classification of wallpaper group in islamic arts
classification of wallpaper group in islamic arts
SIM UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CLASSIFICATION OF WALLPAPER GROUP IN ISLAMIC ARTS STUDENT : KAM JIEWEN (W0605338) SUPERVISOR : QUEK WEI CHING PROJECT CODE : JAN2011/MTH/015 A project report submitted to SIM University in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Mathematics (Honours) November 2011 JAN2011/MTH/015 i ABSTRACT W allpaper group is the centre of this project research while Islamic Art is the scope. Islamic Art created by Muslim artists, visible in architecture, books, accessories, household items and on countless other things, were collected for analysis. These collected art decorations which might be repeated patterns may fall under one of the seventeen wallpaper groups in Euclidean plane geometry. During the research, it has been realised that some of the art decorations fall into rosette or one of the seven frieze groups in Euclidean plane geometry. Therefore, research of rosette and frieze groups is included into the project at a later phase. It has also been discovered that majority of the collected patterns fall into certain frieze or wallpaper groups whilst some frieze or wallpaper groups are displayed rarely. For those uncommon frieze and wallpaper patterns, Geometer‘s Sketchpad® is used to construct them. From constructing these patterns, it establishes a better understanding and identification of wallpaper and frieze groups. The last part of the project will focus on applying the knowledge to education. Using some of the constructed patterns, notes and worksheets are created to teach upper primary students transformations (translation, reflection and rotation). High progress students will also learn some frieze and wallpaper groups by means of simpler explanations. Subsequently, they will create their own frieze and wallpaper patterns. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT M y project objectives would not have been achievable without the guidance and help of a number of individuals who have contributed their valuable assistance and support in the preparation and completion of this project research. First and foremost, my deepest and utmost gratitude to Mr. Quek Wei Ching, my supervisor whose valuable knowledge, experience and constant support I will always remember. He has been very patient, supportive and encouraging in supervising and providing research materials and recommendations to the completion of my project. Last but not least, I am heartily thankful to my family for their encouragement and support especially my husband, Marcus. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 iii Table of Contents ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................... I ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................. II LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................... VI LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................... VIII INTRODUCTION............................................................................................ 1 CHAPTER ONE: PROJECT DEFINITON 1.1 PROJECT OBJECTIVE ............................................................................... 2 1.2 OVERALL OBJECTIVE .............................................................................. 2 1.3 PROPOSED APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY ........................................... 3 1.4 SKILLS REVIEW ....................................................................................... 5 CHAPTER TWO: INVESTIGATION OF PROJECT BACKGROUND 2.1 ART BACKGROUND .................................................................................. 6 2.2 KNOWLEDGE BACKGROUND .................................................................... 8 CHAPTER THREE: PROJECT PLAN 3.1 PLAN DESCRIPTION ............................................................................... 14 3.2 RISK ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT ................................................. 17 CHAPTER FOUR: LITERATURE REVIEW 4.1 CLASSIFICATION OF FRIEZE GROUPS ................................................... 19 4.2 CLASSIFICATION OF WALLPAPER GROUPS ............................................ 26 4.3 RELATED WORK .................................................................................... 31 CHAPTER FIVE: DATA COLLECTION AND RESULTS 5.1 CLASSIFICATION OF DATA UNDER FRIEZE GROUPS .............................. 34 5.2 CLASSIFICATION OF DATA UNDER WALLPAPER GROUPS ...................... 37 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 iv CHAPTER SIX: APPLICATION OF GEOMETER’S SKETCHPAD® SOFTWARE 6.1 CONSTRUCTION OF FRIEZE PATTERNS.................................................. 48 6.2 CONSTRUCTION OF WALLPAPER PATTERNS .......................................... 49 CHAPTER SEVEN: APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE TO PROFESSION 7.1 OBJECTIVES OF LESSON ........................................................................ 53 7.2 CREATION AND CONSOLIDATION OF ACTIVITIES................................... 56 CHAPTER EIGHT: PROBLEMS AND DISCUSSIONS .......................... 57 CHAPTER NINE: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATONS ....... 59 CHAPTER TEN: CRITICAL REVIEW AND REFELCTIONS ............. 61 BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................... 65 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 v APPENDICES APPENDIX A GANTT CHART ........................................................................ 73 APPENDIX B LESSON PLAN ON TRANSFORMATION ..................................... 74 APPENDIX C LESSON PLAN ON FRIEZE AND WALLPAPER GROUP............... 76 APPENDIX D1 TRANSFORMATION STUDENTS’ NOTES................................. 78 APPENDIX D2 TRANSFORMATION STUDENTS’ WORKSHEETS ..................... 79 APPENDIX E FRIEZE AND WALLPAPER GROUP STUDENTS’ WORKSHEETS . 85 APPENDIX F FREQUENCY TALLY OF FRIEZE AND WALLPAPER GROUPS .... 89 APPENDIX G1 CAPSTONE PROJECT MEETING LOG (1) ........................... 91 APPENDIX G2 CAPSTONE PROJECT MEETING LOG (2) ........................... 93 APPENDIX G3 CAPSTONE PROJECT MEETING LOG (3) ........................... 96 APPENDIX G4 CAPSTONE PROJECT MEETING LOG (4) ........................... 98 APPENDIX G5 CAPSTONE PROJECT MEETING LOG (5) ......................... 100 APPENDIX G6 CAPSTONE PROJECT MEETING LOG (6) ......................... 102 APPENDIX G7 CAPSTONE PROJECT MEETING LOG (7) ......................... 104 APPENDIX G8 CAPSTONE PROJECT MEETING LOG (8) ......................... 106 APPENDIX G9 CAPSTONE PROJECT MEETING LOG (9) ......................... 108 APPENDIX G10 CAPSTONE PROJECT MEETING LOG (10) ..................... 110 GLOSSARY.................................................................................................. 112 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Five types of plane lattices ............................................................. 9 Figure 2 Euclidean mirror-reflection ......................................................... 10 Figure 3 Rotational symmetry .................................................................... 10 Figure 4 Rotational and reflection symmetry combined .......................... 10 Figure 5 Translational symmetry ............................................................... 11 Figure 6 A complex combination of symmetries ....................................... 11 Figure 7 Cyclic Group Order 4 ................................................................... 20 Figure 8 Dihedral Group 8m ...................................................................... 21 Figure 9 Dihedral Group 8m ...................................................................... 21 Figure 10 Dihedral Group 8m .................................................................... 22 Figure 11 Frieze Group r1m ....................................................................... 34 Figure 12 Frieze Group r2mm .................................................................... 35 Figure 13 Frieze Group r2mm .................................................................... 35 Figure 14 Frieze Group r2........................................................................... 35 Figure 15 Frieze Group r11g....................................................................... 36 Figure 16 Frieze Group r2mg ..................................................................... 36 Figure 17 Wallpaper Group p .................................................................... 37 Figure 18 Wallpaper Group pm ................................................................. 38 Figure 19 Wallpaper Group pg .................................................................. 38 Figure 20 Wallpaper Group cm.................................................................. 39 Figure 21 Wallpaper Group p2 .................................................................. 39 Figure 22 Wallpaper Group p2mm ............................................................ 40 Figure 23 Wallpaper Group p2mm ............................................................ 40 Figure 24 Wallpaper Group p2mg ............................................................. 41 Figure 25 Wallpaper Group p2gg .............................................................. 41 Figure 26 Wallpaper Group c2mm ............................................................ 42 Figure 27 Wallpaper Group c2mm ............................................................ 42 Figure 28 Wallpaper Group p4 .................................................................. 43 Figure 29 Wallpaper Group p4mm ............................................................ 43 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 vii Figure 30 Wallpaper Group p4mm ............................................................ 44 Figure 31 Wallpaper Group p4mm ............................................................ 44 Figure 32 Wallpaper Group p4gm ............................................................. 45 Figure 33 Wallpaper Group p6mm ............................................................ 46 Figure 34 Wallpaper Group p6mm ............................................................ 46 Figure 35 Wallpaper Group p6mm ............................................................ 47 Figure 36 Frieze Group r............................................................................. 48 Figure 37 Frieze Group r11m ..................................................................... 48 Figure 38 Wallpaper Group p3 .................................................................. 49 Figure 39 Wallpaper Group p31m ............................................................. 50 Figure 40 Wallpaper Group p3m1 ............................................................. 51 Figure 41 Wallpaper Group p6 .................................................................. 52 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 viii LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Risk Assessment ............................................................................. 17 Table 2 Risk Management........................................................................... 18 Table 3 Two Infinite Families of Rosette Groups Summary ................... 20 Table 4 Frieze Groups Symmetry............................................................... 24 Table 5 Wallpaper Groups Summary ........................................................ 29 Table 6 Mathematics Syllabus Primary 4 Geometry/Symmetry and Tessellation ................................................................................................... 54 Table 7 Primary 4 Mathematics Lesson Objectives ................................. 55 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 1 of 117 INTRODUCTION A t some point of my teaching profession, I remember having difficulties tessellating a shape given in one of my students‘ exercises. Then I pause to ponder the difficulties in tessellating certain shapes. It prompts me to consider the ways (how) to differentiate shapes that can tessellate and aspects that (what) differentiates it. Undoubtedly, with a deeper understanding of wallpaper groups, as a teacher, I can make use of this knowledge to better teach my students in the topics ―Symmetry‖ and ―Tessellation‖ as many students face difficulties in completing a symmetric figure with respect to a given horizontal or vertical line of symmetry, designing and making patterns and tessellating given a basic unit shape. Along with this project, besides gaining deeper knowledge into the mathematics work done by famous mathematicians on wallpaper groups, its application can be beneficial in teaching students techniques or strategies to assist their understanding of the topics required in the Singapore syllabus. It would also be challenging and interesting to construct designs which were thought impossible or difficult to construct before commencing this project. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 2 of 117 CHAPTER ONE: PROJECT DEFINITON 1.1 Project Objective The primary objective of this project is to investigate a wallpaper pattern mathematically using the concept of wallpaper groups and to classify different authentic two-dimensional Islamic Art patterns into different wallpaper groups. The secondary objective is to construct geometric designs of the different wallpaper groups using Geometer‘s Sketchpad®. Then, activity worksheets are to be produced for upper primary students by utilising the geometric designs. 1.2 Overall Objective Wallpaper group can be an interesting and fascinating subject area to research in. It is exhibited in wallpaper designs, moulding, jewellery, ornaments of all kinds, patterns in fabric and in tiling and many other man-made items. It exhibits symmetry of one type or another. Many applications of symmetry can be seen in scientific areas like the arrangement of atoms and molecules in crystals and also in theoretical physics. A list of decorative possibilities can be created by classifying and specifying symmetry groups (Henle, 1997:pp.247-248). Mathematicians realised the association between analytical geometry and symmetry in the nineteenth century. They formulated group theory to study the symmetry of mathematical objects subsequently (Mortenson, 1999:pp.73). Crystallographers conducted study of symmetry groups (Morandi, 2003:pp.1). Twenty years later from the nineteenth century, Fedorov, the Russian crystallographer and M. Schoenflies classified the 17 planar and 320 spatial symmetry groups. 4-dimensional patterns classification was MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 3 of 117 completed in the seventies but the problem is open in higher dimensions (Arzhantseva, Bartholdi, Burillo and Ventura, 2007:pp.51). Morandi said that the symmetry group of a wallpaper pattern is a wallpaper group. To research into symmetry group, geometric restrictions have to be determined so to create tessellations (Morandi, 2003:pp.2-4). In the process of achieving the primary and secondary objectives of this project, the formation of a wallpaper pattern and the basis of pattern construction will be determined. In addition, study of the rosette and frieze groups is encompassed into the research as some of the collected art decorations might fall into one of these groups. It brings great opportunity to learn and appreciate the history of distinctively fine visual arts and be exposed to many rare and unique arts created by different well-known respected artists. 