NPHS Newsletter - April 2015 - Northland Pines School District


NPHS Newsletter - April 2015 - Northland Pines School District
NPHS Newsletter - April 2015
ASPIRE Testing - Round 2
By Mr. Brewer
Round 2
No, I am not referring to the Mayweather vs.
Pacquiao fight. I am referencing the second
round of ACT Aspire testing. In compliance with
the 2011 Assembly Bill 40 Act 20 and the 201315 biennial state budget, all 9th and 10th grade
students will undergo a total of five days of testing. ACT Aspire is an online assessment which
assesses students’ readiness in English, math,
reading, science, and writing. On April 28th and
29th, all sophomores will test in the morning and
freshmen will test in the afternoon. May 5th and
6th will see a reversal of that order, where freshmen will be in the morning and sophomores will
test in the afternoon. Both grades will complete
the writing portion of the Aspire assessment in
their respective English class.
I would recommend that students, parents and
guardians visit the ACT Aspire website: You will be able to
Dress Code Reminder
access sample test questions for all grades and subjects. An example of a question that is used on the
Aspire is as follows:
A student thinks that the sum of 4.3 and 8.4 is 12.7
because 4 + 8 = 12 and 3 + 4 = 7.
The student then adds 3.7 and 2.6 and gets
5.13 because 3 + 2 = 5 and 6 + 7 = 13. Identify
the mistake in the student’s procedure, and explain why this procedure won’t always work.
I would also recommend that students, parents and
guardians visit the Wisconsin Department of Instruction website:
ACT . Here you will find a plethora of information regarding the ACT Suite of assessments. Please encourage your student to look at those resources and
do their best on these assessments.
From Mr. Marien
As spring arrives and temperatures rise I would like to take the time to remind our students and parents about our dress code. The specifics can be found in our student handbook on page 28 if you are unsure about anything. Students need to be comfortable while also not taking away from the learning
environment. The person wearing the questionable clothing may be able to focus and continue their
learning, but their dress may affect other students in the classroom from being able to focus on their
school work. For the most part, our students do wear the appropriate clothing to school. When students do not wear appropriate clothing they are either sent to the office or called to the office, depending on who notices their questionable attire. Once in the office the student will most likely be given
something to wear to cover up the area that isn’t covered appropriately. The
clothing that is given to students to wear may not meet current popular fashions,
Northland Pines
but students will still be instructed to wear them regardless of this fact. If the
High School
school doesn’t have anything to wear, we will call home and ask parents to bring
1800 Pleasure Island Rd.
something in for their child to wear. We truly hope these circumstances do not
arise, but if they do we will handle it as soon as we hear about the dress code vio- Eagle River, WI 54521
lation. As always I appreciate the hard work and dedication that is shown on a
Phone 715-479-4473
daily basis by our staff and student body. GO EAGLES!!
News from the Counselors
As the school year is winding down, we in the Guidance Office are winding up! Scholarship and
Awards night is coming quickly on May 4th at 6:30
pm in the NPHS Auditorium. We anticipate another
successful night with students receiving generous
gifts from our community members and organizations. We are very fortunate and thankful for the
communities’ generosity in assisting our college
bound students.
Scheduling is in progress as well. We are working
furiously to create a master schedule which accommodates the majority of students and their requests.
It is our plan that schedules will be in the students’
hands by late May, so they can be ready for next
Spring testing is also on our minds. The 9th grade
students and the 10th grade students will be partici-
pating in the ACT Aspire testing. This test will evaluate skills in English, Reading, Math, Science Reasoning and Writing. Test dates are April 28 and 29, and
May 5 and May 6. This computer based test is required by the Department of Public Instruction and all
students are expected to be here and ready to do
their best!! Please make sure students are well rested and well fed!!
Advanced Placement (AP) Testing will also take
place in May. Students participating in the AP program will be given thier subject test on a nationally
scheduled date. The scores range from 1-5, with 5
being the best. Students will have access to their
scores and are responsible for sending their scores
to the college of their choice. We no longer get individual test results and cannot assist students in sending scores.
Good luck to all students in our testing programs and
on Scholarship and Awards night!!
The 12th Annual Earth Day Community Service Project
The past three years have seen
Northland Pines HS push it’s annual service project back into
May. Last year’s May 28th date
was a challenge as staff worked
to avoid disruption to AP testing,
senior schedules, and preparations for final exams. To better
accommodate the end of year
rush, organizers have opted for a
date in the middle of May for this
year’s project. The 2015 Annual
Earth Day Community Service
Project will be held on Wednesday, May 13th.
