Donegal Info Pamphlet
Donegal Info Pamphlet
Ehe al th : In de pen den ce an d Incl usion in the 21 s t c en tury A s eries of e ve nts or gani se d by The A ss em bly of E ur ope an R e gi ons (A ER) , Sm ar tCare an d E N GA GE D. 20 st - 23 th O ctober 2014 PRA CT ICA L INF OR MAT ION MEE TIN G V ENU E Radisson Blu Hotel, Paddy Harte Road, Letterkenny, County Donegal, Ireland Phone : +3539194444 Website : Assembly of European Regions 6 Rue Oberlin - F-67000 Strasbourg Tel.: +33 3 88 22 07 07 - Fax : +33 3 88 75 67 19 E-mail : 210 Avenue Louise - B-1050 Bruxelles Tel./Fax : +32 2 880 95 60 E-mail : AC C OM M O DA TI ON Radi ss on Bl u Paddy Har te R oad, Le tter ken ny 00353749194444 B&B service in the Radisson Blu Hotel will be 70 euros per night per single room. B&B service in the Radisson Blu Hotel will be 85 euros per night per double/ twin room. Le tterk enny Cour t H otel 29- 45 U pper Main S tree t, Le tterke nny 00353749122977 B&B service in the Letterkenny Court Hotel will be 65 euros per night per single room. B&B service in the Letterkenny Court Hotel will be 79 euros per night per double/ twin room. Station Hous e H otel Low er Main S tree t, L etterke nny 00353749123100 B&B service in the Station House Hotel will be 68 euros per night per single room. B&B service in the Station House Hotel will be 78 euros per night per double/ twin room. Gall gh ers H otel 100 Main S tree t, Le tterke nny 00353749122066 B&B service in the Gallghers Hotel will be 66.50 euros per night per single room. B&B service in the Gallghers Hotel will be 74 euros per night per double/ twin room. Moun t Erri gal Hotel Ramel ton R oad, Le tter ken ny 00353749122700 B&B service in the Mount Errigal Hotel will be 50 euros per night per single room. B&B service in the Mount Errigal Hotel will be 60 euros per night per double/ twin room. Cl anr ee H otel Derry R oad, Letter ken ny 00353749124369 B&B service in the Clanree Hotel will be 59 euros per night per single room. B&B service in the Clanree Hotel will be 65 euros per night per double/ twin room. TRAV EL By Air: From Derry/ Lon don derry Air por t + 44 ( 0) 28 7181 0784 ww ty of derry air port.c om This journey is approx 45 kms via the A2 and N13. The airport is located 14 kms from Derry/Londonderry on the main A2 Derry to Coleraine road. 2 Ulsterbus operates various scheduled services to and from the airport to the main Bus Depot on Foyle Street in the City centre. For full details of all Translink and Ulsterbus bus services please visit the Translink website on Once at the Foyle Street Bus depot in Derry/Londonderry city centre, one can take either bus 64 or bus 480 to Letterkenny bus station. It is also possible to take a taxi from Derry airport to Letterkenny. From B elf as t In ter n ati on al Air port + 44 ( 0) 28 9448 4848 ww w. belf astair por t.c om The journey is approx 135 kms via the A6 and N13. There is a bus connection to Derry Quayside Shopping Centre (Strand Road) with At the Foyle Street Bus depot in Derry/Londonderry city centre, one can then take either bus 64 or bus 480 to Letterkenny bus station. From B elf as t Ci ty Air por t + 44 ( 0) 28 9093 9093 ww w. belf astcity air por t.c om The journey is approx. 155 kms via the A6 and N13. There is a bus connection to Derry Quayside Shopping Centre (Strand Road) with At the Foyle Street Bus depot in Derry/Londonderry city centre, one can then take either bus 64 or bus 480 to Letterkenny bus station. From Dublin Air port + 353 ( 0) 1 814 1111 ww w. dublin air port.c om The journey is approx 230 kms via the M1, N2 and A5. There is a direct bus connection to Letterkenny (Bus Eireann Expressway number 32) Go to to download a copy of the timetable. By C ar: The driving time from Dublin, Athlone or Galway is three - four hours, depending on traffic and time of day. Derry/Londonderry is about thirty minutes’ drive and Belfast is approximately two hours away. By Rail: The nearest rail connection points are – Derry (33 kms), with a bus connection to Letterkenny via Bus Éireann. Sligo (112 kms), with a bus connection to Letterkenny via Bus Éireann. 3 By T axi: A taxi from Letterkenny bus station to the hotel will cost approximately 5 euros. Here are some useful taxi numbers for Letterkenny – Company Letterkenny Cabs Swilly Cabs Divers Taxis High Road Cab A Cabs City Cabs Contact +353 (0)74 +353 (0)74 +353 (0)74 +353 (0)74 +353 (0)74 +353 (0)74 9127000 or 1800 272000 9121666 9126888 9127400 9122272 9178877 PRO G RA MM E OF EV ENTS WO RKIN G LA NG UA G ES Simultaneous interpretation from English to French and French to English will be provided for all events on 21st and 22nd October. DE A DLI NE F O R RE GIST RA TI ONS Attendance applications will remain open until 2 weeks before the event. VISA OR P ASSP O RT OBLIG ATI O N 4 Please note that you are responsable for acquiring your own visa where appropriate, and for complying with entry requirements to Ireland. As visa requirements can change, you are advised to consult the relevant requirement information carefully prior to attending the event and, if necessary, to contact your Ministry for Foreign or Home Affairs. WAIV ER O F RESP ONSI BILI TY Please note that all participants are responsable for their insurance during their travel and stay in Letterkenny. The Assembly of European Regions bears no responsibility for personal injury, property or loss during the event. FU RT HE R IN F ORM ATI O N For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us : Siân SUMMERTON Social Policy and Public Health Committee Assembly of European Regions (AER) 6 rue Oberlin, F-67000 STRASBOURG Tel./Fax: +33 3 88 22 74 48 Mobile: +33 6 78 69 52 35 Email: The Assembly of European Regions is the largest independent network of regions in wider Europe. Bringing together regions from 35 countries and 15 interregional organisations, AER is the political voice of its members and a forum for interregional cooperation. 5
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