canadian western agribition hereford sale
canadian western agribition hereford sale
canadian western agribition hereford sale B1 Consignors of the 2015 Agribition Hereford Sale Bieber Herefords Walter & Herman Bieber Box 538, Wolseley, SK S0G 5H0 P: 306-698-2956 C: 306-727-3127 Blair-Athol Polled Herefords Duncan & Val Lees Box 386, Arcola, SK S0C 0G0 P: 306-455-2619 Jeff & Grace Lees & Family P: 306-577-1375 Blairs.Ag Cattle Company Kevin & Noreen Blair, Darren & Deb Blair Box 610, Lanigan, SK S0K 2M0 Kevin: 306-365-7922 Darren: 306-360-7707 Office: 306-365-3150 Tom McNeely: 780-679-7220 Braun Ranch Craig & Carrie Braun Box 104, Simmie, SK S0N 2N0 P: 306-297-2132 C: 306-297-7114 Brost Land & Cattle Co. Ltd. Blaine & Shannon Brost Box 96, Irvine, AB T0J 1V0 P: 403-834-2262 Blaine: 403-502-5626 Glenn: 403-580-9363 C&T Cattle Co. Chris & Tina Lees Box 243, Arcola, SK S0C 0G0 P: 306-455-2605 C: 306-577-7370 Kurt: 306-421-8318 Copper Creek Ranch The Stevenson Family Managers: Phil & Catherine Brown Box 817, Princeton, BC V0X 1W0 P: 250-295-4099 C: 250-293-6857 Double Deuce Acres Ian & Margaret Haynes Box 31065, Regina, SK S4R 8R6 P: 306-545-3992 C: 306-533-6855 Double J Polled Herefords Rick & Karen Johnston Box 233, Maidstone, SK S0M 1M0 P: 306-893-2231 C: 780-205-3537 Elm Lodge Polled Herefords Grant & Mary; Billy, Juanita, Owen & Katie Elmhirst 1870 Settlers Line, R. R. # 1 Indian River, ON, KOL 2BO P: 705-295-2708 C: 705-761-0896 Richardson Ranch Don & Leslie Richardson Box 45, Tlell, BC V0T 1Y0 P: 205-557-4348 L V Farms Ltd. Dayle & Dixie Martinson Logan & Brianna Martinson Box 43, Midale, SK S0C 1S0 C: 306-458-7170 Roselawn Polled Herefords Wally & Jackie Mitchell & Family Box 782, Killarney, MB R0K 1G0 Ph: 204-523-8713 C: 204-534-8204 Manchester Polled Herefords Darren & Kari-Rae Manchester Box 21, Senlac, SK S0L 2Y0 P: 306-228-7462 C: 306-893-8148 RSK Farms Rae & Stephanie; Andrew Kopeechuk Group 520 Box 7, Brandon, MB R7A 5Y5 P: 204-763-4459 C: 204-573-9529 Marty Flicek Polled Herefords Marty Flicek 1145 Bothwell Drive, Swift Current, SK S9H 1Z8 P: 306-773-3703 C: 306-741-3093 SS Cattle Company Sheldon & Shannon Archibald Family Box 187, Irma, AB T0B 2H0 P: 780-754-2850 c: 780-842-0118 Greenridge Farms Marvin & Janet Stocki Kevin, Kristen & Khloe Stocki Box 89, Fisher Branch, MB R0C 0Z0 Marvin: 204-372-6642 Kevin: 204-372-6811 C: 204-739-3843 Mission Ridge Herefords Steve, Fran, Matt, Mark, Paul, James & Michelle Hordos Box 310, Raymore, SK S0A 3J0 P: 306-835-2007 C: 306-450-4713 Haroldson’s Polled Herefords Lenna, Kristy & Chad Wilson Box 372, Wawota, SK S0G 5A0 P: 306-739-2643 C: 306-577-1256 Phantom Creek Livestock Doug & Wanda Mann Box 1256, Swift Current, SK S9H 3X4 P: 306-773-7316 C: 306-741-1265 Seven Pines Ranch Wade & Laurel Johnson Box 374, Grenfell, SK S0G 2B0 C: 306-737-7944 Standard Hill Livestock Stephen & Christine Myer Box 227, Maidstone, SK S0M 1M0 C: 306-893-8414 Lakes Ranch Ltd. Winston (Win) Stothert 1107-2222 Bellevue Ave. West Vancouver, BC V7V 1C7 P: 604-922-9652 Sale Staff... Schedule of Events... Auctioneer... Chris Poley306-220-5006 Ringmen... Ted Serhienko306-221-2711 Shane Michelson403-363-9973 Ben Wright519-374-3335 Special Representatives... Canadian Hereford Association Darryl Kirton, President Doug Mann, Vice President Stephen Scott, General Manager Saskatchewan Hereford Association Dale Shillington, President Stephen Myer, Vice President Marilyn Charlton, General Manager B2 Lone Pine Cattle Services Rob & Dawn O’Connor Box 158, Vibank, SK S0G 4Y0 C: 306-550-4890 Tuesday, November 24 11:00 11:00 First Lady Classic & Futurity, Stadium President’s Classic, Stadium Thursday, November 26 5:00National Hereford Sale, Auditorium Friday, November 27 9:00 4:00 Polled & Horned Hereford Show, Stadium Red Coat Classic, Hereford Barn 9:00 9:00 1:00 4:00 Junior Beef Extreme, Stadium Prospect Steer & Heifer Show, Auditorium Prospect Steer & Heifer Sale, Auditorium RBC Beef Supreme Challenge, Stadium Saturday, November 28 canadian western agribition hereford sale From the desk at T Bar... Welcome to Canadian Western Agribition 2015 and the Agribition Hereford Sale. The past half a decade has shown an unprecedented demand for Hereford breeding stock...a demand which has been triggered by the commercial producer who requires and benefits from the traits the “New Hereford” has to offer. This unprecedented demand is North American wide, as our fellow breeders south of the 49th are affected in the same parallel. Further to this, we are experiencing breeders from other breeds “looking over the fence!” and this past spring, we did not have enough quality Hereford bulls to fulfill market needs and this trend shall continue. The Agribition sale offering is the strongest and most exciting through my history at T Bar. Every division has individuals with low risk ....high reward ..... and unlimited opportunities. The line-up of bred females is stellar... many with donor possibilities but let’s not overlook the competitive group of heifer calves which are front pasture bound. Check out the embryos offered... and any bull calf that makes the sale, needs careful scrutiny and consideration. Plan to attend the 2015 Agribition; the sale on Thursday evening and the show the following day. Come explore, experience and be a part of the electricity of the Hereford breed. If we may be of any assistance, prior to or sale day, do not hesitate to give Shane, Ted, myself or any of the T Bar staff a call...we will be pleased to assist. See you at Agribition C h r i s HOMOZYGOUS POLLED 100 ANL A XLP Action ET 75Z Action Time 721C After the great comments we received about ACTION ET 75Z at last year’s Male Agribition, I knew we needed to follow up by offering a son in the 2015 Agribition sale. ACTION TIME 721C was very popular at both the Saskatchewan and Manitoba CRR ABOUT TIME 743 DLF IEF HYF summer MOE shows, it was obvious he would be our choice. As a bonus, his dam’s TH 89T 743 UNTAPPED 425X ET