evening classes
evening classes
EVENING CLASSES Adult Education Short Courses Commencing September 2011 Ballyfermot College of Further Education Ballyfermot Road, Dublin 10, Ireland. Tel: 01-6269421 • Fax: 01-6266754 • Email: nightschool@bcfe.cdvec.ie • web: http://www.bcfe.ie Ballyfermot College of Further Education – Evening Classes 2011/2012 2 Ballyfermot College of Further Education – Evening Classes 2011/2012 Adult Education 2011/2012 Welcome to the BCFE 2011/12 Adult Education brochure. BCFE has built a reputation for providing the highest standard of Learner centered education. We pride ourselves on our ability to offer high quality education courses in a friendly and relaxed environment, specifically towards adults returning to education. We are pleased to inform you that our course fees have in general not increased and in some cases are less expensive than before! It has been another busy and highly successful year for the College particularly in the area of Animation. With this in mind, we are delighted to offer a range courses in Animation for semesters 1& 2. However due to the anticipated popularity of these courses and the limited number of places available, pre registration is essential and places will be allocated only when payment in full has been received prior to course commencement. Art Portfolio Preparation is as popular following on the successful return of our summer school in this area. As always, the September Portfolio course is on offer and we are including the information for Summer school in June 2012.We expect this course to be popular, early enrolment is advised, as class size is restricted to 17. We are delighted to offer a new NUI Maynooth Certificate in Creative Writing for Publication, while still continuing to offer the NUIM Certificates in Counselling and Addiction Studies. Also newsworthy is that NUIM are permitting enrolment on Certificate courses to people aged 21 years or older, a change from the previous criteria of 23 years +. In addition we are pleased to offer internal registered BCFE day students a 10% discount on Adult Education fees. IPASS courses are excluded from this offer. Other new courses in Animation include: Introduction to 3D Animation with MAYA Introduction to 3D Animation with 3D Max Scriptwriting for Animation Design for Animation with Adobe Photoshop Introduction to 3D Rigging & Modelling with MAYA Introduction to 3D Rigging & Modelling with 3D Max Semester 2- Dates to be confirmed Advanced 3D Animation with MAYA Post Production and Visual Effects with Adobe After Effects Advanced 3D Animation with 3D Max Starting your own Creative Studio Professional Lighting with MAYA The Art of Storyboarding 3D Sculpting Where possible, we hope with the Animation courses to have some tutors from industry involved in course delivery. We look forward to seeing you in September! Caroline McKenna Director of Adult Education 3 Ballyfermot College of Further Education – Evening Classes 2011/2012 4 Ballyfermot College of Further Education – Evening Classes 2011/2012 Art and Crafts A1 ART PORTFOLIO PREPARATION A course specifically designed in portfolio preparation for those wishing to apply to art colleges. Participants will be expected to work on preparation of their portfolios outside of class hours. Students should be at least 16 years and all those under 18 will be required to have a parental/guardian consent form signed on their behalf. Note: A model will be used for some life drawing sessions. MONDAY & WEDNESDAY A2 6.45-9.45pm PORTFOLIO PREPARATION FOR DURATION: 15 weeks COST: €180.00 ANIMATION The aim of this course is to help students develop a portfolio which is suitable for admission to our Animation Drawing Studies Program. During the course students will explore a variety of media and the use of colour. There will be a strong focus on observational studies from life. Wednesday A3 6.45-9.45pm Duration: 15 weeks. Cost: €180.00 SUMMER SCHOOL PORTFOLIO PREPARATION BCFE Portfolio Preparation Summer School 2012 This summer school will be run for 9 days over a 2-week period. Many of the students on the course would be considering developing a portfolio for further study .The aim of the summer school, is to give students a basic grounding in producing of portfolio and advice an producing the work relevant to the students area of interest. The objectives over the 9 days are to show students how to conduct visual research, improve