December 2015 Tidings - Trinity Lutheran Church


December 2015 Tidings - Trinity Lutheran Church
December 2015
Trinity Lutheran Church and School
Dear Loved Ones in the Lord,
Advent Beginning with Wednesday, December 2nd we’ll have three Advent
evening services. Dinner is served each night beginning at 5:30. Worship
begins at 6:30 and will be over by 7:15 so that it makes it easier for
families to attend. The services will have some of the traditional Advent
hymns and music as well as a message for all. The messages this year will
follow a brief screen presentation; which is a reenactment of certain
aspects of the Christmas story. The visual helps us to imagine what it
might have been like to be there when the events leading up to the birth
of Christ first took place.
Christmas Once again this year our School students will present the
Christmas story in a service on Sunday December 20th. It is a blessing to
hear the message each year as they present it. Christmas Eve service will
be at 6 p.m.; Christmas Day at 9 a.m. (please note that the Christmas Day
service is 15 minutes earlier than our Sunday Services) there will be no
worship on Saturday the 26th.
No New Year’s Eve Service The elders made the decision not to hold a
worship service on New Year’s Eve. The last couple of years attendance
has been declining for this service.
Bible Study and Sunday School The current cycle of Bible Study and Sunday
School has ended. We’ll begin again Sunday January 10th. “Children's
Church” just began a couple of months ago. It is held during the worship
service on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month when Trinity School
children are singing. Attendance and participation has been good so far.
There seems to be great enthusiasm from the kids and appreciation for
parents who may be able to better focus on worship and know that their
children are receiving an age appropriate lesson.
Vacancy Update – The first pre call meeting was held at St. John’s Battle
Creek November 11th. Congregation members have submitted names
that may be considered to nominate a pastor. These names have been
sent to District. Our hope is to receive a list of potential candidates soon.
I spend Wednesday mornings there doing office work and having staff
meetings. Our hope is that a call may be issued early next year.
Madison Ministerial -- buying the Food Pantry Building – Recently the
members of the Madison Ministerial finished editing the Articles of
Incorporation and By Laws so that we might “officially” purchase the
building. Up to this point we have not been a “legal legitimate” entity.
When the articles and bylaws are approved by the government we will
be able to complete the sale of the building. Recently we sent a letter to
members of the Chamber of Commerce and others asking them to
contribute to the last of our projects that require funding; the
completion of the Madison Downtown Revitalization project for which
we have already been approved. A grant has been received by the city of
Message from Pastor
Finance Facts
Trinity Ladies Aid
School Board Minutes
Trinity Youth
Thank You
Field Notes
December Birthdays,
Anniversaries, Baptisms
Advent Devotions
December Volunteers
December Calendar
Trinity Tidings
Published Monthly by:
Trinity Lutheran Church
508 South Jackson St.
PO Box 367
Madison, NE 68748-0367
Phone: 402-454-3532
Martin P. Schmidt
Trinity Lutheran School
705 West Sixth
PO Box 969
Madison, NE 68748
Phone: 402-454-2651
Bill Masters
Trinity Tidings—DEC 2015
of Madison for businesses on Main Street who wish to participate. The Food Pantry building was
approved for this and will be able to receive a facelift with the funds, if we are able to raise our
portion, which is $10,400.
Happy New Year! May 2016 be a year in which You grow in knowing the Lord and appreciate His gifts
to You even more!
Pastor Martin Schmidt
Finance Facts – a note from your Treasurer
The holiday season is upon us! May you all be surrounded by family and loved ones as you gather
to Give Thanks this year and prepare for the Celebration of Christ’s Birth!!
As of November 18th, we are $60,000 in debt. This is an increase of $6,000 from last month. The
previous two years our debt amount at this time of year has been much less, around $20,000. We
have a lot of work to do by the end of the year but I am confident the Lord will lead us all in the right
direction. We have been blessed to start the year off debt free the last three years and I pray that
will be the case this year as well.
Please prayerfully consider God’s blessings and how you could help serve Him here at Trinity
Lutheran Church and School. Jennifer Zessin
Trinity Ladies Aid Meeting
Was November 19. Laura Schmidt lead the
group on the topic of giving thanks. She cited
how St. Paul gave thanks for his
congregations’ faith, love and charity.
Prayer and devotion was lead by Anne Blank.
Nine members answered roll call.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read
and approved.
Anne Blank gave Treasurers report. October
15 balance was $2,081. Receipts $221,
disbursements of $249 with a November 19
balance of $2,053.
A bill for $45 for tablespoons was presented
and paid.
An invitation was received from St. John’s
Green Garden to attend their December 10
Christmas luncheon. Any members wanting a
ride are to meet at church at 11:30.
