Beaver Creek Has Exciting News We are buying Land Tribal


Beaver Creek Has Exciting News We are buying Land Tribal
Beaver Creek Has Exciting
We are buying Land
Tribal Elections in April
Vice-Chief and Council up for
Re-Election in 2016
The Beaver Creek Indians Newsletter is published Quarterly. Items for publication should be
submitted by the 25th of the month before publication. Let us hear from you.
Submit by e-mail to:
From Your Chief
Hello Everyone and Happy New Year for 2016.
I just want to say that 2015 was an exciting year but also a challenging year for Beaver Creek.
Kathleen has had many computer problems that has resulted in us not putting out a newsletter at all for 2015. Kathleen had a very challenging year in 2014 with the loss of her father
and she took some time off to deal with her grief. So she was already behind and the 2015
calamity was just overwhelming for her. She only got one newsletter out in 2014. So all of
that said, to be frank, unnerved her to no end. The phone and e-mails have not stopped. She
has tried to explain to many of you that she has had these challenges but impatience has far
reaching arms. So I am asking all of you to please be patient. She knows who and what, she
will get to all of you.
She is very committed to this job and does a great job to say the least. She has learned this
family genealogy by heart and continues to look for more.
She works on our Tribal History, trying to discover more about our people. Not many
people would do what she does, nor put up with what she puts up with so I am asking again
for patience.
Now onto some very exciting news. Beaver Creek was presented with a plan to purchase 17
acres of land that was once owned by some of our Tribal forefathers on the Hutto side. The
owners who are also Tribal Members agreed to donate one acre each making it 15 acres that
the Tribe will purchase. The little Beaver Creek starts on our land and that is a plus since
that is our namesake. We signed a contract in July 2015 to purchase this land in 3 years. We
agreed to pay $15,000.00 per year. As some of you know we started a building and land fund
about three and a half years ago. So making our first payment was the easiest to make. Our
event in October finished out that payment. The payment
depleted most of that account so now for the next 2 years we need to raise $15,000 each year
in less than a year. So I am asking that all of you our Tribal membership please give us a donation. This is all for you. United together we can accomplish this. We will be mailing out
donation letters but there is also a donation form in this newsletter. Again, I ask all of you to
please contribute to Beaver Creek purchasing their own land. Ask
business and friends to contribute we have never had to raise this kind of money in our history so it will be a huge challenge. It is for a worthy cause. It is not just the 3 years to pay for
this land, but the years afterwards to put buildings on the land. We got to start sometime
and the time is now.
I Thank you in advance for your donations and participation in making this possible.
We will me making Chow Chow again this year. Last year was a huge success and we sold
out quickly. We will be making this in March so be on the lookout.
We also will be participating in the SC International Festival held at the State Fairgrounds in
Columbia on April 16th and 17th. We always have a great time doing this.
Please come and join us at our Tribal Gatherings. We would love to see you.
We have many exciting things in store for the Tribe this year.
Until Next time,
Chief Louie C Chavis
Prayer List- Our Military, Mt Beulah PH Church prayer list, Beaver Creek Baptist Church prayer list
Wanda Ammons, Kathleen Chavis, Ralph Oxendine, Betty Slusher, Glynda Gleaton, Tommy Mears Family, Claudia Gainey.
Wyman Chavis, Annis Williams, Julia Garmon, Betty Walling, Betty Cassidy, Elizabeth Gleaton, Eloise Hatcher, James
Walling, April Filyaw Murphy, Claude Chavis, Susan Hayes Hatcher, Thurman Williams, Desiree Williams, Janice Touchton
To all of the Members and /or their families who we have lost recently, please know that our
Prayers are with you. Please remember this is for 2014, and some of 2015 This is due to a
newsletter not being published for most of 2014 and all of 2015. Please forgive the delay. It is
important that we acknowledge this.
