Braeburn Mombasa International School


Braeburn Mombasa International School
2nd Edition
Braeburn Mombasa
International School
Term 3 2014-2015
Neque porro quisquam
est qui dolorem ipsum
Deputy Head’s Welcome
he theme of
coming together
that characterises
BMIS came out
strongly this week. We came
together as a whole school
to organise the photos and
we had the whole school
photo taken on Tuesday.
We came together as
parents and teachers to
transport our students on
an international journey
to more than 10 countries
during international day
and we came together
as a community to make
this international day a
success. Another highlight
this week was the Y11
and 13 leavers’ assembly.
Emotion was at its highest
during Sabira’s speech
(included in this newsletter)
and when we watched the
video combining photos of
students, some of whom
started at BMIS in Early
And there is plenty more
to look forward to next
week. Y11&13 start their
examination leave on
Monday, good luck to all in
your final examinations. U16
boys football and U16 girls
netball matches on Tuesday,
both against Aga Khan
Academy, will be at home,
please come and support
our teams. Y12 and BTEC
students take our assembly
on Wednesday and the
theme of the week is Malaria
Awareness. U13 girls netball
and U13 boys football
matches are against Jaffery
on Thursday, at home, once
again your support will be
greatly appreciated. We will
have a non uniform day on
Friday in support of Kwale
Eye Clinic, please make
sure your child is dressed in
appropriate home clothes
and brings in 100/-. The
heads will be in Nairobi at
the end of next week for
various meetings with other
heads of international and
Braeburn schools. Finally
on Saturday the Braeburn
Swimming gala will be held
in Nairobi.
An early reminder that
parents’ evening is on Friday
15th May (week 4) and
that Year 9 parents have a
meeting to talk about Y10
option choices on that same
Congratulations to Chloé
Dhanji who was awarded
the Outstanding Cambridge
Learner Awards for gaining
the highest mark in Kenya
for CIE IGCSE Foreign
Language French.
Thank you all for your
support this week. Do have
a restful weekend.
Mme Ingrid Mwangi
his term, in addition to
curriculum overviews being
sent home, teachers are
preparing “pacers” or “term
plan” for your children. Each
child will have, for each subject they
study, an outline of what is going to
be taught every week. This will help
you keep track of the content covered
each week and allow students missing
lessons due to absences from school
or taking part in school events such as
team matches or productions to know
what they have missed and what they
have to catch up.
BMIS being a school with a vision to
develop well rounded young people,
our calendar is packed with events
from day one. In the course of the term,
several events are likely to disrupt
some teaching and therefore the ideal
term plan put in place by teachers.
In that situation, teachers will inform
students of how they will change the
term plan if necessary. This will also be
done in cases where a certain learning
objective needs to be revisited to
ensure progress is made.
Getting More From
Google Search
How often do you use Google? Google processes 3.5
billion searches every day. But most of us just type in
one or two keywords, click search and hope for the
best. Here are some tips to help you get more out of
your Google search:
“NOT” “AND” “OR” (A Wide or Narrow Search)
Try adding one of these little words into your search.
Manchester AND United gets 0.4 billion results
(446,000,000). As you may have guessed, the top
result is the official Manchester United FC website.
Manchester OR United gets 5.2 billion results
(5,250,000,000). Not only stories about Manchester
United FC, but also information on the lesser known
Rotherham United.
Manchester -United (With a minus sign. You read it as
Manchester but NOT United) gets 1.1 billion results
(1,150,000,000). Lots of results but none of them
to do with the world famous football club. In fact
the top result is a visitors guide to the U.S. city of
Want to be up-to-date? Then Search by Time
You can find this under Search Tools after you do a
ICT in Education (Any Time) 121,000,000 results.
ICT in Education (Past Hour) Just 99 results. The top
answer “Digital literacy is about asking the right
questions”. Added to the internet just 3 minutes ago
– you cannot get more up to date than that.
Monsieur Carlos Osundwa will be
taking over the teaching of French
from week 4 this term while I
am away on maternity leave. M.
Osundwa is a well trained and
qualified teacher who has already
embraced our school values
and the Braeburn spirit. During
international day, he supported
Mme Schollinger, helping her plan
and deliver the activities. During
that day, students had to build
“la Tour Eiffel” with straws or foil.
