Maungaturoto Matters December 2012 webcopy
Maungaturoto Matters December 2012 webcopy
Maungaturoto December 2012Matters Page Issue 131 Maungaturoto Matters Circulated to 850 homes and businesses in the Maungaturoto area MAUNGATUROTO — An appealing place to live, work and visit, which has heart, purpose and prosperity Gear up for the Christmas Parade — p. 3 CONTENTS Editor’s note 2 Residents Association Update 3 Maungaturoto Christmas Parade 3 Maungaturoto’s 150th Celebratio ns 5 Playcentre news 7 Homebuilders 7 RSA President’s Report 7 Otamatea Grey Power 9 Maungaturoto Primary School Rotorua Camp 9 New Selwyn Centre opens in Paparoa 11 Otamatea Hig h School 13 Maungaturoto Primary School 15 Maungaturoto Garden Club 17 Books of the month 17 Clips from the past 19 Poetry corner 19 News from Otamatea Repertory Theatre 21 Maungaturoto Country Club 23 Otamatea Hawks reunio n 23 Retarded grandparents 25 Wordplay 25 Snippets 27 Comment is free! 27 What’s on 28 Preparations for our 150 — p. 5 th 153 Hurndall St Maungaturoto Phone (09) 4318059 fax (09) 4318359 email 2012 Bus Trips to Whangarei Tuesday 18th December Leave 9.00am and return approx. 3.30 – 4.00pm as required Contact us for enquiries High School high achievers — p. 13 F O SEE o SH R CL ur OW IFF AD , B RIC VE R ac H T k AR pa D ge Maungaturoto Matters Page 2 Editor’s Note Maungaturoto Matters. Issue 131, December 2012 Maungaturoto Matters is a free monthly publication, produced for the community b y the Maungaturoto Residents Association. Editor: David Briggs Editorial Assistant: Gail Barnett Editorial Board: Daniel Alcock; Terri Donaldson; Alison Cadman-Smith Printed by Progressive Paparoa, High Street, Paparoa Contributions and feedback from members of the Community are actively encouraged. Note : the Editor reserves full right to abridge or amend copy for editorial purposes. Read the Maungaturoto Matters online at: Enquiries : Email: Phone 09 431 8401 Contributions & Advertising: By email to:; or drop in the RED BOX at the Lotto Shop at 147, Hurndall Street, Maungaturoto Charges for advertising: There is no charge for announcements for charities, community groups or community events. Commercial rates are listed below. Classified adverts are charged at 5c/letter or character. Invoices and statements for adverts will be issued quarterly. Payments: By cheque to: Maungaturoto Residents Association, P.O. Bo x 113, Maungaturoto By credit transfer to: Maungaturoto Matters; a/c no 06 0365 0008021 00, National Bank, Whangarei Please include your business name; for annual payments, state clearly ANNUAL in the details. For queries about payments, contact Guy Smith: 09 431 8860. Commercial advertising rates ($ per month) Size Monthly Prepaid Annual Full page 90 900 Six-tenths 60 600 Four-tenths 40 400 Two-tenths 20 200 One-tenth 10 100 DEADLINES FOR FEBRUARY 2013 ADVERTISING (including amendments to ads) 15th January 2013 ARTICLES 20th January 2013 Please send all copy to Th e Editor at C hristmas is a-coming—tho ugh I have to keep reminding myself because it doesn't feel right at this time of year. Where are the dark afternoons, long misty evenings, and yellow shop lights shining out onto wet streets throug h tinselled windows? I guess it’s one of those things that newbies like me have to get used to! Either way, it’s time to look back on what’s happened in 2012 and what will ma ke it stick in our memories a decade or more from now. Regionally, of course, the big news has been the rates debacle — and that, no doubt, will still be affecting us all in 10 years time. The Residents Association has been under some pressure to take a stand on this and cha mpion the cause of the to wn. They’ve refrained from doing so for the simple reason that it isn’t an elected body, and thus can’t claim authority to speak on the community’s behalf. That’s another thing we newcomers have to get used to here: the absence of an elected ’parish’ council to represent the community. At times like this it seems a major gap. In the face of the rates issue, however, one of the common refrains in the town has been tha t ’we don’t need the Council; we do things ourselves’. Over the last twelve mo nths we’ve seen the truth of this, in lots of ways: by the ’beautifica tion’ project (we tried hard to avoid that word but somehow it just stuck); by the preparations for next year's sesqui-centenary (or 150th birthday if your Latin isn’t up to scratch); and by the countless acts of community generosity in supporting local causes (usually either for the kids or those who are most vulnerable in our town). For all this we deserve to give ourselves a pat on the back. There have also been other significant, and often more personal, achievements over the year: award and prize-winners of many different sorts. We’ve featured many of them in the Matters, and there are more this month, as the Hig h School report highlights. We should be proud of them as well. Next year, of course, the 150th celebrations will be centre stage. In planning for that, we’ve found ourselves often looking back on wha t was done in 1963 with something approaching awe. Can we match tha t? I hope so, even if it’s with minimal Council support. For it’s a big event, and a test of our mettle. And it wo uld be nice to think that, 51 years from now, Maungaturoto will look back on 2013 with the same sense of pride and awe. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, David Maungaturoto Matters Residents Association Update Santa Parade & Christmas Carnival A s Terri explains to the right, this year’s Santa Parade is on 15th December. It starts at 5.30 pm and will end at Maungaturoto Primary School. Carnival activities will start from 6.00 pm (approx.). The Carnival promises to be great fun and currently includes candy floss, old time games (kindly sponsored by Fonterra), the Scouts’ sausage sizzle, the Lions’ hot chips and hot dogs, Real Town Pies’ ‘eating competitio n’, a win a beer fridge competition courtesy of 100% Fergus Appliances, balloon animals and much more! We are asking local groups to support the Carnival by hosting an event. If yo u’d like to organise something to add to the list above, please contact Nyree on 09 431 8462. There is also the opportunity to hold a stall to sell stuff on tables, or car boot style. Stalls will be located at the Primary School and a site fee of $10 will apply. Contact Marge Paton on 09 431 8148 if yo u would like to book a site. 150 Year Celebrations M onthly newsletters are now out giving yo u the latest informatio n about the 150 Year Celebrations. Contact Albie on 09 431 8148 if you would like one of these emailed to you. Join us for a Christmas Dinner T he Residents Association committee is having a Christmas dinner at the Maungaturoto Hotel on Wednesday 12th December. If you would like to join us, please contact Albie Paton on 09 431 8148, by no later than 8th December, to confirm numbers. Beautification Project T he beautificatio n project has certainly been one of the big events in Maungaturoto this year — but it isn’t finis hed yet! The next Working Bee is scheduled for 8th December at 9.00 am. Contact Richard on 09 431 8383 if you can come, or just turn up on the day – we would love to ha ve you there. We’d also love to get helpful comments about the project (especially