the tree and gathered them under her wings, knowing that the smoke would rise. She could have flown to safety all by herself, but she did not want her babies to perish. When the blaze arrived and the heat rose, the mother remained steadfast protecting her babies. Because she had been willing to give herself for her babies; the babies continued to live. “He shall cover thee with His feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.” Psalm 91:4 As God’s children and ministers to others, let us remember to find our comfort in his love for us. If we have but a tiny measure of faith, the size of a mustard seed, he will bring us through our trials. Thank you to all who have been providers for Tipton Children’s Home in the past. I wish you all a new year of God’s blessings and pray that we will continue to provide a refuge for children needing our help. If you know of a child that needs our help, please call the office at 580-667-5221. Welcome to Renee Boyd. Renee has accepted the position of secretary/Business Manager for Tipton Children’s Home. Renee comes to us with a real estate background and will continue to be connected with Remax Property Place in Altus on a part- time basis. She is a 1999 graduate of Tipton Schools. Her and her daughter, Chloe, live in Tipton. She will be the “voice on the phone” if you call our office. Judi French, our former secretary/ Business Manger left in November. Her and her husband, Stan, who was the farm manager at Tipton Children’s Home, have moved to Colorado to be closer to their children and they are the new owners of Road Runner roofing. We wish them well in this new endeavor. Congratulations and a job well done to these children who made straight A’s for the Fall semester 2015 at school. The children worked hard and we are very proud of them. Pictured are Erika, Nathan, Hunter, Shawn, Samantha, and Daniel. Not pictured is Dasi. Join Us on Facebook! Tipton Childrens Home Page 2 - Volume 2016 - No. 1 L. A. Todd passed away on October 16, 2015 at his home in Tipton. L. A. was an active member of the Tipton community, serving on the Tipton School Board, Humphrey’s Co-Op board, the 911 Board and had served on the FSA Board for over 20 years. He was still active on the Soil Conservation Board and the Tillman County Fair Board. He had worked and served on the Board for the Oklahoma State Spring Livestock Show for over 30 years. L. A. was a very active member of the Tipton Church of Christ where he served as an elder and was on the Tipton Children’s Home Board of Directors. L. A. was indeed a busy man, but he was never too busy or sick to attend the meetings for the Board at Tipton Children’s Home. L. A. had a deep love for the children and he was that man at church services who passed out gum and mints to the children. Phyllis always had an ample supply if L. A. ran out. L. A. would want to know when a new child came to Tipton Children’s Home. He would often call the Home to see if we had a new child and he would say, “Now, I want to meet him/her.” He was one of the first people they would meet and he would usually know someone who lived in the town from which they came. The remarkable thing about L. A. is that he never forgot a face or a conversation. He knew history. But not just history of places, he knew your history and could tell you about anyone in the community or surrounding area. He was involved in your life and genuinely cared about what was going on with you. He was an interesting man to talk with because he knew so much and he was the go to person if you had a question about Tipton. He was the man we will remember in the future because of his love for Tipton Children’s Home and his humor. But we will also remember him because he truly knew us. L. A. is survived by his lovely wife, Phyllis and his two sons, Leigh Alan of McCloud and John Robert and wife Suzanne of Spring Branch, Texas. He left four sisters, Melba Reece and husband Max, Linda Armstrong and husband Lewis, Catherine Grampp and husband Larry and Paula Hughes. He had 6 grandchildren and 5 greatgranchildren. He was preceeded in death by his parents and one daughter, Sue Ann Todd. Page 3 - Volume 2016 - No. 1 I know you won’t be expecting your Tipton Children’s Home Messenger this early, but I have always felt change is good. It is different for me to get my mind set for it also. It is winter here in Tipton, Oklahoma