They also had the opportunity
to play a game of “boules” also
called “pétanque” and to display
their knowledge of the French
language and culture. It was
amazing to hear some secondary
students recall their primary
knowledge of French and speak
the language.
Merci beaucoup Mme Schollinger
et M. Osundwa!
Mme Mwangi
This week Braeburn
Mombasa took a trip of a
lifetime and transported our
students around the globe
to learn and experience
different cultures and
traditions. The students
took their passport around
to 9 Countries and visited
a Global group of a further
6 Countries! Wow what a
holiday in the space of 2
hours. They learnt dances,
languages, historical facts
and games; not forgetting
the copious amounts of
delicious cuisine they got
to sample on their journey.
All of this was only made
possible by our enthusiastic
and creative Braeburn
Parents. I firmly believe
we have the best parents
in Mombasa if not Kenya!
Your commitment to helping
our children learn and
the time and effort you
put in to our whole school
events is phenomenal and
very much appreciated. A
huge thank you to all the
parents who were involved
in dressing your children in
non-uniform, representing a
Country, providing artefacts
and dishes and sharing our
We are already looking
forward to how we can
develop this day next year
and continue to celebrate
our diversity.
Thank you
Ms Goodall
What an
amazing day!
Every day we feel blessed
to work at BMIS and be part
of the Braeburn community.
We feel privileged
because we are a model of
internationalism. We speak
to, interact, work, laugh
with people from different
religion, social background,
nationalities, languages
and we grow, we learn,
we discover. Celebrating
the differences that unite
us was a truly amazing
experience. Going round the
countries taking pictures, I
constantly had a smile on my
face. Students enjoyed all
activities and learnt so much.
Parents, you did a formidable
job! Classrooms so well
decorated we felt transported
to the country represented,
activities very well organised
and interactive, tasty food,
quick pace to ensure all could
make the most of their visit
to your country, you thought
of everything and you were
full of energy! Thank you
for your support and your
wonderful work! Thank you
to teachers too who were
involved in countries or in
helping managing students
going round, these events
are not possible without your
The Ivory Coast
The Great
Braeburn Bake
Off 12th May 2015
Many of you will have seen or
heard about the ‘Great British
Bake-off’ which sees famous
bakers Mary Berry and Paul
Hollywood put home bakers to
the test. Well, Ms Goodall would
like to take on the role of Mary
Berry and see what Braeburn
students have to offer in the first
edible Interhouse Competition.
Do you have a family favourite
recipe or do you prefer throwing
some ingredients together and
seeing what happens? Either
way we need you to create some
baked goods; biscuits, cakes,
scones or muffins. Students
baking will be dropped off in
the morning and placed on
their Interhouse table under the
correct age group. Your delicious
treats must be clearly labelled
with your name and the name of
your creation. Ms Goodall and her
dedicated team of taste testers
will then vote for Braeburn’s
Best Bakers and points will be
awarded to your house!
Good Luck - Ready, steady, bake!
Y11 - 13 leavers assembly
rather, to think that
everything we’ve been doing
for so long has taken a break
on and we have no choice but
Today, I am standing before
you, with a myriad of
to move on. I tried taking as
some sort of initiation that’s
emotions; quite similar to
necessary for all our hopes
those I faced the first day I
entered this building. It was
and aspirations and dreams
to be fulfilled, but the more I
not just a building; it was a
think about it, the more I feel
place that slowly but surely
over the next two years I could that I’ve lost something today,
something my world would
call home. These two years
seem like such a long journey have been a much better
and you wake up one day and place to live in with. But as I’m
trying to say my goodbyes,
realize that suddenly, it’s all
over... And all you can do is
there are something’s I’d like
to say
dramatize because as much
as they tell you to look ahead,
I’d like to thank all our
you just can’t stop looking
teachers for being there for
us, and for every single thing
you’ve done for us for the past
It’s an ugly feeling, hideous
‘‘A very good morning to
everyone and all present here.
years, for the pleasures we’ve
had when we were with you,
for the confidence you’ve
shown in us, for standing by
our sides even when we were
wrong and most importantly,
for teaching us some of the
most important lessons on
what should not be done in
Also I thank every single
person out there, knowingly
or unknowingly; you’ve played
a major role in our lives.
Thank you!’’
Sabira Dewji
Y11 - 13 leavers assembly
Sadiq Issa
Arran Paul
Share your sparkle
wherever you are.
Many men go fishing
all of their lives without
knowing that it is not
fish they are after.
