JUNE 2008 - Mazenod College
JUNE 2008 - Mazenod College
JUNE 2008 Mazenod News From the Rector’s Desk Dear Mazenodians, elcome to our first edition of our new look and hopefully, more comprehensive Mazenod News catering to former students and current friends of the College. This new publication seeks to present a somewhat more comprehensive mixture of current developments, students and College events. We would like to think of the launching of the Mazenod News as the precursor to the formation of a revamped and revitalized Mazenod Old Boys Association by the end of this current year. For those who have been in touch with Mazenod in recent times you would be well aware of the many changes that have taken place over the years. The most recent involved the construction of a new Music and Drama Complex and, at the same W time, the relocation of our Year 7 students and the restructuring of our Technology areas. In the realm of student numbers the College now caters to 8 streams at each level and applications continue to significantly outnumber the available spaces. Interestingly, 50% of the 210 new boys accepted for 2009 are either siblings of current students or the sons of ‘Old Boys”. We do try and give special consideration to the sons of former students without actually guaranteeing them a place. Academically, the College has an excellent reputation and last year alone, some six students from the VCE class were granted full University Entrance Scholarships, many in the Engineering and IT faculties, with two of them receiving Victorian Premier’s Awards. We are very proud of the strength of our Old Boys Football and Crickets Clubs and are delighted to encourage In this issue... News from around the College What are some of the Old Boys up to? Mazenod Old Collegians Cricket Club Births, Marriages and Obituaries 2 our ou graduating students to become members. In the interest of equal me op opportunity!! we are in the process of sta starting an Old Boys Music Club this yea With the excellent new facilities year. we look forward to having back many of our former Musos under the baton of Mr. Doug Leutchford. Finally, we take great pride in so many of our former students who have stepped out and are doing marvelous things for others, a small sample would be Minh Truong working with orphans in Vietnam; Carl Steinfort and his wife Tuuli, on the verge of opening their first house for abandoned children in Nepal… Ooni House; Shaun Joyce who took 3 months off work and assisted in a rural hospital in Kenya; Fabien Dalais, after completing his studies returned to Mauritius to help set up a research centre for the study of diabetes and heart disease and Franz Madlener whose company sources eco-friendly products with the focus on supporting fair trade and thus contributing back to the communities. Finally, my sincere thanks go to Paul Booth and Phil Nash for their foresight and generosity in starting Bursaries to assist with fees for some of our students experiencing financial need. There are so many other former students who could, should and hopefully, will be acknowledged, in the days ahead. Meanwhile we look forward to the College community playing a huge part in the Oblate Youth Encounter at Mazenod prior to joining the great throng of Australian Youth in Sydney with the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XV1. May I simply say you are all most welcome to visit us, renew old acquaintances and establish new links at your convenience. God bless Fr Pat Moroney, OMI MAZENOD MAZENOD NEWS World Youth Day 2008 International Oblate Youth Encounter azenod College was chosen 3 years ago to host the International Oblate Youth Encounter and all people associated with the College should realise what a tremendous responsibility we were given. The Mazenod Community through Old Boys, Parents, Students, Teachers and Oblates have been working for three years and now the gathering is almost upon us. In July over 850 people will gather to celebrate being part of the Mazenod Oblate Family and they will come from just over 40 countries. There will be approximately 100 current and former students of the College attending as Pilgrims or Team and this is a significant commitment from our Community. St Eugene de Mazenod would feel very proud to see his family gathered together like this and there are still opportunities to be involved through: M • Interfaith Peace Ceremony called “Peace by Piece” at Federation Square on July 10 at 10am • Way of the Cross – St Mary’s Seminary on July 11 at 10am (Jacksons Rd Mulgrave) • Festival of Charism from 2pm – 10pm on Friday, July 11 • Old Boys vs Current Students Football Match (contact Mr Putrino if you want to be involved) July 11 • Praying for its success This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and the entire College has left nothing undared in its pursuit of involvement and welcome. This gathering, we believe, will have a long-term effect in the lives of all involved. You are all invited to attend any of the above events. Don’t forget your old school motto of leaving nothing undared. If you don’t try and get to some of these then you will have definitely left something undared. Come along – St Eugene dares you! Check out http://www.oblates.com. au/index.php?page=103 if you want to take up the dare. Fr. Michael Twigg OMI Fr. Michael Twigg OMI, Vice-Rector of Mazenod College, is coordinating WYD activities at Mazenod College. As well as his normal duties as Religious Education Co-ordinator, Vice- Rector and teacher, Michael has fully responded to the challenges that coordinating this event has demanded. 