1st Quarter - Beaver Creek Indians


1st Quarter - Beaver Creek Indians
Contract for Our Members
After Serious & Cautious consideration….. Your Contract for Membership
has been renewed for the New Year 2007! It was a very hard decision to make.
So try not to screw it up !!! My wish for all of you in 2007
May peace break into your house and may thieves come to steal your debts.
May the pockets of your jeans become a magnet of $100.00 bills.
May love stick to your face like vaseline and may laughter assault your lips!
May your clothes smell of success like smoking tires and may happiness slap you
across the face. May your tears be that of joy May the problems you had forget your
home address! In simple words………..May 2007 be the best year yet!!!
Chief Chavis
The Williams Family from Missouri & Members of our
Tribe. They came in for the Annual Williams Family Reunion
R-L Rodell Williams, Harold Williams, Chief Louie, Rachel Feagin
and Paul Williams in September
Rosalie and Don Chavis from Oklahoma City, Ok
came to visit us and have a naming ceremony in October
The Beaver Creekth Indians Newsletter is published Quarterly. Items for publication should be submitted by the 20 of the month before publication. Submit by e-mail to: bcpdana@bellsouth.net or
klcrothers@mindspring.com. Please let us hear from you.
From Your Chief– Read Page 4 First
14th was our Annual Tribal Family Gathering. We had Nancy Basket there to show us her beautiful baskets
Grandfather Strong Heart came and played the drums. We were honored by 7 Tribal Entities at this gathering.
Chief Buster Hatcher-Waccamaw, Chief James Caulder-Pee Dee, Chief Roosevelt Scott-Santee, Vice-Chief
Frank Pie and Anthony Davidson-Edisto, Chief John Hilton-Bear Clan Cherokee, Judy Rabon from the American
Indian Center-Cherokee, Chief Floyd Watson-Hawk Clan-Shawnee, Barbara Morningstar Paul-Lakota– CMA
We had great food as usual, a big table of raffle items, dancing and a large crowd of people. I want to thank
all of our honored guests who took the time to come from afar to be with us. I also want to thank Winnie Lloyd
and her brother James Webb who is Second Chief for the Waccamaw for coming down from NC to attend our
event. Nancy Basket would like to hold some basket making classes in 2007.
This was a full month for me. I attended the Waccamaw Pau Wau on the 4th. This was an honorable but sad
occasion. Chief Buster Hatcher stepped down as Chief of 14 years. Because of this, I missed the Horse Creek
Pow Wow this year, but it could not be helped. On the 8th I attended a NA ceremony at Fort Jackson where
Chief James Caulder was the guest speaker. Myself and Vice-Chief Kenny Adams walked in the Veteran’s Day
on the 10th. I was proud that several Beaver Creek Members joined us in this parade.
On the 11th I was invited to attend the Annual Contoosa at the Chickasaw Tribal Grounds. Mingo Tanner and his
people were very gracious hosts. I was honored to attend this by invitation only event. I made appearances at a
couple of schools to give presentations on American Indians to elementary students I was well received at South
Kilbourne Elementary and Lexington Elementary.
I also was made Commander of Sons of the Confederate Veterans, Lexington Camp 51
Beaver Creek served the Chitlins again this year for the Town of Salley to make money for the Tribe.
Vice-Chief Kenneth Adams was the overseer of this event. He always does a great job. We also had a
booth again this year. We finally sold most of our yard sale items that we have been collecting. We made
some good money from this also. I want to personally thank Kenneth Adams, Joann Adams, Wanda Ammons,
Esther Williams, Harold Hallman, Jack Walling, Katie Walling, Julia Reynolds, Esther Howe, Dianne Pound,
Pat Hallman, Matt Barron, Elizabeth Gleaton, Amanda Hart and her friend Kelvin. All of you made this day a
success for our Tribe. Thanks also goes to Pat and Harold Hallman for the use of their canopy for our booth.
On the 2nd, Beaver Creek hosted the NAPP meeting in Salley at the Tribal office.
On the 10th we had our Tribal Christmas Gathering. We made up 11 baskets for our shut-ins again this
year. They were the best yet. Lots more things in them. I want to Thank everyone who contributed
the supplies for the baskets, the baskets and money to buy supplies. Thanks to Christina Paioni, Velma
Grice and Heidi Chavious for making up the baskets. I also want to Thank Vice-Chief Kenneth and
Joann Adams for making the fruit bags that mean so much to our Membership. I want to Thank Lonnie
and Helen Jeffcoat for providing McDonald’s gift certificates, coloring books and gifts for Council.
Thanks also goes to Sarah Jolley for her Teddy Bears, gift bags for Council and Candy for the children.
My final words are that we met most of the goals that I set for 2006 and some that are still ongoing.