and we have just been through several days of no power due to high winds and ice storms. Everyone made it okay, and all of our children are back in school busy as usual. I am sure many of you have experienced the same bad weather also. Hope everyone is doing ok. At this time I am going to put a reminder of Homecoming at Tipton Children’s Home in this news report. Homecoming comes a little early this year. It will be on Saturday March 26, 2016 in the Tipton Home cafeteria. There will be a reception at the Tipton church of Christ Fellowship building on Friday evening, March 25. I will follow-up with a letter to you in a few weeks with the time schedule of everything. We are starting our plans and preparation for another great and fun Homecoming. You don’t want to miss it. We will be looking for all that can come this year. Deceased: We have lost some of our special people that I need to report on. Carroll Gregory passed away September 3, 2015. Carroll had been sick for a while. He and his lovely wife, Wanda, came to work several years ago as houseparents in the Davis Cottage. They are loved by many sweet girls they have raised. Our sympathy and prayers go out to Wanda and her family. Just as we were in the middle of the bad ice storm we got word of one of the girls we had in our cottage, Angela Lee (Jones) Smith, who unexpectedly passed away on December 26th, 2016. Angie came to Tipton Children’s Home on May 28, 1971 along with her younger sisters, Donna and Jennifer and her brother Timmy. She graduated from Tipton High School on May 21, 1981. She leaves her sweet daughter Cassandra (Cassie) who will need lots of love and encouragement. Our hearts were very saddened to get this news. Former employee, Elton VanScoder’s wife passed away on December 6, 2015. We extend our love and sympathy to all the families of their loved ones. Wishing everyone a very happy and good year in what is now 2016. Remember our children in your prayers. We appreciate all of you. The children who have animals have been working for several months to prepare their animals for the local and county stock show which will be coming up in February and March. Erika is holding one of the pigs as a baby. It is fascinating to watch the pigs grow so fast. The children go daily to check and feed the animals. We wish them good luck in their efforts at the stock shows. Justin is a sophomore at Tipton Public Schools. He is 16 years old and came to us last summer. Justin is creative. He enjoys the arts and loves playing the piano. He lives in the Hamm House with 5 other boys and his houseparents, Tony and Gabbi Chitwood. By Justin Barton Because of your help, Tipton Children’s Home has reached another milestone … over 4000 children have been helped since 1924. We pray that we helped them in a way that they were able to leave here and lead other souls to Christ. Your help is our biggest asset. Please continue to remember us in your prayers that the work here will continue and many other children will be helped. “Let the children come to me , and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14 On this day we cluster to support, To remember, to mourn those lost at the Fort. For right here, right now, we’ve lost some, But remember they wanted what we now have, What we’ve become. For the gifts of life, liberty and freedom, Once denied now caused a nation to grow in stride. So fear not; ‘twas not in vain, The sacrifices they gave for us to gain. Remember the Love they had for their country Rmember their sacrifices, Let freedom ring! Tipton Children’s Home has change cans available for you to fill and return to us. The change cans are good for donors of all ages to participate in helping Tipton Home. The money is used to help the children in the activities they are involved in or for special trips the children take. If you, your Sunday school class or a friend or relative of yours would like to participate, please call the office and we will send you a change can to get you started. Their war twice fought was therefore not simple, Not vain, not pure emotion, not without thought. Our proof through the night, still there Tattered and torn, rugged and worn, But Still waving in the air. Reminder: Tipton Children’s Home Homecoming will be held on Saturday, March 26 in the Tipton Children’s Home cafeteria. Mark your calendar and be here for the celebration . You