3 90 PlusClub T he Year 12 students of 2007 achieved outstanding academic results in their VCE examinations. Of the 150 students in the 2007 Class, 51students (more than 33%), achieved an ENTER Score higher than 90, placing them in the top 10% of the State. A further 41 students achieved an ENTER in the 80 – 89.90 range, showing that over 60% of the class were in the top 20% of all those who sat the VCE. Finally, over 80%of the students got an ENTER score of 70 or higher, placing them in the top 30 % of VCE students in the State. Six of the VCE students achieved the elusive ‘50’ in seven different subjects: these were Kevin Ferdinands (Accounting and Mathematical Methods), Steven Philips (Further Mathematics), Ryan Moroney (Visual Communication), Shane Brown (English), Ben Ho (Chemistry), the Federal Government’s ‘Australian Damien Sieker for winning Premiers Minh Do (Religion and Society). Another Vocational Student Prize’. Awards in Religious Studies and VET Congratulations to Minh Do and student, Simon Tubb, was awarded Furnishing, respectively. Around The College SCIENTISTS TS OF THE FUTURE – ANTHONY Y LAM AND BRENDAN WYLIE their prizes at a special ceremony held Anthony and Brendan brought great parents and Fr Moroney, the Rector of credit to themselves emselves and the College in Mazenod Mazenod. Anthony and Brendan have 2007 when they jointly won the Gold Above: Anthony Lam – Gold Medal Winner – State Science Competition and State Computer Technology Competition Left: Brendan Wylie – Gold Medal Winner State Science Competition 4 at Melbourne Park, attended by their been interested in Science for many years. Medal for Science in the Year 10 Brendan has always been interested in State wide competition in Science, Biology and he hopes that one day he can run by the University of NSW. study Medicine and become a Cardiac Anthony also won the Gold Medal in Surgeon. Anthony’s interest in science is a similar competition in Computer more in Chemistry and he hopes one day Technology. They both received to be able to study Pharmacy. MAZENOD NEWS Sporting Jack Cummings Champions Jack is one of the top junior cycling of the VIS. He also trains on Sunday with riders in Victoria and Australia at the the Victorian Team. On Tuesdays and be an Australian star of the future and present time. In 2008, at the National Saturdays he goes for an easy ride. So in Mazenod will watch his progress in Championships in February, he won gold the course of a week, he only gets one day Australian cycling with interest. in the U 15 Individual Pursuit and the off from training. He has big hopes and the ability to Time Trial as well as a Silver medal in the sprint race. At the Victorian Christmas Titles last year he won all four wheel races. Jack is currently in Year 10 and seems to be handling the pressure of intense training with his study very well. Prior to the National Titles, he had been training 3 nights a week at the Velodrome with the Victorian Institute of Sport (VIS) and was trained by one of the head coaches Sean Ong S Sean Ong is a Year 9 student at Mazenod Se plays a good shot. In the 2008, Australian Co College and this year won the 2008 Boys’ Amateur Championship, he was the Vic Victorian Junior Masters U 14 Section, youngest player to make the cut to play in he held at the Waverley Golf Club in January round 3 and 4. thi this year. The Junior Masters is Australia’s lea leading junior golf tournament and attracts lea leading golfers from around Australia an and New Zealand. He now plays with Sean receiving the prize for winning the 2008 Victorian Junior Masters U14 Section from Mr Daryl Leask, Captain of Waverley Golf Club Sean is also a very skilled volleyball player and was selected to join the Under 15 Victoria Volleyball Team. Kin Kingswood Golf Club and his coach is As well as his sporting prowess, Sean is fro from that club. Sean plays off a handicap also an extremely talented musician and of 4 and his favourite golfer is Tiger Woods plays both the flute and piano at Grade 8 be because he finds him inspiring, hard and 7 respectively. wo working and quite emotional when he 5 Sporting Champions James Hirth James is a Year 10 student and has Ja balance and cost up to $1600. Recently, ac achieved great success in the sport of James picked up sponsorship with ar archery, being ranked one of the finest Maverick Archery and welcomes other ju junior archers in Australia. sponsors so that he can continue in the He currently holds the Victorian Junior sport. His recent success in the National Ti Title in Archery and has won age grade Championships earned him automatic Vi Victorian titles for the previous two years. selection into the National Team to attend H He recently won the National Cadet (U16) the World Junior Archery Championships Ti Title held in Adelaide in April 2008 to be held in Turkey in October this year. He uses a compound bow in One of James’s great ambitions is to earn co competition as shown in the photo. They a place in the Australian Team to compete ar are quite sophisticated instruments with in the Commonwealth Games in Delhi in w wheels and strings to provide greater 2010. James Hirth 2008 National Cadet Title(U16) – Target Archery Christian Ruiz – the future Pavarotti Christian Ruiz (first from left) in Carmen tian is a Year 8 student at the Christian important venues and has sung at the Los Angeles, to visit Disneyland. Christian