observational skills and to expose students to a range of material and techniques. All applicants should be a minimum of 16 years. A letter giving parental/ guardian consent will be required from applicants under 18 years. A maximum of 17 students can be accepted so early booking is strongly advised. All participants should bring a packed lunch daily and should have their own art kit consisting of the following: Brushes, pencils, graphite pencils, charcoal, pastels, acrylic paints and brushes, watercolours and watercolour paper, A3 Sketch and colouring pads. Cost: €180, closing date is Wednesday, 30th May 2012 Course commences Tuesday, 5th June from 10am-3.30pm daily in BCFE Arts Building. Duration: Week 1: 5th June - 8th June, 2012. Week 2: 11th June - 15th June, 2012. 10.00am-3.30pm Duration: (June 2012) 9 Days. 5 Cost: €180.00 Ballyfermot College of Further Education – Evening Classes 2011/2012 A4 PORTFOLIO FOR GAMES DESIGN This course will take the learner through an efficient process for designing professional standard games levels in the Unreal Development Kit (UDK). We will go from a rapid prototyping phase using convex objects, through assigning materials, entities, artificial intelligence features, lighting and testing game play, using simple game logic. This course will help anyone who wants to enhance a design portfolio, or someone who intends to study game design on a more detailed college course in the future. This is exclusively focused on real-time interactive environments. MONDAY: 6.45-9.45pm DURATION: 10 weeks 6 COST: €180.00 Ballyfermot College of Further Education – Evening Classes 2011/2012 Professional & Career Development B5 CERTIFIED PAYROLL TECHNICIAN QUALIFICATIOIN Course objective This course is promoted by the Irish Payroll Association (IPASS) the professional body for those working in the payroll function. The course is aimed at all those working in, or intending to work in, the payroll function. It is designed to provide all the practical skills necessary for payroll personnel to operate efficiently and in compliance with Revenue regulations. This qualification is the leading payroll qualification in the Ireland. Awarding Body This course is accredited by HETAC at Level 6. IPASS is a FÁS approved training organisation and participants may be entitled to FÁS training grants towards our programmes. Who should apply? This course is aimed at all those working in, or intending to work in, the payroll function. The course is designed to provide the skills necessary for payroll personnel to function efficiently and to provide a recognised qualification. Course Content includes Stage 1 - September - December PAYE system – Operation and Calculation of PAYE, Tax Credits & SRCOP, Cumulative basis, Commencements & Cessations, Emergency basis, Week 1 basis etc. Stage 2 - February - May PAYE system – Expenses, Tax free payments, Benefits in Kind, Parking Levy, Termination payments, Pensions, ROS etc Employment Law – Introduction to Employment Law, Terms of Employment, Payment of Wages, Organisation of Working Time Employment Law – Minimum Wages, Maternity Leave, Adoptive Leave, Protection of Part-Time & Fixed Term workers PRSI system – The classification system, Contribution weeks, Rules and Exemptions PRSI system – PRSI Class Benefits and Taxable Social Welfare benefits, etc IPASS reserve the right to change the course content without prior notice. How to apply? Booking forms are available from the Irish Payroll Association at IPASS House, H4 Centrepoint Business Park, Dublin 12, by phone at (01) 4089100, fax on (01) 4089102 or can be downloaded from www.ipass.ie Course Duration. The course is divided into two stages, each one conducted over one evening per week for ten weeks. Those wishing to qualify must successfully complete examinations held in December and May. Continued Overleaf 7 Ballyfermot College of Further Education – Evening Classes 2011/2012 Entry Requirements There are no specific entry requirements and all course material will be given to participants with plenty of practical examples worked through in the classes. Course Fees: Stage 1 – including exam fees, course manual, sample exam papers, etc. €495 Stage 2 - including exam fees, course manual, sample exam papers, etc. €495 Annual student registration fee €100 HETAC Fee €50 Starting Date: Early September 2011 Further Details: Irish Payroll Association, IPASS House, H4 Centrepoint Business Park, Dublin 