Andy Batkin (continued)
Andy Batkin (continued)
Index Welcome ...................................................................... 3-4 Agenda ........................................................................ 5-9 Sponsors...................................................................10-26 Partners .................................................................... 27-31 Speaker Bios .............................................................32-78 See You in Brussels ....................................................... 79 2 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV November 16, 2011 Welcome to The Social TV Summit New York, a high level executive conference designed to learn how social media is effecting how we all view content, on the big screen in your living room, on your laptop, on your tablet or mobile phone. In our Sold Out Social TV Summit Los Angeles in July, our high level executive speakers helped define Social TV. In addition, we showed research and data that proves there is a huge audience out there who are co-viewing and enjoying companion television. We also showed case studies of how media companies are currently executing Social TV campaigns with some very cool new technology solution providers and finally, we discussed how we all will generate new digital revenues from this socially engaged audience. As the Social TV space is “white-hot”, The Social TV Summit New York is going to continue to help you fully understand the opportunities that Social TV can provide. Throughout the day we will be asking you to tell us your thoughts, opinions, emotions and sentiment. We believe that the audience is a part of each panel and we want you to interact and be social during these important panels and discussions. So grab a mike, Tweet your thoughts, Facebook your friends and vote with our Real Time Poll system. We will be streaming The Social TV Summit LIVE today, so feel free to let your colleagues who aren’t here, know about how they can still join the discussion from their office or home. I have been organizing conferences since the late 1980s and I always make sure there is great networking opportunities to build new relationships, enhance the existing one’s and create a friendly deal-making environment. If you would like to meet anyone here, please ask Jack Myers or I, or any of our great staff to make that introduction for you. Thank you for joining us here at Capitale. We think it is the perfect venue to bring together all of the key stakeholders in Social TV. Jack Myers and I hope you: learn, network, make deals and have fun! Andy Batkin CEO Social Summits, LLC. @socialtvsummit 3 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Dear Colleagues, By 2020, Social TV will grow to an $8 to $12 billion business. and an estimated 70% will be directed to the social initiatives of the trusted, iconic and popular legacy media brands: TV networks, studios, stations, talent and their distribution partners will be primary beneficiaries... if they invest now. It’s a focus on and investment in content that drives this sustained success. Investments in “socially connected” TV content initiatives will drive ratings increases, new programming opportunities and emotional connections with the emerging millennial audience and their spending power. Andy Batkin and I are honored to present this new world of Social TV opportunities to you today. We’re eager for your feedback and look forward to seeing you at our next Social TV Summit in Brussels on March 22, 2012. Best, Jack Myers Jack Myers Media Business Report Media Advisory Group 4 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV AGENDA CAPITALE 130 Bowery at Grand, New York, NY 10013 NOVEMBER 16, 2011 5 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV AGENDA 7:30 am – 8:30 am Registration and Check In Continental Breakfast Will Be Served 8:30 am – 8:45 am Welcome Andy Batkin, CEO, Social TV Summit Jack Myers, CEO, Jack Myers Media Business Report Itzik Cohen, CEO, ClipSync 8:45 am – 9:15 am Morning Keynote Speech Kay Madati, Entertainment Strategy Lead, Global Customer Marketing, Facebook Andy Mitchell, Strategic Partner Development, Media, Facebook 9:15 am – 10:15 am Broadcast, Cable, Satellite – Executive Roundtable – How Are the Major Broadcasters, Satellite and Cable Networks Using Twitter, Facebook and New Social TV Applications and Platforms to Drive New Viewers, Keep Them Engaged and Generate New Revenues? Moderator and Session Keynote: Jack Myers, CEO, Jack Myers Media Business Report Speakers: Kevin Conroy, President, Interactive Media Group, Univision Hardie Tankersley, VP, Social Media & Innovation, FOX Broadcasting Jeremy Legg, SVP Business Development & Multi-Platform Distribution, Turner Broadcasting Marc DeBevoise, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Entertainment, CBS Interactive Roland Noll, VP – Product Marketing, U-verse TV Advertising and Commerce – AT&T Christy Tanner, General Manager, Executive Vice President, TV Guide Digital Jason Klarman, President, Oxygen Media/NBC Universal 6 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV AGENDA 10:15 am – 10:45 am Coffee Break and Networking 10:45 am – 11:45 am “What’s Inside the Box”? Producers are Starting to Develop Shows and Networks With Social TV In Mind…..Some Are Actually Integrating Social TV Applications Into the Show and Into the Set-Top Box….Don’t Miss These Great Case Studies! Moderator and Session Keynote: Andy Batkin, CEO, Social TV Summit Speakers: ClipSync and MTV – Itzik Cohen, CEO, ClipSync and Johnson Tang, Sr. Director of Product Development, MTV & VH1 Digital X-Factor and TVplus – Olivier Delfosse, VP, Interactive, Mobile & Digital Content, FremantleMedia Enterprises, North America and Randy Shiozaki, Co-Founder, CXO, TVplus DirecTV and GetGlue- Alex Iskold, CEO, GetGlue and David Schlacht, Senior Director of Multimedia and Innovation, DirecTV Chris Wyatt, CEO and Founder of Youtoo Social TV Network Gayle Weiswasser, VP, Social Media Communications, Discovery Communications 11:45am – 12:45pm Social TV Research – Is There An Audience Actually Using Social Media While They Watch TV? How is It Measured? What TV Shows Are the Most Social? Are Those Shows The Most Watched Shows? Moderator and Session Keynote: Jack Myers, CEO, Jack Myers Media Business Report Speakers: David Nahmani, Director, Business Development and Partnerships, Orange – France Telecom Mark Gunheim, CEO and Founder, Trendrr Sean Casey, Founder and CEO, Social Guide Deb Roy, Founder and CEO, Bluefin Labs 7 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV AGENDA 12:45 pm – 2:00 pm 10 Great Ideas – Audience Votes for the Winner As lunch is served our audience will be presented with 10 Great New Social TV Ideas. Fast paced, two minutes each, fun and informative. Second Screen civoultion One Minute News Realtime Web TVTak Tapp Tweeplayer tweet.TV Greenlink Networks Tvplus Mobile Research Labs Lunch and Networking 2:00 pm – 2:30 pm Afternoon Keynote Speech Chloe Sladden, Director of Content and Programming, Twitter 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm Follow the Eyeballs……Is There a New Syndication Model? Are Content Providers Just Now Realizing the Web Is A Great Distribution Platform? Where Do The Local TV Stations Fit In? How Does Social TV Play A Part? Moderator and Session Keynote: Andy Batkin, CEO, Social TV Summit Speakers: John Nogawski, President CBS Television Distribution Alvin Bowles, CEO, GrabNetworks Evan Young, VP, Product Marketing, TIVo Laura Lee, Director/Head of East Coast and Canadian TV/Film Partnerships, YouTube Ian Aaron, Co founder, ConnecTV Dori Gurwitz, VP Business Development and Partnerships, Watchitoo 3:30 pm – 4:00 pm Coffee Break and Networking 8 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV AGENDA 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm Marketer Social TV Case Studies…. What Worked? What Didn’t? How Was It Measured? What is the future for Brands and Agencies and Social TV Solutions? How are Social TV Deals Done? Who Zooms Who? Moderator and Session Keynote: Mike Proulx, Senior VP, Digital Strategy, Hill Holiday – Author, Social TV – The Book Speakers: David Verklin, Managing Partner of VSVentures LLC. (Previous CEO, Canoe Ventures and Carat, USA.) Jeremy Lockhorn, VP, Emerging Media, Razorfish Pepsi Pulse and Pepsi Sound Off Platform Case Study – Shiv Singh, Head of Digital, Pepsico Beverages The Weather Channel, Citi and Twitter Case Study – Derek Van Nostran, SVP, Brand Strategy, The Weather Channel 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm Social TV Company Solutions – Technology Solutions Driving the Social TV Industry – One Screen, Two Screen, Three Screen Update Moderator and Session Keynote: Shelly Palmer, Host of Fox 5’s Shelly Palmer Digital Living Speakers: Alex Iskold, CEO, GetGlue David Jones, EVP, Marketing, Shazam Russ Schafer, VP, Product Marketing, YAHOO Connected TV Somrat Niyogi, CEO & Co-Founder, MISO Mike Folgner, CEO, Snappy TV Scott Rosenberg, Co-founder/CEO, Umami Co. 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Cocktails and Networking 9 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV OUR SPONSORS 10 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV TITLE SPONSOR clipsync 11 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Get ready to experience the new industry standard for Social TV applications 11.16.11 PLATINUM SPONSOR 13 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV GOLD SPONSORS 15 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV :7.#'5.$);%&"8,<) =3""$9#)0'#>)/;=?"'@$%,&.)A'B'#&.):$8'&C,)DEE)('..'3"F)7,$%,)0'#>)) G$#$%)/&-.3%H)!IG)A'B'#&.)4&.$,H)JDJKLLMKLDNM<))) !"#$%#&'"($"#) *'+$,#-.$) /$0,)1)) 2"3+%(&#'3") 453%#,) 655,) 678'$"9$) !"