College and has recently performed in start of many important soccer and football says that, “singing has brought me lots the Melbourne production of the opera matches and at the opening ceremony of of opportunities. I’ve travelled around Carmen by Opera Australia. Christian is a the Australian Open in 2008. He recently Australia and America and I have met member of the National Boys Choir and toured the United States with the choir, many stars, such as John Travolta and was chosen for a role in the boys’ chorus. visiting cities such as Philadelphia, New Anthony Callea.” He is very experienced in singing at York, Rochester and on the way home, Old Collegians Music Club. Footballers have one,cricketers have one, why not musos? Were you involved in the Symphonic Wind, String Ensembles or Senior Band at Mazenod College? When you consider the vast pool of musical talent that has left the College in the last 20 years, the possibilities are very exciting. Why not form a Mazenod Musos’ Club. Concerts, competitions, weekly rehearsal? ANYTHING is possible at this stage. Want to get involved; email Doug Leutchford, our music director on dleutchford@mazenod.vic.edu.au or ring him on 9560 0911 6 MAZENOD NEWS What are the Old Boys Up To? Adrian Cester ster (1987 (1987) 7) After finishing VCE in n 1987 1987, Adrian n The Flavour Makers Group rsity took the long drive to Latrobe University also in includes a cosmetic for enrolment day and realized theree was manuf manufacturing business called no way he was going to make that drive Ucorp Ucorporation. The company from Dingley every couple of days, so manu manufactures a range of up ultry he started working in the family poultry marke cosmetic products market business. Amongst other duties, he was (natu and organic) under (natural dded given the task of developing value added b the brand name Uspa. Uspa is res. poultry lines for the family retail stores. now sold in over 14 countries nades Dissatisfied with the quality of marinades worl worldwide and has plans arted and spices available to stores, he started e to expand its distribution developing his own recipes. He felt really dra dramatically in 2009. The first ood passionate about making prepared food reta site opening in Bay St retail taste better, being brought up in an Italian Bri Brighton will be late in 2008, household. So with $500 dollars too his cu culminating a retail outlet for name, a docket book, mobile phonee and th products, with a Day Spa the an, he mum and dad’s HQ Holden Panel Van, an Hair Spa attached. and hit the streets trying to sell his spice blends Apart from running the b businesses, Adrian has to poultry and butcher shops. lavour It was 1993 when he founded Flavour be involved in the day to also been Makers and a few years later he wass employing at last count 25 family ru day financial running and advice for the joined by his elder brother John. Together members and friends, with the total musical band Jet, along with elder brother with a good friend and chef, Michael group employing over hundred full-time Eugene. Jet’s two main members are his Foran, the business slowly began to build employees. nephews Nic and Chris. After their father and flourish. Flavour Maker is probably In 2004, his company bought an John (Adrian’s brother) passed away, he the fastest growing Australian owned Indian sauce business called Chutney and his brother agreed to cast a watchful company in the food ingredient industry Mary, changed the name to Passage eye over their affairs. today, supplying companies such as to India and began the first foray into Simplot, Woolworths, Sanitarium, Coles, branded retail grocery sector. This business began at Mazenod and remain with him Aldi, Red Rooster to name a few, as well is called Passage Foods. Passage to India today and thanks to Rosemary Kantor, as most good butcher and poultry shops Simmer Sauces are available in all Coles his VCE Italian teacher, his Italian class from Melbourne to Auckland and as far and Woolworths supermarkets Australia catches up now and again to reminisce on internationally as Dubai. Flavour Makers wide and Adrian’s company is now the the good old days! also has opened an office in Connecticut market leader in the Indian Simmer Sauce in the USA. His eldest brother, Luciano, category, with plans to launch Passage Danielle, had their first child Amelie, who also works with him as the Business to Thailand in May and Passage to Italy brings them incredible joy and laughter Analyst, so it is truly a family business, sometime in 2009. daily and makes them want to have more! Some of his most treasured friendships Last year Adrian and his partner, 7 WHAT ARE THE OLD BOYS UP TO? Christian Chri ti Fini Fi i (1992) Before his ordination on 29th June, 2001, In October 2006, he Christian started a youth club at St. John was appointed to lead the Vianney’s Parish to enable local youth to n planning and implementation be more involved and have greater input of the International Oblate into what Christianity meant to them. For n Youth Encounter to be held in the next 3 years, Christian was posted to Melbourne, in preparation forr Eaglevale, where again his involvement World Youth Day in Sydney. with various youth groups made a distinct d There are some 34 Mazenod contribution. It was from these beginnings past students involved with that he was asked to establish Oblate the preparation of these Youth Australia which allows young events. Over the last three people to identify with the Oblate Charism years Christian has had to and Oblate works. In 2005, Christian network with different Oblatee arrive at Mazenod, Mulgrave on July took 40 people to World Youth Day in a This has Youth groups across Australia. 