12. Telephone: 01-4089100 Fax: 01-4089102 Email: ask@ipass.ie Web: www.ipas.ie B6 ACCOUNTING TECHNICIANS IRELAND FIRST YEAR As an accounting technician, you will be working alongside qualified accountants in industry, private practice and the business sector. The comprehensive training you receive means that you can play a number of roles in any organisation from accounts clerk to credit controller and systems administrator. To enrol as a student, you must have reached a minimum standard in your school Leaving Certificate. If you are a mature student, have a recommendation from your employer. If you are considering this course, you should contact Accounting Technicians Ireland directly for full details of the other costs involved, such as registration, exemptions, exam fees etc. Ssee www.AccountingTechniciansIreland.ie 2011/12 SUBJECTS: Tax 1, Financial Accounting 1, Law, Business Management Monday & Wednesdays 6.45-9.45pm Duration: 25 weeks. Please note there may be some Saturday Workshops. B9 Cost: €800.00 Students may enrol for Individual Subjects ACCOUNTING TECHICIANS IRELAND SECOND YEAR Subjects 2011/2012: Tax 2, Financial Accounting 2, Management Accounting, IAS Monday & Wednesdays 6.45-9.45pm Duration: Please note there may be some Saturday Workshops. 25 weeks. Cost: €820.00 Students may enrol for Individual Subjects 8 Ballyfermot College of Further Education – Evening Classes 2011/2012 B10 CERTIFICATE IN ADDICTION STUDIES - NUI MAYNOOTH The aim of this course is to provide participants with a broad overview of the key theoretical frameworks in relation to substance misuse and dependence and to enable them to develop basic help and intervention skills. Admission requirements: • Experience of working in a community setting • Experience of working with alcohol or drug related problems • Openness to reflect on ones own practice, attitude and beliefs • Commitment to learning in a group setting • Participants must be 21 years or older For specific course content queries, contact NUIM, tel: 01 7084500 Monday 6.45-9.45pm B11 CERTIFICATE Duration: 100 hours. IN Cost: €950.00 COUNSELLING SKILLS - NUI MAYNOOTH The course seeks to provide you with: • A deeper appreciation of the emotional impact of life events on individuals • An understanding of the importance of being present to others in their difficulties • An understanding of the centrality of relationships in human development • A deeper appreciation of how you function, behave and reflect in relationships in a group setting • An understanding of the notion of Counselling skills and how they can enhance our communication • The capacity to identify and to demonstrate key listening skills within appropriate models & frameworks Participants must be 21 years or over For specific queries, contact Mary Corbally, NUIM, tell: 01 7083784 Wednesday 6.45-9.45pm Some Saturdays will be required Duration: 100 hours. Cost: €1,149.00 Where 18 Students are enrolled OR €1,292 where less than 16 students are enrolled. Amendments to fees paid will be applied when final studentt numbers are known and the class formed. 9 Ballyfermot College of Further Education – Evening Classes 2011/2012 B12 NUIM CREATIVE WRITING FOR PUBLICATION - LEVEL 7 New This course will give participants a practical grounding in the writing of fiction and non fiction for publication. The course allows students to work with professional writers who will act in a mentoring capacity. The practical emphasis will help students progress towards producing work of publishable standard and marketing it. Course Aims • To develop creative writing skills. • To cultivate a disciplined approach to writing. • To develop students skill in critically assessing their own work • To provide an understanding of the economics and structure of the publishing industry. Content: Module 1: Module 2: Module 3: Module 4: Writing: Creative Non fiction Publishing Industry Awareness Writing: The short story Writing: The Novel Admission: Applicants should be 21 years or over and should have the capacity to complete a course this level. Participants should submit a 100 word piece outlining why they want to do this course. Please indicate on the application the following information: 1. If you are a beginner in terms of creative writing 2. Whether you have attended other Creative Writing workshops 3. If you have had work published. 