April 20 Noon Forum - Image Building Communications


April 20 Noon Forum - Image Building Communications
Newsletter of the Omaha Press Club
Volume 36 • Number 4 • April 2007
Maurers Will Be Honored
As Press Club’s 111th ‘Face’
Last Call for Omaha Press Club Show Tickets
Dr. Harold and Beverly Maurer
University of Nebraska Medical
Center Chancellor Harold M. Maurer,
M.D. has become one of Omaha’s
foremost newsmakers as he leads
UNMC to new heights with his vision for a world-class academic
health sciences center. His wife,
Beverly, is an award-winning educator and active community volunteer.
The couple will be saluted by
the Omaha Press Club as the 111th
“Faces on the Barroom Floor” on
Wednesday, April 25. The event,
which is open to nonmembers, begins at 5:30 p.m. with a no-host bar.
The roast and toast begins at 6:30
p.m. An optional dinner follows.
Reservations are required only
for the dinner. Call 345-8008. Dinner is $50 per person for nonmembers and $40 per person for members.
Roasters of the couple will be
Jack Baker, chairman and CEO, PDM;
retired Vice Adm. Bob Bell, vice
continued on page 3
Next Press Club
Winemaker’s Dinner
Is April 27
– Page 5 –
OPC Show cast member Sheila Brummer, right, follows the lead of co-music director Jerry
Gray at a rehearsal for this year’s show. A ticket order form for the April 21 show can be
Photo by Howard K. Marcus
found on page 4. Reservations are due April 16.
April 20 Noon Forum: Ethanol 101
What is ethanol’s role in today’s
world economy? What does ethanol
mean to our society as more emphasis
is placed on its production, distribution and use?
Join us for a Noon Forum examining this topic on Friday, April 20, at
the Press Club. Our speaker will be Todd
Rivkah Sass Honored
As Press Club’s
110th “Face”
– Page 6 –
C. Sneller, administrator of the Nebraska
Ethanol Board, the first state agency
devoted solely to the development of
the ethanol industry.
Today, Nebraska is the third largest ethanol-producing state in the nation, and the largest west of the Missouri River.
continued on page 7
Sunday, April 8 • Menu & Details – see page 9
Last Call For April 13
Scholarship Awards
– Page 9 –
Calendar of
Events for the
Omaha Press Club
– Back Page –
APRIL 2007
OPC’s Great Faces
By Stephen T. Kline
Tourism promoters in South Dakota
hype Mount Rushmore’s “Great Faces.” No
disrespect intended toward our neighbor
to the north (my wife’s home state), but
the Omaha Press Club’s Great Faces are
second to none.
This year’s lineup of prominent individuals slated to be enshrined as “Faces
on the Barroom Floor” will solidify our
claim to Great Face dominance. Thanks to
the hard-working Face Committee for coming up with this first-class roster.
On April 25, University of Nebraska
Medical Center Chancellor Harold M.
Maurer, M.D., and his wife, Beverly, will
be inducted as Face No. 111. Dr. Maurer is
the seventh Chancellor of UNMC. He articulated a new vision and strategic plan,
and he is leading UNMC to a prominent
position as a national center of excellence.
July 2 brings the alternative rock band
311 to the Club to be honored as Face No.
112. The band was formed in 1989 by four
Omaha friends. Since then, the group has
gone on to sell millions of records and
become a legendary group in alternative
rock music.
On Aug. 17, we will recognize Larry
the Cable Guy as Face No. 113. Considered one of the hottest comedians in the
country, Larry the Cable Guy draws crowds
of 20,000 or more all around the nation.
He recently was profiled on CBS’ 60 Minutes. His real name is Daniel Whitney, and
he’s originally from Pawnee City, Neb. He
continues to live in Lincoln at least part
of the year.
Fellowship • Scholarship
And the Best View in Town
2007-08 OPC Officers
On Oct. 11, we will honor the Rev.
