Fabra Elementary 2015-2016 Parent Handbook
Fabra Elementary 2015-2016 Parent Handbook
Fabra Elementary 2015-2016 Parent Handbook Address: 238 Lohmann, Boerne, Texas 78006 Phone Number: (830)357-4200 School Website: http://www.boerne-isd.net/fabra "Learning for all, whatever it takes." Welcome to Fabra Elementary School School Mascot: Falcons School Colors: Green and Yellow Assistant Principal: Summer Gault Principal: Dr. Heberto Hinojosa, Jr. Principal’s Secretary – Chanda Achilles Registrar/Counselor’s Secretary– Terry Byers Attendance/Discipline Secretary – Leigh Ann Pierce Counselor: Jennifer Howell Welcome to Fabra Elementary! On behalf of the entire faculty and staff at Fabra Elementary School, I welcome you to the 2015-2016 school year. We look forward to an excellent year filled with excitement, discovery, and a multitude of quality experiences for your child. The purpose of this handbook it to help both new and experienced parents understand our school’s policies and procedures to enable our students to maximize their positive experiences at Fabra Elementary School. It is intended to serve as a guide to parent and student responsibilities. This Handbook should be used in conjunction with the Boerne Independent School District Student Handbook, Student Code of Conduct, and the policies of the BISD Board of Education and the Texas Education Agency. We are always available to answer any questions you may have to best serve your needs. We are confident that you will find Fabra Elementary to be a school that will provide a challenging, productive, and positive learning environment for all children. Our campus theme for the 2015-2016 school year is, “Building our future, TOGETHER!” We look forward to working with you to create the best future for our children. Sincerely, Heberto Hinojosa, Jr. Ed. D. Principal 2015-16 BISD Board of Trustees "Our community will engage students and adults in a challenging educational environment that inspires creativity and enriches lives for today's realities and tomorrow's possibilities." -- Boerne ISD Vision Statement, adopted by the Board of Trustees, 2013 Dale Adams, President Donna Sharp, Vice President Carlin Friar Alan Rich Maritza Gonzalez-Cooper, Secretary Harry Lees Rich Cena The Boerne ISD Board of Trustees consists of seven members elected by the public to serve overlapping three-year terms. Elections are held annually in May. Although candidates run for specific places, they do not represent specific geographical areas. Rather, each represents Boerne ISD at-large. Following the annual election, the Board elects officers (president, vicepresident and secretary) to serve one-year terms. Fabra Elementary School PTO You are invited to join the Fabra Elementary school PTO (Parent Teacher Organization)! Here are just a few exciting things our PTO has planned for you this year… Fabra’s annual Howl At The Moon Fall Festival in October 2015! We are committed to help financially support field trips for the 2015-2016 school year! We are excited to start up our new Falcon Father’s program. Science Fair, Bike Rodeo, and Fun Fabra Family Night(s) Join us for a very exciting Character Breakfast… coming February 2016 New this year in April 2016, a Fabra Fiesta Walk-A-Thon!!! We are proud to let you know that the 2014-2015 Fabra PTO was able to fund significant curriculum support, classroom supplies, training, field trips, and assist with specialized programs for students, teachers, and staff! We also funded fun community events like Howl At The Moon/5k, Science Fair, and Bike Rodeo. ↣ Fabra PTO needs your unique talents, whether it’s volunteering a few hours a month, or a few hours a year, serving on the board, or attending meetings. Come join us! Becoming a PTO member is one of the best ways you can support your student, teachers, and Fabra! For questions, please contact PTO President Lindy Walker at lindy.walker@hotmail.com or you can visit our website: www.fabrapto.com email us at: fabrapto@gmail.com check us out on facebook:/www.facebook.com/HenryFabraPTO Meet our 2015-2016 executive board: Lindy Walker: President Kerrie Kleinpeter: VP Membership Mandy Jones: VP Fundraising Maia Tarantino: VP Volunteers Courtney Mays: Secretary Michelle Holcomb: Parliamentarian Sarah Saiz: Treasurer Fabra Elementary School PTO Membership 2015-2016 Parent or Guardian Name: Address: City: Zip code: Phone: Email: Child Teacher Grade Child Teacher Grade Child Teacher Grade Child Teacher Grade Membership levels: (check one) Basic membership: $10 per family or No cost but commit to volunteer 10 hours to PTO Platinum level : $500 (includes 4 Fabra T-shirts) Please specify T-shirts sizes: 1. 2. 3. 4. Gold level: $300 (includes 3 Fabra T-shirts) Please specify T-shirts sizes: 1. 2. 3. Silver level: $150 (includes 2 Fabra T-shirts) Please specify T-shirts sizes: 1. 