Community Ministries of Rockville


Community Ministries of Rockville
Fiscal Year 2014
July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014
Emergency Assistance
communauté ~ 社区 ~ κοινότητα ~ comunità ~
~ comunidade ~ община
comunidad ~ cộng đồng ~ samfund
Community Ministries of Rockville
Community Ministries of Rockville (CMR) seeks to improve the quality of life for the most vulnerable of Montgomery
County residents by providing them with basic health and human services and advocating on their behalf, with the goal
of helping them achieve and maintain self-sufficiency.
The vulnerable population of Montgomery County achieves self-sufficiency and an improved quality of life.
Community Ministries of Rockville (CMR) was born in 1967 as a community outreach effort to address concerns of youth
in the community. One person and a budget of $1,200 worked to make a difference in the Rockville community. During
the intervening 47 years, the mission has grown as has the organization. With a budget today over $3 million, and a staff
of 59 full and part-time employees, CMR has five programs that provide essential health and human services.
Mansfield Kaseman Health Clinic (MKHC) provides health care and health
care education to low income uninsured adult residents of Montgomery
Housing Program provides permanent supportive housing for men through
Jefferson House and for women through Rockland House.
Rockville Emergency Assistance Program (REAP) provides emergency
assistance to Rockville residents coping with financial crisis and referrals for
social services for all Montgomery County residents.
Language Outreach Program (LOP) provides English as a Second Language,
Spanish Literacy, and Citizenship classes to adult immigrants in a familybased program.
Elderly Ministries Program provides homecare, and home repair and
modification services to elderly Rockville residents so they can age in place
gracefully, safely and independently.
Holiday Giving Program provides hundreds of holiday meals and gifts to
those in need during the holiday season.
Letter from the Executive Director and Chairman of the Board
Letter from the MKHC Chairman of the Board
Mansfield Kaseman Health Clinic
Rockville Emergency Assistance Program
Elderly Ministries Program
Housing Program: Jefferson and Rockland Houses
Language Outreach Program
Holiday Giving
Our Volunteers
Our Donors
Financial Report
Who Makes It Happen – Board and Staff
Who Makes It Happen – Member Community Groups
Our CMR and MKHC Staff
2015 Calendar of Events & Contact Information
Back Cover
communauté ~ 社区 ~ κοινότητα ~ comunità ~
~ comunidade ~ община
comunidad ~ cộng đồng ~ samfund
Pg 1
From the Executive Director and Chairman of the Board
Community Ministries of Rockville
Dear Friends,
Community. No matter what language one speaks or where one lives, the definition is
the same. Community is the very essence of our organization which just completed its
47th year of service to the most vulnerable in our community. In Fiscal Year 2014, as
a community, CMR programs provided over 5,000 residents with healthcare, housing,
language and citizenship classes. We helped frail elderly residents age in place and
hundreds of others attain stability in the face of financial crises. Every one of the people
we helped was from our community.
We are very proud to share this FY14 Annual Report with you. Each page is a celebration
of our capacity and passion for the work we have accomplished. It is evidence of what
a generous community can accomplish. The numbers, the words and pictures tell the
story of a community that does not accept homelessness, cares for its elderly, helps its
immigrant neighbors achieve their dreams of citizenship. It is a community that accepts
the privilege of helping a family in crisis and provides healthcare for people in need. It is a
community that joyfully comes together to create holidays, host fundraisers and concerts,
take part in public events, paint rooms, and walk for the homeless. It is a community that
never turns its back on those in need.
67,960 served in our 47 years. We thank you for making our work possible. We thank
you for the time you volunteered and your gifts of support. We thank you for being part
of our community.
Executive Director
Chairman of the Board
CMR · 1010 Grandin Avenue · Rockville, MD 20851 · (301) 637-8142 ·
communauté ~ 社区 ~ κοινότητα ~ comunità ~
Pg 2
~ comunidade ~ община
comunidad ~ cộng đồng ~ samfund
From the Chairman of the Board
CMR's Mansfield Kaseman Health Clinic
a subsidiary of CMR
Dear Friends of the Kaseman Health Clinic,
FY14 marked the first year of the Affordable Health Care Act. The implementation was
confusing and stressful at times, but throughout this freshman year of new health care
laws, our Clinic remained a constant, opening its doors every day to serve the uninsured.
We also provided an office for a Health Care Navigator who was available to help our
patients and others who wanted assistance in researching their health insurance options.
While the insurance issues were worked through, the Clinic’s waiting room was filled with
patients who needed our care. Even after implementation of the new health insurance
laws, there are still over 65,000 individuals living in Montgomery County who remain
uninsured. Our Clinic is one of twelve responsible for the care of these individuals so the
need is still great. On these pages you will see the impact of our services. The numbers
are impressive but they don’t tell the full story of what our Clinic means to our patients.
The story of “Al” is just one example of the 2,096 patients treated at our Clinic. His story
is not only an example of the need for medical care in our community, but also illustrates
the quality of care patients receive at the Kaseman Clinic. It is an example of how hard
the Clinic’s small but very dedicated staff works to find the additional resources needed by
our patients. The staff members are the unsung heroes of our Clinic, working long hours
and going the extra step to ensure our patients receive the healthcare they need. We are
fortunate to have them. And we are fortunate to have you, our supporters, because you
make our work possible.
MKHC Chairman of the Board
MKHC · 8 West Middle Lane · Rockville, MD 20850 · 301-917-6800
communauté ~ 社区 ~ κοινότητα ~ comunità ~
~ comunidade ~ община
comunidad ~ cộng đồng ~ samfund
Pg 3
Mansfield Kaseman Health Clinic
Est 2009
Healthcare and Healthcare Education for Low Income,
Uninsured Montgomery County Residents
Who do we serve? People like “Al”
into a program that provides supplies and equipment
“Al” was very sick with hypertension that had gone
to low-income, uninsured residents. Al now performs
untreated for over a year after he lost his job. When
at-home dialysis and remains a patient of the Clinic. Al
he came to Kaseman Health Clinic, he was in critical
was able to receive the care
need of lifesaving dialysis. Clinic staff immediately sent
him to Shady Grove Adventist Hospital for emergency
Al required ongoing dialysis, a very
expensive procedure. Our staff found a connection
he needed because of the
Clinic’s intervention, their
persistence in search of
for Al with a kidney doctor at Holy Cross Hospital.
help, and the promise of
The doctor prepared Al for at-home dialysis. Our staff
quality follow-up care from
worked with Holy Cross Hospital to get Al accepted
Kaseman Clinic.