We will catch up more in the next newsletter
Lillian W Chavis- Family of Members —
Allen E Reason– Husband of Tribal Member
Edgar L Gartman– Family of Members —
Marilyn Williams Chambley– Enrolled Member
Louise Hutto Chavis– Family of Members — Dorothy Chavis Bolin– Family of Members
Jaden A Williamson– Family of Members — Bernice Jumper– Family of Members
Lorenzo Chavis– Family of Members
Betty Jo Chavis McCombs– Family of Members
Jeremy S Williamson– Family of Members — Lena Mae Chavis Smith– Enrolled Member
Percy Jeffcoat– Family of Members
Steve Hyatt– Member
Dessie Mae Tager Boles– Family of Members
Harry M Harley, Sr– Family of Members
Robert Shannon– Friend of Chief Chavis
Gretchen Widner– Friend to Sec. Chavis
Thomas E Mears– Husband/Father to Tribal Members –Associate Member
Debra Howe Metts Snipes– Family of Members
Kenneth W Adams– Vice Chief– Chief of Elders for Beaver Creek
Chief Anthony Davidson– Edisto Natchez-Kusso Tribe
February 21st– Beaver Creek Tribal Gathering-Salley, SC beginning at 2:00pm
Salley School Cafeteria- Please bring a covered dish/drinks. Main dish will be provided
Paper products will also be provided
March 12-13th– Low Country Pow Wow and Cultural Festival– 55 Millstone Landing Rd
Hardeeville, SC This is an excellent Pow Wow to attend.
March 18-25th– Native American Studies Week, USC Lancaster, Lancaster, SC
This is a five day event that focuses on the South Carolina American Indians. Well worth
the trip to Lancaster. Check their Facebook page for daily information.
April 2nd— Pee Dee Tribe of South Carolina Pow Wow- CW Love Sports Complex 100 Oak Hill Rd
McColl, SC 29570 11am until 5 pm Grand Entry 12 Noon.
April 10th Tribal Gathering and Election Day– Salley, SC beginning at 2:00pm
Salley School Cafeteria Please bring your ballots to be counted or there will be ballots available
to complete. You need to have your Tribal ID Card and or number available please. Bring a
covered dish/drinks. Paper products will be provided.
April 16-17th– Columbia International Festival– Cantey Building– SC State Fairgrounds
Chief Chavis and Vice-Chief Grice as well as other Beaver Creek people will be there at our booth
representing American Indians. Great event to go to.
May 13th –Fri & 14th–Sat –41st Annual Edisto Natchez-Kusso Pow Wow 1125 Ridge Rd
Ridgeville, SC Contact Chief Andy Spell for more details
Beaver Creek Schedule for 2016:
Save the dates
Same place for 17 years now!!! Wow!
Sunday January 17, 2016- No Gathering, Council/Elders to meet at 2:00pm in the
Tribal Office
Sunday February 21, 2016- Tribal Gathering– 2:00 pm Salley School Cafeteria
Covered dish, main dish will be provided. Council/Elders to meet afterwards
Sunday March 20, 2016– No Gathering, Council/Elders to meet at 2:00pm in the
Tribal Office
Sunday April 10, 2016– Tribal Gathering– 2:00 pm Salley School Cafeteria
Election Day for Vice-Chief and Council Covered dish Council/Elders to meet afterwards
Sunday May 15, 2016– No Gathering, Council/Elders to meet at 2:00pm in the Tribal Office
Sunday June 12, 2016– Fundraiser and Tribal Gathering 2:00 pm Salley School CafeteriaSelling food plates to raise money for the Tribe (Note: Moved up a week because of Father’s
Day on the third Sunday) covered dish
Council/Elders to meet afterwards
Sunday July 17, 2016– No Gathering, Council/Elders to meet at 2:00pm in the Tribal Office
Sunday August 21, 2016– Tribal Gathering– 2:00 pm Salley School Cafeteria
Ice Cream Social-bring your favorite flavor of ice cream Council/Elders to meet afterwards
Sunday September 18, 2016- No Gathering, Council/Elders to meet at 2:00pm in the
Tribal Office
(Saturday) October 15, 2016– Family Day in the Salley Gym beginning at 10:00 am
Meat provided by Beaver Creek just bring side dishes to go along with BBQ
Music, dancing, raffle, games. All day event
Sunday October 16, 2016– Council/Elders to meet at 2:00pm in the Tribal Office
Sunday November 20, 2016– No Gathering, Council/Elders to meet at 2:00pm in the
Tribal Office
Sunday December 11, 2016– Tribal Christmas Gathering will be in the Salley Gym
beginning at 2:00 pm
Shut in baskets, Santa for the kids, covered dish (moved up a week due to Christmas)
Council/Elders to meet afterwards
Annual Tribal Family Day October 2015
Johnny Bailey, Jerry Branham,
Chief James Caulder
Council Julia Reynolds, Council Judy Collins
Elder Robert Williams
Tribal Members Mike & Judy West
2015 International Festival
SC Fairgrounds
Chief Louie Chavis and
Vice-Chief Keith Grice
Some of the Chow Chow that we made
to sell as a fundraiser in 2015 Yum!!!