helpful and inno vative ones!). You can either email or write to PO Box 113, Maungaturoto. What next? W e are always looking for ideas for new projects and fund -raising. If you have any, come along to the next meeting (7.30 pm, Wed nesday 4th December 2012 at the Maunga turoto Centennial Hall) and help us plan for next year. Page 3 MAUNGATUROTO CHRISTMAS PARADE B y the time yo u read this it, will be two weeks to the Christmas parade (15th December)!!!!!! HAS YOUR GROUP/BUSINESS REGISTERED YET? If not, please contact me as soon as possible (so that I can organise enough marshals). So far, entries are steady but we really need more. You don’t even have to have a decorated float: your business vehicle is great — or just hop into a costume and be part of the fun. I also still need a few more marshals (either walking along with the parade or standing at street entrances). Let me know if yo u can help. This year the prizes for the best floats are being donated by local community groups. So far a 1st prize of $300 has been donated by the Rotary Club of Maungaturoto and Districts. The 2nd prize of $200, 3rd of $100 and the best business float $100 prizes have yet to be confirmed. But there will also be a special $200 prize to the best float showing the true spirit of Christmas, donated by the Congregational Church of Maungaturoto. Xmas Parade arrangements T here is a slight cha nge in the start time from that previously advertised. The parade now starts at 5.30pm, and carnival activities will commence at the Primary School as soon as the floats arrive there. All floats need to be at the Congregatio nal Church by 5.00 pm. When yo u get there, please check in with Kenny. Also, remember that throwing of lollies is forbidden (you can hand them out, thoug h) — and no water balloons! (These rules also apply to spectators.) To ensure that we all get a good view, please do not park cars along the main street in the centre of town from 5.00 pm onwards. The Santa parade will be the start of Maungaturoto’s ‘Week of Christmas’. This includes the Xmas tree display at the Anglican Church and Santa’s grotto. Local shops are also getting in the spirit by dressing themselves up as part of a local ‘best shop display competition’. Let’s support them and thank them by buying local. Santa’s Grotto Y es, by popular demand, the big guy is coming to Maungaturoto on the 20th and 21st December (Thursday and Friday)! He will once again be in the Plunket Rooms ( with a few special guests) from 10.00 am until 2.00 pm. Bring your camera so that you can get a snap. There is no charge for entry, but a gold coin koha for Plunket is alwa ys welcome. Maungaturoto Matters Page 4 Hi Maungaturoto – we are here! W2W 145 Hurndall Street, Maungaturoto “What to Wear” Phone 09 431 8440 for quality 2nd hand all-sorts. We have books, furniture, toys, linen, clothing, kitchenware and great gift ideas. Sorry – no EFTPOS yet, but you are welcome to lay-by. Xmas is coming quickly – so come in now! There’s something for everyone. WAIPU MEDICAL CENTRE 2 Nova Scotia Drive Waipu Phone: 09 432 1190 SMOKING CESSATION FLU VACCINES HAVE ARRIVED Improve your own health and the health of those around you. Protect yourself, your family and your community Tobacco 30g per week = $1664 per year 50g per week = $2756 per year Tailor made 10 per day = $2639 per year 20 per day = $5278 per year Inexpensive options available to assist you with smoking cessation. Make an appointment today. Vaccines are free to; - those aged 65 years or over - those with long term health conditions - pregnant women Call today and make your appointment. FREE CERVICAL SCREENING. More than 5 yrs since your last smear = FREE Over 30 yrs and never had a smear = FREE High risk Ethnicity groups = FREE Don’t delay book with our nurses today. Maungaturoto Matters Page 5 Maungaturoto’s 150th Celebrations O n 1s t December this year, there will be 335 days to go until Friday 1st November 2013, the first day of our celebrations for the 150th year of Maungaturoto! This seems a long time, but by the time the Christmas holidays are over, it will be well under 300 days to go. Time flies! The Committee is working actively to spread word about the occasion, and already has a data bank of 200+ email addresses. But we need more (not just emails but physica l addresses as well), so if you kno w of anyone who mig ht be interested, please let us kno w. Christmas also offers a good chance to spread the word yourself — for example, at family gatherings or with yo ur Christmas cards and letters. So don’t forget to tell everyone about the event. In time we will be asking for registrations and expressions of interest. Meanwhile, we’ve put together a programme of events for the Celebration that we hope will entertain everyone and bring back memories from the last 150 years. There’ll be plenty of time available during the event for doing just that, and venues where families can meet. No doubt folk will also just mix and mingle, telling and re-telling their stories. The outline programme is given below. As befits the occasion, we have a lot of ‘old-time’ content. This focuses mainly on the last 50–60 years, which we feel has probably seen the greatest change in the world since the invention of the wheel. But as a result of these changes, three-q uarters of us are now relative new-comers, and probably have no connections with the district beyond the last 20 years or less. This younger generation is helping us older ones put things together — and they deserve entertaining as well. So the programme will ha ve a mix of events and activities to suit everyone. As we get closer to starting building works on the wharf and other practical activities, those promised $200 ‘planks’ will come in very hand y. So it will soon be time to put your hand in your pocket! On the subject of timber, we’ve also been donated a stack of pine and macrocarpa firewood, as well as a large macrocarpa tree which will also provide some very nice timber. If you are interested in purchasing either the firewood or timber, of in any other aspect of the event, please contact Albie on, via PO Box 96, Maungaturoto 0547, or by phoning 09 431 8148. Outline Programme (provisional) Friday 1st November (afternoon/evening) Meet and greet and registration at the Centennial Hall; opening of the time capsule that was put in the wall at the time of the centennial in 1963, and last opened in 1966. Saturday 2nd November Morning: Wakas on the river and landing at the wharf, followed by a powhiri. Parade of floats and ‘vehicles through the decades’ from the wharf to the Country Club where there will be entertainment in the form of old-time games and competitions, and static displays of vintage machinery etc. N CLARKE EARTHMOVING DRAINAGE AND EARTHMOVING Septic and Water Tanks ♦ Registered Drainlayers Housesites/Footings ♦ Driveways/Roading Drilling (up to 8 m deep) ♦ Retaining walls Farmwork ♦ Races/Dams Competitive Prices MOBILE: MOBILE: 027 223 3185 During the day: a golden oldies rugby match, showing of old home movies and slide shows. Evening: Dinner at the Centennial Hall, follo wed by more chances for meeting old friends and families. Sunday 3rd November Church service at Centennial Hall, followed by entertainment from school children. Replacement of the