This year the High School will celebrate the 12th year students and
staff have gone out into communities within the school district and
performed clean-up projects: for
organizations and individuals. The
Science Department organizes
and spearheads the project, each
team of students has a National
Honor Society team leader and
one or more high school staff
member help and supervise at the
various sites. So when you see
busses criss-cross the district as
students learn and help outside of
their classroom walls, know that
the student body of the high
school is hard at work to assist
your neighbors and communities
in a small but powerful way.
Organizations that have benefitted from the efforts of students in
the past include parks, libraries
and town hall grounds in St. Germain, Star Lake, Sayner, Plum
Lake, Conover, Land O'
Lakes, and Eagle River. Each
year a number of people rely on
the services provided by the high
school and at last count over 45
private yards are on the list to receive clean-up services this year.
When organizers didn’t start contacting residents until mid April
some were alarmed-
“I was worried
that I missed
the clean up
day, because
you hadn’t
called and with
all of the snow I
just wasn’t sure
if it would happen this year.
I’m glad it’s still
a project the
school supports.”
– Eagle River
The bussing schedule is near max
capacity and anyone not already
signed up for this service may be
placed on a hold list. This would
mean that you’d be placed on the
schedule, but the teams may not
make it to your location this year.
For more information or to be
placed on the list for next year,
please contact Ann Perry
(Northland Pines High School Science Teacher) at (715) 4794473 x0402.
AP Test Takers in Math!
-NPHS Math Department
The Department of Vocational Rehabilitation
Many laws are changing the way agencies who provide services for people with disabilities
service those individuals. One agency seeing these changes is the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation. Their mission is to assist people with disabilities find and keep jobs. Below is a list of things
you should know about DVR:
 DVR is here to help you get a job.
 You (or your child) are eligible for DVR services if you have, or your child has, a disability that makes
it hard for you or them to find or keep a job and there is a need DVR services to deal with disabling
 Information about DVR cases is protected by confidentiality rules.
 When DVR cannot serve everyone who applies, they use a waiting list. If you are put on the DVR
waiting list, DVR will contact you to begin services. The good news is that there are openings at this time
and no names on waiting lists!
 Clients can choose their job goal and the services they need to reach their job goal. DVR provides
help and support in making informed choices and in developing an employment plan.
 There is no charge for most DVR services.
 Even if someone has a job, DVR may be able to help them find a better job.
 DVR will start working with students to help them be ready to work when they are done with school.
 Pre-employment transition services DVR can provide include:
job exploration counseling
work-based learning experiences
counseling on opportunities for transition or post-secondary educational/higher education
workplace readiness training to develop social skills and independent living
instruction in self-advocacy, which may include peer mentoring.
If you would like more information on DVR, please contact Pupil services or special education staff. You may
also contact Kim Nolan at (715) 365-2607 or visit their website ( for more information.
4 Books to Read BEFORE
You see the Movie
Spring is (FINALLY) here and what better way to start Spring 2015 than reading a couple great books BEFORE
you watch the movie. Here are a few of the books that you should read before seeing the movies….
Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
A circus known as Le Cirque des Reves features two illusionists, Celia and Marco, who are
unknowingly competing in a game to which they have been irrevocably bound by their
mercurial masters, and as the two fall deeply and passionately in love with each other,
their masters intervene with dangerous consequences.
Release Date: TBD
The Scorch Trials by James Dashner
Sequel to: The Maze Runner. Thomas and the Gladers, having solved the Maze, plan on
returning to their lives, but instead find the earth a wasteland with Cranks roaming the
desert in search of their next meal and they are faced with the challenge of crossing
the Scorch in two weeks in order to arrive at a safe haven.
Release Date: September 18, 2015
Insurgent by Veronica Roth
Sequel to: Divergent; first published in 2012. Tris Prior survives the Erudite simulation
attacks that occur during the time she expected to be celebrating her achievement of being ranked first among the initiate class of her chosen faction, Dauntless. Even though the
Dauntless have been freed from Erudite mind control, a war develops and secrets emerge.
Release Date: March 20, 2015
Paper Towns by John Green
One month before graduating from his Central Frida high school, Quentin "Q" Jacobsen
basks in the predictable boringness of his life until the beautiful and exciting Margo Roth
Spiegelman, Q's neighbor and classmate, takes him on a midnight adventure and then
mysteriously disappears.