3/4 Saturdays will be arranged at course commencement. Monday B13 6.45-9.45pm WRITING SKILLS Duration: 100 hours part time. FOR JURNALISM Cost: €950.00 MODULE CODE E20078 1 credit. One of the mandatory vocational modules for the Level 5 Certificate in Print Journalism award. Would you like to get a taste of a career in journalism or improve your work communication skills? Then Writing Skills for Journalism is the course for you. It’s been designed to develop the writing skills of people new to print journalism. Entry Level: Level 4 Certificate, Leaving Certificate or equivalent. Existing qualifications and/or relevant life and work experiences will also be considered. Special note re. SCC/SCH NIGHT. A full certificate is awarded once students have completed all 8 models as outlined below for either course. This can be done by attending 2 nights over a two year period. However if a student is unable to commit to both evenings, these qualifications can be taken over a longer period to suit individual needs and a FETAC Level 5 record of achievement will be awarded on successful completion of each module. Wednesday 6.45-9.45pm Duration: 22 weeks. 10 Cost: €250.00 Ballyfermot College of Further Education – Evening Classes 2011/2012 B15 SCC • Word processing (Monday) • Psychology for helping professions (Wednesday) • Communications(Wednesday) • Work Experience (Monday) • Child Development (Monday) • • • • Early Childhood Education (Monday) Caring for Children (0-6) (Wednesday) Working in Childcare (Wednesday) Safety and Health at Work (DAY TO BE CONFIRMED) Some Saturdays will be timetables at course commencement SCH • • • • • B16 Word processing (Monday) Psychology (Wednesday) Communications (Monday) Work Experience (Monday) Human Growth & Development(Monday) Some Saturdays will • Health & Safety at work (day to be confirmed) • Care provision & Practice (Monday) • Human resource Management (Wednesday) • Social Studies (Wednesday) be involved SCC - SCC CHILDCARE NIGHT COURSE This childcare course is designed for students interested in working with children. It is a part-time equivalent of our popular SCC Childcare fulltime day course. Students learn about the practices and procedures involved in taking care of children. Work experience is an integral part of this course and ideally, applicants should already be working in a recognised childcare environment where they can do their work placement. Those students not already working in such a setting will be obliged to find their own placement. Applicants who have completed Garda vetting procedures within the last 3 years must be able to provide evidence of this at interview. Course Content: Child Development, Psychology for Helping Professions, Early Childhood Education, Caring for Children (0-6), Working in Childcare, Safety and Health at Work, Word Processing, Communications, Work Experience. Entry Requirements: 5 Passes in Leaving Certificate/LCVP or a merit in Leaving Certificate Applied or FETAC Certificate. The academic requirements may be waived for mature applicants (21+). Dates for interview will be set in early September and all applications must be received by 5th September 2011. Certification: FETAC Level 5 Certificate in Childcare (DCHSC). THIS COURSE WILL BE RUN PART TIME OVER 2 YEARS ON MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS (5.45PM-9.45PM): SOME SATURDAYS 11 WILL ALSO BE REQUIRED Cost: €800.00 per year Ballyfermot College of Further Education – Evening Classes 2011/2012 B 17 SC H - SC H N I G H T - C OMMU N I T Y & H E A LT H S E RV I C E S T his course is designed to provide students with an introduction to the area of Social C are which will enable them to achieve both the practical and the academic skills necessary for further study and future employment. It is a part-time extension of our popular SC H day course and work experience is an integral part of the course. A pplicants will ideally be already working in a range of caring situations such as working with people with learning disabilities, mental health problems, and physical disability and with disadvantaged youth. T hose applicants not currently working in this sector will be obliged to source their own work experience in an appropriate environment. A pplicants who have completed G arda vetting procedures within the last 3 years must bring evidence of this to interview. H uman G rowth & Development, H ealth & Safety at Work, C are Provision and Practice, Psychology, Word Processing, C ommunications, H uman R esource