John P. Schlegel, S.J., president of
Creighton University, as Face No. 114. I
plan to thoroughly enjoy this one because
I used to work for Fr. Schlegel and
Creighton. In light of the university’s
transformational growth during his tenure, Fr. Schlegel rightfully has been called
the Founder of the 21st Century Creighton.
You can enjoy these events and help
the club by attending each of the Face
events and bringing a friend who is not a
club member. Then invite your guest to
join the club. All Face events are open to
the public. More details on these face
events will be available in Beyond -30- and
on the Omaha Press Club Web site,
Steve Kline ................................. President
April in Omaha
The 50th Omaha Press Club Show,
Through the Jeers: 50 Shows, No Apologies,
is Saturday, April 21, at the Mid-America
Center. Reservation cutoff is April 16, so
get yours in today! You can find a reservation form on page 4.
On April 3, 1924, actor Marlon Brando
(speaking of great faces) was born in
Omaha. Unforgettable as Stanley Kowalski
in A Streetcar Named Desire and brilliant
as Terry Malloy in On the Waterfront (one
of the finest films ever made), he was stunningly forgettable as Jor-El (Superman’s
Dad) in Superman. I’m proud he was from
Omaha, but I still think that had James
Dean not died young, no one would have
ever heard of Brando.
Judy Horan
Leslie Kline Lukas & Associates
Gary Willis .......................... President-Elect
Union Pacific Railroad
Mark McMillan ............................ Treasurer
First National Bank of Omaha
Kay Kriss ................................... Secretary
NRG Media
James D. Fogarty ...... Immediate Past President
Fogarty Creative Group
Board of Directors
Susan Eustice
Salvation Army
Capt. James Graybeal, USN
Ashley Hassebroek
Omaha World-Herald
John Heaston
The Reader
Horan Communications
Cindy Jones
First National Bank of Omaha
Kurt Keeler
Morgan Stanley
Rob McCartney
KETV Channel 7
Dave Ogden, Ph.D.
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Wendy Townley
Cox Communications
Communications Committee
Susan Eustice, co-chair .................. 898-5908
Ashley Hassebroek ....................... 444-1076
Judy Horan, co-chair .................... 397-6155
Daisy Hutzell-Rodman ................... 444-1328
Kay Kriss ................................... 689-7108
Rob McCartney ............................ 345-7777
Howard K. Marcus ........................ 444-1397
Don Summerside .......................... 556-5547
Bridget (Weide) Brooks .................. 393-4600
Sean P. Weide .............................. 551-5124
Omaha Press Club Foundation
Omaha Press Club Catering Services
Parties • Weddings • Catered Lunches
Call Christine at 345-8008 for details
or visit www.omahapressclub.com for menus
Henry Cordes .............................. President
Eileen Wirth ......................... Vice-President
Tom LaHood ............................... Secretary
Greg Pflaum ............................... Treasurer
Howard K. Marcus .................. Past President
Chris Christen ................................ Trustee
James Denney ................................ Trustee
Dave Haberman .............................. Trustee
John Prescott ................................ Trustee
APRIL 2007
Getting Married?
Looking for a
place to have your
wedding reception?
Look no further.
The Omaha Press Club offers
expert assistance with food and
beverage selections, table
settings, flowers and decorations,
rentals, music and more.
OPC members enjoy free room/club
rental with a food or beverage
order (up to a $1,200 value).
China, glassware and flatware are
available for up to 220 guests.