Release Date: July 24, 2015
We all know that the books are always way better than the movie, so before you head out to watch the
movie stop by the High School LMC and check them out.
SENIORS: Please turn in a baby picture via email to either Arianna Will or Emily Saltenberger by
June 1st. If easier, you can also turn in an actual picture to the office. We need everyone's picture
for this to work. Graduation is right around the corner!
Chromebook Turn-In 2015
As April comes to a close and we move into the
final full month of the school year, I want to remind
students and parents about the turn-in of District
owned Chromebooks and inform you about the
check-in process and evaluation.
Students in grades 9-12 at Northland Pines High
School were given the opportunity to use a Samsung Chromebook from the District or to opt out of
the program and use an acceptable personal device. If you chose to use a District device, we will
collect it at the end of the year, evaluate the condition and assess any damages that are above and
beyond normal wear and tear.
Examples of items that are subject to charge:
Broken screen, cracked plastic, broken headphone
jack, or missing parts.
Examples of normal wear and tear:
Scratches on the surface, stickers or skins, missing
SD card slot cover
Seniors need to have their Chromebooks turned in
before 3:30 pm on June 3rd. The rest of the students
need to turn their devices in by 3:30 on June 10. Any
student who does not turn in the device will be
charged a $250 replacement fee. We place high importance on making this tool available for all aspects
of education and are committed to allowing students
to keep the device until after their last final of the
If you or your child are concerned with excessive
fines for the condition of a Chromebook, please feel
free to contact Chromebook Central for an evaluation
of damages and estimate of charges. The device will
be evaluated and an estimate sheet will be given to
the student for reference. This sheet is an estimate
only and does not reflect additional damages that
may occur before the end of the year.
NPHS World Languages Clubs Have Amazing Opportunities for
Students to Travel Abroad!
Planning Ahead:
Costa Rica Trip Spring 2016
Imagine your student spending his/her next spring recess as a global citizen in Costa Rica, being
immersed in the Spanish language, making life-long connections with a host family, experiencing
the tico culture, sampling and learning to prepare authentic cuisine. Now envision luscious green
vegetation, warm tropical sunshine: the opportunity to stay in a tropical rainforest lodge, relax in
natural thermal springs from an active volcano, tour a pineapple plantation, gain first-hand
knowledge about the coffee cultivation process, learn to dance the salsa and more! This is an
amazing, once in a lifetime experience! If your student will be a Junior or Senior in/during the
2015-2016 School Year in Spanish II or higher, and in good academic standing, he/she is eligible
to join us! We held an informational meeting on Monday, April 13th and we will hold a second
informational meeting on Monday, April 20th. Initial payment will be due May 1st. Eligible students can still sign up and be part of the fundraising events this summer. Please contact Señora
Weber ASAP at to sign up for the Costa Rica Trip 2016.
Planning ahead: Germany Trip Spring 2016
Germany! Austria! Switzerland! Oh my!
Achtung! Have you ever wanted to be a world traveler? Use your
language skills in the real world? Reach the top of the Swiss Alps?
Tour famous fairy tale castles? Well then, join us for the next trip to
Germany, Austria and Switzerland! Students who will have completed or are in the process of completing German 2 by Spring 2016 are
eligible to travel. Fundraising starts soon! See Frau Stuber (or email
at for more details and watch announcements for trip meetings.
Dear Parents:
NPSD’s Food Service is conducting a survey, and we need your help! Please go to the
attached link and provide us with your feedback. It will take only a few minutes and provide us
with important information as we prepare for next school year.
Please take the survey by April 30th.
Thank you for your time!
Maggie Bishop
Food Service Director
Northland Pines
Focus on Foods
Students have been working on refining their organization, measuring
and preparation skills, and finishing up with a look at the key nutrients,
carbohydrates and fats. Students prepared a pasta dish
for the carbohydrates where they needed to pre-measure
all the needed ingredients and then follow the recipe to
create the food. For the fats they made a delectable
cheeseburger with homemade potato chips. Next we will
be taking a look at the MyPlate dietary guide to create balanced and quick meals.
Child Development
Students have been busy in child development. They took a look at infant nutrition, finding and making
homemade baby food, along sampling it. They needed to make a list of
needed food, find the prices of these foods and compare it with store
bought baby food. Baby food creations were chicken and banana, mixed
mango tango, yummy avocado fruit salad, and yum yum pumpkin. Next,
students had the opportunity to hear from New Beginnings Day Care owner and director, Mrs. Janet Duening. She came in to talk to
the students about what it is like to own and run a daycare.