DLF IEF HYF TH 16G 20N GEMINI 89T DLF IEF HYF family is full of show winners including an Agribition division champion for ElmLodge. That is important to have at an event like Agribition. As 721C grew, he began ANL A XLP ACTION ET 75Z DLF IEF HYF ANL SBS 122L CATTLELAC 3N to develop an excellent muscle ratio with great shape. His head began to get that ANL PBG 3N SPLENDOUR 143T DLF IEF HYF ANL 8E SPLENDOUR 3M masculine herd bull look. His bone and depth of body are excellent. What helps to JSF 37 271 DEVO 23C push this bull into something really special is he also has fantastic show ring hair. NS LAKES KILO 002 GK APOLLONIA 834Z It’s the kind that show jockeys drool over. XLP 002 NIGHTINGALE ET 721U DLF IEF HYF REMITALL ONLINE 122L Retaining ¼ semen interest. ELM-LODGE 10C NIGHTINGALE 21N ROXWOOD CHARITY 10C PC03009597 BW: 86 lbs. EPDS PE XLP 721C XLP January 28, 2015 CONSIGNED BY CE 1.5 BW 3.4 WW 48.6 YW 82.4 canadian western agribition hereford sale MM 20.2 TM 44.5 LONE PINE CATTLE SERVICES, Rob & Dawn O’Connor, Vibank, SK B3 Pick of 2 of the 3 Double J Heifer Calves An amazing opportunity with unlimited potential! The progeny of MHPH 521X Action 106A were the hottest and most sought after in the fall sale season. They combine low birth weight, eye appeal with performance and have added value to every breeder who chose to use the bull. This unique opportunity offers paternal sisters of three different ages....each with a competitive nature and ideal for juniors of any age. All three have high maternal backgrounds and documentation to prove that fact. Whether you are looking for a potential donor female, show heifer or just another front pasture’s your chance to get into the “Action! “ ConSiGnED BY DOUBLE J POLLED HEREFORDS, Rick & Karen Johnston, Maidstone, SK 101 A PC03008180 JJPH 116Y 106A JX 512C TH 122 71I VICTOR 521X ET DLF IEF HYF MHPH 521X ACTion 106A DLF iEF HYF MHPH 301W DAINTY 205Y DLF IEF HYF WLB ELI 10H 83T DLF IEF HYF JJPH 512R 83T KoVi 116Y JJPH 276M KOVI 512R BW: 84 lbs. EPDS CE -2.4 BW 4.5 Kovi 512C January 27, 2015 WW 60.8 Female DRF JWR PRINCE VICTOR 71I KBCR 19D DOMINETTE 122 DLF IEF MHPH 102S WYATT 301W DLF IEF HYF MHPH MS 101S DAINTY 123U DLF IEF HYF DR WORLD CLASS 517 10H WLB 035J FLORA 85M HF 4L BEYOND 36N JJPH 56K KOVI 276M YW 99.0 MM 22.2 TM 52.7 JJPH 57Y 106A Tammy 522C 101 B PC03011354 JJPH 57Y 106A JX 522C Tammy 522C February 15, 2015 TH 122 71I VICTOR 521X ET DLF IEF HYF MHPH 521X ACTion 106A DLF iEF HYF MHPH 301W DAINTY 205Y DLF IEF HYF Female DRF JWR PRINCE VICTOR 71I KBCR 19D DOMINETTE 122 DLF IEF MHPH 102S WYATT 301W DLF IEF HYF MHPH MS 101S DAINTY 123U DLF IEF HYF FCC 60G MADDUX 4L HF 4L BEYOND 36N MISS 87D FORTUNE 707B 67J MA 36n TAMMY 30P ET 57Y DLF iEF HYF BLAIR-ATHOL 65F ON LINE 13K MEADOW-ACRES 17J TAMMY 13K 30P MEADOW-ACRES 8F TAMMY 2E 17J BW: 76 lbs. EPDS CE -2.7 BW 4.3 WW 58.1 YW 97.9 MM 22.1 TM 51.2 JJPH 57Y 106A Tammy 522C 101 C PC03008267 JX 532C JJPH 309A 106A TH 122 71I VICTOR 521X ET DLF IEF HYF MHPH 521X ACTion 106A DLF iEF HYF MHPH 301W DAINTY 205Y DLF IEF HYF JJPH 83T INCEPTION 21X DLF IEF HYF JJPH 21X SuSAn 702T 309A JJPH SUSAN 23N 36N 702T BW: 66 lbs. EPDS CE -3.2 BW 5.0 WW 61.3 Susan 532C March 17, 2015 Female DRF JWR PRINCE VICTOR 71I KBCR 19D DOMINETTE 122 DLF IEF MHPH 102S WYATT 301W DLF IEF HYF MHPH MS 101S DAINTY 123U DLF IEF HYF WLB ELI 10H 83T DLF IEF HYF ANL SBS 57G ETTE ET 112R DLF IEF HYF HF 4L BEYOND 36N RU 1K SUSAN 23N YW 101.2 MM 20.8 TM 51.5 JJPH 57Y 106A Tammy 522C B4 canadian western agribition hereford sale Heifer Calves Haroldson’s Lassie 425X 22Z Lassie 42c is avery complete made female with a very promising future. She is stout made, sound structured with ample rib and capacity. We believe she will be a big time yearling. Her mother is an ideal beef cow. She is moderate framed, big middled with an excellent udder and is now in our donor progam. A half sister sold in last year’s sale to Lohner’s. Owned with Wooden Shoe Farms ConSiGnED BY HAROLDSON’S POLLED HEREFORDS, Chad Wilson, Wawota, SK 102 HAROLDSONS WSF Applied For AFSY 42C HAROLDSON’S CU DESTINY 2Z 19G TH 89T 743 UNTAPPED 425X ET DLF IEF HYF HARoLDSon’S LASSiE 425X 22Z GHC MISS LASSIE 3L CE 1.0 BW 3.2 WW 53.1 Female SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 DLF IEF HYF SHF LADY 512 L73 REMITALL HOLLYWOOD 37H SHF TAHOE R117 T100 HARoLDSonS WLC RHino ET 48Y DLF iEF HYF HAROLDSON’S 37H MIRA ET 62K BW: 87 lbs. EPDS PE Lassie 48Y 42C 103 March 19, 2015 CRR ABOUT TIME 743 DLF IEF HYF TH 16G 20N GEMINI 89T DLF IEF HYF GHC KEYMAN 36F GHC MISS SARA 22C YW 84.9 MM 17.2 TM 43.8 GRH 719T MISS PC03008821 RnD 3C DRF JWR PRINCE VICTOR 71I TH 122 71i ViCToR 719T DLF iEF HYF KBCR 19D DOMINETTE 122 DLF IEF WLB ELI 10H 83T DLF IEF HYF GRH 83T ELLiE 30X GRH 236G COMFORT 25S BW: 86 lbs. EPDS CE 2.8 BW 3.7 WW 65.3 February 7, 2015 Ellie 3C Female HRP THM VICTOR 109W 9329 RHF 964 VICTRA 4057 NJW 1Y WRANGLER 19D KBCR DOMINETTE 9112 DR WORLD CLASS 517 10H WLB 035J FLORA 85M REMITALL GOVERNOR 236G GRH 122L KALI 4N YW 99.0 MM 28.5 TM 61.2 GRH 83T Ellie 30X Miss Ellie 3C has been a heifer that has caught our eye since birth. She is super long fronted and really big middled. This cow family is one of our best. The 719T females speak for themselves. Proven genetics that work. 3C will compete with the best of them. ConSiGnED BY GREENRIDGE FARMS, Marvin & Kevin Stocki, Fisher Branch, MB canadian western agribition hereford sale B5 Heifer Calves Opportunities like this one do not happen very often. RSK 719T Freestyle 4Z is beginning to leave an outstanding mark on the RSK program; continually siring moderate sized, stout made progeny with tons of middle and hip. RSK 4X Miss Sunshine 15C is the entire Freestyle package, but just taken up a notch. She adds all the Freestyle traits, but combined with RSK 4L Sunshine 25S makes everything that much better. See for yourself come sale and show day. This is a heifer calf that is not to be looked over. ConSiGnED BY RSK FARMS , Rae & Stephanie; Stephen & Sarah; Andrew Kopeechuk, Brandon, MB 104 RSK 4Z MISS PC03009957 RSK 15C Sunshine 15C January 21, 2015 DLF IEF HYF Female DRF JWR PRINCE VICTOR 71I TH 122 71I VICTOR 719T DLF IEF HYF KBCR 19D DOMINETTE 122 DLF IEF RSK 719T FREESTYLE 4Z DLF iEF HYF RSK 030047 TALLEDEGA ET 15T RSK 15T MISS SUGAR CANE 17X DLF IEF HYF RSK 33L SUGAR CANE 36S HARVIE HILLS 68H HARVIE LADIES MAN 4L DLF IEF HYF HARVIE MISS JULIE 9J RSK 4L SunSHinE 25S DLF iEF HYF RU DUSTER 60D RSK 60D PENELOPE 10P RSK 707B HANNAH 20H BW: 90 lbs. EPDS CE 0.7 BW 4.0 WW 55.4 YW 89.3 MM 22.5 TM 50.2 RSK 719T Freestyle 4Z 104 A 3 EXPORTABLE Embryos RSK 719T Freestyle 4Z x RSK 4L Sunshine 25S DRF JWR PRINCE VICTOR 71I TH 122 71I VICTOR 719T DLF IEF HYF KBCR 19D DOMINETTE 122 DLF IEF RSK 719T FREESTYLE 4Z DLF iEF HYF RSK 030047 TALLEDEGA ET 15T RSK 15T MISS SUGAR CANE 17X DLF IEF HYF RSK 33L SUGAR CANE 36S HARVIE HILLS 68H HARVIE LADIES MAN 4L DLF IEF HYF HARVIE MISS JULIE 9J RSK 4L SunSHinE 25S DLF iEF HYF RU DUSTER 60D RSK 60D PENELOPE 10P RSK 707B HANNAH 20H EPDS PE CE 0.0 BW 4.1 WW 55.7 YW 90.3 MM 21.8 TM 49.7 RSK 4L Sunshine 25S We loved the natural calf so much that it was only fitting to flush her mother. We see a lot of potential in this mating. Just look at the natural calf in the sale. Buyer to pay all the shipping costs. USA Qualified ConSiGnED BY RSK FARMS , B6 Rae & Stephanie; Stephen & Sarah; Andrew Kopeechuk, Brandon, MB canadian western agribition hereford sale Heifer Calves Here is a great cow prospect sired by the 2012 World Hereford Conference Reserve National Champion Bull, Can Doo 102Y. CCR 42C is also paternal sister to the $165,000 Remitall Start Me Up 7B, the high-seller in Remitall West’s 2014 production sale. The dam of this heifer calf is a hard-working, good uddered daughter of Breakout. She comes from the Star Bonnie Beth 54N cow family that did so well for both Star Lake Cattle Ranch and River Valley Polled Herefords. This cow family has risen to the top here at Copper Creek Ranch, ranking prominently in our top cow families. Bonnie Beth 42C will look pretty nice in the show ring as well!!! Her own phenotype and completeness speaks for itself through her soundness, femininity and great rib shape. ConSiGnED BY COPPER CREEK RANCH, Managers: Phil and Catherine Brown, Princeton, BC Star undeniable 163Z 105 CCR 102Y PC03005065 CCR 42C Bonnie Beth 42C March 2, 2015 DLF IEF HYF 106 Female STAR BRIGHT FUTURE 533P ET STAR BONNIE BETH 54N STAR MKS LIMELIGHT 288G RVP Star 533P unequaled 53u BLAIR-ATHOL C03010551 DVL 20C RVP STAR 533P CAN-AM ET 57U CB 57u CAn Doo 102Y DLF iEF HYF HF 74M LIMELIGHT LADY 42P DLF IEF HYF HF 43K DUSTY LADY 74M FELTONS BREAK THROUGH STAR KCL BREAKOUT 3T ET DLF IEF HYF STAR RICKI 162M STAR unDEniABLE 163Z DLF iEF HYF STAR BRIGHT FUTURE 533P ET RVP STAR 533P UNEQUALED ET 53U STAR BONNIE BETH 54N CRR ABOUT TIME 743 DLF IEF HYF RST TiME’S A WASTin’ 0124 DLF iEF HYF RST MS 1000 BLAZER 2029 DLF IEF HYF BW: 72 lbs. EPDS BW: 88 lbs. EPDS PE CE -1.5 BW 3.2 WW 51.1 YW 80.2 MM 18.1 TM 43.7 BLAIR-ATHOL PURE LUCK 61S DS PuRE RonDA 10X CS GPR RONDA 30S Horned CE BW 2.5 2.6 WW 49.1 CB 57u Can Doo 102Y Ronda Time 20C February 18, 2015 Female THM DURANGO 4037 DLF IEF HYF CRR D03 CASSIE 206 MJB BLAZER 1000 MS RST 858 VICTOR 9059 MHCVB 68M PROWLER 118P BLAIR-ATHOL 20X BETTE 926K GRANDVIEW SOP RIBEYE 276 CS GV MISS FLAG 12P ET YW 84.3 MM 25.1 TM 49.7 Here is an outstanding daughter of the Denver 2013 Supreme Champion, Time’s A’ Wastin’. These Time’s A’ Wastin’ calves have been the talk of Blair Athol all year. 20C is long spined, square hipped and structurally sound. A big goggly red eye gives her that cool show ring look. Her dam was purchased from Stockdales in Pensylvania. We have sent her high selling herd bulls out of our last two Bull Sales to the Knapp’s at Southey and the Buyers at Carnduff. A nice show heifer in the making and a great cow down the road. ConSiGnED BY BLAIR ATHOL FARMS, Duncan & Val; Jeff & Grace; Arcola, SK canadian western agribition hereford sale B7 Heifer Calves Elsa’s pedigree is chocked full of awesome cattle. Heat, Umpire, 152M, and the great Nita cow family. Moving into Patriot, Stetson, the Nita cow family again, Nasdaq, and our foundation female, the Scarlet 17K cow family. We can’t say enough about the females backing up Elsa. Her grand dam Sophie 5X, a beautiful uddered Nasdaq; her momma Barbie 1A, a Stetson two year old that will be doing great things here at C&T. This is a family to build cow herds around and raise breed changing herd bulls. We truly are offering one of our best. Elsa is stylish and eye catching. She is dark coloured and pigmentated; deep, long, and square hipped while remaining clean fronted and very smooth in her lines. Elsa will be a winner in the ring and on into the pasture. C&T would like to retain one future flush at our expense and the purchaser’s convenience. ConSiGnED BY C&T CATTLE CO., Chris & Tina Lees; Kurt Lees, Arcola, SK 107 C&T 218Z PC03009567 TL 3C January 23, 2015 Elsa 3C 108 Female STANDARD-HILL PC03007632 SHL 49C BNMHPH 13P HEAT 101S DLF IEF HYF FCC 7M QUANTUM 2U MHPH 101S UMPIRE 118U DLF IEF HYF MHPH MS 68M NITA 1112R DLF IEF HYF FCC 2u HARLAn 7Y DLF iEF HYF MHPH 118u ZAPPA 218Z DLF iEF HYF GHC PREMIER 152M MOOREHAVEN GLENA MARIE 8S 3W GHC-TABOO-TCF MISS KAREN 4T DLF IEF HYF GHC MISS SALLY ET 5R REMITALL PATRIOT ET 13P GHC-CT-GUARDIAN 40X DLF IEF HYF MHPH 13P STETSON 102S DLF IEF HYF MHPH MS 24K NITA 109N DLF IEF HYF SHPH 40X CHELAn 46Z DLF iEF HYF C&T 102S BARBiE 1A PW MOHICAN NASDAQ P316 SHPH 15U CHELAN 33X C&T P316 SOPHIE 5X DLF IEF HYF C&T 66L SAGE 422S BW: 77 lbs. EPDS PE CE -0.4 BW 3.3 WW 46.4 YW 76.0 MM 21.0 TM 44.2 BW: 78 lbs. EPDS CE -0.4 BW 5.2 WW 51.9 March 6, 2015 Chelan 49C Female WLB FRESH 035J 7M FCC 36N MARIE 13R MOOREHAVEN SKOAL 118P 8S TABOO 62J GLENA MARIE 117M MCCOY 47N THROTTLE 98S DLF IEF HYF GHC MISS LASSIE 14M HI-CLIFFE 38S UMPIRE 15U SHPH 29R IVY 16T YW 88.6 MM 24.7 TM 50.7 49C is a muscular, thick, attractive, moderate framed heifer calf with an exciting pedigree. This heifer will be admired for her strong muscled top and width of hip and rump. She has the prime cuts covered. She is attractive in her pigmentation, exhibiting lots of dark red, and her clean front end. Her sire was an Agribition class winner and puts power into his progeny. Her dam is a proven young Guardian 40X cow that exhibits a tight, small teated udder. 