to view article 2 - RFB Communications
to view article 2 - RFB Communications
$$ s il $il9$_s T T U E A A U B Clearwater-based FrankCrum had 3129 million in sales in 2OO5,compared with 515 million in 2d)1. lts 2OO5billing and op€rations totaled Sf.z billion. Florida Trend ranked it l5th in size among Florida's privatG businesses in 2006" \(/hat And Sfho Is ThisRankcrum? A staffing company begun by Crum Sr. and Ir. in 19Bl now ranks among state's largest businesses. BY MARYSHEDDEN 'l'he TbmpaTlibune FrankCrum C L E A R W A T E Rmight be the best-known unknown in town. After all, the Crum name soelled out in 4-foot-tall silver metal letters - commands attention from drivers passing the rnassive downtor.rrn Clearwater headquarters. And it's the company that has signed hundreds of thousands of temporary wotker Paychecks durirrg the past 25 years. Yet, many people have no idea what the hundreds of workers inside the multioffice building complex on South Missouri Avenue really do. Until now. This temporary staffing and human resource administrator that quietly developed a client base of 3,500 small businesses is raising its profile in a booming professional employer organization market. The company has seen its sales increase eightfold during the past five years. It iust infused $3.5 million into new technology, rebranded its image and tlveaked its name to stay cornpetitive. That's why, after 25 years of operating under the radar, FrankCrurn the cornpany and its president - Frank Crum the man are ready to formally introduce themselves. Frank Winston Crum Jr. llibune photosbYMARK GUSS "l'm a free-spirh kind of guy," Precident Frank Winiton Crum rr. said at the Clearwat€r headquarters of the company he and his late father launched. Page1 F STAFFING, SeeFRANKCRUM It picked. up momentutn in l98os. totalclientlistof apFriu*Crum's prournatcly 49,000 ernployees sard heaimsto grorv intoa Crurn Jr, President Frank Winston Crum cornpany aslargeasGevity, butadtotakehiscommitsheisreluctant Ave., Headquarters: 100S.Missouri panvpublic. growth Heprefers under Clearwater i From Page Continued notthose ofshareholders. iris rules, Human resource administraServices: "l toldI can'tdo don'tlikebeing workers' tor,temporary staffing, it," he said. cottistafling compensation insurance a telnporan/ launched clients, who range IrrankCrum panylvithhisfatliet* i;Lanl\'Vinston Established: 198iinLargo astheGreat offices ton u'lite-collar acconttting Crun Sr.- in i981.'Iltedriocalled American Servlce Temporary blue-collar contracro small-timr', Ctt';tt .\ttericutt c0nrplnt' theLargo million, upfrom 2005sales: $129 roLs, rniglrt besurprised to meetthe Seruices, btribr thccndof Tentporan in2001 $15nrillion the runconventional leader overseeing optedto placcthetarnilv thedecade tmployees:260 execbillion operatir:n. Visit the masilreacl. ill.2 moniketonthe "Dad I lranledpeople utiveoficeof tlis 127,000-squaretoknotv and foorfaciliry, audyou'llfinda presi\vas0n theline. thatour {eputation filledwithhand-cawed 1980s, dent's office in the midto late it \'vas at1 ego lnenrum ...Weneverthought giraffes andexotic artwork. staffing clientssuch wood thing,'saidCmmJr.,whoadrnitshe \{'ientemp0rary card, GroupandFloddaPow- AskCrumfor hisbusiness andhisfatherbothshiedalav fron aslnter-Rail "Senior" president dressed assistance handling andthecasually er Corp.needed themedia.Hisfather,called ponytail scrambles to the patroll and otherhumanresourcervitha graying rttnttittg duringhisnvodecadcs notonhis suchitsslaving on topof findone.Notinhispocket, 76. asrisiance diedin Ianuaq'at company, r,vhere twoempty card cluttered desk, ernplovee taxes. staifingis one-thirdof paving Temporarv t h p f l r " r p n rF r r n k ( ' t ' i' n r r r n ' ' n i / . a0tn , buthe otherstaffi ngconpaniesholders sit.It takesawhile, Sinrilari_v, credenza. for acxlssthe countrysalvsmallbusi- findsa boxin a nearby saidEiiseLynn,r,iccpreskient remail, hu- Most allofthei,000 cards fortrelpharrdling nesres looking F,mplovee affaiLs. legalandbusiness '['rnafrec-spirit - inr,l'hich kindofguy,'said said Edie Clark, servesman resources, FtankCrun leasing who student Asso- theonetime seminary for theNational health spokeswornan of pa1,roll, as administrator out because he felt too Employet 0r- dropped forProfessional for a client ciation andtaxes carebenefits - andgeneral to restricted by organized religion human re- ganizatious. business into the PEO Lu^g^L^U. -u^l c c^ P* -4^D+ r^u. r . also "Frank,he emerged management consulting source in his tothecomplex 2005 rnodelat the righttine and knelv Crumdrives to the repotted contributed pickupwithcigarburn said blackDodge hourto providethat service," of$129 rnillion. sales to in theupholstery. Heloves 700 holes thenation's billing andop- Clark,whoestimates 2005 FrankCrurn's talkaboutspirituality 0r art 0r his employcr organizations totaied$1,2billionand prolessional erations rvhere heandhiswife, lanch, todaysen'eabout100,0000dessa caughtthe attcntiotlof Floridain business tobreed alpacas. Brenda, arestarting clientcotnpanies. listingof thestate'ssmallandrnidsized Trend's annual Crumthemanmight Thecom- Oneof thekeysto thecontinuing Andalthough businesses. large$private to Crumthe is theit seern anoddcontrast ranking,gronrth0f thesecomparies panyranked 15thinthc2006 conplex, of cos$lbrsmall office therearesplashes abilitytocutinsurance uponespotfrom2005. plansln hisout-of-the-box sryle.Sculptures, b,vpurchasing tlte businesses Lynnand CrLundor,r,nplay postaffirmation that con- arfwork andframed the$1.2biliionfigue bundies.Smallemployers ranking, saying areeverywhere. of its ciient tractrvitha PEOcangetmoreafford- ersaboutteamwork includes the payrolls rvhichhasa cheiis com- Thecafeteria, ablehealthcaieandlvorkers' anddoesnotaccurately companies forthe260employees, perrtation insurance for ihcirem- subsidized gtowtlt. theinteLnal reflect helps Crumsaidthisphilosophy Ftank plovees, Clarksard. related conpany, A second, butdoesn't ahealthy business, wriies ThoughmostPEOsareprivately create lVinstonCrumInsurance, whathedoesforclient policies foL oured, sone are pubhclyttaded, comprornise workers' cotnpensation "We gooutside the Accord- companies, never Gevity. lt isa suchasBradenton's clientcompanies. FmnkCrum's tothelawsand fromtheem- ing to the company's corporation separate htneinvestor boxasfarasit apphes hesaid. sales therules," them presentation, the company's ployer andalloivs organization in 2005, lvhether or notto takeon tolveredovel FrankCrum to decide Gevity Reporter millionin revenue. suchas rvith$608.8 high-risk clientcompanies L{nry Shedden canhe reached lvith moreihan at or (813) Lirtnsaid. seles companies root'ers andcontraclors, rvith 259-7365. asconpared gained ernployees, mostofitstno- 150,000 FrankCrun FRANKCRUM ABOUT IRA}.||t[Rt|lti STAffIilG hbra M.Manw F ft€ works in 6€ billinS deFnm.nt for califohia cu$os€ri Cl€arwatcr <ompan, offers a nrfrh. ofseryi<*- at