Patients Served
Clinic Days
Social Service Referrals
Inkind Goods and Services
Volunteer Hours
Patient Visits
Clinic Hours
PAP Smears
Educated by Health Promoters
MKHC Board Members
Jim Marrinan, Chairperson *Allan Cohan, MD, Medical Director * Bill Scharf, Recorder
Catherine Copp * Andrea Jolly * Mary Jane Joseph, R.N. * Angeline Lazarus, M.D.
Kate Ostell, M.D. * Eunmee Shim, RN, MSN * Neil Spiegel, D.O. * Stephanie Wright, CFNP, CPNP
Agnes Saenz, Executive Director * Troy Atkinson, Jr., Ex-Officio
Pg 4
Even with the Affordable Health Care Act, it is estimated that
by health insurance.
Montgomery County residents
Retirement brings lifestyle changes
applying for specialty care from providers outside the
For some, it is a chance to enjoy long lost hobbies. For
Clinic. She figuratively holds the patients’ hands and
others, it is the opportunity to touch lives. Norka Ruiz
helps them navigate the healthcare system. Norka
Bravo wanted to do both. After retiring from public
follows their care so the Clinic has the most current
policy in the federal government, she climbs mountains
in exotic places, rides horses and volunteers at the
Kaseman Clinic. As a volunteer, she works directly
with patients. She uses her Peruvian upbringing and
Spanish interpreter skills to make Latino patients feel
medical information when the patient returns to the
Clinic. Working at Kaseman
Clinic is just one of the
activities that gives value to
comfortable and understood. Three days each week
Norka’s life. For our Clinic
Norka travels by metro bus from Takoma Park to our
patients, the value of Norka’s
Rockville Clinic. Norka guides patients in finding and
work is immeasurable.
FY14 marks the Clinic's 5th anniversary.
There have been 21,476 patient visits since 2009.
Primary Care
Behavioral Health * Endocrinology * Health Care Education * Lab Services
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation * Skin Growth Removal * Podiatry
Pharmacy Services * Social Services
Pg 5
Rockville Emergency Assistance Program
Est 1981
Emergency Assistance and Referrals for Social Services
For people living paycheck to paycheck
Emergency Assistance Program was able to help pay
an unexpected emergency or change can result in a financial
her landlord the outstanding rent and she avoided
crisis. "Mrs. L.’s" story is one of unexpected change. A
eviction. Mrs. L. found a second job and once again
hardworking single grandmother who has raised her
achieved financial stability. She returned to the
17-year-old grandson since he was four years old, she
worked full time. When her employer's financial situation
suddenly changed, her work hours were cut from full to part
REAP office, not in need of additional assistance,
but to thank the staff for their help during her crisis,
time. With a severe decrease in income and no additional
show off her grandson's report card with honor
employment immediately found, Mrs. L. fell behind on
roll grades, and say that one day she would like to
her rent and received an eviction notice. CMR's Rockville
volunteer with us and give back to her community.
Total Clients Served FY14: 1,688
Clients Assisted Financially
Utilities Other Needs
Total Financial Assistance Clients Referred
Clothing Value Of In-Kind Services
$ 10,795
Eviction Prevention * Prevention Of Utility Termination
Prescription / Medical Assistance * Referrals For Clothing, Food, Dental And Vision Care
Pg 6
Elderly Ministries
Est 1983
Homecare and Home Repair Services for Elderly Rockville Residents
In February, Rockville Senior Center
contacted Elderly Ministries about a senior who needed
our help. "Mrs. P.," an elderly woman with medical issues,
lives alone in a low-income senior apartment building.
She needed help with housekeeping, laundry, shopping
and personal care. Elderly Ministries began providing
Mrs. P. with homecare services twice a week. In addition,
a volunteer calls weekly to make sure services were
performed to her satisfaction, convey information and
answer questions, help monitor cognitive or physical
changes, and provide a caring and empathetic phone
visit. A registered nurse makes a home visit four times
each year to check on Mrs. P.’s wellbeing, review
medications, and note physical or emotional changes
that may be occurring. With the services of Elderly
Ministries, Mrs. P. is happier, more outgoing, and
socially comfortable. She has started to participate in
more social activities and looks forward to speaking
with her “friendly caller” each week.
As part of the Safe and Habitable Program, Elderly Ministries partners with other organizations
to offer valuable workshops for our clients and other elderly county residents. One such workshop taught organization skills
to help seniors create safe living space in their homes.
Total Unduplicated Clients Served FY14: 46
Home Care Program
Clients Served
Hours of Client Care
Assistive Devices
Value of Food (Manna)
Safe And Habitable Program
Clients Served
Maintenance/Repair Modification
In Kind Goods and Services
$ 23,424.92
Volunteer Hours
Homecare Services * Home Modifications And Repairs * Lifelinks
Furnace Cleanings * Food Deliveries * Education Workshops * Case Management
Pg 7
Housing Program
Jefferson House Est 1991
Permanent Supportive Housing for Men
Our success sometimes means
we need to say “Goodbye”
in May 2013. CMR helped Mr. Y. attain sobriety and stability,
Mr. Y. came to the United States in the early
needed in replacing his legal documentation. Mr. Y. is no longer a
1980’s as a Cuban Refugee. As a result of
resident of the Jefferson House. He has moved to Pennsylvania,
alcohol abuse, he lost his employment and
where he has a new family
marriage and eventually became homeless.
and is happily employed
Moving from place to place Mr. Y. lost his birth
full-time. Mr Y. no longer
certificate and other legal papers and had
needs us but he stays
difficulty obtaining replacements. He came
in touch, enjoying the
to CMR through Chase Partnership House in
opportunity to share the
2009 and was accepted at Jefferson House
future he sees as bright.
providing him with housing, health care, and the assistance he
Work," some of us like it and some
of us don’t. But cooking meals is more difficult when a kitchen
is in need of repair, as was the kitchen of the Jefferson House.
Clark had partnered with CMR on previous client projects.
a plan for the complete renovation. Clark Construction went
Clients Served FY14
Bed Nights
Relapse Prevention
Sessions Offered
CMR reached out to Steve Hughes, Vice President of Clark
Construction Group for help with the kitchen renovation since
Steve and Clark Senior Superintendent Hale Chopp developed
far beyond CMR’s request when it provided full support of
the project with the donation of all labor, supplies, and new
appliances. So began a process that extended into the fall of
CMR’s Fiscal Year 2015. In September, a week or so after construction began, the men at Jefferson House were able
to do their “kitchen work” on brand-new appliances in a beautiful new kitchen.