She shared a number of areas she has had to deal with
from what it took to find and buy a facility, as well as needed permits and legal papers to develop. She talked about
what is needed to purchase in regards to furnishings and
toys in each room, as well as having a balanced menu plan.
She informed students she will only hire certified teachers and those who
want to be there to do a good job and, hopefully, make a difference in children’s lives. She is open to having student volunteers come and help out in
the infant room to see and get a feel of what working in a day care would be
like, and dealing with different infant needs. We have now started to take a
look at the toddler stage of child development. We had Mrs. Husing come in
with her 18 month old daughter to talk about having a toddler in the house
and what has been some of the changes she has seen in her daughter. She also shared information on
healthy eating for a toddler.
Advanced Foods
Students took a field trip to Nicolet College on March 18th to participate in their Culinary Arts Open House. Students had the opportunity to talk with current students and observe, as well as even
try some of the techniques being demonstrated and sample foods
created. They got a tour of the kitchen facility, as well as the campus. Students brought back the experience to the class to plan,
use a technique, and prepare a food they were introduced to.
Some of their choices were mini pizza with homemade sauce, bacon wrapped dates made to look like a rose, Bananas Foster dessert, and
decorated chocolate dipped strawberries. It was a great learning experience for everyone.
March - Youth Art Month
The annual Youth Art Month show at the Walter E.
Olson Memorial Library took place during the month
of March and showcased some great work from
NPHS students. Across the United States during the
month of March there are shows and festivities that
take place to celebrate the visual arts for grades K12. Youth art month emphasizes the value of art education for all children, encourages support for quality school art programs, and promotes art material
safety. In addition, Youth Art Month provides a forum for recognizing the skills developed through the
visual arts experience that are not possible in other
curriculum subjects. On the right are some student
pieces from the Youth Art Month library show.
May –NPHS Art Show
On May 11th from 5:00pm to 7:00pm there will be
an opening reception for the Northland Pines High
School art show. All students who were part of the
art program this year will have at least one
piece of work on display. This is a great opportunity to come and see and support the accomplishments of the NPHS art students.
MONDAY MAY 11TH 5:00—7:00 pm
High School LGI
Students In PE Take A Swing At Golf With Golf Pro Howard Manske
Recently, students in Mr. Rhode’s and Mrs. Schroeder’s Physical Education classes participated in a
collaborative effort with the PGA golf in schools program. Local golf pro Howard Manske and NPHS golf
coach Dick Hughes helped students over a week long unit. The goal was to introduce students to the game
of golf and the valuable life skills it teaches.
Students learned the basics of proper grip and swing mechanics and then put them to practice.
Safety was stressed and the students were provided lessons and instruction on chipping, putting, and the
full swinging motion. Each class was able to practice alongside qualified instructors and a lot of improvement was achieved.
The bigger lessons in the unit included the value of the lifelong lessons that can be learned and emphasized while playing golf. One of the attractions to the game of golf is a tradition of integrity, courtesy, respect, and sportsmanship. Northland Pines students were introduced to this great sport and had the opportunity to reinforce these values. We hope this lesson will lead them down a path to participate in a sport that
can be enjoyed for a lifetime!
An Update from Student Council
The Student Council has had a very busy spring so far! In March, we successfully organized the very first
Adventure Day; an event in which all students and staff got to go out and about to different locations in the
state and community. Some students went to Green Bay to visit the Neville Museum and Lambeau Field.
Some went to a waterpark in Wisconsin Dells. Others went skiing and snowboarding, or snowshoeing, or
bowling, or stayed at school to climb the rock wall facility. It was a great way to spread school spirit and relieve the winter blues, and students and staff alike had a nice day.
We also worked on the Prom Dress Sale in April. People could donate used dresses, and students could
buy them at very reasonable prices. It is a good event to help those who might need a dress or give a dress.
Upcoming events include Staff Appreciation week, which is the first week in May. Plans are in the works for
a fabulous week to show how much we appreciate the staff at NPHS. We can't tell you what it is,'s a secret! We are also working on recruiting incoming freshmen (current eighth graders) for next
year's Student Council.
Girl's Summer Basketball camp is to be held on July 22 - 24 from 9:00 am - noon each day.