time capsule and a slow winding down after the busy and emotio nal weekend. Throughout the weekend there will also be a drivearound history trail, incorporating places of interest in the neighbo urhood. R DICKENS MAUNGATUROTO HOUSEHOLD WATER Road works, water carts and all general cartage 7 Ton Grader, 8 Ton digger Phone 027 4784 838 Page 6 Maungaturoto Matters Maungaturoto Matters Page 7 HOMEBUILDERS MAUNGATUROTO/PAPAROA Recent events/activities W e owe a huge thanks to everyone who bought our coffee and cupcakes at our stall on Pet Day – tha t will pay for two new taps for the kids’ bathroom and two more metal balance bikes which the kids really enjo y. The kids have been zoom-sliding, bush walking, and planting out the seedlings that were sown last month. We’ve had a visit to Room 5, and to Real Town Pies to see how their lovely pies are made, as well as making our own to enjoy back at centre – very yummy! We’ve also had a DVD/Pyjama nite and watched big brothers and/or sisters at the Primary School Athletics day. I n the past month we have been running our White Ribbon Awareness Campaign. White Ribbon is about domestic violence, including violence towards children. We would like to ask you to ta ke a moment to think about the people to who m you trust your children. Child victims so often remain victims for the rest of their lives. Your children are the most precious gift yo u will ever be given. WORKING TOWARDS SAFER COMMUNITIES Congratula tions to Emma and family on the arrival of their new baby boy! Happy Birthday to Te Aranganui, Tahi and Monique. Upcoming events/activities YOUR CHILDREN RELY ON YOU TO KEEP THEM SAFE Sunday 9th December: Playcentre Xmas Party Saturday 15th December: Xmas Parade LISTEN TO YOUR CHILDREN W e would love to have new children and parents join, so come and see what Playcentre is all about. Remember also that we appreciate any empty printer toner cartridges for recycling. You can drop them off at Playcentre during our session times or at 100% Fergus Appliances. ARE YOUR CHILDREN AT RISK? WHO IS YOUR CHILD WIT H TODAY? HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW THIS PERSON? MOST OFFENDERS ARE KNOWN TO THE FAMILY IT’S NOT ‘STRANGER DANGER’ IT’S USUALLY SOMEONE YOU TRUST To rent Brand new private 1- bedroom cottage on Jumna Road. Homebuilders Communi ty Services 431 9080 PRESIDENT’S REPORT December 2012 Water-view. No bond. $125 per week. Phone Sarah 09 431 8448 I will remove and pay cash for bee swarms Phone Paul 09 431 8957 I t's been good to see the RSA rooms being used by different organisations, so please remember that if you have a meeting or a social occasion, our rooms provide a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere for a variety of occasions. I suggest you buy yo ur tickets now for the Xmas dinner on the 15th December. As well as a traditional Christmas meal with all the seasonal trimmings, you'll get the cha nce to meet new and old friends and enjoy music from the live band. See you at the XMAS dinner! All the best Maungaturoto Matters Page 8 New Showroom at 32 Hurndall Street Maungaturoto SPECIALISING IN THE SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF CARPET AND VINYL FLOORING Commercial and Domestic Mobile service available by appointment Free measure and quote service Colour consultation available in showroom Owner operators: Christine Barrott and Howard Lee Tel: 09 946 9886 or 021 515 415 STEPHEN M JAQUES CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 123 Hurndall Street, Maungaturoto Phone: (09) 431 8733 Fax: (09) 431 8736 Email: Website: Email: CONCRETE If it’s concrete, we do it Full preparation and pour by experienced local team Subfloors Sheds Driveways Patios Cowpads Also retainer walls and fences 1.6 Ton Digger Available & Light Truck Phil Keen Contractors 027 659 2376 FARRIER Frans Jansen Quiet and Reliable Phone 09 431 8592 Mobile 026 227 1776 Allan Swindlehurst Your Local Livestock Agent Mobile: 027 493 2844 After hours: 09 431 7081 Phone: 0800 777 197 Email: ajswindlehu 211 Market Street South PO Box 721, Hastings 4156 Maungaturoto Matters Page 9 OTAMATEA GREY POWER October meeting A fter business, Christmas carols were chosen, to be sung at our November meeting. We then welco med Trevor Brljevich, who enthralled us with a talk about his father. He had stopped off in New Zealand to visit relatives, met his future wife, and stayed. He worked on the land with horses, a scoop and shovel, then on stone work for the State Housing Corporation. While working on Mission Bay’s stone wall, he was given a few Calla lily bulbs which he developed — and thereby ended up leading New Zealand with his pioneer breeding of Calla lilies and carnations. (For more on Trevor’s father see the book War and Flowers.) Trevor, himself, was born in Warkworth. During the depression, however, the family moved to Herne Bay to live with his grandfather. His father bought five acres in Birkenhead which he dug over by hand for flower planting. Trevor and his brother left school early to help. He came to Maungaturoto to his uncle’s dairy farm, and seven years later married Yvonne. CAR SEAT RENTAL SCHEMES Plunket Rooms, Hurndall St, Maungaturoto Infant, Child & Booster Seats — long or short term hire. We also have for purchase child harnesses, locking clips and ext. straps For rental details Ph Karlene Storey (09) 431 8890 COFFEE/PLAYGROUP If anyone is interested in having coffee mornings again, please contact Justine Westlake on 431 8831 M aungaturoto Centennial Hall Kitchen Supper Room ideal for meetings up to 50 people But four years earlier, his father had given him half of a seedpod that he had hybridised. From that pod, and his work since, he has become the leading breeder of Calla lilies (Zantedeschia) world wide! As well as being a Limousin cattle stud farmer….. And a volunteer ambulance officer since the St John division was formed in 1955. 2006, in the Netherla nds, saw Trevor awarded the ‘Dix Penning’ — the most prestigious flower-growing award in the world. He is the only New Zeala nder to receive this hono ur. His father once said, “Trevor, always strive for excellence; you may not always achieve it but alwa ys strive for it". Like father, like son, for they both achieved this in the flower growing world for New Zealand. Stage with changing rooms Storage under stage Excellent for all types of function Large auditorium Foyer area Bar facilities Competitive rates Short or long term hire An ideal Christmas venue! For bookings contact: Wendy Baker 09 431 8669 For long term options, ring Debbie 09 431 8020 or email Henr y Daniel LINKING HANDS INC MAUNGATUROTO PRIMARY SCHOOL Maungaturoto Mangawhai Ruakaka ‘ Meeting the needs of the community’ ROTORUA CAMP 2013 T he Rotorua Camp Fundraising Committee would like to express their extreme gratitude to the Maungaturoto Primary School PTA for generously donating the proceeds of their annual Fun Run to the camp fund. Nyree Alcock and her team put a lot of work into getting this event organised and for that we say a massive THANK YOU. We would also like to thank all of the sponsors for their kind donations of spot prizes: Carters, RD1, Noel Radd, Sport Northland, Katz Kutz, Millennium Bea uty, G.A.S, Bohobeck Bags and The National Ba nk... THANK YOU And lastly, a huge THANKS