and your family are welcome! Page 4 - Volume 2016 - No. 1 HONORS HONOR TO JESUS OUR LORD Elvey Thomason HONOR TO THE LORD JESUS CHRIST HE GAVE ME BACK MY LIFE Randy Suddeath HONOR TO GOD’S SON Ed and Phyllis McCorkle CHURCH OF CHRIST – DIMMITT, TX Anonymous 5TH BIRTHDAY - JUDD SELF Anthony Davenport 90th BIRTHDAY - MARY JANZEN Church of Christ - Perryton, TX 95th BIRTHDAY - MRS. JONI LU WRIGHT David and Diane Wright HAPPY BIRTHDAY - MARY LOU MURDOCK Ocie and Cathy Fuchs TERRY AND ANITA ARCHER Robin Cates 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY RON AND KARLA FRENCH Raymond and Kay McGarraugh SURGERY/HOSPITALIZED JEFF TURNER PAM PARKER BETTY DANIEL BETTY HARGROVE RICK BROWN MARY BELLE CARNES Church of Christ - Perryton, TX BAPTISMS TOM JONES KAITLIN BRADLEY STEPHANIE DUNN SOPHIE DANIEL ZANE EYLAR KALEIGH PETERSON THOM HARGROVE Church of Christ - Perryton, TX DON AND SUE JOHNSON Church of Christ - Perryton, TX MR. DANIEL COHEN Michael and Elissa Laviage GLENNA LOWRANCE Larry and Rene’e Olmstead HAPPY BIRTHDAY - CHRIS OWENS Anthony Davenport OTHO AND KAY ROGERS WELCOME BACK TO OKLAHOMA Jerry and Sue Edwards THE TIPTON HOUSEPARENTS Harold A. Loman A CHRISTMAS GIFT - CHRIS, RENAE, HANNAH AND MICAH CAIN Charles and Rita Crews HIS SERVICE TO HIS COUNTRY WINCE GRAHAM Ken and Terri McClanahan YEARS OF SELFLESSNESS TO THE TIPTON COMMUNITY - KENNY PRICE Hugh C. “Monty” Montgomery OUR ELDERS OF WYNNEWOOD CHURCH OF CHRIST Loreata Martin CHRISTMAS - YVONNE MIXON John Mixon MERRY CHRISTMAS BRANDON AND AMANDA EMBRY Lewis and Gale Crum MERRY CHRISTMAS THE WILLOW EMPLOYEES Thelma and Janet Land THANK YOU AND MERRY CHRISTMAS JIMMY AND VICKY WOODS BECKY AND CHARLES RAY STIPE Glenda Bird CHRISTMAS THELMA AND JANET LAND Marva Dennis BAPTISM - CLAYTON GARNER Carter Church of Christ ISA MAE SMITH Peggy Brawner MRS. JONI LU WRIGHT David and Diane Wright CHRISTMAS - TORI FRAILEY Amanda Frailey PATRICIA LONG ANDY AND ROSALIE GEISLER Page 5 - Volume 2016 - No. 1 ROB AND CINDY RAINBOLT TROY RAINBOLT Curt and Beth Rainbolt HAPPY 44th BIRTHDAY KALA MASSENGALE IDLEMAN Duke and Kara Davenport MR. MILTON CLEGHORN Marinell and Vera Lou Gleghorn CHRISTMAS - BILL ADAMS Ken and Carol Simmons YEARS OF SERVICE TO TIPTON HOME CHARLES AND ANITA DAVIS Anetta Hensley A LIVING TRIBUTE TO MY LOVELY SISTER FOR SO MANY DEDICATED YEARS AS A HOUSEPARENT ANNA MARIE KUNTZ Helen Hudson CHERYL THRONEBERRY MIKE AND MICKIE THRONEBERRY Cliff and Emma Throneberry GRANDBABIES COOPER ERWIN AND SAVANA ERWIN Mr. and Mrs. Joel Hand ANGIE LOPEZ ROBBINS Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bodine DR. AND MRS. LEROY SCHAFFNER Randall and Kathy Schaffner RICHARD AND DEE ANN ENDSLEY JOE DALE AND ANN WILSON STEVE AND SHERRY BIGHAM Ronnie and Ann Wilson JIM AND SUSAN THOMPSON Randal and Kathleen Partain MEMORIALS 1950 – 1957 ALL HOUSEPARENTS Norman L. Brown AARON, CECILE Patti Fulcher ACUFF, EMMA John, Ola Faye and John David Carrell ADAIR, MARGUERITE Ms. Barbara Garrison ADAMS, LOIS Sue Smith AITSON, MEECH Curtis and Linda Boyd ALANIZ, ZULEMA Emma Della Floyd ALDRIEDGE, IRENE Rob and Jo Hailey ALLISON, LEE ROY “BUD” Mrs. Ida B. Allison AQUINO, ARTURO Tom and Georgia Barger ARMSTRONG, ERNEST AND ZENA Joyce Cagle ARNOLD, MARGUERITE H. D. Arnold ARTHUR, R. D. “RIP” Robert and Annette Moore BAIRD, GERALDINE Jay, Karman and Charlene Slatton BAKER, JAMES Jim Baker BALLARD, LOUISE Jo Hailey BALLEW, BRANDON Wayne and Janice Neeley BARKER, CHARLOTTE Charlie and Judy Taylor BARNARD, JACK AND BENNIE Darla Cleveland BARNES, EULA Jack and Toni Jordan Betheny Grove and Family James and Helen McLeod Gary and Alceon Jones David and Susan LaRue Linda Moore Pam Gilrie Virginia Anderson and Family Jeff Hart Paula and Eddie Childs Pat Easley and Family Ken and Mary Ann Fergeson Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Asbill Jane Beach Janice Hardwick Gene and Rose Shriver Ingrid and Larry Lovelace Norma Sheltman Betty Reeves Bill and Carman LaRue Carl and Ann Reeder Patsy Cox Kenneth and Betty Baird Dave and Tawna Shultz Mike and Candace Kiehn and Girls Brandon and Wendy Shultz and Family The Barnes Family Vogan and Betty Alexander Betty Fox Patrick and Karen Bertrand Patrick Crosswhite Lisa C. Johnson Jim and Terri Redding Monica and Greg Sexton BARNES, JACK AND EULA MAE Mary Lee Brown Family BARNETT, LOU Van White BATTLES, DOY LEE Don and Jo Sexton BEAIRD, RITA