8th and move to Sydney on July 13th to Cologne, Germany. He then became the provided many challenges and obstacles, join the hundreds of thousands of other National Co-ordinator of Oblate Youth and but Christian says, “ the reward will come minded young people from around the Vocations, based at St Mary’s Seminary. when thousands of young pilgrims will world.” Micah Venturini (1999) 99) Micah has made a name for himself in n C China, Thailand, Taiwan, Iran, Pakistan, st the sport of Volleyball. In 1999, his last B Bahrain, Portugal, France, Austria, year at Mazenod College, Micah was S Slovenia, Germany, Holland, Sweden, selected in a squad of 40 to try out forr S Switzerland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, all the Australian National Youth Volleyball N New Zealand, Singapore and England. team. The team of 12 travelled around His professional career started in al Asia and played other various national 2 2002 when he was given the opportunity teams and eventually competed in thee to play for a team in the Indonesian en, Asian Junior Championships. Since then, P League. He then accepted his Pro onal he was selected in the Australian National first professional contract at the age of he Junior Team and to go on tours with the 2 and from then on he has played 20, out National Senior Men’s team. Throughout p professionally in Germany (TuB Bocholt), his career with the Australian Team, hee S Sweden (Orkelljunga V.C), and Indonesia h has played over 100 matches at Youth (J (Jakarta Phinisi/Bank B.N.I) He has enior and Junior level and 20 matches at Senior a played in Lebanon (Ceders V.C). also ravel level. He has also been fortunate to travel W When he is in Australia he plays with the the world, playing in countries such as M Melbourne Falcons V.C. Volleyball Last year an old boy versus current player volleyball night was held. Some 50 old boys attended for a most entertaining evening. We propose to do the same during term 3 this year. INTERESTED? Email Joe Moore on jmoore@mazenod.vic.edu.au or ring him on 9560 0911 8 MAZENOD NEWS Laz Korlaki (1977) Following the death of his father in his HSC year at Mazenod, life has been quite an eclectic mix of career paths for Laz. His first stop was 6 months of Engineering at Melbourne University followed by 12 months as a trainee manager at Myer. The next 2 years were spent as a probationary constable in the Victoria Police Force after which he was offered a business opportunity and began a trade as a locksmith and formed a partnership in a leading security centre in the inner suburbs of Melbourne. With the sale of this business in 1989 came a year travelling in Europe and then the next challenge; a bar/café in South Yarra which turned into a disaster. Unfortunately, after a five year struggle, everything fell apart – business wise, hter Ella Laz and daug personally, family, the lot. In 1997, in an effort to start afresh, a move to Sydney saw a re-establishment of contact with his estranged brother and sister – a ridiculous situation bought about company and was heavily involved in the was born in January 2005. They are still by the feuding of “our separated parents Millennium celebrations, the 2000 Sydney in Sydney and having had enough of the from as far back as 1965”. Sydney proved Olympics and Rugby World Cup in 2003. odd hours and late nights involved in the to be a breath of fresh air and he returned to hospitality with Australia’s largest event In 2001, he met his wife Judy. They married in 2002 and their daughter, Ella, events industry, Laz now runs a small trading and investment company. Ian Novotny (2000) After Mazenod, Ian left home because und Asia. On his return to Australia, he found of family problems and lived with Jay work in the IT industry, working for a few Garduce (fellow Mazenodian). He then small companies. Currently, he works at tried to find accommodation, but without Harris Tech as Assistant Manager and this work and no income he found “myself position has given him the opportunityy living on the streets and struggling to for growth. At present, he plans to get his survive”. Eventually, he found himself in a nce pilot’s license, save enough to travel once lot of trouble with the law. He started living again and join the Army Reserve. in short term accommodation. At this There were times when his life wass point, he had no contact with his parents really difficult but “the friends I made at and limited contact with friends. After nd Mazenod were always there to help and another year, he picked up the pieces of support me and I am grateful for their his life and found a job at the Casino. He support.” then went on to travel through Europe and 9 WHAT ARE THE OLD BOYS UP TO? Ben Keady (1992) Ben arrived at Mazenod with good friendss Pro Project Development” for Blockbuster from St John Vianney’s: Damian Flowerss Aus Australia and in September 2006, he & Chris Cooper (who are still among his had the opportunity to be transferred to closest friends) but he left with many the Blockbuster USA Operational group. ct more, all of whom he is in regular contact He was very fortunate to be posted in with to this day: Tim Nugent, Mark Ba Baltimore, close to Jenny’s family. His Occhiuto, Daniel Steinfort, Nick Nesbit, pos position there is Regional Director of