to everyone who registered and took part in the run/walk. Without participa nts, there is no event. Linking Hands HEALTH SHUTTLE SERVICES Maungaturoto Phone/fax 09 4318969 Mangawhai 09 4314121 Ruakaka 09 4328985 Head office: Maungaturoto Monday to Friday, 10am—4pm Closed public holidays Maungaturoto Matters Page 10 FREEVIEW INSTALLATION Whatever your needs! Servicing Kaiwaka, Maungaturoto, Paparoa and Ruawai Call Tony on 09 431 6555 09 431 6595 09 431 6595 Competitive rates Phone: Phone: Email: Email: PLANNING A NEW KITCHEN? KAIPARA PLUMBING LTD Graham Slatter CONTACT NOEL McDOWELL PLUMBER DRAINLAYER WELLSFORD KITCHENS Phone/Fax: 094312888 Kaiwaka ANY TIME Certifying Plumber Certifying Drainlayer 1.5 ton digger Quality Custom Made Kitchens Personal and Prompt Service All Workmanship Guaranteed Over 20 yrs in the Trade P.O. Box 6 Maungaturoto Phone: 027 244 5430 After hours: 09 431 8451 Fax: 09 431 8561 Email: THE CRUISER BAR AND GRILL Main Road Paparoa Open Wednesday to Sunday, Five ‘til late Inside and outside seating Friendly Service and affordable meals Fully licensed - Available for private functions Phone 09 431 6918 Sample Menu Steak Seafood Maungaturoto Matters Page 11 New Selwyn Centre opens in Paparoa O lder people in the Paparoa, Matakohe, Wha kapirau Ararua, Hukatere and Tinopai areas now have the chance to meet others and socialise in the friendly, caring enviro nment of a Selwyn Centre. The new Centre is open every Thursday at St Mark’s Church, Paparoa, from 9.30 am to 12 noon. It offers a programme of social games, gentle exercise and morning tea for a gold coin donation. Centre coordinator, Richard Binns, says: “We are looking forward to welcoming guests to the Paparoa Selwyn Centr e for seniors, where we will meet to enjoy ourselves, catc h up with other people from the area and have lots of fun as family. We will meet every Thursday until 6th December, befor e adjourning for the Christmas period, then recommenc ing in February 2013.” Part-funded by The Selwyn Foundation, one of New Zeala nd’s largest charitable providers of residential care for older people, the Centre is for those over 65 of any religious or cultural background who live alone or are in need of friendship, help and support. Activities are run by a coordinator and a team of volunteers, who can also play an advocacy role and liaise with other service agencies on behalf of the guests attending. More than six hundred older adults of varying levels of independence and mobility currently attend one of over thirty Selwyn Centres in Greater Auckla nd, Wha ngarei and Thames each week. Loneliness can be a serious health issue for older people, and research indicates that social interaction with others directly influences general health. It can also bring psychological benefits, such as delaying the onset of dementia. For further details on the Paparoa Selwyn Centre, please contact Richard Binns on 431 8193, 021 212 4911 or 486 7578, email: binnsco HOMEBUILDERS COMMUNITY SERVICES MAUNGATU ROTO/PAPAROA provides a 24 hour DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HOTLINE 021 886 434 Free counsellor available 5 days/week If you need help don't hesitate to call 09 431 9080 ARE YOU CONCERNED FOR SOMEONE ELSE? ALL CALLS CONFIDENTIAL Maungaturoto Chiropractic Clinic 3 Gorge Road Dr. A. Macaulay DC (Recently of Whangaparaoa) Will open early December Hours: Monday 9am-6pm; Wednesday 9am-7.30pm; Thursday 7am-6pm For enquiries or appointments tel. 09 431 8019 Maungaturoto Primary School In collaboration with: Alexander Scrap Metals 2 Blakey Road, (Corner State Highway 12) Scrap metal wanted to help fund the Year 5 and 6 School Camp in Rotorua 2013 To To contribute, contribute, simply simply collect collect any any unused unused scrap scrap metal metal that that you you have have on on your your property, property, and and deliver deliver itit to to Alexander Alexander Scrap Scrap Metals. Metals. Call 09 431 9049 for information MAUNGATUROTO PRIMARY SCHOOL PTA FUNDRAISER ORGANIC FERTILISER The PTA are selling 5kg bags of this very popular full spectrum fertiliser. $25 PER BAG; $40 FOR 2 BAGS; $50 FOR 3 BAGS Contact Nyree 09 431 8462 INVITES YOU TO ATTEN D EVERY TUESDA Y 10am CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, MAUNGATUROTO 0-5 YRS MUSIC & MOVEMENT Followed by morning tea Contact Elaine 09 431 8317 Or Ruth 09 4318491 supported by Maungaturoto Congregational Church ($2 donation per family please) Maungaturoto Playcentre Mondays and Fridays 9.15am – 12.15pm Term cost is $20 for 1 child over 2 yrs or $25 for 2 or more children over 2 yrs. Under 2s are free. Your first three visits are free! Phone: 09 431 8517 Hurndall Street, Maungaturoto Maungaturoto Matters Page 12 • ROADING • EARTHWORKS • DRAINAGE • SITEWORKS For any further enquiries, contact Shaun on: Cell: 021 222 0272 Home: 09 4318339 Email: Registered Drainlayers Maungaturoto Matters Page 13 Principal’s Comment Dear parents, caregivers and community Ph 09 431 8230 Ph/Fax 09 431 8229 0800 682 628 Congratula tions go to all the students who won prizes and awards at the Senior Prize-giving on 2nd November. Particular mention sho uld be made of the winners of our top awards. Lara Ware won the top academic award, Dux. Vanessa Lillas and Marama Linnell shared the next highes t academic prize of Proxime Accesit. Jake Powell was the winner of the top academic award in Year 12 and James Finlay the equivalent award in Year 11. The top sporting awards of Victrix and Victor Ludorum went to Caitlin Foster and Dalto n Tapper, respectively. The Haydn and Mary Hutching Cup for Outstanding Sporting Achievement went to Simone Sid well for her efforts in motor-cross. We have been blessed with superb student leaders in 2012 a nd they were ackno wledged at the school prize-giving. Well done to all of you: your efforts have been outstanding. The 2013 leaders are Jack Williamson (Head Boy), Tahlia Howard (Head Girl), Jake Powell (Deputy Head Boy), Stacey Lewin (Deputy Head Girl) and Isaac Reid, Maika Abel, Austin McCabe, Caitlin Foster, Elese Cocking a nd Simo ne Sid well (prefects). For you, the bar has been set very high if you wish to emulate the efforts of the 2012 leaders! On the evening of Saturday 3rd November, it was a pleasure to see our senior students at Otama tea High School’s first Senior Graduatio n Ball and Dinner. It was a change from previous years. The focus this year was on the graduating class of 2012 — the 2012 Year 13 students. The girls all looked beautiful and the boys handsome. It is always very uplifting to see students for- mally dressed, and it was an excellent effort from everybody. It was also great to see senior students participating in the formal dances. The Beau and Belle of the Ball were Isaac Reid and Macalla McCarroll, respectively; the King and Queen of the Ball were Damian Rowe and Chanel Paul respectively. Particular thanks go to Nikki Donaldson and Kay Robinson for their behind-the-scenes organisation, along with the many sponsors who donated to the event: Maungaturoto Hotel, Maungaturoto Pharmacy, Carters Maungaturoto, L’Art de Beauty, Brogan Builders, Maungaturoto Four Square, Dreams, Millennium Skin Beauty and Body Clinic, Fuji Xerox, First National Real Estate, Cowley’s Party Hire and Harvest Café Mangawhai. As Haydn said in