46Z’s first calf was a high seller in our March Bull Sale. Be sure to analyze this opportunity closely. ConSiGnED BY STANDARD HILL LIVESTOCK , Stephen & Chrisitine Myer, Maidstone, SK B8 FCC 2u Harlan 7Y canadian western agribition hereford sale Heifer Calves Arguably the best heifer calf we have raised this year. Average birth weight and calving ease with excess performance, milk and carcass values. Mother is now in our donor program and the maternal sister and brother will contribute immensely to the future of our herd. 34C will undoubtedly raise breed improving herd bulls. We are retaining the right to a future flush at our expense and the new owner’s convenience. ConSiGnED BY PHANTOM CREEK LIVESTOCK, Doug & Wanda Mann, Swift Current, SK 109 PCL PC03007295 DAWM 34C MHPH MS 101S DAINTY 123U DLF IEF HYF BW 3.6 WW 62.0 YW 105.5 MM 21.4 TM 52.4 APKo 92C REMITALL ALLIANCE 503W DLF IEF HYF HF 503W KinGDoM 236Y DLF iEF HYF HF 29F GOLDIE 36P BW: 87 lbs. EPDS Sibling to 34C M-R 236Y PC03006945 SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 DLF IEF HYF TH 122 71I VICTOR 521X ET DLF IEF HYF SHF LADY 512 L73 HARoLDSonS LuCY 521X 29Z WTK 75A CONTINENTAL 66F HAROLDSON’S LUCY T100 80X EAGLE 7C HALLMARK 10H SHF TAHOE R117 T100 HARoLDSon’S CARLA T100 27X DLF iEF HYF GHC MISS CARLA 62N CE 0.8 Female DRF JWR PRINCE VICTOR 71I KBCR 19D DOMINETTE 122 DLF IEF MHPH 102S WYATT 301W DLF IEF HYF TH 122 71I VICTOR 521X ET DLF IEF HYF MHPH 521X ACTion 106A DLF iEF HYF MHPH 301W DAINTY 205Y DLF IEF HYF BW: 85 lbs. EPDS Carla 106A 34C 110 February 14, 2015 Sibling to 34C CE 0.6 BW 3.0 WW 53.4 February 7, 2015 Lucy 92C Female REMITALL SUPER DUTY 42S DLF IEF HYF REMITALL SALLY 465P DLF IEF HYF CS BOOMER 29F DLF IEF HYF MISS 87D FORTUNE 707B 67J DRF JWR PRINCE VICTOR 71I KBCR 19D DOMINETTE 122 DLF IEF SHF TAHOE R117 T100 HAROLDSON’S LUCY LU 2Z ET 47L YW 89.4 MM 23.1 TM 49.8 HF 503W Kingdom 236Y A heifer that will grab your attention come sale day. She is sired by our 2013 National Champion Bull, Kingdom. Her dam was purchased out of Haroldson’s 2013 Production Sale. We bring her to you as a great opportunity to purchase one of your next top producers. Get your bidding hand ready. MIssion Ridge reserves the rights to a future flush at their expense and the buyers convenience. Mission Ridge would like to retain one future flush at our expense and the purchaser’s convenience. ConSiGnED BY MISSION RIDGE HEREFORDS, Steve, Fran, Matt, Mark, Paul, James & Michelle Hordos, Raymore, SK canadian western agribition hereford sale B9 Heifer Calves We were proud to once again give Chris the pick of our heifer calf crop for this consignment. He selected 17C. We believe there is a lot of future in this heifer. She is long-sided, deep ribbed with a show ring front end. Her two year old mother is the type of cow we are striving to produce, who is moderate, stout, sound, with a high quality udder. The combination of Boomer 29F with the lineage of Victor 755T make this lady a maternal powerhouse. ConSiGnED BY L V FARMS LTD., Dayle & Dixie; Logan & Brianna Martinson, Midale, SK 111 LV PC03005750 LV 17C Rainbow 17C 112 February 11, 2015 Female WMB 106A PC03011141 WMB 101C Rock Star 101C February 13, 2015 Female REMITALL BOOMER 46B DRF JWR PRINCE VICTOR 71I CS BOOMER 29F DLF IEF HYF CS MISS 1ST FLAG 21A TH 122 71I VICTOR 521X ET DLF IEF HYF KBCR 19D DOMINETTE 122 DLF IEF MEADoW-ACRES 29F ToRCH ET 118W DLF iEF HYF MS CHOICE VICTOR 102G 102M MHPH 521X ACTion 106A DLF iEF HYF MHPH 102S WYATT 301W DLF IEF HYF MEADOW-ACRES 66E ADA 102M 5G WTK 75A ADA 66E MHPH 301W DAINTY 205Y DLF IEF HYF MHPH MS 101S DAINTY 123U DLF IEF HYF TH 223 71I VICTOR 755T DLF IEF HYF REMITALL NATION WIDE ET 93N TH 98T 755T VICTOR 42Y DLF IEF HYF TH 34M 243R VICKI 98T DLF IEF HYF BLAIR-ATHOL CANADA WIDE ET 43U DLF IEF HYF SQUARE-D PEARL 37M LV RAinBoW 71A MICGIL’S ROMERO 60D 46K WMB 43u’S JoY 114Y DLF iEF HYF NORTHFORK 82H SHOOTER 5K MICGIL’S RAINBOW 59P 101U MICGIL’S RAINBOW 20X 30K WMB 5K’S JOY 158T WMB 206D’S MISS 124H BW: 76 lbs. EPDS CE 2.4 BW 4.0 WW 48.5 YW 79.6 MM 22.4 TM 46.7 BW: 88 lbs. EPDS CE -2.3 BW 5.2 WW 61.9 YW 101.7 MM 24.3 TM 55.3 This heifer comes from the very top of our calf crop and should make an excellent cow. ConSiGnED BY BIEBER HEREFORDS, Walter Bieber, Wolseley, SK B10 canadian western agribition hereford sale Heifer Calves This heifer has lots of muscle and shape with a great top and a moderate birth weight. Shown at Beef-a-Rama this summer by our 7 year old son. Celebrate’s dam also raised our last years Agribition sale entry. She’s a ranch momma that goes out and makes a living on her own but she’s also a stylish cow with lots of milk. Celebrate’s sire is a home raised bull out of our top producing cow. We used him on a few select cows and are real happy with all the offspring. ConSiGnED BY SEVEN PINES RANCH, Wade & Laurel Johnson, Grenfell, SK 113 7P 305 C03013216 RSP 11C C R111 NEW ERA 1181 ET DLF IEF HYF 7P 1181 MR WoRLDWiDE 305A DLF iEF HYF TALECO 145R JULIA 9U 96 RED DOMINO 96S 96 REBA 36u 96 LEXI 18S BW: 81 lbs. EPDS PE Horned CE BW 0.9 3.5 WW 47.9 Celebrate 11C 114 March 28, 2015 Female C NEW ERA ET DLF IEF HYF S LADY ADVANCE 176L GRANDVIEW 7OAKS SONORA 145R DLF IEF HYF TALECO 29F 26X JENNY 18M OXH DOMINO 3053 96 EVE 93P F-R 33H LAD 38L 96 CASSIE 18M YW 74.6 MM 18.1 TM 42.1 BR 4W C03007452 BR 175C Montana Lady 175C February 15, 2015 Female AGA 121G STANMORE 20J DLF IEF HYF LBH 20J STANMORE 31R DLF IEF HYF LBH 10S STAN LASS 34N DLF IEF HYF DBHR 31R STAnMoRE 4W DLF iEF HYF LLL 85A STANDARD 93D DLF IEF HYF DBHR 93D STANDARD LASS 2G DLF IEF HYF LLL VOLTAGE BRIT LASS 129A LP STD 45M ROLEX 71R BRETON WEST 71R VALUE 86U DLF IEF HYF DOUBLE GEN 84J SWEETIE 36S BR 86u MonTAnA LADY 168Y YV 82R SILVER RIB 702T DBHR 702T MONTANA LADY 105W DBHR 42R MONTANA LADY 162T BW: 92 lbs. EPDS Horned CE BW 1.2 4.6 WW 39.0 YW 52.5 MM 15.3 TM 34.8 BR 86u Montana Lady 168Y We had a tough time deciding which heifer calf to offer in this sale. We feel that BR 4W Montana Lady 175C has a bright future. She’s short marked, stylish, stout and easy doing. Montana Lady would make a great junior project. Her disposition couldn’t be better, but more importantly, she will make a great brood cow. Her sire, BR 31R Stanmore 4W, is a home raised bull, we own in partnership with T Bar K Herefords. 