1.3 Proposed Approach and Methodology The fundamentals are of the five different lattices (parallelogram, rectangular, rhombic, square and hexagonal) and symmetries of the plane. Symmetry is a planar transformation which is self-coincident after moving the pattern (Joyce, 1994). Each isometry of the plane, plane symmetry movement, is a distance-preserving transformation of a plane. It is one of the following: identity, translation, rotation, reflection, glide-reflection (The Geometry Center, 1995). Lattices and isometries will be explained later in Section 2.2 Knowledge Background. Asche and Holroyd (1994:pp.10) states that a group of plane isometric movement, which is the symmetry group of wallpaper patterns is a wallpaper group. A group of symmetries for a given pattern is called a symmetry group. Given two elements S, a translation, and T, a reflection, of a group, when they MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 4 of 117 are combined in succession, the resultant is the product of the two. Therefore ST is a reflection followed by a translation (Lockwood and Macmillan, 1978:pp.98). In this case, it is combining transformations of the plane leaving a pattern invariant. Thus their product is a symmetry of the pattern since each transformation movement is a symmetry. The product is not enough to give a group. In order to have a group, the operation must satisfy certain axioms (Joyce, 1994; Kaplan, 2009:pp.12). Holme (2010:pp.451) states that a discrete group of plane isometries is a symmetry group. A rosette is a symmetry group containing rotations and/or reflections but not translations. A frieze group has rotations and/or reflections but one-directional translations and their inverses. A wallpaper group has rotations and/or reflections and no parallel translations. An explanation of the symmetry groups and its classification is presented later in Section 2.2 Knowledge Background. A detailed study of wallpaper groups will be presented in Chapter Four Literature Review of the report. The symbols used for these groups which were developed by the International Union of Crystallographers (Arzhantseva, Bartholdi, Burillo and Ventura, 2007:pp.55) are necessary for familiarisation. With a conceptual understanding of wallpaper groups, collected Islamic Art patterns, originating from the South East Asia, will be studied. There will be an attempt to create designs inspired by contemporary or classical wallpaper patterns. In the application phase, wallpaper patterns will be constructed after mastering the use of Geometer‘s Sketchpad®. Ultilising the constructed patterns, activity worksheets will be designed for teaching purposes. The worksheets will allow students to identify transformations and also complete symmetric figures and/or create frieze and wallpaper patterns. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 5 of 117 1.4 Skills Review Progress of the project can be measured against the scheduled plans in the Gantt chart. These are the deliverables: proposal, classification of wallpaper patterns, interim report, construction of wallpaper patterns, applying constructed patterns to profession and final report. They are executed in the different phases. In all phases, literature review is necessary for analysis and investigation. The key skills necessary to complete the project are the understanding of the mathematical concept of frieze and wallpaper group, application of concept to classify different collected art patterns, constructing frieze and wallpaper patterns using Geometer‘s Sketchpad® and practical application into creating educational worksheets for upper primary students. The enthusiasm in the independent study of mathematics, adequate visualisation skills and efficient time management are vital factors to achieving success in this project. Good report writing and presentation skills also contribute much to the preparation of proposal, interim and final report. Reading up on report writing should improve on appropriate report structure, approach and sentence structure; prepare and rehearse for the presentation. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 6 of 117 CHAPTER TWO: INVESTIGATION OF PROJECT BACKGROUND 2.1 Art Background The term ‗Islamic art‘ describes art created by Muslim artist for Muslim patrons otherwise it is about Fatimid, Iranian, Maghrebi or Mughal art. It ranges from many things like architecture to book-production and for decoration such as glass, jewellery, metalwork, pottery and textiles (Khalili, 2006:pp.9). Muslim artist reserved the key elements of the traditional convention and then gave details upon them to create new designs which emphasised the importance of unity, logic and order. One of the basic characteristics of these designs is that the patterns are made up of repeated geometric elements (Hens, 2004:pp.10). Although the created designs stressed the importance of unity, logic and order, the explanation of a theory or an approach to the significance and artistic importance of the arts still has proved estranged to Islamic culture. For the most part of the earliest centuries, Muslim attitudes towards the arts remain a hypothesis due to the scarcity of documentary proof. Even though art is created in culturally Islamic countries, it is difficult to extract elements indicative of a truly ‗Islamic‘ art (Mozzati, 2010:pp.22). However, Papadopoulo (1979:pp.41) mentioned that Arabic Muslim art employs mathematical figures as it is greatly influenced by their fine mathematicians. Beneath all the art also lies the concept of Platonism. Platonism makes use of Numbers and mathematical Forms to represent the most fundamental reality and its beauty. Geometrical decoration in the mind of the Muslims held a spiritual and philosophical value and not for decoration purpose. But, these decorations of nature became more abstract until they MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 7 of 117 resembled a mathematical spiral. Muslim abstract painting had geometric form as its basis – in particular, the spiral and the arabesque. Museum With No Frontiers (2007:pp.19) reveals perhaps that there is a close relation between Islamic and Western art as ‗Islamic‘ ornamentation descend from late Roman decoration. Nevertheless, Islamic art was not just a continuance of late Roman art but it is an artistic fusion of selected forms made use in new ways or new social, philosophical purposes. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 8 of 117 2.2 Knowledge Background The seventeen wallpaper groups are the only possible symmetry groups for a network figure. Hermann-Mauguin-like symbols or orbifold notation are frequently used to represent them (Zwillinger, 1995:pp.260). Wallpaper patterns possess translational symmetries of some lattice. By repeating a pattern on one of the five different plane lattices, figures of network symmetry are created. The only five different kinds of plane lattices that will give us five kinds of network figures are parallelogram lattice symmetry group, rectangular lattice symmetry group, rhombic lattice symmetry group, square lattice symmetry group and hexagonal lattice symmetry group (Asche and Holroyd, 1994:pp.5-10; Clair, 2011:pp.1). Figure 1 below shows the five different plane lattices. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 9 of 117 parallelogram lattice rectangular lattice rhombic lattice square lattice hexagonal lattice Figure 1 Five types of plane lattices (Extracted from Asche and Holroyd, 1994:pp.10) Besides translational symmetry, network figures have other additional symmetries such as rotations, reflections or glide reflections. Transforming a pattern to look exactly the same after a transformation is symmetry of a pattern (Joyce, 1994). An example of reflection symmetry, which also means mirror symmetric, is shown in Figure 2. Rectangles are invariant under two different reflections. They are another example of mirror symmetric (Kaplan, 2009:pp.11-12). MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 10 of 117 Figure 2 Euclidean mirror-reflection (Inspired by Lockwood and Macmillan, 1978:pp.107) Created using Geometer‘s Sketchpad® Figure 3 Rotational symmetry (Inspired by Lockwood and Macmillan, 1978:pp.35) Created using Geometer‘s Sketchpad® The pinwheel in Figure 3 is a fourfold rotational symmetry as the minimal rotation of 90o leaves it invariant. It has to be repeated four times to get its identity (Horne, 2000:pp.8). Figure 4 Rotational and reflection symmetry combined (Inspired by Horne, 2000:pp.11-13) Created using Geometer‘s SketchPad® Figure 4 is an example of having more than one kind of symmetries. It is a twelvefold rotational symmetry as the minimal rotation of 30o leaves it invariant. It has to be repeated twelve times to get its identity. It also has reflection symmetry when it is under reflection in twelve different mirror lines. This still leaves the figure invariant (Mortenson, 1999:pp.73-74). Figure 5 exhibits only part of the whole design there. It extends infinitely far in both horizontal directions. The arrow below the figure indicates a translational symmetry. It is also a twofold rotational symmetry. In addition, MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 11 of 117 an infinite number of twofold rotocenters are exhibited in the figure. In fact, they show two different kinds (Henle, 1997:pp.245). Figure 5 Translational symmetry (Extracted from Henle, 1997:pp.245) Created using Geometer‘s Sketchpad® Figure 6 A complex combination of symmetries (Extracted from Henle, 1997:pp.245) Figure 6 shows only part of the whole design there. It extends infinitely far in both horizontal and vertical directions. It is much more complicated but possible. The two arrows, pointing in two different directions indicates twodimensional translational symmetry. A number of other symmetries have been exhibited here as well. They are twofold and fourfold rotocenters of rotational symmetry and both horizontal and vertical reflection lines which are indicated by dashed lines. An additional feature exhibited is the glide reflection lines. It is indicated by a long-dashed line. Glide reflection is a MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 12 of 117 reflection in the long-dashed line followed by a translation along the direction of the long-dashed line (Solyom, 2007:pp.158-163). From the examples above, Henle (1997, pp.232-248) defines as follows: ―DEFINITION Let F be a figure in a geometry. The set of all transformations T such that T(F) = F is called the symmetry group of F and is noted σ(F), The elements of σ(F) are called symmetry elements of F.‖ It will be Euclidean plane geometry where my project research is based on. It is possible to find and classify all symmetry groups by adding a technical simplifying assumption (Henle, 1997:pp.246-247). ―DEFINITION Let G be a group of transformations of the complex plane, and let z be a complex number. The set {Tz : T ∈ G} is the orbit of z under the action of G. A group G is a discrete group if every orbit of G has only a finite number of points inside any circle.‖ By restricting research to discrete groups, all Euclidean plane symmetry groups can be listed. A list of the 17 wallpaper groups possible in such a case is provided under Section 4.2 Classification of Wallpaper Groups (Amer, 2010:pp.68; Henle, 1997:pp.247). MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 13 of 117 According to their fixed elements, discrete symmetry groups are classified and Henle (1997, pp.232-248) defines as follows: ―DEFINITION The full Euclidean group E+ is the group of motions of the Euclidean plane consisting of the transformations of the special Euclidean Group E (rotations and translations), plus reflections, and all transformations that are combinations of reflections, rotations, and translations.‖ ―DEFINITION Let G be a subgroup of the full Euclidean group E+. Then, G has a fixed point z, if Tz = z for all T in G. G has a fixed line λ if T(λ) = λ for all T in G. A figure F in Euclidean geometry (C, E+) has a singular point (or singular line) according as its symmetry group σ(F) has a fixed point (or fixed line).‖ Figures with singular elements are easily recognised such as Figures 3 and 4. They have singular points whilst Figure 5 has a fixed centre horizontal singular line and no point on the line can be fixed. But Figure 6 has no singular elements at all (Horne, 2000:pp.14). Henle (1997, pp.232-248) states: ―CLASSIFICATION OF SYMMETRY GROUPS Let F be a figure in the geometry (C, E+). There are three cases: (a) F has a singular point. Then F is called a rosette. (b) F has a singular line, but no singular point. Then F is called a frieze. (c) F has no singular element. Then F is called a network.‖ Therefore Figures 3 and 4 are rosettes, Figure 5 is a frieze and Figure 6 is a wallpaper (Horne, 2000:pp.14). MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 14 of 117 CHAPTER THREE: PROJECT PLAN 3.1 Plan Description After selecting the project title "Classification of Wallpaper Group in Islamic Arts", phase one of the project ―Project Planning and Preparation‖ can be commenced. From the confirmation date of the project to the project proposal deadline, an extensive in-depth reading and literature review on the study of frieze and wallpaper groups has to be done in order to write the project proposal. Several books and websites are recommended by the project supervisor. A project schedule is plotted using a Gantt chart. The project proposal is targeted to finish a week before submission deadline so that necessary refinements can be made upon review by supervisor. ―Requirements Analysis‖ is the second phase of the project. While waiting for supervisor‘s evaluation on the submitted proposal, more extensive literature research will be done on the topic for the following three weeks. UniSIM library, its online resources such as e-journals, and National Library are useful sources. It is needed to work on some examples and exercises in the materials if possible. After the supervisor has evaluated the proposal, refinements to the methods and approaches to achieving project objectives will be made. The third phase of the project ―Implementation of Methods‖ would take approximately three weeks as it requires visiting of mosques, museums or art centres in order to gather authentic patterns for analysis and classifying them into one of the seven frieze or seventeen wallpaper groups. The focus of the project is on classifying patterns originating from South East Asia region in order to limit the extent of the research. Supervisor review on the wallpaper patterns collected, analysis and classification is essential to the validity of the work. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 15 of 117 In the fourth phase of the project ―Investigations‖, the main focus here is to validate the analysis and classification done in the previous phase. Numerous mathematicians have used different methods to prove the classification such as the study of point groups (Asche and Holroyd, 1994:pp.13-24), symmetry groups (Kaplan, 2009:pp.12-16), group cohomology (Morandi, 2003:pp.3346). However, this research will not be studying of the proofs to the classifications. This phase also includes preparing of interim report. This report will be reviewed by the supervisor prior to submission to UniSIM. The whole process will take approximately five weeks. ―Refinement of Model‖ is the fifth phase of the project and this phase centres modelling wallpaper patterns using Geometer‘s Sketchpad® and refinements to the patterns. It would require approximately six weeks constructing wallpaper patterns employing the knowledge and understanding acquired in previous phases. Familiarising with the use of the software provided by the supervisor is necessary. It can be accomplished more effectively by working on examples and exercises in activity sheets, provided by the supervisor. There will be a presentation of the several constructed wallpaper patterns to the supervisor for his review and validation. This sixth phase ―Application of Model‖ focuses on applying the created frieze and wallpaper patterns to profession. Some of the frieze and wallpaper patterns will be selected as the students‘ learning outcomes. Teaching ideas, students‘ activities, worksheets and other resources will be created or adapted from reliable sources in order to meet the learning outcomes. Then, advices from the supervisor will be sought based on the resources created. More literature review and research is also required to corroborate the effectiveness of these lesson ideas and resources. This phase will take approximately seven weeks. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 16 of 117 In ―Project Report and Poster Design‖ phase, research, findings, investigations and analysis have to be reported in the final year report. There should be sufficient time set aside for preparation of poster and presentation as well. A period of twelve weeks is required. There will also be regular meetings with the supervisor to corroborate work done. The Gantt chart is reflected in Appendix A. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 17 of 117 3.2 Risk Assessment and Management Following are some of the risks identified that might deter project completion and ways it can be managed or reduced. Probability of Event Scale Severity of Event Scale 1 – Rare 1 – Negligible 2 – Unlikely 2 – Marginal 3 – Possible 3 – Moderate 4 – Likely 4 – Critical 5 – Definite 5 – Catastrophic Table 1 Risk Assessment (Kirkham, 2004:pp.58-59) No. Categories: Risks Identified: Probability Severity 1 Health scale scale 2 5 3 4 or 3 4 Unforeseen medical reasons such as accidents 2 Software Loss of data 3 Self Inadequate improper planning MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 18 of 117 Table 2 Risk Management (Kirkham, 2004:pp.58-59) No. Categories: Risks 1 Health Risk Control: Implementation: Identified: Strategies to reduce risks Action by Unforeseen 1.1 Avoid high risk sports Self medical prior reasons such completion as accidents to 1.2 Avoid high project travelling risk to countries (SARS, H1N1) 2 Software Loss of data 2.1 Always back up files Self by saving updated copies into multiple medias such as thumb drive, portable hard disk, self email 2.2 Ensure anti-virus programme is up-todate 3 Self Inadequate or 3.1 Supervisor review on Self improper scope and depth of supervisor planning project and 3.2 Adhere to deliverable deadlines 3.3 Supervisor review on deliverables MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 CHAPTER REVIEW Page 19 of 117 FOUR: LITERATURE 4.1 Classification of Rosette and Frieze Groups The different lattices, transformations and classifications of symmetry groups had been mentioned in Section 2.2. In this section, a clearer explanation into rosette and frieze groups would be presented. Given a figure, it can have no symmetry. Therefore, to leave the figure invariant, it would only be the identity transformation. For this symmetry group, the International Symbol is 1. By applying geometric transformations to figures with no symmetry, figures with symmetry can be achieved (Schattschneider, 1978:pp.443). Cyclic symmetry is generated by applying one rotation repeatedly to a figure without symmetry until it returns back to its original position. All these rotations have to be about the fixed point. This is one type of rosette (Ronan, 2006:pp.34). A rosette can have reflections added to rotational symmetry but cannot contain translations or glide reflections. The combination of rotations and reflections will create more reflection lines (Ronan, 2006:pp.34). This kind of symmetry is called dihedral symmetry and for this symmetry group, the International Symbol is nm. n is the order of the rotorcenter of the group and the number of reflections (Schattschneider, 1978:pp.439). MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 20 of 117 Table 3 Two Infinite Families of Rosette Groups Summary (Grünbaum and Shephard, 1992:pp.333) 1. Cyclic Groups Only rotational symmetry-symbols:1, 2, 3, … 2. Dihedral n-fold rotocenter + reflection-symbols: m, 2m, 3m, … Groups Below is an example of cyclic symmetry of 4. Figure 7 Cyclic Group Order 4 Turkey 20th century AD: Calligraphic piece. [paper] (Asian Civilisation Museum Collection). Legend Centers of Rotation: 4-fold 8-fold MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 21 of 117 The three pictures, Figure 8, 9 and 10, are examples of dihedral symmetry of 8m. Figure 8 Dihedral Group 8m Singapore 1824 AD: Flooring. [tiles] (Masjid Sultan Compound). Figure 9 Dihedral Group 8m Singapore 1824 AD: Flooring. [tiles] (Masjid Sultan Compound). Legend Centers of Rotation: 4-fold 8-fold MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 22 of 117 Figure 10 Dihedral Group 8m Singapore 1824 AD: Grill. [metal] (Masjid Sultan Compound). Legend Centers of Rotation: 4-fold 8-fold In Mozzati‘s (2010:pp.310) Islamic Art book, he states that: ―A frieze is a continuous band which is made of different materials, is usually affixed to a wall in architecture.‖ This definition is comparable to the mathematics definition of frieze which its infinite translations are in a single direction similar to a continuous band. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 23 of 117 Translational symmetry appears in friezes. Following pictures are examples of frieze groups. r is used as an International Symbol to represent translational symmetry in a single direction. Friezes of different symmetry types are generated when other symmetry elements are added to r, the basic translational symmetry (Henle, 2010:pp.250). Table 4 will give you an idea about the only seven different frieze groups (Belcastro and Hull, 2002:pp.94-98). MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 24 of 117 Table 4 Frieze Groups Symmetry (Collins and Liu, 1998:pp.7-8; Livio, 2005:pp.206) 1. r Only translational symmetry in one dimension Representation: … b b b b b b b b b b … 2. r11m Translational symmetry and a parallel reflection Representation: … b b b b b b b b b b … …pppppppppp… 3. r1m Translational symmetry and a perpendicular reflection Representation: … b d b d b d b d b d … 4. r2mm Translational symmetry with perpendicular and parallel reflections Representation: … b d b d b d b d b d … …pqpqpqpqpq… 5. r2 Translational symmetry and perpendicular twofold axes Representation: … b q b q b q b q b q … 6. r11g Only glide reflection symmetry in one direction Representation: … b … 7. r2mg b p b p b p b p … p… Glide reflection symmetry and perpendicular reflections Representation: … b d … MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT bd qp bd… qp … KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 25 of 117 According to Table 4, the letter ‗b‘ is used for identifying the orientation and position of the fundamental generator as it has no symmetry by itself. The letters ‗d‘, ‗p‘, ‗q‘ and ‗b‘ are the four images after isometries (Livio, 2005:pp.206). Symbol r, which appears in all the seven frieze groups, is the symbol for translational symmetry in one dimension. Its direction is parallel to the yaxis. The characters after the symbol r will indicate any extra symmetry element, example ―r11g‖, ―r2mg‖. ―1‖ appearing as the first character after r indicates that there is no rotational axis however if ―2‖ appears, it indicates that there is a twofold rotational axis. ―1‖ appearing as the second character after r indicates that there is no perpendicular reflection plane but if ―m‖ appears, it indicates that there is a perpendicular reflection plane. ―m‖ appearing as the third character after r indicates that there is a parallel reflection plane. If ―g‖ appears, it indicates that there is glide reflection plane (Drager, 2011:pp.22; Henle, 2010:pp.252). Studying of the rosette (no translations) and frieze (translation in only one direction) groups can benefit the research in the classification of wallpaper as they are closely related to wallpaper groups (McCallum, 2001). Wallpaper are translations in more than one direction. Their symmetry group is evident in the discrete and translational symmetries of rosette and frieze respectively (Klette and Rosenfeld, 2004:pp.461; Schattschneider, 1978:pp.439). In the next section, classification of wallpaper groups will be discussed. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 26 of 117 4.2 Classification of Wallpaper Groups The options for wallpaper patterns are constraint by the underlying Crystallographic Restriction (only rotations of order 2, 3, 4 and 6 may leave the wallpaper pattern invariant) and the ways the four kinds of isometries interact with one another (Baloglou, 2002). The first two wallpaper groups to be introduced are p and p2 which are drawn on a parallelogram lattice. A parallelogram consists of its identity and rotations of order 2 but no reflections (Baez, 2008). Hence wallpaper group p, may also be known as p1, is generated solely from translational symmetry. There are no rotations, reflections or glide reflections. And wallpaper group p2 has rotations of order 2 only. There are no reflections or glide reflections (Bart and Clair, 2011). The next five wallpaper groups, p1m, p1g, p2mm, p2mg and p2gg, are based on a rectangular lattice. A rectangle consists of its identity, rotations of order 2 and reflections in both the horizontal and vertical directions (Collins and Liu, 1998:pp.11). Therefore, wallpaper group p1m, also known as pm, has reflections whose axis is horizontal but no rotations. Wallpaper group p1g, also known as pg, has glide reflections in one direction whose axis is horizontal but no rotations or reflections (Bart and Clair, 2011). Wallpaper group p2mm has reflections in both horizontal and vertical directions. It also has rotations of order 2 (Kung, 2009:pp.64). Wallpaper group p2mg has reflections whose axis is horizontal and glide reflections whose axis is vertical. It also has rotations of order 2. And wallpaper group p2gg has glide reflections in two directions whose axes are both horizontal and vertical. It also has rotations of order 2 (Shakiban, 2006:pp.2-4). The next two wallpaper groups, c1m and c2mm, are based on a rhombic, may also be known as centered rectangular lattice. A rhombus consists of its identity, rotations of order 2 and reflections in both the horizontal and vertical MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 27 of 117 directions. Hence, wallpaper group c1m, also known as cm, has reflections and glide reflections in one direction and no rotations (Kung, 2009:pp.67). And wallpaper group c2mm has reflections with axes in both the horizontal and vertical directions. It also has rotations of order 2 (Clair, 2011:pp.2). The next three wallpaper groups, p4, p4mm and p4gm, are based on a square lattice. A square consists of its identity, rotations of order 4 and reflections in the horizontal, vertical and diagonal directions (Shakiban, 2006:pp.5-6). Wallpaper group p4 has rotations of order 4 only and no reflections. Wallpaper group p4mm has reflections in the horizontal, vertical and diagonal directions. It also has rotations of order 4. And wallpaper group p4gm has rotations of order 4 and glide reflections with axis in the vertical direction. Its rotation axis is not on the reflection axis (Bart and Clair, 2011; Sanderson, 2001). The last five wallpaper groups of the seventeen, p3, p3m1, p31m, p6 and p6mm, are based on a hexagonal lattice. A hexagon consists of its identity, rotations of order 2, 3 and 6 and reflections axes making angles of ±30o from the horizontal axis (Clair, 2011:pp.3). Wallpaper group p3 has rotations of order 3 only but none of order 6. There are no reflections or glide reflections. Wallpaper group p3m1 has rotations of order 3 only but none of order 6. It has 3 reflection axes perpendicular to the sides. Wallpaper group p31m has rotations of order 3 only but none of order 6. It has 3 reflection axes parallel to the sides (Schattschneider, 1978:pp.448; The Mathematical Association of America, 1998). Wallpaper group p6 has rotations of order 6 only and no other symmetries. Wallpaper group p6mm has rotations of order 6. It has 6 reflection axes where 3 reflection axes are perpendicular to the sides and the other 3 reflection axes parallel to the sides (Clair, 2011:pp.3). MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 28 of 117 The symbols used in Table 5 for the listing of the seventeen wallpaper groups were developed by the International Union of Crystallographers (IUC) in 1952 (Arzhantseva, Bartholdi, Burillo and Ventura, 2007:pp.55; Clair, 2011:pp.1). MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 29 of 117 Table 5 Wallpaper Groups Summary (Holme, 2010:pp.460-468; The Math Forum @ Drexel and The Textile Museum, 2011) 1. p purely parallelogram translational symmetry 2. p2 parallelogram translational symmetry + twofold axes 3. p1m rectangular translation lattice + reflections in one direction 4. p1g rectangular translation lattice + glide-reflection in one direction 5. p2mm rectangular translation lattice + reflections in two directions 6. p2mg rectangular translation lattice + reflections in one direction and perpendicular glide-reflections 7. p2gg rectangular translation lattice + glide-reflections in two perpendicular directions 8. c1m centered rectangular / rhombic translation lattice + alternating reflections and glide-reflections in one direction 9. c2mm centered rectangular / rhombic translation lattice + alternating reflections and glide-reflections in two perpendicular directions 10. p4 square translation lattice + fourfold axes and twofold axes 11. p4mm square translation lattice + fourfold axes + reflection lines through the fourfold axes 12. p4gm square translation lattice + fourfold axes + glide-reflection lines through the fourfold axes 13. p3 hexagonal translation lattice + threefold rotation axes 14. p3m1 hexagonal translation lattice + threefold axes + reflection lines through the threefold axes 15. p31m hexagonal translation lattice + threefold axes + reflection lines that miss some of the threefold axes 16. p6 hexagonal translation symmetry + sixfold axes 17. p6mm hexagonal translation symmetry + sixfold axes + reflection lines MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 30 of 117 Symbol p is used for wallpaper groups with parallelogram, rectangular, square or hexagonal lattices whilst symbol c is used for wallpaper groups with rhombic lattice. The digits ‗1‘, ‗2‘, ‗3‘, ‗4‘ or ‗6‘ appearing as the first character after p or c indicates maximum rotations of order n. The character ―m‖ appearing as the second character after p or c indicates that there is a reflection on the horizontal axis. The character ―g‖ indicates that there is a glide reflection on the horizontal axis. ‗1‘ indicates no symmetry axis. The character ―m‖ or ―g‖ appearing as the third character after p or c indicates that there is a symmetry axis at an angle to the horizontal axis, with the angle dependent on the maximum rotations of order n. ‗1‘ indicates no symmetry axis (Edwards, 2002; Schattschneider, 1978:pp.443). MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 31 of 117 4.3 Related Work This project investigates patterns mathematically using the concept of rosette, frieze and wallpaper groups and classifies different authentic twodimensional Islamic Art pattern into the different respective groups. In Grünbaum and Shephard (1992:pp.331) journal, they analysed an even more complicated kind of patterns named interlace patterns which are made up of identical or two shapes of strand and are frequently occurred in Islamic and Moorish art. Some of these patterns are very complicatedly interweave that its repeat is not visible. It was explained in their journal the several ways in measuring these complications and relating them to symmetry properties. They provided an explanation of the frequent appearance of these patterns in Islamic art as their final point. However, Collins, Liu and Tsin (2004:pp.354,367) developed computer algorithms from crystallographic groups which can analyse real patterns. Their computational model for periodic patterns falls under three main components. It would extract the translational lattice of a periodic pattern, then classifying the pattern into one of the symmetry groups (frieze or wallpaper) before capturing meaningful motifs perceptually. On the contrary, in this research, if the repeated pattern extends infinitely in both horizontal and vertical directions, it belongs to one of the seventeen wallpaper groups. If not, it might be in the frieze group for extending infinitely in the horizontal direction only. When the repeated pattern is recognised as one of the wallpaper groups, the number of maximum rotation order (1, 2, 3, 4, or 6) is determined. From there, the classification of the pattern into one of the wallpaper groups is decided from the pattern‘s constitution of any reflection, glide-reflection or rotation. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 32 of 117 There was another computational model proposed by Djibril and Thami (2008:pp.2,13). Their model extracts symmetry properties to classify and index Islamic geometrical patterns (IGP) image. They used symmetry group theory to model IGP patterns and these IGP patterns are classified into three main categories, F (frieze), W (wallpaper) and R (rosette). The algorithm would automatically extract fundamental region of the pattern and characterise it into one of the three main categories. Then the feature vector was created by combining the symmetry information of patterns with their fundamental region histogram information so to process a new query on an image from IGP images database. While classifying patterns into wallpaper groups, different types of symmetries and groups such as rosette and frieze are acquired and mentioned in this project. Lockwood (1973:pp.14-15) briefly introduced cyclic, dihedral symmetry with its repetition in two or more directions and glide reflection movement in one or two directions. He had also mentioned how these symmetries and movements relate to the five different lattices and did a listing of the seventeen types of patterns. Although Belcastro and Hull (2002:pp.94) have presented a combinatorial proof for frieze patterns without using group theory, this project is not required to prove any of the patterns. In McLeay‘s article (2006), she had presented her collected data which was classified into the seven different frieze groups. Although the names of the frieze groups were different from the ones presented in this report, the symmetries in each group are the same as the ones presented in Table 4. Her collected data were photographs of decorations of railings and balustrades in the countries she had visited. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 33 of 117 The next focus to this project is to create geometric designs of the different wallpaper groups using Geometer‘s Sketchpad®. Other authors have written in their paper about using other software to create geometric designs in their local context. In Majewski and Wang (2009), the authors presented an overview of the Chinese lattices history and classification done by Daniel Sheets Dye. They examined Chinese lattices found in wooden windows and doors from a transformation geometry angle and by concentrating purely on planar symmetry groups. Then they showed the classification of 2D patterns into the seventeen symmetry groups with different names. Finally, they modelled patterns chosen from Chinese lattices with Dynamic Geometry software but the examples shown in that paper were created using Geometer‘s Sketchpad® too. In another earlier published paper written by Majewski and Wang (2008), they modeled Chinese lattices using another software named MuPAD, a modern Computer Algebra System from Germany. Last of all, activity worksheets for upper primary students are to be produced by utilising the geometric designs created from this project. The authors, Colgan and Sinclair (2000:pp.2,7), also extended investigation of frieze pattern into the classroom. The paper describes how they have included paper folding and mathematics using paper dolls to explore symmetry, transformation groups and coding system. Their unit was designed for 11-14 year old students. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 34 of 117 CHAPTER FIVE: DATA COLLECTION AND RESULTS 5.1 Classification of Data into Frieze Groups After presenting frieze and wallpaper groups explanations in Sections 4.1 and 4.2, the collected data are classified into the different groups. Most of the data collected were pictures taken from mosques while some were taken from museums in Singapore, non Muslim state, Kuala Lumpur and Muslim state, Terengganu in Malaysia. This section will classify collected data which are patterns that only extends horizontally into different frieze groups. Frieze group r1m, as illustrated in Figure 11, is of translational symmetry in one dimension and a perpendicular reflection. Figure 11 Frieze Group r1m Singapore 1824 AD: Grill. [metal] (Masjid Sultan Compound). Legend Axes of Reflection: axis of reflection axis of glide-reflection Centers of Rotation: 2-fold MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 35 of 117 The following Figures 12 and 13 are of translational symmetry with perpendicular and parallel reflections and it is categorised as frieze group r2mm. Figure 12 Frieze Group r2mm Singapore 1824 AD: Exterior Wall. [concrete] (Masjid Sultan Compound). Figure 13 Frieze Group r2mm China 1392 AD: Parapet of Xian Mosque. [wooden replica] (Islamic Civilisation Park Collection). Next, frieze group r2 has translational symmetry and perpendicular twofold axes. Figure 14 depicts such a frieze group. Figure 14 Frieze Group r2 Singapore 1824 AD: Carpet. [wool] (Masjid Sultan Compound). Legend Axes of Reflection: axis of reflection axis of glide-reflection Centers of Rotation: 2-fold MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 36 of 117 Then, there is frieze group r11g which has only glide reflection symmetry in one direction and its example is shown in Figure 15. Figure 15 Frieze Group r11g Singapore 1824 AD: Grill. [metal] (Masjid Sultan Compound). For the frieze group r2mg, Figure 16 illustrates glide reflection symmetry and perpendicular reflections. Figure 16 Frieze Group r2mg Singapore 1824 AD: Carpet. [wool] (Masjid Sultan Compound). Legend Axes of Reflection: axis of reflection axis of glide-reflection MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 37 of 117 5.2 Classification of Data into Wallpaper Groups In Section 5.1, collected data which are borders are categorised into frieze groups. In this section, collected data (network) classified into wallpaper groups will be shown. Patterns that extend infinitely in both horizontal and vertical directions might fall into one of the seventeen wallpaper groups. The identification of these patterns as one of the seventeen different wallpaper groups is first determined by the maximum number of rotation order. If the maximum rotation order is 1, then it could be classified as p, pg, pm or cm as in Figure 17, 18, 19 or 20. Figure 17 is an example of wallpaper group p as it does not possess any reflections or glide reflections. Figure 17 Wallpaper Group p Syria 706-715 AD: Exterior Wall of The Great Umayyad Mosque. [scaled replica] (Islamic Art Museum Malaysia Collection). MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 38 of 117 For a pattern with maximum rotation of order 1 and reflections, it is type pm and is shown in Figure 18. Figure 18 Wallpaper Group pm Israel 692 AD: Kubbah As-Sakhrah. [scaled replica] (Islamic Civilisation Park Collection). Type pg has only glide reflections in one direction and maximum rotation order of 1 but no reflections. Figure 19 shows one example. Figure 19 Wallpaper Group pg Iran 17th century AD: Textile Fragment. [silk brocade] (Islamic Art Museum Malaysia Collection). Legend Axes of Reflection: axis of reflection axis of glide-reflection MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 39 of 117 Figure 20 illustrates wallpaper group cm. It has maximum rotation order of 1 and also reflections and glide reflections in one direction. Figure 20 Wallpaper Group cm Russia 16th Century AD: Kul Sharif Mosque. [scaled replica] (Islamic Civilisation Park Collection). Next, the criterion is maximum rotation order of 2. If this is met, it could be p2, p2gg, p2mm, p2mg or c2mm as shown in Figure 21 to 27. With that criterion and no other reflections or glide reflections, it is classified as p2 as shown in Figure 21. Figure 21 Wallpaper Group p2 Singapore 2011 AD: Wrapping paper. [paper] (A shop selling Malay and Muslim artefacts outside Masjid Sultan). Legend Axes of Reflection: axis of reflection axis of glide-reflection MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 40 of 117 With the same mentioned criterion, p2mm also has reflection axes on both horizontal and vertical directions. Examples are shown in Figure 22 and 23. Figure 22 Wallpaper Group p2mm Egypt 1848 AD: Mohammed Ali Mosque. [scaled replica] (Islamic Civilisation Park Collection). Figure 23 Wallpaper Group p2mm Malay Archipelago 20th century AD: Songket Shawl. [silk woven with supplementary-weft gilt thread] (Islamic Art Museum Malaysia Collection). Legend Axes of Reflection: axis of reflection axis of glide-reflection MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 41 of 117 Figure 24 shows an example of a wallpaper group with the same criterion as before. It is p2mg and has reflection axis and perpendicular glide reflections. Figure 24 Wallpaper Group p2mg Uzbekistan 1127 AD: Kalyan Minaret. [scaled replica] (Islamic Civilisation Park Collection). Applying the same criterion to type p2gg, as shown in Figure 25, it has two glide reflection axes, one of them is perpendicular to the other. Figure 25 Wallpaper Group p2gg Malaysia 2008 AD: Masjid Krystal. [footpath] (Masjid Krystal). Legend Axes of Reflection: axis of reflection axis of glide-reflection MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 42 of 117 c2mm is the last type that satisfies the criterion of maximum rotation order of 2. It has reflection axes in two directions, each direction perpendicular to the other, as displayed in Figures 26 and 27. Figure 26 Wallpaper Group c2mm Indonesia 19th century AD: Ceremonial Cloth. [silk weft ikat with supplementary-weft gold threads] (Islamic Art Museum Malaysia Collection). Figure 27 Wallpaper Group c2mm Tunisia 670 AD: The Great Mosque Qairawan. [scaled replica] (Islamic Civilisation Park Collection). Legend Axes of Reflection: axis of reflection axis of glide-reflection MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 43 of 117 If the maximum rotation order is 4, then it could be p4, p4gm or p4mm as in Figure 28 to 32. Figure 28 illustrates p4 with only maximum rotation order 4. Figure 28 Wallpaper Group p4 Kazakhstan 1399 AD: Exterior Wall of Khodja Ahmad Yassaviy Mosque & Mausoleum. [scaled replica] (Islamic Art Museum Malaysia Collection). Figures 29, 30 and 31 depicts the same criterion as p4 but they have reflection axes horizontally, vertically and diagonally. Figure 29 Wallpaper Group p4mm India 18th century AD: Jali. [stone] (Islamic Art Museum Malaysia Collection). Legend Axes of Reflection: axis of reflection axis of glide-reflection Centers of Rotation: 4-fold MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 44 of 117 Figure 30 Wallpaper Group p4mm Turkey 1557 AD: Suleyman Mosque. [scaled replica] (Islamic Civilisation Park Collection). Figure 31 Wallpaper Group p4mm Afghanistan 17th Century AD: Khwaja Abu Nasr Parsa Mosque. [scaled replica] (Islamic Civilisation Park Collection). Legend Axes of Reflection: axis of reflection axis of glide-reflection Centers of Rotation: 4-fold MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 45 of 117 Last pattern that has the same criterion as mentioned before is p4gm. It is depicted in Figure 6 and 32. It has reflection axis and its rotation axis is not on the reflection axis. Figure 32 Wallpaper Group p4gm Malaysia 2008 AD: Masjid Krystal. [footpath] (Masjid Krystal). Legend Axes of Reflection: axis of reflection axis of glide-reflection Centers of Rotation: 4-fold MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 46 of 117 Patterns grouped under p6mm have maximum rotation order of 6. p6 has the same criterion as p6mm. The difference is that p6mm has 6 reflection axes but none for p6. Figures 33 to 35 have illustrated type p6mm. Figure 33 Wallpaper Group p6mm Pakistan 1673 AD: Badshahi Mosque. [scaled replica] (Islamic Civilisation Park Collection). Figure 34 Wallpaper Group p6mm Eurasia 14th century AD: Pair of Tile Panels. [underglaze painted with calligraphy] (Islamic Art Museum Malaysia Collection). Legend Axes of Reflection: axis of reflection axis of glide-reflection Centers of Rotation: 6-fold MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 47 of 117 Figure 35 Wallpaper Group p6mm Saudi Arabia 12th Century AD: The Prophet’s Mosque Nabawi. [scaled replica] (Islamic Civilisation Park Collection). So, type p6 with only rotations is shown in Figure 41 in the next chapter. The remaining wallpaper groups p3, p3m1 and p31m have maximum rotation order of 3. They are mentioned and illustrated in the following chapter as well. Legend Axes of Reflection: axis of reflection axis of glide-reflection Centers of Rotation: 6-fold MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 48 of 117 CHAPTER SIX: GEOMETER’S APPLICATION OF SKETCHPAD® SOFTWARE 6.1 Construction of Frieze Patterns From the classification of the collected data in Section 5.1, only five out of seven frieze groups (r1m, r2mm, r2, r11g and r2mg) were identified. The absence of frieze patterns, r and r11m, are illustrated in Figure 36 and 37. They are constructed using Geometer‘s Sketchpad®. Figure 36 Frieze Group r (Inspired by Morandi, 2003:pp.2) Created using Geometer‘s Sketchpad® Figure 37 Frieze Group r11m (Inspired by Colgan and Sinclair, 2000:pp.6) Created using Geometer‘s Sketchpad® Legend axis of reflection axis of glide-reflection Centers of Rotation: 