Steve Von Aesch
Just don’t give up
trying to do what you
really want to do.
A dream you dream
alone is only a dream.
A dream you dream
together is reality.
Chloe Dhanji
With confidence, you
have won before you have
precious than
independence and
Without a sense of
caring, there can be no
sense of community.
Wilfred Nokes
Ziyaad Ibrahimo
If everyone is thinking
alike, then somebody
isn’t thinking.
There is no passion to
be found playing small in settling for a life that
is less than the one you
are capable of living.
Be who you are and say Sylvan Sunde
what you feel, because
Try not to become a
those who mind don’t
man of success, but
matter and those who
rather try to become a
matter don’t mind.
man of value.
Reinout Sanders
The important thing is
not to stop questioning.
Nothing is more
Zahur Baekholm
No man goes before his
time - unless the boss
leaves early.
Sabira Dewji
Sheena Steenkamp
Strength does not come
from physical capacity.
It comes from an
indomitable will.
Class 2015
Stay focused, go after
your dreams
and keep moving toward
A ‘WONDERFUL, WONKA WORTHY’ Bake Sale took place on Friday 24th April for ‘Charlie and
the Chocolate Factory’ and it was a rip roaring success. Pupils from KS2, KS3 and KS4 all
got involved both in making and eating some ‘Extremely Edible’ delights. As well as raising
money there was also a competitive edge to the event as pupils were asked to design the
‘Tastiest Tremendous’ treat they could!!
The overall winner was Natasha Neyland with a cake well worthy of being made in Willy
Wonka’s chocolate factory. Jade (KS3) and Cian (KS2) came top in taste and design and all 3
will win free tickets to see ‘Charlie and the Chocolate factory’ in May.
Remember there are more chances to win prizes – Design a new and exciting chocolate bar
(Closing date May 9th))
The Braeburn Yearbook.
s this is the 10th year of
Braeburn Mombasa we
are looking to produce
a special ‘Anniversary
Yearbook’ to go on sale
near the beginning of June. From
next week, form teachers will be
working with their classes to produce
their own special pages to go in the
yearbook along with pages on the
history of Braeburn, sporting, arts
and academic achievement and
much more.
We are asking all of you to get
involved by sending relevant pictures
of events, pupils etc to your form/
class teachers to be used in this
book. We are also looking for
‘quotes’ from all parents and pupils,
old and new about what Braeburn
has meant to them, how they have
helped in their child’s success or
what amazing things have happened
since leaving.
Letters will be going out early next
week with more information on the
type of book we will be producing
and we ask if you quickly reply with
your interest so that we can gauge
numbers and calculate costs.
he past 2 weeks
has seen the Y11
eleven students
push themselves
with final revision
before proceeding on study.
The Examinations will be on
full swing starting from next
week and all students have
prepared as best as possible.
Here are some last minute
study skills to add to the
basket of tips you must have
accumulated by now:1. Take Regular Study Breaks
Taking regular study breaks
and exercising is proven to
engage your brain in studying
and improve your exam
performance in the long-run.
Exercise is a powerful enabler
which boosts your brain’s
ability to be productive so
doesn’t underestimate how
important it is to take a break
and engage in sports or
2. Practise, Practise, Practise
One of the biggest
recommendations is to
practise questions by doing
as many IGCSE past papers
as you can.
3. Collaborate with
Interacting with other
students will also help you
improve your communication
skills. The extra benefit is
that you and your classmates
can test one another by
discussing and asking each
other questions.
4.Understand Your Learning
Understand your learning
style by deciding if you are
a visual, auditory, reading/
writing or kinaesthetic
learner, then remembering
and recalling new information
will become much easier.
Practice will also tell you if
you work better studying
during the night or in the
5. Create a Revision
Building a revision timetable
can add structure to your
revision and help you identify
which IGCSE subjects you
need to prioritise to get
better marks.Take account of
the difference between your
subjects and the challenges
they represent.
6. Use Mind Maps to Connect
If you find it difficult to
remember tons of new study
notes, Mind Maps may be
the key to improving your
memory. The theory behind
mind mapping explains that
making associations by
connecting ideas helps you to
memorise information easier
and quicker.
7. Day of Your IGCSE Exam
Give yourself plenty of
time to get to the test
centre on time. Also don’t
underestimate the power of
eating a healthy breakfast
the day of your exams!