his prize-giving speech, it has been a difficult year with numerous long-term staff absences including Ha ydn himself. However, I am pleased to announce tha t Dirk Smyth has joined our Senior Leadership Team. Sue Poynter, who wor ked for many years as Deputy Principal at Takapuna Grammar School, has also been co-opted onto our team. These two additio ns very effectively complement the skill set of Lyndsay Whitehead, Shane O’Ma hony and myself. Together, with the support of the school community, we thus have the ability to make the cha nges required to ensure that the school can accelerate along the road of continuous improvement. Finally, in light of Haydn’s announcement that this year was his last prize giving I would like to announce that we will honour Haydn’s extensive service to the school at an appropriate time. Roy Fletcher, Acting Principal Maungaturoto Matters Page 14 Landcare Services Trenching, Hole boring, boring, Cleaning calf sheds Section clearing, Landscaping, Landscaping, Driveways, Post peel and chip Land levelling, Baseful work for new houses Lifestyle block mowing etc, Rotary hoeing Vibrating roller for compacting work Tree & Shelter Belt Removal Pruning & Thinning Deadwood Removal Storm Damage Stump Grinding Residential, Commercial & Rural Mulch for Sale Insured & Qualified Arborist Free written quotes For reliable and friendly service, phone Dave Hyndman: 09 431 2302 or 021 431238 MERRY XMAS AND A GREAT 2013 FROM THE RAY WHITE BOGUE REAL ESTATE TEAM IN MAUNGATUROTO Beverley Morrison 021 288 0588 Laurel Jansen 027 689 6400 Keith Shadbolt 021 402 122 Leanne Walker 021 431 619 OFFICE: 09 431 8820 8 HURNDALL STREET, MAUNGATUROTO Maungaturoto Matters Page 15 Maungaturoto Primary School Developing ‘REAL’ Learners K ia ora and greetings to all. What a busy but fa ntastic and rewarding Term 4 we have had to date. With only a couple of weeks left, we are now preparing to wind down the year and organise the beginning of 2013. I would like to thank, firstly, the students, staff, Board of Trustees, PTA committee, parent helpers and all the community who have helped support the school over 2012. We have made a huge amount of progress in many different areas and are excited about what is still to come. As this is our last publication for 2012 I would also like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year. We look forward to seeing everyone again in 2013. Whāia te iti kahurangi, ki te tūohu koe, me he maunga teitei”. Pursue exc ellence - should you stumble, let it be to a lofty mountain. For the children, Shane Campbell, Principal Athletics I would like to congratula te the students on a very exciting athletics day (this is in progress while this piece is being written). I can confirm that, already, at only 10:30 am, three school running records have been broken. The competition is fierce but in great spirit. I am so proud of the children for doing their very best in each event they participate in, and I wis h those who go on to represent the school at the Bream Ba y competitio n the best of luck. Results will be published in the school newsletter. Fonterra Milk for Schools Programme F onterra are currently planning a promotional video for the Milk for Schools Programme. The new National Manager from Auckland visited our school and she was highly impressed at how successfully the Programme was working for the students here. Fonterra have decided that they will use our school and community to create a promotional video for the programme. The video will be used to launch the Milk for Schools Programme when it rolls out to the rest of New Zealand in 2013. It will be published on the Milk for Schools website and used for media purposes. This is a very exciting opportunity for our students. School gardens O ver the last few weeks, all classrooms have been busy building their own gardens — right from building the box to planting the seeds. This has been a wonderful learning process for the children and I’m sure we will get great results. Swimming Pool T he school swimming pool is available for use both by families of children at the school and the public. For School families, the cost of the key is only $55.00 and keys can now be purchased. Anyone who does not have children here can purchase a key between Friday 7th December and Tuesday 18th December during office hours at a cost of $75.00. Please contact the school office if you have any queries. Dates to remember Tues 4th Dec Thurs 6th Dec Fri 7th Dec Mon 10th Dec PTA Meeting 7.30pm Talent Quest Finals Road Patrol/Bus Monitor Fun Day Year 5 Road Patrol/Bus Monitor training Day Parent Helpers Morning Tea Learning Port folios/End of year Reports sent home Year 6 Fun Day PTA free sausage sizzle for students Community Christmas Parade BoT Meeting Year 6 Prizegiving – Last day for Year 6 children Last day of Term for Year 0-5 school will finish at 12:00pm Wed 12th Dec Thurs 13th Dec Fri 14th Dec Fri 14th Dec Sat 15th Dec Mon 17th Dec Mon 17th Dec Tues 18th Dec 2013 Term Dates Term 1 begins Tuesday 29th January and ends on Friday 19th April Term 2: 6th May – 12th July Term 3: 29th July – 27th September ANGLICAN OP SHOP Opening hours Monday 10 am - 1 pm Wednesday 10 am - 3 pm Friday 11 am - 3 pm Closed Dec 24th to Jan 6th. Reopen Jan 7th Thank you for your support throughout the year Maungaturoto Matters Page 16 Mobile: 021 840 085 Phone: 09 431 8767 UNDERWOOD CONTRACTORS LTD ON THE JOB NEW!! Sumitomo Long Reach Digger with 14 m Boom NEW!! 240 Hitachi Zaxis Digger — 15 and 12.5 tonne Diggers 17 tonne Bulldozer with 6-way Blade 8 tonne Vibrating Roller and Sheep Foot Roller Transporter — 6x4 Tippers Fertiliser and General Cartage 3 – 145 hp Tractors with Large Tip Trailers Power Harrow, Chisel Plough, Mulcher 10,000 litre Slurry and Stirrer Square Hay Baler and Rotary Slasher EXPERIENCED OPERATORS Car Transport Trailer for Hire 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE For all your Race, Drainage & Site Work and More: Call: Barry and Deanna Underwood, RD2, Maungaturoto Mobile 0274 987 745 Phone/Fax 09 431 8078 Coates Contracting D41 Bulldozer with 6 way blade, bush rigged with winch, for all tree work, general bulldozing and SUBDIVISIONS - FARM SURVEYS TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS LOCATING LOST BOUNDARY PEGS stick racking 120hp tractor for ground cultivation, tip trailer work Fencing CALL KEN ON 09 431 8705 or 021 161 2344 All enquiries: phone Brett Coates 09 431 8720 or mobile 021 431 872 KEN URQUHART BSurv (Otago) Your local registered land surveyor Maungaturoto Matters Page 17 MAUNGATUROTO PUBLIC LIB RARY INC Maungaturoto Garden Club BOOKS OF THE MONTH Monthly Meeting O n a visit to Wha kapirau on 15th November, members were privileged to see three beautiful mature gardens with gorgeous views. The first, well sheltered by a backdrop of huge trees, had lovely colour co-ordinated flo wers and shrubs, fruit trees and ‘his and hers’ veggie gardens. In the second, we admired ‘newish’ and ma ture plantings in a difficult sloping ex-paddock, as well as some talented artwork, and were charmed by the friendly piebald donkey. At the third, members were delighted by mag nificent scented roses, flower-filled borders and abundant fruit trees. Fiction Our next meeting is on Thursday, 13th December at 11.30 