Council Wanda Ammons, Elder Joanne Adams,
Treasurer Velma Grice helping to serve Hot
Dog and Hamburger plates in 2015 as a
Fundraiser Our volunteers do such a great job
Tribal Members Dale and Joyce Wicker posing with Santa aka Barry Chavis at our
Christmas Gathering in December 2015
A young man sitting on Santa’s lap receiving
his gift bag, stuff animal and candy
Chief Chavis in the
middle of the Candy
Dance for all of the
They always have
such a great time
Page 6
Food for thought: Everything Happens for a Reason
Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to
be there, to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or to help you figure out
who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be, a
Neighbor, Friend, Lover or even a complete Stranger, but when you meet with them,
you know at that moment they will affect your life in some profound way.
Sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful, and unfair at first,
but in reflection you find that without overcoming those obstacles you would have
never realized your potential strength, will power, or heart.
Everything happens for a reason, Nothing happens by chance or by means of good
luck. Illness, injury, love lost moments or true greatness, and sheer stupidity all occur
to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, whatever they may be, life
would be like a smoothly paved straight, flat road to nowhere. It would be safe and
comfortable, but dull and utterly pointless.
The people you meet who affect your life, and the success and downfalls you
experience, help to create who you are and who you become. Even the bad experiences
can be learned from. In fact, they are probably the most poignant and important ones.
If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart, forgive them, for they have
helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to when you open
your heart. If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because
they love you, but because in a way, they are teaching you to love and how to open
your heart and eyes to things. Make every day count. Appreciate every moment and
take from those moments everything that you possible can for you may never be able
to experience it again. Talk to people that you have never talked to before. Let
yourself fall in love, break free and set your sights high. Believe in yourself, for if you
don’t it will be hard for others to believe in you. You can make of your life anything
you wish. Live your life with no regrets. Most importantly, if you love someone, tell
them for you never know what tomorrow brings or have in store for you. Learn a
lesson in life each and everyday.
Saturday April 23, 2016 Odom Bolin/Epsie Chavis Family Reunion– Pleasant Hill
Baptist Church, Springfield, SC Covered Dish– Beginning at 1:00 PM
Saturday April 23, 2016– Isabell Hoover Williams Family Reunion– North Pentecostal
Holiness Church, North, SC- Covered Dish– Beginning at 11:00 AM
Saturday April 23, 2014– Charlie Williams Family Reunion– 2 Country Boys BBQNorth, SC Beginning at 11:00 AM
American Indian Elder Words of Wisdom:
Wisdom is not wisdom when it is derived from a book alone.
Page 7
I am so glad to be putting out a newsletter again. I want to Thank all of you for your understanding. I
had a very sick computer along with other issues that tested my patience to the max. Anyway, my latest challenge
has been our ID card machine that is now 10 years old. I have updated my computer to Windows 10, now the
software for the ID Card machine will not work on windows 10. I got a few cards done and then it went crazy. I
called Zebra who is the maker of our machine and they told me it is not compatible with Windows 10. They are
trying to update but having problems. So I am now trying to take my computer back to Windows 7 so I can use
our machine for a while longer. I know the timing is bad but we are going to have to purchase a new ID card
machine and software sooner than later.