Pg 8
Housing Program
Rockland House Est April 23, 2014
Permanent Supportive Housing for Women
vacs and volunteer efforts could not fix the problem.
In FY 14, CMR purchased our first house to expand our
With the consultation of pro bono experts, removal
This is the House that CMR
housing program to include a home for women. The house
of wall pieces, digging of ditches and addition of a
was renovated to include another bedroom and more
sump pump, the lower level was once again dry and
insulation throughout. Once the work was complete,
the real work of turning these individuals into a family
community members donated home goods and funds
unit could begin. Volunteers helped maintain the
for furnishings. Volunteers who spoke “Ikea” spent a
lawn until a lawn mower was donated; the garden
day assembling the new furniture. It was an exciting
club added plantings to make the house welcoming;
day in April when five women moved from area shelters
faith groups came laden with Sunday dinners, and the
into our Rockland House. And then it rained, and rained,
women found new jobs, volunteer opportunities and
and rained. One week after everyone arrived, the newly
friends in the neighborhood. Not only a house, but a
remodeled lower level flooded. Continuous use of wet-
home was built.
Clients Served FY 14
Bed Nights (4/23 – 6/30/14)
Case Management * Lifeskills * Client Support
Pg 9
Language Outreach Program
Est 1993
English as a Second Language, Literacy, and Citizenship Classes
Two Parts of a Program Making One Life Better
In the winter, “Patrice”, a thirty-year
resident from South America, took CMR’s Citizenship Class. While she felt prepared to answer questions in her
native language, she was not confident in her English language skills. She was afraid to file the paperwork to apply
for the Citizenship exam. To increase her skills and self-confidence, Patrice enrolled in an LOP English as a Second
Language class. After completing our class, she was ready was ready to apply for citizenship. Thanks to our LOP
classes, Patrice is now a proud US citizen.
Greater Employment Opportunities At the beginning of LOP’s High Intermediate class, students
are asked to state what goals they wish to reach by taking the class. Two of the spring semester students, “Mike”
and “Tom” said they wanted to get promotions at work. At the end of the semester, Mike was working on his
plumbing license. Tom qualified to stay with the Argentinian Navy in the USA. Both reached the goal they set.
Total Clients Served FY14: 449
Instructional ESOL Hours
Instructional Citizenship Hours
Childcare/Tutoring Hours
In-Kind Goods & Services
Pg 10
English As A Second Language (ESL) * Spanish Literacy * Citizenship
Child Tutoring And Childcare
Holiday Giving
Making the Holidays Special for Those We Serve
Housing, Healthcare, Emergency Assistance, Education and Eldercare… those
are the services provided year-round by CMR programs. From November through December, we add Holiday
Giving to our list of tasks. In addition to serving as a referral agency to the
Montgomery County Holiday Giving Program, we also are a Giving Provider.
Hundreds of donated Thanksgiving baskets fill our office in November. They
are replaced by more baskets in December, along with toys and gift cards
donated by our caring Community members. Including the Holiday Party
CMR hosts for our clients, we serve the community at large and our clients
with special holiday memories.
Total Households Served FY14: 468
Children Served in December
Thanksgiving Baskets
Christmas Baskets
329 Value of Toys Distributed
289 Value of Holiday Baskets
79 Value of Baskets & Gifts
All Gifts and Meals donated
Santas Through the Years
Holiday Dinner Baskets
Holiday Gifts * Holiday Spirit
Pg 11
Thank You to Our Volunteers
July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014
Every email sent by the Director of CMR's Elderly Ministries Program closes with the famous quote
from Winston Churchill, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” The lives of our clients
have been enriched by the generosity of CMR's volunteers, We hope in return we have enriched our CMR volunteers'
lives. Thank you for your hours, days, weeks, month, or years and years of service. We appreciate each and every one.
Albertini, Diane
Aldous, Nancy
Almonacid, Jacinta
Altemus, Dorothy
Archibald, Ambria
Arndt, Christy
Arndt, Will
Atkinson, Caroline
Atkinson, Troy, Jr
Ballard, Betsy
Banfield, Breyer
Barrow, Lisa-Anne
Bautista, Sagedreiona
Benefield, Anne
Berthiaume, Lea
Brown, Mirtha
Pg 12
Rivera, Wesley
Rogers, Andrea
Rojas, Walter
Rosenfeld, Gary
Ross, Michael
Sankey, Sara
Sankey, Sheri
Schmidt, Tim
Scott, Sarah
Seltz, Ann
Serrano, Aaron
Sieradzki, Rachel
Sim, Rebecca
Sklar, Kathy
Snyder, Karen
Soldavini, Amy
Stiles, Judy
Stiles, Kaitlyn
communauté ~
Buchholz, Erica
Calvo, Gabriel
Canales, Sofia
Carlisle, Dara
Carrera, Melissa
Christner, Sarah
Cohen, Jackie
Cooke, Emily
Cooper-Martin, Elizabeth
Copp, Catherine
Dawson, Jim
Deierlein, Trisha
Deierlein, Charlie
Devadas, Tosh
Dolan, Susan
Donvito, Carl
Donvito, Kate
Dowrey, Glen
Escobar, Veronica
Fagnani, Jessica
Fehr, Loretta
Kane, Emily
Fenton, Jim
Fenton, Kay
Kane, Kevin
First Baptist of Rockville
Kenly, Cheryl
Frentrup, Beth
Garfinkel, Johanna
George, Sylvia
Gichner, Frances
Giese, Joe
Gilbert, Parker
Gira, Brad
Gira, Ellen
Gira, Laurie
Gira, Tom
Graham, Will
Kienzle, Ric
Granados, Sandra
Kom Liapoe, Liz
Granados, Sandra Jr.