am for the Christmas pot luck shared lunch at Pam McCallum’s Bushy Par k property, Gorge Road. Victoria Hislop: The Return Garden Notes for December S ummer is in full swing so pay attentio n to watering, weeding, feeding and spraying as those pests will be active amongst the foliage. Sow successive summer vegetables for a plentiful supply to last over summer. Potatoes will require mounding up to protect the new plants. Further applications of fertiliser will help increase the size of the fruit on trees. Maintain spraying of roses and fertilise and water. Cultivate and weed around flower plants. Strawberries will need netting to protect from birds. Move your container plants to a shady spot, but remember that they will still need daily wa tering. Corrections and Amendments Due to a formatting error, the names of two of the sponsors listed in Uniquely You Says Thanks last month were conflated. They should have read: ‘Hammer Hardware Waipu’ and’Kaipara Flooring’. Our apologies to both organisations — and our thanks again to both for their kind sponsorship of the event. Jojo Moyes: The Girl You Left Behind The author has written a beautifully crafted mys tery about stolen art dating from the First World War. The story involves two couples, one couple from the past and the other in the present. Part one captures the details of life under occupation in France. Part two opens 90 years later when a painting by a famous artist has surfaced in London with the mys tery of where or when it was stolen, 90 years before. A thrilling and hig hly recommended read. This novel tells of a woman’s discovery, through visiting Spain, of her mother’s past. In a quiet café, by a chance conversation and a collection of old photographs, she is drawn into an extraordinary tale of pain and passion at the heart of war-torn Spain during the civil war. An extremely well researched novel about Spain’s struggles before the 2nd World War. Ken Follett: Winter of the World This is Ken Follett’s second novel, told through the eyes of five inter-related families — America n, German, Russian, English, Wels h — characters who were introduced in Fall of Giants, the first novel in the trilogy. Their lives huma nise wha t is happening in the world at the time of Adolf Hitler’s chilling rise to power; of unrest in London and civil war in Spain; of Pearl Harbor, the Battle of France, the Battle of Britain, the Ba ttle of Moscow and the birth of the atomic bomb. A hugely satisfying read. We have many more new books by popular authors: ● Patricia Cornwell: The Bone Bed ● Kate Morton: The Secret Keeper The Dargaville book exchange took place in late November, with plenty of variety on the fictio n and non-fiction shelves. The Library Committee wis h all their members a very Happy Christmas and all the best for 2013. Rev iews by Sheryl Logan Warkworth/Wellsford Budget Advisory Services Phone 09 423 7123 Free help and advice for all areas of personal finance Maungaturoto Matters Page 18 JENNY'S RURAL CLEANING SERVICES General Cleaning, Window Cleaning, Builder’s Cleaning and Office Cleaning Registered for ACC Other services we offer include looking after your home, pets and plants while you are away Phone Jenny 09 431 2826 or Email Stumpgrinding Tidy professional job Tel: Mark 021 457 247 or 09 432 1816 ATLAS QUARRIES CONCRETE Thinking concrete but don’t know where to start? Think Atlas Concrete We quarry the aggregate We manufacture the concrete We site visit to advise the best options We give the best choice of mix and colours We give a choice of local placers for you to choose We manufacture concrete to your requirements We stand by our product, you stand on it Atlas Concrete – Your first call for concrete Phone: 0800 888303 (Brynderwyn) or 09 432 5030 (Ruakaka) BREAM BAY CONCRETE AND DRILLING Member of the NZ Master Placers Association Paling fences - Subfloors - Home floors Boxing of driveways - Shed floors Profiles for homes and sheds - Laser levelling Kerbing blocks - Concrete pads Pathways - Driveways - Retaining walls Excavation works Residential – Industrial – Commercial Decorative tile cutting to Coloured concrete Demolition and removal of concrete Diamond core cutting to any size Road and tarseal cutting Free quotes ▪ Reliable service ▪ Quality workmanship ▪ No call-out fee! Rossana and Mark Royals Phone: 09 432 0107 – Mobile: 0274 433 130 email: Maungaturoto Matters Page 19 CLIPS FROM THE PAST The extract below is from the New Zealand Herald of 8th June 1868 (Volume V, issue 1422), and shows that Maungaturoto was not always a peaceful and lawabiding place. The article to the right is taken from the same paper of 17th October 1868 (V olume V, issue 1528), and shows a startling contrast with recent news about rates in the district! Both extracts have been taken from the collection of digitized historical documents available from Papers Past — an archive which contains some 2 million pages from New Zealand newspapers and periodicals, covering the period 1835 to 1945. The full archive is at at http://aperspast.natlib. paperspast. Note: This article replac es copyrighted material in the original Maungaturoto Matters, written by Rae Roadley. Poetry Corner Haiku: Life Life drags its heels so idly, early on, Then all too soon Hurtles towards oblivion. Write a poem for the Matters $10 prize for every one we publish Come along and join us at the old Ministry of Works building on Hurndall Street (next to the Congregational Church) Fridays 9am - 1pm. Bring your own art supplies and projects $2 each per week. For information, text Julie 0211 464 657 or Joy 0210 264 7801. Page 20 Maungaturoto Matters Maungaturoto Matters Page 21 News from the Otamatea Repertory Theatre Visit our website at: or Three Little Pigs T he season for this year’s pantomime, The Three Little Pigs, will be half wa y throug h by the time you read this, but again the cast have produced another great show. They ha ve all risen to the occasion, especially the youngsters and those who have made it their first stage performance. Madame Salami, played by Maggie Everett, has made her debut at an age when many are wanting to put their feet up. At the other extreme, agewise, is Scarlet Walker, who is showing promise as a long time supporter of ORT. Thanks to all who have contributed in some way and, of course, the wonderful sponsors from around the region. someone to play the pianist, who actually has to accompany the show. Anyone with a passion for earthy matters, and who likes to sing (with passion as much as ability), should contact Alister Willia ms via email on, or ring 09 432 1890 to express an interest. Auditions will be at ORT on December 12th at 7.00 pm Rehearsals will start on the 20th January and will run on Sundays and Thursdays. Dates for the play are 15th-17th March and 22nd24th March (7 performances), plus a reserve date of the 21st March. Seussical the Musical will be performed in July 2013. Auditions are planned for February 2013. Please contact the director, Peter Flower, for more information. ORT Scholarships O nce again Otamatea Repertory Theatre Inc will be offering two scholarships in 2013. There is the Junior Youth Scho larship, which is for children up to Year 8, and the ORT Youth Scholarship, which is for Years 9 to 13. The Junior Youth scholarship