2-fold MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 49 of 117 6.2 Construction of Wallpaper Patterns Two constructed frieze patterns were presented in Section 6.1. This section will illustrate rare wallpaper patterns absence from Section 5.2. Only 13 out of the 17 wallpaper groups mentioned in Section 5.2 namely p, p2, p1m, p1g, p2mm, p2mg, p2gg, c1m, c2mm, p4, p4mm, p4gm and p6mm were identified from the collected data. The absent wallpaper patterns, p3, p3m1, p31m and p6, are shown in Figure 38 to 41. They are constructed using Geometer‘s Sketchpad®. Wallpaper groups p3, p3m1 and p31m have maximum rotation order of 3. p3 has only rotations as shown in Figure 38. Figure 38 Wallpaper Group p3 (Inspired by Edwards, 2002) Created using Geometer‘s Sketchpad® Legend axis of reflection axis of glide-reflection Centers of Rotation: 3-fold MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 50 of 117 Figure 39 is of type p31m which also has maximum rotation of order 3. In addition, it has 3 reflection axes parallel to the sides. Figure 39 Wallpaper Group p31m (Inspired by Blanco and Harris, 2011:pp.35) Created using Geometer‘s Sketchpad® Legend axis of reflection axis of glide-reflection Centers of Rotation: 3-fold MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 51 of 117 Similar to p3 and p31m is type p3m1 which also has maximum rotation of order 3. However, its 3 reflection axes are perpendicular to the sides as illustrated in Figure 40. Figure 40 Wallpaper Group p3m1 (Inspired by Blanco and Harris, 2011:pp.37) Created using Geometer‘s Sketchpad® Legend axis of reflection axis of glide-reflection Centers of Rotation: 3-fold MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 52 of 117 As mentioned in Section 5.2, p6 has maximum rotation of order 6 only. It is depicted in Figure 41. Figure 41 Wallpaper Group p6 (Inspired by Collins and Liu, 1998:pp.49) Created using Geometer‘s Sketchpad® Legend axis of reflection axis of glide-reflection Centers of Rotation: 6-fold MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 53 of 117 CHAPTER SEVEN: APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE TO PROFESSION 7.1 Objectives of Lesson Using the knowledge of frieze and wallpaper groups as well as their patterns constructed in Sections 6.1 and 6.2, it is aimed to achieve one of the project objectives stated in Section 1.1. It is to produce activity worksheets for upper primary students of High Progress (HP). The target level for the design of the worksheets is HP primary 4 students. Only at primary 4, the students will learn sub-topics Symmetry and Tessellation which are under the main topic Geometry. These sub-topics are most relevant to the project research as compared to other sub-topics like Angles, Nets. The worksheets will require primary 4 students to understand new Mathematics skills that are not in the syllabus. Hence, HP primary 4 students are selected. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 54 of 117 The following table is a segment of the primary 4 Mathematics Syllabus. Table 6 Mathematics Syllabus Primary 4 Geometry/Symmetry and Tessellation Ministry of Education (2006:pp.24) Geometry Symmetry Include: identifying symmetric figures determining whether a straight line is a line of symmetry of a symmetric figure completing a symmetric figure with respect to a given horizontal/vertical line of symmetry designing and making patterns Exclude: finding the number of lines of symmetry of a symmetric figure rotational symmetry Tessellation Include: recognising shapes that can tessellate identifying the unit shape in a tessellation making different tessellations with a given shape drawing a tessellation on dot paper designing and making patterns Although primary 4 students were only expected to learn Mathematics skills as listed in the syllabus above, the worksheets designed in this project will allow HP primary 4 students to learn the different transformations, some classifications of frieze and wallpaper groups. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 55 of 117 For the selected students to be able to create their own frieze and wallpaper patterns eventually, they have to learn the fundamentals behind these created patterns. The fundamentals are the different transformations needed to generate the patterns. Some patterns might be complicated as it consists more than one symmetry. Due to the age and ability of the target group, students will only create patterns of these frieze groups, r1m and r2 and wallpaper groups, p2mm and p4. Before the students are able to create the selected patterns, they will need to go through two lessons on the topics, Transformation and Frieze and Wallpaper group. Table 7 presents planned lesson objectives of the two lessons. Table 7 Primary 4 Mathematics Lesson Objectives Topic: Geometry Transformation SIO: Pupils will be able to identify whether a symmetric figure is a reflection, rotation or translation. determine whether a straight line is the line of symmetry or whether a point is the point of rotation of a symmetric figure. complete a symmetric figure with respect to a given a horizontal/vertical line of symmetry or a point of rotation. complete a symmetric figure by translating. Frieze and SIO: Pupils will be able to wallpaper design and make patterns of frieze group r1m and r2. group design and make patterns of wallpaper group p2mm and p4. The next section will highlight the activities which the students can do to meet the stated MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT objectives ultimately. KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 56 of 117 7.2 Creation and Consolidation of Activities Lesson objectives have been presented in Section 7.1. This section is about the planned student activities. The student activities can range from online lessons, interactive games/manipulatives to hands-on games/manipulatives, notes or worksheets. Appendix B and C present lesson plans with lesson objectives and accompanied student activities. Activities reflected in Appendix B are adapted from Moore (2011). The next chapter will state challenges and problems encountered in the course of meeting the project objectives and present discussed resolutions. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 57 of 117 CHAPTER EIGHT: PROBLEMS AND DISCUSSIONS S tudying the seventeen wallpaper patterns is a new concept to grasp. Initially, it had presented an adequate level of difficulty in comprehending its classification. Acquiring this new knowledge through literature research and extensive reading is useful in the identification of the collected data. From the start of the project to preparing the interim report, the main difficulty was collecting authentic wallpaper patterns that were within Southeast Asia relating to Islam. Majority of the patterns collected were categorised under frieze groups. After thorough discussion with project supervisor, acquiring Islamic wallpaper patterns beyond Southeast Asia were acceptable. These wallpaper patterns also need not be directly related to Islamic art. Hence, while travelling in June to mosque and museums in Kuala Lumpur and Terengganu, many wallpaper patterns beyond Southeast Asia had been collected. This had brought much more data samples and variety to the research. The wallpaper patterns collected were very complicated and elaborated. There were many added decoration to the generating region and it was made vibrant with many colours. This would require more skills to distinguish the type of group it would be classified into. For an easier approach, disregard the colours and analyse the patterns in black and white. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 58 of 117 Another challenge faced was when there was a necessity to become skillful at using Geometer‘s Sketchpad® to construct certain frieze and wallpaper patterns absent from the collected data. Many patterns collected fall into common groups. A number of frieze and wallpaper patterns were much rarer and less commonly available therefore acquiring them was an anticipated problem. Sufficient time for familiarisation had to be spent to get acquainted with the new software in order to construct these absent patterns. Local religious practice disallows non Muslims to enter all the mosques in Terengganu except Masjid Krystal. Therefore the collection of patterns had become even more limited. Furthermore, in the mosque, women are not allowed into the main hall for prayers. For this reason, collection of data could only take place outside the main hall or building. Creation of the students‘ worksheet was planned to be completed by beginning of September. When the worksheets were ready, it was inappropriate to carry out the lesson and activities with experimental students as the teachers were busy preparing the students for examinations in October. Colleagues and Head-of-Department were occupied with other year-end duties. For that reason, it was inappropriate to seek their assistance. After putting forward these challenges and problems, the following chapter will offer some recommendations as well as encapsulate the main points of this research. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 59 of 117 CHAPTER NINE: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATONS T he report began by presenting classifications of frieze and wallpaper groups. Frieze and wallpaper patterns were subsequently collected from mosques and museums. They were analysed and classified into the different frieze and wallpaper groups. Some collected data had no patterns while the rests were identified. Although many patterns were collected, it was found that some of the frieze and wallpaper groups were lacking from the identification. Therefore, Geometer‘s Sketchpad® was used to construct these lacking patterns. These constructed patterns were later utilised to create activity worksheets for students. The main conclusion that can be drawn from this research is patterns or borders found on flat surfaces may not fall into any one of the seven frieze or seventeen wallpaper groups unless the pattern repeats itself. If the identified generating region repeats horizontally, it will then fall into one of the seven frieze groups. Likewise, if the identified generating region repeats both horizontally and vertically, it will fall into one of the seventeen wallpaper groups. After that, the maximum rotation order is identified first followed by the detection of any reflection or glide-reflection axes to further categorise the pattern into one of the seventeen wallpaper groups. It is interesting to discover that majority of the collected patterns fall into the frieze groups, r2mm and r1m, and wallpaper groups, p4mm and c2mm whilst frieze group, r and r11m and wallpaper groups, p3, p3m1, p31m and p6, are much more rare and difficult to collect (Refer to Appendix F). McLeay (2006) also mentioned the rarity of r11m in her article. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 60 of 117 Collecting patterns of seventeen different wallpaper groups might deem challenging if collection is limited to the scope of Islamic Arts and within Southeast Asia. Besides viewing exhibits related to Islamic Arts and from Southeast Asia, the three museums visited have also displayed traditional and cultural exhibits from East Asia, Central Asia and Middle East. In the light of this, it is recommended that the collection of data could be extended outside Southeast Asia. In addition, the research could expand beyond Islamic Arts. In this report, lessons and activities have been designed and created. On the other hand, it was not conducted in class due to clashes with the examination preparation period. Consequently, it is proposed that seeking a colleague or Head-of-Department could aid in vetting the lessons and activities planned. During the collection of data in Terengganu, it was found that non Muslims are only allowed into Masjid Krystal. In addition, in Masjid Krystal, only males are allowed into the main hall for prayers. It is suggested that seeking the help of a Muslim friend could help take photographs of the interiors of other mosques. This report introduced the classification of the seven frieze and seventeen wallpaper groups. For an extension to this research, it is proposed that the classification could be substantiated with evidence. An investigation on the proof of the seven frieze and seventeen wallpaper groups could be carried out. In this report, a brief introduction of Islamic art background had been highlighted. The key feature was that the geometrical design behind Islamic art held a spiritual and sacred meaning. Based on this finding, it is recommended that the research could be developed further by investigating the origin to such meaning behind Islamic art and probably also exploring into the method of designing and forming these patterns by the various artists. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 61 of 117 CHAPTER TEN: CRITICAL REVIEW AND REFELCTIONS M y project‘s objectives: 1) to investigate a wallpaper pattern mathematically using the concept of wallpaper groups; 2) to classify different authentic two-dimensional Islamic Art patterns into different wallpaper groups; 3) to construct geometric designs of the different wallpaper groups using Geometer‘s Sketchpad®; 4) to produce activity worksheets for upper primary students by utilising the geometric designs have been met. Related works have been discussed in the report and comparisons have been made. Although there were numerous studies on Frieze and Wallpaper groups, none had presented classifications of real data collected from the five museums/mosques, Masjid Sultan, Asian Civilisation Museum, Islamic Art Museum Malaysia, Masjid Krystal, Islamic Civilisation Park or a frequency tally to conclude the most and least common groups. In addition, Geometer‘s Sketchpad® was used to construct some patterns in this paper. It is not observed in other related works that they had used this software in their papers except in the work of Majewski and Wang (2009). Furthermore, activities were put together in lesson plans, notes and worksheets were created for use unlike in other works. This paper will interest students researching in this area who need a variety of real patterns classified into the different frieze and wallpaper groups and the manner for their identification. Teachers will also find this paper useful if they would like to extend their students‘ interest in geometry as there are ready lessons to be used directly. The notes and worksheets are attached for adaptation or direct printing for their students‘ use. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 62 of 117 In this report, new proof or proof of the classification is not presented. Despite this, it had listed accurate and valid references to support the classification of the seven frieze and seventeen wallpaper groups. The report provided introductory knowledge to allow the reader to better appreciate the classifications. An Islamic background to the art is also put forward to enhance the report. The classifications to the collected patterns were explained. Reflection and glide-reflection lines were drawn to show the way the patterns tessellate. The issue of certain lacking frieze or wallpaper groups was resolved by constructing those patterns using Geometer‘s Sketchpad®. The constructed patterns were explained, with reflection and glide-reflection lines clearly shown as well. The conclusion on the least and most common frieze and wallpaper groups was determined with a sample size of over 200 patterns which was considerably sufficient with respect to the five places where the data was collected. Before the submission of my proposal, ample time was spent discussing the objectives of my project and the contents of my proposal. The activities needed to do to meet the objectives were identified. Based on the objectives and activities, the Gantt chart was drawn up to schedule the work. In order to meet the criteria and targets for the different phases of the project, my supervisor had agreed to meet at least once a month to monitor work done. Spending a minimum of 13 hours weekly on this project was also one of the expected criteria. Problems or risks that might hinder my project delivery were also discussed to minimise the risks of not meeting the targets set at each phase. From these discussions, it had taught me to be systematic in my planning, stay focused with my objectives and activities, be disciplined in meeting deadlines and always be prudent in dealing with my soft copies. Every meeting session is recorded in meeting logs in order to review the decisions made after the discussion as well as to document the next intended activity to undertake (Refer to Appendix G1-G10). MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 63 of 117 Prior to the submission of the interim report, a thorough understanding of the classification of frieze and wallpaper groups and sufficient number readings to support ones understanding have to be achieved. The next short term goal was to collect data from mosques and museums. Then the collected data was identified and classified. It is crucial to read up on other similar projects or researches completed by others in order to make comparisons and improvements could be applied. My project supervisor recommended some journals and conference papers and shared methods of researching. Subsequently, retrieving more of such resources was done independently. From the above discussions, I had learnt to manage the project by setting numerous short term goals, as done in Gantt chart. After reading journals, I realised that many others had researched on the same topic but had applied it in many ways. I was then able to do a comparison on the work others had done and objectives I had set to accomplish. Citing references had also made me appreciate the importance of affirming and ascertaining my reading and newly acquired knowledge. It had also made me realised that the classification of wallpaper patterns is related to physics. Furthermore, there were many different terms used by different mathematicians and physicists in naming these patterns while referring to the same group. Researching into Islamic art background had also made the research an interesting and meaningful one. The emphasis of the created designs was based on unity, logic and order yet there was no sufficient documentary proof on the theory to the artistic meaning of the designs. It was fascinating to discover that the Arabic designs were influenced by mathematicians or philosophers and a probable relation between Islamic and Western art. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 64 of 117 After the submission of the interim report, my next goal was to have my classification verified by exploring other people‘s work along with obtaining supervisor‘s valuable feedback and knowledge. My supervisor had also approved my constructed patterns and the way I had made use of the constructed patterns to create students‘ notes and worksheets. Goals at each phase was achieved therefore there was a clear indication that my project was on task. This project had given me an opportunity to learn new Mathematical concepts and apply concepts to real data. I gained knowledge of using a new software to construct patterns and it had helped me to better understand the construction of patterns under the different groups. Along with this skill, I could also apply my knowledge to my work and impart this knowledge to my students through carefully selected activities. In my view, I had also picked up writing skills, the correct method to cite references and researching skills to check the reliability and credibility of websites and documents found. I had a chance to appreciate and be exposed to one of the dominant religions in the world, Islam – with a rich culture that spills over thousands of years spanning across continents. This is in line with the government‘s propaganda, religious harmony. And, this project had also given me the opportunity to travel to places such as Terengganu, mosques and Islamic museums that would never have crossed my mind. This project had indeed benefitted me in many ways. 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MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 73 of 117 APPENDICES Appendix A Gantt Chart Jan-Feb WBS 1 1.1 Plan Start Classification of Wallpaper Group in Islamic Art Project planning & prep 30-Jan Initial meeting with supervisor 30-Jan Literature research part 1 6-Feb Development of plan 6-Feb Development of proposal 13-Feb Supervisor review 27-Feb Refinement of proposal 27-Feb Tasks Plan Days FTEs Hrs. 1/23 1/30 Finish 607 6-Mar 5-Feb 5 0.02 1 5-Mar 20 0.30 39 12-Feb 5 0.05 2 5-Mar 15 0.30 29 6-Mar 6 0.02 1 6-Mar 6 0.30 12 1.2 Project Management 1.2.1 Requirements analysis Literature research part 2 Supervisor review Refinement of approaches 7-Mar 7-Mar 20-Mar 20-Mar 26-Mar 19-Mar 26-Mar 26-Mar 9 5 5 0.30 0.05 0.30 18 2 10 1.2.2 Implementaton of methods Literature research part 3 Collection of wallpaper pattern Classification of wallpaper pattern Supervisor review 27-Mar 27-Mar 27-Mar 3-Apr 10-Apr 16-Apr 9-Apr 2-Apr 9-Apr 16-Apr 10 5 5 5 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.05 20 10 10 2 1.2.3 Investigations Literature research part 4 Analysis & application Preparation of interim report Supervisor review 17-Apr 17-Apr 17-Apr 24-Apr 1-May 7-May 7-May 30-Apr 7-May 7-May 14 10 10 5 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.05 27 20 20 2 1.2.4 Refinement of model Literature research part 5 Mastery of the use of software Designing of wallpaper Supervisor review Refinement of design 8-May 8-May 15-May 29-May 12-Jun 19-Jun 25-Jun 11-Jun 28-May 11-Jun 18-Jun 25-Jun 20 10 10 5 5 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.05 0.30 39 20 20 2 10 1.2.5 Application of model Literature research part 6 Create design Supervisor review Validate design Supervisor review 26-Jun 26-Jun 26-Jun 17-Jul 24-Jul 7-Aug 13-Aug 6-Aug 16-Jul 23-Jul 6-Aug 13-Aug 30 15 5 10 5 0.30 0.30 0.02 0.30 0.02 59 29 1 20 1 1.3 14-Aug 14-Aug 14-Aug 28-Aug 4-Sep 2-Oct 9-Oct 23-Oct 13-Nov 1-Oct 3-Sep 3-Sep 1-Oct 8-Oct 22-Oct 13-Nov 35 15 5 20 5 10 16 0.30 0.30 0.02 0.30 0.02 0.30 0.30 68 29 1 39 1 20 31 Project report & poster design Literature research part 7 Development of project report Supervisor review Preparation of poster Supervisor review Refinement of report & poster Finalise report & poster 2/6 Feb-Mar 2/13 2/20 2/27 3/6 3/13 3/20 3/27 Mar-Apr 4/3 4/10 4/17 4/24 5/1 Apr-May May-Jun Jun-Jul 5/8 6/5 7/3 5/15 5/22 5/29 6/12 6/19 6/26 8/7 8/14 8/21 8/28 Aug-Sep 9/4 Sep-Oct Oct-Nov 9/11 9/18 9/25 10/2 10/9 10/16 10/23 10/30 11/6 11/13 # # 1 1 1 1 Note: Calendar week dates begin on Mondays. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT Jul-Aug 7/10 7/17 7/24 7/31 KAM Jiewen, W0605338 # JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 74 of 117 Appendix B Lesson Plan on Transformation Subject: Mathematics Level/Ability: Primary 4 / HP Topic: Transformation SIO: Pupils will be able to identify whether a symmetric figure is a reflection, rotation or translation. determine whether a straight line is the line of symmetry or whether a point is the point of rotation of a symmetric figure. complete a symmetric figure with respect to a given a horizontal/vertical line of symmetry or a point of rotation. complete a symmetric figure by translating. Description: Pupils will learn translation, rotation and reflection through using of interactive websites, hands-on activities and class discussions. Background knowledge: Pupils have an understanding of identifying symmetric figures, determining whether a straight line is a line of symmetry of a symmetric figure and completing a symmetric figure with respect to a given horizontal/vertical line of symmetry. Duration: 60 minutes Activities 1. Duration Introduction: Get pupils to try to form as many figures out of Resources 15 min tangram the 14 figures shown using the tangram shapes. Interactive manipulatives: Lead pupils to slide, rotate or flip to form the figures. /en/nav/frames_asi ml Interactive whiteboard 2. Development: Pupils are given tangram shapes to share. Pupils will 30 min Tangram cutouts: have hands-on as the teacher explains the following: http://www.creativ 1) Translate (slide) PAGE7.HTML Demonstrate how to slide the tangram shape in various directions. Lead pupils to notice that no matter which direction the tangram shape moves, the shape remains the same. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 75 of 117 Write ―A slide is to translate.‖ on the whiteboard. Tell pupils that a slide is to translate. It is where the shape moves to another place but the shape remains the same. 2) Rotate (turn) Write ―A turn is to rotate.‖ on the whiteboard. Demonstrate rotations by rotating any one of the tangram shapes 360 degrees then 90 degrees. Talk about how the tangram shapes may look different when rotated but the shape remains the same. 3) Reflect (flip) Demonstrate horizontal and vertical flips. Encourage pupils to talk about what happens when the tangrams are reflected. Lead them to notice that when a tangram shape is flipped, it becomes a mirror-image. 3. Conclusion: Review the concepts of reflecting, translating, 15 min Teacherprepared notes and rotating. and Give out pupils‘ notes and worksheets. worksheets (Appendix D1 and D2) 4. Extension: Pupils may do the following activities to get familiar with the new terms learnt. Online Lesson: Interactive Games: ape_game.asp Interactive Quiz: Teacher may prepare the following class game found in the link below. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 76 of 117 Appendix C Lesson Plan on Frieze and Wallpaper Group Subject: Mathematics Level/Ability: Primary 4 / HP Topic: Frieze and Wallpaper Group SIO: Pupils will be able to design and make patterns of frieze group r1m and r2. design and make patterns of wallpaper group p2mm and p4. Description: Pupils will learn the frieze group r1m and r2 and the wallpaper group p2mm and p4 through class discussions and the use of an interactive website. Background knowledge: Pupils have an understanding of what translation, rotation and reflection is. Duration: 60 minutes Activities 1. Duration Resources 10 min Introduction: Show pupils some pictures of patterns e.g. Figure 14 and 28. 2. Interactive Whiteboard Ask pupils to identify translation, rotation or Figure 14 frieze reflection if any found in the patterns. group of r2mm Tell pupils that Figure 14 is an example of a Figure frieze pattern and Figure 28 is an example of a wallpaper group of wallpaper pattern. c2mm 28 – Development: Write the word ―frieze pattern‖ and ―wallpaper 30 min Figure 12 frieze pattern‖ on the whiteboard. group of r1m – Tell pupils that a frieze pattern is a pattern that reflection extends in a one direction either horizontally or translation and vertically and a wallpaper pattern is a pattern that extends in both directions. Figure 16 frieze Relate the meanings of frieze and wallpaper to group Figure 14 and 28. rotation Show pupils Figure 12 and Figure 16. translation Ask pupils if Figure 12 and 16 are frieze or Figure wallpaper and explain if possible. Lead pupils to identify the transformation in Figure 12 and 16. Show pupils Figure 24 and 30. kind of of r2 – and 24 wallpaper group of p2mm – rotation order 2, reflection in 2 directions and MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 77 of 117 translation Ask pupils if Figure 24 and 30 are frieze or wallpaper and explain if possible. Lead pupils to identify the different kinds of Figure transformation in Figure 24 and 30. wallpaper group of Use the interactive website to reinforce the p4 – rotation order frieze groups r1m and r2 and wallpaper groups 4 only p2mm and p4. Frieze 30 and wallpaper interactive illustrations: ndson/kali/index.c gi?group=wt Frieze interactive illustrations: m/interactive_gam es.php?id=2 3. Conclusion: Review the concepts of frieze groups r1m and 15 min Teacherprepared notes r2 and wallpaper groups p2mm and p4. and Give out pupils‘ notes and worksheets. worksheets (Appendix E) MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 78 of 117 Appendix D1 Transformation Students’ Notes TOPIC: TRANSFORMATION Page 1 of 1 Pupils‘ Notes There are three kinds of transformations: 1) Reflection 2) Rotation 3) Translation After each transformation, the figure stays the same size and shape. Below shows an example for each transformation: 1) Reflection: It is a mirror image similar to your reflection. It can also be thought of as having to flip an image over to the other side. Let‘s take a look at the examples below. 2) Rotation: It is like a turn on its centre or about a point. Mathematicians will say ―rotate the figure about point x‖ Let‘s take a look at the example below. 3) Translation: It is like a slide. The figure still remains the same shape and orientation but is moved; there is no need to turn or flip it. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 79 of 117 Appendix D2 Transformation Students’ Worksheets TOPIC: TRANSFORMATION Worksheet Name: _________________________ Class: ______ Page 1 of 6 Date:____________ Section A: For Questions 1 to 8, identify each transformation by writing reflection, rotation or translation in the box provided. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 80 of 117 Page 2 of 6 Section B: For Questions 9 to 13, choose the correct answer and write its number in the brackets ( ) provided. 9. Which of the following lines is the line of symmetry of the figure shown below? 1 2 3 4 ( ) 10. Which of the following lines is the line of symmetry of the figure shown below? 1 2 3 4 ( MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT ) KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 81 of 117 Page 3 of 6 11. Which of the following points is the point of rotation of the figure shown below? 1 2 3 4 ( ) 12. Which of the following points is the point of rotation of the figure shown below? 1 2 3 4 ( ) 13. Which of the following lines is the line of symmetry of the figure shown below? 1 2 3 4 ( MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT ) KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 82 of 117 Page 4 of 6 Section C: For Questions 14 to 19, do as instructed in the question. 14. Complete the symmetric figure below by drawing its reflection given line x as the line of symmetry. x 15. Complete the symmetric figure below by drawing its reflection given line y as the line of symmetry. y MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 83 of 117 Page 5 of 6 16. Complete the symmetric figure below by drawing its rotation given point x as the point of rotation. x 17. Complete the symmetric figure below by drawing its rotation given point y as the point of rotation. y MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 84 of 117 Page 6 of 6 18. Complete the symmetric figure below by drawing its translation. 