4W has made a name for himself due to his ability to sire moderate framed, easy keeping cattle with a ton of hair, that Ranchers really appreciate. ConSiGnED BY BRAUN RANCH, Craig & Carrie Braun, Simmie, SK canadian western agribition hereford sale B11 Heifer Calf & Bred Heifer We are offering Double Deuce Connie 159C, believing that she is one we should be keeping to work in our herd. She is the first heifer calf we have ever got out of our McCoy Connie cow. This 159C heifer is packed full of performance and her pedigree indicates she has unlimited potential. She is dark red, has good EPD’s and we are confident she will make one solid producing cow. Double Deuce Connie 159C was born unassisted. DNA Tested ConSiGnED BY DOUBLE DEUCE ACRES, Ian & Margaret Haynes, Regina, SK McCoy 73R Connie 159 115 DOUBLE DEUCE PC03008041 DDA 159C REMITALL ALLIANCE 503W DLF IEF HYF FCC 503W STinG 15Y DLF iEF HYF FCC 102M KAREN 3R DLF IEF HYC LAMPORT’S 87N PARAGON 73R MCCoY 73R ConniE 159W MCCOY 55M CONNIE 123P BW: 80 lbs. EPDS CE -0.9 BW 4.1 WW 48.5 Connie 159C 116 February 11, 2015 Female FCC 503W Sting 15Y XLP HH 75Z C03000908 XLP 893B Nadia 893B February 25, 2014 Female REMITALL SUPER DUTY 42S DLF IEF HYF CRR ABOUT TIME 743 DLF IEF HYF REMITALL SALLY 465P DLF IEF HYF TH 89T 743 UNTAPPED 425X ET DLF IEF HYF TH 16G 20N GEMINI 89T DLF IEF HYF MS CHOICE VICTOR 102G 102M AnL A XLP ACTion ET 75Z DLF iEF HYF ANL SBS 122L CATTLELAC 3N FCC 4L KAREN 14N ANL PBG 3N SPLENDOUR 143T DLF IEF HYF ANL 8E SPLENDOUR 3M LAMPORT’S 28K NEW BLOOD 87N WILGOR 55K NORTHEASTERN OL 2N DLF IEF HYF LAMPORT’S 48G ADMIRAL LADY 71J MHPH 2N WEBSTER 1131W DLF IEF HYF MAY’S EMOTION 45H 112L MCCOY 3J MATADOR 55M XLP HH 1131W nADiA 593Z SQUARE-D NAZDAC 704K MCCOY 58G CONNIE 18K SQUARE-D NADIA 593N SQUARE-D LASSIE 293E YW 85.0 MM 20.4 TM 44.7 BW: 82 lbs. EPDS PE Horned CE BW 0.6 4.0 WW 47.7 YW 77.4 MM 21.3 TM 45.1 I wanted to follow up the success we had showing ACTION at Agribition last year and I thought the best way was to offer one of his daughters in the sale this year. 893B is a broody individual. She is developing an excellent udder. It looks like it will be long, have great front and rear attachment with nice spacing between the teats. Dehorned. Bred AI to NJW TwentyTwelve on May 1, 2015. Preg Checked safe in calf on October 8, 2015. ConSiGnED BY LONE PINE CATTLE SERVICES, Rob & Dawn O’Connor, Vibank, SK B12 canadian western agribition hereford sale Bred Heifers Idealistic, modern type Hereford female saved from our production sale to feature at Agribition. Soft made, huge bellied, beautiful skulled, totally complete bred female out of the globally popular and proven Semex sire. Her dam’s sister topped our 2014 sale at $21500 and the Flint bull adds the look and quality of his Denver Champion sister; BF Flirtatious to the genetic mix. Balanced EPD’s, with unique bloodlines and an exciting service, you can bet we are hauling a special one across the country for this event. Bred to AXA Golden-Oak Xceed ET 704X on May 12, 2015. Preg checked safe to that date. ConSiGnED BY ELMLODGE POLLED HEREFORDS, Billy & Juanita Elmhirst, Indian River, ON 117 ELM-LODGE PC03002254 TAX 64B NS KENO 005 ELM-LoDGE nEXT BiG THinG 3n DLF iEF HYF ELM-LODGE LOVE LETTER 15L BF FLINT 730T ET DLF IEF HYF ELM-LoDGE YA BABY 72Y ELM-LODGE 5D WELL BUILT 55W BW: 85 lbs. EPDS CE 0.3 BW 4.4 WW 58.3 Blanche 64B April 19, 2014 DLF IEF HYF Female JSF 37 271 DEVO 23C GK APOLLONIA 834Z ELM-LODGE FRANCHISE 9F EARDLEY HAZEL 140Z BR MOLER ET DLF IEF ELM-LODGE 24 KARAT 13K ELM-LODGE PAYCHECK 11P DLF IEF HYF ELM-LODGE 19R DARCY 5D YW 91.7 MM 23.7 TM 52.9 118 BBSF 100W PC03002561 GHMB 25B Cindy ET 25B March 14, 2014 DLF IEF HYF Female RRH MR FELT 3008 KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 DLF IEF HYF KCF MISS 459 F284 nJW 73S M326 TRuST 100W ET DLF iEF HYF PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S DLF IEF HYF NJW 94J DEW 72N DLF IEF HYF KOANUI STYLE 1136 MAUNGAHINA HUNZA 040035 MAUNGAHINA W HILDA 28 BBSF 040035 CinDY 21W DLF iEF HYF KLONDIKE 500Z FEDERATION 7C BBSF 7C CINDY 18N BBSF 610F CINDY 86L BW: 78 lbs. EPDS CE -3.9 BW 5.4 WW 63.8 YW 113.5 MM 25.0 TM 57.9 Cindy 25B is a deep bodied, broody female that has cow power written all over her. This family has been very productive at BBSF from excelling in the show ring to raising high sellers in our production sale. Bred May 12, 2015 to Remitall-Havana ET 33A. Exposed to BBSF 719T Adeem 76A from June 1 to July 11, 2015. ConSiGnED BY BROST LAND & CATTLE CO. LTD., Blaine & Shannon Brost, Irvine, AB canadian western agribition hereford sale B13 Bred Heifers With two maternal sisters in the herd we feel it is a good time to share this great cow family. We love this heifer’s big-ribbed, bold sprung cowy look, plus check the udder set she has coming. Tesara’s mother, 1W, is without a doubt a top producer, sired by Haroldson’s Boulevard 28S. Tesara’s sire, Ruler, is a three quarter brother to Benchmark, the 2013 Agribition Champion. Pasture Exposed to MF Bang On 11Z from May 18 to July 30, 2015. ConSiGnED BY MARTY FLICEK POLLED HEREFORDS, Marty Flicek, Swift Current, SK 119 MF PC0300813 MFFH 17B WLB ELI 10H 83T DLF IEF HYF JJPH 83T RuLER 134Y DLF iEF HYF JJPH 217M