provides a term of singing lessons for the recipient. The ORT Youth Scholarship is for $250, and can be spent on anything concerning performance and theatre/music, such as attending the Natio nal Youth Drama School, singing lessons, guitar lessons or dance classes, amongst other things. To apply, you will need to write a letter (in yo ur own ha ndwriting) stating why yo u would like to win. Also, in the ORT Youth Scholarship section, you will need to state ho w you wo uld spend the scholarship. All applications mus t be received by 19th December. Auditions W e will soon be auditioning for Dirty Weekends, a play by Roger Hall and Phillip Norman. Director, Alister Williams, describes it as a play about “gardening and other fruitful pleasures” (with songs) involving a couple in their 60s and their neighbours (late 20s or so), as well as a music teacher and her love interest (described as ‘voluptuous’ and ‘Irish’ respectively — though attitude is more important than physique or accent for these parts) In addition, there are roles for a female ‘garden muse’ to sing and charm the audience, and two hig hly versatile performers to play the cat, the dog, the Dean, the judge and various other roles. Last but not least, we are seeking Annual General Meeting T he annual general meeting was held recently. The following management committee were elected: President: Peter Flower Vice Presidents: Ian Sturt, Katrina Dyer Secretary: Kathy Bygrave Treasurer: Maura Flower Committee: Nat Curnow, David Sims, Suzzanne Lappin and Grant Frires. 2013 is going to be another successful year for ORT and the performing arts in the region with an active committee and enthusiastic members bringing you drama, musical shows, comedy and pantomime througho ut the year. PAPAROA GOLF CLUB Op en a ll the year around Offering a ffordable golf through sub and green fees. Club day 10.00 every Sunday Twilight Golf starts on Friday 7th December 556.00pm Every Friday through December and January Telephone: 09 431 8585 or 09 431 8597 Maungaturoto Matters Page 22 Affordable Accounting Limited FOR ALL YOUR PAINTING REQUIREMENTS Interior and exterior painting and roofs Mould spraying and water blasting Many local references available No job too small For a quality job at a reasonable price Phone Dave on 09 431 6623 or 027 490 3522 roofing New roofs / Re-roofs Longrun Colorsteel® and Zincalume® Competitive fixed prices for all your small business accounting needs Brett Strong Tax agent 12 Willow Lane, PO Box 17, Maungaturoto 0547 Phone: Phone : 09 431 9140 Email: CARPET & VINYL LAYING HSB BUILDERS LTD 021 506 260 09 431 9143 Trevor Dempsey Phone/Fax (09) 431-8888 Mobile (027) 283-8039 Maungaturoto Matters Page 23 Maungaturoto Country Club SPORTS - SOCIAL - CONFERENCE CENTRE Tel 09 431 8326 Fax 09 431 8324 Saturday, 15 December - Christmas Parade **** Club’s open from 6.30pm **** Drop in for drinks and dinner. Please sign in guests. Defibrillator at the Club November Round Up The Club now has a defibrillator for community use, thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor. The Club took advice from St John regarding the purchase of this heart-starter. Fun Run Walk - for Maungaturoto Primary School: Everyone loved the extended Country Club Community Walkway - no traffic, no dust, a pleasant rural amble. Quiz Night - For OHS students to visit Japan: 18 teams, curly questions, MP Lockwood Smith auctioned as a team member, more than $1000 raised. Motocross Trail Ride - JMB to revamp a rugby field: By the time you read this, MX riders will have had a great day. The Club will also seek grant funding for the rugby field which has another use - a landing pad for emergency helicopters. It’s summertime!! Last night 2012: Friday, 21st December. January 2013: Open Fridays: 18th and 25th. February 2013: Normal hours - Thurs & Fri from 6pm. Community Walkway - take a hike! Lambing’s over, the paddocks are dry, the birds are singing - and you can go strolling. The best place to enter the walkway is through the gate opposite the High School. Best wishes for the Season Warmest wishes to all in the community - especially those who have supported the Club this year - and that’s many, many people! THE OTAMATEA HAWKS Members of the RSA RUGBY CLUB OPEN FRI & SAT From 5pm ….will celebrate 25 years of rugby in 2013 with a reunio n on the 19th and 20th April at the Kaiwaka Sports Complex. We would like to invite players, coaches, managers and committee members. As you can imagine, coming up with 25 years worth of names is a big job! We are currently working off team photos, but we have a big gap. So If you have any team pho tos or anything that lis ts players’ names, particularly in the years 1993-2005, I wo uld love to hear from you. Also, if you have any club memorabilia that yo u would be happy for us to display during the reunion, please let me know. Cher yl Anderson (Tel 09 431 2051) Fine food at the right price Snooker & pool Function room available Your favourite bottled beers Quality wines Meals served from 6pm, Fri & Sat PH: 09-431 8313 Xmas Dinner Saturday 15th December Maungaturoto Matters Page 24 141 Hurndall Street, Maungaturoto Tel 09 431 8987 Quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil Grown on the Kaipara Available from: Sunshine Organics Paparoa Farmers Market (next date December 12th) or from 46B Merril Rd, Paparoa Phone 09 431 7572 We Wewish wishaahappy happy Christmas Christmasand andaa prosperous prosperousNew New Year Year to to all allour ourcustomers. customers. Thanks Thanks for forshopping shoppingwith withus. us. Come in-store to find out what our special offer is this month! Maungaturoto Matters Page 25 RETARDED GRANDPARENTS WORDPLAY A fter Christmas, a teacher asked her young pupils how they spent their holiday away from school. One child wrote the following. We always used to spend the holidays with Grandma and Grandpa. They used to live in a big brick house but Grandpa got retarded and they moved to Bateman’s Bay where everyone lives in nice little ho uses, and so they don't have to mo w the grass anymore! Word hunt It’s Dec ember, so this month’s puzzles have a seasonal theme. To start with, you must find 14 Chri stmasy words in the following grid. Each word is 4 or more letters long, and words can run horizontally, vertically or diagonally—but always from lef t-to-right or top-to-bottom. T K V V O O W C B R A U D O L P H M I They ride around on their bicycles and scooters and wear name tags because they don't know who they are anymore. N V E E X Y P W U Q S W J Q D A C K A They go to a building called a wreck centre, but they must ha ve got it fixed because it‘s all okay now. They do exercises there, but they don't do them very well. There is a swimming pool too, but they all jump up and down in it with hats on. At their gate, there is a doll house with a little old man sitting in it. He watches all day so nobody can escape. Sometimes they sneak out, and go cruising in their golf carts! Nobody there cooks, they just eat out. And, they eat the same thing every nig ht — early birds. Some of the people can't get out past the man in the doll house. The ones who do get out, bring food back to the wrecked centre for pot luck. C A N I G T My Grandma says that Grandpa worked all his life to earn his retardment and says