Roger Le Grand, and Pat Farley. Op Operations and the area he covers includes No Northern Virginia, Washington DC and In 1993, he started an Arts degree Sou Southern Maryland. at Monash University Clayton, majors in Politics and Human Resources. He also December 2007 was one of Ben’s gre greatest achievements. Jenny and Ben started work part-time at Blockbuster we welcomed their first daughter, Nieve, Video in Mt Waverley. In the years that followed, he progressed through store Jenny, Nieve and Ben Keady Jac Jacinta (pronounced Neeve and in level management and become a Store Ga Gaelic mean ‘Radiant’) into the world. Manager, while studying part-time. She is a bouncing little baby with an Aus Australian accent who plans on becoming In 1999, Ben took the position of District Manager and decided to pursue a had the chance to travel around Europe. Collingwood’s youngest American based management career with Blockbuster full- In Galway, Ireland he met Jenny, who was member this year. time. Over the next six years, Blockbuster from Baltimore USA. They were married provided many management opportunities January 1st 2003. in different positions and different parts of Australia. While on holiday in 2001, he In 2005, his break came when he was appointed “Head of Operations & They currently live in Columbia, Maryland with two dogs Chico and Wendell, “the cheeky Australian pug from Werribee North”. Mike Salemme (2000) After leaving Mazenod, Mike worked for his physical injuries had healed. In 2007, 07, his father’s painting company until 2004 he returned to University to finish his when he commenced a Bachelor of Film studies in Cinematography. He auditioned ned and Television degree. In September to play drums for Juke Kartel, which is the 2004, he was involved n a major motor Australian born Toby Rand’s band from the vehicle accident and was airlifted to the reality TV show in the USA called Rockstar kstar Alfred hospital and placed into an induced Supernova, with Tommy Lee, in 2007. He coma. He had extensive injuries and was recruited to play drums with the cover over was in the Alfred Critical care unit for 9 band Slumberyard. days. After he left the Alfred, he went to Cedar Court Rehabilitation Facility for several months and continued as an cover bands, Slumberyard and Rockstar, ar, outpatient for 2 years. Then, he went playing at some of Melbourne’s premierr to Italy to have some time away from venues including the Crown Casino. Hee hospitals. On his return, he slowly started also works on an project with a Band in 2009, eventually wanting to work playing drums again as a fill in for some called Mid-Season which is set to hit the on feature films as a cameraman in of Melbourne’s cover bands and working USA next year. Hollywood. other odd jobs to make ends meet once 10 Currently, he plays drums 4 nights a week with two of Melbourne’s biggest Michael hopes to complete his degree MAZENOD NEWS Dave Gubbels (1982) After Mazenod, Dave started work with period and is currently the Australia and racing in summer and Sled Dog racing in the CBA (now Westpac Bank) where New Zealand Cost Manager with them. winter. Whatever time he has left is spent he worked for a number of years before In this role he has had the opportunity coaching the boys football and basketball moving to the State Electricity Commission to travel within the region including New teams and he holds multiple committee as a Computer Operator. He married Helen Zealand, Korea, Hong Kong, China and positions on the various sporting clubs whom he met on holidays in Bali in 1990 Singapore but prefers to spend his time at with which the boys compete. He is and moved to Springvale North. Dave then home with Helen and his 3 boys Nicholas, hoping to commence the 2nd generation of moved on to an IT role with IBM Global Zach and Jake. In his spare time he Gubbels’ boys being educated at Mazenod Services in 1996 working in various combines the family’s love of camping in 2010 when Nicholas is due to start business and finance roles during the with his chosen sports of Dragon Boat Year 7. rk Gubbels Graham, Dave and Ma Graham Gubbels (1984) Mark Gubbels (1986) Since finishing school, Graham has worked in numerous communication Mark began work as a ‘Chalkie’ at the Mark currently resides in Pakenham and management roles and is currently Melbourne Stock Exchange until they and is married to Peta, with two sons employed by Telstra as the National went electronic, and then moved on to Clayton (11) and Julian(9). He still enjoys Technical Training Manager. Graham now a Sales Rep role with Wreckair Hire. He dabbling in the share market in his spare lives in Essendon and is married to Susan. has spent the last 18 years within the time after his early experiences as a He is kept extremely busy by his two equipment rental industry and is now the Chalkie and is still playing basketball. gorgeous young daughters Lauren (8) and Sales Manager for The Cat Rental Store. Sarah (6). 