Easter Sunday - Emmanuel Baptist Church
Easter Sunday - Emmanuel Baptist Church
IN OBSERVANCE OF THE EASTER HOLIDAY, EBC’S Admin Offices will be closed Monday, Mar. 28th – Friday, April 1st EBC Day Care will resume Tuesday, March 29th @ its regular time. Register online @ www.CHOSEN2016Conference.tk. SAVE THE DATE JUNE 9th - 11th FRONTLINERS CONFERENCE SERMON NOTES: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ THE MORE YOU KNOW ABOUT EBC April 24, 2016, will mark the 135th Anniversary of Emmanuel Baptist Church. Over the next few months, we will provide you with Daily Historical Facts about EBC over our social media networks leading up to the church's anniversary. Let's Get Connected & Stay Connected to a Great Legacy! Follow us @ ebcconnects to see daily postings. PRAYER LIST To add a name to the prayer list, including your own, please contact us at ext. 175 or via email at prayer@ebc-ny.org. Also, please let us know when God has blessed and healed, so that we might let the congregation know when prayers are answered. Please note that all names, whether listed or not, are still being prayed over. AD Military Duty *Sick and Shut-In ^ Bereaved Communion and visitation requests for persons physically unable to attend worship services should be directed to Rev. Elzora Williamson, ext. 150. Cynthia Ball* Joseph BovainAD Vincent Keith BrooksAD David Bruce* David Bruce Jr Tony Canady* Linda Cangieter * Lucille Carter* Josephine Colbey* Bertha Cooke* Family of Helen Cummings^ Family of Melvin Davis^ Family of Shirley Davis^ Delores Edwards* Maisie Edwards* Family of Fred Ellison^ Charleen Floyd* Adrienne Gantt Vivian Gordon Carlean Grant* Fannie Grinage* Alice Hyman* Rose Marie Keene Mary Knight* Andrea McCalla Dea. Norman McCalla Virginia McMillian Elizabeth Milan Family of Alida Morrison^ Elizabeth Primes Amira Rice* Carmela Richardson* Georgina Scott* Emerald Segure* Allison & David Shinn^ Margaret Spencer* Colleen Tates Nicole Thomas AD Mary Ward Bobbie Walton* Dorothy Wilkinson* Dominique WilliamsAD Edith Williams* Tell members & guests what your ministry is doing. Submit your announcements to: Bulletins@ebc-ny.org Length 30-40 words. Deadline: Wednesday @ noon **Audio, photographic and video capture of any EBC event is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of the Senior Pastor. Recordings of all services can be ordered from the Church bookstore. ** Please be advised: Participation in any Emmanuel Baptist Church experience grants us permission to respectfully use, reproduce, and/or publish photographs, videos with your name, image, likeness and/or voice in any/and all of our publication/communication efforts, including website entries, evangelism and worship materials without compensation or any other consideration. Thank you! IN HONOR OF GOD & AS A COURTESY TO YOUR NEIGHBOR, PLEASE ADHERE TO THE FOLLOWING: NO WALKING DURING PRAYER OR SERMON NO EATING/DRINKING IN SANCTUARY GENTLEMEN: PLEASE REMOVE HATS SILENCE YOUR CELLPHONES NO PETS (EXCEPT SERVICE ANIMALS) EBC OFFICE HOURS Emmanuel Baptist Church March 26-27 2016 Mon -Thurs. 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Friday: Offices are Closed. REV. ANTHONY L. TRUFANT | SENIOR PASTOR REV. SHAREKA NEWTON | EXECUTIVE PASTOR Worship On Wednesdays 1st Wednesday of Month 7:30pm ONLY Every Wednesday Following: Bible Study @ 12:00pm & 7:30pm Weekend Worship Schedule Saturdays Connection Remix @ 5:30pm Sundays Traditional @ 9:00am Contemporary @ 11:00am Children’s Sunday School @ 9:00 am Children’s Church Ages 5 –12 @ 11:00am High School & Adult Sunday School @ 11:00am 279 Lafayette Avenue ● Brooklyn, NY 11238 www.ebcconnects.com ● info@ebc-ny.org ● (718) 622-1107/3343 (Fax) FOLLOW US @ ebcconnects INTERPRETING FOR THE DEAF & HARD OF HEARING: 11:00am Service. To get involved with our ministry contact Bro. Warren @ TEXT 347-824-4548 or 1-800-421-1220 Relay 718-622-0979 or Sis. Charlotte Thomas at 404-917-9823. RESURRECTION SUNDAY GREETINGS! What's up? Happy Resurrection Sunday! However, the customary Christian greeting on today is: He is risen! And, the customary response: He is risen, indeed! Whatever makes you feel welcomed! In any event, we are glad that you have chosen to worship with us on today. You could have chosen to simply go elsewhere or stream. Therefore, we appreciate your presence and participation. We hope