Call Christine at 345-8008
Press Club Committees
Bylaws Committee
Chair: Chris Christen
Communications Committee
Co-Chairs: Susan Eustice and Judy Horan
Education Committee:
Chair: Gary Kerr
Excellence in Journalism Awards Committee
Chair: Daisy Hutzell-Rodman
Executive Committee
Steve Kline, Jim Fogarty, Kay Kriss, Mark
McMillan and Gary Willis
“Face on the Barroom Floor” Committee
Chair: Tom O’Connor
Marketing/Membership Committee
Chair: Wendy Townley
Media Relations Committee
Chair: Steve Kline
Professional Development Committee
Chair: Howard K. Marcus
Restaurant Committee
Chair: Cindy Jones
Scholarship Committee
Chair: Dave Ogden
Show Committee
Co-Chairs: Jim Fogarty and Kay Kriss
OPC Foundation Representative to the
Board: Dave Ogden
A Note from the Executive Director
By Steve Villamonte BS, CEC
Spring is in the air, with March Madness, baseball and lots of club functions
coming your way.
We have a great lineup of events
scheduled over the next several months
at the club…starting with an always enjoyable Easter Brunch. This year, we will
have the Easter Bunny to greet the kids.
Next up is the 50th celebration of the annual Press Club gridiron show.
The next four “Faces on the Barroom
Floor” promise to be spectacular. UNMC
Chancellor Harold Maurer and his wife,
Beverly, have a very distinguished cast of
roasters, which will surely be a draw for a
full house on April 25, so make your reservation early.
Mark your calendar for July 2 and be
one of those in attendance for a sure-tobe-sold-out night when the nationally acclaimed rock band 311 is honored. Two
years ago they drew over 50,000 people
to a concert at Memorial Park.
And you have a date with the cable
guy on Aug. 17. I am sure Larry the Cable
Guy will have everyone in attendance in
hysterics. He was at the club as a roaster
last year and was unbelievable. Finally, on
Oct. 11, the Rev. John P. Schlegel, S.J.
rounds out the Faces lineup for this year.
The next winemaker’s dinner with
KFAB’s culinary personality Judy a la Carte
is scheduled for April 27. Get your reservation in early — and bring a guest! The
winemaker’s dinners are second-to-none
in gourmet presentation and taste and are
a good event to showcase the Press Club
to friends and family. Attendees consistently note that these dinners are one of
the best values the club has to offer.
Finally, our Mother’s Day brunch is a
favorite for families to treat Mom and enjoy a family gathering. We will have a gift
for each Mom in attendance.
See you at the club!
E-mail Us
Steve Villamonte
Jeanie Campbell
Christine Jones
Maurers Will Be Honored on April 25
continued from page 1
president for business and community
development for UNeMed; Bruce
Lauritzen, chairman, First National Bank
of Omaha; and Michael Sorrell, M.D.,
professor, UNMC Department of Internal
Medicine. Gail Walling Yanney, M.D.,
board member of The Nebraska Medical
Center, will emcee.
A native New Yorker, Dr. Maurer
began his academic career in 1968 at the
Medical College of Virginia, where he
spent 25 years before coming to Omaha.
In 1993, he became dean of the UNMC
College of Medicine and set the college
on a new course for academic excellence.
Beverly Maurer served for 25 years
in various positions, from math teacher
to principal, at a Richmond, Va., elementary school. Her innovative methods as
principal earned her the Master Teacher
Award and continuous inclusion in Who’s
Who in Education and Who’s Who in
She is a founding member of Nebraskans for Research and serves on the
group’s executive board. She currently
is a member of the Advisory Board for
the Ronald McDonald House Charities
and the board of governors at the Joslyn
Art Museum. She has served on the
boards of Uta Halle and the University
of Nebraska Hospital Auxiliary.
In addition, Beverly Maurer is a fulltime volunteer for UNMC, assisting with
special events, recruiting and
fundraising. She supports the UNMC
SHARING Clinic, a student-run clinic
providing health care for underserved
populations in Omaha.
The Maurers have two daughters
who live in Tampa, Fla. — Ann, married to Dr. David Rosenbach, and Wendy,
married to Mark Linsky. They have two
grandchildren, Diana and Michael, two
step-grandchildren, Matt and Lauren,
and are expecting twin granddaughters
in May.
APRIL 2007
APRIL 2007
John Hoich ‘From
the Ground Up’
FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 2007 • 6 P.M.