Information about the camp can be found on the district website under athletics tab - Winter
Sports- Girls Basektball
On Tuesday, April 7th, seven Northland
Pines High School students attended the annual
Nicolet Area Technical College Welding Competition. This is an event that is very much looked forward to by our students and they take the opportunity to represent Pines very seriously. The competition is a multiple day event, with each school
bringing their “Preliminary Round” welders during
the week of April 6-10. Each welder chooses the
MIG or SMAW welding process and makes T-Joint
welds in 4 different positions. In all there were 11
schools and around 75 individual welders. After the
Preliminary Round the judges determined the top
20 welders and 5 alternates. Representing Northland Pines was Tyler Staege, Hans Luebke, Drake
Schneider, Jacob Czarapata, Matt Daring, Mike
John, and Aaron Ewert. Hans Luebke advanced to
the Final Round, as well
as Drake Schneider as
an alternate.
Jacob Czarapata welding in the
Preliminary Round.
Friday, April 17th, brought on the Final
Round. The day started with a written exam. The
written exam is fairly difficult, with a wide variety of
questions on many different aspects of welding, and
is used as a tiebreaker for the hands-on portion of
the competition. Competitors are then issued several
pieces of steel and a weld print showing how the
pieces go together and what type of welds are supposed to go where. In all, it is a challenging endeavour. Unfortunately, Drake didn’t get to compete as
the first 20 finalists were all able to be there. Hans
Luebke gave it a great effort, but didn’t crack the top
10. All of the Pines welders had a good time and
learned a great deal about welding at this event.
We’ll continue to work over the next year to be ready
for the 2016 competitions.
Hans Luebke and Drake Schneider advanced to the Final Round
of the Nicolet Welding Competition.
English I By Mary Wait
Students in English I have just
completed a unit focusing on Societal Change and Evolution.
Freshmen students chose novels
from a variety of titles varying
from Fahrenheit 451 by Ray
Bradbury, The Hot Zone by Richard Preston, Killer Angels by Michael Shaara , The Lord of the
Flies by William Golding, The Ab-
solutely True Diary of a PartTime Indian by Sherman Alexie,
and Flowers for Algernon by
Daniel Keyes. While reading the
novels, students participated in
Literature Circles in which they
discussed the plot, characters
and theme of Societal Change
and Evolution. Upon completion
of their reading, students con-
nected the novels to their lives by
identifying topics generated by
the novels that impacted their
lives.Students ended the unit by
writing letters based on one of
those topics to a public official in
order to influence change.
A Note from the Music Department
This month, the Music Department is gearing up for their busy spring concert season. First, students in the
Concert Band, Chorale, and A Cappella Choir performed for three adjudicators at WSMA Large Group Festival on Wednesday, April 22nd. Other performing groups included the Tomahawk High School Choirs,
Tomahawk 8th Grade Choir, Mercer Middle School Band, Merrill High School Bands, and Prairie River Middle School Band.
The Music Boosters are sponsoring one last fundraiser to help students raise money for next year’s New
York trip. The Club’s Choice Pizza Fundraiser ended Thursday, April 23rd. Products will come in on May
11th and be available for pick-up after the Spring Concert that evening. Funds raised will go directly into
students’ ISAs, or Individual Student Accounts, to pay for their trip.
Students in Band and Choir are preparing to perform at State Solo/Ensemble on Saturday, May 2nd. This
event will be held at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. These students received a top rating of *1st
at our District Solo/Ensemble Festival on March 14th. Good luck to these students as they represent NPHS!
The Spring Band/Choir Concert is also coming up on Monday, May 11th at 7:00 pm in the NPHS Auditorium. The theme of this season’s concert is “renewal”; the literature will focus on different stories of renewal,
rebirth, and rejuvenation. At this concert, our Seniors will be recognized along with scholarship and major
award winners for the year. These awards include the John Philip Sousa Award, Patrick Gilmore Award,
Louis Armstrong Jazz Award, Woody Herman Jazz Award, National School Choral Award, Fred Waring Director’s Award, and Music Booster Senior Scholarship.
Lastly, this year’s Cabaret Concert will be held Friday, May 30th at 6:00 pm in the NPHS Commons. Our
generous local businesses and families are donating a wide variety of products and gift certificates to be
arranged into raffle baskets. Major prizes include two 16 GB HD Kindle Fires complete with stands, donated by Headwaters Council for the Performing Arts. The Jazz Ensemble and Jazz combo will provide musical entertainment, paired with jazz soloists from the choir. A’Viands will be providing a full dinner. Tickets
will be available in the NPHS Main Office beginning Monday, May 18th. Cost is $12 for adults and $8 for
students and seniors, with an immediate family maximum of $35.