#$%&%'(#)*"" OFFICIAL SPONSORS OFFICIAL STREAMING SPONSOR MARKET INTELLIGENCE SPONSOR VENTURE CAPITAL SPONSOR NOTEBOOKS SPONSOR INTERNET & COMMUNICATIONS CAFE SPONSOR 21 |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ntelligence for a changing video landscape Leading television programmers and multichannel video distributors rely on One Touch Intelligence to help make smart business decisions. So should you. Contact us today for more detail and a complimentary sample of one of our Internet Video Intelligence reports: • VIDEOTRAK®: Authoritative weekly reports featuring analysis around the evolution of OTT and IP video players, their platforms and strategies. • VIDEOTRAK® In Focus: From Social TV to Sports, these single-subject monthly reports illuminate specific products, companies and online video strategies in detail. • CONTENT & TECHNOLOGY PROVIDER CENSUS: A custom database delivering daily tracking and updating of more than 40 Internet video content and technology providers. • APPSTRAK™ Scorecard: Detail summary of mobile and portable video applications, including on-demand and streaming for 40+ network and distributor platforms. (720) 775-6700 Identify | Manage | Monetize Identify Protect content from piracy. Instate accountability and evaluate usage throughout the content lifecycle. Synchronize programs with smart devices. Manage Determine content reach and control inventory. Define rules for content distribution and usage. Trigger real-time interactive events on the second screen. Monetize Develop new business models, implement monetization mechanisms and generate new revenue streams. Civolution is the leading provider of technology and solutions for identifying, managing and monetizing media content. The company offers an extensive portfolio of cutting edge applications for digital watermarking and fingerprinting which enable media protection (content filtering and forensic marking of media assets in pre-release, digital cinema, payTV and online), media interaction (accurate and real-time video synchronization for 2nd screen and SmartTVs) and media intelligence (audience measurement and media monitoring for television, radio and internet). Civolution offers the most comprehensive solutions to manage and facilitate profitable content distribution and use. Emmy Award Winner! ® At the 63rd Primetime Emmy® Engineering Awards, The Academy of Television Arts and Sciences awarded Yahoo! Connected TV the 2011 Primetime Emmy® Engineering Plaque for Internet TV innovations and engineering excellence! Yahoo! delivers Internet-Enhanced Television to 10 million TVs in 135 countries. The Yahoo! Connected TV Store includes 75,000 TV shows and movies, news, music, sports, games, social, shopping, photos and more… Coming Soon! Interact with content personalized to the TV show you are watching. Broadcast Interactivity Play videos on your tablet related to the show you are watching. Push videos from your phone to play on your TV. Device Communication Go to the Yahoo! Connected web site or email us: PARTNERS MEDIA SPONSOR 27 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV “OUT OF BOX” INSIGHTS Trendrr.TV is a comprehensive service for networks, studios, brands, and agencies; delivering actionable insights around engagement on television. Over half of the top 25 television networks are trending with us. How can we help you? | @trendrrtv | 212.242.3400 | #socialtv TweePLayer The First Social Media DVR Capture, Curate, and Replay Synced SocialTV Social TV Summit’s O cial Social Replay Sponsor E ngage your audiences and their Social Networks. Use their Social Networks to add viewers and generate focused, new convesation. Leverage every airing of an TV Show or Event, on TV or online, to excite more viewers and encourage them to keep coming back for evergreen social media content. C apture conversation using keywords, hashtags, user names, network graph, time, location, and more. We work with our Social Media partners to get the entire social conversation for your TV shows and events. C urate content automatically or manually. Whitelist or Blacklist content based on Users, Tweets, Keywords, Superfans, and Celebrity Personalities. Automatically display posts based on Scoring, and number of Posts per second. Posts are automatically scored, based on Content, Language, User, Popularity, Complexity, Variety, and “Interestingness”. R eplay the Social Media Conversation when you are watching your favorite TV shows, and events. See the Best possible conversation, tuned to provide just the right number of posts every second, ltering out all the duplicate, and similar posts, leaving only the most interesting posts for you to read and respond to. Vel: Ad : Vulputate: S ynced posts about the video display exactly in sync with the original event. Add new Posts to Social Media sites while watching a replayed show days or years later. Include “MomentLinks” in posts to link directly to the moments viewers are posting about. New posts will be perfectly synced with the original conversation. Conversations from multiple reairings, east coast or west coast, and later are synced and merged together. This creates the best possible content in a growing conversation. C oming soon... replayable Layers showing only rends, celebrities, VIP conversations, location aware, Apps for iOS and Android, Automatic second screen syncing, and more. Sail Away to Key Largo NOHGCOP .E>FC#>LF## !@@A#!B?CD=## ?ED#QGKC#!@@## /GKJD#!J=G#,F#?## &F?>KCFD#!@@#GE## >LF#!@@A#*5>F %BG#.E>C5F=#HGC# >LF#$C5RF#GH#'EF< Tweet Yourself !""#$"!%&'()*+#&(')#)',-".#%'#%!,".%* January 22-25, 2012 Ocean Reef Club, Key Largo One of the industry’s most exclusive Summits meets one of Florida’s most exclusive resorts. /!%.0'(-.*#-1/"23.4 5$!3#$2,"-*6-10#7#)!(8.%-109,(!13-109!3:.(%-*-10# 1.;*#7#0!).*#7#*'/-!"#1.%;'(8-10# .1%.(%!-1).1%#7#!13#)'(.<<< :5=5>#?@@A?B?CD=<EF>#>G#.E>FC#?ED#HGC ;FFIJA#&F?>KCFD#!@@=#?ED#%LF#!@@A#,JGM !"#!$%&'()*&+',&)*-,.)% /001/2/3456789 “With billions of videos viewed online daily, the new media revolution will be programmed by companies creating and distributing killer content to engage a mass audience at a fraction of the old cost. Turn chaos into commerce with creators, brands, and distributors at NATPE.” ROB BARNETT NATPE, January 23-25, 2012 Fontainebleau Resort, Miami Beach Use promo code N12SclTV for $750 registration rate (does not include membership) © 2011 NATPE. All rights reserved SPEAKER BIOS 32 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Andy Batkin CEO, Social TV Summit Andy Batkin is currently the CEO of Social Summits, LLC. (SSL), a strategic consulting company specializing in digital and social media,. SSL’s Strategic Consulting Group offers its clients digital and social media, interactive marketing, electronic commerce, and business planning and development services with a focus on revenue generation and creating innovative and effective strategies and business models tailored to meet our clients’ specific goals and objectives. SSL’s interactive publishing and conference division facilitates the growth of Social Media and Social TV, Online, and in person through the Social TV Summits worldwide In 1996, Mr. Batkin founded SOFTBANK Interactive Marketing Inc. (SIM) after his company, Interactive Marketing, Inc. (IMI) was bought by SOFTBANK CORPORATION in Japan. Under his guidance as Chairman and CEO the company sold 50 million dollars of interactive media in its first twelve months and grew to be the world’s largest interactive media rep firm and largest single source of Web impressions reaching nearly half – a full 48.8 percent – of all active Web users through a portfolio of eight of its select, branded sites. In early 1995, under Mr. Batkin’s leadership IMI, became the Interactive Marketing Agency of Record, for Yahoo! and developed the branding and media strategy to create Yahoo! into a powerhouse Internet media company with a multi-billion dollar valuation. IMI was also the exclusive interactive advertising sales organization for Yahoo! for the first two years of Yahoo’s young life and handed over 1700 sales relationships to the new sales team that was developed by Mr. Batkin. IMI performed similar work for Netscape, ZDNet, Playboy, the National Football League, where Mr. Batkin created; NBC, MapQuest, and many others. In the five years prior, Mr. Batkin founded two companies, which specialized in using new and emerging interactive technologies to create advertising, promotional and marketing programs. In 1991, he founded The Creative Services Group and was its president and creative director. A year later, the firm was renamed Interactive Marketing Inc. (IMI). During this period, he began to focus the firm’s operations in three core areas: interactive marketing and promotions, interactive advertising sales, and conferences. IMI produced conferences such as The Conference on Interactive Marketing East & West, Camp Internet and Web Innovation conferences. All these divisions were rolled up to Interactive Marketing, LLC and were sold to SOFTBANK Corporation of Japan in June of 1996. 33 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Andy Batkin (continued) Mr. Batkin is recognized as one of the founders of the interactive industry back in 1983, and has over 28 years of experience in creating innovative integrated marketing, digital media and promotional campaigns for Fortune 500 and Entertainment companies such as: Anheuser-Busch, BASF, CBS, NBC, FOX, Coca-Cola, Walt Disney, Sprint, TaylorMade-adidas, Toyota, the NFL; and Internet Media companies such as: YAHOO!, Netscape, Lycos, Sportsline, and 24/7 RealMedia. Andy Batkin is also currently the CEO of Innovative Media Solutions, LLC, a company that specializes in creating custom designed integrated media programs for major corporations that meet specific marketing goals and objectives. IMS’ totally accountable programs make use of TV, radio, print, direct marketing, promotions, public relations, data base marketing and interactive media. In 2003 Mr. Batkin created and televised a major golf event called People vs. the Pros at Lake Las Vegas, a made for TV golf event that enabled amateurs to have a chance to play against PGA TOUR legends, with the benefit of their handicap, in match play and have it broadcast on national television. The initial program was a huge success with press coverage in over 100 newspapers like: USA Today, LA Times, NY Times, Miami Herald, Washington Post, magazines such as TV Guide, Golf Magazine, Golf Week, Golf Digest and TV stations/networks/programs such as: ESPN, Entertainment Tonight, CBS, ABC, NBC, WB, UPN and The Golf Channel. Mr. Batkin speaks at many industry conferences and has been quoted in major publications such as: The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Advertising Age, Brandweek, Mediapost, Business 2.0, and many others, on the evolution of digital and social media. In 1999 he received The Albert Einstein Technology Medal in Israel, as well as being named an honored member of Who’s Who Worldwide and listed in the Registry of Global Business Leaders. Mr. Batkin is a graduate of Boston University with a B.S. in Public Communications. He has served as treasurer of the NAIS (National Association of Interactive Services), and on the board of directors of the ISA (Interactive Services Association). He was also a founding member of the Internet Advertising Bureau (the IAB). He was the Chairman of the Interactive Promotion Marketing Council and a member of the Board of Directors of the Promotion Marketing Association. Mr. Batkin also served on the Board of Directors for the OVAB and was co-Chair of the Conference Committee and Chair of the Media Operations Committee. Andy lives in Manhattan Beach, CA. with his wife Bridget and his two daughters, Lia and Samantha. 