Lee,~Cameron~ comunidade ~
~ κοινότητα
~ comunità
Lee, Carol
Gregory, Jean
comunidad ~ cộng đồng
Grundmayer, Cathy Ann
Lee, Virginia
Grundmayer, Ed
Leggett, Catherine
Grundmayer, Kristen
Lewis, Linda
Gustavson, Bill
Lipsher, Jessica
Headen, Carrie
Love, Paul
Headon, Xavier
Luna, Jose
Hernan, Cynthia
Mashayekhi, Maryam
Hogy, Christina
McDonald, Caroline
Hsu, Wei Wei
McKane, Laurie
Huppman, Buck
Miller, Drew
Myers, Jill
Notter, Taylor
Oganissian, Rouzanna
Olson, Guy
Orenstein, Scott
Parks, Robyn
Pearlstein, Hannah
Peery, Matt
Pence, Elizabeth
Perry, Natalie
Perthel, Rosie
Ivaniz, Monica
Pessagno, JoAnn
Jacobs, Audra
Pham, Kim
Jacobs, Kathleen
Phelps, Erik
Jamgochian, Haig
Pineda, Michelle
Johnson, Caitlyn
Pletcher, Mary Sue
Johnson, Jed
Ponce, Olga
Johnson, Warren
Jordan, Andy
Riley, Gloria
Stobie, Kathleen
Sulivan, Holly
Sulivan, Morgan
Sweet, Zachary
Tang, Jess
Than, James
Than, Madison
Thede, Victoria
Valencia, Ryan
Vossler, Patty
Wall, Nadine
Wells, Dodge
Willard, Ashley
Yero, Ciro
Yoffee, Stephanie
Yves, Segolere
Thank You to Our Volunteers
July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014
Bailey, Cecilia
Boas, Esther
Clingenpeel, Wink
Donvito, Carl
Finnegan, Stacy Lee
Garber, David
Garber, Zachary
Ginther, Joe
Grassick, Mary
Gray, Nancy
Hilliard, Josh
Diaz, Andrea
Diaz, Angie
Dixon, Ginger
Garcia, Ainoa
Garcia, Daniela
Gomez, Jason
Gonzalez, Yomaira
Granados, Sandra
Hamilton-Cager, Michele
Hammouda, Fatima
Gregory, Jean
Henry, Margie
Hubbard, Rev. Cathy
Hernandez, Erika
Lee, Chuck
Hernandez, Stephanie
Leeds, Eric
Kritzer, Barbara
Leeds, Gail
Lee, Chuck
Levengard, Jack
Lopez, Luisa
Levengard, Laura
Luna, Jose
McDonald, Deb
Mazze, Alex
Moe, Kristin
Mendoza, Joel
Perry, Edee
Pickett, Bill
Millan, Alice
Rich, Daniel
Orosco, Mike
Rich, Gerald, Jr.
Perez Halpern, Meliha
Rich, Gerald, Sr.
Pierce, Dan
Rich, Joshua T.
Ramos, Aileen
Rich, Kimberly
Ramos, Melvin
Rich-Allen, Jhordan
Rendon, Gloria
~ Christian
κοινότητα ~ comunità
~ Kiara ~ comunidade ~
Sandin, Ken
United Church~ cộng đồng
~ samfund
Rockville United
Trelles, Melladis
Methodist Church
Seltz, Ann
Soldavini, Stephanie
Unger, Doug
Wilson, Charlie
Wink, Gerry
Wink, Mary
Wink, Michael
Wink, Peter
Yero, Ciro
Blank, Murray
Gira, Laurie
Aleman, Iris
Henry, Margie
Altman, Mijal
Martin, Maxine
Alvarez, Belkis
Swift, Steve
Badamen, Dalia
Behdin, Samar
Behdin, Sana
Behdin, Soaroor
Aldous, Nancy
Carlos, Juan
Alexander, Dr. Janette
Carrera, Mellissa
Arndt, Christy
Carrera, Raquel
Arndt, Will
Carretero, Katya
Bennett, Kristina
Cedillo, Evelyn
Bernstein, Dr. Myron
Cifuentes, Kimberly
Casa de Maryland
Cruz Collavita, Giselle
Daly, Patricia
Cecil, Bob
Chen, Sherry
Chamorro, Ana
Colliton, Deborah
Connor, Colleen
Dempsey, Dr. Michael
Edwards, Stefan
Epstein, James
Escobar, Andrea
Escobar, Veronica
Fagnani, Jessica
Goodman, Lynne
Greenberg, Scott
Gonzales, Ciriaco
Hart, Margie
Herling, Barry
Kass, Amy
Kenly, Cheryl
King, Jackie
Kravitz, Howard
Lee, Chuck
Lewis, Linda
Mejia, Kimberly
Miller, Margarita
Oshinsky, Robert
Parks, Josh
Parks, Levi
Roe, Maryann
Rojas, Walter
Rosensock, Mathew
Ruiz Bravo, Norka
Saenz, Agnes Bartorelli
Saenz, Marianella
Salguero, Kristina
Segretti, Anita
Seligman, Teresa
Seltz, Ann
Soldavini, Amy
Spiegel, Lynn
Spiegel, Dr. Neil
Wise, Kristina
Yost, Lucy
Justh, Bruce
Kiang, Julie
Kunard, Nicole
Lee, Chuck
communauté ~
Myers, Delores Maxine
Obletz, Louise
O'Rear, Jules
Peries, Dumma
Price, Stephen
Rowley, Chrystelle
Sacks, Sheldon
Silhanek, Diane
Soldavini, Scott
Swift, Stephen
Teague, Clayton
Tyner, John
Unger, Doug
Vance, Eric
Vergara, Vicky
Veirs, Janet
Wright, Daniel
Wright, Matthew
Wright, Tim
Albertini, Diane
Atkinson, Marie
Atkinson, Troy, Jr
Axmacher, Fred
Barnum, Katy
Beggot, Eddie
Byrd, Bobby
Cardon, Steve
Donvito, Carl
Eisel, Maria
Pg 13
Thank You to Our Donors
July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014
Donations come in many sizes and forms and all are important to our programs from
the smallest donation to the largest, from the handmade item donated to our silent auction to our event
sponsors and stock donors. In the list that follows we have listed our friends and supporters who have
offered their generosity for Fiscal Year 2014. If we have overlooked anyone’s kind donation, we apologize.
Brun, Carmen
Cooke, Emily
Ellis, Linda
Brunner, Zahraha
Epstein, James
Cooper-Martin, John &
Bryan, Mr. & Mrs. Brian
Abert, Mary
Escobar, Andrea
Bryan, Pauline
Ackerman, Michael
Farrar, Brandon
Copp, Catherine
Buckley, John & Rosemarie
Adams, Bruce
Farrelly, James
Cordero, Ramon
Buglass, Karen
Adams, Donald
Fechter, A. J.
Cormier, Elizabeth
Bur, Anthony & Margaret
Albertini, Diane
Fehr, Loretta
Correll, Gary & Emily
Burch, Eric
Alcus, Darren & Mary Pat
Feinberg, Beryl & Edward
Crampton, Janet
Burckard, Albert
Aldous, Nancy
Feldman, William
Crawford, Barbara
Burgos-Sasscer, Ruth
Alexander, Dr. Janette
Fenton, James & Kay
Crawford, Brian
Burnet, Mary M.