19. Complete the symmetric figure below by drawing its translation. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 85 of 117 Appendix E Frieze and Wallpaper Group Students’ Worksheets TOPIC: Frieze and Wallpaper Patterns Worksheet Name: _________________________ Class: ______ Page 1 of 4 Date:____________ For Sections A and B, only use either one of the given flag figures below to create your patterns. or Section A: For Questions 1 and 2, create each of the two frieze patterns, r1m and r2. Frieze Pattern r1m: Example A1 or 1) Use either one of the given flag figures above to create your frieze pattern r1m. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 86 of 117 Page 2 of 4 Frieze Pattern r2 Example A2 or 2) Use either one of the given flag figures above to create your frieze pattern r2. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 87 of 117 Page 3 of 4 Section B: For Questions 3 and 4, create each of the two wallpaper patterns, p2mm and p4. Wallpaper Pattern p2mm Example B3 3) Use either one of the given flag figures above to create your wallpaper pattern p2mm. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Wallpaper Pattern p4 Page 88 of 117 Page 4 of 4 Example B4 4) Use either one of the given flag figures above to create your wallpaper pattern p4. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 89 of 117 Appendix F Frequency Tally of Frieze and Wallpaper Groups Frieze Groups Masjid Sultan Asian Civilisation Museum 6 5 4 6 9 1 Islamic Art Museum Malaysia Masjid Krystal Islamic Civilisation Park Total no. of Frieze Types 2 1 14 1 8 20 r r11m r1m r2mm r2 r11g r2mg Wallpaper Groups 10 3 1 1 1 Masjid Sultan Asian Civilisation Museum p p2 1 2 Islamic Art Museum Malaysia 1 Masjid Krystal 1 1 2 1 3 p2mm 3 1 3 8 15 3 3 1 p2gg c1m 2 c2mm 2 8 1 1 1 4 2 12 24 3 p4 4 12 3 6 16 1 p4gm 3 4 p2mg 11 Total no. of Wallpaper Types 9 p1g p4mm Islamic Civilisation Park 9 p1m 4 49 1 p3 p3m1 p31m p6 p6mm No 3 6 5 13 18 3 2 14 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 90 of 117 pattern rosette 4 1 1 Total 54 29 38 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT 17 2 8 69 207 KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 91 of 117 Appendix G1 CAPSTONE Project Meeting Log (1) 1 Date 12 February 2011 2 Time 1450hr – 1600hr 3 Duration 1 hr 10 mins 4 Venue UniSIM 5 Student Kam Jiewen (W06605338) Name(PI) 6 7 Project Name Classification of Wallpaper Group in Islamic Arts (Project Code) (Jan2011/MTH/015) Review of Summary of previous meeting Previous This is the first meeting. Meeting and 8 progress Progress Minutes of Meeting was attended by: current meeting 1) Mr Quek Wei Ching (supervisor) 2) Ms Kam Jiewen 1) Discussed on the objective of the project 2) Asked about the recommended books or software to reference or use. 3) Discussed on the approach to do project, possible areas to include in research 4) Discussed on points to include in Part 2 of Project Proposal 5) Discussed on the number of hours to spend per week on the project 6) Discussed on the frequency to meet supervisor 9 Action items/ 1) To learn about wallpaper group and classify Islamic Art into the Targets to various groups. If possible, sketch some geometric designs based achieve on the wallpaper group. 2) Recommended books: ―Modern Geometries – The Analytic Approach‖ by Micheal Henle (borrowed) ―Experiencing Geometry‖ by David Henderson Software: Geometer‘s Sketchpad® (may decide to buy and claim it from UniSIM) Recommended to read ―Modern Geometries‖ MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 92 of 117 Chapter 21 – Discrete Symmetry, pg 244 – 265 and to complete reading in 2 weeks, 29/02/2011 3) I may want to uncover some history behind the art or applying it to my work (as a teacher), teaching of tessellation. 4) I may include the history of why some art are designed or how I can better teach primary school students to tessellate to make project research slightly more interesting 5) To spend a minimum of 13 hours weekly 6) To meet supervisor a minimum of once monthly 10 Other 1) - comment/Areas to improve 11 Reference 1. Journals - materials 2. Reference books – ―Modern Geometries – The Analytic Approach‖ by Micheal Henle, ―Experiencing Geometry‖ by David Henderson 3. Reports of past years project @ 12 How did you 4. Website – 5. Resources – The Geometer‘s Sketchpad® 6. Others - 7.5 progress so far? (10 Excellent, 1 Poor) MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 93 of 117 Appendix G2 CAPSTONE Project Meeting Log (2) 1 Date 21 February 2011 2 Time 1800hr – 1850hr 3 Duration 50 mins 4 Venue Singapore Poly T1813 Level 1 5 Student Kam Jiewen (W06605338) Name(PI) 6 7 Project Name Classification of Wallpaper Group in Islamic Arts (Project Code) (Jan2011/MTH/015) Review of Summary of previous meeting Previous - Meeting and Progress progress - Discussed on the Project Proposal and supervisor‘s expectations Have been doing Literature Review on wallpaper groups and working on the Project Proposal 8 Minutes of current meeting Meeting was attended by: 1) Mr Quek Wei Ching (supervisor) 2) Ms Kam Jiewen 1) Discussed whether there is a need to prove why there are only 17 classifications. 2) Discussed whether there is a need to do a Literature review on Group/Number Theory or read up on the textbooks, Linear Algebra/Abstract Algebra. 3) A professor from New Mexico State University has shown proof on the only 17 classifications using Group Cohomology and Spectral Sequences. Others have used other ways to arrive to the 17 classification. Discussed whether I should briefly mention other people‘s work. 4) Since wallpaper group is a collection of symmetry groups, discussed whether I should mention symmetry groups in my proposal. 5) Discussed if Tessellation can be included into my project and if I can also mention the restrictions to tessellating. 6) Discussed if I can use Excel to generate my Gantt chart instead of using OpenProj. 7) Discussed about the points for risk assessment of PART 3: Project MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 94 of 117 Plan. 9 Action items/ 1) Using of Group Cohomology and Spectral Sequence to prove Targets to (which was done by a professor) might be difficult, I can try to achieve understand what he had done to extend my research or just focus on my main objectives. Others have used algebra to show classification. Alternatively, I can use Geometry to show the 17 classifications. 2) I need not read up on the textbooks Linear Algebra / Abstract Algebra. Reading up on Modern Geometries and GROUPS & GEOMETRY BLOCK THREE UNIT GE4 Wallpaper patterns might be deemed sufficient for now. 3) I may briefly mention on other people‘s work in my proposal to show awareness of other people‘s research. 4) I may touch on symmetry groups since it is the basic theory behind wallpaper group. 5) The concept of tessellation comes before wallpaper group. It can be included into the project. 6) I may use Excel to generate my Gantt chart if I already have a template. 7) I will mention what factors might hinder me in reaching my project objectives and what I can do about to reach my objective ultimately. 10 Other comment/Areas 1) - to improve 11 Reference 1. Journals – materials 2. Reference books – GROUPS & GEOMETRY BLOCK THREE UNIT GE4 Wallpaper patterns – MZS336 Unit GE4 Mathematics and Computing – A third-level course, TheOpenUniversity 3. Reports of past years project @ 4. Website – 5. Resources – THE GEOMETER‘S SKETCHPAD® VERSION 4 and Supervisor-provided Activity worksheets 6. Others – A sample of Examination Timetabling – Research Plan by Ryan Chan Jun Neng, NUS High School of Math & Science 12 How did you 8 MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 95 of 117 progress so far? (10 Excellent, 1 Poor) MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 96 of 117 Appendix G3 CAPSTONE Project Meeting Log (3) 1 Date 30 March 2011 2 Time 1640hr – 1720hr 3 Duration 40 mins 4 Venue Singapore Poly T1811 Level 1 5 Student Kam Jiewen (W06605338) Name(PI) 6 7 Project Name Classification of Wallpaper Group in Islamic Arts (Project Code) (Jan2011/MTH/015) Review of Summary of previous meeting Previous - Meeting and Progress progress - Discussed in details on the Project Proposal Have been doing literature review on classification of wallpaper groups and collecting sample data (wallpaper design) for classification 8 Minutes of current meeting Meeting was attended by: 1) Mr Quek Wei Ching (supervisor) 2) Ms Kam Jiewen 1) Discussed whether there is a need to cite references for the interim report. 2) Discussed about the comments on my project proposal. 3) Discussed on the wallpaper designs which I have collected. 4) Clarified on the objectives which I should focus on. 5) Explained some of the symmetry groups‘ algorithm to me. 9 Action items/ Targets to achieve 1) Citing references is necessary in the writing of the interim report of 4 pages. 2) I have to include the creating of the student‘s activity worksheet into my Gantt chart. I also need to cite references on work of others who have researched on similar projects. Some of the wallpaper designs which I have collected do not fall into any of the 17 groups. I might not have enough sample designs for classifications. Thus, need to create some using GSP. 3) Some wallpaper designs collected are complicated due to the colours so there is a need to simplify the design in order to classify them. As wallpaper designs are limited, I may use designs MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 97 of 117 outside South East Asia or non Islamic instead of just Islamic Art in South East Asia. 4) I should focus on understanding the 17 groups so as to correctly classify wallpaper designs collected. Employing the knowledge and skills learnt to create student exercise worksheets. 5) I may investigate the proof of the 17 groups. 10 Other comment/Areas 1) N.A. to improve 11 Reference 1. materials Journals – A Computational Model for Periodic Pattern Perception Based on Frieze and Wallpaper Groups by Yanxi Liu, Member, IEEE, Robert T. Collins, Member, IEEE and Yanghai Tsin 2. Reference books – 3. Reports of past years project @ 12 How did you 4. Website – N.A. 5. Resources – N.A. 6. Others – N.A. 8 progress so far? (10 Excellent, 1 Poor) MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 98 of 117 Appendix G4 CAPSTONE Project Meeting Log (4) 1 Date 30 April 2011 2 Time 1500hr – 1540hr 3 Duration 40 mins 4 Venue Singapore Poly T1811 Level 1 5 Student Kam Jiewen (W06605338) Name(PI) 6 7 Project Name Classification of Wallpaper Group in Islamic Arts (Project Code) (Jan2011/MTH/015) Review of Summary of previous meeting Previous - Meeting and Progress progress - Discussed in details on the Interim Report Have been researching, classifying collected data and reading up on other related work 8 Minutes of current meeting Meeting was attended by: 1) Mr Quek Wei Ching (supervisor) 2) Ms Kam Jiewen 1) Discussed on the length of the Interim Report and the inclusive of pictures. 2) Discussed about the difficulties in getting wallpaper patterns in Singapore. 3) Discussed about the points included in the Interim Report. 9 Action items/ 1) Length of the report should be kept within 4 pages only. Pictures Targets to can be attached in the appendix instead of in the 4-page report. achieve Source of the pictures have to be stated as well. It was also mentioned that some of the frieze patterns can be repeated vertically in layers to make wallpaper. 2) Suggested visiting the mosque in Kuala Lumpur where the prime minister goes to pray. Also suggested visiting the museum in Kuala Lumpur to get more wallpaper. 3) Affirmed my work. Approved of the inclusion of comparing and contrasting other related work to the project. Length of the history and background of Islamic art was appropriate. To include reflection and glide reflection symmetry lines if possible. Also to include rotational points. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 10 Page 99 of 117 Other comment/Areas 1) N.A. to improve 11 Reference 1. Journals – N.A. materials 2. Reference books – N.A. 3. Reports of past years project @ 12 How did you 4. Website – N.A. 5. Resources – N.A. 6. Others – N.A. 8 progress so far? (10 Excellent, 1 Poor) MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 100 of 117 Appendix G5 CAPSTONE Project Meeting Log (5) 1 Date 28 May 2011 2 Time 1400hr – 1440hr 3 Duration 40 mins 4 Venue Singapore Polytechnic T1832 Level 3 5 Student Kam Jiewen (W06605338) Name(PI) 6 7 Project Name Classification of Wallpaper Group in Islamic Arts (Project Code) (Jan2011/MTH/015) Review of Summary of previous meeting Previous - Meeting and Progress progress - Discussed the details of the Interim Report Have been researching, classifying collected data and planning upcoming trips to Muslim states to collect more data required for classification 8 Minutes of current meeting Meeting was attended by: 1) Mr Quek Wei Ching (supervisor) 2) Ms Kam Jiewen 1) Discussed on the classification of collected data from Masjid Sultan (Singapore) mosque and Asian Civilisation Museum. 2) Discussed on the progress of the project. 3) Discussed the plans for June holidays, collecting more data for classification. 9 Action items/ 1) Supervisor has affirmed the classification of data into the different Targets to frieze group in the interim report as accurate. He has also affirmed achieve most of the classification of data into the different wallpaper group as accurate except for one. He has shared valuable feedback and knowledge on the inaccurate classification and the features of some wallpaper group. 2) Commented that the progress is according to schedule as planned in the Gantt chart. As for the future write-ups of the report, he advised not to mention about non-Euclidean wallpaper. 3) Informed him of my plans to go to : a) National Mosque and the museum, across the mosque, Kuala Lumpur and; MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 101 of 117 b) Masjid Abidin, Masjid Tengku Tengah, Masjid Krystal and Islamic Civilisation Park across the mosque, Terengganu. 10 Other comment/Areas 1) N.A. to improve 11 Reference 1. Journals – N.A. materials 2. Reference books – N.A. 3. Reports of past years project @ 12 How did you 4. Website – N.A. 5. Resources – N.A. 6. Others – N.A. 8.5 progress so far? (10 Excellent, 1 Poor) MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 102 of 117 Appendix G6 CAPSTONE Project Meeting Log (6) 1 Date 30 June 2011 2 Time 1835hr – 1925hr 3 Duration 50 mins 4 Venue SIM HQ Level 5 5 Student Kam Jiewen (W06605338) Name(PI) 6 7 Project Name Classification of Wallpaper Group in Islamic Arts (Project Code) (Jan2011/MTH/015) Review of Summary of previous meeting Previous - Meeting and progress Discussed the classification of the collected data from Masjid Sultan (Singapore) Progress - Have been researching, classifying collected data and collecting data from Muslim states (Kuala Lumpur and Terengganu) in June 8 Minutes of current meeting Meeting was attended by: 1) Mr Quek Wei Ching (supervisor) 2) Ms Kam Jiewen 1) Discussed the classification of collected data from National Mosque and the museum which was across the mosque in Kuala Lumpur 2) Discussed coming plans for the project 9 Action items/ 1) Supervisor has affirmed most of the classification of data into the Targets to different wallpaper group as accurate. He has shared valuable achieve feedback and knowledge on the inaccurate classification and the features of some wallpaper group. 