34 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Jack Myers CEO, Jack Myers Media Business Report Jack Myers is a media economist and chairman of Media Advisory Group, which invests in early stage companies that advance and support the media and advertising business. Jack is the author of three books on advertising, writes the weekly (subscriber-only) Jack Myers Media Business Report and publishes and blog platform for industry thought leaders. Jack is the recipient of the George Foster Peabody Award for journalism, won the Crystal Heart Award from the Heartland Film Festival, and has been nominated for both an Academy and Emmy Award. For more than two decades, Jack has been among the media industry’s leading visionaries and economic forecasters. He has advised more than 250 media companies, marketers and agencies on business transformation, revenue-development and organizational best practices. Jack co-founded the Syracuse New Times, which remains the leading weekly in the Syracuse market. He joined the out-of-home division of Metromedia as a sales executive, moved to ABC-FM Radio as local sales manager then moved to CBS-Television Stations, where he became Director of Marketing, Business Development and Research. He was an early advocate of investment in cable TV and became EVP Content and Revenue for UTV Cable Network before forming his own business in 1985. In 1995, Jack was asked by President and Mrs. Clinton to lead a delegation of advertising executives to the White House Conference on Children’s Educational Television. He has co-produced six broadcast network primetime specials with advertiser funding support and executive produced the award-winning documentary Hank Aaron: Chasing the Dream. Jack is a Board Member Emeritus of the Newhouse School of Communications at Syracuse University, served on the Advisory Board for the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development at New York University, is a member of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, and serves on the boards of several charitable organizations including the John A. Reisenbach Foundation. 35 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Itzik Cohen Founder and CEO, ClipSync Prior to founding ClipSync, Mr. Cohen was a part of the early team at WebEx Communications, the Web Meeting Applications Company Acquired by Cisco Systems (NASDAQ: CSCO) there he was centrally involved with funding and IPO and reported to the CEO while focusing on Business Development. Prior to WebEx, Mr. Cohen was Director of Business Development at NetManage Inc., where he led the Advanced Technology team focusing on collaborative technologies. As a professional basketball player in Europe, Mr. Cohen played for Maccabi Tel-Aviv, a 4 time EuroLeague champions. A native of Israel, Mr. Cohen also served in the Israeli Air Force. About ClipSync ClipSync is the leading social video and audience engagement company. Through its exclusive media and network partnerships, ClipSync’s audience engagement platform enables fans to participate with online video and broadcast content in entirely new social ways, such as community viewing, audience voting, content sharing, trivia, and games. Over 50 networks worldwide, including CBS, Starz, MTV, VH1, Comedy Central, Showtime, Nickelodeon, and the Home Shopping Network, have generated over 200 million unique social viewing experiences for their fans utilizing ClipSync. Founded in 2008, ClipSync has offices in New York and San Francisco. 36 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Kay Madati Entertainment Strategy Lead, Global Customer Marketing, Facebook Kay M. Madati is the Entertainment Marketing Strategy Lead at Facebook, Inc. As a member of the Global Customer Marketing Group, Mr. Madati oversees creating effective, longterm strategies that position Facebook as a critical and foundational element of the marketing matrix for Film, TV, Music, and Entertainment content publishers and distributors. With a focus on providing relevant insights, strategies, partnerships, and compelling solutions, Mr. Madati is charged with strategically growing and building Facebook’s footprint and relationships in the entertainment space. Prior to this role, Mr. Madati was the Vice President of Audience Experience at CNN Worldwide, overseeing the development and execution of a successful social media and consumer engagement + experience strategy across all of CNN’s distribution platforms, including television, digital, mobile, the social web and offline events, He was responsible for building, growing, and aggregating audiences for CNN content, shows, and personalities, with the end goal of strengthening and deepening audience connections to the CNN brand and its offerings. Previously, Mr. Madati was the Vice President of Marketing at Community Connect, Inc., a top 50 social networking web publisher with with sites like and He was responsible for the overall branding and marketing of these sites, as well as site programming, public relations, events, and partnerships. Madati began his career with BMW of North America, where he held a variety of leadership roles in sales, operations and marketing; working on projects that highlighted innovation and creativity with leveraging technology and media to engage consumers. Mr. Madati has a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Georgetown University in Washington DC, where he majored in American Studies with a concentration in Philosophy. He is a Tanzanian citizen who has lived in Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Outside of work, Mr. Madati is a passionate advocate for providing educational opportunities for youth in underserved communities. He is a founding Board Member of Brooklyn Excelsior Charter School, and the Chairman of the Board for Atlanta Heights Charter School. He is also a Board member at Women’s World Banking, a nonprofit microfinance organization with an explicit focus on expanding the economic assets, participation and power of low-income women around the world. 37 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Andy Mitchell Strategic Partner Development, Media, Facebook Andy Mitchell works in Strategic Partner Development for Facebook as a member of the Platform Partnerships team. He’s based in New York City and focuses on the Media vertical both with traditional media companies and new players in Media. In this role he serves as a consultant on how best to leverage the Facebook Platform to deliver on the business objectives of the partners he works with. He joined Facebook in October 2010. Immediately prior to joining Facebook, Mitchell served as Vice president of Business Development for The Daily Beast. He was responsible for marketing and strategic communications, mobile, SEO, social media strategy, content distribution partnerships and all deals to support the site’s operations. Mitchell had a 15-year tenure at CNN Worldwide in a variety of roles. His last position was vice president of digital and development marketing and a key member of the management team. Based in New York, Mitchell was directly responsible for trade and consumer marketing of CNN’s digital assets, including the No. 1 news and information site,, and the company’s growth into wireless and other digital platforms. Additionally, Mitchell was responsible for developing partnerships to support multi-platform content distribution across CNN’s networks. Mitchell was instrumental in developing’s partnership with Facebook for the site’s coverage of the inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States. Live’s partnership with Facebook allowed online users to update their status directly from the Live video player and to also see their friends status updates and other Facebook users in real time. The ground-breaking partnership broke the all-time Internet record for simultaneous live video streams served online. In June 2007, Mitchell also was responsible for the development of the marketing and consumer positioning for the relaunch of and its “I Just Saw It on” campaign. CNN Shirt, one of the components of the “I Just Saw It On” campaign which grants online users the functionality to create t-shirts bearing headlines on-demand, quickly became an awardwinning viral phenomenon. Mitchell was a key member of the team responsible for establishing CNN’s broadband strategy, including’s launch of free on-demand video and podcasting, as well as the development of the first multi-stream live video news service, known today as Live. 38 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Andy Mitchell (continued) Mitchell guided the creative development and production of’s award-winning “The Power of CNN Under Your Command” marketing campaign, for which he received the prestigious Promax Brand Builder Award. He also oversaw the brand development of the CNNtoGO wireless service and numerous award-winning interactive marketing initiatives to increase audience and usage of CNN. com. Mitchell joined CNN in 1994, leading the public relations efforts for sports programming, including the launch of the CNN/Sports Illustrated network, a joint venture between the cable news network and the magazine. In 1999, Mitchell became director of marketing for CNN/Sports Illustrated Interactive, overseeing marketing efforts for Mitchell earned a bachelor’s degree in communication from the University of Georgia. 39 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Kevin Conroy President, Interactive Media Group, Univision Kevin Conroy serves as president of Univision Interactive Media Inc., the digital division of Univision Communications Inc., the premier media company serving Hispanic America. He is responsible for the Company’s interactive business, which comprises a network of national and local online and mobile sites including, which continues to be the #1 most-visited Spanish-language website among U.S. online Hispanics; Univision Móvil, a longstanding industry-leader with unique, relevant mobile products and services; and Univision Partner Group, a specialized advertising and publisher network. Under his leadership, Univision Interactive Media has developed partnerships with leading technology companies, content producers and mobile developers to expand and enhance user experiences on Univision’s digital platforms. Univision Interactive Media is now the largest Spanish-language publisher, featuring best-in-class content, tools, services and comprehensive resources across a wide range of consumer verticals. In addition, he expanded the Company’s mobile offerings, which include mobile Web sites, mobile applications, in-show interactive elements, mobile video channels, alerts and text-messaging platforms and an extensive catalog of downloadable content. Mr. Conroy has more than 20 years of advertising and media experience. He is one of the most accomplished executives in the consumer Internet and online media business, having held a number of senior programming, product, marketing, distribution and operations roles. Mr. Conroy has led large global teams of content programmers, designers, Web developers and software engineers, building consumer Websites and software applications, and has managed a number of popular Web brands, including AOL, AIM, ICQ, Moviefone, Netscape, Truveo and Winamp. Prior to Univision, Mr. Conroy spent eight years at AOL, most recently as executive vice president of Global Products and Marketing, where he oversaw development of AOL’s desktop, Mobile and IPTV products for the U.S. and 30 countries around the globe. He also oversaw the company’s marketing strategies, new distribution models and partnerships. Prior to that, he held several other senior positions at AOL including executive vice president and chief operating officer of AOL for Broadband and senior vice president and general manager of AOL Entertainment. Among many successes at AOL, Mr. Conroy is credited with the revitalization of AOL’s products for the Mac and iPhone platforms, including the award-winning AOL Radio for iPhone. His accomplishments also include building AOL Music, launching AOL Sessions and AOL’s online radio offerings, and establishing a partnership with CBS Radio to create the largest online radio network. 