MUNICiPAL:丁Y OF NARVACAN - Performance Challenge Fund


MUNICiPAL:丁Y OF NARVACAN - Performance Challenge Fund
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Province of I10cOs sur
Alihough we spent mony lengthy doys ond months of hordship;. enduronce ond
rigorous experiences which yielded high severity of distresses in the minds os well os in
the physicol ond emotionol fromework of those who religiously ond poinstokingly
conied out the project until its completion; lt is siill so inspiring to recoll thot ihis uniquely
built proiecl speoks well of o meoningful dreom thot hos finolly come to reolity. lt is the
high hope of every Norvoconeo lhot this project will eventuolly contribuie inlo oltoining
o sustoinoble tourism industry of the municipolity in oddition to the revenues ond
employment lhot will be generoted upon its operotion.
ln ihis regord we connol simply bul obsolutely ocknowledge the Deportment of
lnierior ond Locol Government (DILG) for its continuing support under the oble
leodership of o highly inlellectuol mon with odmired principles; Secreiory Mor Roxos ;
The unforgettoble former Secrelory Jesse M. Robredo o hord working mon with
incorrupiible chorocler whose ultimote strength wos untimely socrificed brought obout
by on oirplone occident while performing his dulies ond responsibililies; Although he
possed owoy withoui seeing the down fully brighten over lhe otmosphere of his dreoms
he will olwoys be remembered by oll Norvoconeous ond thot his ospirotions he left will
surely supply perpeiuol spring of iniiiotive, greot couroge ond delerminolion 1o oll
Norvoconeous in pursuing lheir dreom of o new Norvocon.
The beouteously tolenied Locol Gov'1. Operolions Officer Ms. Morjorie Aboyo , for
withoul her inspirotions the oesthetics of the project might hove been ruined; The
finishing touches ortisticolly opplied by Mr. Monuel R. Dumogpi un-comporoble support
extended by Hon. Moyor Zuriel S. Zorogozo . not to mention his never soy die ottitude
he disployed which remoined securely fostened until the completion of the project ond
to oll who in one woy or onolher conlribuled io the success of the project;
MABUHAY KAYONC LAHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ncme o「 LCU:
- Norvocon.
llocos Sur
Brief Profile of lhe LGU
The Municipoliiy of Norvocon is one of the thirty two municipolities of llocos Sur.
It lies wilhin 120" 25' to 120' 34' longitude ond I 7" 24' lo 17" 30' lolitude.
It is bounded on the north ond northeost by the municipolities of Sonto, llocos Sur
ond son Quiniin . Abro respeciively; on ihe eosi ocross ihe coyopo River, by the lnterior
Town of Nogbukel; on the south by the Municipolity of Sto. Morio; ond on the west by
the souih chino seo (wesi Philippine seo).Norvocon is the golewoy to the seo for the
Province of Abro.
Norvocon is one of the lorgest municipoliiies of llocos sur in terms of lond
oreo 112,057.37 hec. ) third lorgesi in terms of populotion. Becouse of its vost Agriculturol
Londs, Norvocon is one of the prime Agricullurol Towns in the Province. li produces
lorge supply of rice, corn , iobocco (virginio , burley , notive) ond lomoto which ore
exforied to the other ports of the province ond the region. Mojority of economicolly
service; like repoir of vehiclLs 7 opplion-es , tronsport equipments , hotel ond
ond construclion A few
, domesiic services , gouernmeni ond privote services ' trode
Agricullurist, Domestic Helpers ond others'
The Municipol populoiion is 42 ,805 (2010 census) unevenly distributed to the
lhirty four
borongoys clossified os either rurol or urbon. The two (2) urbon borongoys
composed of Sto. Lucio ond Son Jose hove o combined populotion of 3,075 of which
Son Jose hos 1459 ond Sto. Lucio l6l6 or 7.18 % of the municipol populotion while the
other borongoys thot comprises the rurol oreos hove o combined populotion of 39.728
or 92.82 % of the municipol populoiion: of the 34 borongoys, Quinoroyon o rurol
borongoy situoted on the northern pori of the municipolity is the most populoted wiih
2,616 residents while borongoy Estoncio is the leost populoted wilh 229 residents.
The revenue sources of the municipolily ore derived from locol toxes, fees
ond chorges. shores from the Internol Revenue Allotment (lRA) ond the tobocco excise
tox (R.A. 7171 fot Virginio tobocco on R.A. 8240 fot burley ond nolive tobocco),locol
toxes come from reol property toxes , business toxes , ond permit fees ond rentols for
the operotion of commerciol ond industriol estoblishment ond sloughier house.
lll. o. Iille of lhe Prcject: Tourism Food Stolls
Projecl Locotion: Borongoy Bu/onos , Norvocon , //ocos Sur
Brief Description of lhe Project:
A. PCF GRANT - The identified projecl involves , supply , conversion ond
instollotion of used steel morine corgo contoiners into food stolls including
instollotion of floor tiles , fobricoted doors ond steel conopy ond instollotion of
eleclricol supply / occessories.
B. LGU COUNTERPART -Delivery, spreoding ond compoction of fill moteriols
to on overoge ihickness of obout 2.5 meters, followed by the construction of
reinforced concrete pedestols for the converted sieel morine corgo contoiners.
Duration of the Project:
Prolect Slorl Dole:December27′ 2012
PrOleCt COmple‖ on Dole:Februory o7,2013
Source OfFund: PcF Cronl/LCU
Amounl of PCF Gronl Received.'
Pl′ 000′ 00000
Local Government Unit Counter Parl:
Pl′ 000′ 00000
Projecl Benefrciories (including no. ond type of beneficiories)
The direct beneficiories of the project is esiimoted to be twenly
five thousond (25,000) from the 34 borongoys ond the direct beneficiories is olso
estimoted obout thirty thousond (30,000) from the neighboring town of
Nogbukel , Sonio . Sto. Morio llocos Sur ond the neighboring Municipolities of the
Province of Abro including locol ond foreign tourisls.
Mojor Activilies undedoken:
l. Competitive Bidding
2. lmplementotion of the Project
Projecl Cosl
Amount of PCF Gront Received
: PhP
Amouni Spent
Fund Ulilizolion
Gront Utilized
Problems Encou ntered / Acli on Token :
Problems encounlered
LCU Ac‖ on
Deloyed delivery of the stolls.
Municipol Engineer personolly
wenl to Monilo to focilitote the
delivery of the stolls.
Pic,oriα ls
Prepored by:
project ln-Chofge/Municipol Engineer
Cer‖ 何ed