2. Bronze level: $50 (includes 1 Fabra T-shirt) Please specify size: T-Shirt Youth Sizes Available: (Bronze Level and Above) – XS, SM, M, L, XL Adult– SM, M, L, XL, XXL Additional tax deductible donation: Method of payment: Check (# and amount): Cash (amount): Total amount paid: $ **If printing from Parent Handbook PDF, please only print this page. * Fabra Elementary Staff 2015-2016 Phone: 830-357-4200 Administration Principal Asst. Principal Counselor Office Personnel Principal's Secretary Registrar Attendance Nurse Nurse's Fax ECC/PPCD Stumm, Amanda Smajstrla, Jill Ayers, Jeanette Jisha, Iris K- Kindergarten Jordan, Tammy* Abbott, Judy Gott, Tracy Moreno, Clarissa DL 1st - First Grade Rickman, Kara* Hillin, Monica Hernandez, Hilda DL Reeh, Lisa Valenta, Megan 2nd - Second Grade Perales, Stephanie* Heugatter, Sarah Miller, Heather Ormiston, Dicy Perez-Salazar, Aida DL 3rd - Third Grade Aitken, Karen* Lovett, Araceli DL Merrell, Kay Owens, Terry Palacios, Margaret 4th - Fourth Grade Sellers, Janie* Gohn, Melanie Sangdahl, Wendy Smith, Jenifer FAX: 830-357-4299 Dr. Heberto Hinojosa Summer Gault Jennifer Howell Chanda Achilles Terri Byers Leigh Ann Pierce Terry Heyroth 830-357-4208 RM 30 28 30 30 RM 6 3 4 5 RM 11 10 15 12 13 RM 9 8 2 1 21 RM 17 14 18 19 16 RM 47 50 49 48 EXT 4205 4204 4207 EXT 4203 4202 4211 4209 EXT 4258 4256 4258 4258 EXT 4235 4232 4233 4234 EXT 4239 4238 4243 4240 4241 EXT 4237 4218 4231 4230 4249 EXT 4245 4242 4259 4247 4244 EXT 4222 4226 4224 4223 Enrichment Specialists Bilingual TA Challenge Lab Dyslexia Librarian LSSP Math Reading Speech (Bilingual) Speech Title 1 Reading TA Collins, Bethany Lucas, Greta Giles, Susie Hall, Sue Onken, Alanna Aaron, Debbie* Mobley, Toni Davis, Ana Kowalesky, Nancy Kubik, Denise RM 33 52 26 Lib. LSSP 23 32 29 Speech 33 EXT 4261 4276 4254 4214 4216 4251 4260 4257 4217 4261 Special Education TA TA Teacher Teacher Teacher (Behavior) TA Teacher Behrens, Becky Botha, Trixie Cantu, Kristin* Lagleder, Donna Loftin, Julie Norato, Neyreda Prince, Sarah RM 27 24 24 24 27 25 25 EXT 4255 4250 4252 4250 4255 4253 4253 RM Cus EXT 4213 RM Caf EXT 4215 RM EXT 2141 2111 RM EXT Custodians Marin, Rosie Bercian, Josue Castillo, Sonia Keith, Mary Ann Lopez, Maria Saucedo, Silvia Cafeteria Jackson, Karen Guerrero, Priscilla Martinez, Rosa Maria Saucedo, Sonia Sotello, Hope Zavala, Nancy Technology Technology Coach Technology Other Rooms Martinez, Miriam Kent, Berne Nevarez, Hilda 4/5 DL 5th - Fifth Grade Krause, Paul 4/5 DL Lutz, Wendy* Madsen, Chelsey Richardson, Jamie Stevenson, Gayla CAMP Gilmore, Laurie (Computer) Esquivel, Catherine (Art) Piper, Don (Music) Jackson, Beth (PE) Bernhard, DeAnn (PE TA) 42 RM 44 35 38 36 37 RM 41 45 Music Gym Gym 4269 EXT 4271 4262 4265 4263 4264 EXT 4268 4272 4278 4279 4279 Book Room Conference Room Computer Lab Motor Lab Multi-Purpose Room PTO Room Science Lab 39 7 43 31 46 4266 4236 4274 Master Schedule Kinder 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 7:15-8:15 Calendar/ Morning Work 7:30-8:35 Calendar/ Morning Work 7:45 - 8:00 Spiral Review 7:30-8:00 Morning Work 7:45-8:50 Period 1 7:45-8:50 Period 1 8:15-9:00 Science/ Social Studies 8:35-9:25 CAMP 8:00-8:45 Enrichment 8:00 - 8:45 Math 9:00 - 10:00 Literacy Stations 9:30 - 10:30 Guided Reading 8:45- 10:15 Math 8:45- 9:25 Enrichment 8:50 - 9:55 Period 2 8:50 - 9:55 Period 2 10:00-10:45 ELA 10:30 - 11:25 Writing Workshop 10:15- 11:00 CAMP 9:25 - 10:15 CAMP 9:55- 11:00 Period 3 9:55 - 11:00 Period 3 10:45- 11:15 LUNCH 11:25 - 11:55 LUNCH 11:05- 11:35 LUNCH 10:15 - 11:00 ELA 11:00 - 12:05 Period 4 11:00 - 12:05 Period 4 11:15- 12:10 Math 11:55-12:15 Recess 11:35 - 11:55 Recess 11:00 - 11:50 Science/ Social Studies 12:10-1:00 CAMP 12:15-12:50 Enrichment 11:55 - 1:30 Reading/ ELA & Writing 11:50 - 12:20 LUNCH 12:10-12:40 LUNCH 12:05- 12:25 Recess 1:00-1:25 Recess 12:50 - 1:45 Math 12:20 - 12:40 Recess 12:40-1:00 Recess 12:30- 1:00 LUNCH 1:25-1:40 Second Step 1:45 - 2:35 Science/ Social Studies 12:40-2:10 Reading 1:05- 1:55 CAMP 1:05 - 1:55 Enrichment 1:55 - 2:45 Enrichment 1:55 - 2:45 CAMP 1:30 - 2:30 Science/ Social Studies 1:40-2:30 Enrichment 2:30-2:45 Dismissal Prep 2:10-2:45 Language Arts 2:35-2:45 Dismissal Prep 2:30- 2:45 Dismissal Prep Dismissal School Hours The school day begins at 7:40 AM with afternoon dismissal at 2:45 PM. Supervision of your child is not provided until 7:15 AM. Please do not drop off your children earlier than this. Please pick up your child promptly after school. Any children not picked up by 3:00 will wait in the office. Parents will have to come into the office area at this time. Early Release Days Dismissal on Early Release Days: 11:45 AM. Same procedures as a regular school day will apply. After School Care After school care is provided on-site for a fee by the Boys and Girls Club. The school does not handle any of this organization’s administration. School Closing-Bad Weather Days During times of inclement weather, decisions about school closings or delays will be made as early as prudently possible; announcements will follow via a number of communications channels: Boerne ISD's website: www.boerne-isd.net Boerne ISD's School Connect mobile app Twitter (@BoerneISD) E-mail blast and telephone message Local media outlets including: Television KMOL - Channel 4 KENS - Channel 5 KSAT - Channel 12 KABB - Channel 29 Radio KTSA - AM 550 WOAI - AM 1200 KFAN - FM 107.9 KRNH - FM 92.3 SCHOOL PROCEDURES Attendance We strive for 98% school-wide attendance. Regular attendance is extremely important. If your child is absent from school, please notify the office by 9:00 AM. We will also be asking you for the reason of the absence. Excused absences are illness, medical appointments, or death in the family. When your child is absent, please send a note to your child’s teacher and the attendance secretary upon his/her return with the reason and date of the absence. Unexcused absences may prevent your child from being promoted to the next grade level. Attendance is taken each day at 10:00 a.m. A student must be on campus at that time to be counted present. Medical Appointments If a student is temporarily absent due to a documented appointment with a health care