First United Methodist Church, 118 E. Morgan St, Wadesboro, NC


First United Methodist Church, 118 E. Morgan St, Wadesboro, NC
First United Methodist Church, 118 E. Morgan St, Wadesboro, NC 28170
Phone: 704-694-5179 e-mail:
Parsonage: 980-278-8107 Fax: 704-695-1118
Website: Radio Station: WEHB-LP, 98.3 FM
Rev. Dr. Sarah B. Kalish, Senior Pastor
We heard this recently from one of our presidential candidates. I thought it would be a good
reminder of our United Methodist heritage. What did Wesley mean by this statement? In reality John
Wesley did not make this statement. Over time it has been attributed to him because it does sound like
something he would say. Whether Wesley said it or not, it is a part of our history. So again I ask the
question, what does it mean?
To me it says “Love”. Love thy neighbor on a regular basis. Now, how we live out “love thy
neighbor” changes over the years. I have seen it change with my locations, my abilities, my finances and
the opportunities around me. And so it will with you.
It may mean:
- bring food for Anson Crisis Ministry
- donate funds to help a young Nigerian woman finish her education
- visit a sick friend
- pray for a child
- purchase underwear for school children in Anson County
- stop and help when you see a person in trouble
- smile at the cashier at Walmart
- and the list goes on
And even when you are in a nursing home unable to walk you can be kind to all those caring for you.
Listen when they need a loving ear. And think twice before you complain about the food or the service
because most of the time if they aren’t with you it’s because they are helping someone else.
We can debate whether John Wesley actually said this but why, why worry about it and use all that
energy when the energy can be used to share the love of God and make a difference to one!
Have a great week!
Lectionary Readings
August 21st
August 14th
Psalm 80; Isaiah 5:1-7;
Hebrews 11:29-12:2; Luke 12:49-56
August 28th
Psalm 71; Jeremiah 1:4-10
Psalm 81; Jeremiah 2:4-13
Hebrews 12:18-29; Luke 13:10-17 Hebrews 13:1-8,15-16; Luke 14:1, 7-14
The Lectionary readings are for each Sunday of the church year, and also for special days. They provide a
systematic way of reading the Bible and also to aid you in your daily devotional time.
Opportunities for the weeks of
August 14 thru September 3, 2016
Sunday, August 14
9:30 Sunday school for all ages
10:30 Worship in Chapel
Monday, August 15
Leadership Team meeting
Friday, August 19
Office Closed
Sunday, August 21
9:30 Sunday school for all ages
10:30 Worship in Chapel
Monday, August 22 thru Friday, August 26
Office Closed
Sunday, August 28
9:30 Sunday school for all ages
10:30 Worship in Chapel
Wednesday, August 31
Chancel Choir starts back!
The church family sends love and sympathy
to the family of
Carolyn Frink Stephens,
who died August 8, 2016.
The church family sends love and sympathy to
Selene Hardison and family in the death of her
father-in-law, Howze McLendon “Mac” Hardison,
who died August 9, 2016.
Your statements for the 2nd quarter are here
and will be outside of the chapel for the
next two Sundays.
UP Coming Worship Services To Remember!
August 14, 2016
10:30 – Worship in the Chapel with a fun devotion of
singing. Hope you bring your happy voices!
September 4, 2016 We move back to the sanctuary!!!
The time will change back to:
9:45 Sunday school
10:55 Worship
Worship in the Chapel, August 14
Worship with music!!!
-Emily Privette
Reader: Bill Capel
Music: How Firm a Foundation
God of Grace and God of Glory
O Day of God, Draw Near
Worship in the Chapel, August 21
Message: “Jesus Drops the Mic”
-Rev. Dr. Sarah B. Kalish
Reader: Becky Dill
Music: God of Love and God of Power
O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee
Lord of the Dance
Worship in the Chapel, August 28
Message: “Staying Hydrated”
-Rev. Dr. Sarah B. Kalish
Reader: Jeff Boothby
Music: O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing
Jesu, Jesu
Lord, You Have come to the Lakeshore
Acolyte: Andrew Tamura
Elwood Greene, Randy Tarlton
Greeters: Nancy Huntley, Pam & Walter Turner
Money Counters: Carol Beam, Jeff Boothby
Nancy Huntley
Close Church: Elwood Greene Randy Tarlton
There is music in the air!!!
Our own chancel choir will begin rehearsals on
Wednesday, August 31st at 7:30 directed by Emily
Privette. This is a great year for rebuilding with new
faces and voices to enhance the great choir
we already enjoy!
Anson Singers will start back on Tuesday, September 6th
at 7:00 pm also directed by Emily Privette. If you love to
sing, there is a spot waiting for you on Tuesday nights!
Thursday’s Child begins on Thursday,
September 8th at 4:00 pm. All children from
age 5 through 6th grade are welcome.
Fall Worship Schedule
Our summer vacation is almost over!
After the month of August we are back
in the sanctuary. Sunday school will
start at 9:45 a.m. and worship will
start at 10:55 a.m. Please join us this
fall back in the swing of things with
our old schedule starting up!
Marshville United Methodist Church
August Monday Ministry Toolbox
310 Ross St, across from Post Office
Info call Pastor Cindy: 828-891-2753
Monday, August 22, 2016, 7:15 PM
Topic: When a Baby Dies
Guest Speaker:
Jill Ships, from Kindermourn in Charlotte
The Mobile Food Pantry is back again and will be at
Mt. Beulah Baptist, 3373 Country Club Rd,
Wadesboro on Wednesday, September 7th. We are
asking for volunteers from each church to be at every
delivery. All volunteers are asked to be on location by
9:00 AM if possible. In case of rain, call Anson Crisis
to hear a recording about cancellations 704-694-2445.