WANDA 859U HAROLDSON’S RS BOULEVARD 28S MF MAGGiE MAY 1W MF LADY RAZZLE 7R BW: 95 lbs. EPDS CE -4.1 BW 6.3 WW 55.8 Tesara 17B March 13, 2014 Female DR WORLD CLASS 517 10H WLB 035J FLORA 85M HF 4L BEYOND 36N JJPH WICKED WANDA 297Y 217M HF 4L BEYOND 36N HAROLDSON’S SARAH 122L 64N T-BAR-K 218Y REVIVAL ET 4H MF RAZZLE 8J YW 88.8 MM 18.1 TM 46.0 120 MF PC0300814 MFFH 19B March 20, 2014 WLB ELI 10H 83T DLF IEF HYF JJPH 83T RuLER 134Y DLF iEF HYF JJPH 217M WANDA 859U JJPH 5100 CONNECTED 867U DLF IEF HYF MF SARA JAnE 6Y MF SARA 11U BW: 98 lbs. EPDS CE -4.6 BW 7.0 WW 58.7 Molly 19B Female DR WORLD CLASS 517 10H WLB 035J FLORA 85M HF 4L BEYOND 36N JJPH WICKED WANDA 297Y 217M AA LOADED 5100 JJPH 53K MOLLY 672S BLAIR-ATHOL 37H STANDARD 68R MF LACY 16J YW 95.3 MM 17.6 TM 47.0 Molly is a favourite of the of all the summer visitors. Real great made female that is stout enough to raise you herd sires but has the presence to be tough in the show ring. There is a lot of potential in this female. Not only because of her type, but also because her mother is a top matron in the herd and has what we call a picture perfect udder. Molly’s mother is sired by Connected, who at the side of his mother was named the National Champion Polled Hereford Female at Agribition in 2008.Pasture Exposed to MF Bang On 11Z from May 18 to July 30, 2015. ConSiGnED BY MARTY FLICEK POLLED HEREFORDS, Marty Flicek, Swift Current, SK B14 canadian western agribition hereford sale Bred Heifers 172B is a larger framed, high capacity, level made bred heifer that promises to produce. Her sire is the well known bull, BARE Mr You Tube 4Y, and her mother is an ideal uddered cow that constantly raises a large calf. 172B carries an AI service to our herd sire Square-D Pat 2N 7S, who has done many good things for us including moderate birth weight, reduce frame, increase udder quality, add length and muscle. Pat’s strengths should work very well with this future cow. For more info please visit our webpage,, or give us a call. Bred on May 4, 2015 to Square-D Pat 2N 7S. Preg tested safe to this service. ConSiGnED BY STANDARD HILL LIVESTOCK , Stephen & Chrisitine Myer, Maidstone, SK 121 STANDARD-HILL PC02996087 SHL 172B NCX WINCHESTER 745W DLF IEF HYF BARE MR You TuBE 4Y DLF iEF HYF NCX MISS WHIPLASH 3W DLF IEF HYF KLONDIKE 500Z FEDERATION 7C SHPH 7C STAR 133Y DLF iEF HYF SQUARE-D STAR 9053W BW: 90 lbs. EPDS CE 1.3 BW 2.9 WW 41.5 February 13, 2014 Star 172B Female STAR 26P HEMI 413S ET NCX JR SPIRIT QUEEN 745S SQUARE-D EDGE 694D NCX MISS JR PACIFICA 590P GK FED EX GK SPIRIT QUEEN 42A HB STAR BATTLE GROUND 2013 DLF IEF HYF C&T 86P DIMPLE 53T YW 65.6 MM 18.6 TM 39.4 Square-D Pat 2n 7S - Service Sire 122 ROSELAWN PC02997438 AHK 38B NJW FHF 9710 TANK 45P DLF IEF HYF HARoLDSon’S TAnK 45P 10W DLF iEF HYF SQUARE-D NATALIE 516L DTHF RASPUTIN 121R DLF IEF HYF RoSELAWn RHEnA 121R 31u DLF iEF HYF C&T 66L SANTINA 20P BW: 92 lbs. EPDS SHPH 7C Star 133Y CE 0.2 BW 4.4 WW 52.1 Payton 10W 38B March 11, 2014 Female FHF 8403 STARBUCK 19H GV 579 VICTORIA 9710 WLB 24F BREWSTER 10E 22J SQUARE-D KATIE 816J DTHF KASPER 82K DLF IEF HYF DTHF MISS HENRIETTA 55H HAROLDSON’S RUMBLE 66L C&T 2E SANTANA 37L YW 82.1 MM 18.5 TM 44.6 This Tank 10W daughter comes from the top of our replacement pen. She’s wide topped, deep ribbed with an exceptional rear quarter. Her mother 31U is a great cow in our donor program. You’ll want to check out 38B’s maternal brother in our show string. As an added bonus, she is bred to Action 106A for a later February calf. Check her out sale day. Opportunity knocks! AI bred to MHPH 521X Action 106A on May 18. Exposed to Haroldson’s JVJ Covert 8A from May 21 to August 10. Preg checked safe to AI breeding. ConSiGnED BY ROSELAWN POLLED HEREFORDS, Wally & Jackie Mitchell, Killarney, MB canadian western agribition hereford sale B15 Embryo Opportunities TLELL 8R Tickle 22T MJW 73S M326 Trust 100W ET Reserve Grand Champion Female from the 2013 Farm Fair International’s Western National Hereford Show, bred to the 2012 Denver Supreme Champion Bull. Tickle 22T is an easy keeping, volume cow who puts it all together in a very pleasing package. Her Trust ET heifer calf from this flush, born at Tlell this spring, is definitely “Top Cut!” Exportable embryos are qualified for EU, USA and Australia, as well as many other World Hereford member countries. Embryos are stored at Dr. Marty Darrow, Greenbelt Embryo Services, Chilliwack, BC. All shipping costs are the responsibility of the purchaser. Selling two embryos with a guarantee of 1 pregnancy if implanted by a certified technician. ConSiGnED BY RICHARDSON RANCH, Don & Leslie Richardson, Tlell, BC TWO GRADE 1 123 Exportable Embryos nJW 73S M326 Trust 100W ET x TLELL 8R Tickle 22T RRH MR FELT 3008 KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 DLF IEF HYF KCF MISS 459 F284 nJW 73S M326 TRuST 100W ET DLF iEF HYF PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S DLF IEF HYF NJW 94J DEW 72N DLF IEF HYF BLAIR-ATHOL 20 THE ROCK ET 19M TLELL 19M LITTLE ROCK 8R TLELL 60D ROO 29J DLF IEF HYF TLELL 8R TiCKLE 22T DLF iEF HYF REMITALL EMBRACER 8 TLELL 8E KURLEY 22M TLELL J7 BLUE NUN 11E EPDS PE CE -0.4 BW 3.7 WW 54.2 YW 97.2 MM 25.0 TM 52.1 TLELL 8R Tickle 22T TWO GRADE 1 124 Exportable Embryos nJW 73S W18 Hometown 10Y ET x TLELL 8R Tickle 22T KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 DLF IEF HYF SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET DLF IEF HYF SHF GOVERNESS 236G L37 nJW 73S W18 HoMEToWn 10Y ET DLF iEF HYF PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S DLF IEF HYF NJW 94J DEW 72N DLF IEF HYF BLAIR-ATHOL 20 THE ROCK ET 19M TLELL 19M LITTLE ROCK 8R TLELL 60D ROO 29J DLF IEF HYF TLELL 8R TiCKLE 22T DLF iEF HYF REMITALL EMBRACER 8 TLELL 8E KURLEY 22M TLELL J7 BLUE NUN 11E EPDS PE CE 1.9 BW 3.0 WW 51.2 YW 91.1 MM 24.8 TM 50.5 nJW 73S W18 Hometown 10Y ET Reserve Grand Champion Female from the 2013 Farm Fair International’s Western National Hereford Show, bred to the 2013 Denver Grand