40 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Kevin Conroy (continued) Prior to AOL, Mr. Conroy was chief marketing officer and president of New Technology at BMG Entertainment, a division of Bertelsmann AG, where he was responsible for overseeing all marketing and new media development for BMG’s businesses, and managed the worldwide marketing campaigns for some of the world’s biggest artists. Prior to BMG Entertainment, he was vice president, marketing at CBS/FOX VIDEO. Mr. Conroy was recognized by Broadcasting & Cable as a 2010 Digital All-Star, and lauded as one of Digital Media Wire’s 25 Executives to Watch. He also serves on the boards of The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), Online Publishers Association (OPA), Newell Rubbermaid (NWL) and RecycleBank. He is a graduate of Bowdoin College. 41 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Hardie Tankersley VP, Social Media & Innovation, FOX Broadcasting Hardie manages the portfolio of social media properties and apps for the FOX broadcast network. He started creating online and interactive entertainment by building a local BBS on a 300 baud modem on an Apple II back in the 70s. In the intervening years he has managed the development of online entertainment products including internet access for Apple’s eWorld, the official backstage webcast of the Grammy Awards, the Moxi cable media center DVR, the online video portal for Real Networks, and Yahoo!’s TV and Movies properties. He thinks that conventional wisdom is almost always wrong. 42 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Jeremy Legg SVP Business Development & Multi-Platform Distribution, Turner Broadcasting Jeremy Legg is senior vice president of business development and multi-platform distribution for Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. (TBS, Inc.). In this capacity, Legg leads the business development and multi-platform distribution group in developing and executing all non-linear distribution for the Turner properties across broadband, interactive television and wireless platforms. Legg is based in Atlanta and reports directly to Coleman Breland, chief operating officer for Turner Network Sales (TNS), the domestic distribution, sales and marketing arm of TBS, Inc. Legg most recently served as vice president of business strategy and development for AOL, Inc. He was responsible for developing and maintaining strategic alliances with telecommunications and broadband providers, PC manufacturers; online providers and retailers; developing corporate strategy for AOL’s broadband initiatives; driving subscriber acquisition and retention efforts; managing acquisition of critical technology infrastructure; and outsourcing. Legg earned a bachelor of arts degree in political science from Brown University. He is an active member of the Cable Telecommunications Association for Marketing (CTAM). Turner Network Sales (TNS), a division of Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. (TBS, Inc.), is responsible for the sales and marketing of Turner Broadcasting’s 10 domestic basic cable networks – TBS, CNN, HLN, TNT, Cartoon Network, Turner Classic Movies, CNN International, CNN en Español, Boomerang and truTV – to cable and satellite affiliates and special markets throughout the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc., a Time Warner company, creates and programs branded news, entertainment, animation and young adult media environments on television and other platforms for consumers around the world. 43 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Marc DeBevoise Senior Vice President and General Manager, Entertainment, CBS Interactive Marc DeBevoise is the Senior Vice President and General Manager of CBS Interactive’s Entertainment division. In this role, DeBevoise oversees CBS Interactive’s entertainment sites, including, TV. com and, as well as digital content distribution strategies, and the development of both original and show-based digital content, applications and games. DeBevoise joined CBS Interactive from Liberty Media’s premium subscription channel Starz, where he was responsible for the company’s overall digital strategy and the digital initiatives supporting its film, television and digital original content properties. At Starz, DeBevoise also led the generation, evaluation and execution of business development, strategic investment, and growth opportunities for all of Starz’ business units. Prior to joining Starz, DeBevoise held various roles at NBC Universal, in both Digital Media and Business Development, and worked in the Technology, Media & Telecommunications Investment Banking Group at JPMorgan. DeBevoise has been recognized on Home Media magazine’s “Digital Drivers” list for 2011, The Hollywood Reporter’s “Digital Power 50” for 2010, and Multichannel News’ “40 Under 40” for 2009. DeBevoise is also a member of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. DeBevoise received his M.B.A. with distinction in Entertainment, Media & Technology and Finance from New York University’s Stern School of Business and his B.A. in Economics and Computer Science from Tufts University. 44 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Roland Noll VP – Product Marketing, U-verse TV Advertising and Commerce – AT&T Mr. Noll brings an extensive technical and business background in the development, management and system integration of new and emerging media technologies. He has consulted for, and held executive management positions in Fortune 500 companies as well as venture backed start-ups. His professional history spans: Discovery Communications, where he led ground breaking work in iTV and on-demand content distribution culminating with Your ChoiceTV. Also, TCI Advanced Technologies, AT&T Broadband, Interactive Channel-Source Media, and he was recruited in 2000 to run an IPTV venture backed start-up. In 2004, Mr. Noll became the Executive Director of IPTV Product Management for AT&T. In that capacity, he was responsible for the U-verse (IPTV) product build and life cycle. In 2006, he initiated and lead the internal 3 screen integrated advertising and commerce program efforts that became the cornerstone of the Converged Services Organization empowered to implement cross platform products and services at AT&T. He has been awarded over 30 patents for interactive media technology, content distribution, and advanced advertising. He holds degrees in Computer Science and Business from the University of Maryland. 45 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Christy Tanner General Manager, Executive Vice President, TV Guide Digital Christy Tanner is General Manager and Executive Vice President of TV Guide Digital, a leading entertainment innovator with more than 24 million monthly unique visitors on and more than 3 million downloads of TV Guide Mobile apps. She is responsible for the company’s strategy and day-to-day leadership of its sales, technology, business development, product development, marketing, and editorial teams. Since joining the company in 2006, Ms. Tanner led a transformative integration of’s social media, marketing and editorial practices, with a goal of engaging entertainment fans wherever they are connected. As a result, TV Guide Digital’s audience has surged more than 600%, and its user engagement metrics are the highest in its competitive category. Recent product launches include personalized Watchlists and Social TV Check-in, allowing users to easily watch and share their favorite shows and online videos with their social graph. Prior to, Ms. Tanner worked for The Washington Post Company, Reed Elsevier, and Wolters Kluwer as a digital business development and marketing executive. She started her career in media as a reporter and editor for The Associated Press and The (Memphis) Commercial Appeal, where she won awards from Scripps Howard and the Society of Professional Journalists. Ms. Tanner has a B.A from Brown University and an MBA from Columbia Business School. 46 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Jason Klarman President, Oxygen Media/NBC Universal Jason Klarman is President of Oxygen Media. He supervises operations and management of original programming and development, brand strategy, digital, consumer and trade marketing, on-air promotion, creative services and public relations activities for the multiplatform lifestyle brand. Klarman began his tenure at Oxygen as General Manager in January, 2008, shortly following its acquisition by NBC Universal. That same year, Klarman presided over Oxygen’s rebrand, which included a new look on-air and online, new logo, tagline and attitude: “Live Out Loud.” Subsequently, under Klarman’s leadership, the network launched some of the biggest and most buzzed about reality hits, including “Tori & Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood,” “Hair Battle Spectacular” and “The Glee Project.” Under his purview, the network doubled its original programming slate and became one of the fastest growing networks on cable. Most recently, Klarman oversaw the acquisition of the basic cable syndication rights to Twentieth Century Fox’s Emmy® winning television series “Glee” and launched the first ever unscripted spin-off of a scripted series with the critically lauded hit competition series “The Glee Project.” Klarman also has strategic oversight over the launch of the Oxygen brand as a true multiplatform business, growing the channel’s website and mobile revenue by 63% between 2009 and 2010. In 2009, Oxygen launched the groundbreaking live two-screen viewer experience Oxygen Live, which creates a live dual screen experience for fans who want to socialize, interact and react to Oxygen originals and talent in real time. OxygenLive was named a 2010 Media Vanguard Award Winner by Ad Age magazine. Prior to his move to Oxygen, Klarman served as Executive Vice President, Marketing & Digital at Bravo Media, where he managed the strategy, content and operations for the channel’s digital portfolio; oversaw Ad Sales Marketing, and directed the development of all brand strategy and consumer marketing for the network, working with the senior management team on overall strategy. Under his leadership, Bravo rebranded in 2005, transforming the network’s on-air and online look with its now signature ‘talk bubble’ logo and the iconic “Watch What Happens” tagline, receiving the coveted BDA Gold award for logo design. He also re-launched the network’s website, transforming the promotional-focused site to a vibrant stand-alone destination for everything Bravo and everything pop culture. 