Landric Reid and Patti Poulnott have started
the 6th annual “Stride with Pride” Tennis
Shoe Drive. These new tennis shoes will
benefit children from Kindergarten thru
12th grade, all sizes are needed. A box will be in
the foyer outside of the chapel for the new tennis shoes.
The deadline for the tennis shoe collection is August 14.
Thank you for helping our Anson county children.
Thursday’s Child: Hanging Ten!!!
Thursday’s Child will begin the new year by Hanging Ten!!!! Ten fingers, ten toes=two hands
and two feet to search out ways to be followers of Jesus. Surfshack songs, and stories ,activities
and catch the wave videos will fill up each hour in September with lots of fun and surprises.
Did I mention great sea snacks????
Thursdays: Beginning September 8...4:00pm,
Children's Choir room, Kindergarten-Sixth Grade.
Surfing ways to be Jesus' hands and feet in our world, near and far away.
Make plans get wet!!!!
The Lilesville Charge will be hosting a revival at Forestville UMC August 28-31 at 7:00 pm.
Our own Pastor Sarah will be the first to speak at the revival.
Please come and support Pastor Sarah on Sunday August 28th!
Sun. Rev. Sarah Kalish
Mon. Rev. Laura Auten, D.S.
Revival Schedule
Forever Changed
Ken Caulder
Rev. Cindy Lunsford
Rev. Angel Christ
Rick Curtis
Jackie Huntley
On-going recycling projects for various groups continue: inkjet printer cartridges and UMW Box tops for Education and
Campbell Soup Labels in the education hall, aluminum inside the lattice fence at the air conditioner in the back of the church.
The Flower Calendar for 2016 is posted on the bulletin board in the education hall, across from the pastor’s study.
Please sign up for any open Sundays as soon as possible in order to secure the date you wish.
Upcoming Events…
August 15 – Leadership Team
August 31 – Chancel Choir starts back!
September 4 –Back to the Sanctuary
September 5 – Office Closed for Labor Day!
September 6 – Anson Singers start back!
The deadline for information for the weekly newsletter is Tuesday before noon each week.
Remember that you may make gifts to the church special funds to honor the living as well as those who have gone on.
It is a great way to let friends and relatives know that you are thinking of them!
Prayer List
Please help keep the prayer list up to date by letting the office know of any additions or deletions that should be made.
Laura Pratt
Barbara Wright – Selene Hardison’s friend
Corbin Sikes – Drew Sikes’ son
Janie Liles – WES teacher-Pat Frost
Our Christian family that have been oppressed by war,
Tebo Stephens
or other tragedies and all whom we name in our hearts!
Elwood Greene
Krista Herold
Alice & Eddie Rhinehardt
Retirement Homes/Assisted Living /Nursing Homes
Rowena Tarlton
*Dick Constantian - Aldersgate,
Joe Burr
3800 Shamrock Dr, Charlotte, 28215
Jim Huntley
*Quay Burns, Nancy Warren-Ambassador
Betty Harrington
Health & Rehab, 2051 Country Club Rd, Wadesboro
Stanly Marsh
*Cornelia Tucker, Tebo Stephens, Jake Hanna –
Mary Whitlock
Anson Rehab,405 S Greene St, Wadesboro
John, Daisy & Ann Chandler
*Laura Pratt, Arbor Acres,
Mary Shaub – Sandy Bruney’s family
1250 Arbor Road #803,Winston Salem, 27104
Sharon Huskins – Krista Herold’s cousin
*Ray Clayton – Franklin Manor,
Tsuneo Tamura –Richard Tamura’s father
100 Sunset Dr., Youngsville, NC 27596
Paul Sikes – Margaret Bowers’ brother
*David Thomas – Monroe Rehab Center
Judy Allen – Chuck Kiser’s Aunt
1212 East Sunset Drive, Monroe, NC 28112
Kathy Cannon – Sarah Kalish’s friend
*Sara Aubry - Universal Healthcare Brunswick,
Francis Wright – Louise Lyon’s neighbor
1070 Old Ocean Hwy., Bolivia, NC 28422
Peggy Cress – Louise Lyon’s friend
*Jo Summers – Woodland Terrace/ Apt 319
Karen Lowe – Selene Hardison’s sister-in-law
300 Kildaire Woods Dr., Cary, NC 27511
Jessica Conklin – Selene Hardison’s friend
Rhonda Wright – Selene Hardison’s friend
First United Methodist
118 East Morgan Street, Wadesboro, NC 28170
Volume 22 Number 27 August 14, 2016
Church 704-694-5179 Fax 704-695-1118
Parsonage 980-278-8107
Radio Station: WEHB-LP, 98.3 FM
Circles of Hope:
Senior Pastor…………….………..….….…….....…Rev.Dr.Sarah B.Kalish
Administrative Assistant……………..…………………….Betty Crawford
Music Director………………………………………………….…Emily Privette
Assistant Music Director……………..….……………………….Gail Litaker
Organist…………………………………………………………………..Gus Farmer
Director of Youth Ministries………...…...…………………... John Sikes
Audio/Video Coordinator………….……………………….…….Rick Beam
Open Doors Director………………..….....…Thomasina Montgomery
Housekeeper……………………………………….………....Diane Timmons
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