MEMBER $50.00 • NONMEMBER $65.00
Rosemount Pinot Grigio – Australia
Wente Riva Ranch Chardonnay – “Livermore Valley”
Salmon Aigre-Doux
John Hoich
Fighting a cold, John Hoich launched
the sale of his book, “From the Ground
Up” with a talk at a Press Club Noon Forum on March 15. Displaying the mental
toughness that got him through a difficult childhood, Hoich’s remarks echoed his
opening statement, “What doesn’t kill you
will make you stronger.”
Noting that “life is about overcoming
adversity,” but “it’s also about making
choices,” Hoich recounted the story of how
he built his business, starting with a Sears
Craftsman mower (“one of the few things
they didn’t take after my mother died”),
and how he chose to avoid filing bankruptcy in 1982, and instead worked his
company out of debt. A series of wise (and
fortuitous) choices in real estate and business paid off, as he expanded his small
lawn care business into government
grounds maintenance contracts, an irrigation subsidiary and real estate ventures.
Sharing what he called “Hoichisms”
with the crowd, he talked about how he
had achieved success. He reminded the
audience, “Success is more than a financial balance sheet. Life is about sustaining relationships.” He noted that his
“greatest achievements” are retaining his
friends over the years, and his nine-yearold twin sons, Jeremy and Justin.
What has motivated him through the
years was a promise the 16-year-old made
to his mother on the day she was buried:
“To be a millionaire by the age of 30 and
help my siblings the rest of my life.”
As for his future plans, Hoich joked
that he doesn’t know if he has what it
takes to be a politician — he “doesn’t want
to be bald like Pete Ricketts.”
Montes Cabernet Carmenere – Chile
OPC’s Famous Thunderbird Presented with Hickory-Smoked Scallops
Penfolds Bin 389 Shiraz Cabernet – Australia
Roasted Tenderloin of Beef Diane
Roasted Garlic Potato with Fresh Herbs & Truffle Oil
Tornade Vegetable Sauté
Toso Brute – Argentina
A Signature Presentation of Desserts
TO RSVP, CALL 345-8008
Guest Cartoonist: Jon Brooks also contributes barbeque-themed cartoons to the
Greater Omaha Barbeque Society newsletter, Drippings.
APRIL 2007
Rivkah Sass Face on the Barroom Floor: A Literary Roast
Rivkah Sass was inducted as the Press
Club’s 110th Face on the Barroom Floor
during a roast and toast on Feb. 24. Sass
was named the national “Librarian of the
Year” in 2006 by Library Journal.
Barbs that five roasters tossed at the
director of Omaha’s public libraries included her recent battle against amorous
couples in the library stacks. Emcee James
D. Fogarty proposed this sibilant headline:
“With Sass on the Scene, the Sex in the
Stacks Stops.”
Sass later responded that she was
thinking about instructing her staff to just
tell the couples to, “Get a room.”
Roaster Mayor Mike Fahey warned the
crowd not to drink too much at the Press
Club bar, saying, “I don’t want to see a
headline in the World-Herald tomorrow,
‘Librarians Go Wild.’”
The mayor, who was a “Face on the Barroom Floor” in February 2006, compared his
resume with the leader of his libraries:
“I’ve lived here 35 years. She’s been
here 3-1/2 years.”
“I built a business into one of the
nation’s biggest. She collects 20 cents a
day for overdue books.”
“I was elected twice. She was Librarian of
the Year. Go to www.fictionalhonors.com.”
Fahey read his “Top 10 Reasons You
Don’t Want to be Rivkah Sass.” The number one reason: “You don’t get asked every day, ‘What the hell kind of name is
Novelist Rick Dooling noted that Sass’
face is on the sides of buses and on numerous magazine covers, yet she wasn’t
satisfied until it was also on the Press Club
barroom floor.