Management, Work Experience , Social Studies. E ntry R equirements: 5 Passes in Leaving C ertificate/LC V P including Maths or a Science subject and English or a Merit in Leaving C ertificate A pplied or FETA C Level 4 C ertificate. T he academic requirements may be waived for mature applicants ( 21+) . Dates for Interview will be set in early September and all applications must be received by 5th September 2011. E ntry R equirements: 5 Passes in Leaving C ertificate/LC V P including Maths or a Science subject and English or a Merit in Leaving C ertificate A pplied or FETA C Level 4 C ertificate. T he academic requirements may be waived for mature applicants ( 21+) . Dates for Interviews will be set in early September and all applications must be received by 5th September 2011. C ertification: FETA C Level 5 C ertificate in C ommunity and H ealth Services – C ommunity C are ( DC H SX) T H I S C OU R SE W I L L B E R U N PA R T T I ME OV E R 2 Y E A R S ON C ost: € 800.00 M ON D AY S & W E D N E SD AY S ( 5.45 PM -9.45 PM ) : S OME S AT U R D AY S W I L L A L SO B E R E QU I R E D per year B 18 I N T R OD U C T I ON TO 3D A N I MAT I ON WIT H MAYA in collaboration with Brown Bag Films T his course is ideal for people interested in working as 3D MAYA A nimator in the animation industry. A good basic knowledge of 3D A nimation is required. Monday 7.00-9.45pm D uration: 12 weeks. C ost: € 160.00 Subject to pre-enrolment and full payment conditions. Commencement date to be confirmed. B 19 I N T R OD U C T I ON TO 3D A N I MAT I ON WIT H 3D M A X T his course is ideal for people interested in working as a 3D animator in the animation industry. C lasses will cover animation using 3D Max. A pplicants should have a good basic knowledge of 3D A nimation. Monday 7.00-9.00pm D uration: 10 weeks. 12 C ost: € 140.00 Ballyfermot College of Further Education – Evening Classes 2011/2012 B 20 S C R I PT W R I T I N G FOR A N I MAT I ON T his course is ideal for people interested in working as a scriptwriter for T V, Short and feature animation. Monday B 21 7.00-9.00pm I N T R OD U C T I ON TO D uration: 10 Weeks. 3D M OD E L L I N G & R I G G I N G WIT H C ost: € 140.00 MAYA with Brown Bag Films T his course is ideal for people interested in working as a 3D Modeller or 3D R igger in the A nimation or G ames industry. C lasses will cover modelling and R igging using MAYA . A pplicants should have a good basic knowledge of 3D Max. Monday 7.00-9.45pm D uration: 12 Weeks. C ost: € 160.00 Subject to pre-registration and full payment conditions. B 22 A N I MAT I ON WIT H A D OB E F L A SH T his course is ideal for people who are interested in using A dobe Flash to create animation for T V, film and animation. C lasses will cover various animation techniques using A dobe Flash. A pplicants should have a good basic knowledge of 2D animation. Wednesday B 23 D E SI G N 7.00-9.00pm FOR A N I MAT I ON D uration: 10 Weeks. WIT H C ost: € 140.00 A D OB E P H OT OSH OP in collaboration with Brown Bag Films T his course is ideal for people who are interested in using A dobe Photoshop to create concept art and backgrounds/environments for animation and games. A pplicants should have a good basic knowledge of image manipulation/design. Wednesday B 24 7.00-9.00pm I N T R OD U C T I ON TO D uration: 10 Weeks. 3D M OD E L L I N G AND R IGIN G WIT H C ost: € 140.00 3D M A X T his course is ideal for people interested in working as a 3D Modeller or 3D R igger in the animation or games industry. C lasses will cover modelling and rigging using 3D Max. A pplicants should have a good basic knowledge of 3D software. Wednesday 7.00-9.00pm D uration: 10 Weeks. C ost: € 140.00 S E M E ST E R 2 B 25 A D V A N C E D 3D A N I MAT I ON IN MAYA in collaboration with Brown Bag Films T his course is ideal for people interested in working as a 3D MAYA animator in the animation industry. C lasses will cover advanced animation using 3D MAYA . A pplicants should have a good knowledge of 3D animation. Monday 7.00-9.40pm D uration: 12 Weeks. C ost: € 160.00 Subject to pre-registration and full payment conditions. 