The Hartner family gave Ladies’ Aid $100 in
remembrance of Dorothy.
The voters’ assembly approved replacing the
flooring at the parsonage.
Betty Eucker reported that 172 quilts have
been finished.
Old business: Nominations are needed for
Norfolk Zone President and Treasurer before
the Spring Event in April 2016. Think and
pray about these nominations.
The kitchen upgrade was discussed in
New Business—In that election of Vice
President and Secretary were due, both
Vice President Linda Godemann and
Secretary Genene Sjuts volunteered to
serve another term—the respective offices
were accepted.
A motion was made, seconded and carried
to change our bylaw regarding amount
given in memory of a member to LWML
from $5 up to $100—dependent on
amount of funds in the treasury.
$50 Monthly Mission Project—motion was
made, seconded and carried to sponsor
one Lutheran Hour broadcast, paying the
full amount of 1 broadcast immediately,
then designating $50 per month for that
project until the cost of one broadcast is
Fruit plates for church workers—The
Service Committee was advised to turn in
a bill to cover cost of the fruit purchased. A
motion was made, seconded and carried
regarding any monetary gifts given as well
as the cost for fruit incurred.
Next meeting will be a Sing-a-Long at
CSH. Laura Schmidt will play, Ruth
Oswald will lead. Laura, Genene, and
Deloris will host.
Respectfully Submitted,
Genene Sjuts
Trinity Tidings—DEC 2015
NOVEMBER 9, 2015
Parish Education: Pastor reported there are two weeks of Bible Study remaining. This
session will end the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Children’s Church continues to be successful and
will continue the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month.
Old Business:
School Budget is complete.
Daycare- most recent meeting was held last week. Sarah Masters will head the daycare
exploratory committee. The committee will be visiting local daycares, head start, and the
city office to gather information. The committee is also looking into possible locations
either at church or school.
New Business:
Yearly Agenda
Mr. Masters will evaluate the teachers by November 30th.
Mike will schedule a time to evaluate Mr. Masters in the next couple of weeks.
Initial Planning for next year- The faculty is starting to look ahead and discuss options for next
year. They are discussing the possibility of increasing Pre-school hours at Trinity.
Volleyball- Board approved payment to be made to the volleyball coaches.
Principal’s Report:
Wed. Nov. 11 - Veteran’s Day 10:00, Mercy Meals 5:30
Mon. Nov. 16 - Bob Ziegler visit 9:00 - lunch at school
Fri. Nov. 20 - Mid quarter
Wed.- Sun. Nov. 25-28 - Thanksgiving Break
Wed. Dec. 9 - Daycare mtg. 5:30
Children’s Scholarship Fund- Trinity will receive $3,300 in two payments once paperwork is
Hymnal Angels - 6th- 8th graders made one to take home and now are making more to sell at the
cost of a free will offering. Money raised will go towards the school’s music program.
Basketball - Ryne Thompson will coach the boys and Mariah Thompson will coach the girls. Shoot
around will start next week after school. Sheila Koss, Trinity’s Basketball AD, will hold a parent’s
meeting in a couple weeks. A concussion handout, basketball and volunteer schedule will be given
out at that time.
LHNE 8th grade visitation is in the works and date will be shared once available.
Latisha R. and Tyson- Mr. Masters is reaching out to Latisha at the public school and a contact at
Tyson to share information about our church and school with them.
School Keys - have been handed out to trustees. They are repairing gym hand rail and are looking
into back stop on the playground. The city is willing to install another pole for wire coming off of
Father Festival - was a success. We had great turnout.
Teacher’s Conference in Omaha went well.
LEA national teacher’s convention will be held again fall of 2016 in Michigan.
Next Meeting is set for Tuesday, December 15, 2015 at 6 pm. Christmas sacks to be filled that night.
Meeting was adjourned and closed with Lord’s Prayer.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sheila Koss
Board of Education Secretary
Trinity Tidings—DEC 2015
NEWS from our Trinity Lutheran Youth Group
December 2015
Monthly Meetings for All Trinity Lutheran Youth Grades 9-12
Youth will continue to meet on the first Sunday of each month from 6:30-8:00 P.M. A supper meal
will be provided each month so come hungry for good eats and hungry for fellowship and
discussions of how this group can share our faith with each other as well as others. Youth members
are encouraged to bring peers to any meeting or activity. Typically, meetings will be held at Trinity
Lutheran School. However, some months youth will meet elsewhere or have other activities
planned. THIS month on December 6th, please meet at the church at 6:30 P.M. After sharing our
evening meal, we will decorate sugar cookies for our Advent meal on December 9 th. We hope to see
you all there! Please bring a friend or several friends!