Lyn Wallin Ziegenbein, executive director of the Peter Kiewit Foundation, remembered when Sass reviled Husker football in a speech to the Oregon State Library Association. She said as punishment,
Rivkah was made to stay in Omaha.
Author Timothy Schaffert claimed he
had received a letter from the Press Club
with guidelines on roasting Sass. According to Schaffert, the letter said, among
other things:
“Do not read from a private collection of erotic poems including one that
begins, ‘There once was a nun from
Caricature by Jim Horan
Photos by Wendy Townley
and Dean Jacobs
Sass with her roasters.
From left: Rick Dooling,
Mayor Mike Fahey, Lyn
Wallin Ziegenbein, Sass
and Timothy Schaffert.
Mayor Mike
Fahey drew
laughs for
his “Top 10
Reasons You
Don’t Want
to be Rivkah
Sass” list.
Sass gets a hug from Scamper, the
library’s mascot.
“Do not make fun of her age. When
someone told Sass that Walter Scott lives
in Omaha, she responded, ‘I knew him
when he wrote ‘Ivanhoe.’”
Schaffert claimed that in a movie being made about Sass winning “Librarian
of the Year,” she hoped to be played by
Cate Blanchett or Angelina Jolie. Instead,
she will be played by Donald Sutherland.
Her husband, Abe Sass, read a letter
from Poet Laureate Ted Kooser. Their daugh-
Sass examines the details on
her “Face” caricature.
Rivkah Sass “Face”
ter Ilana, flew in for the event from Washington State, where she attends college.
In a letter read that night, Sen. Ben
Nelson said that she has “given Omaha a
positive new attitude toward its libraries.”
In 2006, Library Journal magazine
wrote: “She’s a risk taker, a change agent
and a library true believer…Sass has labored with passion, joy and a heavy dose
of courage to begin to push the Omaha
Public Library toward greatness.”
APRIL 2007
April 20 Noon Forum
OPC Foundation Tribute Card Program
continued from page 1
Ethanol has been credited with providing a new market for nearly one-third
of Nebraska’s corn production, creating
new jobs in our rural communities and
providing increased local and state tax
revenue. It promises a number of benefits,
including cleaner air, reduced dependency
on foreign oil and an added value to the
grain produced by American farmers.
Projections have been made targeting
ethanol to replace 25 percent or more of
the petroleum used in our nation’s transportation fuel systems by the year 2025.
Sneller began his work in the Nebraska
ethanol development program in 1976 with
the Nebraska Gasohol Committee. He served
as technical advisor of the Nebraska Ethanol Authority and Development Board,
where he managed a $20 million equity investment fund. He has served on the board
of the Renewable Fuels Association, and currently serves as chairman emeritus of the
National Ethanol Vehicle Coalition. He serves
on a Johns Hopkins University advisory
panel on defense fuels as well as an EPA
technical advisory panel on biofuel.
OPC Noon Forums are open to the
public. The event begins at noon, and ends
at 1 p.m. Validated parking is available in
the DoubleTree Hotel garage. The luncheon
costs $15. To RSVP, call 345-8008.
Thank you to the following donors in the OPC Foundation Tribute Card Program:
News happens at all
times of the month …
and it doesn’t always
coincide with the production schedule of
Beyond -30-. Help
us stay connected
with you by providing us your email address. We promise, we won’t
sell it, share it or overuse it.
Call Jeanie at 345-8587, e-mail
jeaniec@opc.omhcoxmail.com or
print your member number and
e-mail address in the space below
and fax this page to 345-0114.
McMorris Scholarship:
In memory of Robert McMorris, by Toby Fellman
In memory of Frank Clifton, by Joan Marcus
For the recovery of Magda Peck, by Joan Marcus
Panko-Roberts Scholarship:
In memory of Rose Richman, by Howard K. Marcus
Floyd Kalber Scholarship:
In memory of Floyd Kalber, by Geller Media Management
Donations can be made year-round to the Omaha Press Club Foundation! Contributions may be designated towards the Foundation’s General Fund or towards specific
scholarship funds.