Champion bull. Can’t breed them any better than this. 22T was the dam to our top selling bred heifer in 2014 selling to Brost Land & Cattle Co. of Irvine, Alberta. Exportable embryos are qualified for EU, USA and Australia, as well as many other World Hereford member countries. Embryos are stored at Dr. Marty Darrow, Greenbelt Embryo Services, Chilliwack, BC. All shipping costs are the responsibility of the purchaser. Selling two embryos with a guarantee of 1 pregnancy if implanted by a certified technician. ConSiGnED BY RICHARDSON RANCH, Don & Leslie Richardson, Tlell, BC B16 canadian western agribition hereford sale Embryo Opportunities TLELL 23S Tanya 31u TH 122 71i Victor 719T The Tanya cow was a favorite of many of the International visitors who travelled to see our herd while attending the 2012 World Hereford Conference in Canada. She was calf at the side of her Batavia dam when the pair was named Senior Mature Champion of the 2008 Farm Fair International’s Western National Hereford Show. The pedigree of our Tanya cow family traces back via the Saddle Valley Tanya 125E cow to a good Klondike donor cow, Klondike Beauty 789C. TH 122 71I Victor 719T will just strengthen this cow family with his reputation for quality daughters. Exportable embryos are qualified for EU, USA and Australia, as well as many other World Hereford member countries. Embryos are stored at Dr. Marty Darrow, Greenbelt Embryo Services, Chilliwack, BC. All shipping costs are the responsibility of the purchaser. Selling three embryos with a guarantee of 1 pregnancy if implanted by a certified technician. ConSiGnED BY RICHARDSON RANCH, Don & Leslie Richardson, Tlell, BC THREE GRADE 1 125 DRF JWR PRINCE VICTOR 71I TH 122 71i ViCToR 719T DLF iEF HYF KBCR 19D DOMINETTE 122 DLF IEF TLELL 36N SITKA 23S TLELL 23S TAnYA 31u DLF iEF HYF TLELL S5 SYDNEY 8P DLF IEF HYF EPDS PE Exportable Embryos TH 122 71i Victor 719T x TLELL 23S Tanya 31u CE 3.0 BW 3.1 WW 54.7 HRP THM VICTOR 109W 9329 RHF 964 VICTRA 4057 NJW 1Y WRANGLER 19D KBCR DOMINETTE 9112 HF 4L BEYOND 36N TLELL 19K BANGEROO 29M WIRANYA BATAVIA SADDLE-VALLEY TANYA 125E YW 87.1 MM 21.9 TM 49.3 Remitall Dixie 229P THREE GRADE 1 126 Exportable Embryos Churchill Red Bull 200Z x Remitall Dixie 229P UPS DOMINO 3027 DLF IEF HYF CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X DLF IEF HYF CHURCHILL LADY 7202T ET DLF IEF HYF CHuRCHiLL RED BuLL 200Z DLF iEF HYF GOLDEN-OAK OUTCROSS 18U DLF IEF HYF CHURCHILL LADY 002X ET CHURCHILL LADY 600S E REMITALL EMBRACER 8E REMITALL ONLINE 122L REMITALL CATALINA 24H REMiTALL DiXiE 229P DLF iEF HYF REMITALL FINE LINE 141F REMITALL DIXIE 395L REMITALL DIXIE 210D EPDS PE CE 2.1 BW 2.7 WW 59.4 YW 98.1 MM 28.5 TM 58.2 Churchill Red Bull 200Z Dixie 229P is a very productive Online cow, mother of the People’s Choice Bull at the 210 Hereford Genes Event, TLELL 42S Super Dude 20W, herd sire for Copper T Ranch. We purchased this feature Online daughter from the Remitall Dispersal Sale and her heifer calf at side sold that day to Harvey Duke. Her daughters have twice been the high selling female lots in our Online Sales. Churchill Red Bull 200Z will moderate her birth weight while adding growth, milk, marble and muscle. Exportable embryos are qualified for EU, USA and Australia, as well as many other World Hereford member countries. Embryos are stored at Dr. Marty Darrow, Greenbelt Embryo Services, Chilliwack, BC. All shipping costs are the responsibility of the purchaser. Selling three embryos with a guarantee of 1 pregnancy if implanted by a certified technician. ConSiGnED BY RICHARDSON RANCH, Don & Leslie Richardson, Tlell, BC canadian western agribition hereford sale B17 Embryo Opportunities Haroldson’s Phillis T100 51W Gerber Anodyne 001A Lakes Ranch offers a unique genetic opportunity which combines high carcass values with leading maternal strength. The sire of this mating, Gerber Anodyne, is an out-cross sire with amazing data from birth to yearling, maternal values and an awesome marbling score. He is owned by Crittenden Bros., McCoy Cattle Co. and Lakes Ranch in Canada and Sandhills Farms, Loewen Herefords and Candy Meadows in the USA. The donor, Haroldson’s Philis T100 51W, was the high selling female at the Crittenden Bros. 2014 sale while her daughter at foot was the high selling heifer calf selected by Blair’s.Ag. 51W is an awesome donor female with a REA of two and one half times the breed average. The embryos are stored at Sundown Livestock transplants, Cremona, Alberta. All cost shall be borne by the purchaser . ConSiGnED BY Daughter of 51W High Selling Heifer calf in the Crittenden Bros. Sale LAKES RANCH, Winston Stothert, West Vancouver, BC THREE 127 Exportable Embryos Gerber Anodyne 001A x Haroldson’s Philis T100 51W CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET DLF IEF KCF BENNETT 9126J R294 DLF IEF HYF GERBER AnoDYnE 001A GERBER 627S HOLLY 096Y KCF MISS 3008 N344 DLF IEF HYF GERBER SQUIRE 627S GERBER 116K HOLLY T115 SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 DLF IEF HYF SHF LADY 512 L73 GHC STAR MOOSE 59M GHC MISS LASSIE 5M SHF TAHOE R117 T100 HARoLDSon’S PHiLiS T100 51W DLF iEF HYF GHC MISS PHILIS 50R EPDS PE BW 4.6 BW 1.7 WW 56.5 YW 98.7 MM 22.2 TM 51.0 SS-Topline Yes Canadianna 124Y 128 THREE Exportable Embryos SS-Topline Powerhouse ET 888Z x SS-Topline Yes Canadianna 124Y GH NEON 17N SS-ToPLinE PoWERHouSE ET 888Z DLF iEF HYF GH DIFFERENCE BRITISHER 45L GH SIR SIMBA LASS 107K DLF IEF HYF AR STANDARD PREFORMER 146P GH PREFORMANCE PASSION 126S DLF IEF HYF GH PEARL’S PASSION ET 29P GH BULL POWER 312P BAR SG TURBO POWER 90T BCF 9150 MILESTONE LADY 27L SS-ToPLinE YES CAnADiAnnA 124Y DLF iEF HYF GH-ADAMS SHADOW 144S SS-TOPLINE SHADOW DAWN 124U JDA PROGRESS MADE RIGHT 124P DLF IEF HYF EPDS PE CE -2.2 BW 5.1 WW 54.5 YW 95.7 MM 17.5 TM 44.8 SS-Topline Powerhouse ET 888Z An exclusive one time opportunity to have calves from two powerful individuals. Stop by the stall and see the progeny. Tremendously powerful calves