11 WHAT ARE THE OLD BOYS UP TO? Philip McCormack (1980) After completing a Business Degree in Transaction Services Division, involved in Best and Fairest in both years. He went Finance and Accounting, Philip worked Business Strategy, Deal Structuring and on to play with South Melbourne (Sydney in Corporate and Investment Banking M&A and spent a great deal of time in Swans), Footscray and St Kilda in their with several major International Banks. Asia, Europe and the US. He joined Fujitsu reserves. He is married to Sharon and they Whilst in Banking, he completed a Masters Australia Ltd in 2005 and is currently live in Kew and have two children, Michael Degree in Finance and MBA qualifications. Executive General Manager Business (15) and Olivia (13). Philip has fond He left the Banking industry to join Advisory. memories of Mazenod and importantly the Accenture in the mid 1990’s where he Philip played Senior 18 football with was Director Asia Pacific for their Corporate Mazenod in Year 11 and 12 winning the influence of key Oblates, Fathers Davine, Sherman and Macintosh Patrick McCormack (1983) Patrick is an entrepreneur, having established a successful international wholesale business which services clients in Australia Europe and the USA. Patrick continues to show an interest in the Arts (Patrick attended the Victorian College of the Arts) as a consultant to the music industry. Phillip Mark Patrick Jay JJay McCormack (1992) Mark McCormack (1988) Jay completed a BA in Criminal Justice before landing a cadet ship with Porsche Mark performed in many Mazenod industry and is currently CEO of Loop Australia which took him around the musicals and went on to do professional -9 which services the travel industry. globe. He now calls Brisbane home and theatre here and in London. Mark also He completed his MBA from Monash manages the Porsche centre Brisbane played in popular pub band SIC EM REX. Business School. He is presently single (the largest Porsche centre in Qld). He is Over the past 10 years Mark has carved and is looking for any potentially available married to Linda. out a successful career in the internet Avila girls !! Adam Joyce (1999) 12 After Mazenod, Adam studied Bachelor where he worked in an Orphanage and a of Physiotherapy at La Trobe University. small rural hospital for 4 months. Now he On graduation in 2003, he worked at ate is back at home. He is working in a private Dandenong hospital for 3 years, enjoying practice in Berwick and still busy taking frequent breaks for travel and holiday. es plenty of money off all his Mazenod mates At the start of 2007, he left for Kenya in their weekly poker games. MAZENOD NEWS Andrew A ndrew Herediaa (2001)) At the conclusion of 2001, Andrew sought a life in the world of Dentistry, being accepted into Melbourne University’s Dental School. After five Sarah and Anthony gruesome years, he emerged as a dentist. He is currently working in the Geelong, occasionally heading out to Colac to provide services in a public setting. Recently, taking a break away Anthony A h C Calderone ld ((1999)) from the drill and fill life, he went back to exotic Malaysia and mystical Since leaving Mazenod, Anthony completed a double degree at Monash University in India, only to come back to the grind of engineering and science. He then moved to the UK for 18 months to travel and complete studying again for exams for the Royal his Masters Degree in Sustainable Building Design at De Montfort University. Whilst Australian College of Dental Surgeons. living in the UK, he met his wife, Sarah, and they were married in November last year He continues to live at home and he in Christchurch NZ. He has also enjoyed travelling over this period and has travelled enjoys quiet nights of movies, reading through Europe, South America and the Middle East. Since moving back to Australia, he and spending time with his girlfriend have been working as a Mechanical Engineer for Connell Wagner and primarily work on as well as the occasional splurge of fun projects that focus on environmentally sustainable design. and frivolity when trying to catch up with old friends from Mazenod. Michael Sayers (1987) Mick commenced studies at Monash up its Employment Law and Union University in 1988. He completed Services sections. degrees in Economics and then Law Mick now lives in St. Kilda with his after taking a year off from his studies in d wife, Janene, and two sons, Holden, aged 1990 to live and work with the Oblate 10, and Curtis, aged 6. community in Queensland assisting with Whilst it’s been nearly 20 years since the development of Rosies Youth Mission d Mick last pulled on the boots for Mazenod in its inaugural full time year on the Gold Old Collegians in their first couple of yearss Coast. Mick completed his “Articles” in law in the Amateurs, he still has a run of in 1994 and was admitted to practice. “circle work” every Sunday morning with After a couple of years away from the law the St.Kilda/Elwood kickers. It’s an open travelling overseas and driving cabs in s’ session so, if there are any other Old Colls’ Melbourne, Mick commenced employment who are past their prime but still keen for with the prominent Plaintiff law firm a run, get in touch with Mick or find out Slater & Gordon in 1997. He continues more at www.thekick.com.au to work there and currently heads 13 WHAT ARE THE OLD BOYS UP TO? Franz Madlener (1983) Franz has spent the past 25 years working & Hut Eco Trust” in Lombok Indonesia, into local villages. This has enabled him to in the retail industry, and in 1999 started focusing on the regeneration of the local partner with “World Coffee Aid” in Australia up a brand called Villa & Hut (the store coral reefs which have dilapidated over the to further develop financial support of worthy at The Glen is probably the closest to years, as well as a project to provide clean charities with the sale of every coffee from Mazenod). drinking water by installing Bio-Sand Filters our outlets. This year BRW 2008 Fastest dly The idea was to source eco-friendly Companies list has