Donors contributing $500 or more are recognized with a bronze medallion for their
exceptional generosity.
Send your check to the OPC Foundation Tribute Card Program, 1705 S. 133 Street,
Omaha, NE 68144-1228.
Mother’s Day Brunch
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Adults: $19 per person • Children: $9 per person
Prime Rib of Beef with Horseradish Chantilly and Au Jus
Old School Pineapple Glazed Ham
Chicken Crêpes Supreme • Baked Tilapia Buerre Blanc
Eggs Benedict • Risotto
Lyonnaise Potatoes • Seasonal Vegetables
Build-Your-Own-Omelet • Multi-Topping Waffle Bar
Salad Display, including Salmon Chaud Frois • Deviled Eggs
Fresh-Baked Pastries • Breakfast Breads • Pecan Rolls
New York Style Cheesecake with Strawberries
Chocolate Driscoll Strawberries
Warm Peach Cobbler with French Vanilla Ice Cream
RSVP to 345-8008
APRIL 2007
OPC Foundation Event Will Honor Ramsey
The Omaha Press Club Foundation
will recognize longtime Omaha public
relations professional Bill Ramsey with
its 2007 Career Achievement Award.
Ramsey will receive the honor on
Friday, April 13, at the Omaha Press Club
Scholarship Ceremony.
Ramsey founded Bill Ramsey Associates, an Omaha public relations firm.
He retired from the organization in
2002. He is also a noted author, with
titles including “The Times I’ve Seen,”
“A Gentle Shepherd: The Life and Times
of Archbishop Daniel E. Sheehan” and
“Silent Hills Speak.”
He is an active volunteer with numerous organizations, including the
Salvation Army, Crime Stoppers,
Children’s Square U.S.A., Serra International and St. Margaret Mary parish.
Ramsey has previously been honored by the Omaha Press Club, receiving
the club’s Distinguished Member award
and being honored (along with colleague
Rosalee Roberts) as an Omaha Press Club
“Face on the Barroom Floor” in 1995.
Ramsey served as president of the
Omaha Press Club in 1974.
The Press Club will also award 14
scholarships at the event to journalism
students from Creighton University, the
University of Nebraska at Omaha and the
University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Use the reservation form/donation
form below to reserve your spot at the
ceremony; or, if you’re unable to attend,
make a donation to honor Ramsey.
Questions? Contact Dave Ogden at
554-3132 or dogden@mail.unomaha.edu.
Bill Ramsey and his wife, Pat
Friday, April 13, 2007
5:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
Cocktail Reception & hors d’oeuvres
Optional no-host dinner with set menu
__ Yes, I plan on attending the event and dinner.
I have enclosed a check for $______ (___ people @ $25/person)
__ Yes, I plan on attending the event and dinner.
Please charge $______ to my OPC account (No. _________)
__ Sorry, I won’t be able to attend, but I’m enclosing a donation to the
Omaha Press Club Foundation to honor Bill Ramsey. My contribution of
$______ is enclosed.
Name _________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________
City ____________________ State _____________ Zip _______________
Phone ________________________________________________________
Please mail this form to:
2007 Scholarship Program
c/o Christine Jones-Villamonte
Omaha Press Club
1620 Dodge, 22nd Floor
Omaha, NE 68102-1561
Or FAX to: (402) 345-0114
APRIL 2007
Happy Hours
Tuesdays Through Fridays
4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
IMPORTS: $3.00
The OPC bar is open Tuesday through
Friday, 11:30 a.m. to close.
(Please call before you come.)
TAP BEER: $1.50
All other drinks reduced by $1.00
OPC Member Perk:
Club members may now purchase
any wine available to us at 20
percent above wholesale cost
(carryout only). Most retailers
have mark-ups starting at 40
percent, so this is an excellent
Special Functions/Parties Not Included (Member Privilege Only)
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Two Seatings: 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
Adults: $19 per person • Children: $9 per person
In compliance with the new city
smoking ban, no smoking is allowed
in the Omaha Press Club.