13 Ballyfermot College of Further Education – Evening Classes 2011/2012 B 26 P OST -P R OD U C T I ON AND V I SU A L E FFE C T S WIT H A D OB E A FT E R E FFE C T S T his course is ideal for people interested in working in postproduction and compositing in the film, T V and animation industry. C lasses will cover postproduction techniques, compositing techniques and visual effects for film and animation using A dobe A fter Effects. Monday B 27 7.00-9.00pm D uration: 10 Weeks. A D V A N C E D 3D A N I MAT I ON IN C ost: € 140.00 3D M A X T his course is ideal for people interested in working as a 3D Max animator in the animation industry. C lasses will cover advanced animation using 3D Max. A pplicants should have a good knowledge of 3D animation. Monday B 28 7.00-9.00pm D uration: 10 Weeks. C ost: € 140.00 S T A R T I N G Y OU R O W N C R E AT I V E S T U D I O T his course is ideal for people interested in starting their own creative business. Monday B 29 7.00-9.00pm P R OFE SSI ON A L L I G H T I N G D uration: 10 Weeks. WIT H C ost: € 120.00 MAYA in collaboration with Brown Bag Films T his course is ideal for people interested in working as a Lighter in the animation or games industry. C lasses will cover lighting using 3D MAYA . A pplicants should have a good knowledge of 3D software. Wednesday B 30 7.00-9.45pm T H E A RT OF D uration: 12 Weeks. C ost: € 160.00 S T OR Y B OA R D I N G T his course is ideal for people interested in working as a storyboard artist in the animation or film industry. C lasses will cover story structure, the uses of storyboards in different media, the language of film, composition of shots for film, animation and T V. A pplicants should have good drawing skills and a basic knowledge of visual structure/visual storytelling. Wednesday B 31 7.00-9.00pm D uration: 10 Weeks. C ost: € 140.00 3D S C U L PT I N G in collaboration with Brown Bag Films T his course is ideal for people interested in working as a 3D Sculptor in the animation or games industry. C lasses will cover 3D Sculpting using either Zbrush or Mudbox. A pplicants should have a good knowledge of 3D software. Wednesday 7.00-9.00pm D uration: 10 Weeks. 14 C ost: € 140.00 Ballyfermot College of Further Education – Evening Classes 2011/2012 I N FOR MAT I ON E nrolments E nrolment times are evenings 5th and 7th, 12th and 14th S eptember 2011, from 7-9pm. All classes commence week beginning Mon 19th Sept 2011 except for the following courses which will commence week beginning Mon 3rd Oct 2011: Intro to 3D Animation with MAYA, Intro to 3D Animation with 3D Max, Scriptwriting for Animation, Design for Animation with Adobe Photoshop, Intro to 3D Rigging and Modelling with MAYA, Intro to 3D Rigging and Modelling with 3D Max and Animation with Adobe Flash. You can apply for these specific courses by email up until the 3rd Oct Email: night.school@bcfe.cdvec.ie January enrolments will be held M onday 16th and W ednesday 18th January 2012 from 7-9pm. ON C O U R SE S Payment P lease review individual course information regarding payment, which may be made by postal order or bank draft. C ash will not be accepted and payment must be received before course commencement. I nvoices Please request an invoice in writing from: night.school@bcfe.cdvec.ie or by fax 01 6266674 giving full course and personal details. O ne weeks notice is required. R efunds Fees will not be refunded unless a class fails to form. I n such a case, fees will be refunded by C D V E C H ead O ffice in due course. R eceipts T he receipt issued at registration is your official receipt and replacement receipts cannot be issued. S tatements of Payment if requested will incur an administration fee of 10 euro. Postal enrolments will be accepted from June 2011 and should be accompanied by course name and applicant contact details including mobile number and email address. C lasses A ll classes commence week of S eptember 19th unless otherwise stated. A ll courses and times and conent may be changed at the discretion of the C ollege. S tudents should review course content on the relevant websites of FE T A C , A T I , N U I M and I PA S S as appropriate to view the suitability of the course for their needs. C ourse applications for January and for S ummer S chool may be done by post. A ll January 2012 courses commence week beginning 23rd January unless otherwise stated. 15 Ballyfermot College of Further Education Ballyfermot Road, Dublin 10, Ireland. Tel: 01-6269421 • Fax: 01-6266754 • Email: info@bcfe.cdvec.ie • web: http://www.bcfe.ie 16 Printed by Mullen Print • 01-885 3755 Ballyfermot College of Further Education – Evening Classes 2011/2012
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Stage 1 – including exam fees, course manual, sample exam papers, etc.