Fisher, Stephen
Burnett, Sarah
Fitzwilliam, Margaret &
Burr, Cornelia
Burton, Dana
Floreen, Nancy
Byrne, Kevin
Fouant, Zelinda
Caban, Carlos
Fox, Amy
Cager, Michelle Hamilton
Cain, Dennis
Friedman, Judith & Leonard
Canapary, Mary
~ κοινότητα ~ comunità
~ община
Alisea, Michael communauté ~ Carr,
Crisp, ~
Betty Jean~ comunidade Galen,
Carrillo, Antonio & Suzanne
Altemus, Dorothy
Crowe, Brian & Joan
Gallagher, Michelle
comunidad ~ cộng đồng
Carter, Faye
Anastasi, Amanda
Gallagher, Nancy
Carter, Jerry & Carol
Andrade, Ardys
Davis, Dan & Joan
Garber, David
Castro, Teresita
Angel, Jim & Janet
De Silva, Sudila
Garcia, Gerard & Christina
Celarier, Doris
Arndt, Lynn
DeCarlo, Patricia
Gatti, Richard
Cervarich, Margaret
Atkinson, Rose
Decker, David & Carol
George, Caroline
Chalmers, Virginia
Atkinson, Sandi
Deierlein, Charlie & Trisha
George, Sylvia
Atkinson, Troy, Jr. & Marie
Deitchman, Roy & Linda
Gilbert, Richard
Barberis-Young, Monica
De Silva, Sudila & Keshika Dias
Ginther, Barbara
Barron, Joanne
Dillingham, Charlene
Ginsberg, Christina
Bartorelli, Agnes
Diss, Sylvia
Gira family
Baughman, Karen
Dixon Gumm, Penny
Glasgow, Paul & Patricia
Beat, Larry
Doerrman, Linda & Glenn
Gmeiner, Linda
Belford, Claire
Donoghue, Gladys & John
Gonzales, Ciriaco
Benguigui, Yehuda & Aziza
Donvito, Kate & Carl
Gonzalez, Otto
Berlin, Odeth
Dorna, William
Berry, Madelyne
Doyle, Richard
Bettancourt, Linda
Drilea, Susan
Chang, Son Hwa
Bjorson, Donnaruth
Dubroof, Patricia
Chapman, Ann
Bliksons, Wanda
Duffey, Sarah
Chiappa, Attilio
Blum, Sam & Phyllis
Duffney, Susan
Clark, Nancy
Bono, Elizabeth
Dunbar, Amy
Coakley, Rory
Booker, Charlene & Jim
Durscher, Eldon & Jean
Cohan, Allan & Linda
Bossard, Barbara
Easterling, J. Bennett
Cohan, Stacey & Toby Studley
Bossert, Carol & Doug Brough
Eccleston, Jody
Cohen, Linda
Boyd, Erica & Alex Goffin
Eckstrand, Stephen
Goodman, Lynn
Cohen, Monya
Edwards, Steve & Donna
Bravo Ruiz, Norka
Goon, John
Cole, Carolyn
Ehrlich, David
Brown, Marika
Goozh, Paul & Judi
Eisel, Maria
Browning, Scot
Cole, Delores
Gorman, Charles
Pg 14
Be a Sponsor, Be a Guest, Bring Yourself, Bring a Guest
Thank You to Our Donors
July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014
Martin, Jennifer
Kempner-Wink, Andrea
King, Bob
Martinelli, Betty Lattimer
Kirby, Susan and Bill
May, Jan & Denise
Kirby, Ted & Ida
Knowles, Susan
McCaffrey, Robert & Carla
McCall, Susan
Koltnow, Dorothy
McCarthy, John
Kopp, Leta
McClellan, Janie
Kostka, Greg & Jeanine
Panou, Aris
McClure, Kathleen
Krasnow, Rose & Steve
Paper, Jeff and Carmina
Krekow, Kay
Pararas, Nancy
McCrory, Rev. Jill
Krieger, Martha
Parks, Marcia
McDonald, Deb
Kubalak, Sandra
Pascoe, Jean
McIntyre, Nancy
Lampert, Albert
Pattison, Beth & John
Lane, Jill
Pearson, Mary Beth
Larkin, Lawrence
Peck, Lauren & Larry
McWilliams, Lauralyn
Lascelle, William
Perera, Faustino
Meisegeier, Richard
Layn, Samuel & Martha
Perry, Donna
Lazarus, Angie
Piccone, Beverly
Ledbetter, Erik
Pickel, Fair
Miers, Mary
Lee, Carol and Chuck
Pierzchala, Mark
Hannaford, Carol
Mikkelsen, Karen
Leeds, Gail
Pinchock, Dwana
Harris, Alice
Leggett, Ike & Catherine
Pletcher, Mary Sue
Harris, Gerald & Linda
Lehr, Jodi & William Gutierrez
Postal, Charles
Harris, John & Lois
Lennon, Rose
Power, Barbara
Harris, Walter & Angela
Moehring, Anne
Leshuk, Joan
Prokop, George
Hebda, Robert
communauté ~Levengard,
社区 ~ κοινότητα
~ comunità
~ Frank &~Carroll
~ община
Harold & Ellen
Heintz, Eric
Lewin, Nancy & Alex
Heller, Nancy
Mongelluzzo, Patricia
comunidad ~ cộng đồng
~ samfund
Rancier, Kaitlin
Hellman, Rachel
Raskin, Barbara
Heneghan, Helen
Moore, Jessica and Joel
Rausch, John
Henry, Margie
Reiff, Laura
Hernan, Cynthia
Moore, Thomas
Reyes, Carmen
Herrmann, Winifred
Morton, Tia Marie
Rhoads, Thomas
Hitselberger, Jean
Moser, Col. John & Mrs.
Richardson, Davis
Holland, Barbara
Ries, Lawrence & Lynn
Hollon, Nancy
Neradka, Vince & Donna
Roberts, Ruth
Honigsberg, Mary
Lewis, Linda
Robertson, Nancy
Hopkins, Caroline
Lewis, Lorraine
Roe, Dan & Rosanne
Hopkins-Laboy, Treava
Lindinha, Nancy
Rogers, Andrea
Howell, Marie
Livingston, Cynthia
Rogers, Nancy & Arthur
Huque, Janice
Lockard, N.S.