seen Villa & Hut Kafe Com go, products from Indonesia and the Archipelago, make the top 40 – which is the 2nd year in mak with a focus on supporting fair trade and a ro row for the company brand. the local villages and craftsmen by wayy of Some of the awards the company has S contribution back to the communities. His won are: business caters to the growing number of eco-conscious consumers who love the Villa & Hut – Proud Of Its Tribe… idea of a story behind the furniture, and are • 2008 2 BRW Top 40 Fastest Business looking for certification of the source of the • 2008 2 BRW Top 10 Star Performer Franchise F timber and details of the local craftsman.. His company has also introduced Villa illa & Hut “Kafes” as a stand alone brand, nd, Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of • 2007 2 tthe Year Finalist many of which are now franchised out, including 3 at Melbourne Airport. There ere BRW Top 10 Australia’s Fastest • 2007 2 Growing Businesses G is an exciting outlook for the next 5 years, ars, with the brand now licenced into the UK & the USA. His company also expanded ded smartcompany.com Top 50 • 2007 2 Australian Company A the wholesale business with trusted outlets ets nto and expansion of the corporate services into Australia’s Top 50 Cool • 2007 2 hotel and resort refurbishment. Companies Award C illa In 2006 his company launched the “Villa Joe Csincsi (1981) Joe worked with the SECV at Dandenong de the F111’s. Then it was back to Adelaide as an apprentice Electrical Fitter. He at DSTO in 2005, and then back to gained his A Grade Electrical Mechanic Brisbane. After more than 13 years of (Electrician’s) Licence. Over the next ge service last year, he decided to discharge 11 years he was in many locations in from the Air Force. Melbourne with the SECV. He went on to do night school in 1985 and met his wife considering his future prospects. He Sandra (an Avila College girl), and they completed his Year 12 in Brisbane and is were married in 1988, bought a house in e. half way through an Engineering Degree. North Dandenong and settled down. In 1994, he joined the Air Force He and Sandra have 2 beautiful children Jessica( 7) and Joe(5) “They are as an Avionics Technician, trained in both terrific children and the light of ourr Adelaide, moved to Wagga Wagga and lives.” then to Brisbane, where he worked with 14 He is now a man of leisure and MAZENOD NEWS Vance Heredia (1997) Vance was accepted into the double degree course of Computer Science and Communications Engineering. In order to pass the time between school and university, Vance joined the Army Reserves and became a lean mean machine. His Fabien F bi D Dalais l i (1989) stint with the army was short lived as he decided to focus more on his university After Year 12, Fabien completed a Science Amiens in the north of France. While not education. Completing his degree, Vance degree at Monash University, and his love as romantic as the South of France and worked initially for Lonely Planet and soon of food and health led him to do a PhD surrounded by potato and beetroot fields, after was employed by Telstra with whom in human nutrition. After completing his Amiens has the largest Gothic Cathedral he is currently employed. Vance’s work PhD, an opportunity came about for a in Europe – very impressive if you like has seen him involved in implementing one year contract back in his native island cathedrals! The region is also famous for Telstra’s ‘Next G’ network before a of Mauritius, where he worked for as a the battle of the Somme, where many promotion to a securities division within project manager for a biotech company, Australians gave up their lives on the battle Telstra. But life has not all been hard helping set up a research centre to study front during World War 1. Here, together work. Vance has taken time to visit many the causes of disease in Mauritius, notably with his wife Melissa and three kids, they lovely places including India and Hawaii. diabetes and heart disease. He then joined enjoy the French way of life, its people, It was on one of his travels, where he met Nestle, working in the pet food division its food, its wine, its bureaucracy and try “the love of my life,” now fiancé, Vanessa, and moved to Orange in NSW. A couple of to travel as much as possible to explore to whom he is engaged to be married in years ago, he moved again with Nestle to Europe. late August this year. Mazenod-Avila Musical 2008 Wizard of Oz is this year’s MazenodAvila musical. Some past students will no doubt remember it because w tthey may have been involved in our 1985 production. New music was provided for the movie and these are tthe songs we know today. They include Somewhere Over the Rainbow, Ding S Dong the Witch is Dead, Follow the Yellow Brick Road, We’re Off to See the Wizard and The Merry Old Land of Oz., The version we are doing is the old traditional version. It is a great fantasy musical with Witches, Munchkins, Wizards, Ghosts, Jitterbugs and a variety of songs and dances. It has more large chorus numbers than the movie and consequently more students have been able to participate. Do come along and enjoy their talent and their enthusiasm. Alexander Theatre Monash July 24, 25 and 26 at 8 PM July 26 Matinee at 2 PM Enquiries/ Bookings 95600911 15 Mazenod Old Collegians Cricket Club Excerpts from President’s (Michael Le Grand) report: hat a season for the Mazenod W Old Collegians Cricket Club in 2007/2008. We made Mazenod cricket history with seven of the eight sides making