Family - Laingsburg United Methodist Church


Family - Laingsburg United Methodist Church
12 ~ Finance Meeting 7pm,
Council Meeting 8pm
 13 ~ UMW Meeting 11:30am
 15 ~ UMW Christmas Party
@ Jean Smith’s House at
 18 ~ Men’s Breakfast 8:30am
 18 ~ Family Bell Choir practice
 19 ~ No work Area’s meetings
 24 ~ Christmas Eve Candlelight
service here at 7pm
Family Bell Choir plays
Christmas Day Worship 10am
Office CLOSED for holiday. Food Bank Open.
Office CLOSED for holiday.
Week 3:
Office Hours:
Mon, Wed, Thur, & Fri. 9:30-1:30pm Closed Tue
Ph: 517-651-5531 • Website:
3rd Sunday in Advent
Laingsburg United Methodist Church
Rev. Elbert Paul Dulworth • December 11, 2011 ~ 10am
Announcements (Please sign attendance sheets at this time)
The Act of Christian Stewardship
The Offertory
*The Doxology UMH 95
*The Prayer of Dedication
*Call to Worship Advent Wreath Meditation
Stacey Brewer & Sunday School Children
Luke 2:8-20
Prayer: Unifying God, ignite within us the
desire to travel the journeys of life together,
seeking you and leaving behind things less
important. Amen.
Blessed Be the God of Israel
UMH 209
Sharing of Joys & Concerns
Silent Meditation
The Pastoral Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer
Angels from the Realms of Glory
UMH 220
Scripture Lesson
Video Reflection:
Isaiah 61:1-4
p. 529
“Warmth for Armenia”
Children’s Christmas Program
Aaron, The Allergic Shepherd
(see insert)
*Please Stand, as able
The Laingsburg United Methodist Church is an accepting
Christian community seeking to make disciples of Jesus Christ by
building heartfelt, nurturing, and supportive relationships with its
members, its community, and all of God’s people.
Requesting or Needing a Prayer?
Worship Celebration
Worship Service, (10:00—11:00 a.m.)
Join us for worship with a peace of mind, while your children,
ages infant through four are in our nursery care.
Prayer chain leader Pat Hibbard will receive prayer chain requests
at, or call the church office.
The Prayer Team is available to pray with you after service.
Fellowship & coffee, following worship, in the social hall
Weekly Announcements
Keep in Prayer:
Home Bound: Bob Anderson, Betty Morely, Wilma Stichler, Jo Vail,
Betty Starkweather, Bethany Potter
December: Lloyd Plont
Dec. Acolytes:
Dec. Coffee Hour:
12~11: Natalie Angst & Julia Angst
12~11: Jean Austin & Coleen Parker
12~18: Emalee Hobbs & Tori Holyfield 12~18: Randy & Val Meder &
Heather Wicke
Leadership Teams:
 Pastor: Rev. Elbert P. Dulworth
 Lay Leader: Jan Holyfield
Sunday, Dec. 11
 Worship 10am
 3rd Sunday in Advent
 Children’s Christmas Program
Monday, Dec. 12
Wednesday, Dec. 14
 LBCA 8am
 Adult Bells 7pm
 Adult Choir 7:30pm
Thursday, Dec. 15
Food Bank 1-3pm
Weight Watchers 5-7pm
Finance Meeting 7pm
Church Council 8pm
 UMW Christmas Party Noon @
Tuesday, Dec. 13
 Men’s Breakfast 8:30am
 Worship 10am
 4thSunday in Advent
Office Closed
UMW Meet 11:30am
Scrapbooker’s 6:30pm
Jean Smith’s Home
 Food Bank 6-8pm
Sunday, Dec. 18
 Administrative Assistant: Sarah Asiala
 Organist: Mary Jane Walters
 Nursery Attendants: Devinn George & Laura Wagner
 Chapelaire Adult Choir Director: Diana Lett
 Faith Ringers Hand Bell Choir Director: Jerry Wagner
 Family Bell Choir Director: Deb McKenzie
 Custodian: Elaine J. Baczewski
Newsletter Deadlines
Please submit all info
to church office by:
Wednesday AM for
Sunday Bulletin & 15th
of the month
for Newsletter. Thanks!
Do you or someone
you know need
a visit or phone
call from the Pastor?
Please inform the Church
office by phone or email so
we can promptly reply to this
matter of concern.
The Church Leader’s PLEASE DON’T DRINK
Mailboxes have been
Some are in Sarah’s office on top of the grey
filing cabinet, labeled by title & name. Others
are located as arrangements have been made.
If you have any questions, please see Sarah in
the office. Thank you for your understanding.
The new well has been
drilled. Until the water can
be tested, the water is
considered unsafe to drink.
It may be used to flush
toilets, but using hand
Chicken Dinner’s will be
sanitizers will be gentler on
postponed for at least 3
months. Please do not bring your skin.
plastic containers until
Thank you!!
further notification. Thanks!
Coat Drive
You’re invited to be a part
Join us at LUMC for the
of the
following sermon series:
community at [our local
Cinders Restaurant in downtown
Laingsburg is holding a coat drive. Please
drop off your new or gently used coats
there for families in need. Any
questions, just ask Dee at Cinders.
Thank you!
[Churches list worship time,
Week 3,
Dec. 11th:
4, Dec. 18th: Yourself
[Insert church location, URL
and phone number.]
Coffee Hour
Now is your chance! The coffee hour schedule is
being created for the new year. Is this an area that
you could serve? Just 1 hour a week for the year is all
it takes. We are looking for “new” faces.
Interested? Call Debby Strange 517.290.7461
Stewardship Thoughts
“Support your church. You can’t take your money with you,
but you can send it on ahead.”
11 ~ Clint & Carrie Rathbun
Children’s Christmas Program
Children’s Christmas Program
Aaron, The Allergic Shepherd
by Ruth Elaine Schram and Mark Cabaniss
Orchestrations by John DeVries
Aaron, The Allergic Shepherd
by Ruth Elaine Schram and Mark Cabaniss
Orchestrations by John DeVries
Once Upon a Sneeze
Hope Has Come Tonight
Come As You Are
Soloist: Emalee Hobbs
Once Upon a Sneeze (Reprise)
Once Upon a Sneeze
Hope Has Come Tonight
Come As You Are
Soloist: Emalee Hobbs
Once Upon a Sneeze (Reprise)
(in order of appearance)
Host 1: Brian Wagner
Host 2: Brady Hawks
Host 3: Emalee Hobbs
Aaron: Georgia Hill
I.B. Lambchop: Sean Divine
Dr. Pepper: Natalie Angst
Angel: Hannah Sebenick
Sheep: Jake Bush, Madeline Angst, Taylor Brewer
Mary: Skyler Davis
Joseph: Noah Brewer
(in order of appearance)
Host 1: Brian Wagner
Host 2: Brady Hawks
Host 3: Emalee Hobbs
Aaron: Georgia Hill
I.B. Lambchop: Sean Divine
Dr. Pepper: Natalie Angst
Angel: Hannah Sebenick
Sheep: Jake Bush, Madeline Angst, Taylor Brewer
Mary: Skyler Davis
Joseph: Noah Brewer