Rojas, Cecilia & Walter
Hurtado, Sergio
Locke, Samantha
Roop, Stuart
Hyberg, Lauren & Bengt
London, Marian & Maynard
Rosa, Brenda
Isen, Beth
Long, Virginia
Rosenblat, Sue Ann
Jackson, Miriam
Looney, Pete
Jacobus, Shirley
Rosenthal, Jack & Beth
Lorthridge, Jaymie
Jaeger, John
Rosenthal, Jennifer
Lovett, Marcie
James, Della
Rossbach, Lawrence
Love, Paul
James, Emma
Rotbert, Suzanne
Lueben, Diana
Jeffries, Monica
Olson, Susan
Ruxton, Kathy
Maas, William
Jensen, Jay & Sandra
Oosterhous, Karolyne
Sacks, Sheldon
Macdermid, Malcolm
Johnson, Dr. Barbara
Opryszko, George & Melissa
Saenz, Marianella
Marrinan, Jim & Cynthia
Joseph, Mary Jane
Oskin, Virginia & Tim
Saenz, Agnes
Marshall, Johanna
Kane, Kevin & Emily
Ostell, Catherine
Samworth, Joan
Marshall, John & Cindy
Kaseman, Kasey & Dianne
Ott, Mary and Bill
Sandin, Ken
Kemmerer, Sharon
Palmiter, Martine
Santymire, Thomas
Gottfried, Richard
Graf, Martha
Grant, Alan & Irene
Graves, George
Gray, Nancy
Greenberg, Scott & Cindy
Gross, Johanna
Grundmayer, Cathy Ann & Ed
Gundling, Richard
Hall, John
Hancock, Houston
Be a Sponsor, Be a Guest, Bring Yourself, Bring a Guest
Pg 15
Thank You to Our Donors
July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014
Sanver, Ayda
Sargeant, Doug & Karen
Saunders, Rick
Schadeberg, Christine
Schaefer, Pat
Schaeffer, James
Scharf, Bill & Barb
Schiavone, Janice
Schilling, Mark & Sahar Dawisha
Schleckser, Denise
Schneider, Joan
Schoonover, Martha
Schrack, Roald & Pat Wilson
Schroer, Suzanne
Schwartz, Marilyn
Schwindaman, Mr.& Mrs. Dale
Sears, Mike
Seemann, Sarah
Segerman, Rita
Seith, Bryan
Selehdar, Randi
Shapiro, Stephen & Susana
Sharp, Nancy
Short, Jr., Charlie
Silhanek, Diane & Jay
Silva-Lopez, Edibaldo & Blanca
Simon, Stewart
Simpkins, Irenecommunauté ~
Slye-Griffin, Katherine
Smith, Floyd
Smith-Brady, Barbara
Snyder, Karen
Thomas, Sandra & Chris Luce
Thomas, Richard & Sylvia
Thompson, Melanie
Thompson, Fran
Tolerton, Alan & Sandra Clark
Treiman, Joan
Turow, Amy
Vance, Eric
Van Grack, Steve & Susan
Van Middlesworth, Cora
Van Saanen, Shelagh
Van Valkenburgh, Ellen
Vandermale, Thomas
Cuban Corner
DANAC Corporation
Adventist Healthcare Shady
Danish Club of Washington
Grove Medical Center
AFI Silver Theatre
Dave & Busters
Allegra Printing
Dawson's Market
Ambrosia Restaurant
Dubilier Blair & Associates
American Tap Room
Earth Treks Climbing Centers
Apollo Restaurant
El Mariachi
Elaj Aveda Spa
Arthur Murray Dance Center
Elizabeth Arden Red Door Spa
As Kindred Spirits
Elk Run Vineyard & Winery
Attman's Delicatessen
Fontina Grille
Fox Meadows
Baltimore Ravens
Frederick Keys
Baltimore Symphony
Gelman, Rosenberg &
Baronessa Restaurant
Basignani Winery
Georgetown University
Baskin Robbins
Athletics Dept.
Baying Hound Aleworks
Good Earth Garden Market
Ben & Jerry's
Gordon Biersch
Bob's Shanghai 66
Grape Escape
Bombay Bistro
Great Harvest
Bowl America Gaithersburg
Gregorio's Trattoria
Brooklyn's Deli
Hard Times Café
Veale, Ralph
Buffalo Wild Wings
Harris Teeter
Vergara, Victoria
Buy Buy Baby
and David
& Mary Anna
社区 ~ Mel
~ comunità
Cabot Creamery Cooperative
Von Arx III, Dr. Emil
Café Deluxe
~ cộng đồng
~ samfund
Vossler, comunidad
Café Milano
Wallace, Ellen
il Pizzico
Walsh, Thomas & Barbara
Il Porto
Washington, Rebecca
International Spy Museum
Watkins, Carlotta
Investment Properties
Wei, Vivong
Island Pride Restaurant
Wellman, Larry & Kay
J. Hilburn
Wespe, Roger
John Snitzer Landscaping
Weston-Dawkes, Andrew
Johnson & Johnson
Weston-Dawkes, Matthew
Johnson's Florist
Whalen, Ray
Kiwanis Club of Potomac
White, Lynn
La Limena
Whiteley, Gordon
La Tasca
California Tortilla
Wobber, Rita
Capital Bank
Wolf, Christine
Landon School
Carey's Plumbing & Heating
Wolff, Richard
Laredo Grill
Carmen's Italian Ice
Woolf, Gail
Leadership MontgomeryCava Mezze
Wright, Linda
Class of 1998
Chef Geoff's
Wright, Lynn & Cynthia
Clark Construction Group
Wright, Stephanie & Bob
Clover Boutique
Wyble, James
Clover Restaurant Group
Yamada, Kathleen & Marc
Clyde's Restaurant Group
Yee, J.
Coakley Realty
Yoffee, Stephanie
Coal Fire Pizza
Yost, Lucy
Convergent Wealth Advisory
Young, Joseph
Copper Canyon Grill
Yung, Henry
Crowne Plaza Rockville
Yuter, Sheila
Soldavini, Amy
Spickler, Jean
Spiegel, Lynn & Neil
Stephens, Brenda
Stevens, Theodore
Stranges, Tim & Rosanna Coffey
Stuart, Elizabeth
Sullivan, Connie & Neal
Sullivan, Linda
Syed, Daniel & Anne
Taylor, Crispin & Cynthia
Taylor, Marilyn
Terselic, Mary Louise
Pg 16
Be a Sponsor, Be a Guest, Bring Yourself, Bring a Guest
Thank You to Our Donors
July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014
Lewis Orchard
Liberty Mountain Resort
Lilly Magilly's
Little Farms Garden Club
Luray Caverns
M&T Bank
MAC Business Solutions Inc.