47 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Jason Klarman (continued) Throughout his career, Klarman has received numerous accolades. He was included in The Hollywood Reporter’s prestigious “Reality Power List” for 2011 and 2010, and was also recognized in the CableFAX 100 Most Powerful list for 2009. In 2007, Klarman was identified as a Promax Brand Builder and was an EMMY finalist for Outstanding Creative Achievement in Interactive Television. In 2006, he was one of the Entertainment Marketers of the Year according to Ad Age magazine and a Digital Innovator by TV Week. Klarman joined Bravo in 2004 from TRIO, where he met Lauren Zalaznick, Chairman, NBCU Entertainment & Digital Networks and Integrated Media, and led the branding efforts from May 2001 as the Senior Vice President of Marketing. Earlier in his career, he was Vice President of Marketing at FOX News and part of the FOX News Channel launch team. Klarman holds BA’s in Economics and Political Science from the University of Michigan, as well as an MBA in Finance and Marketing from New York University. 48 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Johnson Tang Sr. Director of Product Development, MTV & VH1 Digital For the past 4 years, Johnson has been crafting engaging digital experiences for MTV and VH1 Digital on all platforms. Blending user experience, business development and product management, he is focused on enhancing MTV and VH1’s brand and franchises online while staying attuned to digital natives’ emerging behaviors. Johnson especially enjoys working with leading edge companies to pilot new technologies. Prior to his fist pumping days, Johnson worked at digital agencies that included R/ GA and Sapient, helping clients compete, grow and evolve their digital presence. 49 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Olivier Delfosse VP, Interactive, Mobile & Digital Content, FremantleMedia Enterprises, North America Olivier Delfosse is the Vice President, Interactive, Mobile and Digital Content, North America for FremantleMedia Enterprises (FME), based in the company’s offices in Burbank, California. At FME Olivier is responsible for all sales, product development, marketing and new business initiatives for interactive, mobile and digital content in North America across the whole spectrum of FremantleMedia’s television shows and third party brands. These include American Idol, America’s Got Talent, The Price Is Right, Family Feud, Let’s Make A Deal, as well as the recently launched and much anticipated US version of The X Factor . Delfosse most recently concepted and launched the first of its kind partnership with Twitter around voting on The X Factor, and is integral in building out all social TV initiatives around each of Fremantle’s brands. Additionally, Olivier runs Fremantle’s internal original digital content initiatives, including branded content programs with clients such as MSN and Buick, and recently led the team that was awarded a new premium content channel from YouTube around Pets & Animals. 50 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Randy Shiozaki Co-Founder, CXO, TVplus Randy is a serial entrepreneur and digital media veteran with experience across North America and Asia. At TVplus, Randy is focused on product and developing strategic partnerships for the company. Most recently, Randy was Founder & CEO of Red8 Interactive, an interactive agency based in San Francisco, Shanghai and St. Louis. At Red8, Randy established a production facility in Shanghai and built relationships with leading international media companies and brands, including Shop Channel in Tokyo, Fox Cable Networks and CCTV9 in Beijing. Randy represented Fox Cable Networks in Beijing on various strategic marketing and branding initiatives with CCTV9, China’s only all-English language broadcast network. Previously, Randy worked for CMGI based in Los Angeles and then Hong Kong, leading client services and business development for one of their online advertising businesses. In this role, he worked on many early stage digital initiatives, including web, mobile and video advertising. Randy is a graduate of the University of California at Irvine and a member of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. 51 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Alex Iskold Founder and CEO, GetGlue Alex Iskold is the founder and CEO of GetGlue, the social network for entertainment that rewards fans for checking into their favorite TV shows, movies, music and books with stickers, coupons and discounts. Iskold has established GetGlue as the fast-growing leader in the space through partnerships with top networks, movie studios and other entertainment brands. He is an expert in social entertainment, social networking, semantic web and cloud computing and has contributed hundreds of influential technology articles to ReadWriteWeb. Previously he worked as Chief Architect for Data Synapse and for IBM, which acquired his first start-up, Information Laboratory, in 2003. Iskold holds an M.S. from New York University 52 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV David Schlacht Senior Director of Multimedia and Innovation, DirecTV David Schlacht worked for NDS for 14 years developing conditional access and Interactive TV apps. I ran an early interactive photo service on TV along with Picturevision. I was active in ATSC conditional access technical committee and recently involved in TV everywhere discussions across the Pay TV industry and working with a variety of companies in the social TV space including GetGlue, Miso and Facebook. I moved from NY to LA 3 years ago and now live in Los Angeles with my wife Harriet and three kids. 53 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Chris Wyatt CEO and Founder of Youtoo Social TV Network An Internet and television pioneer, Chris Wyatt is an established entrepreneur responsible for starting several well-known companies. Mr. Wyatt is currently the founder and CEO of, the world’s first social TV network - a combination TV network and social network that represents the future of Social TV. Best known as the founder and former CEO of GodTube, described by Newsweek as the “Christian answer to YouTube,” Mr. Wyatt grew the company to a $180 million valuation making it one of the fastest growing Web sites of 2007 according to ComScore. As an early Internet pioneer, Mr. Wyatt was hired to start the world’s first social network, During his tenure he and his team built the company into the largest social network prior to with over five million registered users and a valuation of $2 billion. Mr. Wyatt began his career as the creator and executive producer of Slam Dunk: The Player’s Show. At 19 he garnered Ad Age’s accolade of the “Youngest Executive Producer of a National Television Program.” He went on to become a network television producer, most notably with CBS. Mr. Wyatt’s programs were watched by 12 million weekly viewers, broadcast in 76 countries and translated into 32 languages. Mr. Wyatt has appeared on over 150 television and radio programs, including Nightline, CBS Morning Show, Fox News Channel, ABC World News Tonight, MSNBC, Glenn Beck and media outlets such as Newsweek, USA Today, CNN Money, CBS Radio as an expert in the fields of social networking and television. He also serves on USA Today’s Panel of CEOs. Mr. Wyatt holds a B.S. in Finance from the University of Southern California and is on sabbatical from Dallas Theological Seminary. He is married and resides in Dallas, Texas. 54 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Gayle Weiswasser VP, Social Media Communications, Discovery Communications Gayle Weiswasser is the Vice President of Social Media Communications at Discovery Communications, where she oversees social media communications strategy for Discovery and its networks and corporate initiatives. This includes managing the networks’ Facebook and Twitter strategy and implementation, as well as social media outreach, partnerships with social TV services, on-air social media integration, and social media monitoring. She also handles PR for the company’s digital group. Prior to her position at Discovery, Gayle worked at Arlington-based crisis communications firm TMG strategies, where she advised Fortune 500 companies on using social media during times of crisis. She has a law degree from Harvard Law School, and formerly practiced both intellectual property and transactional law in Washington DC and San Francisco. 55 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV David Nahmani Director, Business Development and Partnerships, Orange – France Telecom David is Director of Business Development and Partnerships within the Orange France Telecom group. He is part of Orange’s team, a digital innovation unit responsible for initiating major directional changes within the group. By looking at the evolution of customer usage trends and ecosystem transformations this team initiates new mass-market digital experiences across the Orange businesses. David currently focus is on Business Development activities around Social TV and personalised news magazines for tablets, meeting with key agencies representing advertising accounts in order to convert advertising budgets for 2012 In 2007, David created a program called Mobile Open Communities, a framework for aggregating user generated content and social networking communities activities including Myspace, Facebook, Bebo, AirG for Orange Mobile customers. Through bundling with data tariffs in major European countries, this initiative has lead to an uplift in mobile offers sales. Prior to David was Head of the Orange Partner program, EMEA. David is also a guitar player, and a paraglider. 56 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Mark Gunheim CEO and Founder, Trendrr A new media visionary with expertise in the convergance of television and second screen engagement, technology and behavioral trending, Mark Ghuneim has spent over 20 years in executive ranks of the entertainment industry. His pioneer spirit, coupled with an extensive knowledge of music, television and brand marketing, led him to found Wiredset in 2004, a real-time digital agency and technology incubator specializing in engagement marketing for Fortune 500 brands, networks, studios, publishing companies, and consumer product groups. Two years later, Mark founded Wiredset’s flagship product, Trendrr – a premium business intelligence service that offers highly customized, proprietary tools for analyzing digital and social media activities. Trendrr, along with its televisionspecific product, Trendrr.TV, is used by media outlets for creative content, consumer engagement and predictive indexes. Prior to starting Wiredset and Trendrr, Ghuneim spent 16 years with Sony Music USA, where he was most recently Senior Vice President for Online Services. 