professional, a document such as a note from the health care professional is required upon the return to school. Observance of religious holy days, including traveling for that purpose, a written request should be submitted prior to this for an excused absence. Tardies Students will be counted tardy at 7:40 AM. Please have your child to school no later than 7:35 AM. For the safety of our students, all doors will be locked at that time. Always allow time for traffic delays due to weather conditions and the first few weeks of school. Morning announcements will begin promptly at 7:40 AM. Parents are required to check their child in after their 3rd tardy. Students will not be admitted to class without a tardy slip from the office. Consequences for Excessive Tardies 1-2 - Verbal reminder 3- Loss of Perfect Attendance eligibility. 4 - Parent must check student in for all future tardies 5 - Letter will be sent home 6 - Meeting with Administration - Attendance recovery time will be assigned (before or after school). 10+ - The campus may refer the case to the municipal courts, which can fine parents for breaking the Texas Compulsory Attendance law. Checking Students In and Out of School Students entering the school after 8:00, must be signed in through the office by a parent. They must enter the classroom with a pass from the office. Parents are discouraged from picking up their child early from school because they miss valuable last minute teaching instructions and it is a disruption to the classroom. Appointments Children who need to leave school early for appointments must be signed out by a parent. At that time, the student will be called to the office. Teachers are not allowed to release students at their classroom doors. For the welfare of our students, teachers cannot release students to anyone without office authorization. Office authorization will be given out only to parents and other adults listed on the current medical emergency card. It is the parent’s responsibility to update the medical emergency card information as changes occur. Arrival/Dismissal Your child may arrive at school by walking, riding a bike, riding in a car, by van pool, or on a BISD bus depending upon the location of your home. You will be asked to notify your child’s teacher regarding his/her usual method of getting to and from school. Children often become frightened or confused when parents are late or make frequent changes in pick-up plans. If you need to make a change in how your child will get home, please send a written note to your child’s teacher or contact the front office before 1:00 PM. In the event of an emergency, call the school office so that the teacher and student can be notified before the end of the day. Unless notified, the teacher will follow the normal routine for your child. CAR RIDER DROP-OFF/PICK-UP PROCEDURES Parents may choose to drop off and pick up their child on a daily basis. There will be teachers and teaching assistants at each school entrance in the morning and afternoon to assist with the flow of traffic and to help children get to their cars safely. You are asked not to leave your car unattended in the car pickup line. Please do not park on Lohmann st. and cross the street in a non-designated crosswalk area. This poses a danger to you and your children. Please follow all traffic laws and be courteous to other drivers. Cooperation from all will ensure a safe and efficient dismissal. Your patience with traffic the first couple of weeks of school is appreciated. There is usually a 50% reduction in parent pick-ups after this time period. Walking/Biking to School - Students are allowed to walk and bike to school. Please review safety precautions with your child. Skateboards are not allowed on campus. TRANSPORTATION School bus service is made available to students who live two or more miles from the assigned school as measured by the shortest route that may be traveled on public roads from the student’s home to his/ her school. This is a state regulation and school district policy. Students must also reside in the district and in the attendance area of the school. If you have any questions as to whether your child is eligible for bus transportation or about a bus route, please contact Mrs. Terri Davis, at the BISD Transportation Department (830) 357-2970. For bus route information: http://www.infofinderi.com/tfi/address.aspx?cid=BI05063838479 BISD BUS RIDER EXPECTATIONS ng. Keep feet, books, instrument cases, and other objects out of the aisle. or legs out of the window, hold any object out of the window, or throw objects within or out of the vehicle. When a student fails to obey these rules, they may lose their riding privilege. If your child does not get off his/her bus as planned, please call Fabra Elementary School immediately at (830) 357-4200. BUS GUEST PROCEDURES Students may be allowed to be a guest on a bus other than their own regular method of transportation but must have permission from a parent. Please send a note to your child’s teacher indicating the bus route and child the student is to travel home with on that day. The office will issue a bus pass to your child. All transportation arrangements should be made prior to the start of the school day. Parents may call the office with bus requests. The child will not be allowed on the bus without a bus pass. Parking All parents, visitors, and volunteers are encouraged to park in the designated parking areas. Note any bus lane signs as well as be mindful of the morning and afterschool