Macaroni Grill
Madame Tussauds
Olney Theatre Center
Oro Pomodoro
Our Gift Biz
Paladar Latin Kitchen & Rum
Papa John's
Phoenix Nails
Plow and Hearth
Potomac Driving School
Potomac Grill
Potomac Pizza
Potomac River Running
Redgate Golf Course
Richard Gottfried, CPA, LLC
Rocklands Barbeque and
Grilling Company
Rockville Chamber of
Rockville Little Theatre
Round House Theatre
Roundtop Mountain Resort
The Cheesecake Factory
The Fresh Market
The Grilled Oyster Co.
The Holton-Arms School
The Melting Pot
Tiara Galleries & Gifts
Tipo's Toy Box
Potomac United Methodist
Rockville Christian Church
Rockville Presbyterian Church
Rockville United Church
Rockville United Methodist
RUMC Day Care Center
RUMC Thrift Shop
St. Elizabeth's Catholic Church
St. Francis Episcopal Church
St. Mary's Catholic Church
St. Raphael's Catholic Church
Temple Beth Ami
Temple Beth Ami Sisterhood
The Bargain Box (CEC)
Twinbrook Baptist Church
Unitarian Universalist
Congregation of Rockville
Tippy's Taco House
Total Wine & More
Toy Kingdom
Toys for Tots
Magical Moments Montages
Uncle Julio's
Magnolia Spa & Salon
Mamma Lucia
Vias Imports
City of Rockville
Manna Food Center
Wagging Tails
Comm. Foundation of NCR
Maryvale Elem. School
Washington Nationals
EU Caring Campaign
MassMutual communauté ~ 社区 ~ κοινότητα ~ comunità
~ Wizards
~ comunidade Family
~ община
& Nursing Care
comunidad ~ cộng đồng
Matt's House of Kabob
Westat~ samfund
Meadow Farms & Stadler
Whitetail Resort
Whole Foods
Meadow Hall Elem. School
Wildwood Kitchen
Meakem Group of Raymond
Yantz Bradbury Assoc.
Yasaman Bakery
York Castle Tropical Ice Cream
Miles & Stockbridge P.C.
Zoe's Kitchen
Monster Mini Golf
Samek & Rotbert, LLC
Montgomery College Art Dept.
Santa Lucia Estate Coffee
Montgomery County
Santos, Postal & Company, P.C.
Dept. of Receation
Francis Asbury Palmer Fund
Season's 52
Montgomery County
Baha'i Community of Rockville
GW Mammovan
Seltz Solutions
Revenue Authority
Christ Episcopal Church
Healthcare Initiative
Shopper's Food Warehouse
Nails by Sean
Clinton AME Zion Church
Silver Diner
Nando's Peri Peri
Faith United Methodist Church
Holy Cross Hospital
Six Flags
Nantucket's Reef
First Baptist Church of
Interfaith Works-EAC
Slice of Rockville
National Aquarium
Lillian Wardman Trust
Smoke BBQ
Natl. Lutheran Communities
Geneva Presbyterian Church
M&T Charitable Foundation
Starpower Fitness
& Services
Goshen United Church
Nick's Chop House
Montgomery Alliance
Sugarloaf Mountain Vineyard
Nimble Fingers Quilters
Latvian Ev. Luth. Church
Montgomery County
No. 82 Steak Out
Living Faith Lutheran Church
Mont. Co. DHHS
Tempo Book Distributors
Not Your Average Joe's
Millian Memorial UMC
Primary Care Coalition
Ten Thousand Villages
Nourish Now
Mount Calvary Baptist Church
United Way
The Adventure Park
Office of Governor Martin
Potomac Association of United
Venable Foundation
The Bean Bag
Church of Christ
The Bottle Shop
Olive Garden
Yuen Foundation Inc.
Be a Sponsor, Be a Guest, Bring Yourself, Bring a Guest
Pg 17
FY14 End of Year
Income & Expense Report
Table 1. Income By Source
Source Member Congregations & Other Religious Organizations
Individuals and Board Pledges
Government Contracts/Grants
United Way,CFC and local campaigns Foundations, Corporations, & Other Non-Profits
Patients' and Clients' Fees
Special Events In-Kind Services
Gain on Investments and Other Income
Total CMR Income By Source FY2014
Table 2. Expenses By Program
Rockville Emergency Assistance Program
Elderly Ministries Program Housing Program
Language Outreach Program Mansfield Kaseman Health Clinic
Agnes Saenz Fund
Management and General
Total CMR Expenses By Program
Financial Notes The Financial Statements of Community Ministries of Rockville for the year ended June 30, 2014, have been audited by Gelman, Rosenberg
& Freedman. A complete copy of the FY2014 audit report including all accompanying notes, can be requested by writing to: CMR, 1010
Grandin Ave., Suite A1, Rockville, MD 20851. The two tables above and financial notes included in this annual report were prepared by
CMR Staff using audited figures.