Regina Shropshire BEARD, VIOLET KITCHENS James H. Beard BEASLEY, LYNDAL Phil and Renee Taylor BECK, EDDIE David Beck BECKHAM, SONNY John, Ola Faye and John David Carell BELL, CHARLES Brad and Ann Hamblin BENNETT, ALAN Rebecca Riley BLACKBURN, JESSIE Orgel and Hatsene Milligan BOLES, WARREN THOMAS RANCHER/COWBOY Warren D. Boles BOLTON, KYLE ANTHONY Jake and Claudine Bolton BOYD, JENICE ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF HER DEATH NOVEMBER BIRTHDAY AND ANNIVERSARY Lynn Boyd BOYD, NELMA JOY Alan and Susie Boyd Curtis and Linda Boyd Irma Hefner LaRue Boyd Robert and Linda Killebrew Leasure Family Juana Faye Price Pat Wingate Carol Engman Deryl and Joan (McCasland) Clevenger Rhonda and Bob Mills Susan and Steve Osborn BRADLEY, DUANE Mark and Margaret Rhoades Ernest R. Branstetter BRADSHAW, DOROTHY Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Manning and Family Kevin and Suzanne Harrington BRAKEVILLE, JERRY - UNCLE Wanda Miller BRANTLEY, STEVE AND VIRGIE Pat and Wayne Wickham BRISCO, KATHRYN Pauline Brown BROWN, GARY Connie Brown BROWN, VERDA Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brown Clara Drews BROWNING, BILL Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie S. Asbill Vogan and Betty Alexander Marvin and Sue Thompson BRUBAKER, DARREL Tom and Georgia Barger BRYAN, WALTER AND RUTH Steve and Judy Bryan BUCKINGHAM, SUE ANN Donald F. Buckingham BURGE, DON Tom and Georgia Barger BULLARD, C. A. AND LILY Yvonne Day BULLOCK, LEE Kent and Kristi Walker BURCH, BOBBIE Rita Bucher BURNS, GERALDINE John and Joan Burns BURROWS, BENNY Billy and Verna Gray BURROWS, DON Billy and Verna Gray BUSBY JR., R. H. James L. Busby BUTLER, JAYNE OWENS (AUNT) Lester and Sue (Owens) Scott BYNUM, MARK EVAN John and Jo Bynum CAMPBELL, BILLY DON Jeff and Karen Broussard CAMPBELL, DORCUS CAMPBELL, WAYNE Tom and Georgia Barger CAMPBELL, GARTH D. Tom and Georgia Barger CARDWELL, GRACIE John and Ola Faye Carrell and John David CARLSON, MOLLY Dean Carlson CARNAGEY, AMY Betty Fleharty CHISHOLM, HOWARD AND BETTY Mark Chisholm CLARK, CHRIS L. Vivian Clark CLARK, RICKY Ray Dean and Rhonda Sites COLLINS, EFFIE DORA “GRANNY” Joe E. Collins CONNELL, BILL Church of Christ - Perryton, TX CONNOR, LOLA DEL Tommy Patterson CROSSWHITE, CARL Kent and Kristi Walker CRYER, RAY AND LUVADA Linda Aynes CURRAN, BLANCHE AND DALE Carl H. and Donna J. Henry CYPERT, ROY Joe Dale and Ann Wilson CYPHERS, MATTIE John Cyphers DANNER, KATHRYN JOYCE (HOPKINS) Mrs. Ida B. Allison DANSBY, DOC Kenneth and Daralene Kidwell DAUBENSPECK, ALBERT AND EDITH Wanda (Daubenspeck) Marshall DAVIS, CLARENCE AND NAOMA Linda Nell Davis DAVIS, DORIS John Davis DAVIS, MRS. MARCELLA Wilburn and Tillie Grisham DAVIS, PHYLLIS – OUR WEDDING DAY John C. Davis DAVIS, VICTORIA ROSE Bill and Sallie Jo Carder DEAN, BENNY Donald and Imogene Moran DEMUTH, GAIL AND LOIS Randy and Sue Demuth DOTSON, HARRY John and Tom Dotson DRAGOO, JOHN Marie Dragoo DRENNAN-TAYLOR, JOAN MARIE (HYATT) Jimmie Lee Hinton and Family DUDLEY, JOHN Geneva Osborn Kenneth and Daralene Kidwell Kent and Kristi Walker DUNAHOE, EVERETT John and Cathy Teague DUNCAN, JOHN EARL Lynda Reed EASTER, WAYNE Max and Linda Easter ECCLES, MARGUERITE Wayne Snodgrass EDWARDS, JOE AND VERA Jerry and Sue Edwards EGGLESTON, DON Donna Eggleston EISENHOUR, RONNIE Jim and Pat Coale ELLIS, MARCELLA ELLIS, WANDA John and Ola Faye Carrell and John David Mr. Roy J. Ellis ERNST, LLOYD Oklahoma Bank and Trust Co., Clinton, OK Joe and Sandra Zerby Vivian Mills Kathye Easley Roy and Billie Morrison Doyce and Linda Walker Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ray Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ray Ida Lee Kinney Jim and Lorraine Baird Larry and Janice Allen Billy and Lisa Ray Kelly and Debbie Allen Dennis and Janice Smith Independance Alumni Jene Oakes Dr. Alvin and Donna Baumwart Don and Teri Fuchs The Coffey Family Chuck and Beth Milner Eileen Graves Mary Ann Dremel Lucille Ernst FAITH, RAYMOND Wayne and Mary Faith FARRIS, ELIZABETH ‘BETH’ Willie and Norene Jackson Aldon and Carol Cooper Paul and Jenny Loveless Jimmie Lee Hinton and Family FATHER OF NAHOMIE GREEN Bettie Willard FERRELL, FRANCES Kenneth and Beth Bailey Eldon and Dixie Ferrell Mark and Monica Collins FLEMING, ALLEN Laverne and Tony Walls FLETCHER, MARY HELEN Harold Fletcher FLOWERS, JUNE Vernell Endecott FLOYD, MARILYN JUNE