SERMON NOTES Pastor Herb Geeslin Selected Scriptures Additional note page available at Connections Desk PRAYER FOCUS Men’s Ministry Chuck Bennett, Tom Murillo, John Olwin, Brian Schols, Tim Vaughan, Mark Semrau Shut-In Jan Jacobsen (Sedro Woolley, WA) EBC Missionaries Dick & Laura Mae Gardner 8.21.2016 Worship Service, September 4 Due to the sensitivity of our upcoming sermon on sexual immorality, we have bumped up the start date for Children’s Sunday school classes. We encourage parents to send children (Kindergarten through 6th Grade) to Sunday school during the Worship Service on September 4, and then discuss this topic together as a family. Questions? Church Office @ 424-1173 (Wycliffe) United States Praise for a successful meeting with the International leadership team and the ability to help this team take better care of it’s workers. Prayer for the upcoming travels this season; as they meet with, speak to, and guide the many groups and conferences they have been invited to. Pray for opportunities for the Gardner’s to rest and be refreshed in this season. Converge Northwest Church Eikou Christian Church (Kirkland, WA) Converge Worldwide Missionaries Don & Angie Finley (Brazil) NEW! Membership Class Saturday, September 24, 9:00AM, Fireside Room This class is for anyone who calls EBC their home church and for those who would like to serve the church body in teaching or leadership positions. Please sign up on the Connection Card. Questions? Church Office @ 424-1173 NEW! Celebrating EBC Growth Prayer Chain Contact: 8:30AM-4:30PM (M-F): Call the church office @ 424-1173 Evenings and Weekends: call Barbee Andrew 360-424-6658 Sunday, October 9, 10:30AM, Worship Center See prayer request insert at the Connections Desk for EBC families’ prayer requests. Questions? Church Office @ 424-1173 New American Standard Bibles are available at the back of the Worship Center. This Sunday is organized to highlight growth in believers and members here at EBC. This service will combine baptisms, child dedications and the announcement of new EBC members. If you or your child (12 years or older) would like to be baptized or you would like to dedicate your child, please mark the appropriate boxes on your Connections Card. Sign ups for this service will end September 25. Interpreting for the Deaf is available in the service. Christ & The Culture: Book of the Week This week’s book is: There is a Mother’s Room for mothers with babies located outside the Chapel (service live streamed) Why Government Can’t Save You For your convenience, the Fireside Room is now serving as an overflow room with a live streamed service. (Families welcome to use this room as a cry room for their children). This book is $15 and is available at the Connections Desk Visit to watch the livestream recordings from last sermons. by John MacArthur Emmanuel Baptist Church / 1515 E College Way, Mount Vernon, WA 98273 / / 360-424-1173 / 8:30am-4:30pm WELCOME TO EBC From the elders and staff here at EBC we are so excited you chose to spend your Sunday morning with us! Here at Emmanuel, our desire is to see our Heavenly Father worshipped, His Word proclaimed, and His Son magnified. CORPORATE WORSHIP EQUIPPING THE SAINTS 9:00AM August 28 & September 4 ONLY, 9:00AM, Chapel Starts September 4! Fall Sunday Morning Schedule Infants (0-18 mo.) // Sonshine Garden Toddlers (18 mo.-3 yrs) // Promise Park 3-year-olds // Noah’s Floating Zoo 4-year-olds // Town Square Kindergarteners // Miracle Marina 1st – 2nd grades // Train Station 3rd – 4th grade Girls // Theatre 3rd – 6th grade Boys // Theatre 5th – 6th grade Girls // Service Station Stop by the Connections Desk with any questions you might have. Also, mark on your Connections Card if you would like any more information about EBC ministries, or would like to meet with one of the pastors. You can also look up what we believe by visiting our website: Jr. High Class // W203 Sr. High Class // Join adults in Equipping Hour Class Deaf Equipping Class // W101 Ambassador Class // Fireside Room Equipping Hour Class // Chapel 10:30AM Infants through Kindergarten Same as Above 1st- 6th Grade // Theatre Worship Service // Worship Center LOOKING TO GET CONNECTED? Returning Soon! Connecting With God’s Word Begins September 11, 9:00AM, Chapel The pastors return to their bible survey class this fall; covering the context, meaning and key verses of each book in the New Testament. Pastor Patrick will pick up in Titus on the 11th. Contact us at to get connected on The City! This is where we communicate with one another during the week, have signups for special events and service opportunities, and pray for one another. Below is a graph showing our progress on hiring a Worship Pastor. The red line represents the average giving received over the previous 13 weeks while the two blue lines represent our goals for funding the budget and for hiring a Worship Pastor. Questions? Pastor Herb @ Ambassador Class “Following Paul in Greece” Begins September 11, 9:00AM, Fireside Room Paul’s great leadership from a small Jewish sect to the great centers of thought in the Gentile world is still a model for our modern missionary effort to our pagan world culture. John Ruhlman will use images and illustrations from the trip to Greece this past June to visualize the Gospel’s impact. Questions? Pastor Herb @ Deaf Equipping Class 9:00AM, W101 