According to FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board) regulation 116, we must include as income all grants that we have been notified
of, despite the fact that no actual funds may have been received
Pg 18
2014 End of Year
Income & Expense Report
Income by Source
Expenses by Program
41% In-Kind Services
57% Mansfield Kaseman Health Clinic
29% Government Contracts/Grants
10% Language Outreach Program
11% Patients' and Clients' Fees
10% Management and General
7% Special Events
6% Rockville Emergency Assistance Program
7% Foundations, Corporations, & Non-Profits
6% Elderly Ministries Program
2% Member Congregations & Other Religious Organizations
6% Housing Program
2% Individuals & Board Pledges
4% Fundraising
1% United Way & Local Campaigns
>1% Agnes Saenz Fund
How to Make a Difference
Donate Your Time
Come to a CMR event and bring a guest
Volunteer on a committee or at an event
Work as volunteer staff in one of our programs
Arrange a group volunteer project
Teach our clients a life skill or educate our patients about health issues
Provide an in-kind donation of your professional services
Donate Your Treasure
Be a sponsor of a CMR event
Give a donation in honor or memory of a friend or family member
Remember CMR in your annual personal or workplace giving
Organize a drive of cleaning supplies, toys or gift cards
Provide items for auctions at events
Donate proceeds from your special event to one of CMR’s programs
Include CMR in your estate planning
Pg 19
Who Makes it Happen
Our FY14 CMR Board of Directors
Troy Atkinson, President, Executive Officer
Rockville, MD
Member, Rockville Christian Church
Cynthia Hernan, Vice President,
Executive Officer, Rockville, MD
Mike Sears, Treasurer, Executive Officer
Rockville, MD
Member, Rockville Christian Church
Kate Donvito, Secretary, Executive Officer
Rockville, MD
Member, St. Elizabeth Catholic Church
Diane Albertini, Rockville, MD
Member, Rockville United Methodist Church
Mirtha Brown, Montgomery Village, MD
Member, Mt. Calvary Baptist Church
Rev. Sandra Cox Shaw, Rockville, MD
Pastor, Living Faith Lutheran Church
Eldon Durscher, Rockville, MD
Member, First Baptist Church
Nancy Gray, Rockville, MD
Member, Millian Memorial Methodist Church
Kamyar Sanatian, Rockville, MD
Member, Baha’i Community of Rockville
Cathy Ann Grundmayer, Rockville, MD
Member, St. Elizabeth Catholic Church
Bill Scharf, Rockville, MD
Member, St. Raphael’s Catholic Church
Margie Henry, Rockville, MD
Member, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of
Ann Seltz, Rockville, MD
Member, Rockville United Church
Kevin Kane, Rockville, MD
Member, St. Raphael’s Catholic Church
Charles Short, Rockville, MD
Member, St. Mary’s Church
Angeline Lazarus, Rockville, MD
Member, First Baptist Church
Natalie Singh, Rockville, MD
Member, Jerusalem Mt. Pleasant United
Methodist Church
Johanna Marshall, Rockville, MD
Member, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of
Delia McCormick, Rockville, MD
Member, Christ Episcopal Church
Rev. Jill McCrory, Rockville, MD
Pastor, Twinbrook Baptist Church
Jennifer Emerson, Rockville, MD
Member, Living Faith Lutheran Church
Kathia Miles, Rockville, MD
Member, Mt. Calvary Baptist Church
Lynn Goodman, Rockville, MD
Member, Temple Beth Ami
Guy Olson, Rockville, MD
Member, Baha’i Community of Rockville
Paul Goozh, Rockville, MD
Member, Temple Beth Ami
Kaitlin Rancier, Rockville, MD
Member, Christ Episcopal Church
Amy Soldavini, Rockville, MD
Member, Rockville United Church
Rachel Watkins, Rockville, MD
Member, Jerusalem Mt. Pleasant United
Methodist Church
Scot Browning, Rockville, MD
Rory Coakley, Rockville, MD
Robert Dorsey, Rockville, MD
Steve Edwards, Rockville, MD
Robert King, Silver Spring, MD
Chuck Lee, Rockville, MD
Frank Molony, Gaithersburg, MD
Our Member Organizations
Pg 20
Baha’i Community of Rockville
Christ Episcopal Church
Clinton AME Zion Church
Faith United Methodist Church
First Baptist Church
Francis Asbury United Methodist Church
Jerusalem/Mt. Pleasant United Methodist
Living Faith Lutheran Church
Lutheran Church of the Cross
Millian Memorial United Methodist Church
Mt. Calvary Baptist Church
Rockville Christian Church
Rockville Presbyterian Church
Rockville United Church
Rockville United Methodist Church
St. Elizabeth’s Roman Catholic Church
St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church
St. Raphael’s Roman Catholic Church
Temple Beth Ami
The Jesuit Community at
Georgetown Preparatory School
Twinbrook Baptist Church
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Rockville
Meet Our CMR Staff
Agnes Saenz, Executive Director • Lynn Arndt, Deputy Director
Jody Eccleston-Gustavson, Director of Finance & Administration
Andrea Kempner-Wink, Director of Development & Volunteer Services • Pat Johnson, Staff Secretary
Kamika Pope, Housing Program Director • Cecilia Rojas, Language Outreach Program Director
Odeth Berlin, REAP Director • Leann Sherman, Elderly Ministries Program Director
Della James, Accountant/Human Resources Specialist • Laurie Gira, Grant Writer
Andrea Rogers, Accounting/Development Assistant
Standing L-R Andrea Kempner-Wink, Pat Johnson, Odeth Berlin, Kamika Pope, Della James, Andrea Rogers, Leann Sherman
Seated L-R Lynn Arndt, Agnes Saenz, Jody Eccleston
We welcome long-time volunteers and board members, Dr. Neil Spiegel and Stephanie Wright to the MKHC staff. We
thank Dr. Allan Cohan, Dr. Mariama Nixon, Franklin Nunez and Rosalinda Santos for their service to MKHC in FY14.
Agnes Saenz, Executive Director • Neil Spiegel, Medical Director
Pat Schaefer, Nurse Care Manager • Teresita Castro, Front Desk Manager
Stephanie Wright, Nurse Practitioner • Charlotte Storck, Shelter Nurse
Cecilia Lopes, Medical Assistant • Maribel Ramos, Medical Assistant • Diana Leon, Front Desk Assistant
Esperanza Gomez, Health Education Manager
Standing L-R Cecilia Lopes, Maribel Ramos, Stephanie Wright, Diana Leon, Teresita Castro, Pat Schaefer
Seated L-R Agnes Saenz, Dr. Neil Spiegel
Pg 21
Save These Dates in 2015 for CMR!
January 27, 6pm Glen View Mansion
Volunteer Appreciation/Annual Board Meeting
May 16, 6pm Lakewood Country Club
February 8, 4pm Unitarian Universalist
Congregation of Rockville
Benefit Concert: Rockville Chorus, Heart of
Maryland Sweet Adeline Chorus,
& Rockville Singers
May 23 – 24, 12pm - 10pm Rockville Town Center
Taste of Rockville at Hometown Holidays
March 15, 5pm Christ Episcopal Church
Jazz Vespers
October 3, 7:30pm Temple Beth Ami
Monte Carlo Night
April 25, 8pm Christ Episcopal Church
National Philharmonic Singers Spring Concert
October 3-4 & 10-11 Lewis Orchards
Punkin Chunkin
June 18, 7pm Living Faith Lutheran Church
LOP Graduation
You May Contact Us At:
Community Ministries of Rockville
1010 Grandin Avenue, Suite A-1 • Rockville, MD 20851
Telephone: 301-637-0730 • Fax: 301-637-0739
Agnes Saenz, Executive Director • • 301-917-6806
Lynn Arndt, Deputy Director • • 301-637-0705
Jody Eccleston, Director of Finance and Administration • • 301-637-0242
Andrea Kempner-Wink, Dir. of Development & Volunteer Services • • 301-637-0172
Pat Johnson, Staff Secretary • • 301-637-0205
Elderly Ministries Program
Leann Sherman, Director
Housing Program
Kamika Pope, Director
Mansfield Kaseman
Health Clinic
Teresita Castro,
Front Desk Manager
8 West Middle Lane
Rockville, MD 20850
Language Outreach Program
Cecilia Rojas, Director
Rockville Emergency
Assistance Program
Odeth Berlin, Director