from our herd sire that has achieved many Championships and one of our top young females, an elite female from a Great Trefiak Cow family with longevity and spectacular milk. She has won numerous championships, when we have shown her in previous years. Don’t miss this chance to be a part of an exciting mating of genetics we have produced for you. Limited quantity available. Selling three first class number one embryos with a guarantee of one pregnancy if implanted by a certified technician. Global Exportable - Stored at Davis Rairden. ConSiGnED BY SS CATTLE COMPANY, Sheldon & Shannon Archibald Family, Irma, AB B18 canadian western agribition hereford sale Flush Opportunity MAn 450B - Progeny MAn 550C - Progeny 129 THE RIGHT TO PC02915030 Flush JJPH 584R TRU SYTLE 850U JX 850u March 14, 2008 JSF 23 NIBBS 60G FCC 60G MADDUX 4L HF 4L BEYonD 36n MISS 87D FORTUNE 707B 67J SVR 15D JADE 554G TEE-JAY 707B FORTUNE 4F MISS 77S VARSITY VIC 87D LLL NUFF SAID 45H J-BAR-B 153C MISS SAMMY 28G Y-NOT BIG TIME 182C JJPH 154Y ARCHON LASS 454D J-BAR-B 45H LARRIAT 6L JJPH 97F TRu 584R JJPH 454D ARCH LASS 97F EPDS BW -6.9 BW 5.8 WW 46.3 Female YW 79.1 MM 14.0 TM 37.2 Terms: The terms of the sale are cash or cheque, payable at par at the sale location. The right of property shall not pass until after settlement has been made; no invoicing on buyers in attendance unless previous arrangements have been made. Every animal sells to the highest bidder and in cases of disputes, the auctioneer’s decision will be final. Announcements from the auction block will take precedence over the printed matter in the catalogue. Current exchange rates will be announced sale day. All monies are in Canadian funds. Certificate of Registration: Each animal will carry papers issued by the Canadian Hereford Association. A certificate of registry duly transferred will be furnished to the buyer for each animal after payment has been made. Health: All animals in the sale have met all necessary health requirements. Guarantee: Each animal becomes the purchaser’s risk immediately after the animal is sold. All animals in this sale will be sold under the terms and guarantees set forth by the Canadian Hereford Association with regard to health, freedom from defects and from both reproductive and specific genetic unsoundness. Pregnancy information: All serviceable age females have been pregnancy examined by an accredited veterinarian, giving an estimated length of gestation. This estimated gestation period shall be used only as a guideline to calving and is not a guarantee of actual service. canadian western agribition hereford sale JX 229Z - Progeny Here is a rare opportunity to flush to a powerhouse female that has been a favourite of ours as well as to all who have stopped by our place. Out of the well known and highly sought after HF 4L Beyond 36N sire that has left his own stamp on many great females. This cow has left a legacy of Agribition class winning females, that combine not only femininity but power and capacity as well. Flush to the bull of your choice; flushing must be done at Sundown Livestock Transplants, guaranteed six embryos. All flush and semen costs are the responsibility of the purchaser. ConSiGnED BY MANCHESTER POLLED HEREFORDS, Darren & Kari-Rae Manchester, Senlac, SK Liabilities: All persons attend the sale at their own risk. The seller, facility owner and sale manager assume no liability legal or otherwise, for any accidents that occur. It is understood that T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. is acting only as a medium between buyer and seller and is not responsible for any failure on the part of either party to live up to his obligations. Neither does T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. assume any financial obligations to collect or enforce collection of any monies between parties and any legal action that may in exceptional cases be taken must be between the buyer and the seller. T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. assumes no responsibility for any credit extended by the seller to the buyer. The buyer must look to the seller for fulfillment of all guarantees and representations made hereunder. Delivery: Every assistance will be given in getting your purchases home. Each animal becomes the risk of the purchaser as soon as sold. Phone, Mail, Wire Bids: Bidders unable to attend the sale may phone, wire or mail their bids and instructions to the sale manager, auctioneer or special representatives. Bids must be received in sufficient time prior to the sale. insurance: We strongly recommend that insurance is purchased for full value. Errors: All announcements at sale time, written or oral, supersede any written material in the catalogue. B19 Donation Lot - Pick of the Blairs.Ag Herd Flush Mother of this female can be chosen 130 GILMORE FOUNDATION Special Lot Pick of the Herd Flush at Blairs.Ag Cattle Co. The opportunity to buy pick of the herd flush from Blair’s.Ag has a lot of different opportunites. There are some big time power cows that are maternal gems; the hardest part will by narrowing the pick to just one Cow. This flush has the possibilities to set a program in a positive direction for years to come. There are daughters of the great Nellie cow and NJW 73S. It is for a great cause The flush will take place in 2016 at Davis Rairden. The buyer will pay all flushing cost and is guaranteed 6 embryo’s. “All proceeds from this lot will go to the Keith Gilmore Foundation for use in it’s core activities of supporting Hereford youth and promoting education and research for the betterment of the beef cattle industry. Since it’s inception in 1987, the foundation has awarded over $200,000 in scholarships to more than 150 young people pursuing post secondary education in the field of Agriculture. For more information, visit” ConSiGnED BY BLAIRS.AG CATTLE CO, B20 Lanigan, SK canadian western agribition hereford sale
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