flow of traffic. Everyone is reminded that it is illegal to park in a red fire lane. Bike Riders Students who ride their bikes must park them in the bike rack and immediately go to their prescribed areas. Bike riders must walk their bikes while on the school grounds. Students may ride scooters to school but they must walk them on the school grounds. THE NURSE AND THE CLINIC The Boerne Independent School District has established policies that require all students with special health conditions to provide to the school each school year certain information. This information is supplied each school year by the parents for all students who have special health conditions, require medication at school, or have restrictions placed on their participation in the physical education program. These policies have been established for the protection of all students who attend Boerne schools. BISD Clinic Policy For the protection of all students the following rules have been set up and will be followed. A child will be sent home with: 1. Fever 100 degrees or over 2. Suspected contagious disease 3. Vomiting 4. Diarrhea 5. Feels too bad to remain at school If your child has any of the above symptoms in the morning before coming to school, please keep your child at home. Your child should be fever free for 24 hours prior to returning to school. This is for their safety as well as the other students. We have limited facilities for putting your child to bed at school, but only until arrangements can be made for he/she to go home. Any routine procedures that involves bodily fluids, will be performed in the clinic. COMMUNICABLE DISEASES/CONDITIONS See p. 23 in Boerne Independent School District Handbook “To protect other students from contagious illnesses, students infected with certain diseases are not allowed to come to school while contagious. If a parent suspects that his/her child has a communicable or contagious disease, the parent should contact the school nurse or principal so that other students who might have been exposed to the disease can be alerted. The school nurse or the principal will provide information from the Texas Department of Health regarding these diseases.” Medical Release and Emergency Information It is very important that we have current emergency information on every student. Please notify the school when you have a change of address or telephone number (at home or business) and if there is a change in the name of the person to be contacted if you are not available. If your child becomes ill or is injured during the school day, the school nurse will attempt to notify you by telephone. Therefore, it is important that we have accurate work and home telephone numbers of both parents, close relatives, and friends living near the school who may be called if we are unable to reach you. Please be sure the office has all cellular phone numbers. The office should be advised immediately of any changes in this information. Medications All medications brought on campus must be kept in the clinic. For any student who must take a prescription or over-the-counter/non-prescription medication during the school day, the parent must bring a written request signed by both the physician and the parent. The prescription medication must be in its original container and given to the school nurse by the parent. Each over the counter medication must be in its original sealed container. The medication will be dispensed at the proper times in the school clinic. Narcotic pain medication will be administered at school at the school nurse’s discretion. Anabolic steroids, herbals, home remedies, vitamins, and daily supplements of any type will not be administered at school. Medications from outside the United States will not be administered as well as medications prescribed by out of state physicians. Changes in directions for administering a medication can be received via telephone from the prescribing provider, but must be confirmed in writing within 3 days of the change. Food Allergies Any student who suffers from food allergies should contact the school nurse, the classroom teacher, and the cafeteria manager. Visitors Our parents are always welcome to come and observe their children in their classroom after making arrangements with the teacher and/or administration. To maximize instruction time, this includes any time after the bell rings and announcements begin. All parents who walk their child to class before the bell must sign in. Please feel free to have lunch with your child in the cafeteria anytime. If you are coming to visit, please sign in at the office. Anyone who visits the campus must wear a visitor sticker until they sign out and leave the campus. This includes parents who are coming to school to have lunch with their child. Student Visitors are not permitted unless special permission is obtained from the Principal. Meals at School A nutritious, well-balanced breakfast and lunch which have met federal guidelines are available each day at school. School meals are designed to meet the requirements of growing children while taking into account their food preferences and the need to decrease fat and sodium intake. The daily cost for a student lunch is $3.30 and $2.30 for breakfast. Chocolate, and low-fat milk may be purchased for $.50 per carton for those bringing lunches. Meals are to be paid for in advance or on the day they are eaten. You may pay in advance with a check made out to Boerne Independent School District (BISD), by cash. You may send