Take some time this spring to attend one of these great performances!
Social Studies Classes Feature Hands-on Learning Opportunities
Education continues to change in various ways and depending on your outlook, these changes can be positive or negative. One of the ways in which education is changing is there is less of an emphasis on the
teacher in the classroom as the one who delivers information, and more of an emphasis on student centered learning.
Students in 9th Grade U.S. History classes at Northland Pines High School will be visiting the Eagle River
Historical Museum to experience and learn more about the history of the community and how local, national,
and world events are related. The trip will feature an opportunity to visit with local veterans and interact with
museum staff and volunteers.
In addition to the trip to the museum, Criminology students are currently preparing for a mock criminal trial
as they study the Wisconsin criminal court system. Before the trial is held, they will visit Vilas Circuit Court,
where they will observe proceedings and have an opportunity to converse with court officials. The trip will
also feature a tour of the Justice Center.
Both opportunities are examples of how social studies courses seek to make learning meaningful and relevant for students and help them make connections that will strengthen their learning and enrich their lives.
Spring News from your School Nurse
After a long winter, nicer weather is finally here and everything's starting to bloom. But for millions of people, spring's beauty also brings misery - sneezing, congestion, runny nose, itchy eyes, and other unpleasant symptoms of seasonal allergies.
About Seasonal Allergies
"Ah-choo!" It's your son's third sneezing fit of the morning, and as you hand him another tissue you wonder
if these cold-like symptoms — the sneezing, congestion, and runny nose — have something to do with the
recent weather change. If he gets similar symptoms at the same time every year, you're likely right: seasonal allergies are at work.
Seasonal allergies, sometimes called "hay fever" or seasonal allergic rhinitis, are allergy symptoms that occur during certain times of the year, usually when outdoor molds release their spores, and trees, grasses,
and weeds release tiny pollen particles into the air to fertilize other plants.
There is no real cure for seasonal allergies, but it is possible to relieve symptoms. Start by reducing or eliminating exposure to allergens. During allergy season, keep windows closed, use air conditioning if possible,
and stay indoors when pollen counts are high.
Have your child wash hands or shower and change clothing after playing outside. And a child with seasonal
allergies should not mow the lawn (this tends to kick up pollen and mold spores).
If reducing exposure isn't possible or is ineffective, medicines can help ease allergy symptoms. These may
include decongestants, antihistamines, and nasal spray steroids. If symptoms cannot be managed with
medicines, the doctor may recommend taking your child to an allergist or immunologist for regular allergy
shots (immunotherapy), which can help desensitize kids to allergens.
*Article information obtained from
Student of the Month
Department Student of the Month
Art - Tess Osiecki
Senior - Cali Sanborn
Business Ed - Shannon Lange
Junior - Cortney Ebinal
English Language Arts - Timothy Priefer
Sophomore - Amanda Sergent
FACS - Kaylee Sjoholm
Freshman - Laura Garling
Mathematics - Austin Ratliff
Music - Walker Levan
PE/Health - Amanda Sergent
Phoenix Center - Josephine Pete
Science - Jessica Sullivan
Social Studies - Dyllin Smet
Technology Ed - Makayla Hayes
World Language - Alexandrea Falcetta
4/28 - 4/29 - ASPIRE Testing for Freshmen and Sophomores
Monday, 5/4/15 - Scholarship and Awards Night, 6:30 pm at NPHS Auditorium
5/5 - 5/6 - ASPIRE Testing for Freshmen and Sophomores
Monday, 5/11/15 - NPHS Art Show, 5:00-7:00 pm in the NPHS LGI
Monday, 5/11/15 - NPHS Spring Band/Choir Concert, 7:00 pm in the NPHS Auditorium
Wednesday, 5/13/15 - Community Social Training, see District website for more information
Wednesday, 5/13/15 - NPHS Earth Day
Monday, 5/25/15 - Memorial Day, no school
Friday, 5/30/15 - Cabaret Concert , 6:00 pm in the NPHS Commons
Sunday, 6/7/15 - Class of 2015 Graduation Ceremony at 1:00 pm in NPHS Fieldhouse, with practice to be held Saturday, 6/6/15 at 10:00 am
Wednesday, 6/10/15 - NPSD last day of school (Pending Inclement Weather Days)
Northland Pines High School
1800 Pleasure Island Rd. Eagle River, WI 54521
Phone 715-479-443 Fax 715-479-5808