Prime Rib of Beef with Horseradish Chantilly and Red Wine Au Jus
Whiskey Pepper Glazed Ham
Chicken Crêpes Supreme
Lemon Pepper Butter Baked Tilapia
Eggs Benedict
Rice Pilaf, Garlic Whipped Potatoes & Seasonal Vegetables
Multi-Topping Waffle Bar
Salad Display, including Smoked Salmon Chaud Frois
Fresh-Baked Pastries
Chocolate Driscoll Strawberries
Omaha’s Blackstone Cheesecake
German Apple Crisp
Space is Limited
TO RSVP, Call 345-8008
The current minimum quarter
ends Saturday, June 30!
the Easter
OPC Office Staff
Executive Director .............. Steve Villamonte
OPC Manager ....................... Christine Jones
Administrative Manager ....... Jeanie Campbell
E-mail ............. jeaniec@opc.omhcoxmail.com
Office ........................................ 345-8587
Fax ........................................... 345-0114
Restaurant ................................. 345-8008
Web Site .............. www.omahapressclub.com
Bridget (Weide) Brooks ...................... Editor
Office ........................................ 393-4600
Fax ........................................... 393-4603
E-mail ........................ bw@buildimage.com
Submissions for the May 2007 issue
are due by April 15, 2007.
U.S. Postage
Omaha, NE
Permit No. 1114
The Newsletter of the Omaha Press Club
Omaha Press Club
1620 Dodge Street
22nd Floor
Omaha, NE 68102-1561
Mark your calendar to attend
the 2007 Excellence in
Journalism Awards Banquet
on Saturday, June 2, 2007.
Two-For-One Prime Rib Special
Easter Brunch
OPC Scholarship Banquet
OPC Noon Forum: Ethanol 101
2007 Omaha Press Club Show
111th “Face on the Barroom Floor”:
Dr. Harold M. and Beverly Maurer
OPC/KFAB Winemaker’s Dinner
OPC Excellence in Journalism Banquet
End of Current Minimum Quarter
112th “Face” on the Floor: 311
Media Watch
On The Move
Former KMTV (Cox Channel 5) news
anchor Greg Peterson is now working
as the weeknight evening news co-anchor WPMI-NBC in Mobile … KETV (Cox
Channel 9) I-Team consumer reporter
Mike Sigmond is leaving the station
at the end of May to work as a financial consultant … KETV has hired
Kailyn Reid as a full-time reporter. The
Omaha native had previously been a
temporary hire … Veteran reporter
Larry Porter retired from the Omaha
World-Herald last week after more than
40 years at the newspaper.
Newspapers Honored
The Omaha World-Herald and Lincoln Journal Star newspapers each came
away with several awards at the Associated Press Sports Editors’ (APSE) writing and section contests.
The World-Herald competed in the
100,000-250,000 circulation division.
The Journal Star slotted into the
40,000-100,000 division.
The Journal Star won for its daily
sports section and special sports section, while its Sunday sports section
garnered honorable mention.
The World-Herald garnered honorable mentions for its Sunday section and
for its special sports section, as well as
a win in the investigative category (for
newspapers of all sizes) for an entry by
Rob White, Henry Cordes and Matthew
Blogging A Murder Trial
KMTV (Cox Channel 5) offered a blog
to help viewers follow the court case of
Christopher Edwards. The “Edwards Trial
Blog” was written by Bill Kelly, a former
WOWT (Cox Channel 8) reporter who is
now a senior producer for NET Television (Cox Channel 12). Kelly was researching a documentary on criminal forensics.
— Sean Weide is an OPC member who writes a
weekly column in the Omaha City Weekly newspaper and at www.mediawatchcolumn.com.
He can be reached at sean.weide@yahoo.com.