My biggest honor this past year besides getting our Tribe, State Recognized, was to meet so many of our
Tribal Members from out of state. I feel so much closer to all of the Chavis families from Florida, Ala
bama, Ohio, Virginia and Oklahoma. The Gleaton families from Florida, Georgia, Texas and New Mexico. It was my sheer honor to meet each and every one of you and to do naming ceremonies for most of
you. I hope that your visit to SC was as endearing to you as it was for me. I also hope that you all have
walked away with a better understanding of your forefathers and your American Indian Heritage.
Aho, Chief Louie Chavis
Page 3
OUR MILITARY, Mt Beulah PH Church (Prayer List), Beaver Creek Baptist Church (Prayer List), Jobey Williams
Emmie Williams, Rev William Welch, Charles Chavis, Lois Hutchinson, Annis Williams, Bergie Hutto family ,
Singletary Family. Catherine Hallman family, Ruby Huffman family, Marvin Williams family, Harold Chavis family
To all of the Members and /or their families who we have lost recently, please
Know that our prayers are with you.
Virgil Chavis-Family of Members
Bergie Hutto-Member
David Roy Chavis-Family of Members
Mildred Thompson Lackey-Family of Members
Catherine Barr Hallman
Ruby Ann Jackson Huffman-Family of Members
Marvin Williams-Family of Members
Hubert Williams-Family of Members
Harold K Chavis-Member
February 11th Dedication marker for Samual Martin, Confederate Soldier and Cherokee
Indian. 2:00 pm Fort Jackson Cemetary.
February 18th –Tribal Gathering Meeting starting at 2:00pm Salley Civic Center, Salley, SC
in the Cafeteria. Bring finger food/drinks. Paper products will be provided.
Guest Speaker will be Bill O’Cain. He has exotic animals.
Council Meeting will follow.
March 10-11 Hardeeville Pow Wow, New Location: Exit 33 off of I-95 Point South/Yemassee,
SC. Host Hotel is Knight’s Inn.– 843-726-8488. Signs will be posted
Contact Mike Benton at 843-784-2866 work 843-784-2233
March 30-31 Edisto Pow Wow, Ladson, SC—Fairgrounds
Contact Anthony Davidson at 843-534-6132
April 8th - EASTER
April 15th Tribal Gathering Meeting starting at 2:00pm Salley Civic Center, Salley, SC.
In the Cafeteria. Bring finger food/drinks. Paper products will be provided.
Guest Speaker will be Mr Yarborough who will talk about GEDs
Council Meeting will follow.
April 21-22 –Horse Creek American Indian Heritage Association Pow Wow
Contact Wanda Randall at 803-663-9289
Note: There will not be a Heritage Day at Beech Island this year
Year in Review-2006
January: On the 27th we received our State Recognition
February: Battle of Aiken, helped with the Horse Creek Group
Attended the Hardeeville Pow Wow along with Vice-Chief Adams, his family
and our Tribal Princess was in attendance.
Tractor Show in Williston– We had a display there.
Attended the Edisto Pow Wow- Again was well represented by Beaver Creek
Members along with the Vice-Chief, his family, our two Princesses were also
in attendance.
Horse Creek Pow Wow. Beaver Creek had a good showing of people there
along with the Vice-Chief, his family, and our Tribal Princess.
Beech Island Heritage Day– We had our usual display
We attended the South Congaree Rodeo
I was re-elected as your Chief for four more years.
I became a member of NAPP (Native American Prison Program and SC Arts
Commission. Approval was given for a American Indian License plate.
Second Annual Unity Pow Wow on the State House Grounds. Repatriation was
the topic for this event and it was very enlightening. The Pow Wow got rained
out. The ones who came out made the effort worth the trouble.
Attended the Summer Soltice at Waccamaw. We installed our ID Card machine
and started making Membership ID cards.
I attended along with Vice-Chief Kenneth Adams the Green Corn Festival in
Courtland,VA, along with our Tribal Princess.
Kristin also went to her first Federal Tribal Pow Wow in Cherokee, NC where
she was honored by her attendance.
I was asked to be the featured guest speaker for the Chavis family reunion held
at the Holiday Inn in Columbia. (No relation to our Tribe)
Beaver Creek hosted the SCIAC Meeting at my home in Lexington.
August: Beaver Creek hosted again the SCIAC Meeting at the Tribal office in Salley.
I along with Vice-Chief Kenneth Adams and 16 other Beaver Creek Members
were in attendance for our State Recognition Conference held in Columbia.
Several of our Members came from far places and much expense to attend this
very historical event, to watch us receive our Proclamation from the State.
I attended the Fall Soltice at Waccamaw, this time I was in attendance with
a few Beaver Creek members
See From Your Chief section to get the rest of the year.