money daily with your child or bring it in person any morning in the cafeteria. You may restrict use of any funds by your child to lunches only, milk only, breakfast only, or any meal fees. You will also get a note home indicating any charges owed to the cafeteria. Charging is discouraged but sometimes circumstances warrant a charge. The cafeteria will honor 5 charges. After that the student will receive a cheese sandwich and water for lunch. Please try to avoid charges. Menus are sent home at the beginning of each month. Parents are welcome to eat lunch with us. Please notify your child’s teacher by 9:00 a.m. on the day you wish to join us for lunch. Free meals and meals at reduced prices are available to children of families meeting federal income guidelines. Application forms are sent home at the start of school and are available throughout the year. www.boerne-isd.net Click Departments Click Food Service Menu Information, Free/Reduced Meals Information & Lunch Money Now Birthdays The Department of Agriculture has implemented guidelines for Child Nutrition Programs. Birthday parties are not allowed at school. However, if you wish to provide a special snack such as cupcakes or cookies for your child’s class in honor of their birthday, they may consume this treat after the last lunch period ends. At Fabra, all birthday snacks will be given at the end of the school day. We do not want such snacks to replace a nutritious lunch. Arrangements must be made with your child’s teacher before bringing food to the classroom. Flowers and balloons are not to be sent to the school for delivery for any student. Invitations Teachers or students may not pass out invitations to select children. Either all the class must receive one or all the boys or all the girls must receive one. Food at School: Texas Public School Nutrition Policy for Elementary Schools BISD follows Texas Public School nutrition policy guidelines available at http://www.squaremeals.com/. The school may not provide Foods of Minimal Nutritional Value (FMNV) to students at any time during the school day. FMNV are items such as, soda water, chewing gum, water ices, candies, cupcakes, cookies, chocolate, ice cream, etc… Food from Home This policy does not restrict the types of food that parents may provide for their own child’s consumption at school. DO NOT BRING ANY FOOD ITEMS, EXCEPT FOR YOUR OWN CHILD, TO THE CAFETERIA. With exception of school parties held after the last period of lunch, pizza or other alternative meals may not be provided to students in competition with meals available by the school food service dept. Exemptions School Nurses: This policy does not apply to school nurses using FMNV or candy during the course of providing health care to individual students. Accommodating Students with Special needs. Students may be given FMNV or candy items during the school day for up to three different events each school year to be designated by the Principal. Field Trips-School-approved field trips are exempt from the nutrition policy. School teachers may use food for instructional purposes as long as the food is not considered FMNVs or candy. Classroom snacks: One nutritious snack per day under the teacher’s guidance may be provided by the school food service, the teacher, parents, or other groups and should be at no cost to the students. Students may bring daily snacks from home. At Fabra we encourage foods such as granola, fruit, drinkable yogurt and ask that students avoid snacks high in sugar and fat. Drinks should be clear, caffeine-free, and non-carbonated. Water bottles are encouraged. Events There will be three designated school events for the school year. Current events include Winter Parties, and End of the Year Parties. Parties are celebrated in the child’s classroom and are coordinated by the Teacher and Home Room Parents. Balloons are not allowed at school. STAAR (State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness) Grades 3–8 In addition to routine tests and other measures of achievement, students at certain grade levels will take state-mandated assessments, such as the STAAR, in the following subjects: –8 –8 Successful performance on the reading and math assessments in grades 5 and 8 is required by law, unless the student is enrolled in a reading or math course intended for students above the student’s current grade level, in order for the student to be promoted to the next grade level. 2015-2016 STAAR testing dates are: Tuesday, Wednesday, March 29th March 30th th 4 – Writing (Day 1) 4th – Writing (Day 2) th 5 – Math 5th – Reading Monday, May 9th 3rd – Math 4th – Math 5th – Math (retest) Tuesday, May 10th 3rd – Reading 4th – Reading 5th – Reading (retest) Teacher Conferences/Communication All parents are requested to attend a conference close to the end of the first nine weeks of school. Parents are encouraged to ask for conferences throughout the school year as questions or concerns arise. A parent or teacher may request conferences any time during the school year, however, these conferences must be pre-scheduled. The teacher cannot be expected to stop instruction of their class when a parent happens to come by unexpectedly. Also, faculty meetings, PLC meetings, and team leader meetings are scheduled on Tuesdays after school and it is very important that the full staff attend. If you drop by, you may find that the teacher cannot speak with you at that time. Conferences must be face to face when discipline or behavior problems are persistent or of a serious