2) Informed him of my plans: to start creating wallpaper (uncommonly-found) using Geometer‘s Sketchpad® a) to start creating student worksheets b) to state the common and uncommon wallpaper displayed in mosques and museums into the report c) to mention in the report that only one mosques in Terengganu allow non-Muslim to enter, that is Masjid Krystal. 10 Other 1) N.A. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 103 of 117 comment/Areas to improve 11 Reference 1. Journals – N.A. materials 2. Reference books – N.A. 3. Reports of past years project @ 4. Website – N.A. 5. Resources – N.A. 6. Others – Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia (KL) and Masjid Negara (KL) 12 How did you 7.5 progress so far? (10 Excellent, 1 Poor) MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 104 of 117 Appendix G7 CAPSTONE Project Meeting Log (7) 1 Date 30 July 2011 2 Time 1710hr – 1830hr 3 Duration 80 mins 4 Venue SIM HQ Level 1 5 Student Kam Jiewen (W06605338) Name(PI) 6 7 Project Name Classification of Wallpaper Group in Islamic Arts (Project Code) (Jan2011/MTH/015) Review of Summary of previous meeting Previous 1) Discussed the classification of collected data from the Meeting and National Mosque in Kuala Lumpur and the museum across it progress 2) Discussed coming plans for the project Progress Sketchpad® 8 Minutes of Meeting was attended by: current meeting 1) Mr Quek Wei Ching (supervisor) 2) Ms Kam Jiewen 9 Action items/ 1) Supervisor has affirmed the creation of the different wallpaper Targets to created using Geometer‘s Sketchpad®. achieve He has shared valuable feedback and knowledge on some of the created wallpaper. 2) He has also helped clarified matters on project claims. 3) Informed him of my plans: a) to start creating student‘s worksheets b) to start writing the final project report 10 Other comment/Areas 1) N.A. to improve 11 Reference 1. Journals – N.A. materials 2. Reference books – N.A. 3. Reports of past years project @ 4. Website – N.A. 5. Resources – Geometer‘s Sketchpad®. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 12 How did you Page 105 of 117 7.5 progress so far? (10 Excellent, 1 Poor) MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 106 of 117 Appendix G8 CAPSTONE Project Meeting Log (8) 1 Date 31 August 2011 2 Time 1800hr – 1835hr 3 Duration 35 min 4 Venue Singapore Polytechnic Block 18 T1813 5 Student Kam Jiewen (W06605338) Name(PI) 6 7 Project Name Classification of Wallpaper Group in Islamic Arts (Project Code) (Jan2011/MTH/015) Review of Summary of previous meeting Previous 1) Supervisor has affirmed the creation of the different wallpaper Meeting and using Geometer‘s Sketchpad® and shared valuable feedback and progress knowledge on some of the created wallpaper. 2) Discussed coming plans for the creation of student‘s worksheets and the writing of the final project report. Progress - Have been creating student‘s worksheets using created designs from Geometer‘s Sketchpad® - Have been planning the contents of final project report and writing of the project‘s abstract. 8 Minutes of Meeting was attended by: current meeting 1) Mr Quek Wei Ching (supervisor) 2) Ms Kam Jiewen 9 Action items/ 1) Supervisor has affirmed the project contents and its sequential Targets to flow. It has been clarified that the final project report is a achieve continual of a combination of the project proposal and interim report. Final project report is to be continued based on the discussed contents with Supervisor. 2) Supervisor has approved the drafted ideas of the project abstract. 3) It has been clarified that the acknowledgements need not include authors / creators of books / websites that assist in writing of the report. 4) Supervisor has approved the creation of the student‘s worksheets teaching them transformation. Worksheets created are progressive in difficulty. It has been proposed and approved by the supervisor MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 107 of 117 that the following worksheets to be created will expose students to only some wallpaper designs. Ultimately, the students will be able to create some wallpaper designs on their own. 10 Other comment/Areas 1) N.A. to improve 11 Reference 1. Journals – N.A. materials 2. Reference books – N.A. 3. Reports of past years project @ 12 How did you 4. Website – N.A. 5. Resources – ® , Microsoft Document 7.5 progress so far? (10 Excellent, 1 Poor) MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 108 of 117 Appendix G9 CAPSTONE Project Meeting Log (9) 1 Date 30 September 2011 2 Time 1745hr – 1835hr 3 Duration 50 min 4 Venue Singapore Polytechnic Library 5 Student Kam Jiewen (W06605338) Name(PI) 6 7 Project Name Classification of Wallpaper Group in Islamic Arts (Project Code) (Jan2011/MTH/015) Review of Summary of previous meeting Previous 1) Supervisor has affirmed the project contents and its sequential Meeting and progress flow. 2) Supervisor has approved the drafted ideas of the project abstract. 3) Supervisor has approved the creation of the student‘s worksheets teaching them transformation. Progress - 8 Have been drafting final Minutes of Meeting was attended by: current meeting 1) Mr Quek Wei Ching (supervisor) 2) Ms Kam Jiewen 9 Action items/ 1) Clarified the required number of words for: Targets to Problem and Discussion – 500 words achieve Conclusion and Recommendations o Conclusion – 1 paragraph / 250-300 words o Recommendations – 500-600 words Critical Review and Reflection – 500 words / 1-2 pages o Reflect on ones progress in meeting log but need not make reference to it. Supervisor has advised to follow the guidelines of the handbook closely. 2) Discussed on the points on the following chapters: Problem and Discussion Conclusion and Recommendations Critical Review and Reflection Glossary MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 109 of 117 o wallpaper group table o Need not include definitions Appendices o Figures, Gantt chart, worksheets and meeting logs 3) Objectives shall be modified to include research and classification of frieze patterns 10 Other comment/Areas 1) N.A. to improve 11 Reference 1. Journals – N.A. materials 2. Reference books – N.A. 3. Reports of past years project @ 12 How did you 4. Website – N.A. 5. Resources – Geometer‘s Sketchpad® , Microsoft Document 8 progress so far? (10 Excellent, 1 Poor) MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 110 of 117 Appendix G10 CAPSTONE Project Meeting Log (10) 1 Date 24 October 2011 2 Time 1840hr – 1930hr 3 Duration 50 min 4 Venue Singapore Polytechnic Library 5 Student Kam Jiewen (W06605338) Name(PI) 6 7 Project Name Classification of Wallpaper Group in Islamic Arts (Project Code) (Jan2011/MTH/015) Review of Summary of previous meeting Previous - Meeting and progress of some chapters of the final report. Progress - 8 Minutes of current meeting Supervisor has clarified issues on the criteria and subject matters Have been drafting final project report Meeting was attended by: 1) Mr Quek Wei Ching (supervisor) 2) Ms Kam Jiewen 9 Action items/ 1) Clarified on the need to reference ideas and resources used in the Targets to lesson plans. Supervisor has advised to include these references achieve into the report. 2) Supervisor has approved the project claims. The claim form has since been submitted. 3) Had compiled the collected data into a frequency tally. Supervisor has affirmed the tally and it is to be included into the report. A summary statement or conclusion can be drawn from the table. It is not required to include all 207 pictures into the report as the file would be too large. At least 1 picture of each group to be included. 4) Supervisor has affirmed the planned activities and created resources for the students. 5) Clarified some issues about the inclusion of implementation phase into the Gantt Chart. Supervisor mentioned that it is not necessary to include. 6) Shared some findings and research regarding frieze and wallpaper groups. MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 10 Page 111 of 117 Other comment/Areas 1) N.A. to improve 11 Reference 1. Journals – N.A. materials 2. Reference books – N.A. 3. Reports of past years project @ 12 How did you 4. Website – N.A. 5. Resources – Geometer‘s Sketchpad®, Microsoft Document 8 progress so far? (10 Excellent, 1 Poor) MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 112 of 117 GLOSSARY Arabesque an ornamental motif, correlated with Islamic art, of leaves and branches combined with geometric decoration, human figures, patterns of flowers and plant and animal forms (Savory, 1994:pp.89). Axiom mathematical assumption that is true without the need for formal demonstration (Easwaran, 2007:pp.2-3; Toida, 2009). Balustrade a railing supported by balusters, which forms an ornamental parapet to a balcony, bridge or terrace (Oxford Dictionaries, 2011). Dihedral group a group of isometries (reflections and rotations) (Schattschneider, 1978:pp.439) Euclidean geometry the study of plane and solid figures on the basis of axioms and theorems employed by the Greek mathematician Euclid (Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 2011). Discrete group a group that has only a finite number of points inside any circle (Henle, 1997:pp.246-247). MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 113 of 117 Fatimid Dynasty political and religious dynasty that dominated an empire in North Africa and subsequently in the Middle East from ad 909 to 1171. It took its name from Fāṭimah, the daughter of the Prophet Muḥammad, from whom the Fāṭimids claimed descent (Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 2011). Four-dimensional space any three-dimensional body moving in time and leaving a trace of its movement, the temporal four-dimensional body (Norton, 2008). Frieze group pattern that has rotations and/or reflections but one-directional translations and their inverses (Holme, 2010:pp.451). Group Cohomology a theory that intertwines algebraic invariants and topological aspects (Adem, 2007:pp.317) Hermann-Mauguin-like symbols international symbols that describe crystal classes from the symmetry subject matter (Nelson, 2010). High Progress (HP) high ability Invariant entities, properties, quantities, relationships, etc., that are unaltered by particular transformations (Brummelen and Kinyon, 2005:pp.248). MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 114 of 117 Islam literally ―surrender,‖ ―submission‖ to the will of God; the religion promulgated by Muhammad and followed today by about one-quarter of the world‘s population (Hens, 2004:pp.46). Isometry symmetry movement, a distance-preserving transformation (The Geometry Center, 1995). Lattice a grid structure resulted from connecting all translation of matching points (Bart and Clair, 2011). Maghrebi script maghrebi also spelled maghribi, in calligraphy, Islamic cursive style of handwritten alphabet that developed directly from the early Kūfic angular scripts used by the Muslim peoples of the Maghrib, who were Westerninfluenced and relatively isolated from Islam as it was absorbed into the eastern part of North Africa. The script they developed is rounded, with exaggerated extension of horizontal elements and final open curves below the register (Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 2011). Moorish to describe a member of a NW African Muslim people of mixed Berber and Arab descent who conquered the Iberian peninsula in the 8th century, but were finally driven out of their last stronghold in Granada at the end of the 15th century (Oxford Dictionaries, 2011). Mosque (Masjid) literally ―place of prostration,‖ where Muslims gather for prayer; a new mosque is built where the calls to prayer from the nearest mosque can no longer be heard (Hens, 2004:pp.46). MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 115 of 117 Mughal art art of the Mughals was similar to that of the Ottomans in that it was a late imperial art of Muslim princes. Both styles were rooted in several centuries (at least from the 13th century onward) of adaptation of Islāmic functions to indigenous forms (Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 2011). Muhammad (b. Mecca, Arabia, ca. 570 A.D., d. Medina, 632 A.D.) recognised as ‖the messenger of God‖ by the Muslims, he was an Arab merchant who preached the Islamic faith, began receiving divine revelations about 610 A.D., and was forced to leave with his followers from Mecca to Medina in 622 A.D. (Hens, 2004:pp.46). Muslim a follower of Islam, literally ―one who surrenders,‖ hence, one who has direct access to his/her God (Islam having no priesthood) (Hens, 2004:pp.46). Orbifold a quotient space of the two-dimensional Euclidean space with respect to a finite group (Kung, 2009:pp.57). Platonism any philosophy that derives its ultimate inspiration from Plato. Platonism can be said to have in common is an intense concern for the quality of human life—always ethical, often religious, and sometimes political, based on a belief in unchanging and eternal realities, which Plato called forms, independent of the changing things of the world perceived by the senses. Platonism sees these realities both as the causes of the existence of everything in the universe and as giving value and meaning to its contents in general and the life of its inhabitants in particular (Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 2011). MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 116 of 117 Point group in crystallography, listing of the ways in which the orientation of a crystal can be changed without seeming to change the positions of its atoms. These changes of orientation must involve just the point operations of rotation about an axis, reflection in a plane, inversion about a centre, or sequential rotation and inversion. Only 32 distinct combinations of these point operations are possible, as demonstrated by a German mineralogist, Johann F.C. Hessel, in 1830. Each possible combination is called a point group (Collins and Liu, 1998:pp.3). Reflection mirror symmetric (Kaplan, 2009:pp.11-12) Rosette a symmetry group containing rotations and/or reflections but not translations (Holme, 2010:pp.451). Rotation a figure, without symmetry, is repeated about a fixed point until it returns back to its original position (Ronan, 2006:pp.34). Specific Instructional Objectives (SIO) specific measurable objectives to be achieved at the end of a lesson. Spiral a circular motion of Arabesque Symmetry correspondence in size, shape, and relative position of parts on opposite sides of a dividing line or medium plane or about a centre or axis (Hens, 2004:pp.46). MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338 JAN2011/MTH/015 Page 117 of 117 Symmetry group a group of symmetries for a given pattern is called a symmetry group (Asche and Holroyd, 1994:pp.10). Tessellate covers without gaps or overlaps by congruent plane figures of one type or a few types (Hens, 2004:pp.46). Transformation rotation, reflection, glide-reflection, translation or dilation (Majewski and Wang, 2009:pp.1) Translation direct isometry without fixed points (Blanco and Harris, 2011:pp.35) Wallpaper group a group of plane isometric movement, which is the symmetry group of wallpaper patterns (Asche and Holroyd, 1994:pp.10). MTH499 CAPSTONE PROJECT FINAL REPORT KAM Jiewen, W0605338