finals and four of these sides going on to win premierships. But 2007/2008 wasn’t just about winning, it was a year that continued to see the cricket club grow as a place and a year full of memories. These were highlighted by the celebration of Michael Cowan’s 300th game and the charity match against Wheelers Hill CC raising over $4000 for a very worthy cause. It’s a year which again showed the quality of people we have at the club and camaraderie and spirit that make the place a very enjoyable place to be. Three of our senior sides went on to play in finals with our Second XI and Third XI going on to win the Grand Final. The Second XI bowled first in the Grand Final and dismissed St Kevins for 145. Our boys replied and after losing some early wickets, and David Cannon with a tripod fracture of the cheek, were able to win the match passing the 16 MAZENOD NEWS si sides making finals and the Blacks & B Blues going onto to share in Premiership su success. The Veterans will continue to gr grow and home matches will continue to be a great social afternoon and evening. M Many of the players of the veterans are ol boys of the school and really enjoy old ge getting together in a social and friendly at atmosphere. We continue to grow as a club and also se many challenges ahead. We are a see gr great club and continue to have a warm, fr friendly environment that attracts the q quality people that we have at the club. The club has celebrated the success of 2 2008/2009 and we look to continue this an build upon it in future years. Should and yo be interested in playing for any of you the Mazenod Old Collegians Cricket opposition four wickets down. Sanjit by our Veterans who were headed by Tisseverasinghe was awarded man of the Jeremy Nugara, Gerard Noone and match with 80 runs. Michael Brown. The Veteran’s concept The Third XI won the toss and bowled in growing throughout the club and it Club sides, or know anyone who does, please contact club President Mick Le Grand (0434 420 688) or Captain Coach Michael Hancock (0413 351 541). and made 310 on the first day with Mick is a true indication of friendship and Le Grand (99) and Pat Johnson (97) sportsmanship. The Veterans on-field Mick Le Grand putting on a club record 177 run second success was quite phenomenal with all President wicket partnership. The side would go on to bowl Burwood Uniting Canterbury out for 200 to secure victory. Our First XI had a very competitive year after moving into A Turf last season. The side learned a lot moving up and had several narrow loses that could have changed the year for them. They will be much better for the experience and are all eager to build on the clubs success. This season under the guidance of Paul Souter, the Juniors returned to the cricket club with immediate success. The Under 14’s were good enough to play off in the finals in their first year and Paul Souter along with his team showed tremendous commitment, many of whom were in their first year of cricket. Next season the club will be fielding under 14’s and under 16s sides. An equally successful year was had 17 Stuart Dalton and Kasey – a girl Elysia Justin Morris and Heather – a girl Scarlett Daniel Nisbit to Tracey Poxon Tim Cooper and Andrea – a boy Charlie Peter Fay and Tasia – a girl Olivia Anthony Palermo to Linda Speranza Matthew Griffith and Jasmine - a boy Stuart McLeod and Lisa – a girl Kayla Steven Davie to Caroline Coles Thomas Dean Salerno and Lucy – a boy Christian Marc Gargiso to Emily Gerphart Ben Keady and Jenny – a girl Nieve Paul O’Sullivan and Amanda – a girl Layla Paul O’Sullivan to Amanda Firth Fabien Dalais and Melissa – a boy Xavier Gus Olivera and Michiko – a girl Phoebe Mark Salemme to Elisabetta De Petra Donny Scandizzo and Elisha – boy Noah Peter Vescio and Aktama – a girl Audrey Anthony Calderone to Sarah Dixon Tom Jelic and Belinda – a boy Christian Chris Brennan and Lucia – a girl Isabelle Leonardo Fernandez to Isabel Fernandez Fabien Dalais and Melissa – a boy Xavier Jarrod Emmins and Nicole – a boy Will Trevor Hoareau to Melanie Xerry Stephen Palamara and Narelle – a girl Peter Askew and Teresa – a boy Matthew Paul Confait to Sharon Rose David Goudie and Pricilla – a girl Eva Peter McCusker to Nicole Mardell Jacinta Craig Gunawardana to Shelley Fernando News for the Editor David Maclean Christopher MacDermid Nenos Sliwo Do you have any news about yourself or another member of the wide College family, which could be included in the next issue of the Newsletter? If so, please forward to Steve Putrino. We want to hear from you. Telephone 9560 0911 Email sputrino@mazenod.vic.edu.au 18 MAZENOD NEWS THE NEXT REUNION Will be on Saturday 11th October 2008 – for those who would have finished in 1998 The Henry Nash Bursary In memory of his late father Henry, Phil Nash and family have generously donated funds to commence the Henry Nash Bursary a Perpetual Bursary at Mazenod College. If you wish to contribute to this bursary please contact Steve Putrino on 03 9560 0911 or email sputrino@mazenod.vic.edu.au. MAZENOD BURSARY (PAUL BOOTH) Ad donation ti tto th the B Bursary is a practical way of assisting a young person reach his potential and complete his education. Your cheque should be made out to Mazenod College. For further details contact Steve Putrino at the college. 19 Mazenod College Kernot Ave Mulgrave 3170 Ph: (03) 9560 0911 www.mazenod.vic.edu.au Editor: Stephen Putrino sputrino@mazenod.vic.edu.au Fax: (03) 9562 2442
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