I should work hard so I can be retarded someday too. When I earn my retardment, I want to be the man in the doll ho use. Then I will let people out, so they can visit their grandchildren. Editor’s note: thanks to Joan and John Hoggard for passing this on. It’s probably apocryphal — but it’s fun all the same. L O V D G L E Y L I P M A W J V D A Z M Z A N D L E A H T X S L C M D Y O O K W N I T W N E R P C B I Q U G N B B E N A M T R J V H I C G U O Y S R B I I L Z T V X B H K P H O M W X E F Q C R I L B C J E N P O F L S M D F C N M K T S Y B A Y U M T J U P I F N S S T E J L X V Y M A N B V O N M D Z T R G H D R D C F A A R B O L L I S B G F A K S C E Y E H G S Z What are they? The letters in the three phrases below can be re-a rranged into the ti tl es of three well known Christmas carol s. Wha t are they? 1. TILTING HENS 2. HER DARK HEALTH 3. A WINEY ANAGRAM Piggy in the middle Find a word tha t fi ts the spaces below to make two new words or phra ses—one to the lef t and one to the right: S E A_______ N E T Otamatea Christian School PTA Fundraiser Chicken Manure For Sale $5/bag, $35/trailer (+$10 delivery) Phone Mark 431 8487 Y U L E ______ M A R K P A G E ______ E L O P E F I L M ______ B O A R D Answers on Page 27 HSB BUILDERS LTD Comp etitive, fixed priced housing contracts We will take you through the building process from plans to carpet Call us to discuss your building project 09 431 9143 • Hayden 021 506 260 • Maungaturoto Matters Page 26 TC ROOFING MAUNGATUROTO MIKE MOYLE BUILDERS LTD New Housing Alterations Farm Buildings Concrete work ► 1.8 Digger (3 Buckets) ► Hole Boring Kit: 200, 400, 600mm ►Tractor for Rotary Hoeing & Mulching Phone: TOM CUMBER Mobile 021 566 076; Phone/Fax 09 431 6338 09 431 8562 or 027 431 8564 z t u K z t a K Fair pricing Professional approach! Women’ Women’ s cuts $30 Restyles $35$35-40 Men’ Men’ s cuts $20 Teens cuts $15$15- 20 Kid’ Kid’s cuts $10$10-15 PrePre-school $5 Pensioners: women $20 $15 men Avon Representative Gale Matheson 094314827 0274149576 You are invited to An Avon Party Wednesday 12th December at Sugar Belle's Cafe 7.00pm Product and samples and some fun Merry Christmas Also offering: K Foils Tints Semi-permanents Crazy colours Permanent waving Blow waves Open Mon-Fri, 9am to 5pm (8pm Tuesdays) Call in or phone Katrina on 09 431 9120 Next to Well Kneaded Massage Maungaturoto Matters Page 27 SNIPPETS Otamatea Quilters’ PrizePrize-winners Albi Returns P he musician Chris Dent returns ho me after moving to Auckland two years ago. His career has taken ma ny twists and turns, and now he has come back home for the summer. rize-winners at the exhibitio n at the Kauri Museum in November were as follows: ● Hand appliquéed bed quilt: Pamela Parkinson ● Table runner: Sarah Smellie ● Craft bag: Pam Mutch Small raffle winners were: ● Biscuit tin of sewing items: Glennys McKenzie ● Pack of fabric: Edith Perreau ● Cot quilt kit: Sheran Vallance ● Wall hanging Kit Marie Finegan The proceeds from these raffles are intended for the Maungaturoto Saint John. Lyn King, for the Otamatea Quilters Zonta Spirit of Adventure Award T During his absence Chris recorded an EP, about a year ago. Those songs heralded some success but Chris has a new stack of songs he feels very confident will be even more successful. His recent escapades include regularly playing with the up -andcoming Jesse Sheehan, and jamming with the Monford and Sons. It has been a very successful year. As well as his solo career, his collaboration band Kohl’s A Killer has just recorded their debut EP, and that will head out for full release early next year too. If you wa nt to catch up with this old local and see his new stuff then come to the Eutopia Café in Kaiwaka on the 8thof December. Entry $5 on the door and a 7.00 pm start. Comment is Free! Farewell Maungaturoto I H ayley Aldworth, from Rodney College, after receiving her Scholarship award for a Spirit of Adventure voy age from Lynda Garrett, Zonta Area 1 director, and Sue Poynter, the current president. Hayley is planning on going on her voyage around March 2013 and promises to return to the Mangawhai Zonta group to give a presentation of her trip. ANSWERS to WORDPLAY (page 25) Word hunt: Santa, Angel, Sleigh, Holly, Tinsel, Pudding, Rudolph, Star, Carols, Manger, Myrrh, Decorations, Tree, Candle What are they: 1. Silent Night; 2. Hark the Herald; 3. Away in a Manger Piggy in the middle: 1. Son; 2. Tide; 3. Ant; 4. Star t is with sadness that I depart the community of Maungaturoto, bound for the big smoke of Dargaville. I have spent three happy years in this wonderful little town and can honestly say that I have absolutely enjoyed my time here. I have met many fine folk and have made some very good friends. I would like to think that (along with my team) I have vastly improved the operational standards of the local Carters Branch, and in doing so have contributed significantly to the local business collective and the local economy. I also consider that I have contributed as much as I have been able to local community support groups and charity organizations, and I genuinely hope that my successor continues to offer the same level of support. I extend a massive ‘Thank you’ to all of you who have supported me personally, and the business, over the last three years and I wish all of you and the community all the very best for the future. Kind regards, Josh Joshua Monk, Carters Maungaturoto Maungaturoto Matters Page 28 What’s On Locally…. Bus trip December Wed 4th: Maungaturoto Residents Association meeting. Centennial Hall, 19.30 (see page 3) Sat 8th: Working Bee for Beautification Projec t 09.00 (see page 3) Sat 8th: Chris Dent performs a t Eutopia, 19.00 (see page 27) Sun 9th: Playcentre Chri stma s Party (see page 7) Saturday 26th January 2013, Pleasae phone for bookings and any further information 094318059 or email Maungaturoto and Districts Rotary FARM MACHINERY AUCTION 23rd March 2013 at 1920 State Highway 1, Kaiwaka To list machinery or to register your interest, call 09 622 1963, 09 431 4440 or 09 431 8613 by 10th December Mobile: 027 444 835 Phone: 09 431 2027 Winsome Designs Clothing Alterations and Repairs Dress Making ― Dress design Illustrator Portraiture ― Fine Art Wed 12th: Residents Associa tion Christmas Dinner. Maunga turoto Hotel (18.30) Thur 13th: Maunga turoto Ga rden Club Christma s Pot-luck Lunc h. Bushy Park, 11.30 (see page 17) Sat 15th: Xmas Parade. Starts a t Congregational Church 17.30, and proceed s to Pri ma ry School. Carnival sta rts ca. 18.00 Sat 15th: RSA Xmas Dinner (see page 7) Thur 20th—Fri 21st: Santa’s Grotto, Plunket Rooms, 10.00-14.00 (see page 3) January Sat 26th: Cliff Richard live! At the Vec tor Arena, Auckland (see advert, lef t). For bus trips see Brooks’ advert, front page. THE SITTING DUCK TAKEAWAY 09 431 8711 Phone orders welcome Another month has passed by – but where have the last seven months gone so quickly? In the last Maungaturoto Matters we advertised our soft-serve ice-cream. Unfortunately, the machine has decided to become so loud that we’ve retired it to save our ears. For now! However - NEW IN STORE... Streets rolled ice creams and Slushies. So come on in try one Summer hours: Tues-Thursday 11.00 am – 8.00 pm Fri-Sat 11.00–8.30 pm Sunday 11.00–7-30 pm We will be closed Christmas Day