Geneva Osborn Lawana Moore Don and Adelle Clements Mr. and Mrs. Jim Poe Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hand Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Floyd Emma D. Floyd FOLKS, DOROTHA Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Bingham FOSTER, MAURY AND ANNE Ron and Elizabeth Foster FOSTER, RAYMOND M. Decatur Church of Christ, Decatur, TX FOSTER, TOM Peggy Frazier FOWLER, DON LaSaundra Fowler Ocie and Cathy Fuchs FOWLER, ROBERT JR. “BOB” Kenneth Stanley FRANCIS, GENE Bobby and Bonnielyn Francis FRANKLAND, MELISSA ANN Jerrell and Linda Gleaves FULLERTON, BYRON Robert and Annette Moore GANTT, JEANNE WOODS Rebecca Stipe GARRETT, GAYE Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Manning and Family GARRETT, RETA AUNT AND FAITHFUL MEMBER OF CHURCH Gary Tyson GARROTSON FAMILY Tom and Cherry Bailey GARRETSON, JOHN D. Mickey and Phyllis Lathan GASS, A. B. Mrs. A. B. Gass GASSEUR, JOE AND DOROTHY Kelly Stephens GILES, JIMMY Delva Giles GILL, BILL Ivan and Joleen Hatler GLOVER, RUBY Renee O’Donnell GOBLE, D. L. (MIKE) Patricia White Littlepage Oil & Gas LP Mr. and Mrs. Danny E. Drennan Don and Charlene Eddleman Curtis and Debbie Timmons Eastside Church of Christ Martha Bennett and Family Holly Chandler Raylene Williams Ted and Patsy Hill Ted Warwick Courtney Bennett Thomas GOINGS, RUBY Tom and Georgia Barger GOLBEK, GRACE Ed Golbek Jr. GOLDEN, JUNE David and Mark Denison GRAY, INEZ WINDHAM Mary Ann Vick GRAY, PAT Larry and Linda Taliaferro GREEN, RICHARD Bart and Anetta Hensley GREGORY, CARROLL Sam and Lois Killebrew Ocie and Cathy Fuchs Billy and Verna Gray Eugene and Quanda Garrett Zach and Heidi Ahrens Columbus Church of Christ, Columbus, NE Church of Christ, Hot Springs, AR ‘The Boom’ – Living Fully Anointed Essential Oils, c/o Cheryl Vandegrift Joe and Lori Waugh Curtis and Sue Stubblefield Wynnewood Church of Christ Craig and Sherry Dale Cleo and Wand Mauldin Charles and Laquita Johnson Deborah Jurcak Rebecca Holloway Tomie Jo (Allen) Price (grade school classmate) Anetta Hensley Harold Loman Geneva Osborn Timmy and Cheryl White Loreata Martin GREGSTON, BETTY Morris and Jeannie McGehee GRIFFIN, BILL Jerry and Sue Edwards GRIMSLEY, JIMMY Tom and Melissa Randolph Martha Mae Shelton GUINN, THURMAN AND NADINE Darlene and Gerald Brice GUNTER, BOBBY L. C. and Faye Bingham GUTHRIE, JOE Tom and Georgia Barger HALL, LILLIE J. C. Hall HAMBRICK, RANDALL Sue Hambrick HAMMEL, MRS. MATTIE Jo Anne Jackson HANKINS, DON Miss Patricia A. Peters HANNAN, CECIL Donna Gage HANSON, TRAVIS Stephen and Sandra Hansen HARDING, PAULA Michael and Grace Harding HARE, SANDRA William (Bill) Hare HARRISON, EDNA V. Joe Dale and Ann Wilson HARRYMAN, BILLY EUGENE (GENE) Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Bingham Dwayne and Linda Anderson HAYNES, MIKE (SON) Louis and Mary Haynes HEATH, LEON Wanda Heath HEIDEN, ROSALIE AND JOE Gary and Connie Heiden HENDERSON, WILL AND DOLLY (TEMPLE, OK) Kenneth Henderson HENSLEY, ELAINE Bart and Anetta Hensley Cleo and Wanda Mauldin HICKS, EARL AND RUBY Melissa Fritts HILLHOUSE, SAM Mireille H. Hillhouse HILTON, VIRGIL Larry and Linda Taliaferro HIWAY CHURCH OF CHRIST Former Members of Hiway Church of Christ HOBSON, GRANT Bogan and Carolyn Smith HODGES, HILLARY Mary Anne Watson Billy Moody Bootsie Conley HOLDRIDGE, R. D. AND JEANETTE Vickie and Darrell Spears HOPKINS, OTIS EARL Ms. Rebecca R. Hopkins HOWELL, CHRISTINE Frances A. Pearce Kenneth and Daralene Kidwell HOWERTON, LENA Betty McCurry HUDSON, FAY LaSaundra Fowler HYDER, JAMES Mineola Church of Christ IVEY, ED Randall and Danna Percell and Family JACKSON, GENEVA Jeff and Karen Broussard JAMES, BERYLE Patricia James JAMES, LEATRICE Paul James JENKINS, ALANA (OUR DAUGHTER) Stanley and Pamela Jenkins JENSEN, WILLIE FAYE Ms. Sylvia Rivas JOHNSON, DALE Nancy and Kim Vancil and Family JOHNSON, KYLE Stan and Judi French Sam and Lois Killebrew Ocie and Cathy Fuchs Larry and Deb Putnam Billy and Verna Gray Curtis and Linda Boyd JOHNSON, LUCILLE Orgel and Hatsene Milligan JOLLIFF, SUZANNE Dan Jolliff JONES, MORRIS Edna H. Jones JORDAN, PETE AND RUBY Norita Farrell KAREN, RANDY AND DEBBIE Troy Maloney KELLEY, AL Wanda M. Kelley KELLEY, ERVIN AND JOY Robbie J. Davis KELLY, DIANA SUE Robert and Annette Moore KIDWELL, CECIL KIDWELL, QUILLA Kenneth and Daralene Kidwell KILMORE, BEVERLY Paul and Doris Arnold KINCANNON, MARIE