Update on National Youth Gathering July 2016
Eleven youth and four adults are continuing to make plans to travel to New Orleans next summer.
Travel expenses will be this group’s biggest challenge but the reward of experiencing the national
convention will well outweigh the costs. If anyone is interested in helping these participants raise
funds, please contact any youth group leader or LeAnn at 992-0683. Any job is asked for including
cleaning, decorating for the holidays, shoveling snow, etc. Let us know how we can help! Also, this
group will have several items of fresh greenery available for purchase. All of us appreciate any and
all support for this experience next summer!
Thank you and God’s Blessings! Karen Knapp, Amanda Siecke, and LeAnn Frauendorfer
Once again we gratefully acknowledge all whose donations make it possible to display such a
beautiful array of CHRISTmas flowers. To God be all PRAISE and HONOR and GLORY and
THANKS His Saving Gift: JESUS! ……………...Trinity Altar Guild
Hartner Family (2 white)
Dorothy Schroeter
Steve & Kathy Hintz Family (2)
Don & Donna Knapp
Judy Bickley
Chelsey Hartner
Arland & Sandy Claus
Albus Family
Warren & Jean Blank
Lyle & Sue Jurgens
Terry & Pam Busteed
Roger & Kathy Acklie (2)
Alan & Vicky Demmel
Deloris Zessin
Bob & Suzy Jurgens & Families
Sharon Wright (2)
Ron & Kacie Nykodym (2)
Mark Freudenburg Family (2)
Lintner Children & Grandchildren
Dorothy Hartner
Otto Schroeter
Family and Friends
Milton Knapp & Erma Kander
Arnold Bickley
Herman & Dorothy Hartner
Parents & Grandparents
Alyssa Albus
Marvin & Bertha Jansen
Loved Ones
Loved Ones
Irma Acklie and Deb & Charlie Stultz
Loved Ones
Bob Zessin
Darlene Scheer, Don & Doris Rabe
Ed Wright & Parents
Grandparents & Uncle
Richard Freudenburg
Loren & Leona Kratochvil
Bob & Bernice Lintner
Merna Reikofski, Anne Blank, Daniel & Jan Fullner, Otto & Donna Knapp (2), Mark & Charlie
Trinity Tidings—DEC 2015
The Newsletter of Rev. Shauen and Krista Trump
November 3, 2015
From: Nairobi, Kenya
Malawi—Flowing, Living Water
The Confessional Lutheran Church—Malawi Synod (CLCMS) is a small but vibrant church body in
the heart of Africa. In Malawi thay say “Teeth are a sign of peace” and those toothy smiles
welcomed us everywhere we went. The LCMS has supported several projects in Malawi including
matching gifts for church building construction, famine relief food, and the drilling of wells—all in
support of God’s people and His work of reconciliation.
Having never been to Malawi before, Shauen and his fellow workers didn’t expect to see much of
the country, but the hosts had other ideas. Over the course of just three days the CLCMS took their
LCMS visitors up and down the main highway with side trips to several congregations and the
occasional tourist site.
The small matching grants for church building construction went further in Malawi than in just about
any other place we’ve seen. The congregations made 30,000 baked mud bricks and collected the
sand, gravel, and stones for the church building. The funds from the LCMS provided cement,
plaster, paint, roof trusses, and tin roofing sheets. The size and quality of the resulting church
structure was a testimony to the church’s eagerness in partnering together with a strong local
The wells that were drilled near the congregations using LCMS grants provided water to the entire
community in places where that water was desperately needed. Most important, though, as the
chairman of the church body visited, each church wanted to worship together and celebrate with
baptisms and communion.
As observers, we couldn’t help but get caught up in the joyful celebration. An assistant brought
water from the newly-drilled well into the newly built church which was filled far beyond capacity.