nature. Any classroom concerns should be first addressed with your child’s teacher. Often times, miscommunication occurs and a personal meeting allows for clarification of the incident or issue. If the matter cannot be resolved at that level, please call the Principal or Vice Principal. If you have not had a meeting with the teacher the office will refer you back to them to complete that step. Newsletters, School Connect, Parent Portal Our teachers maintain classroom webpages informing parents of class news, homework, and upcoming events. A teacher’s voicemail will always be updated with the week’s unit, homework, and any important message. In addition, our school website has a good source of information, including how to sign up for the School Connect App, txConnect, and a direct link to PTO. We encourage you to sign up to School Connect, txConnect, and check our school and campus website. A monthly newsletter will also be sent to our school community. Please ensure that we have an updated email on file. Contacting Your Child’s Teacher You may contact your child’s teacher by sending a note either through your child or through the office. Teachers may also be contacted by telephone or email during the day. Teachers listen to their voicemail or check their email during their conference period or at the end of the school day. They should be able to return calls during their conference period or at the end of the day. If it is an emergency situation, please call the office and they will immediately put you in touch with the teacher. Valuables/Money: We ask that students keep valuables at home. Many times a necklace, ring, or earring is lost on the playground and never seen again. Money or valued possessions brought to school are the responsibility of the student. Teachers are not responsible for loss or damage. Lost and Found Items: A “Lost and Found” for lunch boxes and coats is found on the stage of the cafeteria. Label with marker all lunches, book bags, notebooks, balls, removable clothing (caps, jackets, sweaters, gloves, etc.) and supplies which personally belong to your child for easy identification. Valuable and small items are kept in the office. If your child is missing an item and cannot locate it in the lost and found, please have them check in the office. Every effort is made to return found items to the student. Periodically, all unclaimed items are donated to Family Services or other organizations. Toys/Gadgets/Dangerous Weapons Toys may not be brought to school. Your child is always encouraged to bring books to read (electronic readers are acceptable for reading only). No one may bring a weapon or toy item associated with weapons for any reason anytime. Fireworks, firecrackers, or poppers may never be brought to school. Boy Scouts may not bring their Boy Scouts knives to school. Water guns may not be brought to school. Students who bring weapons to school will be subject to serious disciplinary consequences. Gum Fabra Elementary has a NO GUM policy on campus before, during, or after school. Students chewing gum in class or in any common areas will be subject to a Level I intervention. (See Student Discipline). Cell Phones and Mobile Devices Cell phones brought to school for safety reasons (before & after school) with parent/principal permission may be kept in backpacks and turned off during the school day. If a student uses an electronics device without authorization during the school day, it will be confiscated. The following hierarchy of consequences is imposed based upon the first, second, third, and subsequent offenses (see Student Handbook, page 32): calendar days and until the fine is cleared; and the parent collects the telecommunications device. calendar days and until the fine is cleared; and the parent collects the telecommunications device. quent offense(s): The telecommunications device is held in the office until the end of the school year and the parent collects the telecommunications device. Confiscated telecommunications devices that are not retrieved by the student or student’s parents will be disposed of after the notice required by law. [See policy FNCE.] Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) In some cases teachers may encourage students to use electronic devices for instructional purposes while on campus. Students must obtain prior approval before using electronic devices and must adhere to the BYOD Responsible Use Policy on page 64 of the Student Handbook (http://www.boerneisd.net/uploaded/administration/curriculum/tucker/20132014_Student_Handbook_for_English_Reproduction_LT_10-29-13.pdf). When students are not using electronic devices for approved instructional purposes, all devices must be turned off. Violations of the user agreement may result in withdrawal of privileges and other disciplinary action. The school is not liable for lost or stolen electronic devices. Student Telephone Usage A telephone for student use is located in each classroom. There is also a telephone in the office that students can use. This telephone is to be used for emergencies only. Students must have a pass from their teacher to use the phone in the office. CELL PHONES MUST BE TURNED OFF AND KEPT IN BACKPACKS DURING THE INSTRUCTIONAL DAY. Student Dress Code Research has indicated that student behavior is influenced by student dress and grooming. Consequently, student grooming is the proper concern of school administrators and teachers. In order to help ensure proper and acceptable behavior on the part of the