Bob and Betty Bearden KING, BETTY Wanda Miller KLOCK, JO Ms. Barbara Garrison LAMB, MARY JO Wiley and Sherry White LANCASTER, LOIS Wanda Miller LAVIAGE, PAT Jim Stinson Pamela A. Hoffer Ellison and Maureen Wittels Marilyn Nathan Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Glesby Robert and Alyse Caplan Andy and Wendy Bernstein David and Cindy Senior Marvin D. and Arlene Nathan Robin S. Sofer LEAL, ERNESTO Tom and Georgia Barger LIVINGSTON, ALTON Kenneth and Daralene Kidwell LONG, KATIE Robert and Linda Killebrew Bill and Sallie Jo Carder LOVEJOY, CAROLYN Ray Lovejoy LUNSFORD, TONY AND JUANITA Roger and Karen Brown LYONS, JO ANN James and Geri Chisholm MALDONADO, PEDRO Harry and Barbara Davis MANN, SHARON KAY Mrs. Gail Stewart MARKART (MOORE), TY Robert and Annette Moore MARSHALL, JAMES E. “JIM” Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Lee Dellas and Pat Anderson BancFirst of Chandler, OK J & E Supply Employees Phil Kliewer Tom and Robyn Lambrecht L. P. Baird Alan Lindahl Alan and Rita Shaw Donald and Sara Boyle Tamara Ward Retirement Investment Advisors – Randy Thurman Crowl Machine, Inc. Dawn Joseph Cable Ties Unlimited MARSHALL, JOHNNY CLIFFORD Wanda Marshall MARTIN, BONNEY RAY Eugene and Quanda Garrett Bart and Anetta Hensley Curtis and Sue Stubblefield Wynnewood Church of Christ Cleo and Wanda Mauldin Charles and Laquita Johnson Gerald and Kathleen Galles Dora Polzien MARTIN, JEAN Ocie and Cathy Fuchs MARTIN, PAULINE Gerald and Darlene Brice MASSEY, MILTON J. Donna R. Massey MAZE, MARY ELLA Cecille Kampplain MCCLURE, ROYCE Church of Christ - Perryton, TX MCDONALD, JOAN Rob and Jo Hailey MCDONALD, RICHARD Mary A. McDonald MCELROY, BILLIE (BRUNDAGE) Kenneth (Bud) Stanley and daughters, Arthenia Haney and Thearlene Morris MCFADDEN, STEPHENIA Aaron and Dana Alsbrook MCGEE, CLIFTON SR. Annetta Dahl McGee MCGEHEE, MR. AND MRS. A. L. Dorothy McCully MCLAURY, S. G. AND MARY K. Kenny and Helen Burrows MCMURTRY, BILL Carol McMurtry MCNEILL, BERNICE (WIFE OF MANY YEARS) David McNeill MCREYNOLDS, MIKE Arthenia Haney MCQUEEN, INA JOAN Archie and Maxine Yeager Bill and Jan Davidson MEEKS, JIMMY JR David Beck MILLER, AGNES Mr. E. Olen Mitchell MILLER, ARLIE Dorothy Dankworth MILLER CHILDREN - MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS WHO WERE IN TIPTON IN 1935 Modena R. Berger MILLER, OTTO AND AGNES (MOM AND DAD) Jim and Linda Penner MITCHELL, MADGE Paul Mitchell MITCHELL, YORK John, Ola Faye and John David Carrell MOM AND DAD Donna Hampton MOORE, HARLEY AND DODIE Harla Moore MORAN, RUTH Y. C. and Donnaleta Fuchs MORRIS, BAILEY Aaron and Dana Alsbrook MORSE, TYLER Randy and Pam Morse MOSS, LUTHER K. AND MARY A. Jo Anne Jackson MURRAY, J. C. AND ANNA B. J. T. Murray Page 6 - Volume 2016 - No. 1 MURRAY, JOANN Lonnie and Sharron Nichols Lynnette Hibbs Mary Lou Smith MURRAY, MARY David and Diane Kemp MURRAY, SHEILA J. T. Murray NASH, BRETT AND BILLY (BELOVED BROTHERS) Marty Nash NELL, THEROL Larry and Donna Coke Kent and Paula Vaughan NICHOLS, BURL J. R. and Patricia Nichols NIX, EILEEN Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Bingham NOACK, HUNTER Grandma and Grandpa Helton NOBLE, EARNEST Marva Dennis OLDHAM, NORRIS ANDY TIPTON 1934-1941 Joyce Muirhead OLER, GAYLE Bobby Roach OLSON, BILL R. B. and Lucille Hunnicutt O’NEAL, JOYCE (TOMPKINS) LaRue Boyd Irma Hefner Joy Boyd ORTIZ, DOLLY Ernie and Jana Manning OSBORN, JOHN Bob and Rhonda Mills Steve and Suzan Osborn Bob and Betty Bearden Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ward Robert Buschman Mike, Kay and Greg Phelps OWENS, LEE AND IVA JAYNE (GRANDPARENTS) OWENS, JOHN LEE (FATHER) OWENS, FRANK (UNCLE) OWENS, DR. RALPH (UNCLE) OWENS, WALLACE (UNCLE) Lester and Sue (Owens) Scott OWENS, DR. AND MRS. RALPH E. Nancy E. Lewis OWENS, RALPH AND ROMA FUN DAY Robert and Nancy Lewis PALMER, PAULINE Wayne and Janice Neeley PARDUE, ROSCOE Judy Bowles Randall and Danna Percell and Family PAST ‘ERICK, OK’ PREACHERS DURWARD WEATHERFORD AND ALBERT TRENT Curtis G. and Norma Austin PATTERSON, HELEN JO Gail Church of Christ PATTERSON, MARTHA BUSINESS OWNER, MOTHER, WIFE Tommy Patterson PEDEN, MRS. ALICE Mr. and Mrs. David Burns PEFFLEY, AUBREY AND IRENE Jim and Jan Hall PEREZ, MRS Tom and Georgia Barger PERRY, R. T. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Moran PETRICEK, BRYAN Mr. and Mrs. Roy Petricek Marilyn K. Petricek PHILLIPS, BOBBY (ROBERT) Kenneth and Daralene Kidwell PHILLIPS, MRS. JERRY Comanche High School Class of 1983 PIERATT, BILL Stan and Judi French PIERCE, MARY MARGARET Patsy L. Smith PLUMMER, BETTY PLUMMER, BOB PLUMMER, GREG ELEANOR Mr. Dale Trimble POWELL, JACK AND DORIS Ronald and Sheila Beshires PRATT, CLARENCE Phil and Renee Taylor PRICE, GENE LaRue Boyd Page 7 - Volume 2016 - No. 1 PRUITT, HARVIE Tom and Georgia Barger PRUITT, JIM Gary and Ida Fay Winters PUTNAM, T. N. AND ELAINE Robert and Annette Moore RAMSEY, RICK Betty Conyers RAPERT, HOWARD Ocie and Cathy Fuchs RAY, TROY GLEN Annette Ray REDGATE, L. E. AND CLEO Steve and Connie Redgate REEVES, WARREN Don and Louise Reeves RENEAU, EVELYN Church of Christ - Savoy, TX RICHARDS, JOAN Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Bingham RICHARDS, MYRTLE Bob Richards RICHARDSON, HELEN ACTIVE IN HELPING TIPTON HOME 1970’S AND 1980’S Chris, Robin and Christopher Ryan Casarez RIFE, RUBY LACKEY, MR. AND MRS. N. B. CINDY DEDICATED TO RAISING RIFE CHILDREN Bill Rife RIGGLE, RAY Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Bingham ROBINSON, LEORA Glenna Evans ROBINSON, MARKIE Betty T. Holloway ROGERS, CAROLL WAYNE Dennis and Ilena Vernon Ernie and Jana Manning Perry Warren Terry and Sandra Byrd Joe and Linda Harkins Jim and Jan Shera Robbie and Linda Robbins Richard and Martha Hammond Carl and Ruth Clayton Ethel Finley and Cheryl Holley Joyce Johnston George and Linda Bridges Don and Carolyn Kendall Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Cooper Mary Bailey Kevin and Suzanne Harrington ROGERS, WES Cleo and Wanda Mauldin ROMINE, OSCAR Raymond Armstrong ROMINE, ROB H. Decatur Church of Christ ROSE, DON AND MYREL GARRETSON The Ireland Family ROSER, EMERY AND MINNIE David and Doylene Tompkins RUBOTTOM, DAVID Joe Hackworth RUSSELL, TOMMY Mary Russell RYAN, SHARON Louise Dalton Kent and Kristi Walker Vogan and Betty Alexander SAMMONS, DEXTER John and Jo Ann Livengood SAMPSON, JERRY JR. AND DAVID SONS OF JERRY AND MARY SAMPSON (BOTH LOST TO CANCER) R. J. and Frances Williamson SAVORY, MARVIN Kenneth Stanley Arthenia Haney Thearlene Morris SCHMIDT, JIM James and Beverly Marshall SCHROEDER, DOROTHY BURCHETT Albert and Jimmie Dea Schroeder Patti Fulcher SCHULZ, GUENTER H. Gisela Schulz Snyder Spraying Service, Inc. SEWELL, KAROL KAYE Karman, Jay and Charlene Slatton SHAFFER, JUNE Tom and Georgia Barger SINIARD, J. R. AND OPEL Brenda, John and Breann Stavinoha SPARKS, LARRY Jimmie Lee Hinton and Family SPARLIN, DORIS Billy Faulkenberry STAMPS, LOWELL EUGENE (UNCLE GENE) Benny and Pam Cummings STARR, ALEX Tom and Georgia Barger STEPHENS, MILLIE F. Mary Wayne Moates STEWART, CAROLYN L. C. and Faye Bingham STICKLER, MIKE Gary and Phyllis Stalcup STOUT, ARTHUR AND IZYAL Jerry and Sue Edwards STRASHEIM, CHERYL Ernie and Jana Manning SUMMEROW, BETTY James Summerow SYKES, JOHNNY Eddie and Linda Bates SYMONS, TERRY Church of Christ - Perryton, TX TABLER, ERDEAN TABLER, JORDAN FRANK Betty Shellenberger Jerry and Lili Norton TAYLOR, ARTIE AND LILLIAN Joan and William Long TAYLOR, MOZELLA Billy and Verna Gray TAYLOR, POLLY Andy and Jan Rogers and Family TAYLOR, STOVER Rob and Jo Hailey Robert and Annette Moore THOMPSON, GORDON Nancy and Joe Richardson THOMPSON, JIM AND WEIRINE Randal and Kathleen Partain THOMPSON, VANESSA Max and Linda Easter THWEAT, ROBERT Tom and Georgia Barger THWEATT, MARY JO Tom and Georgia Barger TODD, EULA Patricia James TODD, L. A. Jeff Hart Kenny and Cindy White Joe and Lori Waugh Mr. and Mrs. Donald Moran Billy and Verna Gray Elton and Lura VanScoder Geneva Osborn Glenda Lee Barton Ocie and Cathy Fuchs Kenneth and Daralene Kidwell Patricia F. James Ron and Sandra Price and Family Ernie and Jana Manning Carl and Janice Phelps Curtis and Linda Boyd Bob and Rhonda Mills Jim and Kelley Cullum Janis Dodge Larry and Deb Putnam Kent and Kristi Walker Kenneth and Earline Gregory Kimberly Hill Bill and Virginia Dennis Kevin and Denell Dennis Craig and Melissa Rapp Sam and Lois Killebrew Paul and Shirley Witt Tillman County Conservation District C. A. and Judy Collins Kay and Dana Atkins Tom and Kelly Rowland Leon and Beverly Schettler Lewis and Linda (Todd) Armstrong Ben and Judy Mullins Bert and Liz Blumer Ben and Sasra Hartley Zac, Kimberly and Makenna Blumer Robert and Linda Killebrew Greg and Chris Petty Iona Martin Wallace and Julia Rae June Wells Bob and