57 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Sean Casey Founder and CEO, Social Guide Sean Casey is CEO and Founder of SocialGuide, Inc., the social entertainment guide and data analytics company that identifies, captures, and measures the real-time buzz for TV and movies. Casey has spent more than a decade developing digital products, applications, and television programming. Prior to founding SocialGuide in early 2011, Casey was SVP of Digital Products for He launched his first start-up in 2004, a web-based production system called UTVPS that helps manage, track and account for licensed media in TV programming. Casey’s television experience extends to the production of numerous series for VH1 and serving as producer/ writer for “The iPod Revolution” documentary for Discovery in 2006. He also served as VP, Interactive Products at iVillage from 1997 – 2002, pioneering products that have driven hundreds of millions of visits for the brand. 58 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Deb Roy Founder and CEO, Bluefin Labs Deb Roy comes to Bluefin Labs with over 20 years of research experience in machine intelligence, cognitive science and media convergence combined with a long history of working with Fortune 500 companies to translate research ideas into commercial use. He is a tenured member of the MIT faculty and director of the Cognitive Machines group at the MIT Media Lab where he pioneered research on modeling human behavior using massive data sets. A native of Canada, Roy received his bachelor of computer engineering from the University of Waterloo and his PhD in cognitive science from MIT. Roy is currently on leave from MIT. 59 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Chloe Sladden Director of Content and Programming, Twitter Chloe Sladden, Director of Content and Programming at Twitter, leads a team that imagines and implements new approaches to content creation and audience engagement via Twitter. Her team develops partnerships with media, news and entertainment organizations, as well as athletes, actors, musicians, politicians, journalists, civic leaders and more. She has a special focus on interactive TV. Her team’s work is covered regularly in The New York Times, Fast Company, the Hollywood Reporter and more. Before Twitter, Chloe worked at Current TV where she produced the Webby Award-winning Hack the Debate as well as Current Diggs the Election and Current Twitters the Inauguration. Previously, Chloe was a management consultant in Booz Allen Hamilton’s media and entertainment practice, where she worked with film studios, book publishers, TV networks and record companies. She also co-produced/directed “Headstrong,” a documentary broadcast on public television. Chloe is on the board of Grey Area Foundation for the Arts, a non-profit designed to drive open innovation at the intersection of art, design, data and technology. She is also on the board of Headstrong. 60 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV John Nogawski President CBS Television Distribution As President, Nogawski oversees all areas of CBS Television Distribution, including syndication sales, advertising sales, programming and development, marketing, research, legal and business affairs. He is also responsible for implementing digital entertainment strategies for the company’s programming and the creation of branded integrated marketing efforts connected to CTD’s first-run programming. Previously, Nogawski had been CTD’s Co-President and Chief Operating Officer since September 2006, when CBS Paramount Domestic TV merged with King World to become CTD. In his position, he oversaw sales, programming and ad sales. The merger brought together eight of the top 10 television shows in syndication, including Entertainment Tonight, The Oprah Winfrey Show, Judge Judy, Dr. Phil, Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy!, as well as a combined library of 70,000 hours of television, including hits such as the CSI franchise, Frasier and Everybody Loves Raymond. Before the merger, Nogawski had been President, CBS Paramount Domestic TV since 2002. In that position he was responsible for the sales and marketing of CBS Paramount’s first-run and off-net library. He also oversaw all advertising sales and began the company’s integrated marketing initiatives. In 2005, Nogawski spearheaded the digital remastering of the original Star Trek series, which returned to broadcast syndication in a high-definition format with all-new special effects, after a 16 year absence from over the air TV. Previously, Nogawski served as President, Distribution, Paramount Domestic Television, a position he held since 1999. He first joined Paramount in 1983, became an account executive in the Division in 1985 and was named Vice President, Eastern Regional Manager, Paramount Domestic Television, running the New York sales office, in 1990. In 1992, he relocated to Los Angeles as Senior Vice President, General Sales Manager, and was named Executive Vice President, General Sales Manager in 1994. CBS Television Distribution is the preeminent company in television syndication. CTD produces or distributes 12 first-run series and holds the largest distributed television library at 70,000 hours strong. Among CTD’s critically-acclaimed programs are the #1 syndicated series Judge Judy; talk leader Dr. Phil; the #1 and #2 rated game shows Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy!; the Emmy Award-winning talk shows Rachael Ray and The Doctors; the #1 newsmagazine Entertainment Tonight and its sister show The Insider; the #2 newsmagazine Inside Edition; court shows Judge Joe Brown and Swift Justice With Jackie Glass; the new reality dating show Excused; and popular off-network product, including the CSI and Star Trek franchises, Everybody Loves Raymond, Frasier, NCIS, Criminal Minds, NCIS: Los Angeles, The Good Wife and Hawaii Five-0. In addition, CTD handles the domestic television distribution of CBS News, CBS Films and Showtime. CTD is a unit of CBS Corp. 61 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Alvin Bowles CEO, GrabNetworks Alvin Bowles, who has led sales and multimedia strategy and execution for leading media brands at BET, Time Warner, AOL Networks and Sony Music, will join Grab Networks as Chief Executive Officer. Bowles, who will report directly to the board, will be based in New York. Bowles is joining Grab from BET Networks, where as senior vice president – brand solutions, he led customized sales and strategy efforts, including product integration, branded entertainment, original digital content, event execution and experiential marketing. He created a number of television and online properties on behalf of advertisers, including BET’s first scripted web series, Buppies, which received a number of industry awards. Before joining BET Networks, Bowles worked at AOL as Vice President and Publisher of AOL Black Voices as a key member of the strategy sales team 2006-2007. In this role, he oversaw sales and sales development for AOL Black Voices as the brand experienced tremendous growth during this period. From 2004-2006, Bowles worked at Time Warner as the vice president of the global asset media group developing cross functional sales and marketing platforms for various divisions across Time Warner’s portfolio. Before that, he served as Sony Music’s Director of business development and created strategic traditional and digital partnerships with brands on behalf of the label group. He began his career at JP Morgan where he spent three years as a corporate financial analyst, eventually moving into media. Bowles earned his MBA from Harvard University Graduate School of Business, where he was the chair of the annual HBS Alumni Conference. He received his undergraduate degree in Business Administration from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. He serves on the Board of Directors for a number of civic minded ventures and an active Alumni for both Michigan and Harvard. Bowles resides in New Rochelle, NY with his wife and two daughters. 62 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Evan Young VP, Product Marketing, TIVo Evan Young is Senior Director of Product Marketing at TiVo Inc., where he is responsible for overseeing broadband content, applications and interactive advertising. He has extensive experience in broadcast, broadband, and consumer services, and has edited books on digital video recording and digital home audio recording and production. Evan has an MBA from Stanford University and a BA from Harvard University. While at Stanford, Evan was the founder of “The Future of Entertainment”, an annual business and technology conference about media convergence. Previous Speaking Engagements: NAB, NATPE, Churchill Club, Digital Hollywood, Streaming Media West, IPTV Evolution, Killer App Expo, Digital Media Pipeline, UBS Technology & Services, Stanford Graduate School of Business, UC Berkeley (Haas School of Business), USC Business School. 63 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Laura Lee Director/Head of East Coast and Canadian TV/Film Partnerships, YouTube Laura Lee joined YouTube in October 2007 and is based out of New York. She leads YouTube’s East Coast and Canadian TV and film team focusing on broadcasters, cable networks, film studios, and digital media partnerships. While at YouTube, she has cultivated numerous premium partnerships including NBCUniversal, Discovery Networks, Lionsgate, Sony Pictures and CBS and lead the launch of YouTube’s Rentals product. Prior to joining YouTube, Laura was Vice President and Head of Business Development and Operations for MTV Networks’ Music Group. During her four year tenure at MTVN, Laura helped lead the acquisition of Harmonix and launch several vertical broadband businesses. She also served in various production and development roles at VH1 and Spike TV. Before that, Laura worked at Time Warner in Special Projects in several capacities, including Interim Controller at A diehard Brooklynite, Laura is a graduate of Brown University and Harvard Business School and the proud mother of two rambunctious children. 