Then with those grace-filled words of promise, forgiveness, and assurance, that well-water was
used for something far more than mere water could ever do—the baptizing of dozens of young
adults and children into the family of God. Praise the Lord for His work among God’s people in
Prayer Requests
 For wisdom, discernment, and patience for Shauen and Krista in their work as spouses, parents,
and missionaries
 For the missionaries, projects, and relationships Shauen oversees for the church
 For Rev. Daniel Mutai and God’s work in Kakuma Refugee Camp, northwest Kenya
In Praise
 For the Lutheran Church in Malawi
 For potential new missionaries deliberating a call to this field
 For the encouragement and fellowship of spending time with fellow LCMS co-workers in the field
Contact Information:
Visit the Trumps online: The
Trinity Tidings—DEC 2015
Dec 1 Verlyn White, Casey Klein
Dec 2 Tim Geary, Taylor Kruid
Dec 5 Jerimie Frauendorfer
Dec 6 Parker Bickley, Donna Bartak
Dec 7 Tom Borchers, Emma Gall
Dec 8 Sheralee Boe, Elli Linde
Dec 9 Bill Blank, Robert Jurgens
Dec 10 KayDee Orlowski
Dec 11 Larry Nathan, Chloe Steensnes
Dec 12 Dorothy Schroeter
Dec 14 Marvin Sjuts
Dec 15 Susan Jurgens
Dec 16 Kaitlin Mills, Annie Rumsey
Dec 17 Lori Oswald
Dec 19 Jodi Whatley, Kerria Powell-Wright
Dec 20 Katherine Blank, Braylon Moore
Dec 21 Kendra Freudenburg, Ryan Freudenburg
Dec 22 Gabriel Romero, Brooklyn Whatley
Dec 23 Ethan Wells
Dec 24 Luke Gall, Christian Kruger
Dec 25 Noel Went
Dec 26 Mandy Zessin
Dec 27 Jonathan Fullner, Susan Nathan
Dec 28 Merna Reikofski, Rodney Remmers
Dec 30 Larry Sjuts, Jeff Wetjen
Dec 31 Helen Miller, Brynlee Thompson,
Geraldine Volsicka
December Baptism
Dec 2 Chelsey Hartner
Dec 9 Nathan Ambrose, John Ertzner,
Emma Gall, Cori Nathan
Dec 11 Jayden Frauendorfer
Dec 12 Jerilyn Orlowski
Dec 16 Enjoli Donner
Dec 20 Jeremy Reeves, Scott Sjuts
Dec 22 Gloria Long
Dec 23 Parker Bickley
Dec 24 Tom Borchers
Dec 25 Chet Bickley, Michael Orlowski
Dec 27 Dawn Kucera
Dec 28 Bill Blank
Dec 29 Jerimie Frauendorfer
Dec 30 John Orlowski III, Larry Sjuts
Dec 31 Reynaldo Cienfuegos, Ben Whatley
Jack & Susan Nathan
Michael & Marilee Reeves
Ray & Carol Robertson
Doug & Annie Rumsey
Darrell & Margo Dawson
Jan & Dan Fullner
Advent Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries—FEAR NOT!
How often do you face your day with a sense of fear and dread? Holiday seasons like
Thanksgiving and Christmas can easily lose their joy and delight when little things relentlessly nag
at us and annoy us. Maybe the busy preparations of the season have you down, or perhaps you
are reeling from a major life crisis or catastrophe.
This Advent and Christ season we will study the events of our Savior’s birth as recorded in the first
two chapters of the Gospel of Luke. There we will hear God’s answers to the fears that threatens
to engulf and overwhelm us.
Print, Subscribe or listen to Audio Podcasts of the Advent Devotions at
Trinity Tidings—DEC 2015
December Volunteers
Elders on Duty
Verlyn White
Merlin Oswald
Screen Team
Holly Kolm
Vicki Blank
Elijiah DelaCruz/Shakiera Gronenthal
Pam Busteed
Andre Kittle/Pacey Koss
Sharon Wright
Trystan Scott/Trent Sommer
Lareesa Greunke
Whitney Zessin/Brooklyn Flynn
Ruth Oswald
Trenton Ganksow/Morgan Holdorf
Vicky Demmel
Anthony Kittle/Tanner Koss
Vicki Blank
Marie Sjuts/Garrett Sommer
Pam Busteed
Riley Jurgens/Eli Knapp
Holly Kolm
James Wright/Elijiah DelaCruz
Sharon Wright
Ruth Oswald
Scripture Readers
Gavin Drahota/Tatiana Gronenthal
Tessa Kruger/Sidney Kucera
Merlin Oswald
Gabriel Romero/Aaron Lorenz
Annie Rumsey
Alyssa Meyer/Blake Freudenburg
Sharon Wright
Brittney Jurgens/Kortni Kasik
Brenda Borchers
Jacob Kittle/Seth Knapp
Bill Masters
Cole Sommer/Scott Sjuts
Roger Acklie
John Freudenburg/Austin Mills
Lane & Ty Hegemann
Altar Guild Servants
Genene Sjuts
Bev Wolverton
Terry & Pam Busteed
Lyle & Sue Jurgens
Countryside Assistants
Doug & Lisa Wolken
Doug & Annie Rumsey
Judy Bickley & Margo Dawson
Suzette Jurgens
Doug & Lisa Wolken
Merlin & Ruth Oswald
Al & Mary Sorensen
John & Jeri Orlowski
Don & Donna Knapp