Betty Bearden Jack Killebrew Donald and Doris Wiens Family of Kevin and Denell Dennis Deryl and Joan (McCasland) Clevenger Dale and Weldeana Harper Gary and Julie Crenshaw The Vernon Family Mary E. Grose Perry Warren Charles and Anita Davis Lynn and Celia Staggs Ms. Sylvia Rivas Larry and Catherine Grampp Michael and Alicia Moore Debbie and Charlie Powell Max and Marilyn Dobson Alan and Linda Yeager Jimmie and Beverly Meeks TOMPKINS, EDWARD AND BELVA David and Doylene Tompkins TUCKER, LORI Kenneth and Daralene Kidwell TURMAN, DRAIGEN Louise Dalton Kenneth and Daralene Kidwell Kent and Kristi Walker TURNER, GLENN Joe and Nancy Richardson Robert and Grace Fitzgerald URBACH, THEO AND WILMA Lloyd and Sharon George UNDERWOOD, GRACIE Tom and Georgia Barger VANSCODER, LURA FAY Larry and Deb Putnam Ocie and Cathy Fuchs Charles and Anita Davis Billy and Verna Gray Alan and Susie Boyd Curtis, Linda Boyd and Sons Pod and Imogene Moran Greg and Christine Petty Jimmie and Beverly Meeks VICKERS, TIMMY Ronny and Huberta Duke VINEYARD, LUTHER AND VESTA David and Doylene Tompkins VOLBERDING, MRS. CLEO Gary Volberding WALL, FLOYD AND WINNIE Gerald and Judy Wall WALTON, TIM Julia A. Walton WARREN, CARL P. Johnny W. Warren WATSON, MRS. WANDA Mr. and Mrs. David Burns WATTS, RICHARD Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Bingham WEATHERS, PATRICIA (PATTY) Jerry and Pat Shelby Ricky and Karla Shelby Reese and Gerri Pope R. Dean Smith Charlotte Majors Larry and Debbie Bloomer WEAVER, WILSON Tom and Georgia Barger WHITE, JAMES Tom and Georgia Barger WHITE, LAVERNE Bette J. Mashburn John and Ola Faye Carrell Marie Line WHITNAH, BESSIE Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Bingham WILEY, MARY Mike and Wanda Dunn Wilma Pendleton Susan Cottrell Marcia Cook WILLIAMS, BOB Church of Christ, Savoy, TX WILLIS, HUBERT Joe Hackworth WILLIS, JAMES Lavone Lewis WILSON, MORGAN Helen Haney WINTON, LOYD AND IRMA LEE (PARENTS) Ms. Radell Jean WITT, GEORGE Bobbie Combest Debra Graham WOODWORTH, JOHN Tom and Georgia Barger WRIGHT, GAYLE David and Glenda Cross Davey and Melissa Cross Marci Kaiser WRIGHT, VAN Delia A. Jones YARBROUGH, RICK Bill and Bennie Lynch YOUNG, VICKIE Tom and Georgia Barger Messenger Box 370 Tipton, OK 73570 Address Service Requested Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Permit #1541 Oklahoma City, OK 731 RUSSIAN APRICOT CHICKEN DINNER 12 chicken breasts (boneless), cut into 1-2” pieces Garlic powder, salt and pepper to taste 1 bottle Russian Dressing (8 oz.) 1 (9 oz.) jar apricot jam or preserves 1 pkg. broccoli heads/pieces, heated in the microwave 2 cups rice 5 cups chicken broth 2 Tbsp. cornstarch Tony and Gabbi Chitwood Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 9 X 13 baking dish. Poke chicken with knife or fork to help soak up juices and place chicken in dish. Sprinkle with garlic and salt. Mix dressing and jam together in a separate bowl and pour over chicken. Cover and bake 45 minutes. Uncover and bake 15 minutes longer. Place rice and chicken broth in a rice cooker (or cook on the stove and cook how you would normally cook rice). When chicken gets done, place about a cup and a half to two cups of the juices into a small saucepan and add 1 Tbsp of cornstarch per one cup of juices. Place some rice in a bowl or a plate, add chicken and cooked broccoli, and then pour sauce over it all. Yummy! Serves 6-8. Tony and Gabbi Chitwood are relief houseparents at Tipton Children’s Home. Tony also supervises the show animal program. Gabbi helps in the clothing room and is involved in special projects on campus. One of the special projects she is working on is a cookbook for Tipton Children’s Home. She is collecting recipes from alumni of Tipton Children’s Home and will be compiling them in a cookbook which will be made available later this year. She is looking for those recipes that are the never fail, comfort food type. Perhaps you have a recipe you remember eating or making at Tipton Home. If so, please send a copy to and she will add it to the cookbook. If you have a story or memory concerning the recipe include that as well. We are asking those of you who will be coming to the alumni reunion this year to bring a recipe with you. This will be a memorable book and our thanks to Gabbi for overseeing this work. Page 8 -Volume 2016 - No. 1
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