64 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Ian Aaron Co founder, ConnecTV Mr. Aaron is a 20-year digital media executive with a broad base of operational and strategic experience at the intersection of media, technology and distribution across the US, Europe and Asia. Mr. Aaron has served as CEO and President of public and private companies including Gemstar TV Guide (NASDAQ: GMST), TVN Entertainment and SoftNet Systems (NASDAQ: SOFN). Currently Mr. Aaron is a co-founder of ConnecTV, a social network and synchronized second screen platform focused on TV viewers in partnership with major television broadcast groups including Hearst, Gannett, Cox, Raycom, Post Newsweek, Meredith, Scripts and Belo. Mr. Aaron’s expertise includes major restructurings, turnarounds, startups and advising Private Equity and Venture Capital backed firms in the areas of Mobile, Social Media, Digital Mapping and Large Scale Video Services. In addition, Mr. Aaron serves on the Board of Directors of Pictometry International, a private equity backed leading provider of geo-referenced aerial image libraries and related software, and VDIO a new and innovative streaming social video service created by the founders of Skype. Educated in Electrical Engineering and International Business from the University of Illinois, Mr. Aaron began his career in R&D and Product Development at GTE residing both domestically and in Japan. Mr. Aaron has served on the boards of various telecom media and technology companies globally and is a frequent speaker at mobile, digital media and investment banking conferences. 65 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Dori Gurwitz VP Business Development and Partnerships, Watchitoo Dori Gurwitz is the Vice President of Partnership & Business Development for Watchitoo, a leading online social streaming platform and collaboration technology. Dori is responsible for developing partnerships in the media and entertainment space. Prior to joining Watchitoo, Dori served as a VP of business development for Moment factory in Montreal and later as VP of Business Development for digital agency, Dogmatic, in NYC. Some of Dori clients included Cirque du Soleil, Kraft, Karl Lagerfeld, Giorgio Armani, Toyota, Vevo, Cartoon Network and Warner Brothers. Dori received a double major BSC from NYU Stern School of Business in International Business and Management. Dori is also the founder of Bush Warriors, a digital wildlife conservation organization, that uses the web and social media to create global awareness about wildlife and the challenges it is experiencing. 66 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Mike Proulx Senior VP, Digital Strategy, Hill Holiday – Author, Social TV – The Book Mike leads Hill Holliday’s Digital Strategy team with a focus on cross-channel integration, emerging & social media. Mike is fascinated by the impact of media convergence (especially Web + TV) and believes that 1+1 can equal 3 when marketers are determined to break down the artificial boundaries of media channels. Mike has spent the last 15 years working at various interactive, high-tech, and new media companies on the agency-side, client-side, and as an entrepreneur. Prior to Hill Holliday, Mike was most recently at Digital Influence Group (a social media marketing agency). He holds a Masters degree in Computer Information Systems from Bentley University. Mike has spoken at dozens of events and contributed to Business Week. He conceived, produced, directed, and co-host the TVnext summit which took place in early 2011. Mike is the co-author of the book Social TV which will be available in book stores on February 28, 2012. You can also follow Mike on Twitter @McProulx or on his personal blog at 67 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV David Verklin Managing Partner of VSVentures LLC. (Previous CEO, Canoe Ventures and Carat, USA.) David Verklin is a marketing consultant who for the past three years served as CEO of Canoe Ventures, LLC, the high profile joint venture founded in 2008 by the country´s leading cable operators. Based in New York City, Canoe is owned by the country’s largest cable MSO’s and continues to be focused on enabling advanced advertising and television technologies delivered via the unified integration of all of the nation’s cable TV infrastructure—nearly 60 million homes. Prior to joining Canoe Ventures, David was CEO of Aegis Media Americas for, where he was one of the pioneers in the creation of the free standing media agency business in the United States. David brought the media agency Carat to North and South America and quickly grew capitalized media billings to approach $7 billion annually. He reinvented the agency model by integrating on and offline marketing services with the merger of Carat Fusion and Carat USA. This resulted in one operating company which for a short time was the largest fully integrated on/offline agency in the world. David is a recognized media industry leader. During his tenure at Aegis, David wrote a book, “Watch This, Listen Up, Click Here,” a user´s manual for understanding the new media landscape (John Wiley and Sons, 2007) which is still being used as a college textbook. Writing about David, Ad Age once asked the question, “ there a single other human being who has been as much of a leader, visionary, a force for change and a voice of optimism in the media and marketing industries over the last 15 years?” David began his career at Young & Rubicam, New York and then helped create Hal Riney & Partners in San Francisco, one of the countries most famous and awarded creative agencies first serving as its Media Director and later as its Managing Director. Under David’s leadership Riney became one of the largest privately held advertising agencies in the United States before it was sold to the Publicis Group. David’s awards are too many to mention. He was inducted into the Broadcast and Cable Hall of Fame in 2009 and is also a member of the American Advertising Foundation’s Hall of Achievement. CableFAX Magazine recently named him as one of the 100 most influential people in the US cable television business. He also serves on the boards of the New York Multiple Sclerosis Society, Entitle Direct Insurance LLC and the Grace Farms Foundation. David is a graduate of the University of Virginia. 68 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Jeremy Lockhorn VP, Emerging Media, Razorfish Jeremy leads the emerging media practice at Razorfish. The team functions as both a think-tank on next-generation media and an extension of current client teams and is focused on driving innovative marketing solutions for clients. As the marketing landscape continues to fragment and new channels emerge, Jeremy functions as a filter and consultant – helping clients and internal teams to understand, evaluate and roll out strategic pilot programs and analyze the results in an effort to fuel future efforts and broader campaigns. He helps teams take a core idea and extend it to new digital environments, building connections with target audiences in unexpected, yet efficient, ways. This approach goes beyond campaigns; it translates to powerful digital solutions that can transform businesses. Jeremy’s efforts to research and assess the landscape ultimately feed global strategy development and uncover unique opportunities for innovative marketing programs. Jeremy is a 15-year advertising industry veteran, having spent time at offline and direct marketing agencies before joining Philadelphia-based digital agency startup i-FRONTIER in 1997 as it’s first employee. He teamed with founder Brad Aronson to grow the business and ultimately join forces with Razorfish. During his tenure at the agency, he has served many roles, but they share a common theme - the intersection of media, creative and technology. He is a frequent speaker on emerging media, having presented at OMMA Video, Cannes Lions, CES, Digital Hollywood, Streaming Media East and West, iMedia, Internet Retailer, the AAAA Media Conference and more. Jeremy also writes a monthly column for online magazine ClickZ (http://www. and regularly publishes whitepapers on a broad range of emerging media topics ( Jeremy holds a BSJ in Advertising Management from Ohio University’s Scripps School of Journalism, and is currently based at agency headquarters in Seattle, WA. 69 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Shiv Singh Head of Digital, Pepsico Beverages Shiv is a recognized digital marketer who focuses on how brands are being forced to transform with the evolution of digital communications and social media. In September 2009, he was recognized by Ad Age as a Media Maven and was featured on the publication’s cover. He is also author of the book, “Social Media Marketing for Dummies.” While he spends most of his time as the Global Head of Digital for PepsiCo Beverages (across paid, owned and earned media), he is also available for select speaking engagements. Shiv has been with PepsiCo since July 1st, 2010 where he is responsible for digital in its beverages business. Prior to that he worked at Razorfish for over eleven years (one of the largest interactive agencies in the world and part of Publicis Worldwide). Before that he ran a small web devleopment company based in Boston. At Razorfish, he led digital strategy, user experience and social media teams in its Boston, New York, San Francisco and London offices. As the company’s VP & Global Social Media Lead, Shiv he helped the agency introduce its clients such as Carnival Cruise Lines, Microsoft, Citibank, Ford Motor Company, Mercedes Benz USA, Novartis and Victoria Secret to social influence marketing- or, how to incorporate social media and social technologies to support marketing and business objectives. He also had group wide responsiblities in the realm of social media. Most recently, he was instrumental in Razorfish’s role as incubation partner for Bundle, a financial social media start-up. At Razorfish, his role also included capability development, developing strategic partnerships, leading thought leadership efforts and encouraging experimentation with social media across the agency. Shiv has been published widely, and he has spoken or keynoted conferences such as Digital Book World, the Online Publishers Association Annual Summit, South by Southwest Interactive, Web 2.0 (New York), the Direct Marketing Association’s Leader’s Forum, OMMA Global, O’Reilly Graphing Social Patterns, the Advertising Research Foundation Annual Summit and The Big Money Untethered Conference. He is the author of Social Media Marketing for Dummies, a guest columnist at Mashable and has also been quoted in the Wall Street Journal, Reuters, Associated Press, Ad Age, Adweek, USA Today and several other noted publications discussing digital strategy and social influence marketing. Shiv holds a BS in Information Systems & Creative Writing from Babson College, and an MSc (Research) from the London School of Economics & Political Science where he focused on social network theory. 70 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Derek Van Nostran SVP, Brand Strategy, The Weather Channel As Vice President of Brand Strategy for The Weather Channel, Derek Van Nostran leads a team with responsibility for consumer and social marketing strategy for The Weather Channel including the cable network,, and industry leading mobile products and properties. Most recently, Derek led a revenue generating partnership with Twitter - The Weather Channel Social - which integrates real-time, local weather-related Tweets into The Weather Channel content on mobile, web and television. Derek has been with The Weather Channel since 2002 and during his tenure has overseen integrated marketing initiatives on all platforms including strategic marketing partnerships with companies including Twitter, EA Games, Disney, and Major League Baseball. Derek is a co-founder and past president of the Atlanta Interactive Marketing Association and served as the New Media Chair for AMA-Atlanta. A graduate of the University of Vermont, Derek resides in Atlanta. 