Born: July 3, 1921
Father: Thomas Jefferson “Tommy” Williams
Mother: Oneida “Neta” Chavis Williams
Grandfathers: William Henry Williams and Thomas Addison Chavis
Grandmothers: Rebecca Ann Chavis Williams and Josephine Chavis Chavis
Gr-Grandfather: Gabriel Chavis and James Calvin Chavis
Gr-Grandmothers: Naomi Hutto, Mary Jane Shape
Gr-Gr Grandfathers: James Chavis and Fountain Williams
Gr-Gr Grandmothers: Rebecca MilhouseChavis and Deliah “Lilly” Mills Williams
Gr Gr Gr Grandparents: Lazarus and May Chavis
Occupation: Worked in the Cotton Fields and Textile Manufacturing
Tribal Member since 1998
Tribal Mother and Elder since 1998
Born August 16, 1918
Father: Lucious C Chavis
Mother: Luebell Hoover Chavis
Grandfathers: Richard Morgan Chavis and PH (Tobe) Hoover
Grandmothers: Maranda West Chavis and Georgeanna Hutto Hoover
Gr-Grandfathers: James Chavis, Gavin “Bud” West, James Hutto
Gr-Grandmothers: Rebecca Milhouse Chavis, Harriett Harsey, Nancy Chavis
Gr-Gr Grandparents: Lazarus and May Chavis
Married to the late Colie Geddings
One Son– Mark Geddings, 2 Grandchildren Allen Geddings and Meredith Geddings
Occupation: Retail Clothing and had a home Cake Baking business
Tribal member since 1998
Tribal Elder since 2001
Page 6
Food for thought:
I wish you the Strength of all Elements:
The one who takes your hand but touches your heart is a true friend
We seldom think of what we have, but always think of what we miss
Don’t cry because it’s over now, laugh because it happened
The more precisely you plan, the harder destiny will hit you
What happens, happens for a reason
Don’t make an effort because the best things happen when you least expect them
The greatest events aren’t the loudest, but the most quiet hours
The most difficult lesson to learn is:
Which bridge in life to use or which one to block off
Everybody sees how you seem, however, only some know who you are
He who would like to have something he never had, will have to do something well,
that he hasn’t done yet.
Perhaps creator would want you to become acquainted with many different people in
the course of life, so that when you meet the right ones, you can appreciate and be
grateful for them
Give something a name and it will happen
Life is drawing without an eraser
I wish you always:
Air to breathe, Fire to warm you, Water to drink, and the Earth to live in
I’ve Learned
I’ve learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be
better tomorrow.
I’ve learned that making a “Living” is not the same thing as making a “life”
I’ve learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance
I’ve learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision
I’ve learned that even when I have pain, I don’t have to be one
I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, they will forget what you did, but they will never
forget how you made them feel.
Presentation at Lexington Elem 11/2006
Presentation at S Kilbourne Elem 11/2006
Page 7
We have been getting Tribal Cards issued, working on research and working on the files.
Things were a little slow in October. November was jammed packed with Native American Month and December
I took most of the month to enjoy my family, grandchildren and friends.
We have a USC student working on our website. We also have a Tribal Member who has re-written our history,
so it will be ready to go into our website, on brochures and on the SCIWAY site as well.
Our office has had some face lifting thanks to Joann Adams and Cindy Barron this past year.
Joann has done an outstanding job with helping to coordinate events. I hope this year the open position will be
filled. Joe Gleaton has helped with getting our February and April speakers lined up. Thanks Joe.
Now it is a new year and I will get back into the swing of things again.
I hope that all Tribal Members had a fun, safe and glorious Christmas and New Year.
Kathleen Chavis
Tribal Office
Note from Chief Chavis: I want to welcome our newest Council Member, Clyde Chavis.
He is replacing Jasper Johnson who was a temporary replacement until a permanent one could be found
I Thank Jasper for serving on our Council for the last 2 years. My best to you.
Waccamaw PauWau 11/2006
Our Princess Kristin Barron
with retiring Chief Buster Hatcher
Waccamaw Pau Wau 11/2006
Chief Louie with Member Katie Walling
Waccamw Pau Wau 11/2006
Treas Velma Grice, Friend Laura and
Member Esther Williams
Not Pictured but in attendance at the Pau Wau from Beaver Creek : Matt, Cindy & Chris Barron, Pat and Harold Hallman, Kathleen Chavis
Veteran’s Day Parade 10/2006 Beaver Creek Members in Attendance L-R Not pictured– Kathleen Chavis
Harold Hallman, Joann Adams, V-C Kenneth Adams, Esther Williams, Treas Velma Grice, Chief Louie Chavis
If you would like to make a donation to the Beaver Creek Indians, please complete and return with your donation.
Thank you for your generous support.
Name________________________________________ Amount $_____________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
City, State, zip code__________________________________________________________
Telephone number with area code_____________________________________________
(This helps us to keep up our address book and to track where your donations come from)
DONATIONS MADE TO THE TRIBE: Elaine Hixon, Teresa Wilson, Kimberly Cadden, Lonie
Ann Watkins-Johnson, James Gunter, Don & Rosalie Chavis, Jackie Lee Chavis, Martin
Walling, Jimmy Widener.
Thank you for your generous donations, we could not make it without you.
P O Box 699 Salley, SC 29137-0699