Questions? Rachelle video phone @ 360-707-7108 Griefshare Mondays, starting September 12, 7:00PM, Hall of Names PARTNERING TOGETHER Questions? Wendy Morrison @ 424-4562 Avg. Inome Needed for Budget Avg. Income Needed to Hire WP Wednesdays, starting September 7, 6:30-8:15PM Questions? Church Office @ 424-1173 Love INC Financial Mentoring Classes Wednesdays, Starting September 21, 6:30-8:15PM, Fireside Room If you (or you and your spouse) would like to dig a little deeper into what the Bible says about smart household money management; AND if you would like to confidentially discuss your financial situation with a Financial Mentor who can help you put together a budget and plan for getting out of debt, then call the Love INC office as soon as possible. Contact Love INC to sign up for this class offered during our Wednesday Nights, child care is offered to participants of this class. Questions? Love INC @ 360-419-7061 Awana Workers Meeting Wednesday, August 24, 6:30PM, JJ Theatre All workers please attend an informational meeting regarding the coming year. Questions? Terry Ogdon @ Men’s Breakfast Cry Out ‘16 Don’t forget to join in with the Men’s Ministry this month for breakfast! All ages are invited to attend. Women are invited to join together for an upcoming live simulcast of Revive Out Hearts’ Cry Out 16 prayer event. Prayer, scripture reading, short devotionals, and worship will focus on lifting up personal lives, families, churches, our nation, and the world to the Lord. This event is free and friends and family members are welcome! For more information visit August 20, 8:00AM, Fireside Room Men’s Prayer Group Friday, September 23, 6:00-9:00PM Wednesdays, 6:30AM, Fireside Room Questions? Church Office @ 360-424-1173 Upcoming Youth Retreats Baby Boot Camp Junior High Fall Retreat @ The Firs September 9-11, 2016, $101.50 Registration for Junior High Fall Retreat is now open! Parents, see the post in the “Youth Group Parents” group for the link to the online registration and payment form. The cost for the retreat this year is, $101.50. Some scholarships are available, please speak with Pastor Eric for more information. Registration ends August 29. Avg. Income Received $21,141 We want to encourage each and everyone of you to consider what role you can play in Wednesday Nights. Is it coming and attending a class? Is it volunteering for one of our many positions? Registration for all adult classes and related book payments are to be completed online, through the post on The City. If you are not on The City please stop by the Events Desk in the Worship Center Foyer or the church office during the week to find out how to sign up. Infant, Toddler, & AWANA class registration is PAPER ONLY. Please stop by the Events Desk to fill out paper work for your children. EVERYDAY EVANGELISM BUDGET STATUS REPORT $20,141 This is ICR’s (Institute of Creation Research) “breathtaking” DVD series, exploring evidence that the complex design of the human body is the result of God’s purposeful creation. Featuring medical, engineering, and other experts, Made In His Image is fascinating, with incredible facts, dazzling imagery, and memorable illustrations. Questions? Pastor Herb @ Questions? Church office @ 424-1173 $19,783 Sign Up Today! Wednesday Nights Griefshare is for those who have experienced the death of a loved one. Pre-register on the Connections Card, or feel free to drop in anytime. Workbook costs $16. The bulk of EBC’s evangelism takes place when people of EBC scatter into their own mission fields. Though the pastors/elders invite any non-believers to Christ during the corporate worship service, evangelism is not limited to the leaders of EBC. Evangelism is a church-wide effort to reach Skagit Valley and beyond--men and women enter their neighborhoods, schools, workplaces as ambassadors for Christ, looking for opportunities to speak the power of God unto salvation. We intentionally “conduct ourselves with wisdom toward outsiders, making the most of the opportunity” (Colossians 4:5). EBC BUDGET STATUS UPDATE Short Time Offer! Made In His Image High School Fall Retreat @ Seaside, OR September 16-18, 2016 $124 This year the Youth Ministry Leaders are taking High School students to the Oregon Coast for a beach retreat. To register and pay for this retreat, go to the post in the “Youth Group Parents” group on The City! The cost for this retreat is, $124. Some scholarships are available, please speak with Pastor Eric for more information. Registration ends August 31. Questions? Pastor Eric @ Wednesday, August 24, 9:30-10:30AM, Fireside Room Moms, we have a one-time offering of a free “Baby Boot Camp” class this month. Megan Petterson will be instructing this class and will tell you how this program is set up for mom’s with babies or toddlers in strollers! Please bring: a yoga mat or towel, a water bottle, and a snack or toy for “stroller-bound” kiddos! See Megan at the table in the Worship Center foyer. Questions? Church Office @ 360-424-1173 Awana Volunteers Needed Wednesdays, September 7-April 19 Volunteers are needed to help during Awana this year. Available age groups to serve in are listed on the Connections Card. Please consider participating in the equipping of our children through the learning of the Gospel through memory verses. Questions? Terry Ogdon @
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