by the end of service you Service, youwill willhave havehad hadaan anempowering, empowering,inspiring, inspiring,and andpositive positiveexperience. experience. If not, we're sorry. Try us again next week. We promise to do better! Please do not let this be your final time coming to EBC. At your convenience, feel free to plug-in to the broad range of services and activities we sponsor. What's more, visit us on-campus or online for interactive worship and Bible Study at www.ebcconnects.com. Until we see you again, may God continue to grant you peace, happiness, and power, which equips you for living a victorious, impactful life. In Service to Christ, Anthony L. Trufant, Senior Pastor CONTRIBUTION TO THE COMMUNITY 10% of this weekend’s collection will go to support the research work of the American Diabetes Association. 135TH ANNIVERSARY OF EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6TH @ 7:30PM (THE WORSHIP SERVICE) Rev. Pamela Saxton “Deceit & Deception” W.O.W. BIBLE STUDY Wednesdays @ 12PM & 7:30PM Min. Tracey Mina April 13th “The Hero Syndrome” Min. Genciano (Vito) Clotter April 20th “It Was Cute At First: The Temptress” Min. Bianca Baird April 27th “My Downfall: The Love of Money” SUNDAY SCHOOL & CHILDREN'S CHURCH Sunday, April 3rd @ 9AM & 11AM Our spiritual and social development for children will resume. Friday, April 22nd Saturday, April 23rd Showing Brooklyn Love Through Service 10AM - 4PM 7:30PM - 11:30PM Sunday, April 24th Guest Preachers: 9AM Service Rev. Dr. Willette Burgie-Bryant www.palmerseminary.edu 11AM Service Rev. Dr. Raphael G. Warnock Senior Pastor Ebenezer Baptist Church Atlanta, GA www.historicebenezer.org NEW SERMON SERIES: "DOES THIS MAKE ME CRAZY? Next weekend, April 2nd - 3rd EBC returns to its regular worship schedule: Connection Remix on Saturdays @ 5:30PM with Rev. Newton & Sundays @ 9AM & 11AM with Rev. Trufant. They will unearth and explore a taboo topic: Mental Health. No one talks about it openly, however, many people silently suffer with varying forms and severity of mental illness, with little hope and help offered by the church. Through this series, we will look at the issue of mental health in light of the gospel. TURNING POINT COUNSELING MINISTRY Turning Point Ministry provides a confidential, safe place to talk. To connect with a counselor: 718.622.1107 ext. 134 or Counseling@ebc-ny.org Turning Point Drop In Group Meeting 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month at 187 Waverly Ave, Brooklyn, NY. 6:30PM to 8PM. WOMEN OF EBC! Avenues to Employment: A Career Preparation Seminar Facilitated by: EBC Members: Afifiya Simon & Trinia McDonald Saturday, April 2nd, 10AM - 12PM Topics to be covered: Updating Your Resume & Cover Letter, Job Search & Application, Networking, Utilizing Social Media, Interviewing and more. Free event: Participants should bring their resumes. RSVP to Terri Canady at tcanady@ebc-ny.org or 718-622-1107 Ext. 133 EBC Summer Program July 5th - August 19th Fall Day Care & Kindergarten Programs We are currently registering children, ages 2.8 to 6. For more information, contact Ms. Clarke 718-622-1233. Register now while space is available. You can become a Christian by participating in the practice of Baptism. Please contact Rev. Pamela Saxton and bring a change of undergarments if you wish to be baptized. You need not become a member of EBC to be baptized. Contact Rev. Saxton @ psaxton@ebc-ny.org ext. 115 GUIDANCE FOR GOD'S PARENTS CLASS Saturday, April 9th 10AM - 3PM If you wish to have your children dedicated, register @ www.ebcconnects.com or with Min. Baird @ bbaird@ebc-ny.org. This course is a prerequisite to dedication. (NOTE: We do not baptize children who are not of the age of accountability, such as infants and toddlers, to make a decision to follow Christ. Instead, we dedicate them. (See 1 Samuel 1:24-28; Luke 2:22-38) YLE NEWS Beginning April 6th, tutoring will be available every Wednesday from 4:30PM - 6:30PM. Teen Canteen resumes Friday, April 8th at 7:30PM Season Two: Next Show: Thursday, April 14th @ 7:30PM Stream live via www.ebcconnects.com. Click on “Watch Live” Feel free to participate in the next episode @ EBC. Min. Bianca Baird will be hosting the next installment of "Messy Church". Contact her @ bbaird@ebc-ny.org or ext. 120 for more details.
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