We are starting a new year. I have been working on files and renewals. Please keep in mind that I am very behind
due to all of the above issues. I am working as hard as I can to get caught up but these delays with equipment is not
I want to let you know that the people who did not renew their files in 2011 have been removed from our Tribal
Rolls permanently. The procedure that I came up with is this: I made a list of these files, their name and Tribal
number and when their card expired. It was put before the Tribal Council, the names read for the recorder and
the Council voted to remove from the rolls as of January 17, 2016. The Chief, Vice-Chief, all of Council and myself
signed off on this. A copy will be put in the files effected. As a reminder, if you do not have a current Tribal ID
Card, then you are not a member of the Beaver Creek Indians. All other forms and cards were made
obsolete as of June 2006. This is still in effect. I will be working on the 2012, 2013 and 2014 very soon, now
that we have a procedure in place. It takes most of that $10.00 to cover the cost of making your ID Card, then
there is mailing a renewal letter, a copy for the file, envelope, label, and postage. The tribe is not making any money
on this. Please keep in mind that we do not have income coming in. We exist on donations only.
I am also trying to update my mailing and e-mail list. To do this I am taking every file that is active/current and
verifying their address, phone and e-mail. This needs to be done from time to time to keep up data on our
members. I may have to contact some members to verify.
Reminder: We are trying to purchase 15 acres of land that was once owned by some of our forefathers. I am
asking all of you, our Tribal members, to please make a donation. This is your Tribe and we need your help. Some
of you have already been giving and that is how we made our first payment in December 2015 on this land. We
cannot Thank you enough for this. We now need to raise $15,000.00 for this year’s payment. Our payment will
be due by the end of this year. The Tribe has never taken on a project this large before, but Chief Chavis and
Council feel we can handle it and I believe we can for we have some of the most generous members. I know this is
a repeat from Chief Chavis’ page, but it is just that important. We will be mailing out a donation form to all of our
members that are age 18 or older. We also encourage you the membership, to talk with friends, businesses,
organizations in your community to see if they want to contribute to this worthy cause.
Now onto some Accolades: Some of this may be outdated, we are trying to catch up
Amber Chavez– Earned her BS at Mississippi State University. She plans to become a Veterinarian
Amanda Harmon Sullivan– Graduated with an Associate Degree in Criminal Justice
Mark Allen Geddings- Graduated from Gilbert High School
Currin Pounds- Graduated from South Carolina Fire Academy
Savanna Burdo– Graduated from Swansea High School
Stephanie Barron– Became a Registered Nurse
Joyce Wicker– Became a Registered Nurse
P O Box 699 Salley, SC 29137-0699
Or Current Resident
Thank you for your generous donations, we could not make it without you.
Fayette Baughman, III, James Miskelly, Lonnie Zimmerman, Myrna Williams, James
Gunter, Jackie Johnson, Karl Zimmerman, Elizabeth Fanning, Velma Grice, Barbara
Smith, Judy Collins Neal Collins, Marilyn Singletary, Becky Morgan, G Ross Hutto
Building & Land Fund: Monnie Chalker, Joann Adams, Judy Collins, Neal Collins,
Sarah Hott, Lawrence Armstrong, J Belinda McKay, John Barry Chavis, Evealean
Williams, Billy R Williams, Becky Morgan, Renee B Rux, Velma Grice, Todd Wood, Ronnie
Bolin, Floyd Gleaton, Fred Weinbeck, Dorothy Bolin, Brenda Bolin, Lonnie Zimmerman,
Glenda Mears, James Gunter, George Morris, Glenn Simmons, Grady Bolin
If you would like to make a donation to the Beaver Creek Indians, please complete and return with your donation.
Thank you for your generous support.
Name________________________________________ Amount $_____________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Please Check:
________ General _______ Land
City, State, zip code__________________________________________________________
Telephone number with area code_____________________________________________
(This helps us to keep up our address book and to track where your donations come from)