student, it becomes necessary to establish certain guidelines to aid parents and students in selecting proper attire for school wear. We recognize that parents bear the responsibility for setting standards for their children’s dress and grooming. Fabra Elementary conforms to the BISD dress code for all students (see page 30-31 of the Student Handbook). Students shall come to school clean and wearing clothing that will not be a health or safety hazard to the student or others. The district prohibits pictures, emblems, or writing on clothing that are lewd, offensive, vulgar, or obscene and prohibits any clothing or grooming that, in the principal’s judgment, may reasonably be expected to cause disruption of or interference with normal school operations. If in judgment of the principal, any mode of dress or appearance detracts from the learning climate, it is the principal’s responsibility to take immediate corrective action. All Students Must not wear or display advertisements, emblems, patches, pictures, slogans, and writing on skin or clothing, accessories, and other personal items that: Are lewd, obscene, offensive, suggestive, vulgar, or promote violence. Advertise or depict alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, drugs, or other prohibited substances. Must wear appropriate footwear at all times. House slippers/house shoes and steel-toed shoes are not allowed. Must not wear spiked-type jewelry, clothing chains, or wallet chains. Must not wear jeans or pants with excessive holes anywhere as determined by administrators and no holes permitted above fingertip level, or pants that are baggy, excessively long or wide, or worn below the hip level as determined by the administrator. Students wearing excessively tight pants, shirts, or revealing outfits in general as determined by the administrator are not permitted. Must not wear pajama-type clothing during the year, no matter if it’s STAAR testing. Must not wear “cut-off” or ragged/frayed skirts, shorts, jeans, or pants. Ends must be hemmed or stitched. Must not have unnatural extremes, unnatural highlights, or unnatural streaks in hair color or style such as hair dyed green, red, blue, orange, etc. Must not have Mohawks, fauxhawks, wigs, or insignias or extremes shaved into the scalp. Must not wear hats, bandanas, caps, or other headgear during the school day and never inside the building. Must not wear long trench coats in the school building during the school day. Boys must have hair that is clean, well-groomed, does not bring undue attention or distraction, and does not extend beyond the base of the neck. *Hair below the eyebrows covering the eyes or face would be considered not well-groomed and a distraction and would need to be cut. Must not wear pierced-typed jewelry of any kind nor cover pierced ear lobes or any piercing with band-aids before, during, or after school while on campus. PUBLIC INFORMATION Regarding student records, federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and state law, require that “directory information” on children be released by the District to anyone who requests it unless a parent objects in writing to the release of any or all of this information. This objection must be filed with the principal within 10 school days of your child’s first day of instruction for this school year. Please see form in the packet given out at the beginning of each school year. For detailed information see the Student Handbook, page 8-11. Student Conduct and Discipline - Standards for Student Conduct Each Fabra Elementary student is expected to: • Demonstrate courtesy, even when others do not. • Behave in a responsible manner, always exercising self-discipline. • Attend all classes, regularly and on time. • Prepare for each class; take appropriate materials and assignments to class. • Meet district and campus standards of grooming and dress. • Follow all campus and classroom rules. • Respect the rights and privileges of students, teachers, and other district staff and volunteers. • Respect the property of others, including district property and facilities. • Cooperate with and assist the school staff in maintaining safety, order, and discipline. • Adhere to the requirements of the District Student Code of Conduct. Discipline Discipline will be designed to improve conduct and to encourage students to adhere to their responsibilities as members of the school community. Disciplinary action will draw on the professional judgment of teachers and administrators and on a range of discipline management techniques. Discipline will be correlated to the seriousness of the offense, the student’s age and grade level, the frequency of misbehavior, the student’s attitude, the effect of the misconduct on the school environment, and statutory requirements. Fabra Elementary Discipline Procedures 1. Teacher’s Classroom Management Plan. Each teacher maintains a classroom management system with in class interventions. This may include demerits, seat change, teacher conference, etc. Most level 1 offenses are handled in class. This includes talking out of turn, not being in your seat, running in the hallway, etc. 2. Documented Offense System. If after in class interventions the student continues to be disruptive, they will be assigned a documented offense. - 1st Documented Offense – Teacher conference with student. Note sent home - 2nd Documented Offense- Phone call home - 3rd Documented Offense- Office Referral - 4th Documented Offense- Office Referral - 5th Documented Offense- Office