71 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Shelly Palmer Host of Fox 5’s Shelly Palmer Digital Living Shelly Palmer is the host of NBC Universal‘s Live Digital with Shelly Palmer, a weekly half-hour television show about living and working in a digital world. He is Fox 5 New York‘s On-air Tech Expert (WNYW-TV) and the host of Fox Television’s monthly show Shelly Palmer Digital Living. He also hosts United Stations Radio Network‘s, Shelly Palmer Digital Living Daily, a daily syndicated radio report that features insightful commentary and a unique insiders take on the biggest stories in technology, media, and entertainment. He is Managing Director of Advanced Media Ventures Group, LLC an industry-leading advisory and business development firm and a member of the Executive Committee of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (the organization that bestows the coveted Emmy® Awards). Along with his contributions to the advancement of television, Palmer is a pioneer in the field of Internet technologies. He is the patented inventor of the underlying technology for Enhanced Television used by programs such as ABC’s Who Wants to Be a Millionaire and ESPN’s Monday Night Football. In 2004, ABC’s Celebrity Mole Yucatan received an Emmy® Award in the category of Enhancement of Original Television Content. It was Palmer who led ABC’s team of advanced media professionals and spearheaded the award-winning project. Six-time Emmy® Award-nominated, Mr. Palmer is well known for his series of “Hi-Tech” television specials reated for Fox 5 New York. He also created Midnight Money Madness for TBS, created and produced HotPop, a teen lifestyle and music show, for Starz/Encore’s WAM! and has directed and produced dozens of national television commercials. Palmer has also enjoyed a highly distinguished career as a composer and producer. He was the recipient of the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP’s) 12th Annual Film and Television Music Award for ABC’s hit series Spin City. He was also recognized the following season in the category of “Most Performed Television Themes.” Palmer’s music credits include the theme songs for Live with Regis & Kelly, Rivera Live and MSNBC as well as the digital debut of the “real” cat singing the classic “Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow” for Meow Mix. Palmer is a popular speaker and moderator at technology and media conferences hosted by industry organizations, like: The Consumer Electronics Show (CES), The National Association of Broadcasters Convention (NAB), The National Show presented by the National Cable Television Association (NCTA), The National Association of Television Program Executives (NATPE), Digital Signage Expo (DSE) and other major trade events. He is a guest lecturer at the MIT Media Lab, Stern Graduate Business School at NYU, The Columbia Institute for Tele-Information (CITI) at Columbia University, Tsinghua University, Rutgers Business School and other top tier colleges and universities. 72 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Shelly Palmer (continued) A graduate of New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, he is a weekly columnist for the Jack Myers Media Business Report, The Huffington Post and a regular technology commentator for CNN and CNNi. Palmer is the author of Television Disrupted: The Transition from Network to Networked TV 2nd Edition (York House Press, 2008) the seminal book about the technological, economic, and sociological forces that are changing everything and, Overcoming The Digital Divide: How to use Social Media and Digital Tools to Reinvent Yourself and Your Career (York House Press, 2011) For more information, visit 73 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV David Jones EVP, Marketing, Shazam David Jones joined Shazam in April 2010, bringing over 20 years experience in marketing, business development, and product and business strategy. At Shazam, David is responsible for consumer marketing, including driving customer acquisition, engagement, activity and retention through a wide variety of programs and initiatives. David is based in Shazam’s Palo Alto, California office. Prior to joining Shazam, David held Vice President of Global Marketing and Global Product roles at Friendster where he was a key member of the executive team that re-started Friendster in 2006, built it into the largest social network in Asia and a top 10 website of any kind globally in 2008, and successfully sold it to a large Asian conglomerate in late 2009. He has also held several marketing and general management positions at eBay Inc, including serving as the director of eBay’s U.S. media and entertainment business (including music), and roles focused on scaling the number of active members of the eBay community. David was previously the Vice President of Business Development at Blue Wireless and an associate partner at the management and technology consulting firm of Arthur D. Little. David holds a B.A. from Stanford University in Quantitative Economics with Honors & Distinction, 1990. 74 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Russ Schafer VP, Product Marketing, YAHOO Connected TV Russ Schafer brings 22 years experience as a marketing executive for Yahoo!, Intel®, Sybase®, and IBM® to his role as the Senior Director of Global Marketing for Yahoo! Connected TV. Yahoo! Connected TV received the 2011 Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Primetime Emmy® Engineering Plaque Award, for shifting the television viewing paradigm by enabling the Internet experience on TV to become a reality. With new technologies like Broadcast Interactivity and Device Communication, Yahoo! Connected TV will continue to deliver the state of the art in interactivity across televisions, tablets and phones. Russ’ team is responsible for consumer awareness, acquisition and retention, and management of a global network of 14,000 publishers, advertisers and developers. Yahoo! Connected TV is the # 1 Connected TV platform worldwide and is available in 135 countries on over 10 million TVs from Sony®,Toshiba®, VIZIO®, and Samsung®. Prior to joining Yahoo!, Russ held executive positions as Director of Marketing, Director of Technology Management, Director of Business Development and Operations, and Regional Sales Manager for Intel®, Sybase®, and IBM®. His product expertise includes consumer and enterprise Internet SaaS platforms and applications, advertising, e-commerce, video, interactive television, mobile phones, tablets, and wireless solutions. Russ’ experience as an entrepreneur included time as Director of Product and Business Management for an Intel-funded startup that developed a mobile wireless and ecommerce software platform and service. He was responsible for product marketing, business management and multi-million dollar P&L. Russ holds an MBA in international business from Duke® University and a BBA in Management from Texas A&M® University. 75 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Somrat Niyogi CEO & Co-Founder, MISO Somrat Niyogi is CEO and Co-founder of Miso, creator of the industry-leading social TV platform. Before he led the way in making TV more social, Somrat worked in business development at the social advertising startup His experience also includes cloud computing, enterprise software and SaaS-based solutions for such companies as and Right90. Somrat graduated with a BS in Computer Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin. Besides founding Miso, Somrat’s greatest achievement has been winning five first-place table tennis trophies. 76 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Mike Folgner, CEO, Snappy TV Mike is currently the founder and CEO of SnappyTV, a platform for sharing clips from live television with friends on facebook and twitter. Mike’s career has been at the intersection of technology and media. He was the General Manager of Video at Yahoo! after his first company Jumpcut was acquired by Yahoo! in 2006. Jumpcut, an online video sharing community with the first web-based video editing suite was selected as one of Time Inc.’s 50 coolest websites of 2006 and the team won a Webby for their part in the first user created SuperBowl ad for Doritos in 2007. At Yahoo! Mike ran the video technology and business across Yahoo!’s portals. He also lead an advanced R&D group called the Brickhouse, which created FireEagle, an online location broker and Yahoo! Live, a live video sharing community. Prior to Yahoo!, Mike held various positions at OpenTV, the leading provider of software for interactive television. Mike has an engineering degree from Stanford University and an MBA from Stanford’s Graduate School of Business. 77 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV Scott Rosenberg Co-founder/CEO, Umami Co. Scott Rosenberg is CEO and Co-Founder of Umami, a venture-backed NYC startup whose synchronous companion TV platform delivers rich interactive content to consumers as they watch TV, while dramatically simplifying the process for programmers to create companion TV experiences. Scott has spent his career at the intersection of TV and technology with leadership roles in engineering, product and sales. Prior to Umami, Scott was VP of Advanced Advertising at Gemstar-TV Guide (acquired by Rovi), where he led sales and strategy for their interactive TV advertising business. Previously, Scott led product at BlackArrow, a provider of VOD ad serving solutions for TV networks and cable operators. At DVR pioneer ReplayTV, Scott led an engineering team that launched the first DVR advertising in 2000. Scott has also held product roles and engineering roles at Intel and Analog Devices, where he developed chips and systems for TV and mobile platforms. Scott holds a B.S.E. in Computer Science from Princeton, an M.S. in EE/CS from MIT, and an MBA from MIT/Sloan. He was also a Fulbright Fellow to Japan. 78 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV 2012 SUMMIT SCHEDULE EVENT LOCATION Social TV Summit - Europe Brussels Social TV Summit - Asia Hong Kong Social TV Summit - LA Los Angeles, CA Social TV Summit - NY New York, NY DATE March 22 TBD July 25 November 14 2012 Alumni Special Must be Purchased by January 20th, 2012. Conference Brussels LA New York Attendee Cost $1395 $1395 $1495 Alumni Cost $1095 $1095 $1095 Please communicate with Bridget at or Call 310-406-8855 and Tell Her What Conference You Want to Attend at the Alumni Special Discount. Look forward to Seeing You in 2012! 79 | SOCIAL TV SUMMIT NY SOCIALTVSUMMIT.COM #SOCIALTV