Referral/Restorative Team Meeting Office Referral - All disciplinary action that requires intervention by a campus administrator is to be recorded on a “Code of Conduct Incident Report” (Office Referral) form. The student, referring teacher, school office, and parent will receive a copy of the referral once a campus administrator has assigned consequences. Any student that receives 3 documented offenses for a level 1 offense, or commits a level 2 or 3 offense (fighting, use of profanity, damaging school property) will be given an office referral with a consequence assigned. Our goal with discipline at Fabra Elementary is for students to have an opportunity to reflect and understand how their actions affect them and others. Please refer to the district’s code of conduct to review possible interventions which include withdrawal of privileges, detention, ISS, Saturday School, campus service, amongst others. 3. Upon the student’s 5th documented offense or 3rd referral, a support team meeting will be held. Teachers, parents, counselor and administrators will be invited to the meeting. Purpose of the meeting will be to give the student an opportunity to review their behaviors and work with those present to create a behavior contract. Grading Fabra Elementary follows district grading standards summarized below. GRADING STANDARDS for BISD Content 2015-2016 SCIENCE 2nd, 3rd & 4th 5th SOCIAL STUDIES 2nd, 3rd & 4th 5th MATH 2nd 3rd 4th 5th READING/LANGUAGE ARTS Weighted Value Tests 25% Daily 75% Tests 35% Daily 65% Weighted Value Tests 25% Daily 75% Tests 35% Daily 65% Weighted Value Tests 30% Daily/Quizzes 50% Homework 20% Tests 35% Daily/Quizzes 45% Homework 20% Tests 40% Daily/Quizzes 40% Homework 20% Tests 45% Daily/Quizzes 35% Homework 20% Weighted Value Minimum Number 2 5 2 6 Minimum Number 2 4 2 6 Minimum Number 2 8 3 2 8 3 2 8 3 2 8 3 Minimum Number 2nd Reading Writing Skills & Compositions Spelling 3rd Reading & Writing Reading & Writing Skills Vocabulary & Spelling 4th & 5th LANGUAGE ARTS Process Writing, Exams & Projects Writing & Grammar Skills Spelling 4th & 5th READING Unit Exams, Projects & Genre Studies Reading Skills Vocabulary 60% 30% 10% 4 5 4 50% 30% 20% 4 5 4 30% 60% 10% 2 5 3 40% 40% 20% 2 5 3 Emergency Drills To practice safety and security, emergency drills will be held once per month without warning. Below are our safety drills. Silent Fire Drill/Evacuation Inclement Weather Shelter in Place / Lockdown No Bells Evacuation Request/Reunion – In the event of a real emergency and students released, request/reunion station will be established in the front office or elsewhere depending on the emergency. Request and reunion procedures will be communicated by district officials via our Website, Twitter, and News Outlets. Counselor The school counselor’s role is to maximize student success. Our school counselor is available to help address all students’ academic, personal and social needs. Communication: Monthly Newsletter: A monthly newsletter will be sent out to our Fabra families School Way: Our callout and app communication tool. Teacher websites – www.boerne-isd.net /fabra Voicemail - Weekly teacher voicemail greeting with the week’s unit and homework. Fabra Elementary School Library The mission of the Fabra Elementary School Library is to inform, enrich, and empower every student by supporting and enhancing teaching, learning, reading and research. Fabra Library incorporates curriculum, technology and an educated staff to provide an environment where lifelong learning habits and love of reading are encouraged and where students are enabled to retrieve, evaluate, and utilize information. To accomplish our mission, the Fabra Library will: Provide services that foster student success and enrich student learning; Collaborate with faculty to develop critical thinking and information literacy skills that empower students to effectively find, use and evaluate information; Provide reference and instructional services that enable students and faculty to effectively access and use information and technology; Provide timely, accurate and individualized services and resources to help students and faculty meet academic goals. Services The library staff is here to assist our patrons. Some (but not all!) of our services include: Helping patrons locate reading and research materials. Promoting reading for learning and pleasure. Gathering materials for a unit of study. Creating a bibliography for a unit of study, including online resources. Teaching the use of BISD online resources and technology. Teach research skills and other information literacy skills. Promote Award-winning books, specific genres and other topics. Schedule The library at Fabra is an “open” library which means that library materials and services are available to teachers, staff, students, parents, and community members during the school day. Our staff is ready to assist our patrons with all of their reading and research needs. We also have scheduled classes throughout the day. Each classroom comes to the library each week for 30 minutes. Circulation Policies Students Kindergarten and 1st grade students may check out 1 book per visit. 2nd-5th grade students are allowed to check out 2 books per visit. If a student has an overdue book, he/she may not check out a new book again until all books have been returned or paid for. Students are also allowed to come on an individual basis, with permission from their teacher, to return, renew, and/or check out new books as needed.